#on this moment to happen and lo and behold he delivered
trashmallcw · 11 days
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so i finally got my brother to start playing outer wilds (and stream it to me)
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teecupangel · 2 years
this is pretty hard to put into words but just hear me out. Imagine Desmond as a baker. Like a literally pastry/bread maker.
So the idea is that he'd have time traveled, by the apple or isu bullshit it's up to you, and basically gets adopted into this nice old family who own a bakery. They teach him everything and he settles down a bit. But it turns out he's travelled to before the executions of Ezio's family, where he has a chance to save them, but was warned against it by Minerva (or whoever) because it would mean the end of the world. So he has this moral dilemma the entire time. But also, he wants nothing to do with the Brotherhood. He's done with the Assassin's and Templars for a lifetime.
Then Leonardo comes along, because there's a nice family bakery down the road and he was craving something sweet, and sees Desmond (who is completely freaking out) and Leonardo assumes something... That he's Giovanni's bastard son. Which leads to a large moment of misunderstandings in which Leonardo is trying to tell the family that Desmond exists without sounding like he's accusing Giovanni of cheating but also trying to say something quick. Because if he saw the connection, so would other people.
But Maria, ignoring all the failed attempts of poor Leonardo, goes and orders a large amount of baked pastries to be delivered to the villa in celebration of someone's birthday. Lo and behold, Desmond appears to deliver the goods (and then to disappear into oblivion, because he just couldn't help himself to not see the family again)
Everyone stops when they see Desmond and Leonardo almost passes out from the pure amout of stress he had taken on. Then there's this whole scandal and poor little Desmond is smack dab in the middle of it.
Desmond could find baking as relaxing in the sense that baking requires precision and any deviation in the recipe (that is not like sugar content) could easily destroy it which, for someone like Desmond, might mean that the baker has complete control of what’s going to happen.
At least, if Desmond can’t have full control over his life, he could have full control over the pastries he makes.
Also, if we set it up so that Desmond wouldn’t know much about baking before he got adopted BUT he does know what pastries and cakes should look like and the ‘usual stuff’ that should be in them, hell, he could accidentally invent pastries that shouldn’t exist during that time period.
He would be known as someone not afraid to experiment and try new ingredients and people assume he’s a mad genius but Desmond is just trying to find possible alternatives he could use for the pastries he knows about but doesn’t exactly know how to make.
So Leonardo would be interested in the products themselves but also because of the rumor of this pastry/bread madman and both of them just stared at one another with wide eyes because Leonardo is thinking “Oh no, Giovanni cheated on Maria!” and Desmond is thinking “Oh fuck, what the hell is Leonardo doing here? Okay, stay cool, stay cool, stay freaking cool, Desmond”
And Leonardo becomes a regular because goddamn those pastries are to die for and Leonardo enjoys being Desmond’s taster (or, as Desmond like to call him, his guinea pig) all the while trying to drop hints that he knows who Desmond’s real father is.
Desmond misunderstands this hints as Leonardo knowing that he’s connected to the Auditores and he thinks if anyone could think “Ah! Of course! Time traveling bullshit!” as a reason for Desmond’s existence, it would be freaking Leonardo Da Vinci.
And, just to make everything more complicated, Desmond tries his damnest not to get near the Auditores but it wasn’t like they could reject Maria Auditore’s orders because that was a lot of money and also it would be social suicide to be known as the bakers who said no to the wife of Lorenzo’s unofficial second-in-command.
Instead of Desmond being the one to deliver it though, Ezio gets roped into getting the orders and Desmond freaks out because “oh shit, Ezio! Ohshitohshitohshitohshit!” so Desmond does want any normal person freaking out and out of option would do at that situation, pretend everything is fine and smile and be polite on the outside while just going “AAaaaaaaahhh *deep breath* aaaAAAAAAAAAHHHH” on the inside and Ezio is just staring at him and being uncharacteristically absentminded which Desmond assumed meant he must have just seen Cristina or something.
Instead, Ezio goes to Leonardo after delivering the pastries and go “I THINK MY FATHER CHEATED ON MY MOTHER AND HAS A SECRET CHILD!”
And Leonardo just goes “YYYYYEEESSSS!!!!”
Cue Leonardo and Ezio trying to drop hints to Maria about Desmond’s ‘real’ parentage (which Maria mistakes as Leonardo and Ezio really liking the pastries) and dropping hints to Desmond about his ‘connection’ to the Auditores (which Desmond mistakes as both Leonardo and Ezio coming close to finding out he’s a freaking descendant of the Auditores that time traveled) while Leonardo and Ezio suffer through both of their ‘obliviousness’.
(By the way, all this pastry talk made me remember Tasting History with Max Miller on youtube and, if you’re curious what food was like in the past, check his videos out. He even has a playlist for Medieval and Renaissance food)
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badchatgptfics · 1 year
Miles Edgeworth x Reader - A Funny Twist of Fate
Prompt Given - write me a fanfic for Ace Attorney where Edgeworth is on his way to prosecute a trial, and while on his way to the courthouse he meets eyes with a beautiful woman, Y/N, outside. He gets flustered and she laughs, and he speeds into the courthouse. lo and behold Y/N happens to be the defendant on trial for the murder of Ded Gui, and Edgeworth is absolutely appalled, but Wright is her lawyer, so during a recess Edgeworth approaches Wright and says "If you don't get a Not Guilty verdict for her so I can take her out to dinner I swear to god Wright, I'll never let you hear the end of it"
Fic Generated -
The air was tense outside the courthouse as Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth made his way towards the entrance, preparing himself for another intense trial. His mind was focused on the case, his thoughts filled with strategies and arguments. But as he approached, he inadvertently locked eyes with a beautiful woman standing just outside.
Caught off guard, Edgeworth's composure faltered for a moment, and a faint blush colored his cheeks. Y/N, the woman who had captured his attention, chuckled softly, amused by his flustered reaction. She watched as he hurriedly made his way into the courthouse, leaving her standing there with a smile on her lips.
Inside the courtroom, the trial began, and to Edgeworth's shock and dismay, he discovered that Y/N was the defendant, accused of the murder of Ded Gui. The evidence against her seemed overwhelming, but as the proceedings unfolded, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease.
During a recess, Edgeworth found himself standing face to face with Phoenix Wright, Y/N's defense attorney. Without wasting a moment, he approached him with a determined look in his eyes.
"Wright, if you don't secure a Not Guilty verdict for Y/N so that I can take her out to dinner," Edgeworth began, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and determination, "I swear to God, you'll never hear the end of it."
Phoenix blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by Edgeworth's unexpected request. He chuckled, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "Edgeworth, you're actually interested in her? Well, I suppose we'll have to do our best, won't we?"
As the trial resumed, Phoenix presented a formidable defense, methodically dismantling the prosecution's case and raising reasonable doubt. Edgeworth watched with a mix of awe and annoyance as Phoenix skillfully maneuvered, all the while knowing that the Not Guilty verdict he sought hinged on the outcome.
In the end, with the weight of evidence and Phoenix's skillful defense, the verdict was delivered: Not Guilty. Edgeworth felt a mix of relief and triumph flood through him. He had achieved his goal, though he would never admit how much it meant to him.
Outside the courtroom, Y/N stood waiting, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. Edgeworth approached her, a rare softness in his expression. "Y/N, it seems we are owed a dinner," he said, his voice betraying a hint of playfulness.
Y/N's smile brightened as she replied, "I suppose I can't turn down a dinner invitation from the prosecutor himself."
And so, amidst the triumph and the relief, Miles Edgeworth and Y/N embarked on a new chapter, their shared adventure filled with conversations, laughter, and a newfound understanding. As they sat across from each other at a candlelit table, the boundaries of the courtroom faded, leaving room for a connection that neither of them had anticipated.
In this tale of courtroom drama and unexpected romance, Miles Edgeworth learned that even the most steadfast and analytical hearts could be swayed by the gentle touch of fate and the laughter of a captivating woman named Y/N.
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my dear mandy, you are not only one of my favourite writers but also one of my favourite people 🥰 congrats on 50 love 🥳
could i please make a request for our baby mikey kinsella from the fake dating prompt list? i'll leave the exact prompt up to you, but please, you know what i'm going to ask for - as much amanda slander as possible 😂
- @mindidjarin ❤️
MINDI my love!
So, this one kind of got away from me, but I wanted to deliver on the Amanda slander, so here ya go babe!
I chose the prompt "my ex doesn’t understand it’s over, so I tell them I’ve already got someone new"
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Michael had grown tired of the song and dance with Amanda. He really wanted to find someone else after Molly, but she just would not stop with her advances. Their relationship was wrong, and Amanda didn't really care, but Michael definitely did. Her advances were getting less and less subtle, and he had to figure out a way to get the message across that he wasn't doing this with her anymore. Unfortunately, after what happened with Molly, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to put himself out there again. 
Molly had transferred to another pharmacy, so at least Michael didn’t have to risk any awkward encounters with her when he was getting his medicine. He first saw you last time he picked up his medication, and he noticed you had a very sweet smile and kind eyes. Maybe the job hadn’t quite gotten to you yet, but he got a very warm and welcoming vibe from you. He definitely thought you were cute, but did he want to go down the road of asking out the cute chemist again? 
Jimmy had invited Michael over to his house for a get-together, and he jokingly encouraged him to bring a date. Michael really didn’t know who he could ask, but he definitely wanted to bring someone along so Amanda would get off his back. It was time to pick up a refill of his medication, and he decided on the walk over that he would ask you to be his date if you were there. He was sort of hoping maybe today was your day off, so he could save himself the embarrassment, but lo and behold you were behind the counter with a smile on your face. 
You felt butterflies in your stomach when you saw Michael walk in. Despite knowing who he was and what he had done, you couldn’t help the silly schoolgirl crush you had developed on him. He didn’t even have to tell you his name, you remembered him from his last visit and went to fetch his medication for him as he approached the counter. 
“Michael Kinsella, right?” you asked in a chipper tone. 
“Uh, yeah. That’s me,” he replied with an awkward wave. 
“Grand! Can you just confirm your date of birth for me?” 
He gave you his date of birth, and you continued ringing up his prescription, but Michael was absolutely mesmerized by your smile and your voice. He finally snapped back to reality when you asked him if he had any questions, and he had to shake his head for a moment to get back in the moment. 
“Are you alright, Mr. Kinsella?” you asked with obvious concern in your voice. You were well versed in CPR and first aid, but you really didn’t want a handsome hitman having a seizure in the middle of the pharmacy.
“Yeah, I’m grand. Sorry.” 
“Oh, it’s alright, Mr. Kinsella.” 
“Please, call me Michael.” 
“Okay, Michael. Do you have any questions for me?” 
Michael could hear his blood rushing through his ears, and he felt like his heart was about to hammer out of his chest.
“Yeah, actually I do. Uh, what are ya doin tomorrow night?” 
Woah. Was he actually asking you out?! Your little schoolgirl daydream was coming true, there was no way this was actually happening. 
“I don’t have any plans, actually. Did you have something in mind?” 
“Yeah, my brother invited me over for dinner, and he said I could bring a plus one, so would ya like to come with me?” 
Accepting an invitation for dinner at the home of a crime family was probably not a smart decision, but, you only live once, right? You figured ‘what the hell’ and decided to accept his invitation. 
“Sure, that sounds lovely. I’m not working tomorrow, but I can meet you here, and I can drive us there.” 
“Wonderful. See ya here tomorrow at seven?” 
“Sure, I’ll see you then, Michael.” 
You said your goodbyes to each other, and you were suddenly feeling giddy at the fact that a handsome customer had asked you out. Michael was happy that he actually had a date to take to Jimmy’s, but now he had to figure out how to break it to you that he wanted you to pretend you had been seeing each other for a while.
The next day, Michael showed up at seven o'clock on the dot to escort you to his brother’s house. You had dressed a little nicer than you normally did for work knowing you had a date tonight, and Michael definitely noticed. 
“Wow, ya look nice,” Michael said shyly. 
You felt heat creeping up your cheeks from the compliment, and you couldn’t help but giggle. “Thanks, I do aim to impress,” you replied. 
“Shall we?” Michael said as he gestured across the street. 
“Ya sure, I’m just right over here,” you said as  you led him to your car. 
The ride to Jimmy and Amanda’s was filled with small talk, the two of you asking about each others’ days and such. When you finally pulled up to their house, Michael finally got the nerve to tell you what his motive really was. 
“So, I may have told me family that I’ve been seein’ someone for a while now, and they’re gonna think it’s you.” 
Your eyes went wide, and you suddenly forgot how to form words. “Oh, o-okay. What would give them that impression?” 
“I mighta told them I’d been seein’ the cute chemist and that I was bringin’ ya over t’night.” 
“Wow, well, okay then. So, I guess I gotta keep up the ruse, then.” 
“M’sorry. Truly. If ya wanna just drop me off and leave, I don’t blame ya one bit. But, I’d like ya to stay.” 
You mulled it over for a moment, and against your better judgment, you decided to go to the party with him. It could be a funny story to tell your kids one day, you thought. 
“Ah, what the hell, let’s do it!” 
Michael smiled and kissed your cheek, then the two of you headed into the party hand in hand. He really did like you, but making Amanda jealous was going to be a fantastic bonus.
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soranihimawari · 2 years
Winters breath
A Kita Shinsuke x reader drabble
Word count: 600+?
Pairing: kitaaaaa! x reader
Warnings: fluff confession
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You were a vision, according to your old friend, Kita Shinsuke. You were visiting home for a much needed vacation from coordinating all the intramural matches for the local schools ranging from middle school to high school and even some colleges. The deadline was approaching and lo and behold you bosses had tasked you with at the very least coordinating the opening season match of your shared alma mater before your vacation truly began. Regardless of talking your friend’s ear off in the car trip back to the house you grew up in, Kita softly laughs at the way your brows furrow and relax when you’re overly exchanging how dreadful Mo-kun is as the ‘office snitch.’
“…I almost slapped him for asking me out. Again,” you sighed. “I’m sorry I rambled on for too long, huh.”
“It’s ok,” he says with a sweet smile. “I’m just glad you stopped by to say hi. You’re a very busy person, y/n.”
You both were seated on the front porch of his farmhouse which had been the main scene for a few teenage shenanigans while still in high school. A medium sized coffee table complete the furnishings for said patio; cups of cold tea remain on their saucers now. One of the many shenanigans happened shortly after the spring carnival where your class had a silent auction for a ‘date night.’
Apparently the rumor around the student body the was how a first year Suna or was it second year Aran mentioned how they didn’t want to ask any member of the student body until they kissed their first love. The moment either Miya twin heard of this, they consistently tried to get you alone with their friends. Considering you were in a few classes along with Aran and an art elective with Suna, the volleyball team seemed to have their eyes suspiciously on you. Well, more like in the sense that whenever your name is brought up, Kita had to quell his teammates’ annoyance at the twins’ teasing. Granted, Kita, bless him, was a little peeved at the time. The only one who knew of their diligent admiration from afar was perhaps Gin. Gin who saw how flustered Kita became whenever you had swung by during morning practice with sweet cream sandwiches amongst other snacks. Or when you stopped to deliver some calculus handouts to both Aran and Kita right before midterms in your third year caused a bit of a ruckus since Aran noticed how Kita’s eyes lingered on you speaking with a member of the management team that brisk fall afternoon.
However, presently, the thought of you with someone else made Kita blurt out a rushed, “go on a date with me.”
You were busy glancing at the blossoming hibiscus tree whose branches swayed in the wind; you had heard what your dear friend said, but you decide to play coy instead. You curl a fist under your chin and tilt your head to the side to have a better look at his features. You see his stern expression grow softer the more you stare at him.
“Ehh?” Your voice is a mix of both surprise and confusion.
He’s leaning back in his chair shyly covering his flushed cheekbones, an amused expression reflects through his bronzed eyes. For a second there, you think you see the sparks of the fabled western idea of fireworks, he must have felt it too. You feel your own cheeks flush with embarrassment because even you can fall victim of the revered, “Captain Kita stare.” Though you are feeling a bit bold and initially had aimed to tease the company you keep, you glance back at your dear friend who for whatever reason made you feel a bit unsteady.
“Oh don’t look at me like that Kita Shinsuke.”
Kita shrugs. “Like what?”
Golden brown eyes reflect a warmth and strength you didn’t know existed; supposing his dating history, given taking care of the fields to the east of the house, would be small, it seems to you that his tactful nature when talking to you had fallen a bit… well, flat. Then again, you wonder to yourself, when was the last time he had even thought to date anyone? Let alone bring anyone to bed? From what your text chain conversation with Aran, Suna, the twins, and sometimes Gin pokes in every once in a while, Kita never really brought any significant other around. Yet, if any of them mention you, according ‘Samu, Kita would literally spend hours bugging them about more details about your life post college graduation (are you ok? taking care of yourself in the ‘big city’? pack you extra onigiri which kita not so anonymously pays for, etc).
Your curiosity has led you here. Back to the farm of your youth with the man determined to love you the best way he knew how. Who cares if he had been waiting a little over a decade for the right time, sans your friend circle who could’ve interrupted you two at any point. It’s such a quiet, earnest request from you to him. Bleach locks with ebony tips blow gently in the wind as you notice he will not budge from staring so sweetly back at you.
You needed to break eye contact for a moment, so you glance down at his boots compared to your business kitten heels: you jump to the logical solution, you’re determined to test the waters of whatever may come from this, so you chose to speak your mind when you bring your eyes to look at him like you haven’t noticed his matured features before:
“Like you’ve been in love with me forever and now you’re coming to terms with—?!”
Kita silences your rambling fear in such an austere way: his lips align with yours in the most subtle of moves. Perhaps if you’d have been more careful, you’d notice he was staring at your lips the entire time you were speaking. He holds your hand when he breaks this quiet confession, a bold smirk on his boyish face.
You’re too stunned to speak by this development; your cheeks are flushed with a fever you can’t sweat out as you try to suppress your beaming grin with your free hand. The other is currently being held (and kept warm) by the man across from you. You feel him exhale over your brow before pecking you there. He chuckles a bit when you lean back a bit in your chair.
“So, about that date…?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
You lean forward and as he turns his face, you kiss his lips again. Here is where you both feel your heart stutter for you feel yourselves topple over in compassionate way. Though you break this kiss first, you smirk at him. Kita shakes his head slightly as he says your name so deftly you almost miss it. You’re too enamored by the sudden electricity passed from you to him; it’s in the reflection of his eyes when you realize perhaps Kita one day will truly answer your question.
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radiant-ruby · 11 months
𝑅𝓊𝒷𝓎 𝑀𝒸𝑅𝑒𝒾𝒹
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Pronouns: She/Her Born: 30th October 1995 (21) Species: Bloodline Hunter / Vampire Turned: November 2016 (physically 21) by Jessica Harvelle Alliance: Good - Resistance Location: Recently returned to under the dome - above and below ground
So What Happened?
Before prom, on ‘human day’, Ruby saved the life of Verity Vandeviere from some jackass bounty hunter that was messing around in her town. It was a one time thing, only because Verity was human at the time. Ruby kicked ass, but it raised more than a few questions from vampire boyfriend Corey Andrews. She decided to confess that she was a bloodline hunter. It didn’t change anything, he loved her all the same.
Prom Night happens in Havensdale and Ruby McReid has a magical night. Perhaps the first and last truly normal night of her life. She was crowned Prom Queen, danced the night away with her vampire boyfriend, had fun at the after party and, for the first time in her life, felt like the world wasn’t on her shoulders.
It doesn’t last long. Of course it doesn’t. The next morning, the news breaks about Effy and Leo. Ruby suspects foul play immediately, it relights her righteous fury that things like this keep happening in her town. The deaths were covered up for the sake of Havensdale’s humans, but she knew the truth-- Juliette Palmer killed them both. Ruby graduates and knows that she’s fully committed to being a hunter.
There isn’t long to form a plan to keep her people safe when Founder’s Day comes along. They thought they were prepared for this, but they were wrong. Ruby goes underground with the rest of the McReids- her mother, Krystal McReid, included- and forms the underground Resistance. She dedicates her life to the cause and, in the end, it takes too much.
They had a plan. November 2016-- they were finally going to put an end to this, only for it all to go devastatingly wrong. Carrie is kidnapped and Ruby is powerless in the moment when Edward forces Alex Andrews to feed on her before delivering the killing blow. She laid dying when Alex turned her into a vampire and Ruby screamed as she realised she could never leave her baby sister alone in this world for eternity.
Corey refused to do it- he couldn’t, the bloodlust- so she turned to Jess Harvelle. Her best friend, her beloved best friend who broke her heart. Her best friend who had just turned her humanity back on after all those years. Her best friend who could barely control her bloodlust, but she would just have to because Ruby was going to be turned into a vampire, one way or another.
In the aftermath, Ruby was left empty. She was left feeling like a part of her died- it had, hadn’t it?- and then there was, well, the bloodlust. Being a vampire. The one thing she had hated, had feared, her entire life. Ruby needed to get out, she needed to be alone and learn how to be this new thing before she could be around her loved ones again. She manages to leave The Dome and lo and behold, Verity Vandeviere follows her out.
You see, once upon a time, Verity had been turned into a vampire against her will and her sister, Vivian, had manipulated him into turning her as well. Because she could never leave her sister alone in this world, for eternity. These parallels were hard to ignore, but Ruby ignored them anyway. As far as Ruby was concerned, they had a business arrangement. Verity would teach her how to be a vampire and Ruby would help her find Vivian, who had previously been captured by The Institute.
They move in together, the montage of research begins and after 6 months, they track down the last standing Institute with Vivian locked inside. They make it out to the Nevada desert, break into the Institute, and come face to face with the last living person there. Ruby tells them to leave or die- ‘ ‘Please don’t make me... let her (Verity) kill you’. They run. The only way to release Vivian is to release everyone, override the system completely. She didn’t know exactly what they had done when they did it, but she knew it wasn’t good.
With Vivian released, they return to the apartment to find Jordan Rickman waiting. Jordan tells Ruby to get in the damn car and put on her seat belt because they are going home. She agrees, telling Verity their arrangement is done- ‘The next time I see you, I’ll kill you’.
Ruby and Jordan have only just managed to sneak back into the Dome.
Wanted Connections
People that she’s saved/helped since the dome first came down and before she became a vampire. Also people she’s had scraps with. New friends and enemies.
People she’s run into outside the dome while struggling to be a vampire. Anyone she may have almost took a bite out of in a moment of weakness, both before leaving the dome and after.
Resistance allies. Perhaps someone that feels hinky about her now being a vampire who’s in love with a vampire?
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skelezomperman · 10 months
Oh, no. Today is probably not your lucky day at all! You're just a commonly-paid simple Regency mailman, and the only thing you can brag about is a loyal horse and a comfortable wagon where you stack the letters and packages for later. You are barely awake when the milkmaid you regularly buy from looks at you like a condemned medieval heretic. Your landlady appears wary as though she's ready to flee from you at any second, and...
Lo and behold, it's a poster of your wagon!
You blink multiple times to make sure you did see what you thought seeing. WANTED, the poster says. Your face isn't there, but the wagon looks so identical with yours. Mysterious wagon ran off with Lord Nordion's heir on board, it reads, with additional urging to contact the Household Cavalry for a suspected sighting. You can't believe it -- you are accused of kidnapping His Lordship's son, Master Ares, about five if you are not mistaken because you are sure you have once delivered a teddy bear to the family's residence when Little Ares received a birthday gift from his grandfather in Ireland. Now your old landlady and milkmaid are suspicious of you, and a cavalry squad with brandished arms might reach you in due no time.
This is absurd, you want to protest. Maybe the culprit has an identical wagon like yours. How unfortunate. Yet as you move to feed your horse, you can hear strange, muffled voice. Your heart drops to your feet as you check your wagon, finding Little Ares yawning... and looks at you. You really want to gasp. You don't remember taking the boy out of his premise. Horrifying!
"Hi, Mister!" Little Ares, unaware of your shock, merely waves at you. "Fine horsey. Good cart. I wanted to see, then I slept. When food?"
The gears in your head begin to move. Master Ares perhaps sneaked to play with your horse, and fell asleep in it. The boy looks at you expectantly, but all you think about is the accusation weighing down your name, and his father hunting you down with an unsheathed blade, perhaps having had no sleep, and indignant.
You have to start moving. Even if you can't think of anything else right now, you need to do something...
"Oh, no," the mailman thinks. He doesn't know much about Lord Nordion even as he's visited a couple times. He thinks for a moment about dropping young Ares off with his younger sister, but she would probably be even more likely to murder the mailman than the lord himself...
Hmm. Maybe the best thing to do would be to calmly find the nearest police officer and surrender there. As long as Lord Nordion himself isn't there or his family isn't there, the worst that can happen is some time imprisoned while the mistake is resolved...right?
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eloise175 · 2 years
Each time Callisto asked Penelope to give him her hand, and she did without thinking twice: a parallelism of the same occurrence over the chapters
It never failed to amaze me how quick Penelope was on giving her hand to Callisto when he asked her to, despite her viewing him as *the most dangerous one* out of the male-leads.
And in turn, how Callisto wanted to hold her hand to ensure her safety better each time they were in some precarious circumstances.
The scene in the newest chapter looked very familiar to me, so I went back and did some digging. Lo and behold I found the different instances where these happened.
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₊❏❜⋮ The first time takes place during the hunting tournament, in chapter 69.
After Callisto gives Penelope his cape (most likely taking subtle notice of her visible apprehension of rain), he suggest they both go back to deliver the head of the bear to the guards (proof of her hunt), and to avoid stumbling upon other dangerous animals while she was in the zone reserved for larger and dangerous animals.
However, Penelope fails to take Callisto's hand in time, and the moment is short-lived when the two are chased down by assassins sent for the Crown Prince’s life once again.
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₊❏❜⋮ The second time around is still during the hunting competition (chapters 76), while both of them found shelter in a cave far from the hunting grounds, after falling off a cliff at the end of the battle against the assassins.
Later on, deciding to explore further, they come across a powerful breeze that has some sort of magic phenomenon as a source, which Callisto is very weary of.
His senses are on high alert and Penelope is with him, it’s a possibility that whatever they might come across won’t be pretty. It is my understanding that he made it his responsibility to protect her for the moment, as the two might’ve grown closer thanks to the previous night’s interactions with some things being cleared out.
Even as they unravel the source of the wind currents, Callisto still tells Penelope to stand behind him as he takes care of the enchanted seal surrounding the skeleton of a long gone mage, who is holding a magic map, which will be very important later on as the story progresses.
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₊❏❜⋮ The third time happens in the most recent release, chapter 116, taking place in the long awaited island arc.
Thanks to the copy he kept of the magic map they found in the cave, Callisto is able to locate Penelope and saves her just in time by aiding her in the defeat of a giant monster.
After Penelope takes care of Callisto’s injury and recovers from the shock, she questions him about his whereabouts and if he was indeed following her.
being the troll he is Callisto says it’s ‘classified information of the royal family’ and that he was monitoring the Archina and Tratan islands in search of suspicious activity caused by the Laila, and Penelope of course hardly believes the lies he’s spewing (ngl I enjoyed Callisto panicking).
When Penelope insists that he followed her, Callisto changes the subject quickly and instead says they should go and find the kidnapped children. As he steps on the corpse of the defeated beast he asks for her hand again and she does so without hesitation.
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Penelope looses her balance momentarily and stumbles into Callisto who catches her. Stunned from the close proximity, she misses her chance to check his favorability again like it happened before in chapter 101/102 (where they were rudely interrupted).
The difference is that this time, Penelope becomes flustered because of her closeness to Callisto and not due to some third-party interference.
This part reminds us that from now onwards, Penelope will need to have some sort of physical contact with each of the male-leads to check their favorability, which will also cost either funds or reputation, the price will only increase with every time she checks each of the targets’ percentages.
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Title: Something Blue {3}
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Mild Cursing, Plot, Vulgar Language
Words: 4.2k
Summary: Nah!
Note: Please enjoy. As always, thank you for reading.
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***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: {1} | {2} |
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When one stayed in a hotel far away from home, they often looked forward to waking up naturally. Very slowly, and very naturally.
 That was not how you woke up. that was too much to ask for. Instead of waking to the gentle tweets of birds or even the warmth of the sun on your skin, you woke up to “I Wanna Rock” blaring from your phone at full volume. Leaping up your arms and legs flapped in the air sending your sheets flying off the bed.
 you looked around the room not quite sure what was happening or what time it was. It sounded like a 2000’s house party. Once the part about poppin’ pussy came on, you quickly grabbed your phone and groaned when you saw the title of the alarm.
 Pop That Pussy O'clock.
 Groaning again you dropped onto the bed.
 She was damn lucky she was your best friend and even luckier that you liked this song. You found the alarm track then let it continue as you jumped up on your bed and began dancing shaking your ass everywhere and not giving not one fuck.
 “Doo Doo Brown! Pop that pussy, pop pop that pussy baby. Pop pop pop that pussy!”
 When you jumped off the bed you bent over and touched the floor.
 “Heeey we want some D-I-C-K. Heeey we want some D-I-C-K!”
 You barely heard the sound of banging at the door over the music. Without thinking you hurried to it and yanked it open just as the track was shouting yet another “Hey we want some D-I-C-K.” Lo and behold there stood Chris with his hand still raised prepped to knock again with eyes wide open. It took a few moments for everything to register together but when it did you screamed and ran back into your room searching for your phone. It took a lot longer than you’d wanted and by the time you found it on the floor half under the bed you were on your knees with your ass in the air pointing toward the door where he stood.
 When silence returned to the room, you tried to quell the embarrassment that was quickly filling you. You took a few moments to talk to yourself about your options. He’d seen and heard so much. Slowly, you glanced back over your shoulder and there he was leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed and an amused smirk etched on his lips.
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“Oh god,” you whispered.
 You stood and realized you wore one of your oversized t-shirts that had holes and stains on it and more embarrassment filled in. Dropping your head back, you sighed and cursed the universe then walked back over to the door.
 “Em, yes? Can I help you?”
 “I can help you with that.”
 “With what?”
 He nodded his head to your phone in your hands. It took a few seconds for you to understand.
 “You know the hey we want some--,” he began.
 “Ahh! No. no no, it was a song.”
 “I had no idea such a dirty song existed,” Chris said.
 “I mean it’s no different from your people’s Closer by the Nine Inch Nails,” you quickly and dryly replied.
 “My people’s?”
 You smirked and gave him the once over then nodded. “Yep. Anyway, what brings you by?”
 “I was sent on a mission to deliver a message. Eve says you’re late.”
 Quirking your brows you unlocked your phone and saw eight messages from Eve and the calendar alert for just what you were late for.
 “Shit, shit. I’m late!”
 You quickly ran off then came back to shut the door with him still standing there. Just before the door closed you heard his last comment.
 “Nice shirt.”
 You wanted to dive on the bed and bury your head under the pillows. This was the second time you’d embarrassed yourself in front of that man. The second damn time. As you took a quick shower you replayed the exchange and found even more reasons to be embarrassed. He’d seen you dressed in one of your least attractive items, heard part of your taste in music, heard you shouting you wanted dick, then saw you with your ass in the air.
 “Jesus H Christ!”
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Fifteen minutes later you rushed into the dining hall where breakfast was to be but found it empty.
 “Is everything okay ma’am?”
 “Uh—yes—no. I’m looking for the uh Gordon-Wessington party.”
 “Ms. Y/N?”
 “Yes, that’s me.”
 “They are gathering outside to the right where the excursion vans are. They are waiting for you.”
 You took off shouting your thank you as you ran. You normally weren't someone who arrived late wherever you went this was just a two-time thing. Making a mental note to not let it happen again you hurried to the group of over seventy-five heads. Rather than announcing your arrival, you mixed in with the group while trying to hide from Eve.
 “Where is Y/N? is she here yet?”
 “Huh? What? I’ve been here. See, present.” You raised your hand as everyone looked at you. just behind you, you heard a loud obnoxious snort. Sure enough, when you turned there Chris was—again.
 “Are we ready to take off?”
 “Yes,” Eve replied holding tightly to her man.
 The man who looked like he worked for the hotel began giving an overview of the excursion as well as explaining what to expect. After a quick five or so minute speech, everyone began loading onto the three greyhound-style buses parked there. Before you made any move to choose a bus for yourself, Eve grabbed your arm and looped hers with yours.
 “How was pop that pussy o’clock?”
 You screeched. “Eve!”
 Her evil laugh was so loud it brought several eyes to the two of you, including Chris’s.
 “Pop that pussy o’clock went off without a hitch,” Chris teased before he climbed onto the bus.
 Eve looked at you like she wanted an explanation but you refused to give her one. It was her fault you’d embarrassed yourself this morning. Giving Eve your prissy attitude you climbed on the bus too. Luckily there was a wide open seat in front and that was what you took. A few seconds after you sat, Eve and Parker got on the bus and stood in the front.
 “Y/N. There are no more seats.”
 “Of course there are. There is one here and--,” you did a quick scan and saw the open seat beside Chris across the aisle. “One there.”
 “So you want me to sit without my soon-to-be wife?”
 Your eyes landed on Parker. He wasn’t serious.
 “Come on, Y/N, let the lovebirds sit together,” shouted Capri.
 “And where do I sit?”
 “As the maid of honor I think it’s fully appropriate for you to sit next to the best man,” Parker added.
 You bugged your eyes. This was sabotage, you thought to yourself, and looking at Eve’s wide smile confirmed it. The two of them deserved each other. Everyone on the bus began to agree one behind the other and once that began it was impossible to protest. Sighing you gathered your things then walked across to Chris who was already sitting in the aisle seat with headphones on, no doubt pretending not to have heard anything. He was not slick. You knew he heard it all.
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Chris turned to you and with an innocent expression. This fucker, you thought. He was enjoying fucking with you. You pointed to the window seat and smiled sweetly. He turned his long legs to the aisle giving you room to slide in. As you passed you heard him speak.
 “You’re lucky you’re as beautiful as you are.”
 Pausing you glanced back at him, half thinking you’d imagined it but half knowing you hadn’t, but he wasn’t looking at you. Ignoring it, you sat and prepared yourself for the journey.
 The drive to the winery was not a long one. even if it had been you wouldn’t have minded, the scenery was so beautiful. As the bus drove you snapped pictures like a tourist and filtered them prepping them to post that night. The whole thirty-minute drive you nor Chris spoke to one another. You did your best to ignore your anxieties about what he possibly thought about you now after this morning and for the most part, you were successful. There were times when he was just too hard to ignore.
 The entire time his scent bombarded you. It was a very pleasant scent and you thought you knew the designer fragrance but wondered if it was au natural. Those thoughts had you wondering what he smelled like sweaty as he hovered over you. That was when you audibly hissed. That brought his eyes to you but still, he kept quiet.
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As the buses rolled into the winery and everyone began filing off of them, a notification came in.
 *Incoming device beam*
 “Device beam?”
 Someone was beaming something to your phone. You looked around to see if you could tell who it was but no one looked to be the culprit. You accepted the beam and seconds later the screen of your phone shone the cover of a musical album by the artist Nine Inch Nails. That was all you needed to know who it was from. You looked up and saw Chris’s back to you as he chatted with some of the wedding party. A message rolled across your screen.
 MSG: Cute. Not half bad. I like yours better.
 Your jaw slowly dropped. He was a taunter. It was confirmed. You suspected this was just the beginning of his taunting though. You’d have to toughen up there were still nine days to go.
 The scent of ripened grapes was everywhere. For miles, all the eye could see was row after row of grapes. According to the manager, you’d come at the right time. They’d just begun harvesting and prep for wine. Eve had the right idea—day drinking. As the manager spoke about the vineyard and its history you scrolled through Instagram. Another alert came in, this one notifying you of four likes, and a comment. Tapping it, you opened up one of the pictures you’d just taken on the bus. This one was of you in the frame smiling while pointing out the window at the lush green landscape.
 The most recent comment was him again—Damian.
 @Y/NInTheClouds your smile will always be the best thing to wake up to.
 You gulped down the lump that had suddenly formed. Was he crazy? why was he suddenly being so nostalgic, underneath your pictures even? Didn’t he leave you? Wasn’t he the one that said, you were unlovable and cold? Just as you were going to tap his profile picture to open up a DM you heard a voice beside you. when you looked, it was Chris.
 The way he stood there with the sunlight and a tall vine of grapes just behind him made you think he could have been Dionysus himself. All he needed was the toga. With that thought, your eyes skimmed his frame and pictured it. A toga was the right choice if your imagination was correct. His hair while neat wasn’t as coiffed as it was last night, it looked like he’d used no product, which made it looks soft and fluffy The stray piece that infiltrated his forehead made you want to touch.
 “Are you heatstroked?”
 Chris slapped the back of his hand to your forehead, startling you. Staggering backward a few steps, you gave him a puzzled look.
 “What? No.”
 “Are you sure? Drooling is a sign of heatstroke,” Chris enlightened.
 “Drooling. Whose drooling?”
 He then nudged toward you. Feeling wetness just below your bottom lip, you touched it and sure enough, there was drool. Groaning, you quickly turned your back to him.
 “I can’t believe this,” you whispered. The universe was not letting up. You had to find a way to keep your distance from him or else your pride, dignity, and self-respect would be gone once Eve and Parker jumped the broom.
 “Gotta go, see you later,” you rushed out as you scurried away ignoring what he was trying to say.
 Five minutes later, you were on one of the provided bikes that looked like they’d be taken right from either a Martha Stewart or Country Living magazine, riding through the vineyard. In true Eve fashion, before you could be rewarded with wine, you had to work for it. that work was in the form of the scavenger hunt. In the basket of the bike was a clipboard that had not five but fifteen items to find on the vineyard that was over seven acres. Eve had officially crossed over to doing too much.
 When you’d signed on for maid of honor she didn’t mention a thing about all the duties you’d have to perform or the fact that you couldn’t say no to her requests. That you’d learned and she was constantly reminding you that no was a word you couldn’t say to her until she was Mrs. Wessington. It was your fault. You’d said anything she wanted or needed you’d be there for. She was only collecting.
 You sighed, tipped your head back, and relished in the feel of the sun warming your skin. It was a beautiful day. You decided rather than dwelling on and wallowing in your embarrassments thus far you’d enjoy it. one or two moments didn’t define your existence. Just when you’d pep talked yourself you heard someone shouting.
 On your left, eyes open!”
 Nerves overtook you and those nerves had you panic. You only had your eyes open for a fraction of a second before you saw Chris riding toward you looking like he was going to collide with you. In seconds you’d wobbled off the path and fallen right onto your ass. By the time you opened your eyes again, you were somehow in someone’s arms. You looked up and again, there was Chris. His lips were moving but there was no sound, however, there sure was a heavenly hymn playing from somewhere.
 “Are you okay?”
 As your hearing came back so did your sense of feeling and something cool and heavy was resting on your forehead. Flailing your body, you shrugged it off as well as Chris.
 “My god.”
 “There was something cold on my forehead. It felt like balls,” you said in true you who spoke without thinking eighty percent of the time.
 Chris snorted then laughed.
 “Balls. I take it you’ve had balls on your forehead before.”
 Glancing at him you saw the amusement in his eyes. Sighing, you replied, “No comment.”
 Again he snorted then chuckled, “You become more and more interesting.”
 You began getting up then felt Chris’s arms around your waist helping you stand. Once standing, you dusted off your clothes.
 “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to fall. Your eyes were closed.”
 “Are you following me?”
 Chris scoffed. “No. it just—happened this way. Plus I’m just following the directions of the game.”
 “What directions?”
 Chris held up the same clipboard you had and pointed to a bulleted sentence.
 Partnered groups of two to four.
 “Okay. What does that have to do with me?”
 Chris pointed to another bulleted sentence.
 Partners and group names are in the envelope attached.
 Chris lifted his envelope and slowly pulled out a slip of paper with your name on it. Your jaw dropped.
 “I don’t--.”
 You scanned the ground looking for your clipboard. When you found it you located the envelope and looked inside. Chris’s name was clearly visible.
 When you turned back to Chris he had a “told you so” expectant look on his face.
 “Well—what she doesn't know won’t hurt her. You go that way and focus on these seven and I'll go this way and do the remaining eight.
 Chris pointed to another sentence.
 Partners and groups must stick together throughout the duration of the hunt.
 Scoffing you rolled your eyes. She sure was through.
 “What about we say we stuck together?”
 Chris pointed to the final sentence.
 No cheating. Those who have broken the rules will be disqualified.
 “Oh come on!
 “I’ve never been disqualified from anything in my entire life. Come on”
 Chris walked away leaving you standing there.
 “Come on. You’re an adult, this isn’t a real thing.”
 “It is real enough. Plus I am a competitive person,” Chris finished.
 You rolled your eyes, sighed then grabbed the bike and followed him. Your fate was sealed.
 Thirty minutes of silence followed as you rode just behind Chris on your path to finding the fourth item on the list. Neither of you had spoken. He didn’t look very friendly at the moment. You wondered if you’d offended him with how you’d tried to get out of partnering with him.
 “I see the yellow grapes,” Chris announced, hopping off his bike and stalking through the vines.
 When he returned he held a large bunch of yellow grapes.
 “Eleven more to go.”
 Again you were off on the hunt. Over the next fifteen minutes, you’d found three more items and were now on your hands and knees crawling through a path to find yet another.
 “See. I’m not so bad. We actually made a pretty great team,” Chris said.
 You scoffed and kept your eyes down rather than looking at him.
 “I never said you were bad,” you said under your breath.
 “Then why does it seem like you think that every time you see me?”
 You kinda felt like an asshole now. You hadn’t meant to make him feel like that. You didn’t even realize your awkwardness about being around him was taken as something else by him.
 “I don’t it’s just--.”
 “Just what?”
 You didn’t speak, you didn’t have the words.
 “What because you said some embarrassing things? So what? Who hasn’t said their share of humiliating things? I know I have. I remember in an interview once I’d left my filter at home and the interviewer asked me if I wanted to be a daddy. I actually said without missing a beat, yeah I do wanna be a daddy, I wanna be a daddy to two people my kids and my wife.”
 Your head snapped to him.
 “You didn’t say that.
 “I did and it was on camera. People can go to YouTube and see this. I have never been able to live that down.”
 Unable to help yourself you laughed out loud.
 “Nice, laugh at my pain. okay. I’ll just---sit here and wait.”
 He sat in the dirt with his arms hugging his legs and waited. For some reason, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. The more you tried the more you laughed.
 “Wow. You’re really laughing.”
 You pinched your lips and cleared your throat.
 “Sorry. I’m trying not to. I—I think I remember that. So funny.”
 “Yeah. I had to push it to the side and keep going and never bring it up again,” he said.
 “Can you never bring up what I said?”
 “What makes you think I even remember?”
 Hope filled you. “You forgot it?”
 “Of course not. When a woman panic shouts at you that she can’t suck a dick to save her life that tends to stick with you. It should stick with you.”
 You face-palmed and groaned. It was his turn to laugh.
 “Oh god. So embarrassing.”
 “What the fact that you think you give bad head, or the fact that you told me you think you give back head or what I think about the fact that you think you give bad head?”
 “All of it! All the discussion about me giving head.”
 “Why do you think you give bad head? It’s not a universal cut and dry critique among men.”
 “Wow. Nope! Not doing this.”
 You quickly shot up and walked off using the excuse of looking for the item when really you had to cease and desist this conversational topic. You could not sit there and talk about your head game with Chris Evans. You were way too sober for that but your curiosity had been piqued.
 By the time you and Chris made it back where you started with all items in the baskets of your bikes, you were shocked to see you were the only team that had found all items. Everyone else had missed some or gave up. Eve declared you two the winners and presented you with your prize with was a gourmet four-course dinner at Appelbaum a Michelin Star rated restaurant in the nearby town. It was a prize you weren’t mad at. Who would be mad at free food—free gourmet food nonetheless?
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An hour or two after noon you and all the other guests were sitting enjoying some wine, grapes, and cheese underneath a very picturesque gazebo with breathtaking views of the hills. The Berkshires were beautiful and were said to be one of the most romantic places to have a weekend getaway. You saw why. As you set up your wine glass next to some cheese and fruit prepping for the impromptu photoshoot you were about to have, you let yourself mentally move away from the conversation of the group.
 After snapping a few pictures, Chris sat down in the frame of the picture just in time for it to capture him. He didn’t look at you though, his attention was on the horizon. Your camera that was on timed mode continued to snap pictures all with him in the frame and every picture that was taken made him look like some male model agencies would pay top dollar for. You didn’t even realize you were sitting there staring at the man through your phone lens, not even when he turned and seemingly looked right at you.
 You watched him raise the wine glass to his lips and sip then swallow. The way his Adam's apple bobbed made goosebumps erupt across your skin. It was an unexpected reaction and even more unexpected was you thought of what the part of his throat tasted like.
 “Huh! I wasn’t thinking anything!”
 Everyone around chuckled.
 “I didn’t say you were. What were you thinking?”
 You avoided the eyes and looked in your phone shaking your head. “Nothing. Blank mind.”
 “You and Eve grew up together and we swore you would both get married on the dame day so we’re shocked this isn’t a joint thing. That makes us wonder when will you get married? You’re not getting any younger,” Mrs. Gordon said.
 Wow, you thought. She’d pulled the age card and put you on the spot.
 “Uh---married? Well—marriage isn’t for everyone. We’re not all as lucky as Eve to have found the one.”
 Eve squealed then hugged closer to Parker. “I did, huh.”
 “You have to date to find the one,” Angela slid in making you widen your eyes at her gall.
 “Wow,” you whispered.
 “That’s not good honey,” Mrs. Gordon continued. “You have to meet people. Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs before one transforms. The worst thing in the world is being alone on your deathbed. Having a partner, someone to share your highs and lean on during your lows can make all the difference in this rat race.”
 You gave Eve the eye because somehow this had turned into a give Y/N life and love lessons session. Eve opened her mouth to speak but the voice that spoke up was not hers.
 “Good advice Mrs. Gordon but remember we all assess what’s right for our lives based on our values and experiences. We’re always changing as humans and I for one am glad for it. My mom always said life isn’t a race of who can get what done first or reach a stage first or at all even. Life is for living the way you see fit. Who’s to say Y/N isn’t living her life as she sees fit and is perfectly happy doing it. What’s good for one isn’t necessarily good for two.”
 As he spoke you didn’t take your eyes off of him. He’d just spoken up for you—a stranger. He didn’t know a thing about your life yet he made you seem levelheaded. Chris looked at you and gave you a small reassuring smile.
 “Chris is right mom,” Eve said a little late.
 “Spoken like a single and unmarried man,” Mr. Gordon breeched.
 Chris smirked. “Ya’ got me there sir. I am single and unmarried with no prospects in sight.”
 You pinched your lips at his olden times reference.
 “Are you too good for marriage too?”
 “Not at all sir, it’s just no woman wants to marry me,” he said with a chuckle.
 “Well, it’s a wedding. Plenty of eligible bachelorettes. Take Y/N for example.”
 “Oh god,” you whispered using one hand to cover your face and the other to guzzle down your wine.
 “I think I should have gone with the longer train mom. i took a walk where the ceremony will be and I don’t know now. What do you think?”
 Falling into Eve’s trap, Mrs. Gordon’s attention shifted to her giving you some much needed breathing room. Realizing your glass was empty you grabbed the bottle off the table and filled your glass to the top. Chris lifted his glass to you.
 “It’s not a wedding until the boomers comment about your life choices.”
 A small smile spread across your face.
 “Oh and make you face the unavoidable fact that you’ve been avoiding pretty well for months or even years and make you question your entire worth,” Chris finished before he raised his glass to you then downed the rest of its contents. 
 You stared at him and got the feeling he wasn’t being fully amusing anymore. There was sarcasm as well as mockery. It gave off a feeling that an insecurity was triggered and that piqued your curiosity even more.
 Just what was Chris Evans insecure about?
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ace-culture-is · 3 years
Oh y’all are getting two stories today! So yesterday y’all got a story about E, and this will feature her again as well. For context I’m actually writing this dec. 14, even tho this will be posted on the 15. So there is only one teacher, and he left with S to go deliver some coffee.
I asked E if she wanted to make music, she raise her voice, saying no and then told me to say no thank you. I of course did. Now I wasn’t startled at this, E does raise her voice when she’s agitated so that was just her way of saying leave me the hell alone. She started clapping her hands aggressively, and that’s when I made a mistake.
I asked her if she was okay.
Now why would that be a big mistake? Because she had already explicitly showed me “leave me alone”.
So she yelled “I DONT KNOW!!” Really loudly. Which startled the crap out of me, as yelling usually does.
After that I left her alone and lo and behold she calmed down because ya know… I left her the hell alone.
And after she had calmed down, she told me that she was just clapping her hands (I didn’t realize that was what she was doing, I thought she was slapping herself and was concerned), which in turn helped my heart rate lower a bit.
Now I say startled and not scared for a reason. I wasn’t scared. I knew E would not hurt me unless I was doing something that truly warranted it (such as touching her or trying to force her somewhere). So lemme repeat this:
I. Was. Not. Scared.
I was startled. Yelling startles me because of my dad.
E did nothing wrong, I agitated her despite the warning she gave me.
I’m telling y’all this story not to demonize E or anything. It’s to just tell a factual story of an encounter that happened.
This is not gonna scare me from being a special ed teacher. In fact, in moments like these, I’m even more determined to be one.
Also don’t worry, E is completely fine
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So I’m STILL not okay.
But my brain can formulate words again and not brrr rbrbr rbrbrbrrbrbrrrrbr like whatever the fuck happened earlier SO NOW I’M GONNA TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO JUST SCREAM ABOUT THE LAST 7 HOURS BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK DISNEY WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DROP ON OUR FUCKING PLATES
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So yeah, for the rest of the day, I was pretty much enjoying my Friday and shit. Watching videos, talking to friends, ranting about this one quiz we had
So here’s the thing: when Twst preps to drop announcements, they make you download data 10-15 mins before 6pm JST, which is the time when the important game announcements come in
So I checked around 4:50pm my time for that data download
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Then it hit 4:56pm and then I remembered
Crowley exams
Maybe the announcement was JUST for Crowley exams
Then it’s 5pm my time, aka 6pm JST
I login.
I pray. I pray so hard.
I SEE アズール バスデー IN THE NEWS AND WENT fuck
I WAS JUST AT WAR WITH MYSELF, TO LOOK OR NOT LOOK 😭 I BET GOD WAS WATCHING FROM ABOVE, ALL LIKE “child, I made Yana work her ass off to deliver this and you’re not gonna look” AND I’M JUST INTERNALLY CRYING AND GOING “God pls give me time”
And time he did give.
So okay. I have to look. I can’t run away from the news anymore.
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“Piano what happened to your pfp and name???” I’M ONE WITH THE VOID BECAUSE OF A. A. THAT’D WHAT HAPPENED
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You guys know Brett Yang’s lofi from TwoSet? That. That’s me. That’s mcfucking me right now, mY MENTAL STATE IS THAT LOFI ON LOOP RECORDERS GOING BRRRRRRRRRRRR
GOD OH GO DOH GO DOJ GOD ON HIGH WHY ARE HIPS SO DBBD!!!,!/₱/!/2₱9:&:!;!:?;?!:!:!&/&/&:&3& WHAT THE FUCK
And I. I uh. Kinda went and. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
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H haha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Gets bricked
Waist waist wiats wwia wiats wiadt awaisf waist waist waist wiadt wIdt ewssidf WHO SAID YOUR WAIST CAN BE THIS SLIM HUH 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING SLENDER LIKE THAT YOU 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
I’m so </3 right now. No more sanity left. Bye bye sanity. Tuesday is my enemy now. Fuck Tuesday, all my homies hate Tuesday. I’m done. I’m gone. No more pianostarinwonderland, only void.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Breaking in w/ Hawks, Shoto and Dabi
Request: I read another post about ppl breaking in your shared house with the boys not knowing that you are inside and hurting you and I was like well this would be interesting with their kids in the mix. So i'm here to provide you with the following request ppl breaking in and immobilizing you while you're still awake and they try to go into your kids’ room with Shoto, Hawks and maybe Dabi or Aizawa- anonymous 
Oh this is a nice little concept. It's very interesting. I’m happy to deliver. I have been devastated by chapter 290, if anyone hurts Shoto imma start a riot and if Dabi doesn’t kill Endeavor i will. I’m thinking of making a double post today so this one and a kny post but we’ll see. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warning: cursing, mentions of blood, crying but fluff in the end. 
Hawks/Keigo Takami
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-You were waiting for Keigo to come home after a long day. 
-The twins were a nightmare to put to bed today and you were exhausted. 
-Both of them wanted Keigo to tuck them in for some weird reason and they just wouldn’t accept your cuddles or attempts. 
-So after a tiresome two hours of trying and failing to calm them down you called your husband on facetime and they went to bed. 
- “I’ll be home soon, do you want me to bring you anything?”
- “No, no just you.” 
-So after taking a shower and checking on the kids you relaxed on the couch, turning on the TV while scrolling though tik tok. 
-Not even half an hour later you heard jiggling coming through the door. 
-Assuming it was Keigo you got up and went to greet him but who you met at the entrance of your house was a complete stranger. 
-You and the two bulgars stared at each other for a solid minute before you scrambled to get to the kids’ room and lock yourself in there. 
-But one of them tackled you to the floor before you could reach the pastel colored door and pinned you down, binding your hands with a cloth. 
- “I thought you said he wasn’t here man? What is this?”
-They had tied your legs to a chair, putting a makeshift gag in your mouth so you wouldn’t scream as they bickered back and forth. 
-Your eyes kept darting from the front door to your kids’ room.
-He said he was almost home, he should be here at any moment. 
- “Just stick to the plan, she doesn’t change anything.”
- “Doesn’t change anything? You tackled the n. 2 heros’ partner and you think that nothing is gonna happen?”
-You couldn’t care less about their words as you saw the light of the baby monitor light up.
-Eyes widening, you tried to get out of your  restraints to turn it off but to no avail, the soft babbles of your son could be heard coming from the device sending the whole room into an uncomfortable silence. 
-Before you know it, the one that tackled you pushed his partner towards you. 
- “Keep her in check while I go pay a visit to the other room.” 
-Managing to get the gag out of your mouth, your eyes frantic, you tried to reason with him. 
- “I’ll give you whatever you want just stay away from that door, please.” 
- “The number 2 hero has plenty of money. I bet he would be willing to give a handsome amount for that brat in there. What do you say babycakes? 
- “Dude you’re taking it too far-” 
- “Stay away from them!” 
-You realized your mistake a little too late, the new information making the man's eyes light up.
-Two cries came from the twins’ room due to the commotion and your panic rose. 
-But then you saw it. 
-The single feather hovering over the mans’ head, as red and vibrant as ever. 
-You let out a sigh of relief as a wave of red feathers flooded your living room, cutting you free from your restraints. 
-Without missing a beat you sprinted to the door, stepping inside and locking it. 
-Both of them were awake and teary eyed but at the sight of you they calmed down a bit. 
-Taking them out of their cribs, you sat in the far corner with both of them in your lap waiting for the moment Keigo would knock on your door. 
-One would assume that being part of the hero industry, although you weren’t a full blown hero yourself, mere bulgars wouldn’t really faze you. 
-In reality you hadn’t been afraid for your own life, you couldn’t care less about yourself at that moment, but when you realized that they knew about the twins everything slowly fell apart.  
-After what seemed like an eternity a soft knock came from the locked door. 
- “Y/N, dove, open up.”
-Raising to your feet, you almost ripped the door handle out of position in your rush. 
-Once Keigo came into view you didn’t miss a beat before pressing yourself close to his chest, the twins just happy to see their dad. 
- “There are my favorite Takamis!” he said kissing their heads as his wings enclosed all of you. 
- “Dove they are gone, don’t worry. I’m here. We’re alright.” 
-The news report the next morning said that two men were found on the top of the police department butt naked. 
Todoroki Shoto
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-Poor man had merely gone to get take out. 
-He hadn’t been gone for that long. 
-But apparently the villains had been waiting for him to leave the house so they could go in. 
-You were still inside with your daughters; the twins chasing each other in their matching onesies while you sat on the living room couch with your youngest.
-You heard the front door open suddenly and at first you assumed that Shoto had forgotten his wallet again.
-But the footsteps were too heavy and his voice didn’t echo through the entrance hall. 
-He always said something when he came in and his footsteps have become lighter ever since the girls were born. 
-Sensing that something was off you placed your toddler in her crib and motioned towards the twins. 
- “Stay with your sister and no matter what you hear you do NOT come into the hallway. Understood?”
- “But what-”
- “Rei do I make myself clear?” 
-Nodding their heads they took their seats in front of the crib, Ren squeezing her hand through the bars to gently grab her sister's chubby hand. 
-Taking a deep breath you entered the hallway and lo and behold, two strangers were staring back at you. 
- “Can I help you gentlemen?” 
-After a few seconds the one closest to the door flung himself at you while the other one started digging through his pockets. 
-Swiftly dodging the attack, you grabbed his wrist and swang him with incredible force to the wall, letting go of him as you turned your attention to the other one. 
-And then you felt a sharp pain course up your right leg as a heaviness settled on your chest. 
-The room began to spin while the air was knocked out of your lungs.
-You kneeled down, hand over your heart as you tried to use your quirk. 
-Nothing happened though; it was like you didn’t have one at all. 
- “Quirk cancelling bullets, aren’t they neat?” 
-The man stared down at you as ever so slowly your senses came back at you. 
- “I can still beat your ass even without a quirk.”
- “I don’t think you’ll do that.”
-Angry voices could be heard from the other room before the man you had slammed into the wall appeared again, blood dripping from his nose and onto the snow white hair of your daughter.
-Ren looked at you, tears forming in her eyes as a red flash of hair jumped onto the man. 
-Rei was having none of it.
-Taking that opportunity you kicked the one in front of you in the groin before separating the girls from the other, sprinting into the living room, closing the sliding doors behind you. 
-Laying the girls on the couch you grabbed one of the fireplace tools and got into a fighting position. 
-Soon enough the door opened revealing none other than Shoto himself.
- “Are you all alright? Did they hurt you?”
-He looked absolutely disheveled, his hair going in different directions as his gaze frantically scanned all four of you, his eyes lingering at your slightly raised leg. 
-The twins hopped off the couch and tackled his legs. 
-Shoto crouched down hugging them both tightly as they started to sniffle into their dad’s chest. 
- “T-they hurt mama and t-tried to hurt Ren.”
-He shot you a look but you waved him off, deciding to instead check on the baby before joining them on the living room floor. 
- “I won’t let them touch you ever again, even if it's the last thing I do.”
Dabi/Touya Todoroki *I ain't never letting this go*
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-In reality the dudes didn’t know you were preggos. 
-You were too early on so you couldn’t tell you were preggo but still. 
-They knew that you had something going with Dabi and that’s why they wanted to fuck with you. 
-They thought that they would gain something from trying * key word trying * to take you.
-They were wrong though because a) they got their asses kicked by you and b) they got fried once Dabi found them. 
-You were chilling at Dabis’ while he was out to get you some mustard and a chocolate bar because cravings, when you heard the door open. 
-Immediately you knew it wasn’t Dabi. 
-You would’ve heard him grumbling under his breath about forgetting to take money with him * bc you have been pushing him to pay for stuff every once in a  while* or he would be shouting at you that your disgusting meal had arrived. 
-Neither of these things happened so something was up. 
-Not bothering to get up because you didn’t give two fucks, you waited for whoever stepped inside the apartment to show themselves. 
-You are a villain hun you ain’t about to stress over some crusty ass dude trespassing into your house because you could obliterate his ass from the face of the earth in negative five seconds. 
-Whispers and a frantic “But what if he comes back?” was all you heard before the ground breaking phrase left their mouth. 
- “Who cares? She’s a woman, how strong can she be anyways?”
-You were livid. 
-It might have been a mix of your hormones along with the fact that that was hella sexist but you were ready to beat some crusty ass. 
-Laying down on the couch and pretending to be asleep you waited for them. 
-And soon enough you felt the three figures standing over you. 
- “See easy as hell.” 
- “And hot as hell, please don’t forget that.” 
-All three of them stared down at you like that pikachu meme for a solid minute before scrambling to activate their quirks. 
- “We don’t wanna hurt a pretty girl like you so please don’t cause a fuss.” 
- “Oh baby you think you can hurt me? Please have you seen who I’m dating?” 
-Slowly standing up you flicked your wrist and one of them dropped to the floor. 
-You made your way to the kitchen pouring yourself a glass of water right when one of them ran into you, pinning you to the counter. 
- “Watch it there bud I’m carrying precious carg-”
- “Shut up you fucking slut! You’ll come with us whether you like it or not.” 
- “The only person who can boss me around is not currently in this room so I suggest you let go.” 
- “Yeah you should probably let her go.” 
-At the sound of his deep voice you knew that they were dead men. 
-The one basically on top of you stared at Dabi in horror as you pushed him off of you. 
-Making your way to your boyfriend you gave him a small peck while he rested a hand over you stomach as a silent ‘are you okay?’.
-Shrugging you took the bag from his hands and went into your bedroom, not caring to see what he was about to do to them. 
-You were hungry anyways. 
- “Now which one of you wants to be roasted first?”
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​  @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @bemorefiction​ @ezoyscorner​
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skrltwtch · 3 years
The Witch and the Werewolf
Prompt: A is a witch that lives in a nice, quiet cottage in the woods, with their closest (and pretty much only) neighbour being B. B will sometimes come over — for spells/potions/to say hello/etc. — and has expressed their concern for A several times, because it really isn’t all that safe to live alone in the middle of the woods. A is confident that they can protect themselves, but is always wary on the full moon when they can hear howling unlike any wolf they’ve ever heard … One night, while the full moon shines overhead, A finds the source of the howling — an injured werewolf that’s whimpering on A’s doorstep. A cares for the beast, and looks after it until morning when it changes back into human form … and is revealed to be B. (Source in master list)
Word count: 3,915 words
Genre: Fluff, romance, supernatural
References: 1 Goo Goo Dolls’ “Black Balloon”
‘A visitor! We have a visitor!’ the windchimes … chimed.
For a fleeting moment, I wondered if it’d be worth enchanting them to be able to tell me who was at the door at such moments as well. It wouldn’t be hard — at least, I reckoned it’d take the same amount of effort as making them somewhat sentient, which wasn’t much at all, really — and I was a competent witch, a statement I dared to own the fuck out of. The thing was, what would I do with this information? The visitors I had — few and far between, bar one habitué — were none I’d want to turn away.
‘Especially your habitué,’ said Broomstick, who’d stopped grooming herself just to deliver this hot take fresh out of the oven. ‘Being fancy, aren’t we, with the accent? “Habitué”. Rolls right off the tongue.’
‘It is your habitué!’ the windchimes said, incapable of not speaking in exclamation marks all the time. Inside voices: what were they? Also, there went my idea. Cool, cool. Guess I sometimes didn’t know the full extent of the spells I came up with until after the fact.
Standing up to receive, yes, the one steady visitor I’d never refuse the chance to see, I said, ‘Can we — can we please not start calling him that? He has a name.’ Broomstick feigned not registering the glower I directed at her. I knew she saw it. I knew she knew what she’d started.
‘Jacob! Jacob! Jacob!’ the windchimes chanted, like children repeating a word they shouldn’t.
Fucking hell. Sentient household items and talking animals were overrated, I tell you.
‘Rubbish. You’d miss us in a heartbeat if anything happened to us,’ said Broomstick.
‘Shut! Stop listening in on my internal monologue!’ I said. ‘It’s a violation of my privacy.’
‘Is it now? I walk around with my nether regions exposed all day, and you don’t hear me making a fuss about it.’
‘That’s different. You won’t let me put a dress on you.’
‘I said it a thousand times, and I’ll say it again: clothes on animals are unnatural, Emilia.’
‘A visitor! We have a visitor!’ said the windchimes. ‘Jacob! Jacob! Jacob!’ Had this exchange broken them?
‘I’m coming!’ I said. As my parting shot, I pointed at Broomstick threateningly. It was in jest, of course: there was nothing that made her beholden to me, and there was nothing I could offer her to be beholden to me. Truth be told, I liked to think she simply liked my company.
… She didn’t take the bait.
I went to get the door. Lo and behold, it was my habitué, Jacob, dressed in his Sunday best — for the farmers market, as was his routine, the very same thing that helped put food on our tables. In his arms was a basket of crops: myriad mushrooms, fresh-smelling ginseng, elderberries, a jar of maple syrup, and a small bouquet of wild bergamots in the loveliest shade of lilac.
‘Good morning, Emilia,’ he said. ‘The best of the bunch for my favourite witch.’
‘Good morning, Jacob,’ I said, taking the basket from him. ‘Thank you as always. Sorry for keeping you waiting at the door.’
‘It’s okay. Broomstick giving you lip?’
‘What’s new, pussycat?’
‘Do you have any plans for today?’
‘Other than brewing stock for the coming week? Not really. Maybe I’ll bake something.’
‘I’ll keep a nose out for that “something”.’
‘Then I will bake something.’ I smiled. I liked it whenever he’d come over. Nothing quite held a candle to the company of good, human friends, and he was a sterling specimen of this group. ‘My only friend,’ Broomstick would say, and I was inclined to agree with her on the condition that ‘around here’ was a qualifier. ‘How about you?’
‘Cycling, perhaps, after teatime. Then a spot of laundry, dinner, and an early night for me. Hold your applause. It’s all very exciting, I know.’
‘Bummer. I was going to ask if you’d like to come over for dinner and watch the moon after. It’s a full moon tonight — the Full Flower Moon, so it’s a special one for the both of us.’
‘Really? I’d love to, but the farmers market always gets me knackered. Sorry.’
‘It’s alright. I guess I could watch it with our neighbourhood wolf.’
‘What do you mean, “What”?’
‘“Neighbourhood wolf”?’
‘Yeah. Don’t you hear it at night? Okay, it’s not every night — it’s more like, every full moon.’
‘I … never noticed.’
‘What? No. You couldn’t have not noticed.’ For one, it didn’t sound like any wolf I’d ever heard. It was … like a broken, haunted reimagining of the wolf’s melodious warble — or a little like someone had stuck the latter in a grinder, depending on who you asked under this roof. The timing was a little suspect, too … I didn’t doubt their existence. (It’d be … silly of me to, to say the least …?) I would like to come across one someday. I only hoped we’d both exit the encounter unscathed. I didn’t like the idea of using my magic to cause harm to another living creature. I’d never had a reason to do so, and I wouldn’t ever want there to be one, notwithstanding whatever reputation the other party had.
‘I’m a heavy sleeper.’
‘I envy you.’
‘Has this wolf — uh — have you heard anything about this wolf doing anything … bad?’
I shook my head. ‘It’s been a good boy.’
‘Well … be careful, nonetheless. I heard lone wolves — assuming it’s one — are more dangerous. It really isn’t safe for you to be living out here alone.’
‘Don’t be silly. I have you.’ Honestly, I worried about him sometimes. Now that I knew he was as good as dead while asleep, I worried about him even more.
‘I’m but a simple farmer, Emilia.’
‘The odds are on our side. It’ll be two against one. No, three: Broomstick likes a fight every now and then.’ I put my hand on his arm, a gesture meant to reassure. ‘Thank you for your concern, Jacob. It means a lot to me. But I can handle myself.’
‘Of course. I didn’t mean you couldn’t. I know you’ve been here longer than I have. I know what you’re capable of. I just — I just worry, maybe a little too much for my own good.’
‘And it’s very sweet of you to.’ I kissed him on the cheek. ‘Now, how much is it for everything?’
‘It’s fine.’
‘What? No —’
‘Actually, I wanted to ask as well if you’d like to join me at the market. I’d like that more than anything. But you’re busy today, so it’s okay. I’ll come by after the market.’
‘I’d love to go with you.’ Broomstick had been saying I needed to get out more often. She’d be happy to see I was making an effort, and with another person, too! ‘I’ll have the rest of the day for brewing. I can multi-task. I’ll just need to put this down’ — I lifted the basket to clarify what ‘this’ was — ‘and get dressed first.’
‘Great.’ No amount of magic could aspire to replicate the warm fuzzies I got from seeing his smile. This was the one enchantment I had no defence against, and that was okay. ‘I’ll wait for you in the lorry.’
‘I’ll be back in a minute.’ Hands materialised out of thin air to help me with the basket while I went to change out of my current outfit and into something that’d complement his light yet dapper look. A sundress! I had the perfect one to match my new hat.
‘Our girl’s going on a date!’ said Broomstick from the living room, loud enough for every living thing within a half-kilometre radius to hear.
‘A visitor! We have a visitor!’
I rubbed enough sleep out of my eyes to be functional at this hour — whatever it was — and to be able to return to sleep easily after, then put on my glasses. I turned my nose up at the information the clock imparted: 1:42 a.m. How odious: I’d only been asleep for an hour. That’d teach me to put off sleeping at a decent hour. I sat up and asked, ‘Who is it?’
No answer. Oh. I see how it is. Yesterday was a fluke. Broomstick was nowhere to be found, too. It dawned on me a split second later that her absence could be chalked down to her curiosity; she was, in a sense, the house’s first line of defence. Sorry, Broomstick. And fine, I got up. There was no point in prolonging the inevitable. The sooner I saw to this, the sooner I could go back to sleep.
Alas, sleep might be a distant dream tonight.
At my feet lay a fallen figure — a wounded animal, far larger than the likes of anything I’d ever seen roaming the woods … anywhere. Broomstick curled herself around my legs, cowed into trepidation by this behemoth of a beast. I looked closer. Not the moment for this, but — I knew it! The source of the monthly howling was exactly what I thought it was, and here was bodily proof. It was as if a wolf had been stretched into the frame of an adult human with a little extra bulk and height to fill things out better. Its fur was a dark blonde, almost brown, possibly the only link it had to its human self. Its eyes, contrary to some media’s portrayals of werewolves retaining their human eyes when transformed, were a pale yellow, very likely dulled by its injury.
Each whimper it uttered, loud and laboured, stung my heart. I knelt down and stroked its head. Broomstick stiffened in fear against me: ‘Do you know what that is?’
‘Yes. It’s hurt,’ I said. ‘Look at it. It’s not in any state to do anything. Let’s get it inside.’
‘I can’t very well let it die on my doorstep just because of what it is, Broom.’
‘Okay, okay, I’m sorry.’
I slung one furry, muscular arm over my shoulders — and barely made it one step forward. Yeah, I didn’t know what I was thinking. I was easily half its size. Should I get Jacob to help? No, he’d have me packing in minutes if he knew there was a werewolf in the neighbourhood. I called upon a pair of helping hands, ones with stronger constitutions than usual, to lift its lower half while I took care of its upper half. Having to look over my shoulder to ensure I didn’t end up redecorating my house with broken furniture proved to be a massive boon for my bleeding heart: I couldn’t bear to look into its eyes, so full of pain and misery. Something had to be really wrong.
The hands and I laid it down on the sofa in the living room. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t fit. Just … how tall was it? I had to move some furniture around for its entire body to be laid flat on a surface, and comfortably, too. ‘Let’s see what’s wrong, buddy,’ I said. It could only offer a wail in response.
‘It’s its foot,’ said Broomstick.
I joined Broomstick at the other end of our makeshift stretcher. My face scrunched up in repulsion at what my gaze fell upon. ‘Couldn’t have given me a heads-up, Broom?’ Its foot — paw? — was broken. I was seeing bits of bone where I shouldn’t. The fur on its foot was matted with blood, so much blood. As if that wasn’t horrific enough, the skin and flesh where the bones pierced through were blackened … charred. Against my better judgment, I leaned in for a quick sniff — and promptly regretted every microsecond of that second. The crescent pattern of the burn spelled out what had done this to the werewolf. ‘Fucked’ barely began to skim the surface of it.
‘Poor baby,’ I cooed.
‘Not exactly the words I’d used to describe a werewolf,’ said Broomstick.
‘Don’t you think it’s kind of cute? It’s a big, fluffy wolf.’ Sensing I’d never be able to win her to my point of view, I said, ‘In all seriousness, someone else knows we’ve got a werewolf around. This is awful. It hasn’t done anything. It’s been a good wolf.’
‘Not yet … but I’ve heard some stories about these supernatural hunters. They’re ruthless.’
I summoned my spell book for any nuances involved in treating a werewolf. It continued to keen. I commanded the hands to retrieve what I needed to mend the bones and take care of the burn as well as a calming draught. Thankfully, I didn’t have to make any major adjustments to what I had on hand to accommodate the obvious. It wouldn’t take the draught. It couldn’t, as I soon learned: its palms, like its mangled foot, were burnt. It emitted a low, piteous whine, as if to apologise for its inadequacy.
I poured the draught into the dish I’d asked a hand to bring me. I held the dish up to its snout; a hand propped up its head for me. It sniffed the dish’s contents, then lapped up everything greedily. It lay its head back down on the pillow after it’d drained the dish dry, and almost instantly, it relaxed, vibrancy returning to its eyes. (Fun fact: it was a little more than a calming draught.)
Now that it’d quietened down, I found the resolve to get down to business. Broomstick also looked a little more comfortable around it. Frankly, I was a little scared. The werewolf had to be cooperative only because it’d been incapacitated. Nonetheless, I was bound by a (self-imposed) sense of duty to all that inhabited this wood, including an amalgamation of man and wolf with or without murderous tendencies. As I worked on its foot, my thoughts drifted to the werewolf’s human identity. Broomstick confirmed that it was a male; after all, she didn’t share the same mores on modesty as me. Where did he come from? How did he become a werewolf? Did he have a family? Did they know what he was? Did anyone?
Despite the horrific nature of his injury, it was a relatively simple fix: a spell to doctor the bones, a salve with added wolfsbane for the burns, restorative-laced dressing, and a potion for overall well-being. He sat through everything like a champ, too. How much of its humanity did a werewolf retain in its transformed state, I wondered? He seemed to understand everything I did and said. Would that extend to ‘No, please don’t eat me!’? Was elevated cognisance — or reduced bloodlust, or both — one of the differences between werewolves by birth and werewolves that’d been made? Was there a difference between the two? I still had so much to learn about my world.
When I went to drape a blanket over him, he latched onto my arm, sat up, and licked the entire length of the side of my face — over and over. Heat spread from where he licked me to the rest of my face, engulfing it in a red cast. ‘You’re welcome!’ I said.
‘Congratulations,’ said Broomstick, who, along with the hands, had been my indispensable aide throughout. ‘You can now add “treated a werewolf” and “survived being in close proximity with a werewolf” to your accomplishments. Viv would be so proud.’
‘Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without her.’ I patted my spell book with utmost regard. I turned to the werewolf again. ‘Get some rest. It’ll be about another’ — I looked up at the clock — ‘two hours before sunrise.’ His transformation back into a human should help with the remainder of his recovery, according to Viv’s notes in my book. Had he not made it to my doorstep, and had it not been for the silver, the reversal would’ve also helped restore his foot to some extent. The thought of someone planting something capable of such cruelty in my wood infuriated me. I’d find the rat bastard responsible for this. I’d make them pay. ‘I’ll be here. Bark … if you need anything? And … I understand if you’d like to leave after sunrise … if you don’t want me to know who you are.’
He closed his eyes. Fair enough. I climbed into the armchair beside him, made myself as comfortable as I possibly could in this, and pulled my blanket up to my chest. Broomstick jumped up into my lap. Shortly, slumberous silence swept over the living room.
I scrambled awake, eager to see if the werewolf had stuck around. Mr Werewolf, I thought I’d call him if and until I learnt his name. Did I succeed in making a new friend as well? Would he be a new neighbour? Would he mind if I introduced him to Jacob? Jacob might be happy to know the werewolf in our wood was a friend. He might be just as happy to be friends with a werewolf, too. I know I would be. I was! Oh, what if this developed into a tawdry love triangle like in the movies and books? The witch, the werewolf, and the farmer. I could look past the almost alliteration.
‘Good morning —’
The muscles in my jaw went slack.
The farmer was the werewolf.
‘Please, Emilia. I’m so sorry,’ he said, clutching his blanket tightly. ‘I — I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t know if I ever would. I didn’t know if you’d be okay with it — with what I am.’
I went to sit next to him. He recoiled slightly from me. I held on to his arm, stopping him from going any farther. He had so many scars on his body, a mix of old and new. And was he always this warm? Broomstick was watching us from the top of the bookcase by the wall behind us, the tip of her tail twitching away, her eyes shining keenly. I’d love to know what was going through her mind.
‘Why wouldn’t I be okay with it?’ I said, taking Jacob’s hand. The skin on his palm was without a blemish. I’d never have known the truth about him if he’d left before I woke up. I could continue seeing him without ever knowing how much of a difference this morning would’ve made to the grand scheme of things between us.
‘No one ever has been.’
‘Jacob …’ I put my hand on his face. I couldn’t believe that this face and the wolfish one I’d looked into for so much of this morning were one and the same. ‘I’m probably the last person to give a toss about what anyone is.’ Now was probably not the best time to tell him I was once in a serious relationship with a vampire. Apples and oranges, I know, but that had to count for something, right? Most people wouldn’t want to cross paths with a vampire, too.
‘This is different. I’m dangerous. I could’ve hurt you.’
Hands brought us tea — the aroma was unmistakably chai — and biscuits. I poured him a cup. ‘You weren’t dangerous this morning.’
‘Because I was injured. It would’ve been a very different story if I wasn’t.’
‘But I’m here and I’m fine, Jacob. So are you. I don’t — I don’t care that you’re a werewolf. You could be a demon or a ghoul or a merman, and I’d still want to be your friend. I only wish you’d told me sooner so I could’ve helped.’
‘Help how? I was born like this. I can’t be cured.’
‘No, I mean, I could’ve come up with something to help manage your condition better. I still can. I’d be happy to. And I wouldn’t dream of thinking up a cure unless that’s what you want.’
‘I … uh.’ His head tilted downward. ‘That … that would be nice. Something to manage this, I mean. Thank you. Thank you for everything. I really should’ve told you sooner. I’m sorry, Emilia.’
‘It’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s all in the past.’ I smiled. ‘How’s your foot?’ I saw that the dressing had been removed.
He brought his foot up onto the sofa; I averted my eyes. Regrettably, I had no clothes for him. Should I start keeping some of his clothes around? That blanket had had too much responsibility, and the kind it wasn’t used to, foisted upon it. Anyway. His foot, like his hands, was in immaculate condition. I still couldn’t get over how I might’ve never gotten to know about his other self. In a way, I was touched that he trusted me enough to reveal something of this magnitude about himself.
‘The silver would’ve fucked it up to shit if you hadn’t helped. Not only am I thankful you fixed it, but I’m also glad I don’t have to come up with some bollocks about a wonky foot that would’ve looked like I got in an accident with a blender.’
‘We’re going to find the asshole who did this, Jacob. We’re going to fuck them up.’
‘The trap’s not … new. I’m usually not this careless.’
‘Do you remember what happens when you’re transformed?’
‘Not everything. Sometimes I choose not to.’ He raked his hair with his fingers. I never paid much attention to his hair until now. I think I could’ve made something of the parallelism between the colour of his locks and the werewolf’s fur … and then left it as nothing more than a mere coincidence, because England was in no short supply of brunettes, and because I’d never have pegged him as a supernatural being, much less a werewolf. A woodland spirit would’ve been more likely.
He continued, ‘I should probably go. I’ve taken advantage of your hospitality long enough. But I can’t ever say thank you enough for helping me — and for not … hating me.’
‘I could never hate you, Jacob.’ I stroked his cheek. ‘And thank you for trusting me to share that part of you with me.’
Then my lips were on his, and the rightness, the goodness, of how this felt startled me. His taste was steeped with notes of cinnamon, warm and sweet, and cardamom, zesty, smoky. I drank in his smell — it was of the woods, earthy, musky, and lightly vegetal, which came as no surprise. His skin was so warm, pleasantly so. The world spun beneath me.1 It was as if I were in a trance, or under a new spell of his borne of our new connection. He had my sweet surrender, every last ounce of it. He kissed me back, his mouth insistent, hungry, the animal in him awakened, and in this moment, I felt like one of his crops ripening for the harvest.
‘Would you stay for the day? Please?’ I said. I didn’t know what I’d done, but I wanted more.
He nodded. Without hesitation, I felt the absolute need to discern. ‘I’ll need to go home first to … attend to the obvious. I’ll return this to you after the next laundry day.’
‘Yes, of course.’ I was still a little giddy. ‘I’ll see you soon.’
‘I’ll be back, my favourite witch.’ His lips graced my cheek, setting off a thousand fireworks, the loud, obnoxious kind that continue to reverberate long after in your chest, in my head. He got up, secured the blanket around his lower body, and left.
Broomstick jumped down from her perch and said, with the tricksiest smile a cat could muster, ‘You’d still want to be his friend, huh?’
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Surprise – Howlin’ For You – One Shot
Description: Bucky forgets it’s his birthday. But his wife and kids aren’t going to let that slide. 
Pairing: AU - Biker!Bucky x Fem/Reader
Howlin’ For You - Masterlist
Read the series or you will not know what the fuck is happening.
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Bucky was so tired that a part of him was worried about getting home on a motorcycle without falling asleep. 
It was like the universe was torturing him with the day that he had. It seemed as if every customer he had to deal with at the shop today was a privileged asshole. All of them either pretended like they knew more about auto mechanics than him or yelled at him for the very reasonable pricing he gave them on their vehicles.
Customer service had always been the thing Bucky hated most about running his own shop. He tried to avoid dealing with customers at all cost. Steve was much more patient than he was – most of the crew was. 
But the whole reason they’d created the shop in the first place was to offer people realistic prices and to not rip off naive and unassuming customers.
Now Bucky was mentally and emotionally exhausted.
He’d sent a text to Y/N earlier, telling her how he’d become more and more irritated from work as the day went on.
She sent her support and promised she’d try to cheer him up when he got home.
Bucky immediately brought the conversation to more risqué suggestions, but Y/N didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
He also knew that a few minutes with his kids and he’d cheer up. Amelia would want to cuddle with him or the twins would show him their new model cars they built with so much enthusiasm that he wouldn’t be able to help but feel better.
When Bucky walked through the door, his shoulders immediately relaxed. He gave most of the credit to Y/N for making their house an oasis of comfort and warmth.
But then he noticed how oddly quiet the house was, which was a rarity with a 5-year-old daughter and 9-year-old, rambunctious twins.
“Doll?” He called out.
Suddenly Amelia came running to him, slamming into his legs with her tiny body.
“There’s my girl,” Bucky chuckled as he lifted her up to hold her.
She was already growing up so fast that he knew carrying her around could end at any moment – more from her not wanting him to than her becoming too big.
“Where is your pretty mama and your crazy brothers, huh?” He asked her after giving her cheek a kiss.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulders.
“They told me to come get you,” she informed him.
“Oh, yeah? What for?”
Amelia giggled. “It’s a secret,” she whispered.
“A secret? Sounds like trouble.” But now Bucky was getting a little suspicious. “Is this hide and seek? Are you here to help me find them?”
Amelia giggled again and shook her head. “No, silly. Th-They told me to say…ummm…” She was now have trouble battling the short-term memory that came with being 5 years old.
“Told you to say what, babydoll?” He encouraged her softly.
She smiled, not seeming to care that she wasn’t doing a good job of giving him the message. “The backyard,” she laughed.
“I’m supposed to go to the backyard,” Bucky confirmed with a slow nod.
Then he kissed her head. “Alright. Let’s go to the backyard.”
Bucky assumed the twins had Y/N hostage, showing her everything about the new dirt bike he’d brought home for them just a few days ago. While Y/N didn’t know nor care much about the mechanics, like her sons and daughter, she humored them by nodding and oohing and aahing at the right parts.
As soon as they were close to the door that led out to the patio and backyard, Bucky was surprised he couldn’t hear the twins talking Y/N’s ear off. Also the lights were off, making it hard to see anything through the windows of the house.
When Bucky pulled the door open, he was met with the backyard lights turning on and a crowd screaming, “Surprise!”
On instinct alone, he turned his body a bit so Amelia was shielded. But he quickly recovered, steadying his breathing and realizing neither he nor his daughter were in any immediate danger.
The whole week of work, specifically today, had been so hectic and stressful that Bucky kept forgetting his birthday was just around the corner.
Now he was facing what looked to be every person he’d ever met in his life.
All of the Howlies were laughing and cheering at his arrival. Someone had already started up the music again. People were talking amongst themselves now that the surprise had been delivered.
Grayson and Owen came running out of the crowd, Y/N slowly walking behind them with a warm smile.
“Were you surprised, dad?” The twins both asked excitedly.
“Sure was,” he laughed as he mess up both of their hair.
“Did you spoil the surprise, Amelia?” Grayson asked his little sister, who was still in her dads arms. His eyes were filled with suspicion.
She glared and shook her head before nuzzling closer to her father.
“No, she didn’t ruin anything. She could be a spy,” Bucky defended.
Now Y/N had made her way to them.
“You,” he playfully glared at his wife. “Come here.” She laughed and stepped closer, earning a kiss from him. “You plan all this for me, troublemaker?”
She barely pulled away from his lips, “Maybe.”
“Thank you, doll. You didn’t have to do this.”
Y/N shrugged. “I was just a little worried after you told me how bad your day was going. I thought maybe this would be all be too much.”
“Of course not,” he assured her.
He moved her lips to his ear. “I’m sorry about the lights and screaming, I tried to tell them not to do it. But everyone was really committed already,” Y/N muttered to him so no one else could hear, proving that she caught how he’d reacted to the surprise.
He kissed her again. “It’s fine, Y/N.” 
Even after all these years, Bucky was still amazed at how well they could read each other.
Then Y/N grabbed Amelia from his arms. “Now, I’ll take this one, because you got a lot of people who want to wish you a happy birthday.”
As soon as Y/N stepped away and took the kids with her, Bucky was bombarded with people giving him hugs and saying hi.
All of the Howlies were there, along with their partners and kids. He spotted his mom and sister talking to Y/N’s family. Some of Y/N’s friends who had become Bucky’s friends were there too. It was like their usual Howlie gatherings – but magnified and with all the attention on Bucky.
He could’ve gone without the attention, but he enjoyed having all the important people in his life all in one place.
An hour later, he found Steve running the grill.
“Alright, punk, I know you were responsible for this too,” Bucky growled.
They’d just seen each other at the garage a few hours ago.
“I may have helped a bit,” Steve confessed through a mischievous smile.
“How’d you all keep it a secret? Especially, Sam – that idiot can’t keep his mouth shut.”
“I fucking heard that!” Sam shouted from over Bucky’s shoulder.
Bucky laughed and gave Sam an unapologetic shrug.
“That wife of yours did most of the work. I felt like I was back in the military with the way she had everything organized and dished out jobs to all of us.”
Bucky laughed at that, picturing Y/N giving out orders to his biker gang.
Hours later, Y/N had put the kids to bed and the adults really got down to celebrating. 
She was starting to get worried with the amount of shots and drinks people were thrusting onto Bucky. The man could hold his alcohol, but he was still just a human.
“I’m going to end up carrying that man to bed, aren’t I?” Y/N asked Sam and Nat as they sat around a fire.
The three of them drew their attention to Thor and Clint who were shoving another shot onto Bucky.
“Make him find his own way to the couch,” Sam chuckled.
“This is why you’d make a bad boyfriend,” Nat smirked.
“What?” Sam yelled. “I’m a great boyfriend!”
“Yeah?” Nat asked. “Where’s your girlfriend now? Oh, yeah, you don’t have one…”
Lo and behold, Y/N did have to practically drag her drunk husband to their bedroom.
Some of the Howlies who were more sober offered to stay back and help clean up. Even when Y/N turned them down, they ignored her and started getting to work. She wouldn’t be surprised if she came downstairs tomorrow morning to find her house cleaner than it was before the party.
Bucky’s arm was around Y/N’s shoulder as she navigated him through their home.
“You’re the best wife anyone in the world could ever have,” Bucky slurred to her.
Y/N laughed, “I am?”
“Of course.”
“OK. Well, your wife needs some help on your end to get you up these stairs.”
And to his credit, he made it up them without requiring much of Y/N’s help.
When they got to his bedroom, he flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.
Y/N started unlacing his foots and taking off his jeans.
“Shirt to bed or no shirt?” She asked him.
“No shirt!”
She smiled at him. “Shorts or sleeping in just your briefs?”
Y/N nodded.
“Well, I was planning on ending the night with more fun. But I don’t think you’re exactly in the right state for that…” She teased him.
Bucky chuckled. “Probably for the best.”
He was currently fighting the spins. So, as much as he wanted to have sex with his beautiful and sexy wife, it probably wouldn’t end well for him.
Y/N went to take off her makeup, wash her face, and brush her teeth.
She found one of Bucky’s old t-shirts and threw it on, forgoing any type of short or pants.
“Come here, doll.” Bucky demanded, sounding far more sober than he should. 
“Are you gonna behave?” Y/N asked him as she pointed a finger at him.
“Yes, ma’am. I just want cuddles.” Then he smiled like a goof. “It’s my birthday, so I get what I want.”
Y/N chuckled and shook her head at him, but did as he requested and climbed into bed with him. Bucky instantly pulled her on top of his chest and wrapped his arms around her.
“Thank you for tonight,” he sighed and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m glad you had fun.”
“I love you, Y/N.” His voice proving that he was just moments away from passing out.
“Love you too, Buck.”
And barely 30 seconds later, Y/N’s ears were filled with Bucky’s drunken snores.
Thank you to the anon who sent this in and inspired me.  Let me know what you guys think :)  
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
14 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞
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Summary: you weren’t really sure how it happened, but an average student who wore glasses and spent all her extra time on bookstores and library managed to date your school’s volleyball club setter. On your 3rd year of law school, your ten years anniversary to be exact, he went home from Argentina and it was a week before he was going back, he broke up with you with the reason of he can't handle long-distance relationship anymore despite being at it for two years. You didn’t cry, you stood there as he was sobbing in front of you, you held his face in your palms and offered him a gentle smile, gentle enough to let him know you’ll support him and will always be watching him, together with the child in your stomach right now, but he doesn’t need to know that.
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Oikawa's press conference broke the internet, who could've thought that the kind, lovely and innocent Sato Himari wasn't who she seemed to be?
The internet was quick to switch sides, of course some of Himari's avid fans were still on her side and were still pushing the fact that Oikawa was the father of the child and Y/n manipulated Oikawa to do the press conference, but the majority was on y/n's side
The night after the conference, there was a huge celebration at your house, since you and Himari decided to cook up a huge feast, Oikawa's teammates from Argentina stopped by and visited your home and had a few drinks, Iwaizumi, Akira and the Seijoh Volleyball team of your batch was also there
The night was filled with a lot of tone-deaf singing from Akira, Iwaizumi trying to save his girlfriend from embarassment and misserably failing, Kindaichi having to vomit every few minutes but still decided to drink more, the twins being passed around because people can't get enough of their cuteness until Haruto just fell asleep on Kunimi's lap and Hayato fell asleep on one of Oikawa's teammates lap, Maki and Issei slow dancing to Akira singing "Hello" by Adelle which was very off key, Oikawa taking a picture of them with his left hand while his right is securly wrapped around your waist, Oikawa's argentinian teammates speaking in spanish while Oikawa translates for the team and vice versa to his Japanese friends
It was indeed a fun time, it felt like your head was lifted from underwater, you can breath again, the heavy burden you've been carrying for the past few months evaporated into thin air
A week after that, you were able to file a case against Himari, although you didn't want to do it in the first place because she was still your cousin and she's also pregnant, but you were also a mother and you were only trying to save your kids and your family on what she can do in the future
It was also later on found out that she was mentally unstable and needed therapy before having her baby
Everything seems to be falling in place, and it was a week before Oikawa had to leave for Argentina to begin a new season
You laid in your bed face to face, his hot breath fanning your forehead while you nuzzle into his chest
"bubs?" he calls
"i'm going back to Argentina next week"
"yeah, I know you're gonna do well this season"
"for sure, I have to make you and the twins proud"
You chuckled
"win or lose, we're still proud of you Tooru"
He smiles as he pulls you closer
"I know this might be too fast, and I know it still hasn't been long since we got together, god this is the lamest way to say it, but, will you move with me? To Argentina"
You feel his breath hitch and his heartbeat quicken, was he nervous?
You looked up at him and smiled
"we'll follow you anywhere babe"
And just like that, the day after Oikawa was helping you pack your things, he also insists on only bringing your clothes and not empty out the whole house since he still plans on staying here during off seasons, which was why, unbeknownst to your knowledge, he bought the house
A week later, you flew to Argentina to start a new life with Oikawa and your sons
"papa rapido!" Hayato exclaims while clutching the bag filled with baby bottles
"Mama are you okay?" Haruto calmy rubs your back and stomach as you were sweating buckets and breathing deeply, a puddle of water in front of the chair you were sitting on
The twins are now six years old and grew up to be fine boys
You were now expecting your third baby and your first daughter, but you didn't expect to give birth to her in Japan, you travelled here during mid-pregnancy and Oikawa had a long off-season, but you weren't due in like a week or two and you were planning on returning to Argentina tomorrow
Looks like that's going to have to wait
Your husband came out of your room, multiple bags hung in his body, his lips were trembling and his hand clutching his phone was shaking
"y-yeah yeah l-let me call an a-ambulance"
He shakingly dials a number
It rings three times before somebody picks up
"hello pizza delivery how may I help you sir?"
What the fuck?
"did you just dial a pizza place while your wife is in labor?"
The twins looks at the door and cheered "Seijoh Uncles!" synchronised like they were looking at their saving grace
Lo and behold it was indeed the Seijon ex-volleyball team, right there to save the day
Maki and Watari took the bags hanging on Oikawa's body
"carry your wife to the van"
Oikawa mindlessly nods and carries you in bridal style to Issei's van, which by the way had a huge fucking funeral home logo on it
But it didn't matter to Oikawa, what mattered was to get his wife to deliver their baby girl safely
And soon a whole ass volleyball team except for Iwaizumi, a shouting pregnant woman and two hyperactive twins were able to fit in the funeral home van
Thank god it wasn't traffic 'cause you ain't never seen a funeral home van travel so fast it was practically flying
Your arrival caused a huge commotion, imagine fully grown men, stepping out of a funeral home vam, screaming "help she's giving birth!", two identical boys screaming "our sister is coming!" and a very pale husband who was carrying his pregnant wife with wobbly knees
What added even more to the commotion was an arrival of another van, it was black with a huge MSBY sign to it
It revealed a Bokuto in a maskot costume without the head, Akaashi holding his-well the maskot's hand, Atsumu and Hinata practically screaming "this is an emergency! A baby is about to come out of her!", Sakusa who was clutching all the baby bags looking very embarassed at his teammates while Iwaizumi was there, his trainer clothes crumpled, his hair dishevelled and carrying Akira who was practically going hysterical
The medical staffs were flabbergasted at the sight of a lot of tall, muscular man in the ER, they immediately led the two husbands to the place their wives on the bed and rolled them over to the same delivery room since there wasn't any vacant one
"hey Iwa, I don't mind if my daughter falls in love with your son"
Oikawa says out of nowhere, their screaming wives in the background
"shut up shittykawa...I don't mind either"
"IWAIZUMI YOU MOTHERFUCKER I'M NEVER GOING TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU EVER AGAIN AHHHHH" Akira was having it worst since it was her first time
Oikawa was pale, because of the nervous and the fact that you were squeezing his hand so tightly it felt like it was going to break
While Iwaizumi was taking Akira's tugs, kisses, and curses like a champ
After a lot of abuse for Iwaizumi and Oikawa, they finally heard theur babies' cries which made it all worth it
Oikawa takes a look at your daughtee, his eyes watered as he cuts the umbilical cord
He went to you and peppered your sweaty and unconscious face with kisses
"thank you bubs, thank you for making me the happiest man on earth now"
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I may or may not be posting special chapters. Anywayssssss~ i just got home from a fam reunion and I'm finally updating this BHSHSHSHS, i love you guys so much, thank you to all those who read this until the end😭💖 sending virtual hugs and kithes😘 and remember to stay happy, healthy and safe babeesss💗💓
@heiressofdexter @artsamber @seashellmichellee @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @misssugarless @minnieminnie00-got7  @karakento @maizumis @torus-wiife @fiaesco @stormcastello @tintina365 @sakusasimpbot   @falconfeather23435 ​ @jojowantstocry @pluviophilefangirl ​ @qualitygiantshoepsychic
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marimo-o · 3 years
ok so im making a long ass post about Abzu (the game) within the context of mesopotamian mythology because I'm insane. It's gonna be a doozy and likely incomprehensible so <3 below the cut it goes! There's gonna be TONS of spoilers for the game, and, like, I guess for the mesopotamian creation epic, so. Play Abzu if you haven't and if you wanna read the Enuma Elish that's also cool. Good for u
(a note from afterwards: it's long. like, REALLY fucking long, holy shit. if you actually want to read the whole thing, be. prepared or something idk take breaks! the last two paragraphs (i know they're walls of text pls bear with me) contain most of the important information. like, the final hurrah of my brain after working on this for multiple hours! So if u wanna save time and avoid some of the redundancy, just skip to those last two <3)
So "Abzu" referred to two things; the fresh water people got from underground aquifers (also as the void-sea which was underneath the Sumerian underworld, Kur), and the deity; he only appeared in the creation story, Enuma Elish, because a big part of that whole thing was that oh no! He dies! And that's also a thing I'm gonna touch on (sorry about the lack of accent marks in advance, it's not available on my current keyboard^ ^;)
I'm gonna start off with a brief tale of what happened with Abzu the deity, and then move onto how both the deity and the concept relate to the game!
So like I mentioned, Abzu the deity only really appears in the creation myth. The story goes that the Primordial Soup divided into two beings, with Abzu representing the freshwater and Tiamat being the saltwater. They were married, and together birthed some of the first formative gods! Some of these gods, jealous of Abzu's power convinced Tiamat to kill him (or, I thought it was started by Tiamat growing resentful of the younger gods, one of those). Either way, Abzu was killed, and Tiamat ended up lashing out, creating the first "dragons", or perhaps becoming one herself; with "poison instead of blood". She is killed by Marduk, the god of storms and the child of Enki (one of the first gods created by Abzu and Tiamat), and from her body the heavens and the earth are formed. Imagine getting killed by ur grandson lol cringe /j
Now! The waters itself! This also brings Enki into the equation, who kinda took over as god of the waters in place of his dead father. He's also the god of creation, intelligence, crafts, mischief, and more! Very important guy.
Abzu refers to both the groundwater reservoirs that people depended on for both accessible clean water and for some agricultural work, and also to the void-sea beneath the underworld, where it is said that Enki rests. He had a temple at Eridu, a now-ruined city, and I remember hearing somewhere that he lived in a temple in an underground aquifer? But I can't find wherever I read that anymore so don't take my word for it. Anyway, the basics of Enki as a deity is: child of Tiamat and Abzu, widely worshipped in his time, god of the waters, generally a cool and important dude.
And now. Finally. We move onto the game. My head hurts.
So, for a quick (post-writing: lol it's not quick) overview of the game; you play as a funny little diver, who woke up in the middle of the ocean and, as the player, are given no clues as to who or what you are. You explore through the ocean levels peacefully at first, and with the guidance of a scarred shark (painted as a bit of an antagonist at first with the audio cues) you make your way to wells at the bottom-center of each level that revitalize the space around them; as they progress, many levels start out as barren, empty landscapes that give you a foreboding, nervous feeling going in, before using an energy from yourself to rekindle the life. Huge coral growths, seaweed, and a myriad of ocean animals spring to life. The player character can also ride on the sides of the bigger ones! The game also puts a big stress on unity between yourself and the environment; there's not a whole lot you can physically interact with, but you can play with the animals there and, like I said before, ride on some of the larger animals. There are also "meditation spots", statues where you can sit and explore the wildlife from more of their point of view, able to follow them seamlessly and see what the different kinds of fish and such are called. It's a calming experience, and really the most interaction you get with some of the more timid animals, letting you still see them up close even if you can't get there as the player character.
The story of the game is told via writings on the walls, which you can light up and access by solving small puzzles regarding connecting reservoirs of glowing waters, similar to that of the almost cosmic area you go to between levels; one thing I read described it as a kind of "rebirth area", which I can definitely see hehe!
At the end of the game, you've held the shark in its dying moments, you've discovered a strange factory that builds the weird triangular prisms that deliver anything that touches them a shock, the little flashlight dudes that you've found over the levels, and little divers that uncannily resemble yourself, and you've seen yourself disassembled to your funny little mechanical skeleton, weak and slow as you try to walk on land, before you are rebirthed from the void-cosmic-water area once again, fully yourself. There's a wonderful ending sequence where you swim through all these rivers, bringing life with you as you go, with the shark once again by your side. The whole game, you saw no land when you poked your head above water, just miles and miles of water, but you've travelled far enough to reach a reservoir. You cut the chains to a central triangular prism, and it grows over with moss. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it, really, it feels like such a... grand gesture as you play through it. It feels personal.
Okay. Theory time. Finally, we're getting into the meat of it. Fucking hell.
So, imagine that you are this being. You're wandering an oceanic wonderland, observing and caring for what you need to, doing as any good little diver should. After a bit of poking around, you discover the start of the engravings on the walls; they tell the story of the people that were here before you, who built these temples and halls and used, or at least stored, the strange blue glowing "water" that you connect and move. It's a water of life, of sorts, one that they truly valued. You come to an impasse between areas, and this massive, scarred-up shark cuts in front of you. You're gonna stay hidden, that thing is terrifying! You try not to move. It doesn't spot you, or at least doesn't move to attack you. However, once it's safely out of view, you do follow it, and it leads you to a dark, desolate, empty chamber. This is wrong, you think to yourself. This isn't how it should be. There's a well, towards the bottom, and you approach it, taking... a fragment of light, from your chest, and imbuing that spark of life into the well. And, lo and behold, that intuition proved helpful, because the world around you springs back to life. Congratulations! You did it! And you continue to, as you work past puzzles and challenges and the appearance of these strange triangular mechanisms, that shock you when you get too close. These people worshipped a shark, as well, likely the same as the one you saw; the guide, now old and scarred, that brings you to where that spark is needed. Even later in the game, you see depictions of the triangular mechanisms, at first heralded as a positive, before these things are found to be the reason for this society's collapse. As if that wasn't perplexing enough, you see a depiction of a being that appears suspiciously similar to yourself, once again treated with reverence from the past civilization. In their hand is a ball of light, similar to the one shown when you revitalize the oceanic chambers. Well, that's certainly odd, you think to yourself. Perhaps this was a being that postponed the death of the civilization, or first allowed for those small chambers of life to exist in captivity instead of the open, natural landscapes you explored at the start. Regardless, it's now a relic of something long gone; but it still gives you something to think about. Later on, that strange coincidence of your similarities to that person are explained; you find a manufacturing plant, full of the vicious triangular mechanisms in each tight hallway, and right at the center of it all... multiple iterations of yourself, running down an assembly line, a spark not unlike what you saw before imbued into each of them. My, look at that; you've been responsible for part of this destruction all along, haven't you? Borne from that same ill that has been forcibly removing that spark from each of the places you've gone to. A bit inconsiderate of you, no? And yet... look at all the good you've done. You've rebirthed, revitalized, purified these ocean fragments, is that not enough? You are the keeper of these waters, regardless of the evil you had come from, despite the terrifying empty things may have reverted to. You, who trusted and followed the shark that seemed so scary at first. You, who followed it as it tried to attack a source of the evil, of the thing that was draining the oceans of their life. You, who held and comforted that shark as it lay dying, despite any fear you may have had. You, who attempted to traverse a minefield of those triangular machines, shocked over and over again and at the final moment, unable to make it to the finish line. You, who was rebirthed in full regardless by the oceans you'd cared for, by the void-sea you always returned to, to rest. You, who traversed a now-ruined citadel, temple, all of which had been flooded and had been dedicated to you. You, who brought life with you.
I hope you see what I'm getting at here. You're serving as a figure not unlike Enki, god and guardian of the waters. In the wake of Abzu, the avatar of the fresh waters, now confined to irrigation canals so as not to kill the younger gods, Tiamat lashes out. Her husband is dead, as far as she is concerned, and she goes to those younger gods to seek her revenge. The dragon, that which sucked the life from the seas and poisoned the waters. That which Marduk killed, to carve new life from. I would say that the shark is Marduk, even; given how the shark is the only one who is openly on the offense to those mechanisms, and who comes in at the endgame to finish them off, bringing new life with it. Even in how it all shapes up with the civilization before, in connection to the constructs; Tiamat was the mother of all in existence at that time. She was surely loved; but she turned hostile and violent. She could no longer be safely loved. And Abzu, both the glowing water we use to open doors and the light that we hold and the deep void-sea we enter between levels and father to all in existence, he was confined to small canals and reservoirs and put in a deep sleep so that he would not kill his own children. And by you, no less. Enki put him there. That is why you can use that water from the start; you lived in the Abzu, you came from it, and each time, that is where you return. That temple, now submerged and decrepit, is Eridu; the place where Enki was most worshipped. The other diver clones are the other gods, or perhaps the "dragons", now, that Tiamat had mothered. The smaller prisms definitely count in that "dragon" category; purely harmful beings that seek to destroy life. And in the end, indeed, you restore life; you and your son, upon killing Tiamat, return life to the world from her body. Perhaps you could not save those who once worshipped you, perhaps those structures will forever be in ruin. But there is no more danger, now; there is space to build and replenish. There is space to grow.
Fuck ok that was long as hell. Hi if u made it this far i love u. god fucking damn im never writing anything again after this. it took about as long as a full playthrough of the game, coincidentally!!
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