#omori suuny
sunnysviolin · 3 years
Hibi Ask!
You asked for this ;). I wasn't quite sure where exactly to start so let's start in the dreamworld! in the dreamworld, Basil is how Sunny wants him to be. sweet, cute, and... ignorant. in reality the boy knows too much and will try to talk about it. he's selfless to the point of self-destruction to save people he cares about. fiercely loyal. especially to Sunny. he did horrible things for Sunny's sake. he took years of abuse from Aubrey for something it's heavily implied [1/4
]that Sunny did (photo destruction). he was willing to take all the blame for Sunny's sake. idc if people read this as rom/plat/fam, but he loved him. it's undeniable. when you fight him, Basil is trying to save Sunny. which leads into the next bit. my boy is delusional. he's... very clearly mentally ill and probably always has been. at 12 years old he knew how to tie a noose that was strong enough to work. he has intense paranoia, abandonment issues (likely caused in part by his parents) [2/4]
and delusions. he holds people he loves in such high regard that the idea that Sunny could hurt Mari simply does not compute. his brain makes an explanation for him because he doesn't understand it: it was Something else. Something behind you. Sunny knows he did it which is why the Something behind him manifests as his sister (guilt). I'm not a psychologist so I won't give out any theories on what deals with beyond his obvious anxiety disorder. it's not all negative in Basil though [3/4
like I said he's loyal, sweet, and generous. but he has no standards for himself. he dodges the guilt. he panics when he sees Sunny again. he panics when Sunny's going to move. Basil really just needs therapy so bad. he needs to learn how to value himself and coping strategies. and really, he deserves the chance to be happy and live without the guilt. I swear I could talk about him forever but I already did so I'm gonna stop now while I have a chance. obligatory sorry for rambling haha [4/4] (~🌺 Hibi)
I don’t have much to add Hibi!! I’ve been holding onto this deep dive for a bit and reminiscing on it (For anyone who’s still confused Hibi and I were talking the other day about how I don’t really understand Basil’s character and how he’s hard for me to write! and then they offered to send me their perspective and I was like *Eyes Zoom* do it)
I’ve kept this on the side where I keep all of my character understanding stuff but I figured you all would also like to see this!! Hibi....you brilliant genius you!! 
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