#on my good days I can get between 800-1000 words
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ms-demeanor · 2 years ago
Since some people might want a Mac, I'll offer a Mac equivalent of your laptop guide from the perspective of a Mac/Linux person.
Even the cheapest Macs cost more than Windows laptops, but part of that is Apple not making anything for the low end of the tech spectrum. There is no equivalent Mac to an Intel i3 with 4 gigabytes of RAM. This makes it a lot easier to find the laptop you need.
That said, it is possible to buy the wrong Mac for you, and the wrong Mac for you is the 13-inch MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar. Get literally anything else. If it has an M2 chip in it, it's the most recent model and will serve you well for several years. Any new MacBook Air is a good pick.
(You could wait for new Macs with M3, but I wouldn't bother. If you are reading these guides the M3 isn't going to do anything you need done that a M2 couldn't.)
Macs now have integrated storage and memory, so you should be aware that whatever internal storage and RAM you get, you'll be stuck with. But if you would be willing to get a 256 gig SSD in a Windows laptop, the Mac laptop with 256 gigs of storage will be just as good, and if you'd be willing to get 8 gigs of RAM in a Windows laptop the Mac will perform slightly better with the same amount of memory.
Buy a small external hard drive and hook it up so Time Machine can make daily backups of your laptop. Turn on iCloud Drive so your documents are available anywhere you can use a web browser. And get AppleCare because it will almost certainly be a waste of money but wooooooow will you be glad it's there if you need it.
I get that you are trying to help and I am not trying to be mean to you specifically, but people shouldn't buy apple computers. That's why I didn't provide specs for them. Apple is a company that is absolutely terrible to its customers and its customers deserve better than what apple is willing to offer.
Apple charges $800 to upgrade the onboard storage from a 256GB SSD to a 2TB SSD.
A 2TB SSD costs between $75-100.
I maintain that any company that would charge you more than half the cost of a new device to install a $100 part on day one is a company making the wrong computer for you.
The point of being willing to tolerate a 256GB SSD or 8GB RAM in a Windows laptop is that you're deferring some of the cost to save money at the time of purchase so that you can spend a little bit in three years instead of having to replace the entire computer. Because, you see, many people cannot afford to pay $1000 for a computer and need to buy a computer that costs $650 and will add $200 worth of hardware at a later date.
My minimum specs recommendations for a mac would be to configure one with the max possible RAM and SSD, look at the cost, and choose to go buy three i7 windows laptops with the same storage and RAM for less than the sticker price of the macs.
So let's say you want to get a 14" Macbook pro with the lowest-level processor. That's $2000. Now let's bump that from 16GB RAM and a 512GB SSD to 32GB and 2TB. That gets you to $3000. (The SSD is $200 less than on the lower model, and they'll let you put in an 8TB SSD for $1800 on this model; that's not available on the 13" because apple's product development team is entirely staffed by assholes who think you deserve a shitty computer if you can't afford to pay the cost of two 1991 Jeep Cherokee Laredos for a single laptop).
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For $3000 you can get 3 Lenovo Workstation laptops with i7 processors, 32GB RAM, and a 2TB SSD.
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And look, for just $200 more I could go up to 48GB RAM and get a 4TB SSD - it costs $600 to upgrade the 14" mac from a 2TB SSD to a 4TB SSD so you could still get three laptops with more ram and the same amount of storage for the cost of one macbook.
I get that some people need to use Final Cut and Logic Pro, but hoo boy they sure are charging you through the nose to use products that have become industry standard. The words "capture" and "monopoly" come to mind even though they don't quite apply here.
"Hostile" does, though, especially since Mac users end up locked into the ecosystem through software and cloud services and become uncertain how to leave it behind if they ever decide that a computer should cost less than a month's rent on a shitty studio apartment in LA.
There's a very good reason I didn't give mac advice and that's because my mac advice is "DON'T."
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andthenshesaid-write · 4 months ago
Fathers and Sons Fic #3: Update 2
It's been a couple of weeks since my last update and today I finally feel good about doing another one.
I won't lie, writing The Jonah Fic has been a bit like pulling teeth. It got to a point last week when I caught myself thinking, "Maybe it's just a pile of shit and I haven't admitted it to myself yet." But I pushed on because I couldn't bring myself to start again... again, and today I feel like I've finally reaped the rewards.
My average daily word count was still pretty low: between 500 and 800 words most days, but sometimes as low as between 300 and 400. Today I wrote 1600 words and got through an entire scene, and I think it's because today I finally worked out what the climax of the story is going to be. Up until this point, I knew what the end goal was but I wasn't really working towards anything solid and I think I felt a bit directionless. But working it out today lit a fire in me. I feel reinvigorated and excited for maybe the first time since I started writing the first (scrapped) draft.
In terms of overall word count, as of this evening, I have about 21,100 words and I'm well into Part Two. Part One ended up being around 15,000 words, which is roughly on track with the first two stories (which had first parts of around 14,000 and 17,000 words respectively). I'm not sure how many parts The Jonah Fic will have or how long it will be in terms of word count, but I get the feeling it won't be as long as the second story, which ended up around 45,000 words.
While I'm here, I might as well tell you about the other Tarlos-related writing project I've started. I won't go into specifics in case it doesn't completely work out, but it's going to be a series of shorter fics and I'm hoping to start posting at the end of December. The goal is to post one every day in the lead up to the 5x10 premiere, but that might be a tall order. When I set out to do this, I envisioned that each fic would be between 1000 and 1500 words long, but I've written two so far and they've come to 2300 and 3500 words respectively. Hopefully these two are outliers and the rest are shorter, but as you can see, I can be pretty long-winded.
Anyway, lots of exciting Tarlos-writing news for me today! I can't wait to keep writing The Jonah Fic and to get further stuck into the shorter fics. I think they're both going to be great, and very different from each other.
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five-rivers · 3 years ago
How do you write so much??? Between Mortified and literally everything else, it seems like you churn out thousands of words every day. what’s your secret? what devil did you make a pact with to be able to do this???
Mortified is the way it is because for a long time I maintained a huge buffer for it (my buffer is now only a couple chapters - endings are hard!). For everything else...
For most of the year, I write about 1k every day. It's a reasonable amount that takes me 2-4 hours, depending on how distracted I let myself be. I can finish that between eight and midnight, a nice peaceful time of night when no one is doing anything. On days I can't manage that, I try to do at least 100 words. No exceptions. Even when I'm sick, or on vacation. If I can't get to my computer I write on my phone.
I've been doing this since May 2018. Four years and a handful of months. 1566 days. Almost 1.6 million words on AO3 and few things I haven't published and keep to myself. It adds up, those thousand words a day. Summer is easier - I don't have students, then. That's as close to a pact as I have, but it's balanced out somewhat by stress in the rest of the year (the devil in this case would be the American public education system).
I also didn't start off with 1k a day as my goal. I started with a project where my goal was to write something every day. Then 400 words. Then 600. Then 800. 1000 words isn't my absolute limit, but it's comfortable and something I can do consistently.
My secret is that I set goals and practiced reaching them. It's a boring secret, and I'm not going to lie: a big reason I was able to practice and put aside this time is because I have a nice, stable life without a huge amount of responsibility or stress outside of my job. But... that's also how you get good at anything, isn't it?
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mezuki04 · 3 years ago
Duel Monster Stories
The Zuki Brothers Part 1: The Zombie World
Hey there! Here’s my first short story about Yu-Gi-Oh duel monsters. The main characters aren’t in my stories but the duel monsters are. I plan on writing more stories of this nature in the future, exploring the world of duel monsters.
Word Count: 800
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards Featured: Zombie World, Mezuk, Gozuki & Uni-Zombie, Huaquero of The Golden Land
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The world of The Duel Monsters was a unique one. Where various creatures existed living their day-to-day life. 
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It was split into 3 separate realms: The Living World, The Zombie World, and The Kingdom. None were allowed to traverse between these realms until their appointed time came. 
Souls started in the realm of the living. If they lived righteous lives they would be sent to The Kingdom. If not, then they were sent to The Zombie World. Dead. Some were sent there to redeem themselves as a second chance and some were sent directly to Hell to burn for eternity. Hell is a portion of the Zombie world to remind the dead to correct their ways. 
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We follow a tale of two brothers. Mezuki and Gozuki. They weren't exactly brothers as there weren't any blood-related families. Since no one was born in the Zombie world just sent there from the realm of the living. 
Although families did form as a result of absolute loneliness. As even the dead felt lonely. Mezuki found Gozuki spat into the Zombie world confused. He decided to take him under his wing through his travels.
The Zuki brothers coming back from a long journey to the "Marketplace". Where travellers from all over the world would gather to buy the finest of the undead food, clothes, and resources. You might ask what need did the dead have for food? Well, you wouldn't die here but the pain in your stomach would become unbearable. 
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The Zuki Brothers walked into their "friend's" bar called the "Uni-Zombies". Two other brothers who ran the longest existing bar in this rotting universe. 
"You two look like shit, you know that right?" The fat brother said to the Zuki Brothers as he cleaned a glass. 
"And you're bald, so what's your point?" Gozuki shot back at him. 
"Haha, why waste your time with these stupid adventures when you can relax and do whatever? I mean I've been alive for a good 1000 years and I've given up trying to redeem myself." The fat one replied. 
"There are no second chances after this world. Either you get thrown into The Fire or you can go to The Kingdom. You know the path of the Sloth is one of the paths to Hell as well?" Mezuki said while drinking his glass of water. 
"Yeah yeah, I've read the scriptures. Listen, kid, you're only 200 years old and your brother is a solid 50. You'll know when you're older. Your odds here are slim to none. Should have done better in the world of The Living and you wouldn't be here in the first place." The Fat Zombie replied. 
Mezuki rolled his eyes as Gozuki got up to use the washroom. In a rotting world, people still cared for hygiene here. The dead and living aren't too different. 
As Gozuki tried walking inside, the door flung open hitting him right in the face. 
"Hey what the f*** man, watch yourself!" Gozuki put his hand to his face in pain. As the pirate-looking Zombie pulled his pants up halfway down his knees. 
"Watch what you say you ugly bull, do you know who I am??" The pirate-looking man said.
"I don't give a sh** who you are bub, I'll smash your head and send you to the pits," Gozuki said angrily as steam came out his nose. Hitting the hammer he had on his hands to show he wasn't a punk. 
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"You fool, I'm Huecero of the Golden Land. The trusty right hand of Eldlich the Golden Lord!"
Mezuki turned his head around in shock. He was used to Gozuki getting into fights as he was quite the hothead but this was different. The Golden Land soldiers are guys you don't pick fights with. Not because they were strong or anything. The Zuki brothers crushed foes the size of buildings. It was only since they served Eldlich. He was the ruler of the Zombie world. He lived in Golden Land where he held the gateway to the living. Due to this responsibility of his, he held tons of wealth and power. 
Mezuki turned around quickly to defuse the situation “You meathead, what did I say?? Don’t just fight with anyone and anything!” It was too late though, Gozuki was already angry as could be. He cocked back his hammer. 
“I thought I said, I don’t give a sh** who you are…” swinging his hammer right into the head of Huaquero. Shattering his skull and killing him instantly.
“Oh shi*... what have you done…” Mezuki sighed
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kimium · 2 years ago
Tumblr's been doing their annual Year in Review and this reminded me that I've always wanted to do a review of my fics for 2022. Other years this has been something I've wanted to do but I've either forgotten or remembered too late.
So, here we are, my little review for my fics from 2022. All the data comes from A03's statistics. Rest is under the cut because it's going to be long.
Statistic Stuff
My "Top Five" fics by hits:
Wooden Shrine (SDR2)
Comfortable Bed(s) (Twisted Wonderland)
The Small Things that Don't Align (Twisted Wonderland)
Lingering Taste (SDR2)
"I can't swim," he said when he could, in fact, swim. (SDR2)
My most kudos in a fic: The Small Things that Don't Align (Twisted Wonderland)
My most bookmarked fic: Comfortable Bed(s) (Twisted Wonderland)
How many words I wrote in 2022: 149,496
Question Stuff
What was the hardest fic to write?
The hardest fic to write by far was Wooden Shrine. Which, was ironic because I purposefully tried to make it less of a work load on me. If you noticed, I made the chapters shorter. This is due to me having an Actual Job that takes a lot of time and mental energy out of my day. Yet, this fic ended up being a challenge. I think the hardest part wasn't the writing of the fic, but finding the mental energy to get through certain sections.
Yet, despite this, Wooden Shrine is one of my favourite fics this year. I think it's because a lot of elements to the fic are an accidental combination of my Kitsune! Komaeda fic and 1000 Kisses. Both fics are ones I hold near and dear to my heart.
2. What was the easiest fic to write?
Without a doubt Comfortable Bed(s) came so easily and so naturally to me. I wrote that in a single afternoon and I'm astonished that I managed to do it quickly. That being said, it was also a challenge for me because it was my second Twisted Wonderland fic and I decided to write Basically Everyone.
3. Which fic is the most underrated?
I think I have two underrated fics. Is this cheating? I made this entire thing up, so I can do what I want.
My first underrated fic is the first fic I wrote in 2022, The Way to Convince a Dragon to Not Murder is Through his Stomach (FE Fates). Listen. Dragon Anankos gaining just a little bit of humanity to barely curb his dragon madness? Dragon Anankos acting like a rabid attack dog with a leash that's about to snap? Dragon Anankos attracted to the Trio because I will shove my Anankos/Trio agenda onto people? It's a great fic and most importantly it was a gift to @shreedle "Thanks for being my friend that I can rant about FEH to".
My second underrated fic is You're Welcome, Byakuran (KHR). First, it's one of my rare 100/51 fics in a Good Timeline. Next, it's a fic purely based on joke conversations between me and @someobscurereference.
4. Which fic(s) had something "cut" or had an idea that never happened?
Originally, I wanted to write more Souda/Sonia/Gundham into Wooden Shrine. I also considered writing a short one shot to show how Souda and Gundham came into contact with Sonia and formed contracts with her. Sadly, this was a time and energy issue, so the idea was dropped.
For my fic Honeycomb Bakery (Modern AU FE Fates) I was going to write it as "Niles is pining after a customer and that's Owain" and thus he keeps giving free baking to Owain. However, I wrote in the silly signs that were clearly written by Owain. I couldn't have Owain as a customer and worker, so I made it an established relationship and moved on.
In Red Handkerchief (FE Fates) I considered giving Odin more angst and drawing out Leo/Niles getting together with him. I scraped it because it felt too close to another Leo Trio fic I wrote years ago, with the "they don't like me back" angst from Odin's end.
Finally, for Burner Phone (KHR) I wrote about 700-800 words in Shouichi's POV. I ended up not liking how it sounded/the tone so I swapped with Byakuran.
5. Which fic did you want to write but didn't get around to it?
-ObscureReference and I have an Elaborate Joke/HC of an OC Demon Parrot named Sprinkles that was summoned by Henry to protect Olivia but mostly Inigo. (We ship Henry/Olivia.) Sprinkles is absolutely Hilarious and our ideas for him have spanned mostly in a Modern AU, but jokes about him in canon verse have come up. I desperately want to write a fic with Sprinkles and might get around to it soon.
-For SDR2/Komahina, I have a fic titled "Another Post SDR2 healing fic" with extensive notes of what I want to happen. I've not touched it in a while since I'm worried it will sound like I'm trying to rehash one of my oldest fics, Waking Up in Pieces.
-With Bleach, a fandom I've been a part of since I was around 12, back I sort of want to write a Bleach fic. In fact, I started a Bleach fic way back in 2016 when I was living in Japan and had a big Bleach re-watch bug in my system. Obviously that never panned out but maybe this year is trying to tell me something...
6. Any WIPs that never got published?
-I have 351 words of a FE Awakening/Fates fic focused on the Trio having some weird ability due to Living Through the Apocalypse and Time Traveling. I wrote the base of it in June at work. I don't remember what I was going to do with this.
-I have a fic titled "Marzipan" and it has exactly 65 words describing Towa City. I do not remember what I was going to do with this fic.
-I started a fic titled "Love at First Stab Attempt" as a prequel to my Serial Killer Komahina fic, Working Relationship. I like the idea but didn't like some of the direction it was going. I might tweak it and post it later.
7. Share a snippet of WIP fic?
Here's the opening snippet from that FE Awakening/Fates fic I mentioned above. You can see that I'm using some ideas from prior fics such as blue flames and devouring something that most people aren't eating. I just really like eating as a metaphor.
"The fire was blue.
Not a light blue as one might expect from a fire. Most fires Inigo knew burned lighter at the source— almost stark white before fanning out into colour. Like a flower opening this fire burned large and tall despite the fuel only a small broken branch of bleached wood. The flame in question burned dark; a thousand midnights compressed into one, or perhaps like the depth of the ocean where under millions of metric tons light struggled to travel.
Pressing his hand against the flame, Inigo supressed the deep bone chilling shudder that ripple under his skin. An instinctual self-preservation method ingrained into his genetic code. It was accompanied by a voice that sounded like his mother’s. The voice rang hollowly before fading into an echo. Swallowing, Inigo reached out. The blue flame lapped at his hand and did not burn. Exhaling slowly, Inigo curled his hand and squeezed the flame between his fingers.
At once the flame jumped into the center of his hand, nestling in the crevice between his fingers and palm. Light danced in his palm, adding a red-pink tinge to the blue flame, creating a muted, dirty purple.
Pulling his hand away, Inigo pressed the flame to his lips and devoured it. Light pulsed in his throat for a moment before settling in his stomach. Warmth blossomed along with a surge of giddiness that border lined tipsy. A hiccupping laugh escaped Inigo’s throat before expanding into petals of soft laughter.
Widely grinning, Inigo picked up more flames until the fire was entirely consumed."
7. Which fic was the one you were most "excited" to write?
The fic I was most excited to write was my Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) fic, Delivery. It's an idea that I always wanted to write: Shouichi going to Byakuran on his own accord. The main reason why I only got around to writing it this year was because I kept changing the tone I wanted. Did I want a more humourous tone? Did I want a more cynical tone? I never knew, but I think I hit the right balance.
8. What's something you're looking forward to writing in the future?
I am looking forward to writing more Twisted Wonderland fics. Yes, I guess I'm deep enough into the fandom that it might become a regular fic occurrence. I have a few ideas, but no idea where they'll lead.
I'm excited to write more SDR2 fics. Yeah, that's predictable, but sometimes a comfort fandom is what one needs.
I'm also super excited to write Sprinkles properly some day. It will happen.
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one-boring-person · 4 years ago
Fair Game.
T-800 x reader (Terminator: Judgement Day version)
Warnings: sexual themes mentioned, gun use
Context: The T-800 wants to learn to be more human.
A/N: I absolutely love the terminator films, so I will try and write more for them, even though it's not very popular amongst you guys 😅 this is just some idea I've had rattling around in my head, so enjoy!
P.S. To the people who have requested things, I have not forgotten or ignored you! I'm just in the process of writing them out, so I should have one out by tomorrow.💛
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The temperature has slowly gotten cooler over the last few hours or so, the sky beginning to darken a little until the last light comes from the rays of sun just cresting over the horizon, casting the landscape in an orange tint. Annoyingly, it also means I can't see what I'm doing, the shape of each separate part of the assault rifle in my hands nearly indistinguishable as they start blurring into each other. A sigh of irritation leaves me as I put them down again, stretching my back as I stand up from the picnic bench again, shaking the stiffness from my joints, my body cramping from sitting in the same position for hours. My hands ache, too, my palms and fingers coated in a layer of gun oil, a result of the rigourous cleaning I've put the weapons through, something which wasn't necessarily required, but I felt like doing anyway, to take my mind off the more gruesome details of the past day or so, still trying to process what exactly is happening.
Just yesterday, John and I were messing around in the arcade, using his hacking skills to our advantage as he stole some money, the two of us having a great time with his friend, who we had to leave behind, for his own safety. A cop went around asking others about John, making the mistake of questioning our friend, who then let us know of the possible danger of being caught, prompting us to run, trying to escape another warning from the feds. From that point onwards, everything went pear shaped: another man appeared from nowhere and shot the cop, who had pulled a gun on us, saving us from certain death as he then gave us time to escape, letting us both get back to our motorcycles, which we promptly used to get away, speeding as quickly as possible down into the aquaducts, where we know our way round pretty well. Leading the cop on a long chase, we soon became very knowledgeable of the fact that our bikes are nowhere near as fast as the truck the cop was chasing us in, meaning we very nearly got hit by it. Long story short, the man from before saved the two of us, before explaining to us what exactly is happening.
Having been in John's close friend circle for most of our time together, the information I learnt was not too surprising; a cyborg (the cop) has been sent back in time from the future to kill him, so he can't lead the resistance against a future mechanized army, a T-1000 made of liquid metal, though another cyborg, a T-800 this time, has been sent back to save him. Having established this, we quickly found that our foster parents had been murdered by the T-1000, leaving the two of us mostly parentless, though John still has his mother, who we broke out of a mental institute last night. And now here we are, somewhere in the middle of nowhere, sheltering with a friend of her's called Enrique.
The sound of steady footsteps draws me from my reverie, my head snapping round as I notice the T-800 walking towards me, it's expressionless face mostly in shadow now because of the setting sun. Turning to face him, I pick up the gun components once more and start methodically putting them back together again, trying to ignore him as he comes up to me, annoyed that my mind has formed an attachment to the handsome cyborg already within two days of knowing him.
"You have experience in the use of firearms." It's not a question, but rather a statement, the cyborg's deep, accented voice resonating in my ears.
"My parents, my real parents that is, were fugitives. They showed me how to use weapons from as young as I could hold them. They thought I needed to be ready to protect myself." I laugh dryly, "I never thought they'd actually be right about something."
"This will be useful in the war." He states tonelessly, watching as I slot the magazine back into the stock, loading it ready for immediate use.
"If I make it that far." I murmur, putting the assembled gun back down on the table, turning my body to properly face him, "Did you need something?"
"No. I am trying to learn "small talk". John Connor has told me to be more human, and that is what he recommends." He reveals, standing beside me, his body towering over mine.
"Oh, right, well that's fair game, I guess." I smile, knowing that the bond between my foster brother and the cyborg has grown quickly, which is unsurprising given the willingness to learn on both of their behalf.
"What is "fair game"?" The T-800 looks over at me, brow furrowed slightly.
Stuck for words, I try to figure out how to explain it, only to be distracted by the sight of two of the younger members of the group already living here making out a little way away. Clenching my jaw, I look down at my feet, a pang of jealousy making itself known.
"Its a figure of speech. I use it to clarify whether I think something is a relatively good idea or not." I finally answer him, unable to resist another look at the couple, which he catches and follows.
"Why do you kiss?" He inquires again, watching unashamedly as the couple make out passionately.
"You mean people? People kiss when they are romantically involved with each other, or if they want to reassure each other. It's a sign of love. Not that I'd know." I say the last part quietly, hoping he won't hear it, "Get it?"
I smile sadly at this, not really expecting him to understand it, given that it is an extension of human affection, something which he does not really know how to do.
"Maybe one day." I say to him wistfully, leaning back against the table behind me.
"Affirmative. I will understand when I have a concept of human behaviour." He states, turning back to face me, standing much closer than before, "What is wrong?"
I look up as he asks this, having been staring at the floor dejectedly, trying to think up whether there will be a "one day" or not. I've always been a pessimist, but situations like this do not help.
"Oh, nothing. I'm just a little...down, I guess." I explain to him, sighing.
He frowns, clearly confused by the terminology.
"Down meaning sad in this context." I inform the T-800, clarifying what I mean.
A look of understanding dawns on his face, before a look of deep concentration replaces it. Suddenly, he steps forwards, caging me into the table, his hands coming to rest on my hips, pulling me into his hard body. Instinctually, my hands move to lay themselves on his chest, feeling the firm muscle beneath them move as he picks me up and places me onto the table behind me, pressing closer. Before I can say a word, I feel his lips smooth themselves against mine, their cool, dry surfaces moulding with mine as I reciprocate out of instinct, enjoying the feeling of him kissing me as he wraps his hands around my body. Somehow, he manages to draw my mouth open, slipping his tongue into it to lick at the interior of my mouth, swallowing my moans and grunts of air, his hands slipping under my shirt and onto my bare skin. Arching into him, I card my fingers through his hair, pulling gently as he presses even closer, his abnormal strength pushing me down onto the table beneath me, his muscular arms caging me in underneath his huge body. Propping myself up on my elbows, I try to keep up with him, only to fall back as he pulls away and starts kissing down my neck, easily finding my sweet spot. Licking and sucking at it, he allows his hands to roam over my body to my ass, gripping it gently as he holds me close to his chest.
"What in the hell are you doing?!" John's voice suddenly cuts through the haze of pleasure, drawing my attention away from the T-800, who stops what he is doing to look at the boy, helping me upright again as he answers.
"I am reassuring (Y/n). She told me that kissing is a form of reassurance to people." He recites, looking over at me again, his eyes slightly less dead than normal.
"Generally those kisses don't look like that." John points out, looking slightly disgusted as I try to adjust myself again, embarrassed and flustered as hell.
"What do they look like, then? My files show that that is normal."
"Normal for people who are in love! For other people, it tends to be a quick kiss on the forehead, or cheek!" The boy continues to argue.
"If it makes you feel any better, John, then I feel a lot more relaxed now. It worked really well." I interject, shyly, looking down with my cheeks flushing red.
"Then it is a successful method." The T-800 says, clearly confused.
John goes to reply again, only to be cut off by the sound of a car door slamming. Turning, we see Sarah suddenly climb into the corresponding car, the engine starting as she puts it into drive, not looking back as she leaves the camp, John racing after her, screaming for her.
"Don't try kissing him to reassure him. I don't think it will work for him." I inform the cyborg beside me, smiling up at him as he gives me his own version of one, though it looks much more like a grimace than a smile.
"That is fair game."
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capncooks · 5 years ago
⠀،⠀⠀jesse pinkmanʼs mail
request: hi!! your first fic was soooo good, i love the way you write! if it’s not too much trouble, how about jesse with a shy and introverted reader, i feel like he’d be real sweet about it! maybe around late season 4 - 5? thank u bby ❤️
word count: bruh i typed it into tumblr instead of my notes so... can't calculate it. woops. it's average tho, bout 800-1000.
summary: you have recently moved into the house opposite jesseʼs. for some reason, the mailman keeps delivering some of jesseʼs mail to your door and every week you try to muster the courage to hand it to him. it's been two months and you decide that enough is enough.
again. jesse pinkman. you were almost certain by now the mailman had seen you enough times to know your name definitely was not jesse pinkman, but every monday and every thursday you ended up with his mail.
you knew you should've sorted it out when it first happened, but like always– your stomach tied itself into several knots and neither you or those letters made it past your front step. sometimes you would wait for him to come out in the morning and hope that you could ʼbumpʼ into him, though he never showed and it was almost as if he was nocturnal. god knows what he did for a living.
but, today was the day. no more waiting around, no more procrastination behind your front door and standing there asking yourself “should i do it now or tomorrow?”. it was today. you wrapped an elastic band around the wad of envelopes and wedged them between your arm and side as you grabbed your keys to unlock the front door.
it was a fresh morning, not in the summery sense, but slightly cold and biting. you looked to jesseʼs house through the weak fog– hell, it always looked so... unlived in. your mind began to slip into that second-guessing state, wondering if you should even bother since he never seemed to be there, but you shook it off before it took hold of you and began to cross the street. nearing his door, you rehearsed what you would say in your head– even thinking about how hard your knock should be, how you should stand, how you should hand him the envelopes. being this introverted seemed like a handicap in moments like these.
“uh, can i help you?”
you froze. or should i say, you froze again. you had been so caught up in how you were going to deal with the situation, that you had completely stopped midway up his path and were none of the wiser to his emerging presence.
“i–” you stuttered a little, trying to find the words to explain, but coming up with nothing more than the single letter.
you began to burn up, feeling it rush into your cheeks and up the nape of your neck. you might have even considered walking away, if not for him—
—he looked at you with such calm and ease, as if he had all the time in the day just for you. he didn't looked impatient or bothered, but kind; his reassuring smile sent a wave of confidence over you, and the words came back one by one.
“your mail” you began, holding it up slightly, “it keeps being delivered to me, i live over there”. you pointed to your house sheepishly, before returning your gaze to him.
he began to walk down the path to meet you, looking over your shoulder at your house and then back to you, “you haven't always been there, right?”
you shook your head, wanting to elaborate, but not feeling brave enough to do so. social skills were not your forté.
he picked up on this, slowly taking the letters out of your hand and flicking through them, “august?” he questioned. it was now october, you could understand his confusion.
“i had trouble, um–” you took a deep breath, reminding yourself of his easy going manner before starting again, “i had trouble finding you, you don't seem to be in much”.
“i won't be in at all if i don't get these bills paid” he noticed a few of the letters were from the gas and electric board, biting his lip.
your eyes widened, realising the issues you might have caused, “i am so sorry, i should've tried harder... i didn't know they were all impor–”
he stifled a small laugh, shoving the wad into the pocket of his oversized jacket, “yo, don't worry ʼbout it. iʼm sure the big man will be chill”.
you nodded slowly, taking it all in. god, he was so laid back. usually, people just seemed to huff and sigh at you... as if your shyness was an inconvenience to them. not him, though.
“i didn't get your name” he hushed, breaking the growing silence between you both.
your mouth twitched at the corners a little, almost as if you were about to break into a grin. here was a person who had seen you at your worst, and still wanted to know your name.
“y/n” you suppressed the grin, but allowed for a small, polite smile as you spoke.
he returned the the favour, “jesse”
laughing a little, you gestured towards the letters, “i know”
he took a moment to look down, before breaking out a chuckle himself and shifting his feet a little— “oh yeah, right. obviously”.
did you sense a little nervousness in him too?
with a final glance at him, you began to fiddle with your keys as a signal that you were leaving. jesse cocked his head up to look at you, a small smile still resting on his face.
“well, uh– when your next round of mail comes” you joked, testing the waters to see how he reacted about seeing you again.
he shoved his hands into his pockets, taking out the wad of envelopes and waving it in the air a little, “iʼll be waiting”.
and with that, you turned on your heels and began to walk back to your house. jesse headed back towards his own, though he lingered in the doorway– hands in his pockets and slouched against the side as he watched you leave.
he'd be seeing a lot more of you from now on, whether you brought him his mail or not. he would make sure of it.
* * *
written by ade ☺︎︎ , found on @paulsimonpie and @capncooks.
(p.s. thank you for the request, it was so fun to write!!! and also <3333 ur feedback made my day).
any requests, please send them into my ask/submissions box. my inbox is open for any queries you might have. you can send a prompt or an entire plot idea, but preferably note the season too as it helps with imagery.
feel free to leave feedback, i do this for my own personal enjoyment, but also for you– the lovely reader.
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rapperkookz · 5 years ago
charity date auction | f2l!jk | fluff, smut if you SQUINT
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A/N day ___ of quarantine and i’m going insane
genre: fluff, crack, slight smut if you SQUINT
summary: Beta Tau Sigma was hosting their annual charity date auction for their philanthropy. In previous years, you just attended for fun and to see how many university girls were actually willing to spend their money just to go out on one date with one of the fraternity members. This year’s something different, especially when Jungkook’s on the lineup to get auctioned off.
word count: 4.3k ______________________________________________________________
Your POV
Ah the spring semester. The time when most events and end-of-the-year festivities happen. It was your favorite time. And this was no exception.
“Hey y/n, don’t just stand there laughing, this is a serious meeting we’re having right now.” Hoseok complained pointing his finger at you accusingly as you tried to hide your chuckles in. You leaned against Jungkook’s side, crossing your arms as you responded, “First of all, oppa, I’m sitting. And I’m sorry! This is my favorite event of yours, watching the girls - and guys! - fight over you idiots and actually pay money just to spend time with you all! It’s a great time, ah if only my Sisters and I could do something as dumb as this.”
“Call us dumb all you want kiddo, it gets us over $2000 in philanthropy,” Namjoon shrugged giving you a lighthearted mocking face. You shut your mouth, a little pout remaining on your lips as you turned your attention back to the show that you and Jungkook were watching. He grinned and poked your head with one hand, his opposite arm easily going around and framing your shoulders. “what?”
“Nothing, you’re just funny. Hopefully you won’t make fun of me when I’m getting auctioned.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m part of the lineup this year,” He said simply, scanning your face for a reaction. “That’s...okay right?”
You tried to hide your shock with a little smile, “N-no yeah that’s fine, I mean we’re not dating, Kook. You can do whatever you want,” Even as the words left your mouth, you felt your chest tightening in discomfort, finding it harder to smile genuinely at him. Jungkook mumbled a quiet ‘yeah’ and watched the show again, but the air surrounding you both suddenly turned awkward.
“Hey, with Kookie in the lineup this year, we might double profits!” Jimin said excitedly from the table where he sat with the rest of the boys. Taehyung nodded in agreement, “Even with Yoongi hyung out, Jungkook will probably get us at least $700,”
“You’re not doing the auction, Yoongi oppa?” You asked the older boy timidly. He looked at you with a soft smile, eyes reading your expression as if you were an open book. He shook his head, “No need to out of respect for my guy. We don’t do the auction if we’re in relationships.”
You nodded in acknowledgement, that made sense. Yoongi just started dating this guy a couple months ago and you’ve never see him happier ever since. You lingered on the last part of his comment, so...if you and Jungkook were dating, he wouldn’t be in the auction?
Ah but that was the thing though, you and him weren’t dating. It’s...complicated. You like Jungkook and he likes you back. That you both have established, hence the ease and touchiness that you and him already share. But after a drunk hookup with him and both of you struggling with the actual concept of settling down and commitment - even though that is basically what you both were doing already as of recent - it was just a friendship with a mutual romantic attraction that has no defined labels. Yet, neither of you seek anyone else and you both spend every waking day together when not in class or preoccupied with other activities.
“I uh, I need to go back to the house. I’ll see you guys tomorrow at the auction.” You said standing up rather abruptly, “I’m gonna get my bag from your room, Kook.” 
He nodded and stood up soon after, heading towards the table where the rest of his brothers sat. Seokjin patted his back,  “When are you and y/n going to make it official, huh?”
“It literally kills me watching you both,” Yoongi deadpanned in agreement. Jungkook sighed, running his hands through his hair as he leaned against the kitchen island. “I want to be with y/n, believe me. We’ve both talked about it too, I don’t know...just, commitment? We both got out of messy breakups and I don’t know if we’re ready for it yet.”
“Not ready? You two literally act like you’ve been dating for the past two months.” Jimin scoffed. Namjoon nodded, “Besides, she looked upset about the auction thing. You weren’t too keen on doing it either when we brought the event up at chapter.”
“I know,” Jungkook muttered, “give me a sec, hyungs. I’m gonna go talk to her before she leaves.” 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You pursed your lips as you packed up your books from Jungkook’s room. Why was this bothering you so much? Dumb question, you knew why this was bugging you, someone else is literally going to go on a date with your boyfriend - not...boyfriend. Fuck!
“y/n?” Jungkook said softly, knocking on the door as he opened it. You whipped around surprised, hitting your backpack which fell off his bed. “h-hey, Kook.”
He grinned at your clumsiness, his eyes turning into crescent moons as he closed the door behind him. “You alright?”
“I’m fine, I just have to, you know, go back to the house and do some stuff.” You said, your voice getting quieter as you went on. Picking up your bag, you put your laptop inside and zipped it up before sitting down at the side of the bed. Jungkook sat next to you as if on instinct. “y/n, I don’t have to do the auction, you know? Not if you’re uncomfortable with it.”
“Kook, who am I to stop you from that, though? And I mean, it’ll give your fraternity some good money too, I don’t have any right to keep you from participating.” You said, focus completely on your hands which were placed tightly in your lap. He sighed and grabbed one of your hands, lightly playing with your fingers which were hiding in the sleeve of his sweater. “You have every right, you’re...y/n.” 
“I am y/n,” You said with a small smile, but you knew what he meant. “Go through with it, Kook. I’m not that selfish especially when you know...we’re not even together.”
“Yeah,” He said interlocking your fingers, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nodded, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb. He smiled and pressed a kiss to your cheek, that’s how you always said goodbye. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“-sold! To that lovely lady for $500!” Yoongi said excitedly, watching Namjoon walk to the girl who won him with a rose in his hand, giving it to the girl who was fully charmed by him already. You stood with Taehyung and his date, who - conveniently - was one of your sisters that has had a crush on him for what seemed like ages.
“Look at Namjoon hyung’s smile,” Taehyung snickered hitting you on the arm in amusement. You turned around to face him and your sister, covering your mouth with one hand, afraid your laugh was going to be heard by the rest of the people in the venue, “You guys are such dorks, stop making me laugh!” 
Your sister placed her hands on your shoulders and spun you around, “it’s Jungkook’s turn.” All of a sudden, your insides ran cold and you couldn’t find it in you to breathe, whether it be because you’re dreading this or because of how amazing Jungkook looked, you didn’t know. He was wearing his usual monochromatic look, a large white tee tucked into black jeans which emphasized his thighs and made you salivate and his hair was its usual fluffy brown mess parted down the middle. 
“Next up we have Jungkook! He’s a comp-sci major with a photography minor. This year, he’s our fraternity’s social media chair and vice president of records. Probably our most talented brother, he can do literally anything, and he can serenade you to sleep.” Yoongi said with a wink at the end, “Do we have $20?”
A swarm of hands shot up from the crowd making Yoongi chuckle, “Ah I crack myself up, $30...$50-”
“I bid $100.” 
Your eyes shot to the girl who just stood up, and to your horror it was none other than Lee Yuna. She was in another sorority on campus, and she was annoyingly pretty. You and her were good friends, you know, until she homewrecked your last relationship.
“Isn’t that-”
The words left your mouth before you could process anything, the attention of the room now on you as you let the price slip. You heard Taehyung try to hide his laughter from behind you, as Yoongi started ushering you up to the stage.
“$150 going once, going twice-”
“$300,” Yuna said her eyes narrowing at your form. You bit your lip in annoyance, walking up the stairs. You huffed out a breath, taking a glance at Yoongi as you answered, “$400.”
“$750.” You said with finality. There was no way that she would say anything higher than that. I mean, you guys are college students, this auction could easily apply to your student loans. “$800.”
“That’s Lee Yuna with $800, you gonna raise it y/n?” You crossed your arms, having an inner battle between yourself as you rested your weight on your leg, “$1000.”
“$1000!” Yoongi shouted, “Going once, going twice.”
“Fuck whatever, my parents will never give me $1000 without an explanation.” Yuna said leaving the stage agitated.
“And that’s $1000 sold to l/n y/n!” Yoongi said excitedly as the venue started clapping. You let out a sound of embarrassment, messing with your braids, as you started descending the stairs. You refused to look anyone in the eye, especially not the boys, and God forbid, Jungkook.
“Ah!” You shrieked in surprise as you felt arms circle around your waist, pulling you along to the side of the room. Thankfully the attention of the crowd was back to the front as Seokjin took the stage for his turn in the bidding. “Kook, don’t say it.”
“Hey, c’mon. Look at me y/n.” Jungkook said chuckling. He lifted the rose and put it at your eye level, which was trained to the floor. You couldn’t help the smile that graced your face as you took the rose in your hand, lifting your head up a little to get a better look at it, but still refusing to meet his eye. Jungkook mumbled something under his breath that you couldn’t quite catch besides ‘so stubborn’ before cupping your cheeks in between his hands and forcing you to look at him.
Damn his sparkling brown eyes. God his eyes that literally look like they hold the entire solar system in them. You felt your resolve melting, your cheeks tinging pink at how adoringly he looked at you. “What Kook?” 
“Nothing,” he smiled. His focus moved from your eyes down to your lips, darting back up as if to ask for your permission. You grinned and puckered your lips in the slightest, your eyes fluttering closed as he finally closed the distance and kissed you.
It was short, but it still conveyed a mirage of emotions that somehow managed to overwhelm you. Neither of you were huge on public displays of affection, especially when your relationship had no defined labels. You pulled away first after the brief intimate moment, offering him a smile as you grabbed his hand and began leading him towards the back where you previously stood with Taehyung and your sister.
You could literally see the cockiness radiating from Taehyung as he held out his hand for Jungkook to complete their brother shake. The older boy nudged your side, “Didn’t know you were ballin with money, y/n. You should participate in the bidding more often.” Rolling your eyes, you were about to roast the living life out of Taehyung before Jungkook squeezed your hand.
“Cut it out, hyung.” The boy said lightheartedly, a small chuckled radiating from his chest. You and Jungkook met eyes once more, his expression softening even more - if that was possible - as he framed his arms around your body. You snuggled your back against his warmth upon instinct, feeling content in his embrace as the group of you watched the rest of the auction.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You said goodbye to your sister as the boys were cleaning up the venue. It was a bit of a given that you were going back to the fraternity house, especially in these circumstances. You were cleaning up the tables with Hoseok as you watched Taehyung and your sister say their goodbyes. She looked as giddy as you’ve ever seen her, and from the way Taehyung was shyly rubbing the back of his neck, there was a potential new romance brewing in the air.
“We’re gonna move the platform back to Student Activities, we’ll see you guys at the house?” Jungkook asked standing with Jimin and Seokjin, his eyes, though, were trained on you at his question. You nodded in response, the other boys mumbling on in agreement as they hurried their cleaning tasks.
The remaining five of you leisurely hung around the common area of the fraternity house after changing into something more comfortable, waiting for the three to come back. You were minding your own business in the kitchen, drinking some juice as you scrolled through your tiktok feed on your phone.
“So,” Yoongi said hopping on the counter, “$1000 for Kook, huh?”
You sighed and put your phone down, sipping on your glass as you faced the older boy. Yoongi was like an older brother to you, more than the other guys. He gave you all your talks about Jungkook and this was no different. “I know what you’re going to say, oppa.”
“No, I’m not helping you pay for the money you promised our chapter.” He rolled his eyes. You laughed and threw your scrunchie at him, “No! You’re so annoying. You were gonna talk to me about Jungkook.”
“My question never changes, kiddo.” He said simply, giving you your hair tie back. “Why aren’t you official?”
“Yeah, why aren’t you official?” Hoseok said curious from the other room. You and Yoongi turned your heads to see the others listening intently in your conversation. Yoongi hopped off the counter and patted your shoulder, leading the both of you into the common area. You sat down on the arm of the single seat, facing the boys as you rested your elbows on your lap, your face being propped up by your hands. “I don’t know guys, I wanna be with Jungkook more than anything, I don’t know if he’s ready yet though or if I’m ready-”
“My God, all I know is that I’m ready to smack both of you upside your heads,” Namjoon shook his head. “y/n, it literally pains me and all of us watching you both pine for each other.”
“We-we don’t pine for each other...” You mumbled your voice trailing off as you tried to deny his statement.
Hoseok laughed, “Oh please, it’s all in the eyes y/n.”
“Besides, you’re literally wearing his shirt. He doesn’t even let us borrow his clothes,” Taehyung added making you curl your body in closer to itself.
Your lips formed a pout, trying to come up with a smart reply to the boys, but to no surprise you couldn’t figure one out. “I’ll...I don’t know, I’ll talk to Kook. We’re gonna have to I mean, I literally paid $1000 for a date with him.”
The others burst out laughing as if they forgot the highlight of the night. Your cheeks warmed up in embarrassment as Yoongi started hitting your leg, fully amused. 
“Where are you even gonna get $1000?” Taehyung laughed, “I’ve seen your bank account y/n,”
“Stop! Oppa, I have a...savings...account somewhere.” You whined crossing your arms. The guys lived to tease you, they say it’s all love, but personally you think it’s because you’re an easy target. Either way, you let it slide, their jokes were pretty funny anyway. 
Namjoon cleared his throat after the room calmed down from their outburst. “You know, y/n, you must have been aware of this, but you could have just gotten Jungkook for free.”
“Matter of fact, you already have his heart for free,” Yoongi agreed, his sharp hearing picking up the click of the knob as the front door opened. In an instant, the remaining three boys walked inside the fraternity house, looking relieved to finally be back in their home. Chatter started to spark up once more as the boys were now complete. Your attention was focused on Jungkook as he lagged into the common room from the kitchen, drinking from a bottle of water that he retrieved from the fridge. He gravitated to your side while listening to the conversation of his brothers, his hand easily taking its place on your waist. 
He squeezed your skin as if saying hello, making you wiggle against his body as you let out a laugh. Jungkook looked at you fondly, noticing that you were wearing one of his shirts and wow did you manage to pull it off, even if you were only wearing his white tee and a pair of your athletic shorts. After a couple minutes, the group of you dispersed into doing your own separate things, you and Jungkook already making yourselves comfortable in his room.
He grabbed a towel and informed you that he was going to take a quick shower. You nodded and leaned against his headboard, passing the time efficiently by scrolling through tiktoks. Soon enough, Jungkook was strolling back inside his room, rubbing his hair dry as he hummed a little song. You narrowed your eyes at him as he innocently looked at you with a smile, “What?”
“You’re trying to seduce me, aren’t you?” You said shamelessly checking out his half-naked form. He only wore his grey sweatpants with you when he wanted something. He smirked mischievously, “It’s working, isn’t it?”
“Shut up,” You said throwing one of his pillows at him. He laughed, swiftly dodging your attack as he focused on drying his hair. You put your phone down on his bedside table, trying to figure out the right moment to start speaking. “You know, Kook-”
“Wait, I just wanna say first that I’m not gonna make you pay $1000 or force you to go out on a date with me. I can help you pay the money if my hyungs are really pressing for it because it does go towards our chapter.” He said sitting on the side of his bed adjacent to you. “What did you wanna say?”
You suddenly started to feel shy, your thoughts all clumping together as you fumbled with what to say first. “Uh...about tonight,” God your palms were sweaty. You and Jungkook have had this talk numerous times, yet it still made you nervous every time it was brought up. It was probably your fear of rejection, even though all signs pointed to the complete opposite of that. “I, um, I know that even yesterday, I was laughing about this auction and about the girls and guys bidding and honestly you probably think I’m stupid by what happened tonight-”
“Not at all,” Jungkook said putting his hand on your thigh for comfort. Your body temperature started to rise upon the contact of his warm hand on your bare thigh. You know he meant nothing sexual by it, but the way he looked delicious in his sweats betrayed you and the fact that you haven’t been laid in a month wasn’t helping either. Shaking your head to remove the dirty thoughts, you sighed and bit your lip, “I really wasn’t gonna bid tonight, like I was going to let them fight over you because I know where our feelings stand, but when I saw Yuna stand up I just...God I don’t know.”
The corners of his lips started to curl up in a little smirk, scooching on closer to you as he put his arm around your figure, his other hand still on your thigh. “You felt a little jealous?” 
You could hear the smugness in his tone, but you couldn’t even deny it at this point. “I wanted to push her off the fucking platform.”
“I’m not gonna lie,” he said ghosting his lips against your neck. You shivered, the warm feeling of his breath making your body react almost immediately. Craning your neck so that he could get better access, you bit back a moan as he kissed at your sensitive spot, “you looked pretty sexy when you were fighting her.”
You scoffed, but let out a gasp as he pulled your hair to the side, biting your neck to make sure to leave a mark. “Jungkook, wait.”
In an instant, all his administrations stopped, respecting your words. You turned around in his hold, moving your legs to either side of his thighs, straddling the boy’s lap. His hands instantly found your waist, moving underneath his shirt to find access to your skin. You met his eyes, which held curiosity and concern. You gave a soft smile, moving one of your hands to play with his lightly damp hair. “Jungkook, I don’t want to be confused about our relationship anymore.” 
“Me neither.”
“I don’t want to feel jealous over girls that throw themselves at you. I don’t want to have to think twice about hugging you in public or holding your hand or kissing you. Kook, I want to be yours and have everyone else know it too. I wanna be able to call you my boyfriend.” You said letting it all go. “I know we both got out of traumatic breakups and like honestly thinking about being in a relationship and the possibility of getting broken like that again is scaring me even right now, like I don’t know what I’m saying I might talk myself out of this, fuck I don’t know-”
Jungkook leaned in and pressed your lips together, shutting you up effectively. You relaxed in the kiss, all feelings of anxiety that you brought up disappearing in an instant. Wrapping your arms around his neck, he made a sound of approval and pulled you flush against his chest. You whimpered at the feeling of his hardening bulge against your ass, moving your bottom back and forth to feel some friction. He groaned into your mouth and ground his hips up into yours, his bulge making contact with your core making you whine in pleasure.
Unwillingly, Jungkook pulled away before you both were too far gone, the grip he had on your waist tightening in sexual frustration. “Sorry, you were just really cute rambling, I couldn’t help myself.”
You were already breathing hard from the kiss, your hormones were starting to go haywire at all these interruptions, “Kook, I know we’re both hesitant about starting a new relationship, but I know that if it’s with you, I know that I wanna try.”
“Me too,” he agreed his expression switching from lustful to soft. His duality amazed you. “Can I finally call you my girlfriend now, y/n?”
You giggled and kissed his nose, the smile radiant on your face, “yes please.”
He laughed and flipped you both over so that he was topping you. He tickled your sides affectionately, his laughs raising in pitch as you squealed at his attack. “Now, my dick is hard and you’ve been turning me on since the auction, can I please fuck you? it’s been so long.”
You could already feel his hands grope the side of your breast. Instead of responding with words, you snuck your hand between the two of you and squeezed at his bulge, the man above you groaning in pleasure. Bless his grey sweatpants. It always had to do with his grey sweats.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The next morning, Jungkook never seemed to leave your side. Even as you were making coffee for the whole house, you found it rather endearing than clingy. You don’t know if the boys caught on yet, they probably should have by now.
“God you two are insatiable rabbits,” Yoongi groaned seeing you and Jungkook in the kitchen. He shot a pointed look at your boyfriend, “What the fuck did you take for you to go at it all night? Viagra? Ecstasy? Poppers?”
“Shut up hyung,” Jungkook said trying to hide the blush from his face by burying it in your neck. You patted his arm, “it’s okay, Kook.”
“Babe, he’s being mean to me.”
“Hold on. Babe?” Yoongi asked before slowly clapping his hands. “Thank fucking God finally!”
“Are they finally together?” Jimin yawned from the common area, the boys starting to fill the space in. You and Jungkook shared a look before he spoke to all his brothers.
“Not that we were really obligated to tell you guys, but yeah y/n and I are dating now.” Jungkook grinned hugging you tightly from behind. 
“Damn, it really took $1000 for you both to define the relationship,” Seokjin cackled as you glared at him. “It wasn’t just because of that, oppa please!”
“Well, guess that explains why they were fucking all night.” Namjoon said as Taehyung and Hoseok nodded in agreement.
“You still have to pay, y/n sorry.” Hoseok shrugged making you whine.
“I can’t believe you paid $1000 to go on a date with your boyfriend,” Taehyung snorted, the rest of the boys bursting out in laughter at the seemingly stupid fact, even your dumbass boyfriend was laughing too. You elbowed Jungkook’s stomach, groaning at the sad reality your wallet was about to face.
“I can’t believe I have to pay to go out with you,” You rolled your eyes. Jungkook smiled cheekily and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. He kissed your lips briefly, as if that would fix everything. Jungkook met your eyes with a flirty wink, “I’ll make sure it’s the best fucking date ever, babe. Don’t worry.” ______________________________________________________________
A/N Wow I finally finished this. Fun fact, I was inspired by an episode of Full House for this, but wow I’ve been craving on posting something for literally the longest time. I also have an exam in 5 hours and it’s 4:30 am right now ah ha ha but ~quAranTiNe VibEZ~ I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy everyone <3
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terramythos · 4 years ago
TerraMythos 2021 Reading Challenge - Book 9 of 26
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Title: The Priory of the Orange Tree (2019) 
Author: Samantha Shannon
Genre/Tags: Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Third-Person, Female Protagonists, LGBT Protagonists
Rating: 10/10
Date Began: 3/12/2021
Date Finished: 4/12/2021
1000 years ago, the world burned. Draconic creatures terrorized the land, led by a horrific evil known as the Nameless One. But then something happened that sent the monsters into a seemingly endless sleep, and the world has rebuilt in the centuries since.
But the Draconic evil begins to stir in its slumber, and the divided nations of the world have little chance to stop it. Eadaz is a mage from the Priory of the Orange Tree, sent to spy on the northern queendom of Inys. Legend has it that as long as the royal line continues, the world will be free from the Nameless One. While it's a long shot, Ead guards the young Queen Sabran closely to preserve the peace. However, as she and the queen grow closer to each other, Ead has to decide where her loyalties lie. Meanwhile, her close friend Loth is secretly sent into exile by the royal spymaster due to his controversial friendship with the queen. Supposedly sent as an ambassador to the newly Draconic kingdom of Yscalin, he soon finds himself out of his depth, entrusted with a deadly secret.
In the isolationist Eastern country of Seiiki, Tané wants nothing more than to become a dragon rider. The dragons of the East are old, wise, and revered as gods-- eternally opposed to the Draconic legions of the West. However, the night before the choosing ceremony that will decide her fate, she breaks isolation and discovers a young man from the West on the shore. Rather than report him to the authorities, she and her friend smuggle him to the island of Orisima, the only place Westerners are permitted. Niclays Roos, an old man exiled to Orisima by Queen Sabran, soon finds himself caught in the conflict. He believes if he finds an elixir for eternal life, he will finally be able to return home. When he's forced to shelter the forbidden Westerner, Niclays' entire way of life is upended-- but he is soon granted the opportunity to escape his exile.  
'My grandmother once said that when a wolf comes to the village, a shepherd looks first to her own flock. The wolf bloods his teeth on other sheep, and the shepherd knows it will one day come for hers, but she clings to the hope that she might be able to keep him out. Until the wolf is at her door.’
Full review, minor spoilers, and content warnings under the cut.
Content warnings for the book:  Some sexual content. Blood, gore, violence, traumatic injury, suicide, and death. Torture and execution. Miscarriage. Body horror (kinda). Drug use.
Clocking in at just over 800 pages, The Priory of the Orange Tree is a long, detailed story. I tend to label things Epic Fantasy when they have world-changing stakes. While Priory certainly fits that criteria, it's the first fantasy book I've read in a while that really does feel like an epic. It stars a huge cast of interesting characters from many walks of life, all of whom find themselves caught up in a world-spanning conflict. It captures the sense of a standalone, grand adventure that shorter fantasy novels of today don't typically reach.
With a book this long, it would be easy to ramble on forever about everything I liked. However, I'm going to try to keep it short and simple.
One of my favorite things about this story was the sheer depth of the world. Lots of people compare this to The Lord of the Rings not for its tropes, but the attention to detail regarding the countries, politics, history, religion, and so on. I'm inclined to agree with this assessment. The world felt alive and multi-dimensional. I could pinpoint many parallels to our own mythologies and histories-- particularly drawn from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. There's also a clear love of language in the story via its beautiful prose. I like to think I know English pretty well, but this book taught me quite a few new words! Might fuck around and call sunsets "rutilant" from now on.
I thought all four leads were interesting. Ead is kinda the "main" lead of the novel, although Tané overtakes her in the latter half. Everyone had different personalities and backstories, and I genuinely enjoyed all of their arcs. Niclays in particular would be an easy character to hate; of the four, he's the most selfish and does some real questionable shit. At the same time, it's hard not to sympathize with him. He's a sad, unjustly exiled elder who's lost the one man he cared about, and finds himself in a desperate situation. These types of characters are interesting to me; a glimpse of what anyone can become given the wrong circumstances and cruel treatment.
With stories like this, one of the most satisfying payoffs is how the different characters and stories come together. It was interesting to see how their paths converged and diverged over time, and ultimately how everything tied together in the end. I also appreciated the character relationships. I liked that Loth's close friendships with both Sabran and Ead were intimate yet platonic without some awkward love triangle.
From some story specifics... I'm a sucker for the bodyguard romance trope, and seeing it done with women in a mainstream novel gave me life. I thought the romance between Ead and Sabran was really sweet; I didn't see how it would work early on since Sabran was a little insufferable, but she had hidden depths (oh god, another weakness of mine). I also really liked the idea of traditional European and Asian dragons being diametrically opposed, and that being a core theme of the story. Intelligent and/or talking animals are another thing I adore in spec fic, so I dug characters like Aralaq. Kalyba's ongoing relevance and gradual exposition was also neat; I love minor world details that turn out super relevant later.
Also, the entire final battle/ending sequence was SO good. Really creative and action packed. Action scenes often blend together for me (and can be logistical nightmares) but Priory's climactic ending was just awesome. I don't want to spoil specifics, but it reminded me of many beloved epic battles in modern fantasy. Avatar the Last Airbender, How To Train Your Dragon, and Pirates of the Caribbean all came to mind. 
My main criticism with Priory is that often, the plot relied on convenient coincidence to get the characters out of a jam or otherwise advance the story. I can excuse a minor contrivance or two for the sake of a smooth story, and the scope of this book is big enough that it'd be hard to avoid. But some are nuts. For example, Loth gets rescued from certain death by a giant ichneumon while traveling through the mountains. We later learn the ichneumon is Aralaq, a friend of Ead's, and he just happened to be in the middle of nowhere, far from his home, and stumbled upon Loth. Loth, who ALSO happens to be Ead's best friend... which Aralaq presumably doesn't know?
Another is the MAJOR SPOILER regarding the rising jewel's location. I didn't hate the twist itself, but there was so little build up to it. I wish there were more early hints to justify it, because with setup it would be a pretty cool development. These things didn't ruin my enjoyment of the story, but the borderline deus ex machina (machinae? machinas?) did take me out of it a bit. It’s possible I missed stuff so I’ll give some benefit of the doubt. 
Overall, though, The Priory of the Orange Tree is a fun, world-spanning adventure. Like any long book, it's an investment to get into. However, if you're looking for a standalone, feminist fantasy epic, this is certainly a good place to start.  
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musicallisto · 4 years ago
hello! congrats on 800 <3 with such an amazing writing, you totally deserve it ^-^ may i ask for a harry potter ship (specifically with the marauders if you don't mind?) I'm straight so preferrably a male ship pls ^_^. I'm an ENFJ ravenclaw who loves to talk a lot and is considered to be the mum in a group which is a bit ironic since I'm literally 4'11 XD I'm the type of person who prefers to give than receive and it makes me guilty if someone gives me a gift and I dont have one to give them in return. I sing, draw and read a lot. I also love dogs and magical creatures. Some of my friends told me that my eyes and hair (despite being dark brown) changes into a hazel color wheneever the sun hits them.
Thank you and have a nice day!
hi! thank you so much for the compliment! here’s your vanilla milkshake! i ship you with remus lupin!
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remus is entirely enamored with your energy and your optimism. no matter how bleak or grim of a day he’s having, he knows you’ll always find a way to cheer him up with your enthusiasm, whether that be from a stupid joke, some cheerful, encouraging words, or just your general presence and smile.
when you’re walking down the streets of magical london together, maybe going for a shopping stroll on diagon alley before the beginning of the school year, and enjoying an ice cream or a waffle together, he’ll sometimes see a campaign against werewolves in the storefronts on the sides; or maybe a reminder that the full moon is nearing, and a sudden pang in his chest makes him feel like he’s swallowed lead
he’ll try to conceal his discomfort by reaffirming his grip on your hand and listening to you attentively, as though nothing were wrong
but he doesn’t have to pretend very long, because literally ten seconds later you’ll point excitedly at the other side of the street and squeal
“oh my god, remus, look at that DOG!!!”
and his mood lifts by 1000%.
it’s also your favorite joke whenever you see sirius. it’s a recurrent comical motif among the marauders and you, that whenever you see sirius, especially when he’s not in his animagus form, you just yell excitedly “omg remus look at that dog!!!!!”
and that always confuses the heck out of all the people around you because,, There Is No Dog? that is literally a human teenager?
but sirius laughs with his catching, bark-like laughter, and remus always laughs as well. for some reason, you all think that’s the peak of comedy.
(the only time you don’t laugh at that old joke is when remus staggers back into the castle, at the end of a full moon night, all covered in cuts and bruises, before you all found out about his condition - you had stayed up all night with the others, too anxious to sleep, and when he had devised sirius’ sleepy frame he had muttered “look at the dog, he’s so cute...” before almost collapsing on the staircase)
(you had spent the entire night by his side in the nursing wing, despite madam pofresh’s protestations, and that’s when he knew he would hate himself forever if he let you go someday)
also I imagine that remus is all. tall and lanky so the height difference between the two of you is amazing and ADORABLE.
and he gives you piggyback rides in the hallways!!
at first he doesn’t want to because he’s a Good Student and he doesn’t want to get into any trouble and he has a reputation to uphold and all that - he must be the marauders’ wise head
but then the rest of the marauders (the not wise heads) convince him (and you) with two words that go straight to his grown child’s heart:
piggyback races.
so Peter is perched on James’ back and you on Remus’ and Sirius referees the whole thing (he wanted to be the one riding but James argued there is no way in hell he’ll lift his heavy skeleton and run through the corridor with it)
and of course, you win all your races, though it’s unclear whether or not you actually won of it Sirius is just pissed at James for calling him “heavy skeleton” and therefore purposefully makes him lose
“we just make a great team, James, no need to be all pissed about it”
“you make a great team of cheats!”
but in truth, you do make a great team
and your parent instincts are STRONG!
remus is also kind of the mom friend a little bit (though james can be Super Mom as well)
but when he’s with you he’ll either go full mom mode to assist you in preventing the others from... falling off cliffs or sticking out their eyes with their wands or something
or completely give up and be the the most tired (but still mischievous) child you’ve ever seen
remus loves gifting you stuff, but he also loves receiving gifts from you - they’re always so heartfelt and mirror a conversation you’ve had in the past, or something he told you off-handedly and he never thought you’d remember
like a book he used to read when he was very young and had been looking for everywhere - you searched far and wide in every london library to find it and gift it to him
his eyes sparkle like a sky full of stars when you give him the wrapped book and he instantly knows what it is; he can’t really believe someone would go to these lenghts just to gift him a little something
not because his parents or family didn’t love him or wouldn’t have - he had formidable and devoted parents, but they simply did not express affections in such ways, and it warms his heart so much to be loved in a new manner.
in conclusion, you teach each other love in ways you never thought you’d ever experience, and that’s why you are such a heartfelt and passionate duo.
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800 follower sleepover CLOSED!
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ailec-12 · 4 years ago
Minutes and Sunday
Thank you!
Minutes: How long does it normally take you to complete a fic?
It really depends on a lot of factors —mainly, the length of the fic, the amount of free time I may have, the emotional cost of writing that story and my energy. When I have the time, I try to write at least 800-1000 words, but on a good day I can easily write over 2,000 and on the bad days it's a success to even reach 500. Sometimes, I also need to take breaks and step away from the story for a while, either because I'm stuck and need to figure stuff out or because writing is taking too much and I need to recharge.
I try not to stress over it, it is what it is. In fact, I don't keep count of how long it took me to write my complete fics. To put things in perspective, though, I've done the math and my longest fic so far, Of Forgiveness and Love (84,595 words), took less than a year —if you don't count the epilogue, which I wrote years later. I remember it was faster to write than the prequel, even though it was over twice the length. Another example: House Potter for Children in Need, which will eventually become my longest fic. The first 34,500 words took five months. The remaining 34,300 words have taken a year and a month, counting all the breaks I've had to take for one reason or another. And then, I've got a Marvel WIP that I started in... 2016, 2017? I haven't worked on it in almost two years. Since it's not posted anywhere and I'm its only reader, the poor thing rarely gets prioritised. As you can see, it can really vary a lot.
Sunday: How frequently do you take requests or prompts, if at all?
Normally, when I think I'll have free time to write them —emphasis on I think. I opened prompts in October thinking I'd be able to write them between November and Christmas and, in the end, I didn't write at all during the hols. Also, even when I'm not taking prompts per se, if someone tells me an idea that inspires me, I may end up writing it anyway —eventually.
More fanfic questions!
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breanime · 5 years ago
Helpess (Part Eight)
This part’s a wee bit shorter (maybe 800-1000 words shorter) than the others have been, but I hope you like it!
*banner by @starkrobb​*
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Billy was never the romantic type. He didn’t pine, didn’t lose himself in a pretty girl’s eyes, didn’t beg, but damn…
…You were making him want to.
He was watching you sleep—something he never imagined himself doing—and all he could think about was the last thing you’d said before you’d fallen asleep. Disappear. You were going to disappear on him—again.
“Don’t,” he had said back, his heart—of all things—speaking up before his brain could even get a grasp on what you just said, “Don’t.”
Shit had moved fast when he first met you; Billy went to picking up a pretty girl at a bar to burying himself inside of her for days on end. He never did that—he wasn’t a repeat offender, not unless there was something in it for him (intel, prestige—shit, even bragging rights were enough of a motivation for him). But with you… Man, Billy had just liked being around you from the get, had liked the ease of your relationship. It was just so… natural between the two of you, and he had never experienced that before. He liked it, as much as he tried to downplay it and pretend he didn’t; he did. He liked having you in his life.
But when he left, and came back to find you gone, things had slowed down to a crawl in his life.
He had still been busy—Anvil was just getting on its feet, he had paid his debt to Rawlins, he was his own man—but his life had just seemed so… slow without you in it. Which was ridiculous, given how little he’d known about you, and how little you knew about him. But it was true. And now that you were back in his life, shit was moving fast again. Except this time, he was determined to keep up with you.
He woke up before you, and Billy spent a good fifteen minutes arguing with himself over whether or not to wake you up. He wanted to be inside you, wanted to kiss you and caress you and hold you. He wanted—needed­—to make you stay with him, and the only way he knew how to do that was to convince you with his body, because he wasn’t at all confident that his words could do the trick. But he also wanted you to rest. You’d gone through so much so quickly—and he knew, from the moment you’d propositioned him for sex in the safe house, that you still hadn’t had the chance to properly mourn your brother. He could see it in your eyes, hear it in your voice, and feel it in your touch; you were hurting, and it killed him that there was nothing he could do to fix it for you. All the money and power and success he’d accumulated, and yet he still didn’t have the power to take your pain away.
Newly agitated, Billy decided to let you rest. He got up, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead—another thing he usually didn’t do that he easily did with you—and got dressed.
Frank was already up—not that Billy was surprised. He was drinking a cup of coffee (black, Billy knew), and staring at the monitors. He was watching a woman and two kids, and it took Billy a second to recognize them.
“That Micro’s family?” Billy asked, coming to stand beside his best friend.
Frank nodded. “They have no idea he’s alive,” he said, eyes still on the monitors, “They have no idea who I really am…”
“Ah…” Billy put his hands in his pockets. “They know you as Pete,” he guessed.
Billy moved, made himself a cup of coffee, and then came back to stand next to Frank again. The mom was fixing the kids breakfast while they sat at the table, and Billy wondered if that was how things were supposed to be. Frank’s childhood had been like that; Frank’s family had been like that. But Billy never had that. You did, though, for a little while. That was probably worse, Billy thought; having a family, parents who loved and cared for you, and then not having them. He’d never had that, and he was never let down by his foster parents because he had no expectations of them. But you did. And you’d gotten Joe Yakavetta, a man who used you as a tool, putting you in danger and painting a target on your back so he could get rich.
Billy was itching to kill him.
“You never told me about her,” Frank said, breaking Billy out of his thoughts.
Billy took a sip of his coffee. “There was nothing to tell. We were… a thing,” he explained, “and then we weren’t. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever see her again, but then…”
“Then this happened.” Frank nodded. “Small world.” He turned to Billy. “It’s almost like it’s—”
“—don’t say it,” Billy groaned.
“—Fate,” Frank finished, grinning.
“You know I don’t believe in that shit,” Billy said back, turning back to the screens, “You see me being helpless to something like fate? Nah,” he shook his head, “fuck that.”
“I dunno, man,” Frank went on, “only you would pick a girl who was raised by a crimelord and drives like Ghost Rider. And only you would be involved with a girl who happens to be on the shit list of the guy who’s pals with the guy on our shit list.” He swallowed a gulp of coffee. “Seems like fate to me.”
“Kiss my ass, Frankie,” Billy turned to Frank, “You get Madani to see sense?”
“About putting Rawlins and Yakavetta and whoever else gets in the way in the dirt?” He shook his head. “Nah.”
“Eh,” Billy shrugged, “she’s in for a rude awakening.”
“Yeah,” Frank agreed, “This gonna be a problem for you? Workin’ with her? I know things didn’t exactly end well between you two.”
Billy grimaced. Madani had been a fun distraction for a short while for him, but she was predictable. He’d seen her coming a mile away; he knew her type. Self-righteous and born with a silver spoon, a bleeding heart with a strict moral code and lack of life experience. He’d known she wanted something more than sex when she first approached him, but it took him a few days to figure out what. But he did. He always did, eventually. He didn’t mind her using him to get to Frank, he was using her right back, after all. She hadn’t been happy when she put two and two together, and she was really unhappy when she inevitably realized that Billy walked away with much more intel than she had by the end of it. “That ain’t the problem,” he said, “the problem is with Y/N.”
“Fuck Bill, I thought you aged out of love triangles.”
“I did,” he said, smirking despite himself, “but this isn’t that.” He took another sip of his coffee, frowning now as he thought about the way you’d asked Madani about your brother, the hurt and disappointment he’d heard in your monotone voice… “Madani treats Y/N like a pawn,” he explained, “Like she’s just a case, not a person. And if she keeps pulling this ‘pillar of justice, I’m here to protect you’ shit,” he shook his head, “I dunno if I can keep it together, Frankie.”
Frank laughed, and Billy looked at him, an eyebrow raised. “No, that’s… It’s cute,” Frank said, “It’s nice—seeing you like this over a girl. I never thought the Beaut…” He shook his head, lips on the rim of his mug. “Didn’t really know if you had it in you, but Maria did.” His eyes shimmered the way they always did when he was thinking of his wife—not the corpse, but his actual wife, when she was alive and vibrant and his perfect mate. “She said there’d be a girl who could get you like this. She knew.”
“Like what?”
“Like… this.” Frank gestured to all of Billy. “Man, we’re maybe hours away from killing Rawlins or dying trying, and you’re thinkin’ about Y/N. Not yourself, not what happens to Anvil if you die, not what kind of power you inherit if we kill Rawlins—you’re thinking of Y/N and how she’s been treated. I just…” He smiled, the look soft on his face. It made Billy think back on their days in the Marines, that look. When Frank smiled like that, he looked younger, lighter… “I want that for you. I really do.”
“Thanks,” Billy said, looking down into his coffee, “I… Fuck, man. I want that, too.” He looked up at Frank. “I want that with her, and I’m not even sure what the hell ‘that’ even is.”
Frank laughed. “Oh, man, I can help you out with that—it’s love, man. It’s fate,” he patted Billy on the shoulder as he walked past, “It’s letting yourself be helpless.”
It took you a minute to figure out where you were when you first woke up. But when you did, the first thing you did was reach out for Billy, but he was gone.
What else was new?
Sighing, you got up and got dressed, your muscles burning from last night’s activities. You and Billy had… You shook your head—there was no you and Billy. There was Billy, and there was you. And if things took a turn here, if Joe saw you coming and gave you the same treatment he’d given Ronnie… there wouldn’t even be a you anymore. But, in all honesty—you were fine with that. As long as you took Joe down with you, you’d be happy. You opened the door—
—and jumped. Billy was standing on the other side, one of his perfect eyebrows raised as he looked down at you.
“You hungry?” Was all he asked.
You followed him into the main room of the warehouse, and you sat down to breakfast—toast, eggs, and the strongest coffee you’d ever had—with Billy freaking Russo and the Punisher. It was weirdly nice, though, and you enjoyed watching the easy back and forth between the two men. Micro woke up next, and he plopped himself down next to you, much to Billy’s chagrin. For a few minutes, as you sat and talked with the guys, you forgot that you were on the run, you even forgot how hollow you were, and instead, you could pretend you were just having breakfast with your friends and… someone who was more than a friend to you.
Then Madani walked in, bringing the crushing weight of reality with her.
“I can deputize you,” she said as a greeting.
“The fuck does that mean?” Frank grumbled around a mouth full of eggs.
“It means give us temporary badges,” Billy answered for her, frowning, “It would make us temporary Homeland Security agents and her our boss.” He took a sip of his coffee. “It’s a joke, and she’s not authorized to do that anyway.”
Madani’s face scrunched up the way it did whenever Billy called her on her shit. “It would be retroactive,” she explained, “but it would allow you to bring Rawlins and Yakavetta in without—”
“Are you still on that?” Frank shook his head. “There’s no bringing them in, Madani—none of ‘em. At best, Rawlins is getting a bullet in his head, at worst, he goes slow—but either way, he goes.”
“That’s against the law, Castle—”
“You think I give a shit about the law?!” Frank boomed, standing up so quickly that his chair toppled to the floor. “My family’s dead, Madani! Micro’s a fucking ghost, Billy sold his soul—that’s all on Rawlins’ orders! He doesn’t get to walk away! He doesn’t get to rot in a jail cell. He rots in the grave,” his eyes were wide and wild, “and if you want to stop me, Madani, you better make sure your aim is good.”
“You’re gonna have to kill me, too,” Micro declared, standing up. When his chair didn’t fall, he kicked it to the floor.
She turned to Billy, who just continued drinking his coffee. Defeated, Madani turned her attention to you. “I can’t protect you from this,” she warned you, “If you join up with them and kill Rawlins—”
“To be honest,” you interrupted, “My chances of killing this Rawlins guy are pretty low. But Joe?” You shook your head. “If anyone but me kills him, I’m gonna be disappointed.”
She sighed, taking a step closer to you. “Y/N,” she tried again, “if you do this, I can’t grant you immunity. The robberies and heists and everything else—those I can get you immunity for, but murder?” She shook her head. “They’ll put you away for life. Can you imagine that? Four walls and a cement bench being your only privilege? No drag races, no chases,” she took another step, “No more roar of an engine or smell of gasoline. Is that what you want?” She was right in front of you now. “Is that what your brother would have wanted for you?”
Your response was immediate. “Ronnie’s dead. He doesn’t want anything anymore.”
“You can either get on board,” Frank said to Madani, “or get the hell out. We don’t have time for this.”
“I can’t let you—” she started.
“For fuck’s sake,” Billy groaned, whipping a gun out and pointing it at Madani as he stood up, “Let’s just make this easier, huh, Frankie?”
“Bill…” Frank said, frowning.
Madani pulled her gun out, too, and pointed it at Billy. “Put. Your. Weapon. Down, Russo.”
“Madani—” Frank tried.
“C’mon, Frankie,” Billy said, his eyes still on Madani, “We ain’t got time for this. Every second we waste on this same argument is time Rawlins and Yakavetta have to get away. I’m not lettin’ him disappear on us again.”
“She’s a cop, man!” Micro said, eyes wide. “We can’t—she’s—we—”
“Give the word, Frank,” Billy said, his tone even.
You looked at Frank. He seemed to be considering it, but he shook his head. “She’s just tryin’ to do her job, Bill.”
Billy clicked his tongue, clearly unhappy with the decision, but lowered his weapon.
Madani did the same. “I could have you arrested for that, Russo,” she hissed, “How are you gonna run your business from prison?”
“Can we get to the part where the cop leaves and we get on with this,” you drawled, still in your seat, “Because Billy’s right—we’re wasting time here. So, Agent Madani, you’re either with us, or against us. You can come with and try that divine justice thing out for the .5 seconds before we kill them, or you can fuck off and let us do what has to be done. Which is it?”
She tucked her gun away, sighing. “I’m coming with you,” she said, “because I… I owe you, Y/N. I’m want… I’m going to protect you.”
Billy was in front of her in a second, his dark eyes narrowed dangerously as he glared down at her. “I’m telling you right now,” he growled, “you do anything to get in the way here…”
“…She’s dead,” Frank said, stepping over to them and putting his hand on Billy’s shoulder, “she knows, Bill. Don’t you, Madani?”
She nodded, eyes on Billy. You couldn’t see his face, but you knew he was serious. Billy made an aggravated noise and moved away, sitting back at the table with you.
“Let’s get started, then,” he said, voice low.
For the next three and a half hours, the five of you sat at the table and planned out what was going to happen. By the time that it was over, you were ready to go.
“We got one hour before T-time,” Frank said, standing up, “Gear up.”
Madani turned to you, opening her mouth to speak, but was interrupted when Billy stood up, taking your wrist in his hand. “Come on,” was all he said as he dragged you back to your room.
Billy kicked the door shut behind him and turned to you. “I want you to stay here,” he started, “but,” he went on, his eyebrows raised, “I know you won’t. So I need you to at least make me a promise.”
“Promise me that you’ll listen to me when we’re out there,” he said, “Just… There’s gonna be a lot going on, and I need you to stay safe.”
“Aw, c’mon man,” you waved your hand in the air, “You’re gonna get paid either way; Homeland’s good for it.”
“I’m serious, Y/N. I need you to be safe, I can’t—” He stopped, taking a step back. “I just need you to be safe.”
Normally, you would have let Billy deflect. Hell, you were a grade-A deflector yourself, but considering the fact that you were only 59 minutes away from a possibly violent death, you figured you’d push. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why do you need me to be safe?” You asked. “You told me you took this job because it was personal to you, and I get that, I do, but… The job’s done, man. Homeland is compromised, and even if it wasn’t, Madani is gonna wash her hands of me after this, I know it. So why does it matter to you if I stay safe or not?”
“Because,” Billy answered, glaring, “it does.”
“Yeah, but why? You have your own fight with Rawlins, why are you worried about me?”
“Because what, Billy?” You glared up at him. “Because what? Tell me. Say it.”
“Because I fucking care about you,” he growled, grabbing you by the shoulders, “Jesus, Y/N, I was hypnotized by you from the moment I first saw you, and when we hooked up, I thought that would cure me, but it didn’t. Fuck,” he sighed, “You think I wanted this? To care about you like I do? Cause I didn’t—but I do, so here we are.”
“And I know,” he went on, dropping his hands, “I know you want to disappear, and I… I get that, but…” He sighed. “Fuck… I don’t want you to.” His eyes were staring into yours, and you felt your chest tighten as you looked at him. “I’m not—I need you to be safe, regardless of what happens, but… If we survive this, I don’t want this to be the last time I see you.”
“So…” You licked your lips, unsure of what you were feeling, but knowing that it was distinctively related to Billy. “What… What do you want then?” You knew it was hard for Billy to be open like this with you, and you weren’t trying to push him (anymore), but you had to know. So much of your back and forth with Billy was unsaid, and you just… you needed things to be said. Just in case. You didn’t want to die not knowing what you meant to him—especially if you meant something to him.
He shrugged one shoulder. “You,” he answered, “I just want you.”
Once he said that, it was impossible for you to do anything but kiss him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and let yourself melt against him. Kissing Billy, being in his arms, made everything else fall to the wayside. “You want me?” You whispered against his lips. “You want me?”
“I want you,” he repeated, his tongue slipping into your mouth, “and I need you to stay glued to my side this whole time, alright?”
You wanted to argue, but how could you when he was kissing you like that, and his hands were on you? You couldn’t. So instead, you just kissed him back, trying to bring him closer.
He was smiling when you pulled back. “I need to hear it,” he said, his lips ghosting over you chin, “I need to hear that you’ll stay safe and listen to me out there…”
“I’m starting to think this whole ‘listen to me’ thing is some kind of secret kink…” You grinned.
He bit your neck, and you squealed. “Say it.”
“Okay, okay,” you giggled, “I’ll listen to you and stay as safe as I can.”
“As you can?” Billy titled his head to the side. “That the best you can do?”
“I dunno,” you purred, “Can you make me cum in less than an hour?”
Billy grinned.
Five minutes later, you were on your back with your pants around your ankles and your chest heaving. Billy was next to you, propping himself up on his elbow as he grinned down at you. “Any other requests?” He asked.
You shook your head, your body tingling from the force of the orgasm he’d given you—using only his fingers.
Chuckling, Billy leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “Let’s get you dressed,” he said.
You let Billy dress you—again—and you smiled when he lifted you up and sat you up, propping your back on the pillow. You closed your eyes, still smiling, as he helped you into your shoes, feeling pampered, but frowned when you felt something heavy on your lap. You opened your eyes to see a bullet-proof vest. “Oh.”
“You need to wear that at all times,” he said, all-business.
You pouted.
Billy flicked his tongue out and licked his two fingers, chasing the taste of you.
You put the damn vest on.
Later, you, Billy, Frank, Micro, and Madani stood in the garage of the warehouse. Billy and Frank were armed to the teeth, you’d been given a gun, Micro had his… computers and stuff, and Madani had her guns. Your skin felt too tight; you were excited and anxious and scared and ready; you still had the taste of Billy’s lips on yours—you were ready to get this done.
“Micro’ll take the van,” Frank said, clarifying the plan for the benefit of no one, “Y/N, you’re driving the rest of us. We follow the plan,” he said, glancing over at Madani with a scowl, “and if we die…”
“…We die,” Billy finished for him. He looked down at you. “But we’re not gonna die.”
“Look at Russo, the optimistic!” Micro cheered.
“Alright,” you grinned, running your fingers across the hood, eager to be behind it, “Let’s fucking do this.” You looked over at Billy, a man who you’d met in a bar who was now the only person you had left in the world.
No matter what happened—you refused to be helpless. You wanted a life after this, wanted to work out whatever you were with Billy with Billy, wanted to be a permanent fixture in his life. But more than that—
—you wanted revenge. And if you had to die to get it, well…
…you’d die.
Ruh roh... things are about to get DARK. And action-packed! Let me know what you think of this chapter, please. Thanks for reading! 
Everything Taglist: @encounterthepast​ @jigsawlover10​ @gollyderek​  @charlylama @realduckvader​ @whovianayesha​  @lexxierave​ @loveintheroyalfamily  @fanfictionrecommendations-com​  @maxslime-blog​ @songforhema​ @lucielandss @themadhatter92​  @christinawxxx​ @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​ @luminex3​ @ashkuuuu​ @luckysstrikes @carlaangel86​ @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso @iaintnofurry​  @ymariejp​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @holamor​ @drinix​ @rhabakoli​ @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens​ @leahnicole1219​ @evanlys19​  @binbons-is-theloml​ @aikeia​ @bitch-imma-head-out​  @witchygagirl​ @geeksareunique​ @sparrows-books  @nyxxnoxx​​ @justvnash​​ @truly-insatiable​
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Benny B Taglist (minus Sirius): @banditthewriter​ @something-tofightfor​​
Helpless Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @accioromancff​ @funerals-with-cake @700teacups​ @thesumofmychoices​ @wangmangagavroche​ @aikeia​ @im-a-mess-ness​ @fangirlharbor​ @vhgirlforever​ @coraz0ndcristal​ @contanto-que-voce-me-queira​ @editboutique​ @lysawayne​ @benbarnestongue @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @agent-bossypants @hellsregnantqueen​ @ilkaeliseb​ @kimmie113080​ @sweetybuzz25​​
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fashournalist · 4 years ago
Cheesecake Review: Allegro Cakes Express' Sampler (12 flavors!)
Have you ever dreamt of trying every possible flavor while selecting which ice cream to order--or which cookie or slice of cake? Allegro’s Cheesecake Sampler is the answer to your prayers. It’s what we had for Mother’s Day, and for sure, if Momi were still here with us, she would have enjoyed each slice.
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With 12 flavors to try, your cravings for different kinds of [cheese]cake will be satisfied, and you wouldn’t have to shell out what you normally spend on cakes. Although there’s no guarantee you will like them all, it’s worth trying. I will briefly give my honest opinions on each flavor in no particular order. Read on to find out which flavor stood out the most for us; who knows, it could be your favorite, too. :)
Note: The individual cake images below came from Allegro’s page.
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The S'mores flavor was one of the sweetest slices Allegro has. They didn’t hold back when it came to the ingredients; they were able to put in a lot of marshmallows and chocolate even when the slice was just small (to fit in with the other 11 slices). Although the S'mores' flavor, in general, is not one of our favorites, this one was good. Not a fan of marshmallows, but I do love graham cracker crumbs and chocolate.
Next up, the Banana Choco Chips! If you’re a lover of fruit, then this will probably be one of the flavors that will top your list. Think of banana loaf bread mixed with chocolate chip cookies - and a bit of cheesecake to fill the base, and you’ve got this slice.
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The Dulce De Leche Cheesecake’s caramelised milk is the highlight of this flavor. While it’s usual for similar products to be too sweet, this one is just right. It also complements the base well. I noticed, though, that several of the flavours have a similar base, and they only seem to differ in toppings.
Peach Mango is one of the flavors that had a similar base but of course, had peach mangoes on top. It did not stand out that much for Dad and me.
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In general, these two are our favorite cheesecake flavors--blueberry for Dad and matcha for me. Although, in this particular sampler, these didn’t top our list.
Allegro’s Blueberry Cheesecake had a rich taste balancing the sour and the sweet, but it was not the best we’ve tasted. I don’t know if my standards for blueberry cheesecake is just too high because I didn’t even like the one in Starbucks. So far, I liked the blueberry cheesecake from The Alley at UPTC. But according to Dad, Allegro still did well on this flavor.
I liked Matcha more between these two, prolly because I’m always biased for matcha products. It had a different base from most of the flavors, and you can really taste the balance between sweetness and bitterness. I actually wish it was a bit more bitter haha.
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The Al Capone Cheesecake is one of the flavors that had a similar base and only differed in toppings. I do love Al Capone, but I didn’t like Allegro’s version. Perhaps, they could have added more almonds and also included almonds in their base.
As for the Ube Macapuno, the good thing about it is it at least had a different base from the other flavors. You can really taste the ube with every bite of its rich, creamy base topped with macapuno. Dad likes ube, so this was one of his favorites.
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This was our first time to try Bibingka Cheesecake, and boy, it was truly flavorful. Like a cheesecake with a twist, its base had chunks of salted egg so you can taste the fusion of cake and one of our favorite Filipino delicacies. Word of advice, though, you have to finish this right away. We split some slices and left them in our fridge, but the remaining salted egg was already spoiled the following day.
Next, we have the Turtle Cheesecake, which is made of caramel, chocolate and pecans. Their rich, creamy taste when mixed makes a good combination. Although, this slice has a similar base to other flavors like Peach Mango and Al Capone.
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I’m a lover of Oreo Cheesecake and everything cookies and cream, so this was bound to be included in my top favorites for Allegro’s sampler. True to its word, their oreo cheesecake is filled with a lot of cookie crumbs aside from the one that served as a topping.
But if there was one flavor that stood out the most, and got both my and my Dad’s approval, it would be the Neapolitan Cheesecake! Usually, my Dad and I have different flavors when we try out products, like what happened with Deta Bites Cookies, the previous one I reviewed. But for Allegro’s Cheesecake Sampler, one flavor stood out in the list of their best flavors. It even topped my favorites matcha and oreo.
Made up of chocolate strawberry, vanilla, and cream cheese layers all on top of a moist brownie, the Neapolitan Cheesecake will surely leave you craving for more. That’s why if ever we’ll order another cake with only one flavor from Allegro someday, it would be this.
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What do you think of the flavors? Which one are you most excited to try? Get ready to avail this sampler for a reasonable price. Usually, 8” premium cheesecakes cost around 1200 to 1500 or even more, and that’s for only one flavor. But with Allegro’s, you get to try all flavors for 1000!
They also have good customer service, and they honor Senior Citizen/PWD discount. We got this cake for only 800 because we saved 20%!
What are you waiting for? Give their cheesecake sampler a shot now and find your favorite flavor today. :)
Follow their accounts here:
Facebook: Allegro Cakes Express Delivery
Instagram: Allegro Cakes Official
Thank you for reading my blog! Stay tuned for my next food review two weeks from now : )
PS Do you want me to try your products? Just send me an email at [email protected] with the subject "Blog feature + the name of your product" :)
Previous review: Detabites Cookies
Upcoming review: Pakamura Takoyaki
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miyomiikonran · 4 years ago
Whumptober Day 1
Extra rules: Each short story will be between 500-1000 words and will include at least one of my or @ironic-artist's OCs.
Today's theme: Let's hang out sometime
Choosen prompt: Shackled
Universe: Criminal/mafia au
Character: Takashi
Trigger warnings: -
Word count: ~800
For more notes please look at the end!
Routine always means something else for everyone. For some, it's what they hate the most- repeatable tasks mindlessly done everyday, often bringing only boredom and fatigue. Wake up, take shower, eat breakfast in hurry and then spend most of your day in work or school, only to do the same thing all over again tommorow. For others, it's the sign of stability they yearn for. Everyday's the same, no trouble can suprise you and stress you out, if you know exactly what's gonna happen next.
Takashi was neither of those. Routine of any kind had almost no place in his current life. Almost, excluding one particular event that kept repeating... Banging on the door, which was always waking him up at early morning. He knew what's gonna happen the moment he heard that, so he just followed up, opened the door. Same faces, same kind of deal. Dress up, take his wallet and put on some shoes while the guys wait for him. Once again he gets fancy bracelets on his wrists and a free ride to friendly neighbourhood police station.
Man knew the drill just as good as officers knew him. He was ending up in arrest once a month on avarage, but not even once they managed to keep him for longer. Always a suspect, never proved guilty, never enough evidence for that. Even unusual, albino-like appearance didn't make it easier. Fingerprints? Never matched. Video surveilance? Either none of cameras would reach crime scene or it wasn't functional at the time. Nothing suspicious was ever found at his flat or by his side if they catched him outside. Only witnesses would sometimes provide description that would match, but it wasn't enough when they rarely were able to see face in details. Not even the most determined, or maybe pissed off officers had much hope left at this point... Everyone knew he was suspicious and who knows if not involved in some of these cases, but nothing could be done without evidence to back it up.
What was the worst though, was his attitude. He always refused to answer any questions without counsellor and it was always the same guy coming to help him out, maybe some buddy or something, it seemed like it. Carefree bastard most of the time was taking a nap in his cell before he came! Just like now! Like nothing was happening! Or more like, he was sure nothing will happen.
Albino in cell chuckled quietly hearing how irritated one of officers sounded like while complaining to his coworker, thinking he's already asleep. It was so satisfying to hear. He almost could get used to overall inconvenience if only he could hear more of that each time he ends up arrested. They can look as much as they want. He knew it's all in vain. Boss already took care of anything that could've been left at the scene. Poor, naive dudes had no idea how far his connections could reach… Such a pity. But now it's time for a nap, cus they obviously had to wake him up at 6 o'clock, never even a minute late.
Few hours later, counsellor finally came, with same, indifferent but slightly tired face and so questioning began. Same shit everytime. Name, surname, adress, date of birth. Witness saw you in close area to where the murder occured. What were you doing then and there. Is there anyone who can confirm. Do you know what it is. Nooooope, no idea officer, never seen a broken window in my entire life! Nope, no idea who's that guy. No I never met him. No I didn't broke all of his windows, don't I look like a angel? I was peacefully coming home from club, never been to a party, officer? Could these eyes lie? It was hard to keep straight face seeing him get irritated again. His swinging on chair seemed to work wonders in that matter. Counsellor rolled his eyes and sighed while writing something in his notepad. He always was doing his own notes just in case, no matter how many times it happens. Such perfectionist in his job.
Finally, the happy hour came next day. After court's hearing, he was obviously let go. Just to spite officers a bit more, he waved them on his way out, before he went on his way home. He was right outside his block of flats when his phone called. Boss.
- What's up, did you get worried about me~?
- Very funny. I want you in my office around 8 PM, I have work for you.
- Already? I just got out…- Takashi burked a bit grumpily, his good mood immidiately gone.
- Well, happens. Get some rest, I'll give you more details once you're here.
- Cooool… - he just hung up after it and hid his phone. It's gonna be a long day...
Oh well, first one was pretty easy as it's Takashi, one of my favs, I talked about him a lot so you can look up his tag if you want. This scene came up in my head as soon as I read prompts, mostly because I had it planned for a long time already, so it was pretty easy to write. About universe itself, it's pretty much what people usually have in mind when they create all sorts of mafia/criminal AUs. I really wanted to show off Takashi's cockiness and trust in his "Boss". For now it was just a brief mention, but it's Ironic's character Hidemichi, Takashi's long-time friend, which is why he's acting pretty casual towards him. You can check him out at Ironic's page. For now, I can promise they're gonna appear again pretty soon~ c:
Also, just to be clear, I'm no writer and this is purely for fun. I'm aware it's not really good quality material.
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one-boring-person · 4 years ago
T-800 (The Terminator: Judgement Day) x reader (ish)
Warnings: graphic violence, death, blood, injury, gun use, swearing
Context: the reader joined John, Sarah and Uncle Bob for the events of the film, but was left unconscious in the crash at the end of the car chase at the end, and is a little late to the party.
A/n: I felt like writing something depressing and Terminator related so this mess of a fic happened. Enjoy 😅 (also ignore how inaccurate it is)
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I have to bite my lip to suppress the cry of agony that threatens to leave me as I force myself upright again, ignoring the shooting pain in my upper leg and lower abdomen. My hands quickly become scratched open and raw from the glass and debris littering the floor, the remnants of the truck's carcass lying only a metre or so away. Blinking, I press a hand to my stomach, where a shard of glass has embedded itself, leaving the offending item where it is so that I don't lose any more blood from it, shaking the haze from my head as I quickly take in my surroundings and formulate a plan. I have to find John; he's the priority.
Limping away from the destroyed car, I head towards the towering structures inside the factory warehouse, eyeing the dim interior with trepidation, knowing exactly what lies inside. A broken pole lies a little way away, which I grab and use as a walking stick as I step further into the steadily warming area, biting back small sounds of pain with each step. It's only a matter of minutes before I hear the first tell tale sound of someone somewhere nearby, the raised voices very clear to me, even through the ringing in my ears from the crash earlier.
Sarah and John.
Determined, I drag myself in the direction of their voices. The pole in my hands makes a steady tapping noise on the hard floor beneath me, scraping eerily as I start to climb some nearby stairs. With each step I take, the pain from my wounds becomes more and more unbearable, but I continue to ignore it, knowing that wallowing in my own misfortunes will do no one any good, except our liquid metal pursuer. Keeping my eyes trained on the platform the stairs lead up to, I push past the protests of my tired muscles and heave myself further into the factory, still heading towards the voices. Thankfully, they don't sound as if they are too far off from where I am, their panicked words almost coherent to me now.
Climbing onto the platform, I finally catch sight of John and Sarah, the two of them hastily backing away from the T-1000, who I currently cannot see. As I approach, I try to stay quiet, noticing as Sarah helps John into a covered passageway, trying to keep him safe by staying behind to fight off the ruthless killer alone, though I can see from my position that her wounded leg is giving her as much, if not more, trouble as mine. I keep my eyes trained on her as she cocks her shotgun and fires at the T-1000, who I can now see coming up the nearby stairs, his expression barely changing as the round blows a hole through his face. His stride never falters, the robot simply continuing to move closer to her, crowding her so that the gun is now useless. Sarah screams out in agony as he suddenly lifts a hand, his finger turning into a razor-sharp spear that he swiftly propels through her shoulder, the tissue and muscles giving way to the intrusion as blood pours out over her arm, the shotgun falling from her grasp. 
Upon seeing this, I feel a surge of protectiveness flood me, my teeth gritting as I limp closer to the terminator, the robot somehow failing to notice me behind it until I've made my first move. Settling my weight, I ready the pole and whistle tauntingly, drawing the T-1000's attention to me. As soon as his head has turned towards me, I swing the pole round, crashing it into his face, the metal warping under the impact as the shock goes up my arm. Yelping, I reel backwards but continue to watch the killer as he withdraws his finger from Sarah and turns to face me properly, expression seemingly irritated. Effortlessly, it turns a hand into a long blade, swiping it at me as I stumble backwards, the edge just catching my arm as it whistles past, drawing a growl of pain from me. Readjusting, I lift the pole and strike at the oncoming terminator, only for the makeshift weapon to be plucked from my hands and smashed into my ribs, agony exploding out across the area instantly. With the sheer force, I'm thrown sideways, off of the platform and onto a smaller one nearby, my body making harsh contact with the hard metal, winding me as I roll to a stop against a railing. 
Looking up, I groan in frustration when I see the T-1000 simply return to Sarah, preparing to impale her one more time. Once again, however, he doesn't get that far. 
Uncle Bob has finally made his entrance, one armed, bloodied and heavily injured, but still as determined as ever, crashing a pole of his own straight down into the superior model, making it stagger back in surprise. Spinning, it remorphs its body around the intrusion, and easily pulls it out, using it as a weapon to attack the other cyborg. Crunching sounds leave the damaged machine as it receives blow after blow to the face and chest, the cyborg helplessly grasping with it's good arm at anything it can. The heavy body soon crashes to the platform I'm on, the metal denting underneath the great weight, the T-800 swiftly scrambling to stand again. As it does, however, it is met by a face-full of anvil as the T-1000 easily swings the hanging structure into the body of the inferior model.
Again and again the killer attempts to crush the larger robot against a nearby surface, the whining and screeching of metal being warped and buckling under pressure filling my ears as I watch. Hazily, I have one more idea, pushing myself painfully to my feet as I limp over to the battling robots, staying out of sight. Once close enough, I move up behind the T-1000, before throwing myself onto the narrow back of the killing machine, latching myself onto him as I attempt to throw him off, jerking myself as much as I can to completely pull him over. Of course, my attempts are in vain and I'm simply slung off onto the floor, a grunt escaping me as I am thrown against a nearby wall. My eyes widen as I see the T-1000 stalk over to me, his arm becoming a blade once more.
A gasp leaves me as the makeshift sword enters my body. Pain blooms through my lower abdomen, a grimace coming over my face as the blade is removed roughly, my body slumping as blood starts to pour out onto the floor, staining the metal crimson. Standing over me, the T-1000 stares at me and slowly, ever so slowly, extends the blade one last time, driving it painstakingly through my chest. Sickeningly, he twists it, seemingly enjoying the whimpers that tear from my throat, withdrawing his arm as slowly as he inserted it, the silver blade dripping scarlet liquid onto the floor as he turns away from me and walks off, going to the T-800, which has slowly managed to crawl its way over to the edge of the platform.
Taking up the pole again, the T-1000 watches, almost scornfully, as the inferior model reaches for something, its critical eyes roaming the straining figure before it steps forwards and lifts the pole above its head. It thrusts the pole straight into the T-800's back, pulling and manoeuvring it so that it compromises any important systems, the end of the weapon soon emerging underneath the dying terminator as the other shoves it through him. Despair rises in me as I watch Uncle Bob go limp, his joints seizing up as his systems shut down.
The T-1000 steps past me, giving me a final look as I fight off the urge to slip into unconsciousness, the pain rapidly overtaking my entire being. Blood forces itself out from between my lips, coating my chin as I spit out a globule of the stuff, every breath now laboured and painful, my chest heaving violently. Lying back against the wall, I keep my eyes trained on the prone cyborg, using the visual as a way of staying awake, knowing that I don't have much longer left, my heartbeat now starting to fail me, each pulse becoming fainter and fainter. A burst of disappointment goes through me, the thought of failing my best friend still rife in my mind despite the situation I'm in, tears now spilling down my cheeks at the idea, aware now that my attempts were futile. Only Uncle Bob can really do anything now, and he's lying, basically dead, a little way away from me.
Even as I think that, I notice the terminator across from me starting to move again, the arm that was previously outstretched now bending underneath it. With a squeal of metal, the T-800 slowly yanks the pole from his chest, throwing it away from himself as he forces himself upright, grabbing hold of a gun as he goes. Watching this through lidded eyes, I feel a small smile stray onto my lips, a sense of hope finally overcoming the despair from before. As the robot moves to find John and Sarah, he notices me where I am, his expressionless face creasing into a frown, the wounds around his cheeks opening up wider with this movement. 
He comes over to me and kneels down, my pain-addled brain too hazy to marvel at how odd the action is. I only just register as his hands make contact with me, trying to staunch the blood flow, his protective urges kicking in, only dropping when I place a shaky hand on his.
"D-Don't…" I manage to force out between harsh breaths, smiling up at him weakly.
"Why not? Your wounds are fatal if not tended to." He informs me, going to continue.
"I'm already…dead...go find...John…" I whisper to him, pushing him off of me, "He's the...priority...not me…"
Pulling away, he looks down at me and stands, but not before he's brushed a finger along my jaw, the action oddly human. The cyborg nods to me, going to move away, albeit reluctantly, body struggling to keep up with his injuries now.
"Th...thank you…" I say to him as he goes, relaxing back against the wall, closing my eyes, "Now go...kill that...fucker…"
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mr-meekers · 5 years ago
Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas
This review will be spoiler free and safe to read before you buy the book. A more in depth review will be posted on March 4th, the day after the book is released.
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Final Rating: 7.5/10
I actually had a really hard time coming up with a rating for this book. I’m stuck between a 7.5 and an 8. This is a good book, but I think I wanted it to be better sooner. To clarify, this book is long. Like, almost 800 pages. And I really only fell in love with it in the last 150ish pages. But those pages were so good, it kinda made up for a slow start. So, for now, 7.5 it is.
The story begins with you being introduced to the main character, Bryce, and her best friend, Danika. We spend the first several chapters world building and exploring the environment, culture, customs, and various denizens of Crescent City. The first few chapters were.... hard, for me, personally. The chapters read like someone had finally taken the muzzle off of SJM and she just puked out all these “adult” references she’d been holding back on over the years. Bryce and Danika are party girls. Drug and alcohol references are made almost immediately, and “fuck” is the standout vocabulary word for this book. Which is fine, of course, but it felt so in your face that it almost came across as trying too hard. Eventually, as you continue to read, you get used to the language and lifestyles of the various characters, but still.
The main motivator in this book a gruesome murder, which is connected deeply to Bryce. The trauma she endures the night of the crime is immense, and the fallout we learn about as the rest of the book unfolds is almost as bad. As I learned more about what Bryce went through and where her head was at, I started to understand her more and her decision making at least made sense, even when I didn’t agree with it. However, it took a long time for me to see her in that light. Like many of SJM’s leading ladies, Bryce is a strong, independent woman with a sharp tongue and a quick wit. She keeps everyone at arms length and you have to break through her barriers to see her soft, mushy, lovable inside. Admittedly, I like this character. It’s a common one, but still enjoyable to read about none the less. My only issue with Bryce is that the process of unraveling all of her trauma and allowing her to grow took so long- not in world, but for me, as the reader. Hunt, her love interest and the other main character of this story, also points out one of my personal pet peeve’s about Bryce right to her face- she has a giant chip on her shoulder when it comes to men (”males” in this world, since these beings are neither human nor mortal). Any attempt from a non-female person to control any aspect of her life, from suggesting she eat or go to bed or see a doctor, etc, is considered in Bryce’s view to be “aggressive and possessive”, and yes, she even has her own made up label for the type, called an “Alpha-hole”. And Alpha male who is an asshole. Alpha-hole. 
Side note: made up swear words are also a huge pet peeve of mine, but I digress.
The saving grace of these issues I have with Bryce’s story is that, in the end, they are resolved. All of them, for the most part. I am 1000% happy with how everything turned out in the end. I want to talk about it so badly, but I will save that for the full review later. I devoured the last part of this book. I was sobbing, cheering, grinning from ear to ear, and am now eagerly awaiting book two when book one isn’t even technically out yet.
However, getting to that point took, like, 500 more pages of reading.
Don’t get me wrong! I was intrigued, for the most part, by the mystery the main cast was trying to solve. As new elements were added here and there, I kept finding myself strung along just a little bit further. But when I stop to think about it, I find myself wondering: was I truly enjoying the story, or was I just so happy to have new SJM content that I didn’t mind reading through the admittedly sometimes boring middle stuff because it’s Sarah J. Maas. All I really know is that I didn’t love it like I wanted to, but I think I did like it. I at least liked it enough to keep going, and I am certainly not the type of person who can keep reading a book I have no interest in. 
In the end, I think I’d have to consider book one of the House of Earth and Blood series to be more of an intro to the world and characters than anything. It sets out a well-thought out foundation for what will most definitely be an epic series. Now that all the players are on the board, I’m chomping at the bit to see what they’ll do next. I’m also going to need some epic fan art of these characters because, as is in every SJM literary world, everyone is smokin’ hot and deserves to have their portraits created.
On one late parting note, I’d like to give credit where credit is due. In her previous series, I know some of the biggest criticisms was a lack of diversity, both in coloring and in sexuality/gender identity. I don’t know if it was her publishers her held her back on that front, or if she’s just grown as a person, but SJM had been freed from those restraints and has taken full advantage. Yes, there are black characters. And brown ones. And white ones. We have at least one canonically gay character, and lovely lady couple, and likely more on the way given the tone the book takes in regards to sex. I look forward to seeing how this progresses even further in the following books.
Thanks for reading this review! Be on the lookout for my full, full one later on in March, and don’t forget to get your copy from your local bookstore March 3rd! :) 
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