#omg not that my life is perfect but it's a WELL of inspiration i guess
flyiingsly · 10 months
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Square : Cody
Pairing : Cody x f!jedi!reader
Warnings : None, drinking champagne and being a bit drunk, Padme and Anakin are terrible at hiding their relationship, idiots in love, fluff
Wordcount : 5.6 k
Summary : You are send on a very special undercover mission to ensure Senator Amidala’s protection. It was unexpected, but at last it gives you opportunity to spend some time alone with your favorite Commander afterward.
A/N : My thirteen submission for the @clonexreaderbingo ! Oh well, this one turned out to be longer than expected, I got a bit carried away I guess ! Not gonna lie, I had this prompt on my mind for a long time now, and it was the perfect occasion to bring it to life 😄 (Also, I was greatly inspired by Dress by Taylor Swift for this one, because the first time I heard this song, I immediately went "OMG ITS FITTING THAT PROMPT SO PERFECTLY AND THE VIBE IS INSANE 😭😭" so yeah, I listened to it a lot while writing this ahah) Enjoy ❤
Disclaimer : I'm still struggling to understand English grammar properly, English is not my native language and even if I have proofread my writtings several times, there is probably still typos in it. I'm very self conscious about it and I apologize for it in advance, but I'm doing my best to do better and I'm actively working at improving my writting skills !
So if you spot a typo, feel free to point it to me so I can correct it, it will be much appreciated :)
Today was a very special day for Senator Amidala. An important treaty has just been signed with a previously neutral little planet from the Outer Realm in order for it to join the Republic, thanks to her. She personally negotiated it with the head of their government, a close friend of her from when she was Queen.
As a tradition to celebrate the friendship between the two nations as well as the signature of the treaty, a special gala was organized on Coruscant that night, in one of the reception halls of the Senate. Numerous Senators were invited alongside the Chancelor himself as well as the planet’s delegation members and their families.
Unfortunately, the Trade Federation wasn’t really pleased to hear about it. Such a decision meant that the opportunity for them of taking advantage of and privatizing the planet’s rare resources was now ruined, and all on the fact that said planet had very close bonds with Naboo. So now both the Senate and the Jedi Council were concerned about the Federation sending some bounty hunter to attempt at Padme’s life as a revenge.
You, too, were particularly worried about the security of your dear friend during this event. But despite the understanding between the Republic and its new ally, its people still weren’t very fond of the Jedis nor the Clones. They agreed to trade their resources and to follow new laws, but not to engage in the war. So its representatives especially asked that no armed forces showed up at the party, and they made it a serious business.
That’s why you had to found some less conventional solutions to ensure her safety.
“Ho, wow ! This one looks perfect on you !” Padme lets out enthusiastically as soon as you get out of her suite’s bathroom, wearing a long, close-fitting, flowy burgundy dress with a square neck and long puffy transparent sleeves.
“Are you sure ?” you hesitantly ask.
“Of course !” she excitedly answers, “Every dresses that you tried suited you, you know, but this one, it really accentuates your figure, you’re stunning in it ! Plus, the color matches with mine, I think it will add credibility to your cover !”
You walked to the big mirror hanging on the wall of the room and paused in front of it. You stayed still for a moment, before turning around several times, running your hand across the heavy fabric, examining the unusual attire from every angles.
“Yeah, I think you’re right, it’s beautiful … Ok, I choose this one then !” you quickly conclude, smiling cheerfully.
The idea came from Anakin. In his opinion, the best possible person to protect the Senator can only be a jedi. He was very frustrated about the fact that this person, in this situation, couldn’t be him, for his face was already known as part of the Order by the planet’s delegation, and his presence would only create a huge diplomatic incident.
That’s when he suggested sending a jedi that the representatives had never met before, a woman preferably, and pretending that she was one of the Senator’s favorite handmaidens. It was public knowledge that Padme was very close to her companions, and often brought some of them at events along with her, so it was the perfect excuse.
Ahsoka was too recognizable to, and as you were close friend with Padme and a complete stranger to the guests, you ended up being the chosen one, much to the Nabooian’s joy.  
You were nearly the same height and size as her, so she happily offered you to borrow one of her many dresses. You weren’t used to that kind of fancy and expensive outfits, for you were rarely letting go of your conventional jedi robes. It was a unique experience for you. You were nervous as ever, a bit uncomfortable, but excited at the same time. Each piece of Padme’s wardrobe was a work of art, and being given the opportunity to wear one of them was a huge privilege.
She was really supportive with you, trying her best to make you feel beautiful and comfortable. You both knew it was supposed to be a protection mission as well as a diplomatic event, but at the same time, you both internally knew that it was the perfect excuse to spend some good times together.
Once the trying on was done, you still had a couple hours to wait before the beginning of the party. Padme had a few meetings to attempts with others senators until then. You didn’t had anything much to do, so after dressing yourself back into your usual clothes, you decided to go visit General Kenobi and Commander Cody, who you knew were just back from their last mission.
You didn’t get the time to see them yet since they returned, but you heard from Anakin that the mission had been a success, and that only a few and minor injuries were reported. It was a really reassuring news, for you were spending most of your time with Obi Wan’s battalion, and just like him, you grew very fond of these men. Especially Cody. You couldn’t help but worry about them when they had to go on a mission without you, like for this one.
When you entered the aircraft hangar, you soon met a few troopers who greeted you warmly and told you that their superiors were in the commanding room debriefing the mission. When you entered it, Obi Wan was the first to notice you, smiling at you instantly.
“Hello there (Y/N) ! I knew that you were going to find us soon !”
Cody rose his head from the table to look at you, and his face seemed to suddenly enlighten when he saw you.
“Hey” he gently addresses you with a soft smile.
“Hey ! I’m so glad to see you ! It seems like an eternity since the last time you’ve been here … I heard that the mission was a success, congratulations ! I hope you’re planning on celebrating that !”
The cheerful remark made the two men chuckle.
“The news is fast to spread as I see !” the jedi amusingly replies, knowing perfectly well from where you got the information.
“Yeah, of course we’re gonna celebrate ! We have at least three days off until the last departure, and our men really deserve to take a break and relax.” The Commander was looking at you in the eyes, and his voice was reflecting his relief to be back from that mission safe and sound. And most of all, he was glad to finally be reunited with you.
“But first,” he adds in a more bored tone, “for the two of us, there’s plenty of paper work to do, that report is gonna be a long one, and I don’t know when we’re gonna finish it …”
“Actually, not today Commander.” Obi Wan suddenly interrupts him, starring at him with an insistent and meaningful look.
“Ah, yes, obviously ! I nearly forgot about that !”
They soon noticed your confused expression, to which the jedi answered with a grin.
“We heard that a party was hosted at the Senate tonight, and we also heard that you were taking part of it, for a professional purpose, of course.”
Your raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, the news is really fast spreading, indeed” you mumble, knowing perfectly from where it was coming from as well.
“Oh, you noticed that too ?” he sarcastically lets out before pursuing, ”It’s gonna be a really big event, and since most of the Senators will be gathered here in the same place, the Chancellor asked a part of the 501st to support the Senate’s guards. I’ll be there too. We’re not allowed to enter the ballroom where the party will be hosted nor the main access corridor, but we’ll be all around the building and the senator’s quarters to ensure that no unexpected visitor could break inside. We will watch over the senators and escort them to the main hall, but not after that point. We’re gonna need to be discreet to not bother our guests.”
“I’ve always wondered why they are so uneasy around jedis and clones …” you whisper to yourself.
“Cody and Anakin will escort you and Padme from her quarters to the main hall.” he adds, “You’ll wear an earpiece in case you’ll need to contact them, they’ll stay near in case of something happen or you’ll need help. The Chancellor still gave us the permission to step in if something go wrong.”
“Great then, we have nothing to worry about with these two courageous men by our side !” you say, looking at Cody with a teasing smile.
His eyes widened and he blushed slightly, looking away quickly from you as a little nervous laugh escaped his mouth.
Then, you got closer from Obi Wan, and mutter in his ear quietly enough for Cody not to hear.
“Let me guess, Anakin volunteered for that, didn’t he ?”
Of course, he did, you knew him well enough to know that, and you knew about him and Padme for a long time now.
In fact, Obi-Wan and Rex knew too, probably half of the Jedi Order had noticed it, and you were pretty sure that a lot more people were suspecting something. You couldn’t blame them, they were two of your best friends, and the last thing you wanted was to cause them trouble. You knew the Jedi Code like the back of your hand, but after all, they weren’t doing anything bad, and they seemed happy together, and that was the only thing that really mattered to you. Plus, you knew way too well that not getting attached was a hard thing to do.
“Well”, he mutters back, “they both volunteered.”
It was your turn to widen your eyes. You briefly glanced at Cody, who didn’t seem to understand what it was all about.
“Ho really …” you muffle, looking back at a mocking jedi who apparently found your surprised expression very funny, “that’s great” you add, trying not to look too flustered.
Yes, not getting attached was very hard, even for a jedi. Obi-Wan had learned it the hard way in the past, and he couldn’t help but unconsciously notice the little signs of growing attachment in anybody he was close too by now. The little exchanged glances and smiles, the little attentions, the complicity … He could sense the worries and the fondness for one another, the bonds getting stronger. He witnessed friendships turning to love many times. He was very good at feeling that kind of things.
So of course, he knew for a long time that something was eventually going to happen between Cody and you.
“Well, I have to go, I need to meet the council, they want to see me before tonight.” He turns toward the officer, ”Commander, I’ll join you in your office later, we’ll still have time to at least start that report before your special mission !”, then he looks at you with a teasing smile, “(y/n), I’ll see you tonight, I can’t wait to see you in civilian clothes !”
“Yeah, it’s gonna be a real special occasion for sure !” you laugh, ”See you later !”
He greeted you with a nod before escaping the room, leaving you and Cody alone.
The clone quickly turned toward you with a questioning look, getting closer in an instant.
“What exactly did you whispered to him before ?” he asks with curiosity.
“Ho, nothing, just jedi’s things …”
“Yeah, jedi’s things, of course …” he repeats suspiciously, not buying it.
“Hey,” you let out after a moment, in a more serious yet soft tone, ”how are you ? That mission was a long one, you must be exhausted …”
“It was long, indeed”, he sighs, “but I’ll be fine. As long as my men are safe, everything will be fine now.”
“Are you sure it’s gonna be okay for tonight ? I mean, it’s gonna end very late, and waiting here for hours will be exhausting too … You can still ask to stay in your quarters, you know. The 501st and the Coruscant Guards will be here, and I’m sure that Obi Wan will understand, he could replace you … Maybe you should take some rest, you deserve it too.”  
Although you now knew that he volunteered, you were still worried about him. He looked tired, and you didn’t want to make it worse.
“It’s gonna be okay, don’t worry. As the General said, we have a couple of days off to rest, and nothing except some paper work to do tomorrow. I’ll be able to sleep for the entire morning, and even for the next one if I want !”, he tries to reassure you, “Plus, I don’t want to miss out the opportunity of witnessing your theatrical skills at playing the senator’s handmaid !” he adds with a mischievous grin.
“Stop making fun of me, I didn’t ask for any of that, and I’m sure that your “theatrical skills” are no better than mine anyway ...” you grumble, rolling your eyes and feigning annoyance.
“You’re right”, he chuckles, “I’ll be completely frightened if I were you, but I know that you’re gonna make it, and I’m sure that you’re gonna look great wearing something else than those robes ...” his grin has turned into a fond smile as he was speaking, and the feeling of his gaze settled on you made your heart beat faster.
“Well, thanks, I hope so …” you briefly answer, praying for your cheeks not to start blushing too much.
When you left the commanding room soon after, your chest was pondering with a mix of nervousness and excitation. You couldn’t help but replay his words about your evening’s outfit over and over again in your head. You were impatient for him to see you in that dress, but at the same time, it was making you very anxious and self-conscious. What if you weren’t that good looking you thought ? And what if he’ll find it disappointing ?
As you were trying to get rid of those poisoning thoughts, you didn’t notice the long and desirous look that Cody was sending your way as you passed the door. Whatever you were going to wear this evening, he knew that you will be beautiful anyway.
There were now just a couple minutes left until the moment you were supposed to attempt to the party. Padme and you were finishing to prepare yourselves, adjusting your clothes, styling your hair and applying some makeup on. You had never been one for the makeup before. Although the eccentric dresses had always intrigued you, makeup wasn’t that appealing to you. But Padme did a great job at corrupting you into at least wearing some mascara and lipstick, to accentuate your “beautiful lips and expressive eyes” as she said, and you absolutely bought it, allowing her to apply those on you herself.
You were looking at you in the mirror, fully dressed up and ready to go, when a knock ringed against the door. You jumped in surprise and felt your heart starting to race, thinking about what was waiting for you on the other side. About who, more precisely.
“Come in !” Padme’s joyful voice answers the knock, causing the door to immediately half open, revealing a smiling Anakin.
“Are you ready, Senator ?” he asks, trying to sound as formal as possible, but still wearing a smitten look on his face at the sight of his beloved.
“Yes, we’re ready ! Just a minute, please !” The door closed again as she came toward you, gently settling her hands on your shoulders, squeezing them slightly in a reassuring gesture.
“There’s no need to be nervous, you’re beautiful ! I know you’re supposed to be on a mission, but you still have the right to enjoy the night, you know.” Her smile was so warm and kind that it instantly made you feel better.
“Thank you, Padme, I’ll try !” you chuckle.
“Great then, if you don’t mind following me ...” she offered you her arm with a wink, and you took it without hesitation.
“Ready ?” she asks, a hand on the doorknob.
“Ready !” you let out enthusiastically, taking a deep breath.
The door opened in a muffled swoosh, showing a couple of blue armored clones forming a guard of honor on both side of the corridor. Your eyes widened at the view, and you looked around you in surprise. You weren’t expecting that much attention. In addition of the troopers were, on the right, near you, Obi-Wan and Rex, and on your left, near Padme, Anakin and Cody.
Your eyes instinctively went in search for each other’s, and when they met, everything and everyone that was around you seemed to disappear. It was so intense that you could nearly feel his look piercing thought your skin, for he was devouring you with his gaze right now, completely mesmerized by your gorgeousness.
Obi-Wan’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts when he called your name, and you barely catched it up on time to answer him without looking too distracted.
“ … right, (y/n) ?”
“Yes, of course !” you nod, without even minding what he was talking about, breaking the eyes contact with his Commander.
“Great then, everything is on point, let’s escort you to that party, Senator !”
He opened the way, leading the group toward the main hall. You threw a last look at Cody, that he returned with a soft and encouraging smile, before putting his helmet back on, just in time to cover the heavy blush that was starting to appear on cheeks.
You went down the corridor in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, and even if you were all trying to keep it as professional as possible, you still caught a few fond looks between Padme and Anakin, not knowing that, carefully hidden under his bucket, Cody was sending you the exact kind of enamored glances.
“That’s where we leave you.” Obi Wan says when you reached the entrance of the hall. “You’re in charge now, (y/n)”, he told you, looking at you right in the eyes, ”you know what to do if anything happen.”
“Of course I do, General Kenobi !” you mockingly exclaim, causing him to roll his eyes.
“I should have asked Padme to keep an eye in you instead of the contrary.” he teases. You only answered was a tongue out, which made everyone around you cackle. It had always been that way between the two of you, teasing and affectionately bothering each other.
Cody internally flinched at your bold gesture, wondering what it would be like to taste your lips, if only he could try right now ... But he couldn’t, so he just bites his own instead, trying to brush off all the unholy thoughts suddenly taking over his mind.
As you headed toward the entrance of the ball room, both you and him were thinking about the same thing : the moment when the event will finally be over and when you could see each other again.
The party was amazing, it was like entering a whole new world, and you were doing your best to act as natural as possible with the other guests. Even if socializing never really was your thing, you still managed to have lots of very interesting conversations with very interesting people during the evening.
But the most important thing to you was that nothing appeared to be threatening Padme’s safety. And by the end of the night, when everyone was starting to go back to their quarters, you were among the last ones to still be here.
As you and the Nabooian crossed the main hall again to head toward the corridor leading to her room, you soon caught a glimpse of a jedi’s robe and a clone’s armor waiting for you just around the corner.
“Hello there !”, you greet them enthusiastically, “Where are the other ?”
“Rex is out there securing the main entrance of the building, and Obi Wan is watching over the senator’s quarters aisle.” Anakin replies you, “So there’s just the two of us left to escort you now, if you don’t mind !” he adds with a grin.
“Haha, no, I think that will do !”
“So, how was the party ?”
“Well, it was great, nothing strange or suspicious to report, anything happened just as it was supposed to, except that I am a bit thirsty now.” You joke, looking teasingly at Padme, who was a little tipsy from the several glasses she had, while you had to stay sober to keep your reflexes and senses fully functioning.
“Oh, it’s not that late in the night ! You could still try that champagne, there’s plenty left in the Senate’s kitchen, the Chancellor always orders too much drinks for that kind of events, and I’m pretty sure that nobody will notice if a bottle or two goes missing !” she giggles.
“Ho really ? Sounds interesting !” you mischievously commented.
“Sounds like you’re trying to encourage a jedi into stealing from the Republic, Senator.” Anakin lets out with an amused smile.
“Me ? Really ? How dare you ? You know that I’m absolutely incorruptible !” you took a falsely offended expression, giving him the most outraged look that you could possibly do.
“Well, Senator, I think it’s time for me to take you back to your room, don’t you think ?” he then declared, still chuckling from your remark, looking at her with a not so subtle meaningful look.
“Yes, I think you’re right, Ani, I’m starting to feel a bit exhausted to be honest.”
“Commander”, the jedi turns to face Cody, “I let you escort (y/n) to the Temple.”
“Yes sir !” the clone answers, trying not to let his still visible happiness show too much.
As Anakin offered his arm to Padme, he looked at you with a smirk “And please, make sure that she’s not gonna rob the senate’s kitchen on the way !”
You gasped, looking even more insulted “How dare you, again ! What a shame !” you placed your hand on your heart to emphasize your shock, as if his words had awfully hurt you.
They both laughed at your imitation, before wishing you a good night and disappearing behind one of the corridor’s walls.
You smiled as you watch them walk away. They were cute as hell together, you thought.
“So, what do you want to do now ?” a voice pulled you out of your thoughts, “I bet you don’t really want to go back to the Temple already, don’t you ?”
He was right, you weren’t tired, and you still wanted to enjoy what was left of the evening.
“You may be right …” you look at him right in the eyes, grinning, “To be honest, I’ll gladly try that Champagne, don’t you ?”
“That city is definitely more beautiful at night …” you sigh, before taking a mouthful from your glass, eyes lost in the field of artificial light spreading in front of you.
After sneaking into the Senate’s kitchen to borrow a bottle, you both agreed to climb to the building’s roof to savor it. It was your idea, for you knew it was the only place where nobody was going to bother you, and the view was spectacular from here.
“I’ve never liked big cities”, you go on, “I’ve always had a hard time dealing with crowds … It’s kind of impressive, right ? Being in the middle of so many people, it’s nearly frightening … I get overwhelmed pretty quickly when I’m surrounded by so many moving bodies …”
“But you appear to be one of the best generals of the GAR at the same time, how surprising … You have to deal with thousands of men on stressful situations, and you’re doing absolutely great, who could imagine that crowds could make you so anxious ?” Cody jokes, looking at you with a playful smirk on his lips.
“Are you making fun of me, Marshal Commander ?” you reply, raising an eyebrow at him, trying to sound as serious as you could.
“Me ? I could never !”
“You di’kut …” you spit, bringing your glass to your lips and turning your attention to the city again.
He started to laugh at your harsh word. He knew it was affectionate.
He took a sip too, eyes still locked on your face. You looked beautiful as ever, just as he expected. He had always found you beautiful, even in a full set of armor, with exhausted features and blood and mud on your face after a battle, even in your large and not suggestive jedi robes, you were always beautiful to him. Whatever situation you appear to be in, you were always the most mesmerizing being he had ever seen.
The alcohol had started to strike at you and you were both feeling dizzy by now. You liked that sensation, it was blissful, and the context made it even more pleasing. It was just the two of you, finally sharing some time alone together with a bottle of one of the best champagnes in the galaxy. What could possibly go wrong ?
A blush passed on his cheeks as he thought about how all of this could end if he was courageous enough to make the first move. But he quickly shook his head, pushing the idea away. He may have been brave enough to lead an army, but that kind of things was beyond his abilities. Plus, the possibility that his feelings could not be mutuals was scaring him.
“You okay ?” you ask after noticing his flinch.
“Yes !”, he answers with all the composure he could gather, “Of course I am, I couldn’t have whish for a more perfect way to end that night !”
You looked at him with a sympathetic smile on your face. He sounded nervous, and you noticed that something seemed off with him since you were on that roof, but you put the blame on the alcohol and his tiredness.
“Well, you’re right, and the best thing about it is that the night is far from being over.” You whisper, making him blush even more.
A silence fell upon you as you both stared at the wall of buildings in front of you. The night wasn’t usually that dark due to the various street and traffic lights, but the Senate’s roof was high enough to be above the light pollution that was blurring the sky. It was bright enough so you could see each other, but still very dimmed, creating an intimate atmosphere around you.
As you were both pouring yourselves another glass, while cheerfully relating to each other your silliest and funniest mission’s stories, Cody couldn’t stop to think about what you had just said right before, not sure about the implied meaning of it.
Was that an invitation ? An encouragement to make his first move ? Or just a meaningless remark stating the fact that it wasn’t, indeed, that late in the night ?
When another silence grew between you, his heart started to race in his chest. He couldn’t take it anymore, and with a little help from the disinhibition caused by the alcohol, a sudden rush of courage hit him. “Kriff it” he thought, for it probably was his only opportunity to try something without being disturbed by anyone else.
Ignoring his apprehensiveness, he slowly stretched his arm toward your hand, that was settled on the floor and on which you were leaned on, your other hand being busy with your glass. He did his best to stay furtive, only throwing little side glances your way without turning his head. And even though you felt that something was about to happen, you kept your eyes locked on the horizon, your own heart slowly starting to beat faster in anticipation.
He hesitated for a second, trying to keep his ragged breathing and trembling limbs as steady as possible, before finally crossing the remaining gap. It was only a slight brush at first at the tip of one of your fingers, and it was still possible to go back, still possible to pretext a clumsy movement if you ever came to ask him about it.
You had fully noticed the contact, but you couldn’t move, completely frozen on spot, waiting for what could happen next, desperately hoping for it to not be a bad move.
Another brush met your skin, but this time, his fingers stayed on yours. Now he knew he couldn’t turn back anymore, and with a strike of confidence, he started to gently caress the back of your hand.
Your eyes were still lost on the city, but they couldn’t see anything anymore, for you were deeply focused on the sensation, overwhelmed by the feeling of his touch.
Still without saying a word, he slowly took your hand in his, squeezing it softly. You carefully squeeze it back and time seemed to instantly stop. Nothing else but the warmth of his hand on yours mattered to you anymore in that instant.
It took you a few moments and a deep breath to overcome your shyness and find the courage to look at him. When you met his eyes, they were glowing, and you suddenly felt like if he was staring at your very soul.
You were only a couple inches away from each other, and without a warning, he leaned toward you, closing that space to gently place his lips on yours. Your eyes widen in surprise before closing as you answered the kiss.
All you could do when your lips parted was to look at him in awe, stunned and a bit lost, not really sure if what had just happened was real. You both stayed quiet for a while, unable to move at first, awkwardness and embarrassment plastered on his blushing face as he was suddenly realizing what he had just done.
Without taking your eyes off of him and without really thinking about it, you slowly settled your glass on the ground to free your other hand and wrapped your arm around his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.
You felt a relieved sigh escaping from him as he instinctively slid his arm around your waist, pulling your body closer to his. It was more intense this time, and you both made it last longer than the first one, savoring every second of it like if you were afraid that it could never happen again.
He only broke it when he came out of breath, panting and the beating of his heart ringing through his ears. Then he rested his forehead against your, looking at you with sparks in his eyes like if he was looking at the most precious thing in the whole galaxy.
“Did I told you how beautiful you are in this dress ?” he softly whispers.
“Thank you …” you mutter, felling the heat raising to your face.
“Can I tell you a secret ?” he then nervously asks.
“Of course, you know you can tell me anything.”
“I’ve been waiting for that moment for months to be honest … But I wasn’t sure about how you’ll react, I was afraid that every little thing I’ve took as signs of affection toward me were just you being the kind and thoughtful person you are … But still, a part of me wanted to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was chance that it could be more than that, more than just friendship between us, so … I wanted to ask you, was I wrong about it ? Did I misread the signs ?”
His fear of rejection was so strong that it was palpable through the air, and it was breaking your heart.
“No, you didn’t …” you whisper, “To be fair, I was hoping for all of this to happen someday too, but I didn’t know how to make you understand it. I’ve never been very good at expressing my feelings so … I’m sorry if I failed to deliver the message correctly !” you chuckle anxiously.
“But now that I got the opportunity, I think that I need to tell it to you once and for all …”, you paused, gathering your courage, before going on with a shy and trembling voice, “ I … I love you, Cody, and I may not know how to show it properly, but I don’t want you to doubt it anymore.”
He gasps at your answer, emotion taking over him and overwhelming his tipsy brain. He couldn’t say anything, but instead, he leaned toward you and crashed his mouth against yours once more. His whole body was shaking, and his embrace was tight and warm around you.
“I love you too, mesh’la, more than anything !” He finally breathes out with watery eyes and a wide enamored smile on his beautiful face.
You stayed on the roof for one more hour at least, cuddling and kissing in the fresh night air, before he invited you to spend the rest of the night with him in his personal quarters at the GAR building.
You didn’t hesitate a second before accepting his proposition. You weren’t the only one to not sleep at the temple anyway, and you knew that nobody will notice your absence. That undercover mission had been a real challenge for you and you were both exhausted by now, but it was worth it.
You weren’t expecting the event to turn out that way, but after all, he was right, that night couldn’t have ended better than that.
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𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘠𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘊𝘪𝘳𝘪. ✨
𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙅𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙡...
Beltane, 1279
The previous few years we had celebrated Beltane at home, with huge feasts prepared by Marlene and BB and drinking parties that got me and Ciri hopelessly drunk. We decided to do something different this year, by celebrating going to the Beltane Fire Festival together. Dandelion wanted to come along as it had been a long time since we met up.
The last time Yen and I had attended one, our relationship was still rocky. Ciri hadn't come into our lives, and it was painful seeing each other as we know we will have to separate again, despite our feelings and desires with each other. Even making love was a painful memory, as Yen kept convincing herself that the act was meaningless. Especially on a day celebrating reproductivity and fertility.
But today, it was different. We took turns dancing with each other. Ciri and Yen looked so happy, that I swear I would have cried if I could. After a while of dancing and cheering, Dandelion and I left to get some drinks. When we got back, Yen was kissing Ciri on her forehead. I swear I will never forget that scene for my entire life. It was so emotional and heartwarming to see, and although they never told me anything when we got back, I can only guess it might be something related to how Ciri has filled the void in Yen's heart; how she has helped Yen reconcile, fully, with that painful fact she has struggled to accept her entire life.
No wonder they say that nature is amazing. It is intriguing how our mindsets have changed with Ciri in our lives. And on this day, on their birthday - which ironically falls on Beltane - I can only wish the "new life" we are celebrating will be as joyous as today. Forevermore.
~ 𝒢𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁����, ₁₂₇₉
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Side Note: Thank you to @witcherscreenshotsdump for alllll your help answering my questions and for your very useful tutorials, MY FIRST YEN MOD WORKED (not perfect but omg it worked :'D) T.T thank you @veritas-est-vita as well for your much needed support and inspiration :D
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otherworldseekers · 1 year
Pandaemonium thoughts: Themis (and those other guys too I guess)
Oops almost forgot to put this under a read more. 
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They really fed us a Themis Feast, didn’t they?
But across the board the character development that culminated in this patch was just astounding. Even more so because Themis, Lahabrea and Erichthonios are not just long dead characters. In this patch they are facsimiles of long dead characters. Technically, there is no character growth possible. And yet throughout the quests our understanding of those characters grows leaps and bounds. 
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Lahabrea who we knew previously only as a cackling madman has gone through several transformations along the course of Pandaemonium. From respected leader but terrible father to a man who made mistakes because of a tainted love and denies himself in an attempt to prevent further errors, to a man who acknowledges and accepts his failures and strives to move forward. This Lahabrea we meet in the end has finally embraced Erichthonios and his role as father, but fully admits that duty to the star comes before everything. 
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Unlike Emet-Selch, he is not at all surprised to hear about what he becomes as an Ascian. He has no illusions about how far he would go for his duty. Perhaps that is why as Ascians, Emet-Selch and Lahabrea seem to have disliked each other. Emet maintains the fiction that what he is doing is noble because he is doing it for his people. Lahabrea knows perfectly well what he is doing is evil, but willingly walks the path in the name of his duty to the star because that is what he has sworn to do. 
I think it’s so interesting and appropriate how, as opposed to Emet-Selch and Elidibus, they didn’t go the route of making Lahabrea very sympathetic. While, naturally, he’s not a villain in Pandaemonium, he embraces the reality of his villainy without regrets. It’s a fascinating take and I think it helps to balance out what they did with the other Unsundered. 
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Erichthonios. I had no idea when we met him how he would ultimately impact me. He’s just this guy when you first meet him. Then he’s this guy with daddy issues. Then he’s this guy with mommy issues. And it’s not until this patch that you get to learn how he truly came into his own. 
That moment when he faces Athena is so good, perfectly showcasing how Erich has learned to accept himself and has found what is really important to him. He grew so much throughout Pandaemonium and it’s in large part to what a difference the WoL made to him. How the WoL inspired him. 
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It was the WoL who he looked to, who gave him the strength to find himself and his true family. And it’s the WoL who he is thinking of at the end of everything. It’s moments like this, when the game shows us the difference that our characters make in the lives of others, that I think make FFXIV really special. 
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Themis. There’s so much I want to say about Themis. First, omg SE thank you so much for my life for giving him voice acting. Non MSQ quests NEVER get voice acting and they did it anyway. I was screaming. I love his voice so much. (Note: I play with Japanese voices and he’s voiced by possibly my absolute favorite seiyuu: Ishida Akira.) His voice is so perfect. I love it. 
Ok so, Themis. OMG. I am just in awe. The writing for his character has always been good, but this patch just blew me away. Right away you can feel that things are off. His speech and mannerisms are not quite what they were in the first two tiers. And we learn this is because Athena took his memories from the aetherial sea after his death. And though, as he later tells us, all memories but those of Pandaemonium are hazy, he is still a Themis who has experienced those things and those experiences are part of him. This is such a truly unique version of him. Because he is, mostly, his Pandaemonium, pre-Sundering self. He has his youth and the feelings of those times, hope for the future, in addition to love and responsibility for his people and the Convocation. But he’s also the Elidibus we came into conflict with. He knows what’s going to happen to him. He knows who we really are. And I was absolutely mesmerized by how well they conveyed all these nuanced in his mannerisms, actions and dialogue. 
And it’s actually a really neat way to solve the problem of Elidbus’ soul being spent in EW to send up to Elpis. Which suggested that there would be no cohesive Elidibus soul ever again. But here we have Athena basically gathering the fragments of his soul together from the Aetherial Sea and doing a good job of it too. 
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The fight. It was absolute perfection. The beauty of the Convocation room. Themis’ true transformation. THE MUSIC. I have been listening to Fleeting Moment non-stop (I am listening to it now) and I could make a whole post just talking about it. It is probably my favorite version of the Amaurot theme now. The emotion in it. *clenches fist* AHHHH it’s so good.
After the fight, Themis admits that it is his interest in the WoL and the desire to know their nature that Athena exploited to bring him under her sway. This is curious since personally I didn’t get that impression from him in the previous tiers. I’m sure he was curious about us, but I never felt as though this was a driving desire in him, the way it clearly is with Ananaseios Themis. No, I think this is something that comes, at least in part, from the Elidibus we in the future. 
Other highlights:
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A reminder that Themis is a badass. Enough to be recognized and respected by all 13 other members of the Convocation. 
And naturally: 
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This whole scene was incredible. I love that it’s just him and us. I love that they allow us to be sad about him fading away. That he clearly wants to tell us these things. Wants us to understand that our relationship has purpose and meaning. That he can be content to have played his part in the salvation of the star and his soul can be at rest. 
Every single line of this scene is packed with emotion and meaning. (I absolutely cried.) But what comes after is even more packed with potential significance.
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How fascinating, the truths that dwell at the edge of sleep. 
The course of history is set by its victors. It is immutable. And yet...
Should this star continue upon its path...
Look... The light...
This is most certainly a set up for 7.0 and I am FOAMING AT THE MOUTH TO KNOW MORE. WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE STAR?? At the end there, is that Themis being reincarnated?? ARE WE GOING TO GET TO MEET REINCARNATED THEMIS?? 
I imagine that would upset a lot of people who are tired of Ancients and Ascians and want them all gone, but fuck those people. If anyone deserves a second chance, surely it must be Themis. He gave so much and got nothing but suffering for it. 
But the possibility also raises some interesting questions about what an Unsundered reincarnated into the Source would be like. 
I feel like I could easily say more but this is already long enough. Anyway, Pandaemonium was amazing. 
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nnibarrel · 6 months
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So... Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy. My recent obsession. Let's go! I'll try to do it without significant spoilers.
Carefull, long post under the cut!
First of All. Amadeuses Kids! They grew up! UWU. They're such cute little young fireball casters. Omg, that's almost like watching your nephews grow, they feel so much like a family...
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That game series has been with me since I was a child and as I remember Trine (part 1) was my first (real) videogame! And now when I play Trine 5 it cures my soul so much, right when I needed it. It's like... Has a Tolkien vibe for me. I mean in the sense that It's too fairy tail outside, it may look childish, but it has layers! I really like the plot, it hit me right in the heart and made me reflect. And I was struggling with dark thoughts on Future and Trine's perspective on the global world's problems made me smile and hope for the best... Really thank you, trine team, you're awesome :D Where there's people who share your concerns and put it in the work of art like that and make witty satire on it that's precious. I have returned some of my faith in humanity now. 
Well, maybe some people may not see what I saw or just won't feel such weight, cause my recent experience made me stump on it, so well I need to say that plot in general... Dramatic. I was impressed How it manages to balance at the edge of magical fairy tail and life drama (OR that's again me and my pains. Anyway...) STRONG twists and things at stake. Heroes encounter both global threat and personal challenges (all three of them, but poor wizard, he got it the most. But he's so silly old man, I'm crying) (Zoya, my girl, I love you...) (Pontius... You're just perfect, I'm proud of you, example of a real knight :D)
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Character writing is amazing, they REALLY feel alive.
For example: Amadeus marries a woman after he became a hero and throughout the whole game series he mentions that, then he mentions their kids and, like i mentioned now, now we see how they grew up! And in fifth's game due to plot he misses his triplets greatly and in the forest three heroes meet a fox with three little foxes... And Amadeus is like "oh no, I'm a terrible father" 😭
And there's a lot of cute normal or giant animals in the game series, we're helping them and then they come up and help us. Such lightsome game, I can't/// Those animals... Uwu/// (Just a little detail but I wanted to mention that...)
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What I like else about the narrative: humor :D For demonstration I just let Pontius to show himself:
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And now when I've let out my shouts...
*sights* AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA. Another round, Friends :D
I. Worship. Those. Artists. They are geniuses. Screenshots speak for themself, I guess.
Design, artwork and effects... No, I can't describe it in words, again, I just pray on it. So damn enchanting. I literally dream to be like those artists who work on this series. (And that's a threat) When I think of it, well, maybe THAT magic inspired me to be who I am right now...
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Magic observatory where's pictures of butterflies there and there... ARE YOU DESNAN, WIZARDS???
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And those just killed me. Episode in a dark place with the sudden rays of hope... I was just. Aaaah... So beautiful both by art and location's story.  Replica of the second screenshot: "It's rare that ghosts are on our side. Usually we and undead are not on good terms." What did I tell you? :D Tolkien vibe!
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So who got through my post till the end... Please, please get to know those game series. I didn't mention it at all above but It's also a genius of gameplay. It's a platformer with (some) fighting and (a lot of) puzzles. Also. It's thrice (:D) fun in coop.
AND. Music. Won't say much about it either but It's a genius magical masterpiece. I guarantee you: Trine soundtrack will find its way to your playlist.
P. S. Will I do fanart on trine? Maybe... Maybe... You know, I just have that strange thing: some stories are "sacred" in my brain so I can't Just sit and draw cause I'm constantly stressed out if it turns out bad or worse: not how I imagined it. Same with Tolkien books, btw. In fandom since childhood, (if you count that, if not - from adolescents and first steps to the internet) and no single drawing. (not single real drawing at least)
But! I have Nine Parchments fanart :D
Oooh. And. I have THEM in frame. Art from my friend who gifted it to me at postcrossing some time after we played Trine 4 (and then the whole game series) together! It was such a pleasant surprise!
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The end. ❤️❤️❤️
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tarabyte3 · 4 months
Ohh, these are so 👀 all your titles grab me in a different hmmmmmmmmmmm ok I have to ask about "I have passed my days by the sound of your name". I sense some yearning? (and you do yearning so well!)
Claire, omg that's so sweet! Thank you! 😭💖 You managed to pick out the one other Qui-Gon x Obi-Wan oneshot that I've been working on! I have passed my days by the sound of your name is going to be Obi-Wan's POV, a bit on the longer side, and set during the canon events of the Clone Wars shortly before Order 66.
After a particularly rough day of combat, General Obi-Wan Kenobi sits alone in his bunk and thinks about how much he misses his former Master.
The title is also inspired by this absolutely gut wrenching and perfect Lord Huron song:
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Aka you guessed it exactly! SO much yearning and longing and angst! (Because I've been itching to write something that hurts.) Buuut it's me so there's also going to be bonus Force Ghost (ish) Qui-Gon 😏😌😇 Tags will include canon character death, non canon events, Obi-Wan Kenobi needs a hug, and bittersweet ending.
Have a bonus excerpt of the fic opening below the cut because I'm particularly proud of it.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn't have downtime. He has moments of waiting. The kind that make him fidgety and cause his fingers to itch with the need to do something. He’s been fighting for so long, he hardly remembers what it’s like to simply be.
Being clear minded used to be a virtue to the Jedi, but that was one of the first things to be set aside in the earlier days of the war. Now he’s almost forgotten how to exist without the threat of battle or the lives lost hanging over him like a funeral shroud.
‘See?’ He thinks, 'All this waiting makes me maudlin.’ And when he gets like this, he's particularly irritating—or so he's been told.
Certainly, Anakin would roll his eyes at him. Mace would probably sigh in exasperation and tell him to get over himself because there were more important things to focus on. Cody would tell him to go make himself useful, then, and to get out of his hair because he didn't have time to babysit. And Qui-Gon…
Well, Qui-Gon would have sat cross legged in front of him and guided him through meditation. Worked with him to untangle the threads of his anxieties. Afterwards they wouldn't be gone, but they would be lessened enough to help him focus his mind, and that alone would be a great comfort.
In fact, his master had known him so well, he probably would have appeared at his door and offered before Obi-Wan could even give voice to his fears—a connection that’s been missing from his life for exactly as long as Qui-Gon has.
With that line of thought, Obi-Wan realizes he's hit the “wallowing in self pity" point of his evening. It's another reason he doesn't like being left alone long enough to think. Because when he does, eventually every train of thought leads him back to the same truth:
The great Republic General, Jedi Master, and member of the High Council, Obi-Wan Kenobi, has been in love with his former Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, since he was seventeen years old.
The same Master that had, lamentably, died thirteen years ago.
Worse still, he had died without ever knowing how Obi-Wan felt.
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broomsticks · 11 months
👻 ghosts: a canonish HP reclist 🎃
completely impromptu and kind of thanks to @greenhousethree for the req
💛 Unfinished by @turanga4 // 1.4k, G // The Fat Friar & Harry Potter. the fic that inspired this reclist! post-Battle of Hogwarts, a conversation. the end of something, the start of something, and omg WHEN did you add the tag Staff Omission Fix-It: School Counselor Edition?
💛 Believe by Lady Sarai (lady_sarai) // 2k, G // Ernie Macmillan & The Fat Friar. Post-Cedric's death, Ernie finds solace with Hufflepuff's resident ghost. the grief is so achingly well written in this one.
💙 in a similar vein, Better to Have Lived and Loved by ge_williams // 2k, G // Cho & The Grey Lady.
💙 The Hall of Mirrors by ignipes // 3k, G // Phineas Nigellus Black & The Grey Lady. The story of Hogwarts' least popular headmaster, the castle's most mysterious ghost, and an unlikely friendship that begins with a murder and never ends. such a unique story. the reason why they're one of my favorite authors!
❤️ Russet by VickyVicarious // 800, T // Nearly Headless Nick. Tagged Introspection and Angst, this is just beautifully seasonal
🧡 A Different Truth by @paulamcg // 3k, G // Cuthbert Binns & Remus Lupin. A week before Halloween 1993, when a colleague appreciates his company, Cuthbert may feel alive, even though he's dead and it's Saturday. this first-person Binns fic is so literary and so wonderfully moody. perfect fall read. one of my fave fics of 2022!
the noncanon ones under read more:
💚 Blackpool by TheDivineComedian // 63k, T // Black brothers. no canon ghost character but otherwise incredibly, incredibly iconic fic that sparked a lot of Black Brothers/gen-Regulus interest prepandemic. one of my fandom classics, just such delicious horror.
💚 He Can't Hurt You if You're Already Dead by @unspeakable3 // 30k, T // Regulus & Kreacher, Regulus & Sirius. In which Regulus Black finds his peaceful post-life disturbed by his stupid brother and some stupid organisation called the Order of the Phoenix or something. Featuring: hiding one's ghostly form in an urn, unsuccessful attempts at haunting, and the difficulty in reconciling brotherly relationships when one of you is dead and the other is a wanted criminal. the unsuccessful attempts at haunting are truly delightful, as is all speaky's ghost regulus!
💙 a little death and a little more by @swoontodeath // 9k, E // Bellatrix/The Grey Lady. canon adjacent! voyeurism! ghost sex! hell yeah love a does-this-even-exist? I-guess-it-does-now! femslash rarepair!
💙 Narrow Escape by pauraque // 700, T // Petunia/The Grey Lady. another one so rare I first found it off @consistentsquash's Rarest of them all! reclist of fanworks which are the only completed English ones on AO3 for their pairing!
💜 squeeze tight by @nanneramma // 1.4k, G // Basilisk & Moaning Myrtle. Just Two Lonely Girls, Moaning Myrtle Needs A Hug, Ghostheus and Snakerydice, Happy Ending. amazing. incredible. perfect. 10/10 no notes (that holyhead harpies cheer STILL makes me smile).
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dire-vulture · 2 months
for the FR ask game - 🍈, 🍊, 🥑!
🍈Share your favorite duo of dragons! They must be platonic or familial, no romantic couples!
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the first two that came to mind are Thurburn and Elroy..two local 13-year-old punks who like starting trouble and will vandalize things for fun fdgsfd tbh they're just harmless pranks for the most part, but they can definitely be destructive.
🍊Do you have a specific artist, band, etc, that you listen to when you’re working on lore? Share one of their songs!
not really haha. honestly i don't usually put on music when i'm writing, since i get distracting wanting to sing along fdgsfdgsfd but i do have some lore inspired by The Human League so I guess i'll share one of their songs haha. Get Together C: from the album Credo which i have a dragon named after haha (i don't know why it's on youtube music? the only two videos of it on normal youtube had weird quality dfgsdf)
🥑Show off your most underrated lore dragon, and talk about them!
omg this one keeps happening
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i think i'll go with Marglobe! I feel like i neglect him a little but i love him a lot haha. he's a frail and ornery mirror whose lived in Florabrisa for much of his life, and since even before coming to Florabrisa as a runaway teenager he's believed tomatoes are a superfood and they're the only thing he will eat. (please pretend that basket he's holding is filled with tomatoes)
He's dedicated himself to growing the biggest and highest quality tomatoes possible, and his efforts have definitely paid off well for Florabrisa, but he's still not convinced he's achieved the truly perfect tomato yet..but he might be close!
His husband is Florabrisa's news reporting ridgeback Cinnyris. What exactly the two see in each other is a bit of a mystery, but I think they both admire each other's dedication to their jobs and they're both secretly history nerds too. I think they hope to have kids soon, though Marglobe's perpetual malnourishment and refusal to do anything about it is kind of an issue dfgsdf Many dragons in the clan try coming up with creative ways to get Marglobe to vary his diet better, but Marglobe is just so stubborn dfsgsfd not even Ricotta's been able to make much progress on that front. Cinnyris seems to be the only dragon that can get Marglobe to semi-consistently eat something more substantial (I like to think he has a very good pleading face), but even that isn't really much.
Marglobe's easily the most concerning dragon in my clan dfgsfd
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likesunsetorange · 3 months
omg don't be sorry for rambling pls i love hearing about what you have to say!! the fact that levi and mikasa's dynamic reminds you of you and your brother is so sweet stoppp 😭
i don't have twitter so i didn't know DOL was pretty personal to you as a writer but i love that. i can tell it's something created out of love! <3
i'm glad to hear we'll get to hear more eruri's lore in DOL omg hhahdjs, i didn't know you like them so much that makes me so happy to hear haha, i'm just so obsessed with ackermans and their men idk isayama cooked peak romance with that i think. but hey, if you ever do decide to write a full on eruri fic i will be your number 1 supporter hahdjdh 🫡
haha i’m glad someone enjoys my rambles then!!
but idk how much of the dol lore i’ve shared on tumblr, mostly because i feel like i don’t talk about dol as much on here? so i guess here’s a bit of a dol lore dump if you must!!! and just some other stuff about the fic too!
but forgive me if i have LOL but for those of y’all that maybe don’t follow me on twitter, dol was actually inspired by something that happened to me!
i mention it in the first chapter of the fic, but the whole package scenario actually happened to me with my neighbor! i used to actually kind of have a tiny crush on my neighbor (nothing crazy i just thought he was cute lol) and my package got delivered to him!! but he lived directly across from me lol so i didn’t bother knocking or letting him know when i got my package but he saw me on the ring and then came knocking on my door a few hours later asking about the package lmfao 😭 it was super awkward in my case bc my dad answered the door and i had just gotten out the shower and i looked so bad LOL it was very embarrassing and i avoided him until he moved out a month later lolbut yea i like to think of it as a little butterfly effect in my life! bc it brought me to the fandom and stuff! so dol is really special to me in that aspect, i turned an embarrassing moment in my life into something special haha
and then in actual dol, hitch annie and sasha are really a big combination of all of my female besties (i have several lol), but i have a friend group of four, and their dynamic reminds me a lot of the of the four of us!! there’s so many convos and tidbits of their friendship lore, i’ve kinda stolen from my friends and i and our stupid escapades 😭 if you read the one shot i did of mikasa’s college days, there’s a few little tidbits that are actually just about me i slipped in! i really love writing their scenes bc i think about my friends and our friendship and what they mean to me! one of my fav scenes i have planned is from a really pivotal moment i think of often between one of my friends and i!
this is me actually really exposing the fuck out of myself too LOL but for eren’s character too, i’ve honestly put some traits of all my past romantic conquests 💀 i won’t say much more than that but yea LOL
and i’ve also expressed my experiences with grief a lot while writing dol too! my own personal experiences and just in the last few years seeing how those around me have handled it as well!
i think that’s why i just love dol so much bc it’s like little pieces of my life broken into the story, i like to say dol is a love letter to those around me and the people i love! it’s from the heart truly lol it’s not perfect but the love really is there and dol at its core (or at least i hope it’s being conveyed) is about love!!! platonic familial and romantic!! but that’ll make more sense later i think haha
but i am also obsessed with all the ackerman relationships!! i’m obsessed w kenuri too!!! i think they’re all peak tbh isayama went off w them he cooked i fear. BUT THANKS SM ABOUT THE ERURI 😭🤍 YOURE TOO KIND ANON! in glad i have a shooter!!! maybe i will write a little drabble about it bc dol eruri is kinda peak to me they make me emo i won’t lie 😭🩵
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CFWC Writer of the Month: missameliep
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @missameliep ​! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links: 
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1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing Choices sometime around 2017. While playing another game on my phone, I got curious after seeing some strangely funny adds about the app. I remember that the first time I logged into the game it asked me the kind of story I wished to play and I think the first book it suggested was Rules of Engagement. So, I guess that was the first one… but I remember the first ones I really enjoyed playing were the LoveHacks series and HSS.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
For a while I had read fanfics on AO3 and then found out about Tumblr, I created my own account in October 2018 with the intention of reading fanfics. So, I officially joined the Choices fandom on Tumblr around October or November 2018, after spending a few times only reading fanfics, getting to know how Tumblr worked and following some of my favorite writers at the time and reading news and theories about the books, until I eventually posted my own fanfics and started interacting more with others fans and creators.
3- How did you pick your url name? 
My url name was inspired by one of my favorites movie characters: Amelie Poulain. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
It was something totally unrelated to Choices lol I was still getting used to Tumblr and the first post was probably something about cats or a meme I think… (Tumblr app won't let me see my archive)
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I started in late 2018. I had recently found out about fanfiction during many sleepless nights nursing my baby daughter and read a ton of fics from another fandom… and since I had stopped writing content for my best friend's maternity blog but was still excited about writing, the idea of writing one story of mine sounded appealing, and still does. Four years later, and I'm still here, even if real life has left me little time to write fanfic this past year ☺️
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
My favorite book to write is definitely Desire & Decorum, though I enjoy writing for Blades and Wake the Dead too.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it? The first chapter of my series, The Pursuit of Happiness - was the first fanfic I ever wrote. I still like it and am proud of it. Of course, as a perfectionist, there are a ton of things I'd change (and I have fidgetted with it many times since it was originally posted, lol), but I like to think that as my first attempt at writing a fictional story after too many years of only writing academic and professional texts it was a good start and I'm happy I overcame my fears and posted and allowed people to read it even if it was not perfect. When I read those initial chapters now, I can see how much I have learned and developed my craft, and I'm happy about this. Besides, this first chapter was an opportunity to get in touch with other Desire & Decorum fans, and it was an amazing experience with how supportive and kind people can be in this fandom ❤️
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
OMG! Asking me to pick one is like asking a mother to pick a favorite child lol I can't, so I'm cheating and picking two - one for each of my favorite books: Run to You, a Desire & Decorum one shot and Heart in a Cage, a Blades one shot.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Definitely, Like Poetry, this Blades one-shot is so out of my style and different from everything else I've posted on Tumblr. It has a lot of angst and deals with the dilemmas of a relationship between a human and an elf, and mortality is the main subject, and I have experienced a different kind of narrative, but the readers really enjoyed it, and I was happy I posted it. 
Well, I can't complain. I have a small blog and mostly write for a pairing that is not the most popular in the fandom; despite those facts, I have received so much support and love from readers, but if I could pick one fic that I'd like to receive more love would be the miniseries Is This Love? , because it was special to create a backstory for my Desire & Decorum MC Elizabeth before she became Lady Elizabeth and heiress of Edgewater, and address some subjects I really wanted to deal with but were mostly hinted at in The Pursuit of Happiness, and writing the relationship between Elizabeth and her mother Mary and the friendship with Briar was truly special to me. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Fluff. No question. I love writing romantic tropes and happy endings, so fluff it is l, especially to my OTP Elizabeth and Hamid ☺️
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
My MCs are not versions of myself, but I do recognize some traits and aspects of myself, specially in my Desire & Decorum OC Elizabeth Foredale, like myself, she's Brazilian, and sometimes there are references like in her speech pattern in informal situations and the use of slang or calling even the LI "dude" that are very me. There are some subjects and options, like Elizabeth being a law student, that echo my life and experience… 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It usually depends. But since English is not my first language, sometimes I struggle with descriptions and finding suitable vocabulary and metaphor and creating sentences with a structure that makes sense in English, and since my references are in another language some of my cultural references have no translation or make no sense outside my country. Also I tend to be too wordy and sometimes it's hard to keep the pace flowing as it should, and it takes some time and work during editing to correct that.
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Yes, I do have a lot of stories in my drafts and a long list of WIPs that I wish to finish, and alas, I had the time and motivation to finish them all. I will list three in particular that I have posted in the first chapter and are on my priority list to finish: Bonds of Sea and Fire, I love writing for Tyril and Arwen (f!elf!MC), and I have lots of drafts, but never found time and inspiration to continue the series; Love Thy Neighbour, it's an AU where Elizabeth and Hamid are neighbours at London, and it's a fluff story about destiny and falling in love when you least expect; and Desire & Decorum & Zombies, it's a gothic supernatural AU where zombies are real, and the MC, who is the heiress to Edgewater has to struggle to fit in this new world of nobility, uncover mysteries and literally fight for her life. Three are very different stories, but all have a place in my heart.
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
I don't know!! Maybe depending on who this person would be. 🫣 I am very self-conscious about my writing, and only my husband knows that I write fanfic and has read a few of my works… but if it was someone I trusted and was unfamiliar with Choices, I would recommend Like Poetry or the miniseries Safe, because not knowing the characters wouldn't be an obstacle and I'm proud of my writing in those stories.
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? I think everything I've read in my life has made an impact on my writing, even if it taught me what or how I didn't want to write and tell my stories. I've read many Brazilian writers, and I love Machado de Assis and his sense of humor, and I know I've incorporated elements of his style into mine, especially when writing historical fics like my Desire & Decorum series; and there are so many other published authors like Jane Austen and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry who also influenced my storytelling. As for fanfic writers, there are definitely some who influenced me. In the Choices fandom, @lorirwritesfanfic was a huge influence. Her Desire and Decorum AU was the inspiration for my series Second Chances, without reading her fics I don't think I would have ventured into creating my own contemporary days AU; another inspiration was @/pixieferry. Her style was amazing and poetic and filled with references unfortunately, she's no longer active in the fandom, but I still think about her fics.
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Second Chances! I can totally see it as a rom-com or a series, and I have my dream cast for it ❤️ 
17- Do you write original stories? 
I write original stories. I have written a couple of things when I was a teen, mostly short stories, and have in my drafts two stories I'd like to turn into novels that I started writing during the pandemics and world building for those truly excite me. 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I'm an amateur photographer, but I haven't really dedicated myself to this for a while for lack of time, and I like drawing and doing all sorts of craft work with my daughter. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
This face ☺️ - I use it a lot! 
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
Writing fanfic has been a nice hobby and means to improve my skills, which is something great for anybody that would like to someday be a published author. But most importantly, I think are the people I got to befriend in the Choices fandom and how much I've learned along the way (which has been so much more than I thought I would gain from playing this silly game when I first started ☺️); each comment has meant so much either to help me improve or to encourage me to keep on writing. So, I just wanted to thank each and every one of you who has read my fics and taken a moment from your time to give me feedback, and my lovely friends who have beta read my fics and cheered me on when writer's block or imposter syndrome was in the way of writing, @princess-geek, @lorirwriesfanfic, and @noesapphic, you guys are amazing and have my gratitude ❤️
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star4daisy · 1 year
Wife on her duty as a perfect wife i'm!
For the asking game, babe. Give me what i need... 3, 4, 14, 17, 19, 30, 35, and 43 (even tho i already know the answer).
Lov u sfm🖤
omg it was a joke luv <3
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
I'm the worst person to answer this I have no process sometimes I plan everything out and then write based on that and actually do what I planned, most times the characters take life and change everything and I keep trying to go back to the original plan and sometimes can still fit some things, usually not lol when I have time I just go with the flow and then if I'm interrupted I have to write down what I want to happen next otherwise I will not remember when I open the docs again, on the good days I write without actually thinking about it so I don't remember it well just feels like my fingers can't type fast enough lol very automatic
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
(I think I've answered this before in a better way) everywhere, things come to me at the most random times, usually when I'm daydreaming before falling asleep, sometimes by other books, tv shows or music but mostly it just feels like I spent six years of my life repressing my creative side so I could do physics and calculus so now that I'm letting it loose it's running wild lol
14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I don't write emotional scenes, I can't do emotional or vulnerable therefore neither can my characters which is why I mostly write from Barty/Evan's pov lol it's a different type of emotional I guess I have a dificulty in making my characters say I love you, I just cringe so badly. I don't feel what they feel at all lol and the only personal experience would be from emotions like anger
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
inspiration never lacks the problem is the lack of time, but when things aren't flowing I stop and go watch something, read or go to the gym until my mojo comes back
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
Morally Ambiguous Characters and Graphic Depictions of Violence
30. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
sometimes I just post the draft lol I cannot re-read things before posting so the first few people reading are definetly getting screwed over sorry, but then I feel the pressure of having people seeing all my mistakes and it forces me to go polish it
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
question what are his motives and why did he chose that path and maybe not make him one-dimensional like his whole purpose isn't just to go against the hero, make him compelling, make us believe in why he chose that path make us understand him and feel sorry for his motivations, I always like that lol
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
Definetely the first, I'm very disattached to death, I have cried in very few fics and it's not when people die lol sometimes living is more painful so I never expect people to say they cried and when they do I'm always in shock
thx <3 I thought this was gonna be harder lol but maybe I just didn't answer as I should lol
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hancydrewfan · 1 year
Reasons I Love SequinSmile-x, For Her Birthday
I occasionally can write a lil fic, but only when inspiration hits at exactly the right moment. So I have no gift fic for my bestie @sequinsmile-x. Instead, I offer a list of reasons I love her with my whole heart including several of my favourite fics of hers. (below the cut, because I got a lil carried away in her honour)
When Tomorrow Begins, the tragic and beautiful EPIC SAGA of one incredible AU with impeccable flashbacks. Vic had just posted chapter eight of the sequel, If Tomorrow Starts Without Me, when I discovered this series I think two years ago. It remains a favourite that I am always thinking about all the time, especially since its gutwrenching, tearjerking, perfect conclusion last year, and I have reread it at least twice.
Martha, the most perfect beautiful angel of a cat. I do not have a cat, but I have a collection of my friends’ cats that I consider my babies and I will one day meet Martha in person and officially give her all the pets she absolutely deserves.
Tequila Confessions, which I guess I accidentally gave some ideas for and then she kindly gifted it to me (the first of many, including two of three follow-ups to TC!). This fic never fails to make me laugh and cry from laughing and I cherish it for starting a long tradition of me being a doofus and Vic running with my doofusness to create magic. (Again, I apologize for Invasion. I was runnin’ my mouth, that’s on me.)
A shared love of Tim Hortons, despite us being located in different continents. I have had many text conversations with her while walking home from therapy with an iced cap or a french vanilla in my hands and Midnights playing in my ears. A truly comforting friend even though there are many thousands of miles between us. Also because she’s British she uses the beautiful U in favourite and colour and honour and it makes me SO HAPPY. (this entry is about Canada-UK relations lol)
Love You In The Dark, another iNcReDiBLe AU fic where our intrepid heroes find each other in 1963. I know she worked so hard to get the setting right, and it can be a challenge to nail the voice and actions of characters in an era so unlike their own, but she friggin’ nailed it with this one. And it was also completely terrorizing when chapters ended on horrific cliffhangers you absolute freak. Also the way she incorporates canon details in AU fics makes me weep every time!! AND when she makes little easter egg connections to her previous fics, omg. I love puzzles and consider myself to be the human embodiment of Nancy Drew, so these kind of connections and secrets thrill me to no end.
HAVE YOU SEEN HOW CREATIVE THIS GAL IS??????? Friggin. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve screamed at her for sending a header she’s designed for an upcoming fic. And the fake insta posts???? Like wtf. The way she captures their voices in FAKE SOCIAL MEDIA. Stop being so good at everything (please don’t stop you are my lifeblood).
The Way Home, which actually I can’t even speak about because I’m still upset about the last chapter, you evil little pillbug.
She is so fun and so funny and so kind and so giving to this little fandom! We have a rich collection of hotchniss reads thanks to an incredible amount of talented writers, but sorry this post is about Vic and she posts new chapters and one shots multiple times a week, totalling well over a million words on ao3, despite having like a job and friends and a life outside of the internet. I am in awe, always.
okay sorry i’ll stop embarrassing you. love you vic and happy birthday!!!!!!
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yamigooops · 2 years
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I posted 1,147 times in 2022
13 posts created (1%)
1,134 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 123 of my posts in 2022
#cel saves - 59 posts
#cel screams - 41 posts
#cel suggests - 27 posts
#cel sobs - 25 posts
#bakugou x reader - 24 posts
#cel speaks - 20 posts
#bakugou katsuki - 14 posts
#cel simps - 10 posts
#soft bakugou - 8 posts
#bakugou smut - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#i kinda wanna replace his fingers with mine on the carb and make him take a fat fucking rip on the bong
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I have yet to put last year’s sticker on anything bc I’m too hesitant and feel like I’ll regret it, so you best BELIEVE these popsicles ain’t goin anywhere yet… it has to be perfect because they deserve nothing left 😌💕
Thank you so much for these @birfart I literally can’t wait to hang them in my new apartment when I get it (mind you I haven’t started looking but I just graduated so it’ll happen soon hopefully lol) The prints will be front and center on my anime wall 🥰🥹✨
15 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Reader Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Reader Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Dragon King Endeavor, Queen Reader, Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, War, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Redemption, Soft Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Summary:
When a chance to end the 100-year-long war sits itself right at your feet in the form of a 7-foot-tall dragon king, you can't help but accept. Little did you know where you'd end up...
Hi lovelies!! So I’m writing my first ever series (though I have another in the works hehe) and I wanted to share it with you all. I’ve decided to post it to Archive Of Our Own instead of Tumblr, but I may cross post it here in the future, depending on how well it does over there. I hope you’ll all consider reading it, because I have big plans for it. Chapter 1 isn’t any nsfw, but that’s coming very soon! 
20 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Y’all Shinsou really ain’t that nice of a guy in the show, and he’s so driven by the need to prove to both himself and others that he’s not a villain that sometimes I wonder if he really wants to be where he is, or if he just feels obligated to prove that everyone’s expectations that he’ll be a villain are wrong.
It makes me kinda hurt for him bc sometimes he seems unhappy with his journey to becoming a hero, but at the beginning I thought he was just as competitive a person as Bakugou, only super cold instead of explosive. But now, high and on my third rewatch of MHA, I feel like he just feels obligated to prove everyone wrong, whether or not that is what he really wants to do with his life.
Idk, I feel like he’s a really open-for-discussion character when talking about him canonically and I kinda love that about him. If y’all have thoughts about him and his character, lemme know bc I just love this boy so much and truly think he’s severely underrated
is this opening the possibilities for a shinsou hurt/comfort fic? maybe it is maybe it isn’t I guess you’ll have to wait and see huh?
24 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Hey I know you beta’d for Gnarlypunkassbitch for Our Enigma. I noticed she’s deleted her ao3 account and her Twitter, do you know what happened or if she’s ok?
Omg yes! Ok so she DMed me before deleting and let me know that she’s had some ongoing issues with both her physical and mental health. I’ve known about them for a little while, as that is the reason she hasn’t updated the story since like February I think?
Essentially she had been feeling a tremendous amount of pressure over not having the time, energy, or inspiration to write and/or update the story. Despite readers’ support and reassurance for her to take her time and prioritize her wellbeing, as writers online we can often get caught up in the trap of thinking that just because we have a story that might be successful, which I would absolutely consider OE successful with tens of thousands of reads, we have to update on a constant schedule or our readers are going to get mad.
I know when she first started it she updated regularly, but from what I know it was supposed to end a while ago but she kept extending it bc readers wanted more. She eventually had to prioritize her well-being over the story, since she lost inspiration. And while this happened a few weeks ago, she still felt the pressure from AO3 and Twitter, so she decided that a full cleanse would be best for her.
However, we are still in contact, so she hasn’t completely vanished. I’ve emailed her in response to the DMs she sent me before leaving Twitter, and expressed my support for her to take care of herself first. She did say in the DMs that she may come back and repost the story in the future after she’s worked on herself, but that’s completely up to her. I do still have the beta read documents, and she still has the originals, so the story still exists, just not publicly right now. I was also talking with her about releasing a podfic of the story, though I hadn’t planned to even start recording it until October.
As of right now, she hasn’t responded. I emailed her on April 6th when she left, so it hasn’t been super long since then. But I expressed that she didn’t have to respond or anything if she needed a full cleanse from everything. Though I did express that I was sending her good vibes and thoughts, as well as my willingness to act as a channel for her to communicate with all the fans of OE in order to update you all on her state, as well as share your support and love for her.
I just feel so incredibly privileged to have been a part of this story, even if the work I did never got shared publicly. Because I got to become friends with a generous, kind-hearted, marvelously talented woman, while also sharpening my editing skills at the same time. Like I literally kept a cry count throughout this fuckin fic and the first read through I cried 15 times, and by the end of the beta it was up to 27. If a writer is able to make you cry even when you know what’s coming next? That’s true mastery in my opinion. So like wow. I just…. I’ll never shut up about this fic y’all. Never ever. I wish I could share the beta docs so y’all could still read it, but that would be a breach of her trust since she took it down publicly and hasn’t responded to my message yet. So I unfortunately won’t be doing that.
I’m also honored that people have come to me to ask after her. Like wowza. I’ve had numerous people do so, and I just can’t get over it. The love that has already been shown just in the past 6 days is astonishing. She impacted so many in such a profound way, and I am more than happy to act as a bridge to you all now. Though I will say that if you’d like to send her love and/or we’ll wishes that I won’t be contacting her again until she responds to me. Because we all need to respect her journey to healing, and if that means never hearing from her again, I hope you’re all willing to accept that and still wish her well.
So really all we can do now is sit together in our love for her and the story, send her positive energy in her road toward healing, and cross our fingers that she will one day bring this masterpiece back to life. But the decision is completely up to her, and I hope you’ll all support her just as much as I do. Keep an eye out for her possible return, maybe check like once every month or two. I will also make an announcement if she does return, so let’s do what we can right now to get her those good, healing vibes 🥰🥲
Below are my true feelings regarding the (hopefully temporary) loss of this absolutely incredible writer and friend:
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64 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
good luck charm
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synopsis: when you decide to get a little cheeky and put on a cute cowboy’s hat you get a lot more than you bargained for
warnings: strangers to lovers, slight size kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, Katsuki’s a playful bastard (if there are any I’m missing let me know lmao)
length: 9.7k
inspired by an ask submitted to @kingkatsuki by @thecowboykatsuki-anon and featuring art based on the same idea by @jozstanko-art​ we’re all just whipped by this fucker and want to put his hat on and have him fuck us silly
Rodeos weren’t particularly your thing, considering you had grown up in the suburbs your entire life. College had introduced you to people who had grown up with lifestyles contrary to your own, including your best friend Mina, who had grown up in a small rural town. Where she had grown up everyone knew each other, and things like farms and town fairs and rodeos were commonplace among the population.
So, when she invited you to one of said rodeos after your junior year had ended you were intrigued enough to oblige. She had told you about them for the past three years, and you were somewhat curious after all the hype she had placed on them. So about two weeks after the semester ended you found yourself in her hometown. It was a small town, with a main street that consisted of about three blocks of bars and independent shops that provided everything from boutiques to ice cream parlors.
As the day approached dusk on your summer vacation you found yourself at the main fairgrounds for the (apparently monthly) rodeo and trying not to entirely mentally check out. You genuinely had no idea what was going on, despite the fact that Mina had spent the hour and a half drive from your university apartment to her childhood home explaining everything that happened at a rodeo. All you could grasp was that there were three events and which ones her friends competed in. One competed in two, while another competed in the other.
The third friend competed in all three events and was recognized area-wide as exemplary in all of them, and by the way Mina described this man he was incredibly attractive. So, you spent your free time on the drive imagining how this man looked. You only knew he had blonde, spiky hair, red eyes, and a near permanent scowl. However, considering he participated in all three of these events you had to assume he was in peak physical condition. Something about Mina’s description of him made your stomach flutter.
As she pulled into the parking lot of the arena you realized just how popular this event was. It seemed as though every person in town was here, and the parking had spilled over from the actual lot onto the field surrounding it. Once you had parked in the closest possible spot, you and Mina made your way over to the competitors’ area.
Since she knew so many of the participants the two of you were permitted past the gate reading “Competitors and staff only.” She led you through a light crowd of men and women, many of whom were decked out in full cowboy regalia. There was also the occasional horse, bull, or steer being led to their pens to await their turn on the arena floor.
Coming to a pair of young men, Mina bounced on the balls of her feet and tapped a red-haired man on the shoulder. He turned around questioningly before lighting up at the sight of your best friend.
“Well look who finally made it,” boomed the man. He towered over you, absolutely built but attractive in a big puppy kind of way. His smile was infectious, and as he pulled Mina into a bear hug, you found yourself smiling as well.
“Eiji, I missed you so much!” Mina practically jumped onto her friend, her arms clinging around his neck. So, this must have been Kirishima. Now that you heard his name you could recall several stories Mina had shared with you about the red-haired giant. She had also shared with you, in confidence of course, that she’d had the biggest crush on him since middle school, but never worked up the courage to ask him out.
“Missed you too,” he murmured, his face buried in her neck. If you didn’t know any better, it would have looked like the two were already dating. The thought had you chuckling, as it was quite obvious that Kirishima felt the same way about Mina. You supposed it was probably easier to see as an outsider.
“God, get a room, will ya?” came a gruff voice from behind the pair. You shifted your attention from the closeted lovers before you to the man standing just behind them. Sure enough, based on Mina’s description of him, you assumed it was Bakugou Katsuki. Only he was so much more attractive than you had expected. His garnet eyes were piercing as they moved from Kirishima and Mina over to rest on you, and you found yourself blushing and looking away under his intense gaze. “And who are you?”
“Oh, guys this is my best friend and roommate Y/N,” Mina supplied, releasing Kirishima from the chokehold she had him in and moving back to your side to prompt you forward. “She finally agreed to come see you guys compete!”
“Wow, that’s awesome. Thank you so much, and it’s nice to meet ya,” grinned Kirishima as he held out his hand to shake yours. He was the picture of gentlemanly perfection, and you found yourself instantly drawn toward him.
“Absolutely, I figured I should come see what all the hype is after this one talked it up so much for three years,” you chuckled and gestured toward your pink-haired friend. “She talks about you guys all the time.”
“Better be good things,” grumbled Bakugou, crossing his arms over his chest. The action had his black, green and red plaid shirt pulling tight over his biceps and chest, drawing your attention to the rest of his physique. His thighs were massive, though you supposed that was from years of training to ride bucking animals. His leather chaps had imagery of explosions down the sides, and flared out at the ends along with his dark jeans to accommodate his leather cowboy boots. Atop his head sat a well-loved black cowboy hat, beneath which his spikes of ash blonde hair peeked.
“Oh, only the best. I hear that you guys are some of the best riders around,” you nodded. His slight scowl didn’t budge, and in that moment, you decided you’d make it your goal to get him to smile by the end of the night.
“Aww, thank you Mina,” Kirishima crooned, throwing his arm around the smaller girl.
“Of course, I’d say good things, ya doofus. You guys are my best friends.” Mina’s cheeks were darkening from the proximity to the “love of her life,” as she had put it so many times. 
You chuckled, watching as the childhood friends caught up with one another. There were two more that joined, named Sero and Denki, and as the conversation continued and the crowd shifted, you found yourself shoulder-to-shoulder with Bakugou after a while. You chimed in every once in a while, but mainly let Mina catch up with her friends. Bakugou seemed to have a similar approach to the conversation, watching as Mina and Kirishima cluelessly flirted and teased one another. 
“Are they always this oblivious?” You kept your words quiet as you directed them toward the blonde beside you.
“Those two have been doing this shit for years,” he sighed. “We keep tryin’ to get em together, tell them that they’re into each other, but they’re about as dense as two blocks of concrete.”
You snorted, “Must be exhausting having to watch that for so many years.”
“You ain’t got a clue.” He let out a puff of air through his nose, and when you peeked up at him through your lashes, you realized it was a chuckle. There was a shadow of a smile on his lips, and you felt your chest glow with pride at having gotten even that out of the stoic man.
“You should smile more,” you said teasingly, bumping your shoulder against his, though it was admittedly more against his bicep than anything.
“That a command, little missy?” He turned those burning eyes on you once again, and you felt something tighten deep within you. Feeling a surge of confidence roll through you as you captured his attention, you reached up and plucked his hat off his head before plopping it down on your own. It was warm and smelled like his shampoo, something deep and spicy. His lips slowly slid into a sly grin as you tilted your head back slightly more than before to be able to see him under the brim of it.
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2,759 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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m1ckeyb3rry · 19 days
You’re fr doing us all a favor by writing about deconstructed popular tropes I LIVE for it!! I’m crying don’t remind me abt hollyhock Karasu or else I’m gonna start swerving again and I’m gonna forgot that otoya is the male lead
I loved the pi ending I feel like the balance of bittersweet was just right with all the tragedies that happened along the way plus Yuta losing his ce
You’re cooking too well with oaeu the ideas are genius but I’m DYING THE KARASU ONE??? LMFQOOOO HOW TO BECOME A HOMEWRECKER 101 “aiku is so experienced with that” is BRUTAL HAHAAH so true though I’m so excited!!!!
All hail irl tullia counterpart!!! Tell her Karasu nation (and bllk and jjk community too) owe her one for getting you to post your writing omg but I’m actually crying and laughing so fucking hard the epigraph is too good
I love chigiri bestie content….actually I love chigiri content in general too but he also just fits so well in a best friend role too!! I’m crying maybe the peregrine Nagi was the friends (reo) we made along the way LMAOO it’s ok what’s a good long Nagi fic without reo meddling in the storyline
DHDGSHS it’s ok…trust it’s coming soon!! Im pissing myself WHAT is that edit the first pic of Rin as Sukuna has me rofl wtf (yeah what’s sad is how his face card is giving more than wtvs going on in the current match smh) WHAT IN THE TARGETED AUDIENCE?!?! Bro I need more yotd on my fyp now that you’ve shown me this but omggggg also I’ve been Lowk kinda obsessed with the song they used something about the harmonies hits hard but that’s besides the point erm anyways. ok but like…….strike while the iron is hot yk…don’t wanna lost the motivation for these fire ideas…yk…..having inspiration and motivation while writing truly brings out the best flavors so I meaannnnnn whatever works yk! That’s true though I thought both of those slapped I wouldn’t have guessed that you weren’t working with any inspo for those at all
DISCORD KITTEN HAHAHAAH REAL new idea for the bllkverse is bllk gaming/streamer/youtube era I’ve seen fanart of people drawing the characters over some iconic meme YouTube videos and they’re so funny
SAMEEEE epinagi is actually serving us starving children because speaking of DID YOU SEE THE CH?? I love you epinagi thank you for the meal and delicious panels of the characters we don’t see in the main series
- Karasu anon
DECONSTRUCTING POPULAR TROPES IS SO MUCH FUNN!!! LMAOO omg that’s so real though like yes otoya is the male lead…but karasu…🥹😩😓
agreed i think it felt satisfying because it’s not like a disney-esque happily ever after ending where everyone is happy and alive it’s more of a “making the best with what we’ve got” type of deal where things aren’t perfect but at least they have each other and they can kind of rebuild a new life?? like there’s a hint of hopefulness even though they’ve lost sm
LMAOAOAO IT’S LITERALLY AIKU GIVING KARASU LESSONS ON HOW TO RUIN A RELATIONSHIP now ofc normally karasu would never be a homewrecker but like…is it homeWRECKING if the home is already in shambles 🤔
irl tullia counterpart is fr the goat we owe so much to her 🤩 THE OAEU EPIGRAPH IS SO GOOD definitely my best work…yk aiku has the most devious grin on his face while saying that meanwhile niko’s just like 😐
FJSNDJS considering the current point that we’re at in the story is reo trying to get reader to be his friend it really is just all abt reo rn 😭 but reo slays we love him it rlly isn’t a nagi story if he doesn’t play a massive role!! and at least i’m not making him all psycho or a freak or smth…chigiri content always slays truly he has no better role than as a bestie imo
OKAY WAIT QUESTION DOES TIK TOK SHOW YOU MY ACCT WHEN I SEND THIS VIDEOS TO YOU??? I JUST LEARNED IT DOES THAT SOMETIMES LMAOAAO DO YK MY FULL GOVERNMENT NAME AND EVERYTHING I’M CRYING this actually is freaking me out i turned the option off so nobody will get my acct suggested to them in the future but i’m terrified at how many people have already seen it…genuinely sickening to think about…i’m like actually so paranoid about people from irl finding me online and vice versa so this is stressing me out so much 😓 i don’t rlly mind if you know because we’re besties so i would literally give you my socials and not care but like random people on tumblr 😰 ick ick ICK
THE RIN AND SUKUNA EDIT HAD ME CRYING IT’S SO RANDOM 😭😭😭 but agreed his face card serves more in the edit than it has in the entire pxg vs bm match 😓 anyways AHHH YES YONA EDITS i have so many shinah edits saved i think i ended up rewatching them because i was searching for audios so my fyp remembered that i love yotd and put the edit on my fyp!! and agreed that song is rlly good the way their voices blend together is so nice (bruno mars is insanely talented but he drops songs once in a blue moon so people always forget that i feel)
EEK that’s my thing i don’t want to put the oaeu off for so long that i stop caring abt it 😓 so i think i might just start it and post and honestly it is what it is…people have waited this long they can wait a couple days more…i’ve posted a lot of request stuff recently i think so everyone will just have to be okay with me taking my time 😩
I LOVEE WHEN PEOPLE MAKE MODERN MEMES AS CHARACTERS FROM MEDIA it always slaps…it’s like smaus but actually done properly instead of butchering the characters beyond belief
I DIDDD I JUST READ IT AND OMG KIYORA CONTENT??? truly aligned w the miraverse there also the way karasu is all “we’ll fight meatheads with meatheads 🥱 so here’s the ball kiyora 😋” VILLAINOUS LMAOAOA also nagi looked extra majestic fsr…and zantetsu having literal train aura was so randomly funny to me because everyone else has cool animals and motifs and shit (chigiri + panther, barou + lion, kaiser + roses/thorns) meanwhile zantetsu is just a literal bullet train 😭 he’s so goofy i hope he has a moment in pxg vs bm i miss him
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dleena2023 · 1 year
and thank you so so so much Ya Allah for easing my preparation progress for the concert <3
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baekhvuns · 1 year
ooohhhh most davichi's songs especially osts are sooooo fitting for a heartbreaking plots!!!! currently my saddest ost is jung seunghwan's day & night and sometimes i will rely on some ft island's songs, especially the old ones because the angsty in those songs are so ✨chefs kiss✨ (literally having sad kdrama ost to cry at 3 am spotify playlist in the background as i typed this lmfao)
AAAAAAAAA OMG stopppp wdym you will dedicate me the edited ver of mafia mingi ilysm (i love yunho so much jshdjsksks jk) 😭😭😭😭😭😭 anything you're comfortable with and in the mood to write first tho! no pressure!! though im verh excited for the rumoured f1 fic with san, i assumed??? 🫡 i will try my best to dig back the idea and plot for mafia san fic i have been putting on hold for a year now so we can bring back the hype for mafia!!
OH SHDBHSHDJZDBJDNDB seeing you're this thrilled maybe i will write fake dating seonghwa first rather than news reporter yunho after finishing the san reincarnation au omgggg im so excited to share them with you and others!!!! fyi, i have like three drafts for fake dating seonghwa; enemies to lovers, acquaintances to lovers and childhood friends to lovers but i guess enemies to lovers is much spicier for fake dating trope so i will go with it! (plus, i prefer writing enemies to lovers because i want this kind of trope to happen to me irl sometimes shhsjksdkslsk). and somehow, the inspiration for this fake dating seonghwa was coming from an event in my life that urge me to write it in the first place HAHAHA so i hope it will do well and my brain will generating more spontaneous idea later!!!
p/s: idk what to say except that im sooooo glad i discovered your writings and led me to this conversation with you!!! <333
right!! the whisper singing in their songs are just so angst perfect,, wait as we are talking about moon lovers it’s been 7 years to the show 😭😭😭 WAIT THANK YOU FOR THE REC IM LISTENING TO IT ATM and it’s so
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STOP NOT FTISLAND??? after love by them is so good crying screaming head banging, anon u have taste <3
no bc i actually will, mafia plots need a comeback and adding a fake dating to it? genius, we will bring it back don’t ur worry anon also hoping writers comeback fbwndbsnckc YAWP YAWP F1 W SAN tho im slightly hesitant to write bc what if i get trolled on the f1 side of twt 🧍🏻‍♀️PLS !!! let’s bring back mafia plots !!!
SORRY BECAUSE FAKE DATING OVER ANYTHING AND ADDING ENEMIES TO LOVERS TO IT??? YES. fake dating + etl over any trope anon, u have the spice and the formula we will be waiting outside the theatres for this one,, no bc i get u when will our etl become irl 😭😭😭 aND OH?? BASED ON AN IRL??? 👀 THE BEST KIND OKAY OKAY I SEE U
no pls thank u for popping into my inbox and telling me things is been a while!!! i hope u enjoyed the fics and will do so in the future as well!! <33 im on the lookout for urs job resign anon 🫡
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impossiblebird · 2 years
Another year has passed on Earth; meanwhile Pluto still hasn’t completed a single rotation around the Sun since its discovery, whether it be by Newt or by Clyde William Tombaugh (those americans, they always think they discover everything 🙄). After all, Sonya’s grandmother was right in a way; Newt came back from Pluto just as young as he was when he left. The universe has a funny way to do things. To celebrate, here is one last glimpse behind the scenes of Pluto! 🪐 (or is it?)
- originally, thomas and newt were supposed to have sex on christmas night after sharing their first kiss. but this is your gift, and i know just how much ace thomas means to you and to so many others (and to dylan!), and how much he has come to mean to me as well in a way i didn’t expect, so I scratched the love-making and let thomas and newt decide themselves how to define their love and how to express it to each other, and i think it’s so much better this way 🤍
- you need to know that newt and thomas sharing earbuds and holding hands was directly inspired by your airport fic, like a lot of what i wrote here (but i don’t think it comes as a surprise, does it? i do believe this whole story of mine screams of yours. what can i say, except thank you for inspiring me)
- you may also have noticed that i dropped a specific clue for you to make you guess who i am…it was just way to tempting 😳
- the quote “gravity is matter’s response to loneliness” isn’t mine (sadly), it comes from the movie the half of it. i would definitely recommend it!
- i wrote the shotgun scene while drinking a pumpkin latte, i wrote the scene of thomas and brenda meeting and bantering at the stables while drinking eggnog, i wrote the whole christmas yule ball (until the kiss) while drinking a golden chai latte. it was a journey made of hot drinks!
- the shipwreck in which lizzy’s baby father allegedly died is a real shipwreck, that of the HMS Serpent
- you asked who delivered lizzy’s baby if thomas didn’t, and honestly? i don’t know. let’s imagine that, since the pregnancy went on for longer it happened way more smoothly and harriet, brenda and teresa were able to handle it by themselves!
- Newt positively melts when he sees actual pictures of Pluto for the first time and notices the “heart” on its surface
- i did intend brenda to be understood as trans/nb but i wasn’t sure which one to go with, so i left it to interpretation ✨ i’m so glad you enjoyed that detail!
- i made the conscious decision of writing 2022 in the past tense and 1890 in the present tense. no reason, i just thought it was funny. (and i had a tough time explaining to my beta reader that it wasn’t an error in coherence)
- newt and thomas grow old together. once they get tired of city life and retire from their jobs, they move back to the isaacs estate, turn the music studio back into stables and live a quiet and happy life
- i was extremely happy to get to write for you 💗
🥺 happiest of new years to you, my lovely santa <3
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you knew how much ace thomas meant to me?! honestly that makes me so happy to hear because i thought all their intimate scenes together were PERFECT 💛💛💛 you did an incredible job and i really appreciate you keeping in mind my love for ace thomas even though i know i didn’t mention it on my wish list <3
MY AIRPORT FIC INSPIRED YOU?! oh my god. the idea of anything of mine inspiring such a beautiful and incredible story just blows my mind…. 🥺
A CLUE?! i’ll be on the lookout for that in my next reread then 🫡
thank u for the movie rec!! with such a beautiful line i know i have go check that out asap
that sounds like a LOT of coffee santa 😳 that coffee shop was blessed with the presence of genius ;)
omg it was a REAL ship. a fun fact indeed
okay phew i’m glad they were okay without thomas there <3
AAAAAAAAAAH PLUTOS HEART. i absolutely adore it and i know newt would too. i’ve put a photo of it on the cover of the playlist of songs you suggested for this fic btw 💛
YOUR MIND 🤯 galaxy brain fr <3 that’s completely amazing and i am once again in Awe
stop do you want to make me cry MORE?! i’m so glad you were my santa and it makes me unbelievably happy to hear that YOU were happy to write for me 😭💛 i cannot thank you enough for such a beautiful story, and for going the extra mile to leave me these messages in my inbox <3 *mwah* i adore you
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