#omo questionnaire
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Omo Questionnaire- Jesse
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
Jesse isn’t particularly picky about where he goes. He’ll use a toilet if one is available, but if it isn’t then it’s not a problem to go somewhere else.
He’s peed onto the floor of his basement multiple times since an intense need to pee just hits him suddenly pretty often. It’s fine, the basement floor is already a mess due to other reasons.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
He usually stands, but for whatever reason, when he pees outside he finds it weirdly relaxing to squat down. He doesn’t know why it feels good, considering that it means he needs to pull his pants down or off all the way rather than simply unzipping them, he thinks it’s pretty illogical he enjoys the feeling so much. But, he just does.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
His aim is generally good, and he uses one hand, often using the other to prop himself up against something while he pees.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
Jesse’s not a super talkative person. He definitely doesn’t like to discuss his bodily functions unless it’s necessary.
He’ll sigh while peeing, but would never want to talk while he’s doing that. Someone else speaking to him while he’s peeing will irritate him.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
He does lean into the wall while going. Since he has a hard time noticing that he needs to pee until it’s an emergency, the relief can sometimes make him a little weak at the knees.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He will sometimes take longer deliberately if he knows someone is waiting on him to finish. He’s fascinated by the pain tolerance of other people, and so seeing how long he can force someone to wait until they get mad and start shouting at him to hurry amuses him.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
Nope, no pee-shyness at all. Nothing can freeze him up or make it difficult for him to let go, once he tells himself to pee it all comes out right away, perfectly easily.
This isn’t to say he doesn’t feel EMBARRASSED by it ever, though. He certainly doesn’t LIKE the idea of other people thinking about him peeing, but that embarrassment isn’t strong enough to prevent him from being able to go.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He wants to be alone, he has no desire to turn urinating into a social event. Julian sometimes follows him into the restroom anyway, though. And then refuses to take the hint that Jesse doesn’t WANT to talk to him while they’re at the urinals. No matter how many times Jesse mutters the words “Silence, moron,” Julian just will not be quiet.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He prefers urinals, since he’s forever (unintentionally) waiting until the last second to pee, he doesn’t have time for the door on a stall, or lifting the lid/seat up— He’s barely even got time to just get his zipper down.
Jesse wants total and complete silence while he’s peeing, so he would never, EVER be the first to speak while in the restroom. If he DOES talk, it’s usually just to demand that Julian shuts up, haha. He won’t look over at anyone, either. But, as a kid, he thought it was funny to deliberately take the middle urinal so that anyone who came in after him would have to either pee right next to him or take a stall instead. (Some say this was the first indication of his sociopathy.)
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
Jesse is uncomfortable with urinals that reach down to the floor, because of a bad experience when he was a kid where he accidentally went on his shoes.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Nope, but that’s just because he can’t swim, haha. If he COULD go in pools, he’d definitely pee in them.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yep. Sometimes he’ll get in the shower, not noticing his bladder is full, and the water will prompt him to let go. He’s usually pretty surprised by it because, again, he didn’t even realize he had to pee and suddenly he’s going a whole lot.
He would NEVER admit that he does this. He would deny it over and over.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
YES. Several times.
In pre-school, his classroom had a bathroom attached to it. The teacher had the key that went to the door. One day, Jesse somehow got ahold of the key, locked the door, and hid it because he was curious to see what would happen. The key was eventually found, but not until after a few kids had had accidents. The only reason Jesse wasn’t suspected as the culprit was because HE ended up wetting his pants, too. (He was unwilling to give up the location of the key once he realized he had to go, because he knew he would then be punished for taking it.)
Jesse worked at a fast food place for a brief time. If someone came in asking to pee, he was supposed to tell them to buy something first. He would do this, and then take as long as he could to ring up the order and count their money, pretending to lose count over and over again so that he’d have to start back at the beginning while the other person squirmed. Just so he could be a dick, haha.
If Julian has annoyed him particularly badly, Jesse will lock himself in the restroom until Julian either begs for forgiveness, or threatens to empty his bladder onto something Jesse loves.
(And… I mean, when he has a victim tied up in his torture basement, I don’t think he’s gonna be taking them upstairs for pee breaks or anything…)
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Nope. He would if he had to, though.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
Yeah, he likes to pee outdoors. Sometimes he’ll take his morning pee outside near his house if it’s dark enough out there. He just finds it relaxing for some reason.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
Jesse doesn’t like to talk about his bodily functions, and he hates vulgar words and phrases. He also desperately wants everyone to think he’s super intelligent and far smarter than he actually is, so likes to use long, complicated words that really only succeed in making him sound really weird. He will say things like “I must micturate,” or “I need to avail myself of some pressure” when he has to pee… Rarely will anyone know what he actually MEANS until they notice him squirming.
He gets annoyed when Julian says things like “Piss” or “take a leak”, because Jesse thinks things like that are vulgar and make a person sound unintelligent. If Jesse scolds him, Julian will usually say “Well, at least when I say I gotta piss people understand what the Hell I’m talking about!”
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
Since Jesse doesn’t NOTICE he has to pee until he’s nearly wetting his pants, he doesn’t SHOW much need until then either. Once he needs to go badly enough that he’s doing anything to help keep it in, it’s super obvious what he has to do because he’s suddenly jumping around and holding himself.
Julian doesn’t exactly notice before other people do, but he does try and REMIND Jesse to pee often so that he empties himself out BEFORE it’s an emergency. Jesse gets irritated by this, though.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He does admit it— Because once he’s at the point other people can tell, he needs to go way too badly to be able to deny it. He neither downplays nor exaggerates it, just lets himself fidget as much as his bladder demands.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
He DOES get a bit angry/irritated. He doesn’t like how everyone else can FEEL their bladder filling up, whereas he only notices it when it’s about to burst. He also gets mad if whoever he’s with tells him something like “You should have gone earlier” because he literally didn’t think he had to go until right then.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
Jesse thinks it’s funny, and will tease the other person. He’s also intrigued by how long they can hold it/how much taunting they’ll put up with before they either yell at him or wet themselves. Julian is a frequent victim of this game; Jesse sometimes mashes on his bladder when he’s complaining of desperation, or makes him listen to water noises, because he finds it interesting to see how Julian reacts to it.
Jesse likes to do this to the people he imprisons in his basement as well. The goal of his ‘experiments’ down there is to test the limits of someone’s pain tolerance, forcing them to hold it is a way to do that. But, he always needs to come up with a penalty for wetting themselves that they really wouldn’t like. Because, while Julian will hold it simply because he doesn’t want to pee his pants in front of Jesse, the basement prisoner would be unlikely to care that much about embarrassing themselves in front of him.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
Even though Jesse takes immense delight in tormenting other people when they have to go, he gets mad if anybody does the same to him. He doesn’t want to be comforted over it, either. He just wants to be left alone about it.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
While having an accident, he freezes up. And he stays frozen for a bit after he’s finished. Accidents aren’t even RARE for him, yet they still shock him every time they happen.
He’s amused when he sees another person wet themselves, but there’s a bit of disappointment too if he’d been teasing them beforehand. He’s sad that the fun is over now and he can’t try any other ways to torment their bladder.
He wants to be left alone for the most part. If Julian’s around, he’ll order him to help clean it up, but that’s it.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
He’s pretty embarrassed about it, but not devastated. He certainly won’t cry or anything. Just, stand totally frozen and blush super hard as he empties out uncontrollably. Then, it will take him a couple minutes to be able to move again and clean up.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was eighteen. He and Julian were testing out new ropes they had, and a particular knot they’d learned. To do this, Jesse got tied down and had to see if it was possible to escape. When he realized he had to pee, he discovered that the ropes definitely couldn’t be escaped from. When Julian cut him free, he wasn’t able to make it up to the toilet, so tried to go on the floor of the basement, but his zipper got caught and he wet himself.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
Yep. When he worked at the fast food restaurant, he got locked inside the freezer overnight. He really, REALLY had to go, and he was super cold. Fearing both hypothermia and a ruptured bladder, Jesse just let himself pee, reasoning that the heat of his urine would warm him up. And it did! But, only for a couple minutes. After that, it started to freeze to his legs…
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
This is a tricky one, because Jesse DOESN’T feel the urge for the first time until he’s ALREADY waited too long and is close to an accident. He does try to go as soon as he realizes he needs to, but by that point he has so little time left that it barely matters.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
He actually DOES have a pretty big bladder, it just doesn’t tell him when it’s getting full until it’s practically too late.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Sometimes, if he recites facts to himself, this will distract him from his need for a tiny bit.
Not being able to hold his crotch makes it a lot worse. His bladder needs that support, and if his hands are otherwise occupied, or he’s somewhere that it would be totally unacceptable to hold himself, he feels that much closer to exploding.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Anything with lemon in it, for whatever reason, will make Jesse have to pee right away.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He hardly ever wakes up to pee during the night, but not because he doesn’t have to go. He just sleeps right through it as he soaks himself and the sheets. He does have pee dreams, and even when he REALIZES ‘I’m sleeping, this is a dream. I need to get up or I’ll wet the bed,’ he isn’t able to wake himself up in time.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
Yep, he’ll try his best to avoid an accident, even if it means peeing somewhere weird. Once when he was super desperate, he climbed up onto the sink at a train station bathroom to pee because Julian was using the toilet and he couldn’t hold it anymore.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
The incident I mentioned in the last question was the worst Jesse has ever needed to go. He’d been traveling all day with Julian, insisting that they couldn’t take any pee breaks until they were far enough away from the place they were running from, for fear of getting captured by law enforcement. After several hours of Julian begging for a toilet break, Jesse noticed he had to go as well, and REALLY badly, too. He struggled to hold it until their next stop and, as previously stated, had to relieve himself into the sink because Julian took the toilet.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
He was still regularly having accidents up until he was about six. He was extremely late to train because he wasn’t able to recognize any signals from his body that it was time to go.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He NEVER stopped wetting the bed, he still does it to this day. Practically every night, Jesse will pee while he’s asleep. Sometimes, he’ll pee himself, wake up and get changed, then go back to sleep and have a SECOND accident before morning. He’s tried lots of things to get it to stop, like cutting off water after a certain time in the evening, peeing right before bed, and wearing a moisture-detecting alarm. But, none of it helps. Now, he just puts a protective cover over his side of the bed to try and minimize the amount of clean-up each day.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Yes, very much so. When little Jesse asked for the bathroom at school, he wasn’t so much ASKING as he was WARNING his teacher that he was about to go. If he wasn’t allowed to leave, he would inevitably pee his pants within the next several minutes.
He got better at remembering to go even if it didn’t feel like he had to as he got older. In middle and high school, he always went between every class since his bladder was so unpredictable to him. But, he would still forget sometimes if something else was on his mind. He wet himself in sixth grade because he forgot to go all morning, and when it all slammed into him at once, he wasn’t allowed to leave class to pee. Half an hour of squirming later, Jesse was drenched. He acted like he’d done it on purpose to give his teacher a lesson for not allowing him to pee, and everyone fell for it. (Which kind of backfired because, since the teacher thought he’d peed himself deliberately, she sent him to the principal to be punished for the disruption.)
He still has accidents often, for pretty much the same reason. If he doesn’t remind himself to go often enough, then by the time he realizes he needs to, it’s almost too late.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
He wore bedwetting pants to sleep when he was younger, but the older he got, the harder it was to find any in his size, so now he just has to sleep on top of towels and absorbent pads.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
Yes. Jesse is incredibly numb to pain, unless that pain is super severe. (This is part of why he became so fascinated with discovering how much pain a person can take, and why he developed the desire to perform cruel human experimentation in order to find out.)
Example: Jesse will not flinch or feel much of anything if he sticks his finger into a candle-flame, the burning won’t register to him. But, if his whole arm was set on fire, THEN he would feel it.
This is actually pretty dangerous for him, since pain is supposed to warn a person that something is wrong with their body. If he got an infected cut, he might not realize it since it won’t hurt enough for him to worry about it, and so the infection could spread and make him really sick. If he was cutting something and accidentally hit his own finger with the knife, he wouldn’t notice right away, would just keep going until the cut became deep enough for him to feel, at which point the injury would be serious.
And, this also affects his ability to notice when his bladder is filling. Rather than realizing he needs to go when he still has plenty of time to find a toilet, he doesn’t notice it until he’s filled to the brim and in agony, and needs to find somewhere to go RIGHT AWAY.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
Jesse doesn’t actually know WHY he can’t perceive pain the same way everybody else does.
Jesse has tried to explain to Julian a few times that when he goes from saying he doesn’t need to pee, to squirming around miserably within a matter of minutes, he’s telling the truth when he says “I didn’t have to go then!” But, Julian doesn’t understand it. He just thinks Jesse is weird, haha.
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
No. He actually WAS teased a lot for having accidents at school, but the insults never really affected him. He thought all his classmates were stupid, brainless and vapid, and he didn’t care what they thought of him.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. Illness makes it even HARDER for Jesse to notice when he has to go, so accidents are a lot more frequent then.
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OK, here we go with another omo questionnaire! This one is again for Kyder, but her modern AU version, so she lives in the modern world and is a human this time!
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
1. What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
Most definitely a toilet, ideally not a public one.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
She's cis AFAB and only knows how to pee sitting down, as far as she's aware she can't do that standing up.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
See above, she doesn't know how to pee standing up so she definitely doesn't know how to aim.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
She's mostly very quiet when she goes, though she might sigh or whimper quietly if she was holding way too much and she knows she won't be heard by anyone, or if the only person who could hear her is someone she trusts.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
Like her D&D counterpart, she usually needs to stim to make her body relax enough to let go, though these days that mostly takes the form of squishing a small bladder plushie that her friend made for her - he thought having a stim toy that she could fidget with and that looked like the thing she was trying to empty would help, and he was very right! She keeps it in her pocket at almost all times now, just in case.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
She tries her best to be quick, but it's not always possible with how long it can take to make her body relax.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
Her problem isn't quite so much pee-shyness as it is fear, she always expects to be scolded for needing to go. This has left her pretty embarrassed about her own needs though, and the sound still often makes her self-conscious, though it's been getting slightly better.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
Her anxiety has actually skewed in an unusual and somewhat peculiar direction, in that now that she has a few people she feels safe around, she prefers one of them to stay with her while she uses the toilet, as it makes her feel safer - the people who used to get angry at her can't 'get her' if they're there, because she knows they would protect her. She's gotten better at handling it alone when she's at home, but she still can't use public bathrooms on her own.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
As mentioned before, she refuses to use public bathrooms by herself or at least without her friend waiting close by, because that was completely forbidden when she was a child and she still feels as though she'll get in trouble for it.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
She hasn't, though she came very close to having an accident in the pool once when her friends took her to a wellness centre. She only just made it!
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
She hasn't actually done this, as it feels too much like having an accident for her to be comfortable with it, especially since it would run down her legs. If she did have an accident in the bath or shower and someone called her out, she would probably shake her head, but not very convincingly - her expression gives her away, she would look too embarrassed and guilty.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
A few times actually, her friend had been trying to help her relax enough to pee while also desperate himself, and had to wait until she was all done before he could go... She also accidentally locked him out of the bathroom once and came back out to see him peeing in the sink, as he couldn't wait for her. (If this sounds familiar, see the post @mrslittleleaks made about her OC Lum!)
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Yes actually, she was at an event with her friend that her parents were also attending, and there was no way she'd be able to go on her own when she knew they were right there, so her friend had to take her into the men's bathroom so he could stay with her. Luckily the bathroom was empty at the time.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
She's never actually peed outside on purpose, apart from the one time she peed in the ocean during a day at the beach. She definitely wouldn't know what to do if she had to try it somewhere else...
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
She does NOT like saying it out loud, she still expects anger or mockery for it, even though her friends are trying to work on that with her. Like her other version, she'll sometimes use a code word if they're in public and she can't get the normal words out... Though when they're alone, she's taken to using the word 'potty' instead, because she finds it easiest to say. Her friends already had a habit of using more childish words sometimes simply because it sounds cute, and it doesn't make her feel scared or guilty because it's so far removed from anything she heard while growing up - she was never baby-talked and always taught to speak as formally and properly as possible, so childish words and phrases feel 'safe' as they don't make her think of anything from her past, only the present where she's allowed to be herself.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
She gets pretty squirmy, although she often doesn't like to sit still anyway. Usually her friends can tell the difference between her squirming because she's nervous or happy or excited, and squirming because she has to go, though she doesn't actually realise they've been paying such close attention.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
She used to deny it instantly out of fear, regardless of how true it was, but she's gotten better at fighting that instinct now and can usually be honest. Most of the time she finds it difficult to give any detail about the severity of her need though, so it still feels like progress whenever she can verbalise how bad it is or if she's still able to wait.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
Lots of squirming, and if it gets bad, she'll go quiet and start to look much more anxious.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
She'll try to help, but unless she knows the person well, her efforts might seem rather clumsy - her social skills aren't great...
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
Honestly, there's very few times where she doesn't want to be comforted and coddled, so she definitely appreciates a lot of comfort and reassurance that it's going to be ok.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
1. How do they act when they have an accident/wet the bed? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
Accidents don't cause quite as severe a reaction as her other version, but they still scare her quite a bit and can cause a panic attack if they're public enough, and they'll always make her cry pretty hard. They've happened often enough to her by now that she actually knows what it feels like when her body is about to give up, and she'll instinctively hide anywhere she can right before it happens, just so that she at least won't be seen. This is actually how she met her best friend, as he found her hiding backstage after an accident!
2. How do they act when someone else has an accident/wets the bed in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
Again, her efforts to help might be somewhat clumsy, but she'll do her best - the last time someone had an accident around her, she deliberately knocked her water bottle over and loudly apologised for 'spilling it on him', both giving him an excuse and drawing the attention towards her instead.
3. How do they like to be treated when they have an accident/wake up wet? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
She definitely wants a lot of comfort when she has an accident, as she needs to be reminded that she's not in trouble and won't be punished for what just happened. Cuddles, reassurance, help cleaning up, it all helps her calm down... And it'll also make her trust whoever is helping her a lot more, too.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
Very upset and embarrassed, she'll be thinking about it for quite a while.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
She was 25, it happened very recently. She was trying to get better at going out and doing things on her own, and tried going to a restaurant by herself... Only to get nervous when the waiter asked what she wanted and end up blurting out the first thing she read on the menu. Said thing turned out to be much too spicy and she almost choked. The waiter noticed thankfully, and brought her a milkshake to cool her mouth back down. It worked well, but it also hit her bladder very quickly, and after the embarrassment and anxiety of what had just happened combined with her fear of public bathrooms, there was no WAY she was getting up to try and use the toilets in the restaurant. She managed to hold it a bit longer, enough to pay and get outside, but by that point her bladder had had enough, and she only just had time to hide herself in a nearby alley before she had an accident... Where, of course, she was found by the waiter from earlier while he was taking out the trash. Luckily he was very nice about it, though she's now starting to wonder why THIS is how she keeps making friends...
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
She's certainly never wet herself deliberately so far, though she possibly could with enough reassurance that she wouldn't get in trouble, and if she was desperate enough that she had no choice... It would probably make her pretty clingy though, holding onto someone she trusts makes her feel safe.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
She definitely waits too long, as she had always been taught that she HAD to. Her parents were very strict about it when she was little, and it stuck in her head for a long time.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
She has a big bladder, but it's not the strongest - once she has to go, she often doesn't have long. She used to be able to hold it for long periods of time while desperate, but she's out of practise now, which is safer for her body but rather inconvenient at times.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Distractions often help, or knowing exactly how long it will be until she can get to a bathroom, because giving her a set time will remind her that she CAN hold it until then. Hearing running water or other people peeing will always make it worse, though.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Slushees go through her dangerously quickly, which is a shame since she loves them. It can be slightly troublesome too, since they also give her a bit of a sugar rush and she might not notice her bladder right away.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
She pretty much always sleeps through the night without needing to pee, though it usually leaves her desperate in the morning. Most of the time for her, pee-dreams are more akin to nightmares due to her trauma, but thankfully they're rare.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
She tries VERY hard not to, as it feels too scary. It's not particularly weird, but the weirdest place she's managed to go so far was in the ocean when she was at the beach - it was a big thing for her at the time though, as she was still severely affected by her trauma and regularly had trouble going at all, never mind in public with other people around.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
Oooooh, too many... She's gotten dangerously desperate a lot of times, particularly back when she was having the most trouble relieving herself anywhere, even when she was alone. Accidents used to be very common for her when that happened.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
Same as her other version - a little under 2, well before she was actually ready. She wasn't even really potty trained in the traditional sense, one day she was just put in underwear instead of a diaper and suddenly found herself getting scolded and punished whenever she made a mess in them, most of the time before she even knew it was happening. The maids were left to do the actual explaining of what she was supposed to be doing - not a great idea, as none of them talked to each other about it and she ended up with a lot of conflicting information and words when she desperately needed things to be as simple and straightforward as possible - and were also the ones who paid for this carelessness when they had to clean up all the puddles. It was very frustrating for everyone.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
She wet the bed most nights through a lot of her young childhood, both as a response to all the mistreatment and fear she was dealing with during the day, and because her bladder was weakened from constantly holding it for too long. It mostly stopped by the time she was 10, but she still sometimes had one specific nightmare of wetting herself in school in front of her entire class that always made her wet the bed - the scenario in the nightmare never actually happened to her, but she came very very close to it once, and her mind panicked so much over what nearly happened that it essentially made it true in her dreams. To this day it still occasionally pops back up and makes her wet the bed even as an adult, usually if something particularly intense scared her during the day.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
She was very very accident-prone, mostly because various adults wouldn't let her go. Her parents were beyond strict about it, and her teachers were almost always unfairly mean too (most of them had a grudge against her because her parents were despised for regularly kicking up a fuss about stupid things, but they were too powerful to be touched, so the teachers took their frustrations out on her instead). It's only just starting to get better now that she's away from all of that and finally beginning to heal.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
Nope, though her mother used to threaten to put her back in diapers once she was old enough to understand that they were 'for babies' and would be something she should be embarrassed about. Though even then, sometimes a small part of her wished that mother would just make good on that threat so she could stop worrying about it for once! Nowadays she doesn't like to remember that she once wished for that...
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
Not exactly, but her bladder is a LOT more vulnerable to UTIs than most, and when she gets one, it always hits her HARD due to the amount of times they went untreated when she was younger. High fevers and blood in her urine are common...
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
Not yet, though she knows it's only a matter of time before something goes wrong and she gets another UTI... And she also knows that, now she actually has people who care about her, she's going to make them VERY worried when it happens and she's going to feel VERY bad about it...
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Yep, similar deal as her other version - in this world though, as well as the aforementioned potty training disaster, her parents are big names in the fashion industry and have their own brand of clothing, and Kyder was expected to model for them basically from the moment she was born "so that at least she'd be useful for SOMETHING"... Her parents were notorious for mistreating their models in many ways, but one of the cruellest things they did was discouraging anyone to drink anything and forbidding bathroom breaks during photo shoots, even for the child models. Their own daughter was no exception to these rules of course, and growing up, she very intensely internalised that asking for a bathroom break or admitting that you had to go was something that would - and should - be punished very harshly. Even then, on the rare occasions that she was allowed to go, her parents would often stand over her when she was younger and glare impatiently while she tried to go, only making it harder when they constantly tried to rush her and she couldn't relax enough. Often she wouldn't be able to pee and they'd lift her off of the toilet before she managed to let go, angrily insisting that she must not have to relieve herself THAT badly then and accusing her of wasting time and delaying their work... Then getting even angrier when she inevitably had an accident shortly after. She was always physically punished for this, as well as for almost anything else they saw fit to disapprove of, though in this world they were a lot more careful to do it out of sight so they couldn't get reported for child abuse, and never left marks anywhere that would be easily noticed. All this really meant for her was that she got very good at either not sitting down when she could avoid it, or sitting down without flinching no matter how bad the pain was. On top of this, her mother was a bit of a compulsive clean freak and would refuse to let her use public toilets when they were out somewhere, leading to even more desperation and accidents, and also inadvertently causing her major fear of using public bathrooms as an adult - as far as her mind is concerned, she's still breaking a big rule, and will be punished for it unless she knows someone will keep her safe. All of this compounded together for the first 18 years of her life, and you can imagine the mess it's left her brain in. She's honestly surprised that she's starting to recover now, she had been convinced she would just have to suffer for her entire life when she first started living on her own and realised the problems weren't going away. As it turns out, therapy and feeling (platonically) loved for the first time in your life can do wonders...
(Also, for those curious - yes, this is indeed the evil evil couple who made Lum have an accident and blackmailed him with it! Again, see @mrslittleleaks post about her OC!)
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Plenty of them, whether she was sick with a UTI or anything else. It always left her feeling weak and shaky and miserable, and in no mind to focus on her bladder when everything already hurt. As you can imagine, she wasn't given any more sympathy over her accidents than when she was feeling fine, they still caused anger and a lot of shaming.
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for new followers and really anyone i feel like it should b known that my omo hcs and content i make r 100% catered to my tastes, when writing out those omo questionnaires and stuff i get worried i might come of as like making characters ooc by making everyone crybabies n shit but the fact of it all is that im here for fun and that is my taste lol
#obv no hate to anyone who doesnt like what i like#the melatonin is hitting sorry if this comes off weird
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5, 7, 9 on the questionnaire
Omg I reblogged that weeks ago I had to scroll wayyyy down to find the post (at least I hope this was the post lol)
But thank you for the ask!! I will still reply to these I love interaction! 💛
5. Do you like to pee yourself or do you prefer to see others peeing?
Definitely prefer to watch. I really don't have accidents often because I actually don't like holding too much (I usually draw in my free time and when I get too wiggly I can't draw! I can't do anything! I get bored!) Also I live with my father and cleaning up everything without him noticing is annoying ^^;
The few times I did pee myself were for the camera mostly! But tumblr ate those during the purge so they may rest in piss 😔
As for watching. Please give me cute boys having accidents. Give me all of them. I'm weak. If you're a cute boy (if you're a boy then you are no exceptions) you have my full permission to come to me for hugs after you had an accident (but I might require proof lol)
7. Has anyone ever peed on you?
Nooo I'm way too shy for that! I actually met someone that doesn't live too far from me who wanted to meet up... but my stupid ass never replied to them 😭😭😭
Honestly as much as I love omo in like an imaginary setting, idk how I'd handle it irl?? Like I get hella awkward I'm just way too inexperienced rip
9. Have you ever had a public accident?
I'd probably die if that happened omfg. The only time I can remember was in kindergarten and even then it was so embarrassing. The lady working there got all pissy with me too (no pun intended) I'm still mad at her.
If it happened now well that's it goodbye I'm moving to Alaska. Starting a new life. Tell my neighbor's cat I love him.
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Omo Questionnaire- River
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
He prefers to use an actual toilet. It isn’t that he has an issue with going in other places (He will if he has to), but for several years, he lived on the streets and it was really difficult for him to find a bathroom to pee in back then, so he’s just super appreciative that he has somewhere to live now and can use a toilet whenever he needs to.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
Ever since he had phalloplasty, he stands up most of the time. However, pre-op, sitting to pee was actually really messy for him. The placement/angle of his urethra was in such a way that his pee never flowed straight down, most of it instead went forwards. Often, he would sit on the toilet to pee, but instead of going down into the bowl like it should have, it would spray right out through the space between the seat and the rim and make a big mess of the floor and his legs. Pre-phallo, he always had to sort of hover, and tilt his upper body forward a little so that his stream would be angled correctly. Peeing is much, much easier now.
He actually DOES sit down to go occasionally now just because he’s happy that he can finally do that without making a mess, but he doesn’t sit as often as he stands.
He prefers to pee at home, since going out in public at ALL scares him, and public bathrooms frighten him even more.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
River does have decent aim now— But, it took a bit of practice. The first several times he stood he did end up ‘missing’ a bit, and got a little discouraged. His best friend/father figure Hugo told him not to worry, though. “Most guys need to learn how to aim, the only difference is you’re learning NOW instead of as a toddler, like all of them would have.”
After a while, he got better at it and now only has mishaps if he was super desperate and couldn’t focus so well on where he was going.
He usually aims with both hands, just one doesn’t feel ‘steady’ enough to him.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
That depends. If he’s at home, then he’s pretty talkative. He’ll tell his partner Duncan, or Hugo that he needs to pee and complain about it if he needs to wait to use the toilet. Sometimes he’ll keep talking with one of them while he’s going, too.
But, if he’s in public, that’s completely different. Both he and Duncan escaped from an organization of hit-men that nearly killed them and now live in fear of that group (which is very powerful and wealthy) tracking them down and finishing the job. River is constantly on guard, and can switch from friendly to aggressive on a dime if he feels threatened. He and Duncan go out very rarely, and when they do, they carry knives for protection. Neither of them will speak much when outside their home unless they HAVE to, so if River needs to pee while out, he just mumbles it as softly as he can to either Hugo or Duncan.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
He hums to himself if he’s peeing in a public bathroom. That helps him stay calm because it draws the attention of everyone else that is in there. It embarrasses him, but he feels better if a lot of eyes are on him. (He and Duncan actually feel safest in crowded places because, if someone was going to attack or kidnap them, it wouldn’t be in a location with tons of witnesses where they could yell for help.)
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
If he’s at home, he’ll take as long as he needs. If he’s out, he tries to finish fast so he can be done with it.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He actually has the exact opposite problem. After everything that happened and with the fear he now lives in, I guess you could say River has ‘reverse pee-shyness’. Being alone in a public bathroom is too scary because he’d be worried someone is hiding there and about to attack.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He NEEDS people around him to be able to go, and it actually helps more if those people are talking or otherwise making noise.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He prefers urinals, since other people will see him when he’s standing at one. He also doesn’t like being ‘locked in’ anywhere, so stalls stress him out for that reason as well. If all the urinals are taken and he NEEDS to go in a stall, he will leave the door wide open while he pees.
He won’t talk to anybody (but, as mentioned above, he doesn’t stay silent either and is always humming.) He won’t look over at anyone, either. But, he generally just doesn’t pay attention in regards to leaving a gap. If he’s relieving himself in public, then that means he REALLY has to go and he’ll just take whichever urinal is vacant, whether someone is right beside him or not.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
He refuses to enter single-use bathrooms in public because it would be easy for somebody to hide out in there and wait for him.
He also won’t use multi-stall public bathrooms unless there are already multiple people in it, it feels unsafe otherwise. He has attempted to use empty restrooms before when he was super desperate, but the silence stressed him out too badly and he couldn’t actually go.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
No, but that’s because he doesn’t know how to swim and has never spent much time in pools.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yes. He peed in the shower a lot when he was learning how to aim, haha. Then it became a habit and he never stopped. Being in the shower sort of just signals to his bladder that it’s time to pee now. If someone asked, he’d admit it, he’s not ashamed of it.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Yes. When he and Duncan were imprisoned by the hitman group, the bathroom was the only part of the facility without surveillance cameras and so they went in there to discuss possible ways to escape. Another person that was also imprisoned by the group really needed to go while they were in there whispering.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
He has. He didn’t have a choice when he was younger and was presumed to be a girl. He was born intersex and coercively assigned female at birth— This means his parts were ambiguous, not quite obviously male or obviously female, and so the doctors who delivered him suggested he be ‘altered’ so that his parts would resemble a female’s more closely and then he was to be raised as girl. He feels a lot of betrayal because of this, he grew up feeling horribly confused and uncomfortable trying to be a girl.
He eventually stopped taking the estrogen pills his parents were giving him, and his body started to masculinize fairly quickly. He was born without ovaries/a uterus. He has internal testes where those parts would have been, so his body naturally produced testosterone and once the pills were out of the equation, he ended up with a bit of facial hair, broad shoulders, and a deeper voice. But, he still had the breasts and wider hips which the estrogen pills had caused. At that point, no matter which restroom he picked he would get yelled at to leave it.
When his parents realized he’d stopped taking the hormone pills, he was in a lot of trouble. He demanded to know what they were for, why his body changed so much when he went off them, and why no one else needed them.
The truth came out, his parents told him what had occurred when he was born, and he was very very upset. He was heartbroken that they’d let his body get altered before he could say what he wanted, and asked if there was a medical reason, but the reason the doctors gave was that it would have been better for him psychologically to grow up believing he was just a regular girl.
River cried. He said that hadn’t made his life easier at all, that it had been much harder trying to force himself to be a girl and not understanding why it hurt so badly. He asked if, now that the truth was known, he could please be a boy now. He said that the doctors had chosen the wrong option, and he wanted the mistake corrected.
His parents refused this, and after a lot of fighting over the next several months, they ultimately ended up kicking him out of the house.
When he lived on the streets, it was hard to find a public toilet some of the time. And, when he did, he never knew if he should use the men’s or the women’s. The longer he went without the estrogen pills, the more masculine he looked, but the breasts were still there and people noticed them. He lost a great deal of weight when he was homeless, so it was obvious that they were breasts and not excess fat.
He grew very distraught over how people perceived him, being able to pick up on the confusion in their eyes since he couldn’t be easily placed into either sex category. When he went to use a public toilet, he would usually get accosted no matter which option he chose. He eventually started to flatten his chest down with thick bandage wraps, pins and tape (Obligatory; Don’t do this, it isn’t good for your ribs. If you want to bind, use an actual binder if you can. River only did this because he was left with no other options.) Once he was able to hide his chest, he always used the men’s room and never had an issue again.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He’s pretty used to peeing outdoors. When he was homeless, sometimes he’d need to go and wouldn’t be able to find anywhere that was open and would let him inside to relieve himself, so he’d have no choice but to crouch anywhere he could find privacy and pee there.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He will usually say “I have to go piss!” When he was on his own, he got caught up in criminal activity and frequently was involved in violent altercations. Hugo got him out of that life, but River still speaks in the vulgar way he did on the streets.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
He presses a foot to his crotch and rocks himself against it. Hugo always knows exactly what that means as soon as he sees it.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
Since his bladder is on the small side, he knows it’s a bad idea to deny when he needs to pee. He gets desperate fast, so it’s best if someone else knows what he needs before it’s an emergency. In some rare circumstances, he might try to downplay it. One example; When Hugo took River in and he started to work for him, River was so laser-focused on proving that he could be a valuable employee, and worried that if he didn’t seem useful enough Hugo would kick him back to the curb. He didn’t want to stop and take bathroom breaks. When Hugo saw him squirming one day, River admitted that he had to go but insisted it wasn’t that bad and that he could wait as long as he had to. Hugo had to coax him into understanding that it was okay to pee whenever he needed to.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
He sometimes can get a little angry if something is preventing him from peeing. He might start muttering to himself and have an urge to hit something the longer it goes on and the more agitated he feels.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
He does try to help— Especially if Duncan is the desperate one. He’ll try to find anything for the other person to relieve themselves into, and if there’s nothing available he’ll try his best to distract them.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
Too much teasing will make him really angry. He really enjoys being comforted when he’s desperate— He has this NEED to be cared for since he was lacking that throughout most of his life. So, hearing stuff like “It’s okay, River, I’ll help you to the toilet now,” or “I’m sure you can make it, but it’s perfectly fine if you don’t, I’ll take care of it,” makes him feel good. It does also confuse him that these things make him feel good though, since he used to be so self-reliant.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
Accidents REALLY make him mad— The closer he was to making it, the more ticked off he is if he wets his pants. He gets furious with himself and with whatever situation led him to that point. He ended up peeing his clothes out of fear when he was imprisoned by the hit-man group, and that made him even MORE pissed off at them.
He offers a lot of comfort, since that’s what HE would want if he were the one wet.
He needs to be held and told it’s all okay. Having someone else assist him with the clean-up process, rather than embarrassing him, just makes him feel safe and loved.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
He’s pretty embarrassed by it, the humiliation fueling the anger he always feels after such an incident.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was twenty-three. While trapped by the hit-man organization, they gave him a task where he had to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger, with a 50/50 chance a bullet was in the chamber. He got so scared that he suddenly had to pee really, REALLY bad and before he could fully register that, he was wetting his pants.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
Nope. He would maybe do it to make Duncan feel better after an accident.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He tries to go as soon as he can, but sometimes he gets distracted or feels that something else is more important, so he ends up putting it off longer than he should.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder
He actually has a pretty small bladder, which makes having to live with the reverse piss-shyness thing a lot worse, because it ends up taking so long to find a bathroom crowded enough that it feels safe, and he’s stuck trying to hold it. He’s basically guaranteed to get desperate whenever he goes out now.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Punching things helps for some reason, probably because of how desperation sometimes leads to aggression for him. He tries really hard not to hit things like that, though.
The fastest way to make his bladder hurt worse is also a little unusual; Getting his feet touched (like tickling them or rubbing them) will make him feel like he’s going to burst.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Yes, fruit punch does.
Unfortunately, it’s ALSO his most favorite thing to drink.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
Sometimes he’ll wake up to go, sometimes he’ll just keep sleeping and wet the bed. It depends on whether or not he’s having a nightmare. A few times, he’s woken from a bad dream before his bladder had finished draining, and ran to the bathroom so he could get some of it into the toilet.
He does have pee dreams. They involve a lot of the usual things like running water, no working toilets, an inability to get his clothes off, or trouble finding a bathroom. But, one recurring dream HE has is that he’ll unzip and suddenly his body has gone back to the way it looked before he had his phalloplasty, so he just starts freaking out and can’t go.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
He peed in a lot of unusual spots when he was homeless. He didn’t have much of a choice those times. Normally, if there wasn’t a bathroom for him to use, he’d go in the space between two buildings or find a bush in a public park. Once he had to use a storm drain though, because the alleyway had people shooting up in it and looked too frightening and he couldn’t make it to the park. It was after dark and no one saw, but he was really embarrassed.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
The worst was when the door to the bathroom at his house got stuck. He and Duncan were still too scared to go outside, Hugo wasn’t home to go with them, they didn’t have any bottles they could empty out and use, or any other containers. So, it was either they go outside and pee in the yard, or they hold it.
They tried to hold it.
It quickly became excruciating for River’s smaller bladder, and after a while he was just muttering about how bad he had to go and kicking the stuck door. Finally, he could no longer stand it and knew that he was going to pee SOMEHOW in the next few minutes.
Duncan saw how bad off River was and decided to try to be brave and go outside so River could have the relief he needed so much. They finally left the house for the first time in ages and emptied their bladders. River was so delirious from how much better he felt that it didn’t register to him that he’d gone outside until after he was done.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
That’s tricky to answer for him.
He knew when he had to go and was able to hold it until he got to the toilet when he was around three… But he still almost always had an accident, technically.
As mentioned in another question, the placement of his urethra pre-phallo was atypical. When he peed, some of it would flow down into the bowl, but MOST of it would spray straight out and just end up going everywhere. When he was little, this would make him cry or frustrate him so badly that he worked himself up into a tantrum. His parents also got annoyed with him over the puddles he made. It made him so confused that he was doing everything that he was told to do and still making a mess anyway.
His parents ended up putting him back in diapers when he was four, since they were tired of always having to clean up almost every time he used the bathroom. This humiliated River and made him feel even angrier. The other kids at his pre-school made fun of him for not being toilet-trained and wearing diapers like a baby.
His parents had also decided not to TELL River’s pre-school teacher the real reason he was in diapers, telling her a lie that River ‘refused’ to use the potty due to fear. The teacher, having had kids that were scared to potty-train in the past, believed them. She had no reason to think River’s parents were the ones forcing him to wear diapers.
Since River KNEW when he had to go, he started to hold it until his body couldn’t take it anymore and then he threw fits when he inevitably went in the diaper. One day, this happened while he was AT pre-school and the teacher got a little confused since River’s behavior wasn’t matching with what his parents had said. She talked with him after he’d calmed down, and when he said that he wanted to use the potty but his parents said he had to use diapers instead, she was very concerned.
She was going to make a report about possible child neglect or abuse, but the principal of the school said she had to talk to River’s parents first, since sometimes little kids got confused and maybe what River was saying wasn’t accurate. The teacher didn’t think that was the right way to handle it, but didn’t have much of a choice.
River’s parents, of course, lied and said they’d never forced River to wear the diapers. His mom said he must have just misunderstood something.
Then they pulled him from that pre-school and enrolled him in another one— Still in diapers. It wasn’t until he was due to start Kindergarten that they let him stop, and the only reason for that was the Kindergarten having a rule that all kids needed to be out of diapers to attend there. Now, he was allowed to wear underpants and use the toilet at school, but at home the diapers were back on since they ‘didn’t trust him’ not to make a mess of their floor.
This led to River trying to hold it all the time at home so he could go at school, but this didn’t work and he never made it. And, AT school he was still struggling to make all his pee go into the toilet where it was supposed to. He kept getting some on the floor and crying. His teacher found him in that state once and asked him what had happened. River had trouble explaining what always happened to him when he peed, but she got the gist of it and told River that next time he had to go, he should lean over further and see if that helped.
River had to try it a few times before he found the right position, but finally he was able to use the toilet without it spraying out in between the seat and the rim of the bowl. He was happy and told his parents, so that he wouldn’t be made to put the diapers on anymore.
After it was sorted out, River’s mom lied to him in order to avoid telling him about his condition, she told him that ALL girls peed in the messy, hard to control way that HE did. And River believed this to be the case for a very long time. After all, the teacher that had told him how to do it cleanly had been a woman, so she must have known how to fix it because she had to do the same thing.
So, yeah. He could control his bladder at 3, but his parents still made him wear diapers until he was 5.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He wet the bed often in the days his parents weren’t allowing him to use the toilet. He’d actually wake up in time, though. His eyes would blink open, he’d register that he had to pee, and then he’d have to consciously force himself to use the diaper so that he could fall back asleep. It made him feel really ashamed and sad.
After the diapers were gone, he still always woke up in time to pee when he was a kid. His small bladder meant he’d sometimes be up two or three times a night, but he always made it.
He actually only started to truly wet the bed NOW as an adult, and these incidents are caused by nightmares.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
After he’d learned how to angle himself so he could use the toilet correctly, River still did have a few mishaps. Most often, if he was super sleepy he’d just sit on the toilet and go without thinking about it until he felt it splash the backs of his knees.
He had a few regular accidents as well, where he just didn’t make it in time. Since he went to school alongside a lot of the kids that were in one of his pre-k classes, his parents had caused him to gain a reputation as a ‘diapered baby’, and the resulting bullying lasted for years. A few times, he’d be desperate to pee at school, but then some of the girls who picked on him would refuse to let him into a stall, taunting him and telling him to use his diaper instead. Eventually, he’d wet his pants and get so angry that he punch the wall and yell. Rather than feel intimidated, his bullies would just laugh and he’d get even madder.
He had frequent doctor’s appointments as a child. These were to check his hormone levels, but that was never explained to him. He just thought they were the regular check-ups all kids had. The doctor would always talk to his parents about the results while he waited in a different room and couldn’t hear it. At one of these appointments, he really, really had to pee when he arrived. He kept telling his parents and the doctor that he needed to use the toilet, and they would just say he had to wait a few more minutes. ‘A few more minutes’ turned into ‘over an hour’ and he just couldn’t hold it.
The doctor’s told River’s parents to encourage him towards more traditionally ‘feminine’ things to ‘prevent confusion’ for him. River’s mother thought that his condition was both a really, really terrible thing and entirely her fault. She believed that she had something wrong with her pregnancy that had caused her baby to be, in her words, ‘defective’. So, it was her job to make sure River grew up to be a ‘normal’ woman.
Little River was done up in dresses and bows, and punished when he pulled the bows out out of his hair. He was steered away from toys more typically viewed as being ‘for boys’, like cars or sport-related things. At school though, River DID play with those things because they made him happy.
Unfortunately, one day his mom picked him up during play-time and saw him taking part in a rough game with a bunch of boys. She was extremely furious with him on the drive home, which River couldn’t understand— If he’d been breaking a rule, the teacher would have said so, but he played those games every day! When they got to their house, River’s Mom told him to go straight to his room and not to come out until she was ready.
After a bit, River had to pee badly. Getting picked up early had caused him to miss the final bathroom break at school and he’d had a lot to drink at lunch. He asked his Mom if he could come out yet, and she said no, that she wasn’t ‘ready to look at’ him yet. River called back that he really needed the bathroom, and he was told to hold it. A while later, following a lot more begging, he couldn’t hold it. And then he was in trouble for THAT too.
He had another accident on his first day of sixth grade. He was very nervous about starting middle school and having to go to multiple classes all with different teachers throughout the day. The building for the middle school was also a lot bigger than the elementary school had been. He didn’t know where any of his classes were, and no one would talk to him and help him out. He kept arriving late and getting in trouble… And then he needed to pee.
He didn’t know where any of the bathrooms were, either, and kept thinking it was MORE important to focus on finding his classrooms in time— He’d go pee at lunch when he had more time to look around. When lunchtime finally arrived, he was so desperate that he could barely stand up, and walking in a straight line was impossible. The teacher whose class just ended couldn’t NOT notice River’s problem and asked him if he knew where the toilets were, to which River blurted out that he DIDN’T and that he was going to burst!
The teacher brought him to a restroom and River ran in. But, once he was in a stall, he peed his pants trying to get them down. He got mad again, raging because he’d gotten so close only to lose it in the last several seconds. Once he’d finally calmed down enough, he didn’t want to leave the stall, but forced himself to go to the nurse for some new clothes. People saw, including a few that could remember him wearing diapers in pre-k. He was humiliated all over again.
When he was sixteen and refused to continue taking estrogen, his parents tried numerous things to force him to do it. They cut up the pills and hid them in his food, but he spotted the pieces and pushed the food away. This prompted a huge fight and, eventually, his Dad left the house in fury. His Mom then told him that he wasn’t allowed to get up from the table for anything until he agreed to resume taking the hormones. Then she sat across from him and watched him late into the night. River had to go really badly before long, and thought he could wait until his Mom fell asleep, but he couldn’t. His Mom decided he’d peed in the chair on purpose to ‘manipulate’ her and told him it proved he was too immature to know what was best for him, so that was one more reason he needed to take the hormones like she asked.
After he was kicked out, he spent the first night in a motel, unwilling to begin life on the streets without at least having a few hours to mentally prepare himself for the unknown. The next morning, he peed before leaving the motel, and then throughout the day he’d go into fast food restaurants whenever he needed the toilet. Then, night came. The restaurants closed, save for their drive-thrus. And he had to go again. He knew that meant he probably was going to need to pee in an alley, but they all scared him and he had an accident before he could make himself do it.
He had a change of clothes, but he had to get the wet pants washed the next day. He took them to a laundromat, and was really stressed out when he saw it would cost four dollars to wash his clothes. He didn’t know how he was going to get money— His mother had all the documents he’d need to apply for a job. And all the money he did have would be better spent on food so he didn’t starve. River was less reluctant to pee in alleyways after that so that he could cut down on how often he needed to clean his clothing.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
Just the unnecessary ‘protection’ that his parents forced him to wear. (And there IS a cover on his and Duncan’s mattress now in case one of them pees the bed.)
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
The humiliation of being made to wear diapers at an older age when he didn’t even need them is one thing he’s never gotten over. It goes along with all of the other feelings of betrayal he has towards his parents.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. He once had a bad flu and was throwing up a lot. He didn’t notice he had to pee at all until the heaving made his bladder release.
#Omo Questionnaire#Omo Questionare#fictomo#omo fics#omocute#omorashi fiction#omo fiction#omorashi fics#River Omo
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Omo Questionnaire- Duncan
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
He’s very reluctant to pee anywhere that isn’t a toilet unless it’s a major emergency.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
If he’s at home, then he prefers to sit, it helps him relax and he’s always stressed out and scared. He has a lot of paranoia (Although, can it really be called paranoia if a group of people really DO want to kill you?) and if he’s sitting on the toilet, he has a clear view of the bathroom and it’s impossible for anyone to sneak up behind him. He knows that’s incredibly unlikely to happen, but he wants to keep an eye on everything when he’s in such a vulnerable position.
If he’s out, then he will stand up. Like River, he doesn’t like the feeling of being ‘locked in’ so he isn’t going to use a stall, and it’s not like he can sit down to use a urinal.
He prefers to pee at home, the outside scares him.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
He doesn’t stand very often, but when he does, his aim is just fine. He uses his right hand to aim.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
After escaping from the hit-men organization, Duncan is selectively mute. He only really talks when he is at home with just River and Hugo. When he’s out, he rarely speaks, and if he does it’s mostly just in noises or single word sentences.
At home, when Duncan needs to pee he has an easy time just saying “Be right back, gotta go!” But, outside, he usually ends up grabbing either River or Hugo by the arm, tugging on them and whimpering. Sometimes he can manage to get out the word “Toilet”, but more often they have to figure out what it is he needs.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
He has one; If he and River are using a public toilet together, and they are side by side, Duncan will hold onto his hand the entire time. It’s a little embarrassing for both of them, but still makes them feel safer.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He tries to go fast when he’s out, but stress can make his stream come out choppy and slowly, so it doesn’t always work that way. He pees faster when he’s at home since he’s able to more fully relax there.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
Nope, like River it’s sort of the opposite for him. He struggles with public toilets unless there ARE multiple other people already in there with him. It’s not as severe for him as it is for River, Duncan CAN manage to pee in an empty public bathroom, but he feels scared and his stream comes out really slowly. (Whereas for River, he just locks up completely and can’t even go.)
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He wants to have people around him if he’s in public. Unlike River, it’s not a total NEED— he CAN go if he’s by himself, it’s just extra scary.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He prefers urinals since he doesn’t want to be locked into a stall.
Of course, he doesn’t talk. But, back before he lost his voice in public settings, he USED to get chatty when in the bathroom with other people. And he STILL sometimes catches himself peeking— Especially if River is beside him. He’ll peek at River basically every time, haha. He won’t leave a gap if River is going with him since he’ll want to hold his hand, but he will do that for other people.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
He won’t use single-use public bathrooms since someone could be hiding in there to harm him. He also won’t use a public restroom if the lights are too dim, darkness and shadows freak him out really badly.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Nope. He used to really like going to water-parks back when leaving the house wasn’t so frightening, and if he had to go he’d always have to get out of the water and find a restroom. He feels uncomfortable going somewhere that isn’t a toilet unless he just doesn’t have a choice.
He would like to go to a water-park again, he thinks it MIGHT be okay since those places are usually crowded and nobody would risk hurting him with so many witnesses.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Nope. He’s just not comfortable with doing that. And he really likes taking care of his hair, so he often ends up having long showers. Sometimes he’ll get desperate in there but just can’t talk himself into peeing down the drain. He has only managed to pee in the shower one time, and it was an accident that he doesn’t want anyone to really know about.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Only the instance I already mentioned in River’s questionnaire.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Yes. He did it quite a few times as a kid when he’d get very desperate to go and then not bother looking at the signs.
Before the hit-man incident, he used to frequent gay bars. Since most of the people there were guys, the line for the men’s room would be really long and one night he knew he wouldn’t make it to the front, so he just used the women’s instead. He was in an environment where no one really cared about that, so it wasn’t a big deal.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He hasn’t peed outside that many times, and he doesn’t enjoy doing it— But he will if he needs to.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He’s more polite about it than River (Not that that’s saying a whole lot…) He’ll always say “Excuse me,” first before telling someone he needs to go.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
His is a pretty weird one— His nose starts to twitch. Probably something to do with feeling the stress of getting desperate.
The first few days after they moved into their new home following the events with the hit-men, Duncan was too scared to get out of bed. And that included not getting up for toilet breaks. River had to keep fetching empty bottles for him to pee into. But, Duncan was also pretty silent for those days too. This meant River had to pay close attention for when Duncan started needing to go, and he became very skilled at working out what all his ‘tells’ are and figured out that when Duncan’s nose got twitchy, it was time to give him the bottle.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He’ll admit it, say “Yes, I do need to go, please?” Or just nod if he’s unable to find his voice.
He’ll exaggerate it more if he’s having trouble talking. Since he doesn’t have his voice to say whether or not his need is urgent, he’ll dance around a bit and hold himself so that the other person understands.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
If he’s able to talk, he’s a lot calmer about his need, he’ll just say he has to go and only get squirmy if it’s really necessary.
If his voice has abandoned him, then he’s a LOT more frantic. He can’t tell anyone that he’s bursting, or ask for directions to the toilet, or anything. It makes him bounce and jump around in a panic. He feels ridiculous when this happens, he’s a grown man, he should be able to just ask for the bathroom! But, he can’t help it.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
He does not like to approach strangers for anything, so unless it’s someone he already knows, he will ignore the desperate person and not try to help. He’ll be too afraid to approach an unfamiliar person.
Duncan is very aware that River’s bladder is smaller than his own is, and that he can go from ‘I sort of need a piss’ to ‘I’m about to wet myself!’ Pretty quickly. He is always sympathetic to River when he’s bursting, and does try to help. But, if Duncan’s unable to speak up, it’s hard to offer much comfort; He ends up stroking River’s back instead, or holding his hand tightly to make him feel better.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
He doesn’t like to be teased at all, but it sometimes happens when he goes mute and has to dance around to get his point across. It deeply hurts his feelings, he’s very self-conscious about needing to go so badly AND about not being able to say it. For this reason, if he needs to find the restroom somewhere, he always prefers if River or Hugo notices early on and can ask for directions FOR him. THAT’S a little embarrassing too, but he doesn’t mind the feeling of being taken care of like that.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
When he has an accident (which is happening more often now than it ever did before), he will shut down a little. He feels extremely disappointed in himself and ashamed, and he hates that he didn’t used to have so much trouble making it to the toilet in time. He wets himself from fear, or from laughing too hard, or from sneezing, all of the time, and he didn’t used to do any of those things at all. Every mishap is a blow to his self-esteem and can make him genuinely depressed. It didn’t used to be like this, his bladder was a whole lot stronger before he was tortured by the Organization. One of the things that was done to him caused internal damage which, among other things, messes with his ability to hold his bladder. (Basically, Duncan has stress incontinence now.)
Again, unless it’s someone he already knows, he won’t be willing to react at all. If River ever had an accident in front of him, he’d take it VERY seriously and see it as his duty to cheer him up.
Since accidents are even more devastating to him than desperation alone is, being teased after he’s wet his pants could easily make him break down and sob. He would want to be held and talked to very gently. Sometimes, he won’t get AS depressed if someone reminds him that it isn’t his fault his body acts in odd ways now.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
He gets legitimately depressed sometimes. It really messes with his head that he’d gone through his life having perfect control over his body’s functions, and now because another person decided to hurt him so badly, he’s going to be struggling with stress incontinence for the rest of his life. Accidents remind him that his body has been irreversibly changed, and of the event that CAUSED the changes, so they can destroy his mood completely.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was twenty eight, he had a cold and fell asleep. When he woke up, he was super desperate, but sneezed on his way to the toilet and lost control of himself.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
Yes. When he and River were escaping, Duncan realized he had to pee. But, since there were more important things to deal with than using the toilet, and a full bladder would be too much of a distraction, he decided to just go on himself so that it wouldn’t be in the way.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
Since his bladder behaves so strangely now, he does try to go as soon as he can, since he doesn’t know if something will happen that will cause a spontaneous loss of control.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
His bladder is large, but because of the stress incontinence, it isn’t strong. Duncan is a lot more prone to wetting his pants due to fear or laughter than a lot of people are. Also, sneezing makes him pee.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
He does a LOT of pee dancing. It’s not always so obvious that he’s moving around so much because he needs to pee, though. Duncan just likes to dance around in general, the movement helps with his stress levels. So, unless he crosses his legs or grabs at his crotch, his jiggling could easily be misinterpreted.
(Sexual) If Duncan is desperate and alone, he will sometimes decide to masturbate. He doesn’t have a piss kink, and having a full bladder isn’t turning him on, he just can’t GO if he’s hard, so he’ll sort of edge himself to keep it in.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Yeah, he can’t have caffeine at all. It irritates his bladder so much that he’ll be dribbling from the first moment that he notices he has to go.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
Like River, Duncan has a lot of nightmares, and sometimes they cause him to pee the sheets. He also has an issue now where, if he turns the wrong way in his sleep, he’ll leak. He does wake up quickly enough sometimes, but he’s terrified of going to the restroom by himself at night. So, if River doesn’t wake up too, he’ll try to hold it until morning.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
As said above, Duncan is REALLY uncomfortable relieving himself somewhere that isn’t a toilet. He’s okay with going on a tree if he NEEDS to, but otherwise it’s tricky for him to even relax enough.
He grew up fairly wealthy, and attended a super fancy private school for several years. There was an incident where Duncan urgently had to go, but every restroom in walking distance had an enormous line that he would never be able to wait through.
Frantic, he ended up running into a supply closet and relieving himself in a container he found there. It was dark, so he didn’t know what the container was, just that it was big enough and sturdy enough to contain all his pee.
The door opened, and he was caught by one of the teachers peeing into what he now realized was an ornate vase, and he was shouted at to stop, but he couldn’t. So, he was just stuck there, being yelled at, until he finally finished peeing.
His protests of “I wasn’t even paying attention, I was about to wet my pants!” Didn’t garner much sympathy. The school thought Duncan had purposefully chosen to soil the vase as a prank, and he received an hour long lecture from the headmaster, his parents were called up so that they could scold him as well, and then he was made to write an apology essay and read it out loud to his class.
So, after that VERY thorough humiliation, Duncan tries to always hold it until he’s able to use a toilet now. The only exceptions to that so far have been trees, and the bottle River had him pee into when he was so scared that he didn’t want to get out bed.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
His worst bout of desperation happened before the Organization, and before he met River. He’d been driving home one day when he was suddenly stuck in a traffic jam caused by a major wreck. He was trapped on the highway with wall-to-wall cars for over five hours, having already guzzled a massive sweet tea (which he’d stupidly thrown out the cup for afterwards.) There was no way off the road, and nothing of use on its sides; No trees, no cover of any kind, definitely no stores that would have toilets.
Over the course of the next several hours, Duncan became miserable with need, his bladder stretching out until he could barely breathe and he was just writhing in all directions inside his car. (Sexual) Since the windows of his vehicle were tinted and no one was in there with him, he resorted to edging himself again which only helped for so long before the pain was so intense he couldn’t stay hard anymore. (End)
When the traffic was finally able to move again, Duncan was close to tears and his pants were more than a little damp. His driving became erratic from how distracted he was, and his speed kept fluctuating when he kept accidentally going too fast. When he finally saw a gas station, he parked unevenly and hobbled inside of it, doubled over so far that he could barely tell where he was going.
It was humiliating to beg the cashier for the toilet key, and even more humiliating to have the guy watch as he dragged himself to the door and fought to get it open when his hands kept going back to his crotch. He did finally make it though, he got to the toilet and pissed so hard that he got light-headed.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
He was four. He was a little late because he went through a bit of a regression phase when his younger sister was born and took up a lot of their parents’ attention.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He wet the bed off and on until he was eight.
That recently started back up again thanks to constant nightmares— Sometimes he and River wake up with soaked sheets and can’t figure out which of them had the accident, or if it was both of them. (They sleep pressed together so either way both of them are gonna have wet crotches.)
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Apart from the regression-phase he went through following the birth of his sister, he didn’t have a TON of accidents growing up.
He did have some incidents, though.
He liked being the center of attention when he was younger, so if everyone was watching him do something, he’d KEEP doing that thing. Once, he was showing off on the monkey bars in second grade. He had to pee badly, but wanted everybody to keep watching him flip around. This shook his bladder a lot and made him need to go worse, but he didn’t panic about it. He held it until the end of recess and when he landed back on the ground, he realized EXACTLY how bad he needed to go.
He tried to stop at the restroom on the way back to class, but his teacher told him to keep walking with the group. In the classroom, he asked for a toilet pass. But was, of course, told that he SHOULD have gone during the break and that he needed to hold it now. He tried to do that— And now everyone’s attention was on him again, except this time he didn’t like it at all. He squirmed around and asked a few more times for the bathroom, but he never got permission and then he couldn’t wait any longer.
His parents sent him to an expensive, private boarding school starting in the sixth grade. The rules there were strict, especially in regards to curfew. All students had to stay in their dorms after a specific time. His first night, Duncan misunderstood this and thought he had to stay in his ROOM after that time. So, when he woke up needing to pee he thought that he wasn’t allowed to go down the hall to use the bathroom and tried to hold it. He ALMOST made it until morning, but he hit his limit and wet himself. His dorm-mates laughed at him and he got upset. One of the supervisors heard the commotion and checked on them. Duncan explained why he was so wet and angry, “It isn’t MY fault that I can’t go to the toilet after 8 in the evening!”
And then the supervisor re-explained the rule, and that he WAS allowed to use the bathroom in the dorm if he had to go, he just wasn’t allowed to leave the entire building. He felt like an idiot and sulked the rest of the day.
During the Summer before ninth grade, Duncan determined that he was probably gay after realizing he had feelings for one of his friends. He told his parents, and they were not happy. They said that if he truly was gay, then they would no longer consider him their son and he would be left out of their will.
So, the next year at boarding school, Duncan tried to change himself. He tried to FORCE himself to be attracted to girls, but felt zero attraction towards any of the ones he knew. Meanwhile, the guys around him just seemed to get hotter and hotter. He didn’t want to make his parents hate him, and thought that he’d definitely change if he started to HURT himself every time he looked at a guy for too long or thought about a guy in the ‘wrong’ way. He kept rubber bands around his arms, telling everyone he just liked to use them as bracelets. When he ‘slipped up’ he’d pull back one of the rubber bands and let it smack against his skin so that it would sting and burn him. He thought if he learned to associate arousal with pain, he’d be ‘cured’.
This didn’t work, so he got more extreme with his punishments. He would tell himself not to eat until he ‘got better’, but the teachers at school noticed him refusing food and MADE him eat. So, next he told himself he didn’t deserve to sleep until he was ‘fixed’. This lasted four days, and then he passed out randomly at his desk during class and nobody could wake him up. The school just thought he was sick and one of the teachers brought him to the nurse to rest.
So, after that, he decided to not allow himself to pee until he could go an entire day without checking out any guys. So, at minimum, he would be holding his bladder for 24 hours. He even forced himself to drink extra water, because he believed he deserved to be in as much as possible so that he would learn his lesson and could make his parents happy with him.
Six absolutely excruciating hours later, Duncan was showering before bedtime and the second the water hit his skin, his bladder just broke and he peed uncontrollably. He didn’t wet his clothes, but it was still an accident.
He gave up on the punishments after that since none of them had worked, he decided that instead he’d just PRETEND he was straight so his parents would be happier. He started going out with girls, but his disinterest was obvious to most of them. He’d talk about hot girls with other guys, and everything he said sounded forced and weird. But, his parents believed he’d been ‘cured’, so he considered it a success.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
Yeah, he wore some training pants to sleep as a kid back when he was wetting the bed.
Now that the bedwetting has started up again, he doesn’t wear anything like that. He and River DO have a mattress cover to minimize the damage, though.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
Yeah, he has the stress incontinence that followed his injury. It’s not TOO serious, but if he sneezes really hard then he will most likely have a leak if he doesn’t need to pee that much, and a full blown accident if he’s desperate enough.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
Yes, River and Hugo both know. He didn’t mention it to them at first, it was easy to hide the small leaks and just run to the bathroom after a sneeze had irritated his bladder. But, when a sneeze finally prompted a total drenching, he COULDN’T hide that. They both assured him that it’s okay his body has weird reactions to things after everything he’d been through.
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
He still cringes when he remembers the accident he had his first night at boarding school, but he doesn’t consider it a huge, life-changing event.
The time he tried to force himself to hold his bladder in order to self-harm is wrapped up in all the trauma he has from his parents not accepting him.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yeah. Since sneezing hard enough effects his bladder control, a bad cold can cause problems for him. The last time he had one, the sneezing fits made him wet his pants.
#Omo Questionnaire#Omo Questionare#fictomo#omo fics#omocute#omorashi fiction#omo fiction#omorashi fics#duncan omo
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Omo Questionnaire- James
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
James likes to pee in unusual places, it can be exciting to him. He always has fun going outdoors when he has the chance.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
He stands to go most of the time (and likes to write his name with his stream, haha.) Sometimes he’ll sit if he was super, super desperate, because in that case the relief might make him go a bit too weak at the knees.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
He has good aim most of the time. Sometimes he’ll play around with his stream a bit too much, though… Usually he uses two hands because he thinks it looks cute.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He’s vocal about it, he’s a very talkative person in general, and this is no exception for that.
He’ll gasp and groan as he pees, too. Sometimes he’ll keep up a conversation, remarking on how good it feels to let go and how much he’d needed it.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
He WILL pull his pants down all the way sometimes, but only at home, never in public. He’ll also sometimes hum while he’s peeing.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
James likes to play games with his piss stream. He’ll try to see how slow or fast he can make it come out, or how many times he can stop it and start it back up again. That sort of thing is fun to him.
If somebody’s waiting on him, he’ll make himself go faster— Unless that person is Ethan and they’re at home, then he may just go slower to tease him a little.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He isn’t the least bit pee-shy, he didn’t even know that was a thing until he read about it in one of Ethan’s psychology books. Before that, he’d always assumed everyone was like him and could just pee anywhere without a care in the world.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He likes to go with other people. Peeing can be a social thing for him. He likes to compare how long he can pee for to everyone else… Usually, even if he was bursting, he still finishes first, but it’s still enjoyable.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He likes both. He enjoys using stalls because sometimes his pee will echo as it hits the water. He likes urinals since he can use them so quickly— And since his bladder is TINY that’s a major plus. James will make himself stay quiet if people he doesn’t know are in the restroom. He tries his best not to peek at anyone, but sometimes when he hears somebody gasping and panting with relief that’s difficult for him to do. When he and Ethan pee at urinals together, James can’t help but look over to see what he’s doing, but Ethan doesn’t mind.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
No, he’ll pee in any restroom he can get into, haha.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Yeah, he’s done that. Almost every time he’s gone to the pool, he’s ended up peeing there. Not always on purpose, though. A few times the water’s just hit him in the bladder the wrong way and caused him to go.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yes, he’ll pee in the shower if he needs to. He doesn’t see a point in getting out just for that. And (watersports warning) sometimes he likes to aim his stream so that it will hit his legs or chest when he’s in there, he likes the feeling of it going down his body.
If anyone asked, he’d admit it. James thinks anyone who says they don’t pee in the shower is probably lying, anyway.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Yes, he keeps Ethan from peeing frequently. But only with permission, of course.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Yeah. On a family road trip as a kid, they stopped at a gas station and James really had to go, but the men’s room was out of order. His sisters took him into the women’s with them so that he could pee.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He doesn’t do it often, but he thinks it’s really fun and he enjoys it.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He’s blunt about it. His favorite way of phrasing it is “I really gotta tinkle!” because it always makes Ethan blush when he hears it.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
He’s very squirmy when desperate, but since James is energetic and usually fidgeting around in some way to start with, that doesn’t always give it away so easily. His eyes sometimes get all big and watery when he really has to go, though, and that’s a more obvious tell.
Ethan can tell right away, of course, and he’ll be sure to get James relief as soon as he can.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He would never deny it, he’d just nod his head and agree that he has to go “sooo much!” He sees no need to try to hide it.
A lot of people ASSUME he’s purposefully exaggerating his need, but the truth of the matter is that when James needs to go, he really DOES need to go right now! He can’t wait as long as most people can, so all his writhing and whimpering is completely genuine.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
Up to a certain point, James enjoys the feeling of being desperate so long as it’s happening in a controlled environment. He only really gets upset if he’s NOT in control of his situation and is in real danger of having an accident and embarrassing himself. In those cases, he can get pretty emotional and start tearing up.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
James can get very interested in another person’s desperation. He thinks the sight of someone else squirming is super cute and enjoys watching. Even though he finds it entertaining, he will still try to help the person feel better and encourage them to make it.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
If he’s holding it just for fun, then he REALLY likes to be teased. He’d enjoy having his hands held under running water, being told not to grab himself, or instructed to drink more fluid.
When he’s getting desperate for real with no chance of relief, then he likes to be coddled and taken care of, told that it will be okay if it turns out he can’t hold it, and that no one will be angry if he pees himself. He needs reassurance in those situations, and someone caring for him.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
He really likes the feeling of wetting himself on purpose, he likes the warmth and the release. An actual real, GENUINE accident is different though, the embarrassment there could easily make him cry.
James doesn’t like to see other people upset, so if he came across someone else who’s had an actual accident he will try everything he can to make them feel better. Alternatively, when he watches Ethan pee himself on purpose he’s just filled with excitement and can’t stop watching.
Whether he’s peed himself on purpose for fun, or has legitimately had an accident, James will want to be held and cuddled afterwards, and told that everything is okay, he needs lots of tender care.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
After a legitimate accident, he’s always very embarrassed. If someone has seen, he will start to tear up because he feels so humiliated by it, and by how much smaller and weaker his bladder is when compared to other people’s.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was twenty-nine. He was desperate when he arrived home from somewhere, and started to pee uncontrollably once he saw the toilet, no chance to get his clothes out of the way first.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
He has deliberate accidents often, he likes how it feels to break his limit and pee with no chance of stopping it.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
Depends. Outside he usually goes as soon as he can, because he knows he can’t wait for long and wouldn’t want to risk having an accident in public. If he knows he’s going to be at home for a while, he’ll hold it for longer so he can enjoy getting full.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
He has a very small bladder, needing to go much more often than anyone else he knows. He’s very, VERY uncomfortable after just two hours without a pee, and really struggles with holding it in.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
James isn’t ashamed to do full-blown pee-dances, even out in public. If it helps prevent an accident, then he doesn’t care if everyone is staring at him as he jumps around and clutches at himself.
Nervousness will make James’s bladder fill faster. He gets anxious if he’s stuck somewhere that doesn’t have a restroom, since he knows he fills up so fast. And it basically becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as he stresses himself out over how much he doesn’t want to end up needing to pee that he just makes himself need to pee.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Any carbonated drink will shoot through him and irritate his bladder. A glass of sparkling water will make him have to go badly in under half an hour.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He always wakes up at least once during the night to pee, usually very desperate to go. Sometimes, he will only wake up after he’s started peeing the bed and will have to really hurry to get the rest into the toilet in time. He has tons of pee dreams, some of which are more sexual in nature.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
Yeah. He has fun peeing in new locations. He’s peed into a towel before when he was stuck in traffic, he couldn’t wait and there wasn’t anything else he could use.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
He tried to test his limit one day by holding through the duration of a long car ride. He made it juuuust in time and was super proud of himself.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
At around four he was making it more often than not, but he continued to have occasional accidents longer than most kids do.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He regularly wet the bed through high school, did it once in college and still has night-time accidents every so often. They’re rare, but they never stopped completely.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Yes, he had accidents a lot growing up. At school, a lot of his teachers would let him go whenever he asked, but some of them would tell him to hold it, which he hardly ever managed to do. After having an accident in class, those teachers would understand James was being serious when he said he was having an emergency and wasn’t just trying to skip class, so the embarrassment at least had a good outcome for him in the end.
He also had a lot of issues during family road trips as a kid, always being the first to beg for a stop and wetting himself a few times when one couldn’t be found fast enough. His parents started to keep a bottle in the car specifically just for him to pee into on long drives, in case they weren’t able to find a toilet for him when he really needed one.
He also had a tendency to pee his pants when scared as a child— Something that persists to this day.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
He wore rubber pants to sleep for a couple years when his bed-wetting was particularly bad. He doesn’t wear them anymore since he doesn’t pee in his sleep that often now.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
No, his bladder is small, but there isn’t anything actually wrong with it, it still functions the same as anyone else’s, it just isn’t as big.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Yes, James has had a few traumatic experiences where someone refused to let him use the restroom when he really had to go and he either ended up wetting himself or getting hurt from holding too much. Interestingly, being denied the toilet became one of his biggest fantasies, an attempt to recreate the negative things from his past, only now in a controlled environment and with someone he trusts.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. He’s more likely to wet himself in his sleep if he’s sick; The illness or the medication he’s taking make it harder for him to wake up in time.
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Omo Questionnaire- Ethan
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
He prefers to use an actual bathroom. He’s always a little embarrassed when he has to go somewhere else.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
Standing up, it takes less time and he’s usually really busy.
He didn’t used to have a preference in regards to peeing at home or in public, but now that he knows how much his partner likes to watch, he enjoys doing it at home more since no one will be around to notice that.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
Ethan has good aim, he does like to keep things neat and organized, and he’d apply that to peeing as well. Typically, it’s easier for him to aim with his left hand. (He’s really not sure why though, because he’s right-handed.) Sometimes he’ll aim with both hands because James thinks it looks cute.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
Often he’ll get more vocal than he really HAS to for James’s benefit, knowing how much he likes to hear him whimper with need. Other times, Ethan genuinely has to go so badly that he can’t help but whine about it.
Whether James is watching him or not, Ethan tends to moan a LOT while peeing if he’d been particularly desperate.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
Occasionally, if Ethan is very busy, he ends up taking his phone into the restroom with him and responding to an email on it while peeing. James finds this impressive because Ethan can do this without messing up his aim or spilling a drop.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He actually has pretty poor control over the speed of his stream. He can’t consciously slow it down or speed it up very much, it just comes out however it comes out. He’ll TRY to go faster if somebody’s waiting on him, but it doesn’t always work.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He’s not typically pee-shy, but there are scenarios where it’s difficult for him to go. Rather than the presence of other people locking his bladder up, severe stress can do it. If he’s very nervous about something, it’s hard for him to relax any part of his body, even his bladder. It’s not really embarrassment or bashfulness, just regular anxiety.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He doesn’t mind going with other people, and he quite likes having James watch him pee. But, certain people (authority figures usually) will put him on edge and cause him to have a harder time peeing.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He prefers urinals since they’re quicker than having to shut and lock a door and everything. He’ll only talk in the restroom if he and James are the only people there, and he’s okay with James taking the spot right next to him (But gets annoyed if anyone ELSE does that unless it was the only place available.) He will also sometimes look over to watch James pee, wouldn’t do that with anybody other than him, though.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
Ethan has a pretty sensitive nose. I can see him not wanting to use a restroom if it smelled really bad, haha.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Nope. He always gets out of the water when he has to go. Peeing in the water feels wrong to him, though he isn’t really sure why.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yes, he does it to save time. Unfortunately, now he’s peed in the shower so many times that his body instantly decides it’s time to go the second he’s in there and it’s a real struggle if he wants to keep holding it.
If asked, he would admit that he DOES it, but he’d be more reluctant to mention how the habit has effected his bladder.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
He has, because James’s asked him to deny him the toilet a few times. Ethan is still getting comfortable with those sorts of games, he is fearful of pushing James too far and accidentally upsetting or hurting him.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Yes, by accident when he was on a field trip in high school. He’d forgotten to go that morning and had no time to pee at school before getting on the bus for a very long ride. Once at the destination, he just ran to the first thing he saw that was labelled ‘restroom’, not paying attention. He had a very long, satisfying piss in one of the stalls and came out to find all his classmates snickering at him. Only then did he realize his mistake.
He actually got into a lot of trouble with his teachers and principal, whom all refused to listen to his explanation that he’d just really needed to go and didn’t notice all the details of the sign on the door. That was the only time Ethan ever got a detention.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He hasn’t peed outside very many times, but he doesn’t mind doing it when he has to.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
Most often, he will say “I need to relieve myself”, trying to sound all professional, haha. With James he’ll get more graphic about it, describing in detail how bloated his bladder feels and how much he needs to let go.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
He will mess with his glasses sometimes, run his hands through his hair, stick his hands in his pockets… He has a lot of early tells, and James can recognize all of them immediately.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He won’t deny it if asked, he doesn’t see a reason to do that. If the person is asking, then that means he’s already being too obvious about his need. With most people, Ethan will try to minimize how severe his urge is to keep them from worrying about him. But, with James he will exaggerate it for his entertainment.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
Ethan ISN’T a very fidgety person most of the time, which makes his squirming while desperate all the more noticeable. If he’s wriggling, then chances are the only explanation is that he has to go.
Desperation doesn’t effect the amount he speaks, but it does effect the pitch of his voice quite a bit, making it crack and squeak more and come out sort of wobbly.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
Ethan’s main goal in life is to help EVERYONE wherever he can. Seeing someone else desperate, especially if he knows a way to make it better, will make him drop everything to try to assist them. If he can’t find the person somewhere to go, he will try to distract them until a toilet is available. He is a therapist, and knows all sorts of ways to help someone stay calmer under pressure.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
Being teased when he’s desperate— provided it’s happening in a controlled environment where he can stop if he wants— is exciting to Ethan. If he’s at home with James, then having his partner make him drink extra water, taunt him, or poke his bladder a bit feels good and is fun for him.
Outside of these games, Ethan wouldn’t want to be teased or prodded, but would like to be encouraged and assured that he can still hold it. Hearing things like that would make it easier for him.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
Ethan tries to stay calm when he has an accident, he understands that some things are out of his control and his body is making a decision to protect itself. He focuses himself on the feeling of the release, on how good it feels to let go, and tries to blot out the embarrassment or shame. In the right circumstance, Ethan can actually really enjoy wetting himself.
If he sees someone else have an accident and sees that they are upset, he will do anything he can to help them feel better about it. He will tell this person the same thing he tells himself, that their body was trying to stay safe and that these things happen.
He loves, loves, LOVES being praised by James while he wets himself. It gets him extremely excited and warm all over. Even if he’s genuinely having an accident, he enjoys hearing his partner say things like that to him during it.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
Depending on the situation (if he’s really having an accident, or if he’s just wet himself for fun) he could be pretty embarrassed. But, he’ll try to re-center himself and accept that what’s done is done, and that it isn’t the end of the world.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was thirty-four. He was playing a hold-it game with James and overestimated how long he could actually keep waiting.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
Yes, he’s done that several times. He enjoys the feeling, and he knows James likes to watch him do it, so every so often he’ll let himself have an accident for fun.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He waits too long very often. Sometimes, he does it because he’s too busy to take a break and go pee. Other times, he does it because he enjoys the feeling of a full-bladder if it’s in the right context.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
He has a very huge, strong bladder. He’s capable of holding a ton of liquid for very long stretches of time, it’s why genuine, not-on-purpose accidents are so rare for him, even with as long as he tends to wait.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Holding James’s hand makes it easier for him to wait, because it calms him down so much.
Having his bladder poked or prodded in any way, or being inside a moving vehicle that causes it to bounce around, makes Ethan’s need ramp up very fast.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Watermelon is one of Ethan’s favorite foods, but it’s his bladders LEAST favorite, never failing to make it fill up extra fast.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
It’s pretty rare for Ethan to need to go during the night, unless he forgot to pee before heading to sleep. Usually, his bladder will be content until morning.
He does get pee dreams occasionally, of course. Pretty vivid ones, sometimes incorporating one of his fears. But, he always wakes up in time from them.
For a bit, a traumatic incident caused him to have nightmares that resulted in bed wetting, but after James helped him through his fears, this got better.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
He’s peed in weird spots, always due to desperation. The weirdest place he ever peed was in the ‘pet relief area’ at an airport. The bathroom on his flight was unavailable, and by the time the plane landed he was ready to burst. He found the men’s room, but knew he couldn’t make it through the line to actually use it, so he ran into the room set aside for service animals to pee in and did what he had to do. Just, too bad he had to get caught in there.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
Probably during a flight while on vacation with James. He tried numerous times to use the toilet onboard, but was repeatedly stopped. The turbulence shook his bladder constantly and made him absolutely miserable with need. He very nearly peed himself and barely got to a urinal fast enough after they’d landed.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
I’m gonna say two, his Dad always pushed him pretty hard when he was still around, so he probably got Ethan trained early.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He never wet the bed as a kid, the first time he did it was as an adult and it was due to nightmares.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
No, he only had a few accidents growing up. He had one on his very first day of school because his teacher didn’t notice him raising his hand and he didn’t want to get in trouble for running out and peeing before he got permission.
He had another on Halloween in third grade because he’d drank a lot of soda with his friend and couldn’t figure out how to get his way-too-complicated costume off fast enough when he got home.
(Warning: Dark) He had one more when he was fourteen. He grew up in a small community where everybody was super, super religious. (And most of them were a certain KIND of religious). Ethan realized he liked men when he was fourteen and, after years of hearing it from everyone around him, thought this meant he was going to Hell. He started to self-harm a lot then, trying to get what he thought was a ‘sickness’ out of his body.
The church in his town did a thing each year called a Hell House (this is kind of like a haunted house, but instead of ghosts and monsters and stuff, there are these sort of ‘plays’ where people do something the organizers deem sinful, and then are shown being sent to Hell pretty gruesomely.)
Ethan was made to go to this every year, but he hadn’t paid much attention before. This year though, one of the acts showed a gay couple dying horribly before being tormented by Satan in Hell. The effects were cheesy and the dialogue was bad, but the message was clear enough; Ethan was going to die young, go to Hell, and be tortured forever. And a lot of the important people in Ethan’s life believed that was what he deserved. Ethan’s chest tightened and he had his first panic attack that night, wetting himself at some point while he tried to remember how to breathe.
(End of the dark part)
His final childhood accident happened at fifteen and was less traumatic, he’d just come home from school desperate and found he’d lost his house key somewhere. He tried to go on a bush, but then his next door neighbor came out and just sat on her patio for a while refusing to go back in and give Ethan privacy. He asked to please use her restroom, but was told no because there was a plumbing problem.
Eventually he couldn’t wait anymore and peed in his clothes.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
No, he never had a need for it.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Apart from the above mentioned thing at the Hell House, he never had any really traumatic accidents. (And, in that case, the peeing-himself part wasn’t the major cause of the trauma.)
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. He once got a really bad cold and lost his voice, then struggled to get James to understand that he had to pee.
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Omo Questionnaire- Bryce
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
He prefers to use an actual toilet, but he’s okay with peeing elsewhere if there isn’t one available.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
He likes to sit down to pee. He spends so much time on his feet that it’s nice to get a break to relax for a couple minutes while he goes.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
When he does stand, he can aim just fine. He uses one hand, each one just as often as the other. (Bryce is actually ambidextrous, so yeah.)
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He’s usually quiet about his need, he doesn’t want anyone to think he might not be able to hold it!
He will moan a bit while peeing though.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
Sometimes if he’s in the middle of a good book, he’ll continue reading it while sitting to pee. He doesn’t think it’s that weird, though.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He likes to take a while, as said above, he finds getting off his feet while he pees to be really relaxing, and he doesn’t get many breaks so he tries to make them last as long as he can. And he DOESN’T care if him spending more time in there means someone else to wait and hold it.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
His bladder gets occasional stage-fright, particularly around women. He was taught pretty traditional things about gender and chivalry growing up, and that allowing a woman to even know that he has bodily functions would be the height of impropriety. So, admitting to a woman that he has to pee or, worse, actually going in front of her, is a challenge to him.
He also struggles to pee around his superiors sometimes. In his mind, peeing in front of someone he wants to impress means admitting to them that he couldn’t hold it and thus is weak.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He likes to pee alone. In fact, if someone follows him into the restroom he will then pretend he only wanted to wash his hands, insisting that he definitely doesn’t have to pee at all… Even if the sound of the faucet is making him cross his legs.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He likes to use a stall so he can sit, but if the stalls are all taken he’ll use the urinal instead. He does not want to talk while he pees and will get annoyed if someone does that to him. He HAS peeked a few times, though— But he’d never admit to that, and he isn’t so sure why he did it. He was just… Curious.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
Barring catastrophic desperation, Bryce will not use a filthy restroom, he would consider that to be ‘beneath him’, and continue to hold it. He also won’t use an outhouse unless it’s an emergency for the same reason— Although, if the outhouse has a snake in it, he won’t use it even if he IS about to burst, because he’s scared of snakes.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Yes. And it wasn’t on purpose. The sound of water makes Bryce VERY desperate VERY fast. Hearing all the splashing and sloshing got him so full, and then when he reached the ladder and was about to climb out, he was already peeing into the water, so he just stayed there and finished up.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
He does. It’s really rare that he showers WITHOUT peeing in it, the spraying and hissing noises go straight to his bladder and he has no choice but to let go. He’s done it by accident into communal showers as well, and had to play it off as if he’d MEANT to do it, not that the water had just caused him to burst.
He does deny it when asked— Even when asked by people who have SEEN him do it in the past.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Yes. Kenneth and Bryce had a very long, intense prank-war at one point. And during that, Bryce played a really mean joke on Kenneth that involved taping the door to his private restroom shut so he couldn’t use it. (This happened before Bryce knew why Kenneth didn’t use public toilets, though. Bryce assumed he was just prudish/stuck-up about it, not that he physically just couldn’t go.)
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
No. He’d probably let himself have an accident before he did that unless someone worked really hard to convince him it was okay.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He does have to go outside pretty often. He’s used to it and doesn’t mind it. He still prefers to pee indoors though.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He will refuse to say ANYTHING about needing to go if he can help it. He won’t even use the vaguest euphemism.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
Biting his lip is an early sign of his. Elizabeth actually has the easiest time working out when he needs to pee and will try anything to coax him into admitting it.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He will deny it up and down, the closest he will come to saying he needs to go is something like “I want to pee soon.” He HATES saying that he “needs” it. He doesn’t “need” to pee. He just “wants” to. Sometimes really badly.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
He gets quiet, and very wriggly. When he does talk, it’s to snap at someone else, or to deny any suggestion that he might need to visit the restroom. Once his squirms become too obvious for his denials to make any sense, he moves on to insisting that he can hold it and shouting at anyone who thinks otherwise.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
Bryce is the type to make fun of someone else for being desperate. He will taunt and tease them, make derisive comments about any dancing they do, he ALWAYS make the other person’s need worse. It amuses him.
But, there ARE rare occasions where he will care enough to try and help. He doesn’t want anyone to actually hurt themselves holding it, after all. And he can’t stand seeing people cry, either.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
Even if Bryce enjoys teasing other people while they’re holding it, he will not tolerate anyone else doing the same to him. Any joke at Bryce’s expense will make him furious. But, he doesn’t really like being coddled about it, either. He wants everyone to ignore that he has to pee, to not call any attention to it… And… Okay, maybe they could, sort of… Possibly… Sometimes help him find a bathroom. SOMETIMES.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
Accidents are devastating to Bryce. He becomes furious, and sometimes will even break down crying. He can’t stand being made to feel weak, and what’s weaker than wetting his pants?
Bryce will one-hundred percent make fun of someone for peeing themselves… Unless that person started to cry. Bryce can’t handle seeing people cry, that melts him and causes him to try to be nicer… Even if he’s not very good at that and could easily wind up saying something that makes the other person feel worse.
When Bryce has an accident around someone else, he will sort of shut off a little. He’d be so ashamed and stunned that he’d just done that that he won’t really notice what the other person is doing. The best thing someone can do for him in that situation is just give him something to cover his wet spot with.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
He gets VERY upset, and he will agonize over it for weeks.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
Twenty-seven, he was very desperate when he found a toilet, but a large snake inside the room startled him so badly that he wet himself. Didn’t even notice he was going until it was almost all out of him.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
No, and he’d never even dream of doing it.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He will make himself wait for too long pretty often, determined not to let anyone know that he has a bladder and that sometimes it needs to be emptied.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
He has a pretty strong, large bladder. He actually thought he had the biggest bladder of anyone he knew until he discovered how much Kenneth could hold. So far, Kenneth is the only person he’s met that can out-match him.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Bryce has an easier time holding it if the area around him is quiet, allowing him to focus all his energy on keeping it in. Too bad ‘silence’ is rarely ever available to him.
The worst thing for Bryce’s bladder is the sound of running water. On nights where it rains, he barely sleeps because he’s up and down to the toilet so many times.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Bryce has an extremely sensitive stomach and a whole lot of food allergies. Some of these things DO effect his bladder, anything high in citrus will make him need to pee sooner than usual, for example. And, sometimes having his stomach upset will make him feel like he really has to pee, too.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
Bryce sleeps through the night most of the time, unless it’s raining or he’s had more to drink than usual. When he does have to go during the night, it’s usually accompanied by a pee dream. Generally, he’ll wake from one of these dreams seconds before his dream-self begins to go.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
Bryce hasn’t peed anywhere SUPER strange yet. He’s gone in bottles and into sinks out of desperation, and a few times he’s had to use a trash can.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
His most serious emergency was when an abusive superior forced him to drink a ton of water and then run laps around a building with no toilet breaks. He got away and made it to the toilet in the end, though— But first he had to get some help with a stuck zipper.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
Gonna say two years old… So later than average for the time-period. Bryce was slower to learn certain things compared to other kids in his age-group because his vision was really bad from birth and his parents didn’t realize that he needed glasses for a while. (Since Bryce had always had poor eyesight, he figured everything was just supposed to look blurry and never mentioned it) I imagine it was tricky for little Bryce to always make it to the toilet in time when he couldn’t even see three inches past his nose to get there. Not to mention, he was always getting migraines that made it hard to get out of bed even if he had to pee.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He wet the bed pretty regularly until he was around eight. It wasn’t really because he couldn’t wake up, though. The dark just scared him too much to walk to the toilet.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
He did have accidents as a kid, a lot of them caused by bullying. A particularly cruel bully would camp out in the restroom at the school Bryce attended during break-time, and then refuse to let Bryce use it.
He had quite a few accidents prompted by fear as a kid, too. Seeing a snake would often scare him so bad that he’d wet his pants even if he barely had to go. The sight of snakes can STILL do that to him to this day, but only if he’s already desperate.
Bryce’s pee-shyness around women even extended to his Mom, and he wouldn’t feel comfortable going into the restroom if she was near the door, which resulted in desperation often. His Mom also hosted a thing at their house for all the moms in the neighborhood, these events always took place in the living room which was adjacent to the restroom. Young Bryce was convinced that using the toilet while these meetings were taking place was a bad thing to do. So, he’d hold it and hold it.
His Mom would sometimes ask him to help out with stuff for the meetings, and Bryce liked being praised for that, but often ‘helping out’ would mean ‘pouring the tea’, which would get him crossing his legs tight. Sometimes, the women would be able to tell that he needed to go— especially his Mom. His Mom would even tell him after each meeting, once he’d used the toilet, that it was okay for him to go to the restroom when her friends were over. Bryce would just insist that that was poor etiquette, and that he’d hold it.
One day, when Bryce was about nine, the meeting went on longer than usual. Bryce did his best to wait it out and continue being helpful. But, he was dancing and twitching, and couldn’t stop staring at the door to the bathroom. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and ran in there, but he’d been wearing a belt— And at that age belts were hard for Bryce to take apart very quickly. Before he knew it, he’d peed on the floor and started to cry. His Mom comforted him, and tried again to convince him that nothing was wrong with using the toilet while company was over.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
For a short while during his bed-wetting years, his parents would have him sleep on top of a towel to minimize the mess that made it to the sheets.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
Bryce has acid-reflux and severe food sensitivities, sometimes when he’s having trouble with that, the heaving will irritate his bladder, or cause him to leak if he’s already holding a lot.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
Elizabeth does know about his stomach problems, and she knows they sometimes effect his bladder. Bryce doesn’t like to talk about it, though, and gets upset when she asks him during a check-up.
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Yes. He was bullied a TON as a child, and some of that bullying involved denying him bathroom access when he really had to go and then making fun of him when he peed his pants. This is part of why he’s so reluctant to tell anyone he has to go, because he doesn’t want anyone to see him as being weak like that again.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes, as said above, a few times when his stomach has acted up it’s made him pee his pants slightly as well.
18 notes
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Omo Questionnaire- Dwight
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
He doesn’t really have a preference. He’ll go wherever is available. It doesn’t matter to him, so long as it’s close.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
Standing up, sometimes he likes to have fun by aiming his stream back and forth, haha.
He doesn’t mind going in public or in private, one isn’t any better than the other to him.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
He sometimes messes up his aim because he’ll occasionally get distracted while peeing and forget to watch where he’s going. He uses one hand usually. He’s right-handed, so that’s the one he’ll use. (Sometimes he’ll also go with no-hands, haha.)
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He is INCREDIBLY vocal when he needs to pee. He can’t help but whine and complain and moan to anyone and everyone that he’s going to burst… Which can be problematic if the person he’s talking to ALSO needs to go.
When he actually pees though, then he’s typically more quiet. He’ll sigh softly through his nose, but that’s usually all.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
Sometimes he will pull his pants down all the way, even in public. If he’s having an emergency, he doesn’t want to mess with the button and zipper and he can usually just yank them straight down without having to undo them. Kenneth is always a bit embarrassed when he does this outside… But, he still enjoys the view.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He doesn’t try to speed up his stream that often, just lets it come out as fast as it’s gonna come out. He wants to enjoy it and relax. If someone is waiting on him to finish, sometimes he’ll get so lost in his own relief that he forgets about them and doesn’t bother trying to hurry up for their sake.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He is not pee-shy at all. He doesn’t care who sees him go, because in his mind everyone pees and so there’s no reason to be embarrassed about it. He WILL freeze up if something scares him, though. For example, if someone knocks really loud on the door and startles him, he may stop peeing and have some trouble starting again for a little bit.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He actually likes going with other people. He especially likes peeing side by side with Kenneth, because the fact that he’s basically the only person his bladder-shy friend is capable of urinating in front of makes him feel special and loved, haha.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He’ll use whatever is available, although he prefers urinals since there’s usually no line and if there is, it moves faster. He won’t look over at anyone peeing next to him, but he WILL talk while they’re both going. (He’s annoyed Bryce by doing this a few times.) He doesn’t really think about leaving a gap between urinals, either, it just doesn’t cross his mind. And, if the only free one is between two people he sees no reason not to use it.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
Generally, if he needs to pee, he needs to pee. He’s not going to hold it just because the facilities aren’t clean, or anything like that.
The only toilets he won’t use are ones in moving vehicles, like trains. This isn’t so much because he doesn’t like peeing there, just being able to feel the ground moving beneath his feet makes him too tense to let it out. Being in a moving vehicle is one of the few things that makes Dwight struggle to pee.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Yes, several times. And he’s been pretty obvious about it before, too. Such as squirming around in line for the toilet, whimpering about how bad he needs to go, then suddenly rushing into the water and getting a blissed-out look on his face. Both Kenneth and Bryce have scolded him to at least try to be more discreet about it when he does that.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yes. Sometimes the water makes him need to pee, he doesn’t want to get back out just for that. If anyone asked, he’d shrug and admit it, he doesn’t see the big deal since it all goes down the drain anyway.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Never on purpose. He has kept talking to people for minutes on end without realizing they were trying to get to the toilet lots of times, but that’s all.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Yes. Once when the men’s was out of order and he really had to go. He was caught by Elizabeth— and defended himself by babbling about how he sat down to pee so that he would be sure nothing got on the seat— But, she wasn’t angry with him and he didn’t get into any trouble for it.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
Yeah, he likes to pee outside, haha. He thinks it’s fun.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He is EXTREMELY blunt. He’ll usually announce that he has to go before it’s even getting that bad, he’s completely unashamed about it. He doesn’t mind what terms others use, either. If someone tried to tease him by saying something like “Aww, Dwight REALLY has to go potty, doesn’t he!?” he’d just nod and agree if he thought it would get him relief faster.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
He HATES the way his belt feels against his full bladder. It digs into him there and makes his need so much worse. Whenever he has to pee, he ends up trying to pull it away from himself, or unbuckling it. He pretty much always says he needs to go early on, but if he doesn’t Kenneth can figure it out when he notices him messing with his belt.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He will admit it straight away, grateful to be asked because he’ll assume it means the other person will help him find a spot to go soon. If they don’t immediately start assisting him, he will carry on talking about how bad his urge is, emphasizing how long he’s been waiting, how he can’t hold it any longer, etc.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
Dwight is MUCH more talkative when he needs to piss than he is at any other time. Giving voice to the pressure in his body helps him feel better and, he hopes, will make other people notice and get him what he needs faster. He is also very bouncy when desperate, he jumps around and squirms and writhes, he leaves absolutely no doubt in people’s minds that he NEEDS to piss right now!
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
Dwight is the kindest and most caring of his friends, so of course he tries to help out when he sees someone else having an emergency. He especially tries to help Kenneth, knowing how hard it is for his friend to get relief and hating to see someone he loves in pain. He is very good at helping Kenneth, at finding him the right spot to go and soothing him until his anxiety dies off enough for him to pee.
Even if Dwight sees someone he really doesn’t like getting desperate, he will still try to assist them— The only time he WOULDN’T help someone in such a situation would be if the person had hurt one of his friends in the past.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
He’s fine with being teased or made fun of while holding it. Up to a point, he thinks it’s funny too and may laugh along! But, once he’s REALLY bursting, he isn’t seeing the humor much anymore and will want whoever is with him to do something more helpful.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
When he has an accident, he can usually brush it off as something like “Well, at least I don’t have to go anymore… That’s better!” He will try to see the bright side of it in most situations.
When he sees another person wet themselves, he will almost always feel terrible. He knows his friends are nowhere near as nonchalant about their bodily functions as he is, and so to them accidents are much more devastating. For example, when Kenneth pees himself, Dwight will hold him and rub his back and do everything he can to soothe him. The only time Dwight wouldn’t feel bad for someone after an accident is if that person had really hurt someone Dwight cares for.
He’s a lot less okay with being mocked for peeing himself than he is with being mocked for really NEEDING to pee. If he’s had an accident, that means he was in pain, and so he doesn’t think it’s fair to be made fun of afterwards. Particularly mean comments about his accident could even make him cry. If someone has witnessed him wetting his pants, he would want that person to be understanding and tell him it’s alright.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
Most of the time, he can shrug it off and see the positives in the situation (Namely, that he doesn’t have to worry about holding it anymore), but there are circumstances where an accident will still devastate him. If someone sees and immediately makes fun of him, he will be upset. If a very important person that he wants to impress sees him in such a state, he will feel terrible and possibly cry— He totally soaked himself the first time he met The Leader because he couldn’t find a bathroom, and that was utterly devastating. In most cases though, so long as his accident happened in private, or around someone who is kind to him about it, he will be okay.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
Twenty-Four, he held it too long at his post one day because he didn’t know how to politely tell the woman supervising him that he needed to go, so he just didn’t say anything.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
No, he hasn’t done that before. But, he MAY do it some day. If a friend had an accident and was really hurt by it, and Dwight ALSO had a full bladder, he might just release it on himself and say “Oh, it’s okay. Look, I couldn’t wait, either!” to help that person feel better.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He really doesn’t like how holding it in feels, so he tries to go as soon as possible. This doesn’t ALWAYS work out for him though, of course.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
His bladder is significantly smaller and weaker that all of his friends’ are, and he tends to need relief more often than they do.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Talking about his urge makes it easier for him to hold on. He doesn’t even need to be speaking TO someone, even just mumbling to himself “Gotta go, can’t wait…” over and over can help him feel better.
A strange thing that makes Dwight’s need worse is hearing a specific lullaby. When he was being potty-trained, the nuns at the orphanage would sing this song to the kids to prompt them to pee, and to this day hearing just the tune being hummed will make Dwight start jiggling around. Subconsciously, the song is STILL his cue to start peeing.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Any drink that is high in sugar will hit his bladder a little faster.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He has a slight bed-wetting problem that crops up from time to time, prompted by stress. Ordinarily, he will wake up at least once a night to go pee, but when his bed-wetting issue is going on, this won’t happen and he’ll just continue to sleep as he pees.
He does have pee dreams, especially if he’s about to go in the bed. They always involve him desperately searching for a toilet and finding one at the very last second, finally peeing… But, then he wakes up and finds himself drenched.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
Dwight has peed in EXTREMELY odd places. If he has to go, he just has to go, and he doesn’t care at all where he does it. The one rule he has is that he tries to avoid creating a mess that someone else will need to clean up.
The weirdest place he’s ever peed was into his own hat while out of his mind with desperation and stuck in an elevator. Unfortunately, the hat wasn’t as sturdy as he’d thought it would be…
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
The most desperate he’s ever been was the day he had to visit The Leader’s villa the first time. He was already about to pee himself when he arrived, and was immediately given a series of tasks he needed to complete by several of the people there. After repeatedly trying to ask for the toilet and being interrupted, he gave up and did everything he’d been instructed to do. Then, finally he asked for the bathroom, but the directions were confusing and he searched all over the place for somewhere to go— Eventually giving up and trying to water a potted plant since he couldn’t find a toilet.
But, just as he unzipped, he was called down to the front room again to meet The Leader, and the very second he got there, his bladder had had enough and he started to pee uncontrollably. Kenneth immediately jumped in front of him to try and shield everybody’s view, but the hissing was too loud to be covered up, and the puddle left on the carpet afterwards was huge and obvious. This was the most humiliating day of Dwight’s life.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
Gonna say eighteen months for him, too. Maybe a little sooner because I think the orphanage would want the babies out of diapers and more self-sufficient as fast as possible.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He still wets the bed today, he’s had the problem on and off his whole life. It’s mostly anxiety-induced.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
A bit. He’d get too caught up in things when he was little and not head to the restroom until he was already squirming. And, since he shared it with a ton of other kids, there was always a line. Sometimes, he wouldn’t be able to wait. He’d occasionally be bullied for these accidents by the other children.
That line was the cause of most of Dwight’s childhood wettings, but he had a different and really embarrassing one when he was twelve. He and Kenneth were playing in the woods near where Dwight lived, and Kenneth ended up tickling Dwight a whole bunch… Dwight didn’t even notice that he had to go until his laughter made him start having an accident. Kenneth apologized afterwards and helped him clean himself up.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
No… He WAS eventually given a chamber pot to keep under his bed while he was growing up, though. Giving him somewhere he could pee right away so that he’d stop wetting his pants waiting in line. At first, he was somewhat embarrassed by it as it was a reminder that he couldn’t wait as long as the other children could, but then he realized everybody else was actually JEALOUS of him because the pot meant he didn’t have to walk all the way down the hall when he needed to go pee in the middle of the night— Could just sit up, put the pot between his feet, and go without even leaving his bed.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
No, nothing like that.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Somewhat. He was bullied as a kid whenever he wet himself, and the memories of that can make him tear up a little. It wasn’t too traumatic though, after Dwight met Kenneth, Kenneth always stood up to his bullies for him and got them to leave him alone.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. He had a really bad flu once and needed help getting to the restroom. He was being taken there when he sneezed really hard and that caused him to pee.
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Omo Questionnaire- Avery
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
Avery sorta likes finding new places to pee. After he got his STP, he had a lot of fun going in different spots because he was finally able to do it. First time he peed into a bottle was sort of a big Moment for him, haha. He DOES pee in an actual bathroom most of the time though.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
Standing up. He felt uncomfortable NEEDING to sit for most of his life, so from now on he ONLY wants to stand.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
He has good aim, which is something he’s incredibly proud of. He thinks it’s funny that his uncle sometimes leaves dribbles on the rim of the bowl after being able to stand his entire life, while Avery DOESN’T have that problem even though this is something he’s just now able to do.
Two hands are better than one with an STP, so he uses both.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He’ll be quiet for the most part, up until the moment where he finally admits he’s gotta go, after which it becomes ALL he can talk about.
When he pees after having been desperate, he sometimes murmurs things to himself about how good it feels, without noticing that he’s talking.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
Just the mumbling thing I mentioned. He sighs out little comments like, “Ohhh, God, that’s the stuff…” Or “Fuck, that’s better…” When he does this, he’s so lost in his relief that he doesn’t realize he’s saying those things out loud.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He gets very nervous about overflowing his STP, so if he’s able to control his stream, he pees slowly. Sometimes if he REALLY had to go, it’s not as easy to control the speed of his flow, however. Luckily, he’s only peed hard and fast enough to overflow his prosthetic a couple times, and it has only happened at home where he could change his boxers quickly.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He can get a little shy around certain people, he really doesn’t like telling Lydia that he has to pee because he has a bit of a crush on her and it embarrasses him. The shyness isn’t so bad that he CAN’T pee in front of her though, and he’s had a few humiliating incidents where he had to do that to avoid going in his pants. She doesn’t mind it, at least. She’s a bit protective of him, so of course she just wants him to be comfortable.
He has difficulty going around people who bully him, the stress makes him tense up so much that he can’t pee.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
Avery feels safest if his uncle goes to the restroom with him, he gets scared using public toilets alone, especially in unfamiliar places. Avery unfortunately has an awfully hard time ASKING his uncle to escort him, because he feels so ashamed of himself for needing a ‘bodyguard’ just so he can go pee, and thinks he’s making his uncle waste his time.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He likes to use urinals, they feel weirdly validating to him… On a few rare occasions, the urinal will be too high for him to use, though (they’re placed according to the average height of a cis guy, and even compared to average cis women, Avery is short.) So, he’ll have to use a stall if he can’t reach.
He does mainly follow the rules. He’ll only pee next to someone else if that’s the only place available and he can’t wait. He definitely never looks at anyone else, keeps his head down. And, apart from the muttering he does when he’s feeling extra relieved— which, again, is completely involuntary and he doesn’t realize when he’s doing it— he stays quiet.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
Avery gets anxious using crowded bathrooms, and will only do it if he REALLY can’t wait until he finds somewhere else to go.
He did once go to a place that only had those squat toilets that you’d see in some parts of Asia or Europe, no urinals or regular sit-down toilets. He’d never seen anything like it before and didn’t know HOW he was supposed to use it, or even what direction he was supposed to face. He seriously had to pee, so he unzipped and tried his best, but he was pissing directly between his shoes and didn’t have anything to really aim his stream AT like he would if he was using a tree or bush. Ended up with a lot of splattering and some unpleasant splashback. He won’t use a toilet like that ever again, unless it’s a choice between that and wetting himself.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Nope. Avery is really passionate about swimming, the ocean, fish and all things to do with water. He would think peeing into the water is disrespectful and very wrong. He even went out on a boat with his uncle once and got desperate. His uncle told him to just go over the side into the ocean, but Avery said the fish would be upset if he peed in their home, haha.
Yes, he IS aware that the fish are peeing in the ocean themselves, but he thinks humans should follow different rules.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Only when he was practicing with his STP, once he got good with it, he stopped. Again, he has a bit of a hang-up about peeing in water.
If another trans guy (or AFAB nonbinary person) asked him for tips for using an STP, he would mention how the shower is a good place to practice and that he did it himself. But, otherwise, he’d deny ever having done that.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
No, he’s very frightened of doing something— even accidentally— that will makes someone angry at him. He’s hypersensitive to things like that. He’s even anxious about peeing in single-stall restrooms because he’ll be worried someone will get there after him who needs it even worse and will then be mad that he made them wait longer.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Yeah. Before he was out he HAD to, after all. A really strange thing that happened to Avery when he was growing up was that he ALWAYS felt out of place and like he was breaking a rule by going into girls’ bathrooms, like something inside him was telling him ‘This isn’t where you’re supposed to be!’ Little Avery would often look in the mirror inside women’s rooms, trying to remind himself that this was the correct room for him… It was a very surreal feeling, a bit of dissociation almost, I guess. The disconnect between his brain and body was always super strong.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He thinks it’s fun to pee outside now that it’s so easier for him. He doesn’t do it THAT often, but if he’s in a place where it’s acceptable to pee outdoors then that’s sort of a highlight for him.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He mostly doesn’t say ANYTHING about it when he needs to go. He doesn’t want to interrupt someone else, or make them worry about him and his needs. He generally won’t say a word until somebody else ASKS him if he needs to pee, at which point that’s suddenly the only thing he can talk about and he’ll begin saying some pretty graphic things to describe how desperate he is.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
He wears a hat all the time and will tug on it when he’s first starting to feel the urge. He bounces his knees a lot, too.
His uncle is the one that can tell earliest when Avery has to pee. He had to learn to watch for the signs, since Avery doesn’t like to speak up about it.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He doesn’t deny it ever. He will sometimes try to downplay it and convince the other person that they don’t need to drop everything to help him out. He feels like a burden when his needs become important to someone else.
If he’s REALLY bursting though, then he won’t try to play it off anymore. He’ll be open about how bad it is.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
To begin with, Avery is actually selectively mute. Stressful or scary situations make it very, very difficult— sometimes even impossible— for him to speak. Desperation makes him go quiet, but he’s not very noisy to start out with so people can’t always tell that the reason he’s clamming up is just because he needs to pee.
He is very, VERY squirmy as well.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
Avery is a kind person, he would WANT to try to help if he saw someone else desperate. But, he’s also terrified of other people, so unless he KNEW the person in question, he would have a hard time making himself help out.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
He doesn’t like being teased when he’s desperate. It upsets him a lot. Too much encouragement can make him uncomfortable as well because it causes him to feel like a burden. He mostly just wants the other person to either offer a very fast solution to him, or just forget about how much he needs to go so that he knows they aren’t worrying about him anymore.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
Accidents upset him a lot. He’s had several that were extremely traumatic for him, and even if he wet himself in a way that wasn’t super dramatic, it would still bring back all those horrible memories.
Again, he’d WANT to cheer up anyone that he saw peeing themselves, but unless they already had a relationship beforehand, he’d be too anxious to approach them and say anything.
Being made fun of after an accident would be one of the worst things a person could do to him. Speeches about how it’s no big deal would be a step up, but still not that great for him. Mostly, he’ll just want to be left alone.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
Accidents devastate him. They prompt him to hide wherever he can so that he can be alone to cry. Sometimes they can even trigger violent flashbacks of his trauma.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was eighteen. He was made to hold it all day at a school carnival, then when he got to the restroom his bully was in there and refused to let him pee. Punched him super hard in the stomach and caused his bladder to release right there. It was an awful day for him.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
Yes, he actually HAS done it on purpose before, he was about to be subjected to an abusive practice at conversion therapy and was struggling not to wet himself from fear. Then, he thought if he allowed it to happen, maybe they’d show mercy and decide not to put him through it after all. He peed himself, but instead of letting him go, the ‘doctors’ just called him disgusting and continued on with what they were doing.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He ALWAYS makes himself wait for too long. Avery is convinced that he shouldn’t ever ask another person for help with ANYTHING— including a need for the toilet— because it will make them angry or disappointed in him. So, he forces himself to hold it until it’s ���convenient’, and usually by that point he needs it so bad he can barely stand.
He also occasionally makes himself hold his bladder as a form of self-harm. He tells himself he deserves the pain of needing to pee really badly, and that he DOESN’T deserve to be allowed to relieve himself. Nobody else has realized that he does this to himself yet.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
He has a large, strong bladder. At conversion therapy, some of the things there ended up ‘training’ him to hold it well beyond the point of pain.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
One thing that helps is clutching onto the tip of his STP. He KNOWS that this doesn’t make much sense, as it’s not an actual, physical part of his body. But, emotionally it FEELS so much like it’s really part of him that holding onto it like a desperate cis guy would really DOES lessen his desperation.
Hearing, seeing, or thinking about water makes his urge worse… And since Avery wants to be a marine biologist and those subjects are often on his mind, that’s not a good thing, haha.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Yep. Sodas do. For some reason, sodas purchased at a movie theater seem to move through him fastest of all.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He does have pee dreams, often ones that involve him reliving a traumatic accident from his past. When he has these dreams, and gets to the part where he peed himself, he pees for real and wets his sheets.
On nights where he DOESN’T have a nightmare like that, he will wake up in time to go in the toilet, though.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
Yeah, he has fun peeing in new places. Feels weirdly validating to him. Oddest place he ever relieved himself was into a toddler training potty though— And that one he didn’t enjoy at all! Lydia had been right there, and the potty played a really embarrassing song… But, Avery just hadn’t been able to hold it!
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
One day at school, he had trouble getting to the restroom. He kept putting it off, or being interrupted on his way there. And he’d missed his morning pee, too, so he had to hold it for a WHILE. Much to his embarrassment, eventually Lydia had to ask a teacher to give him a toilet pass because he wasn’t able to speak up about it. He rushed to the closest bathroom, but it was out of order. Luckily, someone helped him find another one just in time and he made it.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
He was eighteen months old. His parents are really old-fashioned, and they used all these older techniques for potty training that got him out of diapers faster.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He never wet the bed as a little kid, but he does it fairly often now. Every instance of wet sheets is caused by nightmares.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
He sort of was… Remember how I mentioned that strange feeling Avery had inside girls’ bathrooms? How something in his brain would keep telling him ‘You shouldn’t be in here! You are breaking a rule!’ Sometimes, that feeling would cause little Avery to hold it in.
In Kindergarten, he felt VERY uncomfortable lining up with the girls to go pee during bathroom breaks, and then once he was in there he’d feel squirmy inside, like he was intruding on them. He, of course, couldn’t put a name to any of these feelings back then. He just knew he didn’t like them and would prefer to avoid them. So, even when he really DID need to pee, he’d say that he didn’t. Some days, he’d make it until he was at home, other days… He wouldn’t. His teacher got frustrated with him, and his parents were very angry each time they were told to come bring Avery a change of clothes.
It got to the point that his teacher told his parents that being potty-trained was a requirement for Kindergarten, which made them even madder because Avery had BEEN potty-trained since he was eighteen months old and they thought all these accidents were ridiculous.
(Warning: Abuse talk)
His parents were not at all sympathetic, neither asked if there was any reason why Avery was having trouble using the toilet at school, or if something was causing him to feel unhappy. They’d just bring him new clothes, shout at him for the embarrassment, order him to grow up and stop begging for attention, and then spank him when he got home.
Avery’s parents NEVER comforted him after an accident growing up, they only ever punished him for it. Even if there was no reasonable way that they could frame it as being his fault. When he was seven, he and his family got stuck in traffic for six hours. Avery had been telling his parents over and over that he needed to pee really bad. He started begging to be allowed to do it on the side of the road because he couldn’t wait. After three hours of pleading, of repeating over and over that he needed to go NOW, he wet his pants. Once at home, he was spanked for soiling the carseat, called a pathetic baby, and sent to his room. This is one memory that always makes him feel ashamed, even if now he’s aware that expecting a seven year old to hold it for six hours— three of which he spent sobbing in pain from how much it hurt— was completely unreasonable.
Another time, when he was still seven, the door to his room got stuck and he was trapped inside it. He kept banging on it and asking for help, and since this was right after he’d woken up, he really had to go. His parents were woken up by the shouting, and were already irritated with him for that. His Dad started working on getting the door open, though. Avery kept telling him to hurry because he needed the toilet and couldn’t hold it much more, eventually causing his Dad to snap at him and stop helping. “If you wanna complain, fix it yourself.”
Of course, Avery COULDN’T fix it. He didn’t have any tools, much less the knowledge of how to USE them. He cried and begged more, but was ignored. Eventually, he peed his pants and started to sob more. Finally, now that it was too late, Avery’s Dad got the door open and spanked him for soaking the carpet.
When Avery was eight, he had another accident, this one in public. He’d been out shopping with his Mom— Something he HATED doing to start with because she always forced him to try on lots of dresses and put bows in his hair— and he had been BEGGING her to let him go use the bathroom for four hours straight. She kept insisting he was only saying it to get out of the shopping trip, and that he could hold it. Something finally made her give in and take him to a bathroom, but the line was extremely long and Avery couldn’t make it. He cried super hard, he was so embarrassed and frustrated. He’d told his Mom over and over that he’d NEEDED to go, and she’d ignored him until it was too late. Even as angry as he was at her, he wanted her to hug him and make him feel better about his humiliation. But, she didn’t. She called him disgraceful, said she couldn’t believe he’d “deliberately peed” himself “just to get out of shopping.” He was physically punished at home once more.
He lived out in the middle of nowhere, and would often play alone in the fields surrounding his house. He would end up needing to pee eventually, with at least a half hour walk back inside to the toilet. So, he would opt to go outdoors instead. It took him a few tries to learn how to squat without it getting on his clothes, and doing it made him super uncomfortable because he kinda had to look at parts he didn’t want to see. The first few tries, he got pee on himself and would have to wash off in the stream so his parents wouldn’t notice and punish him.
The Summer after fifth grade, Avery and his parents visited his Uncle Brad in New York City. This trip went well— unlike the one that would happen a few years later during which Brad and Avery’s parents had an enormous fight. The biggest problem that occurred during the FIRST trip though, was Avery having an accident when he once again couldn’t hold it in line for the toilet while he was at a big store with his uncle. He’d started to cry super hard, and was so sure he was going to be screamed at and punished again.
But, when Brad saw Avery crouching there, soaking wet and crying, he’d just picked him up in his arms and hugged him, apologizing over and over that he hadn’t found him a toilet soon enough. “You mentioned you needed to go at the last three stores, I should have dropped everything and tried harder to find you somewhere with a bathroom. I’m sorry.” And Avery had cried harder then, because he’d never had someone be so kind to him before.
During seventh grade, Avery learned what being trans was, and finally understood what all his bad feelings were about. That Summer was when the next trip to Uncle Brad’s would take place, the one where he and Avery’s parents had the big fight. Avery had almost come out DURING that trip, but the fight had stopped him. So, he waited until partway through eighth grade to tell his parents.
They were furious. They refused to respect his name or pronouns, they became more strict about what he could and couldn’t wear and refused to let him out of the house unless he was in a skirt or dress. They wouldn’t let him cut his hair at all, and when he did it himself because it had actually gotten so long that it blocked his eyesight, they beat him worse than they ever had before. When they learned he was stashing pants in his locker at school and changing there, when they learned he’d asked a teacher to call him ‘Avery’ instead of his old name, they were enraged further.
And they sent Avery away to conversion therapy. While at the ‘therapy’ center, a lot of the things there would cause accidents. (Warning: This gets intense)
He was sent to one outside the US where electroconvulsive aversion therapy was being practiced. This was extremely painful, it was basically a form of torture, and Avery would often wet himself during the process. Another common punishment was being locked inside an isolation room for long stretches of time, sometimes Avery wouldn’t be able to hold it in there and would pee himself, then he’d be forced to lay in it for days. He’d be beaten with blunt objects, which would occasionally make him lose control of his bodily functions. He started to wet the bed there as well, something he never did even as a little kid. Strange things happened to his mind and body the longer it went on, Avery would eventually cease to notice when he was sleepy, hungry, thirsty, or in need of the bathroom. This would cause him to pass out from exhaustion/hunger/thirst and it would cause accidents.
(Some regular, non-Omo related backstory for Avery, just so you guys know what happened to him next because I don’t want to end this section on all that.)
Through a series of events, Uncle Brad knew that something bad had happened to Avery, and managed to force his parents to tell him what that thing was. Brad flew all the way to this other country and scared the operators of the center so much that they released Avery. (Brad is a very prominent lawyer, so he used those skills to accomplish this.) There was a hearing, during which Avery’s parents gave up their rights and Brad gained custody of him. The center was unfortunately not shut down, as everything they were doing was still legal in the country in which it operated.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
Nope. He never wet the bed as a kid, only started doing it later on when he began to have nightmares. The nightmares are infrequent enough that having him wear something absorbent to bed feels like overkill, and would definitely damage his self-esteem way more than occasional damp sheets do.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
Yes, his PTSD causes nightmares that result in bed-wetting. Very, very rarely he will sometimes have flashbacks during the day, and these can also cause him to wet himself.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
Yeah. His uncle knows, and so does his school counselor, who has suggested to him multiple times that he needs to see an actual therapist to address his PTSD.
Unfortunately, Avery doesn’t want to accept that he has PTSD in spite of having nearly every symptom, because he thinks saying he has PTSD would mean he is ‘overreacting’. He thinks PTSD only happens to people like soldiers and firefighters, people he considers ‘heroes’. Since Avery’s low self-esteem tells him that he’s the furthest thing from a hero, he thinks that means he can’t possibly have PTSD, and that it would be ‘wrong’ for him to seek help when other people have ‘real problems’ and ‘deserve to be helped’.
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Yeah, pretty much everything above was extremely traumatizing. For a lot of it the peeing-part wasn’t what hurt him the most, though.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. He got a UTI once shortly after moving in with his uncle, because he was scared to go into public bathrooms and didn’t want to bother Brad by mentioning that to him. So, he just held it all day, every day, and made himself sick. Since he’d never had a UTI before he didn’t know what to expect, he just knew that peeing burned him really bad so he tried to hold it. But, it’s also really difficult to hold it with a UTI, so he ended up wetting his pants once while recovering.
#omorashi#omo questionnaire#fictomo#omocute#omorashi fiction#omorashi fics#omo fics#omo fiction#avery omo
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Omo Questionnaire- Shelby
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
Shelby has a lot of fun using urinals, they’re a big novelty for her, haha. She wishes that women’s rooms had them so that the few girls like her that can use them won’t have to wait in long lines for a stall.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
She taught herself how to go standing up, without even needing to use a device or anything. It amuses her, and she finds it way more convenient/comfortable than needing to sit or squat all the way down.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
Shelby does have really good aim, when she pees in the shower, she can hit the drain easily. It’s easiest for her to aim with two hands, but she can manage with just one if she needs to use the other for something else.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
She’s sort of in the middle, she’ll talk about her need if it’s bad enough, but there are scenarios where she’d be too embarrassed to bring it up.
She does sigh while peeing, too. Sometimes she’ll talk to Emmett while relieving herself… Often to call his attention to the fact she pees like a boy, or to tease him about something.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
Shelby pees standing up… Which is only really unusual because she’s a girl. Oh, and she would definitely look at memes or play games on her phone while peeing, if only to show off that her aim’s so great that she can hit the target even while distracted by something.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
She has to pee HARD to get it to arc out like it’s supposed to, going too slowly means it will be more likely to dribble down her leg. So, she’s fast.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
Her bladder isn’t shy at all, nothing really locks her up, apart from being faced with one of her phobias. (The dark, or tight spaces.)
She is too nervous/embarrassed to pee standing at school though, wouldn’t want one of the girls who pick on her to start a nasty rumor.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
Depends on the person. Shelby likes to show off her peeing talent to the people she’s close to. (So, her brother and her two closest friends.) She’s more reluctant about a stranger seeing her go like that since she can’t predict if they’ll freak out over it or something.
There are a few girls at her school that bully her, and Shelby doesn’t like to use the restroom if they’re in there. If she sees them hanging out in the restroom, she’ll leave and try to keep holding it. If they come in while she’s peeing, she’ll hide in the stall until they leave.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
She does use the men’s room in emergency situations. The three times she’s been inside one so far, she’s used a urinal. She will stay quiet unless Emmett is the only other person there, in which case she’ll talk for the express purpose of annoying him while he’s trying to pee.
She has yet to use the men’s room when a guy she doesn’t know is at one of the urinals, but if that were to ever happen, she would clam up and definitely wouldn’t look at or acknowledge him in any way.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
She’ll use anything but a portaloo. Even if she doesn’t have to sit on the seat, they gross her out. She’d rather piss behind a nearby tree instead if she can.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
She has. She thinks it’s pointless to get out and dry off just to go pee, so she’ll do it in the water.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yes, the shower is a good place for her to practice her aim, haha. She does admit to it, sometimes WITHOUT even being asked.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Yep. She and Emmett have both locked each other out of the restroom when in the midst of an argument. She once locked him out because he’d told her to clean the bathroom and “not to open the door” until she was finished. This resulted in him peeing into their Dad’s bathtub because the other toilet was having problems and he couldn’t hold it.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Yeah. First time was to show Emmett that she could go like a guy. Second time was to play a video game that was controlled by peeing into a urinal with special sensors. Third time was when she couldn’t wait through the line for the women’s room.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
She likes to pee outdoors and finds it fun, but she lives in the suburbs so she doesn’t have the chance to do it that often.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
She’s straightforward about it, she doesn’t see a reason not to be. Everyone does it. She’s fine with pretty much anything that other people say, too.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
She wears a hat all the time, and will tug on it when she’s first starting to feel the need. She almost always speaks up about it, but if she doesn’t Emmett has the easiest time telling.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
She’ll admit it, she’s nonchalant about her bladder, haha. She might exaggerate it for a while, too… Which could have the unintended effect of ACTUALLY making her more desperate.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
She squirms and complains about it a lot, gets pretty frustrated if something happens that forces her to wait longer. Eventually, she’ll take matters into her own hands to get relief, even if it’s unconventional.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
She loves to tease Emmett when he needs to pee. She’ll say things to make him think more about peeing, or run some water, or tickle him as he whines at her to stop because he has to GO. If he’s having an extreme emergency though, she’ll feel bad for him and try to find him a place to pee/convince him to use a restroom he’s written off as too dirty.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
She’s okay with being teased about it. She wouldn’t dish it out if she couldn’t take it. But, just as she will turn to sympathy once Emmett is hanging on by a thread, she expects the same of others and wouldn’t enjoy being made of if she’s to the point that she’s in genuine danger of an accident.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
When she has an accident, she’ll be pretty frustrated for a few minutes— Especially if she was REALLY close to making it. But, she can get recover quickly and bounce back.
She wouldn’t make fun of someone for an accident, because if they got to the stage where they COULDN’T hold it anymore, she knows that means they must have been in pain. She’ll always try to provide comfort then.
She wouldn’t want to be teased after peeing herself, either. She’d want any witnesses to either look the other way or shrug it off as if it’s not a big deal.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
Accidents are unpleasant for her, but she can get over them pretty fast. She’ll just change and try to forget about it as fast as possible.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
She was eighteen. She wasn’t able to find time for a toilet break through an entire school day, and since the bus stops had been changed she had a longer than usual walk back home. She tried to pee at a few different places on the way there, but was stopped each time. Finally, she made it to the front door and pissed right there on the welcome mat.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
No, not yet. She likes weird online challenges though, and there’s apparently one related to wetting your pants, so she might consider doing it for that, haha.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
Since peeing is kind of a game to her, she does often hold it until she knows she has a lot saved up in her bladder so that she can have more fun aiming while she lets it go.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
Her bladder is fairly large, and she has great control over it.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
She distracts herself by thinking about video games, which doesn’t ALWAYS work the way she intends it to, but it can still be helpful.
Like her brother, anxiety causes her bladder to fill up faster, guess that runs in the family. However, she doesn’t get anxious nearly as often as he does.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Energy drinks will, it’s the caffeine that does it.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
She usually will sleep through the entire night without having to get up to go. She actually wishes that she WOULD wake up more often, because since she doesn’t, she’s always bursting in the morning and then both the restrooms are occupied.
She rarely ever has pee-related dreams. When she does, they always seem to involve her peeing off of a high place for some reason.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
I guess it’s pretty weird that she’s peed into urinals multiple times, haha.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
Her worst desperation was the day I mentioned up above, when she wet herself on her way home from school.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
Around three, very slightly later than Emmett. As a kid, her tendency to get too absorbed in an activity or get sidetracked from important things would have been worse, so it would have taken some time for her to learn to listen to her bladder’s signals.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
She only wets the bed when she has a nightmare about one particular traumatic event. (One that I think is WAY too dark to bring up here.) These nightmares are rare, but when they do happen they guarantee wet sheets.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Like I said, Shelby loses focus fast, or becomes so engrossed in an activity that she doesn’t notice that her body has needs. She will neglect to eat, drink, sleep or pee for too long sometimes. This was worse when she was younger. It wasn’t uncommon for little Shelby to be playing for a long time and not realize she had to go until she was having an accident. This persisted until around first grade, causing a few embarrassing incidents during Kindergarten.
By the time she was six, when she had one of those moments where her concentration would break and make her notice that her bladder was bursting, her muscles were strong enough that she could make it in time so long as she hurried.
There were still some accidents after that. Following the traumatic event mentioned above, she suddenly started to wet the bed after not doing it even when she was a toddler. Her parents weren’t angry, but did wonder what was wrong. Shelby wasn’t able to tell them what had happened at that time, though.
On a lighter note, she had one accident when she was ten because she was playing an MMORPG and couldn’t pause it to go pee.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
Just the bedwetting caused by nightmares.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
Her therapist is aware that her trauma sometimes results in a wet bed. And Emmett and her Dad know as well. Her Mom knew about the bedwetting of course, but was no longer with the family when the others found out what was causing it.
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
No. She was teased back in Kindergarten when she had accidents, but it wasn’t traumatizing and by now everyone has long moved on and forgotten all about it.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
She’s never had any serious illnesses like her brother had, the worst thing she’s ever been sick with was a really awful cold. It forced her to take so much NyQuil that she grew accustomed to the taste and started to actually like it (Which, if you’ve ever tasted NyQuil, that basically means she must have developed some sort of Stockholm Syndrome for it.)
Anyway, NyQuil knocks people out, especially if they’re as sick as Shelby was. And she slept so hard that she didn’t wake up until she’d already started peeing herself. She got most of it into the toilet, but was still wet enough that she needed to change.
#omorashi#omo questionnaire#fictomo#omocute#omorashi fiction#omorashi fics#Omo fics#Omo fiction#Shelby omo
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Omo Questionnaire--Emmett
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
He HATES peeing anywhere other than into a toilet. It feels absolutely disgusting to him to have to go anywhere else. The only reason he’ll pee in a different location is if the only other option is wetting his pants— Which is FAR more revolting to him.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
Standing up. He doesn’t like having to touch the toilet with any part of his body. Sometimes he even uses toilet paper to lift up the lid and seat before he goes to minimize the skin-contact. There is nothing that will make him sit down when he can stand.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
He has great aim. Accidental splashback is unacceptable in his eyes, haha. He uses both hands to guide his stream, because it feels more stable to him.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He’s pretty embarrassed by the fact he HAS bodily functions at all, and thinks people will be grossed out to hear him talk about how badly he needs to pee, so he tries to stay quiet about it if he can. He’s learned recently that his girlfriend Nova actually thinks he’s CUTE when he’s desperate, which he doesn’t really understand, but he doesn’t hide it from her as much anymore.
He does sometimes moan while peeing, too. If it feels really good, then he just can’t help it.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
He’ll sometimes sorta hold his breath in a public toilet because he’s worried about breathing in the germs… But, it usually takes him longer to empty his bladder than he can hold his breath, AND he can’t stop himself from moaning if he’s feeling extra relieved, so this doesn’t really work.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
Sometimes he will try to finish fast if he’s in a public bathroom, because he wants to leave as quickly as possible. At home where he feels more relaxed, he’ll always take as much time as he needs.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He’s honestly pretty surprised by this, given how anxious he constantly feels in general, but Emmett actually RARELY gets pee-shy. There are only two things that really lock him up. One is if somebody is directly beside him while he’s trying to go— And even so, he can usually get it started eventually in that situation. And the other is being talked to, that makes it really hard for him to concentrate on what he’s doing.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He prefers to have privacy, but doesn’t mind if there are other people around, so long as they stay quiet. He gets annoyed if someone talks to him while he’s going.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
Usually he’ll use a urinal, so that he doesn’t need to touch the stall door or the lock. And, he hates lifting the seats in public restrooms since he never knows what’s under there, but also feels that he HAS to lift the seat up if it’s already down because he would hate to leave a mess on it for the next person. So, the urinal is easier for him and his anxieties.
He never wants to have a conversation while urinating. Being talked to while he’s mid-stream really irritates him and makes it difficult for him to keep letting it out. He never looks over at anyone else, and will always leave a gap if it’s possible.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
There are a LOT of bathrooms he’d refuse to use. Gas station toilets are always horrible and he’d never go into one if he can help it. Portable toilets are basically Hell to him, and he’d rather pee basically ANYWHERE else— He’d even consider peeing his pants to be a step up from going into one of those things.
If there are puddles on the floor he can’t identify, he’s going to need some coaxing to go into the restroom before he has an accident. If it smells particularly bad, he’ll be really reluctant to use it… If there’s no soap in the dispenser, that’s a problem too…
He’s picky, haha.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
No. The thought of being surrounded by his own pee like that REALLY grosses him out. He likes to swim, and it takes a great deal of effort for him to push the fact that other people are probably peeing into the water out of his brain so he can enjoy himself. If HE peed in there too, it would be impossible to forget about it.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
No. He takes super long showers sometimes, too. He has sort of this whole ritual thing he has to do in there before he feels properly clean, and if he makes a mistake he feels like he has to start it all over from the very beginning. A shower can take anywhere between thirty minutes and an hour. And yes, sometimes the running water noises make him have to pee, but he holds it until he’s finished. If he can’t wait, he gets OUT and pees into the toilet before going back in. He tries not to do this though, as a pee break wrecks the process in his head, and guarantees that he needs to restart.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Yeah. He and Shelby don’t always get along so well…They’ve both kept one another from peeing a few times when in the midst of an argument.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Nope. He wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it. Since he HAS to stand up, his anxious brain will force him to go BACK and forth to repeatedly check that he put the seat back down, convincing himself that something terrible will happen to him if he forgot.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He doesn’t like to pee outdoors. He’s done it a few times in emergency situations, but he doesn’t like it at all. Outside-pees only happen if he seriously just can’t wait anymore.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He usually will just say stuff like “I have to go somewhere,” and if pushed he’ll admit “I have to pee,” but really, really softly. He’s shy about it, but not so shy that he can’t say it at all.
He’s okay with hearing most phrases from other people, too. He just gets upset if they talk too loudly about him needing to pee.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
Tugging at his bangs, or drumming his fingers over the tops of his knees are signs that he needs to go.
Shelby can tell easily, since they’re twins and she’s seen him desperate several times as far back as she can remember.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He’ll sometimes deny it if he knows they’re just gonna suggest he go use a toilet that his contamination anxiety has already deemed “off-limits” to him. He’ll then try to hide how much he actually has to go from them.
But, if he knows he’s near a place where he’s comfortable peeing, then he doesn’t have a reason to lie or try to force himself to stop squirming. He’ll just agree and ask the other person if he can please head to the toilet soon.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
Actually, Emmett’s behavior doesn’t change that much when he has to go. He’s a really fidgety person in general, always nervously bouncing something, so sometimes his desperate squirming won’t register as ‘desperate’ to someone looking at him. He’s also usually quiet, so him getting soft and shy when he needs to pee isn’t a clear indication either. Most people need to actually HEAR him say “I have to pee,” before they realize that’s what’s going on, since he’s so twitchy all the time even when he ISN’T holding it.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
He definitely feels bad when he sees someone else struggling to hold it. But, unless it’s someone he knows really well he’s not just gonna go up to them and try to help. He has bad social anxiety, and wouldn’t go up to a total stranger and ask them if they need help finding a bathroom or anything.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
He wants to be comforted, reassurances that he’s NOT disgusting just because he needs to pee are a must for him.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
Accidents are devastating for him, he can’t stand the idea that he’s covered in his own bodily waste. After an accident, he will always break down and cry about it.
Just like with seeing another person desperate, he will feel bad for someone who’s had an accident, but won’t say anything or check up on them unless he already knows them well enough.
He needs even MORE reassurances that he’s not gross after he’s peed himself, and most importantly he will need the other person to provide him with clean clothes and a place to wash off.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
Emmett is always miserable when he has an accident. To him, the embarrassment isn’t even the worst part. It’s the sticky, warm feeling, the smell, the sogginess… The knowledge that all of those sensations are caused by his waste. It’s revolting to him.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was eighteen, taking a standardized test at school. A rule during the test was that nobody could leave for any reason. He begged and begged for an exception because he couldn’t hold it, but was denied. Finally, all the pressure caused him to have an anxiety attack, and the anxiety attack caused him to wet his pants.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
No. And nothing could ever convince him to do it. Even if someone offered him a million dollars to pee his pants, he would refuse.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He will often wait until he’s just dying to pee, because public restrooms make him so uncomfortable. Emmett will only use the bathroom outside of his home if he’s super, super desperate. Otherwise, he holds it until he’s back in his house where it feels more sanitary for him.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
Emmett’s bladder is pretty strong. He often holds it through entire school days since the bathrooms there gross him out. Most days, he’s able to make it until he’s back home (Albeit, extremely desperate), but there ARE days where he miscalculates how much he can get away with drinking and has no choice but to pee at school.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Thinking about the plots of books he likes can be a good distraction from his bladder for him… Provided the latest book he’s read didn’t have any scenes in it related to peeing.
Anxiety actually makes his bladder fill up a lot faster. And, given the amount of time he spends getting anxious, this means his bladder MUST be pretty big because otherwise he’d be peeing every half hour.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Emmett recently discovered a specific type of tea that helps with his anxiety. What it DOESN’T help with is his bladder, because one ingredient in it has a very strong diuretic effect.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He does wake up some nights, rarely. Maybe about once a month, his bladder will decide it doesn’t want to wait until morning and wake him up. He hates when that happens because he struggles with insomnia and has a hard time falling back to sleep afterwards.
He has pee dreams a lot. And sometimes they confuse him, because he’ll wake up from a dream in which he was desperately holding his bladder and NOT feel much need to go. There’s always a panicked few seconds where he’s thinking ‘Why’d I have to go so bad in my dream if I don’t need to now? Oh no, did I pee the bed?!’, followed by him patting down the sheets, but they’re always dry. He’s not sure why he dreams about peeing and holding it so often when in the waking world his bladder isn’t even that full.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
He doesn’t like to pee anywhere other than into a toilet. He feels ashamed of himself every time his desperation manages to force him to go elsewhere.
The weirdest place he’s ever peed was the result of extreme desperation and serious anxiety. His Dad got sick in the restroom, and so in Emmett’s mind the entire room was contaminated and couldn’t be entered. Emmett’s bladder was beyond full and was going to burst if he didn’t empty it. So, he ended up opening the window in his room and pissing out of it.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
It was during a field trip with his class. The bus got stuck in traffic for a very long time, and Emmett’s bladder got so full that he literally couldn’t move his hands away from his crotch without his pee coming out. He made it to their destination, but then the restroom was being cleaned. So, Nova took him behind some trees so he could go there, and he made it just fine.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
He was around two and a half. Emmett was eager to please his parents, and even at that age he didn’t like the feeling of being wet, so he learned quickly.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He’s never wet the bed in his life, unless you count back when he was still in diapers, haha.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Nope, Emmett had very few accidents growing up. He didn’t even wet himself at school until senior year (the aforementioned standardized test incident described above.)
There were a few incidents, one when he was eight and on a road trip. His germ-fear and related compulsions were just starting to really show at that age, and at the time his parents didn’t understand the unusual behaviors he engaged in at all. They stopped off at a gas station, Emmett obviously had to pee extremely badly, and his Dad told him to go use the toilet.
Nervously, little Emmett opened the door of the restroom, and then just shut it again. He struggled to explain that he couldn’t go in there. His Dad didn’t realize that his son’s fears were an actual mental-health problem that he couldn’t switch off or fight down on his own, and just encouraged him to plug his nose and go. Emmett kept shaking his head and went to his Mom, telling her that he couldn’t pee there and he needed somewhere else. She too encouraged him to try, pointing out that he was having an emergency.
So, Emmett DID try… But, he just stood outside the door trying to convince himself to move. And something inside his head wouldn’t LET him— Screamed at him that he shouldn’t even touch the door again, or else he was going to get infected and die.
At that time, Shelby didn’t understand the extent of her brother’s problem, either. She teased him, told him that a bathroom was a ridiculous thing to be scared of, especially when he was about to pee in his pants! Emmett’s anxiety got worse the more his family tried to convince him it wasn’t as bad as he was making it out to be. He was trying so hard to believe them, but still couldn’t make himself go in!
Finally, he hobbled back to the car barely able to walk, he found the napkins they’d gotten at a fast food place they’d stopped at, intending to use them to open the door in a way that his brain was telling him would be ‘safe’. But, when he got back to the restroom, when he tried again to get himself to touch the door, he was out of time. He peed his pants.
Shelby teased him some, and stopped after realizing that he’d started to cry. His parents were just confused by everything he’d just done, they couldn’t understand it at all. But, they helped him change out of his wet clothes and continued the trip without mentioning it again.
A few more wettings happened during the Summer when he was ten. One night, his Mom went out to drive to the store, and didn’t come back. Her car had been slammed into by a drunk driver. The driver of the other vehicle survived, but the doctors in the emergency room couldn’t save Emmett’s Mom. It was a horrid time for him, for everyone in his family. They’d lost something irreplaceable, and all reacted in their own ways. Shelby got angry, it wasn’t fair that the drunk lived and her Mom had to die when SHE hadn’t been the one doing something wrong. Dad spent more time away at his office. And Emmett’s anxiety managed to get even WORSE than it was before.
That Summer, while he tried to process the sudden loss, Emmett would have intense panic attacks multiple times a day. And while he usually had some WARNING that he was about to have an attack like that, now they just happened randomly, without any clear trigger. Sometimes, the panic attacks would cause an accident.
By the time school started back up again, Emmett was still having the intense attacks pretty often, but he’d trained himself to always grab his crotch while they happened so that he wouldn’t pee. Now, a panic attack will only result in a wetting if he’s already desperate at the time it happens.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
As mentioned, his anxiety can make his bladder fill up quicker, and having a panic attack when he really needs to go can result in a wetting.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
His therapist is aware of how his mental health affects his bladder.
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
A bit, the accidents he had after his Mom’s death are sort of just wrapped up in all the trauma he has from that.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
When Emmett was six, he had appendicitis and so he needed to have his appendix removed. (The pain, vomiting and the fact that having surgery so young scared him really bad are the catalysts for his contamination fears.) When he woke up after surgery, he urgently needed to pee thanks to all the fluids from the IV. But, he was still hooked up to stuff and knew he probably couldn’t leave the bed safely. He also didn’t fully understand how the surgeons could have cut him open and put him back together again, so he thought if he stood or moved wrong, his insides would all fall out. He was scared of all the strange doctors and nurses, and just wanted his parents and Shelby there.
He held it until a nurse came in to check on him, and had trouble telling her what he needed, but she could tell because he was doing the most blatant pee-dance that a person laying in a hospital bed and recovering from surgery could possibly manage. The nurse was even a little annoyed, because he was SUPPOSED to have been given a urine bottle to use earlier, and someone had clearly forgotten about it. She was even MORE upset when she came back a few minutes later to find that he’d almost filled the thing up, meaning he’d just been made to hold a lot more than was healthy for him— Especially in his condition.
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Omo Questionnaire- Adam
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
Adam actually really likes peeing outside. When he first got his STP, he still lived with his parents and it was around the time they’d moved to a place way out in the country with lots of wooded areas. He had a lot of fun walking through them and peeing wherever he wanted whenever the need arose. His younger brother made jokes that Adam had waited so long to be able to pee standing up that now he wanted to mark the entire world as his territory, haha.
When he first told Alex he was trans, one thing Alex was confused about was “But, I saw you pee that day by the lake, and you were standing up!” So, Adam had to explain how he could do that.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
Standing up. Potty-training was one of the first times he felt dysphoric about his sex since it was when he realized why everybody thought he was a girl. So, being able to stand up now makes him feel good.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
He has good aim, he’ll only really “miss” if he’s half-asleep, sick, or doesn’t have his contact lenses in. He uses both hands, his STP is more challenging to use with only one.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He is vocal. He’ll talk openly about his need, and even make jokes about it. Up to a certain point, he can find his own desperation amusing because he knows his squirming probably looks silly.
He’ll sigh a bit when peeing, and if he and Alex are alone, he’ll talk to him sometimes while they both go.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
Adam likes how tight pants look on him, but it’s tricky to get the STP placed right wearing them. This means he has to pull them down all the way to go. So, he’ll only wear his tighter pants at home because he doesn’t want to do that out in public.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He pees pretty fast sometimes, and actually had to learn how to control the speed of his release to avoid going too much at once and overflowing the STP when he first got it. Took some time for him to learn how hard he could pee without causing a problem, and he still occasionally needs to remind himself to slow it down.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He’s not pee-shy, he’s pretty open about needing to pee and doesn’t try to hide it. He has a fear of public restrooms, but not because he freezes up when trying to use them.
The closest thing he gets to pee-shy is at his job. He is a livestreamer and is REALLY embarrassed to say he needs a bathroom break while streaming. Part of it is he knows a lot of his viewers look up to him, and for some reason that makes him feel weird about saying he needs to go. He’ll usually make an excuse that he’s going to grab a snack and then run off to go.
(One of these days, he’s going to be looking through archived clips and realize that the sound of him peeing is always loud and clear when he’s off camera…)
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
Adam feels safest using public toilets if Alex is with him. He even prefers it when Alex takes the urinal directly beside his (which he normally does anyway without being asked). Both of them feel scared going alone.
He and Alex share the toilet at home sometimes too. At first it was because there were occasions they couldn’t wait for one another to finish, but then it became a whole bonding thing for them.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
Urinal, it actually boosts his confidence every time he uses one, haha. He’ll be quiet in there unless he and Alex are alone. When Alex is beside him, he DOES sort of look over, but it’s not so much that he’s peeking, he’s just over-protective and is always keeping watch over him. And, as mentioned, he wants Alex DIRECTLY beside him while they’re peeing, so no gap there. He does leave gaps between himself and OTHER people, though.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
He hates portable toilets and refuses to use them… Not because they’re disgusting, he just hates the chemicals in them because they’re bad for the environment.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Yeah. He likes going to waterparks, but has yet to find a pair of swim trunks he can use his STP with WITHOUT having to pull them down all the way at the urinal (he wishes they made some with zippers, can’t pull the STP out over the waistband without shifting it out of the proper placement.) And, typically the line for the stall will be long there. So, he’ll always pee in the water every time he needs to go while at the park. Since he’s done it so many times, he’s gotten pretty good at not making it obvious that he’s going.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yep. If Adam has to pee and it’s almost time to shower, he’ll go there to save the water he would have used flushing the toilet. He would easily admit to it too, and explain his reasoning and insist to whoever is asking that everyone SHOULD be doing it.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Yeah… He got angry at his younger brother, Keith once during a family trip. They were arguing over the last french fry at the diner they’d stopped at, and during the fight Adam’s brother called him by his deadname very loudly. Keith felt bad immediately, he’d acted out of anger and done something hurtful that he didn’t mean. Adam just pushed the plate over to him and shut him out.
Back on the road, they both realized they’d had too much soda to drink. Keith knew their parents were both angry with him and so didn’t speak up to ask for a stop. Adam was too upset over what had happened to talk. So, they held it. Both of them were dying to pee by the time they reached their hotel. Adam got to the restroom FIRST and took his turn… Then waited a few extra minutes before coming back out, after Keith gave a sincere apology.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Yes, for a while he HAD to, everyone thought he was a girl so that was where he thought he had to go. Even before he understood that he was trans, he would sometimes have problems in there because his hair was cut so short and he dressed like a guy. People looked at child Adam and saw a little boy, and sometimes Adam’s Mom would be questioned for having him in there. (Things like “I think he’s probably old enough to use the men’s by himself now!” or “My husband can keep an eye on him if you’re worried!”)
Using the girls’ bathroom back when he still went to school was the worst. Nobody questioned his presence there since they knew him, but a lot of the girls he went to school with bullied him. Sometimes they’d talk loudly about how ‘weird’ he was when they knew that he was in one of the stalls just trying to pee
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
Yes, as mentioned he thinks it’s super fun, haha.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He’s pretty blunt. He’ll just blurt “I gotta go!” or “I need to pee NOW!” right out. He doesn’t try to hide it. He’s alright with whatever terms other people use, too. He does blush hard if one of Alex’s youngest siblings ask if he needs to “go potty”, though.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
He’s almost always wearing shorts, and when he’s getting desperate he sort of tugs at the bottoms of them nervously.
Alex, having helped with potty-training all of his siblings, is SUPER good at picking up on everyone’s “tells” when they need to pee. He will notice Adam’s need quickly now.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He’ll admit it, he sees no reason to lie about that. He’ll laugh and joke around and sort of exaggerate it, too…
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
The worse he has to go, the more he makes jokes about it because one way Adam deals with nervousness and stress is by trying to be funny. This can cause problems if he’s with someone who doesn’t know him that well. They’ll think he must not need to go THAT much if he’s still joking around about it, and not realize how bad he actually needs them to get him to a toilet.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
He is VERY protective of Alex at all times, and this increases when Alex is desperate and thus in a more vulnerable state. He will try as hard as possible to find Alex a place to go, and to get him there in time. He’s even CARRIED Alex to the toilet before when he was too desperate to walk.
He would probably do the same for other people (Just… Maybe not the ‘carrying them around’ part…)
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
He’s okay with any sort of treatment, be it comforting or joking, so long as it’s not actively mean.
When he was in school, he’d sometimes try to hold it all day since bathrooms were a hotspot for bullying for him. When he couldn’t wait, he would usually ask to leave during class so the room would be empty and he could pee in peace… Just, he didn’t always get permission, even when he seriously needed it. And the classmates who picked on him would think it was funny when he started to pee-dance at his desk after being denied the toilet. Sometimes, his worst tormentors would shake their water bottles around so he’d have to listen to it. He wasn’t okay with THAT kind of teasing at all.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
Adam doesn’t get TOO upset when he pees himself, unless it was somewhere very public. His Dad is a doctor, and Adam knows that if he pees his pants, it’s just his body trying to protect itself, so he tries to remember that and stay calm.
When he sees Alex have an accident, he gives lots of comfort. Alex always cries when he wets himself, feeling so ashamed. So, Adam will give him loads of hugs and cuddles, telling him it’s okay. With other people, he won’t cuddle them like he does with Alex, but he’ll try to cheer them up too.
He likes to be comforted, but it’s not a ‘need’ for him like it is for Alex. Adam will sometimes make jokes about his own accidents, too. And he’s okay with other people poking fun unless they’re being cruel.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
He can usually shrug it off. He doesn’t see it as the end of the world, he’ll just get changed and move on with his day.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was twenty-one. He got some cool new pants, but the zipper got stuck the first time he tried them on. By the time it came loose, his bladder had had enough and forced him to pee right where he was.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
He hasn’t yet, but he would DEFINITELY do it to cheer Alex up after an accident.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He can get too caught up in something and put it off for too long, but it’s rare. He’s usually pretty responsible about making sure he goes before it becomes a big problem, not feeling shy about telling other people he needs a pee helps with that.
His fear of public toilets CAN cause him to hold it for longer than he should, though. If Alex, or another guy he trusts, isn’t there with him, he has to work up the nerve to go in anyway and only does it when he’s ready to burst. Luckily, he and Alex are rarely separated, so this doesn’t happen very much.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
His bladder is pretty big. Before he had Alex around to use the restroom with him, Adam had sort of trained himself to hold it when out in public for as long as he could, so his bladder got stronger from that.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Poking fun at his own situation and generally trying to trick himself into not seeing it as a big deal helps him hold it. Getting a kiss from Alex is also a good distraction for him, haha.
He will have a much harder time waiting if he’s cold, shivering jostles his bladder too much and it seems to make him fill up faster too, for some reason.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
A particular kind of sour liquid candy shoots through him extremely fast. They come in extremely small bottles, but after just one or two Adam better hope there’s a restroom nearby within the next fifteen minutes because he’s gonna be DYING to go.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He does wake up to go some nights, but not super often. He can usually sleep until morning without needing to pee— But, he DOES tend to need to go VERY bad when he first wakes up each day. He’ll have pee-related dreams, but just keep sleeping through them, rarely do they wake him up. In his dreams, he hardly ever actually pees, just endlessly searches for somewhere to go while getting fuller and fuller. When he does pee in a dream, his dream-self just gushes forever without him ever feeling the relief, since in the real-world his sheets are staying dry and his bladder isn’t really emptying.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
Yeah, he doesn’t have any aversion to peeing in odd locations if he knows it won’t harm anything or get him into trouble. When he got top surgery, he ended up a little loopy from the pain killers. He mostly slept for about a week, but at one point woke up really needing to go and still feeling pretty out of it. His parents had been helping him get around at first, but it was late and he didn’t want to send them a text and wake them up.
He was also super thirsty. He went to the bathroom, kind of thinking “I need a glass of water from the sink, I gotta pee real bad…” and sorta just.. Combined those things in his head and ended up peeing into the sink when the toilet was right there. When he got the glass off of the counter to put water into it, he realized the mistake he’d made, haha.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
He and Alex forgot to pee before bed one night, then when they woke up the next morning— Unfathomably desperate— the door to their bathroom was stuck. They had to ask around to all their neighbors to use their toilet, and Adam ended up needing to go so badly that he started to seriously hurt himself. He made it in time, but was sore for a while afterwards.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
He was somewhat slower to potty-train, and wasn’t accident-free until he was four. Potty-training was the first time he experienced dysphoria about his body. In his mind, it was obvious that he was a boy and everyone else was just confused for some unknown reason. But, when he learned the difference between male and female he got upset.
Of course, at the time he didn’t really understand his feelings, just “I don’t want it to look this way. It isn’t SUPPOSED to. I feel bad. I want it fixed.”, and he was way too young to explain it properly to anyone by himself.
When he saw the illustrations in a potty-training book, he even asked his parents when his “thing” was going to grow, thinking THAT must have been how it worked because he was so sure that was what his body was SUPPOSED to look like. They both initially thought this was just one of those silly things little kids say, not realizing Adam was actually trying to tell them something really important, so they just laughed and told him that that wasn’t ever going to happen. He got extremely upset hearing that because now he thought no one would ever realize the mistake and that he would always have to feel bad. He threw a fit, which confused his parents since even as a kid he was always pretty easy-going.
Little Adam didn’t like taking his clothes off, he couldn’t put it into words, but he hated seeing those parts and being reminded that they were there. He would fight against things like taking a bath, changing his clothes, or using the potty because it would remind him of something that made him feel confused and wrong. Often, the best his parents could get him to do was sit on the potty and pee with his clothes still on, but then he’d still get upset when he needed to be changed afterwards and would shut his eyes while it happened. The best compromise they could find at bath-time was having him change into a swimsuit and leave it on while he got washed. He would keep his eyes closed tight the entire time they were putting it on him.
(Warning: A little dark) Initially, his parents were VERY worried, because it hit them that most of the things that triggered their usually agreeable toddler’s fits involved having his clothes taken off. They thought this was a sign something REALLY terrible had happened to him and installed a nanny-cam to watch the next time Adam was being babysat. They saw nothing bad was going on, and the babysitter was the only other person that had ever been alone with Adam for long enough to harm him. They were relieved THAT wasn’t the cause of Adam’s behavior, but still confused because they couldn’t think of anything else it could be.
Adam started pre-school still having accidents. He hated the feeling of being wet, and it made him embarrassed when it happened at school, but those feelings weren’t as awful to him as how his body made him feel. The aids at pre-school were less accommodating of his reluctance to use the toilet, and his hatred of being changed after an accident. He got yelled at a lot when he wet himself there, and would be shamed for it. Even all that didn’t make him feel as bad as his body did, though.
Finally, Adam started to hold toilet paper over his lap when he was on the potty, covering up what he didn’t want to see. As soon as he started doing that, he could make himself use it and stopped having accidents for good. (He also would cover himself with a wash-cloth in the bathtub.) His parents had no idea what he was doing, much less why. The only thing they could think of was that holding the toilet paper was some weird comfort thing for him that they couldn’t understand. (Which was sort of close to the truth.) They were just glad he was using the toilet now.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
Adam only wet the bed once when he was really sick with the flu. He was sneezing super hard while mostly asleep in bed and didn’t realize that he had to pee until it was coming out of him.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
After his aforementioned difficulties with potty-training, he didn’t have that many accidents. Once he figured out how to hide his body from himself while he peed, he basically always made it on time.
There were a few problems, though. On his first day of first grade, he got really desperate. He’d gotten used to there being a bathroom right in the classroom that he could use anytime he had to, as this was the case in kindergarten. But, the first grade rooms didn’t have this. And the rule was that he had to wait until the teacher took the whole class. He managed this, but then everyone had to go three at a time and wait in line. Adam, whom was at the very end of it, tried his best to wait for his turn, but after hearing the toilets flushing in the bathroom, he lost it.
Everyone laughed at him and Adam knew he was about to cry and make them laugh harder, so he fought down his tears and made himself giggle along and make jokes at his own expense, until suddenly they were laughing WITH him instead of AT him. This saved him from a lot of the bullying he would have gotten for the incident otherwise, and cemented humor as a thing he could use to cope when bad things happen to him.
Another childhood accident occurred while he was visiting his grandparents for the Summer when he was eleven. No one there knew him, and he thought it would be fun to tell everybody that he was a boy. It would be nice to be seen the way he wanted to be seen for once. His hair was short, and his chest hadn’t started growing yet. When he met other kids and introduced himself as a guy, none of them batted an eyelash. Treated him just like they would any other boy. He had a great time, he felt comfortable for the first time in his life.
But, then Adam and his new friends ran into Keith in an alleyway. Keith didn’t know Adam had these feelings back then, he’d always known Adam just as his tomboyish older sister. So, when he heard these kids suddenly calling Adam a new name and saying he was a guy, Keith was really confused. “Huh? No, her name isn’t Adam. She’s my sister, her name is…” Without knowing it, Keith had hurt Adam and put him into danger.
Once Keith was gone, Adam’s new friends turned on him, demanding to know what was going on. Adam tried to explain, tried to pretend he didn’t even KNOW Keith, tried everything he could think of… But, the damage was done. His new friends called him a liar, and said that if he was a REAL boy, then he’d be able to pee against the wall in the alleyway.
Adam didn’t have an STP back then— He didn’t know that there was a word for what he was, didn’t know that his feelings meant he was trans and that there were things he could get and do to help make his body more masculine and more comfortable for him. He knew he couldn’t pee against the wall, but he tried his best anyway, and wet himself. The other kids laughed at him, and this time he couldn’t join in on the joke. They were calling him a freak, telling him to go to a mental hospital, calling him sick. Then they all just ran off, leaving him alone in the dark alleyway and soaked in his pee. It was one of the worst days of his life.
When he got back to his grandparents’ house, they wanted to know why he was so wet, and he just mumbled that he’d run through a sprinkler before going up to get a shower. He refused to leave the house for the remainder of the trip, and barely spoke to Keith for a few days. He knew it wasn’t REALLY his brother’s fault, but he had this need to blame SOMEONE. Eventually, Adam did talk to Keith again, and tried to explain to him why he was so hurt, but Adam still barely understood his feelings himself. Keith didn’t really get it, but he said “Well, I guess I can call you Adam sometimes, instead of your other name, if that makes you happy.”
His next childhood accident wasn’t AS traumatic, but still pretty awful. He was thirteen. He and his family got stuck in traffic when he REALLY had to go. By the time they got home, he was just barely keeping it in. He made it to the bathroom, but was peeing before he could get his pants down, so he ended up just sitting on the toilet and going through them.
The final time he wet himself growing up was during his last year going to public school. A group of the mean girls wouldn’t let him use one of the restrooms, they called him a few anti-lesbian slurs and said he was probably trying to peek in on the girls in there. He was really bursting, so desperate that he started to BEG them to please just him pee. But they refused to let him use the toilet, forcing him to walk to the other end of the school. The walk proved to be too far for him, and he wet himself in the hall. This was one of the incidents that prompted his parents to start homeschooling him to get him away from the bullying.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
Nope, he was in pull-ups longer than most kids, but he WAS still what would be considered toddler-age when he got out of them.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Yes. As mentioned he was bullied a lot in school toilets, and was made fun of for not being able to pee standing up during a Summer vacation. Shortly after he began to transition and present as male, he was assaulted by a group of guys inside a bathroom, prompting him to avoid public toilets as much as he could.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yeah, there was the bed-wetting thing I mentioned above, and (gross) there was also an incident where he had food poisoning and kept drifting in and out of sleep while he recovered… Until suddenly he realized he had to pee so badly he could hardly breathe and had to pee into the bucket he was… using for illness-related-things. Adam isn’t a particularly squeamish person, but THAT still disgusted him to no end.
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Omo Questionnaire- Alex
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
Alex really doesn’t like to break rules, so he will always TRY to make it to an actual restroom before he pees. Peeing in the woods doesn’t bother him at all, though. And he’s fine with peeing into a container so long as it’s something that belongs to HIM.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
He likes to stand. Sitting down makes him feel uncomfortable and dysphoric, he specifically doesn’t like the sound his stream makes if he sits. When he DOES sit to pee it’s usually because he’s too sleepy to turn the light on in the restroom, and he will leave his STP on and pee through it even while seated so that the sound is different.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
He has really good aim. His first time using his STP he felt super proud of himself for not spilling a drop anywhere even though he’d felt so nervous, haha.
He uses two hands— One handed is trickier with an STP, because you need to use one to aim the shaft and the other to keep the cup pressed against you tightly.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He can be pretty quiet about his need, he doesn’t like to inconvenience other people with it, and if everyone else is busy he’ll try to hold it in and wait for a better time to say what he needs to do.
He tries not to make too much noise while peeing, too. Moaning sounds perverse and embarrassing to him, but sometimes it feels so good to let go that he can’t help it!
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
He ALWAYS gets massive piss-shivers whenever he goes, his body just shakes uncontrollably as he empties. He enjoys the feeling, but isn’t sure why it happens.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He likes to have long pees, he finds it relaxing. He’ll hurry up some if there’s a person waiting on him, but otherwise he’ll take his time and enjoy the feeling.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He doesn’t usually get pee-shy— It happens to him so rarely that he gets scared any time it DOES happen. Fear CAN keep him from peeing, but generally the fear comes from something other than another person being in the room with him.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He and his boyfriend Adam ALWAYS go the restroom together if they’re in public, they both feel much safer if they are beside one another in there. Without Adam, Alex feels so scared that he just holds it in rather than going alone. To help him with this, if Alex goes somewhere by himself and needs to pee, Adam says he can call him on the phone so he can FEEL like they’re together.
They pee together when they’re at home all the time, too. It started because they often ended up really needing to pee at the same time as one another and didn’t want to wait, but then it sort of became a bonding thing for them. They like sharing the toilet, haha.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
Urinal. He sort of thinks they’re fun to use, haha. A bit of a novelty to him. He mostly sticks to the ‘rules’, but he always pees in the spot directly next to Adam because he feels safer that way. He’ll only speak if they’re the only two people in there, though.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
He feels scared in restrooms that are super crowded, and trough-urinals make him very, very uncomfortable because of the lack of dividers and how close he has to get to everyone else. If he goes into a restroom and sees a trough, he will opt for a stall instead. If a stall isn’t available, then he will hold it.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Yes. Once at a waterpark he was too desperate to wait for the toilet and Adam had to convince him that he wouldn’t get in trouble for peeing in one of the pools instead.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yes, he always has. He doesn’t see a problem since the pipes are all the same. And, when he was a kid, his Dad put time-limits on how long a person was allowed in the restroom. So, if Alex had to shower AND pee he’d do both at once to meet the time limit.
If someone asked him, he’d probably just blush and go silent, refusing to answer.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
No, he would consider that way too mean to do to someone.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
Up until a certain point, he kind of HAD to do that. Before he knew he was trans/started presenting as a man, he would use the women’s room. In those days it was rare that he’d be out in public for long enough to need a bathroom though, so he hasn’t used a women’s room very many times.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
Yeah, he’s fine with it. Growing up, his house had a big forest just behind it and if he was in there and had to go, he’d use a bush. He got used to it early on.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
When he finally has to admit that he needs to go, he isn’t vague about it. He’ll say “I need the bathroom now!” or “I have to pee!” he isn’t embarrassed by that.
He’s okay with hearing more childish terms, too. Since he takes care of his younger siblings so often, he isn’t TOO humiliated if one of them asks him if he needs to ‘go potty’, so long as they don’t do it super loudly.
But, when he spends a lot of time around his siblings, sometimes young-sounding phrasing will slip out by mistake when he’s speaking to people his own age. Accidentally saying “I gotta go tinkle now!” to Adam DOES embarrass him a lot.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
Alex has long hair, and will sometimes run his hand through his ponytail when he needs to pee. His Mom actually picks up on his urgency faster than anyone else can— But, Adam is trying to get better at doing that too now since Alex has trouble speaking up so often.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He won’t deny it, sometimes he’ll try to pretend it isn’t as big of a deal as it really is, though. But, more often, once someone else knows that he needs to pee it becomes all he can talk about.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
He’s quiet and shy to begin with, the embarrassment of needing to pee really badly adds to that. He shuts down until somebody else finally notices his problem, then he’ll speak more openly about it.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
Alex is an excellent care-giver, he’d be very kind to anyone he saw struggling to hold it. He’d try to find them a spot to go, or to distract them from the urge. Alex isn’t so good at speaking to people other than Adam though, and he will struggle with actually distracting the other person. It’s more likely he’ll say something that makes their need worse, or end up making HIMSELF need to go as well.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
He hates being teased when he has to pee. Alex is very sensitive and being made fun of will hurt his feelings badly. He will want hugs and assurances that he can make it.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
Alex will ALWAYS cry if he has an accident. He will be devastated and ashamed of himself, and won’t be able to stop the tears.
If someone else had an accident near him, he would try to comfort them, take them somewhere to get cleaned up or at least offer them something to hide the wet spot.
Alex needs a LOT of cheering up after an accident. He will need to be held and hugged and told over and over that it’s okay, that it’s no big deal, and that no one is upset with him for what happened.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
He absolutely CAN’T shrug it off. Wetting himself is a catastrophic event to Alex that never fails to result in tears.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was twenty-one and stuck in a traffic jam. His bladder had no space left inside it, the traffic wasn’t budging at all, and his pee just came out…
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
No, never on purpose. But, he may do it someday to cheer somebody else up after an accident.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He tries to go as soon as possible, but since public restrooms frighten him AND he has trouble with telling people when he needs to go, he usually ends up making himself wait too much.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
His bladder IS very large and can hold a lot, but even so it’s still not super strong because being startled can cause him to leak or wet himself.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Holding Adam’s hand can be the most helpful thing in the world for him. Adam soothes him and helps him feel grounded when he’s panicking, and feeling calmer can take some of the edge of his desperation for a bit.
Feeling scared makes everything involving his bladder so much worse. Fear either makes it so he can’t relax and pee when he’s trying to, OR makes his bladder cramp up on itself and release without permission.
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Super cold things move through him quickly. (Slushees, shaved ice, etc.)
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
Alex is an extremely heavy sleeper. Usually, Adam will wake up to find him squirming and need to jostle him a bit and tell him to use the toilet before he has an accident in the sheets. If Adam CAN’T get him up, he’ll end up carrying Alex to the restroom to go, haha.
All of Alex’s dreams are intense, and the pee-themed ones are no exception.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
He doesn’t like peeing in weird places since he hates breaking rules. He will do everything he can to make it to a proper toilet instead… But, sometimes that isn’t an option. Still, the oddest place he’s ever gone was just into a bottle— Which isn’t TOO weird.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
His worst bout of desperation actually occurred in his sleep, he had an insanely vivid pee dream after drinking tons of water during dinner and his body just wouldn’t wake up. The only reason he made it in time was because Adam carried him to the toilet and sat him down, allowing him to let it all out while he continued to sleep.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
He was three, he was trained alongside one of his brothers, but their Dad only got one potty chair and so there were frequent arguments over who used it first— Which often ended with two accidents.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He wet the bed regularly until he was six, then it became much rarer. Alex’s Dad was furious any time Alex— or one of his siblings— peed their sheets. He would make that child stand outside in their wet pajamas and watch as the sheets dried to humiliate them, then order them to stay awake for the entirety of the next night.
This was understandably traumatic for Alex and for a while he would compulsively get up and down to pee every ten minutes while he tried to fall asleep each night. He remains scared of wetting the bed today, and if it ever happened he would need lots of hugs and comforting from Adam afterwards.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Not exactly, though there were a few accidents for him growing up. Since he was the oldest kid, he always let his siblings go ahead of him to pee each morning and sometimes he wasn’t able to wait long enough for all of them to finish. He would always be punished each time he wet himself in line.
One punishment his Dad inflicted on Alex and his siblings involved locking them into their rooms for extended periods of time. Sometimes, Dad would leave a bucket for them to pee into, but other times he forgot. When Alex was being punished this way and the bucket wasn’t left behind for him, if he couldn’t find something else to relieve himself into, he’d end up going on himself.
Another punishment was being made to stand outside overnight during rainstorms. The thunder, wind and darkness would scare Alex so badly that he’d freeze in place. He’d be too frightened to walk around and find a bush to pee on if he had to go during the night, and eventually either desperation or fear would make him pee on himself.
He also had an accident the day one of his siblings was born because he wasn’t supposed to leave the room in case something went wrong and his help was needed. He couldn’t hold it long enough.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Yes, the harsh punishments he would get for bedwetting left a serious impact on him. He is very scared of ever doing that again.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. He got sick frequently as a kid since the cult he grew up in was against vaccinations or doctors visits. Sickness would travel through all the kids in his family, and sometimes when ill, Alex just didn’t even have the strength to wait for someone else to finish in the restroom. Sometimes, he’d be so unwell that he’d pee himself outside the door without noticing it.
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Omo Questionnaire- Kenneth
(Made by @omowritingprompts)
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
Kenneth prefers to pee in his own personal, private restroom. Anywhere else is very stressful for him and he will struggle to relax enough in order to actually go. (Unfortunately, he can’t walk all the way back to his private restroom over and over throughout the day, and gets stuck either holding it or having to try to make himself go elsewhere.)
It also isn’t TOO difficult for him to pee into a bottle or container inside his own room. It’s not so much that he NEEDS to do it into a toilet, he just needs to know that he’s alone in order to feel secure enough to relax.
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
Standing up. Sitting or squatting is more uncomfortable for him, he doesn’t like having to pull his pants down and expose more of his body. Unzipping and showing just that much makes him feel anxious enough. Sitting also makes him feel more vulnerable, because he can’t get up and run/defend himself right away if something bad happens and childhood trauma causes him to feel like he’s always at risk of danger while he’s peeing.
Peeing in public is a major challenge for him, he definitely prefers to go in private.
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None?
He can aim well. He uses both hands, since he feels like he’s ‘covered up’ better that way.
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He gets significantly more quiet when he’s desperate. Usually, Kenneth likes to yell and shout and make all of his thoughts abundantly clear to anyone around to hear them. But, since peeing and NEEDING to pee are both so embarrassing to him, he shuts down and gets much softer.
Ironically, in spite of his shyness, he is extremely noisy when he finally pees. He moans uncontrollably from the relief, without even realizing he’s doing it. He would be mortified if the sounds he makes while peeing ever registered to him.
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
Apart from the constant, loud moaning, Kenneth also usually needs someone he trusts nearby to keep watch for him and help him feel secure. Often, he needs that person to hold him and rub his back until he calms down. And sometimes the relief is so intense he goes limp and that person has to help him stay upright.
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
He actually does TRY to finish quickly most of the time, but his bladder is larger than average and he often holds it until it’s completely filled. So, even if he’s doing his best to force it all out fast, it can take close to two minutes (or sometimes longer) for him to finally be done.
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He is extremely pee shy. He can’t go around other people, unless it’s someone he deeply trusts. He can’t go in front of animals. He can’t go if a bug is in the room with him. He can’t go if he can hear voices or unfamiliar sounds outside the restroom. He needs solitude and quiet to be able to pee, and sometimes if anything in his life is stressing him out badly, even being totally alone won’t be enough to get him to relax. Everything about urinating makes him feel embarrassed and ashamed, because of events in his past, and because it’s something that he can’t ever have total control over.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
Kenneth needs privacy, however there are a few select people who actually make it EASIER for him to go than it would be if he was totally alone. This is confusing to him since it feels so contradictory. For ninety-nine percent of people, if they’re anywhere close to him he’s unable to let out a drop. But, then when it comes to the ones he trusts and is close to, having them nearby helps him relax so he can go.
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
Urinals are pretty much impossible for Kenneth. He’s very rarely been successful at using them, and those times took a lot of work before he was able to let go. Even stalls can be challenging because someone can still enter the room and hear him peeing. Single-use bathrooms are by far the easiest, and sometimes the only option he can actually use.
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
Yes. If he enters a bathroom and finds it already has a lot of people in it, he knows his chances of actually peeing there are pretty much zero. Often he will go to the sink and pretend he only came in to wash his hands to avoid the awkwardness of having everyone see him turn around and leave immediately (and, in his mind, knowing straight away that he’s pee-shy.) Of course, if he’s desperate, then forcing himself to run his hands under the running water to accomplish this ruse will get him squirming.
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
No, he never has. He’s tried to a few times, thinking that going in the water would be easier than using a public toilet, but he’s unable to stop thinking about how someone could notice the water getting warmer and know what he’d done, so he’s not able to make himself actually pee.
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yes, sometimes the shower can be a last resort for him if all else fails and he can’t go. The sight, sound and feeling of the water can be enough to coax his body into finally peeing.
Whether or not he would admit to that would depend on who’s asking. If it was one of his friends, he might do it. But, if it was anyone else he’d deny it until he was blue in the face.
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Yes. He’s kept people from peeing a few times by accident, not realizing they had to go and continuing to talk to them while they try to end the conversation. He’s also done it on purpose a couple times as a way to convince them to do something he wants/for a prank.
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable)
No. It would probably take a lot of coaxing to convince him to do that if it ever became necessary.
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He is in situations where he has to pee outdoors pretty often, has been since he was a kid. But, he’s never been able to get used to it. It’s uncomfortable and nerve-wracking for him, the knowledge that he doesn’t have a door to lock and hide behind makes him so tense. He absolutely needs one of his friends beside him keeping watch in these scenarios, otherwise he will just have to hold it.
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He often tries to phrase it in more polite ways, I guess (Ironic, since he can be pretty vulgar when it comes to most other subjects, especially if he’s angry.) He will often rely on very vague phrases like “I have to go take care of something,” as he’s too embarrassed to say he just has to pee. If pushed, he will usually say something like “I need to relieve myself.” He’ll be more graphic if pushed even further because he loses control of his mouth when he’s mad enough.
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
He chews on his hands when his bladder is starting to fill, it’s a nervous tick he has, and a way to keep his hands away from his crotch so he doesn’t grab at himself. His friends are all aware of this habit and, consequently, can tell right away that he needs to pee the second he starts doing it.
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
When asked by a friend, he doesn’t deny his need. Sometimes he will try to downplay it, either due to embarrassment or not wanting the other person to stress out over having to help him with something like this.
When asked by anyone else (and especially if asked by someone he finds intimidating for whatever reason) he will insist up and down that he doesn’t have to pee at all.
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
He does get squirmy, however it takes him a lot longer to start fidgeting than it would anyone else since his bladder is bigger than average and his frequent long holds have skewed his perception of what an ‘emergency’ is supposed to feel like.
Kenneth gets quieter when he’s desperate. He’s a person that has a lot of insecurities which he tries to mask with false bravado, so generally he is shouting and yelling and making bold claims to cover up how, deep down, he’s pretty much always feeling scared and unconfident. Desperation is different in that it’s something he CAN’T hide forever by talking himself up, and his stage-fright makes it even worse as it forces him to admit that, not only does he REALLY need something, he’s also unable to do that thing without help. This makes everything about urination feel extremely shameful to him, and so he becomes softer and less talkative whenever he has to go, no longer wanting any sort of attention to be drawn to him.
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
This also depends on who it is. If it’s Dwight, the person he loves and is extremely protective of, he will want to help him feel better and make it on time. He will only tease Dwight for being desperate if he knows there’s a place for him to pee really close by and that his problem will be over in a few minutes.
With Bryce, Kenneth is much more inclined to tease and poke-fun. That’s just the sort of relationship they have, they like to mess with each other and drive one another crazy. So, if Kenneth can accomplish that by sloshing a water bottle around while Bryce is holding it, he’s going to do that.
For most other people, Kenneth really couldn’t care less unless they’d done something recently to really annoy him, in which case he’ll enjoy watching them endure the desperation.
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
He’s pretty sensitive to embarrassment in general, but especially when it comes to peeing. Being teased while he has to hold it will make him angry, and his friends usually won’t do it since they understand how he can’t ‘just go’ like they can and that it’s very possible for his desperation to become dangerous for his body after enough time passes.
For a while, being comforted and encouraged made him feel ashamed of himself and self-conscious about his problem, but with time he saw that the ‘great jobs’ and ‘you can do its’ Dwight would say to him while he tries to pee were all genuine, coming from a place of care and not amusement, and he started to like hearing the statements.
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too).
The only way he can really have accidents is if he gets to his private space ready to burst, and then can’t unzip fast enough. The psychological block presented by trying to go in public is gone, so he’s just as susceptible to peeing himself as anyone else would be. When he has an accident, he more or less just shuts down. He’s so shocked that it actually happened that he can barely think. Once that passes, he tends to get angry at himself, scolding himself that this wouldn’t have happened if he could just pee in public like a normal person. Accidents create a ton of self-loathing for him.
If he likes the person, he will feel bad if he saw them have an accident. He has tried to cheer Dwight up after accidents/wet beds many times before, and will hug him to help him feel better. If it’s someone he hates though, then seeing them have an accident will just make Kenneth laugh and tell them they deserved it. (He has orchestrated situations intended to cause one of his enemies to wet themselves before.)
Kenneth needs a TON of comforting after an accident, but he’s very particular about WHO that comfort comes from. He needs Dwight SPECIFICALLY to hold him and tell him it’s alright.
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off?
He can’t shrug it off. The memory of an accident will weigh on him for a very, very long time and he will beat himself up over it for ages.
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was twenty-four, and it was the result of serious bullying in which someone pushed down on his bladder when he really had to go. It really hurt him both physically and emotionally. It happened in public, too, which made it even more painful for him.
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
No. But, he has actually TRIED to force himself to pee his pants on purpose before, because his desperation had become so agonizingly painful that he just wanted it to stop. Unfortunately, his body will not even allow him to pee himself outside of a place he feels safe.
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
He almost always waits too long. Growing up, he was disciplined for going when ‘he barely had to go’, skewing his idea of how much is normal to hold. He considers it normal to be peeing for over a minute straight, even if in his mind he didn’t feel ‘that desperate’. A minute long pee is ‘short’ to him.
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
He has a very strong, very large bladder. He is more likely to severely hurt himself before having an accident. He has held it for over a day before, though this was excruciatingly painful.
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
Chewing on his hands, apart from keeping him from grabbing himself, DOES also help relieve some of his tension.
Feeling cold and shivering makes his urge a lot worse. (Note: Kenneth is much more sensitive to lower temperatures than most people, so this can be particularly troublesome.)
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Caffeine shoots through him pretty much instantly. One cup of coffee and he’ll be holding himself a half hour later. Given his already present hyperactivity, none of his friends allow him to drink anything with caffeine in it, so this only happens if everyone has failed to check the ingredients in something.
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He has extremely intense pee dreams, some of them being traumatic memories from his childhood. Generally, he wakes up from these so desperate that he can hardly walk. A few times, he’s woken up so close to an accident that he’s needed to find some way to properly relieve himself without leaving the bed.
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
He has peed in some pretty weird places, always due to severe desperation. Sometimes there IS an actual bathroom, but one that he can’t use, so he goes somewhere strange because it felt more private to him. One of the weirdest places he’s peed was into the drain in a sauna.
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
That’s SO hard to narrow down, haha. His shy bladder has meant he’s spent a LOT of his time holding it. I think his most desperate experience was probably when he got locked into a solitary confinement cell and couldn’t pee for over a day. He did finally manage to get it out, though, and not as an accident.
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
I looked this up and found that kids were toilet trained on average at an earlier age during the time period when he was growing up, so I’m gonna say he was probably around eighteen months old.
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He wet the bed quite a few times as a child, mostly because his Dad would send him to bed without allowing him to pee first, ordering him to hold it through the night and punishing him when he couldn’t.
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Yes, he had a lot of accidents growing up. Again, this wasn’t because he didn’t know he had to go, or was choosing to hold too long, his Dad just controlled when he was allowed to pee and made him wait until he couldn’t anymore. Now that his Dad isn’t in the picture, this is no longer happening, but the impact of the abuse was what caused his shy-bladder and what makes it so hard for him to go now as an adult.
He did also have a few accidents as a kid that WEREN’T related to that. Once when he was about four and out shopping with his Mother. He had to go badly and she couldn’t find him a toilet in time. He got really upset and started to cry because he thought she was going to punish him like his Father always did, but she hugged him and assured him it wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t hold it when they’d been looking for so long. She had to buy him similar looking pants to wear home because his Father WOULD have punished him if he found out about the accident.
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
No. His Father would sometimes threaten to put him into diapers to humiliate him, but at that time disposable diapers weren’t really much of a thing and Father wasn’t going to put in the effort to sew cloth ones to fit an older child.
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
Just the Paruresis, but that’s one that makes him pee LESS, haha.
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
Everyone he’s close to is aware of his shy-bladder. He will talk about it with them, about any progress he’s making or things that may help, but he’s always ashamed to bring it up. He’s especially embarrassed when his friends talk about the issue themselves without him being the first to mention it.
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Yes, a LOT. He had his toilet use controlled by his abusive father throughout his childhood and adolescence, and would be shamed and physically punished every time he inevitably had an accident. His father would monitor him each time he tried to pee, shouting at him the entire time, preventing him from being able to go and punishing him further then. This all made him see just the act of needing to pee as something horrible and turned urination into a deeply stressful thing for him.
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
He has, he was once so sick that it made him delirious and he didn’t even realize he had to pee. Luckily, Dwight was paying such careful attention, noticed he was getting desperate and managed to help him use a bottle while he was partially asleep, mostly unaware of what was happening.
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