#once again beating a dead horse but there’s Greek sign language … like come on
demeterdefence · 5 months
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folks were not joking about the asl this is. not good.
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loriendragonqueen · 7 years
New Dawn - Chapter Five
Pairing: Ivar x OC
Words: 1.959
Warnings: bad language; blood; fight; magic; explicit; pain;
Notes: Get ready to some gore, confusion and some Hvitserk interaction... ^^
Chapter One  Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four
"Where are you going?" Hvitserk asked halfway to the new camp.
"I do not know. I need to ride. Just ride!" Isa said before leaving at gallop.
"Where is she going?" Ivar asked getting close to his brother.
"Far from you, maybe!" he said risking a laugh, what made his brother squeeze his eyes and growl a bit.
Ivar knew that her sight had affected her somehow.
Isa rode until the afternoon began to fall completely. Her new bond to the animal carrying her through the valleys and woods helped her find part of the lost balance. The horse even carried her to a river source, where she bathed before her return.
She arrived when the five brothers were arguing about the true heir of their father, the great King Ragnar Lothbrok. Ivar was stubborn that he was the chosen one, for his father took him to England and told him to avenge him. But Bjorn and the others kept taking his words as child tantrums.
"That is why I killed my brothers!" she said to herself from the bench she was sitting, sipping the ale from her mug.
"And how many brothers did you had to kill?" a deep voice asked coming from her back.
"Not many, I guess..." the other voice said close to the first.
Isa laugh.
"So, how many, young queen?" the first one insisted.
"My father had nine sons. Five were killed after his death and my sale. Four remained. I killed them, their women and their loyal people." she answered filling her mug again.
"Impressive." the first voice said.
"Not really, king Harald, not really!" she took a sip.
"Why not really, young queen?" and he sat beside her.
"I wish I could have killed the nine. What they did to my father and to my mother is still unforgiving!" she looked at him.
"Ivar is a lucky bastard for have claimed a woman like you. Not Viking, but still Viking!" the other man said sitting beside his brother.
"I belong only to myself." she cutted him quickly.
King Harald laughed.
"And now I see what captivated the attention of the youngest of the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok!" he said.
"Not only the youngest!" Halfdan added.
"All I know is that this bullshit between them will end up in death. Five fools united but yet apart. Shame!" she sighed before turn her ale down the throat.
The two men giggled.
"Tell me, king, did your fair lady forgive you yet?" she asked now drinking from the jug before giving him a piercing gaze.
He looked at her in surprise.
"How do you know?" he retorted suspicious.
"It is known that you killed her husband... Or will still kill? I am a little confuse now..." and she frown searching for more ale in the bottom of the jug.
"I did nothing!" he answered sipping from his cup.
"So you shall be warned. Lovers shall be together by this time tomorrow, but there shall be weeping before the night cover us with her cloak; beware then!" she spoke before burp and stand up.
The young queen, who was still thirsty, left behind the two men. Then, she walked with the intention of finding more ale, or wine, or mead. She had this urge for drinking - maybe her demons were waking up.
Later that day, before Isa pass out completely drunk in her tent, she heard that King Harald had buried his axe in the forehead of Princess Ellisif's husband.
"I told it!" she said before falling in her bed, passing out.
Isa awoke in the middle of the dawn with blue eyes looking from beside her.
"For fuck's sake, Ivar!" she shouted out punching him in the face as a reflex.
She saw the blood run down his nose.
"Why so scared, witch?" he asked touching the red under his nose.
"I am not scared. We are invading a new land, therefore I expect the folk to try to stop us!" and she sat in her bed edge.
Her mouth was dry.
"Neró! Water!" she said looking all over the tent trying to find the goatskin with the clean and fresh liquid.
Ivar then handed her what she was looking for. Isa drank all the water inside the goatskin in long sips.
"Go to sleep!" she ordered him after yawn.
"I cannot sleep. It is like there are thorns all over me, poking me all the time!" he said as an excuse.
"Liar." she laughed "Come, but just sleep. Tomorrow the day will be a pain in the ass!"
And he laid beside her, waiting for her to do the same.
"Come!" he said patting the bed beside him.
"I need to piss first!" and she went outside to the woods.
When she returned to her tent, she saw Ivar wearing only the light tunica he wore under his leather armor - he was waiting her quite slumberous. Isa then laid close to him, embracing his chest, bringing him even closer. The sleep found her again.
Ivar awoke alone in the bed. His first thought was that he was no longer interesting enough for the queen; that she have found a new one, maybe king Harald. He felt some cold grow within him while his morning thoughts made him paranoid. After getting properly dressed, he left the greek tent and crawled to his family table, so he could have his first meal.
"You know where your slave is?" Sigurd asked coming from nowhere, ready to sit on the other side of the table.
"You know where your balls are?" he retorted acid.
"They are fine and working between my legs. What about yours, little brother?" he insisted in a mocking tone.
"Don't you have to suck some dicks along the camp? Our alliance depends on your talents too, brother!" and he laughed sarcastic.
"At least I do not have sick relationships with wicked witches that resemble our dead mother!" Sigurd then stood up with an impish grin on his face.
Ivar, by instinct, searched for some sharp thing to throw in his brother, but Sigurd was gone by the time he grabbed his axe.
Isa was right, death was surrounding the five brothers.
By the noon, Isa came back alone pulling her horse, for in its back there was a huge hog bleeding by its throat. She left before the sunrise just to hunt with only a knife. Both her hair and face were covered in blood, for she had covered herself as a sort of ritual.
"Look at the size of it!" Ubbe said astonished and smiling.
"A hog as fat as its king!" she said somewhat mischievous.
"And how did you killed it?" Hvitserk then approached to help her take the animal down.
Isa then showed him the knife in her belt.
"How?" he asked curious.
"The hog thought he was safe, then he stepped in my trap and I cut his throat. Just as simple as that!" she answered just about to open the animal's chest and take its heart.
After take the heart, she bit it, squirting blood everywhere. Everybody looked at her with their eyes wide open.
"What?" she asked guiltless, still chewing.
"You... You are..." Hvitserk stuttered.
"Why are you eating the hog's heart still raw?" Ubbe questioned giving voice to everybody's doubts.
"I killed it in cold blood. It is a sign of respect to eat the prey's heart still beating and bleeding. Its strength is mine now!" and she gave it another bite, making the blood runs down her chin.
She was the form of the death covered in blood the way she were. But, for some of them, she resembled a goddess, just like her people claimed her to be. She was powerful, ruthless, tameless, strong and fearless. Although, she was still fair and beautiful; seductive as the dancing fire - carrier of the light. She was unique.
"Take the hog as a gift!" she said when she saw Bjorn walking towards them.
Isa felt some fear grow inside the man. Fear and curiosity.
"Kalí órexi! Enjoy your food!" she spoke with a grin before starting to walk.
Ivar was the last one to see her. Crawling, he stopped and stared her from head to toes, feeling something grow inside him. When he decided to speak, she just deviated from him, for she was thirsty more than never and a servant was waiting her with a full amphora. Ivar thought he was beholding a sight of Valhalla.
Isa ate the whole heart drinking wine. She was a little tired, but nothing that some rest would not take care. She was not herself since the castle of Aelle.
By the afternoon, while Isa was cleaning herself, she heard a turmoil happens close to king Harald's tent. She knew what was happening.
"Two lovers now reunited once more!" she said almost fully immersed in her tub.
With the night almost there, Isa decided to walk in the surroundings of the camp. She felt the presence of the death even after Halfdan kills princess Ellisif. The cold followed her and a vision came by. It was the strongest and the longest she ever had. Her body was pure heat, as hot as the fire.
She was found fainted in the wet ground a short time after by Hvitserk, who was walking aimlessly after drinking too much. He carried the torrid body to her tent, carefully to not harm her or burn himself.
"Isa?" he called putting her in the bed.
"Ivar is... He is calling the death by the name. Beware!" she said with tears in her eyes before opening them.
"What?" he asked confuse.
"Death is on the way of one of you. I fear for the five of you, for the gods have already spoken. And I fear I cannot dispel the token of death!" and she sat while looking in the soul of the young man.
He shivered.
"But we do not fear death. We are vikings, this is how we live for!" he said getting back to himself.
"I know it. However, death should not walk among you. It is not the right time, for the future reserves the glory for each one of you! Beware, son of Ragnar!" and she wiped the tears of her face "And thank you!"
Isa then kissed the man's cheek as a sign of gratitude. She felt him shiver once again. By instinct, he kissed her lips tenderly, contrary to what she had thought. In a normal condition, she would have pushed him away, but something inside her insisted to pull him closer.
His kiss was something she never tasted before. It was warm, tender and yet full of desire and curiosity. She wanted him. Therefore, she slid her hands to the back of his head and grabbed his long hair with a little strength.
"By the gods, what are we doing?" she whispered between the kiss.
"Ivar won't care!" he said in the same tone while seeking for her mouth.
"He will kill you..." and she kissed him, pulling him to her.
His hands were softer than the hands of his brother. While Ivar was the tempest, Hvitserk was the lull.
"I promised to Ivar that he would be the first, I'm sorry!" she said taking a breath.
"You never..."
"He shall be the first. The gods have spoken!" she interrupted him touching their foreheads "After that I can do what I want!"
She smiled looking at his lips with a glare.
"I am sure that we both will glance at paradise when we touch again!" she kissed him again before showing him the exit.
"I will wait for it, be sure of it!" and he left.
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