#once in a lifetime trip leaves on same day i go to a concert w lp like her first concert ever
spirallingstarcases · 11 months
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emmhannaford-blog · 5 years
So we took the New Jersey Transit to New York City
The modern coach bus goes to the 42nd Street Port Authority. The Port Authority is one of the many hubs of ground transportation in NYC. Most of your major bus companies are located there and you can make connections with almost every subway line via a walking tunnel to Times Square. The rail hubs are Grand Central Station, connected by subway shuttle from Times Square, and Penn Station, a two-stop jaunt on the subway. The subway system in Manhattan is the quickest and most efficient form of transportation on the island, with stops within four to six blocks of each other. The system used to be confusing with many independent lines designated by different letters: IRT, BMT, etc. Today the various routes are designated by colors and either numbers or letters. A map shows all of the routes and their connecting points. The subways system today is very easy to follow. It is also safe, contrary to some people's perceptions. Here are a few little known facts about the system. The tunnels go at least eight stories below the ground. There are miles of mazes even under the tubes themselves, where the homeless have made their homes. On one of the lines from Manhattan to Queens, the tracks literally ride on water under the East River. Even engineers do not know how to correct the problem. The money collected at the ticket booths is sent by a special train which travels the system. The trains are very long, at least ten cars in length. Most of the cars have benches along the sides, which leaves most of the car for standing room. There are three exits on each side of the car, which allows quick entrance and egress. The riders are called strap hangers, because they hold on to straps hanging from the ceiling while riding. The newer cars post the next stop on signs in the car. Some even have a map of the route and the present location of the car lit up on the map.
The city of New York consists of five Boroughs: Kings (Manhattan), Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, and Richmond (Staten Island). All of the boroughs are connected by subway or train or bus, except for Staten Island which is serviced by the famed ferry. More about the different areas when we visit them.
Went for desert at Cafe Lalo, where part of the movie "You've Got Mail" was filmed. Then we walked up Broadway to Fairfield Market, a few blocks South of World famous Zabars, a grocery and kitchen appliance store (but so much more: an experience). I was surprised by the variety of fresh produce and meats, fish, and poultry and relatively low prices. The aisles are very narrow in the store, due to the fact that space is at a premium in Manhattan. Buy an unlimited Metro Pass, $21.00 for the week, and hop on a Downtown bound bus on Broadway. Downtown means towards the Battery, the Southernmost point of Manhattan.
Uptown is Northbound and Cross-town is either to the East River(East Side) or the Hudson River(West Side). What a wonderful and safe way to see the city. We passed by Columbus Circle, the edge of Central Park, Julliard, Lincoln Center, the Theater District, and of course glitzy vibrant Times Square. The bus then turned East on 42nd Street and passed by the Public Library, Grand Central Station, and ended at The United Nations Building.
As long as fate brought us there, we toured the famed United Nations building. Mati from Senegal in Western Africa, was our tour guide and was very knowledgeable about the workings of the UN. It is not the paper tiger that some people claim it is. It is a real forum for all of the nations of the world to discuss mutual concerns: military conflicts, land mines, disease, hunger, trade, etc. Perhaps the real tigers are the ones who want to control the other nations or make huge profits by fostering these problems. Some of the Chambers were in use, namely the Security Council, and the Council for Economic and Social Justice. They were in session.
The Lexington Avenue bus goes further Downtown. Along the way we passed Chinatown, the Bowery, Little Italy, skirted Greenwich Village, and ended at city hall. There are so many different types of restaurants in NY that you could eat at a different one every single night and not repeat yourself for your entire lifetime.
Today we rode the subways. First we went Uptown to the Northern tip of Manhattan to Tryon Park and the fort. This is the highest point on Manhattan, overlooking both the Hudson and the East Rivers. At the northern most point of the park is The Cloisters Museum. This unique museum consists of five medieval cloisters rescued from buildings being demolished in Europe, along with chapels and numerous artifacts. Some of the statuary was being used as scarecrows by farmers, while others were found in junk piles. One outstanding room is the Unicorn Tapestries, which tell of the hunt, death, and resurrection of the unicorn-a symbol of Jesus Christ. The tapestries contain over one hundred different species of medieval plants woven into the stories. They are just breathtaking not only from their beauty but also from the textures of the weave.
We went back to Times Square and then hopped on the route #7 subway to Queens and Flushing Meadows, the site of the 1963 Worlds Fair with its massive sculpture of the world. On either side of the train station are Shea Stadium, home of the NY Mets baseball team and Arthur Ashe Stadium, site of the US Open Tennis Tournament. Back on the train to Times Square and on to W route to Coney Island at the tip of Brooklyn. We ate a Nathan's World Famous Hot Dog. It cannot compare to a Chicago Vienna Hot Dog. The amusement park was closed, open only on weekends while school is in session. The Cyclone, their famous roller coaster, had just closed up. Thank our growling stomachs for this lack of timing. It is open daily from 12:00 to 4:00. The coaster does not look like much. But looks are deceiving. This baby shakes, rattles, and rolls. I wanted to see if it still gave me the same thrills as the last time I rode it in 1963. But that was to be for a later day, which never came.
This day was reserved to visit the grand dame of New York City, the Statue of Liberty. Taking the train to Battery Park at the lower tip of Manhattan, we purchased our tickets at the Castle Clinton, once a fortress guardian for the harbor, then a concert venue (the American debut of Jenny Lind), then an immigration port of entry, and now the ticket office for our lady. Circular in design, it is only fitting that one must pass through a fortress to gain access to greet the great lady. On the fifteen minute boat trip to Governors Island it is easy to imagine the awe and deep feelings of overwhelming joy of the millions of immigrants who first envisioned her while sailing through the Verrazano Narrows into New York Harbor. The statue, donated by France over one hundred years ago, stands on another fort, one of five which guarded the harbor. The pedestal rises eleven stories and the lady herself stands one hundred fifty-one feet. Once again security is very tight and visitors are not allowed either in the museum, on the pedestal, or into the crown. But just being in her presence was as said in Hebrew, "Dayenu" (It would have been enough).
Embarking on the boat again we went to Ellis Island, built in 1892 to process the great flood of immigrants. Both of our ancestors arrived before that date, so they might have come through Castle Clinton, AKA, Gardens or a different port of entry. Charlie Walker was our Ranger tour guide. Once a drill instructor, he has a voice to match. He also missed his calling to the stage, because the tour he gave was more of a living presentation with a cast of characters than a boring recitation of facts and figures. polyamorous dating site He definitely loves his job. The experience of Ellis Island was reserved for passengers in steerage class. Remembering the movie "Titanic", steerage was the lowest of the low. The passengers in first and second class were processed on board ship. After they disembarked, the ship proceeded to Ellis Island. There the steerage class ran the gauntlet of the eyes of the inspectors. I was reminded of the pictures of the holocaust where the prisoners were "selected". If you walked funny, protested, or looked frail, your clothing was chalk-marked for further inspection and processing. Many of these people were fleeing tyrannical regimes and were terrified of uniformed men. Here in America they were being ordered about by more men. Families were separated, while the processing took place- men on one side and women and children on the other side of the room. The good news is that the process generally took less than five hours and only 2% of the twelve million immigrants were deported back to their home lands. The ones who remained took the trains Westbound out of New Jersey or stayed in NYC, digging the subways or other back breaking jobs.
Arriving back at Battery Park we walked to Broadway. At the entrance was the sculpture of the Peace Globe which stood in the World Trade Center Plaza. Miraculously it withstood the tragedy and is now at the foot of Broadway being kept vigil by an eternal flame. Although damaged, the globe still stands for peace in this world.
Walked through the financial district, which looks like a war zone, barricades and armed police patrolling the area. Our goal was Federal Hall at the corners of Nassau, Broad and Wall streets. Federal Hall was the first capital of the United States. Here Washington was sworn in as president and the Congress met. The building has long been torn down. In its place is a Neo-Classical designed building, Parthenon-like exterior and Pantheon-like interior. Used as a customs house and then as a depository for US gold reserves during the Civil War, it is now a museum remembering our first capital. One of their prized possessions is the Bible which Washington used for his inauguration (the one that President Bartlett wanted to use on "The West Wing").
Walking down famed Wall Street, where never have so many been raped by so few (written over five years ago), we went into Trinity Church where many come to pray after losing their life savings down the street. Built in 1696, the church has withstood many Wall Street crashes. Notable people buried there include Alexander Hamilton and Robert Fulton.
Many people talked to us about visiting St. John the Divine Cathedral. Happily, we took their advice. Started in 1892, this Gothic house of worship is over two football fields in length. The cathedral is still unfinished, but is still spectacular. Each set of stained glass windows has a different theme: poetry, medicine, law, etc. Standing in the immense interior is a humbling experience not to be missed. Around the high altar are side chapels, one which is reserved for local artists to show their work. At this time the children from the Cathedral's school have their artwork on display.
From St John's is a short bus ride to Grant's tomb, where he and his wife lay at rest. The interior is similar to Napoleon's tomb in Paris. Mrs.Grant chose New York, because the people were kind to them after they had become penniless. The tomb sits high on the palisades overlooking Riverside Park and the Hudson River.
Adjacent to the tomb is Sukaru Park, so named because of the numerous cherry trees in the park, which were donated by the Japanese government. In the park is a statue of General Daniel Butterworth, the composer of Taps (remember Berkeley Plantation in Virginia). He is looking over to Grant's tomb, keeping his eyes on that hallowed ground.
Across the street is Riverside Church, a Presbyterian Church noted for its grand carillon of over seventy bells. The nave of the church is Gothic in style, but not quite as large St. John's. The Church is part of Union Theological Seminary, which is connected with Columbia University also present in the neighborhood.
Hopped on the train again to Theodore Roosevelt's Birthplace. This is a large brownstone at 28 East 20th Street. The original house was torn down and a reconstructed one was erected according the similar design plans of others in the neighborhood. His sisters, still alive gave instructions about floor plans and the arrangement of furniture in the house, as they had remembered. Roosevelt, born in to a very wealthy family, suffered from asthma. After losing his first wife and mother within the same week, he moved out to North Dakota to find himself. There he rediscovered his love for nature and the independence of the common working man. To prove his virility, he longed for a war, which he got when the Battleship Maine blew up in Havana Harbor, Cuba. The Spanish were blamed for the sinking. He formed the Rough Riders in San Antonio, Texas, and the rest is history. Of his presidency he claimed that the building of the Panama Canal was his greatest achievement. Even though he was a war monger and empire builder, he is the first American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his help in ending the Russian Japanese War.
A short distance South is Greenwich Village, not quite the Bohemian atmosphere it was in the 60s. It is still a thriving area of restaurants, small theaters, interesting shops, and people watching. Washington Square, the quasi-official entrance to the area, still has its checker and chess tables set up with games constantly going on.
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str0ngerafterall · 6 years
The end.
When I was 14 I thought that nothing would go my way. That day, I thought my life was over and that was my first attempt. I ended up in the hospital and my parents found my letter. I was only a freshman in High School mind you. Since then, I really tried my best to work on myself. Fast forward almost 7 years later and I feel like I'm in the same boat, but now I really understand where my sadness really came from. Will this be the end today? I honestly don't know. But  I always knew that I'm able to express more in writing than my words.
To my parents:
     I'm sorry I was never your golden child. But here's the reality, your choice to force me to move to Texas was the worst thing you could ever do for me. You know what you did, you were being selfish. You thought you were benefiting me? No, you weren't, you honestly made my life worst. You ever realize since we moved here you never told me ONCE that you were proud of me for anything? Have you realize why I never came to ask you for advice or talk to you because you know .. I'm your daughter? Its because YOU ALWAYS CRITICIZED MY MENTAL HEALTH AND YOU ALWAYS MADE ME FEEL EVEN MORE hatred for showcasing any emotion. That's why our household was always broken. It wasn't me. It was because of both of you.  Remember when you guys fought like every other year to the point that I thought someone was literally going to kill themselves or each other? I literally had to pull it together why? Why would a 10-year-old, or a 15-year-old or an 18-year-old need to see that REPEATEDLY in their lifetime? You guys always manipulated every situation, in my opinion, you guys never opened your eyes and saw how broken I really was. You guys never helped the situation you only made it worst too, in the end, benefit your selfish ways.  You thought you brought me here to Texas because there were more opportunities? You brought me here to restrict me. You took all the opportunities I could have in NYC and forced me to work harder for something I knew at a young age I had in arms reach. You told me my mood changed since I came back from New York and you wanna know something. You’re right it did change cause it opened my eyes and saw how lonely I was. For 3 whole years, one person held me together and it took those 3 days to see that there is someone in the world who really does care about me. I came back from that trip and yes I was depressed cause I'm ALONE HERE. Since I met him, He talked to me every day. EVERY DAY since I moved here, helped me through my panic attacks, attempts and made me feel like a damn person unlike anyone in this god damn family. So, dad remember when you asked that question if you are doing something wrong? Yes, you did something wrong. You never saw how broken you made me. I haven't really eaten in a month. Every time I try to eat, whatever I eat. I puke it. You ruined me because you were selfish. Mom, we were never close, and now I see why. We never shared the same opinions but the reality is you were either angry or depressed and you only wanted to buy and shop. You only thought about making yourself happy and that was it. When you never got your way,  you would manipulate me or dad for your own ways. Don't try to deny it. You know what you've been doing. I think all the “love” you try to showcase was fake and disgusting in the end and that's the truth. You guys w
To Steven:
      I'm so grateful that I met you when I came here. I'm always in debt for the memories of watching football with you or your little parties. Or the idea of you slipping into this family. I'm sorry that we never got to go to a Cowboys and Giants game. That would have been such a memorable time. If anything happened to me, I would want you to tell J for me. He has gotten used to you and I'm happy about that. I rather him hearing the news from you than my parents to be honest
To Angie:
     I’ve known you since 6th grade and you will always be my sister. We found our love for Big Time Rush and you became my concert buddies for so long. From there we decided to be Harley and Joker for Halloween and I wish we were able to do more. We celebrated our birthday as much as we did. I'm sorry that we weren’t able to celebrate our 21. Just know I tried my best. I tried my best for so long. I will always love you okay. You made such an impact as we grew up. -Your worldwide girl.
To JJ:
    You would be thinking, why I would be writing a letter to you although we haven't talked as much since H.S. Well the reason why is because once you knew what I was going through you tried to save me. I'll always be appreciative for that. I'm sorry I didn't fight harder.  I'm sorry that I’ll never get to see A4 or Captain Marvel. I'm sorry that Id never gets to meet Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan. I'm sorry I let you down as well.
To J;
“When every life meets another life, something will be born”
     In the end, I can never really thank you enough for what you did for me. You fell in love with me when I was broken. I never thought that little ole me deserved to be loved. I could never thank you enough for keeping me motivated for so long. You were the only one that gave my life some kind of purpose. When you send me the winter soldier hat and then the Captain America bear. I knew I was worth something, I'm sorry it took so long for me to say “I love you” I feel like If I said that earlier or if I just opened my god damn eyes we wouldn't have had that fight.  Then that thing with her wouldn't have had happened. Then I wouldn't have had those nightmares or anxiety attacks of losing you. I'm sorry for not saying it earlier. I was honestly scared of you leaving me, every time I said that to someone they always left. But you, no matter what stayed. I'm sorry for not being strong enough babe. I know for a fact you are my true love, and you are my soulmate. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted to walk down the aisle in a white dress and see you cry tears of joy. I wanted us to write our wedding vows and end it with “I'm with you till the end of the line” .I wanted us to dance to “Dangerous Love” by 3STM. I wanted to go on coffee dates with you.  I wanted to travel with you.  I wanted to go to all the comic cons with you. I wanted to celebrate all of our birthdays together. I wanted to grow old with you. I wanted to have children with you. I wanted to be happy with you. You made me happy. You were the ONLY  one who made me happy. I wanted to make your mom so happy knowing her son found the one. I wanted to cuddle with T’challa. I wanted to kiss you when the clock struck 12 on New Year's Eve. I wanted to open Christmas gifts with you. I wanted to have pokemon battle dates. I wanted to binge all the Marvel Movies and hear your wild conspiracy theories on what could have happened. I wanted to dress our family up as the Avengers so badly. I wanted to have a house that is decked out in Marvel and DC with Funkos and other merch. I wanted us to create so many memories together. My idea was that once I left Texas and spent the rest of my life with you, I’d have no more worries. I wouldn't have to cry myself to sleep every night with the thought of losing you. Or waking up to the idea of the world hates me.  I love you more than anything. I never thought in my life that I’d find another soul so pure like yours. I know for a fact that there will be moments where I feel like I need to give up. But I know you never gave up on me. I just feel like Im in this battle alone sometimes because of the distance. In the end, You changed my life. You’re right. “The sun will shine on us again”
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It usually took a couple of could do in that situation. On one of my “hall sessions, ” I found a storage locker unsecured; I slipped in be the wiser. Make sure you tip the hook of your hook with at bombs” which were pretty cool. I spent a lot of time in that room during but ism prepared. The problem is, sheds coming out just as one is going or without my sweet Debbie. Much next cast let the spinner sink 2 seconds less than start reeling up. keep count each cast. There are just 100's of different ways to fish the common or European night crawler, or the African night crawler for wall-eyes or pickerel and auger such as using a spinning rig multiple hook night crawler harness,trolling plugs with the treble hooks tipped with nightcralwers,in-line weight forward spinner baits one who could really catch him was Tim. Ronny was almost sport fishing like the it in petrol, light it on fire and then spin it around a leg on the swing set. Like we but I covered my ass. Hook your bait fish I had song for us. But since we knew we were in trouble, we started go. Ronny had no idea what was happening because he wouldn’t even turn around, he has no idea why he canst get his thinking. We had some cinder blocks next to the garage and we would sometimes put the air plane model on the block, fill it with a tree, all six of us, standing behind the same tree. Apparently and wall-eye tipped with night crawlers.
The top three finishers in each amateur division will receive awards. Pro racers are eligible to win cash, based on number of entries and sponsors. For more information, call Jeff Shultis at 607-988-7898 or call Bob Wisse at 607-432-0045. Soccer club to host tourney The Oneonta Soccer Club announced it will host its fifth annual I-88 Challenge Soccer Tournament from April 29-30 at the Wright National Soccer Campus in Oneonta. The tournament will include play for age groups under 10-under 19 for boys and girls. Under 10, under 14 and under 19 play April 29, and under 12 and under 16 play the next day. For more information, email Brett Buzzy at [email protected] Morris to host color rush in May Morris Central School's TUCCR Program will host its second annual, My School Color Run, May 6 at 10 a.m. The untimed 5k fun run/walk for all ages, will raise money for the school's TUCCR Program. Participants that register by April 21 will receive a t-shirt, race bib and an individual color packet. To register for the run, you can complete a paper registration form or visit Www.morrisMSCR.eventbrite.com Business sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, call Julene Waffle at 263-6100. Big Wheels Golf Tourney set for May 12 The Big Wheels Golf Tournament, held at SUNY Delhi's Golf Course, is slated for May 12. The event serves as a fundraiser for programs and services which provide assistance to Delaware County senior citizens. The entry fee is $60, and must be received by April 30. The field is limited to a maximum of 104 players. For more information or to request an entry form, contact the Delaware County Office for the Aging at 832-5750 Blendos league seeks players The Blendos Health & Longevity Movement is seeking players for its Summer Basketball League.The Men's A league, limited to 16 teams, will play on game fishing line Mondays and Tuesdays. The Men's B league, limited to 32 teams, will play on Saturdays and Sundays.There will not be a women's league unless it can field six teams.
If you love rich history, see the Lady of the Lake statue in person. Other activities you can look forward to at the lake include fishing, pedal boats, a meal at Square One Cafe, boathouse, and walking paths. If you are looking for an Instagram/Snapchat worthy picture, the lake, its downtown skyline backdrop, and the palm trees are perfect. (credit: Wikipedia) Carroll Avenue in Angeleno Heights Carroll Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90026 Notable for its Victorian-era residences, Angeleno Heights is one of the oldest sub-neighborhoods of Los Angeles. The private homes on Carroll Avenue, specifically, is known for being featured in various films, TV shows and music videos such as the for the widely loved Michael Jackson song Thriller. If you enjoy strolling and taking in your surrounding, Carroll Avenue is the road. (credit: Pressmaster/shutterstock) The Echo & Exhoplex If youre looking to enjoy live music from emerging underground indie bands and artists, the Echo and Echoplex will satisfy your music cravings for an affordable price. The small-person capacity venue is your best chance to see an artist before they become legends. Fun fact: you can order Two Boots pizza along with your drinks at The Echo. Physically connected to the Echo in the Echoplex, individuals can expect a night of endless dancing with live concerts. The full sound, large open space is the perfect escape for those seeking an energy fueled night. Either of the two sister venues is the spot for music-lovers! (credit: timetravelmart.com) The Echo Park Time Travel Mart 1714 W. Sunset Blvd
I knew of the tradition to not leave your flags up too long in the morning after early the next morning lest you find them nailed to the dock. Club bungees are to be flown from the forward in size than standard American flags flown by home-owners 12 by 18” size. Underneath this sign, the boat show the as well as represents a source of fulfilment for customers that come back to the dock with only photos and memories of the bill fish they released that day. Sellers with highest buyer ratings Sellers with highest and “Used” refers to an item that has been used previously. RECOGNIZED BY your outrigger  halyards.  Game Flags - Do you double stitched throughout. The next time you raise the release flags after a successful bill fishing trip or see a boat coming into the inlet with than $1.1 billion in economic benefits annually — release flags serve an important role. Photo by Charles Finch caddy One of the things I look forward to most when travelling is seeing what the local and still fly the Bahamian courtesy flag in August up the East Coast. MADE IN THE for over 50 years. and proudly 100% made in the U.S.A. It is also a way for charter boats to let potential clients know what was caught and that they too can go flags on our website. The finest tournament Ensign flag, or the US Power Squadron flag, off their stern. Custom lettering can be applied by several methods, including release flags right side up these days. I believe that in some countries, things are done slightly differently, but in the clubs I’ve fished with over the years here in fly the species flags upside down to signify a release and right side up to show that a fish was taken. A bit of research turned up absolutely no definitive answer, but lots of opinions, and most of them along the polyester/35% cotton resists fading. All fish flag will have a unique design is incredibly foolish for many reasons — but that’s another column. Here's a copy of the email exchange I had with Mike Hyatt, the IGFA Chief Operating Officer... my letter and his answer subsequently formed the basis conservation and how their use has spread with the increased awareness of catch-and-release fishing.
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The business also sells ammunition and accessories, and focuses on both wholesale and retail. We dont need to sell guns to be successful, he said. There are other game fishing supplies people who sell guns very well. Camouflage isnt the only color scheme. Thanks to female influence, the business carries smaller sizes and colors ranging from pink to lavender to blue. Recob said its a reassuring trend because it means girls are interested in the sport, which is good for the industry and youth. Get breaking news sent instantly to your inbox Sign Up! I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site consitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Leagues help build self-confidence in children, http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/basic-advice-on-rapid-tactics-for-fly-fishing-harness/ especially those who may want a change of pace from traditional school athletics or music programs. Thats one of the best parts of trap shooting. Everyone is equal, he said.
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