#once i have time tho im really busy rn TwT
scarletfeisty · 1 year
Me has a headcanon :]
Headcanon where as time passes by, p!scott's coat gets all worned out from all of the adventures he has gotten himself into- its evidence of him slowly getting rid of the shackles of his family name in him- which is why he tries so hard to involve himself with everything so he could make a name for HIMSELF, not under the Denholm name.
For p!acho, star's from the beginning of the smp has already been worn out since it was a hand me down from his brother afterall- and also due to the fact star has already broken the shackles on his end- which is why once the family’s arc starts, it’ll all come full circle :>
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chiwoopsie · 3 years
i only collect svt albums!! i am a multi stan, tho carat first, but i don't care as much about other groups to collect their albums :/ soo yeah 😅 wbu??
omg gose 2020 got me through many bad things i will never stop loving it !!! i rewatched so many episodes so many times and i'm never bored of it<3 i'm glad it brought so much popularity to them!! ohhh I LIKE YOUR CHOICES!!!! honestly i feel like anything you pick you can't go wrong with since every episode is iconic in it's own way!! it's so hard for me to choose top 3 but let's say don't lie, insomnia zero and boo seungkwan's past life destiny!!! from 2021 i liked let's go seventeen mostly bc i reeeeally really really wanted them to do a concept like wipeout? and ik it would cost a lot of money but i'll take the crumbs<3 also 13 raiders is another fave 😂 i listed so many episodes sorry 😅 the other concept i want them to do is something similar to hello baby 😭 or put hoshi in a tiger den? 👀
OK SO for the mission we have rn which is a sleepover i think we can do many fun things including my game but let's go one at a time yeah?? i think it's less overwhelming but if you want me to send everything i have in mind in on ask do let me know and i will in the next one!!
so i wanted to talk about unpopular opinions first cause i think it's fun and you struck me as someone with many (from the bside you chose and also gose eps)!! i'll give you my top 3 unpopular opinions regarding svt (honestly since you're a multi stan too, we could expand this to kpop in general? but we don't have to since this is a carat event lol we can do both i'm good with whatever):
i like jeonghan with short hair more than him with long hair; like he obviously looks good with either i swear to god he could have a nest on his head instead of hair and he would still look good????? but yeah idk i like him better with short hair, i think my favorite jeonghan look was during henggarae era (short brown hair) but dwc jeonghan is a great competitor
director's cut > teen,age; ok so i feel like director's cut is not talked about enough? i think it's a great album and the additional 4 songs just give teen,age a little something i really needed!! thanks is one of my favorite tts and run to you of bsides, and i think director's cut as a whole show svt's versatility than teen,age
i wish downpour wasn't given to ioi and remained as a svt song instead; downpour is a beautiful song!!! it's so emotional and i love it so much, it would fit seventeen and their discography perfectly and it really feels like a svt song performed by ioi!! it's such a woozi song and i'd give it all to have svt perform it, it obviously wasn't a mistake since it did draw more attention as ioi song than it would've as a svt's bside but still :/ a girl can dream
your turn!!!
- 💎
oooh ok i used to buy a lot of albums but then realized i never look at them ever again once i get them lol so now i just get the ones i reeally love
BSK's past life destiny and the let's go svt eps were my runner ups!! i really love boo channeling the 2000s era entertainment (music/tv/comedy etc) it's so cute and nostalgic like it makes me feel like i lived thru those times with him ahaha BUT IMAGINE SVT ON WIPEOUT OMG just imagining them tryna bounce on those big inflatable red balls dlkjfalkdsj
idk if i have unpopular opinions??? bc i just know them as my opinions y'know and im not sure what the 'popular' opinion is on a lot of things but here are some thoughts i have that might get me some haterz on stan twt i guess:
the hybe villian agenda - attributing every decision that changes/impacts svt's status quo to hybe (i.e. gose broadcast time, more american promos etc) seems petty and unnecessary. maybe it's bc i started off in kpop years ago as a bts stan but we as fans dont know shit about their internal company/business agendas, not to mention that these changes are nothing to get worked up over in the big scheme of things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ now, if svt didnt renew, then it would be another story but they did (thank goodness) so ppl just need to chill lol
aju nice as a song is good but not great - everything about aju nice and its legacy is ICONIC but after hearing the licking/slurping sound sprinkled in the background, i cant unhear it so it’s kinda ruined for me
minghao has the best laugh in svt - idk if this is actually true but i think carats generally vote that dino has the best laugh? or was it vernon..? regardless, minghao’s lil giggles beats ‘em all^^
i had other ones in mind earlier but i forgot so we’ll just keep it at 3 for now heh My sleepover question for you is: have you ever seen svt live? if you have, tell me all about it!! if you haven’t, what are the top 5 songs/performances you want to see in concert (so if you could put together your ideal setlist with like special guests too 👀👀) 
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