#on my MK and ROK novels
ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
I was wondering how much you pay attention to the writer of a particular story? Like do you notice specific differences in how each writer characterizes a certain character, or any preferences in writing style?
I don’t know if it’s necessarily something I would consider a ‘noticeable preference’ but there are definitely members of Gora whose stuff I gravitate to more than others. In particular if I had to pick a favorite member it would definitely be Yellow, because I’m pretty sure Fushimi is Yellow’s baby. Besides writing LSW Yellow also wrote some of my favorite Fushimi short stories, including Sand Castle and especially The King and The Traitor. While I’m sure that in some respects the characters were molded by the whole group I feel like Yellow’s given Fushimi the most characterization and probably did the most to mold him into my precious disaster baby and I appreciate that. I recall around when LSW came out some people were arguing that she seems more interested in Fushimi and Munakata together but she’s written a lot of him with Yata too, I think she just likes Fushimi as a character (of course on the negative side, she also created Niki and Kisa and I’m pretty sure offhand all the side stories where those two appear were her work).
For the other members, I’m rather fond of Pink’s Mikoto, and in general I feel like they handle the Homra team the best. Side Red is still probably my favorite of the novels (and I love how Fushimi is written in it), plus Pink is responsible for the writing of the Kuroe Yui manga (Memory of Red, Days of Blue, Countdown and Dream of Green) and I feel like they have a good grasp of the cast in general. I’m not sure if I could pinpoint exactly what I feel stands out about their writing but I feel like their characters are very consistent between works and I like the way everyone is portrayed. I feel like there’s not as much ‘this feels like a first draft of the cast,’ particularly when you compare Side Red to the much rougher Side Blue (in fairness, I think Homra was always sketched more clearly from the start than S4).
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