#omg my queue didn’t post
httpsserene · 7 months
𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖊’𝖘 1𝖐 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 - 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖑𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖘
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𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫
summary: slightly less innocent, virgin!reader has had her view of pleasure shifted. her libido has increased to insane levels after she finally allowed her boyfriends to fix her…dry spell. charles and max have no issues with helping her ride out her newfound sexual appetite, and figure that she may be ready to take the next step. or, more accurately, take the next hand. content warning: 18+ only. explicit. no penetrative sex. corruption kink. handjobs. thigh riding. praise kink. dom/sub undertones. charles leclerc is a brat. orgasm denial. there's smidge of humor in here somewhere i think. slight humiliation kink. word count: 4.2k words pairing: charles leclerc / max verstappen x fem!black!reader soundtrack: gun • doja cat
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it’s laughable. you can’t believe that you almost bought a vibrator instead of telling your boyfriends that you were ready to start the sexual aspect of your relationship. actually, it kind of makes you mad—you could’ve been experiencing the most mind blowing levels of pleasure years ago, if you had just gotten over your own insecurity.
max and charles had been dating each other for a couple years before they found you. you were a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend, and they were enamored with you as soon as they were introduced. you cringe whenever they reminisce over the first time you met them—the men think it’s the cutest first meeting ever.
they met you on a yacht in monaco. an older member of the ferrari team was retiring and decided to have a relaxed celebratory brunch on a chartered yacht. charles, of course, would be attending; he’s sure he’s most likely contractually obligated to go, but he also enjoys going to these sorts of events, he flourishes and thrives in social settings. however, on this particular day, max and charles had already planned for a date. 
when charles had been forwarded the invitation from andrea (his trainer), who had texted him threats of bodily harm if he didn’t show up—he whined and groveled to max about having to reschedule their date. max had shushed charles’ dramatics, and simply pulled out his phone to show a text thread between him and brad (his trainer), who sent him the invitation to the yacht party. charles made a noise of surprise; this brunch is more relaxed than he thought. max shrugged and pressed a kiss to charles cheek–all they have to do is make an appearance, greet who needs to be greeted, congratulate who needs to be congratulated, and then they can sneak away and leave early for their date.
that was the plan. and everything seemed to be going according to the plan. they had boarded the vessel (nobody knew the rivals had come together), everyone assumed they had just arrived at the same time. they quickly congratulated the retiree, and charles separated from max to go and charm everybody on the boat, while max had gone to take advantage of the brunch spread.
the dutchman was halfway through his second plate of finger food when charles had returned to his side, bringing their trainers and a few engineers along with him. the monegasque was stealing bites of food off his plate, and max gently tapped on the face of his richard mille watch to remind charles that they needed to start wrapping up. 
except, joris had just boarded the yacht—and you were at his side.
charles choked on his bite of stolen food, and max distractedly patted his back to clear his airways. it was like time slowed down, their vision tunneled, and the noise of conversations around them quieted; at the sight of you. you were wearing this light, flowy, orange sundress that complimented your warm brown skin, accessorized with gold jewlery, a pair of heeled tan sandals, and your curly hair was free and blowing in the breeze. you kept your gaze lowered, like you were fearing making eye contact with anybody on board, and you turned to slightly hide behind joris as you frantically whispered to him.
charles and max had decided then and there; they need to know you.
you had parted from joris at the sound of someone calling for you and the sight of you walking away, broke the trance the two drivers had been under.
when charles’ friend made his way over, they were quick to interrogate him about you, and why exactly he’s never introduced you to them before. joris threatened them before he gave them permission to pursue you (not that they needed it), and refused to answer any of their questions about you. he told them to go talk to you, and warned them to be gentle with you—as you have a more shy and introverted personality. it took nearly thirty minutes for charles and max to find where you disappeared too. you were chatting to the retiree, and as soon as you wrapped up the conversation—max inserted himself in your path, and ‘accidentally’ bumped into you.
you stumbled briefly, finding yourself bumping into charles as well. you frantically apologized to the two drivers, eyes wide with embarrassment—and max and charles found themselves vehemently reassuring you that it was their fault, and that you don’t need to apologize.
once you calmed, max started to test the waters.
“it was completely my fault. i should’ve been paying more attention to where i was walking but, i got distracted—because you look too beautiful in this dress.”
your mouth parted in surprise and you giggled awkwardly, not expecting the compliment (charles had to muffle his snort, max is incredibly corny), “oh! thank you—it’s really the dress that’s beautiful.”
the monegasque stepped in, “ah, no that cannot be. the dress only compliments how pretty you are.”
you hummed, eyes flickering between the two of them nervously, and caved to their flattery.
“mmm, thank you…the orange works with my skin tone pretty well.”
“it does,” max agreed with a soft smile, “i must be your favorite driver—since, you’ve dressed in dutch orange.”
your eyes widened, as you giggled at his bold claim, laughing harder when charles’ pretends to be angry at max’s words. the couple watches as your smile shifted from something sweet, to something teasing as you fumbled over what to say in response.
“oh? well, if i did dress for my favorite driver, it would be lando norris. because, this color is more similar to papaya than your dutch orange.”
max scoffed, and charles bursted out laughing—the two of them not expecting the teasing from you, based on how joris led them to believe that you were the shyest thing to walk on earth. 
that interaction had completely cemented their urge to date you. they ended up staying at the yacht party, just talking to you the entire time, enjoying making you blush and fluster, flirting around the limits of how much affection you could take from them. they missed their dinner reservation, but found themselves taking you out to dinner somewhere near the waterfront. 
at the end of the night, you exchanged phone numbers with them and they sweetly told you that they’d reach out to you for a second date. you had made a noise of surprise, completely disbelieving that you were on a date, or that they’d want to see you again. but, charles and max were quick to make their intentions clear as they realized they may have been moving too quickly for you.
you can’t believe that was over two years ago. the boys had been so kind with working hard for your trust, and with a final conversation about how this relationship would work—you had agreed to be their girlfriend. of course, you had your stipulation of not being ready to have sex, but the boys did take that in stride and didn’t try to coerce you into changing that boundary. matter of fact, they had even offered to stop having sex between the two of them if it made you uncomfortable—which you disagreed with on the spot; they didn’t need to limit their actions with each other just because you needed extra time. 
and extra time, ended up being two years. charles and max had waited two years without complaining once, about the fact that you still weren’t ready to have sex with them. apparently, the final aspects that you needed to realize you were ready to have sex were: being unable to get yourself off for a month while they were in the midst of a triple header…and also that, you trust them with your entire soul. 
and goddamn, did their patience result in a valuable reward.
ever since max and charles had cured your dry spell by giving you the most life-changing orgasm from riding max’s thigh, you’ve been insatiable.
it’s like your horny-meter was struck by lightning and was overloaded and stuck at the highest setting—it feels like a perpetual ovulation week. it feels like you can’t look at max’s thighs without getting wet, it feels like you can’t hold charles’ hand without your knees buckling. it wasn’t like you were never horny before the thigh-riding incident (max finds the title hilarious), but to be consistently desperate—you’ve never felt like this before. it’s like the monegasque and the dutchman have awoken your sex drive and shifted it into high gear. your libido has been so insanely high that the men have pretty much offered themselves to you as free-use.
you wake up horny? choose your fighter: charles’ thigh or max’s thigh. you get turned on by charles kissing your cheek? ride his thigh. your tummy knots up when max calls you pretty girl? ride his thigh. your panties get wet when charles comes back from getting a haircut? ride his thigh. your clothes fall off when max smiles at you? ride his thigh. your brain turns to mush when charles and max make out? ride their thighs, twice.
you’ve been so pleasure-crazed that you ended up getting a friction burn from how often you were using their thighs. 
you whimpered in shame as charles rubbed aloe vera on the irritated skin between your legs.
“vior (see)?” charles said to max, who was sitting on the bed next to you holding your hand, “she has sensitive skin—we should not have let her use our thighs so often.”
“ah,” max dismissed, ignoring your mortified whine, he smirked at charles, “she’s just learned how good we can make her feel—forgive her desperation, schatje?”
charles lightly presses on the inflamed skin, and you slightly hiss in pain. he stares at max with an unimpressed expression, 
“and now feeling good too often has her feeling bad, non?”
charles resumed his gentle massage of aloe vera, as he continued to bicker with max about you, like you weren’t lying right there. mortification had the melanated skin of your cheeks flushing with a visible blush, and you muffled your embarrassed whimper into max’s thigh. the humiliation of your boyfriends discussing your barely-sex related injury as if you aren’t present should have been horny-level reduction material—but secretly, you enjoyed it; just a little bit. 
with a pained gasp, you slammed your thighs shut around charles’ hand when he passed over a more seriously-raw area of skin. his hand was forced up, and it brushed firmly against your cunt—and that previously pained gasp transformed into a moan of pleasure. the conversation around you silenced abruptly. you kept your eyes tightly shut, refusing to pull away from the safe haven of max’s thigh. you heard charles laugh disbelievingly, and with his free hand he easily pulled your thighs apart with little effort. the casual show of strength only had you getting wet. 
he made a show of flexing the hand that was entrapped between your thighs, before he dropped two of his fingers on top of your panties and guided them to circle over your clit through the thin cloth. your eyes flew open, and with a squeal your hips bucked up to chase his hand; but he was too quick, and pulled away, using that same hand to hold your hips down on the bed.
“you’re so horny that you completely forgot about the friction-burn you have on your thighs from your previously extremely horny activities,” max deadpanned, staring down at you with a blank expression.
“i can’t help it,” you murmured shyly, “sorry.”
“don’t apologize,” max stated, releasing his grasp of your hand to brush his thumb across your cheek, “nothing’s touching your cunt for a week.”
“huh? WHAT? why? no—why not?” you blurted out in confusion, ignoring charles’ snort.
“liefje—you could barely handle charles rubbing the gel into your skin; you are too sore and inflamed. no pillows, no hands, no thighs.”
you humphed, knowing max is right, but not wanting to admit it. 
“that’s torture! i just started getting to experience real pleasure and now i can’t even cum for a week?!” you whined up at max with pleading eyes.
“you went without using our thighs for two years—you can handle a week, mon coeur,” charles patted your hip with an annoying smile, before he climbed off the bed to put the gel away.
“charles, don’t tease her,” max sighed, “it’s just a week, pretty girl. you’ll be fine.”
you are not fine.
it’s the slowest time has ever passed in your entire life. honestly, the nerve of your boyfriends to have beautifully muscled thighs around you. you’ve been put in horny jail–seriously! the two men seem to have a radar for whenever you start to get turned on. no matter how hard you try to suppress any changes in your body language or facial expression, they sus you out in a few seconds. it’s uncanny; before you even open your mouth to try and persuade them into anything, they squish your cheeks together and say, “not yet,” and then walk away to give you space to calm down. every instance of this in the first couple of days was more mortifying than the aloe-vera gel application situation (which max now applies for you since charles couldn’t refrain from teasing you), but you quickly became desensitized.
max will not budge. he lets you whine, grovel, beg, promise, and plead. he sits through your whole monologue of desperation on day four, and smiles the entire time. when you finish your expertly delivered request to be allowed one orgasm from his thigh, he pats you on the ass and walks away. the amount of rage that filled you was probably unhealthy–how the fuck does he manage to be so unfazed?
charles, on the other hand, you could break. on day five, you trapped him in bed, sneakily convincing him to spend five more minutes with you while max brushed his teeth. you were quick to initiate sweet kisses, humming into the press of his lips, before you pull away and squirm on top of him to straddle his torso. 
the love-tinted haze cleared from his eyes as soon a he puzzled out your motive, and the monegasque moved to guide you off his body, but you halted him, pressing a firm hand in the middle of his bare chest. 
“c’mon cha–just let me, it’s been so long,” you pout down at him, doe-eyes wide and pleading, “don’t you wanna make me feel good?”
charles wavered–it has been so long. he doesn’t think he’d forget how your face looks as you orgasm, but it would be nice to see it again. you slowly grind your hips down on his, and charles manages to hold back any noises, but his eyes flutter in pleasure. the brunet halts your hips when he sees the brief flicker of discomfort appear in the furrow of your brows.
“ah, regarde toi (look at you)!” charles tuts disapprovingly, “you know you aren’t ready, just wait a little longer!”
you climb off of his lap, and bury your face in the pillow next to him, muffling a dramatic scream to make sure he knows how displeased you are. he rubs your back soothingly, letting you release your anger, before you flip over and huff.
“fine–whatever. two more days. two more days…for me,” you murmur, ignoring charles’ squint at your words, “just because i can’t do anything doesn’t mean you two can’t, right?”
charles shrugs his agreement, “yes, i guess. we haven’t came since you can’t. we were just planning to wait for your skin to recover.”
your heart warms at their abstinence, and the gears of your brain start turning. 
“hmm. you know you don’t have to wait for me? i kind of got myself into this situation and it’s not fair for–”
“no. max and i are both responsible too,” charles cut you off, “we should’ve taken more care to make sure you weren’t pushing yourself too far.”
“i don’t blame you guys–i was jumping the two of you everytime you so much as breathed in the same room as me. but, that’s not the point! i was going to say: shouldn’t i thank you guys properly?” 
“quoi? how?” he tilted his head to the side in question.
“i mean, isn’t it time i learn how to make you feel good too? i’ve kind of taken advantage of you, and never thought about making sure you guys feel good, like me.”
“how can you say that, mon amour? you make us feel good everytime we make you feel good,” charles sees that you don’t quite believe him, “you don’t notice how tight our pants get when you sit on our thighs? after you’ve finished, we sneak away to the bathroom to relieve ourselves! trust me, we feel very good with you.”
“hey! that’s my point–i want to make you guys…cum,” you whispered, “not have you sneak away to go do it yourself. can’t you teach me? isn’t now the best time for me to learn when i can’t be distracted by my own orgasm?”
“as long as you avoid rubbing yourself on anything, i’m actually okay with this,” max’s voice carried from the doorway, causing you and charles to jump in surprise. neither of you heard him open the en-suite door.
the dutchman walked over and sat on the bed next to charles, who eagerly supported your suggestion now that max said it was okay. 
“c-can…can we do it now?” you asked quietly, simultaneously afraid of a possible rejection and the idea itself.
the younger man hummed, and sat up next to max. he smirked at the blonde, “i’m sure he can’t say no to the opportunity of having me teach you how to touch him just the way he likes.”
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you may have miscalculated, to some degree. does everything about max have to big? big mouth, big hands, big thighs, big…dick. your brain stops functioning at the sight—max sitting with his back against the headboard, legs spread open comfortably, uncaring of how exposed he is, his cock half-hard and still growing where it rests on his thigh, and don’t forget his self-satisfied smirk at the sight of your shock. you squirm from your seat in between his legs and charles steadies you from his position behind you, bracketing your body within the two of them.
the monegasque shifts forward, hooking his chin on your shoulder with his chest pressed along your back, and hums softly, “all of that ,” charles pauses and moves his right hand to apply pressure on your navel, “is going to be deep inside of you soon.”
“ ‘s not gonna fit in me.”
“we’ll make it fit,” max states. you whimpered at his confident tone, and you could feel charles muffle his chuckle in the crook of your neck. 
the click of the lube bottle opening caused you to flinch back into charles, who soothed you with a pat on the hip. the brunet carefully squeezed out a small amount of lube into your right palm and murmured instructions for you to warm up the liquid. he then guided your hand to grasp max’s dick, who sighed softly at your touch.
“touch him however you want, mon ange,” the monegasque directed, “get used to how he feels and then we can make him feel good.”
swallowing down your apprehension, you lightly trace a finger down his shaft, marveling at how he’s a few of your fingers in girth and decently longer than the size of your hand (that’s definitely not fitting inside of you, they have no idea what they’re talking about). you drag the tip of your pointer finger up along the vein on his underside to the head of his cock. the tip is flushed with an attractive shade of pink complimenting the pale skin of his body, and it’s a beautiful contrast to the brown skin on the back of your hand. you wrap your palm around him gently and brush your thumb over the head, making a noise of surprise at his cock twitching in your grasp. a drop of pre-cum beads in the slit and you curiously drag a finger to collect it; you pause, before you bring your finger to your mouth and flick out your tongue to taste it.
it almost tastes like nothing? slightly bitter, a little salty—but, it’s good. he tastes good. 
max groans and the sound of his head falling back and hitting the headboard reminds you that the cock you’re feeling up is attached to him. 
a broken rasp of, “fuck,” slips from his lips, and charles kisses your cheek in approval.
“ah-you’re so good at this already, mon amour,” charles cheered, “let’s give him a hand, together.”
he brings his left hand around your body to join yours around max’s, and leads you through the motions. he starts you on half strokes, having you circle your hand around the head, while he focuses on mimicking your motions around the base. you can see the muscles of max’s abdomen and thighs clenching with the effort of not thrusting forward into your hand.
“shit,” max moans, “the two of you will be the death of me.”
charles nips a mark right behind you ear, “move your hand like this—oui, just like that—and press your palm around the head—good girl—just keep doing that for me, mon amor.”
max groans roughly at the focused attention on the sensitive tip of his dick; he’s going to come embarrassingly quickly. the sight of charles teaching you how to give him a proper handjob is going to keep him up at night.
“liefje, you’re doing such a good job,” max pants, “going to make come already, pretty girl—are you going to lick my cum off your fingers too?”
you moan highly at his words, nodding your head quickly in agreement, eager to keep being good for him. max continues to run his mouth as he gets closer to orgasm: ‘you and charles should taste the cum off your hand together,’ ‘he can’t wait to get his hands and mouth on you,’ etc.
with a stuttered breath, max warns you that he’s cumming—and charles yanks your hand off of him; ruining max’s orgasm. the dutchman shouts in frustration, his hips bucking up freely now, trying to chase the delicious friction that was stolen from him.
with flushed cheeks, max yells, “what the fuck, charles!” and you turn to look at charles, who’s sitting behind you with an extra-pleased smirk on his face. the brat shrugs nonchalantly, not offering an explanation. you bring your hand back to grasp max’s cock—and repeat the same motion of twisting your palm around the head, to lead max back to an orgasm. he moans in relief, thankfully the edge of release didn’t slip away from him entirely—and then you bring your other hand up to make up for charles’. 
all it takes is a few more synced strokes, and max cums. you feel the warmth of his release coat your fingers, but your eyes are stuck on his expression. his mouth parted slightly, eyes shut, his chest heaving, mouth red and flushed from where he was biting at his bottom lip, and you can see the pleasure washing over his face—goddamn, you wish you were feeling what he is. in the haze of appreciating how he looks when he comes, you fail to stop your hands from continuing your motions and max’s hands fly down to halt you once the pleasure slips into too-much.
when he makes eye-contact with you, you raise your cum-covered hand to your mouth and make a show out of tasting his cum. you moan sweetly and smack your lips—honestly, you don’t particularly like or dislike the taste, but the way max’s eyes widen at your display makes you think you’ll learn to love it. he watches you lick your hands clean, and murmurs out a faint, “what the actual hell, liefje.”
“and, you,” the older man’s expression hardens as he directs his cold gaze on charles, “we’re not touching you for two weeks.”
“por quoi?!,” the monegasque pretends as if he doesn’t know exactly what he did.
you and max both ignore charles’ whining, and you smile extra sweetly at max as you wiggle onto his lap, “may i use your thigh, please?”
he digs his thumb into the sensitive skin of your thigh, and you yelp lightly. 
“two more days, liefje,” max orders, “and if you’re patient, you can have more than just my thigh.”
1k special taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems @lorarri @inloveallthetime @mindless-rock @biancathecool@barnestatic @my-ylenia @katekipshidze @darleneslane @lovingaphroditesworld @smoothopz @vetteltea @dreamingofautopia @jayswifee @megatrilss1885 @nanamilkbread @sophia12345678 @benstormy @userlandonorris@xxniallxxsworld @starfusionsworld@hangmandruigandmav @spicybagel14 @ggaslyp1 @idontgotopartiesanymore @woozarts @yourlilitha @smartstupyd
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© httpsserene2023
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pxgeturner · 9 months
keep you safe. keep you mine.
ghostface!miguel o'hara x reader. prologue.
you're a junior in college and you have a totally awesome boyfriend in the master's program. a girl from your school is murdered and your boyfriend is there to make sure you feel safe (college/uni!au as if its not obvious)
an. I've had this idea in my head for like a month. executive dysfunction is a little bitch so i've onlyy been able to sit down n write this today. I wrote part of it a work but most of it within the last hour. (it’s currently a bit past midnight on the first of october) which if u have been here for a while, know that’s v surprising for me. i really wanted this to be posted on the first of the month but what can u do. i’m just gonna queue it atp. this isn't very action packed bcz it's just a prologue. but im soooo excited. also, r is latina coded but can be read from any ethnic standpoint. also this has not been proofread.
warnings: r has a panic attack, mentions of death (slightly graphic description of a dead body)
wc. 1.2k
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you can’t change the channel. you don’t know why. but you can’t. a girl from your university was killed just about an hour ago. you were going to turn on the run of practical magic that started about half an hour ago. you just keep watching the news-lady rehash the same information over and over again. the killer all but turned the poor girl inside out. she’s in your finance class. you worked on a group assignment with her. she’s one of those girls who tries to maintain the hierarchy of high school in college. which is total bullshit, you’re third years for crying out loud! she’s passive aggressive, sure, but she should’ve had so much more time to grow. so you’re sitting there. bundled in blankets, not able to press the button on the remote. 
something hits the sliding glass door to the back porch. you don’t want to become chopped liver. so you stay in your seat. a few minutes pass, you think, and no more noise, so you turn back to the tv. 
thud thud. you ignore it, keeping my eyes on the screen. 
then my cell starts to ring. you jump in your seat, and search for it, lost in the blankets. It’s miguel. you pick up the call. 
“hey mickey, you scared me.”
“sorry, baby. mind opening the door? It’s a little fresh out here?”
“the slide door?”
you untangle myself from the blankets and approach the glass. you turn on the outside light, and it’s him. you unlock the door and let him in. he kisses your cheek as he comes in. “hey, angel,”
“hey yourself,”
“where are your parents?” you shut the door
“concert, pop surprised mama with tickets to a merengue singer. gloria something.”
he nods and comes in to hug you. “how’s your night been angel? The news is on? why’s it still playing?” he strokes your hair “you know if you keep watching this fear mongering shit it’s gonna just make you anxious, baby.”
“yeah…” you melt into him, feeling safe with your big strong boyfriend here. “can you stay the night?”
“’course baby. anything for my sweet girl.” he leads you back to the couch, “what do you want to watch?”
“practical magic, but it’s already running.”
“don’t you have the dvd?”
“OMG YES” you jump out of your seat and dash over to the tv stand, opening the dvd stash drawer. “HERE IT IS” you wave it around in triumph before inserting it into the player. 
once you’re back on the couch your boyfriend goes “if you have it on dvd why would you watch it on cable?”
you pout at him “it felt special. like they were playing it just for me. it was the perfect time.”
he shakes his head and chuckles, “you’re just too cute, baby.”
“she talked shit about you, y’know.” gwen says after she tossed a penny into the fountain. 
“what?” the two of you start walking to the dining hall
“that girl, ava whatever? she was in my drawing class after your finance class with her. she like, thought you were obsessed with her.”
you stop in your tracks. “wait. what the fuck?”
she steps back and turns to face you. “yeah. i didn’t tell you because i figured if she never said anything to your face it wouldn’t be a big issue.”
“ok…” this is confusing “a: what did she say and b: why are you telling me this?”
“she said you’d stare at her. and that you look like you look like a… what did she say?… ‘a brainless mutt’ and other shit. she only said shit like that a couple times. and i ripped her a new one both times.” she gestures for you to keep walking. you realize today they probably have pizza and she wants to get there before they run out. “i’m telling you this so you don’t feel too bad. she wasn’t some innocent soul, she was a bitch. you’re so nice. but i don’t want you wasting your emotions on her.”
you think about all this information as you two walk. you never really liked ava. she totally thought of herself as a queen bee, and that’s so icky. the class you had together is tiered with semi-circular layout. you sat at one end, and she did at the other. when you space out, you guess it might seem like staring, but, like. what the hell?
and then you see miguel. he’s in a booth with peter, mj, and miles. you and gwen go up to the table.
“hey, angel”
“hi mickey,”
“they have soup, got some for you. cranberry juice too.” your favorite food and your favorite juice? he’s heaven.
you smile so big it almost hurts.
“did you get me food?” gwen asks miles
“i- uh, didn’t know what you wanted,” gwen glares at him– it’s a joke but when you’re on the other end it doesn’t feel like it. “-but there’s plenty of pizza left! i haven’t gotten food yet. i wanted to wait for you.” gwen smiles and offers him her hand. the two of them leave and you slide into the booth, next to miguel. 
“how was break?” peter asks. 
“it was good! love being with my family as usual.”
“and miguel, i’m sure,” mj winks playfully. 
“i was at my parents house!”
“and miguel went over every time you offered.” peter says before taking a sip of his coffee. 
“he’s so in love with you. it’s an obsession.” mj jokes. 
miguel drapes his arm round your shoulder exaggeratedly. “gotta keep my girl safe, there’s some freaks who’d want to hurt her.” you elbow him lightly to tell him to stop joking like that. 
somewhere along the line after gwen and miles get back, the subject changes to them trying to convince you and gwen to go to graduate school. 
“you’re so smart! You could study classical literature! or ethical studies! or ethnic studies! genders studies.”
“oh my god parker please stop throwing studies in my face. i’m so happy y’all are having a good time in the master’s program. and i’m so glad that miles is planning to go do that kind of path too,” you lean back, head supported by miguel’s arm. “i just have no desire to be a career academic. by the time i graduate i’ll have spent seventeen years of my life on education. After i get that diploma i just want to write.”
“and that’s exactly what you’re gonna do, doll.” 
a few days later, and the weekend has arrived. you’re in miguel’s room, a tim burton film playing as you two cuddle. 
the movie gets drowned out by the sound of an alarm, coming from your phones. it’s an emergency alert from the police. someone else has been found dead. someone from your school. your breath turns shallow and a lump forms in your throat. you’re crying. you can’t breathe. everything is blurry. your chest feels heavy. miguel holds you, whispering in your ear reassurances. he’d never let anyone touch you. you’re safe. nothing bad is ever going to happen to you. he’s here to protect you. 
thank god you have miguel to protect you from everything evil outside.
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eddiemunson-mylove · 1 year
I MET JOE - 18/03/2023
Okay first of all, this is probably going to be a really long post because I am making sure I get EVERY detail.
Firstly, the context:
Most of us had seen the Instagram story and the “there do be willies” mayhem. I saw the story after my lovely friend @joehhy sent it and asked what willies are (she’s French) I saw the post and read about the show and thought…. Fuck it I’ll go it’s sounds like fun.
Skip to the night of the show!!
I am in the queue, at the very front, joking back and forth with @joehhy about how it’d be impossible for him to show up because London is huge and it’s a 1/1000000000 chance right?! WRONG!!!!
Mr Quinn comes up to the lady at the door who’s stood right next to me and says that his friend is running a little bit late and if it was okay to just walk in. She says it’s fine and he says “thank you very much” (so polite 😌)
At this point, I’m shaking and my whole body had a sudden hot flush of adrenaline right? I saw him and I tried not to stare and saw that he looked at me in my peripheral (I’m at the front of the queue so I’m pretty noticeable) and then he walks away.
Now I’ll describe how he looks for you all 🥹🥹
His hair was SO CURLY tonight. Like I’m talking literal COCKAPOO hair. He had his glasses on too!! You know the ones….
The clear rims 🥹🥹
Yup those ones 🫠🫠
Now his outfit……….
Double dark blue denim. That’s right kids!
And he fucking owned that shit.
It was basically this outfit but you couldn’t see an undershirt as the button were up:
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Anyways I didn’t see him inside the show because the audience is really dark but OMG!!!!!
Every time something funny happened you could HEAR HIM LAUGH AND GIGGLE
I had Joe Quinn laughing asmr for an HOUR are you kidding me 😭😭
After the show when all the lights came on there he was, on the opposite side of the room to me
Here’s my terrible drawing:
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And I had to walk next to and behind him to get out. Turns out he’s hanging out with MISS THANG Lupita Nyong’o 🥰 and he’s telling her something so I leave.
Now…. I’m waiting at the doors outside, I initially had no intentions of speaking to him right I just wanted to see his pretty face again 🥴
He comes and speaks to the door woman again but I didn’t hear them this time and starts to walk towards the bar at the end of the hall
I’m walking after him feeling like and absolute creep and even start doing a little hop/skip to catch up (he walks FUCKING QUICK)
I place my hand on his shoulder blade…..
The conversation went like this
Me: Joe! Hi ☺️
J: Hello!
Me: I just wanted to thank you for recommending the show! I really enjoyed it
J: Omg no way really?
Me: Yes I saw it on your Instagram story
J: Wow, well I’m so glad that you enjoyed it! That’s amazing
Me: yes thank you ☺️ I met you at comic con not long ago too
J: Oh well it’s so lovely to see you again (proceeds to hold his hand out for me to shake and I do 😳)
Me: well I don’t want to bother you or anything so I’m going to go
J: Oh okay, well have a good night!
Me: Thank you, you too!
He was so lovely and pretty and his eye contact is IMMENSE from an autistic point of view
I didn’t ask for a picture because he seemed like he wanted to stay on the down low so I thought it would be rude
But fuck…….. I can’t believe it
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d4isywhims · 1 year
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hello friends! 🤍✨
lots of words. click at your own risk!!
i’m back from my trip/short hiatus!! i didn’t go on tumblr that much during my trip because i was having too much fun hehe so i was basically MIA 😵‍💫 andddddd i JUST realised that my cas challenge posts didn’t go up because my dumbdumb ass saved it as draft instead of queue 😭😭😭😭😭😭 omg i’m so sorry to everyone who looked forward to seeing those posts ;_; they’ll be up all throughout next week tho!! ✨ alsoooo i wanna talk about a few things 👀
1. youtube
as some of you might know, i started a youtube channel and am about to post my first ever vid!! so excited!! 🤩 i’m also thinking of moving one of my tumblr gameplays to youtube but i’m kinda stumped on which one :/ i’m already on gen 2 of my family dynamics challenge and i feel like it would be kind of awkward to start filming from there lol so this leaves me with my globetrotter household and tjol legacy household. or maybe start a brand new lp!! i would greatly appreciate your opinion on this matter if you have any :D
2. 1000 followers!!!!!
guys. guys guys guys. GUYSss. had to block a HANDFUL of 🌽bots but YOU GUYSSSSSS
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i am truly speechless 😭 i made a promise to myself that if i reached 1k followers on tumblr i would start a youtube channel and here we are!! i love you guys so much and thanks for sticking around 😭♥️ absolutely no words can describe how much i appreciate everyone on here :’) i’ve made SO many talented friends on tumblr and i hope to make even more! i have no idea what my follower gift would be this time (i haven’t even started with my 900 followers gift 😵‍💫) so please if you have ANY suggestions, feel free to comment below or send me a message! :DD probably gonna come up with a poll sooner or later hehe
aaahhh it feels so good to be back on simblr!! i’ll spend the rest of my night responding to tagged games, asks/messages i’ve gotten while on my hiatus and just catching up with the community :)) i’ll go back to posting gameplay pics on monday! :D starting off strong with family dynamics!!
thanks sm friends!! ✨ have a great day/night ahead!
- gem 🤍
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sidemenxyn · 7 months
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Music Festival Version 1
Summary: Y/n is a famous singer and is headlining at Reading Festival and the boys decided to come join along!
Ok ik I said platonic!sidemen x Y/n are no face claims but for this I wanna do Billie Eilish since she has so many concert photos from her ‘Happier Than Ever’ tour and I love her sm so yeah… Also wanna mention that instead of doing red roots it’s the other way around. Y/n (Billie) used to have red roots and now has green. Also imagine the photos of her are in all the same fit that you’d wear or something. But anyways enjoy!
Tw: none! But it’s not proof read (like most posts😭)
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@Y/n.Y/l/n: Can’t wait to see you all tonight at Reading Festival, I have a little surprise for you all!! Can’t wait for you guys to see!! Two surprises to be revealed later tonight! Enjoy 🤍
@TaliaMar: Can’t wait to see my girl! 🩷
– @Y/n.Y/l/n: see you there ml 🩷
@Y/n.Fan: wonder what the surprise is??? Can’t wait to watch her live!!
@ksi: 👀👀
– @Y/n.Y/l/n: 🤔🤔
@Y/n.Fan2: omg is ksi preforming with Y/n???
– @Y/n.Y/l/n: maybe, maybe not🤔
– @Y/n.Fan2: omg!!!??
And more…
You were currently back stage, people were arriving and queueing up to watch others before your headlining performance. You were sat with all the boys around and you had ordered some food before hand.
You were sat in between Talia, your life long friend and Harry. Everyone was so excited about today. Once you and Talia were down eating you both went over to your makeshift wardrobe and made an outfit for tonight. You were so excited, seeing all your fans who have been by your side for years and helping you get to where you are today, it’s a miracle.
You all were walking around the back stage area getting ready. Taking photos and having fun, you decided to give the fans and extra surprise.
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@Y/n.Y/l/n: You feel the nostalgic yet?
@Y/nFan2: omg her hair looks so good!!🖤💚
@behzingagram: Yes!! Y/n in her new era!! 💚🖤
–@Y/n.Y/l/n: 🫶🫶
@Y/nFan3: maybe we’ll get more of her older songs tonight!!??
And more…
After most performers had done their shows, the sun was setting and the mood was perfect. It was now your time to shine. So you went over towards the stage with the boys. You were hugging them all, Josh said “put on the best show for all of us, yeah?” You smiled and nodded “of course I will!” Harry said “I’d say break a leg but we know what happened last time!” You laughed as you hugged him and replied “yep! Definitely remember!” As you were done. You heard your intro song come on. Then it was time!
You ran out on stage as everyone cheered loudly. You waved and pointed to your hair as you knew people at the festival most likely didn’t have service. Then the crowd screamed even louder as if that was possible. You smiled and spoke into the microphone “hi guys! Do you like my new hair?” You pointed the mic to the crowd and heard everyone cheer. You said “is everyone ready!!” You heard the beginning of your song start to begin and you started to sing.
After some time, you were given a little break so the crew behind the scenes could prepare your guitar and such. You said into the microphone “ok, you guys an have a breather! We definitely went all out, huh?!” You laughed and said “make sure you drink and check up on yourself or the people around!. While everything is getting set up! I have two announcements. I don’t know if you guys have seen my post but I mentioned that I have two announcements. So imma tell you guys first!” You took a breather and said “first things first I’m glad to announce that you guys will be hearing a new album soon!!” The crowed cheered loudly. You said “also I have some special guests, they have been with me since day one, through thick and thin! Believed in me no matter what! Please welcome my friends, the sidemen!!” Everyone was cheering as they watched the boys appear from behind back stage. Walking over to you they all either dapped you up or hugged you. You spoke into the microphone “you guys should’ve seen their reactions to my new hairstyle, should I post their reactions?” And by guessing by the cheering they said yes.
The boys were on stage for a few minutes before waving their goodbyes and letting you finish up the show.
After a few more minutes the show was over. You spoke “Hope you all enjoyed tonight’s show! I love you all, hope you enjoyed not just my concert but everyone’s else’s you may have seen today. Make sure you go check out the sidemen channel and I’ll see you all soon! Bye I love you!!” You waved and bowed. Blowing a few kisses you ran off stage towards the boys.
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@TaliaMar: Can’t believe this munchkin and I grew up together and now she’s preforming for headline! I might cry again… 🥹🥹🩷🩷
@Y/n.Y/l/n: please don’t cry again, I have no more tissues and your gonna make me cry too 🥹🥹😂
–@TaliaMar: we need more tissues!!
@y/nfan: can’t believe these two have come so far!
And more…
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@Tobjizle: I am so proud of my best friend, love you Y/n/n!!
@Y/n.Y/l/n: 🩵🩵
–@Tobjizle: 🩵🩵
And more…
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@ksi: Feel like a proud older brother 🖤
Load more…
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@zerkaa: Favourite performer hands down! Love ya! 💚🖤
@Y/n.Y/l/n: love you too🩵
And more…
AN: hi! Sorry it’s so rushed and such. I’ve been so busy which is no excuse. I’ve been given more exams in school, my parents are away so I’m over a family members and I’ve been busy helping them and that. Idk if you care but I’m doing ok. And I promise when I get the chance I will write out a full and proper imagine/story for you guys. Sorry about this as it probably is a bad story but I felt I needed to give you guys at least something. I may do a bit more snap story stuff to try and make up for it. Enough of the rambling, hope you guys are doing all ok! Make sure to eat and drink! Take care of yourselves and for the time being feel free to read my older posts 😂😂. Have a good day/night!! 🫶
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eliteseven · 10 days
I just finished Consonance. As Shadowheart herself would say, no notes. It was so lovely and sweet. Thank you for giving us this amazing fic, will there be more to come?
Omg this is seriously too kind!! 🥹 Thank YOU for reading and stopping by! I’m so glad you liked it! It was a lot of fun to write.
Consonance is technically finished (though I have some requests for oneshots in that universe, so I’ll be adding those at some point- like a Tav/Shar confrontation that never made the cut). I have a suggestion box for any specific requests! You can always feel free to request something and if it fits, I’ll try to work it in, or we might just end up discussing it for fun 🥰
Currently: I’m doing a requested prompt as a little warmup to get back into writing, (In which Tav returns from Avernus with Karlach after nearly a year and surprises Shadowheart, since they never made it to the post-game reunion). I'll post it tomorrow after a little proofreading!
If you read my other works- I’m working on finishing “Better Than You Remember” and getting to the other NLS series requests in the queue. Since it’s been like 1000 years since I've posted, here’s a preview: (sorry, Ik it’s not Consonance, but I don’t have anything ready for that just now 😭💀).
Tav always reacts to her touches, even the faintest brush of her lips. 
But there is something about the way she closes her eyes that tells Shadowheart that something more is at play here. 
Shadowheart does what she does best- she draws the truth from Tav’s lips through touch. She rakes her fingernails lightly across Tav’s stomach under the water. Each little kiss makes Tav’s lashes flutter with pleasure at the sensation, molding into Shadowheart’s touch like soft clay. 
Her free hand takes Tav’s chin delicately and tilts it, allowing her better access to her lover’s neck. 
She nips once at Tav’s throat, and smirks against Tav’s skin when she hisses in surprise. 
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were Astarion.” Tav mutters with a little grin and enjoys the way Shadowheart chuckles against her. 
“I suppose I do want to feed on you, in a sense.” Shadowheart muses playfully, and pulls a face. “Just…not like that.”
“Be careful what you start. We’re expected in High Hall by nightfall, and your goddess herself can’t pry me away from you, once we’ve begun.”Tav laughs, but yet again- Shadowheart finds she’s not entirely there. “-And I’d hate to make a poor impression as guests of honor, for Wyll’s sake.” She adds, as an afterthought. 
Ever since they’ve arrived in Baldur’s Gate, she’s had a particularly tense quality about her, her gaze never fully present. 
She decides that a direct approach may be the best option, after all. 
“Is that what has you so tense?” Realization dawns across Shadowheart’s face. “...Of course it is, how doltish of me. It’s your first time back in royal court, in this capacity. You’re nervous.” She says it so matter-of-factly, there’s little room for any kind of argument. 
Tav sighs. “Perhaps I’m just nervous to be in the presence of such breathtaking company.” She tries, in one final attempt, to steer Shadowheart away from the truth. 
She tries, and fails. Shadowheart rolls her eyes at the pathetic attempt. “I’ve little patience for your dodgery, Lady Tavyndír.”
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k-looking-glass-house · 4 months
Please… please help me! 😩
I’m trying to find and like all the individual ghost marriage outfit posts from you and the other person that of course now I am blanking on the name of because now I can’t go and look at their blog name because I’m writing an ask.
I’m liking them now because what I do is I like them and then go through my likes, write up any comment I want to make, add all the tags, and then put them in my queue for my twst reblog sideblog. So I AM planning on reblogging, for the record. I’m just liking for now because it’s easier to go back through and add all the things later. But I can’t find them all! 😭😭😭
I was trying to like them in order of dorm and I’ve managed to find all the outfit designs… until I got to Vil.
I know you/your friend made one because his picture is shown in the overall collage of the outfit edits. And he’s GORGEOUS. But I can’t find his individual post on either your, or your friend’s blog.
I’m going to be sending this ask to both blogs btw - just so you know. Since you both seemed to work on them and one blog posted some of them and another posted some of them as well. So I didn’t know which blog posted Vil’s. 🤷‍♀️
And even though I was trying to go in order of dorms, I went ahead and tried to find the rest, just to see if there were any others I couldn’t find.
And one other has escaped me - Lilia.
So I am missing Lilia and Vil’s ghost marriage groom outfits. :(
Please help!
Hi there! Sorry for the late reply
Ha ha I see, I see, well unfortunately I don't think I could help you on this one, as all outfit edits weren't post!
You can find Vil full outfit here ->
As for Lilia it was a mistake of mine since he already has an official Ghost Wedding suit, but for this special one (the one you're mentioning) you can find the edit here ->
You need to kindly ask my partner in crime @twiwoncrackpopcorn for others~
They definitely could help on this one!
Hope it helps!
Anyhow thank you for your hard work and search, and very kind words!
Take care~
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The winter hiatus~
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awesomesauce-abbie · 2 years
Hello hope I'm not bothering you but I saw a post of yours it was a billy hargrrove x reader and I liked it but I just wanna ask if you could do like reader works at a restaurant and really upset and tired because their having problems with a waitress and they constantly pushing sh*t on them and billy picks up reader and reader gets in the car and just says "drive please" and then the drive home is quit and they get home and billy just comforts them and being the protective bf he is, I hope you understand I'm writing this because I have trouble with a waitress and I'm a hostess (look it up for more info about being a hostess) and ya I just had a bad day sorry and you can do whatever to the end you want like h going to the restaurant later and confronting the waitress. Omg this is so long lol thx 🙏😊
A/N: I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time with your job, I hope it gets better for you soon. I know this is easier said than done but try to push through the negativity and carry on your day as best as you can and I hope this oneshot will somehow help!
HardWork Pays Off Eventually
Billy Hargrove x reader
You worked at Burger Town, one of the few restaurants in Starcourt mall. If the bright yellow and red uniform with the burger baseball hats wasn't annoying enough, your coworker was a right piece of work meaning that she didn't actually do any. The only time Kimberly Price lifted a finger was when she was in the back with her press on nails or dancing to whatever was on the radio whilst you attended to the lunchtime rush of Hawkins by yourself. What was most infuriating was that her dad was the boss so Kimberly was always getting extra days off with nobody to cover her shifts and always got pay rises. She was only a few dollars short of earning exactly as much as her father, day by day you were regretting not getting a job at the local pool with your boyfriend Billy Hargrove. Despite his bad boy attitude, he was more than happy to teach the younger children of Hawkins how to swim or save them from drowning. He suggested you get a job with him so you could see each other every day but you had already accepted the job at burger town before he suggested it. Today made you absolutely regret applying more than ever.
You quickly served a table of three with a tired smile and a quiet “enjoy your meal.” You rushed back to the kitchen and started preparing the next meal before only to dash to the counter a few seconds later to take another customer’s order. You had to force a smile as you heard Madonna blasting from the break room. The queue was leaving the restaurant and was almost outside of Scoops Ahoy. You actually saw Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington stick their heads out a few times to see what was going on. You spent over an hour running around like a headless chicken serving food, cooking food and taking orders before things actually calmed down which gave you the chance to clean up tables and bin rubbish. Kimberly walked past you with her jacket and bag on. “Where are you going?” She scoffed, glaring at you as if you’d offended her just by existing. “I have a date with Patrick, I’m leaving early. Remember to lock up and clean up properly, anything that’s done wrong won’t make daddy very happy. Oh and your covering my shift with Ben Woods tomorrow. No way am I working with that nerdy little freak ew! Don’t forget to clock me out at the end. Try and snitch on me, well we’ll see who daddy believes. A bumbling idiot who got this job out of pure luck or his precious little darling of a daughter?” Kimberly giggled before strutting away. “We’ve got six hours and tomorrow’s my only day off!” You yelled after her but she didn’t turn back.
You’d left an hour late, having to tidy up everything as well as lock up. If Steve Harrington hadn’t noticed you struggling with putting the tables away, you’d likely still be there. You stormed out to the parking lot and saw Billy leaning against his car with a lit cigarette and there were three cigarette butts not too far from his feet. “What the hell took you so long, I’ve been waiting for over an hour! I was about to come in and find you. I thought something happened.” He was worried, annoyed and exhausted from his own day of work but you got into the passenger’s seat silently. Billy scoffed, throwing away his cigarette before getting in. “You gonna talk to me or what?” “Just…Drive please” you sniffled. Billy rolled his eyes before starting the car and drove to your house. His dad and Susan were out tonight and Max was at Hop’s house for a sleepover with El so he was spending the night with you.
The ride home was silent except for the quiet buzz of music from Billy's car radio. He noticed a few tears run down your face but for most of the journey, you faced away from him and didn't utter a single word. He parked in your driveway with a sigh and turned you, placing a hand on top of yours. “Please tell me what happened today. You've never been this late from work and you're usually pissy yeah but never crying. What happened?” You looked at him, drying your eyes as you tried to find the words. Billy leaned forward and kissed your forehead, cupping your cheek with his hand as he wiped tears away with his thumb. “I’m just tired, I had a really shitty day. Kimberly walked out six hours early and I had to do everything by myself again! I’m supposed to have a day off tomorrow but she dumped her shift on me instead.” Billy let out a harsh sigh and clenched his jaw, this wasn’t the first time you had complained about Kimberly’s laziness and he was sick of her upsetting you. “You need to leave that shit hole, there isn't anything at the pool right now but at least go work with fucking Harrington! At least I know he's not a total asshole like that Kimberly bitch” he huffed. “Though if he even thinks about hitting on you, the only thing he'll be eating is ice cream cus he won’t have the teeth left to chew!” You couldn’t help but chuckle and Billy grinned. “There’s that sexy smile” he kissed you before you both got out of the car. “I’ll help you out
Billy helped you write out a resignation letter as well as help you get your paperwork sorted so you could apply for another job. “If anything comes up at the pool, you’ll be the first to know. She won’t get away with this shit either, I know it’s hard but we’re gonna get out of this shit hole town. I’m going to take you to California, teach you how to surf. We’ll have our own place, the shit bird and her loser friends can visit in the summer. It’ll be perfect, I promise” he smiled, stroking your hair as you leaned against his shoulder. “Think the kids will bury Steve in the sand?” Billy snickered just at the idea and kissed your temple. “Yeah, maybe we’ll leave him there overnight for the fully beach experience” he chuckled before getting up and heading to the kitchen. You cuddled up together with a bowl of popcorn and watched The Terminator with a promise that Kimberly would be sorry for pissing you off.
The next day you turned up at work but Kimberly was there and so was her father? Kimberly was in tears, hr dad was red in the face and his eyes filled with anger but he calmed down slightly as he noticed you walk in. “Ah, sorry. I was meant to call. I had a dozen complaints yesterday from customers who said you were working alone. Kimberly is working her shift today so you can go home, she’ll be working as she should be and her pay has been cut so she’s earning the usual rate which she’ll be using to fix her car. I walked out the house to see the windshield smashed and the doors all scratched and dented” Kimberly merely sobbed at the mention of her car and was even more hysterical after you handed in your notice, she’d be picking up your shifts as a result.
You walked out to the car park, Billy was still there with a smug grin. “Her car? Seriously?” “Told you she’d be sorry for messing with you” he chuckled as you let out an amused sigh. “What would I do without you Billy Hargrove?” “Crash and burn obviously.”
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cosmic-bat · 9 months
I originally didn’t want to make a post about the London meet and greet because I don't want to come across like I'm bragging or anything but if anyone (@spooky-cowfish especially) really does want to read about it then here you go...
So we go into the main gig hall and the boys are all standing at the barrier, well Chris is straddling it and has trouble getting over which was quite funny. They count us a few times as everyone filters in which made it felt like a school trip😂.
After the initial hello they say they're gonna do individual photos and talking/questions so they all split off in different directions. Pi walks straight towards me and my new queue friend and we were not prepared 😂 we awkwardly say hi and take photos, he asked if I wanted anything signed and I had a small rainbow flag but I'd forgotten a pen so he said he'd come back to sign it. Can I just say his eyes are so piercing!!! Like woah!!!! He has great energy too.
Next I went to Gared and the awkwardness had gone so I managed to chat and joke with him more. He's super nice and quick witted, very funny. I managed to borrow a pen from someone and made a stupid joke about him being left handed and he went "No I'm just trying it out" 🤣😭 I'm sorry Gared. I told him to just sign anywhere but he said "No, I have to do it properly" he's so sweet!!
Then I went to Klaas and omfg, first thing I did was ask for a hug so we hugged and I squeezed his waist (it had to be done). He is so lovely, we chatted about fancy venues and he bragged about how he saw ghost years ago in a nice small venue, his favourite Ghost song is Mummy Dust btw! I can't lie, I was just staring at his long hair and cute glasses for a bit without realising🤣.
Then I got to Nik and he was the most prepared cuz he actually brought a pen lmao. Anyway he's super chill and easy to talk to, he asks you where you're from and how far you've travelled to get there. After he signed my flag I say danke cuz it just comes out naturally now and he looks me dead in the eye and says "You're welcome" LOL.
Before leaving him Pi was walking past so I called out and asked for him to use Nik's pen to sign my flag and ofc he was like "Oooo what pen am I using?😏" Nik handed him the sharpie and was like "This one, not the other one down boy. That's later" and I was standing there like 👁👄👁 wtf is happening right now.
And then Chris was left. He's just so lovely and sweet too omg! When he took my phone to take a selfie (I think we had all decided the boys to take the pics cuz they're good at it lol) he somehow changed the camera to video and omg it's my favourite thing, he says "It's filming!" when we realise it's a video and I've had it going around and around in my head for days🤣. I get a selfie with him and then he takes a pic of our shoes cuz apparently his new photo thing is shoes. My mouth works faster than my brain so I say "Wikifeet?" as a joke and he's like "No it's not a kink thing."
Anyway I ask him to sign the flag and am about to shout for anyone with a pen I can borrow again but Chris is like "I'll go steal Nik's." and he just runs off to get it🤣. I go to help him hold the flag tight so it's easier to sign like I did with the others but he's there holding it against his thigh figuring out which side is the right one😂.
Then it's the group photo in the final minutes, so everyone is walking towards the barrier, I am stupidly walking backwards and fucking walk into Nik omfg PSA: look where you're walking otherwise you may bump into a drummer! Klaas appears next to me out of nowhere then he kneels down on the floor (you can see this in the London group photo lmao), so I'm like 'oh god I'm gonna have to get down there too otherwise it'll look weird' so I awkwardly get on the floor and copy his pose cuz no way am I gonna be down there on both my knees😂 A few photos were taken with count downs done in multiple languages. Then Klaas stands back up so effortlessly and I'm there struggling cuz my platform boots are heavy. Once I'm up Klaas says "You made it!" like ha ha yeahhhh.... I should start working out😂
Finally we say bye then us lot get taken into a corridor that's on the other side of the venue instead of being let back out into the queue outside. So I'm there chatting away to my new friend and I pull out google maps to show her where abouts I live cuz we want to meet up again. But all of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder and a sweet "Excuse me" and I turn to find Pi behind us trying to get past LMFAO OOPS.
Honestly it was the best night of my life.
Although, I have to say one more thing. It was interesting to watch the standard queue being let in and everyone rushed to the middle and Pi's side, I was like 'well, more Klaas for me then hehe'.
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I moved to Japan last September, and one thing I was looking forward to a lot was attending Dolpa. I went to the one in December where they had Marie Antoinette, who I really wanted. Unfortunately, they sold out while I was in the queue which was a bummer. I had fun at the event buying stuff from various artists (if you haven’t been to a Dolpa in Japan, imagine the artist alley of a typical convention but only doll stuff)however I was a bit sad that I missed out on some stuff due to the artists selling out. Later that week I went on Instagram and discord and saw non-Japanese people with Mary Antoinette. The dolls release at Dolpa almost month earlier than other release methods (online, V0lksUSA), so these must have been from Dolpa. I said something like ‘omg! You were at Dolpa too?!’ because I thought I could have met those people! But what they told me have me some mixed feelings. They hadn’t attended the event at all but had paid proxies to buy the dolls for them. I didn’t think much of it at first, but then I started to see more and more dolls - Marie, Lady Oscar, even the D0llfie dreams that were also available, that people had acquired via proxy without attending the event at all. I also started to realise that a lot of the people with dealer and artist items had also paid proxies to get them. I thought about how I had been at the actual event, in the line, and missed out, while some proxy had made a tidy profit. It made me a bit irritated. Now another Dolpa is coming up, and I am literally seeing proxies advertise ‘slots’. Am I the only person who feels very uncomfortable about this? When people who attend the event miss out, but people who fork over cash to a proxy who is definitely using multiple people to buy up multiple dolls… it gives me a very negative feeling. Here in Japan, this practise is known as ‘Tenbuyer’ (combination of tenbai (resell) and English ‘buyer’ and is looked down on with disgust.
When I attend spring Dolpa, how many people in the same line as me are ‘tenbuyers’ profitting off people so desperate for new dolls they can’t even wait until the international sales…? It’s a bit depressing, to be honest. I am in a small chat group of Japanese hobbyists and was venting about it, and they told me that the tenbuyer thing is a huge problem now, and there are many hobbyists who distrust foreign buyers because of it. I only joined this hobby in the last 2 years or so, so I didn’t know the problem was this bad. I don’t want to shame the people who have paid proxies to acquire dolls from events they aren’t attending, however I would like them to consider why they aren’t just using the regular release methods.
For dealer and artist stuff, I know there isn’t any other way to get it sometimes, but the dealers themselves are starting to cotton on to their stock going to tenbuyers who sell it to people overseas instead of people who have paid to attend the event and are missing out. This is a messy post and I might not be very clear in my opinions. Thank you for reading until the end. I am sure many comments will call me selfish. Some of you may have acquired dolls you wouldn’t have otherwise, and maybe that isn’t a bad thing. However, I don’t think proxies should be profitting so much over this
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girlgerard · 2 years
I find it very funny that people on twitter try to “cancel” you because of your analysis of gerards relation to gender and try to call it transphobic and obsessiv when they spend their free time analysing every interaction g and frank have in an acrually creepy way and unironically ship frerard. Like it’s hell over there and honestly them insulting u was my last straw leaving mcr twt because omg how brain dead can ppl be
i mean the reality is that whenever something big happens and there’s this massive communal feeling of excitement and shock, there’s going to be a kind of rubber band backlash? and honestly a lot of it is justified i think! i wasn’t online much yesterday, just let my queue run and would post during the show, and i didn’t see the general tone of where the tide had turned on talking about nashville. now that i have, the way people are treating it actually makes me extremely uncomfortable. i use this blog as an emotional vent sort of, like a fun little journal to yell all of my thoughts into without much actual tether to reality. i’m not constructing a literal thesis on my blog. my worst nightmare is any of this actually affecting people in real life. so i actually agree with a lot of the discomfort people feel over how some are reacting to nashville. now that my head’s a bit clearer it also makes me feel a bit gross, because it’s bridging over into shit from 2011 and we can’t go back to that
i do think that a tumblr blog getting ragged on by twitter is very ironic lol but like. if people want to unfollow that’s totally okay! you never have to explain yourself or try and rally a crowd, like it’s literally fine. and in many ways i understand. i’m actually cringing really hard right now at how some people are taking some of my posts from the past week because they’re taking them as if i’m genuinely posing like. a bedrock theory. which is fucked. so i’m kind of slowing down on posting just because i’d feel sick if this ever got out of control.
overall the whole situation will blow over thank god, it kind of already has a bit, and i’m just going to draw back for the time being. i’d never want to dampen the complete joy and fun and silliness that was nashville. my feelings about that show have not changed; my reaction to how people are taking it has.
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your-world-with-nct · 2 years
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— omg a new post? shocker 😹 LMAO dw im still writing polaroid love but i wanted to put out smth in the meantime to celebrate taro’s birthday (even if it’s late) 🫶🏼
💌 • 7:43pm
you loved the snow. you loved how pretty it looked, the white crystals beautifying everything they touched, you loved the cosy atmosphere it came with, and, most importantly, you loved how the cold temperature gave you an excuse to be extra affectionate with boyfriend!shotaro.
you shivered, tightening your grip on his arm as you two walked down the busy streets together, “taro, baby, i’m so cold.”
he furrowed his eyebrows, you couldn’t tell if he was simply confused at why you were stating something so obvious or suspicious of your little act. the concerned look on his face as he stopped to take his scarf off and wrap it around your neck told you that it was the former.
“what did i say about layering up in the cold, y/n! you know i don’t want you to get sick.” even when shotaro was scolding you, you couldn’t help but find him adorable, but, he still wasn’t giving you what you wanted.
“i know, i know, i just thought…” you trailed off, realising how silly and needy you would sound.
“thought what?” he asked as he adjusted the scarf. as soon as he was satisfied with it, he took your hand in his, putting your intertwined hands into his pocket.
“n-nothing,” you smiled to yourself as you felt him rub his thumb against your hand.
shotaro glanced over at your flushed face, “eh? are you still cold, love? or… aww, are you flustered?”
he faked a gasp, before giggling at how adorable you looked trying to deny the effect he had on you.
“wh— huh? what? n-no! it’s just cold, okay!” you used your other hand to bring the scarf up to cover your face, but that wasn’t enough to stop shotaro’s endearing teasing.
“mhm, sure you are,” he pinched your cheek with his free hand, chuckling at the way you scrunched your nose in feigned annoyance. “ooh, look, a café! let’s go in and warm up, and while we’re there, how about i get you a hot chocolate? y’know… since you’re so cold.”
“shut up,” you rolled your eyes, lightly smacking shotaro’s arm as he laughed to himself. “sounds good though,” you added quietly, snuggling into his side.
you reached the café in no time, your steps had quickened with the thought of having a warm and sweet drink. as your boyfriend opened the door for you, a pleasant ding resonated from the bell above the door and a wave of warmth washed over you both. you let out a sigh of relief, loosening the scarf around your neck and taking your hood off.
“it’s quite busy, can you get a table for us while i order, sweetheart?” shotaro asked, letting go of your hand as he joined the long queue.
you nodded, heading towards a small table in the corner and taking a seat. you put your (well, shotaro’s) long puffer coat on the chair opposite from you to save it, savouring the warmth of the indoors before you had to leave again. although the café heating was doing its job, you had to admit you missed the warmth of your boyfriend’s touch.
as if he had read your mind, you felt shotaro’s hand on your shoulders—you didn’t have to turn around to know it was him when you heard the cheeky giggle escape his lips as he slid into the chair you’d saved.
“one large hot cocoa to share, and a sweet treat for my sweetheart,” he grinned, his eyes crinkling into crescents as he placed the cup and an adorable, little snowman cupcake in front of you.
“aww, baby, thank you! oh my god, it’s so cute,” you brought the cupcake closer to you to admire it, picking off a small snowflake sprinkle with a little bit of icing and tasting it. shotaro’s smile widened as he saw your eyes light up at the sweet flavours.
“i knew you’d love it! eat up, we’ve got a lot of members to buy christmas presents for.” he took a quick swig of the hot chocolate once he noticed you were too preoccupied with the cupcake to have even touched the drink.
“ah, that’s right, but i don’t think i can bring myself to eat him now that i’ve named him,” you pouted, patting the snowman’s strawberry jam scarf.
“you— what’s his name?”
“snowtaro,” you covered your mouth with your hand, embarrassed at how funny you found something so silly. lucky for you, shotaro had the same nonsensical sense of humour that you did, and once his laughter started, you couldn’t hold yours back.
“ahh, y/n, you cutie, how about you take a picture to remember… snowtaro by, and then you can eat it and enjoy it!” he suggested, still giggling at the name and how amusing you found it.
“hmph, okay, okay,” you nodded, following what shotaro had said and finally taking a bite of little snowtaro. “oh wow, i didn’t think it was possible but it tastes better than it looks!”
the smile on shotaro’s face didn’t seem like it was leaving any time soon as he watched you alternate between bites of the cupcake and sips of the hot chocolate, letting out quiet ‘mmm’s and ‘ooh’s that he couldn’t help but find endearing.
“i love you.”
“hm?” you looked up, your mouth full as your boyfriend caught you mid-chew.
“ah,” shotaro’s gaze wandered anywhere but your face, the blood rushing to his cheeks at how flustered he was—he couldn’t even blame the cold for it.
“i-i didn’t even realise i said anything, it must’ve just slipped out,” he added. it wasn’t like he hadn’t said it before, but it wasn’t something he said so often or so easily.
“i meant it though.”
shotaro finally looked up, your eyes locking as he did. he traced your beautiful features, finding beauty in the perfect—your sparkling eyes, your bright smile—and the imperfect—the cupcake crumbs beside your mouth, the brown hot chocolate stain on your white turtleneck. he might have found it hard to tell you he loved you, but he never, ever found it hard to love you.
“i love you too, taro,” you replied, reaching across the table to connect your hand with shotaro’s. the sincerity in your voice and your touch set his heart ablaze, a warmth that nothing and nobody else could ignite but you.
he brought your hand up to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss to it, leaving you both as smiley and giggly as you were before you had eaten snowtaro.
it was in that moment that shotaro finally understood why you loved the snow so much. not just because it was pretty or because it was cosy, but because of the warmth you felt when you were together. the warm, loving moments he spent with you made the chilling winters worth it. you made it worth it.
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dairy-farmer · 11 months
Heyo- thank you so much for all the content so far omg. You’re fantastic. Please ignore this if it’s irrelevant and you should absolutely take your time so don’t rush anything- this isn’t me asking for it to be quicker at all or even for you to answer.
I just remembered a few weeks ago you said that your queue is in the hundreds (wow!?) but wanted to make sure my ask didn’t get deleted because of tumblr errors. I’m the “Bruce forcing Tim to be his wife/ mother to his children when the rest of the family gets deaged by accident” ask if you saw that one. Again, absolutely no worries - only want to make sure of no tumblr shenanigans because I thought it would intrigue you . Again thank you so much you’re the best!
wanted to answer this one out of order since this is a really valid concern!!! don't worry! wondering whether your ask made it through into my inbox is perfectly reasonable especially since there is a history of tumblr straight-up disappearing asks without warning! i absolutely recognize this ask!! de-aging asks are actually not that common so they stick out in my memory more than others!
i think the one you're talking about is this one?
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if it is then yes i do have it!!! and to be more specific yours is approximately 91st in line to be answered (not including this answer) haha!😅😅😅
sometimes i really wish there was a ticketing system like at a deli where after submitting an ask you get a number and when an ask is posted it has a number so you know its your ask but honestly that's probably asking too much of the tumblr infrastructure 😅
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badassxbirdy · 1 year
July Activity Update (Pinned Post)
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of May. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here, which I’m currently updating.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Houskeeping
@normallyxstranger has released a new book! Check it out!
@sanguinelupus is back, and so I will be using this at every opportunity. But more importantly: you should go follow!
I’ll be heading back home around the 8th, which means I’ll have PC access back. 🥳
I’m currently updating my rpthreadtracker page, so please excuse the mess over there.
The queue is currently set to post twice a day.
I still haven’t found my login for Ty’s discord. Don’t judge me. 😬
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
I’ll just be over here screaming about Azzy OMG. (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Ty takes Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
At the bar with drunk!Ty (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (queued!) - @demcnsinmymind
No soul for you. 😤 (link) - @demonstigma
Damon shields Ty, Ty is ANGY. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty finds Vampire!Damon (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
“Get out of there, he’s a priest!” (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Werewolf problems (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ghost Stories: Charmed 2018 verse (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The idiots reconcile aka Tyler can’t be left unsupervised (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon encounters dark!Ty (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Judging 50 shades and unexpected cuteness (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted).- @derschwarzeengel
“This isn’t what it looks like.” (link) - @discipulusmaleficus
Starter from @first-born-to-his-name! ❤️ (queued)
Birthday cuteness! (link) - @heavenguided
“I don’t understand your definition of good news.” (link) - @hvbris (for Olive)
Tyler being massively confused by Wednesday (queued) - @hvbris
Extremely normal headwear and cake experiments (link) - @imprvdente
Human!Ty and FBI!Fish (drafted! So sorry again for the wait!) - @imprvdente
Mischief at the fair (queued) - @indyflanery
Bad jokes with Charm. (link) - @innerwar
Monster encounter (drafted) - @lcbcshcart (welcome back!)
Demon problems (queued) - @magaprima
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (queued) - @magaprima
“I totally didn’t do what you think I did.” (link) - @pantslessoptimism
Leaving the compound (queued) - @razorfst
Taking serious notes with her most serious pen. 😤 (link) - @tobeblamed
Drafts: 8
Memes/Asks: 12
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
Ty’s questionable coping mechanisms (link)
She’s a 10, but… (link)
Tyler + love (link)
Dash game: What chess piece are you? (link)
Taco Tuesday! (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, stay safe, and happy pride! ❤️ — Em
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likeadevils · 1 year
how do so many people belive it’s taylor omg you all are more optimistic than i can ever be
honestly at this point my guess is it’s taylor or maaaayyyybe someone else scrolling the dash. like, she hasn’t been posting stuff so there’s nothing to queue but the light keeps popping up!!! so it’s definitely for something other than that, and the only other thing i can think of is a) she wanted fan input on what the eras tour setlist was going to be so she was scrolling to see what songs we liked (which is something i feel like she would want to do personally), and/or b) that there was that mild controversy when the atw10mv premiere didn’t have any tumblr swifties invited, and i wouldn’t be suprised that she heard people felt a bit sad about that so she was like, okay i’ll make sure to invite tumblrinas next time (which is something she could potentially be outsourcing, but also something she would want to do personally, at least on some level)
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crippleprophet · 1 year
(possible AS anon) thank you so much for the info it’s incredibly helpful! i am basically going off what my doctors told me lol. i went back and checked my past test results and saw that they didn’t do ESR but did do a CRP test and my result was a 2
thank you omg i’m so glad that was helpful!! most people’s CRP falls in the 1-2 range so there’s not any fuckery going on with their interpretation, but if you were able & wanted to get it rerun after a few months, especially if symptoms have gotten worse, that could be worth considering. there’s no guarantee it’ll change but if it wouldn’t be a financial burden, doctors are gonna be as shitty as they’re gonna be about asking for tests regardless of whether it’s a workup with or without that, you know?
i’ve got a list of all the tests my rheum ran here; plenty of shit can cause inflammatory joint pain so even if you had like a sjögren’s marker (which already aren’t very robust measures themselves) or something that could be a route to treatment. i link to this post all the time but there’s truly no one blood test.
my #1 recommendation would be to get tested for the HLA-B27 marker if you haven’t already, just because if you do have it you could pretty much get diagnosed with AS immediately if your rheum wasn’t full of shit (a tall order unfortunately), and i have a friend who’s HLA-B27+ and got diagnosed with AS with a negative CRP and no MRI conducted.
i’ve got a post in my queue for this evening i believe about differentiating inflammatory vs mechanical back pain, but the short version is if it got gradually worse over time, you experience morning stiffness, & it’s better with movement and worse after rest, you’re almost certainly experiencing inflammatory back pain. i so wish that guaranteed a test would show it but research is really moving towards better recognition of nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis so i really hope someone will give you the care you deserve, hopefully sooner rather than later.
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