#once again my touchpad is sooooo bad
chronicowboy · 1 year
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if blorbo doesn't look like this i don't want him (feat. the wonderful descriptions of @danielsousa <3)
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dramallamadingdang · 8 years
‘Tis reply time!
For @criquette-was-here, @alexbgd, @scibirg, @simsllama, @didilysims, @emeraldfalconsims, @getmygameon, @holleyberry, @raindropdrinkwater, and @ilikefishfood...
Hilarious! Wandering through original game resources is always a great fun ��
This was actually the first time I’ve seen something like that. Maybe I need to pay closer attention...
alexbgd replied to your post “*plays Castaway Stories* WHY DOES THE TAB KEY NOT WORK??! Oh, right,...”
I also wish they have button for hunger, bathroom etc in sims 2 like in castaway..
scibirg replied to your post “*plays Castaway Stories* WHY DOES THE TAB KEY NOT WORK??! Oh, right,...”
what i like the most in castaway are the keys you can press to get sims to fill their motives, like H for Hunger. i always try to press h when i get back to ts2.
Yeah, those buttons ARE really nice! It’d be nice to have them for TS2. They really reduce the mouse clicks, if you use them. Which I guess was kinda the point since the Stories games were designed with laptops in mind. Not everyone has a mouse for their laptop and, at the time the games were made, not all laptops had nice touchpads but rather those stupid little pain-in-the-butt mouse buttons. :P My only problem with those keys is that I tend to hit “Y” for hygiene when what I really want is “U” for cameraman mode. But that’s more because I’m a sloppy typist.
simsllama replied to your post “*plays Castaway Stories* WHY DOES THE TAB KEY NOT WORK??! Oh, right,...”
I never knew that you can do it with the key 'U'! ��
Yup! That’s how you get into cameraman mode in the game. I assume it’s that way in all the Stories games. Otherwise, it’s hard to take nice pics. :)
didilysims replied to your photo “So what do you do when you have way too many babies on a lot and not...”
Ha ha, you are so lucky the social worker wasn't stranded here too. :P
Inorite?! Then again, even if she was, it’s not like there’s anywhere she could take away the kids to. :) Unless she wanted to raise the little hellions herself or something.
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “Preggo Komei!”
Your Goopy reminds me of a cross between Glen Quagmire and Gaius Baltar.
I confess that I had to look up both. :) I’ve never watched Family Guy and only watched the new Battlestar Galactica once, years ago. (Now, if it was the original Baltar? Totally clear memory there. John Colicos was a scenery-chomping god. :) ) But now that I’ve done my looking-up...Yeah, I can see it. Especially if you add a bit of surfer-dude to the mix. :)
didilysims replied to your post “Sims ask: 7 8 17 :)”
I didn't know there WAS a great debate until I saw this meme floating around. Thanks for educating me. ;)
Well, it was a great debate a while back. As I recall, there was some sort of livestream or something prior to TS4′s release where the devs were playing a bit to show off the game, and one of them said “Live Mode” with “live” pronounced with a short “i.” Then there was The Debate. (That short-i dev was completely delusional. Obviously. :) )
didilysims replied to your photo “Brandi LeTourneau. Or, as I call her, “Big Hair” LeTourneau. ...”
Does the game keep track of fish caught/fruit eaten/etc. for you or are you manually doing that?
Manually, unfortunately. I wish there was some sort of modded object, like that painting someone made that counts dream dates and whatnot, but...alas. Then again, I think that painting works by looking at memories, and since the things I’ve targeted don’t generate memories, I’m screwed, anyway. :) Thankfully, no one’s been doing much of anything other than toddler-wrangling lately, sooooo... :)
didilysims replied to your post “So you’re stranded with seven other complete strangers on what may or...”
Those sleeping positions are...different.
They kind of sprawl, yes. The animations are funny, too. To get into the bed, they stand with their back to it and flop backwards. The sprawl they land in is how they sleep. I’m guessing those animations is why the leaf beds weren’t converted to TS2. Which is a shame.
getmygameon replied to your post “Preggo Komei!”
Well that's the door to the 7th hell blown wide open right there...
It’s the door of all the hells blown open, yes... Well, actually, no, it’s really not all that bad. Two of the toddlers are children now, and children pretty much totally free-will in this scenario, so I don’t have to do anything with them. Just watch them be kids, basically. Five of the remaining toddlers are about to age to child as I type, so I’ll just be left with two toddlers -- Who will age the next day -- and two babies. And no one’s currently pregnant, either. Easy-peasy. :)
holleyberry replied to your photo “Say whatever you want about Sandy Bruty. I think she’s very pretty....”
As you know, I am a BIG Sandy Bruty fan. I think with the right hairstyle and make up she's a real beauty.
Even without hair/makeup, I just think her facial structure is striking. Maybe it’s because she has fairly large eyes, which I always find attractive. (Though not when they’re unrealistically-large, like in anime-style.) She has nice cheekbones, too. Yeah, her mouth/lips are a little extreme, but it’s easy to overlook that, IMO. Plus, she’s a Romance Sim, and I have a weakness for those. They’re just so fun because sex-postitivity is fun.
holleyberry replied to your post “Sim Parenting: A comparative study”
I've always said romance sim males make very good daddies.
They do, yes. Get them in a more committed relationship and their romance-y wants focus on their partner(s), mostly. Sure, there’s the occasional want to “cheat,” but my feeling when playing committed/married Romance Sims is that they’re more the open-relationship type, and I imagine that their partners, if they’re not Romance themselves, would lean more that way, too, that they’d kind of have to in order to make a decision to commit themselves to a Romance Sim, who they have to know is going to want to “cheat.” Right? I mean, they’d know that. Unless they’re really stupid. :) 
But that’s why I think you get Goopy/Sandy right in your story. They love each other, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not interested in other people, too. And you know what? There’s nothing wrong with that.  But I’ll stop before I get on a soapbox. :) 
And yeah, Romance Sims do tend to be kid-interactive, too. I think it’s because most of the pre-made Romance Sims, playable or otherwise, were given more playful personalities. That seems to be the key to good, attentive parenting in the game. It’s probably why Ben Long is a good dad, too; although he’s Knowledge, he’s got 7 playful points. Sandy’s got 8 playful points, and she’s all over her alien twins in this scenario. Pre-made Family Sims tend to get the Cancer personality, which is middle-of-the-road boring...and fairly serious, too. Which is totally not conducive to kid interaction.
raindropdrinkwater replied to your post “Sim Parenting: A comparative study”
Yup. In my experience, family sims aren't even that good at taking care *of themselves*. Swoon over the romance sim? Check. Complain about not being pregnant often enough? Check. Feed oneself, or one's spawn? Hmpff. Who has time for that?
*nods* Very true. It always dismays me that, when people play “Orphanage” challenges, they tend to make the adults Family Sims. It makes me want to scream, “NOOOOOOOOOO!” They’re the absolute worst choice for that. Family Sims are breeders in the worst sense of the word. They’re all about having the kids, but not at all about actually taking care of them or loving on them. And they definitely don’t care about kids that aren’t their own. For that, you need playful Pleasure Sims. They’re the best kid-raisers ever. 
But since there’s no Pleasure aspiration in Castaway, the Romance Sims are stepping up to the plate. Goopy and Sandy are amazing in this scenario. :) Ben Long the Knowledge Sim is right there with them, too, and Andrea Hogan the Fortune Sim seems content to be the support system who’s always happy to empty the potty and change diapers when needed. :) And play with the kids, too, since she’s got 8 playful points. :) Whereas Orlando the Family Sim? Yeah, I’m contemplating nasty things for his future... ;)
ilikefishfood replied to your photoset “When you spend hours on stuff that’s purely, uselessly decorative....”
I do the saaaame thing! Lol! It's gorgeous, by the way!
I’m not alone! *tosses confetti* And thank you. :)
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