#once again reminding you that Alistair names his son Duncan
monabee-draws · 3 months
WIP - not even a real worldstate of mine (looking at you Diane Cousland) but these are all my favourite heroes across the dragon age games. 'But grey wardens are sterile-' I simply do not see😑
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Everyone's Ages for fun!
Diane + Alistair + Duncan -> 46/43/21
Marian + Fenris + Calli + Malcolm -> 44/49/13/8
Marin + Dorian + Arlise'el -> 36/40/11
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overlordbravery · 5 years
Right of Conscription 2
Hey so that one shot I wrote? Surprise I wrote more lmao Ulrich’s adventures brings him to Ostagar where during his trials he meets the most stunning woman he’s ever met. Aka... y’all getta see what a fucking doofus he is with his love at first sight bullshit.
He felt like they walked for hours, through their escape Duncan had finally put him down and told him that he needed to fight to survive. He didn’t want to, he was prepared to die with his family and now he felt lost and empty as they moved away from his home. He glanced back at it, looking to the smoke that rose from his burning home, seeing men running along the walls cutting people down that tried to escape.
“Don’t look.” He looked back ahead, adjusting the weapons he carried that now just felt heavy. “You should lighten your load.” He pulled away when Duncan reached for the shield on his back, free hand grabbing the sword from the sheath on his side as he pointed it at him. Duncan held his hand up in surrender as Ulrich tightened his hand on the hilt of his family sword.
“I have to bring these to Fergus.” His voice sounded weak from all the screaming he had done through the attack, Duncan just nodded his head while holding a hand out.
“Let me help you. You needn’t go through this alone.” Ulrich could feel his chin and lip quiver as he looked away and began walking again. Sheathing the blade as he wiped the tears from his face and eyes.
“I don’t need anything from you.”
Ostagar felt painfully far, eventually during the travel and nights curled up with Ruffian moping he began to start talking to Duncan. The man had started it, would try to make light conversation during the trip, asking things that he didn’t want to talk about at first but then found himself craving. Talking over a fire about shenanigans he had gotten into at home, talking about his family, crying over his loss and having him there to lean on. He began to like Duncan, he was kind and patient and a good person.
He just wished they met under different circumstances.
He felt both relieved and terrified when they reached Ostagar. He stared at large ruin before looking to Duncan who was leading the way, coming to a stop just short of the bridge. Duncan turned to look at him with a look of concern.
“I’m afraid to talk to him.” He blurted it out, looking to Duncan with tears already building in his eyes. He moved his hands in front of him, wringing his hands around a necklace he always wore as he stared at the ground. He felt small in this moment, vulnerable, like a child, which was funny considering Duncan had seen him scream and cry and throw tantrums, but this was what made him feel vulnerable. “I failed him, I mean, ‘watch the castle when we’re gone, Ulrich, take care of mum…’ and I failed both. My home is conquered, and our mom is dead… maker, his wife and son are dead.” He started to shake as he looked up to Duncan with tears already streaming down his face. “I failed him.” He flinched when the man reached and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You did the best you could in a situation you were thrown in. You were betrayed, your father’s trust was used, and they blindsided you and everyone else. You didn’t fail anyone, Ulrich, you made it out alive, you are able to get news out, you are able to tell the king about Howe and his men and you will bring him to justice—" 
“Oh! Pardon the interruption!” He looked over to the King who stood there with his men, the man looking much to happy and cheerful for Ulrich’s taste. Ulrich moved to wipe tears away as Ruffian leaned into his thigh to get his attention. He moved a hand to pet the large hound as Duncan gave the king his attention, “This is Bryce’s boy! I knew you were heading over to the Cousland’s to get a new recruit, but you never told me it was the Teryn’s youngest son.”
“You don’t know he’s dead, do you?” Ulrich said the words sharply, a pointed tone that had King Sunshine’s smile drop from his face as he looked from him over to Duncan. Shock and disbelief obvious on his face as the King stepped closer to Duncan looking for confirmation. “Arl Rendon Howe betrayed my family and slaughtered them and everyone in my castle in cold blood because he knew my soldiers were coming here to fight your war.” Ulrich continued as he stepped closer pointing a finger at him as he grit his teeth. “I want that man’s head severed from his body. And if I have any say I would like to be the one to do it.”
“Ulrich.” He shoved Duncan’s hand off him as Cailan took a small step back.
“Duncan, is this true?” He asked while looking to him.
“I’m afraid it is, your Majesty, what Ulrich says is true. Howe told Bryce that his men were delayed which is why they wouldn’t be walking together to Ostagar. However, in truth they were delayed giving them the perfect opportunity to strike while those left behind slept.”
“This is horrible. Ulrich I am so sorry for your loss and betrayal I will make sure that justice is brought to Arl Rendon Howe,” He was getting excited now, he couldn’t wait for action to happen so he could watch that traitorous bastard pay— “after the coming battle.”
“What!? Why can’t something be done sooner?” He asked while stepping closer only for Duncan to catch him by the shoulder, he knew it was to try and calm him but he felt that boiling anger inside of him making his blood hot as he sneered at the man who was supposed to make this betrayal he suffered and his indentured servitude to the Wardens bearable.
“You needn’t worry yourself, Ulrich, we will be finished with this battle before you know it.” He wanted to strangle him as he crossed his arms and heavily rolled his eyes.
“Oh, right, fucking easy, okay.” He held anger and bitterness in his tone and when he looked to Cailan he could see that grin on his face once more.
“Your brother is in the Wilds, I’m sure you wish to speak with him.” Cailan finally stated and Ulrich’s expression dropped as he lowered his gaze to stare at the ground below him.
“I’m in no hurry.” He said softly before turning to crouch down and hug Ruffian, hiding his face in the dog’s fur as Cailan and Duncan proceeded to talk before the man took his leave. There was a moment of silence before he felt Duncan’s hand on his shoulder.
“He means well—”
“He’s an absolute fool.” He finally stood up after giving Ruffian some more hugs and pets. Dusting himself off he turned to look to the ruins they were heading to.
“There are two other recruits, Daveth and Sir Jory. I’ll take Ruffian and we’ll wait for you. I would like you to find Alistair, he should be dealing with getting what we need for the joining. Please feel free to explore and get comfortable.” He watched as Duncan and Ruffian began to leave him, he was silent in watching them vanish across the bridge before he took in a deep breath before heading across it and in to his new life.
His first meeting was with an older mage named Wynne, she was kind and sweet and humored him with conversations and answered the questions he had. She reminded him a lot like his mother, and he found a comfort in her, he was however sad when she needed to get back to work and he had to move on. Daveth was someone he would have loved to hang out with back at him, he seemed like the type he would be able to get into trouble with. And he was handsome and sweet beneath it all even if he was obviously a total player… Jory… Jory was a total stick in the mud and he and him got into an argument right off the bat. After parting ways, he found himself flagged down by some prisoner.
A prisoner he began to tune out until; “I’m not a deserter, I was just stealing.”
“Because that makes it any better.” Ulrich rolled his eyes, the man trying to defend himself just leaned against the cage.
“I have the key to the mage’s trunk. Aren’t you at least curious? I’ll give it to you if you just give me food.” It was a simple request, but there was an anger building in him, he stepped forwards and grabbed the man’s wrist yanking him hard against the bars as he snatched the key out of his hand. “Hey—” Ulrich couldn’t say why he did it as he pulled out his knife and stabbed it into the man’s throat. Watching him choke on his own blood he released him and put his knife back in its sheath, turning to leave until the guard that was there grabbed him.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Ulrich stared at him with a blank expression on his face as he looked back to the dead man and motioned at him.
“Now you don’t have to waste your time watching him anymore. You should thank me.” He pulled his arm away from the man as he continued to walk away, heading towards where he was told Alistair should be. There was a small part of him questioning what he did, and why he would do something like that without any real need. Sure, he was a criminal, but did he really deserve to die? They were going to kill him anyway he reasoned with himself as he continued only to find who he was looking for in what appeared to be an argument of some sort.
An argument that ended in the mage the man was talking to storming off.
“Ah, something about the blight just brings people together.” Alistair said in a sarcastic tone as he headed over to him. “Don’t you think?” Inquiring in a way which was making him relax as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Soon we’ll all be huddled around a campfire singing songs.” Ulrich retorted getting a laugh from the man who stepped closer to him. A small smile playing on Ulrich’s own face.
“See, you I like. I like you… unless. You’re not a mage, are you?” The man squinted at him suspiciously and Ulrich snorted.
“Oh, yeah, totally a mage, that’s why I’m carrying swords. Who needs a staff, am I right?” Alistair was looking over the weapons which he realized he probably looked ridiculous in blood stained casual wear with a great sword and a shield thrown on his back and then his family short sword on his hip.
“You definitely are almost dressed to be a one-man army… Not a fan of armor I see?” There was humor in his voice and Ulrich shrugged while tugging on the collar of his shirt.
“Slows me down.” Joking tone while finally holding a hand out. “I’m Ulrich, it’s a pleasure to meet you Alistair.”
“Ohh, you might regret that later, Ulrich, most people do.” He got a firm handshake followed by a salute before Alistair motioned around. “I’m going to accompany you around the camp, Duncan’s orders.”
“Babysitter, huh? I guess that’s fair.” He shrugged his shoulders while motioning him to come with him. The two of them having small talk as they looked around the camp before joining Jory, Daveth, Duncan and Ruffian. The last of whom Ulrich practically tackled and hugged. The war hound giving a happy bark and easily shoving him off him before jumping on Ulrich and licking his cheek. Ulrich laughed while wrestling with his dog, trying to enjoy this as Duncan cleared his throat.
“You separated me from my son, I miss him.” Ulrich complained to him while getting up. Hugging the mabari and picking him up with ease as the hound gave a stern bark and raised his head. “See he misses me too.”
“We need to discuss the joining ritual.” Ulrich sighed while pressing his face into the back of Ruffian’s neck only for the dog to happily, clumsily, and dramatically throw his head back and headbutt him. “You will be going into the Wilds, where you will collect darkspawn blood.” Ulrich set Ruffian down from that as Jory stepped forwards.
“Isn’t that dangerous—”
“Dangerous? Really? You’re here to be a Grey Warden and all they do is kill Darkspawn, but this is too dangerous? Yeah. Okay. What else?” Ulrich asked crossing his arms over his chest.
“There are treaties that were left here in a chest we must collect.” Ulrich narrowed his eyes before arching a brow while motioning around.
“We’re in a ruin, what if the treaties are gone?” Ulrich asked while waiting for the answer that would come back to him. Duncan just gave him a patient smile, and he hated how much it began to calm down that simmering anger within him. He grumbled slightly while crossing his arms over his chest, face feeling hot from embarrassment which was so… stupid, he had absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.
“I have a good feeling you will find them.” He wanted to argue before Duncan just motioned at him. “You should really get some armor if you plan on fighting Darkswpan.” Ulrich slowly looked down at himself, staring at the fine tunic he wore that was stained in the blood of Howe’s men. Stained in the blood of the prisoner he killed not too long ago. Skin and sleeve still wet with it, he could feel a sorrow inside his chest, an aching regret that made him sick to his stomach as he adjusted the belt around his waist that held his family sword at his hip.
“I wasn’t able to collect any money.” He said while slowly looking back to Duncan, the man looked him over before looking to Alistair.
“Take him to the trader, I am sure he will have the supplies needed to outfit more soldiers for this army.” Ulrich looked to Alistair who nodded his head, and Ulrich could feel his heart in his throat as he moved to grip the front of his tunic. Wringing it in his hands, it felt like he was throwing away something, that he was just trying to cover up things that happened to him. He felt lost and angry and he didn’t want armor. He didn’t want to get everything taken away from him so quickly even if it was just stupid blood-stained clothes. “I can hold that for you.” He looked to Duncan feeling the tears prickling his eyes as he gripped the sword at his hip protectively.
“I have to get it to Fergus.” Desperate to hold on to it, he could feel them looking at him from the way his voice wavered. “I have to get it to Fergus, please don’t take it.” He felt on the verge of tears and the man held his hands up in surrender.
“Alright, alright, I won’t ask about it again.” He relaxed from that while giving a shaky breath and a nod of the head.
“Thank you.” He added before looking from Duncan to Ruffian. “Can Ruff-Stuff come with me this time?”
“He will remain here.” He didn’t like that but sighed before nodding his head, looking to the people he would be working with for who knew how long. A thief, a knight, a templar, and an orphaned nobleman… what a mess they were, he watched them before glancing towards where the merchant was with armor and weapons.
“Come on.” Alistair lead the way over to the merchant and Ulrich looked the armor over, it was cheap but easy to make and replicate in large orders. He ran his hands over chainmail and plate armor, leather pieces looking for what he should wear before he slowly dropped his hand.
“This is all shit armor.” Alistair laughed from his comment and elbowed him.
“Can make a difference between life and death though.” He looked from it towards the mages then back to Alistair.
“You don’t make mages wear armor.” He commented getting an amused look from Alistair. “But I guess that’s just so you can kill them easier.” He added with a bite to his tone, that smile fell from his face and Ulrich shrugged. “I don’t need it.” He turned and ignored Alistair’s protest as he began heading towards the gates.
“This is borderline suicidal, Ulrich.” Alistair had concern in his voice and Ulrich gave him a blank silent stare, one of knowing and understanding and Alistair just frowned at him.
“I have a shield.” He added with a shrug before heading into the Wilds.
“I say we put him out of his misery.” He was already grabbing the knife he used to kill that prisoner, a dark look on his face as he stared down at the wounded soldier, about to step forwards and make good on the statement only for Alistair to catch his arm.
“Let’s help him.”
“This is helping.” He said it back with a blank expression honestly seeing the man bleeding out like that was sending flashed back to his father. He could feel tears in his eyes and Alistair’s original hardened disgusted expression became one of pity. The man let go and moved to help the soldier and Ulrich crouched down and ran his hands through his hair, pulling it as he sniffled and tried not to cry. He was brought back to the present from hearing the man thank Alistair, watching him stand Ulrich felt shame burn deep down in his chest along with utter hatred.
He didn’t want to be here, he didn’t want to do this, he just… he wanted to be home, he wanted to be in his home flirting with Dairren, and others in the castle. He wanted to have a party when his mother left and give his people a taste of what it would be like with him as Teryn. He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a hand being held out for him.
“Ulrich, you can’t just… jump to murder for your answer for things.” He slowly took Alistair’s hand and used it to help himself up. He wanted to argue but he just nodded his head.
“I’m sorry I just had a moment… I was somewhere else.” He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. Not wanting to look at any of them as he shifted in his spot. “Won’t happen again.” He knew deep down that was a lie.
“There’s darkspawn ahead.” He looked in the direction that Alistair pointed and moved to grab his sword from off his back. Not saying anything as he led the way, always the leader even in things he didn’t want. It felt unfair as he headed through the arch way and looked to the Darkspawn that filled the area, looking the archers first he took off in a run. Ignoring the others who at first sounded like they wanted a plan before jumping in.
Leaving the warriors to the others he went for the archers knowing they were more of a threat. He gave a war cry as he jumped in the air sword high above his head before he brought it down on the genlock. Teeth gritting as he was splashed with its tainted blood, he turned to look to the other only to watch it fall from Daveth having pelted it with arrows. He jumped off the genlock sword being held out to his side as he ran at the third archer which moved to try and get away.
Foolishly turning it’s back as Ulrich dragged the sword up across its skin severing it’s spine before he spun to look at Alistair and Jory who finished taking down the Hurlocks.
“You’re very reckless you know that?” Alistair was smiling though, meaning it in a playful way that had Ulrich shrugging his shoulders, kneeling to collect blood from the Genlock corpses as Jory and Daveth collected their own as well.
“I think it might have to do something with the sheltered life I lived.” Joking back as he joined the rest of them. “Blood, check. Time to find those stupid treaties.” He slipped the bottle away before turning to head towards where Duncan indicated. The four of them silent for the most part, randomly striking up conversation, which most of it was them bugging Alistair for more information on the Warden’s. Alistair didn’t seem to know much though, still somewhat fresh in his own rank.
“Darkspawn ahead.” Alistair said it in a warning tone and Ulrich stopped, he stood still and closed his eyes, focusing listening to the air around them as Alistair drew his weapons. Daveth and Jory drawing their own, he could hear the sounds of breathing and a low growl that had him opening his eyes. A flash of red in them as he pulled his shield off to strap it over his right forearm, tightening the straps hard enough that he wouldn’t have to hold it as he pulled out his great sword and charged.
He could smell it, he could smell the taint, feel the heat as he cut through what looked like air only for his sword to hit something and stick. In a flash the invisible Darkspawn became visible and Ulrich could feel that surging pulse of adrenaline through him as he stepped back and lifted his arm with the shield blocking a dagger of another genlock.
“Ambush!” He shouted as the other genlocks attacked, Alistair protecting Daveth and himself as Jory blocked an incoming attack with his own sword. They fought together and despite only just meeting one another and only having one previous battle Ulrich couldn’t help but be impressed with how well they worked as a team. They stood in victory, and Ulrich had a large smile on his face as he rested the flat part of his blade on his shoulder. “Good job, guys.”
“How did you know where it was?” Jory finally asked, Alistair looked impressed as well and Ulrich could feel his face heat up from the question.
“I… I dunno, it’s always something I’ve been able to do, it’s a blood thing? Like I can feel other people’s life forces.” He didn’t know what it meant, but there was one time when in fighting Howe’s men… he moved his hand to his side where his shirt had a cut in it. “I’ve been able to heal myself through someone else’s life before too.” It was a strange sensation, he could remember the pain and agony of the blade that pierced into him. Kicking the man off his own sword and ending his life, feeling like he snuffed it right out of the air with his own hand and brought it right to his side where he healed that injury.
He thought he made it up in his own traumatized mind.
“Have you ever heard of Reavers?” Jory asked, they all looked over to him and Alistair actually shuddered from the mention.
“Ugh, you mean the warrior equivalent to Blood Magic?” Alistair held an obvious distaste in his voice. “Thought you could only become one from drinking dragon’s blood. And I don’t know about you lot but last I heard Dragons were extinct.”
“I heard another way was through a deal with demons, much like Mages with Blood Magic.” Daveth pitched in, Ulrich stared out at nothing before turning his head to look at him. He couldn’t recall making any deals with demons, and if he had, well he hoped his family would still be alive and he wouldn’t be in this mess.
“I think I would remember making a deal with a demon… Or drinking a Dragon’s blood.” There was a long moment of silence before they all continued to walk again.
“Do you have magic in your bloodline?” He stopped from that question looking back at Jory in surprise from the question.
“I think so, but like haven’t had a mage pop up in generations. At least that I know of.” He slowly looked to his own hands, but then wouldn’t he be able to do more things? He… he wanted to read about Reavers now, he shoved the thought aside as they continued their walk, Alistair pointing out when they were coming up on Dark Spawn and Ulrich using his own abilities to see if there were any more roguish folk trying to sneak up on them.
Eventually they reached their destination, walking through the broken arches Ulrich looked to the chest and motioned to it before looking to Alistair with a look like; ‘I told you’ he didn’t say it, but he thought it really loudly hoping that Alistair could read his mind. “They could still be in there.” Ulrich felt his eye twitch but turned and headed over to the chest, kneeling next to it while looking through the rubble.
“It’s not here—”
“Well, well, what have we here?” He turned his head to look at where the voice came from, he stared at the woman with awe as she walked so elegantly down the ramp that was still standing. As corny as it sounded with the light behind her she looked like some sort of angel, she walked with an air around her that felt confident and told Ulrich she was to be respected and feared. He could feel a fluttering in his stomach that made his mouth feel dry as she stared at him with those beautiful piercing yellow eyes. His heart hammered in his chest in a mix of excitement and nerves.
He didn’t get nervous often but right now his hands were just about shaking and felt so sweaty he wanted to wipe them on his shirt, but that seemed impolite somehow.
“Are you a Vulture, I wonder?” He found himself compelled to step forwards, drawn to her with a mesmerizing pull only to be stopped by Alistair who put a hand on his shoulder. He didn’t even look at the man just made a disapproving noise in the back of his throat. “A Scavenger poking amidst a corpse whose bones were long since cleaned?” He watched as she stepped on to even ground. And even in that she still felt like she stood above the rest of them, like it was her rightful place. “Or an intruder, come into these darkspawn-filled wilds of mine in search of easy prey?” She came to a stop and crossed her arms over her chest while looking them all over. “What say you, hmm? Scavenger or Intruder?”
“I’m sorry—” He blurted it out before he realized he had said it.
“What are you doing here?” Alistair asked her in an accusatory tone that made her laugh. It was something Ulrich found himself wanting to do, he thought it was pretty, her smile was pretty. Even if it did vaguely make him think of a wolf baring teeth as a warning. He loved it, the way her eyes sparked with the smile like the sun breaking through clouds. Dangerous and happy, and he desired to be the cause of such a beautiful thing. She dropped her hands to her sides while walking towards them again.
“I have watched your progress for some time now. ‘Where do they go?’ I wondered, ‘Why are they here?’ and now,” She walked passed them, and they moved out of her way and around her, no one engaging all just watching as she kept her back to them and stared out at the wilds. “you disturb ashes none have touched for so long. Why is that?” She finished the question while turning to face them.
“Don’t answer her.” Ulrich looked to Alistair as he began opening his mouth to do just that. He blinked a few times in confusion while staring at him. “She looks Chasind which means others are nearby.” Jory and Daveth got closer from the warning and Ulrich arched a brow about to question until he saw the woman move.
“You fear Barbarians will swoop down upon you?” Arms thrown in the air for a flair of dramatics that brought a smile upon his face. He really liked her.
“Yes, swooping is bad.” Alistair said in a very obviously annoyed tone of voice.
“She’s a witch of the wilds she is!” Daveth finally pitched in, paranoid and delusional. It was said in a way that Ulrich could literally feel his own feelings toward him drop into the negatives to join Jory. “She’ll turn us into toads she will!” He didn’t realize the Grey Wardens only hired paranoid fools.
“Witch of the Wilds?” He looked back to the dark-haired beauty before them, watching the amusement plant itself on her face with a lingering annoyance. Hands on her hips as she stared Daveth down with a look he swore should be able to kill. “Such idle fancies, those legends. Have you no minds of your own?” It felt challenging as she looked over to him, motioning at him so there was no mistaking her intent. “You there, handsome lad,” he could feel his face heating up with a blush from the compliment, “tell me your name and I shall tell you mine. Let us be civilized.”
“My name is Ulrich.” He stepped forwards ignoring Alistair trying to stop him, a charming smile was on his face as he held out a hand, tucking one leg over the other behind him as he gave a polite bow, a noble bow, full of respect and kindness. And he wished he was able to take her hand and place a kiss on the back of her knuckles. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Well that is a proper civil greeting.” She sounded amused, and pleased and Ulrich raised his head from his bow to look up at her with a smile. “Even here in the wilds.” He could see her step closer and he slowly raised up to watch her, not like how the others did. He wasn’t distrustful or anything like that, he just was genuinely intrigued by her. “You may call me Morrigan.” She informed.
“Morrigan, might we inquire about your assistance?” He asked and got a confused noise from Alistair. She hummed in thought while crossing her arms once more, a look in interest on her face as he motioned to the old broken chest. “We are with the Grey Wardens, we were asked to retrieve the treaties that were carelessly left here.” Trying to be diplomatic in this and try to appeal to her in hopes that she would be interested enough to help. “Might you know what happened to them?”
“She probably stole them.” He looked to Alistair with surprise, he was sure it showed on his face. He did nothing to hide it, it was a look of surprise mixed with offense that they would just jump to this type of conclusion with someone just because they were in the Wilds. It wasn’t right, it sounded down right insane to him. He really wasn’t understanding what any of their problems were with her, she hadn’t done anything to earn this distrust.
“She really hasn’t done anything to deserve this hostility.” He stated with a disappointed tone in his voice. Turning on them as he glared at Alistair who looked at him briefly before looking back to Morrigan, standing taller almost as if he meant to intimidate.
“Those documents are important, I demand you return them.” He found himself wanting to punch Alistair—
“I shall not for was not I who took them.” Morrigan stated so matter of fact Ulrich could see the shame and confusion on Alistair’s face.
“Do you know who took them?” Ulrich asked trying to salvage this hot mess his so-called companions were putting them in. Doing his best to remain polite as he turned to look back to Morrigan, hoping she understanding he was absolutely mortified of his party member’s behaviors.
“T’was my mother in fact.” She informed now seeming to be ignoring the rest of his party and focusing mainly on him which he didn’t mind one bit.
“Could you please take us to her? I promise we mean no harm we just wish to talk and possibly get those documents back.” Ulrich explained while moving closer to her, she smiled from his words.
“Now there is a sensible request, I like you.” The way she said that made his face feel even hotter. This was a type of praise and attention he never expected. This was someone who wasn’t being flirtatious because of what his bloodline would mean for them. She knew nothing about him, and he was beginning to enjoy that immensely. He wanted to speak with her, he wanted to spend time with her. He wanted to know her.
“I’d be careful.” Of course, Alistair had to ruin it. “First it’s ‘I like you’ and then it’s ‘zap’ frog time.” Ulrich moved a hand to rub his face in complete and utter exasperation.
“She’ll put us all in the pot she will!” Daveth pitched in and Ulrich felt like he was going to have an aneurism. “Just you watch.”
“You’re both idiots.” Ulrich said under his breath.
“If the pots warmer than this forest, it’d be a nice change.” He felt surprised from Jory, glancing back at him with an amused smile before he looked back towards Morrigan who sighed.
“Follow me then, if it pleases you.” Oh, it does. He thought to himself as he watched her turn to start walking. He didn’t even bother to wait for the others he just followed after her, enjoying not leading people for once. Being able to relax as he stayed close behind her while looking around.
“Your forest is beautiful, I’m sorry it’s being overrun with Darkspawn.” He stated while catching up to her, looking around and admiring the views.
“You should not apologize for things you are not responsible for.” The way she said that had a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. She didn’t seem too keen on engaging in any more conversations which had Ulrich looking back ahead as they walked, curious if she was leading them straight there or making it an odd way so they couldn’t return out of the blue.
“Mother, I bring before you four Grey Wardens—”
“I see them girl.” Morrigan’s mother wasn’t what he was expecting, she had very strong facial features. Even with the lines of age she had a beauty to her that was hard to ignore. He long white hair falling passed her mid back pulled back into a half pony tail. He looked from her towards Morgan and back again, he could see the resemblance between them from more than just the eyes. These were both very powerful women, Ulrich gave her the same bow he gave Morrigan. Continuing to spread his respect as he looked back to her.
“I’m Ulrich, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The woman laughed in surprise as she stepped forwards and looked him over. There was a way she was doing it that made him feel almost vulnerable as he stood up straight and didn’t step away from her gaze.
“Manners, always the last place you expect to look. Like stockings.” There was a way she spoke that had him give an amused smile, curious if she played batty old woman well from practice or if she was one.
“Morrigan tells us you have the Treaties from the old ruin, might we request their return.” She smiled while pulling rolled up documents from a belt she was wearing. Holding them out to him with a smile.
“I was expecting you.” He stared at the documents before looking back up to her with slight surprise, knowing there was no way that Morrigan could have warned her they were coming. She actually knew.
“You are Witches of the Wilds.” Daveth said, he glanced over his shoulder to look at Daveth when the man stepped back. She laughed from that, full of humor and entertainment. Not that he blamed her, it was fun to poke at people’s fears.
“Witch of the Wilds, Morrigan tell you that did she? Oh, how she dances under the moon light.” Ulrich found his eyes moving to Morrigan from the comment, face feeling hot again from mental image of her naked under the moonlight dancing happily and care free like legends of old. “I kept the treaties safe from scavengers.” Ulrich reached out and took them looking in her eyes, he could see a wisdom in them as he watched her. A look of knowing and understanding, a look that was beginning to rub him the wrong way. Like there was something else about him she knew that she wasn’t going to talk about.
“Thank you.” He wanted to know what she knew, but instead she turned to look to Morrigan. Leaving him wanting as she smiled to her daughter and motioned to them.
“Lead them out.” Morrigan didn’t look happy, sighing as she turned and lead them out where she had collected them from. Daveth and Alistair seeming even more nervous as Jory seemed unfazed, once they reached the tower Ulrich smiled over at Morrigan.
“Thank you, Morrigan. Will we see you again?” He asked sounding more hopeful than he intended. She looked at him with amusement before shrugging.
“Perhaps, perhaps not, who can say.” She already began walking away from them. “Farewell, Warden’s.” Ulrich watched her depart with longing in his eyes, even giving a soft sigh only for Alistair to nudge him.
“Hey, lover boy, you know she’s some barbaric apostate, right?” Ulrich shrugged while moving his hand to play with his necklace.
“You’re barbaric.” He said in an almost childish manner while motioning to where Morrigan had headed. “She’s beautiful, and funny, and did you see her smile? It’s such a pretty smile... I want to make her smile and hold her hand.” He even looked to his own sad about how lonely it was only for Alistair to grab him by the back of the shirt and drag him towards the gate back into Ostagar.
“You’re hopeless.”
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elfyourmother · 6 years
Of a surety, Gisele had shared the story of her life in Thedas with her friends and comrades among the Scions, and all knew the tale in broad strokes of how she became a Grey Warden and sacrificed herself to slay the Archdemon Urthemiel and end the Fifth Blight, only to be stolen away from fated oblivion by Hydaelyn’s divine intervention. She’d even told them of the lovers she left behind.
But not even Minfilia or Thancred, whom she held dearest among the Scions, knew of the things Gisele spoke that night to Haurchefant, before a dimming fire. She confessed of succumbing to the temptations of the Desire Demon within the Fade, who wore her beloved Duncan’s face. Tears welled in her eyes once more, as she told him of the desperate night of rawest passion she shared with Alistair in the wretched darkness of the Deep Roads, when she surrendered to ravishment in the face of fear and despair. And she spoke of the shame which filled her when she realized her feelings toward Loghain had irrevocably and inexplicably turned from direst hatred to fiercest love.
And Haurchefant listened intently, reaching over to slip his hand over hers, squeezing it tightly in reassurance as he heard her confessions.
“There is no shame in any of these things, my friend,” he said firmly. “To love in defiance of death—to cling to that which makes us frail and mortal in all its beauty and wonder, when facing such horrors...ah, Gisele, you move this son of Ishgard more than you might realize. My people have endured the horrors of war for generations, and I, too, believe it is love which permits us to endure—our bonds of companionship which shine as a light in such darkness, beckoning us onward, reminding us of why we persist beyond mere striving for survival.”
“Before I knew her as Hydaelyn, I believed that gentle presence a Spirit of Love come from the Fade, and I knew her before I knew my own name. Love is what guides me, always. Of a surety, it was love which brought me to this star. I could not bear to see any of them die in my place. I gave my life for them, and I would gladly do it again.”
Gisele blinked slowly, a tear caught upon her long lashes; her breath hitched slightly as Haurchefant lifted his thumb, to gently brush it away.
“Yours is a rare and gentle heart, Gisele. I pray your Prince Alistair held it well in his keeping. I do not envy that man his loss. Nor your other lovers,” Haurchefant said gravely.
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witchyangels · 7 years
Day Four: Exactly Like Your Mother’s Nose - Family
So I’m reeeeally excited for this one! This was originally started earlier this year, on my phone, in hopes of Father’s Day, for a little thing on the Caboodling with Alistair Facebook group. I neveeer got past the first 29 words, but I had an idea in my head for it, one that didn’t really leave me. When I saw the prompt for day 4 of Alistair week was Family, I already knew what I had to do. So off I wrote and I’m happy to say that I feel it came out better than I hoped! :D Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3 ^-^
A little boy with blonde hair ran through the field, laughing and shouting, as a mabari chased after him.
“Don't go too far, Duncan!” an elven woman called, looking heavy with child.
Arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind as a chuckle reached her ear. “Don't worry, love. Grunt will look after him,” Alistair said as he looked down at his wife with a grin.
Atrina scoffed lightly, but leaned into his embrace. “He could get hurt...”
Alistair rolled his eyes before he turned her in his arms. “Atrina, you have to let him live a little.”
She gave him a tired look. “He's only three!”
“And your son! He'll be fine, trust me,” he said with a grin. Placing a kiss on her forehead, he kissed down to her lips before kneeling down in front of her and kissing her belly. “If you stress about him, you'll make Rose upset.”
Atrina raised an eyebrow at him. “'Rose'?”
“Yes, 'Rose', what's wrong with that?” he asked, looking at her a little offended.
Atrina rolled her eyes. “What if I don't want a flower for a daughter? And how do you even know it'll be a girl?”
He grinned. “Saw it in a dream, actually.”
Atrina laughed a little. “A dream? I thought you didn't believe in visions?”
He scoffed as he placed his cheek to her belly. “Over the years I've learned to believe a lot of different things, my love... and I was right about Duncan being a boy,” he said, giving her a teasing grin.
Shaking her head, she ran her fingers through his hair. “And did this dream tell you that our daughter will be named Rose?”
He hummed a little. “No, I just like the name.” He left a peck on her stomach before standing up. “Do you have a better name in mind?”
Atrina looked away from him. “Well, no... but that's only because I'm horrible with names.”
“You've got that right,” he said before receiving an elbow to his stomach. “Ouch! Mercy, woman!” he said, causing her to laugh.
“Go check on your son!” she said, pushing him off.
“All right, all right,” he said as he moved away from her. “Will you be all right out here?”
Atrina gave him a look. “Of course I will be,” she said as she moved to sit down under the tree.
Alistair was at her side, helping her down. “Easy there...”
Atrina huffed and pouted slightly. “Why did I agree to get pregnant again?”
He knelt down next to her and kissed her cheek. “Because we both want a little girl.”
Her pout disappeared a little. “Well, let's pray you're right and this is a girl... I don't want to do this again,” she said as the pout returned in full force.
Alistair chuckled lightly. “Anything you wish, love.” He gave her a soft kiss on the lips before standing. “Now, after our adventurous son.” He gave her a wave as he set off across the field.
Alistair hummed lightly as he walked. He could see his son clearly as the boy played with the large mabari. A chuckle left him when Duncan grabbed a stick off the ground and pretended it was a sword.
“For the Grain Wargons!” Duncan cried before 'fighting' off the beast that Grunt was playing the role of.
Alistair almost doubled over in laughter. “It's Grey Wardens, son,” he said as he came up to watch.
Duncan huffed, reminding Alistair of the boy's mother. “That's what I said, daddy!”
“Of course, my mistake.” Alistair grinned as Duncan turned back to play fighting with Grunt.
The stick Duncan had chosen, however, was much too large for him. It kept getting stuck in the ground whenever the boy would charge. Alistair chuckled as it seemed like Duncan was trying to joust instead of fight with a sword. “Can I see your sword, Duncan?” he asked as his son huffed again in annoyance at not being able to fight properly.
Duncan dragged the stick over to Alistair and handed it to him. “Ruddy schord!”
Alistair chuckled as he looked over the stick. “Sword, Duncan,” he corrected lightly.
Duncan went behind him and climbed on his back. “Daddy, do you think there's a dragon in the trees?” His brown eyes were fixated on the forest that was beyond the field.
Alistair put down the stick, figuring his son had already moved on from playing with it. “Don't know, could be.”
Duncan bounced on his back, making Alistair grunt lightly. “Can we go see?”
Alistair chuckled as he pulled the child off his back. “Um, I don't think your mother would be too happy with that.”
“She can come too!”
Alistair shook his head as he smiled. “I don't think she'll like trekking in the woods right now,” he stated as he stood up, holding the boy in his arms. “Maybe after your sibling is born.”
Ducan started to climb up to his shoulder, making Alistair quickly grab him. He placed the boy on his shoulders and Duncan placed his hands over his father's eyes.
Alistair moved the small hands from his eyes, only for Duncan to grab his ears. “Hey, easy up there!” he said with a slight chuckle.
Duncan giggled as he placed his cheek on his father's head. “Oops!” He started playing with his hair.
“'Oops', he says...” Alistair said lightly, trying to ignore the slight pulling on his scalp. “Grunt, come on.”
Grunt came trotting up to them and remained at Alistair's side as they started heading back to where Atrina waited. Duncan giggled and waved at the dog. “Hi!”
Grunt barked back, wagging his short tail.
“Did you ever fight a dragon, daddy?” Duncan asked as he placed his small chin on his father's head.
Alistair winced as his child's chin would bounce up and hit him as he walked. “Don't put your chin there, Duncan,” he told him and felt relieved when Duncan raised his chin off his head. “And yes, I've fought a few-- I seem to remember telling you about them.”
“I want to hear again! You and Momma have the best stories!” Duncan grinned as he looked down at his father. “I want to meet a dragon one day! Can we get one?”
Alistair laughed. “You want one as a pet, do you?”
“Yeah!” Duncan started bouncing with excitement.
Alistair's grip tightened on his son's ankles. “They don't make very good pets-- what with setting things on fire and all.”
“B-but, we can train it! Like Grunt!”
“Grunt is a mabari,” he stated before remembering that Duncan wouldn't really understand. “Grunt is special, meaning not all animals will learn like he did.”
Grunt barked in agreement as he lifted his head high.
Alistair scoffed lightly. “Don't get too big of a head.”
Grunt huffed in response.
“When will the baby get here?” Duncan suddenly asked, changing the conversation around once more.
Alistair coughed nervously. “Uh, well, shouldn't be too much longer, maybe another month or two.”
“Will momma go back to normal after the baby gets here?” Duncan asked as he leaned over his father's head to look him in the eyes.
Alistair stopped walking. “Well, eventually,” he answered, though he didn't sound very sure.
Duncan tilted his head before sitting back on his father's shoulders. “What's it gonna be?”
Alistair relaxed a little as he started walking again. “We don't know yet, we won't know until it gets here.”
Duncan was quiet for a moment and Alistair thought the conversation was over. “...Will you love it more than me?”
Alistair paused completely as he felt shocked by the question. “Duncan,” he began as he pulled his son from his shoulders. Holding him in his arms he looked the small boy in the eye. “We'll always love you and we'll love your sibling just as much.”
Duncan had a small pout on his face as he reached up and traced his father's nose. “But I'll have to share you and momma...”
Alistair smiled softly as he kissed the small hand on his face. “Your mother and I have plenty of love to go around. Besides, your sibling will look up to you.”
Duncan made a sound that was a cross between a scoff and a snort. “Well, yeah, it'll be shorter than me.”
Alistair chuckled. “Yes, but that wasn't what I meant. I mean your brother or sister will be looking to you for guidance and protection.”
“You mean I can boss it around?”
“Well, no,” he said, earning a pout from the boy. “You'll be their protector and help them with things that you know the answers to.”
“Oh... do I get a schord?”
Alistair held back rolling his eyes. “No, not til you're older.”
“...So when I'm-- um...” Duncan looked down at his fingers, trying to figure out how many he needed. Holding up two on one hand and two on the other, he grinned. “This many?”
“Um, not quite, a little older... more like...” Alistair adjusted the number of fingers, having Duncan hold up ten fingers. “That many-- with your mother's permission, of course.” And it's made of wood...
Duncan looked at the fingers as he tried to figure how how many he was holding. “Oh... so when I'm your age?”
Alistair let out a bark of laughter. “You need more fingers than that, Duncan, to get my age!”
“What's this about ages?” Atrina called as they got closer.
Duncan waved both his hands at his mother. “Hi, Momma! Daddy says I can have a schord when I'm older!”
Atrina waved back before giving Alistair an amused look. “Oh, did he now?”
Alistair chuckled nervously as he set Duncan down. “Well, I said with your permission...”  
Duncan ran the rest of the way to his mother before colliding into her side. “Daddy says there's a dragon in the trees!” he said excitedly before putting his face to his mother's stomach. “Hurry up, baby! I want to see the dragon!”
Alistair ran his hand over his face as Atrina laughed. “That's not what I meant...”
“Has it been two months yet? It feels like it!” Duncan asked as he looked at his parents. “I want the baby here now!”
Alistair sat down next to Atrina with a small groan. “Duncan, it hasn't even been two minutes yet...”
Duncan blinked. “Isn't that what I said?”
“He gets this from you, you know,” Alistair said as he looked over at Atrina.
She glared at him before nudging him with her shoulder. “Oh please.”
“Momma, why don't I have ears like yours?”
Alistair and Atrina looked at Duncan in surprise. They watched as he tugged on his own ears, as if trying to make them pointy. He stopped when it started to hurt.
Atrina smiled softly. “That's because I'm different than your father.”
Duncan blinked and tilted his head. “So... only girls have pointy ears?”
Alistair snorted in laughter, only to shut up when Atrina elbowed him. “Um, no, son,” he began after clearing his throat. “Your mother's an elf.”
“...But grandma Fi has pointy ears...”
Alistair and Atrina shared a look. “Well... that's because she's an elf too.”
“Did you forget that grandpa Cyrion has pointy ears like me?”
Duncan made a face as he thought back. “Oh yeeeah... I forget,” he said with a shrug. “But why don't I have them? Or daddy? Grandma Fi is your momma, right?”
Alistair chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. “Um, yes... yes she is...” Even after three years it still felt strange to know that the once Grey Warden, turned Grand Enchanter of Orlais, was his actual birth mother. “My father was human, though, and, um...”
Atrina smiled. “Your daddy just has stronger genes.”
Duncan tilted his head once more. “Genes?”
Alistair placed his hand on Duncan's head. “You'll understand more when you're older.”
Duncan pouted before Grunt came up next to him and licked his cheek. “Ack! Grunt!” He giggled as Grunt nuzzled his snout against him.
“Saved by the dog,” Alistair whispered in Atrina's ear, causing her to giggle lightly.
“He's very sharp, like his father.”
Alistair scoffed as he wrapped an arm around her. “I think you're confused, love.” He kissed her cheek as he rested a hand on her stomach. “You're the sharp one out of the two of us.”
She gave him a look. “You always give yourself so little credit.”
Alistair shrugged. “Keeps me from getting a big head.”
Before Atrina could reply Duncan climbed into Alistair's lap and put his ear to his mother's stomach. “Shh, baby's talking...”
The couple shared an amused look as Duncan listened intensely. He jumped back when the baby kicked. “Hey! That's not nice,” he said with a pout.
“I guess it didn't like you listening in?” Alistair said as he pulled his son further into his lap.
Duncan crossed his arms as he pouted. “I just wanted to know how she was doing.”
“Oh, so you both think it'll be a girl?” Atrina asked as she rubbed her stomach.
Duncan nodded enthusiastically. “Uh-huh! And I'mma keep her safe from the barkspawn and the dragons!”
“Darkspawn, dear,” Atrina corrected lightly.
“That's what I said.”
“Of course, son.” Alistair kissed the top of his head as Duncan beamed brightly at them.
“What's her name gonna be?” Duncan asked as he gripped a fist full of grass and pulled it up.
“Well, we haven't figured that out yet,” Atrina answered before Alistair could voice his opinion. She pointedly ignored his pout.
“Will she tell you when she gets here?” Duncan asked as he looked up at her with his large brown eyes.
Alistair smiled softly as Atrina rested her head on his shoulder. “Maybe...” she answered as he kissed the top of her head.
Duncan stood up in Alistair's lap and gave Atrina a kiss on her nose. “I get to kiss you too!”
Atrina giggled softly. “Aww, I love both of your kisses.”
“Yes, but you love mine more,” Alistair whispered in her ear, earning an elbow to the rib. “You're so cruel.”
Atrina didn't pay him a look as Duncan kissed her stomach. He sat back in his father's lap as he looked up at them. “Do you think she felt that?”
“I'm sure she did,” Atrina said before motioning him to stand up. She kissed his cheek just as Alistair kissed his other one.
Duncan giggled. “Daddy! Your whiskers tickle!”
Alistair pouted. “Meow?” he said, earning a series of giggles from both his wife and son. He grinned before grabbing Duncan and rubbing his face against his cheek.
The boy squealed in laughter and kicked his legs. “No-oo! Dadd-yy!”
“Aww, I just want to love you!” Alistair teased as he moved the boy away from Atrina to avoid her getting kicked.
Atrina laughed. “Alistair! Let him go!” she said as she tugged on his arm.
Alistair turned to her before setting down Duncan. “All right...” he said with a mischievous look in his eye.
Atrina's eyes widened. “Uh-oh,” she mumbled as she realized too late that she was now a target.
Alistair grinned as he grabbed her and rubbed his face against her neck. She shrieked at the contact. “Ali-stair!”
He held her close to him as he started kissing her neck. She struggled lightly against him, but not enough to tell him that she actually wanted to be let go of. Giggles left her as he kissed all the way up to her ear.
“Raawr!” Duncan let out as he jumped onto Alistair's back.
Alistair pulled back from Atrina in surprise as Duncan climbed up him. “Ah-- hey!”
“Unhand her, darkspane!” Duncan shouted as Atrina laughed.
Alistair almost corrected him, but was distracted by the fact that Duncan was now hanging from his neck. “Never!” he shouted back as he put himself between his son and wife. “She is mine, Grey Warden!”
“Help me, Grey Warden!” Atrina said while laughing.
Duncan climbed further onto Alistair, making him lean forward in case the boy fell. “I'll beat you with my trusty dog!”
Grunt barked in excitement as he jumped around them. When Duncan yelled for him to attack, Grunt jumped on Alistair from the side, avoiding Atrina getting hurt.
“Ack!” Alistair coughed as he landed on the ground. “Hey! No using the dog!” he exclaimed as he struggled with Grunt trying to lick him.
Atrina laughed before calling Grunt off of Alistair. The mabari listened to his mistress and trotted back over to her. Duncan quickly pounced on his father before he could get up.
“Oof! Careful!” he said before grabbing his son and tickling him.
Duncan giggled and squirmed in his arms.
“Quick, Grey Warden!” Atrina said, catching Alistair's attention. “Use his weakness! His nose!”
Alistair scoffed before Duncan grabbed his nose and squeezed. “Nuu, nut the nose!” he cried out before dying over-dramatically. His tongue stuck out of his mouth.
Duncan stood in triumph on his father's chest. “The Bwright is over! Grey Wargens win again!”
Atrina clapped happily. “Bravo! And this one was much shorter than the last one too!”
Duncan jumped off his father, earning an “oof” from the older man, and ran to his mother. Atrina hugged him tightly and kissed his head.
Alistair sat up and looked at his, still growing, family. Atrina smiled at him as Duncan spoke to her stomach of the game they had just played.
Alistair returned the smile. He finally had everything he wanted...
A family and a home.
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grandenchanterfiona · 7 years
How would the events of Origin change in Ascension canon? I haven't read the comics so I don't know what exactly happened to Maric, but would he still be alive/around at the beginning of the Blight? If so, Loghain wouldn't betray him, right? What about Alistair, would he have been corrupted by snooping around in a forest, like the warden in the dalish elf origin, cause otherwise I can't think of a reason why he would join the wardens so young and I cant see Fiona or Maric allowing him to do so.
Under a cut because spoilers:
In TST, Maric made a promise to Flemeth that he’d do something for her. We don’t, in the books, find out what that is, but in the comics it’s revealed to be like, awakening dragons or some shit with his magic blood.
Flemeth, sometime around like, two years before the fifth blight, is going to show up at the palace, remind Maric of his promise, because he was supposed to go do the thing a few years before, like he did in canon, but he didn’t want to cuz he didn’t want to leave his sons and his wife. 
Fiona begs him to stay, because, since she still gets Warden nightmares, she’s sure the blight is going to come soon, and doesn’t want Cailan or Ali to have to be the ones to make decisions about it, and she knows Flemeth foretold that Maric would die before the blight. 
Maric goes anyway and keeps his promise. Everything goes pretty much fine, except he has to stop in Kirkwall to resupply and ends up staying in the home of a Fereldan family in Kirkwall’s Hightown. We found out from DA2 that at least some of the houses in Hightown get their water from sources contaminated by wastewater, as Gamlen says his parents twice had cholera. 
Someone on Maric’s ship’s crew will get sick with cholera in Kirkwall, and slowly everyone will get sick, including, eventually, right before the ship reaches shore, Maric. He’s strong enough to survive it for a few days, especially with Fiona’s healing once he reaches Denerim, but he, eventually dies. 
The Grand Cleric of Ferelden will annul Fiona and Maric’s marriage before Maric’s body is even cold, and force her back in the circle, but this time, one in Orlais. There’s going to be a bunch of powerful stuff here, but like, this is the bare bones of what you need to know.
Basically everyone and their mom in Thedas, even those who don’t like Fiona, are going to fight to get Fiona returned to Cailan and Ali because Celene is doing it because Briala pushed Celene to.write to the Divine asking to free Fiona.
Shortly after Fiona returns, Cailan is going to express fears to her about being King. He’s going to point out to her that one of his mother’s cousins died seemingly of the same disease as his mother, and that he could easily also have it, {though he doesn’t and knows he probably doesn’t as he’s the same age she was when she started showing symptoms and has shown none}. He also tells her he’s gay and that he and Anora agreed that they wouldn’t sleep together and points out it’d probably be better for him to abdicate and join the Wardens, and Ali to marry Anora, if Anora wants to marry him, and become King. 
Fiona points out that if that happens everyone will assume she used her magic to make Cailan abdicate and put Alistair, her biological son, on the throne, and that they’d likely kill her. Cailan, out of love for her, stays king. 
The fifth blight comes. Cailan and Loghain ride for Ostagar. Anora, Alistair, and Fiona stay put. 
The Couslands offer Howe and his men a home for the night, and like in canon, all but Fergus, who already left for Ostagar, and the Cousland’s second child, River Dane, are killed. River rides with Duncan to Ostagar to join the Wardens. 
Howe rides to Denerim. No one from Highever has yet told Fiona or Ali or Anora about the attack on the Couslands. They too, offer him and his men safeharbor on their way to Ostagar. In the night, they too are attacked. Fiona, Alistair, Anora, and as many servants as Fiona can help, escape the castle through the secret exit by the Royal bedrooms. Anora, at Fiona’s advice, races to the home of Alfstanna Eremon. Fiona and Alistair race to the alienage.
They reach Adaia’s house. Adaia calls for Slim Couldry. She takes Fiona’s cloak and dress, and Fiona takes her’s. The same for Slim and Ali. She tells Da’assan to help Fiona and Alistair escape the city and reach Ostagar. Before she leaves, her and Fiona kiss, and tell each other to be safe, and that they’ll see each other again.
At Ostagar, the smallness of the Wardens’ numbers becomes obvious, and, without telling Loghain, Cailan undergoes the Joining, figuring that, with Fiona in Denerim, she cannot be blamed, and that his country needs him.
River is sent to light the signal fire by Duncan. Cailan is sent with her. 
Duncan survives the battle and retreats when Loghain does. None of his men make it, except Cailan and River, who escape the tower, saved by Flemeth as Ali and the Warden are. The three, plus Morrigan, sent by Flemeth with Cailan and River, meet up in Lothering. The news of the attack on the palace has not yet reached this far south.
Howe and Eamon’s son Thomas meet in Redcliffe Thomas tells Eamon of his father’s plan, and how he’s working with Gaspard. How Gaspard wants Ferelden, and will let Howe rule it as the king, if it claims to be part of Orlais. Eamon pretends to be overjoyed by this news, and seems to embrace Howe as king. He, in fact, hugs Thomas at this news. While they hug, he reaches for the knife at his belt, and stabs the boy hard in the spine, then, lowering him onto the floor, cuts his throat, and rides to Denerim to warn them of attack. Somewhere along the way, some of Howe’s men end up in the same tavern as him and poison him, though do not kill him. 
Cailan, River, Dog, Duncan, Morrigan, Sten, and Leliana, head for the Circle. There, they finally meet up with Fiona, Daya, and Alistair. Ali and Cailan are overjoyed to see each other, as are River and Daya who had multiple /things/ with each other over the years. Fiona is also overjoyed to see Cailan and Duncan, until she finds out Duncan made Cailan a Warden, and storms off angrily from the camp for the night. 
Things go basically the same as in game for Cailan and Ali’s crew in terms of what they’re doing, but they’re severely worse for Loghain, who thinks the entire royal family, including his daughter, is dead. 
Howe convinces Loghain that one, the Couslands and Eamon were part of the plot to kill everyone, and two, he killed them in revenge. He puppets Loghain into moving troops places that make them vulnerable to attack by Gaspard’s troops, and everything is just Terrible. 
There’s no selling elves into slavery though, as Adaia is still alive and also the elves are now allowed to be armed? That was part of Maric and Fiona’s ketubah?
Eventually Loghain finds out the truth and kills Howe. A landsmeet is held, with some people backing Cailan still being King despite him being a Warden, some people backing Anora as Queen, because she was married to him and isn’t a Warden, and Fiona, Ali, Cailan, Anora, and Loghain backing Ali. Fiona offers to let Anora divorce Cailan and marry Ali, but Anora’s like ‘no, I’ve had enough of being in a loveless marriage with a Theirin man, thanks, I’d rather like, be Dowager queen and marry Nathaniel Howe, since he never sided with his dad and we kinda had a thing’.
Ali is eventually named King, with the chantry requiring Fiona, who they consider to have been an apostate the moment Cailan joined the Wardens, to return to Orlais and be imprisoned for the rest of her life, never speaking to him again.
Fiona agrees, and says she’ll turn herself in after the blight is over.
They fight the Archdemon. Fiona offers to strike the killing blow to keep from having to be imprisoned for the rest of her life. Duncan almost agrees, but they both worry that, since she’s partly cured, it won’t work. He ends up doing it instead.
After his funeral, Fiona keeps her word and returns to the Chantry to turn herself in. This is where the second book ends. There’s a third one that takes place roughly from the time of DA2′s second act, to DAI. 
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witchyangels · 7 years
Day One: Where We Stand Vigilant
Alistair Appreciation week is upon us!! Aaahhh!!!!  Here’s day one! I had a lot of fun writing Alistair’s interactions with a couple of wardens that never see the light of day. They even get mentioned in my main fanfic (found here if you want to look, also stars my Tabris character that is mentioned in this little ficlet (is that what it’s called? I have no idea))
SFW, mentions character deaths. Be prepared for Alistair tears :’(  Note: Tiberius and Bastian are my own creations <3 
Enjoy! :D 
Alistair looked up at the ruins around him in slight awe. So this was Ostagar? He could feel the darkspawn in the corner of his mind and he wondered once more if he would ever get used to the feeling.
Duncan wasn't due back from retrieving the newest recruit until at least two more weeks. He had heard that the person Duncan was hoping to recruit was an elf from the Alienage in Denerim. Some of the other wardens had started a bet on what the new recruit would be.
A warrior? A rogue? Definitely not a mage, not one outside of the circle.
Jokes had been made that the recruit would be a woman, to finally add some 'femininity' to the male only wardens. Alistair joked a long, saying 'if she's pretty then we'd have men lining up to join the  Wardens of Ferelden.'
A few scoffed, but the ones Alistair found himself closer to, started teasing him.
“Watch out, Alistair's going to make the poor thing swoon so hard that he'll have to carry her to battle!” Bastian stated, making Alistair shake his head.
Tiberius let out a laugh. “Oh no, this woman will be making Alistair be the one to swoon! Bet she'll finally make him a man,” he said as he smirked into his goblet.
Alistair felt himself heat up to the tip of his ears. “I- I--”
The older man slapped his back, making Alistair wince slightly. “If I had known you were into elves I would have taken you to The Pearl in Denerim when we were there last!”
Alistair hastily drank from his own cup. Me and my big mouth... he thought as he tried to calm down and come up with a comeback. “...Could you even afford those women, Tiberius? The way you gamble, you never have even a copper to your name.”
“Oh-hoho! Junior's got you there, Tib,” Bastian said with a laugh.
Tiberius lifted his nose in mock offense. “I won back my money with my last hand--”
“Yeah, only because you cheated that time.”
Tiberius winced. “Keep it down, will ya?”
Alistair let out his own laugh. “What? Afraid Caius will overhear?” he teased as he felt relieved that the attention was no longer on him.
A raven arrived a few days later with a letter from Duncan. When the word spread that the elf recruit was a woman, money exchanged hands.
“Looks like you got your wish, Junior,” Bastian said to Alistair.
“I- I didn't--”
“Just don't get too close to her in the beginning, all right?” Tiberius said, turning serious. “We don't know how she will take to the Joining...”
“I...” Alistair let out a sigh before nodding. “Right, got it... did the letter say her name?”
“At-rena Tabree, or something,” Tiberius said as he tried to recall. “It's an elven name, and I always say those wrong.”
Alistair frowned a little as he thought about it. “...I'll just ask her when I meet her, I suppose.”
“Right, you don't want to get it wrong, elves take great offense to that,” Bastian added.
“When have you been around an elf that wasn't a servant?”
Bastian placed his hand on the taller man's shoulder. “There are still things about my life before the Wardens that even you don't know about, Tib.”
Alistair stepped out of the tent, his face still red from the brief moment he had with Atrina. Maker, if we had just moved an inch closer... Quickly he shook his head, trying to drive the thoughts back. She's just really pretty and amazing in battle... that's no reason to be thinking of kissing her all of a sudden.
He didn't linger in front of the tent and headed straight for the soldiers' camp, eager to tell his comrades that the newest recruit survived the Joining. A chuckle left him as he thought about how many of the men would be excited that Atrina made it.
Though, a few of them might get a little too excited. Bastian would flirt the first chance he got and Tiberius would be trying to get her into playing Wicked Grace with him... After the battle I'll warn her about them.
“Yo, Junior, welcome back,” Bastian greeted as he slung an arm over Alistair's shoulder. “Any news? Duncan hasn't sent word.”
Alistair winced slightly at the added weigh. “Well... one survived.”
Bastian's face fell a little. “Maker, watch over their souls...”
Alistair nodded in agreement. “Yes... though, only reason one of them died was because he was refusing to even take the Joining...” His expression turned hard when he thought of Ser Jory. Atrina had been right, he only wanted glory after all... He liked to think he sort of understood the fear of not seeing a wife or child again, but from what he heard, the man had practically begged to join the Wardens.
A scoff left Bastian. “Of all the... Which one? Was it the pickpocket?”
Alistair shook his head. “No, the knight.”
“Shit... should've known...”
Tiberius soon joined them. “So the pickpocket lived then?”
“Actually, he willingly took the Joining, but died quickly.”
Tiberius looked surprised. “Wait... you mean elf girl?”
“Atrina lives, yes,” Alistair answered quickly to say her name.
Bastian's face broke into a grin. “Well then... looks like we have a new sister in the fold. Where is she?” he asked as he looked around while finally taking his arm off of Alistair.
“Duncan called her to a meeting with the king and the teryn, I have no idea why though,” he replied. “But, Maker, you should have seen her out there,” he said, thinking back to when they had been in the Wilds. “She took charge like you wouldn't believe. Put those sods in their place when they gave her issues.”
Tiberius and Bastian exchanged looks before both giving knowing smirks. “Oh really?” Bastian asked. “You sound real impressed with her.”
“Well, yes, I-- why are you looking at me like that?”
Tiberius clapped his hand hard against the younger warden's back. “Seems Junior is smitten!”
Alistair looked dumbstruck. “What? Nono-noo! She's just-- I mean, s-she's going to be a great addition to the Wardens, is all I'm saying!” he said with an uneasy chuckle in his voice.
They didn't look convinced. “At least tell us she's pretty,” Bastian persisted.
Alistair blushed and averted his eyes from them. “Um, well...”
Tiberius let out a laugh. “You really are into elven women!”
Bastian rubbed his chin. “I am more curious to meet her...”
“Oh, no, Bastian, she's Alistair's--”
“She doesn't belong to anyone,” Alistair stated loudly, causing the teasing talks to stop. “Atrina deserves respect, not to be talked about as--”
“Whoa, whoa, take it easy, Junior,” Bastian said, holding his hands up in surrender. “We respect her, she's our sister in arms. Surviving the Joining automatically grants her our respect.”
“Then stop talking about her as if she's some... some thing at the market.”
Tiberius looked at him curiously before smiling. “I look forward to meeting her after the battle then,” he said as he clapped his hand down on Alistair's shoulder. “Tell us more about her.”
“Yes, but more of her skills and personality.” Bastian grinned. “Is she a warrior or a rogue?”
Alistair relaxed before he started to talk about Atrina more. Explained how she fought, how she put Jory in his place when he talked ill of having to fight darkspawn. He even told them about how she went out of her way to make sure the man locked up had gotten a last meal.
“Hmm.. compassionate and strong willed,” Bastian rubbed his chin in thought. “It's almost surprising to hear of such a woman having to join the Wardens.”
“She executed the Arl of Denerim's son... that might bring trouble when we get back to Denerim, however.”
“It was either that or abandon the women...” Alistair reminded.
Tiberius nodded. “A lot of us have done worse for less...” he mumbled before looking back at Alistair. “Do you think she'd be up for a round of Wicked Grace?” he asked with a grin.
“Oh, I'm sure she will be-- and she will steal every copper from you,” he said with a laugh.
“At least I won't fall for her fluttering lashes like I'm sure you will, Bastian” he said bitterly as Bastian laughed.
“'Tis true! I have a weakness for beautiful women, after all.”
“Um, pardon me, sers.” The three turned to see an elf messenger standing before them. “Are any of you the Grey Warden, Alistair?”
Alistair blinked. “Um, yes, that would be me.”
The elf bowed. “Warden-Commander Duncan asked to see you back at the Grey Warden tent in the  royal encampment.”
The three wardens looked at one another before Bastian held his hand out to Alistair. “We'll see you on the battlefield, Junior.”
Alistair smiled before grasping the older man's arm. “Count on it.”
“May the Maker watch over us all tonight,” Tiberius said as he and Alistair grasped arms next.
Alistair left the encampment with the thought he would be rejoining them for the battle.
Alistair stared up at the ceiling of the hut. In his mind he kept playing the events of Ostagar over and over again. Of Morrigan and her mother explaining what happened at Ostagar, and how it all went south. Of how Loghain retreated after the beacon had been lit, leaving Cailan, Duncan, and the rest of the soldiers and Grey Wardens at the mercy of the darkspawn.
Sitting up, he felt his blood boil, before he winced slightly from his fast movements. Morrigan's mother had healed most of his wounds, but she had informed him that the rest needed to heal naturally. It would only take a day or two, she said.
It had just been merely a day but, to Alistair, it felt like he had been sitting in that hut for months. Looking to the bed, he stood from his pallet on the floor next to the frame. He had been the one with the least amount of injuries and, the moment he saw that Atrina was there, he settled himself on the floor next to the bed where she slept.
Even though he had been reassured that she would awaken, Alistair felt petrified by the thought of her never opening her eyes again. Other than himself she was the only warden that survived the attack. If she died, then...
He shook the thoughts from his mind before looking down at Atrina. The blanket was tucked up to her chin, keeping her warm.
He knew what laid under the blanket though. Bandages covered a good portion of her torso from where the darkspawn arrows had hit her. The images of seeing her fall when the darkspawn ambushed them in the tower rushed to the forefront of his mind.
Alistair fought off all that tried to touch her, earning a few wounds himself. The soldier and the Circle mage that had been with them were killed off quickly. Once the darkspawn in the top of the tower had been dealt with, Alistair had collapsed beside Atrina...
Her face being the last he had seen before he let the darkness take him.
A small whimper suddenly reached his ears, bringing him out of his thoughts. Looking down, he saw Atrina's face twist in up in fear as she slept. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Alistair smoothed out her hair, unsure of what else to do. He never comforted anyone while they had a bad dream. He could only remember the advice that Duncan, Tiberius, and Bastian had given him after he had his first nightmares.
Alistair closed his eyes as his face twisted at the pain that racked through his heart when he thought of his comrades, his friends...
The only ones who ever looked at him as an equal and not the bastard son of a king.
Now, they were dead...
He wanted to cry, he wanted to grab his sword and slash through Loghain Mac Tir with all he had...
But most of all, he wanted Atrina to live.
The Blight was still happening, he had to remember that, but he couldn't do it alone.
“Please...” he whispered as he looked down at Atrina, to see her looking peaceful once more. “Don't leave me...” He leaned forward and placed his forehead next to the pillow where she rested. Tears stung his eyes as he prayed to the Andraste, to the Maker... to whomever would listen.
Don't let her die... please...
Alistair turned his eyes to Atrina before feeling exhaustion hit once more.
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