#on your knees and pray — ♱
muwapsturniolo · 2 months
♱ 𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐝, 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐞’𝐥𝐥 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 ♱
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IN WHICH…A virgin meets the new priest of her church, father Matt, and her world of all things holy begins to crumble.
WARNINGS…Religious figures, god is mentioned, Demons, innocent!reader, and blood.
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From the time she was born, Y/n was introduced to the church, her 1-week old body being bathed in the tub of holy water. Her parents made sure to bless her quickly, not liking the idea of their child being tainted instead of pure. As she grew up, her parents kept that going.
They didn't let her go to public school, opting for her to be homeschooled. Except it wasn't the typical version you see in movies and TV shows, it was a school system that was based on their religious views. every day at 6 AM, the girl would get ready, walk to church, pray with the other church children in the community, and sit in the cathedral, and learn the bible. At 4pm, she would make the walk home and do her homework at the table, as her mother cooked dinner and her father worked. By 7:30 she would be in bed sleeping.
She didn't see anything wrong with it, none of the children did. Their parents never let them go into town with the heathens, they never let them watch TV or movies unless it was holy.
It was a very strict and mundane lifestyle, but it's all she knew so she had to be ok with it.
However, there was a certain day that was her favorite.
It was her favorite day, but she would never say that out loud. It was a day she had to herself, being able to do whatever she wanted within reason. She would usually spend the day at the park, nose-deep in a book as she ate the snacks her mother packed for her.
That brings us to today.
She was giddy as she pulled on her pink Mary Janes, the sleek material complimenting her white frilly knee highs very well. She bounded down the stairs with ease, her steps light and fairy-like. Just as she makes it to the last step, her father comes out of the kitchen holding her lunch bag for the day.
"Park today?"
"Yes Daddy," she gives him a soft smile, which he returns. He hands her the brown sack as well as a few dollars. She frowns in confusion as she stares at the money in her hand. "Did you need me to grab something from the market?"
Her father chuckles and shakes his head, "You've been good. I heard from Father Jon that you did well on your test, so I decided to reward you. Why don't you get yourself some ice cream before you go to the park? it's a hot day."
She gives him a wide and joyful grin, her mouth salivating as she already tastes the vanilla ice cream in her mouth. She gives him a tight hug and a quick kiss before rushing out the door.
Her movements are childlike as she skips towards the park, the ice cream stand soon coming into view.
"One vanilla cone please!" She hands the worker the money and watches as he scoops the ice cream into the sugar cone. She's soon walking off with the cone, her tongue licking up the sides of the dripping desert. She hums in delight, thanking her god for such a delicious treat. She was in her own little world, oblivious to the pair of eyes trained on her. She didn’t feel the piercing gaze watching her tongue swirl along the cream, but she did feel the heat on her body. A thin sheet of sweat forming as the sun burned bright.
Sadly, she finishes the cone quickly, but her sadness is replaced with joy as she sits under her tree. She sets her bag next to her and pulls out her lunch sack and her book.
She wasn't allowed to read certain books, her parents monitoring whatever media she consumed. She managed to convince them to let her get versions of the Bible and stories from the Bible that still had a bit of freedom and new world views in them.
She knew it was a sin to be sneaky and lie to her parents, but it wasn’t that bad of a lie…right?
She hums as she pulls out her book, The Handmaid's Tail. It was a pretty dark book, but she loved the storyline, eager to see how June finally would make her escape.
She sets her book down due to the heat and begins to search through her bag, looking for one of her handkerchiefs to wipe her face. Suddenly a looming shadow forms over her, blocking out the blazing sun of California. She looks up from her bag and sees a man, a very tall man at that.
“Sorry to disturb you angel, I was just wondering if you were ok. You seemed a bit…parched.” She swallowed thickly as his bright blue eyes bore into her, everything about him making goosebumps rise on her skin.
“Oh-I umm-it’s a bit hot and I was just looking for my handkerchief.” The man hums and hands her a bottle of water, a smile on his face. "Take this, seems like you need it." She couldn't tell if it was the sun making her cheeks heat up, or if her face was hot in bashfulness. His smile was angelic, gracing his face as his teeth shined bright and white.
"T-thank you, that's very kind," she says softly as she shakily takes the water from him. The man watches with pricing eyes as she takes a sip of the cooling liquid. He watched the way her lips wrapped around the rim of the bottle, some of the liquid dripping out the sides and down to her chest. He licks his lips as the water collides with the cross on her neck.
"And what is your name angel?"
“Beautiful name…Tell me Y/n, do you follow the path?”
She gives a firm nod, “Yes sir, it’s the right way to live.” The man smiles at her words, his eyes soon landing on the book in her lap.
“The Handsmaid Tale? That is a pretty heavy book, especially with June defying the natural order of Christ.” Y/n tenses, feeling scolded like a child by his words. She knew the book was taboo, anyone in her town who read it would hate June's defying personality. It was known to her that everyone agreed with the mindset of Gilead.
She looks down at the book, now feeling bad about tricking her parents into getting her the book. She knew if they found out what she was really reading, they would lose their head. They'd probably burn all her books and have her wash the floors with a toothbrush again.
“I um, I-I won’t tell.” Her breath catches in her throat as he winks at her. He chuckles at her shy and timid demeanor, enjoying how flustered he's made her.
Suddenly Y/n catches a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye that makes her turn her head. Her eyes land on a person who’s standing far away, their outline being a simple black figure, but it doesn’t seem right.
Their body is curved slightly to the right, their head looking like it’s going to fall off their body. Their arm was raised halfway, giving her an eerie wave. It unsettles her, her body suddenly feeling cold and tense. The person reminds her of the shadow people she would see late at night in her room when she was younger.
“W-who’s th-“ She turns to the man only to realize he’s gone. Her brows furrow in confusion, where could he have gone that quickly? She looks back where the assumed person was standing, only to see them walking towards her, only they aren't walking,
They're running...Quickly.
She scrambles back, her eyes wide and breathing ragged. She feels her back hit something making her scream in fright.
"Calm down angel," She quickly turns around and sees the man holding a plain white rose. She turns her head back to see if the figure is still running at her, but they're gone. She looks back towards him in a panicked confusion.
"They-It-But you-" She pants heavily not understanding what just happened. The man ignores her confused jumble of words and holds the rose out to her.
She stares at the rose in confusion, not understanding why he's offering it to her.
"Take the rose angel, all angels deserve a rose."
She's hesitant for a moment but slowly reaches her hand out for the flower. She takes it and stares down at the rose fondly, examining it's fragile petals.
"I'll see you around angel," He whispers as he walks away. It takes a moment for her to realize, but she shoots her head up and calls out for him. "Wait I never-" She winces feeling one of the thorns prick her finger.
She brings her finger closer to her face, watching as a pool of crimson trickles down the side of her hand. It's almost as if she's captured in a trance, her eyes void of all emotion as she focuses on the blood. Her eyes land on the petals of the rose, the once bright white flower now tainted with the crimson fluid
She stares at it, watching the substance soak into the petals.
"Y/n there you are! It's late and time for dinner!" She jumps in shock and drops the rose, her head darting up to see her mother. "let's go! you've been out here for hours! And what happened to your hand?" her brows furrow in confusion.
Her mother rolls her eyes and motions for her to grab her things, "it's already 5 o'clock!" Y/n's lips parted in shock. It couldn't be 5 o'clock, she didn't even get to eat her snack yet or read more than a page of her book.
Seeing her mother's frustrated look, she quickly gathers her things and stands up, following her mother back home and listening to her rant about being inconvenienced.
She's soon showered and dressed in her pajamas, dinner having already been eaten. She lays in bed and stares at the ceiling, her mind swarming with the thoughts of what happened at the park.
She couldn't understand that shadow figure, how time moved so quick, nor could she understand the man she met today.
She'd never seen him before, was he new in town? How religious was he? Would he be at church tomorrow?
It seemed as if her slumber flew by, as soon as she closed her eyes, they were opening once again.
It's Sunday, meaning it's time for church.
She goes through her routine quickly, making sure her church clothes are modest and not a hair is out of place. It wasn't long before she was sitting in her usual seat of the church, listening to Father Jon preach as her pink bible sat in her lap.
It was the usual sermon, Father Jon preaching about how it's important not to stray from the righteous path of the lord, and how you should devote your whole life to thy heavenly father.
"Before we end our day with our prayer, I would like everyone to welcome a new face to our church. He came all the way from Boston to be with us so I hope all of you give him a warm and heavenly welcome. "
The girl looks up from her bible and gasps softly when she the man from the day before. He was wearing a long-sleeved clergy shirt and suit jacket, his rosary hanging from his hands that were clasped together.
"Thank you all for having me, i'm joyful to see what this church is like. I wasn't satisfied with how they ran the church in Boston." The man speaks with a soft smile.
"How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Matthew, but you all can call me Matt, Father Matt to be precise. If you don't mind Father Jon, I'd like to read a quote from Proverbs and debrief on it a little."
Father Jon nods firmly and steps to the side, allowing Matt to have the podium.
He clears his throat and looks down at the bible, flipping to the page he was looking for.
"Proverbs 26:28..." Matt's eyes search the crowd before landing on Y/n, making the girl tense. His gaze was firm and unwavering.
"Proverbs 26:28 states that 'a lying tongue hates its victims, and a flattering mouth works ruins.' .'' His voice bellowed through the speakers of the church.
Y/n can't help but shrink in on herself, she knows why he chose this scripture. She anxiously begins to tap on the hardcover of her bible, not being able to break her eyes from his.
"Lies are tools, harmful tools that hurt others and grant the liar whatever they want. Proverbs is trying to tell us that liars don't care about their lies hurting others, and that liars are selfish and greedy. The second half of the scripture states that when we flatter others to get what we want, we are causing damage. "
A loud thud is heard as he slams the bible shut, his gaze finally breaking with Y/n and scanning the rest of the attendees.
"So you see... This is a very important scripture. I don't like liars, and I'm more than certain the church doesn't either. I'm under the impression that confessions are to take place after our sermon today, so I suggest you take the opportunity to confess your lies and sins to be forgiven."
Y/n looks down, nibbling on her bottom lip anxiously. She felt guilty about her actions.
Why would she lie to her parents? The people that gave her life and love her...all for a few books?
She was a sinner.
They get through their ending prayers and stand up from their place in the pews, "Let's go greet Father Matthew and let him know how grateful we are to have him." Her father states. Y/n quickly shakes her head.
"N-no! I'm sure he's tired of all the greetings! How about we just g-Hello you three," She tenses hearing the all too familiar voice. She turns around and comes face to face with Matt who has a mischievous smile.
"Father Matthew! It's a pleasure to have you join our church!" Her father's voice is joyous as he shakes Matt's hand firmly. "Thank you for having me, I'm hoping this church is a better fit for me. The church in Boston seemed to...stray from the path and warp their views into the bible."
Matt's eyes move to Y/n who is staring at him with wide eyes, "Y/n, nice to meet you again."
Y/n stares at him nervously, her whole body frozen. Besides the fear of him exposing her lies, she's not sure why he makes her so nervous, something about him is off...and she doesn't like it.
It's like that feeling when you're on a roller coaster, at the highest point anticipating the drop.
That's where she was currently, at the top of the roller coaster, waiting for Matt to drop the ball and tell the truth, exposing her lies and manipulative tendencies.
However, it doesn't come.
"Forgive me, your daughter and I met yesterday at the park. You all are raising a wonderful, and holy-spirited girl. I can't wait to see how she performs in class tomorrow."
She blinks and suddenly she's back home and lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She doesn't know how she got here, she still remembers being at church and standing in front of Father Matt. She huffs and pulls her blankets higher up. As she does so, she notices something moving in her closet. She turns her head just in time to see a shadowed hand clench the side of her door from inside the closet. Her eyes widen seeing the long talons scratch the white wood, creating an ear-piercing scratching noise. Her whole body is stricken with fear, frozen in place as the small hairs over her body stand up, alerting her of danger.
Before she can scream, her door is opened, the hand reaching from the closest quickly retreating as light floods the room. She whips her head towards the door and sees her parents standing in the doorway.
"No book tonight?" Her mother asks in confusion. Usually, the girl would be tucked into bed, nose-deep in a book. "N-no, I umm...I don't really feel like reading anything tonight," She answers softly, trying to make sense of what she just saw moments before.
"Well, we just came to say good night and also tell you how happy and proud we are that you made a good impression on Father Matthew. Make sure to keep that up, maybe he can put in a good word to get you in the choir."
She says nothing, just pulling the blankets closer. Her parents go to leave the room but she quickly stops them, "Can...Can you leave the hallway light on with my door cracked...Please?" She questions timidly. Her parents give each other a look before looking back at her.
"You're not seeing things again are you?"
"No No..." Another lie.
"It's just...I actually might read a little bit before I fall asleep." Another lie.
"Alright, that seems fine. Just don't stay up too late, you have school."
Her parents do as asked, leaving the door cracked and the hallway light on. Y/n tries to go to sleep, closing her eyes and saying a soft prayer as she begins to drift off, the hallway light casting a soft glow on her face.
As she falls into a deep slumber, doesn't hear her closet door opening, nor does feel the shadow looming over her, watching her.
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𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🍑: @mattslolita @thenickgirl @guccifrog @luverboychris @zayyluvz @mrsmiagreer @chrisssluttywaist @78yaz @hoesformatt @freshloveforthefit @3lizaluvs @mattsturniolosgirlfriend @jetaimevous @luxy-nyx @ts-is-my-spirt-animal @iihrtsturniol0 @idontexistman @katw4shereee @madisturn @starlace111 @zivall @adoreindie @imwetforyourmom @sturnsxplr-25 @sturncakez @theyluvme-2315 @moonk1ss3d @@babyalliah-777 @sturniololol @oliviasturniolo21 @ariithereyet @blahbel668
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homelandersbitch · 1 month
♱ ₊˚ Keep those eyes on me. ⌒⏜꒦
‎ㅤ ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏₊ ⊹ Homelander x Employee ! Reader .ᐟ
⠀⠀ ▰ 🦇 𖦹 WARNINGS : 18+ only , children go away . May include : 18 plus setting and themes , cursing , sexual actions and descriptions , kinks such as daddy kink and God worship kinks , you've been warned .ᐟ ✹
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Homelander quickly walked into the meeting room of the Vaught Towers with you scurring behind him as the doors shut behind you, locking instantly. Homelander stopped at the end of the large table as you followed after him as he began to speak in his usual tired of everyone and wanting them all to die voice .
" So, y/n. How are we going to fix those...listening problems of yours .? "
You stared at him with confusion in your eyes and face , what the hell did he mean by listening problems ? You were one of the best the company has had since ashley first started and now that she was in charge you were now homelander's main assistant , which you hated especially when he had his angry moments and would shout at half of the employees and watch them cower in fear as they wondered if he was going to let them go or kill them right there , God how many times you prayed to make sure to stay on his good side and now...here you were.
" S-sir I'm sorry but , I'm not sure I follow-"
That's not what he wanted to hear , especially not from his assistant and someone who he practically spent all his days with . He walked over to you and you quickly looked up at him as he stopped infront of you and stared into your eyes . His blue eyes staring into your eyes felt like that of his lazer eyes just melting into your skull and brain.
" Get on your knees , now . Or ill fucking lazer you to death . "
You quickly gulped but got onto your knees quickly and obediently , you didn't want to die especially not in a gruesome way such as having your boss kill you because he was having one of his bitchfits and you were the victim for the day . Once you got onto your knees homelander smiled and tilted your head up to look at him and he was gorgeous in that lighting , the way it showed off the blue in his eyes and the blonde hair and his perfect skin , he was just godlike and he knew it .
" That's a good fucking girl , look at you finally listening like a good fucking girl hm? How about we have some fun while we have our break ."
You gulped at that , you knew exactly what he meant by that . He was a very secluded person and that meant having alot of pent up sexual anger and tension and now , you were his plaything , before you could even think he quickly shoved his fingers into your mouth as he gave a sickeningly dark grin .
" That's it , just like that you fucking...dirty girl . Suck it like you need it . "
He said as you continued to suck on his fingers , which caused him to bite his lip . You could see how hard he was , he needed you badly and we wasn't leaving until he got what he wanted , which you knew you'd have to give him.
" Mmm...you ready for the real deal now sweetheart .?"
You nodded quickly and he began to undo his pants and take his already hard and leaking pre cum cock out . You stared at it for a moment and gulped at the size , he'd had to be the biggest you'd seen . You can hear him chuckling at your reaction to his cock and quickly moved your head up .
" You've never seen the dick of a god before ? "
You gawked at what he said and before you could even speak he shoved his cock into your mouth as you gagged at the size , he let out a groan as he began to thrust into your mouth and down yout throat as looked down at you and chuckled deeply .
" Mmm you better suck it like you mean it , Y/N . You better make your fucking god cum all in your stupid little mouth. That's all your good for anyway ."
You stared at him , he definitely had a bad god complex and he was making sure you knew that you were going to be the one to fill his need for it . He began to tug on your hair as we went faster and faster in your mouth as you let out a soft grunt as you sucked on him as best as you knew how and it seemed he really liked it because before you knew it you had him cumming down your throat as he let out a deep grunt
" F-fuck fuck...that was the fastest some fucking slut has made me cum."
He cleaned off his tip with your tongue before he pulled his pants back up as you sat there and took in everything that happened , your boss just used you as a fucktoy and your not mad or scared or feel used ...you feel proud that you were the one that made a god like him cum , and even he liked it .
" T-Thank you..my god...you tasted amazing ..."
" Y-Yes my god ..."
You stammered out as you slowly got off your knees which hurt you after his rough thrusting into your mouth , he looked you over as you stood back up fully . He examined you and gave a chuckle as he began to walk out of the room since your shared lunch break has ended .
" You've got some of my cum on your shirt sweetheart , but don't worry about it. You'll be needed again in 45 minutes. "
And with that he smiled and walked out of the room , leaving you staring out the window with excitement in your eyes .
( Maybe a part two?....hmmm if there's ever a part two I'll link that HERE.** )
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kzdigiarc · 8 months
desire ♱ 001
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♰ pairings :: ot8 vampire!ateez x fem!witch!reader
♰ genre :: dark fantasy, smut, strangers to ?? to lovers, fluff, maybe slight angst?, soulmates/fated lovers
♰ gen. content :: polyamory , references to religious themes, witchcraft and magick, mythical beings of all kinds, mentions of other idols, vampires with magical abilities, switches povs
♰ chapter warnings :: fear/anxiety, description of injury
♰ word count :: 8.1k 0_0
♰ note :: this took me entirely too long but hey! first chapter woohoo!! this will be my first time ever writing a series but i'm very excited :] pls give me feedback i'd love to hear your thoughts! and if i missed any warnings lmk!!
♰ main m.list | series m.list | next ♰
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i've been walking for quite some time, i realize probably much later than i should. the sun had started setting long ago and now the forest was almost too dark to really see anything. but i need this mushroom. if this ointment isn't finished by tomorrow the merchants will never buy it and then how will i feed myself for the next week or so- 
i feel my heart thump against my rib cage as my head whips up at the distinct sound of a twig snapping. i focus my gaze on where the sound came from and watch as a squirrel scuttles up the trunk of a large tree. i feel the tension in my body release a little. great, now i'm being paranoid. if i hadn't gotten so absorbed in that book then maybe i wouldn't have to be out here past dark searching for a damn plant. as i grumble to myself internally, i become less and less aware of my steps which is never good for someone who trips over thin air more than is probably considered normal. and in that moment, the universe seems to prove that point by way of me tripping over a large rock and falling flat on my stomach. i groan as pain shoots through my already bruised knees (from tripping prior to this). brushing off dirt and leaves i stand back up and huff. i accept defeat and turn to hopefully find my way back to my cabin. only to realize, i have no idea where i am. have i seriously wandered so far? i do a 360 and cannot recognize any of the trees surrounding me. anxiety starts to settle in my gut as i come to the conclusion i am very lost. you'd think living in the woods would teach me enough lessons about roaming said woods in the dark...but apparently not. even still, standing here will get me nowhere so i turn back the way (i think) i came from and start to make the journey back. i pray to every god there is that i do not manage to get more lost as i try to keep track of the trees that i am passing… with little luck since its only getting darker. 
i freeze mid step as a branch snaps somewhere behind me. whatever that was sounded much bigger than a squirrel. my heart pounds in my chest as the overwhelming fear twists my gut. reluctantly, my head turns to the sound to see nothing but a vast, dark ocean of trees. the once comforting darkness spikes my paranoia as my eyes struggle to focus on my surroundings. i hear another branch snap and whip my head to my right. still, i see nothing but darkness. this is not good. with no other option, i continue the path i started. anxiety courses through me as i walk and now im acutely more aware of every little sound, down to the puff of my own breath leaving my mouth. as the fear crawls up my spine, i start to walk faster and faster until im damn near jogging. i continuously stumble over the natural debris covering the forest floor but i keep my brisk pace, not bothering to slow down.
as my boots catch on a particularly large tree branch, i fall and look up to see that i seem to have come into a decent sized... clearing. in the middle of the woods? i push myself to my feet and look around to see a near perfect circle of space between the cluster of trees. i step farther out of the tree line and strain my eyes to try and see anything that could help me identify where i am. but i definitely would have remembered this clearing if i'd ever stumbled across it before. i've never seen anything like this in these woods besides the clearing surrounding my own home. as i look around confusedly, i forget that there was a small chance i was being followed by something. instead astonishment replaces the fear as i look around. but not for long. i start to hear the distinct sound of crunching leaves coming from my right. this time my entire body freezes for a fraction of a second and i do not turn to see whatever it is coming for me. instead i turn left and start to run. as i sprint through the tree line, i make it long enough that the clearing behind me starts to morph back into endless trees. but turning back to look proves to be a mistake as i trip once again and fall, unable to catch myself as i collide with the ground. sharp pain shoots through my knee again and i know this time i would not just have a bruise. i wince and cry as i push into the dirt to roll onto my back. 
through my fear, i could only hear my boots making contact with the earth beneath me but now that i am still i can definitely hear the pursuit of something coming towards me. it doesn't sound like running but then again i may not be able to hear over the sound of my own pounding heart and heaving breaths. i attempt to scramble to my feet and push through the pain in my leg but i can only manage a weak limping jog. i feel tears pool in my eyes as i stop to lean my side against a tree. there's just no way i'll make it to my cabin like this. and there's no way i'd beat whatever it is that's following me. as the pain in my knee starts to throb, i sink lower until i'm sitting with my back against the tree. through my wallowing i failed to realize that the sound from before had stopped. as i turn my head to look around, i spot a silhouette off to my left. back from where i originally started running. it looks like.... a person? who in their right mind would be out this far? it seems like the seconds drag on as i stare wordlessly at the unmoving figure. i have no options to weigh so i wait. for impending doom most certainly. but there's nothing i can really do. trying to get up again really isn't practical and would just alert them to my location, if they don't see me already. 
i blink and suddenly the figure looks a lot closer than they were a second ago. no... my mind is playing tricks on me no one moves that fast. my heart rate kicks into high gear as the figure starts to become larger. they're definitely getting closer. my reflexes kick in and i scramble with no success to get onto my feet. i hear my breath stutter and a cry threatens to leave my lips as the figure finally really comes into view and then stops. though it's still very dark, they're close enough now that i can see the person is a man. he's human looking... enough. but that doesn't really quell my fear. he's still not close enough that he could hear me if i spoke in a normal tone but i know he can see me. i watch as his head tilts to the side for a second before he starts to walk, much slower now, towards me. 
"are you injured?" though he's still not very close, his voice carries and i can hear the genuine concern (and confusion) in his tone. he sounds human enough. i nod, not trusting my voice at this current moment. he walks until he's standing an arms length away and then crouches down. 
"i apologize. i didn't mean to frighten you, are you lost?" oh. though i tried to focus on his words i became quickly distracted by his voice. a smooth rich tenor that made my brain a little fuzzy. i still can't see his face clearly but he has to be pretty with a voice like that. i was so caught up in my own thoughts i completely ignored his question. "oh, that may not be an appropriate thing to ask... uh if you're okay with it, i may be able to help you." he quickly backpedals once he gets no response from me. it takes me a few seconds to answer but really what have i got to lose? only my literal life. i can't get anywhere like this and there's... something about him. i would say my intuition has never done me wrong and if i'm trusting it, he doesn't seem likely to hurt me. so i nod once again and try to will the shakiness out of my voice. 
"okay... i um, i can't walk." i say, my voice quiet as i look to my leg that is still in pain. he follows my gaze as if he could really see what i was referring to. nevermind the dark, he definitely can't see past the two skirts i have on and the knee high socks and combat boots. he seems to realize this fact as he clears his throat and turns back to me. 
"i can carry you... if that's alright with you, of course." he answers back. he almost sounds shy... or embarrassed? not being able to see his face clearly is really bugging me but i nod anyway. he moves to make it easier for him to maneuver me before an arm encircles my waist and i'm being lifted from my seated position. i quickly swing my arm to go around his shoulders, ignoring the warmth i feel creeping up my neck, and try to hold most of my weight. once he has me mostly lifted up he scoops his other arm under my legs. i hiss when the movement causes a jolt of pain through my knee. 
i feel him tense and i rush to reassure him. "i'm okay, sorry my knee is just.... i'm fine really." i say and he relaxes, letting out a soft ‘okay’ as he stands back up to full height. as he starts to walk i can't help but try and study his face. this close i can see him a bit more clearly but not by much, the only light being from the bright, full moon. i can see enough to notice his hair and the outline of his features but not much more than that. as i look at him, i feel a question bubble to the surface and can't help but voice it.
"why are you helping me?" i ask hesitantly, hoping it doesn't sound like an accusation. 
"well... had i not frightened you, you would not have gotten injured. i do sincerely apologize, i had not expected you to run." he says matter-of-factly, like that was the entire reason he approached me in the first place. even though i can feel that that’s not the entire reason he started to follow me, i see nothing else to say so we continue on in silence. i watch as the trees break and we end up back in the clearing. which confuses me but i say nothing. once we're a few paces away from the tree line he stops. expecting to see nothing, i turn and look out into the clearing. except now there's a very large mansion sitting in the middle of it. my jaw drops as i stare. there's absolutely no way i would've missed that! but then i feel it. there's a subtle tremor in the air like a shimmering in the energy. magick. it tingles against my senses and if i didn't practice magick i would never have felt it. but it's definitely there. there’s no way… illusion magick is hardly used anymore and you'll find very few who are able to conjure illusions around anymore, most magick users being wary of them. so how he managed an illusion this strong is beyond me. i reach out with my senses, trying to feel the man's aura but i sense nothing out of the ordinary. he feels… normal. so how in the hell- he's..not alone. as the realization dawns on me, the mansion comes to life, lights turning on inside and out. 
"ah, this would probably be a good time to mention that i do not live alone." he says sheepishly as he looks down at my awestruck expression. "most of my housemates should be asleep or off to their own activities so we most likely won't be disturbed." i don't miss the maybes in that statement. 
"oh...okay." i breathe out still not believing my eyes. just as he's about to continue walking, the grand front door slowly swings open. i think i hear him mutter something under his breath but i don't pay attention long enough to try and discern what it was. the man standing at the door is tall in stature and i notice a similarity in the way they carry themselves with the grace of someone of high status. almost royal in a way. he strides down the steps towards where we stand but stops farther away than i assumed he was going to. 
"who's this?" the taller man says as he looks between me and the man currently cradling me. i probably should've gotten his name. he seems to realize this too as he looks down at me with furrowed brows. 
"y/n... i'm y/n." i answer instead, trying to save the awkwardness.
"and i'm yunho, nice to meet you. what...happened, seonghwa?" yunho smiles as he says it but he shares a look with his housemate, who i now know the name of, that i don't understand. 
"i startled her and she fell while running. her knee seems to be injured." seonghwa summarizes but there's another look that passes between the two. like they're not just having this conversation out loud. 
"ah, i see. well in that case, you're in good hands." yunho shifts his gaze to me and his eyes soften, similar to the way it would if you were trying to console a wounded animal. i can't help but smile at the kindness in his tone. seonghwa walks up to yunho and the latter turns to go back up the steps with us in tow. as we walk through the door, i'm immediately overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of the interior. and we're only in the foyer! i can't even begin to imagine the rest of the mansion. 
the decor is dark; a blend of black, silver, and shades of red everywhere you turn. in the middle of the foyer sits a small pedestal with a statue of a woman with devilish wings standing atop it. she stares up with long, clawed hands reaching up towards the luxurious chandelier that glitters like diamonds. the floors are dark marbled tile and the ceilings are higher than i thought was ever possible. there's a wide, curved staircase on either side leading up to what i can assume is another beautiful foyer. down the hall in front of us leads to what i can see is the living room on one side and the kitchen and dining area on the other. i can't see the details from here but i see the decor in there is also black and red. the entire place is lit up in a warm glow from the light fixtures lining the walls. 
as i admire the opulence, i forget about the two men waiting with me. that is until i feel eyes on me. when i snap out of my daze i see yunho looking at me, there's a gentle smile curving his lips and w o w. in the dark i couldn't make out his features very well but... he is beautiful. even more so than his home. my eyes rove over his tall, lean figure and i try not to let my jaw hang. his brown hair is highlighted with honey blonde streaks throughout and his skin is perfectly clear. he's dressed head to toe in black with a long overcoat that brushes the back of his shins. the only color in his ensemble is the red on the inside of his coat and red accents on the undone buttons of his loose black shirt. the smile curving his lips slowly morphs into a smirk as i continue to stare. we make eye contact and i shift my gaze immediately, embarrassed at having been caught. 
"we will have to go upstairs, all of my supplies are in the study at the moment." seonghwa says apologetically, though i only realized halfway through his statement that he was speaking to me. i turn to look up at him and am once again struck by beauty beyond my comprehension. no seriously, what did i walk into? and how many more of them are there?! i try (and fail) to stare less but i can't help it. his eyes are sharp, almost piercing but also kind as he looks at me. blonde strands of hair fall into his eyes and i have the strangest urge to push them away. his skin is clear even this close and he smells delightful. has he smelt like this the whole time and why have i just noticed? i snap out of it quickly enough that neither of them suspects my silence and reassure him that it's fine. 
"i'll leave you both to it, i have things to attend to. but if you need anything let me know." yunho smiles and bows his head at me before passing another silent look with seonghwa. he walks away, hands in his pockets as he takes the steps. he turns as he gets to the top, sparing me a last look and there's something i can't put my finger on in his eyes. but then he's disappearing down the hall before i can decipher what his look meant. 
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i look down at the girl in my arms out of my periphery again. for the millionth time since we arrived at the mansion. i wonder if she's noticed me stealing glances at her. not likely considering she has yet to mention it. i just don't understand. she shouldn't have been able to get into the clearing let alone our home. she stumbled through the barrier completely unaware of the alarm she raised inside these very walls. we all felt it when she passed through. the dim trill in the air, a slight shift in the energy. i can still feel the way my hair stood on edge and my senses heightened. our magick is powerful, we'd made very sure of it. so how was she here? and why? from what i can tell, she seems very human. she smells very human. 
she was right to have run at first but then she put up no fight coming here. it made no sense. this poor girl... she has no earthly clue what she's willingly walked herself into. or rather allowed me to lead her into. even now as i carry her up the steps, she seems utterly calm. of course i can still feel the way her heartbeat hasn't gone back to normal and i can feel the nervousness around the edges of her energy. but every time she looks up at me, her eyes are clear. no worry creasing her forehead or apprehension in her gaze. just clear curiosity. and i feel no anxiety with her here. not really. except for the swirling confusion, i feel... relaxed. definitely not how i should feel with an intruder in our veiled home. but i can sense it on yunho too. he wasn't afraid, just curious. maybe a little concerned. for her... she really shouldn't be here. 
i look at her once again and can’t help but be endeared at the awestruck expression that hasn’t left her features since we first stepped through the door. her eyes are wide with wonder as she looks around the halls and her lips are slightly parted as she takes everything in. i don’t even realize how long i’m staring, my eyes tracing over her features as we walk. despite how human she looks, she’s… beautiful. in an imperfect way. bright eyes, full lips, round cheeks, moles and freckles scattered across her nose. i watch as her lashes flutter every time she blinks and the way her tongue pokes out to wet her lips before she closes them. she’s enchanting. the thought snaps me out of my trance and i look forward to see us approaching the study. 
as we come to the door of the study i can hear the low murmur of voices on the other side. i pause, not wanting to disturb whoever is on the other side and also not wanting anymore of my housemates to know she's here. not that they can't smell her or sense her... but it would be best that no one else saw her. i don’t get much time to ponder my options because within the next second the study door swings open to reveal two more of my housemates. how lovely.
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oh you’ve got to be kidding me… i probably have the facial expression of someone who’s just seen a comet but really you can’t blame me. not only am i astonished by the sight of the immaculate study with a large, dark mahogany desk and more shelves of books than i could ever afford. but there’s also two very beautiful men staring at me inquisitively from the open doorway. 
“ah, i wasn’t aware we had company.” the shorter of the two says, clear apprehension in his tone as he looks me over. our eyes lock and mine roam over his face, his features somehow both soft and sharp. his blonde hair is styled and he’s dressed in a long, black overcoat that brushes the backs of his knees with red trim on the bottom with a vest over the white button up he wears. the buttons on his garments are all silver as is the jewelry that adorns his wrists and neck. my eyes trail over the necklaces he’s layered, all looking like they’d take me years to scrounge up enough money for one. grand, colored jewels and crosses hang off the chains of multiple while some just look like chain links. i glance back up at his face to see him already looking at me, a smirk curling his lips and a brow quirked. i quickly turn my attention to the man standing next to him to see him already looking at me, his gaze heavy and unreadable. where the other man’s features are softer, his are all sharp. piercing eyes, angled nose, plump lips, and a sharp jawline. he’s dressed in similar clothing except the inside of his coat is a deep purple and he has much more accessories. large rings, long necklaces, a plethora of bracelets. the top few bottons of his shirt are popped open and the muscular planes of his chest are on display. he’s much taller than the other two men and his long, muscular-looking legs show for it. his eyes never leave my face and for some reason, the look in his gaze makes me nervous causing me to look away quickly. 
“i apologize, she got injured and i offered my assistance. it is much too dark for anyone to be out there alone. we won’t be very long.” seonghwa says, sounding only slightly apologetic. it seems like he has more to say, an undercurrent to his tone, but he just shares a long look with the shorter male. the two men standing together look to each other, another one of those unspoken looks passing between the two. 
“that’s fine, we were… just about finished in here anyway.” the tallest one states and his voice, much deeper than the other two, pulls my gaze back to him. although he was speaking to seonghwa, his intense gaze stayed trained on me. there’s a question in his gaze but i’m not too sure what it’s about. i’m once again forced to look away but not before i got to drink in his features a little. it really shouldn’t surprise me that these two are just as gorgeous as seonghwa and yunho but still i am awestruck by their features. the two leave the room, both brushing past us quickly and not sparing a last glance as they continue down the long hall. 
seonghwa very quickly walks into the study and pushes the door closed with his foot. did i hear the lock click or am i imagining things? seonghwa sets me down gently on a soft brown sofa, being conscious of my injured knee. once he sees that i’m mostly comfortable, he paces over to the large desk and rifles through the drawers before pulling out a first aid kit. i take the time to really take in the room, straining my eyes to read the spines of the books i could see from where i sit. i can recognize a plethora of books on foliage and herbs, some i know i have on my own shelves.
“those books are san’s. he takes an interest in anything to do with plants and herbs.” seonghwa’s voice from the desk startles me out of my daze as i look to him. he looks to be pretty busy shuffling through the first aid, i didn’t think he was paying me any mind. but there’s a gentle smile on his face that i know i am not the cause of. there’s a fondness in his tone and aura when he spoke of this san, that must be why he’s smiling.
“well, ’san’ and i have something in common then.” i respond, a smile that mirrors his playing on my lips. 
“is that what you were in the forest for?” seonghwa inquires as he rounds the desk with what looks to be an ice pack, black gloves, and bandages in hand. 
i nod. “yes, i was looking for something to finish off this ointment i'm making. i was supposed to have it by tomorrow to take into town but… i don't think that's going to happen.” i say the last statement with a sigh as i look down at my hands fiddling in my lap. 
seonghwa hums as he comes to stand next to me on the sofa and i take note of how tall he is now that he’s not holding me. he kneels down to be directly in front of my knee, pulling the gloves over his nimble fingers. “well, i truly do not think it’d be safe for you to try and find your way back to your home now that night has fallen. even if one of us went with you, the forest is… different at night. but san may be able to help you find that plant in the morning, if that's something you'd appreciate. i don't assume this area of the forest is familiar to you?” as he speaks, he starts to move my skirts up and out of his way but my socks are still an issue. 
i answer him as i lean down to help him remove my boots and socks. “no… no i’m not familiar with this area at all. and i actually have no idea how i found myself over here… i wasn't meant to go too far but then it started to get dark and i lost my way… a few times.” i keep my gaze off him as embarrassment floods my mind. once my clothing is out of the way, we're both able to actually see the injury and i hear seonghwa take a sharp inhale next to me. that doesn't look pretty at all. my knee is inflamed and swollen with a nasty looking bruise right underneath and small cuts all over. i reach out to gingerly press two fingers to it and immediately retract my hand with a hiss. 
“how bad is your pain?” i look to seonghwa to see him studying the injury with furrowed brows. his gloved hands are cold as he shifts my leg back and forth, probably trying to gauge my mobility. but even that slight movement causes pain to shoot through my leg and i wince, reflexively trying to move out his gentle grasp. he murmurs an apology as he looks up at me through his lashes. i’m momentarily distracted by his gaze but quickly shake myself out of it. 
“it's… pretty bad. there's a dull throb even when i don't move it.” i answer his earlier question and try my hardest to keep still as he grabs a wipe from his lap to start cleaning the cuts. seonghwa nods but otherwise stays quiet as he starts the process of fixing the injury. we sit in silence as he cleans, bandages, and wraps my knee. i find it very difficult to keep my eyes off his face as his hands move nimbly on my skin. his beauty is incomparable, strong brows furrowed with concentration, sharp eyes with pretty lips. as if he can feel my stare, his eyes flick up to mine. i look away quickly pretending to stare at the shelf behind his head. i really hope he can’t hear the way my heartbeat sped up with that nanosecond of eye contact because it feels as if the organ might jump out of my chest. a man i just met should not have this effect on me. get a hold of yourself! 
seonghwa continues his work on my knee, seemingly completely unaware of my inner turmoil. between the calming silence and seonghwa’s gentle touches against my leg, i find myself relaxing further and further into my seat. just as my eyes start to feel heavy, a soft knock sounds on the wooden doors. both our heads look to the doors before i hear seonghwa sigh and mumble something along the lines of “excuse me” under his breath. he stands up and brushes the wrinkles out of his pants, making his way to the door. the beautiful, billowy sleeves of his white blouse sway with his arms as they swing at his sides and i watch him walk as if in a trance. i snap myself out of it and instead turn my gaze to inspect my knee. now that it’s cleaned and bandaged it doesn’t look as gruesome. the cool ice pack is relieving the pain and throbbing but the swelling won’t be down for a while. i’ll have to wait for seonghwa to make a decision on whether i’ll require more care or not but it doesn’t feel like anything more than a sprain. i test it out by twisting my leg and of course, feel pain shoot up my leg but surprisingly not as bad as before. my inspection is interrupted when seonghwa opens the door and a voice i recognize speaks up. 
“i apologize for disturbing you but hongjoong needs you. right now.” i hear seonghwa make a disapproving sound and i turn to look at the two. yunho’s already looking at me and seonghwa seems to be hesitant to leave. 
“i’m sure i’ll be fine, you can leave me if you need to attend to other things. can’t do much like this anyway.” i gesture to my leg and try to smile reassuringly. truthfully, the thought of being left alone in this beautiful strange home is making me nervous but i don’t need either of them to know that. both their brows furrow as they listen to me, neither of them really trusting my words. finally, seonghwa nods with a resigned sigh.
“i would not advise putting pressure on it but you should be alright to walk soon. allow the swelling some time to alleviate and do be careful.” he instructs and turns with a bow. yunho comes into the study and closes the door behind him. he takes long strides to the sofa opposite of mine and takes his seat. just like with seonghwa, i become entranced with the way he moves so gracefully despite his long limbs and stature.
“if you don’t mind me asking, how’d you do that?” yunho inquires curiously. his eyes are on my bandaged knee and he flicks them to my face for a second before looking back. 
mildly embarrassed, i laugh before explaining how i’d gotten here. i choose to leave out the part where seonghwa absolutely terrified me and pretend that me falling was all my own doing. i brush my hair back out of my face as i finish my spiel and it dawns on me that i probably look an absolute mess. i suppress the urge to cringe into myself, suddenly self-conscious. 
if yunho notices my sudden shift in attitude, he doesn’t mention it. instead he hums and nods as he looks back to me. “how does it feel? i know seonghwa’s pretty skilled with things like that. are you in any pain?” he asks and something about his voice puts my nerves at ease. i try not to think any longer about how the man sitting in front of me makes me feel and focus on answering his questions.
i shrug and shift my knee back and forth but notice the pain has subsided significantly. huh… that’s strange. “well… it doesn’t really seem to hurt at all anymore. doing this before hurt quite a bit but now i feel… fine.” i say, confusion lacing my words. i bend my knee experimentally and although it feels sore, the pain is barely noticeable. my brows furrow and i put my leg back down. yunho seems to understand my confusion and chuckles. 
“seonghwa’s got a way with wounds. we’ve all experienced it, trust me. you’ll be back to normal quite fast.” he stands and walks over to the desk, putting away the supplies seonghwa left out by accident. as he busies himself with that, i feel my attention shift back to the row of herbal books. one book in particular standing out to me. the spine is dark green with big, gold letters in a beautiful font and on the base, a golden honey cup mushroom. 
“would you like to read it?” i hear yunho’s voice from behind me and i jump, obviously too distracted to have noticed him move from the desk. he chuckles under his breath and the sound gives me butterflies. i shake away the feeling, internally reprimanding myself. “sorry, i didn’t mean to scare you. those are sannie’s books but i’m sure he wouldn’t mind you taking a look. do you want me to get it for you?” i turn around to see him leaning back against the shelves behind the sofa i’m on. this man is sinfully beautiful. 
clearing my throat, i respond. “no no, i think i can get up.” i lean down and pull my socks back on before carefully swinging my legs over to plant my feet on the marbled floors. i hear rustling behind me and see yunho making his way around the sofa. i push my hands into the cushions underneath me as i try to stand. yunho extends an arm to me a little panickedly, not trusting my balance and injured knee. but i wave my hand and get to my feet on my own. once i’m standing, i make sure to shift my weight to the non-injured leg and take a step. my face scrunches as i feel the soreness in my knee but it’s nothing i haven’t handled before. 
i limp my way over to the shelf and immediately my gaze zeros in on the pretty green book. i run my index finger over the lettering that reads “Mushroom Magick” before gently pulling it off the shelf. the cover has the same phrase with many different kinds of mushrooms decorating a circle around the words. the book feels familiar even though i know i don’t own this one and i flip to a random page. the page has a plethora of notes scrawled in rushed handwriting with highlights on phrases the owner of the book deemed important. i smile to myself reading some of the notes i assume the aforementioned ‘sannie’ left. i continue to flip through and read over the random notes they left before i finally come to a page without any annotations. this is where i assume they left off but i continue to skim through the pages until a presence behind me breaks my focus. i snap my head to see yunho standing a few paces behind me with his hands behind his back. he seems startled by the way i turned but recovers quickly with a polite smile.  
“i’m sorry to disturb you… but i promised seonghwa i’d make sure you were resting and i noticed your shifting. you can bring the book with you to the sofa, you probably shouldn’t be standing on your leg for so long.” yunho explains as he gestures to said sofa. in all honesty, i hadn’t even noticed my shifting so his observation is impressive… but that also means he’d been watching me pretty carefully and the thought makes me a little nervous. i have half the mind to decline his offer but a part of me feels like he’s more persistent than that. with a resigned sigh and nod, i limp back over to the sofa, mushroom book in my hand with my index finger in between the page i’m on to make sure i don’t lose it. i take my seat and he follows suit sitting, with much more grace than i had, on the sofa opposite to me. i notice his lack of entertainment and wonder for a second what he’s going to do while we sit here but decide that’s none of my concern before opening the book back up to the page i was on. 
the room is silent save for the sound of our a clock ticking and the pages of the book in my hands turning. i become quickly engrossed in what i’m reading, so much so i pay no mind to the man in the room with me. though i did look up one time when he got up to go to the desk. and maybe i stared at his figure for much longer than was necessary. it’s not like he noticed, by the time he’d turned back around my nose was in my book. a few more minutes and pages later, he gets back up again. this time he goes to examine a different shelf, one i can’t decipher the contents of from where i’m sat. i watch as he paces before he sighs softly to himself. he must feel my eyes because he swivels to turn to me. i snap my head down and try to refocus on the book but i can see from my periphery, him making his way over to the other sofa. i look up again as he sits and send him a small smile which he returns. i can see he wants to say something so i wait for him to speak before turning away. 
“would you… like a tour of the mansion? i can see you’re enjoying your book so i apologize but… i feel i might lose it being stuck in this room.” his smile is shy as he asks. he tries to look relaxed but the bouncing of his leg is hard to miss. i consider his offer as i stare at the ground, not really able to look any of them in the eye for very long. what i’d seen of their home was absolutely atonisihing and it’s hard for me to even imagine what the rest may look like so out of sheer curiosity (and maybe a small desire to want to be around his calming presence) i nod my agreement. 
his smile widens as he stands, holding his hands behind his back. i close the book, making a mental note of the page i was on in case i come back before placing it down on the cushion beside me. i get to my feet and i see yunho’s arm come from behind his back, probably to offer me support, but then he retracts it just as quickly when he sees me walking fine on my own. i start for the door, listening as yunho falls into step behind me. once we reach the door he side steps around me and reaches for the handle, pushing the door open and letting me step out into the hallway before him. the house is quiet as i look down the long hallways, yunho closing the door behind me before coming up on my right side. he smiles down at me as i look to him for directions and standing this close i can finally see just how tall he is. he gestures down the hallway to our right and turns to start walking, me having to play catch up to keep in time with his long strides. 
“hongjoong, seonghwa, and i designed this entire place ourselves. though most of the detail was seonghwa hyungs’ ideas.” he explains as we keep a leisure pace, allowing me to take in the beautiful architecture and artwork on the walls. we pass by many doors, yunho telling me what lies behind each one as we pass. another smaller study that only a few of them use, a few bedrooms one of which is unoccupied, a library that belongs to someone named ‘yeosang’. the heels of our boots clack against the marbled tile floors and his coat rustles as it fans out behind his long legs in the same way my skirts rustle as i walk. but a beautiful painting stops me in my tracks and yunho slows to a stop alongside me. i reach my hand out to brush over the canvas with barely my fingertips, mouth agape in awe. in the painting a beautiful woman with wings much like the ones on the statue in the foyer sits in the middle of a meadow, in one hand a large pomegranate and the other a skull of an animal. her lips are stained red with the juices of the pomegranate but the way she’s depicted licking it off her teeth as the juice drips off her tongue makes it look like blood. she’s completely nude, skin glowing from the light of the pale moon in the dark, starry sky over her head. a crow sits perched near her feet, picking at the seeds she took out the pomegranate and a cat is curled by her side, sleeping peacefully. her long dark hair flows beautifully down to her thighs, nearly brushing over the sleeping kittens ears. 
it’s completely unlike any painting i’ve seen, the artist putting such detail into the setting and atmosphere of the scene depicted. there’s something serene and intimate about the mood, like your’e peeking in on a moment between this woman and her companions. i turn to look at yunho to see him admiring the painting much like i was just doing. there’s a faint smile on his lips as his eyes trace over it before looking over to me.  it’s then that the feeling one of the residents of this home must have painted this themselves presents itself in my thoughts. 
“it took yeosang years to perfect this masterpiece but it’s one of his most prized pieces of work.” yunho confirms my previous suspicions as he brings up this ‘yeosang’ once again. looking back to the painting i can offer no other response but open-mouted awe. yunho chuckles at my expression. “yeosangie would be very flattered by your clear admiration. would you like to see more of his art or the rest of this wing?” he leaves the choice up to me as if it’s an easy decision. i look at him and then down the hall, lips parting to answer but the sound of a door opening pulls both of our attention. yunho turns to face down the hallway ahead of us as a figure steps out the opened door into the hallway with us. from the way he’s positioned, the other person can probably barely see me behind yunho’s giant figure. i try to step to the side to see down the hall but yunho’s arm closest to me moves up very subtly, a silent way of telling me to stay put. 
“yunho? who were you talking to?” a clear, slightly husky voice asks. it sounds like whoever it was has just woken up. 
“ah… no on-” yunho starts to deny my presence for reasons i don’t understand. a pit forms in my gut as anxiety creeps up my spine. why wouldn’t this other man be able to know i was here? i shift my weight to my non-injured leg, biting at my bottom lip nervously. the movement was a mistake because my skirts shift and ripple behind yunho’s legs. the other man’s eye immediately zone in on the movement and i freeze. i see yunho’s shoulders tense as the other man’s gaze slowly trails back up to look his housemate in the eye. then yunho releases a puff of air letting his shoulders drop and he steps to the side ever so slightly. “seonghwa brought her here. she got lost in the forest and hurt herself. i was just showing her around.” yunho explains, sounding defeated. the other man looks me over with his head tilted and cat-like eyes narrowed in suspicion. he’s not as tall as yunho but is broader than him, wide shoulders drawing my attention even from this distance. his jet black hair is ruffled from having just been asleep. he’s clad in a black t-shirt and sweatpants, the most casual dress of any the men i’ve seen thus far. our gazes lock and he seems to be trying to read me as he stares, eyes flitting around my face.
yunho breaks the tense silence by clearing his throat. “y/n, this is san. i think i mentioned him to you earlier in the study. san, this is y/n.” all san does in response is hum, looking away from me back to yunho. 
“does hongjoong know you’re showing her around?” san inquires, brow raised. yunho looks away, scratching the back of neck nervously. ah, that must’ve been why he didn’t want san to see me. but who was this ‘hongjoong’? every time he’s been mentioned, they speak of him in this high regard. “yunho… do you even know how long seonghwa plans on keeping her here? should she really be seeing… everyone?” as he asks the last question, san’s gaze turns to me again. there isn’t as much hardness in his gaze, just apprehension. like he doesn’t trust me. i suppose that would make sense, i am a random stranger in his home. yunho opens his mouth to speak but i cut in before he can get whatever he was going to say out. 
“i don’t plan on being here much longer, i assure you. i appreciate all of seonghwa’s kindness but i have things to attend to back at my own home. he was just offering me shelter for the night since it’s dark and i lost my way. in the morning, i’ll be going back to my cottage.” i answer san’s inquiries with a polite smile. both men turn to me as i speak and san’s eyebrow quirks up again. 
“uh, weren’t you searching for something? san may be able to help you find it!” yunho says, head turning back to the other man who gives him an incredulous look. 
san sighs as he looks back to me, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “what is it you were looking for?” he asks in a bored tone that offends me ever so slightly. what is his issue? 
“you don’t have to help me, i’m perfectly capable of finding it on my own.” i answer with indignation, matching his stance. san’s bored expression breaks as he tries to fight off a smirk.
“if that were the case, would you have gotten yourself lost?” he asks with an irritating self-satified smirk on his lips. my arms drop from my chest as my brows furrow but san pays me no more mind, turning back to his bedroom door. “if you’d like my help, yunho or seonghwa can bring you to me tomorrow morning.” and with that he walks into his room and shuts the door behind himself. yunho and i are left in the silent hallway as irritation stirs in my gut. 
“do you… still want to see the rest?” yunho asks softly as he looks at me. 
i turn to him and smile. “yes, you were saying something about seeing more of the art?”
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♰ note :: cliffhanger tehe >:) and we met quite a few members... pls pls leave feedback i want to hear you thoughts!! if you enjoyed consider rbing.
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tragedyslut · 5 months
♱ surrender yourself to me ♱
✶ [ a.anderson ] ✶
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🩷 SUMMARY — abby was a devout Christian. liking you was a sin. you two could 'never' be together. dacryphilia, religion play, degrading. creds @atyourmerci since i got the idea of christian!abby from her fic 'repent' its amazing, so go read that 🪽
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you had been apart of the wlf for a bit less time than most people. most people had years under their belt, but you hadn't been there that long. there was this girl that caught your eye, Abby Anderson. her muscles, that braid. whats not to love about her? except that she wouldn't look at you. not even for a second. you had tried to befriend her, in hopes to maybe get her under the sheets but you were met with a glare every time.
during a completely normal patrol, you had been wandering and found an abandoned church. you weren't Christian, to be fair, you were the opposite. but still you found yourself wandering inside, to your surprise, and amusement you found none other than abby in there. on her knees, begging for gods mercy. she looked so pitiful doing that, and you loved it. you stepped closer, the years of sneaking around abandoned buildings filled with clickers paying off. you then started hearing some of what she was mumbling about.
" please.. lord forgive me. i have a boyfriend.. im- im devoted to you! i wpuld never have sex with that girl.. y/n- i only looked at her once. ill cleanse my soul of her sins and unholiness... please lord. "
she was repenting, about you. her love for you, or some weird kind of crush. you decided to get your amusement out of this. you leaned down next to her, getting into the same position.
you started praying, or was it praying? more like a chant. you said your love to her, and somebody heard. maybe god, maybe someone else.
you locked eyes with her, smirking as she blushed, and repented even louder, begging. it felt so good too see her beg. once you were done, you stood up, angling over her. " go on, read me a verse of that bible. spill it out that pretty mouth of yours. " you teased, as she shot you a teary eyed glare. " go on darlin', give me your worst. "
you hadn't locked eyes or said a word to each other since that day.
until you were on patrol again. you knew she would be at that damn church again.
you were right.
she was desperately praying, nearly sobbing.
her voice was like liquor. if you'd have heard her praying that desperately, you would've returned quicker.
you appeared behind her.
" come on, surrender yourself to me. no amount of praying is gonna change anything.. or will it? " you teased. her tears were suddenly dry, as she looked up at you pleadingly, awaiting your touch.
" awhh, you want me now huh? " you said, your sultry tone evident as you maneuvered yourself to sit on her lap. she nodded crazily, like a wild animal. " what'll your poor god say about this huh abby? " you mumbled, running your hands down her neck and back.
" i don't.. i don't care what he'll think- i just.. i need you " she mumbled, giving you a pouted look.
you tugged on her braid, pulling her down to the christ monumental in front of the church, the podium staring down at you both in displeasure as you made abby get on her knees, stripping her completely. her perky breasts on display as she stared half lidded at the podium. you slipped off your own clothes, reaching your back and bringing out the dildo you had brought along, just for the occasion.
you began pounding into her from the back, hearing her moan loudly and whisper out prayers under her breath. with each word she uttered, you only got rougher with her. spanking her ass, and pulling on her braid, telling her how much she'd sinned.
eventually, she was in tears. begging her lord for forgiveness as she moaned pathetically. you finally pulled out of her, she was soaked, her cum leaking all over her bare thighs.
" are you gonna repent now hmm? " you said, grabbing her hips and roughly pulling her to sit on your bare lap. you gripped her ass, giggling as you heard her whimper.
" i need.. i need more. " she mumbled, seeming to utterly ashamed, but desperate.
you only chuckled, pushing her onto her back as you spread her for you to see everything. you plunged your sinful fingers inside of her pretty pussy as she moaned, throwing her head back and meeting the eyes of her disappointed god. but at this point, you were basically her god.
she moaned your name as you continued to plunge sin into her, but her sinful acts were the last thing on her mind. the only thing she was possible of thinking about now was you.
she felt you tugging her braid, as she only got louder and more pathetic. her muscles and strength were nothing now.
as she had her second orgasm, she threw her head back, moaning your name loudly.
her eyes were half lidded as she was roughly pulled up by her braid, meeting your eyes.
" you're mine. you aren't the property of gods, your my property. i am your god, you got that hmm? " you whispered seductively.
" yes.. yes.. i promise. im yours. " she moaned out.
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nymphiria · 2 years
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☰ cw: yes we fuck the robot. fem!reader, monsterfucking?, dubcon, humping, power imbalance, mean dom!scara, some degradation, fear play
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THE BALLADEER knows how tiny he makes you feel under the gaze of his divine form. it’s normal, he says, for a human like you to feel intimidated by the mechanical body that encases his once smaller frame. his power to you was always a mystery, an unknown ability that has never been tangible. but now? scaramouche radiates divinity and authority — power oozes from every facet of his being.
it’s enthralling being in his presence, the very same one that you never thought yourself interested in before your venture to sumeru. your purpose was to merely accompany him and the doctor for plans unbeknownst to you. what a shock it was to see your superior, your lord, metamorphosing into a god made by human hands. years of being at his service and yet only now do you feel that he truly commands respect — the kind of respect that puts the feeble on their knees and the strong in their graves.
“does it frighten you? staring at the embodiment of godliness?”
you feel like a small mouse as you sit in the palm of his enormous mechanical hand. the once familiar voice of your lord is now distorted, almost monstrous as he prods you with his questions. he must’ve seen how your legs were shaking as you first took in what would soon be his new vessel. he likes seeing you tremble, the adrenaline makes his head spin as he soaks up your reaction. scaramouche was never one for blatant teasing, instead settling for routine chastising of your work effort. perhaps he’ll make an exception to his character just this once.
“my lord, p-please i implore you to put me back to the floor. i am not one for heights,” you tearily plead your case hoping for leave. if you stayed in his presence any longer you might just faint. being so high up and under the scrutiny of a harbinger are not a good combination for consciousness.
how dare you.
he gives you the opportunity and honor of witnessing him before his ascension and this is how you repay him? with excuses and disrespect? that wouldn’t do. you seem to have forgotten your position under him, your role as his servant. respect and praise are what he should be receiving from you, but instead he’s only been given the disposition of a mouse escaping a feline.
now, that’s no way to treat your god now is it?
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cold. he’s so cold. the palm you rest on is already freezing enough, another is just cruelty. but that’s all the balladeer is: cruel. he flaunts it like a wealthy woman would with her new set of jewelry. traitors to the fatui receive it on a massive scale compared to the rotten attitude he gives you for small mistakes. you thank celestia sometimes for sparing you from most of his wrath and pray that it stays that way.
celestia never listens.
the icy robotic fingers glide across your skin; the clothing you once wore now reduced to nothing on the ground far below you. it’s impressive, really, how he hasn’t crushed you under the weight of the metal appendages he’s fondling you with. it just serves to remind you that if he wanted to, he could very well end your life. but he chooses not to. he’s choosing to be gentle with you. maybe he cares about hurting you? or maybe he just doesn’t want to hire another lackey to pick up the papers he throws off of his desk in a rage. you can’t tell which you would prefer more.
as frightening as the situation is, it’s feels… good. the cold material sends shockwaves up your spine each time it makes contact with your bare pussy. each time the metal rubs against your clit, your back arches unwillingly at the pleasure. it’s unknown how many times you’ve cum against his fingers and soaked them with your juices but it’s far too many to be decent. he just doesn’t stop. no matter how much you beg and plead, he won’t let up it til he’s had his fill of you.
is he getting off on this? you can’t see his face so it’s hard to tell. chances are, though, he’s wearing that signature sinister grin that he’s oh-so known for. he hasn’t said much since he shredded your clothing and pressed you onto your back. you pray that he lets you go soon — maybe you’ll pray even harder for your poor legs to work after this.
“that’s more like it. beg for me, beg for the pleasure of your god. if you’re good enough, maybe i’ll extend my mercy to you and keep you as a pet.”
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peachiemilkytea · 9 months
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Pt 1 , Pt 2
Summary: After the Department of Temporal Phenomena had released tapes instructing everybody to go into isolation in 1992. You sit alone at home sitting in loneliness and misery. But the unknown threat roams suspiciously close to you.
Paring: Alt!Gabriel x you
Warnings: paranoia, depression, isolation, religious themes, break-in, descriptions of injuries, use of Y/N, etc
WC: 3K
─── ˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚───
The tv plays with bright colors that can burn anybody's eyes. Figures of people in swimsuits with piña colada's and margaritas in their hands walked around. Sounds of annoying voices yelling at something pointless was the only thing filling up the silence in the house. I sit on my sofa with the remote in my hand, watching whatever came on the tv. This time it was some reality tv from other states.
Ever since the outbreak, Mandela county has gone on lockdown. The government released these tapes of alternates. Phenomenal creatures that come into peoples homes and use their mind against them. My dad always said it was the devils work. There's been cases about it in the news of people going missing and alternate reports. It's hard to sleep without a night light on. I can only imagine the police department being flooded with calls. There isn't much to do about the alternates since nobody knows how to get rid of them. The most recent tape the government handed out was the M.A.D tape. If you're M.A.D then you're too late.
It been lonely being in isolation, I had to pick up my high school dipolma through the parking lot's roundabout. I still have the yearbooks, prom pictures, folders of graded worksheets, and Polaroid pictures of what friends I had. It wasn't easy making friends in high school when your the priest's daughter. With everyone's mothers going to the church your dad owns to go on their knees and pray for God. Now I'm by myself. Sitting at home, watching girls fight over the guy in a tropical paradise.
Everyday is the same. Nothing ever changes. I feel like I'm sitting here waiting for my turn to die next. That scares me so much. Things never change on the outside, but I have changed internally. I am so lonely. I haven't talked to another person in months. Let alone been outside. Grocery shopping trips don't count. Sometimes I think I'm mute with how quiet I am. There's nobody there to talk to. I don't have my friends anymore. Everyday I wake up and stay in bed for seven hours. My teeth are becoming yellow cause I can't find the strength to take care of myself anymore. Every night, I stay up for hours tossing and turning. Every little thing makes me upset. If I drop a spoon and it gets dirty I break down in tears. I don't feel like myself anymore.
On the clock, It was ten thirty. Maybe I should eat. I did skip lunch. I didn't have the motivation to get up and make something. The fridge was too far away. It takes too much energy to make any food. Though I'll starve. I guess I'll have to get up. That's going to take awhile to do, it's so hard to move my body when I have no motivation to get up. come on come on come on.
I slowly get up from the couch, my legs feel like they can't hold my body up. Walking to the kitchen, I don't know what to make. A Tv dinner will do. I grabbed a Tv dinner with lasagna. I pull down the foil halfway, then put it inside the microwave. I get this uncomfortable feeling, but I don't know where it's coming from. I look around to find nothing. It feels like something is staring at me. I shrug it off and put the tv dinner inside the microwave. Hearing beeping coming from it. I'm getting kinda nervous now. It feels like something is off. I stared at the microwave hoping it would heat up faster. Waiting for it makes time feel slower.
There's tapping outside the window. It felt like it was all around me. I looked around, checking the windows. Nothing was there. I didn't see anything tapping. It could be a tree branch. Living next to the woods makes it hard to see things at night. Since there's no street lights it's pitch black. I go back to the microwave.. but the tapping got louder. It was coming from in front of me. The microwave beeped. I quickly pulled out my food and grabbed a fork out of the drawer. Fast walking out of the kitchen and back to the living room.
The relief soon flooding me, what was all that about? It would be stupid if I tried to investagate it. I don't want to get killed. I slowly ate my food listening to the pitchy voices coming from the screen. The guy didn't even look cute... he kind of looks like a monkey. Wiping the red sauce away from the corner of my mouth with my thumb. I didn't really have much of an appetite. Watching the waterfall come down into a lake as the girls danced around in their bikini's hoping to catch the attention of the guy. One of them went to go talk to him in private which made the others mad. One of them went crazy over it. Seeing all this water makes me need to pee.
I encourage myself to get up again, slowly lifting my limbs off of the couch. Walking down the dim lit hall, I feel better if all the lights are on but it's too much effort to go find the light switch. I open the door to the bathroom.
The light floods the hallway when I open the door. Closing it with a click. As I'm walking away, a window near the bathroom is open. That's werid.. I could've sworn I've closed all of them. I pull the window down, clicking the lock at the top. what if something happened? Something could have come through that window. Am I in danger? Maybe I'm being too paranoid, everything is okay. It's my house.
I walked back to my living room, plopping down on my couch. This is getting boring, I grabbed the remote and changed the channel. hmm, horror? The last thing I need is to have my paranoia questioning everything. No. Action? Every super hero movie is all the same. No. Bible prayer session? ummm No. I already did that today. Oh! Sunday night's comedy! I could use a good laugh right now.
The Tv showed a guy with a microphone making jokes to an audience. I even pitched in a few laughs. He was creative. A few different comedians came out after every commercial break. I liked the lady who complained about her husband.  Her sarcasm was funny.
Huh? That's weird. The TV is flickering with a bunch of static coming from it. Maybe it's the wifi router? I got up to check behind the tv. Restarting it a couple of times, the static wasn't going away. If it's not the connection it must be the power. I need to check the circuit breaker. I grabbed a flashlight from the kitchen drawers, going to the basment door in the hallway. The basement is always scary. It is silent and dark down there.
I take a deep breath feeling fresh air come through me. I got this, it's just a quick trip. I open the door to be greated with pitch black. I don't want to do this... The flashlight clicks as it turns on. Every step I go down creaks. I'm afraid it might break from under me. Where is the circuit breaker? Oh, it's in front of me. I look at the switches and buttons. Maybe it will reset itself if I turn it off and back on again. I click the switch turning it off, then sliding it to the other side to turn it back on again. I hope that worked. Now to go back upstairs.
The basement door slammed close. Heavy muffled footsteps echoed through the basement. There's somebody in my house. I stiffened. What do I do? My anxiety pumped through my veins,  adrenaline went through my bones. Sweat made my hair stick to my forehead. I need to call the police and hide. I sneaked back upstairs. I don't know where the threat is.
I ran towards the hall closet, nimble enough to make little to no noise. I don't feel safe anymore. If I get up to my room and lock myself in there I should be safe, right? There's a phone by my bedside. The footsteps get louder, they come closer. I put a hand over my mouth to control my breathing. Please leave me alone.
A alternate, pitch black with a deformed human body walks slowly up to the closet door. It looks around. Don't open the door. Please don't open the door. It stays there for a minute, till it slowly walks away and into the kitchen. I quitely keep my steps light, with a flashlight sturdy in my hands. If I need to attack I will, but I'm afraid of getting close to it. I reach the top of the stairs. I'm almost there, my door is at the end of the hallway.
Oh no. Turning my head over my shoulder. The thing was staring right at me. Without thinking, I ran. The air in my lungs became tight and light. The creature ran after me with inhuman speeds. It's stomps were enough to shake the whole house. My heart pumps out of my chest. My legs burn. I go into my room and slam the door in it's face. Locking the door immediately. It bangs and screams at the door. oh my god oh my god what did the government broadcast say? T.H.I.N.K.? I can't remember the principals!
I grab the ends of my dresser and push it in front of the door, grabbing whatever I could find and put it in front of my door. I yanked the phone off of the reciever and dialed 911.
"Hello? emergency services, how may we help you?"
"There's somebody in my house, it doesn't look human. Please help me. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I live on Osprey street."
"I'm sorry, we do not get invovled with alternate cases. Please be safe and make it out alive." The emergency responder hung up the phone. What am I supposed to do now?!  I put the phone back down on the receiver. Then it started speaking to me through the door. It speaks of all my trauma, all my failures and embarassing moments that I didn't want to remember. I covered my ears and hid in my closet. It's watching me through the door.
"Come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the devil. Protect me, O Lord, from the craftiness of the enemy, and save me from his evil plots. Cover me with Your presence when I feel weak so that he will flee from my presence. Amen." I feel myself whispered under my breath, clasping my hands togethers. Shutting my eyes. I let out my intentions into each and every word.
"Protect me, O'Lord. Protect me, O' Lord. Protect me, O'Lord. Protect me O'Lord!"
The sun shined through the built in blinds on my closet door. How long has it been? The early morning? Ugh... That alternate still might be at my door. I haven't shut my eyes all night. There's muffled whispers of deceiption. I need to get out of here.
I open the door, my rooms scattered with mess. It looks like a natural disater happened in here. There are murmurs of manipulation getting louder. I'll be okay if I jump out the window. Then I need to run like hell. It's quick so I need to be quiet. I tip toe to my window sill. I gently open it and hang my legs out of it. Taking a deep breath, I jump.
The bushes crushed my fall, but my feet weren't placed right. I think I sprained my ankle. It hurts so much. It hurts with every movement. I need to get out of here. I need to go to the police. That's the only safe place I think off. I get up slowly. Sprinting down the side walk, my ankle hurts with every step. My hair flows behind me, my lungs gasp for air. There's tension in every bone in my body. I run, I run, I run. No matter how tired I get. I can't stop running. Please, please. I need to get there. I don't want to die.
There's people looking at me weridly from their cars, people walking down the sidewalks look at me fearful. I'm almost there. In the distance, I see the sign, Mandela County police deparment. I feel my body giving up on me. Air has become suffocating. I can't stop now I've come too far. I can't go back to my house. Everything is watching me. I run, I run, I run. Police officers eye me down in front of the building. I stop in front of the place. My legs give out from under me, it burns when I breath. My ribs cramp up and I feel it coming back up through my throat. I swallow the vomit back down.
A few officers come to my side, pressing their palms on my shoulders. Asking me questions I can't make out. The world has become blurry. The two police officers help me up and inside the building. I don't know where their taking me. It's too hard to see. I'm sitting on something soft. I blink a couple of times to focus my vision. Getting used to the light in the room.
"Hello? Miss? Can you hear me?"
"Ruth, she has a sprained ankle."
The officer looked at my ankle, moving it from side to side. It hurt so much. I wasn't even focused on the pain until now. He gently holds it. I wince with every touch. I can tell he's looking up at me worriedly.
"Wha.. what?" They loooked at me surprised but relieved. The other officer, Ruth I think. Left to go behind the desk, pulling out a first aid kit. She threw it to the other officer. He caught it and started working on my leg.
"Are you okay?" Ruth asks coming back with a notepad  and pencil. Her eyes showed so much. It was comforting. The gentleness of everything felt safe. Like I was no longer being watched.
"Barely.." I mumbled, my throat hoarse from running for my life back there. My lips felt so chapped, licking them might make them worse but it's a natural instinct.
"What happened?" The other officer tending to my ankle asked.
"I called earlier, something broke into my house. I barricaded myself in my room and hid in my closet till morning. I thought it would go away but it didn't. So I jumped out of my window and ran all the way here." I explained. They turned pale and tensed up.  Ruth reached for her gun.
"Ruth no." The other officer reached up and grabbed her arm.
"Thatcher, she could be one. She needs to be stablized." Ruth said sternly pointing her gun at me. I tensed up and gasped. Sweat went down the side of my face.
"She's not. Her injuries are heavy, if she was an alternate she would be able to heal them. She came here looking like hell." Thatcher tried to convince her. Oh, so that is his name.
"She could be faking all of that if she was an alternate, for all we know she's already dead and an alternate could be using her body." Ruth said, her trigger getting steady. Thatcher put his hand up saying "wait." He holds his hand up to me slowly, I move back afraid at what he's going to do next. His hand gets closer to me, I shut eyes looking away. My heart beats out of my chest. His fingers touch my pulse.
"she has a heartbeat, alternates don't have heartbeats." Thatcher confirms. I open one eye looking around. Ruth lowers her gun. I open both my eyes, blinking a couple of times to adjust to the room again.
"So everything you said is true?" Ruth asks gently. I nod slowly. I'm scared to say anything.
"Start from the beginning." Ruth ordered, pulling out her notepad and pencil again. Writting what I said before. Oh dear God protect me.
"I was at home making food, but something was tapping on my window. It was coming from in front of me. I thought it was a tree branch and I was freaking myself out. I spent some time eating and hanging around. Till I had to go to the bathroom. When I came out of there, the window was wide open. It was closed before I went to the bathroom. Then the tv was getting all staticky, it wasn't from the wifi router so I checked the circuit breaker in the basement. But when I reset the breaker, somebody slammed the basement door shut. I heard footsteps walking around my house. The nearest and safest phone was in my room, I sneaked back upstairs but it chased after me. I barricaded myself in my room and called the police but nobody came." I explained more of the story, stuttering and shaking. Flashbacks appeared in my mind, every fearful moment.
"And that's when you waited for it to leave but when it wouldn't you jumped out of your window and ran all the way here." Thatcher completed the story. I nodded profusely.
"You ran all the way here with a sprained ankle?" Ruth asked, I nodded again confirming that.
"I couldn't feel the pain cause of my adrenaline." I added on. Though it's splinted and wrapped up, it stll hurts like hell.
"You should stay here for awhile, to make sure the alternate in your house has left." Thatcher said getting up of the ground helping my leg up onto the couch. It felt better now that it was laying at an angle. He opened the mini fridge in the office and pulled out an ice pack, he gently put it on my ankle. I winced a bit at the sudden change in tempature.
"In the evening, officer Thatcher and I will escourt you to your house, We'll do a clean out search. You'll get home safely." Ruth said reassuringly, putting her hand on her hip with a smile.
"Thank you so much." I grinned at her, I can finally relax. I assume this is a shared office since there's two desks. They returned to their spots. I laid my head on the couch looking up the ceiling. It's okay now, you're safe. I tell myself,  I can get some sleep in. It's all going to be okay. My eyes flutter shut.
... mm ...hmmmggg... mmmggg...
"Hey, (Y/n) it's time to wake up." The nudging on my shoulder got more apparent. I slowly open my eyes, feeling groggily. I rub the sleep from my eyes. Oh, It's officer Thatcher. I sit up slowly.
"How long was I out for?" I asked. I look back down at my ankle. It looks kind of better. Less swollen, still hurts though.
"For about seven hours, you needed it though. Ruth and I are going to take you back home and check your house." Thatcher informed. I leaned over and took the icepack off. He held out his hand and I took it. Slowly getting up. I winced, the weight on my ankle was too much. I held my leg up like a hurt dog would hold up it's paw.
"Ready to go?" Ruth asked in the doorway holding her stuff. I nodded smiling softly. I don't want to go back home, but I can't stay at the police station forever. I dread going back. I don't think I feel safe there anymore. I limp to the car with Ruth helping me, she holds me up by my waist. I must be living every kid's dream, I get in the police car.
The sun goes down making all kinds of pinks, oranges, and yellows. It was hard to see from the barred up backseat window, but still enjoyable. The radio  played softly, some kind of 90's punk rock. It must be the radio station that Thatcher likes. The poles of streetlights pass by quickly, homes that are locked up are filled with light, There's few cars on the road of people coming home from work. It feels so.. human. That's reassuring to me. It reminds me in a way that I survived. I see my house in the distance.
"Is this it?" Ruth asks, looking at me in the review mirror. I nodded staring back at her. I don't want to go back. There's nothing awaiting me there but an alternate. She parked nearby my  driveway.
"Stay here, if we don't come back then drive back to the police station." Thatcher instructed. I nodded again looking up at him doe eyed. I gave him my house keys. They both got out of the car, I watched as they enter the house.
I waited for a few good minutes in the car. My anxiety rised higher and higher with every second they were in there. My leg bounced profuesly as bit my nails. I'm slowly losing control over myself. Soon enough I see Ruth coming out with Thatcher, she knocks on my door. I sloppily get out with a little help from her. Thatcher gave me back my house keys.
"The cost is clear, there's no alternate. But we can see you put up a good fight." Thatcher said looked at me grinning.
"You did one hell of a job with that bedroom door." Ruth snickered and helped me into my front door. The silence speaks volumes, I don't want to be here anymore.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Ruth says patting my shoulder gently. She helps me into the couch.
"We fixed up the bedroom a little to cut you some slack. If you ever need anything call us, and use the code word Delta. It's to know that you're the real you." Thatcher said smiling comfortingly. I feel a little better knowing I have a plan for next time. But I dread those words, next time. Like it won't end after this.
"Thank you so much for everything." I said trying to sound okay. My shoulders don't let down their guard.
They both bid me goodbye, I sit in a quiet house full of loneliness. I don't want to be here. It feels different without people here. I'm not going to bed tonight.
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heavenlyraindrops · 6 months
Note: I use “character” as an insert for reader, oc, or, yk, characters.
I have seen absolutely BARELY any lucifer x character fics that explore the full potential that him being the FUCKING DEVIL has. The whole “corruption” sort of concept.
Like, oh yeah, you were such a devout Christian in life, what would your peers have to say about you getting it on with the devil? You were one of the most faithful, virtuous angels in Heaven, and now look at where you are. On your knees- but not praying, not for God…
Like I’m sorry but that shit is way too fucking hot for there to be max one fic written about it. And the fics I’ve seen with Angel! Characters don’t explore that sort of “shameful” aspect enough. “What would mother say if I brought the devil home for dinner” sort of shit.
So. I decided to take matters into my own hands.. ;)
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fallstaticexit · 4 days
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The Art of Being Seen - a Nancy Landgraab story
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Part II - Uni -After a traumatic outing that tears her away from her first love, 19-year-old Nancy Landgraab turns to her faith and her relationship with Geoffrey as a way to cope with her longing for Vanessa. Just as she starts to put up her walls, she meets five women, each teaching her valuable lessons about herself and about life.
Transcript under the cut
Nancy: Heavenly Father, help me to find peace in Your love and wisdom.
Nancy: Grant me the courage to resist temptation and to stay true to my faith. Help me understand Your will for my life and to trust in your plan. Help me...
Nancy Narrates: [For two years, I prayed until my voice grew weak]
Nancy Narrates: [Until my knees bruised from kneeling]
Nancy Narrates: [Until I forgot the color of her eyes]
Nancy: Ok, we can go now.
Geoffrey: How do you feel?
Nancy: Like I’m going to throw up. I hate crowds.
Geoffrey: You’re going to do great, Nancy.
Nancy: Are you a bettin’ man?
Geoffrey: I am now.
Nancy Narrates: [The tenderness I’ve developed for Geoffrey over the years surprised me]
Nancy Narrates: [When he returned from holiday break, I was suffering from a heartbreak I thought would kill me. All he could do was hold me as I mourned]
Nancy Narrates: [In the end, he was all that I had]
Nancy Narrates: [Loving him was the least I could do]
Becca: Hello! Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart? No? Think about joining our bible study group! There’s free pizza every Thursday!
Darling: I don’t know shit about this club if I’m being real with you. Coach is making me do it. Something about building your resume, don’t ask me. You joining or what?
Siobhan: A Landgraab on campus? Now that’s a treat.
Becca: [squeals] I know you! I can’t believe it’s really you!
Nancy: I’m sorry? Do I know you?
Becca: I’m Becca! Becca Clarke? I won the Landgraab Foundation Scholarship! You’re the reason I’m even here!! I am freaking out right now! My Nana will not believe this!! [gasps] Would you be interested in joining my bible study group? Of course you would! Is this your boyfriend? Sooo handsome!
Becca: Can I just say, that the Foundation is a true blessing from God. The opportunities you give to people like me is- [sniffles] sorry, I’m getting emotional.
[muffled voices]
Nancy: I- I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I thought you were-
Morgan: It’s cool, I get mistaken for all the other freaky witchy chicks that go here. [smirks] That’s a joke, by the way. I’m the only one. I’m Morgan Fyres. Interested in tarot card reading?
Nancy: Fyres? Is your father the owner of the hotel chains? Dominic Fyres?
Morgan: STEP father, actually.
Siobhan: If you’re looking for real Fyres royalty, then look no further. Siobhan. No need to introduce yourself; I know exactly who you are, Nancy Landgraab.
Morgan: [grumbles] Annnnd cue the cameras.
Siobhan: I’m the president of Theta Omega Pi, the same sorority Queenie Landgraab pledged to. She proudly hangs in our hall of fame, so it would be a privilege to welcome a true legacy into our sisterhood.
Becca: Hey! I found her first!
Morgan: How about you two back off? You’re bringing bad vibes to my stand.
Siobhan: Relax, creature of the night. I was going to discuss Nancy’s future with Theta.
Morgan: Maybe she wants to start tarot reading? This isn’t some business opp, fake Barbie wannabe.
Becca: T-t-tarot!? The devil’s board game!? The Landgraabs are Christians! She wants nothing to do with that, right, Nancy?
Siobhan: [sighs] Find your own Landgraab, Virgin Mary. Grown-ups are talking.
[distant bickering]
Darling: The fuck is a Landgraab?
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evergreen-endo · 3 months
after you make togame cum he looks wrecked. red in the face, chest heaving, sweating, hair all kinds of fucked up, he’s twitching everywhere, eyes blown wide like he’s had a psychedelic experience
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evergreen-endo · 2 months
making out with takiishi in the back seat while endo drives yall around -> him fingerfucking you completely unbeknownst to endo ‘yapmaster 3000’ yamato
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evergreen-endo · 3 months
Do you ever think about endo and pussy spanks especially after you cum so it’s tacky and makes his second favourite noise ever
UM. ahem. yeah he fucking loves this.
it's like torture for you, but gets you dripping for him just the way he likes it. and he does it in phases...he likes to hear the progression of it throughout the night. he checks how much of a mess you're making constantly; he's obsessed. he does it once before he's even really touched you, just getting you worked up with a teasing, honeyed voice in your ear, bites and sloppy kisses everywhere except where you need him most. he does it again after he's made you cum on his fingers, but he knows he can get you sloppier, so he checks again after eating you out. and once again after he cums inside you.
he loves to gather it all up onto his palm— his saliva, your slick, and his cum— to give your clit rhythmic little spanks that send jolts down your spine with every touch. he loves the sound it makes and the way it gets you blabbering and begging.
he also likes to deliver a harsh slap that catches you off guard so he can watch you squirm and hear you yelp out for him. likes the way you grab his arm to steady yourself as if he'll be your savior.
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evergreen-endo · 1 month
i just had a vision of making out with chika while straddling his lap. he’s got your arms pinned behind your back while he’s leaning forward and licking into your mouth because your hands in his hair plus the grind of your hips was too overstimulating and he didn’t like how much control you had over him. and on that note i’m gonna go lay down
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evergreen-endo · 3 months
it’s a ritual to snowball with endo after takiishi cums in your mouth.
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evergreen-endo · 2 months
takiishi with the deep strokes vs endo jackhammering with u on top. who wins
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evergreen-endo · 2 months
good morning. togame rests his head on your chest after he fucks you and gets hard again when you scratch your nails against his scalp
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evergreen-endo · 2 months
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e-evie....how could you do this to me. in this vulnerable state i'm in. can't withstand this i'm not strong enough. IIIIIII NEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDD HIMMMMMMMMMMM LIKEEEEEE AIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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