#once I know more about when I’m gonna post the first installment
sunattacksthemoon · 1 year
Sooo I had something like planned for today; a fic that would be my first fic that I would have posted (it had multiple chapters so it wouldn’t have been just a lil oneshot). BUT life happened and I forgot how much stress my birthday causes me so.
But as a lil bday present from me to y’all I shall ramble about this fic and a project that I’ve been working on.
So the “BDAY FIC” was supposed to be posted today cause I wanted it to share a birthday with me but y’know that’s not gonna happen. So I was thinking of aus that I wanted explore and have fun with. First thing that came to mind was perks of being a wallflower, which I didn’t really wanna do that cause reasons. If y’all didn’t know the perks of being a wallflower is filmed in Pittsburgh, PA. Which is where I am from, the tunnel that is shown throughout the movie I go through quite a bit. So was kinda playing around with the idea of just having the marauders fuck around here. That kinda spiraled and turned into this really cute fic that is gonna be told from Remus’s pov. Basically about young love and all of that sappy shit. Very excited about this and I’ve been having so much fun planning.
The project is something I am BEYOND excited for, I’ve been writing the princess bride au and wanted to expand on my favorite love stories with wolfstar. So far I’ve got the Princess Bride and Stardust by Neil Gaiman. Both of these stories have been my favorite since I was a tiny child so they mean a great deal to me. It will be a series on ao3 of various aus and tropes that are my favorite. I’ve gotten a good bit of these fics written but I have no idea when I will be posting them. The bday fic will come out sometime this month, since I can’t have it come out today on my actual birthday I’ll settle for it sharing a bday month with me.
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Gin & Tonics (and Parking Spots)
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Summary: In which Venus finally meets the infamous Dagger Squad. The fourth installment of the Parking Spots universe
Warnings: Language, Venus being Venus, Jake being lovesick, suggestive language, Venus has an actual name but it's only used twice
A sea of khaki that reeked of testosterone everywhere one turned. 
It was Venus' worst nightmare. 
She made her way past the crowd of people, avoiding the stares. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know she stuck out like a sore thumb. A "civilian" is what Jake called it. 
Apparently "not a soldier" was too simple for the military. And "wasn't coerced by a recruiter to sell my soul to the US government" was too long. 
"If you get there before me or Javy, just sit by Penny. She's the owner. You'll like her a lot." 
Venus rolled her eyes at her fiancé, "I like anyone who can make a good drink, Jake." 
Jake smiled before pressing a gentle kiss to her temple, “Y’know what I mean. She’ll look out for you.”
“What can I get you my dear?” Venus looked up to find an older woman behind the bar. 
Her green eyes looked kind. She suddenly understood what Jake meant. 
“I’ll just take a gin and tonic,” She shrugged her shoulders, trying her best to appear indifferent, undeterred by the borderline lewd stares. When getting ready, she thought the yellow dress would be a great choice for meeting Jake’s friends. Not too formal, not too informal. It was flattering, but not too revealing. She even put thought into her hair, opting to style it in waves rather than the natural curls that Jake adored. 
“You wore that on our first date,” Jake said softly, a smile gracing his face. 
She lowered the hanger in surprise, “You remember that?”
“Of course,” he reached a hand out to cup one side of her sweet face, “How could I forget?”
She didn’t account for the fact she would be alone for a bit. No, she was far too busy freaking out about meeting her fiance’s friends for the first time. 
“They’re gonna love you V.”
Perhaps if she had some experience of being in a serious relationship and meeting their friends, anxiety wouldn’t be coursing through her body. She had met a few friends of the person she was dating before, but it was usually at a party where after introductions, she was left alone to her own devices. 
The idea that someone would want to introduce her to other parts of their life, to become a part of them, was new. That they thought she was important enough to do so. Family? Sure. That was a given. But friends? The people you willingly chose to spend time with?
 A whole different ballpark. Though in this case, perhaps turmac was more fitting. 
“Since you’re new, I’m going to need to see your ID hun,” The woman, presumably Penny, said, pulling her out of her thoughts. 
"Of course," She held her head high as pulled her driver's license from her wallet, ignoring the stares, trying to play off her hands shaking. 
If they wanted her to move, they could fucking ask. 
The bartender, who had to be Penny, looked at the ID, a soft smile forming, “Well Danica, I can see why Jake calls you Venus.”
“You…. know who I am?” Great, there was already a preconceived idea of who she was. Before she even had a chance, her fate was sealed. 
What was she known as? The girl who yelled at Jake in a parking lot? The girl who threw bread rolls at him? 
Penny continued to smile, “Of course! Jake is always excited to show me the latest picture he’s taken of you. The flowers you two got from the farmer’s market are beautiful by the way.”
Heat rushed to her face while recalling last weekend’s adventures. Jake insisted on taking her picture by the flower stand. It was strange at first-still was-how his Instagram that had once been only thirst traps workout pictures were now full of her and their adventures together. 
As much fun as it was going through the older posts and giving him hell about it, she loved looking at the newer photos, the ones that showed their journey together. 
“He’s a good photographer, I’ll give him that,” A small smile began to form on Venus' face, her shoulders visibly relaxing. 
“Don’t give him too much. He needs to be kept on his toes,” Penny laughed in agreement, “I’m Penny by the way. So where is the man of the hour?"
Penny handed her a gin and tonic as she explained, "Had a last minute meeting with Simpson. He should be coming soon, as is the rest of the squad from my understanding." 
Penny raised an eyebrow, "So you finally get to meet them! They have been dying to meet you. Been asking Jake about it for months." 
The grip on her drink tightened. 
Jake had a reputation. And with that reputation, came preconceived notions of what kind of girl he would date. 
Venus was not what people thought of when it came to Jake's ideal type. While his family adored her, they all admitted they were surprised when Jake first called to tell them about the woman he met in a parking lot. Hell, even her family was surprised when she described him. They still adored him, loved him, and insisted on serving a traditionally prepared lechon at the engagement party.
But friends were a whole different breed. One willingly chose to spend time with them. Friends were honest, and more often than not, their opinion was highly valued. 
She had learned that the hard way. 
"I mean, she's nice but do you see it going anywhere? I don't." 
"She's really not your type, man." 
"She's kind of a bitch." 
A soft hand gently laid on top of hers, breaking Venus out of her thoughts. Was it motherly instinct or was her anxiety that plainly written across her face? 
She found Penny smiling, "They're so excited to meet you. They already adore you and ask about you constantly." 
They were looking forward to meeting you, she repeated in her head. That means they want to meet you. Adore is such a specific word, Penny wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true. 
She clung onto Penny's words. They were nuggets of truth, a shield against the negative thoughts that clouded her brain. The evidence that those shitty experiences were in the past, that the situation she was in now was entirely different, was better. 
Her therapist would be so proud. 
A more relaxed, genuine smile appeared on Venus’ face, the first one she could recall occurring since pulling into the parking lot of the Hard Deck. 
“I look forward to meeting everyone. I’ll take another gin and tonic when you get a chance!” 
“I got it covered Penny,” a smooth voice said. She turned around, half expecting (moreso hoping) to see Jake, despite the lack of Texan drawl. 
When she turned around, there was no tall blonde with sparkling emerald green eyes and a smile so white, she could see it from outer space. 
Instead, a Hawaiin shirt so ugly that no Dad at a BBQ would go near greeted her. 
Her lips formed a tight line, her eyes narrowing. It was the same look she wore when dealing with annoying patients or annoying men. 
“Welcome to the Hard Deck,” The man said with a wink. His eyes were nice, but the caterpillar that occupied the space between his nose and upper lip was what she noticed first. 
She recognized him immediately. Jake had given her plenty of information so she could recognize members of the dagger squad. 
Bold of him to assume she would just go up to them. But maybe she could have some fun with this. 
Penny gave her a look, one that silently asked Should I tell him? Venus just shook her head, turning back to face the infamous Bradley Bradshaw. 
“How do you know it’s my first time?” She asked coyly with a raised eyebrow before bringing the drink back to her lips. 
“With a face like that? I wouldn't be able to forget ya." Did he also get his pickup lines from the eighties, in addition to his shirts?
Bradlet leaned against the railing of the bar, bending slightly so they were at eye level, “So what brings you here? Besides fate.” 
Her eyes could not roll any harder. How many more lines would it take before he started singing Jerry Lewis? 
“Well, after hearing about it so much, I just had to see the mustache in person,” She responded, moving her drink to her left hand. 
If there had to be a sound that best represented Bradley’s face, it was a record scratch. The best he could respond with was a very confused “Excuse me?”
“I’ll give you credit, you pull off the look pretty well, despite it consisting of a pornstache and clothes from the part of the eighties that even Stranger Things won’t touch.”
“It’s not….it’s not a pornstache.”
A darked haired woman clad in a khaki uniform nearby snorted. 
Venus grinned, “It is absolutely a pornstache. But some people are into that. I don’t get it, but good for you Rooster.”
Bradley's eyes knitted together in confusion,“Do I…..do I know you?”
"I would hope you know of me. According to Javy, Jake talks about me a lot. Anyways, we should become best friends. Jake’s reaction will be hilarious.”
It was then Bradley finally looked down, seeing the huge emerald ring on her left hand.
And that's when it hit Bradley Bradshaw like a fucking train. 
"You're Venus?!" 
It was much louder than she would have liked, the statement causing several people to look at her with curious stares. 
Just play it cool, they all work for the military, you actually do important shit, she told herself over and over again. 
“In the flesh!" She flashed a smile before taking a huge sip of her drink, trying to ignore the fact that another pilot was now approaching her. 
She was going to need another drink to get through this. 
"You're Hangman's girl? The one who told him to fuck off when you first met him?"The dark haired woman asked, practically shoving Bradley out of the way. 
The infamous Venus shrugged, "I didn't exactly tell him to fuck off. I told him it made no sense why he could fly million-dollar jets but was a shit driver. Phoenix?" 
Natasha nodded, “Glad he’s no longer hiding you. I’ve been telling him to bring you around ever since he arrived late to a debriefing with hearts in his eyes as he talked about a woman who referred to him as Hangnail.” 
The comment brough relief. At least one person liked her, at least one person wanted to get to know her. 
Natasha grabbed her arm, “Come on. The rest of the gang is going to lose their minds when they learn you’re finally here.”
Through the throngs of pilots, Natasha led her to a table filled with other men who all looked vaguely familiar. The tight lipped smile remained on her face as she straightened her shoulders, ready to face the (multiple) men of the hour. 
“Hey guys, guess who I met?”
“V! You made it!” Before she could say anything, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist, picking her up. 
“Javy, I swear to God if you don’t put me down-” She couldn’t help but laugh. Just like with Jake, Javy had become the older brother Venus never knew she wanted. 
Knowing Javy would be there was what made her feel comfortable enough to arrive without Jake. Winning over your fiancé's best friend was quite the confidence boost.
Maybe it was the fact he actually made an effort to get to know her. Maybe it was the fact he took all her digs about the Saints in stride. But with Jake, the three of them had become a trio and she didn't mind at all. 
"Hey guys! This is Danica! Aka Venus, aka the one who got Jake to settle down!"
"You really know how to build suspense Coyote," Nat deadpanned before taking a seat next to Bob. Javy lowered her down, her feet returning to the ground. 
"You're Venus? The one he proposed to after eight months of dating?" A man with shining brown eyes and energy that could best be described as a golden retriever asked. 
Her features softened as she looked down at her emerald ring,  "When you know, you know. I also take it you're Mickey?"
"Wow, I guess Hangman talks about us more than we thought," Mickey joked, earning the chuckles from others. 
She looked back up, that signature smirk having returned, "We're also having a long engagement, that was my compromise." 
"That's not what he said," Phoenix scoffed, recalling the different potential venues Jake had already shown her. 
She continued fidgeting with her engagement ring. It wasn’t a matter of Venus being unfamiliar to having all eyes on her. But with Jake's friends, it was different. Another layer of being official that she wasn’t used to. 
"Well, you deserve all the drinks for being able to put up with Bagman,” Mickey commented, as if he sensed her nerves.  
“Bagman?” she asked, a mischievous glint forming in her big eyes. 
"It's what we call him when we feel he hasn't earned being called his proper name, which I'm sure as you know, is most of the time," A man with glasses and a thin lopsided smile that was sweeter than sugar explained. 
Her eyes light up, "Oh, I am definitely using that. Also, are you Bob?" 
Without waiting for an answer, she walked over to the bespectacled WSO, “You’re so cute! I’m adopting you.” For added effect, she placed a hand on each of Bob’s cheeks. 
“Does that mean Bagman is my dad?" Bob asked with an almost grimace. 
"Yeah, but I'll make sure he chills out," She reassured him with a soft smile. 
“Wait, she’s actually nice?” Reuben whispered to Natasha and Bradley, “The way Jake describes her-”
“Look, if she can find redeemable qualities in Bagman of all people, she must have a lot going for her,” Natasha interjected. 
As time passed, Venus found herself more and more at ease with the group. Despite having heard so much, they still took the time to ask questions, to get to know her. They wouldn’t only talk about Jake (not that she wanted them to), and they actually tried to include her in the conversation, despite her lack of knowledge about their field. 
It was different. It was nice. 
Once drinks got low, Venus offered to go get the next round. Bradley followed her, still apologizing for the flirting earlier. 
She chuckled, “It’s totally fine. In fact, I think it’s hilarious that you and Bagman have a similar type,” Her eyes narrowed, “Which by the way, I know plenty of cute, spitfire nurses who are single.”
Bradley’s face turned bright red, “I’m uh-I don’t need any help with-”
“Look, I already plan to find Bob's future wife, might as well find yours while I’m at it. There are people out there who are into what you call a mustache,” She shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t get it, but I’m willing to find them for you.” 
It was the way she mixed sweetness with snark that confused Bradley, as well as everyone else. 
“Can I ask you something?” Bradley finally asked. 
“I’m not going to tell you his dick size,” A devious smirk adorned her face, causing her to resemble the image the squad had conjured in their minds when Jake first told them how the ‘future Mrs. Seresin’ referred to him as a knockoff Ken doll. 
“That’s not what-”
“But I will say-”
“Please don’t.”
“You could have named him Hungman and it still would have been accurate.”
“I really, really don’t need to hear this.” Bradley’s face was now bright red, whereas the woman next to him casually ordered the next round of beers and a lemon seltzer for Bob with a grin on her face. 
“You’re telling me the men in the navy don’t talk about their dick sizes? Least of all, the person whose call sign means cock?”
“It’s a bird-”
“That also means cock.”
Bradley stared at her, quite frankly afraid that if he said another word, he'd have to hear about Hangman’s dick. 
She stared right back, able to hold off the impromptu staring contest for a few moments before erupting into a fit of giggles.
When Jake first rambled on about the beautiful woman he had met at a coffee shop, who he insisted was his future wife, Bradley (and everyone else) thought the blonde pilot had lost his damn mind. 
But after seeing her truly smile, Bradley could understand why Jake became so smitten. 
“How….do you two work?” It was an honest question. Javy asked the same thing the first time he went out with you and Jake. She even wondered about it herself when they first got together. 
She shrugged, fingers fiddling with Jake’s class ring that was on a silver chain around her neck, “We just….do. He calms me down. I remind him sometimes it’s better to be quiet and just listen. We both make each other smile and laugh. It’s nice. More than nice. It’s wonderful.” 
Bradley noticed what she was fiddling with, "So that’s where it went.”
“He has a ring of mine that he wears with his dog tags. We traded before he went on deployment.” She shrugged again, as if to suggest it wasn’t a big deal. 
The soft smile on her face suggested the exact opposite. 
Bradley grinned, “Do you know he also wears one of your hair ties around his wrist?”
Her smile only continued to grow, "He says the more pieces he has of me on him, the luckier he is in the sky."  
Truthfully, Venus wasn't sure what to expect when she began dating Jake. Certainly not him being such a romantic. It was strange at first. Why would someone go through so much effort to bring flowers, to make dinner reservations, to plan dates when they already had you?
When Jake scoffed at the very idea of not needing to impress it was the first time she truly reflected on previous relationships and just how shitty they were. 
"Baby, they were awful," Jake pressed a chaste kiss to her shoulder, "You deserve so much more than what you've gotten." 
A hand on your shoulder broke you out of your thoughts. 
"I think I just saw that Jeep Wrangler you love so much just pulled up," Natasha teased. 
She rolled your eyes, despite a small smile remaining as you shook your head, "I hate that fucking car." 
"I'm glad someone else agr-"
"Bradshaw, don't get me started on your car choices." Her eyes narrowed as she shot him a look. 
Only she got to insult that hideous car. 
Bradley promptly closed his mouth, not wanting to face her infamous wrath. 
He was still reeling from the Pornstache comment. 
So instead, he simply helped her carry the round of drinks back to the rest of the squad. 
"So Venus, what does the woman who made Jake Seresin lovesick do?" Payback asked. 
"I'm a level three neonatal nurse at the local hospital," she explained, "Which is partly why it's been so hard to meet y'all. My schedule can be pretty irregular." 
The table was quiet as they processed this new piece of information. When they first heard about her, they couldn't help but imagine a cutthroat business woman, a manager, a consultant. 
Not a nurse. Particularly one who dealt with children. 
"So you um, you-" 
She set her glass down with force, "I do not play with babies and change diapers all day. My job is to keep premature babies alive and ensure they're able to go home with their family and live as healthy of a life as possible." 
Her voice was tense, no doubt due to past dismissive comments regarding her job. 
Bob shifted closer to her, "I think that's amazing. One of my sister's kids was born at 28 weeks and she still swears to this day that if it weren't for y'all, she would not have been able to keep it together." 
Her shoulders visibly relaxed as a smile formed on her face, "I like you Bob. I'm going to keep you." 
Mickey spoke up, "Hey, wait a second. My girlfriend Cielo and I have already put in a request to adopt Bob." 
She put an arm around Bob's shoulder, shaking her head, "Nah, I call dibs." 
"We knew him first!" If one didn’t see the gleam of playfulness that laced Mickey’s amber eyes, his tone would sound completely defensive. 
Bob finally spoke up, "Just a friendly reminder that I'm thirty one years old." 
She turned to the soft spoken WSO, "Which is why I am determined to find you your Missus." 
"Get in line, Cielo and I have been working on that." 
Natasha snorted, "We've all been working on that." 
Bob signed, putting a palm to his face. 
"Hey V, I think your man just walked in." Maybe it was fate, maybe the universe took pity on Bob. 
But when Venus looked up upon hearing Reuben's words, her heart skipped a beat. 
There he was. 
Jake was over at the bar, waiting for Penny to take notice of him. No doubt ordering gin and tonic, along with a basket of fries for Venus. He always made sure she had something to snack on. 
"Wanna see something?" She asked the gang. 
Without waiting, she put two fingers to her mouth, a loud whistle coming out. The noise caught the attention of several people, including a blonde man with eyes greener than the emerald that adorned her engagement ring. 
When Jake's eyes met hers, her heart skipped a beat. His eyes lit up, a smile overtaking his face. 
"Hi loverboy," she called out with a wave. Oh she tried to smirk, try to play it off as if she was indifferent to the sight of her fiancé. 
But Danica's eyes told a different story. 
"Venus!" Jake called out, getting even more attention. Not that he noticed. He was too busy practically shoving folks out of the way to get to the table. 
Maybe she picked up her pace to meet Jake. Maybe Jake knocked a drink over as his hands placed themselves underneath her thighs, allowing him to pick her up in one swoop. 
It’s not like either of them were paying attention. 
To say Jake Seresin was annoyed was an understatement.
His day had started out so well. He got to wake up not on base in a small, old twin bed, but instead in the arms of his fiancé. 
Then he had to go to work. 
Jake loved his job. He was damn good at it- one of the best, in fact. He enjoyed being at work, which was something many couldn't say. 
But not when his job caused him to be late, unable to be with the woman he loved, especially on a night where she needed him the most. 
Normally, she would have already met his friends before Jake proposed to her. But thanks to the nature of his job, which involved spur-of-the-moment missions, he had done things a bit backwards. 
If it weren't for the nature of his job, Venus could have met the squad back when she only had the title of girlfriend. 
Sure, she still would have put pressure on herself, as was in her nature. But decidedly less pressure. 
Jake wanted to be there for her, to reassure her that she was in fact, the most incredible person he had ever met and that his friends would see that immediately. To put a hand on her shoulder whenever he saw that smile begin to fade, self doubt creeping into her mind. 
Which was why he was all but running into the Hard Deck. His meeting with Cyclone lasted much longer than intended. Normally Jake wasn’t super concerned about showing up late to the Hard Deck, but today was the worst day it could happen. 
Deep in his heart, he knew she would be just fine. At worst, she wouldn’t approach the squad until Javy arrived and would stick by Penny. 
Jake just wanted her to feel comfortable, to feel at ease. He wanted to support her, like any decent husband would. 
So yeah, maybe he was taking advantage of his status, knowing that no one would say anything if he pushed past them without a single excuse me. Jake knew his great grandmother was rolling in her grave, but he hoped Mimi would understand all in due time. 
“Hey Penny, have you happened to see an absolute goddess with an affinity for gin and tonics?” Jake asked once he arrived at the front of the bar, ignoring the glares. 
Penny simply smiled, "I think your friends found her. She was also pretty low on her beverage last time I saw her." 
"Well, we can't have that. I'll take a Miller Light, along with a Gin and tonic with a basket of fries." Jake recalled that she had texted him around two that she was on her lunch break. He doubted she had much time, if any, to eat when she got home from work. 
Order fries first, then find the love of his life. 
If only the bar wasn't slammed. 
He was trying his best not to be impatient. It wasn't Penny's fault, the Hard Deck was always like this when a new class arrived to base. 
But damn was it frustrating. The minutes seemed to tick away. Jake looked around, unable to spot his fiancé amidst the sea of khaki. 
Until he heard that whistle. 
He looked around, Bradshaw finally moving his bigass head to reveal the person that made his heart soar. 
She was sitting with the rest of the gang, smiling. She looked at ease, as if she had always been a part of this crew. 
Jake knew this was possible, that she had it in herself to open up and connect, rather than sit at the bar and wait for him to come. 
But sometimes she forgets that she can. 
So when Jake doesn't need to remind her, he can't help but beam. 
"Hi loverboy!" His heart fluttered when she sent him a wink, along with her smirk that he fell in love with the first time he saw (it also made him hard but that's neither here nor there). 
So yes, he did gently push some people out of the way to get to the table. And he did knock a drink over when he went to pick her up. But in Jake's defense, he hadn't seen her since seven-thirty in the morning and it was only Bradley's drink. 
"Hi baby," He said as he pressed his lips to her cheek. 
She rolled her eyes, though the smile still remained on her face, "You act like you haven't seen me in forever."
"Because I haven't," Jake murmured against her skin, "It's been ten hours." 
"Ten hours?" She repeated, her tone teasing, "You're incorrigible." 
"I don't know what that means, but thanks V," He said before pressing his lips against hers.  
Before Jake, she wasn't used to PDA. It wasn't a matter of not desiring it, she did. But none of her past relationships were into it, so it wasn't something she pursued. 
And then she met Jake. Jake, who would just grab her hand without saying anything. Jake, whose natural inclination was to wrap his arms around her. Jake, who would make the effort to kiss her, even if he was just passing by to get a drink or to unload the dishwasher. 
She liked it. She couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face as his lips moved to her nose, then forehead. 
"Can you put me down? You're looking a little desperate GI Joe," She teased, quickly placing a chaste kiss on his jawline. 
"You like it," He whispered in her ear, gently setting her back down. 
"Debatable," She rolled her eyes, trying to fight back a smile as Jake pressed another kiss against her cheek. 
"Debatable?" He questioned, "The ring on your left hand says otherwise sweetheart." 
Venus looked down at the ring, "I guess." 
"You guess?" Jake hummed, his arms now wrapped around her waist, his chin resting on top of her head. 
The noise and chatter of the Hard Deck slipped away when she looked up, meeting his emerald eyes. She bit her lower lip, trying to hold back a lovesick smile. 
It was no use, as it came out anyway. 
"Oh my God they're adorable," Bradley whispered to Natasha, stunned. 
"What the hell is happening?" Natasha whispered back, equally as stunned. 
"I think they're…in love?" Mickey didn't sound too sure of himself, if at all. 
"Of course they are, is it not obvious?" Bob practically scoffed. 
"Careful," Natasha teased, elbowing Bob playfully, "Think she still wants to adopt you. Remember who your dad would be." 
The rest of the night wasn't anything unusual, save for Natasha, Bradley, Mickey, and Bob asking Venus questions while Jake, Javy, and Reuben played a round of pool. 
"So he listens when you tell him to shut up? Like deadass?" Mickey asked. 
She raised an eyebrow, "He listens to me regardless of what I say." 
"I don't believe it," Bradley started, "We can barely get him to listen to us and-" 
"Hey Jake?" Venus called out, remaining in her seat. 
Jake looked up from the angling his pool cue, his eyes lightening up when they met hers, "What's up darling?" 
"Do you think Sammy and Jess deserved to win Love Island?" Bradley couldn't help but scoff at Venus' question, there was no way- 
"Jess did, because she had the best personality of that season and was actually likable. She would have won regardless of who she coupled up with," Jake explained as he briefly looked back to his aim, "Unfortunately she was stuck on Sammy, who did not deserve to win, dude's a fuckboy if I've ever seen one. Is your drink empty?" 
The squad wasn't sure what was more shocking, the fact Jake had been able to make a perfect shot without looking again, or how focused he was on another person's needs. 
Venus, oblivious to this confusion, raised her empty drink, "I am! Can you get me another gin and tonic please?" 
Jake immediately set his pool stick down, ignoring the confused cries of Javy and Reuben as he went to Venus to give her a kiss on the cheek and pick up her glass. 
"What did you just do?" Mickey asked as soon as Jake headed over to the bar. 
Venus shrugged, "I asked him for another drink. I got his last drink, it's only fair." 
"But he was in a middle of a game-" 
"The less you think about it, the less confused you'll be," Javy explained, cutting off Reuben. 
Javy had long since learned that Jake's focus was now all things Venus. He was pretty sure once Venus became pregnant, she would be able to pry Jake away from a Texas football game. 
"How do you get him to listen to you?" Bradley asked, stunned. 
"I love her," Jake scoffed because wasn't it obvious? The only people who didn't seem confused by all this were Javy and Bob. 
Jake now understood why Venus wanted to adopt the bespectacled WSO. 
"So what are we? Chopped liver?" Natasha remarked, a teasing glint in her eyes.
"He just loves y'all a little less," Venus teased, taking her drink from Jake's hands. 
Bradley scoffed, "Dude, I was your bunkmate." 
"Yeah but did you give him blowjobs frequently?" Venus asked, unaffected by the number of aviators who nearly choked on their drinks. Jake could feel the tops of cheek heat up. 
"Well, depended on-" Bradley started, much to the delightful shrieks of Natasha, Javy, and Reuben. 
"Alright, it's time for us to go pick a new song," Jake stated loudly, practically pushing his fiancé to the jukebox. 
"You're finishing that story later!" Venus called out, pointing to Bradley. 
"Only if you convince him not to play Free Rider!" Bradley called back.
Jake dragged away his fiancé, who was now laughing at the antics of his coworkers. 
He couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was beautiful like this; eyes squinting, cheeks round as she smiled, skin glowing,  not having a care in the world. 
Jake would do anything to keep that smile on her face. 
"I get to pick," She said, taking the quarter out of Jake's hand. 
"Why do you get to pick?" Jake teased before placing a kiss against her temple. 
"Because it's my first time here," she started, because wasn't it obvious? "Plus, I want Bradshaw to finish the story."
"You're really about to give Bradshaw what he wants?" Jake put his hand over his heart, "V, that's the most offensive thing you've said to me." 
Venus simply raised an eyebrow as she scoffed, "That's the most offensive thing I've said to you? Compared to all the other stuff? Compared to what I said when we first met?" 
"I thought it was charming," Jake was completely sincere, which Venus didn't know if she should find that cute or concerning. 
"I think you liked being called a Ken doll," she muttered, looking through the list of songs. 
Jake wrapped his arms around her waist, nestling his head on her shoulder, "I liked the woman who called me a Ken doll. So much so, I plan to marry her." 
Her teeth tugged her bottom lip, a tall-tale sign that she was flustered. She didn't blush, but Jake had learned the signs; she would bite her lip, her lashes would flutter. Her hand that wasn't pressing buttons on the jukebox drummed against the machine, looking for something to do. 
"I love you," he whispered. The declaration made her head turn, allowing Jake to steal a kiss. 
"Could have just asked."
"Where's the fun in that?" He pressed his lips against a heated cheek, leaving tiny kisses. 
Her eyes softened upon looking up at Jake, "How did the meeting go?" 
He squeezed the soft flesh of her hip, "Cyclone thinks I have a decent shot at the instructor position. And that I would be a good fit." 
The statement caused her eyes to light up. Jake could see that she was trying to hold herself back, trying not to get her hopes up. 
"So he'll write you a letter of recommendation?" 
He grinned, showing off his pristinely (and blindingly) white teeth, "Him and Mav." 
"We stan a short king." She said it half in jest, purely to see Jake's brows knit together in confusion, the five year age difference showing. 
"Is that a Tik Tok reference?" 
She stifled a giggle as she shook her head, "No. But you're getting there!" 
"You make me feel so old," Jake sighed. He thought he was doing so well, until Venus informed him that Instagram reels were just Tik Tok videos shown two weeks later. 
She pressed a kiss to his cheek, "So you think you have a shot at it? The position?" 
Before meeting her, Jake would have scoffed at the suggestion he wouldn't get something. He knows who he is, what he's capable of. 
But he doesn't want to let her down. To disappoint her. They both know what this position would entail; permanence. Not having to be deployed on missions. Not having to be away from her for months at a time. The ability to settle down with her. 
"I think so. Cyclone says I have the track record to prove I know the material and I now have the temperance to show I can teach it well." 
She grinned, "that's the most polite way to say you're no longer a cocky asshole." 
Jake wiggled his eyebrows, eliciting another soft giggle from her. 
"Are you sure you're okay with this? If you get the position?" She asked, biting her bottom lip in an attempt to hide her nerves. 
When Jake first brought up the idea of applying to the instructor position, she thought he was joking. Why would someone give up the chance to travel around the world, playing the role of a real life superhero? 
But then he kept bringing it up, announcing he was going to apply. When questioned, Jake said it was simple.
"Getting that job means I get to stay here, with you." 
That's what he said then and it's what he said now. 
"Besides," he added, "the chances of me becoming an ace are low. I'm more than happy to be the only one with two confirmed kills in my generation." 
Venus' eyes narrowed at him and without breaking eye contact, she pressed a button on the Jukebox. 
The notes of Queen's I Want to Break Free filled the Hard Deck, which was followed by the sounds of the squad clapping and thanking Venus. 
"Babe!" Jake nearly whined, putting his hand on his heart, "Really?!" 
"Oh please, you absolutely deserve that." Venus stated before walking towards the bar. 
Jake all but ran after her, grabbing her closest hand. 
"So is now a bad time to tell you that today I parked within the lines?" 
Venus stopped, her eyes slowly turning towards her fiancé, "Both lines?" 
Jake nodded, a proud, albeit cocky smirk adorning his face. 
She took a step forward, her face now inches apart from Jake's. 
"You know," her voice was low, "If you want me to fuck you, you can just ask." 
Jake visibly gulped, the smirk fading as heat rushed to his face, "I mean I, uh, I always want you to-" 
"Did you take a picture of it? Your parking job?" She rested her chin on Jake's head, wrapping her arms around his waist. To others, the gesture was very sweet. 
But Jake could see the desire in her eyes and it was making his knees weak. 
"It's um, how I parked outside of here-" 
"I want to see it. And then I want to go home and fuck you," with that, she was walking towards the door, her fingers hooking themselves around one of Jake's belt loops to ensure he followed. 
Not that he needed encouragement, he was already trailing right behind her. 
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bambi-slxt · 5 months
✨a concept✨
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acts of service
he's a problem solver. “chris i can't get the dishwasher to work, can you-” and he's already ordered a new one, set up the installation, and made sure you'll be home for it. he hates the idea of you floundering alone, and is always quick to take on whatever tasks he can, even if it's as small as running a bath for you before you get home.
words of affirmation
chris is the type to look for things about you that other people don’t seem to notice and compliment you on them. “you’re so well-spoken, like the way you word shit, it's just incredible.” he also likes to hear about your goals and how you're achieving them, and enjoys affirming your choices in life.
quality time
he's SO BIG on quality time. chris loves to be near creativity and one of the ways that manifests is with music. lil skies drops a new album? chris is gonna call you first so you guys can listen to the whole thing together and yap about it.
gift giving
he has such a squirrel brain. chris will see something at the store that reminds him of you and put it in the cart, forget about it, do another lap around the store, see it again, and put it in the cart. he just wants to make you happy.
physical touch
chris doesn't feel the need to be possessive. he shows his physical touch kind of love through soft touches on your back when he's walking behind you (“i'm here, don't get startled”), tapping your thigh in the car to the beat of his music, and standing so close to you when y'all brush your teeth that your hips graze each other.
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acts of service
matt doesn’t like showing off the things he does for you, so often you’ll find that things get fixed or chores get done in the quiet background of your day. he fixes the leaking sink when you’re out shopping, and cleans up the kitchen before you get back so he can help you put groceries away, all without bringing it up once. he enjoys helping you out and taking some of the mental load off of you, but hates the idea of being appreciated for it - matt feels that it’s just his job as a partner.
words of affirmation
he’s big on writing notes. since he doesn’t have a typical 9-5, he’ll make your lunches and put a little post-it note on the inside. “i’m so proud of you, you’re gonna have an amazing day.” on your birthday or anniversary, he always has a hand-written letter for you along with any gifts or celebratory activities.
quality time
matt likes to body double, which means that the two of you don’t necessarily have to be doing the same thing to be engaging in quality time. he’s perfectly content to work on his personal brand or account while you read or play his games while you’re doing homework. he also loves teaching you Fortnite and other FPS’s, or trying new things together like cooking or making crafts.
gift giving
he enjoys giving practical gifts, things that will help make your life easier. it’s his way of saying he notices you’re struggling and he wants to help however he can. this also connects back to his words of affirmation - matt knows that words are powerful, and many of his gifts involve written sentiments of love, pride, vulnerability, or compassion towards you.
physical touch
matt was never big on physical touch. he’s always very aware of his body and someone else coming into contact with it only exacerbated the problem. but soon he came up with a solution for the two of you - ‘three taps means i love you’. soon he taps you all the time, even in his sleep.
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acts of service
nick is never afraid to confront your problems head on, and he feels no apprehension taking time out of his day to do things for you. one of his favorite ways to perform an act of service is to help you manage your days and be as productive as you can be - he wants nothing more than to see you succeed and achieve your dreams.
words of affirmation
he doesn’t always show love this way, but when he does, nick could talk about you for hours. he calls attention to all of your wonderful traits, cute quirks, and special interests, making sure to bring up how amazed he is by all of what makes you, you.
quality time
quality time with nick can look like a lot of different things depending on his mood. some days he wants to go get aćai bowls, thrift, go on a walk by the harbor, and visit the farmers market and some days he wants to stay in bed and talk or watch movies until 3pm.
gift giving
nick is incredibly good at getting gifts. he tries his best to pay attention to everything you like and all the hobbies and interests you have so he can go look them up later and find you presents based on that. he also really enjoys diamond paintings, crafting, or any other artsy, homemade gift he can give you, because to nick, those feel the most authentic.
physical touch
he’s always been a bit jumpy when other people touch him and he’s not expecting it, but once nick knows it’s you, he doesn’t mind at all. when he’s in the mood for it, he loves detangling your hair, hiding his hands in your hoodie pocket, or just brushing up on you as much as he can. 
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thanks for reading!
bambi <3
request to be on the taglist under this post right here
tags: @pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld @solarsturniolo
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tseliius · 8 days
this a public service announcement
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ok ok. since we got the devil may cry netflix trailer today i’ve seen my close friends getting worried over what’s gonna happen to the fanbase after it releases and if viewership increases.
buckle in because this is a sorta long post
for those of you who don’t know, the devil may cry anime is apparently in the same extended universe (of sorts) as netflix’s castlevania.
in the past, when castlevania got big, new fans began to flock to the fandoms and get to posting, as fans do. all was well.
except it kinda wasn’t.
some newer fans were not as kind to fans of the castlevania video games, and instead of- i dunno, playing the games themselves and experiencing the reason why we have a castlevania show in the first place, they decided to completely disregard and ignore them and the fans, and essentially substitute the games’ canon with the show’s canon.
these fans, sometimes, were very disrespectful towards the older fans and the love they held for the original video games. my friends were there to see it happen (on this very site, no less) and it was incredibly disheartening for them to see.
i would also be hurt if someone, who is a fan of a newer installment in my favorite franchise that has a new continuity, completely disregard the previous canon and the love that older fans like me have for it and just substitute it with the new one without once acknowledging or engaging with us in the first place.
if this sounds nitpicky, it’s just because i’m bad at words — if you understand what i’m getting at so far, then great!! now let me get to the main point.
there is a good possibility of new fans coming in when the anime comes out next spring, and if you originally knew nothing about devil may cry and you will be watching the anime for yourself, then:
1. welcome to the crew. we have pizza!
2. this message is for you!!!
i will also be watching the new anime! i’m always excited to have new people to talk about something i love with. however, i am also a fan of the original video games. i may not be good at them, but i love them.
if you decide to engage with us in any way, we welcome you, but we humbly ask this of you:
be kind.
it is okay if you like the show’s canon more than the games’ canon! if you haven’t given the games a try and you want to, then please do!!! don’t let the difficulty spike fool you — there’s good shit in there, we promise.
however, we ask that you don’t completely disregard or ignore the original games, or be disrespectful to older fans in any way. that can be disheartening to a lot of people, and a little exhausting considering how i’ve detailed that this has happened before.
tl;dr, be kind and civil to your fellow devil hunters, people. we love this just as much as you do, and we want to share that love with all of you as a community.
but y’know, i’m just a strange gal on the internet. i’m not your mom.
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hope this reaches the right people. don’t forget: i love you! 🩷
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talshiargirlfriend · 2 months
This instalment of spy-ay-ay-ay ✨vibes✨ for @candiedsumire snowballed on me, so let me sell you on it real quick: family banter, chocolate, an impassioned speech, Vulcan jokes, only one bed, and a dose of mutual pining. 2.8K words to use 2 lines. Can you pick them out?
Thank you @deadheaddaisy for talking me off the ledge 🥰🥰🥰
also tagging @iamstartraveller776 for a reason which will be clear about 370-some words in 😅
Follows immediately from the previous post here
Maybe he had been overthinking because things certainly started off well enough. His parents met them on the walkway in front of the house with smiles. 
Trip stepped up to make introductions. “T’Pol, I’d like you to meet my parents Elaine Meyer and James Tucker. Mom, Dad, this is T’Pol.”
He had no time to second guess whether he should have included her rank or called her his girlfriend as immediately his parents each raised a hand in a pair of very passable Vulcan salutes. 
“Peace and long life,” Elaine said in choppy Vulcan while her husband stood beside her proudly.
“Live long and prosper,” T’Pol responded in kind. 
After a brief pause, Elaine continued in English, “Sorry, I don’t know much more than that. Welcome to our home, T’Pol. We’re very pleased to meet you.” 
T’Pol gracefully moved her hand down to shake first Trip’s mother’s hand and then his father’s. 
“Thank you for your hospitality. It is agreeable to meet you, Ms Meyer and Mr Tucker.” 
“Please, call me Elaine,” his mother spoke at the same time his father insisted, “It’s Jimmy, please!”
“Oh, you’re gonna have to work for that one, Dad. It took me months to get her to call me Trip.” 
His parents exchanged an amused glance and led the way into the house.
Trip decided to press his luck a little, “and we were on kissing terms by then, right sweetheart?” She didn’t roll her eyes, but it really looked like she wanted to and that was good enough for him. 
As they followed his parents through the front door she paused and gave him a quizzical look. 
“Perhaps I have misapprehended the nature of your nickname,” she said in a hushed tone. “Your father is not named Charles?”
“Oh.” Trip had a brief flash of panic. If it hadn’t occurred to him to tell her this, what if he’d forgotten something important?
“Trip?” she prompted. 
“Nah, you’ve got it right. I’m the third Charles Tucker, but I’m named after my grandad and my uncle.”
Jimmy overheard that and added, “Our oldest son is named Bert after Lainey’s dad, but then my brother Charlie and his wife Maggie had three daughters in four years and decided they were done having kids—”
“My cousins Daisy, Aster, and Violet - you’ll meet them tomorrow,” Trip interjected. 
“So when this fella came along after that we decided he should carry on the family name.”
T’Pol looked between the two men. “I see.”
“That’s her ‘humans are strange and illogical’ face. I see that one a lot,” Trip joked. 
“Maybe that’s because you personally are strange and illogical, son,” his mama chimed in. 
Jimmy chuckled, and T’Pol’s lips twitched. 
“Ha. Ha. Isn’t it nice to be home,” Trip groused. 
Ignoring his put-upon tone, Elaine patted his cheek. “It’s real good to have you home, baby. Why don’t you two go put your things away and get settled, and then we’ll have dinner.” 
Jimmy led them upstairs. “You two are in here,” he said, pushing a bedroom door open.
And that’s when they saw the one large bed filling the space. They’d be able to walk around it fine, but his plan of sleeping on the floor was right out. 
“Oh wow, new bed,” Trip said weakly. 
His dad winked - actually freaking winked - at him and said, “With you kids getting older and starting to bring home spouses and kids, we thought this room needed an upgrade. I’ll see you two downstairs for dinner.” 
Once he had departed, Trip eyed T’Pol warily. “Looks like we’ll be sharing a bed.” 
She responded with typical Vulcan pragmatism. “Then there will be no reason for you to suffer back pain. Which side would you prefer?” 
He stared at her for a second before placing his bag down to claim his side. She was either completely unaffected by the thought of sharing a bed with him or she was enjoying his discomfort. Maybe both. 
After a moment T’Pol spoke without looking up from the personal items she was unpacking. “I was concerned my being Vulcan would cause you some difficulty with your family. I am pleased that doesn’t seem to be the case.” 
“Nah, I mean it’s definitely unusual, but they’ve always been pretty supportive of me finding my own way in the world. And what’s not to like about you? Plus Mom has Vulcan colleagues - friends, even, at the university. Hell, it sounded like Dad was on board before I even called. If anything, I’m more worried someone’ll make an embarrassing sex joke or ask when we’re getting married… but you’re trained to handle ‘offensive situations’ and I grew up with it.” He smirked. 
“I do not think my family would be as welcoming,” she said quietly. She sounded almost sad. 
“Well, it takes some people a little longer to come around. Our project and the joint missions to follow could really help with that. Are you close to your family?”
“Not particularly. My mother is often concerned about my erratic behavior,” T’Pol said drily. 
Trip looked at her suspiciously. “You’re not joking?”
She shook her head slightly in the negative.
“You’re a loose cannon? A Vulcan black sheep? My girl’s a rebel.” He looked at her salaciously, “T’Pol, that’s kinda hot.” 
She gave him a long-suffering look, but there was no longer a trace of sadness on her face as she followed him to dinner. 
Shortly after they all sat down at the table a blonde tornado blew in. “Sorry I’m late! Hi Mama! Daddy, is that the spicy pasta? It smells delicious! Oh, Trip! I’m so glad you made it!” 
She paused then and took a breath. 
“You must be T’Pol,” she continued in a much more dignified manner. “I’m Elizabeth Tucker, and I’m very pleased to meet you.” 
“It is agreeable to meet you, Ms Tucker.” 
Elizabeth’s ponytail swung wildly as she shook her head, “No, don’t get up on my account! I’m just gonna go wash up and I’ll be right back!”
“So that’s Lizzie,” Trip said into the silence that followed. 
“Takes after her mama,” Jimmy grinned. 
“And her brother,” T’Pol added almost inaudibly. 
Elaine and Trip shared a mock offended look and then she shrugged. “All my babies are brilliant and beautiful. I’m happy to take the credit.” 
Elizabeth returned, and dinner continued. They chatted about Lizzie’s new job, progress on the technology integration project, the fact that Trip’s mom and T’Pol’s mom worked in anthropology and cultural history respectively - small universe! - and Captain Jefferies’s excellent recovery among other topics. Trip found himself relaxing and enjoying himself. 
“T’Pol, I’m not sure how to ask this and I promise I intend no offense…” Elaine began.
Trip felt his stomach clench. So much for relaxing.
“You seem more … personable, I suppose, than most of my Vulcan colleagues. That could be personal preference or generational difference, and I don’t mean to imply that you’ve been too casual! Or that they’re too formal! I just … I don’t want you to feel like you have to try too hard with us. We want you to be comfortable here.” 
“There is no offense where none is taken. As Trip’s chosen partner, I do wish to make a favourable impression on you, and I appreciate your efforts to ensure my comfort,” T’Pol replied. “However, I believe what you have noticed is the result of my cultural training prior to joining the technology integration project. Captain Stenn impressed upon our team the logic of observing and adapting to certain human cultural norms, as he believed this would facilitate cooperation and yield more productive results.”
“Your cultural sensitivity training must’ve been a lot more interesting than ours. We pretty much got taught the ta’al and reminded not to talk with our mouths full,” Trip chuckled. 
“I don’t know, T’Pol,” Jimmy said with a twinkle in his eye. “Maybe you’re just a charmer. The handshake thing…?”
“Slick, right?” Trip exclaimed. “Like a choreographed dance move. I knew I was in trouble the minute I met her and she pulled that on me.” 
“Well, she’s certainly charmed Trip,” Lizzie added as she looked between her brother and his apparent partner in amusement. 
“Hey, I’ve charmed her, too,” Trip defended himself.
All eyes swivelled to T’Pol, who somewhat reluctantly confirmed, “He has made a positive impression.”
Trip shot her a cheeky grin, “and you think I’m funny, too.”
“I will allow you to persist in that belief because it makes you happy.”
“All right, fine,” Trip said over the laughter of his family. “If I’m gonna be mocked by all and sundry, I should at least get some dessert to console me.”
He looked at his mother hopefully, “Did I hear you mention cheesecake?”
“That’s for tomorrow, but I did make brownies — egg and dairy free.”
Lizzie clasped her hands together in delight and leaned toward T’Pol, “Mama only bakes for special occasions. Her brownies are so good!”
Trip stood up to clear away the dinner dishes and his mother followed suit.  T’Pol moved to join them, but he waved her off with a smile, “I’ve got it. I’ll see what tea they’ve got since you’re not big on coffee.”  
Once dessert was finished, T’Pol excused herself for evening meditation. 
A few minutes later Trip gestured vaguely, “I’m just gonna go check on T’Pol and see if she needs anything. Be right back.” 
His parents exchanged a knowing look. 
“Goodnight, son,” his dad called to his retreating back. 
Trip knocked on the bedroom door so he wouldn’t startle T’Pol. He’d seen how fast she could react to a threat and sneaking up on her was likely to get him pinned down with her arm against his throat and … Whoa, easy there.  He shook his head to clear it. 
“Come in.”
She sat on the end of the bed in her snug t-shirt and loose pants pajamas looking just slightly … spacey. 
“Hey, I don’t want to interrupt your quiet time. Just wanted to make sure you're ok.”
“I’m fine,” she answered too quickly. 
He narrowed his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Chocolate has a … mildly intoxicating effect on Vulcan physiology,” she answered grudgingly. 
Well, that was news to Trip! He grinned, “So you’re tipsy?”
She glared. “Slightly. I have been trained to act while under the influence of a variety of intoxicants and will continue to perform any necessary duties that may arise,” she assured him. 
She’d retreated into formality and couldn’t seem to settle on a focal point when looking at his face, so yeah, she was definitely a little drunk. 
“Of course. Never doubted you… you look a little wobbly though.”
“Your sister was very insistent that I share a second slice with her. I did not believe it would cause any difficulties. However, the effect was slightly more potent than I anticipated.” T’Pol sounded almost apologetic.
Trip winced, “Yeah, uh… Mom told me she accidentally added the cocoa twice and was really relieved the brownies still tasted all right.”
T’Pol tilted her head adorably. “Then it appears my initial judgment was sound. I simply failed to anticipate the… human element. I will not repeat that error.” 
“So, is there anything I can do? You need water or a cup of tea? Want me to get out of your hair? I can go sleep on the couch and say I was snoring—“
“No! That will not be necessary.”
“Ok, then what do you need?”
She looked so reluctant to answer it tugged at his heart. 
He sat down beside her. “Come on, T’Pol. You’ve done so much for me. Tell me how I can help you.”
“I have simply done my duty to the best of my abilities,” she deflected softly. 
He snorted. “Duty is getting the sensor and engine upgrades going. Watching my back is duty. Calming me down when Matt was rushed to the hospital? Watching silly movies with me? Coming here with me and charming the pants off my folks? Honey, we’re way past duty. Maybe you think you’re just really good at your job and maintaining cover - and you are - but you’re also … you’re really good at being my best friend. We’re in this together. And you and me? We make a hell of a team. So whatever you need right now, I’ve got you. Okay?”
She looked at him, emotion pooling in her dark expressive eyes until she blinked it away. Her brow creased like she was considering something. 
“Since we are in no immediate danger, the most sensible course of action would be to rest and allow my body to metabolise the toxins naturally.”
He nodded, and she continued, “Normally I would meditate to calm my mind before sleep, but the effects are making it difficult to achieve the desired state of mind. However, I believe listening to a familiar voice could provide a grounding effect.”
It took him a moment to hear the request in her words. “So, you want me to stay here and talk to you?” he checked. 
“If it is not an inconvenience.” 
“It’s not. But even if it was, I would gladly be inconvenienced if it made things easier for you.” A little embarrassed by his own vehemence, he stood abruptly. “Just gonna change and brush my teeth.”
When he returned she was sitting exactly as he’d left her, listing slightly to one side. 
“You sure you’re gonna be able to sleep next to a smelly human?” he teased. 
She made a show of sniffing the air in jest. Something indecipherable passed across her face. It wasn’t disgust, but whatever it was disappeared in a blink as she leaned back, gripping the bedcover tightly. 
“Your scent is not offensive to me, Trip.” 
Before he could work out how to respond to that, she’d moved up the bed and curled up on her side, closing her eyes. 
Trip followed suit and laid on his back with his hands tucked behind his head. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, “So is hitting the chocolate and shacking up with boys the kind of erratic behaviour your mom worries about?” 
T’Pol frowned slightly. “When word of our pairing reached Vulcan, she told me to expect a formal communique regarding the dissolution of my betrothal. She was not pleased.”
Trip was stunned. He really didn’t like the idea of causing problems for her. Or the idea of her having a fiancé, for that matter. 
“You’re engaged? he spluttered as he turned to face her fully. “Is this- am I causing you trouble?” 
She waved a hand in dismissal without even opening her eyes. “It is a formality. I was issued an ultimatum regarding my betrothal prior to accepting assignment on Earth.  I preferred a position on the integration team over marriage to Koss. Activation of my secondary assignment - our situation - simply makes me more undesirable. Thus the ‘greetings t’sai’ letter.”
His jaw dropped. “Was that a ‘Dear John’ joke?” he asked incredulously. 
She looked pleased with herself. 
“Well, I’m glad you think it’s funny! Geez, T’Pol. I thought I’d ruined your whole life!”
She didn’t quite snort. “Hardly.” After a moment she added, “I may be divulging too much information in my inebriated state.” 
“Not from my perspective, and you know I’ll keep your secrets, but we can talk about something else.” 
Trip settled onto his back again and rambled on with occasional replies from T’Pol. He talked about how glad he was to have met her, his opinions about the upcoming Vulcan-Starfleet mission, how he would improve the sensor installation prior to testing, and a rundown of the various family members she might meet at Lizzie’s graduation party the following day.  
After a quiet minute he thought she’d fallen asleep until she suddenly whispered his name rather intently. 
For a horrible second he thought she was going to tell him she needed to vomit. He turned on his side to face her. “Yeah?”
“You have a very interesting face,” she told him, staring at said face for a moment and raising her hand in his direction slightly before tucking it under her pillow and closing her eyes again. 
“Okaaaay,” he laughed. “Thanks, I guess?”
“I don’t think I’d get tired of looking at it,” she mumbled sleepily. 
By the time he could process the thought what does that mean? he realised she was actually asleep this time. 
He looked at her peaceful features, grateful she felt safe enough to let her guard down with him. After a moment he became aware he might be moving past friendly affection toward something like longing and turned away before he could reach creepy staring territory. 
He let the steady sound of her breathing behind him soothe him until he hit on another realisation: he’d been joking around with his dad before, but he might really be in trouble here. 
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respectthepetty · 1 year
I’m late. But obsessed with EarthMix and ONLY just finished Moonlight chicken and look, I will believe anything from these shows. Anything! A body swap, yea I’m game, time travel? Sure thing I’ll buy that.
But at no point. At any point, can they try and convince me that Earth is a 40 year old man. Like. Hunny no.
BUT they can convince me that if you show Mix’s Forehead. His Duality reaches another level.
Thank you for allowing me to ramble on your ask, with not an ask but more of a statement of feelings.
Anon, fair warning this is going to turn into a
Mama Gogo & Jojo Appreciation Post
I've written it plenty of times, but as a person who is always late, it doesn't matter that you're late as long as you show up. And obviously, you show up for the good stuff!
(I'm unsure about the comment about Mix's forehead. I don't understand it. It is very much my reading comprehension, not you, so I'm gonna moonwalk around it. Sorry.)
EarthMix did give us body swapping in Cupid's Last Wish and Magic of Zero: Zero Supporter, which I think is funny that their Cupid's Last Wish characters basically got a sponsored Our Skyy episode before A Tale of Thousand Stars did.
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And I believed them as heartbroken best friends, Batman & Robin, in the New Jiew video.
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So if their A Tale of Thousand Stars installment has time travel where the chief isn't playing someone already in his 30s, I would be delighted, but I know we can't get that on top of them looking adorable. We can only be so lucky!
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But, like you stated, GMMTV trying to convince me that Earth is 40 when he JUST turned 29?! The audacity!
Especially when these children are older than him!
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Off (32), Gun (turning 30 this year), Tul (30), and Max (turning 29 in a month).
That's the magic of film, but @dribs-and-drabbles had an entire post about how we want stories about older queers with older people acting in them! And you know what's shocking?!
THIS IS 40!!!!!!
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Nat aka Chopper's dad from Never Let Me Go is 40. If he was good enough to play Chopper's daddy, then he is good enough to play a daddy, you feel me?!
First, I need everyone to watch Mama Gogo where that scene came from because it served nothing but looks every single episode, and it was written AND directed by the Jojo, who also put Nat in Never Let Me Go which he also directed.
If you like Earth, Jojo gave us treats. If you like Mike and Drake, Jojo had you. If you like 40-year-old daddies, Jojo fed you! GO LOOK AT THE POSTER!
And for the ladies who like ladies, THIS IS 42!
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Once again, we have Jojo to thank for Sine looking fine in 3 Will Be Free.
So what I'm trying to say is as much as I love director Aof, who is beautiful and amazing, he stays aging up these boys, while Jojo appreciates the variety of actors' ages. Aof had First looking like a divorced dad of two with a mortgage and alimony due, when we all know that 24-year old is a precious baby boy who needs to stay hydrated because he cries so much.
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Jojo would never do that! He is giving First a baseball bat and the rest of these 20-year old boys their slut era in Only Friends!
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So if you want to see Earth be a 20-year old himbo, Jojo is the answer.
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Jojo is always the answer.
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bryan360 · 6 months
No “On This Day” posting I’ll be focusing today.
2024 Review - Seagate 2TB Portable Drive (Third/Final - Storing game(s))
It’s been a long time coming; not to mention through scheduling at the program all weekdays I’d been in. Nevertheless, I’m finally coming back to this topic for the final time. After that the second half of installing with my gaming console is done, I’m now be storing/moving one of my games from its internal storage; which I’d already got it at early January this year.
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⬆️ (From January. 6th, 2024; 3:04 to 6:24 P.M)
The first one is I’d finally gotten to installed Forza Horizon 5; the same game from last year’s Christmas gift for my Xbox One system. You can thank our friend @carmenramcat of ever giving me for Christmas by surprise. Link Here
I haven’t boosted this racing game yet; not until after getting my own potable hard drive in early January 2024. There are plenty of games in it as well, but that’s gonna wait after the final part of this topic review.
So anyways, I’d managed to move this to my portable hard drive which had lot of storage needed. Just how long it will take after installing? Well from checking in actual time (via screenshots information) about 3:04 to 6:24 P.M., it’s 3 hours, 20 minutes, and 33 seconds when calculated by using calculator.net website. Wow. Sure it would make sense due to how big this racing game will be, but taking three hours or less was a bit long. Still, nothing bad happens once it’s done for my portable drive. At least I’m grateful that I’d finally got this game downloaded after months later. The transfer progress should’ve speed things up though. That being said, I can’t wait to dive in unless for further planning to share soon. Or if I haven’t gotten through FH3 progress as of yet. I’d appreciate for having my portable drive with me that I’m willing to transfer other games more. 👍
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Update: So I haven’t downloaded just one FH5 updated patch just yet. Not until back in Sunday this week that I got it as well. Now it took me about from 1:52 to 2:23 P.M.; or 31 minutes and 5 seconds shorter. Not bad that didn’t take this long. I won’t be surprised that there will more updated patches for FH5 to check out, just in case.
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(Back in March. 24th, 2024) (just after transferring other games that I’d save since February 3rd, 2024)
Now to get into with my other games I’ve previously transfer for my portable hard drive. During the same date of January 6th, I did the second time with 👊💥MultiVersus; a free to play fighting platform made by Player First Games. It took about few minutes than I did with my Forza Horizon 5 game within three hours or less. And then afterwards til February 3rd at 6:20 to 6:53 P.M., I got with two previous Forza Horizon titles, Rare Replay included two Banjo-Kazooie titles, Cuphead, Kingdom Hearts 3, and PAC-MAN Museum+. Talk about plenty of some along the way. Thought looks like it takes minutes for almost all games included this time. That’s good to see that it happened, right?
So anyways as I’d going back to its storage devices setting, my portable drive is about 16.1% within 1.5 TB free spaces. It’s not full enough as of yet. Though who knows if there’s plenty room to pick which I’m going for sooner or later. Other than that, I also pointed out for its internal storage had few games in it. It’ll be for another time to save, I promise.
My Experience/Overall Thoughts: ⬇️
Storing/transferring FH5 (Forza Horizon 5) (plus other games) with my external hard drive was an interesting progress to get through. It depends how many games to transferring within minutes/hours before completion. All in all, I couldn’t done it without my first portable drive that I’d wanted for my gaming console. It won’t be a matter of time before I can get a new one in the near future, but not right now. I’m happy of having a portable drive I’ll be taking care of. 🙂 If you’re curious or interested to get one of those, then it’s available on Amazon.com. It normally cost about $70, so hopefully that you still have your savings left. Link Here
See ya guys until my upcoming topics are coming soon. 👋
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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thecoolblackwaves · 6 months
Another Fic for @candcweek !!! This one is independent to the "Kiss and Marry" multi chapter one I've got going -- in fact, it's part of a different universe. A modern AU I'm calling Family Of Nerds (I made a post a post it). Join C+C as they have a little picnic date at sunset.
Fandom: The Silmarillion
Pairing: Tyelkormo/Curufin (implied)
Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, Family Of Nerds AU, Motorcycles, Stargazing, Implied Incest, Ambiguous Relationships, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
Word Count: 1k
Summary: “At about eight years old, Tyelkormo had become obsessed with outerspace and astronomy, spending many hours in their backyard with a small telescope. Little Curvo often joined him - sometimes even sneaking out past his bedtime - to observe the twinkling lights and listen to the history his brother read about in his library books. Stargazing had become a private tradition for the two of them.”
AO3 A/N: This is set in my “Family of Nerds'' universe. My Tumblr blog @thecoolblackwaves has a post explaining it - basically, it’s a modern AU where Feanor, a philologist, and Nerdanel, an arts professor, have raised their kids to be their fully authentic, artistic, nerdy selves. Tyelko is a bow and arrow wielding forest ranger and gym bro, Curvo is a ballet dancer who failed to go professional and now creates jewelry and accessories for dance companies instead. I’m hoping to continually add to this universe! Not all installments are slash/incest, neither are they linear, but with this one it’s implied. Also I know absolutely nothing about motorcycles or astronomy so sorry for any inaccuracies.
Tyelkormo’s favorite brother needed cheering up, and by god was he going to do it!
He wasn’t sure what exactly had happened between Curvo and Angrod, but whatever it was, they had both stormed out of their grandfather’s house visibly upset. While he generally got on with that particular half-cousin, Curufin always came first for him. Always. So he tailed him home and watched closely as his little brother sulked around the kitchen - not eating anything, though he eyed some chips - and then took a rather violent sounding shower.
Curufin tended to deny himself food when his emotions were in turmoil. A leftover habit from ballet classes, he suspected. Even though he wanted nothing more than to eat away his feelings, and was no longer required to maintain a ruthlessly flawless physique, he would instead choose to punish himself. Tyelkormo wasn’t having it.
He snuck around the house to gather his supplies, careful not to alert his brother to the opening and closing of doors. He then went into Curufin’s bedroom and laid out warm, comfortable clothes, along with his own leather motorcycle jacket and spare boots.
“What are you doing?”
Curufin’s voice, though flat, held no malice as he moped in with a towel around his waist. Tyelkormo considered this a private victory. Even when he felt like shit, Curvo awarded him and him alone his patience and the softer, more vulnerable sides of his personality.
“I thought I could take you on a ride for a while. It’s a beautiful night, and I want to spend time with you.”
“Are you gonna ask me what happened once I’m trapped next to you going eighty miles an hour?”
“No, I won’t ask unless you want me to. And only seventy-five, don’t wanna deal with state troopers.”
Curufin snorted, then he nodded. He shut the door and dropped his towel, casual nudity not bothering him, and got dressed.
They wheeled the bike out of the garage, Tyelkormo giving it a kickstart. Curufin secured his helmet and sat behind him, holding on tight as they peeled out of the driveway. Sharp winds whipped around their bodies and twilight glittered across the horizon.
Tyelkormo pulled into a fast food drive-thru despite his brother’s feeble protests. He also paid for their meals, despite louder protests, and drove them down scenic country roads to a secluded field.
He unpacked a picnic blanket from one of his saddle bags and heard Curvo snort in surprise. Grinning to himself, he also pulled out the candle he had nicked from the dining room table and lit it with a flourish, setting it safely within a wide metal dish and laying it in the center of their blanket.
Curufin was giggling uncontrollably now, pink in the face, looking light and happy. He gracefully fell into a seated position and divied out their cheeseburgers and french fries.
“Sorry this isn’t chocolate covered strawberries and wine, or anything, but I was starving,” Tyelkormo said, laughing as well.
“It’s fine, I prefer this anyway. When did you come up with the idea for a picnic?” Curvo asked curiously as he drowned his fries in honey mustard sauce. Tyelko wrinkled his nose.
“While you were showering. I wanted to take you out to dinner, but I also wanted to be alone with you, and it’s so nice outside today. Seemed like a good compromise.”
“It is,” Curufin reassured. “This is nice. Peaceful.”
They fell silent for some time, admiring the last streaks of sunset while they finished their food. Around them, insects chirped and buzzed, and a few fireflies emerged from the grasses.
Curufin laid back with a sigh, arms crossed behind his head. Tyelkormo quickly joined him after blowing out the candle, cuddling close to his side.
“Will you tell me about the constellations?” his younger brother asked.
It was a question he’d heard many times over the years. At about eight years old, Tyelkormo had become obsessed with outerspace and astronomy, spending many hours in their backyard with a small telescope. Little Curvo often joined him - sometimes even sneaking out past his bedtime - to observe the twinkling lights and listen to the history his brother read about in his library books. Stargazing had become a private tradition, the vast night skies had witnessed the making of many intimate memories between them.
“Well, there’s Orion-Orome, the Hunter. He rides a white horse, Pegasus-Nahar - the one right there, to the left - and leads the hunt for evil creatures. Sometimes he’s accompanied by a pack of dogs led by Canis-Huan Major, the one stretching out its leg.”
“That’s who you named Huan after, right?” Curufin asked, curling into his side. Tyelkormo put his arm around his shoulders and played with the ends of his hair with his free hand.
“Yeah, that’s right! The best boy in the whole world. You know, he once helped the big constellation, Andromeda-Luthien, to defeat Cepheus-Morgoth. She was said to be incredibly beautiful, and sang a song that enchanted him so she could steal the jewels from his crown, and rode away on the dog’s back with her husband Perseus-Beren. It’s that one to the right straight ahead.”
“Sounds unfair to me,” Curufin muttered, “Stealing someone’s symbol of power. Where did she go?”
“No one knows, they disappeared into the night, never to be seen again. Some say that when great heroes die, they turn into stars themselves. For example, Cygnus-Elwing. She sacrified herself to save her people and turned into a bird flying the skies, then became a star with her husband, Auriga-Earendel. There’s a myth that once a year, they board his ship and sail across the skies as a bright shooting star.”
Curufin hummed, cuddling closer. He kissed his brother’s cheek.
“I don’t know how people come up with this stuff. I just like the way the light shines from them, it’s beautiful.”
“It is,” his brother agreed. “Like you.”
“Oh, sap. Knock it off.”
“Never. Oh look, Curvo, there’s a shooting star now!”
Closing his eyes and smiling, Curufin rested his hand over Tyelkormo’s heart.
“I’ve got everything I need.”
“Oh, my god. You call ME sappy?”
The End :)
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 4 months
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This post is just me sort of rambling about the thoughts surrounding my new job so feel free to scroll past.
New workspace. This machine was installed a few weeks ago and a few of use were trained in it but I am the primary operator. They haven’t installed my work table yet so I’ve been using that cart. I’m two months into the drastic change in careers and it’s been strange - not just the obvious difference in what I’m actually doing but the shift as well. I don’t have weird start and ends times that change daily. But my set shift begins at 5am, meaning that I’m waking up at 3:30am. That’s the middle of the witching hour. I keep expecting to sit up and see some kind of demon ghost thing looking shocked like “the fuck you doing awake?”
But I’m less stressed, I think. I miss my clients dearly but now I no longer have to be responsible for the lives of 12 people. I can actually focus on myself. And the fact that I can do this job while wearing headphones has allowed me to catch up on podcasts and shit I’d long abandoned due to lack of time/energy. I’ve even made it a goal to listen to at least one new album a day from an artist I like but only know a song or two. I have 10 hours a day to fill so it’s not that hard to do. (I’m open to suggestions btw so if you have a fav band/album you think more people should hear, let me know! I don’t really *hate* any genre, except 90% of the new bro country shit)
My medical insurance kicks in on July 1st, so I can finally go to the doctor and dentist. They’ve had some overtime available that I’ve taken advantage of, and will continue to do so as long as it’s there. Mostly because I need all the money I can get and also - I don’t mind the work. It feels good to be physically doing stuff. I’m not like, building houses or anything but there I’m for sure getting more movement than I was previously. The ONLY downside so far of this job is that it’s very hard to regulate the temperature. I’ve had to buy my own fan to bring in and honestly I’m about to get a second one so I can have it blowing on my from both sides. Ya girl STAYS hot.
I’ve been staying with my mom and it’s been rough. We don’t have the most loving relationship, she gets on my goddamn nerves but I try not to get to frustrated with her because it will only make things worse. Maybe one day I’ll write some essays about it, as my upbringing with her was anything but “normal” but I digress.
The most challenging thing has been the lack of *silence* in the house. Before, I had my roommates. Ut they were hardly home when I was and then they had their room upstairs. We never really got in each others space. Here, that’s not possible. I’m literally sleeping on a twin bed that’s been set up in the dining room since it’s a tiny 750sq ft one bedroom house. And my mom nor Mo work, so they NEVER LEAVE. And neither of them have much variety in the food they eat so I’ve had to adapt to eating much of the same bland poor southern shit I grew up with. Which is good occasionally but man. I can’t wait to have my own kitchen again and cook some Indian food. Or Mediterranean.
My goal is to have my own place by the first of August. Thats plenty of time to have the money for the first few months plus deposit. The biggest issue is not knowing what’s gonna be on the market. Rent, while not nearly as high as places like Chicago and Austin and huge cities like that, it’s still unreasonable for a single income person. Especially when that income is just under 40k a year, pre tax.
Anyway, my hope is that once I get moved into my own place I can finally have the energy and focus to do more creative shit. I have TONS of ideas written down but with no space to do any of them, it’s been depressing. I’ve got buttons and magnets and silly shit all in my big ass head. And not all of it is wrestling related.
Alright I’m gonna stop now. But yeah if anyone read all this I apologize haha. It’s not my usual shit of making jokes about AEW and posting too many pics of Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy.
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cartoonist-ks · 1 year
The Bernia AU: Humble Beginnings
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About: The first installment to The Bernia AU. This story is about the iconic muppet duo, Bert and Ernie, and how they got married after over 30 years of being together.
Author's Note: So, for those who either follow me, or at least read this story, might notice I re-posted it, and that's because of some minor changes. Instead of establishing that Bert and Ernie have been together for over 50 years before marriage, I've reduced that to 30 years, and the reason for that is that I added something to the timeline of this AU, and only changed it for the sake of the story to make sense. What is that something I added, you may ask? You'll just have to see once that story is published. Keep in mind, that Bert and Ernie are still together and will remain together as a married couple forever in this AU.
Rating: All Ages
AU: Bernia
Bert and Ernie have been together for over 30 years now. They have gone on more dates than The Count can count. And we all know he loves to count. But this time, it will be different. Bert has something special planned for his date with Ernie. Bert fixes his bow tie in the mirror. He wears a white, button-up shirt, with a black vest over it. Black pants and his plain old saddle shoes. He looks at himself in the mirror making sure he looks decent enough. He then began to spray some cologne on himself to keep him smelling nice.
Bert: “Okay, I think I’m ready. Let’s see, I took a bath, I brushed my teeth, I combed my hair. My outfit looks decent. Okay, I think I’m ready to go.”
            He began to walk out of the room when he stopped by the door.
Bert: “OH! I almost forgot!”
            He walks back to his dressing table and opens the drawer. He lifts some neatly folded clothes and retrieves a little black box underneath. He puts the black box into his pocket and closes back the drawer.
Bert: “Now, I’m ready!”
The yellow muppet makes his way out of the room, closing the door behind him. He then meets Ernie by the front door. Ernie is wearing only a white button-up shirt, black pants, and a little red tie. As footwear, he wore dark brown loafers. The orange smaller muppet greets his boyfriend walking towards him.
Ernie: “Hey, honey. You look nice; as always.”
Bert: “Thanks. You look handsome as always too. Ready to go?”
Ernie: “Ready, but why did we have to dress up so nice anyway?”
Bert: “I made reservations to this nice restaurant a few blocks down from here. They only allow formal wear, so we must look nice.”
Ernie: “Well, why can’t we just go to any other restaurant that isn’t so strict on clothing?”
Bert: “Because tonight is a very special night. And I want everything to be perfect.”
Ernie: “What makes this night more special than other nights we’ve had with each other.”
Bert: “Oh, you’ll see. It’s a surprise.”
Ernie: “I sure do love surprises. Alright Bert, let’s go.”
The couple proceeded to exit their apartment. As they walked down the stairs, Oscar pops his head out of his trash can. He looked at both Bert and Ernie in disgust.
Oscar: “Ugh, where are you two lovebirds headed? How many dates have you guys been on? Like 30?”
Bert: “We lost count. But tonight’s gonna be special.”
Oscar: “What can be more special than any other dates you’ve been on so far?”
Ernie: “That’s what I said. Bert said it’s a surprise.”
Oscar: “A surprise? I hate surprises!”
Bert: “Oh, Oscar. Nobody hates surprises.”
Oscar: “Well, I do! They make me grouchy. And I love being grouchy.”
Ernie: “Of course you do, Oscar.”
Both Bert and Ernie walks past his trash can.
Oscar: “Just keep that mushy stuff away from my trash can! Ugh, love…”
            The grouch dives back into his trash can. Bert and Ernie walk down Sesame Street where they met Alan by Hooper’s Store, cleaning the tables as it was almost time to close up for the night. Alan greets the two lovebirds.
Alan: “Hi, Bert, hi Ernie. Off on another date, I see.”
Ernie and Bert: “Hey, Alan.”
Ernie: “Yeah, Bert’s taking me to this fancy restaurant. He has a surprise planned for me.”
Alan: “Ooh, that’s nice. Well, I hope it goes well.”
Bert: “I hope so.”
Ernie: “Ooh!”
To Ernie’s surprise, a limo drove up. Bert walks up next to Ernie, putting his arm around his shoulder.
Bert: “That. Is our ride.”
Ernie: “Woah, Bert. You shouldn’t have. This must be a pretty special surprise if you went and got a limousine.”
Bert: “Only the best for my spring pigeon.”
Ernie: “Oh, Bert.”
Ernie kisses Bert on the cheek. Bert opens the limo door, gesturing for Ernie to go in first.
Bert: “After you.”
            Ernie hops into the limo. He looks around in astonishment at the inside. It was a nice ruby red. The seats were smooth and leathery. In the door, there was a pocket where a bottle of a cool beverage bathing in ice, so it can stay cold.
Ernie: “It’s really nice in here.”
The Count: “Yes! That’s 1. 1 passenger in the back seat. Ha, Ha, Ha!”
Ernie: “Count? You’re the limo driver?”
The Count: “Yes. Bert asked me to take you guys on your…uh…30th date? You know I lost count. Which is weird because I never lose count. Hmm, maybe I should count how many dates you’ve been on so far.”
Ernie: “UH- That’s alright, Count, you don’t-
The Count: “1, one date. 2, two dates. 3, three dates. 4, four dates…
Ernie: “Oh, dear…”
The Count: “5, five dates…
Bert walks over to Alan.
Bert: “Boy, I really want this night to be perfect.”
Alan: “You mean, more perfect than any of your other dates?”
Bert: “Yes. This night is gonna be special. It has to be.”
Alan: “What makes this night so special?”
Bert: “Because…
            Bert takes out the small black box he saved in his pocket. He opens it, revealing a small ring inside. It was a nice golden color. It even had the shape of Rubber Duckie carved in it. Alan looks at the ring in surprise.
Alan: “Ooh… Does this mean, you’re finally gonna propose to Ernie?”
Bert: “Yeah.”
Alan: “Well, it’s about time. How long have you guys been together?”
Bert: “Over 30 years.”
Alan: “It took you over 30 years to finally put a ring on his finger?”
Bert: “Well, better late than never.”
Alan: “Good luck, Bert. I’m sure Ernie will say yes.”
Bert: “I hope. Bye, Alan.”
Alan: “Bye, Bert!”
            Bert then makes his way into the limo to meet a disenchanted Ernie.
Bert: “Ernie, what’s wrong?”
The Count: “11, eleven dates. 12, twelve dates…
Bert: “Is he counting?”
The Count: “13, thirteen dates…
Ernie: “Well, he is The Count.”
Bert: “We don’t have time for this. We’re suppose to be at the restaurant before 9.”
The Count: “14, fourteen dates…
Bert: “COUNT! Count, we gotta go. It’s 8:45. We need to get to the restaurant before our reservations expire!”
The Count: “Alright then. Off we go!”
And with that, Count started the limo and was now off to the restaurant. As they made their way to the restaurant, Ernie couldn’t contain his excitement. He couldn’t wait for what Bert had in store for him this time.
Ernie: “Oh boy, I wonder what the surprise is! Ooh, can I have a hint?”
Bert: “No, dear heart, you gotta wait.”
Ernie: “Can I guess?”
Bert: “No, you can’t guess. Do you want to ruin the surprise?”
Ernie: “But I’m just so eager to find out what it is! Ooh, is it…a new friend for Rubber Duckie?”
Bert: “No.”
Ernie: “Is it, that new paint set I wanted?”
Bert: “No.”
Ernie: “Oh, I know. A chocolate fountain.”
Bert: “A chocolate foun- Ernieee, stop trying to guess. When the time is right, I promise you’ll see. And I know you’re gonna love it.”
            Bert holds both of Ernie’s hands in his own and looks at him with loving eyes. Ernie gives Bert a warm smile.
Ernie: “Okay, Bert. I won’t guess anymore. I’m sure whatever it is, it will be very special. But not as special as you.”
Bert: “Oh, Ernie…”
            As they both were about to lean in for a kiss, they were abruptly interrupted by a sudden jolt from the limo. As if they ran over something.
Ernie: “What was that?”
The Count: “I do not know. I will pull over to see what is wrong.”
            Count pulls over the limo. He then exits the vehicle to see what’s the matter. After a few seconds, Bert heard a tap on his side window. He rolls down the window to reveal The Count standing there.
The Count: “It would seem that we have a flat tire.”
Bert: “A flat tire?! Wha- can you change it?”
The Count: “Let me see?”
Count then checks the back to see if there were any spares. He walks back to Bert’s window.
The Count: “There aren’t any spares. I think I forgot to bring some.”
Bert: “Are you kidding me?!”
Bert’s eyebrow dropped expressing that he was angry.
Bert: “What ding-a-ling forgets to bring spare tires?!
Ernie: “Honey, honey, calm down. It’s gonna be okay.”
Bert: “No, it’s not! I planned for this night to be perfect! Everything was supposed to go smoothly! Now we’re gonna be late for our dinner reservations!”
The Count: “I can always call someone to fix our flat tire.”
Ernie: “That’s a great idea, Count. See, Bert, it’s gonna be fine.”
            Bert hangs his head down low.
Bert: “Hmm…"
An hour passed, and the limo’s flat tire was finally fixed, but by that time, it was already too late. It was already past 9, meaning that their reservations would have already expired. Bert was very disappointed.
Bert: (sighs) “So much for a romantic dinner.”
Ernie: “It’s okay, Bert. I don’t care about having a fancy dinner. I just want to spend the night with my handsome boyfriend.”
Bert: “Tonight was supposed to be a special night. I was gonna- … it doesn’t matter…”
            Ernie ponders to himself for a minute, before hatching a great idea.
Ernie: “Hey! Tell you what. Why don’t we have our romantic dinner at the most special place ever.”
            Bert perks his head up.
Bert: “Uh? Where?”
Alan is carrying a tray with two bowls on it. One containing oatmeal and the other containing macaroni & cheese. He brings it over to the table Bert and Ernie were sitting at.
Alan: “And for the lovely couple, a fresh bowl of oatmeal for Bert. And a hot steaming bowl of macaroni & cheese for Ernie.”
            The storekeeper rests the two bowls down in front of the gentlemen.
Bert: “Hmm, thank you, Alan.”
Ernie: “Thanks, Alan.”
Alan: “Anytime, you guys. Enjoy.”
A violinist appears holding a violin.
Violinist: “Would you like to hear some sweet music while you eat?”
Bert: “Oh, that would be nice.”
Ernie: “Yes, please.”
The violinist began playing his violin. He played, “I am forever blowing bubbles”. And it really added to a calm romantic atmosphere. The once disappointed Bert was now satisfied with his date. Sure, it wasn’t a fancy restaurant, but it no longer mattered as long as Ernie was happy.
Bert: “You were right, Ernie. This is the most special place to have a romantic dinner.”
Ernie: “It’s special to me because this is the place we first met. I never thought I would end up falling in love with my roommate years later. And each day with you will always be special.”
Bert: “Aww, Ernie… I find each day special with you too.”
Alan taps Bert on the shoulder.
Alan: (whispers) “Ah, Bert? I think you should do it.”
Bert: (whispers) “Do what?”
Alan: (whispers) “The ring?”
Bert: (gasp) “Oh, right! Umm…”
            Bert gets up from his seat. Ernie is confused.
Ernie: “Bert? Is everything okay?”
            Bert is nervous. He was shaking a little and his palms were sweaty, but he took a deep breath and exhaled. He looks into Ernie’s eyes, how they sparkle in the moonlight. He was finally able to build the courage to tell him.
Bert: “Ernie… from the moment I first met you, I always thought of you as a friend. But after we started living together, I didn’t know that I was starting to have feelings for you until I realized that a life without you would be pure misery. When we finally got together, I was over the moon. Living with you has been an absolute dream and I want nothing more than to spend every day of my life with you. For the rest of my life. I know we’ve had our differences and our mishaps. Most of them, caused by you. But no matter what, I want too always be there for you. Whether we’re angry with each other, or sad together, I know that our love will never wither. So…
            Bert pulls out the small black box containing the ring. He kneels on one knee. Ernie’s heart began to race. He had an idea where this was going. Bert opens the small box, revealing the shiny piece of jewelry. Ernie covers his mouth with a soft gasp.
Bert: “Ernie, will you make me the happiest man in the world and…marry me?”
            Tears began to form in Ernie’s eyes as he looked down at the ring. He saw the carving of Rubber Duckie on the golden piece of treasure.
Ernie: “Oh, Bert…(sniffs)…yes…yes…YES, I will marry you!”
            Ernie jumps out of his chair and into Bert’s arms nearly knocking him over, but the larger muppet was able to keep his balance as he hugged his partner. They then share a tender kiss that lasted half a minute before parting. Bert then slips on his ring. It was a perfect fit. Ernie looked down at the shiny golden treasure then back at Bert, giving him another tender kiss. Alan and The Count watched them from the distance with a smile.
The next day, Bert and Ernie announced to all their friends that they would finally be tying the knot very soon. There was a lot of preparing that needed to be done, but luckily for the muppet couple, they had all the help they could possibly get. Everyone on Sesame Street helped the couple to plan and prepare for the big event. After months of planning, the day finally came. Bert and Ernie decided to have their wedding at a nearby park. The chairs with set in two rows with everyone who knew the muppet couple as well as families of the soon to be wed couple. Bert stood up front with the priest holding a large book. Alan and Chris stood with him, as well as his twin brother, Bart. Bert was visibly shaking and sweating. He was nervous. He had pictured this moment every day after the proposal. And now that it was finally here, he started to have doubts. Bart and the other two men noticed how nervous Bert was.
Bart: “You good there, Bert?”
Bart puts his hand on Bert’s shoulder.
Bert: “I-I don’t know if I can do this.”
Chris: “Are you starting to have doubts?”
Bert: “A little… Mostly about the possibility that all of this could go wrong.”
Bart: “Hey, Bert. Nothing’s gonna go wrong. You’ll do just fine.”
Alan: “Yeah. We’re right with you. Everything’s gonna be okay.”
Bert: “I hope so. I really do hope so.”
Bert began looking around at everyone who came to their event. There was Gordan and Maria, Susan, Miles, Gabbie. As well as Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Rosita, Harry Monster, and many other friends. His family, his nephew Brad, his mother, his cousin Bertina. And Ernie’s family, his parents, his cousin Ernestine, his uncle Ernesto, and his other cousin Fred. Everyone he cared about and supported him through all his life, and soon enough Bert’s nerves began to settle, just in time for the wedding music to start playing. Abby and Zoe were skipping down the aisle tossing flowers on their way down until they made it to the front. Then came Elmo walking down the aisle with a nice black suit, holding a pillow with two golden rings sitting on it. Once he made it up to the front it was now time for the groom to come in. Bert’s eyes shot open when he saw him. His fiancé standing at the other end of the aisle, wearing a white tux, holding a bouquet of flowers. His eyes sparkled with such beauty. The yellow muppet was mesmerized by his soon-to-be-husband. Ernie slowly and gracefully walked down the aisle, the people sitting in the rows of chairs watched as he walked past them with warm smiles. Once he finally made it up the front, he faced Bert. The large muppet faced him too. Looking into each other’s eyes with love. The priest began to speak.
Priest: “We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life’s joyous moments, and to honor the words of Bert and Ernie, that shall bound them together in marriage. Marriage is a promise, that two people who love each other make, to continue their journey together as one. Two people, who wish to be together forever. Does the groom and groom have a few words to share before we proceed?”
Bert: “I have a few words. (clears throat) Ernie, I hope that whatever happen, whether if we’re mad at each other, or sad together, we will still be together no matter what.”
Ernie: “I hope we stay together too, Bert. No matter the costs.”
Priest: “Okay. Let us proceed then. Do you Bert take Ernie to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you two shall live, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do you part?”
Bert: “I do.”
Priest: “And do you, Ernie, take Bert to be your lawfully wedded husband, for as long as you two shall live, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do you part?”
Ernie: “I do.”
Priest: “Can the ring bear now give both the grooms their rings?”
            Elmo walks up to the couple and lifts the pillow towards them. Bert and Ernie pick up the rings and slid them on each other’s fingers. Elmo walks back to his place and the priest began one last time.
Priest: “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom.”
            And with those final lines, Bert and Ernie leaned in for a warm, tender, kiss. Everyone else watching got up from their seats and began to clap. Cookie Monster hugged Oscar as he cried tears of joy. Instead of pulling away, Oscar hugged him back. Even though, he was a grouch, he couldn’t help but shed a little tear, feeling happy for the now, married muppets. Once the couple finally separated from their kiss, they held each other’s hands and walked back down the aisle. Bart, Chris, and Alan were also clapping for them. And so, the after party began. They all sat around a table. Gordan stood up, lifting his glass up and tapping a butter knife against it.
Gordan: “I would like to make a toce, to Bert and Ernie. I wish for them to have a long happy marriage. After over 30 years, they finally tied the knot, and I couldn’t be more than happy for them.”
            Everyone at the table clapped. Bert and Ernie hugged each other.
Ernie: “Thank you, Gordan. That was very nice.”
Bart: “Alright, let’s dig in!”
Everyone at the table began to eat. They talked. They shared some laughs, and they ate some more. Once, it was finally time to cut the cake, Bert and Ernie held the knife and started to cut the three-layered cake. Ernie smeared some of the frosting on his finger and began to taste the cake.
Bert: “Oh, can I have some.”
Ernie: “Sure, Bert. Here.”
Ernie smeared the cake frosting on Bert’s nose. He pointed and laughed. Bert nodded his head before taking some of the frosting on his finger and smeared it on Ernie’s nose. Bert laughed. Ernie laughed too. After the cake, there was the slow dancing. Everyone grabbed a partner and danced, swaying side to side. Ernie and Bert held each other in their embrace and danced as if they were the only people in the entire world.
Bert: “How was it?”
Ernie: “How was what, Bert?”
Bert: “All this? Was it everything you could ever wish for?”
Ernie: “It’s more than that, Bert. It’s everything I could have dreamed for. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Bert: “Me either.”
            Ernie lays his head on Bert’s shoulder and closed his eyes to imprint this exact moment in his mind. All they could feel was love for each other. Nothing more, nothing less. It started to turn dark, some of the kids were tired and their parents took them home, but not before congratulating the couple first. Bert and Ernie sat on a bench and looked up at the stars together while continuing to hold each other.
            It’s been a year since the wedding, and Bert and Ernie are still as happy as they’ve ever been. Not many things have changed since they got married. They still lived in their basement apartment as they always have. They still sleep in the same room on the same bed together. So, nothing really changed about their relationship. Just same old same old stuff. But things were about to change for the married couple. Bert and Ernie were preparing a separate room. Ernie was standing on a latter, painting the walls a nice blue sky. He was just about done painting a cloud. Bert was putting together a bassinet with a mobile hanging over it.
Bert: “Ernie?”
Ernie: “Hmm?” Bert: “Does this look good?”
Ernie looked at the bassinet at where it was placed. It was placed near the window of the room. Ernie shook his head in disapproval.
Ernie: “Mh-mh. Why not move it more over there.”
            Ernie pointed towards the corner of the room. Bert began pushing the bassinet toward the corner.
Bert: “Is this good?”
Ernie: “Hmm… maybe push it a little to the side.”
            Bert then pushed the bassinet a little bit away from the corner.
Bert: “How about now?”
Ernie: “Hmm… still not good. Move it over to the door.”
Bert: “Alright.”
            Bert once again pushed the bassinet over to the door, but not too close as to give the door room to open.
Bert: “Now?”
Ernie: “Umm… I don’t like it. Bring it back over here.”
Bert: (sighs)
            Bert pushed the bassinet back over to the window where it was originally placed. Ernie nodded his head in approval.
Ernie: “Perfect!”
Ernie laughs. Bert shook his head in disapproval.
Ernie: “Oh, Bert, the room looks wonderful, don’t you think?”
Bert: “Yeah, it looks pretty good. I can’t wait for the baby to finally sleep in it.”
            The couple looked around at the new nursery, they prepared for a baby. That’s right, Bert and Ernie are going to welcome a new bundle of joy to the street. The nursery had a nice outdoor kind of feel with the walls painted a sky blue with puffy clouds and a grassy green for the grass. It also had a few bunnies painted on it. There was also a changing table to change the baby’s diapers, a dressing table to keep the baby’s clothes, a closet to store the baby’s toys, and a rocking chair to rock the baby to sleep at night. Cannot forget the bookshelf where all the baby books were, and finally the bassinet.
Ernie: “Me too, Bert. I’m sure they’ll love it. I can’t wait to read to the baby at night. Rock them peacefully in the rocking chair. Lay them nice and soundly in their little bassinet.”
Bert: “Me too, Ernie. I can’t wait to do all those things too.”
            The two muppets were alerted by the sound of the doorbell. Bert was confused. They weren’t really expecting guests over.
Ernie: “Ooh, that must be the toys.”
Bert: “Toys?”
Ernie: “Yeah, didn’t I tell you? I ordered more baby toys online.”
Bert: “More baby toys?!”
Ernie: “Oh yeah. I should go get them.”
            Ernie hummed as he made his way to the front door. Bert stood there surprised before following him. There was a delivery man outside on the stoop waiting for the person to collect his items. The orange muppet finally came out and greeted the delivery man.
Ernie: “Hello, there.”
Delivery Man: “Yeah, did you order a delivery on baby toys?”
Ernie: “I sure did!”
Delivery Man: “Here you go.”
The delivery man was about to hand Ernie the boxes when Bert finally came out and without a second thought, he intervened.
Bert: “Oh I’ll take that!”
Bert takes the boxes instead.
Ernie: “Ooh. Thanks, Bert.”
Delivery Man: “Have a nice day.”
The delivery man walks away. Ernie looked at the boxes Bert was holding.
Bert: “Ernieee, don’t you think this is a little too many toys? We already have plenty in the closet.”
Ernie: “You can never have too many toys, hon.”
            Bert sighs. Just then, Elmo and Abby were passing by when they saw the muppet couple with boxes.
Elmo: “Hi Ernie! Hi Bert!”
Abby: “Hey, you guys!”
Ernie: “Hello, Little Elmo. Abby.”
Elmo: “What are Bert and Ernie doing with all those boxes?”
Ernie: “Just some stuff we ordered for a surprise.”
Abby: (gasp) “A surprise?”
Elmo: “Elmo loves surprises! What’s the surprise?”
Ernie: “We can’t tell you yet. We want to gather everyone on Sesame Street and tell them. You’ll just have to wait until then.”
Elmo: “Okay! Elmo can’t wait to hear what the surprise is!”
Abby: “Me too!”
Bert: “Ugh. I’m gonna bring these boxes in the apartment.”
Ernie: “I’ll come with you! Bye guys.”
            Both Ernie and Bert made their way back into the apartment.
Elmo and Abby: “Bye Bert. Bye Ernie.”
Elmo: “Oh, boy, Elmo wonders what Ernie and Bert have for a surprise.”
Abby: “Me too. Do you think their getting a new pet?”
Elmo: “Could it be a dog?!”
Abby: “Or a cat?!”
Elmo: “Or maybe a hamster?”
Abby: “Who knows? We’ll just have to wait to see what it is.”
            Meanwhile, back in the apartment, Ernie was looking over the new toys he got for the baby.
Bert: “I still think this is way too many toys, Ernie. Would it even fit in the closet?”
Ernie: “Oh, Bert, I’m sure it will! Let’s see here, we got a teddy bear. A shiny ball. And a rubber duckie!”
            Ernie squeaks the rubber duckie and laughs.
Bert: “Why not give the baby the rubber duckie you already have?”
Ernie: “Bert, Rubber Duckie is MY toy. I wouldn’t just give him up. You know this.”
Bert throws his arm up in the air and face palms.
Bert: “Of course.”
Ernie: “But hey, the baby will have their own rubber duckie to play with. I’ll even teach them the rubber duckie song when their older.”
Bert: “I’ll admit that song never gets old. Not even for you.”
Ernie: “That song will forever be a staple to me. I sure am awfully fond of it.”
            Ernie laughs once again.
Bert: “And I will forever be awfully fond of you, my spring pigeon.”
            Ernie blushes before walking over to Bert and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Ernie: “Oh, Bert. I’m awfully fond of you too.”
            When the time was finally right, Bert and Ernie gathered everyone on Sesame Street to tell them the news of them going to have a baby. Everyone was ecstatic for the couple and, as always, gave them their support. After a couple of days, Bert had a surprise for Ernie waiting outside of the apartment. Bert leads Ernie outside of the apartment with his hands covering the orange muppet’s eyes.
Bert: “Alright, Ernie! Are you ready for your surprise?”
Ernie: “Yes~. What is it?”
            Bert removes his hands away from Ernie’s eyes. Ernie opens his eyes and gasps in surprise. He saw a gray SUV parked in front of the apartment.
Bert: “I got us an SUV! The car dealer said they make wonderful family cars. We can go on family road trips. Just me, you, and our baby together. As a family.”
Ernie: “Bert! Oh, this is wonderful, Bert! I’m so happy!”
            Ernie gives Bert a big hug.
Bert: “You wanna see the inside?”
Ernie: “Of course.”
Bert: “Okay!”
            And so, the couple got inside the large car. Ernie sat in the passenger’s seat, while Bert sat in the driver’s seat. Ernie admired the inside of the car. Bert nodded his head, proud of his choice.
Ernie: “Wow, Bert, this is wonderful!”
Bert: “Yeah. After we got married, I’ve always planned for us to eventually get a car, so we can go out on trips together. And since we’re about to be parents, I thought it was the right time to finally get it.”
Ernie: “Oh, thank you, Bert. You know, this baby will be very lucky to have you as a father. You’d make a great dad.”
Bert: “So will you.”
And with that, the two shared a warm kiss while sitting in their new SUV. A couple of months went by, and the couple finally welcomed a new baby to the street. Everyone on Sesame Street waited for them, as they pulled up.
Elmo: “Look, everybody! They’re here!”
            Bert made his way out of the car, greeting everyone present.
Bert: “Hey, everyone!”
Maria: “Welcome home, fellas!”
Gordan: “It’s so great to have you guys back! How was it?”
Bert: “It was alright.”
            Bert came around to the passenger’s side to open the door for Ernie.
Big Bird: “Oh boy, I can’t wait to see the new baby!”
Ernie: “Well, you won’t have to wait any longer.”
            The orange muppet carefully made his way out of the car, holding a swaddled baby in his arms. Though, the baby’s face couldn’t be seen. Everyone awed, as Ernie made his way towards the stairs of the stoop and sat down right in between Elmo and Abby. Everyone there looked closer as Ernie pulled the blanket out of the baby’s face for a better look.
Alan: “Awe, they’re so cute!”
            The baby was small and had yellowish-orange skin, a smile like Ernie’s, and a reddish-orange nose that was shaped like Bert’s. Of course, they had black hair like both parents, with the only difference there being a white patch of hair on the side of their head. Their eyes were closed, and they slept peacefully in Ernie’s arms. Elmo couldn’t contain his excitement.
Elmo: “Is the baby a boy or girl?!”
Ernie: “It’s a beautiful baby girl.”
Abby: (gasps) “A girl! I was right.”
Rosita: “Awe, she is very beautiful!”
Grover: “She looks like both you and Bert, Ernie.”
Ernie: “She does.”
Bert: “She’s a healthy mix between me and Ernie.”
Maria: “Well, she is very cute.”
Chris: “Yeah, congrats you too.”
Bert and Ernie: “Thanks.”
Big Bird: “What’s her name?”
Bert and Ernie: “Bernia.”
Grover: “That is such a cute little name.”
Alan: “And a very clever one too. It’s like both Bert and Ernie put together, which would make sense.”
Bert: (chuckle) “Yeah. It took us a while to come up with a name, but we finally settled on naming her after both of us.”
Susan: “That is very special. You both are very lucky to have such a beautiful baby girl.”
The Count: “That’s 1, one cute, adorable baby. And two wonderful parents.”
Bert: “Thanks, Count.”
Abby: (cooed) “Hi there, Bernia. I’m Abby.”
Elmo: “And Elmo’s Elmo. Welcome to Sesame Street.”
            Everyone looked down at the little bundle of joy. Bert and Ernie especially couldn’t be any happier. With the new member on Sesame Street, the air was getting sweeter. The iconic muppet duo were gonna have a lot of changes in their lives that will take some getting used to, but as always, they can get through it together. There are still lots of adventures to explore, as this was only a humble beginning to a new chapter.
The End...
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seattlewa-hq · 2 years
An Introduction to the Beta Editor
Hello all! I’ve gotten some feedback that the tutorials on using the new Beta editor and xKit Rewritten has been confusing a few people, so I wanted to make my own! I’ll try to cover everything below, but if something isn’t clear or you need extra help, let me know please! This post is gonna be pretty long, but I sectioned it up so hopefully you can find what you need with ease.
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Step 1. Switching to Beta
You very well may be able to skip this part, because all new blogs are automatically switched to the newer editor. But if you’re still using an older blog, don’t worry, it’s easy! There should be a big purple button in the corner, pretty hard to miss. Should look like this!
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Go ahead and hit “Let’s go!” and, well... let’s go!
Step 2. Getting to Know Beta
The Beta editor is very, very different from what we’re all used to. But really, it’s kind of intuitive in a lot of ways. You have to know a lot less shortcuts. Whenever you highlight your text, you’ll see this little guy pop up:
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Now, from left to right, here’s what we’re looking at: strikethrough, bold, italics, small text, link in text, and colored text. Most of your keyboard shortcuts should still work (I can’t speak for all computers, but the shortcut for small text no longer works for me with the Beta editor), but we also have handy-dandy buttons now, too! We also have the 'Regular' drop down menu, which opens this:
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This one is pretty self explanatory, and it shows what the text will look like if you select that option. 
Step 3. Finer Details
I’m still personally getting used to a lot of the smaller details that come with the Beta editor, but here are some that I’ve learned! Hopefully I’ll be adding to this list when more troubleshooting comes into my realm of knowledge.
Auto-Readmores: For whatever reason, Tumblr has taken to cropping any posts over a certain length by itself? Annoying, but this is something you can toggle on/off in your Dashboard Settings!
Editing Tags: This isn’t something that needs to be fixed, but it was big news to me! Instead of having to delete your tag completely when you’ve made a typo, you can just edit your post and edit the tag! Handy!
Links on Gifs: This isn’t a bad thing, it’s just new, different, and weird. But if you dislike it, there is a way to stop it from happening! It’s just a manual task. When you copy and paste a gif into your reply, you’ll see three little images on it. We’re going to click on the circled one below.
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That’ll open up a link box, with a link to your gif. Just backspace that, hit the ‘Done’ button, and boom! No more link at the bottom of your gif!
Step 4. xKit Rewritten
I know what a lot of people’s main concern is: cropping replies. This is how we get to that point. The first step is going to be to download the newest iteration of xKit. You do not have to uninstall your old one to do this, they coexist on purpose! New xKit and xKit Rewritten have different features, so I’ve found it best to have both and utilize all the features! 
xKit rewritten is a Chrome extension, and it can be found at this link! Just follow the instructions on that page to install it. Once it’s all good and installed, it’ll be found next to your other extensions, or by the URL bar on your browser window. Looks like this!
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Now you have xKit Rewritten!
Step 5. Cropping Replies
Alright, this is where the money is. Just like with regular xKit, you have to toggle on the setting that allows you to cut replies down. Once you click on that purple X icon, you’ll see a drop down with lots of options. I’ve underlined the one we’re looking for right now, "Trim Reblogs."
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Once you toggle that little switch on, you can go ahead and start replying. If you’re replying to a starter, then there is no need to worry about this feature. You have nothing to crop, so don’t worry! But if you’re replying to an active thread, here’s what you’re gonna do. Type out your reply, format it however you want, and then draft it. Then we’re gonna go into our drafts.
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Here’s my thread with three tiers to it! The standard is two replies per post, and that’s what a lot of people like to stick to. So let’s make that happen! If you’ll notice at the bottom of that draft, there’s a scissor icon. I drew an arrow to it in the photo above. We’re gonna click on that.
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And that icon brings this up! You’ll see it says “Select trail items to remove,” and it shows the trails separately. “Trails” are each individual reblog, and of course, we only want two of those, not three. This is really easy to fix! We’re just gonna select that top “trail,” aka the first reply in the thread, and hit the “Trim!” button.
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And once we’ve done that, the first “trail” is gone! You just have the two more recent replies on the post, and you’re good to reblog it!
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The one caveat of this is that you can no longer edit parts of other people’s replies, so you can’t format the posts to your heart’s content like we’re used to. A downside for sure, but so far, this isn’t something there’s a fix for. Hopefully in the future, xKit will figure that out for us!
Step 6. That’s All!
Once you have all that down, you’re a master of the Beta editor and a master of xKit Rewritten! Tumblr staff has mentioned phasing out the Legacy editor all together in the future, so it appears this will be our new reality. It is worth it to mention that the Beta editor is still, well, in beta, so it is subject to change. If it does and we get even more features or work-arounds, I’ll be sure to come back and edit this post! Until then, if you have any questions, please let me know! I am here to help!
xoxo, Kirby
13 notes · View notes
lesbiansanemi · 2 years
I finally posted the first part of Kyojuro's backstory for the role swap AU! I had a lot of fun with it
Other installments: Shinobu & Kanae, Obanai, Mitsuri, Tengen, Sanemi, Tanjiro & Nezuko
When the blade turned red, Kyojuro let out a miserable breath of relief. 
There was no reason his nichirin blade would have failed to change colors; many slayers already praised him for his skills, even though he had yet to go through the Final Selection. But still… it had been a fear he had been unable to completely chase away. 
That he wasn’t good enough, just as his father always said, and the nichirin sword would merely reveal that for everyone else to see. 
Except, it didn’t. 
And now Kyojuro held a bright red sword. 
“It’s so pretty!” Senjuro gasped. “Do you think mine will be red, too?” 
Kyojuro smiled, glad his younger brother had too much faith in him to question its sincerity. “Maybe! We’ll have to see, won’t we?” 
Senjuro beamed, and leaned against Kyojuro’s shoulder. “Father will be proud, don’t you think?” 
Oh, Kyojuro desperately wished he would be, but he had very little faith in such a thing. The nichirin blade changing colors wouldn’t be enough, of that much he was certain. But perhaps passing the Final Selection would be enough proof. After all, only a few people came back alive from it every year… 
Surely that would be enough. It had to be. 
“Maybe…” he conceded once again, doing his best to make sure his smile didn’t fall. Senjuro was only eight, after all. He didn’t need to know about all of Kyojuro’s own doubts, not when he still had the innocent faith of a child in their parents, even after all Shinjuro had done. 
Senjuro giggled. “Yeah! He will be! You’re so awesome, Aniue! You’re gonna be the best demon slayer ever!” 
Kyojuro ruffled his hair. “I will certainly do my best!” 
“You know… I will be leaving for the Final Selection tomorrow,” Kyojuro said that night at dinner. His sword had been made just in time for it. And while it was true many slayers didn’t receive their personal blade until after it, as someone who came from a powerful family line, and who had been trained with a sword from the moment he could walk, he was… a bit special. 
That didn’t mean he didn’t want his father to express any type of concern for him. He just wanted to be told to be safe, to come home in one piece, that his father had faith in him to not just survive, but perform wonderfully. 
Shinjuro propped an elbow on the table, his movements already stilted from the alcohol. “So what?” 
Senjuro whimpered. 
Kyojuro tried to swallow the lump in his throat. “I—I just mean—What if I—?” 
“Don’t come back?” his father finished with an unimpressed look. “You won’t.” 
He flinched, his chopsticks falling to clatter against the table. 
“Father!” Senjuro exclaimed as his eyes glossed over with tears. 
“What?” Shinjuro huffed. “Barely any students survive it every year, and your brother is absolutely nothing special. He won’t be leaving that damn mountain alive, and you’d do better to accept it now.” 
“I will!” Kyojuro shouted. “I’ll survive, and I’ll become a fully fledged demon slayer! I have to, if I’m going to take your place as a Hashira!” 
The harsh, mocking laughter that followed his declaration left Kyojuro wanting to crawl into a hole. He didn’t understand why his father’s disdain and lack of faith hurt so much; he’d been putting up with it for years now. Beyond that, logically, Kyojuro knew he was a brilliant swordsman, especially for his age. But… 
“A Hashira?” Shinjuro shook his head and reached for the sake. “You really are an idealistic fool. Even if by some miracle you survive that mountain, you won’t make it to adulthood. You’ll be a demon’s meal by year’s end.” 
Kyojuro opened his mouth, wanting to argue more, but a sharp glare from him and all he could do was whimper, “Yes, Father.” 
He wouldn’t accept anything but total and absolute agreement after all. 
If Shinjuro believed he would be dead soon, Kyojuro had no choice but to agree. 
He was probably right anyways… He was right about few people surviving the Final Selection, and Kyojuro knew it was rare for a demon slayer to survive past their twenties. His father’s sudden and early retirement was probably the only reason he had. 
Well, it didn’t matter. As long as he could protect someone, anyone, from the demons, it would be alright. 
His father might be right. He might die soon. But if he could save even one person before then… 
Kyojuro thought he would be okay with that. 
Thirty-seven attended the Final Selection. 
Kyojuro was the only one who clawed his way off that mountain. 
He hadn’t been able to save a single one of them. 
“Kyojuro!” Senjuro launched himself at him with tears in his eyes and the brightest grin on his face. “I knew you would come back! I knew it!” 
Kyojuro’s entire body trembled as his little brother’s arms wrapped around him. Every muscle in his body ached, dirt and blood and sweat left his clothes stiff and dirty, and though his injuries had been wrapped after seven days on that mountain, they were far from healed. To say nothing of the exhaustion and hunger. 
Physically, he had never felt more miserable in his life. 
“Kyojuro…?” Senjuro peered up at him when he didn’t get a response, and his smile began to falter. “Are you alright?” 
“Fine,” he assured Senjuro, though his voice was rough from thirst. “I’m okay. It was just… a hard battle.” 
“Are you hurt?” Senjuro asked, his eyes going wide with worry. 
“Yes, but nothing more than flesh wounds and a sprained wrist,” Kyojuro said. “I’ll recover in no time.” 
“That’s good, at least!” Senjuro pulled back and threw his arms up, his smile returning in full force. “I bet you did amazing! You were the best slayer there, weren’t you?” 
Kyojuro shoved his hand over his mouth, attempting to pass off the muffled sob as a cough. 
Because he was the best demon slayer there, wasn’t he? He was the only one who had lived… that made him the best… 
How miserable was that? Someone as pathetic as him was the only one who made it? 
Was his father right after all…? Were they all just fighting a losing battle? Setting themselves up to be eaten…? 
No, no, he couldn’t believe that! Just because he was the only one to survive this year, didn’t mean that would always be the case. It couldn’t be… It couldn’t be… 
“I hope I can be as good of a slayer as you one day!” Senjuro continued. “I’ll pass the Final Selection, just like you did! Do you think we could both be Hashira?” 
Kyojuro’s knees buckled, and he fell to the ground. 
“Aniue!” Senjuro grabbed his shoulders. “I-I thought you said you weren’t hurt very bad!” 
Kyojuro could do little more than stare at his brother as he shouted for help, his eyes blurring with tears. 
His instructors had sent him to the Final Selection, his father had sent him to the Final Selection, fully expecting him to die. And he had no doubt that they would send Senjuro one day too. 
The idea of Senjuro having to face that mountain, and the demons caged within it… 
Nausea turned Kyojuro’s stomach, and acid bubbled up his throat. 
He would not allow such a thing! He simply wouldn’t! 
Kyojuro would become a powerful enough slayer for both of them, so that Senjuro would never have to face what he just had. 
His mother had wanted him to protect others, and what use was that if he couldn’t even keep his little brother safe from the horrors of that mountain? 
He had to keep him safe. 
He had to. 
No matter the cost. 
“He has no skill with a blade, and his body is weak. There is no point in wasting time on a brat like that.” 
Senjuro flinched and clung onto Kyojuro. 
“I could have told you that before you wasted a year trying to teach him anything,” Shinjuro said. “The fact that Kyojuro has made it this long as a slayer is a goddamn miracle. Senjuro wasn’t going to make it at all!” 
“Father!” Kyojuro protested. Despite the relief coursing through his entire body, that was needlessly cruel. While it was true that Senjuro just did not seem to have the natural instincts for swordsmanship, or a body that was easily trained, he had tried so hard, so desperately, this past year to learn the basics, now that Kyojuro no longer took up his old instructor’s time. 
“It’s the truth,” Shinjuro said, his voice as harsh as ever as he turned and went back inside. “Quit wasting your time with him.” 
“Maybe he could at least be a kakushi!” Kyojuro attempted. “The training for them is not nearly as brutal and—” 
“I said quit wasting your time with something as useless as him!” Shinjuro snapped over his shoulder. 
The instructor did not come back after that. 
Kyojuro had never been more grateful. 
“I just wanted to be like you…” Senjuro cried that night. “I wanted to be a good demon slayer who saves people. Why couldn’t—” He sniffled. “He won’t even let me keep trying?” 
Kyojuro softly pet his little brother’s hair as he curled against him. “Father just… Sometimes he makes decisions like this. But you shouldn’t want to be a demon slayer, just because I am one.” 
At nine years old, he knew his brother just wouldn’t understand how wonderful this was for him. The Rengokus had been training their children to be slayers since the Corps had been founded three centuries ago. And Senjuro had been freed from that. He would not be expected to lay down his life, to suffer and hurt and see terrible, awful things, all for people he didn’t even know. 
“Well why do you want to be a demon slayer?” Senjuro asked, and though the tears didn’t stop, they fell silent. 
“I… It is expected of me,” he said simply. “Our family has served the Corps since it was founded, so I was born to be a slayer. It is… all I can do. And Mother—Mother always wanted me to help others, wanted me to protect them. I can do that as a slayer.” 
“But… you don’t want to be a slayer?” Senjuro asked, his eyes going wide. 
“No, I do!” Kyojuro hurried to assure him. “I do! I want to do what Mother asked of me!” 
“But there are ways to help people without being a demon slayer,” Senjuro said. “Right? 
“I… Senjuro… Listen to me.” Kyojuro took his brother’s shoulders, nudging him back and straightening him up. “All I know is how to fight. Father had me training with a blade by the time you were even born. I am good for nothing else except protecting people with that blade. There is nothing wrong with that, but I am also nothing special. If you want to help people as well, you can do it without being a slayer. You have choices.” 
“But who’s going to protect you…?” Senjuro whimpered. “Who’s going to keep you safe? I wanted to help you.” 
“You don’t need to worry about something like that,” Kyojuro assured him. “You’ll get everything figured out, I promise. And you don’t need to be a swordsman.” 
“Do you think it would be impossible for me, too?” Senjuro asked with wide eyes. “That I could never learn how?” 
Kyojuro took a deep breath. “I think… I think that with time and practice, nothing is impossible. You could learn, just like anyone could learn. But… you do not seem to have an innate talent for it. That is alright! But learning would be very hard and time consuming.” 
“Oh…” Senjuro rubbed at his eyes, as if that would halt the miserable crying. “Okay.” 
“You will find something else that makes you happy,” Kyojuro promised him. “Something you enjoy, that you can use to help others too. I know you will.” 
And he would be safe, which was the most important thing. 
“Will you…” Senjuro shifted to stare down at the floor. “Will you still teach me? When you can?” 
Slowly, Senjuro nodded. “You’re the best swordsman I know… I know you can’t be here a lot because of being a slayer, but when you are—when you are, could you teach me things? Even if it’s hard, I still want to learn. So I can help you, if I ever need to.” 
Despite it all, Kyojuro couldn’t find it in himself to deny such a request. “I will do my best.” 
Kyojuro found himself at home only one or two days a month, if he was lucky. The Corps worked him to the bone, but… it was to be expected. He’d known that would happen the moment he passed the Final Selection. Slayers were spread thin enough as it was, and given his heritage and prestigious training, Kyojuro was not allowed the luxury of breaks. 
He was rising through the ranks terrifyingly quickly, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he would be required to work more intimately with the Kibutsuji family who ran the Corps. It was… unnerving to consider. 
He had heard many things about the Kibutsujis, and he had seen the punishments that resulted when they were displeased with a slayer’s performance. 
But then… such rigidness was to be expected in this line of work. If a slayer could not fulfill the duties demanded of them in such a high stakes job, they needed to be reprimanded. 
Kyojuro did not think such brutal punishments were warranted, but the concept made sense he supposed… 
Still… He knew he had caught their eye, and soon, he would be permitted to visit his home, and more importantly, Senjuro, even less than he was currently. 
As such, he had made it a point to come home as often as he could now, knowing it would not be long before he could probably only visit once or twice a year given his duties. And if he really did claw his way to the rank of Hashira… 
He hoped Senjuro would understand. 
“Here. Hold your sword like this.” Kyojuro took Senjuro’s hand and adjusted his grip, sliding it up the hilt of the sword. “Your movements will be more precise.” 
“Oh. Oh, right.” Senjuro sighed in frustration. “You’ve told me that before. Sorry, I keep forgetting.” 
“It’s quite alright!” Kyojuro assured him. “You’ve got plenty of time to learn, and it will become muscle memory with practice. You won’t even have to think about how you're gripping your sword.” 
“I hope so…” Senjuro’s nose scrunched up as he scrutinized the practice sword in his hands, as if he could think his way to understanding swordsmanship, rather than practice. “How are you so good at this? I don’t remember you struggling so much.” 
“I just got lucky enough to have an innate talent for it. I still very much had to practice, it just came a bit easier to me,” he said. “But the same could be said for things you’re good at with much more ease than me. Now come on, I’ll have to head out in a few more hours again. Would you like to practice some more, or perhaps make dinner together?” 
Senjuro hummed. “I’m not going to improve in just a couple hours. Can I make dinner for you before you have to leave again?” 
Kyojuro smiled and ruffled his hair. “Sure! I’ll be in right behind you to help out!” Because while it was true Senjuro had to feed himself in Kyojuro’s absence due to their father’s total and complete lack of care, he was still only nine years old, and so long as he was around, Kyojuro’s little brother would not be expected to cook a meal all by himself, even if he insisted. 
Senjuro returned his smile and hurried inside, already muttering about what exactly he was going to make. Kyojuro was about to follow after him, when a harsh voice had him freezing in his tracks. 
“You are doing him no favors, indulging in this bullshit.” 
Kyojuro’s shoulders slumped, but he managed to keep the smile plastered across his face as he turned to face his father. “He asked to learn, so I am teaching him in my spare time! It’d be best if he knew some self defense, right, Father?” 
Shinjuro’s scowl twisted further. “I told his trainers not to bother for a reason.” 
“Yes well, even if he doesn’t become a slayer, then—” 
“The Corps won’t want you wasting time with a useless brat like him. You’ll be expected to train a proper tsuguko, or have an heir of your own,” he said. 
“That’s no reason not to work with Senjuro!” Kyojuro insisted. “I can do both! I can—” 
“You’re going to get him killed,” Shinjuro spit. “Just like you’re going to get yourself killed!” 
Kyojuro sighed, long since used to Shinjuro’s predictions for his future, and though they didn’t necessarily hurt any less, it had become a dull, easily ignored pain, rather than something that still cut harsh and deep. Although… it was strange today that his words were not slurred by any alcohol, nor were his steps unsteady. Come to think of it… Kyojuro wasn’t sure if he’d actually seen him drink since he’d come home for his visit last night. 
Perhaps that meant his father was getting back to his old self! 
“Why?” Shinjuro continued, his words somehow seeming even harsher now that Kyojuro had realized that, for the first time in a long time that he had seen, his father was completely sober. “Because he cried? Because you felt bad for him? Because you didn’t want him to feel useless?” 
“Father, stop—!” 
“You won’t ever change anything about him or how pointless it all is. He’s going to end up throwing his life away in the exact same damn way you do,” Shinjuro snarled, his words laced with a harsher vitriol than normal. “Stop.” 
To this day, despite the monsters he’d faced, and everything he’d gone through, Kyojuro couldn’t help but cower beneath his father’s smothering glare, miserable words, and the potential blows that might come if he pushed his luck or Shinjuro was in a particularly foul mood. But when he turned his attention to Senjuro rather than himself… 
The fear would abate. 
Kyojuro raised his chin. “I will continue to teach Senjuro so long as he still wants to be taught, regardless of what you say! Just because you think there is no point, doesn’t make it true.” 
“You’ll drag him down with you,” Shinjuro said. 
Kyojuro took a deep breath, and forced his usual smile back onto his face. “It’s nice seeing you up and about, Father! We’re going to make dinner, if you’d like to join us when it’s ready.” 
Shinjuro did not join them. 
“The loss of your eye is a shame. How long are you expecting your rehabilitation training to take?” 
“Not long at all!” Kyojuro said, and despite how hard he tried, he could not force his usual smile. But then, meeting with any Kibutsuji often had that effect on him. And the current head of the Kibutsuji family left him even more on edge than the rest of the family did. 
He wondered why the head of the family bothered with him at all. 
Kibutusji nodded. “Good. I’d hate for this to get in the way of you becoming a Hashira.” 
Kyojuro sucked in a sharp breath, causing the tea he’d been offered to go down wrong, and he bit his tongue to keep from coughing his lungs up in front of Kibutsuji, though that did nothing to stop his eye from watering. “H-Huh?” he managed to choke. 
Kibutusji raised an eyebrow. “You were aware we had been considering it since the Water Hashira died a few weeks back, and since your father’s—” he grimaced “—retirement, we’ve been waiting for you to be ready to take the mantle of Flame Hashira. I think you’ve more than proven yourself by now, and as you finish up your rehabilitation training, you’ll be promoted.” 
Kyojuro blinked, and felt his smile become genuine. “Really?” 
Kibutsuji sighed. “Do I need to repeat myself?” 
“N-No!” Kyojuro shook his head. “No, of course not! I am honored, Master Kibutsuji! I will make you proud!” 
Kibutuji grimaced. “I don’t care if you make me proud. I care that you do your job.” 
Kyojuro swallowed thickly and ducked his head as a slight heat tinged his cheeks. “Ah, of course, Master Kibutsuji…” 
“Great. I’ll get things in order for your promotion, and I expect you to take on the responsibilities of a Hashira by the end of the month,” he said. 
“Yes, sir! Um… but I do have to ask, how often will I be allowed to visit home?” 
“Rarely,” Kibutuji said. “As you should know. Why does it matter?” 
“Well!” Kyojuro straightened up, doing his best not to squirm beneath the piercing pink gaze of Kibutsuji. “My little brother is very important to me, and I enjoy visiting with him—” 
“Demons are out murdering and devouring people while you are visiting with your brother for your own enjoyment,” Kibutsuji interrupted. 
“Well, yes…” Kyojuro resisted the urge to reach up and tug at the collar of his uniform. “But I am also training him—” 
Kibutsuji frowned. “I wasn’t aware you were training him. You intend to make him your tsuguko?” 
“Oh! No!” Kyojuro shook his head. “I do not think that is the best future for Senjuro, but he is important to me, and I would appreciate it if my already limited time with him didn’t dwindle further.” 
“I’ll see what I can do,” Kibutsuji said. 
Kyojuro beamed. “Thank you, Master Kibutsuji!” 
Maybe the Kibutsujis weren’t as bad as everyone made them out to be. 
The nichirin blade was almost comically large in Senjuro’s hands. It didn’t help that he curled in on himself, nor the fact that tears glossed over his eyes. 
It didn’t change color. Of course it didn’t change color. The damned brat was useless with a blade, and even if he had some damned skill, he was still only ten years old. He had not been gifted this blade because the Corps thought he would use it, and the shoddy workmanship proved it. 
“Father,” Senjuro whimpered. “Please! Please don’t make me go! I don’t wanna go!” 
“You don’t have a choice,” Shinjuro slurred before gulping down another mouthful of sake. He was already on his second bottle, but he didn’t want to remember tonight. He didn’t want to remember the last time he ever looked at Senjuro. 
The tears transformed into full blown sobs, so intense Senjuro’s entire body began to tremble. “Father! Please!” 
Shinjuro slumped across the table, and wished the slayers would just take his son and go. Because he couldn’t do anything to stop this. He was useless, powerless, just like he’d always been. Just like he tried telling Kyojuro, but he hadn’t listened. He wanted Senjuro gone. He wanted this over. Because Senjuro wouldn’t even last the first night of Final Selection. This was the last time Shinjuro would ever see him, and he wanted this over. 
He could do nothing to save him, so why couldn’t it just end? 
Someone had likely found out Kyojuro was wasting his time trying to train Senjuro, and Kibutsuji found out. So either Senjuro needed to prove he was worth the time and effort, or be gotten rid of. Throwing him into the Final Selection was the perfect way to do that. Either he’d survive, or he wouldn’t, and either way, the problem was solved. 
It didn’t matter that he was only ten, that his only training was the miniscule amount Kyojuro could manage when the Corps was not working him to the bone. The Corps was not sending Senjuro to that mountain to make a slayer out of him. 
They were sending him to that mountain to make a slayer out of Kyojuro.
“Let’s go, brat,” the slayer who had delivered Senjuro’s sword said. “We need to be there by morning.” 
“No!” Senjuro cried. “No, no, no! I don’t wanna die! Father! Father!” His hands grasped for Shinjuro’s shoulders, and he realized he couldn’t remember the last time Senjuro had actually touched him. 
He roughly shrugged him off. 
“Father, please!” Senjuro begged, and the scuffling of shoes could be heard as the slayer presumably dragged him away. “I’m scared! I’m scared and I don’t wanna die! Father! Please don’t let them take me!” 
Shinjuro squeezed his eyes shut, fighting back the burning tears that threatened to spill over. The only thing that grounded him was the sake bottle in his hand. 
Senjuro’s begging morphed into something unintelligible as the slayers grew tired of the charade and easily forced him outside, forced him to the Final Selection. 
Shinjuro had quit because the fight was a useless one, and he would never contribute to it in any meaningful way. 
But if he’d stayed a Hashira… even if that meant he’d be dead now, too… 
Would this have happened to Senjuro? 
Shinjuro drank until the miserable thoughts faded. He drank until he couldn’t think straight. 
But no matter how much he drank, he couldn’t forget Senjuro’s wailing cries. 
Kyojuro swaggered up the road leading to the estate, an excited smile on his face. Surely his father would be happy with this. Surely Shinjuro would finally be proud of him, now that he’d managed to earn the rank of Hashira, at only sixteen and with one eye at that! And Senjuro! Senjuro would be so happy, and Kyojuro couldn’t wait to see him smile as he told him the news. 
Although… it was strange that Senjuro had not come out to greet Kyojuro, especially considering he had sent a crow on ahead. He should have come running down the road already and wrapped him in a soft hug that Kyojuro would relish, seeing as it’d be the first soft physical touch he’d received since the last time he’d come home. 
But still, it was probably fine. Maybe he’d gotten caught up with some chores. Or—Or maybe he’d finally made a friend! Senjuro deserved some good friends… 
“Senjuro!” he called as he opened the door. “Father! I’m home!” 
Silence greeted him. No patter of excited feet, or even a sharp remark from his father. 
Kyojuro frowned and walked through the house, ducking into each room in search of his brother. Perhaps he’d run into town for some errands…? 
Though Kyojuro did sigh when he found his father slumped over the table, with an ungodly amount of sake bottles around him. 
“Father?” Kyojuro crept closer. “Would you like some help getting to your room?” 
Shinjuro grunted and cracked a groggy eye open, which was more of a response than Kyojuro had expected, so he took that as an invitation to kneel down next to him. 
“Do you know where Senjuro’s at?” he asked. “I can’t find him anywhere.” 
A miserable sniffle escaped his father, and a great pit opened in Kyojuro’s stomach. “Father…?” 
“Gone,” Shinjuro slurred, and the words were obviously meant to have some bite, but they just sounded rather pitiful. “Stupid brat’s—brat’s gone.” 
“Gone?” Ice raced through Kyojuro’s bones, despite how desperately he tried to ignore it. “What do you mean, gone? Where’s he gone? When will he be back?” 
Shinjuro flopped against Kyojuro with a grating laugh. “He’s dead!” he howled. “Be de-dead by now!” 
“That’s not—” Kyojuro’s chest constricted. “That’s not funny! Father! Where is he?” If something had actually happened to Senjuro, Kyojuro would have been informed. He would know. And—And besides! Nothing would happen to Senjuro. He was safe here, and nothing could happen to him, because what would Kyojuro do without him? 
Shinjuro attempted to push himself up, but the movements were uncoordinated and sloppy and he ended up flopping back across the table instead. While he was tipsy more often than not, it had been a long time since Kyojuro had seen him this drunk. Not since he was so much younger, right after his mother had—after she had—
Surely Senjuro couldn’t be dead. Kyojuro refused to accept that! 
“Final Selection!” Shinjuro shouted. “Took him to—” Another sniffle. “Corps took him to Final Selection!” 
Kyojuro shook his head as the fear coiling inside him reached an unbearable level. That couldn’t be right. It wasn’t right. “You’re lying!” 
He’d never dared to speak to his father in such a way before, but how could he not now? That didn’t make any damn sense! Senjuro was only ten! Yes, the Corps was strict, and perhaps brutal to a fault, but Corps regulation stated that someone needed to be at least thirteen, or given a trainer’s blessing, to go through Final Selection. After all, what use was there in potential slayers being cut down because they were forced into it too early? And Senjuro had certainly not been given any type of blessing! So why? Why would he even be forced to attend Final Selection? 
Why would their father just let that happen? For Senjuro, such a thing would be a death sentence. 
“He’s dead!” Shinjuro practically wailed. “He’s dead, and you’ll be next! We’re all fucking dead!” 
Kyojuro shook his head and forced himself up on shaky legs. “Please tell me you’re lying…” 
But Senjuro was not here, and while Shinjuro had small spirals from time to time, there had been nothing like this before. He was crying, not taking his hurt out on Kyojuro, and that was not normal behavior for him. 
Why would the Corps do this? Why not tell Kyojuro? 
He stumbled backwards, away from his father, from his hopelessness. He didn’t even think to accuse Shinjuro of letting them take Senjuro for the Final Selection. 
Kyojuro just ran.
The Final Selection had only started a day ago, and the mountain was close enough Kyojuro could be there by tomorrow night. Senjuro only had to hold on that long. Surely… Surely he could—
If Senjuro died, Kyojuro would never forgive himself. 
So he ran.
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whereismymindnow · 2 years
Twin Hearts Chapter 2
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Author's Note: Thank you for remaining patient! I’m aware it’s been a while but here is chapter 2. I promise the next chapter won’t take as long; I just couldn’t get this part completed for some reason. I’m still not happy with the flow of this, but I think it’s the best I’m gonna get out of it.
Thank you to everyone that has liked the first installment and followed my page; it means a lot and I hope you enjoy this update.
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Twin!Original Female Character
Warnings: 18+ due to mature, darker themes. Twincest. Smut. Strong language. Death. Miscarriage. Murder. Vampire/Hybrid violence. Please read responsibly.
If this work is found anywhere other than Tumblr (@whereismymindnow) or Archive of Our Own (Mikki19) then it has been posted without my permission.
Twin Hearts Masterlist
Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home
Klaus was trying his best to hide his amusement but was finding it increasingly difficult. He was in the back of the SUV with his twin whilst his sister and friend were in the front. He knew that Pia wouldn’t enjoy her time in the vehicle but she was acting as though she had been placed inside of a bomb. Despite there not being a wide space in the back of the SUV, she managed to find new positions each time something upset her. It was quite laughable that one of the most powerful creatures in existence was currently glaring at the leather interior like it had offended her. A low growl exited her throat as she felt the amusement of her twin float through their bond. He immediately hushed her and offered his hand to pull her into his embrace.
Pia didn't understand the 21st century.
She didn't like what she didn't understand.
It made her feel weak.
Her fingers suddenly dug into Klaus’ shirt as she peered over his shoulder at another automobile that had loud music blaring from its open windows. Thankfully the back windows of the SUV were blacked out so no one could witness the girl's misery. She could hear the fast beating hearts of the four gentlemen - if they could be considered gentlemen - as they shouted obscenities at a car ahead of them. Dark veins appeared under her eyes as she tried to fight off her hunger for what felt like the hundredth time. Her fingers tapped in unison with their heartbeats as she got lost in their rhythm. If this was what humanity had become, then Pia would not find it difficult to eat each and every one of them. Niklaus stroked his hand through her hair to calm her until her fangs retracted once again. She let out a disgruntled sigh and narrowed her eyes at the stupid humans before locking eyes with her brother.
"I am hungry."
"I know; you shall feed again once we arrive back at the manor. Then when you're a little more settled we shall go on a run." Klaus kept his voice quiet since Pia seemed to jump at every little sound she heard whilst they travelled. A small part of him clung onto this vulnerable side of her since he knew that once they stopped moving and she was out of the confinement of the vehicle, her rage would take over. There would be no telling how she would react, but he knew that nothing good was going to come out of it until she forgave him. He was physically prepared for her wrath, but his emotions felt a little more frail than usual. The thought of her anger made him falter. Was that regret he felt? He supposed it was, but nothing could undo his actions, and so he would manage whatever she threw at him as best as he could. This wasn’t the first time he’d faced a freshly woken sibling after all.
Caroline, who still felt awkward and slightly betrayed as Klaus looked at Pia in a way that he had never looked at her, stayed silent and glanced back at the pair in the rear-view mirror. Pia had dug her heels into Klaus' thighs and clung onto his shoulders; his hands stroked through her hair slowly as they stared into each other's eyes. This must have been what Rebekah had spoken about. Neither of them spoke and just kept eye contact for the remainder of the journey.
After what seemed like an age to Pia, the SUV slowed to a halt in front of the Mikaelson residence; Kol and Elijah immediately exited through the front door once seeing the car come to a stop. Caroline moved over to the side whilst Rebekah ran into Elijah's awaiting arms; the emotion had finally gotten to her and she couldn't stop the tears of joy as she knew their family was finally back together. Klaus stepped out of the vehicle first; he glanced around at his hybrids that stood to attention and took a deep breath before moving to the side and stretching out his hand. Pia slipped out of the vehicle with an otherworldly grace and quickly released Klaus once she felt comfortable on her feet. Her brow was furrowed as she stared at the mansion in front of her. It was just like Niklaus to make a statement like this. The house screamed wealth and prosperity.
"I'll leave you to it.” Caroline murmured, flinching as Pia’s head slightly moved in her direction. She didn’t like the predatory look in the hybrid’s eyes. It meant nothing but trouble.
"Goodbye, Caroline." Klaus barely glanced at her as he kept his gaze on his mate. Pia took a deep breath to try and calm herself before walking past each of her siblings without a second glance. She slowly made her way into the house and stopped. There were so many antiques and expensive artefacts, but the modern elements threw her off balance a little.
'I don't like it...’
She entered the lounge and ran her hand along the soft sofa with a grimace. Everything looked wrong. Everything smelt wrong. The grandfather clock ticked at the wrong pace and the sound of the hybrids patrolling the grounds made her wince as though they were stomping right beside her.
It was all just wrong.
‘I hate it...
‘I. Hate. It.
"I hate it all!" Pia screamed and began rampaging through the living space. Klaus and his siblings raced into the room and were shocked to find her destroying whatever she could get her hands on. Within a second the coffee table was flying across the room and crashing against the wall. The mirror above the fireplace crashed to the ground as Pia let out a fierce roar of displeasure. Kol ignored the warning he felt in Niklaus' stare and vamped forwards; he caught her exhausted body before she met the floor. Her hands shook and the priceless vase in her grasp was reduced to jagged pieces of pottery as she lost her grip. Tears poured down her cheeks and her fangs came forward from all of the emotions that were racking through her body at this moment. “It’s too much.” Kol kept his arm tight across Pia’s stomach and pressed soft kisses to the top of her head.
“Let it out.” He spoke gently in her ear, knowing exactly how overwhelming it felt to be surrounded by unfamiliar territory. “Just let it out.” He encouraged the angry tears that fell down her cheeks. Pia didn't know what to do with all of the information that she had gained over the last couple of hours. It was too much for her, Kol knew that. "Darling, calm down for me."
Niklaus froze at the sight of his twin; he felt anger and jealousy at the fact that Kol had gotten to her first, but then again, the sheer magnitude of pain that was coming from her made him unable to move. It felt like someone had driven a stake through his heart and was wriggling it about. Rebekah placed her hand on his arm as she tried to contain her own sadness in an effort to stay strong for Nik who was obviously devastated at the sight before them. “She’ll be okay. We’ll make it okay.” She murmured helplessly as she watched her beautiful sister become nothing more than a shaking heap.
Elijah bit down on his tongue to stop himself from saying something that would only make the current situation worse. He was furious with Niklaus. Finn had died hating them, partially because of their unnatural existence, but also because of how he had been left neutralised for so long. God forbid Pia would get sucked into her own darkness and force them to do something to take care of her as well because of Niklaus' actions.
"I hate it, Kol... it's not right... none of this is right..." Pia was almost hysterical and tried to fight against her brother's strong grip but found herself unable to do more than hit her fists against his chest. She was starving. She needed to feed so that hopefully all of these emotions would go away. Blood or alcohol, either would do. Anything to lessen the pain she was currently flooded with.
"I shall bring you some blood." Elijah muttered before disappearing to the kitchen. He returned with five blood bags which were promptly snatched from his hands and devoured by Pia. They weren’t warm and there wasn’t a pulse, but it was good enough for now. It was like a flashback to the night she was daggered; blood covered her mouth and stained her nightgown once she was finished. Her face was blank as she ripped herself away from her younger brother, the empty blood bags dropping to her feet as she straightened herself with unnatural poise. Her tears had now dried and she was still enough that one might mistake her for a statue.
"I wish to go outside for a while.”
"Do you want-"
"I shall be alone." Elijah bowed his head and looked at his younger sister for a moment.
"I hope you find something to calm yourself, Pia." Elijah bowed his head once more before leaving to go to the library of the house. If she went where he thought she would, then he would be able to observe her discreetly.
Klaus found himself wanting to follow her but saw both of his younger siblings blocking his way. They gave a sharp shake of their head and Rebekah stepped forward to push him towards the stairs. “Go to your art room… paint something… just… leave her be for a while.” Every part of him screamed to move the obstacle and join his mate, but Rebekah gave another firm push to his shoulder and he robotically made his way to the staircase. He felt lost. For the first time since becoming a hybrid, he felt his control slip away.
With a short nod Pia exited the manor and glanced around. She could see multiple hybrids milling around the area causing her to tense up; glances were thrown at her but she shot them down with a glare and carried on letting her feet guide her. Pia found herself drawn to an old tree that grew in the gardens and rested herself against it. As she stared up at the shining stars she finally felt at peace. She’d always enjoyed the nights when the skies were the clearest and the moon was the brightest. It felt like all was right in the world and that nothing could touch her. There had been many times during summer when the nights were the lightest that Esther had had to send the boys out to bring her inside otherwise she’d have remained under the watchful gaze of the moon until morning time. Even when her wolf was asleep, she’d always felt a connection to the pale celestial body.
Her blonde hair moved softly in the breeze as she stretched her legs out in front of her and enjoyed the feel of the moonlight hitting her skin. The simple sensation of sitting outside on the grass made her feel free. She watched as birds flew overhead and sang to one another. She envied them for just being able to spread their wings and fly at a moment’s notice. Oh, how she wished she could just fly away without a care in the world.
“Pia… It’s been an hour since you came out here.” Rebekah approached her sister carefully, unsure of how she would react. Pia blinked but did not move. “I have drawn you a bath.”
“I do not want a bath.” Rebekah exhaled and knelt down slowly. She put a gentle hand on her sister’s back and nodded slowly.
“Okay, well, you have been in that coffin for 5 centuries, I think it would be beneficial if you bathed and changed into something fresh. You would feel better, I promise.”
“A simple bath will not make a difference to how I feel.” Pia muttered quietly, despite the sound of scalding hot water soaking over her skin seeming very appealing. “I want to sit here. Alone.”
“I will not let anyone come near you. It would be just us, like we used to. You can soak yourself and I will deal with your hair… I’ll braid it, like old times.” The sisters smiled at the memories; one of their favourite bonding practices was braiding each other’s hair.
“No one else?” Pia asked to confirm.
“Nik will stay away for now. It will be just you and I.” A soft smile grew on Bekah’s face as her sister slowly stood up and motioned for her to lead the way
The soft trickling of water filled the silence. Rebekah knelt beside the bathtub and carefully ran a wide tooth comb through her sister's freshly conditioned hair. She kept opening her mouth to speak but found no words would come out. She didn't know what to say.
What was there to say? 
I'm sorry that I didn't find you sooner?
Pia sat in the warm water and rested her chin on her knees. She could feel Rebekah's need to speak, but didn't acknowledge it. Instead she stared at the shining silver taps of the bathtub and glared at her reflection. Her fingernails dug into her skin as she pushed down the burning urge in her throat to slaughter. She just felt so hungry... or was it anger? She couldn't tell. It was easier to just ignore whatever the feeling was and remain silent.
"There." Rebekah put down the comb and used her supernatural speed to braid the curls out of her sister’s face. "All done. Do you want to get out now? The water must be getting cold."
"I want to be alone."
"Pia, I don-"
"I want to be alone." Pia interjected and tensed her shoulders until she heard the door quietly open and close. The sound of Rebekah's steps away from the bathroom echoed in her head. Every sound seemed amplified. Pia almost wanted to rip her ears off so that everything would just be quiet for a moment. After 500 years in that box, all of this noise was grating on her fragile nerves.
Did everything have to be so loud in this century?
Her head snapped to the side to glare at the door as someone turned on some music in a room nearby…
The dripping of the bathtub tap…
The sound of Rebekah’s heels downstairs…
The clink of a glass being placed on a surface…
Niklaus scratching charcoal on paper…
A car leaving the grounds…
Her wolf howling in the back of her mind…
Her own heartbeat…
"Just shut up!" With a hiss her fangs descended and she plunged them into her arm. Blood poured from the deep wounds but she carried on digging her teeth into her skin in an effort to distract herself. A relieved moan left her lips as she focused on the copper tang of her own blood filling her mouth; she felt like a baby who’s teeth were just growing and was in need of something to just numb the pain.
"Pia!" Klaus burst into the bathroom after the scent of her blood had invaded his senses. He froze as the bathwater had turned a pale pink and his sister's head turned to where he stood; her fangs were still embedded in her skin as rivers of red flowed down her forearm. As he tried to step forward she quickly released her arm and hissed. She didn't want anyone near her right now. She didn't know what she would do to them. She just wanted everything to stop. Nik raised his hands in a gesture of peace and glanced at where the wound on her arm was steadily closing. "Are you alright?”
"Leave me be." Pia murmured and rested her head against her knee suddenly exhausted.
"I know it must be hard." Niklaus knelt down beside his sister and kept a close eye on her. He wouldn't leave her alone to harm herself again. "Everything must be so difficult to comprehend... but please, don't push Rebekah away. She only wants to help."
"Every time she opens her mouth... I want to rip off her head. She wants to apologise. She wants to heal my wounds. She wants to hold my hand... I can't stand it!" Pia stood up slowly and stepped out of the tub. She wrapped a towel around herself before turned to face her brother who still remained on his knees. "I can't stand any of you currently. No one came to get me. Everybody left me." Klaus felt his heart break a little more as she left him alone beside the tub. Their bond felt weaker than ever. They used to describe it as a little caterpillar that wriggled inside both of their chests. He could barely feel it now. He remembered how fractured it felt on the night that she had been daggered; the caterpillar had become a snake that constricted around his heart. He'd even take that over the nothingness that consumed him now.
Pia slammed her bedroom door shut with a huff and ripped open the wardrobe; her eyes scanned all of the clothes but she was at a loss. What did nightwear look like these days? A throat cleared from behind her and she saw a hand offering up a soft material. She snatched it quickly and was happy to find it was a long-sleeved dress that reached just above her knees. It was less fabric than she was used to but it appeared to be something to sleep in.
"What a glorious performance." Kol reclined on her bed, his eyes were glued to his phone but his focus had been on the tense argument he had just heard. Pia grumbled to herself and climbed onto the silk sheets.
"I am so glad you are entertained." She collapsed onto the bedding, her back turned to her brother as she tried to ignore him.
"Sister..." Kol placed his phone on her bedside table and moved over to the blonde; his arm curled around her waist and he ignored her low growl as he pulled her back to his chest. "It's okay to be angry. I have been daggered countless times, if you recall?" He snickered as she stiffened in his grasp.
"I always tried to get to you. Do not throw that in my face. Don't you remember how many times my neck was broken when you were daggered and I couldn't find you?" The pair had always had a strong bond, even as humans they always fought for each other. It had broken Pia's heart every time when Klaus had daggered Kol and refused to tell her where his body was.
"I tried to find you, I swear it."
"I believe you." Was all she said in response. "You can leave now."
"I think I'll stay." Kol scoffed as he felt the force in which she rolled her eyes. He softly nuzzled the top of her head and smiled as her small hand found the one around her waist and gripped tightly.
"I'm scared that this is a dream and I'll be back in that box again."
"Whilst I am walking alongside you, I'll never let you go back into that box." Kol shifted a little and Pia looked perplexed as he produced a little square device in his hands, she moved her head away when the screen began to light up. She felt Kol’s chest rumble against her back as he laughed. “This, little pea, is a tablet… and it is going to help you catch up on 500 years of history.”
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m1ckeyb3rry · 20 days
I wish there were a more standardized rules for the romanization because the differences are so wild that I go back and read and I’m like what who tf is this…like atp it’d be easier for me to just read it in korean instead if I have to think this hard to figure out who is being referred to…and yes the webcomic def isn’t as deep LOL im ngl I was never like super SUPER into orv like that so I didn’t mind it just being a more surface level easy quick read maybe someday I’ll actually get the willpower to fully read the novel…
Wait you’re so right LOL I totally forgot….also on that note iirc I think yukis bday is late April, I wanna say 26/27….but I could be wrong because I (regretfully) have not paid as much attention to yuki as some others (KARASU cough) but I’m actually laughing so hard sidekick Niko is actually gold I love the dynamic
Oh yeah there’s definitely Kaiser glazers LOL I feel like most of them are also the ones calling ness a glazer which is ironically funny (classic dude bro activity)
I just saw your side by side post and I was gonna say why do they look so similar in those panels LOL ok but hak too >>>>> I also remember seeing scenes of him and being like omg…actually he does kinda remind me of the closeted pining loser..lowk maybe I should go back to reading this again
LMAOO yeah you could never catch me pampering someone like Reo does to Nagi but OOOOOH guys im getting an exclusive sneak peek to peregrine hehe ok but reading this YOU CANNOT DROP A BOMB LILE THAT OMG??? Guys….guys?????!!!! Heavily agree that nagi being with her DESPITE the hassle >>>>>> Nagi being with her because she’s the only one who isn’t a hassle….it makes it feel more meaningful because we all know how much he hates hassles and instead of her just conveniently fitting with his lifestyle in that sense he’s actively willing to actually go out of his comfort zone for her….its the active part fr…I’m crying him biking all the way to meet her is giving me white butterfly hiori and willow tree rin add him into the losers with wild signs of affection club…ok but him actively failing to give the opportunity to her SHSGSHSH Lowk I can imagine her being pissed when/if she finds out but also OHHH ok it’s been a bit since I last read it but the pieces are here so that’s why Nagi’s always been kinda looked down upon because of his soccer career decline…that sounds like a big peregrine installment though LOL excited for whenever you decide to put that out!! I’m all for the tidbits and spoilers though
I was also going to say I remember first reading peregrine and getting sidetracked by chigiri because of the way you wrote him as the bff too LMAOOOO I definitely see the chigiri bff trope used here and there and I haven’t seen any characterizations of him here that are as bad/wild as other characters (like the Itoshis) but yours is def one of my favs miraverse characters on top!!!
LMAOOO “did I miss a tag was this supposed to be some cucking fic” no dw they’ll turn around once they realize it’s not aiku (like me reading Karasu bfb part 2 instead of 1 smh) OR they’ll just convert to (whoever it is) nation from your writing
OOOOOH ok actually that makes it easier for the fyp to do its thing then manifesting some top tier audio!! On a slightly unrelated note whenever I see anything using that audio from the Barou one you showed me I think about the Barou edit and lose it…truly living in my head rent free
Omg so I sent in the reply and went to go look at the source material to translate but got side tracked and completely forgot about it until I read this so umm!!! Going now!!! LMAO luckily they’re pretty short so it won’t take me long as long as my brain has the capacity to remember to actually do it shshjensjs
- Karasu anon
i think i started reading it because of an edit on tik tok (at this point what DON’T i do because of edits on tik tok…) and found out the webcomic wasn’t finished so i just went straight for the novel instead!! and honestly i’m glad i did because it was a much better experience imo…honestly i was lucky in that i had literally nothing else to do so it was easy for me to keep reading which meant i could get to the really exciting parts quicker!! since at first it’s kind of confusing 😰 but i do want to reread at some point because i think it’s one of those stories that’ll be even better when you know the ending?? or like you pick up on things you missed the first time around 🙂‍↕️ however it’s so long that rereading would be such a time commitment idk if i could do it 😭
okay wait yeah he does have an april birthday i was thinking of nagi when i said may!! LMAO agreed the yukimiya facts are not at the forefront of my mind as compared to nagi karasu and barou’s (also barou and i have almost the same birthday this basically makes us soulmates i think)
kaiser glazers are so interesting because 99% of kaiser fans fundamentally misunderstand his character to the point that it’s like…just create an oc…LMAOAOA he’s definitely interesting but i think he has to be viewed in a very particular lens to even make sense as a person 🤔 he’s not solely “evil abusive meanie villain” but he’s also definitely NOT a sweetheart who would be perfect and flirty in a relationship…many layers to that man but i will leave the exploring of them to someone who actually gaf abt him
NO BECAUSE THE RESEMBLANCE IS UNCANNY TBH LIKE WHY DO THEY LOOK SOSOSO SIMILAR?? dare i say nagi might pull up and steal shinah’s story that i always wanted to write but never did…DARE I SAY 🤫 jkjk we will see if i can even make it work because to be honest it might be too dependent on yona lore HOWEVER the crossover could be insane 😨 especially because hak was the second lead so i could EASILY give rin that spot and fulfill my rin second lead dreams 🤩
LMAOOO I NEEDEDDDD TO GO ON THE PEREGRINE RANT WITH SOMEBODY!!! oh 100% it’s like one of the main three fights they have (the first is after he becomes friends with reo and asks her why she hates him so much so she tells him she hates him for not trying and still being better than her because she’ll be stuck in their hometown forever [they secretly become friends and then start dating afterwards], the second is when she finds out he failed on purpose because she’s all like “oh you didn’t trust me now i didn’t even earn it” and nagi’s like “bro what do you want from me 😰”, and the third is when he bikes to her house and asks her to stay and she tells him she has to leave and then literally gets in the taxi and leaves him standing there in the rain watching her go 😭) okay wait more peregrine lore: the reason why she gets with kira is deadass because chigiri reo and may convince her to go to a college party in their freshman year with them for the underage drinking experience and when she’s drunk she sees a tall pale haired soccer player and is like omg nagi??? and goes over to cry and hug him because she misses him sm…meanwhile kira is like WTF but finds her hot so he decides he needs to snatch and that’s why he knows who nagi is even though she doesn’t remember it happening because reo may chigiri were NOT responsible friends and she had a bitttt too much 😓 she says no because she still loves nagi and wants to be with him once she graduates but a week or so later nagi goes viral on social media for mentioning he’s in love with a girl from their hometown — orie watanabe (reader’s best friend from when she was a kid who sold her out to her mother) so she calls kira and is like “ok ig i’ll date you i have no other options” BUT plot twist there’s an interlude which shows the actual interview and all nagi said (in response to the interviewer asking why he’s single) is that he’s still in love with this girl he knew from when he was younger (implied to be reader) it’s just that the gossip sites went crazy trying to find the girl and orie being a clout chaser is like “oh he’s talking abt me” LMAOAOA and ofc as chigiri mentioned nagi doesn’t have any social media so he had 0 clue what was even HAPPENING but that’s why reader thinks he moved on first!!
also wait number one peregrine moment that is yet to come is during reo and may’s wedding…the date of reader’s wedding has been set and she’s dancing w nagi as the best man and maid of honor usually do and she starts crying because talking to may made her realize she actually still loves nagi but she doesn’t know how to escape the hole she’s dug for herself so nagi’s like “wow guys she’s so emotional her best friends are getting married 🙂‍↕️” and they go sit in the corner and he’s like ok why are you ACTUALLY crying and she’s like i wish we were the ones getting married which ofc makes nagi be like 😮 UNFORTUNATELY kira is there and he overhears and starts crashing out but then the goat himself HYOMA CHIGIRI pulls up and diffuses things by dumping a glass of red wine on kira’s head and saying “you’ve always wanted to be like me at least now you’ve got the hair color down 🥱” JFNDJSKS then kira fucks off back to america but chigiri gets home first and he + niko + kunigami get all of reader’s stuff out of their house before kira can do anything…then nagi gets back into soccer but the only team that’ll take him is a really shitty one that’s supposed to be kicked out of the league because they don’t even have a coach and reader is like “yo if you take nagi as a player i’ll get you a coach” and then she calls chigiri so he + kunigami + niko (who still has reader’s cat for some reason) pull up and chigiri gets the job as their coach and he + nagi lead them to victory that season even though chigiri had to quit playing soccer in college because of his leg (hence why kira replaced him) 🤩
YESSS THE AUDIOS GO CRAZY i never know when inspo will strike because it’ll be the most random videos fr but at this point i trust my for you page to lead me to greatness it hasn’t let me down yet!! also omg the barou effect…so real though that edit was PERFECT like the clips they used and everything…lowkey after sae i might do barou’s edition of the oaeu because i cannot wait to write him and also because it’ll introduce niko as aiku’s sidekick which is a must
LMAOOO no worries i will go respond to them now!! hehe you are always on the translating grind my goat fr 😩
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wistfulwisp · 30 days
Phoenix wright rambling ahead (first game only):
-more Edgeworth. So so much more Edgeworth. I don’t really know how prominent a character he’ll be in the future games, as this installment really dove into his story already and I’m not entirely sure if they are going to end up doing more with his character, but I really really hope so. At least, I can hope that he makes a prominent reappearance once or twice.
((or, at the very least, a continued focus on really awesome character development. I am such a fanboy when it comes to really complex and dynamic characters, and will always appreciate them whenever they turn up.))
-Generally speaking, I hope that the next installment has more of those emotional moments in the style of Turnabout Goodbyes. The writers of this game clearly have the talent and the ability to weave all of these different elements together — the drama and the funny quips and the character interactions — but I am hoping to see more of that vibe. I know it took some buildup to get there, but it was definitely worth it in the end and I really am hoping that they continue to have those types of payoffs.
-the ending of turnabout goodbyes has Maya leaving the scene, which honestly makes me kind of sad because she was always such a lighthearted character that cut through a lot of the tense moments. I’m wondering how it’s gonna be now that Phoenix doesn’t really have anyone to interact with regularly… I’m hoping that eventually we see Maya again haha
Honestly, I’m just excited to see where the next game takes me. I’m hoping the continue to blend the often really silly premises with the more emotional moments that come from the characters that they’ve built on thus far. If this post gets enough traction, maybe I will make a post about the second game once I’m done it. If you made it this far, you’re a real one haha
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starrwulfe · 6 months
Last Week Today! S2024E7
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🤦‍♂️ OK, I skipped out on hella posts for this category. I know, I know… I’ll backfill them later, but I really hadn’t done much of anything noteworthy I guess so there wasn’t the motivation to post one of these… Which is not the point of course, so I’ll just shut up and get on with this installment. Just watch out for the backfills if you’re keeping up with this on the socials or RSS or email or whatever.
🩺 I had my yearly physical exam, and it went well except for the one note under intensive fasting glucose being 101mg/dL which to make a long story short, prompted my doctor to admonish me about getting enough exercise or else worry about diabetes being a thing. Other than that, I’m just as healthy as ever.
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🏋️ It’s no secret that since returning Stateside from Japan, I haven’t really been getting enough exercise, walks, runs, all that jazz and have low-key been stressed and a bit depressed. I have zero motivation to go to a gym; I don’t like doing routines so much to begin with, but I really don’t like being in a room with total strangers trying to figure out how to make my body do stuff to burn fat. It literally makes me even more stressed out than just jogging/riding a bike by myself. SuperWife and I had been going to the gym together at first, but her job changed, and our schedules fell out of alignment for that; I lost my motivation about a year later and here we are. I tried going to the little gym in my area, but my job no longer subsidizes gym membership, and probably more influential, the guy that runs it keeps asking me to join a “boot camp” class. I don’t want to join shit, I don’t want to be around people, leave me the fsck alone, I’m already anxious as hell just being there. So I stopped going.
🚲️ Excuses aside, I’m just gonna go and buy myself a bike and do what I used to do overseas that kept me fit in the first place. I used to cycle all over the place. I can’t walk or take trains like I did there but I’m going to try to at least bike around here and get out more. Did you know I once went almost a whole week without leaving my house a few months ago? (Working from home has its downsides too!) I miss Japan for my social life and urban living more than anything; it kept me on the “life gym” plan where my mind and body constantly got a workout every day without effort. Just living my daily JapanLife kept me fit. Now I actually have to actively work on it. I appreciate any tips on keeping motivated and healthy from y’all out there reading this please.
🚸 Moving on, the kids are doing well. I just realized we’ll have 0 mini-mes that will be in elementary school after this school year. Little Monkey will be a middle schooler. When dafuq did my cute little simian who learned to climb up my back like a ladder and sit on my shoulders get to be on the precipice of teenagedom?
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🚗 At the other end of the scale, The Big One just passed her written Drivers Exam and is now permitted. I really wasn’t ready for this one. It’s not like she’s chomping at the bit to drive (kinda opposite actually – she frequently takes our fledgling bus system around here) but it’s always good to have another driver in the family in case something happens. I wish I had the cheddar to get a hoopty for her and Boy-Type (he’ll be at a permittable age this time next year 😨) to drive… But even if I did, we can’t afford the insurance on a 16 year old right now I’m sure.
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🎨 Speaking of Boy-Type, his drawing skills are getting very good. Fingers crossed for him to be the next Akira Toriyama or Hayao Miyazaki. I’ll settle for him just being that guy that paints to cool murals in trendy shopping plazas and shops like his uncle does back in Tokyo. Getting paid to do what you like to do is the shit. One of the classes at the arts high school he’ll need to pay attention in is Creative Business Management. I hope he soaks it all up when the time comes.
🦸‍♀️ SuperWife is out here doing her thing and will attend a intensive technical training bootcamp style class this summer since she’ll have more time for that while the school district is on summer break. I think she’d make a great tech support technician or level 1 project lead; her time management is better than mine and that’s always been half the job for me. I can’t wait to have crazy “vim vs emacs” type discussions with her. LOL
🏁 Lastly, I’m looking forward to spring, warmer temps, and getting back out in the RV. We’re set to head down to Jacksonville, Florida for a few days during the first week of April and I can’t wait. I love being on the road with the tribe and I feel we’re at our best together out in the world exploring like this. We’ve hit daylight savings already and 25ºC/80ºF was hit for the first time last week too. Just gotta hang on a bit longer to shake these winter doldrums!
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