#once again i am halfway through the second book so i'm excited to see how she deals with this stuff this is not
mimiwritcs · 1 year
Aye aye aye
So this is my first post here, name's mimi and i've just been casually writting stories for a very long time. Used to rp all the time yet havent in a few years. Recently my muse in dystopian has risen again and im very excited to publish what ive got. Won't promise it's any good lol havent been using tumblr in a very long time either and everything is so different so pls bare w me, english is not my first nor second lenguage so kidness its thanked. I'm just messing around with it, trying to enjoy myself and hopefully you like, it if not.. well, i'd like it. Wasn't even gonna post this whole thing into the tags but i figured it's always helpful to build up of each others energy (if anyone interacts w it, again no pressure this is mostly for me). My first story will be divergent au kinda sorta aka before the events of the movie, set in dauntless and w eric bc we love a bad boy. Also want to focus on building the characters as we got them presented in the book and the society status but once again, dont make no promises.
Here are some of my thoughts during my first writting session (im halfway through)
• i think my biggest mission in this story other than finishing it is to not kill y/n at the end to explain eric's extreme assholness&cold heart bc lol isn't what we all think will happen? i mean wouldnt it be a dystopian story if the main/fav character didnt get killed off riGHT VERONICA but also predictable idk we'll see
• also always wanted to write stories of four and eric initative times and fights HC but i gotta warm up to the characters tbh and fight scenes bc there's a lot and i need to explore the world first, make it my own in a way even though i own nothing bc im not veronica roth but you get what im saying
• refer to previous point, am i fully knowloadged of the world? The factions? The OG story? No, so i'm sure i'll ramble through and adapt it to my own mind, hope thats not off putting. I'll try my best but you know how things turn out sometimes.
• i do have a small bullet point and inspo fcs for the characters presented in the story & i want to make like a post for them but also too much work and im still getting to know them myself so im sure they will grow a lot but probs will post them just so we are @ same page w them??
• also finish writting chapt 1 would be a nice i guess lol
• fyi story is written as second person prespective refering to you all the time, character y/n and our main character is literally just us, thinks dauntless is hella cool but doesnt believe shes cool enough to be, she'll work her way up and eventually fall in love w eric and probs figure out some shit going on in chicago
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gideonisms · 2 years
because it's like! breq has very personal experience of how constant surveillance of citizens can be used against them. Both of the two people she's ever liked have been hurt by this. And her takeaway is, I need to be watching the people I care about constantly or they will die. Which is fair as an emotional reaction! but on a practical level. Babe. Babe. You ever think you might be part of the problem
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iturbide · 2 years
I love how this whole chain went from:
grab your mini pitchforks -> grab the popcorn
really fast. Anywho, other than that jazz, how are you doing overall?
I will gladly take popcorn over pitchforks any day (the pitchforks are their own brand of entertainment, but the popcorn is always fun)
Other than that I'm doing okay, though! Still really excited that the Lodestar.sys zine is out (I still think my piece in there is one of the best things I've ever written), but besides that most of my energy is spent keeping track of kittens so other things have been put on the backburner:
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I mean. Look at these little hellions.
don't let Hubert's murderous look fool you, Ferdinand is equally naughty
With them in mind, my bookbinding experiments have been put on the backburner for a while; I'm about halfway through my test copy of Crown of Shadows, though -- the signatures are all folded and stitched, the textblock has been sanded, the endpapers are attached (though I want to give the whole thing a final sanding to get things nice and even), and the covers have been cut to size -- and I think it's coming together really nicely so far! I'm thinking about kicking into it again this weekend, since I'd like to get a few copies of Proof of Life together to use as a testing ground for some cover stuff I want to play with before going all-out on the hardcover.
After Crown of Shadows (which I might make another copy or two of, just to keep trying my hand at the flat back book format, we'll see) I'd really like to do a copy of Heart of the Moon with a rounded back, since that one's so much bigger: Crown of Shadows clocks in around 41.5k words and I managed to fit it into 6 signatures (a little big for a flat back, but still reasonably in range for it), while Heart of the Moon sits at 60k and looks like it'll need 11 signatures total, making it a good choice for experimenting with rounding.
(Once I have a little more experience with different formats under my belt, I'd really like to start binding more of my favorite fics and trying to get in touch with the authors to gift them copies of their works; I'm starting with mine since they're just for me, so it's fine if they go sidways...though I guess if anyone would want a hard copy of something I've written, let me know?)
Aside from there, I've been thinking about picking up a video game again but haven't done it yet (again, in part because of kittens who are Too Interested in the TV sometimes). Choices are between Legends Arceus again since I still want a shiny Hisuian Zorua or two, Horizon: Zero Dawn since I picked that one up a while ago and still haven't finished out the damn intro, the latest God of War because it's all Norse mythology and I'm predictable, or Three Houses to finish out that Azure Moon playthrough and go back to Claude because I love and miss him...but I haven't committed.
Instead I've just been playing stuff in the background and occasionally paying attention. I had a craving for Retro Anime recently and picked up Detective Conan again (I love this comedy murder show but it messes me up sometimes, there are some heavy episodes). Also finished Spy x Family and I'm sobbing I love them and October can't get here soon enough because then I get both the second half of Spy x Family's first season and Season 3 of Mob Psycho 100 which I am so stoked for you have no idea. And lucky for me, Nona the Ninth comes out in September, which should tide me over until the new anime I yearn for arrives.
Writing has been stalled basically since the start of the year and continues as such. I'm still stuck with just chapter 7 of last year's Chrobin Week to finish, and I have a bunch of other ideas that I'd like to start exploring, both for Awakening and Three Houses (since I'm desperately missing Claude), as well as an original piece that I've been rolling around for years that's come back to the forefront recently. We'll see what if anything comes out of any of that, but it might just end up being a sparse year on writing.
Anyway yes that's my long-winded status update ramble
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Greeting everyone this is Ender-anon I am typing this from notepad so apologies if this is riddled with grammer and spelling mistakes but I wanted to get some things out of the wayfirst about your subjects. They will not be dsmp or earthsmp members mainly because I took a look at the Earthsmp member list on the wiki and saw there where 135 names so only the Arctic Empire and Buissness Bay members will be mentioned for sanitys sake the sujects will instead be from a certain story driven tower defence game that I have played since it launced I honestly want to see who can guess the game first,with that out of the way lets get this show on the road. I'm gonna try sending it in parts cause Tumblr won't let me send it all at once.
A day you'll never forget. Part 1
You awoke excited after all you were going with Enciodas to the Artic Empire for reaffirm trade agreement,ok you knew that it would be your regent Enciodas making the deals while you and Tenzin stayed in the royal gardens since you were only there for formalities sake since as you were the future ruler but it would be both your first time leaving your home country and your first time on a plane. You did need to one of your neighbours in order to get a plane as your country didn't have any airfields but it would be worth it to fly for the first time .You hurried to pack a book and toy to keep yourself occupied while the grownups did their boring grownup talk ( though if the look in your regents eyes when he looked over the trade agreement draft it would be anything but boring) the book was a simple collection of local legend of your country from the Pegasian Knight sisters who saved the country when enemys surronded it to one of the oldest the legend of the founder of your dynasty their name had been lost through the centuries so they were known by only as a human doctor who mannaged to unite the fractured hybrid tribes into a mighty nation in order to repel the tides of an enemy empire who name was also lost to time, the doll was therefore of your dynastys founder or well what your people though they looked live as no detail of their appernce or even gender remained only the knowledge of the black hooded coat emblazoned with your nations symbol and the black helmet like mask that they never seemed to remove. The trip to the airport was uneventful other than General Buldrokkas'tee trying to conivince Enciodas to take one of the Armourless Union as your guard while your regents youngest sister Ensia stuffed you coats pockets with candy for the trip.Unfortunately the crew of the plane wouldn't allow Tenzin to fly around the cabin so rather than cage him you held the falcon for the entirety of the trip though your regent took him off you when he saw you starting to driff off at the halfway mark.You awoke to your regent softly shaking you awake making sure to hold his hand as you gazed around awestruck at the size of it all there were more people than you have ever seen and the palace itself looked to your eyes anyway to be almost as big as your capital. After entering the palace your regent made sure to take you and Tenzin to the expansive gardens before going to meet Emperor Philza, the falcone immediately took off for one of the many trees eager to spreed his wings after staying still so long you by contrast sat beneath the tree Tenzin had chosen about to pratice reading to your doll when you heard a child sobing.
Part 2
Alarmed you sought the source of the noise only to find a child not much younger than yourself in high quality cloths ( the child of a courteir you reasioned )looking up at a toy stuck in the large tree and crying, determined to assist him you took off you coat and circlet and set about climing the tree like Ensia taught you. After a few attemps you managed to reach the toy and retrieved it handing it over to the awestuck child (had he never see someone clime a tree before?) after snapping out of his stupor looking over the toy with worry before going "its broken" and starting to sob again. Quickly thinking you offered to play tag that caused the sobbing to stop he quickly tapped you before turing to run yelling over his shoulder "YOUR IT". After running around the garden for a while the child got tired so you offered to read to him to which he gleefully accepted reading tales of your country from you book,Tenzin deciding that he wanted attention swooped down next to you for pets which you gladly gave the child ( who you still didn't know the name of) looked like he wanted to pet him as well so you asked him if he would like to,he seemed estatic to do so. As the sun started to set and you started sharing the candy Ensia gave you it only just occured to you that you didn't know your new friends name upon asking you were met with a bewildered look and after a few seconds passed he said "you can call me Tommy" after saying the name a few times to make sure you were pronouncing it right, Tenzin quickly swooped off towards a door where Enciodas emerged a grin on his face and a look of victory in his eyes ( you guess talks went well) and informed you that it was time to leave as you went to turn and say goodbye to your new friend he grasped you arm in a tight grip and asked "Why do you need to leave? Can't you stay longer?" after getting your arm free you placed your doll into his hands and informed him that you would most centainly come here again,that you would write to him and that he could have your doll as a gift of friendship.As you saw him grasping the doll close to his chest waving goodbye as a man with wings looked on in amusement that turned to surprise as you yelled your goodbyes as your plane took off, after such a exciting day its no wonder you fell asleep before long but before you did you thought to yourself that this would be a day you never forgot.
Part 3
The best day of his life
Tommy was bored his brothers where in their lessions, Tubbo and his family were off visiting relatives and wouldn't be back for weeks and his dad was stuck in trade talks with a tiny nation that probably wasn't worth the paper the deal was writen on. Looking through his toy chest he grabed the toy plane that techie got him for his last birthday and went to the gardens to play with it, he was having a great deal of fun with it untill a large bird suddenly flew into a nearby tree causing him to accidentally throw the plane into a tree he had hardly begun showing his thoughts on this development when someone he had never met came round the cornor saw him and for some reasion remove their coat and a circle piece of metal with a gem on the part where your forehead would be, before stepping back looking at the tree and you started climing it and almost falling a few times before catching yourself a determined look on your face, how where you so brave climing that massive tree? When you finaly came back down toy in hand he was amazed it took him a few seconds before he saw that the propeller was broken as he felt the tears start to come back he heard you ask "Do you want to play tag?" you still wanted to play with him smirking he quickly tapped you before running away as fast as he could informing you as he ran that you were it. You were fast he thought as he sat trying to catch his breath but now he was tired you would probably leave him to go play elsewhere and leave him like "do you want to hear a story?" relief filled his chest as sat beside you as you grabed a frankly massive book and told him storys he had never heard before about sister knight who saved a traped nation from distruction, a medic who when her squad was traped by a enemy army unsheathed her sword and single handedly defeated the army and his personal favorite the tale of the first ruler of your nation a person who united a broken people inorder for them all to survive against a terrible evil empire, you even showed him your doll that was based on the ruler. Tommy couldn't think of a day where hes had this much fun from the games, stories, getting to pet the large bird that spooked him in the first place (though he was grateful for that know after all if he hadn't lost his toy he wouldn't have met you) and now your shareing with him candy that hes never heard of. Maybe he can convince his dad to make you stay or to make you his personal servant if your a visting nobles yes then he can introduce you to Tubbo when he gets back and "I just realised I never asked what your name is".What? You have to be kidding right? You'v been so nice to him you have to know who he is? But the seconds drag on and your face don't look like your lying about not knowing who he is. He's about to tell you his full title and name but stops himself no he doesn't want you to call him prince Theseus even if you'v only spent the afternoon together you mean so much to him now you treat him with a kindness only his family show him so you should call him what they call him he reasions and he tells you his name is Tommy he helps pronuounce it correctly and it reaffirms that yes this feels right.
Part 4
The moment however is ruined when the bird (Tenzin you told him it was called) flew to the doors as they opened and a snow lepard hybrid emerged followed by his dad who looked ecstatic that talks were over. The snow lepard hybrid told you that it was time to leave ( with a single sentence Tommy began to hate that hybrid) as you were grabing you things he grabed you as tight as he could manage and asked as calmly as his voice could manage why you had to leave after all he reasioned in his mind he could make sure you were payed much better if you worked for his family. You turned to him with a gentle look in your eyes and placed the doll into his arms while you said " This won't be the last time we shall meet, I will be sure to be sure to write to you when i can't vist and if you get lonely you can have this doll as a symbol of our bond so that way you won't be lonely" all with that smile that he had only seen his family give him. As he held your doll close as possible waving goodbye over the sound of the plane about to take off he heard you yell " Goodbye Tommy" and while he couldn't see his dad eyes he did see the full body flinch as he heard you call his son a name he only permited family to use. As he gushed about you to his dad and asked if he could maybe make you work for them rather than that snow lepard hybrid only to be informed that was your regent and that you weren't a servant but the next ruler of that nation at that revelation he held the doll of your ancestor close and began to formulate a plan as he asked if they had an embassy in your nation after all if you couldn't be with here with him, he would just go with you after all being the ambassador to you nation seemed like a wonderful job if you were there.
Ender,,,, you can't just drop am entire fic on is like this,,, head empty but bravo- this is great
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lazywriter519 · 5 years
A Date With Ignis
So this is an excerpt from my book Ignite My Heart. You can find it on Wattpad if you wanna read the whole thing. But I stopped writing on there because I want to write fan suggestions. So please suggest me any Reader x FFXV stuff you want to see ^^
After deciding that Ignis and I would go on a date, Prompto asked if he could go dress shopping with me.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you need someone else's opinion! Especially a guy's opinion," He put me in a choke hold, not strong enough to hurt me, and rushes me out the door.
"Prompto! What the hell?! Let go!" I yelled as I smacked his arm.
We walk through the halls of the hotel in silence. I had not spoken a word to Prompto the entire time we had been out, which hadn't been too long. He finally had gotten the hint and stopped talking. The only sound was the sound of my plastic bag.
"Come on. You can't stay mad at me forever, Y/N" he says in a light-hearted tone.
"..." I remain silent.
"You know Ignis is gonna love it," he sings.
"And it's all thanks to who?" I eye him down and see he's smiling like crazy, probably to get me to laugh or something. It was a beautiful dress and it really was thanks to him. Not only that, but he insisted I buy makeup too.
I sigh, "You."
"That's right!" When we reach our rooms he says, "Okay! Now go in your room and get ready. Come to our room when you're done." He quickly enters his room before I can respond.
I look at myself in the mirror absolutely amazed. Although we were in Altissia, this is a dress I would have expected to find back in Insomnia. It was a tight black dress with long sleeves. One of the sleeves and the torso of my dress was made of a beautiful black lace that exposed my skin. I put on a light layer of makeup and then left the bathroom to put on my heels. As I walked around the room with them, trying to get used to them I noticed just how short the dress really was. I almost felt exposed, like I wouldn't be able to bend down if I dropped something without flashing the whole city.
After walking around for a bit longer, I decided to knock on the door that connected the two rooms together. There was a lot of shuffling and shushing on the other side of the door. Then Prompto cracked the door open and peeked inside. His jaw instantly drops to the floor.
"Oh. Em. Gee." He quickly grabs my wrist and pulls me inside. I almost fall down, not being able to keep my balance from the heels. I don't see Ignis anywhere when I get myself straightened out.
"Gladio! Gladio!!" Prompto starts yelling.
I see Gladio sitting at the foot of one of the beds. He looks up from his phone in his hand and his eyes widen. I see his eyes are mostly traveling around my body. Damn, I guess my body looks so good in this dress that even the other guys can't help but look. I guess there reactions make sense. Throughout the entire trip I hadn't worn any makeup and I'm always dressed in clothes that are appropriate for combat. I snap my fingers in front of Gladio's face to get his attention.
"Um, hello? Earth to Gladio." He shakes his head and forces himself to look at my face, "Where's Iggy?" I ask.
"Oh! Right!" Prompto laughs nervously. He skips over to the bathroom and opens the door, "Okay you can come out now. Just wait until you get a load of her!"
I hear him sigh, "Prompto, I think your being a bit too-" he stops as he steps out and sees me.
We look at each other in slight shock. He wore what he usually did, but instead of leather he wore an actually suit without a tie. He also didn't have his gloves on. Unlike Gladio, Ignis' eyes were locked on to my face. He gulps nervously.
"You look... Ravishing, Y/N" Even as nervous as he seems he still manages to keep a cool voice.
"You do too, Iggy" I mumble.
"Okay okay! Stand together you two!" Prompto says as he holds out his camera. We stand next to each other, slightly awkward at first. Ignis isn't much of a fan of being affectionate around the boys.
"Come on! Put your arm around her, Iggy." Prompto motions with his hand for Ignis to do as he says. He sighs and hesitantly pulls me closer. Prompto begins snapping away, moving to different angles and sounding like a true photographer. Eventually the flash starts bugging my eyes however and I start getting annoyed.
"Mom, your embarrassing me!" I speak like a spoiled teenager.
"Oh, come on! I'm excited!" Prompto whined.
"Alright, Blondie. Shows over," Gladio throws Prompto onto his shoulder. He begins punching his back and yelling at him to put him down. "Go on, lovebirds."
I laugh and Ignis holds my hand as we leave. I can hear Prompto shouting, "Be safe you two! Don't do anything stupid! And no making mini Ignis's!"
My face turns bright red. He probably did, but I really hope Ignis didn't hear that. Then I start to wonder. Would we do anything afterwards? Is that why Ignis wanted to go on this date? I think back to all the times we had spent time together. I don't recall him ever look down at my body. He always looked me in the eyes, which wasn't a bad thing, but now I wish he had peeked at least once. But does he even know... How?
We leave the hotel and head for a gondola station. One is already waiting for some passengers. The man greets us and asks where we would like to go. Ignis gives a destination and we step in. We float slowly along the water and I watch as the sun sets. I think sunsets and rises are going to become our thing now.
"So, what did you have planned?" I asked.
"We already had dinner, so I thought we could go out for tea," he answers.
"Anything else?" I didn't want to seem rude. However, I wouldn't want the night to end with just tea.
"Hmm... I suppose we'll just wonder around for a bit."
"Okay," I rest my head on his should and feel him rest his head on top of mine. I close my eyes and try to savor this sweet moment for the rest of the ride.
After we have tea at a small outdoor restaurant we begin walking around the city, looking for something to do. We end up in a very tiny square, with a giant fountain with what looked like a fish statue in the middle or something.
"Whoa. That's huge!" I stare up at the statue in amazement, and barely notice Ignis walk away for a few seconds.
He taps my shoulder, "Y/N?" I look back at him to see he's holding a paper bird. "Would you like to throw a wishing bird?"
I take the bird I'm my hands, "Wishing bird?"
He nods and hands me a pen, "If you write a wish on the bird and throw it into the statues mouth it may come true."
I gasp, "That's so cool!" I try thinking of something to write and eventually write something down.
I stand in front of the fountain, trying my hardest to aim correctly. Please make it... Please. I throw it and watch as the bird flies right into the fish's mouth.
"I did it!" I yell. Ignis chuckles.
"What did you wish for, love?" He asks.
"I can't tell you. Then it won't come true." I answer.
We continue for quite a while, talking amongst ourselves. We walk for so long we manage to get a little lost. Ignis decides to ask around for help, but I stop him.
"What is it, love?" I point at a building nearby. I can hear the music and see people moving around.
"Why don't we have some more fun?" I ask.
"I never would have thought you'd enjoy dancing." He answers. I look up at him waiting. He smiles and wraps an arm around me. "Well, let's go in."
We dance for a long time. All of the music is a bit fast pace. I was surprised to see that Ignis is a really good dancer. Way better than I am. Eventually, a very light and slow song echoes through the building. I stop and look at him awkwardly. I have no idea how to slow dance. I thought we would just leave, but he holds out his hand and bows to me. I hesitantly take his hand and he stands straight again. He pulls me closer and puts a hand on my waist. He senses my nervousness.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" He whispers gently.
"Um..." I look down at our feet, "I don't know how to slow dance," he chuckles.
"Don't worry. Just follow my lead," I do my best to follow each step. I keep my eyes on his feet until he pulls my chin up with one hand, "Look up. I can't see your beautiful face when you look down like that," I blush like crazy and resist the urge to look back down.
I mess up a few times, but soon the moves come naturally to me as I lose myself in his green eyes. The songs pace slowly quickens. We keep up to the tempo and eventually he starts trying new moves. Spinning me around, lifting me up. He then lowers my body for a dip. Instead of lifting me back up however, we stay like this. Out of breath, both is hands on my waist, our faces mere centimeters away from each other. The song ends, but we stay like. I expect him to kiss me, but he lifts me back up.
"It's getting late. We should go," he says. His voice trembles this time. Has he lost his cool? Or is it just from the dancing? I look up at the sky as we exit the building.
Oh Six, please make tonight extra special!
After wondering around in the nearly empty streets we find another gondola station. We find out that this gondola is a bit far from our hotel, but we don't mind. We are silent for most of the trip, but halfway through it we hear a loud bang as the sky lights up. We look up to see fireworks filling the dark sky. I don't think I've ever been on a more romantic date. We watch in amazement and I giggle like a child, pointing up at the sky as some shapes appear. We see cactuars, moogles, and Prompto's favorite, chocobos.
Eventually we make it back to the hotel. As we walk the halls to our rooms my heart beat becomes faster and stronger. Please...please...please!
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
Hey I'm so AMAZED with your prompts, YOU ARE AWESOME!! they are so well done and you're really creative in your writing and I LOVE that :3 But enough fangirling I was hoping you would consider making a prompt that has the [Dad]'s kids reacting to their dad and his husband, Dadsona, having a new baby(perhaps thru mpreg means?) maybe a boy for the families overrun with girls and a girl for the ones with boys. Maybe even include Amanda too? I know this is a lot but I hope you at least like it :3
Could you do an imagine where the cool-de-sac kids handle with their Dads having a new baby with Dadsona? I found river real cute and this just came to me :3 plus can you imagine Ernest or Daisy as older siblings super cute!!
Thank you so much!! This was a lot of fun to write (despite the pain in my fingers), so I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. Dadsona here is trans and thus capable of getting pregnant.
🥃 You aren’t as close to Valas you’d like to be, but there were still issues father and daughter needed towork out between them and you can understand that. Robert’s got better, a lot better, since your talk under thetree in your backyard, thank god, because you don’t know how the ‘old’ Robertwould have reacted to seeing the positive pregnancy test you presented him with.There were tears, sloppy, wet kisses and laughter. The fact Val came to visitthe following weekend was a lucky coincidence, but you’d take it. You aren’tfar along enough to show already, but the way Robert hovers around you,constantly keeping you in his sight, asking you a thousand questions just tomake sure you really are fine, would have tipped anyone off. “I don’t deserve another child,” Roberthad said, “I haven’t even made things upwith Val yet. I don’t want her to be angry at our kid for getting the fathershe never had.” He needn’t have worried. Val seems to immediately sense somethingwas off. You’re worried about her brows getting stuck in that position if shecontinued frowning. You don’t want to breach the topic before Robert is readyto tell her, but Val beats you to it. She stands up right after dinner andcrosses her arms in front of her chest. The resemblance to Robert isremarkable. “Okay, you two, spill it.” “I’m pregnant,” you say. “About threeweeks in.” Val stands, frozen, for a few moments. You can see Robert go tense,his knuckles white. Then Val surges forward to hug you two and buries her facein her father’s shoulder, saying “I’m so happy for you two” over and over again.There are tears, sloppy, wet kisses and laughter. He needn’t have worried.
 🍸 Chris’ immediate response to hearing the news isto look at you and ask “How? Men can’t get pregnant.” You’re surprised, asuntil now, you thought Joseph’s kids knew, but Joseph whispers into your earthat it wasn’t his right to tell them and you understand. After half an hour ofexplaining you’re trans and what exactly that means, Chris seems satisfied withyour explanation. Christie and Christian, not so much. “Is it going to be agirl? I want a sister. I already have three brothers.” Christian elbowed histwin in the side. “Nuh-uh. I want a brother.” Christie glared daggers at him.You stifle a laugh behind your hand and see Joseph do the same. Crish, in hiscrib, blew a spit bubble, making clear he doesn’t particularly care either way,because he’s a toddler and doesn’t understand any of what you say yet. “Wedon’t have any way of influencing the gender of the child and it’s too earlyfor the doctors to find out,” Joseph interrupts before the argument can evolveinto a proper fight. “But you can try praying for a brother or sister, maybe Hecan be convinced by your arguments.” The twins, still glaring at each other,nod. Suddenly, there is a hand on your belly, and you look down to find Chrislook at it in concentration. “What are you doing, champ?” Chris’ mouth twitchesin what you now recognise as a smirk. “Praying it’s not twins again.” You andJoseph break into giggles as the twins whine.
☕ Mat and you planned on telling Carmensita overdinner, but neither of you counted on her perceptivity. “Y/N, why aren’t youdrinking your usual coffee?” She asks you as she plops down on the couch nextto you. You look at your fruit drink and then back at her. “I can’t havecaffeine, sweetheart.” The response was automatic, reflexive, and your brainscatches up only as Carmensita’s eyes go wide and her skin a few shades paler. “Areyou sick? Oh god, that’s why you went to the doctor’s recently, isn’t it? You’resick.” With horror you realise there are tears in her eyes. The next momentCarmensita is crying and hugging you with all her might. “Please don’t die likeMommy,” she sobs. The words break your heart. At the first commotion Pablo raninto the back and now, Mat comes hurrying over. He pries Carmensita off you andlifts her into his arms, rubbing circles on her back. “Baby girl, what’s wrong?”Carmensita sobs again. “Y/N told me he can’t have coffee anymore and I know hewent to the doctor’s a few days ago! He’s sick! I don’t want to lose him too!”Mat’s eyes widen in shock. He gently puts Carmensita down on the couch againand kneels in front of her, cupping her face in his hands. “Baby girl, Y/N isn’tsick, I promise. He can’t drink coffee at the moment because he can’t havecaffeine. Baby girl, Y/N is pregnant. You’re going to get a baby brother orsister soon.” Carmensita looks from her father to you. “Pregnant…?” You nod ather and smile. “Yes, dear.” She hugs you tightly again, but this time she’slaughing from joy.
🌹 The decision who of you would carry the childhadn’t been easy, but eventually, you decided it would be you, and you twoasked Robert whether he would donate sperm. After the initial meltdown, he saidyes. A month later, you received the news: You were pregnant. Now it’s time totell Lucien. He’d known you were thinking about having a child and had gone tothe doctor, but not that it worked at the first try. Damien is a nervous wreckas you two prepare dinner for when Lucien returns from school. “He already toldyou he’s happy about our decision and looking forward to a younger sibling. Whyare you so worried now, dear?” He runs a hand through his hair and gives asomewhat helpless shrug. It makes you pull him closer, sneaking an arm aroundhis waist. “Truthfully, I don’t know. Maybe that he has changed his mind.”“I haven’t,” Lucien says, kicking the door shut behind him. “If it’s about yourwish for a child.” He drops his bag and leans against the wall. You canpractically guess the direction of his thoughts as you follow his eyes go fromDamien’s face to yours and then down to the hand Damien has on your stomach.Lucien’s eyes light up and you think, he figured it out. “Did it work?” Lucienasks. Warmth spreads out inside of you at his tone, the pure joy you can hearin his voice. “Yes, dear,” Damien replies and you add, “I’m pregnant.” Lucienwhoops and runs over to tackle-hug you both; the impact sends you three into acuddle pile on the floor. “I’m going to be a big brother!” You laugh and coverDamien’s hand with your own.
🎣 “Dad… what are you doing?” You lift your headand peer over the book you’ve been reading while Brian got to work building a nurseryfrom scratch. Daisy is standing in the doorframe, watching with a confused lookas her father hammered nails into a wooden plank. He was vibrating withexcitement, like you and Craig used to on four cups of coffee spiked withenergy drinks. The fact that the news made him so happy still fills you withjoy. “Building a-“ Brian trails off and shoots you a look. You gesture him tocarry on; there was no reason why she shouldn’t know. Brian puts aside thehammer and walks over to his daughter, sweeping her up into a hug that left herfeet dangling above the floor. “—nursery for your baby brother or sister! Y/Nis pregnant! I’m going to be a father again and you’re going to be a bigsister! Isn’t that great, Daisy?!” Daisy doesn’t reply. You feel a pang ofworry in your chest at her expression. She doesn’t look happy at all. Brianlowers his daughter to the floor again and kneels down to look at her face. “Daisy,dear? Aren’t you happy?” Daisy starts fidgeting and wrings her hands. “I am,but…” She averts her eyes. “What if I won’t be a good big sister? I can’t teachthem anything besides school stuff…” Standing up, you cross the distance andtoo kneel in front of her. “You’ll be a great big sister. Besides, Amanda isthere, too, and together you’ll be the bestest sisters in the world.” Daisypulls a face. “It’s best, Y/N.” Youwink and pull her into your arms.
👟 “No.” “But—“ “No, absolutely not.” “But, bro—“ “Craig,I won’t let you name my child Meadow or Forrest.” Craig gives you his patentedpuppy eyes, complete with a pout, and you feel your resolve crumble. “How aboutRain? Or Willow? Flint? Sterling?” You groan and throw up your hands. “How areyou even coming up with all these names? Do you have, like, a list?” Craig’ssheepish look is all the answer you need. You turn around and walk into theliving room, throwing yourself down on the couch and turning on whateverreality-TV show is currently on air. Craig trails after you and you scoot overto make space. After a few minutes of silence you lift your head and look downat River, who is playing with Arnold on a blanket. “Hey, River?” She looks upat you. “You’re going to be a big sister. How does that make you feel?” River wavesArnold around. “Sisa!” You turn to Craig. “One down, two to go. Your job.”Craig laughs. “That’s unfair, bro. You got the easy part.” You nudge him withhis foot. “I’ll remind you of what you said once I’m moody and have swollenfeet.”About halfway through the second episode the front door is opened and in stormHazel and Briar. Craig slips out from behind you and starts preparing lunch,while you play with River, trying to get her to say “Relax”. At least, youplanned on playing with her, but suddenly the twins come running back andtackle you, making you fall on your back with an ‘oof’. “Is it going to be agirl or a boy?” “How long until they are born?” “Did you already pick a name?” “Howabout Birch?” You groan again and cover your face with your arm. You canpractically feel Craig’s smug look on you.
📖 Ernest’s reaction to your pregnancy had been asexpected: He cursed, he threw tantrums, he seemed to hate you even more thanbefore. Hugo had warned you it might happen; what neither of you expected washow much he changed as your belly grew, how he seemed to come around to theprospect of a baby in the household. More than once, after coming home fromwork, you found him standing in the room you had converted into the nursery androcking the crib back and forth. You never mentioned anything and left beforehe noticed you. Now, the day has finally come and Ernest seemed even morenervous than either you or Hugo. He keeps throwing nervous glances at you,every gasp or hiss leaving your mouth making him look even more worried. “Don’tworry, Ernest,” you tell him with a weak smile. “It’s not my first rodeo.” Hescoffs, clearly embarrassed at being found out, but nods and turns to face theroad again. The delivery goes without any problems and after a few hoursshouting at the top of your lungs and squeezing Hugo’s hand, your beautifuldaughter is lying on your chest, fast asleep. Hugo is sitting next to you,still crying, holding your daughter’s tiny hand in his much larger ones. Thedoor opens and Ernest tentatively steps into the room. His eyes go wide when hesees his half-sister, but he doesn’t move. You wave him over and carefully pickup your child, offering it to him. You’ve never seen him handle something withso much care and reverence before. “What’s her name?” He asks; you act like youdidn’t hear his voice crack. “Mary Shelley Vega-[Y/N].”
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voguewoozi · 8 years
College au? I'll let your creativity run free from there ;D (also what the heck, I'm planning on my major/minor to be English too?)
College Freshmen Are Loud
Read it on ao3!  & send in a prompt!
Summary: The noise in Dan’s dorm hall is cutting into his sleep. Phil provides a solution
Word Count: 1.9k
Notes: thank u, ryanne. I love college aus :(( (we should talk majors)
Dan wakes up to the sound of a chair hitting a wall at 2:47 am, and he’s fine until he hears giggles that eventually grow louder. This is the fourth time this week that people on his floor have come back drunk, and honestly, it was annoying the first time. Now it’s cutting into his sleep and he has early morning classes that he wants to be conscious for. He breathes out exasperatedly and clenches his bed sheets for a second before rolling onto his side and covering his ears with his pillow.                It’s pretty effective, but he has to hold it in place and his arms start cramping after a minute and a half. He doesn’t sleep for the rest of the night.—“Are you alright? You look terrible,” is the first thing Dan hears when he enters his 7:40 lecture. If it were anyone but Phil, he’d say it put him in an even worse mood. He manages a smile, despite his brain feeling ten times slower than usual, and slumps down into the chair beside Phil.“Thanks. I got no sleep last night because the assholes on my floor think it’s funny to be extremely loud during all hours of the fucking night,” Dan says, sighing a bit melodramatically. He can’t help it. It sucks and there’s nothing he can do. He’s already tried moving, but there’s no empty singles, and he doesn’t want to even briefly entertain the thought of moving in with someone else. He gets it, he totally does. The idea of having a roommate is exciting for a lot of people; it’s just not for him. At all. He’s having a difficult enough time dealing with having people rooms away from him.“What do they do? Is it really that bad?” Phil asks. He’s smirking but Dan literally doesn’t have enough energy to roll his eyes.“I’m pretty sure one of them broke a window last night,” Phil laughs at that, and the sound makes him smile for the first time that morning. He kinda hates the effect Phil has on him, but he usually just elects to ignore it. There’s no chance Phil likes him. And he’s graduating this year. Surely the age difference would be weird. Does Phil even like guys?He’s broken out of his thoughts by a nudge to his side and he jumps slightly, remembering where he is.“You might wanna start taking notes,” Phil whispers, lines of words already covering his page. Dan can’t stop himself from blushing, but Phil’s attention is back on the professor.Dan sits there for an hour and fifteen minutes, sporadically taking notes and daydreaming before he finally gets to pack up his stuff. He’s thinking about grabbing something to eat before his next class, when a hand comes down on his shoulder.“Hey, if your hall is too loud again tonight, you’re always welcome to stay in my room. My roommate’s never around.” Dan is taken aback by Phil’s offer; for a second he thinks his sleep-deprived brain made it up. He’s silent and slack-jawed for a few seconds too long, and Phil’s face begins to look unsure.“You don’t have to or anything, I was just-”“No, I want to!” Dan says quickly, awkwardly grabbing Phil’s wrist in the process. They both look down and Dan lets go immediately, bringing his hand to the back of his own neck.“I mean, yeah, if I can’t sleep, right, I’ll do that,” he does a vague finger gun motion and hates himself.“Okay, so I’ll see you later, maybe?” Phil asks, and his smile is back but Dan’s heart is still beating a mile a minute.“Yeah, I’ll text you,” Dan sounds breathless and that’s because he is, he just hopes Phil doesn’t notice. He wouldn’t point it out if he did.“Cool,” it’s the last thing Phil says before he turns with a small wave and walks in the opposite direction Dan’s going. Dan feels like his skin is burning off, but he can’t stop smiling.—                He listens closely. It’s a little after 11, and for once he can’t hear anyone screaming, and he thinks that it’s probably because the world hates him. The cutest guy Dan’s ever seen in his life invites him to his room and for the first time since he moved in, these assholes are what? Asleep at a decent hour?                He rolls over in his bed, and closes his eyes for exactly six seconds before he makes his decision. He stands up and packs a set of clothes, and the books he needs for class tomorrow, and steps outside into the cold air.                For as much determination that he had on the walk to Phil’s dorm, when he’s actually outside his door, he hesitates. He brings his hand up to knock a few times, even thinking about going back to his room and just going to sleep because it’s getting late and he needs a few hours, at least.                He finally does it, three quick taps and his heart rate accelerates as he waits for it to open.                “Hey,” Phil says, calmly, stepping out of the doorway and gesturing for Dan to enter. Dan has only been in Phil’s room once for a minute, so he’s never had the opportunity to really look around. His eyes roam over the insignificant details, and he doesn’t realize Phil’s talking to him until he’s halfway through his sentence.                “-never around, like I said. So, that’s a plus, I guess,” Dan blinks, but when he doesn’t respond, Phil turns to face him.                “Uh, sorry, I wasn’t listening,” Dan says, stuttering and blushing. He should probably just lie down and try to forget any of this happening.                “It’s so quiet here,” he says instead, putting his backpack down and attempting to relax. He has nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine.                “This must be a completely new experience for you. How’s it feel?” Phil asks. It seems like it doesn’t matter what Phil does, Dan finds himself completely enamored, which is putting him at a slight disadvantage. He doesn’t think that’s really fair.                “It’s… weird. I think it’s almost too quiet.” Dan had gotten so used the ambient noise of talking and laughing that the quiet was a bit confounding.                “Well that won’t be a problem for long. I’ve been told that I talk in my sleep.” Dan’s eyes widen at the admission and Phil continues, “Not that I would know for sure. It’s not like I’m there when it happens.” Dan laughs, and he has to stop doing that, it wasn’t that funny. But Phil smiles, and Dan forgets his impulses all at once.                “Speaking of sleep, you probably want to do that now. That’s why you’re here.” Phil’s cheeks go pink for a change, and for a moment, Dan thinks it’s refreshing, but then he’s smiling. He can’t seem to catch a break.                “So… what are the…” Dan searches for an appropriate term, but the best he can come up with in under three seconds is “sleeping arrangements”. He hadn’t thought about the implications of the night before going over, and what did he think would happen? Phil only has one bed. Mathematically, only one thing works.                “Sleeping on the floor is no big deal to me, really. It’s fine,” Dan fills in quickly before Phil can get a word.                “What? No, I invited you over so you could finally get a good night’s sleep. I’m not gonna make you sleep on the floor,” Phil says, strongly, not leaving any room for argument.                “Well, it’s your room, so I can’t make you sleep on the floor,” Dan counters. As the last word falls off of his tongue, he understands what he said, what it could be construed to mean.                “Are you suggesting that we share the bed?” Despite his earlier embarrassment and uncertainty, Phil says this with a hint of a smirk on his lips. Dan wants to stop existing, but he also really wants to sleep in the same tiny twin-sized bed as Phil Lester. He’s almost certain that he’s never wanted anything more in his life.                “I mean… what I meant to say was, I wouldn’t have a problem with it seeing as we both just want to sleep, and you know, back support is an important thing. Can’t get that from the floor…” Dan feels more self-conscious with every passing second as Phil’s smug grin reaches more parts of his face. Like his eyes.                “Yeah, I agree. Should we go to sleep then?” Without waiting for a reply, Phil hops into his bed and pats the space next to him. It’s not a very big space, and that makes Dan simultaneously excited and terrified. How were they supposed to negotiate this? There weren’t very many comfortable positions they could find this way. After a moment of fidgeting limbs and rustling bed sheets, Phil’s arm comes to rest around Dan’s waist. His fingers trace a small pattern, and then he tenses.                “Is this okay? It’s the only comfortable place for my arm.” Dan smiles at the concern in Phil’s voice but his heart beat is erratic, and he’s worried Phil can feel it.                “Yeah, it’s fine,” Dan manages, nearly choking on the first syllable. He can’t believe this is actually happening.                “Goodnight, Dan.”                “Yeah, goodnight…”—                When Dan’s alarm goes off in the morning, he attempts to turn over but is stopped. His eyes shoot open and he remembers that he’s not in his room. Phil’s arm is still draped over him, slightly tighter now that he’s tried to move. He wonders how to go about this without it being too awkward, grabbing Phil’s hand and attempting to move him carefully so he doesn’t wake up. But then Phil’s hand squeezes and he breathes in, stretches and freezes. His grip loosens and his breathing stops for a moment.                Maybe he doesn’t know Dan is awake yet. He can play it off like he’s just waking up now. He’s a pretty good actor, he could pull it off.                “You’re gonna be late to class,” Phil says. His sleep-muddled voice startles Dan, and Phil definitely knows he’s awake now.                “Well, maybe I wouldn’t if you let go of me.” Dan has no idea what made him so bold all of a sudden, but he bites his tongue and holds his breath, waiting for a response.                “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Phil says, moving his arm back to his side. Dan feels relieved and disappointed all at once, but he sits up anyway. He’s about to get up to change and then leave when Phil grabs his hand again. He looks back at Phil and his messy hair and his perfect lips.                “You should come back when your class is over. We could get lunch or something.” Dan smiles softly and Phil’ thumb traces nervous circles onto the back of his hand.                “Yeah, sure, that’d be great,” Dan can’t stop his smile from growing and he probably looks stupid, but he doesn’t care.                “I’ll see you later then,” Phil says, bringing Dan’s hand to his lips for a brief second and then letting him go.                Dan never sleeps in his own bed again.
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