#once again begging musical theatre writers to please do some more research into what it takes to make cohesive scores and books
droughtofapathy · 6 months
"Welcome to the Theatre": Diary of a Broadway Baby
April 13, 2024 | Broadway | Longacre Theatre | Matinee | Musical | Original | 2H 30M
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The show is slated to open in just a few hours, and it is locked and loaded. Which means all that grace I gave to the first preview is now gone. Here's what's still not working:
The book is weak and dialogue awkwardly structured. It desperately needed an experienced musical theatre dramaturge. The creatives have been working on this for over a decade, and I fear they've dug their heels in and now have not fixed what needs fixing.
The score may as well rival ALW's hatred for women because that lead role is written in a way that is not sustainable for any singer, and frankly, even if it was, it doesn't grow. Eden starts off belting nearly every song and has nowhere to go from there. There's no crescendo, no climax, and with the substantial cuts to "Just This Way," it also harms what's ultimately slated in as the 11 o'clock number (and justice for Beth Leavel).
The writing team has sacrificed a great deal of character development and storytelling for the sake of showy vocalization. We need to place a hard cap on how much belting can be allowed in a show. One line belted at the climax of a song? Sure. An entire song start to finish? It doesn't sound good.
Eden is vocally not well. The strain of this score, the intense rehearsal and preview period, and recording the album on top of all that? Bad idea, all around. Who is looking out for this woman's vocal health. Get this woman an alternate before she vocal hemorrhages.
What is working:
Fantastic design elements. The lighting design elevates the whole piece. I adore the costumes. Pretty fond of the industrialist set too.
All of the supporting roles are solidly performed, as is the ensemble. You can tell they are all doing their absolute best to make this show work even as their parts get hacked and slashed.
Beth Leavel, my beloved, you deserve so much better. They cut up her only song and I have some not-nice theories on why they don't let her and Eden belt together anymore...
The opener is...better. Not great. But serviceable.
Verdict: Well...I'm Glad I Saw It
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