#once again. do not know Spike & Dru's ship name
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deeply-unserious-fellow · 10 months ago
No okay bcuz actually I DO want to explain my thoughts from this post here because I love analyzing things and I think talking abt Vox's relationships thru the lens of "this is just like Buffy fr fr" could be fun :)
FIRST OFF: VoxVal as Spike & Drusilla. I do not know their ship name and tbh I'm probably never gonna talk about them again so whooooo cares. To state the obvious, in this situation Vox is Spike and Val is Dru. Now, it's been awhile since I've watched Buffy, but from what I remember, Spike & Drusilla really are THE toxic villain couple, in that they're both like. Not very good to or for eachother, all things considered, but goddamnit they love eachother SO MUCH- which really is the generous interpretation of Staticmoth. I'm not gonna go super in depth into the fucking. Is Staticmoth abusive debate rn. Because I have one million other posts that make my stance on that pretty clear I think. But the uh... nicer interpretation of their relationship is very much Spike & Drusilla I think. Like right down to the headcannon of Vox liking how Val's shit eyesight & temper tantrums makes him kind of dependent on him. Again, could be misremembering, but based off of how Spike was w/ Dru while she was weakened(and based off of how he rebounded w/ Harmony of all people ���), I get the distinct vibe that, despite his frustrations, Spike did like having somebody relying on him the way Dru(and later Harmony) did. Vox def seems like the type of guy that would get a kick out of feeling Needed and Relied On(why else would he literally route the entire Pride rings power grid through himself-), and Valentino is. Well. Valentino. I'm not gonna go over their interaction before Stayed Gone because it makes me ~genuinely uncomfortable~ for reasons I have, once again, gone into in depth before, but suffice it to say that it's definitely in character for Vox to be into Val relying on him like that. Oh also, like somebody pointed out in the reblogs on the original post, the reason Spike & Dru broke up from s3 all the way to their reunion in s5 is that she cheated on him and that's. Yeah that sounds about right.
And second, the Staticradio twins: Spuffy and Spangel. Why the fuck did I call them the Staticradio twins? I don't know I'm tired as shit and just used most of my brain power on the VoxVal segment now get off my back- anyways, these two are actually pretty easy to explain so I'll just get right into it! Most of the similarities between Staticradio and Spuffy can really be summed up in the song Reat In Peace from Buffy's musical episode. One-sided, obsessive crush on someone who you know deep down will probably never reciprocate. You want them to just leave you the fuck alone and stay gone(hahahahahahahahah), but they just. Aren't. Like even the bits about being a dead guy without a heart beat are spot on because Vox is a motherfuckin DEMON who is a ROBOT!!!!!!! Also the Alastor Body Pillow fanon(which IS fanon. It is. I'm sorry to say but that wasn't a thing on the Instagrams y'all-) does line up with the uh. The Buffy sex bot- it does line up with the Buffy sex bot. Anyways moving on to the Spangel section-
"You were my sire man!" - Spike, to Angel, in his introduction episode. I don't remember if this was retconned in season 5(or 6?) to be Dru siring Spike? It might've been. But for the sake of this post lets pretend it wasn't. Angel was basically Spike's mentor for a lot of their time together pre-show. They ran around in their weird little vampire polycule causing problems for everyone and life was good! Then Angel got cursed. Bro got a soul and then ran away for years without a word to anyone. Then, cut to current day, and Spike is hyped to see him right up to the point he realizes Angel has Changed. And from that point onward to two are RIVALS!!!!! Narrative foils, even. And while it isn't exactly the same as Alastor and Vox's history, it's pretty damn similar right!? Al was(presumably) Vox's friend and mentor for YEARS, like to the point of being comfortable taking a picture with him. Then something happens between them, causing a rivalry to form. Throw somewhere in the mix Al's deal & him fucking off for 7 years... it's like the same pieces being put together in a new way to make a different puzzle. Is Rosie Darla in this analogy? Unclear. Val is still Dru though. Do y'all get where I'm coming from? It's far, FAR from the same thing, like there are so many fucking differences and that's just going off of the stuff we DO know(I want to know more god I can't wait for season 2-), but the dynamics ARE similar. They're narrative foils with a deep history w/ eachother where they were probably-definitely friends, something caused them to become RIVALS, and also one of them is cursed and dissappeared for several years-
Whoo boy this got kinda incoherent- Anyways, that brings me to my brand new fun and interesting point: Vox and Spike are kinda similar characters. They're both antagonists who wanna be Big Tough Scary guys so bad, and like. They are. They are big tough AND scary. Sometimes. But for the vast majority of their screen time, their emotions, capacity for love(no matter how twisted their version of love is), and the consequences of that love going wrong continually get the better of them and cause them to look to us, the audience, like silly pathetic wet cats we found on the side of the road. Then they get Weird about it(Vox's "rivalry" w/ Angel and the. Buffy sex bot.) and we remember oh yeah this guy is EVIL! They also both wear long jackets and are bisexual :)
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layla256 · 6 years ago
Key to Her Heart Chapter 2/52: Children’s Games
And here we go, the second chapter! I know the Slayerfest would have probably been a better episode to do this prompt with, but I don’t really have access to the episode since I’m on a cruise ship with no internet right as I’m writing this, so I figured I’d go with the next episode in season two.
Cause I love me some season two. Wonder why?
This was hell to write. Frankly, there’s about 200 words missing from this chapter, mostly because of the 2000 word limit. I was gonna have Faith finally show up in all her Single-Slayer glory, there was an entire conversation Buffy has with Spike about Ford and their friendship, there was a lovely torture scene where Spike’s feelings for Buffy start to come through, there’s an entire sub-plot with Buffy’s Mom and her gallery.
None of which I got to touch. So I’ve decided, since I have the extra time on my hands, I’ll start writing shoot-offs of the series. Things that have nothing to do with the Prompts as I’m writing them, but will definitely flush out the over-all story.
The prompt this time was: The most dangerous game.
Again, Slayerfest would have been perfect, but I barely remember the episode. I’ll have to start re-watching when I get home.
 Buffy wasn’t sure if she wanted to be flattered by Spike’s defense of her supposedly sullied honor or still horrified that his response to her assault had been to slaughter an entire frat house in her and her friends�� names.
Being fair, they were sacrificing teenage girls to a giant snake demon, so she wasn’t exactly upset that they were dead, but a voice sounding incredibly like her mother insisted that murder was still a very wrong thing and wasn’t to be encouraged.
Either way, Buffy had some serious thinking to do, which she figured was best done at the Bronze with bestie back up.
“Well,” Xander said, “I’ve given my opinion on the guys, so . . .”
Willow and Buffy both sighed. “‘Fuck ‘em,’” they quoted. It had been his mantra all night. Sure, he’d been the first on the Let’s-Stake-Spike train right along with Giles when he’d first heard, but the second his actual intentions had been revealed, they suddenly changed their tones.
“Extenuating circumstances,” Giles had called it, while cleaning his glasses for the fifteenth time that conversation.
“Well, someone got a potty-mouth while I was gone!” a strained voice called, bringing Buffy’s attention around to the familiar figure behind her.
“FORD!” She yelled out, not seeing the grin on his face.
  Spike couldn’t believe his fucking luck! He knew that Faith was a royal bitch to everyone (Buffy had complained about it plenty of times for him to get the picture), but to have a childhood friend turn her over to a Master Vampire to save his own skin? Spike had originally had his doubts when some posh human came and offered him the slayer on a silver platter in exchange for immortality. Had he not been able to smell the sick and medicine on the kid, he would have smelled a trap instead. Kid was dying and desperate, and Spike was just the kind of bad, rude man to take advantage
He would kill Faith, Dru would be able to drink her dry, then . . .
Then they would leave. Just like he wanted three months ago. His Dark Princess all healed up, they’d paint the town red before moving onto the next. This was, literally, the sole reason he came to this ruddy town.
Not why we stay, his demon whispered. Never before had he felt so strongly the urge to physically kick the damn thing. Yes, he knew bloody well that wasn’t why he stayed, or why the idea of leaving left him feeling more bereft than before, but it was completely and utterly a non-issue.
Before he could remind himself all the reasons why it was a non-issue, a hand came across his face, scratching as it went.
Ah, Dru was in that kind of a mood today then.
“Stop all that glowing,” she demanded. “You’ll burn up my daisies!”
Spike sighed heavily, drawing on a full century of loving Dru through all these fits to keep his temper. “Dru, Princess, ‘m not glowin‘.” He calmly took both of her hands into his own, holding them firmly so she couldn’t attack him again.
“You are!” she insisted, struggling in his grip. Normally, she could have broken it by now, but that mob had really done a number on her. “You glow with her! I’ll not burn up with you! No sunshine for Daddy’s princess!”
Spike was in game face in an instant. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, that’s all he sodding heard about. Every damn night his Dark Princess insisted on bringing up her wretched sire, asking after him, commenting on whatever he was doing, all of it. Frankly he was fucking sick of it at this point.
“A hundred,” he growled at her, shaking her in his grip. “A hundred fucking years, I’ve stood by you. When Darla left cause she couldn’t put up with your fits, when he left because of that fucking soul, I stayed and took care of you, loved you through every sodding demon you opened your legs for. Kept you safe and happy, and stayed. Never strayed a once. So whatever Miss Edith told you, get it out of your head now.”
As he panted with unnecessary breath, he saw tears well up in her eyes. Immediately, he felt like a pillock. He knew it wasn’t Dru’s fault. Between the visions and the regular bouts of insanity, the poor girl couldn’t tell up from down half the time. It had been decades since he’d lost his temper with her.
“Princess,” he whispered, moving to bring her into his arms. “Princess I-”
“Princess wants her Daddy!” she wailed, crumbling to the floor.
And, for the first time in a hundred and eight years, Spike let her and walked out of the room.
He had a Slayer to kill.
 “Let’s go people-watching,” Ford suddenly said, drawing Buffy out of her Algebra-induced state. Something she was grateful for because, frankly, she was getting sick of those trains. However, when his words registered, she gave him a sarcastic look, raising her eye brow at him in what looked like a very Spike-ish expression. “Come on,” he needled, sitting up straight on her couch. “It’ll be just like old times! You used to love playing ‘Story Time’.”
Buffy shuddered at the name. “Yeah, until we made that amazing love story.” Buffy didn’t have to finish the rest. It had been her favorite story by far, full of drama, romance, and perhaps a hidden connection to the Dutch throne (did the Dutch even have a monarchy? It wasn’t something she’d considered when she was ten) rivaling any she’d come up with before. All of which had come crashing down when she’d caught the morning news and discovered the guy was actually a serial killer and the woman his latest victim.
Story Time stopped being fun after that. These were actual lives. Sure, it was fun to joke that the old man feeding the pigeons was a retired CIA spy who had a Bond Girl retiree waiting for him at home, but for all Buffy knew he was a widower trying to make it day by day.
“I don’t know Ford,” Buffy finally said. “It’s just not a fun game anymore. Besides, it’s gonna be dark soon.”
Ford shook his head. “Look, I know this club, it’s just full of a bunch of teenagers. It’s, like, ten minutes from here. No big deal.” He smiled at her, exuding confidence and almost jittering with energy. “Come on. For me?”
Buffy sighed. “We’re back by nine though,” she caved. “I’ve totally got to actually finish this Algebra homework or Ms. Jefferson’s gonna eat my soul or something. She wasn’t very clear.”
 Buffy already wanted to leave, and they hadn’t even spoken to anyone.
A vampire club. Ford had taken her to a fucking vampire club, and she was pissed.
Sure, she knew these kinds of places existed. There were a few in LA. Hell, there was a ball held there every now and then. She’d thought it sounded glamourous when she’d first heard of it in high school. The pictures she saw in one of the goth kid’s lockers showed big ball gowns and costumes everywhere. She’d even thought about going to one once. If only for an excuse to dress up.
Then she found out that A.) Vampires and demons were real and they were far from glamorous, B.) She might be one of them, and C.) Some of the people at those things took the whole thing way too seriously.
She wanted to tell Ford that moment that she was going home. Fuck the game, fuck this club, and, a tiny bit, fuck Ford, but she couldn’t bring herself to do or say it. He was still her friend and, frankly, she wasn’t comfortable leaving him wandering Sunnydale by himself at night.
“Let’s pick,” Ford said, his tone an odd one that Buffy couldn’t quite place. She looked over and saw a smirk across his face, but it wasn’t mischievous or knowing. It was frightening. It reminded Buffy strongly of her night at the frat, and she found herself moving away from him carefully, gently reminding herself that she hadn’t had anything to eat or drink in hours, so nothing was in her system.
While Buffy was focusing on her breathing, Ford seemed to find what he was looking for. “Oh, how about them!” He pointed below them. “Those two probably aren’t going to murder each other tonight.”
Buffy wanted to scold him. The game wasn’t fun or entertaining, and what had happened to that poor girl wasn’t something he should be making fun of. However, her eyes drifted to who he was pointing to, and her throat closed.
Spike. Spike was here with Drusilla.
And apparently this Vampire Bar had a few more actual vampires than Buffy had originally thought.
“Ford,” Buffy said, “I’m leaving. Let’s go.”
Ford shook his head. “What? You don’t like my new friend?”
Buffy’s eyes widened. “Friend? Since when do you even know Spike?” Before Ford could answer, she was shaking her head. “You know what? No. Doesn’t even matter. So low on the mattering scale I can’t even see it. We need to leave. Now.”
Buffy knew how Spike was. If he was there with Drusilla, they were planning on feeding. Buffy couldn’t protect everyone.
Ford seemed to hesitate but nodded. “Alright. We’ll go out the back way, so he doesn’t see us.”
And Buffy was so thankful he hadn’t argued with her, she didn’t even think of how bad an idea that was.
 Spike was mere seconds away from ripping the little wannabe behind him apart with his teeth when one of his men signaled him. Ford had actually managed to get the slayer into the alley. Bloody hell, he certainly owed the kid.
Moving quickly, he left Drusilla behind. She hadn’t spoken to him since the incident that morning, but Spike frankly couldn’t bring himself to care.
Stepping outside with a grin, he started swaggering towards the two figures, curious why he didn’t smell Slayer. Taking a deep breath, Spike scented the medicine and sick from the boy, the beer and vomit from the alley, and finally, a familiar vanilla and steel.
He must have said her name aloud, because the two turned and looked at him, a smile on the boy’s lips and terror on hers. “Spike,” Buffy hedged, putting herself between him and the boy. The lying little shit. “Spike, please. He’s my old friend, just leave him alone, please.”
Suddenly, it all fell into place. The shit hadn’t lied. Not to him at least. He was just a sodding fool. A sodding fool who hadn’t tried to sell him Faith, but Buffy.
“Buffy,” he said firmly. “Go home, lock your doors, and make sure your mum’s all tucked in.” He stalked towards Ford.
“Spike please no. I don’t know what he said—”
She was cut off when Spike grabbed Ford by his throat. “He sold you to me Buffy,” Spike growled through his fangs. “Swore your blood to me in exchanged for being turned.”
Kill the demon demanded. He was inclined to agree.
“We- We had a deal!” Ford gasped, clawing at Spike’s hands futilely.
“Not anymore,” Spike declared.
 The next night, Buffy was sitting next to Ford’s grave, a stake clutched in her hands and tears in her eyes. “I’m not talking to you,” she said, not even bothering to look at Spike as he approached from behind. “You had no right to have your minions haul me off while you—” she cut herself off with a choked sob.
Spike sat next to her, gently taking the stake from her hands. “I didn’t turn him,” he assured her, “But I wasn’t letting you stay for what happened.”
Buffy wanted to be furious with him. To hit and scream until her heart stopped hurting.
Instead, she just sat next to her friend’s killer and cried on his shoulders.
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darkjanet2 · 4 years ago
Drusilla’s Soul Ch. 17 Part 1.
Los Angeles, Ca 7:15 PM, Wolfram & Hart
A brown-haired man was typing on a computer as he was doing his research. His name was Lindsey McDonald and he was a lawyer of Wolfram & Hart.
He heard a phone beep.
“Mr. McDonald, we have your visitor here. He wanted to speak with you”, said the lady on the intercom phone.
“Send him in,'' he said.
A platinum blonde man walked into his office, he wore a black leather duster, black shirt and pants, and black combat boots. He was in punk style.
“Ah, Spike. It’s great to see you”, said Lindsey.
“ How do I go about hiring you blokes? I’ve got a job that’s right up your street”, said Spike.
“What do you need?” he asked.
“I want to find Drusilla’s whereabouts, she still has a soul and I can use that to my advantage", Spike said.
"Over at Wolfram & Hart anything is possible, but only if you can pay our fee it's a business, not a charity", said Lindsey.
"You get the money, but you get half up front only the rest when the bloody job is done", Spike said.
The brunette man looked at Spike and grinned.
"Sounds like we have a deal then, Mr. Spike," The man said.
"It is a deal as long as we have it clear that you get paid the rest of your money when you finish the job," Spike said.
Spike turned to walk out around the office.
"The money, Spike? Do you believe that Drusilla is a hero?" asked Lindsey, mockingly.
Spike slammed his fist on Lindsey’s desk and yelled, “SHE IS NOT A HERO!!” with his angry vampiric face.
Lindsey calmly smirked, “Alright, calm down.”
Spike calmed down and reverted his human face.
“Now you want to know where Drusilla is, I heard she’s on a mission trip to Japan. But she won’t return and it has been 2 weeks for her mission,” said Lindsey.
“Then I knew she still had a damn soul and always helped people. I want to call up Deacon Frost to remove the soul. I’ll have my minions arrange the ship and I will also contact Angelus.” said Spike.
“Well, perhaps I can call Angelus to invade Japan, and I bet he will terrorize this country,” Lindsey smirked, evilly, and began to call Angelus.
Angelus at The Standard, Downtown LA
Angelus was on the phone and he was told to be prepared to take a trip to Japan, and he knew Drusilla’s whereabouts.
“Alright, I’ll be there.” Angelus hung up his iPhone 11 as naked Darla wrapped around his bare torso, resting her chin on his strong shoulder, caressing his strong arms, kissed his cheek.
“He found Drusilla. She’s at Odaiba,” said Angelus.
“Do they find out?” asked Darla.
“He said that Drusilla was on a mission trip, now we can hunt her down. Deacon will be able to extract her soul and she will work with us together again,” said Angelus.
“What are you planning to do, Angelus?” asked Darla.
“I can make her insane once more. Get dressed, we’ll get a ship.” said Angelus.
The Next Morning Odaiba, Japan 5:34 AM
Drusilla was released from the hospital and got her prescriptions of Zoloft and Opana from the pharmacy. She was at the Dai-Ichi Hotel Tokyo Seafort for a room to stay. She was FaceTiming her friends staying at her house to see how they were doing. Drusilla told them about the situation where evil Digimon attacked the city and she had a battle with LadyDevimon when she tried to kill her, then a beautiful angel arrived in the nick of time and pulverized the demon. The two kids came to rescue her before she blacked out.
“You were in the hospital?! Are you okay?!” shocked Britney.
“I’m fine, my body feels a little sore, but I’m fine. So how are you doing? Did you treat Jade well?” asked Drusilla.
“Yeah, we fed her, groomed her, and played with her. Jade was doing very well,” said Britney.
“That’s great. Where’s David?” she asked.
“Oh, he went to the pet store to buy more cat food,” Britney explained. “So anyway, how long have you been in a coma?”
“About two weeks and I haven’t returned until next month. When I entered the concert, the creatures were called Digimon. Those kids were talking about rampaging the city. The military tried to shoot them down, but they did not affect them. And Matt has a partner named Gabumon, then he took out the strange device and flashed light onto Gabumon, transformed into a metallic wolf!” exclaimed Drusilla.
“No way!” exclaimed Britney.
“Yes, way. Besides, Matt guided me to the safe place to take me to the parking garage. He told me to stay here, but I denied it because I want to help people even if he thought I was a human.” said Drusilla.
“Did you reveal the truth you’re a vampire?” asked Britney.
“No, I don’t want him to know my secret. But he was surprised that I had superhuman strength and I’d had to deal with this LadyDevimon chick,” said Drusilla.
“And did you go vamp?” asked Britney, incredulously.
“Yes, while he was away, two of us started to fight. Fast forward, LadyDevimon was about to finish me off, and it hit something behind her, a beautiful angel appeared in the parking garage and annihilated her. I thought it was crazy, but she saved my life.” said Drusilla.
“I knew this was your guardian angel,” said Britney.
“I know, but I didn’t pray. I think this angel is a Digimon?” asked Drusilla.
“I doubt it,” Britney said. “Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I thought Japan was pretty cool, but that was crazy that Digimon attacked the city,” said Britney.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, they are rebuilding them right now.” said Drusilla.
“Well, alright. Rest up, Dru. Hope you come back safely.” said Britney, smiled.
“I will. Bye, Britney.” Drusilla hung up her phone, laying down on the bed, and groaned in exhaustion.
“Goddamn, that was the hell of a week! I can’t believe I redeemed myself for starting a battle with LadyDevimon.” Drusilla sighed, sat up from the bed, and walked to the table where the bag of prescriptions lay.
She opened the bag and picked out two vials: Zoloft and Opana. The pharmacist told her to take one pill of Zoloft in the morning and take one pill of Opana in the afternoon. She took out the paper and read it. She followed the instructions and read about the warning and side effects.
Drusilla opened the vial of Zoloft and took one of these pills, it was a blue pill of 50 milligrams in her hand and put it into her mouth, and swallowed it. Then she downed it with Sprite, that pill she swallowed that went through her esophagus.
Suddenly her body and mind felt relaxed, less anxious, less irritable. Zoloft might decrease fear, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, and the number of panic attacks. She had never felt this before, her mind went clear. She could let go of her painful past that Angelus murdered her family, and knowing that Angelus was already dead.
After that, she took a second vial of Opana to treat her severe pain after surgery. She swallowed it and then she downed a Sprite through her esophagus. Now her body felt more relaxed, her pains were reduced. She felt a little wobble, so she went straight to bed and began to sleep to rest up to her body.
In the Digital World
It was cold and snowy out there, even the aurora borealis appeared to be a beautiful color of blue, green, and violet. There was a beautiful ice castle with a castle-like structure of blocks of ice up the mountain. The groups just walked up to the mountain, finding it beautiful, with the green grass on the ground that also had beautiful flowers sticking out. And that's despite having some snowy spots as well. All while in the snowy mountains of the Digital World, which had them wondering how the grass and the flowers were able to grow here. But they didn't dig for answers since it could've been their magic for all they care.
“Where are we?” asked TK.
“I don't know, but this place looks magical, it's so beautiful and romantic, isn't that right, Ken?” asked Yolei, coyly.
“Uh..yeah, sure,” said Ken, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“I wonder what this place is?” said Kari.
“It's an ice castle where the wise Digimon reside,” said Cody.
“How did you know that, Cody?” asked TK.
“Well, there's a board with a description,” said Cody.
“What? Is it some kind of tourist spot?” asked Davis.
“C'mon guys, let's get in standing here won't get us anywhere,” said TK.
They walked up to the mountain and went inside the beautiful ice castle just like a crystal, which had all its doors and walls made of mirrors.
“Whoa... Seeing up close this place is amazing,” said Yolei.
“Yeah, but why does it look so empty and strangely quiet..?” asked Kari.
“Let’s see what the brochure says, it said today is the day of the ice festival so Digimon around here is busy preparing for the palace,” said Ken, holding his chin in deep thought.
“Aah...I see... No wonder why it's so quiet here, but wait a minute, where did you read that?” asked Davis.
“Here, it's on the brochure,” Ken took a brochure out of his pocket.
“What?! A brochure? In a place like this? Is it a tourist spot?” surprised Davis, widened his eyes.
“Yes, is it,” suddenly a voice caught their attention, it was a blue ogre Digimon with unkempt white long hair, pointed ears adored by earrings, a single horn on its head, and an icicle jutting from each of its shoulders. It's known for having its mouth open nearly all the time with an exaggerated lower jaw similar to Violator and has fang-like tusks on its upper jaw like a traditional Oni.
It wore a black loincloth with a belt, black belts on its right arm, nothing on its left arm, blue bandages on its right leg, and black belts on its left leg. It carried an icicle as a weapon. It had a
skull and crossbones on its left arm below its shoulder icicle, metal studs on the knuckles of its left hand, and a scar on the back of its right hand.
“Who are you?” demanded Davis.
“I’m Hyogamon, the guardian here,” said Hyogamon.
“ICE PUNCH!” He attacked them with his powerful fist emitting the icicle coming right at them.
“Look out!!” Davis cried as he and the group dodged his attack, the icicle shards embedded in the glass walls.
“Davis, time to Digivolve!” said Veemon.
Davis nodded and he began to activate the device.
“DIGIARMOR, ENERGIZE!” Davis yelled out.
The flame engulfed Veemon, imagining Agumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, and WarGreymon. Veemon grew taller, covered with armor flame-like design, the blade protruding out of his mask, claws, and feet.
Now the four of them yelled out, “DIGIARMOR, ENERGIZE!”
“FIRE ROCKET!” He shot fireballs from his fist at Hyogamon with a critical hit, suddenly there were more Digimon who appeared in the castle, an ovoid mirror Digimon was dressed in green robes and hat, and it was wielding a fan. And there were other Hyogamon that appeared in the battle.
“Looks like we’re outnumbered,” said Ken.
“What should we do?” asked TK.
"We should regroup and come up with a plan," said Ken.
“No way!” Davis said as the others looked at him. “We can do this!”
"If they're gaining forces, we must divide their power by separating them from one another." Ken said.
“Ken is right, we have to gain an advantage somehow." said TK.
“I have an idea, what are the digimon ranks? From there we can solidify a plan to separate them." said Kari.
“Good plan.” said TK.
“Enough talk. Let’s see if we can take you on. SNOW PUNCH!” Hyogamon shot a snowball from his fist as Flamedramon threw a fire which caused the snowball to melt.
“ROSETTA STONE!” Nerfetimon flashed a pink light from her back and shot a stone at Mirrormon which the mirror caused to crack.
“SHOOTING STARS!” Pegasusmon fired the stars at the army of Hyogamon and Mirrormon.
“MIRROR’S REVENGE!” It reflected Pegasusmon’s attack, the shooting stars traveled back towards Pegasusmon.
" W-what?!" Pegasusmon said in shock
The shooting stars sliced Pegasusmon as he yelled and fell backward onto the ground. He lied on the ground, with eyes shut, looking hurt.
“Pegasusmon!” TK cried as he ran towards his partner.
“Be careful! They can reflect your attacks!” warned Ken.
“How do we beat them? They’re so many of them!” cried Yolei.
Davis had a bright idea, “Let’s fuse them together so we can beat them.”
The group agreed, their partners de-digivolving and re-digivolving and fusing together to evolve them into another Digimon.
“Charge!” Hyogamon shouted to his comrades to charge at them and be prepared to attack.
“DESPERADO BLASTER!” Paildramon fired his machine guns at the army of Hyogamon and Mirrormon.
“STATIC FORCE!” Silphymon fired a static orb and blasted at them.
“KACHINA BOMBS!” Shakkoumon fired clay disks from its waist and all the army was pulverized.
Now the battle was cleared, they ran the path through the corridor, all the Digimon were locked up in a dungeon.
“Hey, travelers! Help us!” cried Penguinmon.
“What happened?” asked Cody.
“We lived in peace in this castle, we were attacked by Hyogomon and Mirromon and taken to the dungeon. And AncientWisemon has taken over the castle,” said Pengimon.
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sylvieons · 7 years ago
Fandom meme tagged by @nyx4 and @cleoselene xoxo which took me 90 years to finish but it’s HARD OKAY thinking is hard
A: Your current OTP. Jace/Alec from Shadowhunters. Apparently this makes me problematic but I don't care
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. This is hard because if I started watching a show because of someone they typically told me their ship ahead of time and then I was looking for it.  So I guess the closest I can come up with is that I lowkey ship Sephiroth/Genesis from Final Fantasy because of @nyx4 but I've never played the game
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't. Arthur/Merlin from Merlin.  Everyone always went so over the top with Merthur, and I shipped it for a few seconds but I never really liked Arthur so it was hard to care.
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? An X-Files fanfic uploaded to Gossamer titled, embarrassingly enough, "My Immortal" to which I attached my real name.  I was 14 or 15 and therefore very stupid. (I have since had this and another removed from the site, thankfully).  I also handed this fic into my English teacher to read.  Even more embarrassing.  The plot? Mulder loved Scully but he wanted to make sure that she loved him so he tried to make her jealous and when she did act jealous he was like "lol jk" and then I went into a lot of detail on a kiss they shared (THAT MY ENGLISH TEACHER READ) and then they got engaged and then they both got shot outside of Mulder's apartment for WHATEVER REASON and died.  Hence "My Immortal", because they'll be together in death.
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? Yes, and I shall find the post I made on Livejournal so I can bring you direct to the source.  It was for Legend of the Seeker, and I got the idea to Photoshop a fake Facebook post based on an episode (I forgot where I got the idea, if I saw it in another fandom or what).  Anyway the result was this:
It spun of control and spawned an actual Facebook RP which is where I met the two people who tagged me in this and AIN'T LIFE REALLY CRAZY SOMETIMES???
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? The X-Files. I got into it when I was around 11 or 12 and was a pretty active member until I was 17 or 18. Which doesn't seem very long, but to be heavily into it, I feel it was. And then I came back around to it when the revival was announced, so it's been an on and off relationship.
G: What was your first fandom? The X-Files, probably, in terms of content-creating.  Maybe if I'm counting things like "I pretended I was Xena a lot and I would call my friend on the phone and we’d talk about Xena" then maybe Xena: Warrior Princess
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? Real-life, hands down. I hate animation.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? Lol what -hasn't- Tumblr caused me to hate?  Tho...you know what...I've never said it on this hellsite for fear of reprisal, but I'm going to do it. Tumblr turned me off Sansa Stark back in season 2 or so.  There was so many posts where people were so aggressive about unfollowing and hating people who didn't like Sansa and it got so irritating I started to dislike Sansa by association. So congrats, Tumblr, you played yourself. Also, this site turned me off The Musketeers around season 3. So much Aramis hate, kind of soured me since I watched the show for Santiago Cabrera. And then that association soured me on Santiago, so. Thanks.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. I'm going to say Teen Wolf. It was all over the place when it was first airing and people either loved it or thought it was ridiculous so I started watching it finally and it was ridiculously great. But then they killed off Allison and ruined my life :)))))
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). I don't really know what my current fandoms are - I'm kind of really into Shadowhuters rn but not in a "making things" sort of way. Anyway, I have heard some very terrible things about this fandom so I am wary.
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? I don't read fanfic and I'm not into fanart so.
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. @nyx4 again. Got me into watching Sons of Anarchy. I had tried previously and got about 10 minutes in and couldn't stand it but she said it got better so I powered through and then I was into it.
As for non-TV and movie stuff, @tsukinosusagis got me into a shitton of music and like he said a few days ago “Remember when Lights created our friendship??? ICONIC”
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). Legend of the Seeker on its Livejournal days, back in 2009 and 2010 were my favorite. Nothing on tumblr.hell is a good fandom. All of it should burn.
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? Lmao I'm really bad at this.  I suffer trying to pick songs for ships so idk
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). SHADOWHUNTERS PIRATE AU. Also, it's not an AU, but I have a very elaborate setup in my head for an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where the gang is convinced the bar is haunted and the name of the ep is "Paddy's Pub: The Most Haunted Bar in Philadelphia"
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. Cersei/Jaime because Jaime is a rapist. Also made me stop watching GOT because I was really mostly watching for Cersei and Jaime but I didn’t wanna see Jaime anymore so
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. Morgana/Lancelot from Merlin. I'm sure there's a lot in the actual Arthuriana stuff that people ship, but I'm just talking about the show. I was only able to find maybe 1 gifset and 2 fics about these two.  Granted, I only shipped them because SANTIAGO CABRERA AND KATIE MCGRATH so maybe nobody else cared.
S: What's a headcanon you have? I don't really have any of these.
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? Jace/Alec (Shadowhuters), Aramis/Porthos (The Musketeers), Red/Snow (Once Upon a Time), Rizzoli/Isles (Rizzoli & Isles), Eliot/Quentin (The Magicians), Penny/Quentin (The Magicians), Xena/Gabrielle (Xena), Mac/Dennis (It's Alway Sunny), Willow/Tara (BTVS)
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? Mulder/Scully (The X-Files), Cesare/Lucrezia (The Borgias), Richard/Nicci (Legend of the Seeker), Richard/Cara (Legend of the Seeker), Gemma/Tig (Sons of Anarchy), Mitchell/Annie (Being Human), Spike/Dru (BTVS), Jim/Pam (The Office), Jane/Michael (Jane the Virgin)
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what? Yeah, Darken Rahl/Cara/Dahlia from Legend of the Seeker. And it has to be a threeway, because any two of these characters together I don't ship but the 3 together? YES YES YES
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. Bo Dennis (Lost Girl) Ilithyia (Spartacus) Dana Scully (The X-Files) Quentin Coldwater (The Magicians) Gemma Teller (Sons of Anarchy)
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. Why would ya ask me this question when you asked for my favorite ships above, bro?
But I guess
Mulder/Scully (The X-Files) Richard/Nicci (Legend of the Seeker) Jim/Pam (The Office)
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. Most of them - like even if I do have a ship, it's pretty lowkey?  A lot of the above are lowkey.  But I'll say Black Sails. 
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it? Lol Jalec I guess? Like I'm saying it right now, but I'm not gonna go out there and go big with it because lots of annoying people out there.
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