#once again i'll say this kind of post is so so harmless and okay but it always makes me think. who is this FOR
markodragic · 2 years
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This is so funny to me because my first thought was theyre collectively standing there watching. Iconic group of blokes who do fuck all compilation.
the men of the vdl gang while y/n is being mauled by a bear
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creativenicocorner · 8 months
The Runaway's Gamble! (pomodori . .?)
Thank you so much for the ask @niemalsetwas ♡
Okay! So The Runaway's Gamble is a fic that is set post everything in Discworld, and centers around the concept of Young Sam feeling the need to runaway...he does this...in a not great way, right into on Moist von Lipwig's mail coach as he sets off to personally deliver an important letter to someone in the Sto Plains (take your bets now as to who the receiver might be hehe)
Since Moist is in his gray suit Young Sam doesn't recognize Moist as the Postmaster...meanwhile Moist is having a panic attack and is internally screaming cause "oh gods that's the commander of the watch's son!! I'm doomed!!"
To which Moist tries to subtly figure out why Young Sam has run away from home, and tries to just as subtly convince him to Not Do That.
Angua ends up joining them, as she was sent to track down Young Sam...and now Young Sam has two known runaways trying to subtly convince him to Not Be A Runaway and Go Home
Shenanigans ensue
The way the wip is going....it's probably going to be longer than three chapters lol Cause there's just so many delicious small nuances I'd love to explore
Especially, though not limited to: Moist and Angua friendship (I just think they'd have so much to talk about)
I don't entirely remember if I shared this on tumblr already... I'm pretty sure I shared it with Babblish at some point
ANYWHO a small rough snippet:
“I may have to update my message to her.” Angua shrugged. “So you’re just… going to continue tailing us until I convince the kid to return home?” “Obviously.” “Dressed like that?” Angua stared at him blankly.  “He’s a smart kid, and if he catches just a hair of you, everything can go kaput!” Angua volleyed with a smug smile, and pulled a little something from her back pocket. “Turn around.” Moist raised a brow, the sort of brow that suggested ‘you and I both know there’s a dirty joke in there somewhere’. “Just do it,” growled Angua. Moist raised his hands, and turned, wordlessly, eyebrow still arched. Once he realized what Angua was doing, he started whistling through her change process so not to hear any hairy details.  A snuffling huff caught Moist’s attention again. He turned.  It was Angua, with a bandana, a pretty one to be sure, a blue base color with cherry red and gold designs. But it didn’t change the fact that it was Angua, in wolf form, with a bandana. Moist clapped his hands together, and couldn’t hold the sarcasm back as he said, “inspired.”  Her upper muzzle curled. Angua swore she’d never mention this was Carrot’s idea. 
And then a newer one just a bit later, still rough. I'm trying to work on how to make the difference between them speaking Morkporkian and Überwaldian distinct beyond just saying 'they're speaking Überwaldian' unfortunately I'm not a linguist lol and am doing just that...for now, we'll see... perhaps I'll change the quotations to another kind perhaps to the guillemet («...») to indicate a language change hmm... ANYWAYS:
"I have insights I want to share with him too," whispered Angua, unprompted. She was speaking in Überwaldian once more, meaning she didn't want to be mistakenly overheard by the sleeping Young Sam. Moist looked up from the fire, and halted in his log poking. He spared a glance at Young Sam, to ensure he was still asleep before responding, likewise in Überwaldian, "I don't know how well the bandana trick can work in your human form. Your physique, if you don't mind me saying, isn't too forgettable." Angua sneered at him, a human faced equivalent of a warning growl. Moist raised his hands in airs of harmlessness, "I'm not saying anything that isn't known, Baroness." Angua rolled her eyes, and clicked her tongue. "You're right," she said, sneer turning into a smirk as her posture changed to a more confident position, "I do have an unforgettable body." Moist nodded his agreement in the airs of one concurring that 'yes the painting of Reclined Nude with Vase and Flowers is beautiful'. "So you see how it'd be difficult for you to talk to him like this, in uniform no less." "But not impossible," said Angua straightening. Moist sat up a bit more, attentive. The hairs on the back of his neck standing up a bit at the promise of Angua's mischievous tones. Moist could sniff mischief like a spider could sense the change of an air current over it's many little hairs. He leaned forward with a grin, mischief in persona. "Yeees?" It may have been the firelight, but for a moment Angua could have sworn his eyes glinted and shon. It was a little distracting. She shook her head, and powered on ahead, "Well, you're good at disguises..." "Yeees?" "Perhaps, uh...I could-" "Steal a set of clothes off a clothesline, and have your make up done in a certain way unrecognizable to yourself?" Moist said all in one breath. His grin grew toothier by the vowel. "Oh. Um, yes actually." "What are your thoughts on eyepatches?" "I'd probably hate it." "Excellent!"
As for imbottigliando pomodori (working title) that is a mp100 Reigen centric fic that came to me at the end of summer last year while helping my aunt harvest make and bottle tomatoes for tomato sauce.
The fic is one of many I enjoy exploring in which Reigen learns healthier ways to improve as a person instigated by himself. Cause I love it when Reigen decides to better himself, and doesn't want to get left behind while Serizawa and Mob and everyone else are doing their best to better theirselves.
In this fic Reigen deals with the after trauma of what happened at the end of the REIGEN spinoff manga...as I sort of love exploring the post REIGEN manga space and the lingering consequences Reigen had by not only accepting but fully Embracing Rusty-sama (even if it was briefly)
It's still a very vague vibe of an idea atm.
I'm playing with the idea that Reigen leaves Seasoning for a bit to join a group of enthusiastic gardeners to learn how to make their own tomato sauce...perhaps occasionally sending letters to Serizawa and Mob?
Currently the summary is: In which Reigen learns about matters of the heart, that self improvement does Not mean self isolation, and tomatoes. 
Again, right now it is just a vague jumble of vibes and feelings haha I don't think the rating will get higher than Teen and Up for this...
Thank you so much again for asking! ♡
Best wishes!
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malaierba · 1 year
I have SO MANY thoughts and notes about Choro and Kara's dynamic but I don't really have the material to do a proper post so I'll just highlight my favourite moments of the duo:
When they ended up as their mom's reserve kids (alongside Jyushimatsu (unrelated but I love the Reserve Trio mostly because imagining Choro survive it makes me feel alive)) and Karamatsu keeps failing at appealing to his mom's affection, Choro straight up tells him "If things go wrong I'll take care of you!"
Then speed forward to like three or four different instances over the three series where Choromatsu falls, and Karamatsu yells "are you okay Choromatsu!? I'll save you Choromatsu!!" but DOESN'T STOP RUNNING KFKDKJF
When the brothers are taking advantage of Karamatsu's inability to say no, who calls him out on it??? Choromatsu!!
On the same episode though Karamatsu once again left Choromatsu to fend for himself against his devil brothers 💀 he's such a coward lol
Episode 24, Karamatsu was setting the mood to celebrate Choro!! He even gave him a surprisingly thoughtful Nyaa-chan thingy! And something painful of course but that's his brand
(I think he'd give good gifts in general, if a bit over-the-top at times)
Then during the Valentine's day episode he gave Choro some choco, all while saying "I like you because you're so lame that I look cool besides you" JDDHFJ this man has got jokes yall
I don't remember much about the Omurice skit they do other than they were VIBING ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH and it was Glorious. I think all the time of Karamatsu calling Choromatsu out like "STOP PLAYING DUMB IM TALKING ABOUT PERVY STUFF AND YOU KNOW IT" and Choromatsu honest to god CLUTCHING HIS INVISIBLE PEARLS lmao
I personally call them the LaLaLand duo, because they both live in an alternate reality made up of alternative facts that support the belief that they're The Proper One/The Cool One, and if I'm honest it almost surprises me that Choro is probably beating Karamatsu on number of episodes solely focused on poking fun at this gap between the reality they try to manufacture vs. The Actual Reality (see: the self-awareness orb episode and the Choromatsu Museum episode).
But at the same time I kind of appreciate that both of them can take a look at their immediate surroundings and call out bs when they see it. PARTICULARLY when Osomatsu is at the heart of that bs. Peak eldest three moments are those where Osomatsu is talking out of his ass, and Karamatsu is making The Exceptical Face that he does only for him (yknow. like 😒 but more Done) while Choromatsu is seconds away from nagging him to filth.
I like to think that they just have an special bond, a sympathetic understanding born from having to see Osomatsu live his best effort-economizing life, where too often they've shared looks that eloquently says "u seeing this bs rn"
So I guess my perception of their relationship is that they're comfortable enough with each other to discuss more personal things, Choromatsu seems to look out for Karamatsu a bit more but on the other hand Kara seems to trust his competence with a degree of honesty (even if he finds it a bit geeky), they can absolutely vibe on the same wavelength, and
I think it's good that they both seem to be Exceptical of the others social persona (Choromatsu more than Karamatsu, which is funny because Kara thinking he's a cool suave guy is so harmless??? Karamatsu on the other hand was horrified when Choromatsu tried to lie about being a NEET in his Christmas card, but other than that he Lets Him Live Laugh Love lol), because if they weren't.... If they fed into each others imaginations??? We'd have reason to worry
I also think that this dynamic is a somewhat recent development, as in, happened post highschool. Idk much about Osomatsu-kun but from what I understand, Karamatsu was more of a shy crybaby (if gluttonous? Call back to the Night Snacks skit where we see a VERY RARE Karamatsu telling Jyushi, arguably his fave youngest sibling, to get his ass back in bed, and all Choromatsu says is "Welp, duh, grub is involved" haha) while Choromatsu had that Godforsaken Temper of his with none of the social conditioning to motivate him to keep it in check.
I like to think about Karamatsu being artistically inclined from middle school, and exploring more earnestly his interests in high school. I used to like the idea of Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu glaring at whoever had a problem with the budding, still somewhat timid High School!Karamatsu being the theatre kid he was born to be, but then again I guess that doesn't quite fit the timeline as we see it in the movie? Shame 😔
Still, something something middleschool and highschool etc, Choromatsu is the one that goes to the McDonald's casheer with Karamatsu's burger and says "he didn't want pickles", and then post highschool they build a dynamic around other things.
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Hi April!! ^-^/🎫 <- is for you
~ @botanists-little-cookie
Okay, I've held onto this for a while but I'm gonna finally gush about Zayne hehe :3 I honestly don't even know where to start since my brain's usually just !!! a lot when I think about him.
Like everyone usually sees him as cold or stoic, but he has such a teasing, playful side too. It's a lot more subtle (and honestly kind of sarcastic) but it's there. And he seems to go along with a lot of the mc's antics if they're harmless (like the mc told him to talk to a plushie and he did and in the secret fairytale card they had like a little roleplay session lol) -- and also teasing her for thinking that he mostly hung out at museums by bringing it up again playfully and all that
But he's like the sweetest ever?? All super gentlemanly and caring and just <333 (like I don't have it unlocked yet bc it requires affinity level 70 but there's something of him helping the mc with dealing with her period cramps and whatnot and he's so caring about it and <333)
It's so obvious (to me at least) just how much he cares about me (gonna start saying that instead of the mc bc my s/I is technically not her) but like helping me fall asleep, taking care of me if I'm ever feeling sick or stressed out just <333 he'd also be the type to do good morning/goodnight texts if he's able (aka not in surgery at the time) especially if he knows that I like it
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(exhibit a :3)
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(exhibit b ^^)
Also the way he works me into his schedule - like with the new memory and all that "when would we be able to meet up again" and he literally pulls his phone out that second to check his schedule and say that he's free next Sunday - like he's so eager to see me again and it's just the cutest (also that last line before the kiss scene kills me - "if I'm able to see you Sunday, I'll start getting excited Thursday." like aaaaaa that's so cute
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(like look he literally pulled the phone out so quick to check his schedule <3)
And his voice is so soft and lovely when it comes to me (not to say I don't like the cooler, more stoic tone either but the softer whispers kill me) and I love that you can save your favorite lines to relisten to bc I have so many that are literally because of how soft he is or because he's laughing in the audio and it's butterflies every time <333
Also he's so pretty like it's unfair at times. I have so many screenshots of this man bc I just can't help it and he makes me feral I swear (like the medical rescue memory all I could think about was biting him like help me) and I seriously get so giggly and giddy over him, it's silly (he'd find it cute though… hehe)
Might do a picture dump just because!!
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Like aaaa!!! he's so pretty!!!
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(to the left - the medical rescue one i mentioned aka i wanna bite him | to the right - the new card absolutely KO-ing me with this!!!)
And like I didn't touch on the Myths stuff (the Foreseer thing) but that lore is so angsty and everything - it honestly will deserve its own post once I get all the cards necessary to go through the entire thing - all I know is I'm going to think of it every time I think about jasmines and all that
Anyways I think it's evident I just adore him so yeah :D And i give you a cookie if you read all of that hehe
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barsformars · 4 years
reaction: to their s/o being afraid of thunderstorms; ateez
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req: hi! i absolutely love your writing, could i request an ateez reaction to s/o being scared of thunderstorms? thank you so much <3
a/n: thank you so much for requesting! this was kinda cute to write. also,, trying a different format here- not using gifs- lmk if y'all like it with gifs better? + first work im posting in this new year hehe hope y'all enjoy it <3
genre - fluff | pairing - ateez x reader | warnings - none
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⭒❃.✮:▹ seonghwa
seonghwa had came home to you hidden under your covers as you watched the television on almost max volume, the curtains fully closed.
"love, isn't it a little too loud?" he had covered his own ears from how deafening it was and he had to pretty much yell for you to hear him. you paused the show when you took notice of him, quickly apologising as you tried to explain yourself when you saw another flash of lightning through the curtains. you slapped your two hands over your ears and squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for the loud ripping sound from the sky.
seonghwa sat himself next to you and pulled you into his embrace, cupping your cheeks so that you would look at him. "love, do you trust me?" you nodded as you slowly opened your eyes.
seonghwa turned the television off and gently pried your hands away from your ears, letting your hands rest on the sides of his thighs. "let's be a little kinder to your ears, alright?" he leaned in closer and whispered into your ears. "do you want to tell me about your day or shall i go first?"
basically mars asmr but live, and when you do get surprised by the thunder, he would shush you affectionately and comfort you, continuing on about his day.
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⭒❃.✮:▹ hongjoong
"can i hide in here for a little while?" you had peeked into his studio to see that he was just monitoring his past performances through fancams, surely you wouldn't be a distraction.
"from what?" he paused his video and whipped his head back to ask, confused. you were supposed to be at the dance studio, helping wooyoung and yunho check their choreography even if you weren't that experienced in dance.
"the thunderstorm, your studio is the only place where i can neither see nor hear anything so..." ah, he had no idea there was a thunderstorm outside. if he was he would have rushed over to you immediately, knowing just how afraid you can get.
"sure babe, make yourself comfortable." hongjoong would then turn on the ambience lighting to a dark blue and play some really soothing classical music, hoping that it would calm you down and take your mind away from the ongoing thunderstorm. when he sees that you were still a little frightened from earlier on, he drapes his warm jacket over you, "don't worry, you're safe here." he would also go to the kitchen to make a cup of warm tea for you to calm you down.
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⭒❃.✮:▹ yunho
yunho loves thunderstorms, and he loves sitting by the window and staring out as the flashes of electricity branch out like veins in the sky, so full of life. that's what scares you the most, you know the extent of damage lightning can cause having lived in houses without good lightning protection systems.
"don't sit too near to the windows, you might get hurt!" you warned for the umpteenth time but your boyfriend refused to listen, saying that it would never happen.
"this apartment is safe, i promise," yunho reassured you, even gesturing for you to come join him over there. he wasn't going to force you if you still refused after the third time he asked but you decided to go. you've been trying to get over your fear of thunderstorms anyways.
he would wrap his arms around your waist and let you rest your head on his chest so that you could hear his calm steady heartbeats. the both of you sat at the windows watching the lightning and thunder with you burying your face into the crook of his neck often and him giving you long pats on your back to calm you down. you definitely did get less afraid of thunderstorms, though not much, but it's something.
"if the thunderstorm is ever mean to you, let me know. i'll personally throw hands at zeus."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ yeosang
yeosang had fallen asleep on the couch when it started raining heavily along with non-stop thunder and lightning. you were extremely afraid but you had to close the windows yourself, you didn't want to wake yeosang up from his nap.
you were just about to close the one in the living room where yeosang was when the deafening sound of a thunder took you by surprise, causing you to shriek out loud in fear. being a light sleeper, yeosang jolted awake, surprised and worried. it absolutely broke his heart to see you crouched on the floor with your hands covering your ears, your shoulders shaking as you sobbed.
you felt so weak crying over a thunderstorm but yeosang made sure to let you know that there was nothing wrong with it. he gently guided you onto the couch where he would let you continue crying on his shoulder, his fingers intertwining with yours to let you know that he's there for you as he tries to help you control your breathing. "you're okay, you're okay. follow my breathing, love."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ san
if you weren't afraid of thunderstorms, you probably wouldn't be sitting on yunho's gaming seat right now with san yelling at you over the headset to support him in the game. you weren't one to play games but as san says, "you won't be scared if you distract yourself"
it usually works, though the games do leave you feeling kind of nauseous from all the motion and lights, but today, the thunderstorm was simply on another level. the lightning had lit up the whole room with a bright white flash for a good three seconds before leaving you in a room that seemed much brighter a few moments ago.
san is not stupid, he knows playing games would not distract you this time round so he would quit the game and drag you onto the bed , letting you bury your face in his chest as he hums the tune of your favourite song.
when you told him that you were ashamed to be afraid of something many people aren't, he would shush you and say, "it's normal, everyone has their irrational fears. besides, that lightning really scared the life out of me too."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ mingi
he knew about your fear of thunderstorms, and he always makes an effort to check the weather forecast on your behalf since he had googled it before and they said people who fear thunderstorms should try to refrain from doing so in case it makes them even more anxious. anyways, so he does it for you and prepares everything that you might need when it happens.
the both of you were in the car when the thunderstorm started, and being well prepared, he quickly handed you the small thin blanket and the bottle of water he kept at the backseats. there was no better place than under the sheets at home but this was better than nothing at all.
once the both of you got home, he would make sure to run a warm bath for you and might even accompany you in it. the fear had caused all your muscles to tense up and he made it a point to relieve all of them. in the meanwhile, he would comfort you by saying things like "im so proud of you." and "the next time a thunderstorm happens, remember how you are totally fine today, okay? think, thunderstorms are relatively harmless, you'll be fine this time too."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ wooyoung
it was in the middle of the night when the thunderstorm started, the loud booming of the thunder startling you awake. you tried to go back to sleep, hoping that this moment would just pass and that you would wake up to a nice weather. but even with wooyoung by your side, you couldn't seem to be at ease enough to sleep.
"wooyoung, please wake up." that was your tenth attempt, unsurprisingly considering the fact that he sleeps like a dead log. thankfully he does, and very much apologetically when he notices the shitshow that was going on outside. even he was surprised he slept through the noise.
he would immediately drag himself out of bed to turn on the lights so that the lightning wouldn't seem as bad, also going out to the kitchen to pour you a glass of warm water. it always helped.
when the both of you were back in bed, wooyoung would rest against the headboard as you laid your head on his abdomen, him patting your shoulder affectionately until you fell asleep again.
"there's another thunderstorm going on inside your stomach," you joked with a faint smile as you snuggled closer into him.
"hey! if you're going to say that, go away."
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⭒❃.✮:▹ jongho
the both of you were stranded outdoors as the thunderstorm has started unexpectedly while the two of you were taking a stroll in the park. the weather forecast did not foresee this. it was dangerous and very annoying to get soaked in rain, but everything was made worse because you were afraid of thunderstorms. you had no idea why, it was just the case.
"there's a shelter nearby, shall we make a dash for it?" jongho asked as the both of you sought temporary shelter from a tall tree.
"the lightning is a little crazy now though....." it was, but being under a huge tree on such a day wasn't the smartest idea at all, and it would be much better if you could go to a real shelter.
"you know i'm quite a lucky guy, right?" jongho would give you a piggyback as he ran, allowing you to close your eyes so that you wouldn't see the flashes of lightning. he would also tell you to put on earphones and play some soothing music. "it'll be over quick, just hang on in there for a little while."
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
✒ P.S. I Love You ✒
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Something was really off about the place, and V could feel it in his bones even without entering the premises. It was as if some kind of dread has made its way to his chest and clutched tightly at his heart, making it heavy and painful. His head felt like it was slowly bloating, and the concrete beneath his feet suddenly became mushy. He was not entirely sure whether Nico felt the same but, he strangely felt so sick and sad all of a sudden.
And that was before he could even enter.
So when Avery finally forgave them and let them in, V knew, deep within his sane mind and his insane subconscious, that they're in for something truly malicious and insidious,...
As V scanned the whole area, his emerald eyes marveled at the undeniable wonder of the old place. The interior was, in fact, well - kept, considering its age and everything that probably happened within its four, or so, corners. The dark, and squeaky, floorboards perfectly complimented the deep maroon carpet, and the antique furniture, such as the Grecian statues that stood near the grand staircase and the baroque period paintings that hung on the rich mahogany walls, gave the whole place a sophisticated feel, not to mention the soft amber light that the brass lamps on each column post were radiating.
The place was, indeed, breathtaking. And yet,...
... it suffocated V. The sensation was like a really tight vice grip around his neck, and it actually scared the living hell out of him, not to mention the deathly cold temperature of the place that gave him goosebumps.
And Nico? He just assumed that the woman's perception regarding all things paranormal was limited, even close to none at all.
"Wow! Such a nice mansion." Nico breathed, amazed at everything her eyes landed upon.
Avery smirked at her. "Yeah, it was. Oh, and welcome to (L/N) Manor, I guess,..." She scratched her temple and pointed at the hallway on the right near the staircase. "Guest rooms are that way and on the second floor. The kitchen and dining hall's on the left. Each room has a powder and bath room, and you should find everything you need on those rooms."
"How many floors are there here?"
"Wow! Oh, I wanna see what's on the right hallway." Nico excitedly interjected as she craned her neck to the side to try and see what's there.
Avery scratched her head once more and raised an eyebrow, clearly confused of the tattooed woman's excitement upon entering a haunted place. "Well, aside from the guest rooms, the music room is there."
"Is there a piano, and something like that?"
"There,... is! But, you would not want to use it. It's kinda out of tune."
"Great! Let's go!"
The owner of the house only smiled and shook her head helplessly. "Alright, alright."
As the two women made their way to the right hallway, V cautiously followed without uttering a word. And as he was about to leave the entrance hall with them, he was sure he caught a glimpse of someone running fast towards the kitchen. Apparently, as Nico and Avery were having their conversation, V felt someone watching them, their eyes feeling almost like daggers thrown to his backside. Perhaps it was one of the servants? But, V decided it didn't matter. He will find that out later when he begin his investigation -
V looked just in time to see Nico staring at something with wide frightened eyes. He turned around just in time to see,...
... a pair of bloodshot dark eyes staring back at him.
Now, if it weren't for the fact that it's only a life - size portrait of a man with those horrific eyes, V would've scrambled on the floor in fright. But, of course, he noticed this right away and he was able to prevent himself from making an embarrassing scene in front of the women.
V and Nico both turned to Avery as she started laughing at their reactions to the life size portrait. "Happens every single fucking time!"
"Who's that?!" Nico questioned her as she pointed at the man in the portrait.
"That - is none other than Lord Christopher Lancaster, my great grandfather." Avery introduced with a teary eye. "A bit intimidating but, yeah. He IS intimidating. Even as a painting."
"He's,... a doctor," V muttered upon noticing the frightening Lord's ensemble of white uniform from head to foot. "... from the late 1800s,..."
"That's from 1898, actually. The year he was married to - " But, even before she could finish her sentence, her phone rang all of a sudden. She held up a single finger, took her phone out from her pocket, and answered the call. "Yes, dear? I will. Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. Don't worry. No! They're harmless,..."
"Harmless?" Nico mumbled under her breath as she and V looked at her. "Us?"
"Probably." The poet answered.
"I'm sure! Stop being such a worry - wart, okay? Yes! Yes. I'm sure we - "
As they waited for Avery to finish talking on the phone, V felt it again - someone staring at him.
Slowly and cautiously, V turned around and saw a little boy curiously staring at him from behind one of the Grecian statues. The boy realized this and ran back to the kitchen as fast as he could.
"Yeah. Yeah." Avery mumbled on her phone as she slicked her blue - dyed shoulder length hair back. "Okay. I'll be right over. Bye."
Avery faced Nico and V once more as she placed her phone back to her pocket. "I'm afraid this house tour must be cut short. My fiancé is waiting for me."
"You're getting married!" Nico's face brightened at the surprising news.
"Yeah, well," Avery slicked her hair back once more as she pondered on what else to say. Like she was searching for the right words to tell them. "... we were planning to have a set up right here. It would be a simple garden wedding. But, as you can see, I have to hire you to eliminate one unwanted guest - "
And as soon as the owner of the house mentioned the word guest, all of them heard some noises on the second floor. All three of them looked up and noticed some tremors on the ceiling right above where they were currently standing. And as the noise grew louder then vanished altogether, Avery just shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. She actually looked like she was getting used to the paranormal disturbances on her own house.
"That's a pretty restless one." She told them.
"What's on the second floor?" V asked her, and as she was about to open her mouth to answer his question, her phone rang once more. Again, she held up her finger and took a look at her phone. She rolled her eyes and hid the gadget.
"It's him again. Poor guy must be really nervous right now." Avery strode towards the front door and before she could leave, she turned to them once more. "Make yourself at home, I insist." She, then, gave them an awkward smile as she opened the door and went out. "If you can,..."
✒ @la-vita and @micaelagua . ✒
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