#on 45th & 7th there are 7 theatres :
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tomorrow i get to see the outsiders musical and i cannot emotionally handle it
#i love this cast & crew & creative team so much itâs almost palpable#iâve wanted to see this show since last november but i waited bc i was going to see it with my mom and i still am but next week#tomorrow i get to see the outsiders with my best friend in the world and weâre both going to cry and itâs gonna be the best#i also get to check off seeing every show in one season on a block#on 45th & 7th there are 7 theatres :#the minskoff where lion king plays#the booth which held kimberly akimbo but is now dark#the schoenfeld which houses the notebook#the jacobs which is home to the outsiders#the golden with stereophonic#the imperial with water for elephants#and the music box with suffs#technically you could argue that the theatre where the wiz is playing is on 45th & 7th#but that theatre is sideways in between 45th & 46th so i count it as its own separate thing#but yeah#tomorrow is going to be absolutely incredible and i cannot wait#not kpop#stay gold đâš#theatre đ
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Times Square in New York
Der Times Square in New York gehört ohne Zweifel zu den bekanntesten SehenswĂŒrdigkeiten in New York City. Er erstreckt sich von der West 45th bis zur West 47th Street und wird vom Broadway und der 7th Avenue begrenzt. Er ist das pulsierende Herz Manhattans und mit mehr als 50 Millionen Besuchern die meist-besuchte SehenswĂŒrdigkeit New Yorks â und seine Subway-Station âTimes Squareâ ist die meist-frequentierte Subway-Station der Stadt (mehr als 60 Millionen (!) FahrgĂ€ste pro Jahr).
Wenn ihr ein Musical in New York besuchen wollt (unbedingt machen!), fĂŒhrt kaum ein Weg am Times Square vorbei. Die gröĂten Broadway-Shows und Theater findet ihr hier. Die besten Things to do, was die beliebtesten Hotels am Times Square sind, und wo ihr am besten frĂŒhstĂŒcken könnt, die besten Rooftopbars und viel mehr findest du hier in unserem ultimativen Guide zum Times Square!
Die besten AktivitÀten am Times Square
Um euch schon vorab mal einen kleinen Eindruck vom Lichtermeer auf dem Times Square zu verschaffen, könnt ihr euch unser kleines Video ansehen. Gemacht haben wir den Anfang auf den Treppen des TKTS (siehe weiter unten). Von dort aus habt ihr einen wunderbaren Blick auf den Times Square!
1. Ihn bei Nacht besuchen
Der Times Square in New York bei Nacht
Ich finde den Times Square schon am Tag sehr beeindruckend, doch so richtig spannend wird es erst, wenn es dunkel wird. Es ist immer wieder ein total schönes GefĂŒhl dort zu stehen, die Leute und Verkehr zu beobachten und alle die EindrĂŒcke und typischen GerĂ€usche aufzunehmen, die man aus Filmen kennt.
Den besten Blick habt ihr von den roten Treppen ĂŒber TKTS!
2. Eine Rooftop-Bar besuchen und den Blick von oben haben
Sie gehören fĂŒr mich zum festen Bestandteil unserer New York-Besuche: die Rooftop-Bars von New York. Sie sind ĂŒber ganz NYC verteilt und sind eine wunderbare Kombination aus tollen Drinks, entspannter AtmosphĂ€re und natĂŒrlich den tollen Ausblicken ĂŒber die Stadt. Besonders rings um den Times Square habt ihr eine groĂe Auswahl.
Die besten Rooftop-Bars am Times Square findet ihr hier.
3. Eines der weltbekannten Musicals besuchen
Heute sind ĂŒber 40 Theater um den Times Square herum zu finden â kein Wunder, dass der Theatre District auch kulturell von weltweiter Bedeutung ist. Ăber 1 Milliarde Dollar spielen sie tĂ€glich ĂŒber 33.000 Besucher ein! Die BlĂŒtezeit hatte der Times Square Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts bis in die 40er Jahre. In der Zeit waren die Theater und Musicals gut besucht und der Times Square war ein buntes Viertel. Doch mit den ersten Fernsehern Ă€nderte sich das Bild zunehmend: immer weniger Besucher kamen und aus vielen der einstigen Glanzlichter wurden Striptease-Bars und Porno-Kinos. Drogen, Gewalt und Prostitution waren an der Tagesordnung. 1976 erklĂ€rte die New Yorker Polizei den Times Square sogar zu einer der gefĂ€hrlichsten Teile New Yorks.
Seit Mitte der 1980er Jahre fand der nÀchste Aufschwung statt: die PolizeiprÀsenz wurde erhöht, um den Platz wieder sicherer zu machen. Er wurde modernisiert, neue bekannte Hotels siedelten sich an und nach und nach konnte der Times Square wieder im neuen alten Glanz erstrahlen.
Heute ist der Times Square das pulsierende Herz Manhattans und Ausgangspunkt vieler Touren â und natĂŒrlich der Mittelpunkt der Musicals und Broadway-Shows. Wann auch immer es eure Zeit zulĂ€sst, schaut euch unbedingt eine der weltberĂŒhmten Shows hier an!
Schau dir jetzt die Musicals an
4. Am Times Square shoppen gehen
Neben einem groĂem H&M Store, Sportartikel-LĂ€den, Souvenir-Shops, dem Disney Store und dem berĂŒhmten M&Mâs Store gibt es rund um den Times Square eine Menge zu entdecken, was das Shopping-Herz höher schlagen lĂ€sst.
5. Entspannen (echt!)
Ganz neu ist die eingerichtete verkehrsberuhigte Zone, die fĂŒr Autos gesperrt ist. Das ist perfekt fĂŒr eine Fahrradtour oder einen entspannten Spaziergang entlang des Broadway Richtung Downtown. Oder ihr macht es wie ich im Sommer: einfach in eine der installierten Liegen legen!
6. Andere weltbekannte Attraktionen in der NĂ€he besuchen
In direkter NĂ€he vom Times Square gibt es gleich mehrere tolle Spots, die alle zu FuĂ zu erreichen sind. Besucht den Bryant Park, die New York Public Library, Madame Tussauds, spaziert auf der berĂŒhmten Fifth Avenue entlang oder schaut in der Grand Central Station vorbei (dort gibt es auch einen Food Market).
7. GĂŒnstig Musical- und Theater-Karten kaufen
Wenn ihr euch erst spontan vor Ort entscheidet, ein Musical zu besuchen, schaut unbedingt bei TKTS vorbei. Direkt an der Ecke vom Times Square & Broadway gelegen, könnt ihr es nicht verfehlen. Hier gibt es Karten fĂŒr die Abendveranstaltungen des gleichen Tages mit bis zu 50% Rabatt, es kann also auch sein, dass es manchmal keine Tickets mehr gibt. Habt ihr schon ein ganz spezielles Musical im Kopf, das ihr sehen wollt, dann kauft sie lieber vorab.
Adresse:Â âUnter den roten Treppenâ, Ecke Broadway und 47th Street.
8. Mit den Locals in einem der Pubs etwas Trinken
Rings um den Times Square findet ihr mehrere gute Pubs, es gibt sogar ein Rooftop-Pub! Unsere Lieblinge sind das Connollyâs (Adresse: 121 W 45th St zw. 6th und 7th Ave) sowie The Perfect Pint (Adresse: 123 W 45th St). Die Pubs sind fester Bestandteil der Barkultur und immer gut besucht. Und ein toller Ort, um mit den New Yorkern ins GesprĂ€ch zu kommen.
9. Silvester den Ball Drop erleben
Mit Live-Music weltbekannter KĂŒnstler und dem Highlight des Abends, dem Ball Drop, wird das neue Jahr eingelĂ€utet. Der Ball Drop in New York ist ĂŒbrigens das Herunterlassen des leuchtenden Balls auf dem GebĂ€ude des One Times Square pĂŒnktlich zu Mitternacht. Dieses Spektakel wird weltweit im Fernsehen ĂŒbertragen und gehört zu den Highlights am Times Square in New York.
HĂ€ufige Fragen zum Times Square
Wie kommt er zu seinem Namen?
Der Times Square ist nach der berĂŒhmten Zeitung âNew York Timesâ benannt und hieĂ vorher âLongacre Squareâ. Heute ist er auch unter dem Namen âCrossroads of the Worldâ bekannt und ist Sitz von vielen berĂŒhmtem internationalen Unternehmen: vom Hauptsitz der elektronischen Börse NASDAQ, von SONY ĂŒber den CondĂ© Nast-Verlag bis hin zu MTV.
Ist der Times Square New York gefÀhrlich?
Nein, nicht wirklich. Die Polizei-PrÀsenz ist hoch, dennoch solltet ihr es den Taschendieben nicht zu einfach machen.
Wo ist der Times Square?
Er liegt im Zentrum des Theatre District in Midtown Manhattan.
Wie kommt man zum Times Square?
Er ist super-zentral gelegen und ganz einfach mit denLinien 1 2 3 N Q R S zu erreichen.
Wo sind die roten Treppen?
Ihr findet sie am nördlichen Ende direkt ĂŒber TKTS. Sie sind nicht zu verfehlen!
Wie teuer ist die Werbung am Times Square?
Witzigerweise gibt es sogar GebĂ€udevorschriften die vorschreiben, dass die dortigen GebĂ€ude eine gewisse (und hohe) prozentuale AuĂenflĂ€che mit LED-Werbetafeln ausstatten mĂŒssen. So wird sicher gestellt, dass der Times Square auch weiterhin das blinkende Herz der Stadt bleibt. Dabei ist die Werbung auch richtig teuer. Es mĂŒssen schon mehrere Millionen Dollar pro Monat investiert werden, um prominent gesehen zu werden.
Weitere Bestenlisten zum Times Square
Source: https://lovingnewyork.de/sehenswuerdigkeiten/times-square/
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My annual New Yearâs Eve last-minute guide to events that are still available to do on New Yearâs Eve 2020 (when 2019 turns into 2020) in New York City
Times Square. Broadway show schedule for the week,+ other theater. parties. concerts. intimate dinners. cruises. quiet or healthy alternatives. TV listings.Â
You can also watch the festivities online live!
New Yearâs Eve in New York means the dropping of the ball in Times Square, the fireworks in Prospect Park, the annual concert at St. John the Divine, the midnight run with fireworks in Central Park, the annual Timeâs Up Bike Ride  â all FREE, and all things you can decide to do at the last minute.
It also can mean obscenely expensive shows and extremely loud parties, an annual arena concert featuring Phish and a new cabaret act starring Annaleigh Ashford, a cruise in the harbor, or a dinner for two in your favorite eatery â not all of which are sold out weeks in advance.
Or you can stay at home and watch the festivities online â on this very post.
Only eight percent of Americans reportedly plan to go out on any given New Yearâs Eve. For those New Yorkers (and New York visitors) who havenât made those plans yet, here are some ideas:
From the organizers comes an overview of New Yearâs Eve in Times Square, so you know what is in store for you if you decide to stand at the Crossroads of the World on December 31st.
But if youâre reading this before Saturday December 27, you might consider attending âGood Riddance Dayâ from noon to 1 p.m., in which participants shed bad memories of 2019? (an old bill, an ex-love note, a bad report card, a Playbill of a show youâd rather forget?) in a ceremonial shredding on the Broadway Plaza between 45th & 46th Streets
On Tuesday â New Yearâs Eve â revelers will start arriving at Times Square in the afternoon. By approximately 3:00 PM., the Bowtie of Times Square (42nd to 47th Sts. between Broadway & 7th Ave.) is fully closed to traffic. The crowd, which in the past has reached in the millions, could go as far uptown as Central Park, 17 blocks away.
Another way of saying this: If you want to be within naked-eyesight of the Times Square ball, arrive in the afternoon, and be prepared to stand immobile until the ball drops at midnight. Â Huddle with friends and loved ones for warmth â or make new friends.
Times Square offers an outdoor evening of entertainment, culminating in confetti, â2020â sign in lights, lots of hugging and wishing for a Happy New Year
  Iâve spent three New Yearâs Eves in Times Square, which is probably two more than necessary, but found each memorable. Do remember that the highlights will be televised. See Whatâs on TV, below.)
Open Table lists more than 100 restaurants  with âNew Yearâs Eve offersâ Most of them offer a choice of seatings â either earlier in the evening, so that you can make it in time elsewhere for the stroke of midnight, or party-hat-equipped seatings that lead up to midnight, where you can often turn on a TV so that you can watch the ball drop in Times Square. Open Table provides all sorts of filters â you can look for a table for 2 at a âcharmingâ French restaurant at 7 pm in your specific neighborhood.
Have a favorite neighborhood eatery thatâs not listed on Open Table? Go to the place NOW, and ask them whether they will take reservations.
No Broadway shows will be offering performances on New Yearâs Eve. But all but one of the shows currently on Broadway have performances on the Monday before New Yearâs, 15 of them both matinee and evening performances  (Mondays are usually the day off) and  9 of the shows will offer performances on Wednesday, New Yearâs Day, three of them both matinee and evening performances. (Youâve got to feel a little for the casts of those shows.)
The titles are linked to my reviews.
Performance Times for New Yearâs Week
 Show Run Time Theatre Mon 12/30 Tue 12/31 Wed 01/01 Thu 01/02 Fri 01/03 Sat 01/04 Sun 01/05 Ainât Too Proud -The Life and Times of The Temptations 2h 30min Imperial 2:00 & 7:30 7:00 2:00 & 7:30 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Aladdin 2h 30min New Amsterdam 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 American Utopia 100min Hudson 8:00 8:00 5:30 & 9:00 3:00 Beetlejuice 2h 30min Winter Garden 8:00 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Book of Mormon 2h 30min Eugene OâNeill 2:00 & 7:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 7:00 Chicago 2h 30min Ambassador 2:30 & 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 2:30 & 8:00 7:00 A Christmas Carol 2h 15min Lyceum 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Come From Away 100min Schoenfeld 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Dear Evan Hansen 2h 25min Music Box 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Derren Brown: Secret 2h 30min Cort 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 Freestyle Love Supreme 80min Booth 7:00 & 10:00 7:00 7:00 & 10:00 7:00 & 10:00 7:00 Frozen 2h 15min St. James 7:00 1:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 Grand Horizons Hayes 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 7:00 Hadestown 2h 25min Walter Kerr 8:00 2:00 & 7:30 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Hamilton 2h 40min Richard Rodgers 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two 2h 40min Lyric 2:00 Pt 1 & 7:30 Pt 2 7:30 Pt 1 7:30 Pt 2 2:00 Pt 1 & 7:30 Pt 2 1:00 Pt 1 & 6:30 Pt 2 The Illusionists â Magic of the Holidays 2h 10min Neil Simon 11:00 3:00 & 8:00 7:00 11:00 3:00 & 8:00 3:00 & 8:00 11:00 3:00 & 8:00 3:00 & 8:00 The Inheritance 3h 15min Barrymore 7:00 Pt1 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 7:00 Pt1 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 Jagged Little Pill 2h 30min Broadhurst 1:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 7:30 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical 2h 5min Longacre 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 The Lion King 2h 30min Minskoff 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 Mean Girls 2h 30min August Wilson 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 Moulin Rouge! 2h 35min Hirschfeld 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 Oklahoma! 2h 45min Circle in the Square 1:00 & 7:00 1:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Phantom of the Opera 2h 30min Majestic 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 Slavaâs Snowshow 100min Stephen Sondheim 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 Slave Play 2h 0min Golden 8:00 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 7:00 A Soldierâs Play American Airlines 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Sound Inside 90min Studio 54 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Tina â The Tina Turner Musical 2h 45min Lunt-Fontanne 2:00 & 7:30 7:00 2:00 & 7:30 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 To Kill a Mockingbird 2h 50min Shubert 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 7:00 Tootsie 2h 35min Marquis 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Waitress 2h 30min Brooks Atkinson 2:00 & 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 West Side Story Broadway 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 7:00 Wicked 2h 45min Gershwin 7:00 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00
If tickets are not available through the box office, try buying tickets here
(I havenât seen five of the shows, three of which havenât opened yet, which explains why those have no link to my review.)
Of course, New York theater is far more than just Broadway, and some Off-Broadway and Off-Off Broadway shows are not just happening, but getting into the whole excess thing that means New Yearâs Eve to so many in New York. Prime example is Sleep No More, which for New Yearâs Eve adds the option of a dinner plus a party, or any combination. (âGuests are to come dressed in luxe shades of midnight blue, gold, silver, or blackâŠ) The cost is astronomical â and much of it sells out.
Similarly, XIV Company offers its  âNutcracker Rouge,â  (a âbaroque, burlesqueâ not-for-children take on Nutcracker Suite) at its theater in Bushwick,  followed by a party with the cast.
Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular (two performances on New Yearâs Eve, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m..)
Big Apple Circus> (noon.)
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Thereâs a New York for almost any taste, so why would it be surprising that Eventbrite lists some 1,000 New Yearâs Eve parties? .
You can dance at parties set up in Times Square venues, such as the Marriot Marquis and the AMC 42nd Street movie theater, âsix floors of funâ for as little as $49 (thatâs after 12:30 a.m. admission) and as much as $3,300. Most promote a great view of the ball dropping (which â do you mind my pointing out? â is an insane pitch, but apparently an effective one)
Then there are the super-hip parties in Brooklyn and Queens.
For the second year in a row, BangOn!NYCÂ is presenting its annual bash to Maspeth, Queens, at the (aptly named?) Knockdown Center, with three musical stages, a silent disco, live painting, interactive art installations and performances, a bartering blackjack table, and more cosmic creations to transcend time and space.â
 Many suggest throwing your own New Yearâs Eve party, and offer vaguely insulting step-by-step tips on how to do so. The most memorable advice for throwing a party came from Joan Crawford, who was quite a partier in her day (see above). Her advice (see below)  can be summed up as:
Have a mix of people as your guests, but nobody with dirty feet.
Secretly drug them.
(P.S., donât do this.)
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Some concerts that will be sold out or too expensive will be available in your home, live, depending. (See TV listings below.)
St. John the Divine Concert for Peace.
An annual FREE event since 1984, when it was founded by Leonard Bernstein. Guest performers this year include Paul Winter, Judy Collins, Jamet Pittman, Jason Robert Brown, and David Briggs. (You can pay in advance to reserve a seat. Otherwise itâs first come, first served.)
This year, the New York Philharmonic will present âCelebrating Sondheimâ with host Bernadette Peters and Katrina Lenk (The Bandâs Visit, soon to star in Company), with music from Company, Into the Woods, Sunday in the Park with George, Sweeney Todd. The cancert will also be broadcast Live from Lincoln Center on PBS. (See TV listings below.)
 For the 13th year in a row, Phish will perform at Madison Square Garden The bad news is that their New Yearâs Even concert is already sold out. âBut more tickets may become available soon.â
The Strokes, with opening act Mac DeMarco, Barclays Center, Brooklyn (indie rock)
Reignwolf Music Hall of Williamsburg (rock)
Govât Mule,Beacon Theatre (indie rock)
Kaskade, Terminal 5, Hellâs Kitchen (electro house music)
With the repeal in 2017 of the hated 91-year-old Cabaret Law, which banned dancing at all but a handful of licensed venues (fewer than 100), you could argue that life is a cabaret (or at least could be) at all 25,000 eating and drinking establishments in New York City. But âcabaretâ has come to define specific genres of intimate entertainment at just a few, relatively small venues, such as those below.
Tip: Most cabarets offer two seatings on New Yearâs Eve. The one earlier in the evening is far less expensive. Many of these performers return to these venues every New Yearâs â a wonderful tradition that makes last-minute tickets chancy, but worth trying.
Sandra Bernhard at Joeâs Pub, late show
 Justin Vivian Bond, early show at Joeâs Pub
Natalie Douglas: A Very Natalie New Year at the Duplex â her 21st New Yearâs there
Seth Sikes Celebrates New Yearâs Eve with Twenty â20s Songs for 2020 at Feinsteinâs/54 Below (early show)
Annaleigh Ashford on New Yearâs Eve at Feinstein/54 Below (late show)
Marilyn Maye at Birdland, early show
The Birdland Big Band with Vocalist Veroncia Swift, late show
Annual Prospect Park Fireworks â free. at Grand Army Plaza
Big selling point of all these cruises â a close-up of the New Years Eve fireworks over the water. Most include a buffet, open bar, and dancing with a dj. Drawbacks: These cost up to hundreds of dollars (but some of the links below are to Goldstar discount deals), and many are already sold out (but there are cruises during the day on New Yearâs Eve)
Circle Line New Yearâs Eve Cruises
Queen of Hearts Cruise
New York Water Taxi New Yearâs Eve Cruise
Fireworks Cruise at Pier 62
Moonlight New Yearâs Eve Fireworks Party Cruise Aboard the Great Point
The Kadampa Meditation Center in Chelsea, $50 for non-members, provides a way for you to âring in the New Year âwith compassion and beneficial intentions!â â hors dâoeuvres, meditation, and no alcohol. (Pre-registration is required.)
New York Road Runnersâ   Midnight Run in Central Park
Shorewalkers Happy New Years Day Hike â Hiking the shores and parks of upper Manhattan for SEVEN MILES starting at noon on New Yearâs Day, which gives you a good excuse to go to bed early.
Annual Bike Ride and  Party, from Timeâs Up environmental action organization. The ride will begin in three different locations (one in Brooklyn) and end up  at the Belvedere Castle right next to the Delacorte Theater in Central Park.
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WHATâS ON TV (and other home devices)
Ryan Seacrest, Lucy Hale, Ciara and Billy Porter (!) present a New Yearâs countdown celebration, including performances by Paula Abdul, Kelsea Ballerini, Blanco Brown, Dan and Shay, Green Day, Dua Lipa.
Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen will be back together as hosts of CNNâs New Yearâs Eve special for the third year (Cohen replaced Cooperâs decade-long partner Kathy Griffin.) They will be in Times Square live Performances and appearances this year include Christina Aguilera, Lenny Kravitz, Shania Twain, Patti Labelle, Keith Urban, 50 Cent, The Chainsmokers, and comedian and actress DulcĂ© Sloan.
Leading up to New Yearâs Eve Live with Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen, will be All the Best, All the Worst 2019, a one-hour special hosted by Tom Foreman on the highlights and lowlights of the past twelve months in politics, pop culture, the economy and entertainment. The special airs at 7pm ET. I canât help quoting what Anderson Cooper said in 2013:Â âI donât know anybody who has a fun time at a party at New Yearâs Eve. Thatâs why I work on New Yearâs Eve.â)
Foxâs New Yearâs Eve with Steve Harvey: Live from Times Square will feature performances by LL Cool J, DJ Z-Trip, The Chainsmokers, The Lumineers, Florida Georgia Line, Backstreet Boys, Tyga, The Killers, and a âWWE match with Roman Reigns.â
New Yearâs Eve with host Carson Daly will feature performances by Leslie Odom Jr. (!), X Ambassadors, Brett Eldredge, NE-YO, Blake Shelton, The Struts and Gwen Stefani.
It will be preceded by A Toast to 2019! will air from 8 to 10 with hosts Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager, and Martin Short, Kirsten Bell, Maya Rudolph on the yearâs biggest pop culture moments
Live from Lincoln Center will present the New York Philharmonic concert celebrating Sondheim from 9:30 to 11 (see Concerts above), followed by Amanpour and Company at 11, and then a repeat of the Sondheim concert at midnight.
 TV Marathons
Starting on December 17th â the 30th anniversary of the premiere of The Simpsons â FXX has been showing all 661 episodes. Starting at 4:30 p.m. ET on Dec. 31, FXX will air a âBest of the Marathonâ marathon beginning with The Simpsons Movie and The Longest Daycare, followed by the 11 greatest The Simpsons episodes as determined by the seriesâ creators and viewer usage. The Simpsons New Yearâs Eve binge has been FXXâs annual tradition for a number of years, but never so extravagant.
Since 1996, WPIX has broadcast The Honeymooners marathon and this year is no different. Twenty-seven episodes of the Jackie Gleason TV series will be broadcast from 11pm to 5 a.m. on New Yearâs Day.
This New Yearâs Eve, catering to Binge Nation, there are an astounding number of additional TV marathons. A sample:
The Twilight Zone (12 a.m. â 12 a.m., SYFY) Sex & the City (12 a.m. â 12 a.m., E!) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (6 a.m. â 12 a.m., USA Network) Doctor Who (12 a.m. â 12 a.m., BBC America) Unearthed(4 a.m. â 10 p.m., Science) Ridiculousness (12 a.m. â 11:30 a.m., MTV) Moonshiners(11 a.m. â 12 a.m., Discovery) Say Yes to the Dress (4 a.m. â 12 p.m., TLC) Dr. Pimple Popper(12 p.m. â 12 a.m., TLC) Log Cabin Living (12 p.m. â 4 a.m., Great American Country) BRAVOâS BIG PICTURE (11:30 a.m. â 12 a.m., Bravo) Flipping Vegas (12 a.m. â 10 a.m., FYI) Ghost Hunters(12 p.m. â 12 a.m. FYI) Love It or List It (6 p.m. â 3 a.m., HGTV) Live PD (7 a.m. â 3 a.m., A&E) See No Evil (4 a.m. â 8 p.m., ID) Buying Alaska (6 a.m. â 12 a.m., Destination America) Everybody Loves Raymond (8 p.m. â 3 a.m., TVLand) South Park (9 a.m. â 2 a.m., Comedy Central) The Hunger Games Trilogy(9 a.m. â 5:00 a.m., AMC) CSI: Miami (10 a.m. â 5 p.m., WETV) Building Alaska (10 a.m. â 7 p.m., DIY) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (8 p.m. â 4 a.m., Food Network) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (10 a.m. â 3 p.m. WETV) Law & Order(3 p.m. â 1 a.m., WETV) Criminal Minds (1 p.m. â 1 a.m., Ion)
 And, in a nod to a new era,
1. SiriusXM plans to air live New Yearâs Eve concerts  â including that sold-out Phish concert!
2. â50 Best Movies currently on Netflixâ
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 New Years Eve 2020 in New York City: Last Minute Plans My annual New Year's Eve last-minute guide to events that are still available to do on New Yearâs Eve 2020 (when 2019 turns into 2020) in New York CityâŠ
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Now is the time when interest in Broadway is at its peak, piqued by the three-hour TV commercial for Broadway known as the 2019 Tony Awards.
Get tickets to attend the Tony Awards in person!
I regularly get asked for recommendations, especially from out-of-towners planning a trip to New York. When I try to explore the personâs tastes, they typically say to me âI just want you to pick the shows for me.â So here are ten (plus several âbonusâ selections.)
The Ferryman Bernard B. Jacobs Theater (242 W 45th Street New York, NY 10036) Opened: October 21, 2018 Twitter: @TheFerrymanBway
Theatergoers have only until July 7, 2019 to see this feast of Irish storytelling in a breathtaking mix of genres â from suspenseful thriller to family saga to ghost story to history lesson to morality tale. Now with an American cast, this play by Jez Butterworth and directed by Sam Mendes tells the story of Quinn Carney (Brian dâArcy James) who was once a member of the Irish Republican Army but is now a farmer with a sprawling brood â but on this day of the annual Harvest, his past comes back to threaten him.
Tickets to The Ferryman
 To Kill A Mockingbird Shubert Theater (225 W 44th Street, New York, NY 10036) Opened: December 13, 2018 Twitter: @mockingbirdbway
Aaron Sorkin has adapted Harper Leeâs beloved novel to focus more on the murder trial of an unjustly accused black man who is defended by Atticus Finch (Jeff Daniels.) But Scout (Celia Keenan-Bolger), her brother Jem (Will Pulled) and her friend Dill (Gideon Glick) still feature in the show, all played by adults.
Tickets to To Kill A Mockingbird
What The Constitution Means To Me Helen Hayes Theater Opened: March 31, 2019 Twitter: @constitutionbwy
Fifteen-year-old Heidi Schreck earned enough money for her college tuition by winning Constitutional debate competitions across the United States. Now she re-creates one such competition, portraying herself, as a way to explore the relationship between the document and four generations of women in her own family â and by extension all women. This smart, informative, funny and moving play has engendered an almost cult-like devotion, serving as a kind of communal salve for the politically shell-shocked and disaffected. It ends on Broadway on August 24, 2019.
Tickets to What The Constitution Means To Me
 Bonus Play
Opened last season:
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Lyric Theater (213 W. 42nd St., New York, NY 10036) Opened: April 22, 2018 Twitter: @HPPlayNYC
This continuation of the saga of the boy wizard is really for (the legions of) Potter fans, but the special effects are awe-inspiring:
Tickets to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Hadestown Walter Kerr (219 W 48th Street, New York, NY 10036) Opened: April 17, 2019 Twitter: @hadestown
This sung-through musical taking place in Hell adapts the Greek myth of retrieving his wife Eurydice from the Underworld. AnaĂŻs Mitchellâs score features sweet and sexy folk music, rocking jazz, and down-home blues.
Tickets to Hadestown
Oklahoma!, Broadway 2019
Oklahoma! Circle in the Square Theater (235 W 50th Street NYC) Opened: April 07, 2019 Twitter: @OklahomaBway
This is of course not a ânewâ musical, but this fifth Broadway revival of the landmark musical, directed by Daniel Fish, offers such a different interpretation that it feels like new. Itâs a darker take, and the music is countrified, with a small on-stage band (and some of the performers) playing fiddle, accordion, banjo guitar.
Tickets to Oklahoma!
Ainât Too Proud The Life and Times of The Temptations Imperial Theater (249 West 45th St. NYC) Opened: Mar 21, 2019 Twitter: @AintTooProud
Fans of 1960âs Motown are in for a treat in this musical whose performers can sing and dance as well as the Temptations â and act too.
Tickets to Ainât Too Proud
Bonus Musicals
Opened in previous seasons:
My Fair Lady Lincoln Centerâs Vivian Beaumont (150 W. 65th St) Opened April 19, 2018 Twitter: @MyFairLadyBway
If you havenât seen Laura Benanti in this fourth Broadway revival of the Lerner and Lowe musical, you have only until July 7th to do so.
Tickets to My Fair Lady
 Dear Evan Hansen Music Box Theatre (239 West 45th St.) Opened: December 04, 2016 Twitter: @DearEvanHansen
Evan Hansen is an anxious high school student with no real friends who becomes the center of attention when a classmate he barely knew commits suicide and, through a misunderstanding, people think that Evan was his best friend.  Evan turns that misunderstanding into a lie, and the lie gets out of hand. The musical offers insights into an array of issues, from adolescent insecurity to the downside of social media, while keeping us emotionally engaged with the characters. The songs by Pasek and Paul are tuneful and deeply felt.
More on Dear Evan Hansen
Tickets to Dear Evan Hansen
James Monroe Iglehart as Thomas Jefferson
HAMILTON Richard Rodgers (226 W. 46th St., New York, NY) Opened: August 6, 2015 @HamiltonMusical
I loved this hip hop musical about American founding father Alexander Hamilton,  Off-Broadway ,  on Broadway  and now with the new cast , finding it ground-breaking and breathtaking.
There IS a daily lottery online where you can try your luck at snagging one of the tickets for only  $10 (because Hamiltonâs face is on the ten-dollar bill.)
Tickets to Hamilton
These musicals have proven to be audience favorites, but a caveat: The original casts have long since moved on.
THE BOOK OF MORMON The Eugene OâNeill Theater Opened: March 24, 2011 Director: Jason Moore and Trey Parker Twitter feed: @BookofMormonBWY This musical by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (book), the creators of South Park, and Robert Lopez, one of the composer-lyricists for âAvenue Qâ and âFrozenâ (music and lyrics) is about the founder of the Church of Latter-Day Saints and his modern disciples. It is outrageous, irreverent in one way, but also deeply reverent to (even while parodying) the best traditions of the Broadway musical.
My review of The Book of Mormon:Â Ridiculing Religion, Worshiping The Great White Way
Tickets to Book of Mormon
Minskoff Theater (200 West 45th Street) Opened: November 13, 1997 Twitter: @TheLionKing Based on the 1994 Disney animated film about the coming-of-age of a young lion in the African jungle, this musical offers African-inflected music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice and the visual magic of Julie Taymor. Taymor is the director, a composer and lyricist for some of the songs. But above all, she is the designer of the costumes, masks, and puppets â and it is these visuals that make this show a good first theatrical experience.
Tickets to Lion King
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Majestic Theater (247 West 44th Street) Opened: January 26, 1988 Twitter: @PhantomBway The Phantom of the Opera, based on a 1911 French novel by Gaston Leroux, is about a disfigured genius named Erik who lives in the catacombs of the Paris Opera House and falls in love with Christine, an aspiring singer whom he helpsâŠuntil an old flame of Christineâs named Raoul steps back into the picture. However, the story in the musical, written and composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber â with more than its share of 1980âČs heavy power ballads â is starting to take second place to the story of the musical, which is the longest-running Broadway musical of all time, and the most profitable. I find this show too loud and overwrought for my taste, but it is the one exception Iâm making to the list of recommendations based on my personal taste, because itâs a tourist favorite, and admittedly visually stunning â people still ooh at the falling chandelier.
 Tickets to Phantom of the Opera
 Wicked NY
WICKED Gershwin Theater (222 West 51st Street) Opened: October 30, 2003 Twitter: @WICKED_Musical The musical tells the story of âThe Wizard of Ozâ from the witchesâ perspective, more specifically from the Wicked Witch of the West, who was not, as a child, wicked at all, but just green-tinted, taunted, and misunderstood. There is so much to like about this musical, the clever twists on the familiar tale, the spectacular set, and music that is a lot more appealing in context (such as the song âDefying Gravityâ) that I will forgive the contortions necessary to tack on a happy ending.
Tickets to Wicked
There ARE ways to get affordable tickets to Broadway shows, especially if you are willing to 1. Wait until the day of the performance, and 2. Live with uncertainty. Getting tickets to a hit Broadway show for as little as $10 (and no more than $80) takes time, luck, knowledge and/or ingenuity. Most shows now have digital lotteries and ârushâ tickets. For a show-by-show breakdown on the discounts available, check out Broadway for Broke People
Some of the best shows on Broadway began Off-Broadway. Off-Broadway shows tend to be more adventurous and less expensive. But they also tend to have more limited runs, and be less publicized. Off-Broadway shows donât get the attention they deserve. A willingness to hunt a little will pay off in a satisfying discovery, and bragging rights possibly for years to come.
Check out my latest monthly calendar of openings to whatâs newly available on Broadway, Off-Broadway and Off-Off Broadway.
What Broadway Shows Should I See? Top 10Â Suggestions Now is the time when interest in Broadway is at its peak, piqued by the three-hour TV commercial for Broadway known as the 2019 Tony Awards.
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