#on angry fans being kindergarteners at heart
leam1983 · 4 months
The Acolyte - My Two Cents
If you title your review of the first two episodes something like The Wokolite or The Aco-Blight, you've lost all credibility as a critic.
I have had it up to here with Genre Flick elitists opening their barely-structured screeds with schoolyard word puns. Seriously.
Fuck, you should've seen my YouTube front page back when She-Hulk came out. Just row after row of poorly-expressed repression and transparent envy - and I even got a mini-blip of it when Starfield came out and the Pronouns Guy cemented his status as a Lolcow.
I haven't seen The Acolyte yet, but I'll make sure to watch that on my own, with no prior biases. That way, if there's anything to be liked in there, I won't feel motivated to push it under the floorboards because the Requisite Angry Fans more or less told me to.
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omegaverse-daily · 2 years
saw the sad pup headcanons and oof ouch my heart,,,,
got any fluffy pup headcanons to mayhaps mend it?
You know I do ❤️
-Our angry kitty omega pups all gathering in a little circle to show off their lunches for the day. One of the tiny omegas puffing up their chest and showing the little note their mommy put in their lunchbox. They’re just too excited, but they can’t read yet, so they have to bring it to the teacher to read it for them.
-Beta pups making a whole “business” in kindergarten (or whatever your 5-6 year old grade is elsewhere). They have turned half of the classroom into a restaurant. They’ve “hired” alpha pups with play money to make the food, and the omega pups get to be little posh puppies going to the “restaurant” during playtime.
-Alpha pups being so creative with their “dishes”. Some of the alphas try the play dough and the teacher has to remind them to not put it in their mouths.
-Beta and omega pups pushing each other on the swings outside. They both get too scared if they go too high, but the alpha pups are pumping their legs so hard and they get so high. The betas and omegas are just shaking their heads at them.
-The slide is a fan favorite. Sometimes, the pups will go down in a big line. It’s an all around fun time.
OM lore, I actually wanted to be a kindergarten teacher for awhile, but I live in America, and if you don’t know what’s happening in teaching here, you’re very lucky. These pup headcanons warm my heart and help me recover from what’s kinda been taken from me ❤️
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inkillable · 1 year
some thoughts re: laurie, allyson, and michael myers' overall character and existence being directly connected to The Final Girl™
i'm compliant with halloween 2018 & kills - so michael and laurie are not brother/sister for me. he simply saw her one day and became obsessed with her on first sight, which is the only thing draws him out of his house in 1978 and after her. and for me, this didn't happen because she was reminiscent of judith - it's because she was the opposite.
i think a lot about my heart is a chainsaw, and how it goes at length to speak of how the slasher cannot exist without the final girl, and that the slasher helps her transform into her complete, fully realized self. michael pursues laurie and draws her to act in violence against him because he knows they're equals - it's not a predator hunting prey. it's a dance. when he sees her in the window, he immediately recognizes that fact. the fact that he went home and was immediately drawn out of it because of laurie? yeah. why else would he have continued? likewise re: allyson.
and i think without having this Object of Obsession (lmao) michael has no standing as a character for me. it's what made halloween kills, beyond reading heavily into it re: michael possibly feeling the same level of obsession toward allyson hence not killing her on the 3-4 occasions in which he could have, feel extremely pointless and empty to me. not a huge fan of the idea of michael killing Just Because He's Evil, yk. like yes. he IS evil incarnate, but he's obsessive and an unstoppable force once he's dedicated to something - or someone. to what purpose? who knows.
the 2018 novelization implies he saw allyson running on halloween morning on lampkin lane and subsequently felt watched throughout the day. michael slowly picked off her friends, then killed her father, then her boyfriend, then her mother. it's all very, very intentional, and the cycle continuing albeit in a much more brutal manner because he's been lying in wait for 40 years. he's angry, repressed, and more violent and powerful than he was in 1978.
and so this is why allyson specifically is extremely important to my interpretation of michael and why i was heavily disappointed by ends. the only thing i really take from it is that michael was willing to work with corey to find allyson until he led him to where she is, which made him disposable to michael (hence why he killed him immediately).
all of this being said, i truly do think michael spent the 40 years he was incarcerated thinking about laurie. which is why, in the 2018 novelization, he still thinks of himself as a 21-year-old and laurie as 17, and the passage of time means nothing to him because he hasn't developed cognitively whatsoever. the only times in which he's truly been lucid ---- between the extremes of loomis drugging him into a catatonic state vs. sartain most likely not medicating him at all and endlessly enabling him ---- has been in pursuit of laurie.
considering it's been over 50 years since he killed judith--and he was literally in kindergarten when it happened--i don't even know if michael remembers killing judith at all. i don't even think 6-year-olds understand the meaning or permanence of death. so yes, i do definitely think by 2018, michael would not remember judith's death much if at all and is likely returning home (again) to look for her and look out her window (the compulsive need to look out her window, it's the mental illness innit love) vs. his original intent on recreating his first murder in 1978 with laurie's friends ---- but by that point, i think he returned home both to return to judith's room and also to lure allyson or laurie to him at that point.
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cakejerry · 1 year
likee he has such a distorted version of what being genuine is.. idol culture got him good bc what do you mean wiping off your makeup is being real with your fans??.. idk if you saw it but the live he did when the seven promotions ended is soo funny yet sad at the same time like one second hes all goof silly mode making fun of a statue and then he seriouses and apologizes if the statue was someone important and then he gets angry and says well how am i supposed to know ???!!!!! the whole live he says one thing then completely backtracks and youre like WELL .. SO WHATS THE TRUTH ??? like on one part he goes on saying that he wants his fans to tell him when hes doing something wrong and then someone comments youre drunk and he gets angry and goes SO ??? DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO like ??? the whole live hes all over the place but idk maybe thats him right now a prepubescent 26 year old and theres something very real about that idk maybe hes serving a lil.. i just hate it for him that it gets broadcasted everywhere praying for him
Omg for fucking real? Wait I need to watch that live tomorrow then and I'll update with my thoughts... Army shield is insane huh because you only ever see the cute parts get clipped and the rest is hush hush. I'm always seeing that vid where he's like "im 26, i can do what i wantt. You dont like me? Then i dont like you!" and it's so cringe because BRO THAT'S NOT A FLEX?? that's kindergarten playground logic???
It all feels like bang pd told them "you've made me enough money and fame. You can do whatever you want now. You're off the leash. Go crazy." and JK was the only one who took it to heart. Like what happened to managers being in the room for every live broadcast? He has no idea wtf to do with himself if he's not being puppeteered... And I sincerely hope that changes. Both the 'his perspective' part and also bighit's inactivity. Allowing him to be going through a quarter life crisis in front of a live audience of millions, literally dystopian. At what point do they step in and tell him no more? Know your limits? Was the smoking "scandal" for the media... Or for bighit? To show them who's boss?
If that's the case he queened a lil like he's not that girl or nothing but he ate that one thing that one lil thing he ATE
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duskamethyst · 4 years
make it right.
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a/n: i was on a writing high. i initially hated this so much but ended up with 12 pages long.
word count: 5.1k
genre: mature, smut, nsfw, angst to fluff
warnings: mentions of abortion, pregnancy
pairing: hawks x f!reader
𝅘𝅥𝅮  music rec: the reason by hoobastank  𝅘𝅥𝅮
summary: you told keigo that you’re carrying his child but he didn’t take it well. five years later he shows up in front of your door after being invited by his son and says he wants to fix everything.
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you lean down towards the counter as you concentrate on creating pretty swirls of cream on the cake you baked with a piping bag. the dining table is full of food, a feast almost too huge for only two people, but you have a good excuse. it is a special day. your son’s fifth birthday to be exact. 
kids these days can be ruthless and your son doesn’t get along very well with the other kids from his kindergarten. they like picking on others that seem too fragile, too quiet – criteria that fits him well and it doesn’t help with the fact that they know he’s growing up without a father. your child never opened up to you about the constant mocking he faced until one day you overheard him sobbing through his pillow in his own room. it was dark, though the door was still open by an inch to allow a small amount of light to penetrate into the room whenever he slept. he said he wanted to sleep earlier because he was tired but the muffling sounds he tried to conceal betrayed his efforts when you passed by later that night.
it made you angry and disappointed in yourself. you really tried your best to juggle between being a mom and a dad at the same time, keeping an eye on your child and working your ass off to make a living for the two of you. you’d always put up a tough front, never broke down in front of him when you were dead tired from being overworked and the thought of him trying to not make you worry, shattered your heart into pieces. you know that all he deserves is a good life and you constantly blame yourself for not being good enough, mostly angry at your past self for not even knowing how to make good decisions and think things through. 
if only you could turn back time, you would tell yourself to never get involved with a pro hero – to never get involved with someone who feels so responsible for other strangers’ lives but not their own child’s. 
were you being selfish? for not understanding that his work always comes first? he can’t possibly have a family when he has villains out there that need to be put in their right place for their crimes. were you expecting too much from him?
“can’t you… get rid of it?” he muttered. his cold words felt like a sharp blade that just stabbed you in the heart. never once you thought that he would say that. how easy was it for him to ask you to throw out another life like it meant nothing? 
“keigo, you can’t be serious.” you shook your head, your legs were already wobbling and you felt sick to your stomach. this news should be happy for the both of you but unfortunately, you two weren’t on the same page. 
was it your fault? keigo never spoke about having a child together but he always said he’d love to build a family with you someday – he loved you, he would always protect you and be there for you. sure, it was a slip up this time. you always made sure to take proper measures to avoid pregnancy from happening but you were also more than glad to bear this child and you were convinced that keigo would be happy about it as much as you were. he loved you so much, after all. 
“i don’t think…” he stammered, trying to find the right words. “give me some time.”
your lips pursed into a thin line, hands clenching hard and knuckles turning white. think? the uncertainty in his voice was already giving you the obvious answer. he couldn’t even look you in the eyes. he never wanted this.
“save the trouble, keigo.” you spat. “how about i’ll just leave so you don’t even have to think at all?”
keigo finally lifted up his head to look at you with wavering eyes, but he still couldn’t find the words to say, to comfort you. “what are you saying?”
“i’m still going to have this child. even if it means i have to do it alone.” with a sharp breath, you turned around towards the door.
you heard a frustrating sigh coming from your back, “you know i can’t. you know damn well that i have my job as a hero and i can’t look after… after a child!”
“but it’s your child keigo!” you turned around to scream and look at him again, tears already welling in your eyes, threatening to pour out.
“and what difference does that make?!” he yelled back. “in fact, that’s even worse!”
the room was quiet as the both of you just stood there. keigo slowly realizing what just came out of his mouth in the heat of the moment while you just stared at him in disbelief. both were standing stunned and speechless from what he clearly said. that was it, you thought. 
“fuck you.” you cursed under your breath and immediately left his place, not even sparing a look back. 
if he was sorry, he would chase after you. if he didn’t mean it, he would look everywhere for you.
but none of that happened.
you ended up going back to your hometown after that. it was shameful, to finally see your parents again but just to cry on their feet as soon as you saw their faces and telling them that you were carrying an illegitimate child. it was devastating for them initially but thankfully they easily accepted it, welcoming you to stay over at their place with open arms so they could help you throughout your pregnancy until the baby was born and grown. above all, you were still their daughter. living far away, your parents had never met keigo and they were shocked to know that you were having the no.2 pro hero’s baby but also disappointed at how he reacted when you told him the news.
however, what was done is done and you can only manage to move forward by raising the child with your utmost capability. you promised yourself that you’ll protect and raise this child with as much love and care a mother can offer. whatever it takes, even if you’ll have to do it by yourself. 
you ended up living with your parents until your son turned four and decided to live independently, not wanting to burden them any longer. they didn’t want to let you go, the presence of the child brought so much joy in their daily lives. he was a bundle of sunshine and they loved him so much. 
and kyō is just beautiful. 
keigo’s genes manage to overpower your son compared to yours. fluffy but shorter blonde hair, dark and sharp on the inner corner of the eyes and not to forget the red wings on his back. it isn’t as big as keigo’s yet but it still stands out. although he takes on your personality more, every part of him reminds you of keigo and sometimes it feels like a jab to your chest. it hurts to be reminded of the man that hurt you and told you to get rid of the child you were bearing so ruthlessly.
throughout the years, you tried to make peace with the past. at first, it was hard to look at the news and see his face. he was almost everywhere, a lot of stores also sold his merchandise and his face even covered the magazines-- you realized you couldn’t escape him, your past. although he’s in the limelight, the media was still unaware about his private life and you were glad alas the similar features of kyō to the pro hero made some passersby and mothers at the park question you. fortunately, you already came up with a bullshit excuse like “he is such a big fan of hawks and he cosplays him every day… and oh, the wings are fake too.”
of course, strangers weren’t the only ones who inquired about it. even the little child himself could smartly notice his resemblance with the pro hero.
as soon as he first saw hawks on tv, he went on and on about how they looked so much alike. he was beyond fascinated, he could barely understand what the news was talking about at the time but being on the screen was more than enough to make him understand that hawks was an amazing guy. his eyes would twinkle in wonder when the news caught footage of him flying in the air with his red wings spreading graciously. if anything at all, kyō just couldn’t wait to flap his own smaller wings soon. 
then one thing led to another. a question that any curious child would ask their parents about. 
oftentimes kyō would ask you about his dad. why didn’t he have one like the other children he played with at the park and oftentimes you would try to avoid the topic and shrugged it off with a lame joke saying how you were also his dad and how you were powerful to have two bodies in one unlike other people. 
he ended up growing tired of it one day, crying to you and asked if the reason why he didn’t have one was because he didn’t love him – something he heard one of the kids said. it broke you and you were lost for words. you called your parents for support and after much discussion, your mother thought he deserved to at least know the truth and you did just that. 
luckily, he took it surprisingly well. even his little brain can comprehend the job of a top hero, he understood that it was a lot of work and keigo was often busy and far away. it was less to his liking when you made him promise you to not tell anyone about it and he should keep it as a secret because bad guys would chase after him if another single soul would know and his dad did it to protect him. it was a bad lie, but still, you had to do it.
later, kyō realized that his birthday was coming soon. he knew what he had always wanted. he didn’t know if he could have it but maybe… maybe if he tried and wished hard enough, it would come true. 
he sneakily took your phone to look up “hawks'' on your phone, though at first he was only shown results and pictures of the literal bird before smartly adding “pro hero” at the back. with limited comprehension, he eventually managed to find the agency’s website before scrolling further to find the address to the agency and scribbled it down on a piece of paper. 
“daddy?!” the bell has been ringing for a few times but you were too concentrated on decorating the birthday cake to even hear it but your son’s small wings flutter in excitement as he runs across the hallway to open the door.
your heart stops for a second. was that the reason why your son was pacing around the living room? you’re not expecting any guests for tonight’s dinner at all, especially the father of your child. 
“hey! i got your letter!” the familiar excited tone of his voice bursts from the door as he speaks. he kneels down eye-level as his son and gives him a big hug. “happy birthday.”
“what letter?” you break into the conversation, arms folded in front of your chest as you lean against the wall with an unamused expression written across your face. 
“i wrote daddy a letter!” your son says proudly, but you can already imagine the horrible squiggly lines on the handwritten letter. 
“and you gave me a picture too. you look exactly like me, am so happy!” keigo chuckles, ruffling the hair of his boy, eliciting little giggles from the other. it’s a beautiful sight and it makes your heart ache a little at the image of what it could’ve been. if only he was fully ready to accept the fact that he was gonna bear a child. if only he knew how to balance between his career and personal life. you could’ve had the most beautiful family you’ve ever dreamed of. 
“honey, can you go to your room for a bit? your daddy and i have to talk.” you say softly, hoping that he won’t take it any other way.
“am i.. in trouble?” kyō turns to you with a frown and puppy eyes – which he knows well that it would always work on you and it’s almost adorable how it’s exactly what keigo would do whenever he makes you annoyed with his antics. it’s just one of his ways to apologize to you. 
you sigh and shake your head, “no. we’re gonna talk about…” you glance elsewhere as you think of an excuse. “your surprise present!” 
“it’s not a surprise anymore if you say it like that, mommy!” the child laughs and scurries to his room as told and the both of you watch him with a smile tugged on your lips. 
you turn back to keigo with a dour expression as soon as your son closes the door to his room, causing him to fidget a bit from his spot. he hasn’t seen it for years, after all. he’s about to pull you into a hug but instead, you quickly turn your heels around towards the kitchen.
“i still have things to do. either you help me with it or leave.”
he quickly takes off his shoes and follows you, taking in the view around the house before he enters the kitchen. the atmosphere is stuffy and tense while you sit on the stool to continue decorating the cake. 
“you can help by setting up the plates. top cabinet.” you break the awkward silence and keigo obliges, he reaches the cabinet to take out the available plates and put them nicely around the table. 
“you made it yourself?” he tries to make a conversation as he glances at you working on the cake. 
“yeah.” you simply reply without taking your eyes off from your work. 
“it’s nice. chocolate?”
keigo sighs from the underwhelming response, “i know you don’t want me here but –”
“no shit.” you almost slam the table but quickly recompose yourself by taking a deep breath. for the sake of your son, you know you shouldn’t get into an argument right now, at least not today. 
“look, i’ll leave as soon as this is over if that’s what you want.”
you glare at him, “it’s more than what i want right now,” then it’s your turn to sigh. “but i doubt that’s what kyō would want.” 
keigo already knows his name from the letter but his lips etch into a warm smile at the sound of the name you’ve given to the-- his child and a small part of him wishes that he was there in the process of choosing a name for the boy together with you. 
“okay, just for tonight. we’ll pretend like we’re a happy family.” you stand up from the stool after putting the last candle and set the cake in the middle of the table. 
“...and what if we don’t have to?” he blurts out after a brief and quiet moment, immediately catching your attention. he notices the puzzled look on your face and continues, “what if we really start being a happy family from now and onwards?”
you blink once, twice. for a second, you feel a heavy pang in your chest as your brain processes the words that just came out from his mouth. it’s like déjà vu, only this time keigo has certainty in his voice.
the room falls dead silent again as you stare at each other. you’re finding words and about to open your mouth to say something but kyō suddenly interrupts from the corner of the kitchen and both of your attentions quickly turn to him.
“mommy..? i’m hungry.” 
“oh, sweetheart. you’re just in time!” you walk up to kyō to carry him in your arms before bringing him to the dining table. his eyes sparkle at the variety of food spread across the table and his wings flutter in excitement. 
“can you help light up the candles? the lighter is in the drawer.” you usher to keigo as you show your son his favorite food you made earlier while keigo quickly rummages through the drawer. he lights up each candle as you put down kyō on one of the chairs before he stands on his knees to reach close enough to blow the candles. the both of you excitedly sing happy birthday and clap your hands as he blows off the candles after a brief moment for a wish. 
“what did you wish for?” keigo asks, affectionately patting kyō on the head.
“i wish to be a hero like daddy!” he exclaims, arms and wings spread in enthusiasm. a bittersweet feeling engulfs him-- a part of him is disappointed and ashamed of himself while another part of him is elated and relieved that he’s still looked up upon by his own child. in the corner of his heart, keigo thinks he doesn’t deserve it. kyō is a splitting image of himself (minus the color of his eyes that he takes after you) and it easily brings back visions of him from the past. he wanted to be a hero too, but his father wasn’t someone he could look up to. hence, making endeavor the only man he idolized. 
he realizes he is lucky enough to be the person his son looks up to. he knows that this was what his own younger self would want. a father he can be proud of, a hero at that. keigo wants to make it right with whatever it’ll take.
the night proceeds smoothly, all three of you have fun together like any normal family would and bonding over lost times. keigo is thoughtful (though his choice seems a little bit conceited) enough to give kyō a present; an action figure of himself. unknowingly, the walls that you built around you by the time keigo arrived earlier slowly crumbles and you grow less wary around him as time ticks by. when it’s bedtime for the boy, keigo insists on putting him to bed so he can spend more time with him which you gladly consented to so you can also continue cleaning up the kitchen.
a set of footsteps coming down the stairs can be heard as you’re seated on one of the stools while sipping tea. 
“want some tea?” you offer without turning around to look at the male.
“sure.” he says as he walks up to you. 
you can feel his tall and lean build ghosting you from the back as you pour a cup for him but his hands suddenly reach your shoulders and give them light squeezes. 
“what are you doing?” you ask quizzically, glancing at the hand on your shoulder.
“giving you a massage.” he smiles innocently as he continues pressing on the knot in your stiff shoulders, making you sigh in reflex.
“trying to get on my good side?” you say in a mocking tone.
“hmm, just showing my appreciation to you.” his hands move lower to your spine, your back arches a little as he presses down your aching muscles. 
“you’re five years too late, keigo.” you sneer but welcome his service as you close your eyes and hum in content. it’s not that bad, you assure yourself in your head. 
keigo diligently continues to massage your back as the kitchen now fills with your quiet sighs and whimpers whenever he rubs on the sore spot. without you realizing, he slyly pulls the collar of your baggy shirt down and plants soft kisses on your bare shoulder.
“k-keigo?” you immediately open your eyes and flinch at the sudden touch.
he remains quiet while his hands work up and down your arms gently and his lips move further up to your earlobe, sending tingling sensations down to your core and you can already feel your nipples harden underneath your shirt. 
“relax.” his hot breath fans over your ear as he whispers. your cheeks are already burning red and you’re out of sarcastic remarks as you can only find yourself to indulge into his touches. 
you gasp in surprise when keigo’s hands sneakily move under your shirt and quickly unsnaps your bra. he massages your breasts and kneads them gently before teasing your erect nipple between his fingers. your hands firmly clenches the edge of the island to hold yourself as he nips on the crook of your neck, just gently to carefully not leave a mark. 
“you want more, babybird?” he coos as he realizes that your thighs are pressing against each other. as much as you hate to admit it, the nostalgic pet name tugs on your heartstrings and you find yourself melting after hearing it after years again. 
feeling embarrassed, you quietly nod your head. 
“i can’t hear you.” a teasing tone lingers in his voice. he knows what he’s doing and you hate him for it.
“more, keigo...” you whine. it sounds so innocent and adorable but it absolutely makes his cock twitch. noticing that you’ve been avoiding looking at him the whole time, he uses one of his hands to make you look at him and grins when he catches the red tint spread across your face before he presses his lips onto yours. 
the traces of your ego make you hesitate at first but you’re quick to lose it as he deepens it, as if to send you a silent message of how much he misses you while his tongue intertwines with yours. 
one of his hands remains to massage your mound while the other travels down south to easily part your legs and cups your heated sex. keigo rubs the clit against the fabric of your pants, eliciting breathy moans from your lips between kisses. you pull away and lean back to his body as he slides his hand under your pants, feeling the wet patch that is already staining your underwear. 
“already wet from all of that?” he says playfully, taking out his hand to look at the damp juices as he rubs it between his fingers. 
“says the man that was grinding his cock on my back.” you roll your eyes halfheartedly, missing the faint blush that becomes apparent on his cheeks.
keigo then reaches for the cups in front of you and pushes them aside before lifting you up on the kitchen island, making you turn towards him. he swiftly pulls down your pants along with your underwear, your cunt bare and glistening under the lights for him to see.
his golden irises lock with yours as he kicks the stool to the side and crouches down to spread your thighs apart. he starts to lap off your juices, tongue alternating between your throbbing clit and hole. your elbows help to prop you up as your head hangs back and your eyes close in pure bliss. 
keigo smacks and clenches your thighs to draw your attention to him, “baby, look at me.”
you submissively lift your head to look at him, eyes locking with each other again as he watches you squirm on the tongue flicking your clit and eats you out like a starved man having his first meal after a long day. 
you grab a lock of his blonde hair in one hand, pushing him closer as your legs tremble around his head, feeling the bubbling sensation of your orgasm building up. 
“mmh – gonna cum!” you cry out in ecstasy, instantly forgetting the people next door and your son that’s sound asleep on the upper floor as you chase after your high.
keigo smoothly slides two fingers inside your pussy and your hips begin to grind desperately onto them. he knows you’re close when he feels the walls clenching around him and with another suck on the clit, he quickly gets to tip you over the edge. 
“so good for me.” he coos as he pulls away, licking his fingers clean before carrying your panting body in his arms and walks over to sprawl your body on the couch. he hovers on top of you and kisses you again while his hands work on unzipping and taking off his lower garments to free his throbbing cock. 
he smears the precum by pumping his cock as he watches you down, adoring the look of absolute bliss on your face and half lidded eyes that he longed for over the years. 
“my songbird,” he purrs as he leans down to you and lines his cock with your wet cunt, “you’re so beautiful.”
if you’re already red, the endearing pet name makes you even redder. your gaze avoids his to hide your embarrassment but he only draws it back gently by your chin with his thumb and finger. 
“don’t you miss me?” his brows furrowed as he searches your face. you can only stare back into his eyes – bright irises filled with nothing but genuine curiosity and desolation. 
your lips pull into a thin line as you ponder for a moment, promptly unable to vocalize like earlier. it’s as if you let even one word escape your mouth, it would make you burst into tears instead. of course you missed him. your mind often wondered if he even thought of you at least once. even when you did make peace with the past, you still couldn’t bring yourself to be the one to make the first step. ego is an ugly thing and you were certain that keigo should be the one to look for you even if it was hard for him since you just disappeared out of his life.
noticing the reluctance to give him an answer, he shushes you. “it’s okay.” he kisses you sweetly on your nose. “but let me show how much i’ve missed you.”
he trails open mouthed kisses down your jaw, neck and collarbone as your hands run through his hair and down to his back. a soft whine manages to escape from your mouth when he nibbles on the soft flesh of your neck, instantly marking it red this time. 
his mouth then latches onto your nipple through your shirt, making you squirm beneath him. your hands clenches to the fabric of his shirt when you feel his fingers teasingly dancing between your wet folds and his thumb ghosting over your clit. 
keigo gives you a kiss on the lips again before pulling away, the cushion dips as he props himself on the knees, rubbing his hard cock against your wet slits and smearing it with your juices.
a low hiss slips from his lips as he slowly prods in the tip of his cock and your expression twists into discomfort as you feel him stretch you out more – a familiar mixture of pain and pleasure that you haven’t felt for a while.
keigo waits for you to adjust and as soon as you give him the greenlight, he continues to completely balls deep inside you. 
“babybird, you feel so good.” he grunts as he bucks his hips and slowly starts to move. 
you bite your lower lip hard, enough to draw blood as you try to stifle your moans. keigo leans down to kiss you while your arms find themselves wrapping around his neck. he thrusts harder and faster and your whimpers and whines finally find themselves shamelessly slipping past from your mouth.
“fucking– hah– perfect.” he pants as he pulls away to look at your flustered face, eyes half closed and mouth agape with pleasure. 
you quickly bury your face on the crook of his neck and hold onto him tighter while your legs wrap securely around his waist. keigo moves his thumb on your clit, pressing down and rubbing circles all to entice nothing but tightening the coil down in your core more. 
“keigo, keigo –” you cry as your nails dig the fabric on his back and your toes curl to the intense sensation.
“baby wants to cum?” he growls as he feels your walls clamping around his cock, making him buck his hips even wilder. 
“yesyesyes – oh god, keigo!” your mind turns putty and unable to form any more coherent words, making only his name being the only thing you remember as your eyes close shut while you’re nearing your high. 
“that’s it – baby. cum on my cock.” he encourages and you do just that. your pussy flutters as you finally reach your orgasm but his sporadic thrusts doesn’t stop until it starts to falter and his wings tremble.
“fuck. i’m gonna fill you up.” he grits through his teeth and his cock twitches before his wings spread wider as he releases his warm cum inside you. 
the both of your bodies stay against each other, chests heaving for air before he briefly pulls out his cock and lays on top of your chest. 
“yes.” your voice suddenly croaks, breaking the almost silent air in the room if not for the sound of yours and his breathing.
keigo lifts up his head to look at you confusingly before a lopsided smile curls on his lips when he hears you utter the next few words.
“yes. i missed you and i don’t want to pretend anymore.” you suddenly feel overwhelmed and tears start to well in your eyes. a flash of panic crosses his face and he pulls you closer into his embrace, hoping to calm you down as you sniffle on his chest. 
“shh, baby. i’m sorry. i know it’s too late and i was so fucking stupid but i’ll – ”
“i want to live as a happy family with you, keigo.” you cut him off, sobbing through his shirt. he pulls away at once to look at you, unable to believe what he just heard through the choking sob but it still makes even him want to cry. 
“babybird, i – ” he’s completely tongue-tied. at this point he can only manage to lean down to be close to you again. he peppers kisses all over your face, saying how thankful and happy he is.
“i love you, my little bird. i won’t fuck up this time, i promise.” he whispers, finally regaining his composure.
that night, keigo could barely sleep a wink. so many thoughts are running through his head. he glances at you sleeping peacefully next to him on the bed and he already pictures how it is to be waking up to see your face every morning. he also hopes that kyō doesn’t know how to fly yet so he could teach him how to use his wings. oh, he’ll also get to find an excuse to buy more buckets of chickens once you three will start living together. 
he can already imagine how the headlines will be bombarded about him having a family and he sighs at the thought, but he hopes that his publicist is ready for a hell lot of work.
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys and a Single Mom Pt. 3
Featuring: Suna, Bokuto, Kenma
Suna Rintaro
despite being a professional volleyball player, Suna was still a university student, he evenly splits up his days to go to volleyball practice and university
he was always dreading to go to university, but he knew he needed it, and you, being his seating beside you in three classes, made university bearable
you had this amazing aura, always so gentle, and kind, you had a soft smile plastered on your face almost like a motherly smile, your voice was always calm and soft, you were just so breath-taking to look at
although you two never talked that much, Suna already knew a lot of little details about you, he once drove pass you walking to the kindergarten just one street away from your university, he knew that you carry a container of fruits in your bag, you always left as soon as classes for the day was over, and that was only a few among a hundred of little things about you
Suna admired you from afar, as much as he likes you so much it physically hurts him, love just wasn't his priority, his priority was volleyball and his career
or at least he thought
life surely has a great sense of humor because somehow you guys ended up being partners for a thesis paper
"I look forward to working with you Suna" you smiled
"likewise" he says with his usual blank face
Suna didn't want to admit it, but he was excited
"so, where do we work on this?" he asks looking at the notes he took for that class
"well, we can work on it at my place" you say casually while also looking at your notes
"are you sure it's okay?" he asks again to make sure, this girl, the person he's been crushing on for his two years in university is now inviting him to her place
"yeah, i can't really spend a lot of time outside, my son hates it" 
and just like that Suna was having a mini heart attack, you were married? you have a son? what-
“hey, you alright?” you asked worriedly
Suna quickly composed himself 
“uhh y-yeah, won’t your husband get angry?” he asks 
“oh don’t worry I raise Kiro by myself” you smiled
Suna looked at you strangely, unable to keep up 
you chuckled at his dazed look “I’m a single mother” 
Suna almost breathed out a sigh of relief, thankfully he was able to stop himself or else you would get the wrong idea
“yeah, yeah sure, let’s work on it at your place” he snapped out of it, did he sound too happy to hear that you were single? yes, but we ain’t gonna talk about that 
what was your ex thinking? he was pretty sure your kid was cute and you were so breath-taking to look at, what a stupid guy    
“what does your son likes?” 
“hm?” you asked him to make sure you heard him right 
“what does your son likes?” 
later in the evening, Suna showed up at your place with chocolate chip ice cream and the most expensive sushi he could find
you worked on your project for a good two hours, finalizing the outline of the thesis, while Kiro sat on Suna’s lap, your son immediately liked him, maybe because of the ice cream and sushi , but Kiro was very fond of him
“Kiro, baby, get off of Suna’s lap please he might get tired” you said to your son while you were keeping the things you used
“I don’t mind, he’s surprisingly light” Suna says as he bounces Kiro on his lap
“alright, if you say so, I’m going to prepare snacks” you made your way to the kitchen and left the two in the living room
“mister rin-rin” Kiro whispers while tugging on Suna’s shirt
“hm?” he answers looking at the kid, he was right, Kiro was extraordinarily adorable, it felt like he was looking at a smaller boy version of you and it was making her heart go feral, making him break his rules and try his best to get the both of you
“i want you to be my daddy” he whispers while fiddling with his fingers shyly
please this man is about to combust
he pats the boy’s head “sure bud” he said with a smile
“then can I call you dad?” he asks , eyes sparkling
“well it’s better to start early right? sure you can bud” he says, a full-blown grin plastered on his usually stoic face
Bokuto Koutaro 
the flashing and clicking of cameras occupied the whole room where the MSBY Jackals were holding their post-game press conference, they won the game by the way and Bokuto was in high spirits answering questions thrown at him by the reporters 
it was your turn to ask a question to the players and you stood up “Bokuto-san, your fans are always wondering why you’re always in high spirits, what is your secret?” 
Bokuto has never seen you before, were you a knew reporter? because damn he would’ve noticed you immediately if you were on their past press conferences, you looked like a celebrity to be quite honest 
“I’m playing volleyball, there’s no room for me to be unhappy” he simply says 
 it was you first day at your new job, quite frankly, you’re glad you quitted your old one, they forced you to stay behind the camera and write scripts for anchors when you finished a bachelor degree on broadcasting 
“Can’t blame him, I’m also happy when I do my job” you mumble to yourself as you remembered Bokuto’s answer to your question
“mama!” you looked at your son who was in the arms of your cousin Kuroo
“hey thanks for doing this for me couz” you say as they stopped right in front of you
“mama! have you seen the game?! they were so awesome! Uncle Tetsu promised me to go meet MSBY!” your son happily jolts in his Uncle’s arm
you looked at him with a motherly smile, happy that you’re son enjoyed the game 
“you coming with us?” Kuroo asked
“you two go ahead I’ll just rest for a bit” you were tired with keeping up with the game and asking questions 
the two nodded “alright, just show this to the guard and they’ll let you enter” Kuroo says, handing you a pass
you mutter a small thank you as you watch them walk away
let’s just say Gen, your son, was liked by every single member of the team, I mean, who could ever dislike such an adorable kid?
“MSBY cool! Shoyo pwaaa! Boto bam!” he says while jumping up and down, while Kuroo watched his nephew smiling
Bokuto was particularly very fond of him, was it because the kid was unbelievably adorable? or was it because the kid reminded him of a certain reporter? He’d like to think both
“Gen-kun who’s yer fav’rite player eh?” Atsumu asks the kid
the kid looked at eight full-grown man looking at him expectantly, his eyes stopped on the black-and-white haired spiker and made grabby hands towards him “BOUTO! BOUTO!” 
the members were disappointed but not surprised at all, kids tend to go to Bokuto or Hinata since they have the friendliest faces
“HEY! HEY! HEEEY!” Bokuto did not hesitate and lifted the boy up in the air, as they both giggle
“Tetsu?” your voice interrupted the commotion inside the room
Kuroo went to the door and opened it for you and the first thing you saw was your son giggling with the person stuck in your head for about twenty minutes now
“Mama!” your son screamed as soon as he saw you and asked to be put down to run towards you giving you a hug on your leg you looked down at him and patted his head gently
Kuroo cleared his throat “this is Y/N L/N my cousin, the mother of adorable the adorable Gen, she is single and ready to mingle, 2 in 1 you get an adorable son and a lovely wife, contact me for more details, the price can be discussed” 
you deadpanned at your cousin, why tf was he selling you like an auction, you shook your head 
you were hyper aware of the intensity of the owl-eyed spiker, making you blush
while Bokuto was over here thinking, damn he hit the jackpot an adorable son and an absolutely gorgeous wife? you bet he’s in and he’s gonna do everything he can to win you and make you and your son happy
“I’m sorry about him, please excuse me, my son and I needs to leave” you said politely and bowed as you take your son away
unbeknownst to you, Bokuto was in the middle of business with your cousin
“hey, how much for the details?” Bokuto whispers to his bestfriend as if they were in the middle of an illegal transaction
Kuroo looked at his friend with eyebrows raised
“I’ll pay any amount” Bokuto was very serious, which made the former Nekoma captain burts out laughing
“well, since you’re my good friend, a few drinks will do” Kuroo after his hyena laugh session
“Hey! hey! hey! thanks Kubroo!” Bokuto says in his usual cheery voice
later that night, you wondered why you were having dinner with your son, your cousin, and the former captain of Fukurodani, how he managed to get you flowers in such a short amount of time and this late at night was beyond your knowledge. But you weren’t complaining though, how could you when he looked adorable with a flushed face asking for your number after driving you and your son home.
Kenma Kozume
Kenma wasn’t fond of kids, he didn’t disliked them, he just preferred hanging out with adults who were less hyper, proceeds to hangout with Bokuto, Hinata and Kuroo
but he was a gamer and it is inevitable that some of his fans were kids, he didn’t mind it though he is thankful to each and everyone of his fans
being the twenty-eight year old youtuber/CEO that he is, he barely have time to go out and it happened very rarely, and today happened to be one of those rare occasions as he got out to get some ice cream in a very hot summer day
but he was in a for surprise, at an empty alley, he heard a ruckus
“give it back! please give it back!” 
it was never in Kenma’s personality to pry, but something was pushing him to go check out what was going on
he went inside to the dark alley and saw four boys, about eight years old, one was in the middle, his clothes all crumpled and dirty, his bag empty, his things sprawled out, scattered in front of him
“you want this thing? it’s not even the latest model, you think kodzu-” 
Kenma cleared his throat, already able to register what was happening
“ken” the bully continued
“you know kids, I don’t really like bullies” Kenma starts as he walks towards the little boy, picking up his scattered things one by one and putting it in his bag
“leave, before I report you to your school” Kenma says stoically which made one of the boys drop the game console in his hand as the three of them scramble to get out of the dark alley
the little boy picked up the game console and tried to open it, but to no avail, it was broken
Kenma went closer as he handed him his bag 
“are you okay?” he asked as he crouch down to the boy’s level, it was obvious that he was not okay, his face had little scratches and his clothes were all dirty and slightly damped 
but the little boy meekly nodded and looked down on his game console, which Kenma noticed 
“I can get you a new one” he says in attempt to cheer up the little boy, he didn’t know what was pushing him to do so, but his heart broke at the sight of him broke his heart 
“mister Kodzuken, can you please get this fixed for me instead?” for the first time, the boy looked at him with sad eyes
how could he say no to that face? he took the game console and looked at the boy
“is there a reason why you want me to fix it?” he asks
“my mom worked hard to get me that on my birthday, she didn’t buy her favorite coffee, her favorite bread, she patched up her shoes instead of buying a new one, she even lied to me that she wasn’t hungry when we ate out, I don’t wanna make her sad” the boy sadly said and wore his bag
Kenma was in awe, no wonder this boy was so polite and respectful
“alright, how but I’ll call your mother now, she is needed in this situation” Kenma says as he takes out his phone
the boy slowly dictates his mom’s phone number, and when he was done, Kenma was speechless, the number was already registered as his secretary’s number
Kenma shakily presses the call button
“sir?” your voice from the other line, never seize to make his heart skip a beat
“Y/n do you happen to have a son?” his voice was still calm
“yes, how did you know sir? i have a son he’s name is Eiji, he’s eight” you happily told him
“well, I kinda caught some kids bullying him, I think that you’re needed here” he says calmly 
“oh no, my baby, i’ll be there ASAP sir, please do send the location”
“I’ll send the location to my driver, he’ll pick you up” Kenma says and hangs up as he send a quick messege and the location to his driver
Kenma was supposed to ask you out tomorrow, that was the reason why he didn’t go to the office today, he was going to surprise you at his place because he didn’t want you, the girl he liked to the horrible people of the internet
you were too pure, too kind, you always made sure to get him something to eat despite his resistance, made sure that he doesn’t overwork himself and even going to the extent where you do some of his workloads, of course he trusted you enough to do so and you’ve been working with him for four years now
but you had a child? did you have a husband? but you’re resume said that you were single? is it a boyfriend?
“you know mister Kodzuken, mama always talks about you when I ask her about her day, I think she’s got a little crush on you” Eiji smiled softly at him
which almost made the former setter melt into a puddle, the boy was adorable, and even if his original plan was to just date you, he was more than happy to have Eiji, having a mini you around made it all even better, he wasn’t fond of kids but the little boy infront of him was an exception
“I think, I can make that happen” he smiles softly
the day after you appeared looking distressed, talked to your son’s bullies and their parents at the school’s principal office with Kenma and Eiji seating beside you, you were now inside your boss’ house, he was asking you to be his girlfriend, your son happily jumping up and down beside him
how could you say no, when four years ago, you were only dreaming of this moment? 
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now i’m still undecided on heather vs. theresa and we’re currently at a 4-4 tie, and i’d love more votes before i make a final decision. but, i did promise some headcanons, so even though i don’t have an official name yet, i’m giving you my headcanons now anyway
so, presenting: my headcanons about Eddie’s mother [this got a little lengthy but i have a lot of thoughts]
She's a fairly young mom. Like, not absurdly young, but definitely on the younger side. Like, I imagine her being like 25/26 when Eddie was born. And she's aged well, too, she looks good for her age
She looks EXACTLY like Eddie. He got EVERY physical trait from his mother and absolutely none from his father. She's got the blonde hair, hazel eyes, similar facial features. Like, you can tell on sight that they're mother and son
She doesn't sell herself as the "cool mom" and she doesn't TRY to be a "cool mom" but she is the cool mom
All of Eddie's friends in America think she's a "hot mom." This also extends to the Anubis gang. The day Jerome and Alfie meet her for the first time they go woah dude you have a hot mum. They bring this up a lot just to drive Eddie nuts. Jerome also threatens to flirt with his mother and become his new step-father, and Eddie seriously considers beating him up on the spot
Also the day Jerome and Alfie learn the phrase "MILF" is the day Eddie stops knowing peace, and he seriously considers throwing himself into the Atlantic Ocean
She is very sharp and smart, but not like a nerd or anything
She's a really big sports fan, and that's the reason why Eddie is super into all the New York sports; she brought him up that way, and he took to it like a fish to water. They love to go to games together
She is really enthusiastic, friendly, and warm. She's definitely a talker. She wants to hear about what's going on in Eddie's life, and she wants him to feel comfortable talking to her about anything
She definitely has a gossipy group of friends, like a book club or something. And she loves to tell them about Patricia and how her son is head-over-heels in love with this incredibly delightful girl
She is an INCREDIBLY patient woman; she has to be to deal with Eddie's anger and abandonment issues and teen rebellion. He acts out and gets in trouble and even gets kicked out of school but she keeps her cool. She's definitely the authority in the house, but she's probably not as tough on him as she has a right to be because she understands. She gets it; he's angry, he's upset, he's going through stuff that most teens don't have to. He needs support much more than he needs discipline
It's really awkward to be a teen boy and have your mom be the one who gets you through puberty and teach you all the growing up stuff, but they did it
She and Eddie are very close. Not like an unhealthy amount, and not to the point where he'd call his mom his "friend," but they are definitely closer than the average mother and son. It was just the two of them growing up in their house, they were all they had, really. Eddie was a complete momma's boy from birth, and still is. Eddie cried the first day of kindergarten when he had to leave her, and she tells Patricia this and Eddie is mortified
Eddie also calls her all the time when he's at school in England
Like Eddie, she was also a troublemaker in her youth; that's where he gets it from. She's adventurous, and she loved to sneak out, have fun, get into trouble. She also loved to instigate fights/drama at like family Thanksgiving and sit back and watch the world burn
Eddie grew up in New York; that's where they lived, they're New Yorkers. But, some time after Eddie goes to college, she moves out of the city and into New Jersey. Eddie sees it as a complete betrayal of "our people."
She hated absolutely every one of Eddie's previous girlfriends/dates before Patricia. She thought all those girls were shallow and dull, and she always thought Eddie could do better
She LOVES Patricia to the end of the earth. Like the SECOND she meets her she thinks "I want her to be my daughter." She loves her fire, she loves every little thing about her personality, but mainly she loves how deeply her son is in love with her; like, she can see that Eddie is absolutely smitten by this girl. And she loves him back, she can see that. She loves Patricia so much that Eddie starts to think she's starting to like Patricia more than him, which bristles the momma's boy just a little bit. She shows Patricia all of Eddie's old embarrassing childhood photos and moments, she joins Patricia in roasting Eddie, and she tells Patricia if there's ever anything she needs or if she just wants to talk she's always just a phone call away (Patricia definitely takes advantage of this offer, often). Patricia reminds her a little bit of herself, which is another reason why she likes her. After they graduate she tries to start manifesting their engagement and put those vibes out into the air
I imagine she met Eric when she was fairly young, early 20s. Here's how I personally imagine it went down: Eric went to New York for some kind of teaching training/program or job opportunity. They met at the New York public library, and a passionate love affair started from there. She thought he was sophisticated and she loved listening to him talk about the things he was passionate about, and they could have smart discussions together. Also she loved his accent. Her family members were not the biggest fans of this relationship: he was a good bit older than her, and he was from another country so they thought he wouldn't stay, and they thought it was moving at an incredibly torrid pace. Being the rebel that she was, she just went "well this just makes me want to do it more." And it did indeed move fast, and things were good for awhile. Until they weren't.
Eric left shortly after Eddie was born. Like, a few months. He just up and left, and she didn't really hear from him again for about 16 years. And she HATED him for it. He left her alone with this new baby. She was MAD and UPSET. Eventually that calmed down to bitterness, but that bitterness never died. She is STILL bitter towards him to this day, and tbh she'll take every chance she can get to be petty to him
Raising Eddie on her own was really hard, and scary. But she bucked up and did it because she loves that boy with her entire heart. Eddie doesn't really recognize it or appreciate it as a child, but when he grows up he calls his mom one of the bravest people he knows
She never got remarried and never even really dated; being a mom was her top priority
She thought the hardest day of her life was the day that Eric left, but no. That wasn't nearly the hardest day of her life. The hardest day of her life was the day child Eddie asked "why don't I have a dad like the other kids at school?" and she had to tell him what happened, or at least as much as he would understand, knowing that it would break his little heart
It was really painful for her to send Eddie off to boarding school in England. It made her really emotional to send him off with his father, who hurt the both of them, and whom she's still really bitter towards. But she knows he deserves the chance to get to know his father. And aside from like summer camps and such, this is the first time he'd be away from her for an extended period of time, and he's so FAR away, like that's her BABY. Her ONLY baby, the most precious thing in her world. She never tells him, but she cries like nobody's business after he gets on that airplane and flies away
She's got this fear that Eddie and his dad are gonna somehow get along SO well that he'll one day change his last name to Sweet. But, when Eddie not only says that that will NEVER happen and he'll stay a Miller, but that Patricia's also gonna take that last name when they get married and they'll be the Millers, she is overjoyed. And she has this feeling of satisfaction and vindication, like she won
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hedgiwithapen · 3 years
0 missed calls
for @mosylufanfic and Ciscoramonlovebot (update:5:18, missing opening added in) Cisco didn’t call.  Caitlin checked her phone absently, over and over, until Frost told her she was acting like a middleschooler waiting for her crush to  text back. She felt herself flushing and flipped her phone over, putting a stack of papers over it for good measure.  A minute later she checked it again. “Caity.” “I just, he  moved,  that’s--you call to let everyone know you arrived safe,” Caitlin defended. “Did he call while he was on the road trip? Or in Antarctica?” Caitlin chewed her lip. “ Not much but--- but service was bad, and he was really busy…” Frost sighed. ~ Cisco didn’t call.  Caitlin checked her email, her spam folder, answered every single telemarketer and robo-call just in case. “Caitlin?” Iris asked. “Everything ok?” “Uh, no, yeah, I mean…” She trailed off. “Oh, I have the results. On that test, for your article. It looks like--” she  scrambled for the printouts. “ whoever’s doing this isn’t a metahuman. They must be using tech, to make it seem like--” “Thanks,” Iris took the papers, glancing at them. “But you know that’s not what I meant. Contrary to what some people think, our lives don’t have to be just work.” Caitlin gave an elegant shrug. “I just… it’s been a week since he left and that’s… it’s just weird.” “Did you call?” “Him?” Caitlin asked. “I… he didn’t answer. I didn’t want to keep leaving messages. It was … it was late…” “I meant, did you call all the times you left,” Iris said gently. Caitlin shrank inwardly. “No,” she admitted. “Just give him time.”
~ Cisco didn’t call. Caitlin stared at the article, frowning as she read the comments. It was the usual internet noise: an argument over a tiny detail blown out of proportion , a metaphobe stirring up trouble,  fans of Iris praising the writing,  and of the Flash cheering the effort. “This isn’t right,” she said softly, scanning usernames and icons. “Uh, what?” Barry asked, sprawled on the couch with the remains of a 3 foot sandwich. “Iris did her fact checking, and she was there for most of it. What do you think she got wrong?” “Not that,” Caitlin shook her head, turning the tablet so Barry could see. “Caitlin. You’ve gotta learn not to read the comments.” “No, this,” She gave an angry sigh, flicking a finger to scroll back to the headline. “Flash defeats E-vile in Tech Team-up.” Barry frowned.  “Uh. That… is what you were calling him, right?” Caitlin stood, pacing. “ something’s wrong, see for yourself.” Barry took the tablet and speed-read through the comments. “I… ok, I must still have that concussion. What is it?  No one’s being mean about the name….” “I know! That’s the problem! It’s a terrible name, and cisco hasn’t so much as left a comment about it! Something isn’t right.” Barry scuffed a shoe along the floor. “Caitlin, he made his choice.  He doesn’t have to be part of this mess--and I can’t blame him… I miss him too, but-” “No! No buts! He’d never let me live this down.  I want you to take me to his new  apartment, now.” “If he wanted to see us, he wouldn’t have left,” Barry said, stopping her before she could interrupt. “ he asked for space. Let’s just… give it to him. Ok?” “Ok,” Caitlin said, but her heart wasn’t in it. ~ Cisco didn’t call, and Caitlin was sick of it. On the one occasion Barry had visited ARGUS to see if Ramsey was in any state to have a trial, he hadn’t even seen Cisco. If the engineer was avoiding them, Caitlin decided, he’d have to tell that to her face. She’d left, but she’d always said she was leaving for good, she hadn’t made it seem like--like-- well. She made up her mind. Getting to ARGUS on her own was less than convenient, but not impossible. She told the team she was off duty for a weekend, entrusting Allegra with the massive first aid kit, and took off. They were surprised to see her. “Is Cisc-- is Agent Ramon available?” she asked the agent at the security desk, signing her in. It felt foreign, being so formal. “No.” The agent did not elaborate, exchanging a glance with the Agent who’d met her at the door.  “What’s the nature of this visit?” “Oh, I’m here to check on Ramsey. Er, Dr. Rosso.” “Oh, Bloodwork. We could have sent over the latest files, saved you a trip. Flash drop you off, Dr. Snow?” “Uh, No,” she said. “I’d like to see Dr. Rosso.” “There’s no change since the last check in, you know.” “I know.” She’d read the scant report. “I just need to double check a, a new theory.” “Hmm. I hope you’ll let us in on that,” the agent sighed. “Fine. Visitor pass.” He handed the laminated card over it, and the first man nodded. “Well, follow me, and do not wander.” Caitlin nodded, feeling like a chastised kindergartener. She sent a quick text: I’m here, when’s your lunch break? I need to see you. There wasn’t even a ‘read’ indication.  ~ Ramsey had not changed. There was no light in his eyes as he smiled at her, dripping darkness in his containment cell, and asked how her friends had fared. She’d  tried to ignore the parts of her old friend she could almost still see, going through her mental checklist. The files had been accurate. His condition was… stable, for now. Leaving containment would speed up the progression, until he was… well, until Ramsey wasn’t anymore.  The thought hurt. “I’ve seen enough,” she told her ARGUS escort, blinking back tears. How was this her life? So many people gone, her heart full of open graves.  She didn’t wait for the agent to lead the way back through the doors into the main hallway, trying to get the sight of Ramsey out of her mind. “Wait, Dr. Snow,” the agent called out, and she froze in the doorway. She’d pushed open one of two doors, forgetting the one that led to the exit. She stepped back, releasing the door and  letting it swing shut in her face again. “Sorry,” she said, her voice thick. “I… I wasn’t thinking. Just turned around.” It was a lie, of course.  She worried the agent would be able to tell, that he’d see in the way her eyes went blue in anger, what she’d seen. But he merely walked with her back to the front hall. Caitlin swallowed bile, clamping down on Frost screaming in her mind. There were too many agents, with too many weapons. They’d be on her in a second if she tried to do anything without a plan. But she couldn’t get the image out of her mind. The container, the tiny prison cell smaller than a Pipeline box, labeled Subject 2, and Cisco standing in it, one bloody, bandaged hand pressed flat against the glass.
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ctl-yuejie · 4 years
prompt: “i’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually nevermind i agree, that shirt is horrendous” for @howdydowdy
your choice in who’s getting horrified by the shirt truly was inspired. at first it felt too rude for lan wangji to point something out like that towards a stranger but i kept thinking about what shirt on lan wangji could possibly enrage wei wuxian but still ring true to lan wangji. and there really was nothing coming to my mind. so i went with your original prompt! just a quick write, i don’t take responsibility for possible ooc characterization -> hope you have fun reading and that it will be somewhat of a ray of sunshine during your day <3
WangXian, modern au, fluff/first-meeting, 1k
It’s not yet past sundown so business is pretty lazy for Wei Wuxian. Most people are just heading home from work, brushing past him without even glancing up from their phones.
The karaoke bar is a bit off the next crossroad but still the street is crowded so Wei Wuxian drifts more towards the corner behind him to not get pushed around too much.
Not that he really minds. It does get a bit boring but he much prefers lazily waving promotional leaflets at passerby’s than actually interacting with the drunk college students that will inevitably take them from him later in the night.
The lingering sunlight also has the additional bonus of masking his light-up LED bunny ears, that really make his employers taste seem very questionable and Wei Wuxian might be the only employee that manages to look cute in them.
An older man, turning the corner collides with his shoulder, glances up and mutters a “Slut” under his breath before pushing past him.
Well, he can’t be everyone’s type.
30 minutes later and the humid air is weighing down on him. He really feels like cursing Jiang Cheng for stealing his mini fan before leaving their flat that morning. Luckily the foot traffic has lessened, so no more sweaty bodies rubbing up against him. Wei Wuxian fans himself with the leaflets in his hand when his eyes fall on a small boy standing on the other side of the broad sidewalk, pointing a finger at him, visibly distraught.
With nothing but the empty entrance to the karaoke bar behind him, he must be the cause of the child’s upset (He should really tell the owner that the bunny ears aren’t working if even children aren’t won over by them)
The look on the little guys face is concerning however. He still has his finger accusingly pointed at him only turning his face when someone calls out to him.
A very elegant man in billowing white clothes is rushing up to the kid, looking very calm and collected despite the speed at which he’s moving. He softly closes a hand over the child’s outstretched finger and softly caresses his hair when the child is looking up at him with what must be questioning eyes.
The very elegant man is turning towards him now, saying something towards the child before putting his hand in his and walking over.
The child tries to keep pace and looks absolutely adorable in his kindergarten uniform. The man is absolutely gorgeous. But also very severe looking. Wei Wuxian can’t help but flash him a teasing smile, his demeanor just begging to be disturbed.
Gorgeous man stops in front of him and gives a small bow.
“I’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt-“, the stranger starts before eyeing Wei Wuxian up and down. “....actually, nevermind I agree, that shirt is horrendous.”
His face is absolutely void of any readable expression but the small child next to him is nodding his head seriously when Wei Wuxian gives him a disbelieving look.
“60% off between 8pm and midnight, almost as cheap as this cutie”, the child recites what is printed on Wei Wuxian’s shirt and now it is the turn on gorgeous stranger to get an incredulous look by Wei Wuxian.
“Toddlers shouldn’t be allowed to read.”
“Ah-Yuan is 4.” Gorgeous man replies as if that’s an explanation.
“Well, at least he doesn’t understand the underlying meaning of it, no?” Wei Wuxian tries to not be mortified at the thought of possibly kindergarten children being judgmental of his apparent promiscuity.  
“No human being is cheap. Everyone is inva...” the child, Ah-Yuan, pipes up.
“Invaluable.” Gorgeous man calmly finishes little Ah-Yuan’s saying.
Wei Wuxian can’t help but crack up at that display. How cute! But also how annoyingly prim and proper. Not to start on the righteousness.
“Well, you have to take it up with my boss. But with my wage, I doubt he has heard of human dignity.” He winks at the stranger. Who only furrows his brows ever so slightly in return.
Ah-Yuan looks like he is ready to take it up with his boss. What a delightful kid.
“It shouldn’t be right for an employer to demean you in this way.”
“Oh, why would he demean me? Sure, the wording really isn’t inspired but there is nothing wrong with applying a worth to one’s own body...or selling it.” He adds, making sure that Ah-Yuan is still busy getting his small rage against Wei Wuxian’s boss in check.
It’s not that he wants to be contrary for the sake of it but now that he’s seen the eyebrows furrow he really wants to elicit a more overt reaction. Preferably an infuriated eyebrow twitch. Ohhhhhh, gorgeous stranger would look really hot scowling at him.
“It is not you, but your employer using your economical needs to put you in a position where you believe that wearing a shirt putting a price on you is an acceptable condition for getting paid a minimal wage.”
That is a lot of rage at once. Wei Wuxian gives the stranger his most winning smile.
“Sure, but who isn’t giving into economical pressure in some way. I still have the choice to quit, tell everyone about the shirts and make it so no one wants to work for him. The hassle just isn’t worth it at the moment. I’m just lazy.” Wei Wuxian tips a finger against his lips as if he’s in deep thought. “Or is there a difference between putting a pricetag on my physical labour in some instance and not in another?”
The gorgeous stranger stares at his tipping finger but no sign of real upset yet.
“What would you think is an acceptable price for me then?” Wei Wuxian pushes, smirk audible in his voice.
As expected the strangers head jerks up and an angry stare is leveled at him that makes Wei Wuxian’s heart beat faster and his skin tingle.
“Come.” The stranger tells the child before all but storming off, white clothes fluttering behind him as they leave.
“You have to tell me your name, so I know how to address you when we argue next time!” Wei Wuxian happily yells after him.
There’s no reply.
(Days later, Ah-Yuan – who’s kindergarten seems to be in the neighborhood will walk by and tell Wei Wuxian his dads name.
On occasion the beautiful man – Lan Wangji – will walk Ah-Yuan home and get into heated arguments with Wei Wuxian on the way.
The arguments turn more into teasing debates over time.
Wei Wuxian quits working at the karaoke bar, the owner really is a wanker. But he doesn’t miss the extra pay because Lan Zhan has decided that he’d much rather talk to Wei Wuxian over a cup of tea when he waits for Ah-Yuan to finish his day. Much more civil than getting caught yelling in the streets – not that Lan Zhan raises his voice, but by now Wei Wuxian knows what yelling looks like for Lan Zhan.
He persuades the father son duo to join him for karaoke. Ah-Yuan is delighted. Lan Zhan is delightfully bashful about it since he has never been before.
After Ah-Yuan has passed out from too much singing on the couch there might have been a first kiss exchanged. No extra charge)
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jordanr770-blog · 3 years
America Needs Some Talent
 I just needed someplace to write down my thoughts so here we are!
I have been watching America’s Got Talent since season 11 when the ukulele girl won. I personally didn’t vote for her but can understand why she won. Same goes for season 12. I was rooting super hard for Diavolo but can understand why puppet girl won. Season 13 had some of the best acts ever (Shin Lim-winner) and I know a lot of people disliked her, but Courtney Hadwin should have at least  gotten 5th place over sob story “I’m such a good person and I hit my wife” Michael Ketterer. Kodi Lee was the obvious winner of season 14 and I personally thought he deserved it over the other acts. Other people did not think it was well deserved, and that’s ok too.  
Last season we got a spoken word poet in the form of Brandon Leake. I did not enjoy the act AT ALL and was kind of mad that he won, but I will say that even though I did not enjoy him, spoken word poetry is indeed a talent.
Now, you may be thinking that season 16 would be a smidgeon of an improvement over season 15. Talent and reality shows should probably strive to become better every season. But if you thought this show isn’t capable of getting any worse, you haven’t been paying attention because this show will always find ways to disappoint. Last night we were told everyone voted for an INSPIRATIONAL speech giver as the winner. Or I’m sorry, apparently he does magic. His name is Dustin Tavella. But the thing is, he was HORRIBLE at both storytelling AND magic and nowhere near deserved the win. “It was well deserved.” How? How is a kindergarten level “magician” worth a million dollars and a Vegas show? I believe the show in Vegas is about an hour and a half and I am curious as to what is he going to do in that timeframe? Talk about how the folks living in Vegas are living in sin while simultaneously throwing paper in the air MAGICALLY? I’m sure the audience will go wild over that. Or maybe during all of his shows he will adopt a kid a day from different countries and then spend about an hour talking about Little ZimZam’s harsh life and while he’s babbling  he’ll be semi incorporating his poor magic skills into the act in the last minute so the poster stating he’s a magician didn’t TECHNICALLY lie so nobody is getting their money back. I really don’t know. I have a lot of thoughts. 
Plus, his sob story just did nothing for me whatsoever. Good for you for adapting 11 children, unless it has to do with whatever your act is, shut the hell up and do the trick! Not once did this guy impress  or give even the best of a performance of the night. It was always 8+ minutes of “inspiration” and tirades about how we as a society need to be good to one another whilst doing crappy magic. Let me tell you, I know next to nothing about magic but even I could tell he was a less than stellar magician. Even calling him a magician is somewhat laughable. In reality he's a motivational speaker who does terrible magic tricks and  who always somehow manages to suck at said terrible magic but America apparently doesn’t notice him screwing up his terrible magic because he’s too busy telling them to look at a crumpled up piece of paper or a ladder or the new photograph of his adopted son who has an extra eyeball or whatever. It’s stupid.
Last night for his final performance Dustin’s act was, and I kid you not, telling us all to be nice. FOR SEVEN UNNECESSARY MINUTES. And I do believe he started to fake cry. Dude, you’re acting is about as good as Heidi Klum’s. You can't act and you can barely do magic. Why are you here? What is your talent? Did he really join a talent show to become some type of inspirational God of obvious wisdom? If that’s the case, he should have gone and done a Ted Talk, many less victims of mediocrity that way. America somehow  put him in the top 5 with actually talented people? I think not. The act itself was not impressive and he did the same thing every time, just told a different sob story. If you have to rely on a sad story to win, you don’t deserve to win a show where talent is the main objective. 
In case my last few paragraphs were not made abundantly clear, I am not a fan of this dude. At all. I read a comment which stated that a message is not a talent and whoever said that is 100% correct and summed up my feelings pretty accurately. I'm not a fan or boring and basic tricks combined with even worse stories. He's the living embodiment of a motivational meme and anyone who voted for this guy is  gullible and can fight me. Maybe people “voted” for him because he attempted to pull on the heartstrings? But because I sold my heart long ago his act didn’t effect me as much. /s But I swear every year they make it more clear that the entire show is rigged. 
Well, maybe the voting ISN’T rigged entirely and all the boomers  (first time I’ve ever used that term) and antivaxxers and easily swayed by sob story people on Twitter and Facebook voted for him. Doubtful, but you never know. HE WAS SO FREAKING BAD!!!
We are all allowed to have opinions and just because you don’t agree with me that doesn’t mean I am an awful person who deserves DEATH. I keep getting responses and messages on Twitter from angry folk who are calling me heartless because I questioned WHY they voted for him. “Well, IIIII gave Dustin all 10 of my votes!” That’s nice Karen. That is also not an answer and I cannot stress enough how much I do not care that you voted for the phony used cars salesman. Go tell your Prince from Nigeria all about it. Another guy got mad and reported me for “yelling at strangers.” Which is kind of a typical thing people do on Twitter. And I wasn’t even yelling! Lol. 
And another point I’d like to make (about this and  in general) is people really need to stop using the terms “all of us” and the word “we.” I am my own person and you do not get to speak for me. 
“We were all crying when we saw him perform!” - No WE most certainly weren’t. I was seething with anger, yes. Crying? Not even close.
His win was a complete insult.
* I personally voted for Aidan Bryant, but I really wanted Unicircle Flow to win before they got kicked off due to the judges having a tendency to suck at picking during judges choice. *
Edit: I apologize if this wasn’t articulated very well or if it seems I basically said the same thing over and over. To be fair it was 3 am when I wrote this and I was still irritated and questioning everything. Still doesn’t excuse the fact that this guy was lame and doesn’t deserve a Vegas show. My mom told me earlier today that people on the Internet are mad about his win and that it’s not fair to take it out on the guy, which I suppose is kind of true. Not exactly his fault the general public has failed and shown their stupidity yet again. If anyone is to blame it is the people who actually voted for this doofus. And AGT. And yeah, I guess I will blame him as well. But I’m not saying go to his Twitter or Instagram or whatever and call him out for being a con artist and bully him. 
I think the MESSAGE =P I’m trying to display here  is that someone has no business being on a talent show unless they have talent; self explanatory. A message isn’t talent. Being a narcissist isn’t talent. Exploiting your kids and wife isn’t talent. Speaking can be a talent (comedy, that poetry guy, acting, improv, probably a lot of other stuff I’m forgetting about) but one shouldn’t call themselves a magician if one is really a way less cool garage sale version of Talky Tina. Magic IS talent but if you want a million dollars you better have skills that are on par or better than the professionals. 
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lovelivingmydreams · 3 years
@Meowthefluffy Zombie au au chapter 2
A happy belated birthday to you @meowthefluffy hope you enjoy it.
They had found themselves a safe space in the library. There was an underground parking to hide the car, the windows were high up so while it was well lit no one on the outside would spot movement and they could collect some books to help them survive. Knowledge and skill was crucial. Languages, knots, engineering… Anything that could help them out later. Virgil knew sign language, Janus knew French and Roman knew Spanish. They decided that to be safe they should each learn one additional language. Janus picked mandarin, Virgil Russian and Roman took Arabic. Roman had been very timid ever since they lost the horde. And Virgil hadn’t been exactly eager to talk to him. “V- Virgil? Can we talk?” Roman whispered. Virgil didn’t answer, nor did he look up from under the hood. He was checking over their car to see how long it would last them and what parts would need replacing soon. He wondered if they could make it to the shop to gather supplies for maintenance. “Listen… I understand that you are angry with me…” “Do you?” Virgil snapped as he finally got up, oil smeared over his cheeks, cleaning off his hands with a cloth he shoves in his pocket. He crosses his arms over his chest staring down at Roman. He’s definitely mad. “Because I don’t think you do. We’ve talked about how I feel about consent. But you go ahead and kiss me without so much as a warning! And then you plan to just go off so I can feel guilty and like a crappy person for the rest of my life? Are you that selfish?” Virgil seethed. Roman cringed. He did know. They’d talked about it plenty of times while watching movies. Virgil was not a fan of the ‘confess your love by kissing them without warning’ trope. “I was a coward, I know. It shouldn’t have taken the end of civilization and certain death for me to confess to you. But… I knew you’d be disgusted by me and I just…” “There’s another thing. We’ve been friends since before I can remember. You really think that little off me that I’d feel different about you just because of that?” Virgil growled. Roman looked up surprised. “But… You always laugh when people make those jokes… And…” “And that was wrong of me. I can own up to that. But you never said anything to imply you found them anything other than funny yourself. Has it occurred to you that I might do that for the same reason?” That… Roman hadn’t thought of that. “And didn’t I always come to your defense when people thought you were to girly? What did I say about that?” Virgil pointed out. “That… That I’m a different kind of manly. Like a prince…” Roman recalled. “Hence me calling you princey since kindergarten!” Virgil huffed. Roman’s head was spinning. Trying to make sense of everything he was hearing. “But you’re… You mean you’re…” Virgil was straight right? He did everything right. He rode a motorcycle, wore leather, worked on cars, liked aggressive music and guns… Sure he also wore make up but in a cool way.
Virgil shrugged. “I’ve been questioning myself for a while, I’m not sure. I don’t know how I feel about a lot of stuff right now. At this point I wanna see if either of our families are still around and make it so that we all live.” He stared Roman down again. “All of us. You are not allowed to die on me Roman. Understood? I’m pissed as hell. But that doesn’t change that I’ll keep you safe. Got it?” Roman’s heart went a thousand miles a minute. Virgil was right. With the end of the world hanging over their heads, this wasn’t the time to sort out this mess he’d gotten them in. But one thing was sure. Virgil didn’t hate him because of how he felt. He was mad about what he did and almost did though. And that was fair. If the roles were reversed he probably wouldn’t have been very happy about it either. But things could still be fixed. Maybe. “Yes… I’ll… See if I can put something together for us to eat,” he muttered softly. “There’s some supplies in the trunk. Use the perishables first,” Virgil instructed. Roman nodded. “Right… Good idea,” he said softly as he moved to the trunk and gathered some things to cook a decent meal for three. “I’m really sorry for hurting you Virgil… I just wanted to protect you for once,” he told him before disappearing back inside. Days turned into weeks and Roman had a hard time. Virgil’s anger at him subsided. Roman even woke up a few times finding that Virgil had moved closer to him either in his sleep or due to waking up from a nightmare. And when they were awake he slowly started to relax around him again. Roman wasn’t sure if he was waiting for him to make another move on him or to pull another heroic stunt, but he was slowly trusting that he wouldn’t. Janus was… He was clever. A master strategist, if Roman was completely honest. And he was handsome.  And charming.  And flirty. Towards both of them. But mostly Virgil. And that made Roman nervous. Because what if it wasn’t him but Janus who’d made Virgil question whether he was entirely, strictly into girls? Roman is too insecure to ask. They didn’t find their families. They decided to assume that they got out and were somewhere safe until proven otherwise. If only for their own piece of mind. Virgil recovered his tools from the shop, as well as some extra weapons and ammunition. They managed to raid a few homes and even an apothecary for first aid kits and medicines. Roman held a meticulous catalogue of all their perishable supplies. When Janus hinted at Virgil that he could give him CPR anytime, Virgil calmly deflected him and said that Roman would be the one playing nurse if any of them wanted to survive. “Though you might need to teach me some of the basics soon. I don’t want you to die cause I don’t know how to save you,” he’d added softly. Roman had blushed and nodded. Feeling hopeful that he was getting close to being forgiven. Then one night he woke up and found Virgil sitting at the window of the abandoned classroom they were hiding in for the night. Janus was sleeping. They must’ve switched watch recently. “V?” Roman whispered. They had to talk again. He needed to know where they stood. “You should be asleep Ro. You have three more hours until your shift,” Virgil said softly. Virgil always took the middle watch. Never allowing himself 8 consecutive hours. Roman and Janus both had tried to convince him to switch it up. But Virgil was adamant. Janus took first, Virgil second and Roman third. Virgil claimed that that way they’d all have breakfast waiting when they woke up. But Roman suspected Virgil didn’t want to disrupt his sleeping schedule if he didn’t want to. Ever since they were little, Roman had more trouble staying up late than getting up early. He’d loved getting up early actually. Sunrise was his favorite. Virgil and him had slept under the stars a few times. The only times Roman had managed to stay awake and alert for most of the night. It was almost sunrise when they finally went to bed. “I can’t… We need to talk,” Roman insisted. Virgil looked back. “I guess we do,” he sighed reluctantly. Roman went to sit with Virgil and looked out over the playground. “Are you still angry?” he asked. “… I’m still scared Roman,” Virgil answered finally. “I haven’t been angry with you for weeks. But I’m scared you will do something stupid and I won’t be able to protect you. I was… I froze last time. What if I freeze again and lose you without even trying to stop you?” Roman was shocked to find that Virgil’s eyes were filling with tears. “How do I live with myself if I lose the most important person in my life like that?” he asked. It was hard, trying not to be happy that Virgil said that. But the love of his life was in pain and Roman would be damned if he didn’t take that pain away. “Virgil, I did what I did because I knew you’d freeze up. You always do when you get dropped in unexpected situations. I knew that… That would shake you up enough to let me go. I used my feelings for you and what I knew about you to do what I thought was right. I regret doing that… I’m sorry Virgil. I…” Before Roman could continue he was pulled into a tight hug. “Promise me we’ll stick together from now on. Ok? No matter what you think is best for me. We’re a team alright?” Roman let himself melt into the embrace and nodded into Virgil’s chest. “Ok,” he said softly. The next month things seemed to go back to what would be normal for them under the circumstances if they’d never had a fight. They joked and teased and Virgil was comfortable with showing physical affection again. Roman was even warming up to Janus, who told him that while he enjoyed flirting and everything, he wasn’t very interested in dating of any kind. “Virgil and I have this game we’re playing, but I don’t care much about winning. He’s all yours your highness.” Being friends was much easier after that. There were scary moments. Stray zombies in what they thought was a clear building. Sometimes they found people who’d been infected and locked themselves away to give their family time to escape. But those situations were easily dealt with. The hordes were harder. Luckily they were rare. Only loud noises and bright lights attracted them and they tried their best to avoid both. But sometimes an engine would backfire or an animal would get spooked and make a ruckus escaping.
They didn’t encounter other survivors often. Usually at a distance and it seemed an unspoken agreement to not approach each other. It was the best way to avoid misunderstanding. It was Virgil’s birthday. Roman had done his best to keep track of time and been counting the days to do something nice for him. So he gathered the right ingredients and made the closest approximation to Virgil’s favorite pasta he could. They found themselves in a restaurant, as if the universe agreed to cut them a break and so Roman found the right spices and some unopened tubes of tomato concentrate. They obviously didn’t have ground beef but Janus had gotten good at providing them with fresh meat. Virgil nearly strangled the both of them when he realized what that smell was. The dinner was interrupted by a knocking at the door. It was soft, and rhythmic. Nothing like the way a zombie would sound. Virgil, naturally, took point and stalked towards the door. They all got ready to react if their visitor was hostile. “Good evening… Say, I haven’t smelled anything that good in ages. Mind if I join?”
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nunukim-182 · 4 years
Guilty [Revin Fic]
"Red! Good morning!"
"Red, did you see the Justin Timberlake concert yesterday?"
Two of the most popular kids at school, Wendy and Bebe, came up to me.They are my friends which I met in third grade, and they were popular and cool. All the boys and girls look up at them. And also, I was between them. Speaking of me, I am in the cheerleader team, and I’m the most hottest girl in my class. I had to maintain my dignity, and show myself to the most popular quinces. I could not break my fantasy about myself. and...
"Red, hi!" While I was talking to my friends, I looked back. Kevin Stoley. My childhood friend, and the class-famous geek boy. The faces of my friends are not unusual. Everyone's expression is, "Do you hang along with that nerdy kid?" 
Red, I wanted to talk to you, Kevin said. I hurriedly ignored him and continued talking with my friends, his voice beginning to grow smaller and smaller, and I focused on my friends’ conversations to avoid thinking of him.
Looking back a long time later, I looked around. He was not there. My friends forced me to lunch. I can’t stop thinking about Kevin Stoley. 
I am the worst person in South park.
I hurried back home, shrugging off the story of my friends playing. I pulled out the Star Wars DVD in my drawer and put it into my PC. I watched each of the scenes of the eighties’ crude CGs. I felt calm in my mind. In fact, I like Justin Timberlake and pretty, shiny things, but I also liked SF-related items and cosplaying. I knew that if I show my nerdy side,my reputation would fall to the bottom at school. So I had to act like I’m not a nerd. I was really envious of some kids who showed their nerdy ways. They've lost popularity, but they absorbed in their own favorites. If I could have lived without being seeing other kid’s reactions of mine...
I couldn't stop thinking about Kevin Stoley while watching the movie - our first meeting was when we were four. His dad was a huge movie fan, so we’d always went to theater once a week, or rent a video at home to watch a movie together- mostly a space opera movie. I didn’t understand the scenes and the plots because I’m too young, but we focused when they fight with a Lightsaber. When the movie was finished, we played together and went home. Kevin always played as Han Solo, and I was Princess Leah. It was so fun. 
I want to go back to those days.
I wish I could talk to Kevin again.
Wouldn't he is better than the girls who acts like two-faced Bitch?
While I was thinking about this and that, a text came.
[Hey, can you come out?]
Clyde Donovan. He was putting on airs because he won the most cutest kid in girl’s vote. I thought he was not cool. He's a little dumb. And the fact every girls know that Clyde Donovan like Bebe Stevens.
And you want to see me? Do he wants to hook me up?
I thought I can meet him once, and I pauzed the movie and went to the place where he called.
Stark’s Pond. It was the place where Kevin and I seeing stars through telescopes when we was first grade. I'm with a little- short fatass in a place of memory. It's the worst of the worst.
Clyde Donovan didn’t know the truth. He won the first place because the girls cheated the results for using him buying shoes. Also I cheated,too. The shoes are so pretty, so I have to get them somehow.
"Red. I wanted to meet you once. Do you want to date with me?"
What the fuck is he talking about? Besides,I don't really feel he likes me.
"Why? Don’t you have liked someone before?"
"Is there a reason for dating somebody? Oh! And I'll buy you shoes, too. My dad bought some good shoes today. It’s new."
That was a stupid answer. Yeah, you want to hook me up cause you think you’re so cute. Or did he want to make Bebe jealous? And in my head, angel and the devil are fighting. The conscience that I should never date with this fatass for Kevin's sake, and the other side, the sweet devil whispered to me that I can get new shoes every day if I date with Clyde.
Eventually I had to raise the devil's hand.
The news of the Fatass Clyde Donovan and Red McArthur dating spread quickly.
The girls were horribly envious. I know why they envy me. Because I can get Brand new shoes for Clyde every day. And the fatass keep his promise. Clyde sent me shoes every day. This was also possible because Clyde was a well-off kid in the South park.
But I haven't seen Kevin's face since I shaked my hands with the devil.
I can’t feel I’m dating well. In my mind, I should have dumped this fatass and met Kevin Stoley. I don't want to hear this pig's crappy-third-rate drama filtring...
In any situation, Kevin and Clyde’s actions always compared. When we have dinner together, when we have a cheesy conversation...Kevin would have done better. Kevin would never have done this. Already my heart was full of Kevin Stoley, the Geeky kid.
Walking at the hallway with the girls, I noticed Kevin's face while he was talking to Bradley. Kevin looked pretending to be okay but dark. You must be upset and angry. I understand. What I did was really cheap to be blamed for. The pile of shoes only made me feel like I was strangling. I don't want to date with this pig anymore.
I took out my phone to contact the fatass by text message. Surprisingly, the pig had a text message first.
[See you for a second.]
Why did Clyde want to meet me now?
I went to the place where he asked. The backyard of a school It's a place where Goth kids smoke. They weren't there. Clyde taked time to say something.
"Let's stop dating now. "
Hell yes! I was so happy that I almost flew into the sky. That's what I was going to say! But if I like it too much, I'll have a bad reputation, right? 
"Yes. I don't care if you think so."
"Uh. You'll meet a nice guy someday. "
The Devil's contract for such a week was fortunately over. Later, when it turned out that Bebe was in the lead of cheating, I only knew that Clyde was in a big betrayal and had a huge fight with Bebe. But I don't care about their love affair. I had to pay attention to myself for now. I took out my smartphone to contact Kevin. I had to talk to him, this pig has nothing to do with me.
At that moment my hand stopped. Will Kevin ever be happy about this? Or will he get angry at me?
It was complicated. I've been avoiding Kevin because of his falling popularity and geeky ways, and I didn't know if he'd accept me or not. But I certainly wanted to talk.
I didn't avoid Kevin because I didn't like him.
I'm just fear of my bad reputation.
I'm sorry I've been acting like a dick all the time.
I like Kevin.
But I couldn't send a message because I didn't have the courage to say these words. In the end, I decided to keep it in my mind.
I'm a coward.
A month has passed. Kevin's face brightened up. Still, he never greeted me as first as before. Did he give up on me? I didn't feel very good. I wanted Kevin to come up to me again. Maybe he's trying to distance himself, just like me in the old days.
It was a moment when I learned what Kevin felt about me in the past. I thought I should have told him quickly. But if I starting hang out with Kevin... Everybody will think it’s weird What do Wendy and Bebe think of me?
I hated myself for thinking like a nerdy kid about Kevin. I wanted to be honest. I couldn't even tell anyone. But I didn't want to ask my mom and dad for help. I could see the answer what they say. Mom was a redneck, so I could see exactly what she was going to say, and Dad would gloss over it somehow. Adults are not helpful.
I have to change!
I'm not going to hide it anymore.
At this rate, Kevin might get farther away.
When I came to my senses at that moment, I was standing in front of Kevin breathing hard. Next to him, his friends - Francis, Bradley and Dogpoo - were looking at me with a look of "What's going on?". Kevin's face began to turn red. Kevin's expression looked a little complicated. He looked at me and was at a loss what to do. I took a deep breath and shouted at his shoulder.
"Kevin! See you at Stark’s Pond today! After dinner!"
“What ‘Huh?’ Kevin! I'm serious! Don't hang out anyone tonight! See you at 7.pm!"
Leaving Kevin alone in confusion, I hurried out of school. Heavy snow was falling in the gloomy sky. White, big snowflakes bumped into me. The snow on my hot face melted and cooled my face. I'm sure he will come out. But what should I say?
But I got my mind. I have to finish everything. Whatever I hear from Kevin...
The snow had almost stopped and was falling little by little. It was freezing cold. I could hear the sound of snow stamping from behind me. I could tell who it was, but I didn't want to look back. I wasn't confident.
The voice almost similar to Craig stuck in my ear. the voice that speaks timidly without confidence. When his voice became confident, it was only when he talked about Star Wars, Star Trek, and science and math. If he act having a little confident, he wouldn't have been treated like a nerd. Kevin is stupid.
Whether he knew what I was thinking or not, Kevin approached me and began to speak softly.
"Now you want to talk to me? I've been waiting, Red."
Until you talk to me again, I don't know how long I've been waiting... Kevin blurted out the end of his words. I hated that. Why didn't he just talk to me first if he waited so long? I looked at him, who spoke so confidently. He was blushing. It must have been because it was cold, I wanted to think like that. When I saw his cute, red face, my face began to heat up. I felt like my heart pounding so hard. Where do I start with this? I sorted out all the complicated thoughts in my head step by step.
"I've wanted to talk to you, too."
I really wanted to talk with you, like in kindergarten, like in early elementary school, I wanted to see the stars again and watch a movie with you, I wanted to talk a lot about nerdy things. I wanted to stay with you all the time - my lips trembled every time I said. I couldn't stop crying. Hot tears trickled down the cheeks. The wind made my eyes freezing cold.
"I didn't want the others to think it was weird, so I ignored it even if you say hi to me. And it's not because I want to date Clyde before, he's giving hot shoes to me! That's why I dated with him. So... so..."
I'm sorry.
I felt relieved. It’s like feel when you put in a mint candy and take a picture of cool water. How will Kevin react? Maybe he will pissed off. Or he will leave here cursing at me saying two-face bitch.
But Kevin was too sweet to do that.
"I already knew."
Did he know that? So he was been patient and waiting until now. I feel so guilty.
"And I'm not mad at you, Red, no, Rebecca. I'm telling you, I was upset when you was dating Clyde, but I've never been angry with you, Rebecca Mcauther."
Kevin is a liar. It was a stupid sound. It was impossible that his favorite child acted like this and he wasn't angry. I grabbed him by the collar.
"Don't fuck with me! Tell me the truth! You're angry, aren't you? I've been avoiding you because my classmates treat you like a pussy! Why aren't you angry? Besides, I caused a scandal with Clyde Donovan! Are you a idiot? Get angry! Get mad! "
I looked at Kevin's face and let go of his collar again. I just made a sudden advance. Kevin carefully opened his mouth again.
"But I don't want to say bad things to you, Red."
I've liked Red since I first met you in South Park, and I thought I should put up with it if you could be happy. I want Red, Rebecca McArthur to be happy.
Every time he opened his mouth, my heart felt like it was melting. Kevin is sweet  and kind as I expected.
"Would you like me, even I act being dick to you again?"
Kevin answered my question right away.
"Yes. Everyone makes mistakes. And I like Red whoever you is. Even you’re not hot.”
This is why I couldn't hate Kevin Stoley. Everybody like me because of my appearance and popularity, but Kevin was the only kid who covered my shortcomings. So that’s why I kept Kevin in my mind. When people left and came back from me, Kevin Stoley was always be my side ever since, who could always listen to me and share my favorite things without laughing at me.
Kevin held me in his arms around me without saying a word. His short height didn't cover me up, but I hugged him tightly. A moon and a few small stars were shining on us in the black South Park sky. If time had stopped like this. It's cheesy, typical, and like a third-rate drama, but I whispered quietly in his ear.
"I like you, Kevin Stoley. You are like that shiny, little star.”
Kevin said in a small, but soft, sweet voice that I had ever heard.
"...I love you too, Red Mcarthur."
okie it’s my first time writing this in Korean and I wanted to show my fics to you guys! I had translated this for 4 hours. Google translations are suck and I thought I had to do this.
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ricksbowen · 5 years
simply, utterly | pt. 5
IN WHICH: ej talks to ricky and ricky makes a decision he knows he’ll regret.
INSPIRATION: 18 — one direction, i love you — billie eilish
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6, pt. 7
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“Ricky, stop laughing!”
“Sorry! Sorry!” He giggled out, teeth biting down on his bottom lip as you both walked into the gas station.
It was your idea. Only an idea as sudden and spontaneous as walking into a gas station in fully formal dance clothes to get tons of food could only come from you.
“Just act natural,” you hissed, hooking his arm around yours and sending a charming smile to the woman behind the counter.
“People are staring.”
“Let them,” you said, quoting his words as you gave him a cheeky smile. You saw the hesitancy on his face, and you bumped your hip against his. “Too chicken, Richard?” you mocked, your voice different from how you’d usually tease him. You were more lighthearted, and your words were paired with a smile that made Ricky’s heart beat a bit faster than he liked.
“Then you get the slushies, I get the snacks.” Your arm untangled itself from his as you made your way to one of the many rows of chips.
You left the gas station with a huge bag full of chips and one blue slushie and one red one. The both of you were laughing, joking around about the faces of the people in the gas station, and that same energy was kept as you got into Ricky’s car. The car ride home was chaotic, with you tossing Goldfish into Ricky’s mouth as he drove ( dangerous, but fun ) and blasted music.
“If you make us crash, Bowen—“ you yelled, yelping when he purposely pressed down on the gas just to scare you. You sent him a glare, one that made him laugh while you punched his bicep. “You dick!” you said, unable to keep the grin from your face as he laughed harder.
He pulled up in front of his house, turning his head to catch a Goldfish that you tossed at him ( which you thought he wouldn’t have been able to catch ). You let out a cheer as his arms went up in victory.
You leaned back in the seat of his car, a smile ghosting over your lips as you looked up at the roof of the car. Comfortable silence surrounded the both of you, your chest heaving with the adrenaline of the night.
“He didn’t deserve you, you know,” Ricky said softly, eyes darting to look at you for just a second. “He’s stupid, and— and, he a complete and utter dick that didn’t deserve your time.” You turned your body to look at him, and Ricky continued his rant as the anger he felt towards Harrison came back. “You deserve someone who you can bring to all your adventures. Someone that’ll smile when you give them nicknames or ruffle their hair, or—“
“Someone like you.” You interrupted him, his head turning to you and a blush blooming onto his cheeks at your words. He felt like he was on cloud nine. “Thank you for tonight.”
The shyest smile lifted his lips, and you felt your heart skip a beat when he reached out to take your cheek. Slowly, he leaned closer to you, and you to him.
You could feel his breath fanning over your lips, and your eyes shut—
Knocking. Someone was knocking on the car window.
It pulled you both apart, blushed on your faces as you turned to your window. Your face fell when you saw who was outside.
You rolled your window down. “Ej? What the hell?” you asked, unsure whether to feel surprised or angry at him. He was still in his fancy suit, but his hair was a mess and his face was void of any emotion.
“Go inside, Y/N,” Ej stated, words cold and curt, shocking even you.
“Why?” you asked, words cautious and unsure. You felt Ricky take your hand, giving it a small squeeze as if he was reassuring you silently.
“Just do it,” Ej said sternly. You gave Ricky a look as if wordlessly telling him, ‘If he tries something, tell me.’ Your hand left his, reaching for one of the unopened bags of chips ( of course ) and you opened the car door, giving Ej a glare.
“What’s up with you? Why’re you acting like such a dick?” You spat, words coming out before you could stop them. Ej didn’t say anything, only pointing to your house with one quick jab that made you scoff in disbelief. “Unbelievable,” you muttered angrily to yourself, reluctantly walking to your house.
Ej watched you, making sure you shut the door behind you before he leaned back down to the window of Ricky’s car.
“Look, all I did was take her to go get some food at a gas station and take her home,” Ricky explained patiently, hoping that whatever Ej was thinking of him would just go away.
Ej had never been fond of him. Ever since he heard about Ricky from Y/N when she came home from her first day in kindergarten. He had been hurting Y/N since they met, even going as far as to make fun of her in the 5th grade for being adopted.
“Stay away from her,” Ej stated, bitterness evident in his words. He was serious — he had never been more serious in his life in what he was doing — staring down Ricky with a strict look.
“What?” Ricky sat up, raising a brow at him. “Ej, you can’t be serious—“
“Don’t play dumb,” Ej rolled his eyes, “Listen. Do you actually like her or are you just not over Nini?”
“What’s up with you?” Ricky implored, motioning to Ej out of irritation.
“I’m trying to protect my sister from someone who could hurt her,” Ej retorted, practically scowling.
Ricky blinked. Ej was talking about him.
“You’ve both hated each other since the day you two met,” Ej continued, looking away as he shook his head to himself. “You and I both know it’s not gonna work out. So if you care about her,” he glanced at Ricky with a pointed look, “Leave her alone. It’s the best for both of you.”
Ej stood up straight, not even waiting for Ricky’s response before he walked back to his house.
Ricky hit his head on the horn of his car, letting it let out a loud beep while he groaned.
This time, it was his turn to ignore you.
Ej’s words hit him harder than he wanted to admit. He had stayed up that night, doing nothing but staring up at his ceiling and thinking of the right decision. Your happiness meant the world to him.
Ej had a point— he had been hurting you since you met him.
He never had the chance to say sorry to you for what he said as a 5th grader. You always did say you got him back for what he said, but he knew that it hurt you. He hurt you.
What if his old ways came back? Even thinking of doing that to you threw him into a pit of guilt, but Ej was right.
You deserved more.
Ignoring you was hard. You went out of your way on Monday to try and talk to him — something you had never done before — and it pained Ricky when he chose to walk away before you could get closer. You’d see him in the halls, offering him a small smile and a hesitant wave that immediately dropped when he paid no mind to you.
Rehearsals were even worse.
You didn’t need him. You needed someone better than him, someone that you could meet on the first day and actually take a liking to. He kept that on his mind as he said his script, keeping enough emotion to match the scene but hiding his apathy behind the façade.
He’d see you during breaks. You were watching him, trying to read him as if you were Joe finding someone new to fall for. But Ricky was good at hiding his emotions and keeping his words to himself.
You? Not so much.
It had gone on for three days before you confronted him. It was the end of rehearsals, and almost everyone had already left. You tapped him on the shoulder while he was picking up his things.
“Hey,” you greeted, forcing a tight-lipped smile onto your face as you watched him stand up. “Are, uh, you okay? You’ve been kinda distant lately.”
You were taking it easy on him. In any other circumstance, you would’ve confronted him in a way that would’ve made anyone try and run off. But your words were soft, laced with concern that Ricky felt guilty for.
“I know,” Ricky mumbled, avoiding your gaze as he stood in front of you.
“Is, um,” you stuttered hesitantly. “Is everything okay?”
“Sure,” Ricky replied curtly, already moving by you to walk away. “I gotta head home—“
“I wanted to ask if you were free on Friday,” you blurted, fingers picking at your sweatshirt. “If it’s like, stress or whatever, we can go out. See a movie or something.”
Ricky stopped in his tracks, turning back to you. The façade he had been keeping up for the week dropping at your words. “Like a date?” He almost sounded hopeful, and that made your smile widen.
“Yeah. Like a date.”
Ricky knew what he had to do. You deserved more than him. He had been hurting you since he had met you. He looked into your eyes, forcing out the sentence from his throat.
“I don’t like you in the way you like me.”
TAGS:  @softpeteparker, @jointherebellion215, @l-tt-e, @broken-from-fandoms, @uwupxterparker, @room-3o4​, @eternaleviee​, @hobistigma​, @fangeekkk​, @wcnderwoo​, @myrandom-fandomlife​, @multifangorl​, @tomshufflepuff, @ggclarissa​, @decaffeinated-fangirl​, @religious-pizza-roll​, @rororo06​, @svelby-g​, @sarcarstic-space-weirdo​, @whoseblogsthis​, @hxney-bunches-x, @whimsical-fantasies​, @shawnnyyyboiii​, @captainlarsonn​, @herondalescecilys​, @yamisaloser​, @17ves​, @lovelydnbrough​
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loverdrew · 5 years
Promise, You Won’t Fall In Love With Me
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He never knew love. He never understood relationships. He never imagined his life after high school or outside of his fame. She was the opposite. She deeply loved her family, she had ambition, intelligence and drive. They were the complete opposite, but together, they wouldn’t know what to do without each other.
Inspired by the movie A Walk To Remember.
Senior year. The year all the students turn 18, throw the wildest parties, the lifelong dreams of getting acceptance letters from their dream college. However, the Ethan Dolan didn’t have to worry about that one bit. He already had a future. He would continue making video comedy content online for his millions of girl fans that adored his soft eyes and bright smile. After this year he would move to California to pursue even bigger dreams, leaving his heart in New Jersey. 
The hallways and outside the school yard filled with laughter, hugs, girls wearing close to nothing, and the guys drooling over them. Ethan walked in holding his football, jersey on full display, taking in the last first day of any schooling he’d ever get. 
“My boys!” One of his friends, Jason, exclaimed. He hugged both Grayson and Ethan and put both arms around them walking into school. “This going to be the best year yet?”
“Oh you know it! The parties, the easy classes, the girls!” Grayson rubbed his hands together and laughed.
Ethan’s laughed along with his friends walking into the building, when the most unexpected girl caught his eye at her locker. It was Y/N. He had known her since kindergarten, she always wore the same type of outfit: a pastel skirt to her knees and a blouse with the same beige knitted sweater. Her hair always out of her face either in a ponytail or behind her ears, and she wore a brown shoulder bag to carry her books. They never particularly talked or even hung out together, but he somehow knew everything superficial about her. She never paid him any attention, except in class when he tried to be disruptive on purpose. He weirdly wished she would pay attention then. But he’s hooked up with prettier girls than her, so she wasn’t one to be upset over, right?
“Ethan Dolan, to the principals office. Ethan Grant Dolan, please come to the principals office.” They all heard, even Y/N. Their eyes met for a split second, before she closed her locker and headed to home period. 
“Damn dude, trouble on the first day?” Jason joked.
“Shut up man. You know I’m the model student.” He smirked, shaking hands with his friends before headed to the office, which happened to be right across from Y/N’s home period, not like he noticed. He swiftly walked into the office and sat in the chair in front of principle Henderson, who closed the door with a stern look on his face.
“Ethan, what did I tell you about getting into trouble again.” He crossed his arms.
“Principle Henderson, I don’t know what you mean but I have been an angel since last semester, haven’t I?” He flashed that boyish smile of his that got him out of every situation, just not this one. 
The principle proceeds to pull out 5 beer bottles and 2 bitter nubs of used joints. Ethan stiffened, his mouth running dry.
“I have no idea what those are.” He said quietly.
“Cut the act Dolan. Along with drinking and smoking on school property, you’re on the verge of not graduating. You have a combined GPA of 2.3. You need at least a 2.9 to graduate. Now I could expel you and kick you off the football team now...” Ethan begins to worry sit up straight, trying not to believe this could be true. “But I won’t.” Ethan looked up at him with a big sigh, eyes falling shut.
“Thank you, thank you so much Mr.Henderson I promise I’ll be even better-”
“You didn’t let me finish. Instead of doing all that, you’re going to be doing something for me. You will get a tutor which I will assign to you, and you’ll be spending time after school participating in our schools fall play.”
“Oh cmon Mr. Henderson you can’t be serious. I can’t act, at all.”
“You acted like you didn’t know where that bottle came from. And now you’ll act as the prince in our schools production of Beauty and the Beast.” Ethan struggled with the principles decisions, but if he didn’t do it he would’ve been destroyed having to give up his friends and football. 
“When do rehearsals start.” He said plainly.
At lunch, instead of being in the lunchroom with his group of friends laughing and being dorks together, he was stuck in the library for the next 45 minutes, waiting for whoever his new tutor is. He tapped his pencil impatiently. All he had to do was pass English and Government/Economics with at least a 75% and he’d be golden, but even he didn’t know how he could manage that. He looked around, and heard the library door open in front of him, revealing the golden eyed girl walking in with such ease. Her eyes found his and slightly pulled at her bag strings nervously. He sighed in disbelief, of course the girl with straight A’s, captain of the science club and the church singer was his tutor. 
“Hi Ethan. I’m Y/N, your tutor for this semester.” She said in a soft voice just above a whisper. “Today we’re just going over basics explained in the syllabus but it won’t take long, maybe 25 minutes so you’ll be able to run off with your friends.” She took a seat in front of him, opening up the Government textbook and her notebook with the classes syllabus laid out.
“I don’t need you to do me any favors okay, I just need to pass. I would think you’d want me here considering Ms. I’m-so-holy doesn’t have many friends.” He spat at her. Partially because he felt embarrassed, partially because he didn’t want to give her any impression that he in any way cared about her. It didn’t even phase her, being that her whole life was filled with constant ridicule and bullying. She stayed calm amidst his venomous words.
“The teachers are my friends, my church choir are my friends, my father is my friend. Please don’t pretend like you know me, Ethan. You haven’t even spoken to me ever.”
“But I’ve been going to school with you and living in the same neighborhood as you since we were 5. Your father is a prodigious doctor that always goes to church to watch you sing. You’ve lived in the same white house with the pink flowers surrounding the white painted porch. You always wear pastel colors because you like to be girly but don’t want attention. You started putting your hand back in middle school because it always got in your face when you were studying. I know you Y/N. Don’t act like you don’t know me either.”
“I know you Ethan. Which means I know you’re capable of doing greater things than being the stereotypical jock. You’re successful and talented and smart, learn to use it. Now let’s get started.” She said without even looking at him, and staring daggers into her book. 
After school, Ethan trudged his way to the schools theatre, where everyone would be meeting up for the parts and the production of the play. No surprise that Y/N was there, script in hand near the piano, while someone playing ‘Beauty and the Beast’, and she hummed along. The stage lights somehow made her skin shine brighter, and her hair glisten. He scoffed, and sat in the 3rd row, seeing all of the theatre nerds gather with smiling faces ready to start production.
“Alright everyone settle down. We are going to cast roles right now so listen up!” Ms. Davida clapped her hands and stood in front of the stage. 
“For the role of Lumiere and Cogsworth, Louis and Jeremy! Mrs. Potts goes to Claira, Gaston goes to Derrick, Belle goes to of course, Y/N, and The Beast is played by the newest member to theatre Mr. Ethan Dolan.” Ethan knew he would get the lead, but Y/N did not. Her eyes spread wide, whites fully visible as her grip on her script tightened just slightly, the realization that she’d have to play his princess. She could barely handle his demeanor during tutoring, but in something that she loves to do she would only hope he wouldn’t ruin it for her. 
“Opening night is in exactly 3 months just before Christmas break, so that means you’ll all need to work hard and together to make this production amazing but I believe in you all. So let’s get right to it! Ethan, Y/N on the stage please we will be starting with the scene when Belle and the Beast argue, right after he saves her from the wolves. Feel the anger, feel the frustration.” She had that typical musical theatre teacher ‘passion voice’, really trying to emphasize the feelings within the scene. Ethan couldn’t take her seriously, laughing as he jumped onto stage and grabbing ahold of a script. 
“Y/N, you start and pretend that you’re cleaning up his wound.”
Y/N slightly rolled her eyes and put her hand out signaling Ethan to give her his arm. He sighed and slammed his arm into her palm, she then yanked it closer to her not caring if it hurt him, and pretended with her other hand to be patting it.
“If you’d hold still it wouldn’t hurt it as much!” She yelled her first line. Ethan could tell some of that frustration was real. So he decided to do the same.
“Well if you wouldn’t have run away, this wouldn’t have happened!”
“If you wouldn’t have frightened me I wouldn’t have run away!”
“Well you shouldn’t have been in the West Wing!”
“Well you should learn to control your temper.” She said plainly, as if it was an actual piece of advice.
“Now hold still. This might sting a little.” In the script it says for Ethan to wince in pain, so he did, just not well at all. It was forced, and painfully bad to watch his face squint uncomfortably. Y/N sighed, turning to the teacher.
“Ms. Davida he needs to take this seriously, some of us really want this play to go well.”
“I don’t even want to be here, I was forced to join the play, I could’ve gone my entire life without acting in a play.”
“Then leave.” She stepped forward in his face, quickly walking away towards backstage to get some air. He made her so angry. His cocky attitude, his rude tone of voice, the way he could get under her skin over and over again yet she still wanted to see good in him because she truly believed he had some left. Ethan looked off with a surprised face to see all the cast looking at him, and the principle standing at the edge of the theatre, arms crossed. He got nervous, making his way backstage to catch Y/N drinking some water.
“Y/N, hey Y/N, please listen to me.” He grabbed her hand but she angrily pulled it back.
“Help me okay. I’m sorry, I really need to do great in this play or else I get expelled. I’m sorry for being so mean and always in your face. I just-this is all new to me.”
“Being nice to someone trying to genuinely help you is ‘new to you’?” she used air quotes, rolling her eyes taking another sip of water. 
“No, trying new things. Trying to be good. I’ve always acted tough on purpose because I thought that’s how it should be. People give you more respect.”
“Your act only works on an audience.” Y/N saw through it since first day of kindergarten when he stole her crayons and snored next to her ear during nap time to annoy her. But she paid no mind, there were more important things to worry about than a little boy. 
“Ethan, if you promise me you try, like really try, in all aspects, I won’t be opposed to helping you.” She said calmly, with her normal soft voice.
“I won’t say I’ll be perfect, but I’ll do the best I can.”
“That’s all I ask.” She started walking back onto the stage where they were already rehearsing another scene, but she quickly turned back around to say one last minor detail.
“Oh yea and Ethan, one more thing. You have to promise not to fall in love with me.” 
A chuckle came from his mouth as he looked her up and down. 
“Without a doubt, that is a promise I can keep.”
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captainillogical · 5 years
Distant Lands Ch.10
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Stranded on a planet with toxic conditions and nothing but the clothes on your back, your only means of survival lies within the gem that got you here in the first place.
collab with my lovely wife @firstofficertightpants​
You get to the top of the stairs - hand still on the rail, and this time the air around you is very, very cold. You can see your breath in the moonlight, it dissipating quickly once it has the chance of escaping your lungs. The opening in the crumbling, broken wall has some light pouring in from the moons outside. You can only see two of them from your current standing position. Dropping your hand from the rail, you walk over to the open ledge and take a deep breath of the rigid jungle air beyond the Spire. It's a lovely night out tonight.
You take in the view for a while, not exactly keeping track of time. Out on the horizon, you can barely see the edge of the line of trees - the fog is fairly thick and is obscuring much of the lush greenery. The stars are barely visible tonight. Taking a step back, you notice something out of the corner of your eye, and turn your head to see Spinel quietly standing there about six feet to your right.
You almost jump, and can feel your heart beating wildly inside your chest. How did she get here without you noticing? What the fuck?
"Up here, all alone?" She finally speaks up after a moment, ghost of a smirk on her lips.
"What, am I not allowed? Maybe I came up here to think." You reply without missing a beat. The wind flows freely up here, and the bite of the cold makes you involuntarily shiver. She regards you almost.. carefully, with her gaze. She quirks an eyebrow at you, before opening her mouth again to speak.
"Ya' up here to think? Well, maybe then you'll finally admit a couple things to yourself."
She takes one, two steps closer to you, beams of light from the moons above illuminating half her face in long, dramatic shadows. 
"Admit what?" You hear yourself asking. 
Her gaze flickers between the both of your eyes, and then she leans closer to you, close enough so you can see just how dark those marks on her cheeks are, and says:
There's a sharp tug on your abdomen, and you are thrown into consciousness via a face full of very cold, very hard cement.
Opening your eyes and looking downwards, you come to the conclusion that you somehow had rolled over far enough to have gone straight off your tarp pile and onto the floor, pulling most of the cloth you’ve got over you with. You roll back over to see Spinel still asleep, an arm stretched out towards you as you were probably lying under it until recently. (She likes to pretend she’s not a cuddler, but nearly every time you’ve woken up since you’ve been here she’s either got some limb wrapped around you, or her face is pressed into your shoulder.) You feel a little bad that you had pulled the tarp off of her, leaving her out in the open air. You grab the edge of the cloth, pulling it up and over the gem, bringing it right up to her chest before dropping it.
Laying your head back down, you take a long breath while re-settling yourself. You watch her chest slowly rise and fall with her breathing, eyes fixated on her gem. The room around you is completely quiet, only the sounds of her breathing beside you are audible.
What the fuck was that dream about? You barely have dreams anymore, let alone ones that are so.. realistic with their message. Normally it’s weird shit that doesn’t make any sense, not something like this. Whatever. Your brain is just tired and stressed from this.. situation you are in. You’re not going to put too much thought into figuring out what that meant. Closing your eyes, you drift back off to sleep to the sounds of the gem next to you softly breathing.
Even though it feels like you’ve only been asleep ten minutes, you wake up to Spinel shaking your shoulder and you roll over to face her. You feel like shit.
“Mornin’.” She says, her face pressed into the tarp pile. Her face has lines pressed into it where she slept too hard on an uneven surface, and she’s got a little bit of dried drool on the corner of her lip - but she looks like she got decent rest. “Figured I’d wake ya’ since it’s later than you usually sleep, and we planned on checking out the kindergarten today.” 
You stare at her for a moment, mind working at about the pace of the flow of molasses. She’s got loose strands of hair all over the place (some even sticking to her mouth), face looking weirdly refreshed from sleep - and you find this to be strangely endearing. This is the most human you have ever seen her.
“Could’ve been a little nicer about it.” You reply groggily, coughing into your hand to clear your throat.
“How was that- are ya’ royalty? How would you want me to wake you up? The gentle fanning of leaves!?” She sits up, pushing the tarp off of herself.
“Yeah, that would be lovely actually.” You sit up as well, clutching your head. You feel like today is definitely gonna be a day alright. “And while you’re at it, feed me some grapes.”
“You’re ridiculous.” She scoffs in reply, but you can hear the smile in her voice.
You grunt out a non-committal response, stretching your arms over your head and getting up from your current position. It doesn't take you long to eat, and you only drag your feet a little bit in actually leaving the Spire.
You know the kindergarten is somewhere nearby, but you had Spinel look up it's coordinates just in case you were slightly off the mark. The two of you make small talk on your way there, only taking about half an hour to reach your destination. It isn't a long or difficult walk. 
Soon as you get close to the kindergarten, you can see rocky ravine for miles. With the sun high overhead and it's rays beating down on your body, you can feel yourself break out into a sweat much to your irritation. It had rained last night so not all of the water has evaporated in this heat yet, and it just feels absolutely awful and swampy. You'd much rather be chilling in the proximity of that small waterfall right now, truthfully.
The trees get a little sparser the closer you get to the ravine, and it seems so very bright where you’re heading. Approaching your destination, you finally get a decent look around the area, Spinel stopping by your side.
The sun beams down on you two, and you have to shield your eyes to get a proper look around. Many layers of this planet's crust is showing in vibrant shades of orange, large rock walls reaching at least a hundred feet high, and you see a few holes where some gems probably emerged from. There’s.. there’s something wrong here, and you can’t put your finger on it. 
“Um. Where are most of the Injectors?” Spinel speaks up before you can get any words out. Ah. That’s it. You see two or three empty Injectors along the wall of rock, but that’s it.
“Good question. I have no idea.” You reply, and she turns her face to give you a puzzled look. 
“I don’t understand. Even if gems abandon a planet, it’s not like they take any of this stuff with. They just write it all off as a loss and move on.” Her eyes flicker between yours, as if she’ll find the answer there somehow.
“They obviously can’t just disappear, either. What the hell?” You say in agreement, the gentle breeze of hot, humid air wrapping itself around you like a wet blanket.
The both of you wander further into the area, intent on finding out any kind of clue at all. There are quite a few areas here that are just giant mud pits, as there’s no trees to soak up any of the rainfall. The ground practically squelches under your feet, and you hate it. You hate this entire stupid planet. At least Spinel doesn’t piss you off anymore. You find yourself angry that you had that thought in the first place, and then even angrier when you realize you’re angry about that. Whatever, you’re not here to argue with yourself.
You notice a couple of the broken injectors that are piled up off to the side near some large boulders, and point them out to Spinel.
"Those are similar to those pictures we saw." You say, walking closer to observe the damaged parts. There's five or six of them here, and they're pretty fucked up. The drill part of the injectors are completely ripped off, and they all have a hole smashed into the sides of the glass - where the liquid was drained.
"Why would they do this?" You hear Spinel say beside you.
"You seriously think the gems did this?" You turn to her to reply.
"Yeah, well, nothing else makes any sense." She reaches out, and touches some of the glass with her hand. You wanna smack her hand away for some reason.
"It could've been something else? We don't know."
"But what could kill that many gems?" She puts her finger to her lip, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"We don't know that they died, either, Spinel. That's kind of morbid." She glances at you, giving you a look.
"None of them returned in those logs. That's a lot of gems. Something strange had to have happened here." She looks back at the injectors thoughtfully for a moment, before backing away a couple steps. "I'm gonna keep looking around."
"Okay, I'm gonna look at these a little more." You reply with a nod, and she meanders off to where you can't see her. You lean down to get a closer view.
The glass is broken in a specific way on each of these injectors, as if none of it was controlled. It's obvious to you that they weren't smashed or drained on purpose, and you can see the tearing on the internal parts of this machine aren't cut clean. It was if something bit into these injectors and just stomped on them afterwards.
You notice quite a few scratch marks on the sides, but it could've been from anything, even from when they were being dragged on the ground. There's a couple areas where the gouging is deeper, but nothing else that really stands out.
You stand back up, and your back cracks from your earlier position. It still doesn't make much sense. So many injectors are still missing. You stand there in the heat, quietly thinking about what could've gone on, when you hear Spinel call for you a hundred or so feet away. You turn to the direction she called from, seeing nothing. Might as well see what she needs. You walk towards where her voice came from, and when you get past some more large rock obscuring your view, you see exactly why Spinel called out to you.
“Can ya’ believe the size of this one?” She says, turning her face towards you with a peaked eyebrow.
She’s standing in front of another tunnel. It’s obvious that it’s a tunnel now, as you can see into it about twenty feet before it gets too dark. The outer edges of this one are much, much wider, and there are large gouges inside along the wall of rock and mud. There’s a couple more injectors in this area as well, but less than you can count on your hand. Off to the opposite side of this seems to be a huge drop off a cliff.
“I kinda wanna go in.” She squints her eyes into the darkness, putting her hand up to her chin.
“Yeah that’s not gonna happen. We don’t have a light source, and if it actually is something that killed all those gems, I’m not gonna walk into like, a literal hell hole.”
“It’s the one thing we haven’t checked out yet. We don’t have any other leads.” “You know our goal is to get off this planet, not investigate all its mysteries and die in the process, right?” You reply sarcastically.
“We’re going in there eventually.” She says with such stubbornness that you roll your eyes.
“Talk to me about that in another week because honestly? I’m not going in there unless I have a way of finding myself out if you die in there, or I somehow get lost.”
“Y/N! Ya’ kinda being a bit ridiculous about this!” She gives you a look of exasperation, and sighs, dropping her arms to her sides.
“It’s not ridiculous! You have no idea what it’s like to be trapped somewhere in the dark!” You spit out, aggravatedly. 
“What.” She furrows her eyebrows, teeth showing in a snarl of frustration. Oh, right. Shit.
“Spinel.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, feeling a headache forming in the back of your skull. “You know I meant it like-”
“I don’t know what it’s like?? ME.” She forces out with such incredulousness in her voice that it echoes out all around you, travelling out through the ravine far enough until it fades out. The silence that befalls afterwards is nearly deafening.
You open your mouth to apologize, but you’re having difficulties with forming the right words. She watches you for a second, pupils flickering between your eyes.
“I’m s-” You start with, but immediately feel tremors underneath your feet. Spinel’s face reacts accordingly.
“A quake?” She says, her eyes widening a little. 
"Yeah, this feels like the one from before." You look around, not exactly expecting to see anything out of the norm other than some puddles of water rippling. The rumbling of the planet only lasts for a couple of seconds, and silence falls around you again. 
You feel a hand wrapping around your upper arm and before you can react, Spinel yanks you several feet off to the side as something large comes crashing down in front of you, splashing you with a wall of mud and stale rain water. 
“Oh what the fuck!?” You exclaim as you wipe mud off of your face. It’s an injector that fell off from high up on the wall. 
“That was a close one. Glad it didn’t squash ya’.” Spinel says, wide-eyed, and drops her hand from your arm. Whatever kind of mood that was just happening between you two is long gone. “The tremors must have loosened it enough for it to finally fall down.”
“Bullshit is what it was, I’m entirely covered from head to toe in mud.” You spit out some dirt that managed to get into your mouth. The soil here tastes acidic. Spinel got hit as well by the splash, but not nearly as much as you did. Of course. “I wanna leave. We’ve been here long enough, and I wanna wash all this out of the only clothes I have while the sun is still up.”
“Spinel, we’re not going into the tunnel. Drop it.” You cut her off with, and sigh. 
“Argh, FINE! We’re discussing this some other time then.” She says frustratedly, crossing her arms. She turns to walk off in the direction you guys came from, and you follow her lead.
It takes you a bit to find a nearby body of water, but you do manage to find another small lake. This one is closer to the size of a pond with quite a few trees surrounding it, and you can see the Spire from here. With the sun high up in the sky beating down on you this entire time, the mud has completely dried on you, much to your displeasure. It’s pulling at your skin in all the worst ways.
For some reason Spinel hasn’t phased the dirt off of her clothes. Not that you really care, you just find it strange. She walks around the edges of the water, looking like she wants to just dive in. You grab the edges of your shirt, peeling it over your head slowly. Caked bits of mud fly about, and you throw your shirt directly into the water with a large splash. You struggle to take off your jeans, and you momentarily lose your balance enough on one leg to fall directly on your ass. Spinel snickers at you a couple meters away, and you turn your head to glare at her.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to peel these off, asshole? You don’t. You haven’t even phased the mud off yourself.” You say to her, gesturing at her with your hand. You finish taking off your pants on the ground, also tossing those in the water. 
“It doesn’t really bother me.” She replies with a shrug, and jumps into the water with a splash. 
You get back up, opting to keep your underwear and bra on. It's whatever. You're going to be in the water anyway. You watch Spinel lazily float on the surface of the water as you walk in, careful not to slip on the rocks at the bottom. You reach out and grab your clothes that are now soaked and about to sink into the water completely, and keep them close to yourself as you submerge your head underneath the surface of the water.
When you come back up for air and wipe your face off, you hear Spinel mumble a "Hey." off to your side, and you turn to face her. 
"Hm?" You manage to grunt out. 
"I think we need to have a discussion about somethin' important."
"And that is..?" You run your fingers through your hair, still feeling mud. Gross.
"What are we gonna do if no one ever finds us?" You see her pupils gravitate over to your face as she regards you.
You had been blocking that likely possibility in your thoughts for a while now to keep up the facade of your waning sanity. Also you know. To try to keep it positive.
"We keep trying to find a solution to leave." You reply, and submerge half your head in the water to scrub more dirt out.
"There's.. there's really nothing we can do though. I think the tech is too old to get communications back up. Believe me. I tried."
"Yeah but in the Spire there's dozens upon dozens of crates filled with parts to something. I saw it when I was up there exploring." You squeeze out the rest of your hair, feeling that it's finally dirt free. You move on to scrubbing down the rest of your body.
"Y/N.. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most of the stuff that they'd bring supplies for would just be for the kindergarten."
"But I saw-"
"It'd be useless to us." She says, cutting you off. You look over to her, a bit surprised that she's being so direct and snippy about this. She's looking purposefully towards the sky, edges of her face being framed by the water she's floating in.
"Why are you saying this now?"
"Because we've been here a while, as you've noticed. With no sign of like, anyone attempting to contact us. We need to face reality."
"Sounds like you already have given up. Well, I haven't." You reply to her with a huff, and grab your clothes to wash the dirt out of them.
"How can you still have hope? It's been weeks, Y/N." She turns her head to face you, fixing you with a look.
"I believe Steven wouldn't just give up on me like that, for starters. I'm just hoping he remembered about our keychain." 
"Uh, what keychain?" Her eyebrows raise in confusion.
"Err, remember that convo about that night I snuck away? I might've forgotten to mention that I placed a small tracker I have as a matching keychain with Steven by that tree on the hill.." You say as you swish your pants through the water, squeezing the mud and dirt out of the fabric. 
"You had a tracker and you didn't tell me!?" She almost manages to sound like she's upset, and she stops her floating to stand up in the water and stare at you.
"It slipped my mind the last week or so. And yeah, I didn't tell you before because I was kinda under the impression that you'd probably destroy that too, like you did the warp pad." 
"I.. yeah." She replies, looking a little ashamed of herself. For some reason your chest feels a little constricted when she looks at you, and you almost want to reach out to her. You don't know why, but suppress the urge regardless. "I don't blame ya' honestly. I.. probably would have, too. Knowing myself."
"And you won't destroy it now?" You reply, and she fixes you with a look.
"Shouldn't you know by now if I was going to?" She huffs almost disappointedly at you. "Anyway, we should probably go back for it considering we're a couple miles away from it now, and if your friends did come, they'd be confused."
"Yeah, I figured." You shrug, and move onto washing your shirt. "I'm just kinda dreading that walk again. It's always so hot here that I feel disgusting being out and walking in this swampy air."
"You're tellin' me. I was kinda used to a more moderate temperature back in the garden. Several thousand years in the same climate to.. this? It's absolute torture, really." She submerges herself in water up to her chin, idly swimming while you wash up.
"Earth has a wide range of weather patterns so I've dealt with this kinda shit before, but I never lived in any kind of tropical region. I'm not great at dealing with the humidity. It feels like I'm walking through thick, wet air." You're having difficulty scrubbing all of the dirt out of the fabric, as for some reason it wants to cling to it.
"This planet sucks." She says with such gumption that you manage to snicker. She looks at you like she's a little surprised, but also pleased at herself.
"Listen, you picked it. Only I'm allowed to complain about it." You reply, using more force than necessary to scrub your shirt. 
She opens her mouth to retort, closes it, and gets a suspiciously mischievous glint in her eye.
"What-" Is all you manage to get out of your mouth before Spinel whips her arms out at rapid pace, splashing you with a face full of water.
You stand there, dripping and staring at her. It's deadly quiet as she's waiting for you to speak. She's watching your face intently as you casually lift up the hand you've got the shirt you're washing in, it drenched in lake water.
"You think you're funny huh!?" You say as you throw the soaked shirt at her, and it unexpectedly hits her in the face with a wet smack. It falls back into the water comically, and her face is the funniest fucking thing you've seen in a long time. 
"How dare you!" She cries, splashing you again, and you cover your face as you laugh.
"I wasn't going for your face, I'm sorry!" You say in between laughs. Her face twists into shock, and then mirth, as she splashes you for a third time. 
"Well then, that's payback." She chuckles smugly, and now you want to wipe that smirk off her face. You drop your hand into the water and quickly splash her right in the middle of her face, drenching her. 
"Y/N!" Spinel gasps, mock betrayal in her voice. She drops both of her hands into the lake.
"Don't." You plead with a shake of your head. 
"Don't what?" She says coyly, and brings up both her hands with a mountain of water in tow, and this starts an all out war.
She hits you square in the face with another wall of water, and you laugh as you sink further into the water, bringing up both your arms to throw more water at her from a lower angle. The two of you struggle to breathe through your bouts of laughter as you keep splashing lake water at each other. This really only lasts for about thirty seconds, but the both of you are nearly out of breath and laughing so hard that you're having a hard time standing up.
When your giggles subside enough to give you room to breathe, you cough a couple times to clear your throat, face hurting from the laughter. It's been a while since you've done that. You glance over to Spinel, who's standing still in the water. She's got her gaze set on you, almost like she's lost in thought. When she realizes that you're looking back at her she also clears her throat and shakes her head, sending bits of water flying off her.
"Anyway." She says. "I definitely feel like things could be worse, all things considered."
"Really?" You reply, grabbing your water-logged clothes from the surface. "What makes you say that?"
"I've been on planets with way worse conditions. Crazy lightning storms that will electrify you if you're above ground, ice climates that are so cold humans definitely wouldn't survive for more than 5 minutes outside, planets that are on fire 95% of the time. The list goes on." She shrugs, looking at the water thoughtfully.
"Thanks for not bringing me somewhere I'd be near instantly eviscerated, I guess." You say snidely, and figure it's a good time to dry out your clothes.
You walk back out of the lake at your leisure, holding your sopping wet shirt and jeans. Once you squeeze out as much of the excess water as you can, you lay them out on a rock that's in clear view of the sun so that they can dry. It shouldn't take too long honestly, with this current heat.
You're not facing Spinel as you're doing this, back turned to her. It's pretty quiet, the sounds of wind rustling the trees and insects around you are the only things you can hear. It's peaceful.
"Were ya' ever gonna tell me what happened?" You hear Spinel say from behind you. You turn to face her, and she's floating idly again, but her eyes are trained on you.
"What?" You ask confusedly.
"The scar on your back." She replies.
"Oh." You're a bit surprised. You forget it exists because you can't see it. "Umm.."
"You don't have to tell me if ya' don't want to." She says quickly. Huh. You weren't expecting her to be kind of.. tactful about it.
"It's not that, it's just.." You sigh, and clear your throat before continuing. "It's kind of a long story."
"You could cut out most of the details if ya' don't wanna go into them."
"Yeah. Okay." You feel your body get too warm from standing in the direct sunlight, so you walk back into the water to chill while you wait for your clothes to dry. "Remember how I told you that once I got decent enough from training with Pearl, they let me go on missions with them?"
"Yeah?" She replies, eyes looking up into the sky, trees rustling above you gently.
"One time they let me and Steven go on a small mission alone after I convinced the crystal gems that we'd be fine. It was supposed to be easy."
"How so?"
"It was a simple retrieval mission. We were supposed to get a relic in this temple. In and out, right?" You get up to your shoulders in water, letting the cool water surround you. "Well, turns out it wasn't. We got attacked by these golem monsters because I made a shitty call. They told us to not take any shortcuts and to just take a direct path through, but half the temple had already collapsed years prior to regular wear and decay."
"Why didn't ya' just turn around?" She turns her face towards you, and momentarily you're blinded by her gem sparkling in the sunlight.
"Because I was stupid, and stubborn. It took a lot of pleading to let them let us go on our own. I thought it'd be fine."
"So the scar is from then?" She regards you with a raised eyebrow.
"I jumped out foolishly in an attempt to protect Steven. I mean, protecting him wasn't the foolish part. It was that I ran directly at the golem, and it smacked me aside like a fucking fly. My back slammed into jagged rock, and that's why it looks like this. If it wasn't for Steven's healing powers, I'm not sure I'd be able to walk properly even now."
"How come you seemed so.. sensitive about it when I asked you about it back then?" She inquires thoughtfully.
"Because it brings up everything that happened after. The gems were rightfully pissed. For a while there, they didn't trust me with anything. Told me I couldn't even follow simple instructions to keep a child safe."
"Yeah. It took.. years after that, to regain their trust. It sucked, not gonna lie. I'll do nearly anything to never have Garnet give me the cold shoulder for a week like that, ever again."
"How did Steven feel about it?" 
"He was on my side the entire time, actually. He also thought we could handle it."
"They didn't put any blame on him?"
"He was a kid. I was the adult in charge. They couldn't, really. And even looking back on it now, I wouldn't want them to. It really was my responsibility. I just.. felt kinda useless about it all, you know?"
"I feel like ya' blame yourself a lot for this." She gives you a side eye, her hair floating around her face in the water.
"Maybe. I just feel stupid for reacting that way, when I could've been killed. And for what? Couldn't even protect one kid."
"You're too harsh on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes."
"You're probably right, I hate to admit."
"You think I'm right?" She says as her face lights up in a grin.
"Don't make me regret saying that." You scoff, unable to stop the smile breaking out on your face. "But yeah. I still think about it often, even though it's been years."
"Yeah, I can sorta relate to that." She sighs wistfully, and you watch her float on the surface of the water. 
You let your mind drift a bit as the two of you sit in comfortable silence, rays of sunlight pouring through the jungle trees. It's a hot, lazy afternoon, and you could probably fall asleep here if you closed your eyes long enough. After a while, you look over to your clothes on the rock you placed them on, and they look to be dry. Dry enough to wear again, you guess.
"We should probably head back soon." You mumble to her, and she grunts in response a couple seconds later.
You get out of the water begrudgingly, wiping yourself off as best as you can. You make quick work of putting your shirt back on, but you have obvious difficulties with your jeans. Spinel walks over to you as you're getting your other leg in, and you pretend this isn't as difficult as it looks.
"Is putting clothes on that hard for you?" She asks, and you can hear the mockery in her voice.
"Shut up. It's not like you've ever had to put clothes on before." You sneer back at her, and finally button the top of your pants. Phew.
"It can't be that hard. You looked like you were strangling your leg." She grins, placing her hands on her hips smugly.
"Keep that up and I'll strangle you, Spinel." You reply, deadpan. Obviously you don't mean it.
"I'd like to see ya' try." She snickers, and you wish you had your wet shirt in hand again, just to smack her with it.
"You'll eat those words one of these days, I swear." You stick your tongue out at her and spin around to head back to the Spire. You hear her sputter from behind you, and her footsteps as she runs to catch up to you.
"You're kind of prickly, anyone ever tell ya' that?" She says from beside you, keeping up with your leisurely pace. You don't feel like breaking out into a sweat again.
"Nope. Steven says I'm pleasant." You retort. She snorts at that, bringing a fist to her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "Anyone ever tell you that you're a bit irritating?"
"Nope! Eh. Wait, maybe Pink did, once." She puts a finger to her lip, biting it in thought. "She honestly couldn't complain though, the other diamonds thought she was such a handful that they gave her me. For entertainment."
"Man, fuck Pink Diamond. All she did was cause Steven problems that he never deserved. She caused problems for literally everybody." You say disdainfully, careful to watch your step on some large roots sticking out of the ground. Spinel looks like she's a bit surprised at your words, but also pleased at them. It does weird things to your chest cavity. 
"You can say that again." She says, smiling a little bit. There's some silence for a minute or two as you both are walking, before she decides to say something again. "So.. not to change the topic or anything, but I never really did ask you about your home life? I know you were with the gems, but what about your family? I know humans have biological blood bonds."
"My family is the crystal gems, Spinel." You say to her, and she looks at you in confusion. "I mean, I have parents, sure. I wouldn't call what they did as raising me, though. They fucking suck and I don't care about them. My mother would sell my possessions for drug money and was never home, and my dad's an alcoholic who only cares about his work. They never gave two shits about me as far as I can remember, and they only ever had me as a mistake. They never liked each other. So, when the gems offered me a room to stay, I jumped on that prospect immediately. I've never looked back. I haven't talked to either of my parents in over six years."
"Ouch. Okay, I'm a bit sorry I asked." She replies sheepishly.
"Eh, don't be. It doesn't bother me anymore." You say with a shrug. She looks at you almost like she's concerned, and then dismisses it.
"I'm glad about that, at least." She kind of gives you a wry half-smile, and you continue staring ahead of you. You're almost back to the Spire by now.
You think it's kind of cute that she asks about you. It makes you think.. hm. You clear your throat.
"So.. Spinel." 
"Hm?" She replies, meeting your gaze.
"Is it like, in your nature?" You ask her.
"My what?" She raises her eyebrow in response.
"You know.. like a Pearl." God, the look she's giving you right now is so fucking funny that you have to force yourself to not laugh. "They always end up being people pleasers. It's terribly natural for them." 
"What the fuck are ya' talking about?" She levels you with a look, stopping in her tracks.
"Trying to be friends with people! You just keep.. asking me stuff to know me better." You reply, stopping as well and turning to face her.
"What.." She trails off, stopping to stare at you. "I'm.. I'm not.." You watch her cheeks tinge a darker pink.
"Are you blushing!?" You blurt out in surprise, and she glares at you. It's not effective whatsoever.
"No!" She hisses through her teeth, and pushes past you.
"You're not very convincing!" You shout at her, and jog to catch up to her.
"Shut up!!!" She turns to see you trailing right behind her, and speeds up tremendously to outpace you. 
"Wait! Come back!" You laugh out at her. "I bet you just can't help it!"
"We're done talking about this!!" She shouts from twenty feet in front of you.
"NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!" You shout in response, and run to follow several feet behind her all the way to the Spire, laughing the entire way back.
You haven't smiled this much in weeks.
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kiranaga-wonderland · 4 years
Syaoran then & now
I grow up with Cardcaptor Sakura show, I watched it the most in my childhood, even I had my own VCDs. Back then, the part I loved the most is when Sakura used her magic. So typical for a little girl. Because of that, I don’t actually remember the real story plot. Maybe it was too complex for a kindergarten kid. The memory I had was blurry. But, besides Sakura Kinomoto, I remember most about LI Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura and my impression of him back then.
What remains from my childhood memory are, Li Syaoran is a rival for Sakura. He hated Sakura. In my eyes of kindergarten kid, he is a villain, he is scary and cold to Sakura. I could tell Li Syaoran is, in my kid-eyes, like Natsume Hyuuga from Alice Academy. I watched Alice Academy as a teenager, so this is a comparison between the memory back in my childhood & my teenager phase about two character that I found similar. Syaoran & Natsume also approximately in the same age.
This thinking intrigued me to re-watch Cardcaptor Sakura and confirm wether my impression about LI Syaoran is correct or not. Of course it’s also because I forget mostly about the storyline.
And then, I conclude that I was sooooo wrong. Li Syaoran and Natsume Hyuuga is two different character at all. This is it:
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Even from the beginning, I didn’t feel so much ambition and rivalry atmosphere from Li Syaoran towards Sakura in the term of collection Clow cards. I could tell that Sakura is stronger than him even until the end of the show. But he actually super kind-hearted, a caring one. In CCS original, he is just an ordinary school boy. So innocent, with variation of emotion. He is pretty fair, he don’t mind when Sakura was the one who get the clow card, he still helped her. He could be angry & emotional but in the right amount and place. He still just a kid, he was so clueless about love and stuff and it was hilarious to watch! But after accepting his feeling, he become so gentle and soft. He speak with kind words and soft voices. I agree with the fans, he really suit the image of a prince!
While Natsume Hyuuga is more like to be what I call scary. He hate Mikan from the beginning they met. He possessed hell strong alice that he could kill. He is also kind hearted but he hide those and pretend that he don’t care. Natsume is pretty temperamental, maybe because of the life burden he got. He is not an ordinary school boy, even he didn’t have time for being happy. When it comes to love and stuff, Natsume is the contrast of Syaoran. While Syaoran helplessly blush and stuttered, he didn’t blush at all, didn’t shy at all. I can’t tell if his heart is racing or not. I kind of confuse seeing him at the time like that. Natsume’s words weren’t gentle at all, Sometimes he just said the piercing truth, sometime he was just mean. He teased his partner, Mikan, with mean words, that’s how he show his love. Syaoran never be mean to Sakura, he show caring gestures for that.
Of course, their partner (Sakura Kinomoto & Mikan Sakura) also have different personality which suit these boys perfectly. Think about it, their partner both have “Sakura” in their name...
OKAY, now that I’ve finished original Cardcaptor Sakura to the Movie, I’m ready for Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Arc tonight!!!
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