#once again preaching jy with a very healthy layer of fat that hides his muscles when he doesnt flex
thinks about Jing Yuan's body being a reflection of the health of the Luofu. thinks of how tumultuous times and unrest for the Luofu usually mean war, and the burden of the lives on his shoulders is all the more heavy. thinks of how easily he sheds fat in these moments, especially if injured, and while to most people a leaner general with more visible muscles is perhaps, superficially, seen as a fitter general, the truth is that a Jing Yuan who has lost his bulk is a very stressed, worried Jing Yuan.
but who would care to know the difference? who would see the white lion of the Luofu, famously large, lazy, and apparently soft around the edges, become the stereotypical image of strength and fitness in times of war and think anything else but that this is the hero of the Luofu, this is the real Jing Yuan, just like in the stories.
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