#omg my first para go easy on me
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does it make you sad sometimes that the only source of your daydreams is... you? Like, you and your imagination are the only way for you to get that para/paracosm's and story's amazing feeling... sometimes it can be a little tiring, at least for me, because many times i find myself struggling to ger that feel i had on the first time back.
i swear i once thought "omg i want to watch this movie" and then i remembered that this "movie" only existed in my head. It's kinda sad that sometimes i feel not even a drawing can translate my thoughts... that's why i like associating them with music!! it helps a lot to get that primal feel back, but i guess some sensations are to precious to be felt all the time :')
(also maybe that's why paras that are inserted in an already existing universe are so easy to go back to, since i already have all the environment ready, i just have to press play on the movie, play the game or open the book... it's a good feeling :)
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Rules: Answer the questions and then tag people you want to participate! (Also tag it #The Dizi Tag Game so we can see everyone’s lists)
Tagged by: @missloislane and @aslibekroglu thank you SO SO SO much! I was planning on doing it anyway even if I was never tagged because this seemed so fun so thank you for not letting me jumping off of someone else’s post
1. your first dizi & how you discovered Turkish dramas :
So, this is a long story so TL;DR: Kiralik Ask and facebook groups.
Now, for the long story. It might have been 10 years ago now? probably less? I don’t know, since the end of highschool I have lost consciousness of time and what a year is and when it ends. Anyway, Kiralik Ask was all the rage in Italy and in the facebook groups I was in, people were talking about this and Cherry Season a lot (I’m pretty sure this wasn’t 10 years ago but I’m dramatic) and I became obsessed with all the videos and things and everything (of KA, I didn’t care for Cherry Season) BUT I did not watch it then. Years later, like maybe three years ago? maybe 2? No idea. I discovered Vatanim Sensin thanks to @rescuemeifyoucan and her posts about it and became obsessed with that as well so, like a normal person, I searched for Hileon videos on YouTube and found every single scene they were in (only Hileon scenes) and watched a lot of those videos, probably 3/4 of the first season, stayed up all night (fun fact, I went to sleep at like 8 in the morning and when I woke up a couple hours later I got called and did my stage/started working at the place I’m at) and that was my initiation to Turkish shows but since I did not actually watch it, only precise scenes, that is not technically my first dizi. About 2 weeks of VS and only VS I decided that it was time to watch KA (because I found a playlist of YT of every episode from the beginning with Italian subtitles and others in English subtitles if the Italian ones were missing) so technically this is my first actual turkish dizi watched, since it is the first dizi that I have seen complete episodes of, from the first episode.
2. show(s) you’re currently watching:
Technically none but also technically thousands. So, technically (expect this word to be the most used in this post) I am currently watching Menajerimi Ara (haven’t watched since more than two months ago probably), Alev Alev (last watched I think last month) 50m2 (again, last watched last month), Kiralik Ask (it’s been a few years actually BUT I haven’t given up on it yet and I will continue it... someday), Her Yerde Sen (last watched probably last year? Maybe start of the pandemic, maybe before that), Kuzey Yildiz (last watched I think the end of last year), Halka (I have no idea when I stopped with this honestly), Kara Para Ask (last year? maybe? Before Her Yerde Sen I think), Benim Tatli Yalanim (around the time of HYS), Kimse Bilmez (again, around HYS time). I haven’t seen any of these for some time but they are all shows that I plan to continue sooner or later. It’s all shows I loved but put aside because I found a new obsession but I do get back to them sometimes.
3. your favorite genre of dizi (romcom, mafia show, contemporary drama, historical/fantasy, etc.):
Romcom. I do like some dramas but I tend to hate almost all of the characters except a selected few and I can’t handle all that hate, my liver cannot survive it.
4. the show you rewatch (parts of) the most:
I think KA? or MA? or HYS? They are my favorite shows of the ones I have started. Also Ask 101 (the only Turkish show I have actually completed and only because it’s not 10 thousand episodes long and it’s easily available on Netflix so it’s easy to rewatch again)
5. favorite Turkish actor and actress (feel free to pick multiples):
I have this problem, it’s names, I rarely know the names of actors, if I know them I forget them, I sometimes mistake the character’s name with the actor’s name, sometimes the opposite so let’s try this and see what mess comes out:
Aybuke Pusat, the guy who played Demir on HYS, the two friends of Selin from HYS and the receptionist. Elcin (?) and Baris (?) from KA, Burcu (?), Alina, Kubilay, and the other kids from Ask 101, Dicle and Baris and Julide from MA, Hilal and Leon from VS, Cicek di Alev Alev, Cagatay Ulusoy (I remember his name! my beloved CaCa), The female protagonist of KPA (she was also in the first episode of MA which is the reason why I started that show), Hande Ercel, Kerem Bursin, Elcin (?), Melisa, the one who played the third main friend, the red headed girl, all from SCK, Ismail (?) and the actress of Yildiz from Kuzey Yildiz, also the three girls from there. Most of the cast of Hercai, although I hate more than half of the characters.
I feel so bad that I don’t remember their name. I swear I love them!
6. a show you quit before finishing:
A few. First and foremost Sefirin Kizi (couldn’t get past episode 1). Erkenci Kus (hated the direction it was going, which was in circles), Ask Laftan Anlamaz (hated hated hated the lie that guy protagonist said. Wanted to watch after but I can’t do that to myself). Sad to say but also Sen Cal Kapimi. I loved it SO MUCH and then first he does that stupid break up thing that I hate (because it similarly happened in ALS and that is the whole reason why I never finished that show so already not a good start), then it seems to be picking up and we got the amnesia thing so yeah, nope, not doing it. Afili Ask (I liked it but not enough to continue and I have to give up on a few shows). Also probably Hercai since I enjoy how it ended in season one and never felt the urge to continue.
Technically most of the answers from the 2 question apply here as well but I do intend on continuing those, these ones, however, I will not continue.
7. favorite song(s) you’ve discovered in dizi’s:
Birakman Dogru Mu 2 by Zeynep Bastik and Anil Piyanci, heard on Menajerimi Ara and the song that started my love for pop songs made in Turkey
8. the show whose plot disappointed you the most:
Sen Cal Kapimi and Ask Laftan Anlamaz are the ones that first come to mind. And Erkenci Kus. God, Erkenci Kus disappointed me SO MUCH.
9. a show that was cancelled too soon / ran too long:
Ran too long: definitely EK. And SCK (sorry not sorry, it should have ended right before the amnesia).
Cancelled too soon: I don’t usually watch shows that get cancelled soon (in the sense that I usually wait a bit before watching a show because I wouldn’t want for it to be cancelled while I am passionate about it) and technically I do not yet know if they were cancelled too soon, but I would say HYS and Benim Tatli Yalanim because I was loving them and I have less than 10-15 episodes left to watch
10. favorite character(s):
The children in every drama are my favorite so Gul (Hercai), the children in Alev Alev, the child in Sefirin Kizi (the only character to save themselves in that show except for Gediz), the girl from BTY, Bulut (?) from Dolunay. Also CeyCey (EK), Baris and Dicle from MA, basically the entire cast of SCK (I might hate the direction where this is going but I do love the characters), the main characters from ALA (except for the main male protagonist, he can choke), the main characters from Atesbocegi, Suna from BTY, Reyyan (Hercai), a lot of others, I just don’t remember the names.
11. your favorite romantic pairing(s):
ReyMir (Hercai), LeyEm (Erkenci Kuş), Edser (Sen Çal Kapımı), Defom (Kiralık Aşk), SelDem (HYS), Suna x Nejat (BTY), DicBar (MA), Bahar x Kaan (Halka), Ibo x Ayda (?) (HYS), YilKuz (Kuzey Yildiz), probably others.
12. favorite side character(s):
Cey Cey (Erkenci Kuş), Julide (MA) (I know people hate her but to the moment I’m at, I still love her), Ayda (?) (HYS), Burcu (BTY), again, others but I don’t remember the names.
13. best kiss:
I love the fire side (?) kiss between Selin and Demir from HYS as well as their kiss when she thinks that he stood her up when in fact he didn’t even know that he was supposed to go on a date with her and so she gets pissed off (rightfully so) and he chases after her and OMG I love them! Also the first and second kiss between Nejat and Suna. These last three I have made gifs of, and they were my first gifs, unedited, kinda ugly, but I love them (not saying that I make good gifs now because I do not, they are still ugly and unedited but not my firsts anymore).
14. an underrated show more people should watch:
Her Yerde Sen. And Benim Tatli Yalanim. And Menajerimi Ara (although more people were getting into it). And Alev Alev.
15. a show everyone loves that you aren’t interested in:
The one with Demet Ozdemir (BOK I believe is the tag). Never was interested in it but based on gifs alone, I think they had the character who is either played by an actor whose name is Ismail or the character is called Ismail make a 180 from season 1 to season 2 and I hate it when they do this kind of things in books and series (I might be wrong though) so now I have even less interest in it. Also Son Yaz. The gifs, I love them, but I don’t want to actively watch the show. I’ll enjoy it from gifs and posts about it.
16. a show you want to recommend right now:
Menajerimi Ara, Kara Para Ask, Her Yerde Sen, Alev Alev, Benim Tatly Yalanim.
17. the next show on your list:
none, to be honest. I mean, I already have a LOOOONG list of shows to finish so it’s better that way.
tagging: @rescuemeifyoucan and, for people who heve not been tagged yet, take this as the sign that I am tagging you.
#the dizi tag game#tag#this is probably way longer than it should have been#also my inability to remember names is really bad!#also definitely not 10 years ago my first knowledge of dizis#since KA started airing in 2015#my ability to understan the passage of time is as bad as my ability to remember names
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"Petals for armor" (o alguno de paramore) para el análisis de álbumes para andromaquynh por favor
aaahhh gracias!! esto me emocionó mucho y lo disfrute mucho y tengo muchas emociones al respecto okay?? aquí voy
Petals for armor x Andromaquynh
a lot of feelings about this one. it’s about the love. the grief. the literal petals for armor, being soft warriors, and dancing together bc they deserve it!! seriously some of these songs are perfect for Andy and Quynh
OHMYGOD SIMMER we’re off to a great start!! "Rage is a quiet thing, you think that you've tamed it, But it's just lying in wait" "Oh, how to draw the line between wrath and mercy?" That’s all very... Andy, powerful and angry and tired but full of love and kindness and that’s... “Wrap yourself in petals" listen, i don’t have the emotional stability to make a proper analysis of the wrath/mercy petals/armor softness/war but i Can tell you that for a pair of warrior to live thousands of years and not go mad... it’s the duality of immortal wives being soft and kinds and powerful and deadly. and i love that about them
LEAVE IT ME ALONE HAYLEY WILLIAMS this is a personal attack, okay? There's everything here "Don't nobody tell me, That God don't have a sense of humor, 'Cause now that I want to live, Well, everybody around me is dying, Now that I finally wanna live, The ones I love are dyin'" that's Andy and Quynh giving up on every god they've known, Andy herself being worshipped as a god, Quynh coming out of the ocean just to find the love of her life is dying!!!! they were immortal for thousands of year and now that they’re finally reunited Andy is mortal?! IS THERE SOMETHING THAT HURTS MORE??? also that part about not remembering someone's name. yeah we are Not going to go down that road. it hurts too much. in summary "If you know love, You best prepare to grieve"
Maybe the Cinnamon lyrics don't fit for both but since it's a personal favorite, just please imagine the immortal wives dancing to this song in one of the safe houses where they make a soft a comfortable home for the two of them to heal and love after their reunion
Same with Creepin'. are the lyrics completely accurate for these two? maybe not. is that going to stop me? absolutely not! not i only a wrote an andromaquynh vampire au titled after this song, it's a good aesthetic. aren't vampires sort of immortal? this Fits. plus, "a moon in daylight" hell yes. i like it. just picture that with andy during the church fight scene when she’s with the statue. vampire!!!
Sudden desire said horny!Andromaquynh rights! "It's cruel to tame a thing that don't know its strength" hell yes. "My kind companion, Softened stone" yup. that's andy and quynh, i mean “my gentle giant/immortal warrior” they are in love, they are hot, they are valid. this would be a nice song for the early days of Andy and Quynh walking the fine line between fellow immortal warrior and omg your arms 👀
Dead horse but out of context, "Every morning I wake up, From a dream of you, holding me Underwater (Is that a dream or a memory?)" that's the immortal wives struggling after their reunion. and it’s sad
MY FRIEND!!! "Little wrinkle by your eye, I never noticed 'til right now" they are coping with Andy's mortality and it’s not easy! we are talking about thousands of years loving the same unchanging face! "All of your good and your evil, Well, babe, you can leave it with me" although ignoring the comics can be good, we have to accept that in 6k years of life there Have to be some regrets, some things they aren’t proud of, but... "I am beside you, famine or fire (or the ocean)" yes!! exactly! now, the way miss williams literally said "We stay safe together, ESCAPE DEATH FOREVER" we say thank you for a perfect Andromaquynh song
"It's the right time, to come alive" yes it is!!! Andy being reminded of her purpose!! Quynh coming back to life!! the two of them coming alive together!!! good!!! it. aínt. Over. Yet.
Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris, aka Andy/Quynh/Nile/Celeste. i'm sorry but i don't know any men
"How do you sound? What do you look like now? I try to replicate our movements in my mind" oh, we have found the song for some nostalgia, some struggle there to try to be the women they used to be, to try an remember how they used to love each other and if they can go back to what they were... oh... why we ever...
"Guess I oughta clean up these bloody fists if it's alright" here we go!! Andy and Quynh meeting! falling in love!! for the first time loving someone that won't die and leave them like everyone else! It's not easy, but it's so good, and they are trying so hard, and learning how to love!! "If I want pure love, Must stop acting so tough (I give a little, you give a little, We get a little sentimental)" that’s perfect for them, don’t fight me on that
If anybody asks... they're taken *hayley wiliams dance*
"Do you taste old shame when you lick my wounds?" that's very Andy and Quynh taking care of each other after thousands of wars, but actually sugar on the rim is about Quynh teasing Andy for her sweet-tooth
"How lucky I feel, To be in my body again" a concept: Quynh comes out of the ocean, just ready to feel alive again, so excited, she deals with her trauma, she's hungry for life, this is her anthem. Watch me while I bloom!!!!!
Crystal Clear... all the hope, the promises, the trust that Andy and Quynh have in their love. "We don't know, How this could end, Let's hope it won't have to" that's a perfect way to end this
#i got a little carried away#this album is soo good in general and so good for andy and quynh!!!#andromaquynh albums#the old guard#andy x quynh#andromaquynh#immortal wives#andromache the scythian#quynh#tog
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This is gonna be a long post. I have a lot of thoughts about this episode. There is going to be some serious talk about my own personal experiences with violent intrusive thoughts and also me just appreciating this amazing episode.
I was one of the people that was convinced it was going to be about depression. I am so glad it wasn’t. A lot of people have talked about depression, but no one, at least as far as I know, have really touched upon intrusive thoughts. I had the exact same dilemma as Thomas last year where I thought I was going insane because I couldn’t control my own brain and I had a horrible mental breakdown and I was convinced I was a horrible person because of my intrusive thoughts. I cried and talked to people about it and through doing so it was made clear to me that these intrusive thoughts were just that, thoughts. Nothing more. They hold nothing over me. I still suffer from them, but now I know what they are.
I was also certain there wasn’t going to be another side introduced. It’s been a year since Deceit was introduced, we’ve only just gotten to know Deceit a little better, there won’t be another side. BOY WAS I WRONG
The episode starts with Thomas, Virgil and Patton trying not to think about the intrusive thoughts he was having that kept him awake. I have intrusive thoughts like that all the time. I vividly imagine my family members dying, or even myself dying. I vividly imagine someone breaking into the house and killing me. My brain does what Virgil and Patton do, freak out and try to think about something else. This video has made me realise how much I repress thoughts like that.
My anxiety also makes me have intrusive thoughts. Whenever I have an anxiety attack I vividly imagine myself killing myself in gory detail because I’ve gotten into this cycle of hating myself whenever I have an attack. I get scared, what if I lose control one day and these thoughts become reality?
I love how the audio became muffled and the intrusive thought creeped in. I like to think of the mind like a radio, tuning in and out of different frequencies, and sometimes, or most of the time like for me, you can’t control the frequencies it jumps to. And suddenly you’re imagining your loved one being killed or dying.
When he smacked Roman in the head and knocked him out I was so shook, this Sanders Sides has stepped into totally new territory
The way the song starts is eVeRyThInG
If you shared those musings with your friends, I doubt they would forgive you.
Gosh. I relate to this too much. I was so scared that I would somehow reveal these bad thoughts to people and they would hate me and everyone would hate me and think I was an awful person.
Even though everybody sins, everybody dies.
Why deny yourself knowledge, say, knowledge of yourself!
These lyrics are amazing. They encapsulating what I was thinking when I had really bad intrusive thoughts. I still have them, but when I first started noticing I had them I spiralled so far down. “What if this is who I am...what if I’m not the nice person I think I am?”
I always love the villain. I hate everything they’ve done and don’t condone any of it, but I absolutely love them, especially if they are as fabulous as the Duke Remus.
These sorts of things are only thought in the mind of a man whose soul is truly rotten.
Oof. I relate to that thought process.
So let all your hopes of heaven be forgotten, ‘cause your head’s not in the gutter, pal, it’s in hell!
I wasn’t expecting religious imagery. I really love that. I don’t relate to the religious ideas brought up in this episode as I am not religious, but I do love the fact that he talked about them. Also, when Deceit said, “Wow, Thomas, it seems that your moral compass is pointed south, towards hell!” that was definitely foreshadowing for Thomas to spiral into this. That’s why Patton reacted so viscerally to that comment.
Remus: Juicy butthole!
Me: what...what is happening in this Sanders Sides
Patton did a real good job!
Oh my goodness, this precious boi.
How about...DEMENTED?
What is my deal? Um, bitch? What is YOUR deal?
My exact thought process. “Am I actually a horrible person because I’m having such awful thoughts like this, there’s definitely something wrong with me...but I can’t stop it...”
Oh no....oh no!
My heart broke at the horror and sadness that washes over Thomas’ and Patton’s face.
another good remus screenshot
Oh my goodness, the way he tortures Logan throughout the episode was awful for me to watch cause MY BABY LOGAN, but I love how Logan doesn’t react. I love Logan’s determination.
You bastard.
I’d love to see the bloopers for this bit, oh my gosh.
Ooh! How fun! You know who could help us with that?
That’s what repression is!?
I love Patton’s reaction, cause I had the same reaction. Repression is so easy to do cause you often don’t know you are doing it.
This is not about me wanting to be listened to. You all are not listening to Thomas.
Virgil: But what if he’s lying?
Logan: I can assure you, he’s not. You’re just para- expressing an unhealthy amount of concern. Thank you for being on guard. But for now, you must listen.
I love this part so much. It calls back to when Roman almost called Virgil paranoid, but then switched it to vigilant. Logan realised he was getting too worked up and angry and so stopped himself. This is great development from when he lashed out at Roman in Learning New Things About Ourselves. Calling Virgil “paranoid” is destructive and will make Virgil not feel listened to. He is aware of that. He is making sure Virgil still feels like he’s a valued part of Thomas’ mind.
another good remus screenshot
I love being given two d’s at once!
Me: ...again what is happening
When Logan revealed that the problem was within Patton and Virgil, my heart dropped. I wasn’t expecting that.
Record scratch!?
oof. this sad boi. :”(
Oh shut up, Nerdy Wolverine!
we just witnessed a side die guys
the angst fanfiction is coming to life
The Duke only has power over you because Virgil and Patton believe that he does.
Hit me hard. I’ve never related more to a Sanders Sides episode.
This. THIS. So poignant and brilliant! This is how it feels!
good logan screenshot
Virgil was right. Not all thoughts are meaningful.
This idea is what helped me better deal with intrusive thoughts. Your brain just fires random thoughts at you, they don’t necessarily mean anything.
I mean, look at him now! He barely got any rest due in large part to you two chastising him all night!
I love how Logan tells them off. UGH I LOVE HIM
And that is why the Duke feels like such a threat, in part, at least. The feeling that you may be a bad person who doesn’t have control over yourself or your destiny, causes you to fear that you may actually act on these thoughts.
Gosh this episode is hitting me hard.
It’s okay.
Everything is okay.
Logan’s soft voice as he said that made me emotional. His whole speech here is so lovely and helpful. It is okay to have these thoughts cross your mind. You are not a horrible person.
His talk about going to therapy is amazing too. It’s so inspiring. It has encouraged me to want to go back to the therapy because of my recent increase in violent intrusive thoughts.
Oh my goodness, Patton’s realisation and development. This is lovely.
You tickle me, emo!
...was that a tickle me elmo reference
Good seeing you again, Virgil! It was just like old times!
Oh shut up, Nerdy Wolverine! NO! Ugh...I mean...I’m sorry, Logan. I didn’t mean that.
Thomas: You’re really...cool.
Logan: ...heh.
It shows you...everything you don’t want to be.
There are some really hard hitting lines in this episode.
I’m a little disappointed in myself.
The others. I thought I knew how to handle them.
Yeah, but, I should know better.
Because I was one of them.
Virgil being insecure about his power and how much he can protect Thomas almost makes me cry. That last line...oh my goodness. Thomas and his team really know how to write a narrative. It seems that we’re gonna get some lore and backstory at some point after all.
Thomas and his team have done such a good job with this episode. It is my favourite Sanders Sides by far because of the fact that this topic has not really been talked about much, and they talked about it and showed what it’s like so brilliantly. I respect Thomas so much for pushing the boundaries of his channel to talk about this. Thank you, Thomas. I and and so many people needed this.
I realise that I need to go back to therapy. Thank you, Logan for encouraging me.
#ts spoilers#sanders sides#logan sanders#roman sanders#virgil sanders#patton sanders#deceit sanders#remus sanders#dealing with intrusive thoughts#thomas sanders
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Congratulations, LIA! You’ve been accepted for the role of ROMEO. Admin Minnie: How many times can we tell you how much we love your Roman, Lia!! Our darling boy has changed so much since you began writing him, and it’s been a wild ride and an honor to see him develop. The crown weighs heavy on those whose hearts still believe in good, and Roman is proof of the burden of carrying that weight. I can’t wait to see how you continue pushing Roman forward and capturing our hearts and imagination with your writing. Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Lia
Age | 21
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | 6/10. I’ll actually be more active than usual since my classes are online for the time being, but in general, I’ll be able to pop in a few days a week to do replies.
Timezone | EST.
Character | Romeo— The beautiful boy king Roman Montague.
What drew you to this character? | Mannnnnnn… Honestly, my entire body and soul belongs to Roman. Watching him grow in the RP has really been like watching a child grow up??? (yeah I don’t have kids so idk how accurate this statement is) But I wanted to revist the *cough* second time I revisted this part of the application.
“There’s something I’ve always loved about his inherent goodness, and how much he was loved for it. He was never a false prophet, he didn’t need to formulate a false persona, he was always himself, and that was enough for him to be adored. To Verona, Roman was proof that there still was some goodness in Verona, that there was some hope that the entire city wasn’t completely doomed and corrupt. He was proof that the gods hadn’t completely forsakened them. So what happens when he is no longer being shielded from the destitute of Verona? What happens when it begins to corrupt him, when it permeates through his essence? This is exactly what I intend to explore, especially with it being my second time around, and with Roman being a bit more in touch with his sinful side than I left him. ;-)”
He’s just so much more than people give him credit for? And that leads him to be underestimated, but boy— is ready to prove everyone wrong. >:-)
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
(I’ve kept the majority of the previous plots as they are still plots I hope to see through!)
MOTHER DEAREST | There’s no secret that Alba’s mind is deteriorating, and Damiano and Roman’s dismay, not even the best doctors, flown in from all over the world, are able to find a cure. I’m interested in seeing how this would affect the Montague empire, with Roman’s own mother being one of the biggest risks for the empire. I think this would force him to make some tough decisions, ones not even his father is capable of considering, absolutely blinded by the love he has for his Alba.
KING’S NOT DEAD | Roman’s gradual transition of power from his father is occurring much faster than he’d hoped for. Although he’s learning the ropes of being a boss rapidly, it would be interesting to see how he’d react to suddenly being forced to step in for Damiano unexpectedly. Maybe his father suddenly has to suddenly go away on business, or something involving Alba. Shadowing is one thing, but actually acting as the boss, that’s something else entirely. Will Roman be able to step up to the task? Stay tuned and find out ;) (I figured this is something to further be discussed with the admins, lol.)
NO LOST LOVE | If there was ever a woman suitable to rule alongside Roman when he eventually inherits the throne, it would absolutely be Pandora Phan. She is a soldier at heart— clever, determined, and unrelenting. But despite having this in common— the two couldn’t be any less alike. It would be a union devoid of love, completely for purpose and betterment of the mob. Roman understands this, but his love is something he is unwilling to compromise about. Although he’s agreed to the engagement for now, he’s only been keeping it up for the purpose of appearances, and he’s been secretly plotting about a way to end his engagement. It’s only a matter of time before he lets Pandora in on it.
MOST YOUNG KINGS GET THEIR HEAD CUT OFF | Not to say that we have Dark!Roman now, but… we kind of do? I think what is drawing me to Roman once again is his multifacetedness. He’s gradually become a person that is no longer an extension of his father. His motivations have shifted enitrely— before he wanted to take over the mob to appease his father, but this is no longer the case. He recognizes what he’s capable of now, and honestly seeing my bb believe in himself now is amazing. He’s becoming the leader he was always meant to be.….but he’s far from perfect. He’s growing more comfortable with his own depravity. He used to be disgusted at the idea that he took pleasure in the harm of another, but there’s something oddly satisfying about watching the Capulets fall, and rightfully so at that. It makes him feel good— in a twisted, fucked up way actually. It’s as if he’s purifying the streets of Verona. To him, the destruction of the Capulets is his way of serving the greater good. He also now recognizes the benefit of his charm— more than charming people into bed, that is. When he was younger he was just naturally charming without any other ulterior motives? But now he recognizes the advantage it gives him. The adoration that it emits from the people of Verona. They worship him for it. And Roman likes to be worshipped. I think this is a dangerous line for Roman to be crossing… and I am excited to explore this further.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yeah kill him with fire honestly
SIDENOTE: So, I wanted to revisit Roman’s first heartbreak as a way to show his growth. This is still under construction honestly (as I would like to develop in further for in character purposes), but for now… here you go! I was hoping to show a shift in dominance??? Damiano’s voice is the dominant voice from the beginning, but in the second para, it shows how much he’s grown into himself by how he stands up to his father and by his taking control of this part of the narrative. :)) I’ve been Roman for so long good lord, so I felt it was only right to give you guys something fresh to show just how much he’s grown over time! Sorry this is long as fuck omg forgive me.
VERONA, 2012
He heard him before he saw him.
It had been Damiano’s idea to have Rafaella write the letter. In reality, Alba wanted to do far worse, but with time, he’d been able to talk her down. It was he who realized Rafaella had been playing him, something the mafioso suspected from the start— but Alba’s insistence that Damiano’s interference would only cause Roman to despise him—beyond repair that is, as he’d already been aware of his son’s distaste for him—led him to sit back and allow everything to play out.
You have to allow him to make his own mistakes, amore mio. We mustn’t interfere until it goes too far— until we suspect he’s putting the mob at risk.
It wasn’t long before the information got back to him— information that could only have been acquired from the loose, fickle lips of his heir. Rafaella had become untouchable and she’d known it. Allowing her back into society, with all the information she’d managed to extract from his gullible son had been risky— but having her blood on his hands would be even riskier. Roman would already despise him for her exile, but her demise? That wasn’t something he was confident his son would bounce back from. The mob was no longer the place for his delicate heart. The loving bubble in which his mother had carefully surrounded him in would no longer do. It was now Damiano’s responsibility to prepare him for his destiny— and he would do so on his own terms.
He recognized the sounds that could only be likened to a wounded animal— the quieted, choked back sobs that Roman so desperately attempted to disguise. Damiano sighed, a mixture of pity and disgrace surging through him. The letter, to put it plainly, wasn’t cutting it. He needed the truth. It would be the only way for him to learn.
Damiano pushed the slightly ajar door open, before taking the seat across from Roman’s bed. He did not acknowledge him, but he attempted to quiet his cries even more. Neither of them said anything for several moments.
“There’s more to it— isn’t there?” Roman began softly, his hands still firmly gripping the dampened letter. “I know it was your decision to make her leave, but I also know there’s more to it.”
Damiano placed his elbow on his thigh, cradling his head carefully in his hand.
“It’s only fair that I give the girl the credit that she’s owed. I wish I could say that this was wholly of my own volition, but unfortunately, there’s far more to the story. Far more than I wish.”
Roman’s head turns up slightly. It is not anger that contorts his father’s face, but disappointment. “C-Credit? For what?”
“She was playing you, figlio. And you made it so easy for her. But I recognized that weakness within you long before she did. You were raised that way, after all. But it will be this way no longer. I can no longer do you a disservice by allowing you to be weak. Naive. Gullible. Because if I do?” Roman recoils as if he’d been struck with every name that falls from his father’s lips. “Then another Rafaella will come around, chew you up, and spit you out effortlessly just as she did.”
“No… Rafaella wouldn’t…. would she?” His eyes searched his father’s for sincerity. Possibly for comfort, he would not receive. It was comfort he’d never received from Damiano, but he still sought it out anyway. Pathetic. Even after everything, he still could not fathom that her love wasn’t true.
“She would, Roman! And you know why? Because the entire purpose of her involvement with you was to undermine you. To undermine our family. She didn’t love you and you need to recognize this. You need to be able to recognize the weakness within yourself, to prevent such ridiculousness from occurring again. You made it so easy for her. Do you know what you do the next time you feel inclined to confide in someone you love?” He paused for a moment, knowing good and well Roman didn’t know the answer to that. “You don’t. Not people outside of the family, at least. People like Rafaella— the recognize what you have. You’ll come to learn that this life— the life of a princeling is a gift and a curse. You’ve never needed to want anything, but everyone will want what you have. And they’ll do anything to get it. When you lay with rats, Roman, you realize that every inch of their being is committed to not appearing like one. But a rat is still a rat. And you gave the rat everything it wanted with minimal effort on its part. And my biggest regret is I allowed it all to happen. I allowed you to be stupid— to be foolish, to believe that what the two of you had, that superficial—” He could not even bring himself to say the word love, not after knowing what true love was. As if Roman and Rafaella’s dalliances were a disgrace to the word. “Do not embarrass yourself like this again. If you are going to be a fit leader, then you can’t continue being somebody people recognize as vulnerable. They’ll never respect you.” His only regret was not turning Rafaella into a weapon— such wasted potential on the slimy Capulets. But even Damiano was not convinced his efforts would work on a pest so deeply committed to being a pest. She’d been better off with Cosimo and his deplorable ways.
“I don’t respect you. You make it so hard to do so when you… ” he bites back his disgust, but he recognizes his efforts are working. The gradual chipping away of Roman’s soft exterior. He would shed his skin in favor of an armor far thicker. “But nevermind that. Your official training begins tomorrow at sunset. We’ll be interrogating a suspected informant. Be prepared for things to get messy. Don’t embarrass me either.” Damiano stands up swiftly, no longer able to stand the sight of his son.
“Papa?” Roman utters quietly before Damiano has completely exited the room. “Would you not allow me comfort? Not even this once?”
“Comfort doesn’t win wars. Neither does compassion. I won’t do you the disservice of believing it will get you anywhere in this city. Not in this life it won’t. Do you know where comfort and compassion got you, Roman? Mourning the likes of your rat lover. A person who probably hasn’t even given you a second thought. And you really think that I came here to comfort you? Don’t be inane. I came to give you a wake-up call. You’ll probably hate me for it in the long run, and guess what? I’ve accepted that. You’ll be a better man because of it. A stronger one. And that what matters. You’ll soon realize that you can have practically any woman or man you’ve ever wanted— but never allow them to make you weak. Never allow them to steal your honor. You’re a Montague. It’s time to start acting like one.”
VERONA, 2019
He heard him before he saw him. The hurried footsteps. His father was late.
Roman watched as the minute hand abandoned it’s partner, opting instead to move forward, now noticeable enough that his father was obviously late. Instead of quickening to anger, he focused his attentions on the paper lantern on his desk, attempting to funnel his emotions inside of it. It’d been easy enough in that current moment, but would it when it actually counted for something?
The door to his office opened and closed swiftly, but even as his father settled himself into the seat across from him, his eyes still remained on the paper lantern.
“Roman,” Damiano stated in a low, habitual growl.
“Father. You’re late,” Roman says plainly, something that takes Damiano off guard, mocking laughter vibrating his large frame. There was an energy radiating off of Roman that had not been there years prior. Confidence. He was not asking for respect, but commanding it. Damiano recognized that there was little option for him in the matter. Had he been…? Had that time finally—
“I’m serious.” He momentarily tears his gaze away from the lantern in order to meet his father’s. “I expect the same standard of professionalism you’ve always held me to. If I am to take over the mob one day— I expect that same level of respect.”
This response is enough to quiet the mob boss— maybe more so out of shock then the respect he deeply desired, but it was a start. “I have several issues that I hoped to address with you today.”
There was a fierceness to his silence— one that subdued any ridicule, any possible patronization emitting from his father. He watched as his father’s eyes searched his stoic expression, waiting for the exact moment in which he would realize. He’d suspected it, but acceptance would take much more effort on both their parts. Roman no longer feared him. He had cursed the invisible hand that guided him. bit it, fought it, bloodied it, rebuked it. The heir refused submission— he refused to be a vessel for his father to enact his torment. He wholly accepted his destiny, no longer seeing any use in running from it— but the power he now recognized was entirely his own. Damiano had no choice but to listen. And this had been everything that he’d ever wanted. Everything he’d ever hoped for. A son who refused to take a shit, even from his own father. He had to ensure that it was not good to be true. That Roman was not merely enacting the facade of a leader.
He nodded, waiting for his son to continue.
“As of recent, there are a few concerns I’d like to address regarding the mob’s administration,” Roman began cooly, eyes still searching the paper lantern. “Long story short— you’ve lost your touch. I don’t think your pride would ever allow you to admit that to yourself, but everyone can see it. The world can see it. I know how much you care about the reputation of the mob— which is why I’m offering you an easy way out.”
Roman could see the tinges of anger permeate through his father’s being, but it meant nothing to the man who did not fear him. Not a boy, not a princeling, but a conqueror. Hearing that you’ve lost your touch is never easy, Damiano knew better than most that he was getting old. He knew the time to usher in a new regime was rapidly approaching. But he also knew that Roman could not be asked to take the throne. He had to do so of his own volition. He had to command the throne. Demand that what was rightfully his be handed to him.
“The easy way out would be you gradually transferring your duties as mob boss to me. You’ll tell everyone that in your old age, you think its best for you to spend time with your sickly wife. That it is time to usher in a new era. You’ll tell them that your mind isn’t what it used to be, that dealing with your wife’s debilitating disease has driven you to irrationality.”
In all 27 years of his life, Roman had never driven his father to the point of stupefaction. Confidence surged in every word he spoke. But he could not lose momentum. “The difficult way out is you’ll be forced out. I mean, technically, the first option doesn’t leave you much of a choice either, but at least in that instance, your exit will be effortless on your end. I currently have a board of advisors within the ranks. I won’t reveal their names quite yet, though several of them will be fairly obvious. They wholly support my transition to the throne.”
Goade him. Test the thickness of the armor; ensure that it is authentic. Better you than anyone else. “You can’t seriously believe that you’re—”
“No!” Roman begins through snarled teeth. “You don’t get to do this to me anymore. The gaslighting, the berating— you can entirely fuck off with all that, dad. I didn’t call you into my office for you to listen to yourself talk. You’re going to listen to me. I won’t let you destroy everything we worked for. I won’t let you destroy me. Not anymore.” What was it that swelled in Damiano’s chest? Had it been… pride, perhaps?
“I’m ready. In fact, I’ve always been ready, father. I just was never what you wanted me to be. And I’ll never be who you want me to be. I’ll never be you and I’ll be a better man for it. A better leader for it.”
Damiano looks at Roman challengingly— expecting him to back down, to recoil as he always has— but Roman does not flinch. This was not the same boy who once mourned his lost love. Maybe Roman liked to believe so, but Damiano knew his son far better than that. He was different, maybe not in the way that he’d raised him to be—but he’d been different. He had not molded himself to be fit for the throne but instead shaped it into something that would be fit for him. Damiano’s test had been nearly complete. “You expect to lead a mob? Do you truly think you can garner the respect that I have?”
“And that’s the difference between you and I. Me— I never respected you. You convinced me that was what respect was, but that isn’t respect. That is fear. Do you truly think this city respects you? They’re terrified of you! But me? I don’t have to scare people into following me. They follow me out of choice— not because they believe it to be the only option. So let’s not make this any harder than it has to be, dad. It’s over. You’re over. What good have you or Cosimo brought to Verona from this stupid fucking war? Do either of you realize how ridiculous this all is? People are dying for your petty fucking war, and you don’t even care!”
I came to give you a wake-up call. You’ll probably hate me for it in the long run, and guess what? I’ve accepted that. You’ll be a better man because of it. A stronger one. And that’s what matters.
The authoritative air that seems to shimmer around Roman— it was real. Roman was not performing heir as he once had. This was real and even Damiano could now recognize it. He’d underestimated his son, a fault within himself that he was able to recognize. Maybe it’d been a result of his pride. Maybe he had lost sight of things. Maybe he and Cosimo had truly resorted to a petty pissing match. But nevermind that now.
He leaned back in his chair leisurely, hands coming together in a slow, dramatic clap. “I’m impressed, son. Truly. This backbone— where is it coming from?”
“I know you would like to think it’s from you,” Roman begins, laughing almost mockingly. “I know that you’re apart of me. I’m your blood after all. I tried to run from it— fearing that I would become you and lose every other part of myself. I thought becoming you was the only way that I would be able to rule, and that scared the shit out of me. But then I realized something— you have no true power. You only have as much power as everyone believes you to have. Without them— your power means nothing. So if you would like that illusion to be kept for the remainder of your days— then I wouldn’t cross me. You’re in the way of what I want, and if forcing you out is what it takes— then so be it.”
It had been this way for eons. Just as Kronos had overthrown his own father, Zeus had overthrown him. It had only been a matter of time. Even the gods got old and lost their touch. Even Damiano’s own father, who’d barely possessed such likeness in the first place. It would happen to Roman with his future child eventually— maybe not quite on the same terms, but it would happen with time.
“This is your final offer, father. I truly wanted to make this as easy possible for you, even if you don’t deserve it. After everything you’ve done— you deserve far less courtesy than this. So let’s not make this difficult for either of us. You knew this day would come. You just never knew when. Let my board of advisors and I proceed as planned, and your retirement will be a happy and prosperous one.” He smiles that 1000 watt smile— the one that will bring Verona to its knees. The smile that would end the war, that would finally usher in a new era. That smile had been the greatest weapon Damiano could’ve ever hoped for— how was he just now realizing this? That was the advantage Roman had and the one Damiano possessed no longer. That tantalizing charisma, and a clean canvas of a mind.
His work here had been done. Damiano had been convinced. Roman’s belief in himself had been genuine. He felt warmth— something he rarely felt at this point in his life, but it felt good. He was proud of his son. Of the leader, he’d become. But compassion had never been his way. Hw fumbled for the right words to say, something to encapture the depth of the pride he felt for his son—
“You don’t have to say it. I know you’re proud of me. I know that for whatever stupid reason you can’t admit that to—”
“No, Roman. You and your mother have shown me that it isn’t always a weakness that comes from compassion, but vice versa. Sometimes it is your own weakness that prevents you from showing compassion. A valuable lesson I needed to learn— even if it took more than half a century. Verona will be a better place because of you.”
He could see the emotion rousing in his son, the wetness settling in his eyes, and gods he had no desire to wait around while Roman ruined the moment.
Damiano began his exit in a single, furious motion.
“Thank you,” Roman manages, stopping him in his tracks. Damiano offers him a single nod before shuffling out of the office.
And for the first time in 27 years, Roman Montague had the last word.
SIDENOTE: This was actually the first part of the long ass sample I made, but I realized it had LITERALLY 0 to do with Roman??? Like he wasn’t even born let alone a thought? But it did help me find my daddy Dami and Mama Alba voice so it was fun afjwaeifj here you go!
VERONA, 1989
He heard her before he saw her.
There was something utterly engrossing about her voice, with the smokey richness only comparable to his favorite bourbon. But it was the huskiness that sold him— her passion unwavering even as her voice threatened to fail her, presumably from her repeated shouts.
Damiano stopped briskly in his path. He was late, but his curiosity bested him.
She was ferocious in every aspect— from the way her curls pooled heedlessly around her face, to her slender brows furrowed in determination. The dripping sweat only enhanced the bronze glow of her skin. Her willowy frame had been draped in a loosely fitted, Angela Davis t-shirt and dark bell-bottom jeans. She was chained to a towering tree, repeating over and over again,
Morte per gentrificazione!
Death to gentrification.
It was then he noticed everything else around them, the outside world previously silenced at the sight of her. Several police vehicles littered the surrounding street, as well as several aggravated men in suits discussing something fervently with a construction worker. He did not care to hear the circumstances of the situation from them, finding himself instantly pulled in the direction of the woman, disregarding the announcement made by several people that this was indeed private property he was entering. Even if he hadn’t been so focused on her— he couldn’t have cared less. He stopped at what he thought was a respectful distance, close enough to hold a conversation, but hopefully not close enough to impede her personal space. His mouth opened in preparation to speak, but the stranger managed to beat him to the punch—
“You can tell your bosses to stop sending stuffy fucking corporate lawyers my way. I gave them my terms already, and they’re non-negotiable.”
He blinked stupidly, not knowing how to react to her mistaking him for a stuffy, fucking corporate lawyer.
“I— was actually hoping to gain more clarity on the circumstances of your protest. I just moved to this part of town, and I’m not too familiar with the area.”
Her facial expression softened slightly, her eyes meeting his own with a raised brow. “Quite the nosey newcomer I see,” she begins challengingly yet playfully. “But this, mio amico, is the location of homeless shelter and soup kitchen. These bastardi di maiale—” she shouts in their direction as she states this, “—want to tear it down to build luxury apartments.”
This had evidently been enough to draw the attention of one of the bastardi di maiale, as he began his commute from the other bastardi, his face a sickly shade of salmon.
“This is my property. What don’t you get?! I have a right to do with it as I please. Now, if you don’t plan on getting off my property, I’ll have you forcibly removed, cang—”
All it took was Damiano’s hand positioned in front of his face to disrupt his throaty rant.
“I would stop while I was ahead if I were you,” he offered to the significantly shorter man. “You wouldn’t want to say anything you’d later regret.”
Gargles of protest exited his throat as he attempted to scramble for a retort. “Excuse me? How dare—”
“You’re going to sell me this property and go about your day. Understood?” Damiano says, lowering his hand. The woman watches him curiously, but his eyes remain on the bastardo.
“Now why the hell would I do that? This property is a gold mine! I’ll make mi—”
“Because your property won’t be worth merda once I’m finished with it. Build your luxury apartments. Fine. You will be reminded of my wrath each and every day. Your tenants will gradually forget what peace ever felt like. I’ll buy your property for whatever you paid for it plus 5%. And the more you run that bastardo mouth of yours, the less generous I feel, and the lower the offer will become. Do I make myself clear?”
The coloration of his skin reddens— a mixture of rage, embarrassment, and most likely fear. He did not truly need to build the apartments there, he supposed, and for some reason— his eyes met Damiano’s momentarily before returning to the ground— this man was someone he did not desire to have on his bad side. Maybe building luxury apartments on the property of a homeless shelter hadn’t been good—
“Sir? Have you considered my terms?” Damiano says smoothly, but there is no tolerance in his tone.
“I— accept your terms. We can draw up the paperwork immediately. I-It will be a pleasure doing business with you, signore—”
“Montague. Damiano Montague.”
The man’s eyes widened; he’d heard that name on some occasions, but never had the opportunity to meet the man in person. He’d been the man taking Verona by storm, with such a tightly held grasp that he did not need a face to accomplish such feats. He simply needed a name, and that was enough to bring the despondent city to its knees.
“Si-Signore Montague, it’s a p-pleasure—”
Damiano’s hand returned to its former place, heading the man’s blubberings once more. “Now, I would like to return to the conversation I was having with my companion before we were rudely interrupted by your ramblings. For the moment being, I’d like you out of my sight.”
His lip trembled but he did not protest— returning to the group of now wide-eyed bastardi di maiale. He returns his attentions to the strange woman— her arms now crossed, studying him peculiarly, attempting to figure out what he was after.
“Now that he’s taken care of—” he began with a sigh of relief. “Tell me more about this building. I hope to restore it to its former glory. In fact, I hope to make it even grander than before; in order to reach even more people than the original owners could’ve ever imagined possible. With your help, if you’d be willing, that is.”
She undid the chain, before sizing Damiano up, something not difficult for her to do as she could not have been more than two inches shorter than him. He couldn’t blame her for being wary of his intentions. This had all occurred in a span of fewer than fifteen minutes, after all. “Why would you need my help? You seem to have things pretty well handled.”
“This place means something to you. It means something to you to the point where you were willing to chain yourself to a tree and face off with these wealthy bastardi di maiale. You didn’t care about the consequences you might possibly face. The people are what was most important. They mean something to you, and quite frankly, something tells me you’d do a much better job of running it than I.”
She ponders his proposition silently for a few moments, before offering him her hand to shake. “Sounds like we have a deal. Alba Fascelli.” He shook her hand, before carefully bringing it to his lips, silently requesting her permission, only proceeding when she nodded. “I hope you know it’ll take more than a grand gesture to win me over, Dami. You haven’t even asked me out on a date yet.”
Damiano smiled warmly, as the familiarity the nickname roused within him made him feel as if he’d known her for years. “Trust me— I knew from the moment I walked over here that it would take far more than this to win you over. But I’ve never been one to step down from a challenge.”
She allowed her hand to linger in his for a moment longer, before crossing in front of him and releasing it. “0458446149. I’ll let you know when I’m available. Do forward more details about To Tame a Soup at your earliest convenience.”
He waved stiffly, still slightly stunned over her presence. “Addio, Alba.”
Alba. The name whose meaning he would come to understand later on in life. Sunrise. It would take meeting Alba for Damiano to realize that in his 27 years of life, the sun had not truly risen— not until meeting her, that is.
here’s his inspo tag!
there’s probably hella typos pls forgive me and tumblr deleted all my bold stuff and i’m sickkkkk but i’m too tired to fix it :/
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@bestninjaclub asked: ✔
A quick and easy plotting guide
My muse(s): Anko, Karin, Tayuya
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
Dude I’d be all for writing more with you if you ever want. Need some plots? I can throw some at you, I’d love to see Anko interacting with any of them tbh, actually seeing how much they’ve grown from when she had seen them in the exams since she hadn’t really interacted with any of them since then. She’d love to talk about how things have gone and how well their training is. Perhaps see if any of them would like to help her out with the next exams. Or in the case of Karui, well, I’m not too sure tbh. Anko wouldn’t know much about the cloud so she might be interested in hearing about just them in general? Also if they have any good sweets
With Karin I could see her begrudgingly interacting with any of them? Perhaps as part of her time while under Konoha’s custody while she awaits amnesty before she was released with Orochimaru under conditional freedom. Though Karin I think would probably click best with Hinata if only because Li would be way too energetic upbeat for her and would probably end up getting attacked because she would have no patience for his upbeat attitude. Chouji she might be a bit indifferent towards because Karin doesn’t really care for food. She still willingly eats food-rations instead of actual food simply because that’s whta she’s been raised on and so her tastebuds aren’t really adapted to ‘normal’ food. Which could go either way tbh? She might be against it but also might be interested in trying something new if he were to push it because ‘omg you’ve never had [insert food here]’.
As for Tayuya, honestly I am hfjwekhk I still need to finish her backstory of how she survived, though it will be pretty obvious of “hey you thought she was dead, but she wasn’t lol, she was pretending to be dead to fool you” or something of the sort, only to be found later sneaking around and taken into custody which is why she didn’t return to Orochimaru or something honestly I still need to workshop it fwe
0 notes

Can you tell I made this header image in 5 minutes with MS Paint?
Anyway, I hit 101 followers somehow while on hiatus. I’m not back yet, but I’m in a sappy mood and wanted to appreciate all of you who have stuck with me!
I don’t want to clog everyone’s notifications, so @ everyone who’s for some reason decided this blog was worth following, I want to let you all know I’m super glad you’re here and I hope you’ll continue to enjoy my (rare) content! Even if we don’t interact, I’m always open for ooc chat or plotting. You’re all lovely and I can’t believe this many people share my love for this bratty demon child! <3
some special mentions under the cut:
@mxlignxnt I swear one day I’ll actually act on our threads and the asks from you festering in my untouched inbox. Thank you so much for having the patience to deal with me and my many absences! I can’t wait for Amelia and Sitri to bond more over... serial killers. And cookies. Many cookies. If she ever wants a bodyguard against Jackson, she knows who to summon!
@gaeuul you, friend, have the patience of a saint. thank you for following me across blogs no matter how good i am at blog hot potato. We haven’t talked but I do remember you’re super sweet and I wish I was online more to bask in your warm presence <3
@mysaldate If I ever go to Germany, I swear I’ll hit you up! I’m still jealous that you live in a CASTLE. and actual castle! but anyway thanks for the follow! If you ever decide to rp a MO character on a blog lmk! sorry I’m such a bad conversation holder! But feel free to pop in my IMs anytime!
@solomonseal We haven’t talked much since I found you like. the day I disappeared but your portrayal of Solomon is A+ and I hope to interact more in the future! Keep up the good work!
@craveii/ @goldenvelleity My gosh, you’re one of my go-to friends in rp. From makeup advice to life venting to angst/fluff plotting, I love you and Janna (and sometimes Ignes) so much! Your writing is Quality and so is your portrayal! Janna is a fabulous character and I look forward to seeing you develop her more! I’m also warming up to Ignes, but that’s thanks to you and how you keep sending me pics of her cute af outfits. Thanks for sticking around... in inactivity and in prolificness. That’s not a word.
@aevyntyri @bruciared / @vetrorosa / @aigida Did I miss any??? HROKI u are my love and I will love you across time, between the gaps of our absences. I hope you’re doing well and being happy and loving life, wherever you are! You get my angst and you’re such a good writer? I gotta lie down to recover every few paras when I read your replies like god those metaphors. what a gem. i adore your muses and you, hroki!
@kapisola / @ara-memoriae ANGST FRIEND. We really need to stop making our muses suffer. Doesn’t mean we will though. Seriously, though, you’re an A+ mun with A+ muses. Literally I randomly think about your muses throughout my days sometimes. I will defend Nero to the end of time and love Allisae enough to emcompass galaxies. I love our plots so much and I love you more <3<3 I hope life becomes as beautiful for you as you are lovely. Also you are an A+ artist. mmm those Alli sketches. what a goddess.
@occultmisfortune / @therapcn CAE another love. My student friend, I look forward to the day we can talk and not be StuDying. I go to you with my awkward stories from school, OCs, problems, and you’ve somehow decided to not block me yet. Truly, I appreciate your presence in my life, both ic and ooc! <3 I know we don’t interact on this blog but... I would feel bad if I didn’t mention you anyway!
@desiderium-eden Suzu! You are a Gem. Honestly reading your writing makes me laugh every time, without fail. Plus you’re such a talented artist! Much jealous here. Eros is... 80% of Sitri’s impulse control and I love it. Let my boy fight someone. Something. Anything.
@blasianbutterfly what an actual sweetheart! I love Sam! She is so Soft and just... ahhghfhhfh I’d patronize her bakery just to get my daily dose of positivity from her. almost as Soft and sweet as you bby
@positivepianist I don’t even think we have a thread on this blog but again, whatever, I’ll take any opportunity I can get to love on you! You are honestly one of the kindest, sweetest people I have ever had the honor of knowing. Please have more confidence in yourself! I love your writing, love your portrayal, love chatting with you! I hope you’re doing amazing!!! Take your time with activity!
@tsundere-yurio gosh, one of my oldest rp partners from wayy back when I was just peeking into the rp community. even if we both have spotty activity, I’m super grateful to you knowing that I can disappear for a few months and come back and still have our threads intact, or at least the Ship with Isa and Yurio. Your threads are easy for me to write with and honestly are such good chicken soup for my writer soul, like your prose is somehow both easy to understand and vivid and ic? Minty, you’re the genuine article! I love to write with you and look forward to future interactions ic and ooc! <3
@embersiisms jack is... a pure Soft Boi and so are you! idk how you’re so active on here. it’s incredible tbh how one can be so quality? and so prolific? Unsolved Mysteries. i don’t like cake but Sitri will eat...all the cake. all of it. he will singlehandedly keep Jack’s bakery afloat... once he decides to cooperate with me as a muse.
@yurvtchka @blue-eyes-white-kaiba idk if you’ll see this since you’re on hiatus but! i will always be appreciative to you for being one of my first rp partners too! I’m still shocked that someone so Quality is still a mutual? amazing. your icons are beautiful and so are you <3 your writing is super captivating and i hope you’re doing great wherever you are!
@cruelseraph omg, you’re such a great example of the mun is not muse mantra! your portrayal of Michael is absolutely flawless, and yet you somehow are as nice and chill as Michael is... not XD. We haven’t talked in a while but I every time I see the little green dot next to your username I hope you’re doing well! If you come back, I would love to interact again!
@diaboliktheology Val was my third try at an rp blog, and honestly I was so not confident with my portrayal of him that if it weren’t for you, idk if he would have even been a main muse, short as the duration was! I love plotting with you and just chatting ooc! I consider you my tumblr rp Mom tbh, and your writing and blog is? goals? Yui is such a darling, and it’s easy to see why you write her so well - you’re just as kind as she is! I plan to return to Val at some point... even if it’s just for the Val-Yui friendship bc that’s.... pure, good stuff right there. I love it so, so much.
@inferno-principe/ @theo-cratic / @count-glenstrae you’re a super cool person with an amazing muse! Si is so well-developed and I love his sass tbh even if Sitri doesn’t. It’s admirable that somehow you can do both very interesting prose threads... and hilarious crack ones. I’m grateful for your follow and I look forward to future interactions!
@oshikakei yuuto is a Good Boy. I love your writing and your character, he’s very well-rounded and has a lot going for him! thank you for tagging me in stuff! can’t wait for sitri to get stabbed
@amorettos your muses are A+ like they have. so Much Backstory and yet are incredibly likable despite their flaws. as a mun you’re very approachable and also I envy the SoCal life based on pics of your food. somehow you can Art AND Write? unbelievable. anyway thanks for following me across blogs and! thank you for gabe
some more special mentions to the people who have stuck around! thank you for everything! your follow means so much to me!
@electorofhell @archxviste @shatteredtoxins @thepaganking @sclbstmord @vasilciix @imey-chan @pozbilind @noxiivs @backstagebaae @sunshowxr @grand---duke @otxme @g--cnocide @dxllisms @nocturnalbun @underhisdivinity @raguel-angel-of-justice @basicallyuriel @distortedfairytaledreams @thelambsofiscariot @of-rivia @locksfate @skullcrxsher @conseille @unladylikc
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In Real Life
WHATADO Everybody, its your boi Nemo here. I wrote this fanfiction about Josh Dun a long time ago for my friend’s fanfiction account. But she hasn't posted it yet so I thought I would post it :) (Thank you so much beebomeebo for helping me write my first fanfiction :D)
Summery: A long lasting relationship over the internet takes a turn and Josh meets Y/n for the first time in real life. This means more physical contact for the two of them ;)
Type: Smut
Warning: Sexual Content, Cussing, !!Cute Josh!!, Long ;), fuck, just leave already
Requested?: HELL YES
Word Count: 3.5k (3,507 words)
So without further a do, P-P-P-P-PLAY IT:
I roll my backpack off my shoulders and I let it thud next to my bed. I arch my back from all of the stress that I have been introduced to today. I flopped into my bed, staring at the ceiling. Through all of the thoughts going through my mind, my friend's username gets thrown into the mix. I suddenly look at the flashing clock on my desk. 6:30. Josh must be online! I get a burst of excitement as I run to my laptop and nearly fall into my chair. I fumble across the keys as I type in my password. I forgot everything else in the world at this point. The only focus is on my best friend...Josh!
I move the little arrow to FireFox and waited for the page to load. My Wi-Fi is such a drag. I tapped the desk impatiently. After what seemed like forever, a big orange fox appeared in the middle of the screen along with a search bar. I typed "Twitter" into the bar and clicked search. This time, it didn't take that long for the page to load. I was typing my username and password so fast, I got it incorrect a couple times. Finally, my home page was on the screen. I went to my Private Messaging tab and noticed Josh has already messaged me. I replied: Y/n: "Hey, Josh!" Josh: "Oh hey Y/n." Y/n: "What's up" Josh: "Actually, I have something to tell you" Y/n: "Yea, what is it?" Josh: "First of all, you live in Minnesota, right?" Y/n: "Yea yea, I do" Josh: "I was waiting for your birthday to tell you this...but I couldn't let you wait" Y/n: "Josh, what is it!?" Josh: "I moved into Minnesota about 2 weeks ago" Y/n: "OMG, Josh that's amazing! We have to meet up!" Josh: "Yes yes, we are going to! How about tommorow night!" Y/n: "Okay!" Josh: "How about chilis, 6:00! Don't be late ;)" Y/n: "Is there a Chili's near you?" Josh: "Yes. The one near the big mall, right?" Y/n: "Yep! Thats the one. Cya there, Jish :)" Josh: "Cya ;)"
I couldn't contain my excitement after our conversation. I jumped out of my chair and started dancing. "I'm going to meet Josh, I'm going to meet Josh, I'm going to meet Josh!" I repeatidly squealed. I quickly got out my phone and wrote down the event on my calender. "Chilis, 6:00." I whispered under my breathe as I hit the save button. I plugged my phone into the charger and jumped into my pajamas. I rolled onto my bed and went into a hudle position, trying to find a comfortable position. I fell asleep to the sound of my air conditioner vibrating.
6:00 didn't come fast enough. I got home around 5:00, giving myself an hour to get ready. I skipped to my closet, thinking of how Josh and I would be roomates and maybe have a family together. Him and I had very little romatic intrest in eatchother, but we did have a connection. I opened my closet, expecting the perfect dress to be right infront of me. But no, I came to an empty closet, full of band T-Shirts and ripped jeans. I figured that Josh would care less, since we were only going to Chili's. I grabbed a Fall Out Boy shirt and ripped, black jeans. I tossed them onto my bed and went back to my closet. I grabbed a black, lingerie bra with matching panties. I slipped them on and checked myself in the mirror. I really shouldnt get my hopes up. I tossed my shirt and pants on and pranced to the bathroom. I put on my makeup with such prescision, trying not to mess up. Once i was done, i popped a mint in my mouth. I looked at the flashing clock on my desk. 5:32. I should get going. I text Josh: Y/n: "On my way!" Josh: "Okie,i may be a little late, so go get us a table"- Y/n: "Gotcha, cya there."
I slipped on my black and red vans and hurried out the door.
*Time Skip to Chili's*
Once I entered the double doors, the smell of deliciouse food filled your nostrils. I went up to the front desk: "Hey, is there a table for two?" i asked. "Yes, we have reserved it for you. Give us 10-15 minutes to clean it off and get it ready for you!" she cheered. I nodded and sat on the bench, near the desk.
*Time Skip 5 minutes*
I have been browsing Tumblr for the past 5 minutes. I was beond patient because I was going to meet my friend for the very first time..in person! Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see Josh Dun walk into the Restaurent. My heart was beating faster than the snail from Turbo. I, some how, contain my nervousness and keep my eyes glued on the daily drama of Tumblr. He clears his throat and glances at my worried expression. Josh lighlty tapped my shoulder. "Um, excuse me?" I turn my attention away from Tumblr but to him. "Hey, are you Y/n?" he asked. I was stunned he knew my name. "Why-uh yea! Yes I am. How did you know?" i stuttered. Josh twiddled his thumbs and chuckled. "We met on Twitter, remember? We made a date to meet up finally." I was so shocked to here that my favorite drummer was right under my nose the entire time. I did a big smile and nervously laughed. "Oh my gosh! I didnt know i was talking to-" I cut myself off, noticing I was coming off to be kind of streight forward. I cleared my throat: "I mean, Hey!" I said with a smile. This caused Josh to laugh. His laugh gave me life.
We started talking about many different things. We talked about our favorite bands, what music we listen to, ect. It turns out we have lots in common, I couldnt get enough of him. The way his lips moved and how his eyes glanced around the room, never have I ever seen such an angel. Finally, the waiter escorted us to our booth. "Sorry for the wait, were kind of busy today! So, what can I get you 2 to drink!" the waiter giggled. Josh looked at me: "Ladies first." he said. I chuckled on how polite he was. "Um, water please." I said. "Ill have a water, too" Josh said, following a toothy smile. His smile got me everytime. "Alrighty! 2 waters coming right up" the waiter giggled. She walked away and dissapeared into the kitchen door. I looked back at Josh, who was already looking at me, causing me to smile. "So." he said. "Well, I would like to know why you moved to Minnesota." I asked. Josh sighed: "Well, I would like to be completley honest with you.." he said, looking into my eyes. "I came here to see you. Since I had the money, I decided to pay you a visit." he said, following with a light smile. At this point, I have fallen for him. He was perfect! But did he feel the same way? "Aww, Josh. That really means alot to me!" I cheered. He chuckled and slowly leaned in. This was my chance! I leaned in too and we were just about to kiss when the waiter showed up with our waters. "Here ya go!" the waiter cheered as she placed them down infront of us. "Oh- thank you!" Josh said while he leaned back into his seat. I slowly leaned back aswell. "Are we ready to order?" she asked. "Um, not just yet. Give us, um, 5 minutes." Josh said, and gave a light smile. "Okay! Ill be right back." she said while skipping away. We stared at eatchother. Both of our expressions were akward. I giggled, and picked up the menu. So did he.
After about 10 minutes of total silence, we put down the menus. "So what are you having?" I asked. "Im just gonna have cheese pizza. What about you?" Josh asked with a grin. "Well, I was going to have that too!" I laughed. Josh laughed aswell. The waiter must have heard our orders. "Coming right up" she giggled. We both chuckled along with her. Suddenly, a tall man bounced over to our table. He must have been 6"5, he was huge! "Hey you love birds!" he cheered. We looked at eatchother and just laughed it off. "Hey!" Josh said. "Would the young lady like a balloon?" he asked. Josh looked over at me. I shrugged my shoulders: "Why not!" i giggled. "Make that 2 young ladies!" Josh joked. "Hahaha! Alrighty then. Ladie 1 first: What animal would you like?" he asked. I thought for a minute: "Can you make a poodle?" I ask the hulk. "Of course I can!" he cheered as he yanked a long pink balloon out of his pocket. He playfully blew it up while dancing akwardly. Josh and I laughed akwardly with him. After the balloon was a reasonable size, he started twisting it. I lightly cringed at the squeaky noises he was making.
After what seemed like an hour, the giant handed me a pink poodle with 2 dots for eyes. I laughed as i took it and put it down next to me. "Now what would the second young lady like?" he joked. "Oh, um, how about a snake! Ill make it easy for you." Josh chuckled. "Okie Dokie!" the balloon man said. Once again, he pulled out a long balloon, but this time, it was green. He blew air into the hole, causing it to inflate. He twisted and turned it into a slithery snake. The hulk brought out a red marker and drew a long, forked tounge on the mouth. He handed it to Josh: "Here you go, ma lady" he smiled. Josh laughed and took it. He held it up to his face and stuck his tounge out to it, trying to be funny. I let out a laugh, so did he. We looked up at the balloon man. "Thank you! Here, take a 10" I said with a smile and gave him a 10 doller bill. "Your welcome! Have a nice night!" the hulk cheered and he walked away to another table. Me and Josh giggled to ourselves. "What are you naming yours?" I playfully asked. "Well, he looks like a Tyler to me." he exclaimed with a small chuckle. I smiled: "Im naming mine Paras." I joked. Josh laughed: "You mean like- the pokemon?" he asked. "Yea, yea!" I said laughing with him.
"Oh, im stuffed" Josh said, pushing his plate away. "Yea, same here" I say, whipping a napkin across my mouth. The waiter some how hears this and bounces over: "Any dessert for tonight?" she asks. "No thank you, were stuffed." Josh exclaims. "Alrighty then! Here is the check." she said as she places the check on the table. "May I take your plates?" she asks. "Yes you can, thank you" I say, adding a hiccup at the end. The waiter takes the plates and walks away to the kitchen. Me and Josh stare at the check for a good 30 seconds. We glance up at eatchother. "Who ever grabs the check first will pay for it." he jokes. "Your on!" I say. We both say in unison: "1, 2...3!", we both bolt for the check. Of course, my hand misses the check, causing Josh to grab it. "Oh come on! Not fair." I say. We both laugh. Josh leaves cash to pay for the meal and a tip for the waiter. We both get up. "It was an amazing night! Thank you." I say. "It was really fun." he says. Josh held out his hand and i grabbed it. We both walk out of Chili's with smiles on our faces.
Once we reached my car, he lets go of my hand: "So, the fun doesnt exactly have to be over." Josh says, rubbing his hands together. "Yea, it doesnt. How about you follow me home! We can stay up and watch movies or something." I ask. He picked up his head "That would be fun! Ill just follow your car." Josh said with a toothy grin. I start to walk to my car when i felt a hand grab my wrist, making me turn to Josh's direction. He suddenly landed his lips on my cheek. I blushed and smiled. He smiled too while he walked the other direction to his car. I stayed still for a minute, watching him walk with his hands in his pockets. There was no going back, I have fallen for a famouse drummer, and I loved him.
The whole way home I was thinking of Josh. Questions were circling through my head: Did he like me? What if i ruin this? Those thoughts dissapeared once i entered my neighborhood. I pulled into my driveway and parked my car. Once I got out, Josh's car soon pulled next to mine. He got out of his car and closed his door. We stared at eatchother for a good 5 seconds: "So, are you gonna show me around?" he asked. I snaped out of it: "Oh- yea yea, follow me." I stuttered as I nervously laughed, causing him to laugh, too. I walked up to my front door and unlocked it with my key. I pushed my way in and held the door open for Josh. "Thanks." he nearly whispered. I nodded my head and closed the door, locking it behind me. I dropped some of my things on a shelf: "Sorry for the mess.." I say. "Oh no, its fine! My house is worse, im still unpacking." he laughed. I smile and turned the TV on. "Sit down, Josh! Make yourself comfortable." I say, pointing to the couch. He nods, taking off his shoes and sitting down. I sat infront of my DVD Rack: "Ok, would you like to watch...a scary movie, romantic, um- comedy?" I ask. Josh thinks for a moment. "How about scary." he grins. I smile and nod my head. "Is the Conjuring 2 alright?" I questioned. He nodded his head. I slide the DVD into the VCR and sit down next to Josh. I turned up the volume so we can hear it. The lights were already off, so I didnt have to bother with that.
The credits rolled onto the screen and I stood up, stretching my arms like I have just woke up from a great nap. Josh did the same. "That was a scary movie" I joked, putting my arms down. "Oh yea, I forgot how scary that movie was." he said, adding a smile at the end, putting his hands down and shoving them into his pockets. There was a moment of silence while we stared at our socks. "So, what else do you wanna do?" Josh asked. I smiled: "Tag, your it!" I squealed as i started running around the house. Luckily, my house was big enough for 2 adults to be running around like children. He picked up his head and laughed while trying to catch me. I ran into my bedroom, not remembering its a dead end. I almost ran into my desk I was in such a hurry. Before I could turn around, Josh picked me up from behind and playfully swung me onto my bed. Unexpectedly, he came down with me, causing him to fall on top of me. We laughed at our child like behavior, soon noticing we were in an akward position. We stared into our eyes for a little bit, then causing a massive connection with our lips. This was the first time I ever felt his lips.
Josh put his hands on my face while he continued to kiss me. He slowly pulled away and smiled at me as we looked into eachothers eyes. I couldnt help but grin back at him. He was the most perfect thing you could see. Josh quickly pushed his lips back into mine. He licked the top of my lip, asking if he can enter. I opened my mouth slightly so we can twirl our tounges together. I put my hands on his back, slowly creeping my hands up to the back of his head. So many thoughts were going through my mind as we moaned into eachothers mouths. I continue to rub my hands through his soft, colorful hair. The only time we disconnected our lips was when we crawled to the middle of the bed, so his head was on a pillow and I was on top of his stomach. After we got comfortable, we went back to kissing. I tugged on Joshs shirt lightly, signaling for him to take off his shirt. He took it off, revealing bare skin. God, I wanted to suck at his skin all day.
We continued to kiss for awhile as I rubbed his skin. Everything about Josh was soft. I ran my hands slowly down to the growing bulge in his pants. Once i reached it: I squeezed it and kissed his upper lip, then going back to his mouth. "Fuck..." he moaned aloud. He stuttered words i couldnt make out. I continued to rub and squeeze it. I then brought my other hand down to join and slowly unbuttoned his jeans. I gave him one last short kiss before moving my whole body down so i was facing his crotch. I tugged his jeans down and through them to one of the corners of my bedroom. I looked up at Josh and grinned. He smiled back. I pulled his boxers all the way down, revealing an obviously happy member. I threw his boxers to a corner of the room. I began to rub it slowly as he moaned aloud. I slipped his head into my mouth which made him moan even louder. The whole bedroom was filled with his moans and groans, which turned me on even more. I fit as much of his dick as i could get in, and rubbing the rest i couldnt fit in. I looked up at him, he was looking up at the ceiling and moaning loud. "Y/n..im gonna.." Josh groaned. I pulled away and took my own shirt off, exposing my black, lingerie bra. "I love you." He choked out. "I love you too.." i replied.
He unbuttoned my jeans and ripped them off along with my panties and tossed them off in the same corner as my jeans. I quickly ran my fingers through his hair while he unhooked my bra from the back and threw it off in the same corner. Josh grabbed my right breast and began sucking on it. We exchanged moans to eachother. He looked up at me and rubbed the other one. I couldnt help but giggle at him .He giggled back at me and then switched boobs. Josh stopped and came up to kiss me. He kissed me hard enough to get me to fall back as he climbed back on top of me. He continued to kiss me
Josh burried his face in my neck and sucked on it as he slid into me. I moaned super loud. "Jo...Josshh...Fuckkkk!!" He started off slow, moving in and out of me. I never felt so full in my life. He muttered, "I love y..ohh..ughh.fuckk.." I moaned in response. His thrusts became harder and harder. "JoSHHhh..oOhhhh.." I cried. "Y/nnNN..." He choked out. Weexchanged moans for a long while as he continued to thrust harder and faster. "J-Josh...Im gonnaaaaoohhh...." I squealed out, climaxing soon after. I felt him also climax with me as he moaned loudly, "OoooOooohhh fuuuuckk..." I let Josh lay on top of me, with his head still resting on my neck, for a little while to let him catch his breathe.
He lifted his head and pulled out of me, rolling next to me. I looked over at him. "I..love you.." I nearly whispered to him. Josh smiled and turned twards me. "I love you too" He said, staring into my eyes. We stayed like this for a long time before Josh got up and slipped his boxers on. "Are you planning on staying the night...?" I asked him, picking up my head. "Only if you want me to." Josh said with a smile. I nodded in reply. I got under the sheets, not caring that i didnt put my pajamas on. Josh hopped back in bed too. I scooted over to him, resting my head on his chest. "Goodnight, baby girl." He said, quickly kissing the top of my head. "Goodnight.." I said with a smile. I knew we both had wanted to lay there forever, because our heart beats had matched.
(Sorry if it had some errors in it...but overall it was fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it :)) And again, thx to beebomeebo (tumblr name) and go follow her for more fanfics!!!)
#josh dun smut#josh dun#tyler joseph#jenna joseph#smut rp#smut#cute smut#tyler joseph smut#jenna joseph smut#saltynemo#twenty one pilots#twenty øne piløts#top smut#twenty one pilots smut#Joshua William dun#josh dun x reader#josh dun x reader smut#daddy dun#josh dun is daddy#josh dun!#daddy!#jishwa smut#jishwa#jishwa William dun#twenty one pilots fluff#twnety one pilots#josh dun fanfiction#fanfiction#fall out boy fanfiction#fall out boy fan fiction
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Hello :) My name is Dani and first of all let me tell you that I LOVE your writing. I literally sit and read how you interact with others for HOURS and seeing you and a couple of the people you write with gave me the inspiration to create an indie blog for my bb Reyes. That being said, I've never had an indie rp before but I've figured the basics with the rules, verses, etc. Could you please give me some suggestions on how to approach people or get this thing started? I'd thank you forever
asldkfh that’s so sweet of you omg what the fuck
HELL YEAH OKIE DOKIE first thing first: the best way to learn how to indie rp is just to follow a bunch of people and sort of pick and choose the different techniques you like to resemble. that what i did. i came from a long experience of closed group rping with no formatting, and just sort of floated with the indie trends that came and out, and kept the ones i like. i’m gonna tell you how I consider indie rping, which isn’t law or bible or anything, but this is what i look for when i’m looking to follow people!
first, the technical shit
RULES. i’m gonna go over things you say you already know, because there are some. hidden things that people sort of silently expect. in your rules, you must have your name/alias, your pronouns, your age (the terms ‘minor’ or ‘18+’ are sufficient, you don’t need to give your exact age but you NEED to tell people if you’re a minor or not), and your triggers (again, no detail necessary, just tell us what we should tag for you). these are the necessities and the rest is up to you. make your rules clear and concise, and on the short side. it helps to bold important things so people can skim and find them easily. personally, i like seeing people’s shipping policies. bc i’m a shipping slut. are you single ship? multiship? do you prefer not to ship? are you exclusive?
SELECTIVITY. on that note. let people know about your selectivity. do you want to play with anyone who follows you? do you only want to play with mutual followers (people you follow who follow you back)? i, as well as (almost) everyone i follow, are mutuals only. don’t feel guilty if you want to follow this route, and don’t let people talk you into playing with people you don’t want to play with. this blog is yours and your time is yours. spend it how you choose.
EXCLUSIVITY. along the same vein, let people know about your policy on exclusivity – which basically means that there are certain blogs of characters and theirs is the only blog of that character with whom you will play. this is entirely up to you. personally, i don’t do it and i never will. but be sure to let people know if you do! make sure to be honest. make sure you’re comfortable with your rules.
then, the aesthetic shit
REPRESENTATION. the first glance. the first eye contact. generally, this is the mobile preview. have a cool looking mobile banner! it attracts the eye! you don’t need to be a photoshop god for this, either. minimalism is in. a dark screenshot of your character that blends in with the color of your mobile background is hella neat. make sure the color is eye-friendly. black, white, cream, soft tones. if a mobile preview is lime green or shocking blue, i won’t give it a second look. My Eyes, They Bleed. then make sure you have SOMEWHERE on your mobile preview the bare minimum of your blog’s explanation. it doesn’t need to be long. in fact, i tend to like short ones. minimalism, man. for example, mine: ‘multimuse rp blog: dragon age and mass effect canon and ocs’. i’m saying what this blog is: an rp blog. i’m saying what KIND of rp blog: a multimuse. what fandoms i cater to: dragon age and mass effect. what characters you expect to find here: canon and ocs. sometimes people will put their name, too. (also, warn people if you have an autoplay. just write ‘ap’ or ‘autoplay’. people know.)
REPRESENTATION PART 2. piggybacking on all that: promos. gotta have a promo. this is how people find you, and how you can spread the word about your cool new blog. (tag it with the audiences you want to attract. such as: mass effect rp, mass effect roleplay, bioware rp, bioware roleplay, star wars rp, etc etc. the mass effect fandom isn’t all that huge. consider expanding with crossovers to other space fandoms, such as star wars and star trek. we’re buddies.) it can be as simple as the icon promo trend, where you have a horizontal line of icons of your character followed by ‘like/reblog if you’re interested in playing with (character name)! written by (your name).’ it can be that chill. sometimes it can be dramatic. just make sure it’s tasteful. try to avoid gaudy. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS (this is my pet peeve) INCLUDE YOUR CHARACTER’S NAME AND THE FANDOM NAME. i die inside every time i have no idea who this promo is for.
THEME. the second glance. your blog’s handshake. first – and sometimes last – impression. same rules as the preview and the promo, make it tasteful or make it minimalist. make it easy to follow. if you’re not confident in your aesthetic or ps skills, the white blogs with a simple pic of your character in the sidebar is in right now. leave it open to interpretation. theme-hunter is where i get all my themes, for the most part. if you want some cool theme suggestions, let me know! you may end up interested in html through theme aesthetic and wANTING IT TO BE PERFECT. like me. hehe. anywho – you’ll see a lot of Hyper Aesthetic Themes. try not to get worried about them. the most important thing is that your links to your rules, verses, dossier (if you have one), and ask are clear. the writing is easy to read.
also, the replying shit
FORMATTING. okay so formatting is a Minefield right now. personally, i really enjoy formatting! my formatting trick is: twenty spaces before each paragraph to simulate tabs, bolding quotation marks and putting a space between the marks and the dialogue, ( doing this to parentheses and quite frankly using Way too many parentheses ), BOLDING AND CAPSING emotive words or phrases, italicizing things for emphasis, using small font (and sometimes tiny font). but DON’T overdo it. still, the point is legibility. it’s your choice to use formatting at all. i like it a lot, it helps me Feel the writing and reply. it’s also your choice to use small or tiny font, but… i’ma be honest. i really really do prefer when people use small or tiny font. people are pushing back against tiny font bc it can be really hard to read, so i tend to just use small font (unless my partner uses tiny font). to small font (on pc): select all the text, ctrl shift minus sign. to use tiny font: use small font, then ctrl comma.
ICONNING. again, another minefield. as we speak, rp icons are getting smaller and smaller. my icons at 80x80 with a 2px border, and i often times use a psd. if you get your icons from somewhere, credit that place. i frequently make my own, but not always. as a personal favor, don’t go smaller than 75px… the icons… they’re shrinking…
SPEED. go at your own speed! i cannot stress the importance of this. i’m currently suffering from depression and some Shit, so i may be on the dash a lot, but my reply speed is frequently outstripped by passing snails. don’t write if you’re not feeling it. don’t feel pressured to do it. personally, the majority of the fun of rping is plotting with your partner and obsessing over your character. people love to see people enthusiastic about their kid. that’s why they followed you. bc they love your kid, too. if you have a thread you’re not feeling, be honest! TALK TO YOUR PARTNER.
COMMUNICATION. on that note! get to know your rp partners. love them. cherish them. tell them they’re wonderful. tell them when you’re not feeling a thread. don’t suffer in silence. drop threads. treat yoself. also, follow ALL THE PEOPLE. they may not follow you back. don’t tug at them if they don’t. follow people and make sure you have examples of your writing on your page, even if it’s just a long headcanon or drabble. like a cover letter.
WRITING. third person. i think i can be pretty confident about this: only third person. i use present tense for the most part, but present or past tense. sometimes there are oneliners (replies that are usually just dialogue, maybe with a lil but of narrative for actions, usually spur of the moment and dropped after the moment is gone). there are short paras (generally 1-3 paragraphs of varying sizes). there are long paras (4-6 paras, usually for plotting). there are Novella (6+ for the Intense Future Tolkiens i can’t do this i’m a dr seuss).
TAGGING. can be pretty simple. as a multi, i have too many characters to have thorough tagging systems. a lot of people have different tags for like. aesthetic, musing, visage, headcanons, etc. mine is simple. each character has an in character thread tag: * 。✧ ━ ⦅ character: scott. ⦆. also, a musing tag: * 。✧ ━ ⦅ musing: scott. ⦆. a headcanon tag: * 。✧ ━ ⦅ headcanon: scott. ⦆. sometimes a ship tag: * 。✧ ━ ⦅ scott & liam: just frame the halves and call them brothers. ⦆. and you MUST have an out of character tag, where it’s just you talking, and you must tag every post of just you talking with it: * 。✧ ━ ⦅ out of character. ⦆. it must be clear. you can make them fancy and pretty like this. i like them. it’s not necessary. also: tag any triggers. important. search your partners’ rules for their triggers. if someone asks you to tag a trigger, do it without a second thought.
lastly, the important shit
HAVE FUN! we’re all here for the same reason. we love mass effect. WE LOVE SPACE. there will always be aggression and elitism and hurt feelings in the indie rp community. always. try not to let it bring you down. play nice. kindergarten rules. enjoy!
let me know if you have more questions/want more detail!
don’t reblog this
#long post cw#I'M SURE I FORGOT THINGS#OR I TOOK THIS THE WRONG WAY AND WENT MORE INTO LIKE#THE FUNCTION OF INDIE??#idk Let Me Know i'm fine with explaining more#Again this is just my take on indie rping#everyone is different#rxysvidal#let me know if you want this rebloggable i can post it elsewhere#let me know if you want me to make a suggestions list#also check out my recommendations tag in my nav#for some Hella Cool Kids
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Diabolik lovers Dark Fate Carla Tsukinami [Maniac 4] ~translation - traducción~

[Carla’s route]
Translation under the cut t t t t t t ttt
Place: Special classroom.
Yui: (Mmm... I don't get the English's homework of today at all... ...) Yui: (By the way, Carla-san and Shin-kun came from England, right?) Yui: (Maybe they could teach it me...?)
*Book page's sound*
Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: (It seems that Carla-san is reading. Besides Shin-kun isn't here to ask it to him... ...) Yui: (I won't know if he would help me until I ask him... ... But I'm a bit scared of ask him) Yui: U-umm... Carla-san. Carla: ... ...What? Yui: There are some exercises of the English homework that that I don't understand... If it doesn't bother you, can you teach it me? Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: (...As I though... I obtacled his reading.) Carla: What exercisen is it? Yui: Eh...? Carla: I am asking you what exercise do you want to learn. Yui: Ah, umm... It's the page 34, exercise 3... Yui: (Could it be that he's really going to teach me?!) Yui: (I thought he was definitely going to refuse it. How unexpected... ...) Carla: The problem is the English's translation? Yui: Y-yes. Carla: In orden to translate this text, you must first learn the grammar. Carla: I will write it to you. Wait a moment. Yui: ...Yes!
*Carla is writing*
*Screen fades to black*
Yui: I-I resolved it...! Carla: ...That's correct. (TEACH ME ENGLISH PLEASE) Yui: (Carla-san's teaching is so easy to understand that I managed to resolve it!) Yui: Thank you very much! Now I'll be able to finish my homework! Carla: Not yet. The first exercise is wrong. Yui: Eh... really!? Yui: (Ah, there's a grammar mistake! I didn't notice it...) Carla: ...However. Tell me if there is another question you want to know, I will explain it to you. Yui: T-thank you very much! Let's see... ...
*Yui turns the pages*
Carla: Wait.
*Music stops*
Yui: ...Uh? Carla: This annotation... It's not your handwriting. Yui: Eh...? Ah, this note comes of the time when Reiji-san taught me. Carla: Reiji... If I remember... that Sakamaki... Yui: (Oh...? Carla-san suddenly became some cold...)
*Carla turns the page*
Carla: Hoo.This phrase is written very meticulously here. Carla: His explanations must have been very easy to understand. (Hahaha... runISAYRUN)
1. (yes) it was. (+S) 2. That's not right. (+M)
Yui: No, it wasn't so...! Carla-san's teaching is the most understandable. (Ajam, YOU'RE JUST SAYING WHAT HE WANTS-) Carla: ... ... ... ...
*Carla gets closer*
Carla: However, the fact that Reiji taught you is real. Yui: That's right but...---
*Screen vibrates*
Yui: ... ...!! Carla: This smell... wasn't just yours...*bites her* Mmm... Yui: OW...! C-carla-san... sto...! Yui: (Although a moment ago he was so kind, why is he suddenly sucking my blood...?) Carla: ...Nnn... Mmm... Even your horrible blood... Mmm... does not make this terrible smell disappear... Nnn... Yui: (...Could it be that he got angry because I named Reiji-san's name...?) Carla: ...Nn... Mm... Yui: Ahh...!! Carla: Kh... the smell of that dirty vampire is very strong and does not disappear. Yui: ...Ah... Carla: Listen. Take out that book. I'll buy you a new one.
*Carla leaves*
Yui: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Carla-san left...) Yui: (He taught me, and he ended up being rude.) Yui: (But why does he hate vampires so much?) Yui: (I really don't get it)
Lugar: Aula especial.
Yui: (Mmm... no entiendo para nada la tarea de hoy para ingles...) Yui: (Por cierto, Carla-san y Shin-kun vinieron de Inglaterra, no es así?) Yui: (Tal vez pueda enseñarme...?)
*Yui pasa la hoja*
Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Parece que Carla-san esta leyendo. Pero, Shin-kun no esta aquí para preguntarle...) Yui: (No lo sabré hasta que no le pregunte pero... me da algo de miedo.) Yui: E-esto... Carla-san. Carla: ...Qué? Yui: Hay pregutas de la tarea de inglés que yo no entiendo... Si no le molesta, podría enseñarmelas? Carla: ... ... ... ... (No hay ''grrr''?) Yui: (...Como lo pensé, fui un obtaculo en su lectura.) Carla: Cual pregunta es. Yui: Eh...? Carla: Te estoy diciendo que cual es la que quieres saber. Yui: Ah, emm... es la pregunta 3 de la pagina 34... Yui: (Podría ser que realmente me va a enseñar!?) Yui: (Creí que él definitivamente se iba a negar. Que inesperado...) Carla: La cuestión es la traducción en Inglés? Yui: S-si. Carla: Para traducir este texto, primero debe aprender la gramática. (Oh~ Carla es inteligente ksajdaowe) Carla: Te lo escribiré. Espera un momento. (Omg, me siento como cuando ustedes me ayudan a pasar traducciones al inglésxD) Yui: ...Si!
*Carla esta escribiendo*
Yui: L-lo logré...! Carla: ...Entendiste todo correctamente. (ENSEÑAME INGLES CARLA-SENSEI-SENPAI ;--;) Yui: (La forma de enseñar de Carla-san es tan fácil de entender que logré hacerlo!) Yui: Muchas gracias! Con esto ahora podré terminar mi tarea! Carla: Aún no. La primera pregunta esta mal. Yui: Eh... de verdad!? Yui: (Ah, hay un error de ortografia! No me había dado cuenta...) Carla: ...Bueno da igual. Dime si hay otra pregunta que quieras saber, yo te las explicaré. Yui: M-muchas gracias! Veamos...
*Yui pasa las hojas*
Carla: Espera.
*Música se detiene* Ya valimo verdad ;u;
Yui: ...Eh? Carla: Esta escritura... No es tu letra. Yui: Eh...? Ah, esto es de cuando Reiji-san me enseñaba. Carla: Reiji... Ciertamente es un Sakamaki... Yui: (Oh...? Carla-san se alguna manera se volvió frio...)
*Carla pasa la hoja*
Carla: Hoo. Esta frase esta escrita muy meticulosamente escrita aquí. Carla: Sus explicaciones debieron haber sido muy faciles de entender. (Hahaha... *sale corriendo*)
ELECCIONES: 1. Lo fueron. (+S)(Jaja, re zorra) 2. Eso no es así. (+M)(Ya sé que es la correcta porque si no Carla nos rompe el culo, pero en realidad Reiji es el puto amo enseñando.)
Tranquilo papu, vos sos mejor enseñando*giño**giño*:
Yui: No, no fue así...! La forma de enseñar de Carla-san fue la más comprensible. Carla: ... ... ... ...
*Carla se acerca*
Carla: Sin embargo, que Reiji te haya enseñado cosas es la verdad. (P-p-pero a que se debe esto D:) Yui: Eso fue así pero...---
*Pantalla vibra*
Yui: ... ...!! Carla: Este olor... no era solamente tuyo... *La muerde* Mmm... (Jodeme que el libro tenía el olor de Reiji? Lo voy a aspirar toda la noche /Suena re enojado Carla Yui: Duele...! C-carla-san... det...! Yui: (Aunque hace un momento había sido tan amable, por qué de repente chupa mi sangre...?) Carla: ...Nnn... Mmm... Incluso tu horrible sangre... Mmm... no hace desaparecer este terrible olor... Nnn... Yui: (...Podría ser que fue porque dije el nombre de Reiji-san...?) Carla: ...Nn... Mm... Yui: Ahh...!! Carla: Kh... el olor de ese sucio vampiro esta aferrado a ti y no desaparece.
/Creo que quiere decir que Yui al recordar a Reiji larga ese olor. Osea que la forma de pensar también hace que el olor cambie?
Yui: ...Ah... Carla: Escucha. Tira este libro.(P-pero QUIERO ASPIRARLO) Te compraré uno nuevo. (P-p-pero el Reiji... ;n;)
*Carla se va*
Yui: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Carla-san se fue del salón...) Yui: (Me enseñó, y terminó siendo grosero.) Yui: (Pero por qué odiará tanto a los vampiros?) Yui: (Realmente no lo entiendo.)
~Fin del maniac 4~
Lugar: Aula especial.
Yui: (Mmm... no entiendo para nada la tarea de hoy para ingles...) Yui: (Por cierto, Carla-san y Shin-kun vinieron de Inglaterra, no es así?) Yui: (Tal vez pueda enseñarme...?)
*Yui pasa la hoja*
Carla: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Parece que Carla-san esta leyendo. Pero, Shin-kun no esta aquí para preguntarle...) Yui: (No lo sabré hasta que no le pregunte pero... me da algo de miedo.) Yui: E-esto... Carla-san. Carla: ...Qué? Yui: Hay pregutas de la tarea de inglés que yo no entiendo... Si no le molesta, podría enseñarmelas? Carla: ... ... ... ... (No hay ''grrr''?) Yui: (...Como lo pensé, fui un obtaculo en su lectura.) Carla: Cual pregunta es. Yui: Eh...? Carla: Te estoy diciendo que cual es la que quieres saber. Yui: Ah, emm... es la pregunta 3 de la pagina 34... Yui: (Podría ser que realmente me va a enseñar!?) Yui: (Creí que él definitivamente se iba a negar. Que inesperado...) Carla: La cuestión es la traducción en Inglés? Yui: S-si. Carla: Para traducir este texto, primero debe aprender la gramática. (Oh~ Carla es inteligente ksajdaowe) Carla: Te lo escribiré. Espera un momento. (Omg, me siento como cuando ustedes me ayudan a pasar traducciones al inglésxD) Yui: ...Si!
*Carla esta escribiendo*
Yui: L-lo logré...! Carla: ...Entendiste todo correctamente. (ENSEÑAME INGLES CARLA-SENSEI-SENPAI ;--;) Yui: (La forma de enseñar de Carla-san es tan fácil de entender que logré hacerlo!) Yui: Muchas gracias! Con esto ahora podré terminar mi tarea! Carla: Aún no. La primera pregunta esta mal. Yui: Eh... de verdad!? Yui: (Ah, hay un error de ortografia! No me había dado cuenta...) Carla: ...Bueno da igual. Dime si hay otra pregunta que quieras saber, yo te las explicaré. Yui: M-muchas gracias! Veamos...
*Yui pasa las hojas*
Carla: Espera.
*Música se detiene* Ya valimo verdad ;u;
Yui: ...Eh? Carla: Esta escritura... No es tu letra. Yui: Eh...? Ah, esto es de cuando Reiji-san me enseñaba. Carla: Reiji... Ciertamente es un Sakamaki... Yui: (Oh...? Carla-san se alguna manera se volvió frio...)
*Carla pasa la hoja*
Carla: Hoo. Esta frase esta escrita muy meticulosamente escrita aquí. Carla: Sus explicaciones debieron haber sido muy faciles de entender. (Hahaha... *sale corriendo*)
ELECCIONES: 1. Lo fueron. (+S)(Jaja, re zorra) 2. Eso no es así. (+M)(Ya sé que es la correcta porque si no Carla nos rompe el culo, pero en realidad Reiji es el puto amo enseñando.)
Tranquilo papu, vos sos mejor enseñando*giño**giño*:
Yui: No, no fue así...! La forma de enseñar de Carla-san fue la más comprensible. Carla: ... ... ... ...
*Carla se acerca*
Carla: Sin embargo, que Reiji te haya enseñado cosas es la verdad. (P-p-pero a que se debe esto D:) Yui: Eso fue así pero...---
*Pantalla vibra*
Yui: ... ...!! Carla: Este olor... no era solamente tuyo... *La muerde* Mmm... (Jodeme que el libro tenía el olor de Reiji? Lo voy a aspirar toda la noche /Suena re enojado Carla Yui: Duele...! C-carla-san... det...! Yui: (Aunque hace un momento había sido tan amable, por qué de repente chupa mi sangre...?) Carla: ...Nnn... Mmm... Incluso tu horrible sangre... Mmm... no hace desaparecer este terrible olor... Nnn... Yui: (...Podría ser que fue porque dije el nombre de Reiji-san...?) Carla: ...Nn... Mm... Yui: Ahh...!! Carla: Kh... el olor de ese sucio vampiro esta aferrado a ti y no desaparece.
/Creo que quiere decir que Yui al recordar a Reiji larga ese olor. Osea que la forma de pensar también hace que el olor cambie?
Yui: ...Ah... Carla: Escucha. Tira este libro.(P-pero QUIERO ASPIRARLO) Te compraré uno nuevo. (P-p-pero el Reiji... ;n;)
*Carla se va*
Yui: ... ... ... ... Yui: (Carla-san se fue del salón...) Yui: (Me enseñó, y terminó siendo grosero.) Yui: (Pero por qué odiará tanto a los vampiros?) Yui: (Realmente no lo entiendo.)
~Fin del maniac 4~
#diabolik lovers#dark fate#carla tsukinami#traduccion#diabolik lovers en español#translation#tsukinami carla#diabolik lovers translation
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Incoming extra-long Follower Appreciation and reply post!
I may need to start doing these biweekly (in this case, every two weeks), truth to be told. The amount of attention this blog is getting is a lot more than I had anticipated.
First of all, I want to welcome all the new followers. I also want to thank the people who have been following this blog for quite a while, some of you have even been here from the very beginning, for all their support.
I’m going to take this chance to inform you that this blog has just reached the 252 followers (it’s 255 right now, but I don’t have the time to screencap it all over again). Never, not even in my wildest dreams, had I imagined I’d reach so many; in fact, I was expecting to reach 50 at the very most. Sadly, right now I have no time to host another raffle/giveaway to celebrate the 200 follower milestone, but once things have calmed down a bit and I’ve been able to finish all the prizes from the previous one, I’ll do some other thing for you, guys, maybe during summer.
On another note, those 5 drafts you see there include some essays/analyses: an analysis about Tamago, which is actually one of the prizes for the 100 follower milestone giveaway and I have permission from the person who requested it to wait until the current arc is done, so the analysis can be wrapped up properly. On Charlotte Pudding, about how Pudding was evil and lying throughout the entire arc - I was working on this when Oda unveiled the truth about her, so after that I just lost my drive to keep writing it and it’s kind of just sitting there -; an unnamed one about the giants we’ve seen so far and their connection to Norse culture and other sources - on which I’ve been working for quite a while before the entire prince Loki of Elbaf reveal, mind you -; Creating Impel Down, an essay on the (possible) sources used to create the great underwater prison and its dwellers and Family & Loyalty. Edward ’Whitebeard’ Newgate Vs. Charlotte ‘Big Mom’ Linlin, a comparison between Whitebeard’s and Big Mom’s differing views and postures regarding the concept of family.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. My eternal gratitude goes not only to my followers, but to everyone who has followed this blog or liked and/or reblogged any of its contents, your sweet comments and tags make all the effort well worth it! You’re all incredible, guys!
Now, let’s give an answer to all the tags and comments you’ve left on my posts during this last month, shall we?
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post & this other one:
Please, read the screenshot below because I’m not going to discuss this subject again (I’ll answer all the tags/comments I’ve gotten for it so far, but I won’t answer any new ones nor I’m going to talk about this subject ever again). It’s what’s written at the bottom of the post in the first link and the second one leads to that “other post of mine” that’s mentioned below.
I’m rather nonplused about the reception for this post, because people only seem to pay attention to those four dreadful words (Sanji has brown eyes) instead of the actual point of the post, which was the parallel/joke about Sanji being like Little Red Riding Hood. All that seemed to fly over nearly everyone’s heads despite it having two big images, a huge title and a sentence dedicated to it, plus a joking comment about just how gaudy the golden wristlets are.
@huevodandy Preach! (this is technically from another post related to this one, but I want everyone to see this).
@penumbrazxs That’s what we’ll all do, but you know, the manga purists are probably going to be bothering people over it, so better make it clear for everyone. We were talking about the manga cover on that post, so they’re brown. Manga = brown; anime = blue. Choose whatever you like most, people, just like with Law and Robin. I, myself, prefer them blue. Thanks for your input :)
@bee-kun I know, I know. I was surprised and confused as well.
@writesailingdreams Truer words were never spoken. Skin and eye colour diversity is certainly a job Toei does better than Oda. Also, don’t worry about it; they were mostly people who meant well. The problem is that when you receive loads of the same thing one after the other, it gets annoying. I must confess I like blue-eyed Robin better; she seems, don’t know, more myterious, more... alluring somehow. Not that there’s anything wrong with brown eyes nor saying that they can’t look mysterious and/or alluring, because they can be as hypnotising/mesmerising as any other hue.
@namibean Thanks for the reblog and your input. I must say I’d always pictured his eyes as blue, even before they started colouring them in the anime, so it was quite a shocker to see those brown eyes. Also, I laughed at the “cheese and rice” tag, I’d never heard that expression before. Thanks for teaching me something new, even if it wasn’t your intention :)
@lucy-heartflawless Go check the coloured manga if you want; I left a link to the officially coloured manga at Kissmanga on the first post linked on the title of this particular section (if you’re interested but can’t find it, just drop me a line), but I must tell you that I already checked the Punk Hazard incident and Nami!Sanji’s (Sanji in Nami’s body) eyes are still brownish.
@imadeablogforchitchat, @mellorine91, @torosiken, @sanjilovesbest, @roomshxmbles, @niyaow, @katsunenpiece I seriously nearly cried when I saw you guys were some of the very few people who had reblogged this post but hadn’t focused your (non-generic) tags on the eye colour comment. Thank you. Also, yes, it’s Little Red Riding Hood in Wonderland with some touches of Cinderella and I believe there are high chances of the “Ugly Duckling” (also Sanji) becoming a swan (I’m having a really hard time fighting off my need to write down the so very terrible pun I have in mind concerning this “Ugly Duckling” thing and Sanji’s use of honorifics). Sanji is like the protagonist of every fairy tale ever written, to be honest.
@kurakurapika Yo no he dicho nada de que no me guste la capa. Simplemente me hace gracia que Sanji se ajuste a prácticamente todos los protagonistas de cuentos de hadas: La Cenicienta, Caperucita Roja y sospecho que, antes de que acabe la saga, también El Patito Feo. Lo de los ojos, lo he comprobado en el manga oficial a color como dice ahí arriba y son marrones.
@nikotehfox I laughed at the nickname; I had come up with Little Red Riding Cook XD
@dustail I was shocked as well, to say the least. How dare he take blue-eyed ginger dino-man away from us. Luckily, the regular manga is black and white and the anime has blue-eyed Drake, so we still get to see the Drakey we all love XD
@sirenacalavera Bueno, para gustos están los colores :) Además, según mi incursión en el manga oficial a color, todos los Mugis tienen los ojos marrones (a excepción de Chopper, que no lo he mirado página a página por lo que no lo tengo claro y Brook, que ahora no tiene ojos y cuando los tenía los llevaba ocultos tras las gafas de sol a lo Lennon).
@theshittymarimo Yes, you’re right. I checked the official coloured manga and Sanji’s eyes are brown as well as the rest of the crew’s (exceptions being Chopper - I haven’t checked it page by page so not sure - and Brook - currently he has no eyes and before he always wore those shades of his -).
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
@venomkid-64 That’s got to be one of the best descriptions of Oda I have seen XD
@iprincezzinuyoukai I concur, but who’s Anne? I don’t recall any characters with that name, except for what Ace’s name was going to be had he been a girl...
@gg-xx, @welcome-to-sanjis-shitty-kitchen, @eve-mura, @nicefandom, @katsunenpiece I know, right? Big Mom wasn’t even pissed at her, but at her twin Lola. Not saying it would have been ok to beat Chiffon had she done anything to piss Mama off, but you get what I mean. That said, I still find Big Mom’s character fascinating even though I hate her.
@writesailingdreams, @dixxymouri I’m curious about those mixed feelings on Capone.
@yeahnahmate Yes, please. They both need a long therapeutic chat about all the crap they’ve been through because of their respective families.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
@wordsdear I’m laughing way too hard at this. Something to do with a Drag Queen contest they celebrate during the carnival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, here in Spain and how they are all presented with the ‘title’ Drag + Name (e.g. Drag Sethlas, the controversial winner of the contest this year).
@katuen, @nicefandom, @adelyslikeop, @katsunenpiece I’m glad to know you guys like the post, find it interesting, think they’re good points and/or that it helped you notice new details about the manga. Thanks for taking the time to leave little comments among the tags :)
@jiofreed OMG, where do I even begin? I completely agree with you on the Sanji-Ichiji parallel; they seem to be similar yet opposites in many ways. Actually, I’m rather pissed at Sanji’s new backstory; I consider it mostly lazy writing what with the ‘magic‘ drug that only affects Sanji during a pregnancy of four and all. I don’t like the fact that he’s always been Saint Sanji and don’t get me wrong, because I absolutely LOVE Sanji, he’s easily one of the most humane characters in the entire series, that’s why I believe he deserved a less sci-fi, easy-way out bullshit backstory and a more realistic one, instead. The family dynamics and tension are great (not literally, but I hope you get what I mean), but the fact that Sanji is presented as white, pure, good whereas his brothers are completely black, immoral, evil just because of some nonsensical sci-fi crap explanation ruins it for me. I swear, if he pulls some “Sanji will awaken his genetically altered powers and the other three will suddenly be able to feel empathy and be good” crap, I’m going to murder someone. I would have rather had them all be different shades of grey; some leaning more towards a lighter shade and others towards a darker one. Either that or if he were still set on having ‘Saint Sanji’, Oda should have given Sora a separate pregnancy for him like he did with Reiju. Actually, Yonji seems to be the only one who is somewhat greyish to be honest. The way he acts when he’s with Ichiji and Niji is different from the way he acts when he’s with Reiju. Look who’s writing fanfiction now (I’ll probably lose a few followers because of it) and I’m not even done but I’ll leave it here :)
@hanamatthiwone I completely agree with you; there’s something going on with the Vinsmokes. Something’s not adding up for the time being.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
@upyan I never said anything about his design? In fact, criticism towards the character’s design is nowhere to be found within my post. That said, I LOVE his design.
@detectivebiggs98, @sanjilovesbest I love that corrupt Big Bird and the fact that the news are managed by birds too. This guy is like a reverse Lord Varys, only he uses his ‘little birds’ to spread info rather than to gather intel.
@chaosconleche No, no. Please, don’t apologise. Even if I do remember they’re called News Coo (I just wanted to write avian workforce to be honest), maybe some people didn’t. So thank you very much for your input.
@wordsdear I want Morgans to be yellow too or maybe white, but Oda will probably colour it hot pink or something like that.
@jorrmungandr My thoughts exactly when I read the chapter. Word by word.
@hanamatthiwone Add corrupt in there somewhere and you probably have a very accurate description of Morgans.
@meiye OMG, that tag. I nearly died of laughter. You just won the most amusing tag of the month.
@katuen, @moonwave55 It is incredible and fantastic. Birds everywhere, indeed.
@trash-with-pride I like their designs as well. Also, fair maiden... You mean the who’s actually a procuress and has possibly dozens, hundreds, if not thousands of sex-slaves? Fair maiden, indeed. Bet Caesar contacted her to spend all of Big Mom’s money on women and wine.
@keropatch He’s more than likely “a piece of shit” like you so eloquently pointed out.
@fossilfinding, @eleventhhourranger Evil Big Bird for the win! I’m already loving this guy.
@overlord-flinx First of all, I don’t think you can compare the human-reindeer doctor of a small pirate crew to a corrupt bird who is literally in charge of spreading the news to the entire freaking world or half the world, at the very least. They’re certainly not on the same league influence-wise. Secondly, please show me where it says that’s the reason the Long Ring Long Land animals are so long. As far as I remember, and correct me if I’m wrong, Tonjit explained it was because they had a lot of space to grow longer and taller, not because it was boring. Lastly, it is well known that octopuses or octopodes are often cannibals, so Hachi making and selling takoyaki is not weird at all.
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@luffy-of-spades Wish it were true, but somehow I seriously doubt it.
@wordsdear With what purpose exactly? I mean, how would that benefit either of them?
@katsunenpiece Not sure which one is the point you’re talking about, but thank you anyways :) Also, I’ve noticed you’ve become quite a regular on my posts as of late, which is good; it tells me I’m doing something right, so thank you for that as well.
@dyeblow “Ah, yeah. Well, whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.” - Xena (Lucy Lawless) The Simpsons. Seriously now, it was probably Daz.
@lunerblade1996 That’s one so very expensive umbrella then, even for the likes of Sir Crocodile XD
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@hanamatthiwone Well, even in colorspreads/covers/etc. we don’t really get to see the male characters’ eye colour because basically, until we met the Supernovae in Sabaody Arc, Oda didn’t even give them irises, I think (I can’t remember whether Enel had irises drawn as well or not).
@wordsdear That’s because Brook himself would have made a skull joke about it. Yohohohoho!
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
@sagelynaive My thoughts exactly, nearly word for word too.
@wordsdear Nah, Luffy doesn’t have the patience nor the acting skills necessary to pose as the priest/minister/officiant.
@firstmateandcaptain I’m glad you like the idea and Luffy would probably hollow it from the inside... Let’s face it, he would eat the whole damn thing XD
@katsunenpiece & @useless-chan I’d love to see it happen, to be honest. It was the most absurd thing that popped up in my mind while I was reading the chapter. Now I need this to be canon XD Thanks for your respective inputs!
@huevodandy But wouldn’t that defeat the whole purpose? I mean, Capone wants Luffy to create a distraction so no one pays attention to what he’s doing. If Luffy comes out from within Capone in front of everyone, that would drag Bege himself into the spotlight too.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
@choconanime That’s what I’d like to know.
@katsunenpiece I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this.
@niyaow I’m sorry to hear that blasted option caused you trouble. Tumblr should really get rid of it.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
@torosiken Indeed, but not only the royal family, the clone soldiers are just as bad.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
@fridoline I agree, it’s so very fitting for Niji.
@strawhatfamily Well, they’re all a bunch of douches, but they still make interesting characters. I’m loving the Vinsmokes so far. I think they’re good people? No. They’re intriguing nonetheless.
@phonenix Thanks, I’m glad you liked it!
(Well, this is technically from my last Follower Appreciation post (February 28 - March 1), but since there’s a comment referencing this post I’m going to include it here)
@malfunctioningkitten Thanks a lot for the follow! I’m glad you like the blog.
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post & this other one:
@detectivebiggs98, @niyaow, @katsunenpiece Turns out I was right about him being CC, after all. Also, thank you all for being regulars on my posts. It makes me happy to see I’m at least doing something right when people come back as often as you guys do.
@whatinthechickenballs It got even more interesting now, but yeah, I’m loving the whole Bege/Big Mom = Al Capone/Big Jim thing. Oda even included the poison bullets the real Capone had!
@huevodandy Looks like CC’s Alola form is called Gastino XD
Response to the people who left little tag comments on this post:
@bluegrasscountry Well... Someone should inform Trafalgar Law about the fact that he can’t be the crew’s captain and doctor at the same time, if that’s the case.
@niyaow Thanks a bunch for the info!
@writesailingdreams I was confused about this as well.
Response to all those who went on a faving spree &/or reblogged something from the One Piece Icon Project:
@greenleavesgreentea, @livinforluffy Thanks for the rebbloging spree and I’m glad you liked my icons enough to reblog them.
@askcp9kaku Thanks a bunch for the faving bout. I’m always glad to see people like the things I do :)
@askrosetto Thank you so much for the kind words and the faving spree. I really appreciate it and yes, it’s a conspiracy, I’m telling you. I didn’t even notice it looked like a chicken until I was getting the post ready to upload.
@askthelongnosedsniper Thanks for the reblog on the Usopp icon!
@huevodandy You’re more than welcome, my friend. Now, should I create a Pekoms to go with it? *ponders*
Response to the people who left comments and/or faved this post:
I’m sorry I’m getting back to you guys with this so late OTL
@niyaow Thank you so much!
@jiofreed ¡Muchas gracias! Por cierto, si te sientes más cómoda, puedes hablarme en español, no me importa.
Big thanks to @nicefandom, @huevodandy, @andrewtheamericandude, @lovablestories (aka writesailingdreams), @mad-phlegmatic & @nerentina.
Aaaaaand I think I’m done. God, that was some monster post right there!
As usual, if I forgot anyone it’s more than likely because I didn’t receive a notification about it.
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Your first RP: My first RP was Hex rpg, it wasn’t on tumblr, and my first RP on tumblr was called Hogwarts is our Home. I was approached by the admin on my personal tumblr, asking if I would ever want to RP, and I joined up and got a lot of friends, some I talk to still, six years later.
Other RPs you were in: Some I was in for just a short while, they either died or I didn’t feel like I belonged. I had an X-men type RP for a while, students with different powers and such, also I was part of/admined a Hunger Games RP for more than two years. Otherwise I’ve been in vampire/werewolf RPs and I tried a few town RPs here and there, but I always found them to be boring so I left. I was also in a Slave/Master RP for a bit, but it got too intense for me lol
Your first character: My first character on tumblr was named Abigail Baker, her FC was Candice Accola, and she was a beautiful, gossipy Gryffindor who got engaged to her boyfriend Luke Robinson during her final year at Hogwarts on Valentine’s Day, and I sobbed while writing the para lol. She was mocked by her friends because she would be Mrs. Robinson haha
Your favourite character that you’ve ever RP’d as: How can I choose between my babies omg. I love both Tori and Nym, but my two favourites have got to be Annie Cresta from THG, I loved playing her. Also my bb Tuesday Sullivan from the old OL. My brave baby Gryffindor <33
Your favourite FC to use: I’ve gone through so many over the years haha. I have played Emma Watson several times, as well as Candice Accola and Amber Heard. Also Lily Collins.
FCs you have used: Candice Accola, Emma Watson, Amber Heard, Lily Collins, Mila Kunis, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Alex Pettyfer, Channing Tatum, Jamie Chung, Saoirse Ronan etc etc, the list is very long, but as you can tell, most of them are female, I’m more comfortable playing a girl
FCs that have been absolutely ruined for you (no offense intended to anyone playing them right now though): Most of them have passed now, because it’s old drama, but I used to really detest Josh Hutcherson as an FC, and some of the actors from Teen Wolf and The 100. It was so long ago now though, so now I don’t really mind any FCs (though I’m always uncomfortable when people use models/singers etc and don’t use the right gifs when gif chatting)
Your dream RP/an RP you’d like to join or make: Can’t think of anything. I love it here are OL though
Do you prefer to admin or be a player? I’ve been admin plenty of times, and there is a lot of pressure to keep things up which always stressed me out, but then again, I was always admining alone, if I had had help, it would have been easier. I prefer being a player though, but I don’t mind admining
What personality type do you think you play best? I don’t do well playing someone who is mean, I always get anxious playing someone rude or mean because I get afraid that the RPer will feel offended (but I love mean characters lol). I think I play a brainy character, or a character that just loves to have fun the best
A character (or character type) you’d like to play in the future: I would like to play a mean character, just to see if I could maybe do it now haha
Do you think your writing has improved through roleplaying? Oh, absolutely it has. It was all “he said, she said” when I first started out. Some days are more difficult than others when it comes to writing, but I feel I’ve improved loads since I started roleplaying
Gif chats or paras? I always like a good gif chat, it’s easy and fun, but a good, intense para is always amazing. So I think I’m going to say paras.
Open starters or planned threads? Depends on what mood I’m in that day, to be honest. Planned threads have a direction, somewhere specific it needs to go, which I love, but open starters can go anywhere which is kind of fun
A memorable roleplay moment: I think my favourite thing I’ve ever written is when my bb Zane Blyth was attacked by a werewolf on the old OL. I loved writing the dramatic stuff that came with it
Have you made any friendships through roleplaying? Plenty, and a lot of them are still members here at OL. One of my very best friends in the entire world was a girl I met through my first RP on tumblr. We’ve been friends for 6 years now, going on 7 :D
Why did you start roleplaying, and why do you continue to roleplay? I had just started uni, and I was kind of depressed and scared to be on my own for the first time, and I found a lot of comfort talking to people online. I continued because, well... I love it!
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Happy Valentines my R ❤
To my Hubby Wubby, Hubs, Di, Other Half… Happy Valentine’s Day! (Medyo late but keri lang) ❤
Story mode muna tayo para medyo dramatic hahahaha
Okay so to start this off… Even though medyo magulo how we met each other, I’m grateful I met you. Kahit we just met that way, it depends on us naman how will we be and how will we work out with each other. We chose the right path naman, seryoso ka and ako naghahanap ng kaseryoso kaya we’re here now (yiie).

Thank you cause you know my allergies and mood swings well, ever since na nakilala mo ako, you know everything by heart about me kaya it’s so effortless for you na lang to know my medicines or how will my allergies go away.
Ito yung first time na nag hang-out tayo sa UP Town kasi maaga akong umalis sa office kasi I wasn’t feeling well. Naalala ko I even asked you to buy me my favourite milk from Starbucks, alam mo I was sooo kilig that time na sabi ko omg he knows at ito pa, you know how I like it! –Warm, pero yung inorder mo was hot para pagdating mo sakin warm pa din hehe–
I even remember na ito din ata yung first time na pinakita ko sayo kung gano ako kakulit omg those singing moments SHET NAKAKAHIYA pero wala akong pake kasi girlfriend mo na ako kaya you have no choice with my singing voice bwahaha. Actually ito din ata yung time you were first making your move on me. Landi for the first time with you haha! Priceless :P

Every time we were spending our time together, alam ko na napapansin mo na din before na we’re getting more and more comfy with each other at right then and there masasabi mo na we're gonna be together kahit wala pang confrontation with both parties. I know na madaming shit along the way (hint: your ex) pero alam ko naman wala lang yun, hindi pa nga pagsubok yun eh, panggulo kamo haha. Plus, you’re mature naman but I wasn’t, pero kahit ganun I was willing to listen to you and change whatever I need to change. I’m glad we’re like this kasi when we have misunderstandings along the way, its easy peasy for us to fix.
Ito yung time na hindi ako pumasok sa work pero dahil lagi kang nag-ggym, sinundo kita sa LRT para lang we can hang out. Damn, sobrang na-fall din ako sayo nun, ewan ko ba hahahaha nagayuma mo ata ako haha chos.

I think by now aware ka naman na we’re Travel Buddies na. Wala kang magagawa kasi wifey mo ako haha so ako kasama mo, okay?
Until now naiinis ako kasi hindi pa din ako nakakasakay ng roller coaster with you haha parang hindi talaga kumpleto yung moment natin sa Sky Ranch pero okay lang, nakakamiss din talaga idrive yung si Ranger. Sana mahiram ko ulit ang makapag La Union naman tayo this time haha pero mukang impossible yun, so like bili mo na lang ako ng Raptor ko haha chos.

I’ll always support you, alam mo yan. Sobrang supportive ko nga sinamahan kita sa basketball games mo haha kahit na yung bata ayaw akong paupuin (buti na lang talaga wala ako sa mood kundi tinulak ko yun –sorry not sorry haha–), and every time we eat, sinasabayan kita kahit gusting gusto ko magpa-payat, sabi ko nope kasi need may kasabay ka kumain haha. Alam mo yung ang hirap tumakbo… Kasi feel mong ang bigat sa feeling, parang may isang kaban na bigas yung tyan ko hahaha chos. Basta alam mo naman na kahit sabihin ko kadiri na yung laki ng katawan mo (sakto na yan hahaha hindi ka na payat), sinusupport pa din kita kasi sino ba number one fan and cheerleader mo? Ehdi ako hehe.

Do you remember those times sa place nila Nico? Ito din yung moment na natuto tayo mag snapchat pag nagsselfie haha tapos every date natin is always in Eastwood (shet sinusuka ko na siya haha ayoko na dun). Gosh, how funny no kasi ayaw na ayaw kong umuwi every time whenever I’m with you cause I feel safe… Happy… Contented… Like my world stops, my problems go away kasi ikaw lang yung iniisip ko and kasama ko and that’s what all I want in life. Medyo I’m a bit unstable sa life ko but one thing for sure na I really need you in my life. Want doesn’t even give justice to it, I NEED you.

To be cute, kelangan natin mag matchy matchy ng outfits haha. Will never forget na hirap talaga akong maghanap nung denim jacket mo haha sobrang natuwa ako kasi sabi mo sakin before hindi ka pa nagkaroon ng denim jacket and that gusto mo pero walang size so lahat ata ng H&M na malapit sakin pinuntahan ko para lang mabilhan ka haha pero sa Uniqlo ko lang pala makikita buti kasama pa kita nun para sakto yung size pero dahil nagpapalaki ka, wala naaaaa hindi na kasya sayo yung denim jacket haha hay nako!
Sobrang happy ako kasi lagi tayo matchy ng outfits haha little things pero it makes my heart flutter. Next time matchy matchy na tayo ng car ah? Haha.

I’m glad napakilala na kita kila mommy and daddy ng maayos. Happy ako kasi alam nila ang reason pag aalis ako alam nila na kasama kita and safe ako. Speaking of which, I feel so safe whenever I’m with you I don’t know why. Yung kahit manabunot ako ng random girl dyan keri lang hahaha (joke lang pero trulabels yan).
Like I said ikaw na ang first and last guy na ipapakilala kita sa family ko kasi alam ko ikaw si forever and Mr. Right ko (hihihi kilig). Alam mo din na first time ko magkaroon ng legal na relationship, ever! I mean yung iba naman acknowledged lang pero yung satin iba, kasi lagi ka andito (remember ever pa ako nagdala ng guy here na nameet nila diba).
I’m so happy and relieved na finally nahanap mo na ako, but I’m a bit sad ang tagal mong dumating sa life ko. Sana dati pa lang you met me na para hindi na natin napagdaanan yung mga heartaches :( Pero keri lang, parang warm up natin yun haha para maging mas matibay tayo (chos ano daw? Haha).

This is the first time natin makapunta ng beach together. I just can imagine traveling with you, super saya kaso alam mo ba may nakita akong article before online na if you want to get to know a person well, travel with them.
First is makikita mo daw kung ano yung wants niya.
Second is makikita mo siyang stressed or frustrated, lalabas yung totoong ugali niya (e.g. cancelled flights).
Third is kung maayos ba siya haha keep in mind magkaroom kayo so most probably makikita mo if magulo yung gamit niya or what haha.
Pero ayun, nakikita ko naman na lahat yan kahit hindi pa tayo nagttravel that much. Medyo obvious na OC ka Di, hahaha. But honestly speaking sobrang excited ako with all our future travels together! Gusto ko nagiinvest tayo sa travel instead of materialistic things, they rot unlike memories and experiences :)

Thanks for spending the day (Valentine’s Day) with me kahit I was too moody and you got affected with it, I’m terribly sorry (also thanks for the flower! Galing mo talaga mag drawing!! Sana ganyan din ako haha kaso mas magaling ako matulog, ganda ng talent ko. I love it HAHA) But you know what I’m going through, I know it’s not an excuse pero I’m unable to hold my emotions well, I wanted to cry so hard pero I was scared na you might think I’m overreacting. Just know I love you, and I will always and keep loving you. Corny but I’m being real here, I’ve never met someone like you. You defy what I believed men are, thanks for showing me there’s still people like my daddy, like you. I know I’m going to love you forever.
Grabe Di, sana naffeel mo kung gano kita kalove and gano ako kagrateful na akin ka na din (sa wakas). I’m gonna do my best to keep you, I don’t ever want to lose you. The thought of that makes me sick and depressed honestly, and I won’t give you any reason for you to leave me. Saying I love you isn’t that much to express how I feel for you, I fell for you, hard and fast and it’s scary to think what you can do to me (not literally) but what I’m saying is that I would do anything for you, without a doubt.
I just want you to promise me one thing, you’ll grow old with me, okay? We’ll be together forever ah? ❤
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July 28, 2018
Hello huhu this shouldnt be morning pages when i end up writing these at random points of the day huhu its so hard kasi like i wish i could wake up at around like 6 am or something para i can fit in all my morning routine juju but like that is nearly impossible i already feel like death when i wake up at 7.. i dont know my sleeping is so fucked up fuck im listening to cinema by tom misch and damn the lyrics are actually quite relatable. what a beautiful tune. two lovers in this mystic stream. ugh reminds me of tsai. huhu cge my new maoy song. pero anyways today is july 28, 2018. it's a saturday. i was actually gonna start my RYC weekend retreat but like ya girl just don't got the time huhu maybe this weekend for sure! other things i want to do this weekend is to make this room a little more like home. pin up the california flag, wrap the fairy lights around the bed. i guess thats it like i want to hang my dream catchers pero like i dont wanna stick too much in the room cause we might be charged a lot huhu but yeah. to be honest ive grown to really look forward to these morning thought sessions. it's so nice to dump all your thoughts and check in on how youre feeling. stop from the commotion and tiredness that life often brings and just revel in the moment you know. it's a very chill weeekend but very understandable since everyones got shit to do. it's sila kristine and kathy's last weekend na which is like cray. like this term went by so fast but it also went by so slow if you know what im saying.. ugh what a beautiful song puta tom misch is a god i want to see him live :(( okay no im gonna watch kygo. i will watch kygo! so anyways omg 11:11 my wish is that im gonna ace my radio drama <3 that is all hehe and that i will have a good week ahead of me and also get adequate sleep and just be a happy butterfly all around. i feel happy. today i attended a one hour and 30 minute yoga session in urban ashram. beautiful studio! it was big and they had high ceilings and lots of props and free yoga mats na and open windows. it was a good session and great location! probaby will try again hehe so anyways im gonna go yoga again. at first i was thinking should I? like i need sleep man cause i already know im not gonna get any this week but idk i love yoga and i want my practice to be consistent so hell yes im going hehe and maybe i can check out legazpi right after? kind of want to grab some toby's estate. they have great coffee. speaking of coffee i went to an amazing coffee house earlier called % arabica. it's located in Fort and it is beautiful. i was so enthralled by the aesthetics. very minimalistic and japanese. i found out later that it is in fact a Japanese brand. i read the philosophy and it was quite inspiring. the founder sounds like me char lol i went there with albie and we had a really good and stimulating conversation. i love albie because you can go really deep. he is a highly intelligible person to be honest and i feel like a total airhead when im with him sometimes but i just like how i find it so easy to talk to him. ive been having some very meaningful conversations with people lately. deep talks. talks that don't just revolve over the shallow trivialties of every day life. wala lang. it's nice to get deep with a person. it's very lami. very juicy lol thats the only way i can describe it. so yeah anyways what else oh yes i also had lunch with him in sunnies cafe. all in all it was a great day. i forget how nice bgc actually is. it's so damn clean and so green and im so glad i have someone to go with whenever im there since albie lives there so i can always hit him up if i want a chat or a quick hangout hehe so yeah what else huh i was gonna say something but i forgot oh yes speaking of japanese culture, i have started this new show called terrace house. ive always heard of it and ive always seen kristine watching it but man i do love it. i love shows that revolve around human connection, human relationships. i have no clue why maybe its because im just enthralled by humanity and how we connect with one another. connection thats a topic that has really interested me. like the reason why i love sense8 so much is because of the connectedness that they shared. i dont know terrace house just feels so damn genuine and real and it reflects who we are as a generation for me. all striving to figure out what we want to do with this grand life of ours and going through myriads of personalities while were at it lol so i guess i use big and profoud words when i write at night. cge damn its getting easier to write noh like thoughts just flow you know there's a lot of interesthing things in my head that i want to tackle. right now im reading this book The Untethered Soul and to be honest it's so damn interesting.. pero like i dont got the time to read it so SADNESS :( yeah okay cge gotta get to my other tasks and trivialties so ill see ya laters.
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Hii love!! How are you?? Hope you had a great time at yesterday's dinner. Yes, i still have a month of exams. And a lot of essays and assigments that i dont want to do. But hopefully i'll be free soon. Nop. I didnt see that. Which one was it? Crying in the club? I remember seeing that song in the track list at the beginning of the tour. But i havent seen anything else. (1)
Hi, love!! Finally I get to answer you. I’ll try to make it “short”, jajja, but I talk too much, so, no promises here, jajjaja.Yeah, we had a good time. We bought some pizzas 🍕 (lol, Honey 🍯 senses when I’m writing you, and he comes to lay on my 😌). I told them if they wanted to watch Dunkirk, they told me they rather no, jajajaj. But, well 🤷🏻♀️, their lost. A day more, is a day less. Soon you’ll be free, and will forget about the stress.Oh, I think it’s that song, yes. I didn’t knew he was covering it on his tour. He also sang a Sting one, too. 😩😩 I didn’t know it, what a fake fan 😅.
Yes. I think i started wearing them when i was 7. I’ve been wearing glasses for more than half of my life now. They are part of me and people dont recognise me without them. Kind of sad if you ask me. But it is what it is. Is the surgery that expensive? I havent even looked that up bcs getting surgery it’s just a dream at this moment, i dont need reality to discourage me (2)
Well, if it’s of some relief, I’ve wearing them for almost three years, only, and even my family see something weird in my face when I don’t have them on, so 🤷🏻♀️. Well, when my mom look it up, it was around 3000€. But I think my friend told me last year that it was around 1800€, I think. So, yes, it’s very expensive, but all the people I know who have had it are very happy with it.
Yes. I know. I get that it’s easier to give them the ipad and all of that, but i dont think that’s really good for them mainly bcs they dont get the attention they need. But well, parenting is something very personal, and technology also has its perks. Maybe nowadays kids learn in a different way, but it’s still learning. I guess it’s the same as when Game Boy and so came out. That was supposed to “pervert” us all, but i think we ended up being just fine. Mostly. (3)
Oh, yeah, well used, technology is the best. But sometimes parents just give their children their phones so they don’t bother them, and that’s not good for kids. Like when they’re waiting at the doctor. I actually hear a psychologist saying that that teaches kids that to be relaxed they need a phone. And it’s a way to conditioning them. Like when a dog does something well and you give it a treat. And then the dog does that thing, so you have to give it another treat. But, yes, like you said, parenting is something very personal, and I think it parents reflects what they had/hadn’t from their parents on their kids.
Ohh! I havent thought about that. Yes yes. I hope they are not recognisable then. Do you know if there'a any project for Nialls show? Like the rainbow flag they did for Fire Away in Amsterdam (was it Amsterdam?). I havent heard about one. JAJAJAJAJA. Of course buying a bigger house is the easy option. Of course😂. I’d take a pic of the door, but then i dont know how i would send it?? An anti or a het? Please no. Never. I have eyes and i know how to use them. And so does she (4)
Oh, I haven’t looked for projects yet. I always remember to look it up when I’m driving, bc is when I’m hearing Niall’s album, lol, but then I get home or work and I forget 🙄. I’ll look it up, and let you know. I’ve thought on bringing those big balloons that have a cord at one end? (I’ll try to find a pic, so you see them) and throw them to the crowd at some point and people can play hitting them, you know (we did that at my sister wedding and we had a lot of fun, I think here it would be funnier). But I’ll see. I’m very shy, so, even if I bring them, I’ll probably keep them in my bag, lmao.I think you can submit pics on anon. Just log off, search my blog, and submit it. You have to put an email, that can be anó[email protected], jajja.
Your dad also knows their names? My parents barely know that One Direction exist. They only remember it as the opposite to good music. “This is music, not like that direction you like"😤😒 Jajajajajaja. Dont be so hard on you all. I’m sure there will be a lot of people of your age. You are not old!! (Yes, they are young babies. But mostly, they are lucky babies. Only 16 and already living their best life). (5)
Well, it would be too hard for my family to not know them, lol. All the people that has any contact with me, knows that I like them, lmao. My dad doesn’t like English music in general, so he isn’t a big fan (of me, listening their music 24/7, oops). Well, I’ll let you know after the concert, jajajajaj, of how much old people I see. The good thing is that it’s a small crowd, so less people judging 😅. And yes, they’re very lucky!! but if they can, good for them. I got to see Andy&Lucas when I was 16, 🤣🤣🤣🤣, almost the same, jajaja.
Only two weeks!! It’s around the corner!!! 😱😱😱😱😱 Yes. I should have bought a ticket for myself. But i’m not that sad. I’ll go another time. And also, the timing of the concert id disastrous because i start exams that week and going there + the show would mean 2 days less to study. And less time to study = more stress and crying. I’ve resigned myself to the idea. Next time. (6)
Yeah, I always look for the good point on everything too,jajaja. Also, that you have to see them next time they come, is the perfect excuse for them to come back again,jajajajaj. But you’re right. And it’s not just those two days you wouldn’t study. It’s the week before and after, thinking about the concert and getting distracted. Thinks come the way they do for a reason. So just think that studios are first. 🤷🏻♀️.
He tried to catch a duck? 😂😂😂 Nooo. Videos for cats? What are those? I know about cats’ videos (i love them. They are so cute), but not about videos for cats. What do they show? Oh, dont worry!! Notifications dont bother me. They dont make any sound. They are just there. And i only get one, no matter how many posts you reblog. (7)
Yes!! Cats are so funny. I laugh so much with them. If you search on YouTube “videos para Gatos” you’ll a lot, jajajaja. They’re just a cartoon mouse running and hiding, and cats try to catch it. Boring for humans, funny for cats.Ah, that’s good then,jajaja, because I was afraid you’d get 1837453 notfs, jajajaja.
Aaaargh. I’m trying to think something because I dont want to give you my name. It’s nothing personal. I swear. I’m just a very private person. That’s why i dont have SM and that stuff. But also, i cant think of a nickname bcs i dont have many, and i think my sister follows your blog and if she sees it there, that would be strange😂🤷. I dont knooow. I know names are not a big deal, but. I’m just shy. I’ll think about something and then i’ll tell, if you dont mind. (8)
WHAT??? Your sister follows me?? Oh my god!! This is so weird!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣I hope she isn’t reading this then, so you don’t get discovered. Now more than ever I have to try to put everything under the cut,jajajajja. Don’t worry about the name, that’s why I didn’t want to ask you. I was thinking something like flower anon (I don’t know why I call you flower i my head,jajja), or something like that. Or just smiley anon. I didn’t mean your actual name, of course. I’m very shy like that too (I know, hard to believe), and I always talk on anon to people. Don’t worry. Ah!! And don’t worry about thinking a name at all. If you’re comfortable with the notifications, keep with it. I just thought that if you were searching in my blog that tag anon, it would be easier for you to have your own tag, with your own things,jejejeje. But whatever you think is better, seriously.
8 months? So young!! She just discovered her hands?😂 Glasses are the first target, but i bet she’s going to go after your hair next. All did was laugh? I would have cried for sure. Omg you are brave! I love kids, but i wouldnt have known what to do. “Well, if you could tell me what is a girl/boy toy” 📢 📢📢📢 Say it louder Soraya!! I love saying remarks like that. Some people get so angry and i’m like ???? Chill and think about what i just said pls, it’s all true.(9)
Aaaawwwww, I was with her today too, she’s so cuteeeee. And yes, she goes for my hair too, but that’s my fault, really, because I tickle her with it, so she just plays with it. And I was with my cousin yesterday too!!! You’d have to see him. He has a “problem” in his brain, so he doesn’t develop normally. Doctors even thought he had autism (I don’t know the correct way to say it in English, bc I think they use a different verb, but you get it) for some time, because he behaved like that. Anyway, he has photographic memory, and also when he learns something, he doesn’t forget (he’s just 4). Well, yesterday, he just taught me in English the weeks days, months of the year, numbers till 20 and the weather. All of that singing it and pointing to his black board (the tv) like he was a teacher. He’s just amazing. He has learn how to read some words all on his own… and he can recognize written words since he was 2. He learn my car plaque before than me… I love him so much. ☺️. (Did I have a point with this story???? I just love to talk about him, sorry, jajaja)Hey, look, I do t usually say good things about me, but I’ll say one. I think I’m good on how I treat people at work. Like I know how to read them, and if I can joke with them or not. And I talk a lot with people, even if I don’t know them,jajaja. Well, when someone says something like that (a toy for a girl; can you make a candy cake, but it’s for a boy so nothing pink, please…) soy la persona más seca que te puedas imaginar 😒 (I don’t know how to say that in English). Like, no, lol, what will it do to him to it something pink? It’s just mean it taste like strawberry 🙄🙄🙄. I can’t I can’t.
Today i did a survey for a friend who is studying to be a teacher, and it was… wrong The aim of the survey was good, but the ways… the first question was “¿Q opinas al respecto de que existan orientaciones sexuales distintas a la heterosexual?” & also “¿como d normal t resulta q un niño juegue con muñecas?”. That’s wrongly put. Like, u are not asking what people thinks about sexuality. U are assuming that hetero is cool, and then u are asking about the nonhetero ones. And that annoyed me. 10
Yeah, that way of asking is wrong. Even more because is a written question, so you can’t catalogue the way the person asked is answering. But I sometimes ask question the wrong way so people shows they true colors, y'know? Like I ask in a way that it looks like I’m thinking the wrong way (gay things are wrong) and when they answer as if I were right… bye. But, again, that can be done in s face to face conversations. That survey was wrong yes, because they didn’t ask how you see that a boy play with a gun (which is worst that playing with a doll or a kitchenette…). But also, who wrote that survey? Your friend? Did you tell them what you thought about the way it was written? Did they listen to you??
Well, I reached the end!! Jajajja, I had to put my iPad to charge. Why do I talk so much??? We have this joke at the shop, with a woman (she’s also my sister neighbor), and she talks a lot A LOT!! So much, that my sister sometimes has to close the shop and walk with her to their flats… jajajaa. Well, I always say: ja! yo la doy conversación. Cuando se cansa de hablar, la saco otro tema!! That’s how much I talk,🤣🤣🤣🤣. I think is because I spend so much time alone at home, without opening my mouth (only to talk to my cats), that when I start talking with someone, I don’t know how to stop,jajajja. But I’ll stop… NOW! Bye!! 😚😚
#anon#argggg I always think bout something to tall you in the tags when I start writing#but when I end It's 3 hours late and I have forgotten#🙄🙄#Eit: I remembered !!#I was going to tell you that Niall had kitties yesterday#as of tonigh there's only one alive#I’ll keep you informed about the progress
0 notes
The Brave Act *kinda*
!!long note ahead!! (i know how much impatient you are but please bare with me)
This whole crazy thing is inspired by the phenomenal movie, 100 Tula Para Kay Stella, and The 1975′s Heart Out.
The movie mainly revolves in being tough enough to say to the one you love how you feel before everything is too late. Turns out the lead actor, Fidel, missed the chance to tell Stella (lead actress) that he loves her. Stella was already pregnant and happily married to some guy who managed to get her life straight once more. (ROBBERS PLAYING OMG!! this song always gets me) So in relation with this thing, I don’t want to miss the chance to tell what I feel before this gets too deep that I might actually drown and waste time mending myself all over again because certainly more options may arise after this.
With regards to Heart Out by The 1975, I always, always, always, sing one particular line from the song subconsciously. “You got something to say? Why don’t you speak it out loud, instead of living in your head? It’s always the same. Why don’t you take your heart out, instead of living in your head?” And so that pushed me to be this extra and tell what I feel because seriously, this is bothering me and taking too much space on my head hehe. It all started whe–
nope I can’t actually remember when did this feelings decided to show up. But I’m sure it wasn’t when we started frequently communicating each other last summer, which by the way really took me by surprise but still managed to tell myself it was a friendly act; not until school started. It was July 4 when we met again after the summer break, you really looked like Gong Yoo (grabe I’m starting to feel the awkwardness) with your long curly hair and your signature fair complexion. Whilst I was belittling myself for being such a potato. All tanned up, some pimples on my face, and my fatness. I wasn’t paying much attention or should I say, entertaining my feelings that time because all I ever wanted was to survive this year and be productive. As the weeks passes by, things started to show and now I always find where you are seated and and steal glances. That’s when I realized, “gago iba na ‘to”. Sadly though, during those times, I was feeling jealous of the girls you talk to and be clingy with (possessive ate gurl pero wala namang label ahaha) My blue notebook, which was supposed to be my assignment notebook, became the list of songs I jot down that I relate to whenever I feel down and jealous. there are about 15 or less songs in there and some brief explanation to it. Remember the time I told you I was going back to my old self and start writing again with the CNN message? Yeah, that was for you. I am so afraid of this, so afraid of talking to you one-on-one, so afraid of telling how much I like you lots (LANyyYYYY!! one of their songs is entitled likeyoulots) so I trailed my way back and just use what I am good at, writing/composing essays and here I am right now.
Someone asked me why did I like you (it’s actually deeper than like but let’s settle with it first), at first I didn’t know what made me adore you, but eventually it was because of your whole existence including your flaws. That’s how it is to people who has a special someone, they accept the whole package as it is. You have so many baggage in your life (always here for your remember that) already and I don’t want to add so don’t feel sorry if you don’t feel the same way as I do. This is just how I’d like to express myself. I do hope our friendship remains and all the jolly kwento we always have will still be the same. Looking forward to a drinking sesh with you in broad daylight. hihi. This is for you River. I hope you realize that you deserve all the happiness in this world with or without me, that you will achieve your goals and that someone will always love you. Don’t ever feel you aren’t enough. All the pain you are enduring right now, will end and eventually happiness will take place. I’ll always pray for you AND SHET SANA PUMASA KA SA UP!!!!! This might be a little overwhelming i know so take it easy. if you have something to say, please email me [email protected] and don’t bring this up on messenger because i get shaky using that app. hehehe. and if you want to talk to me personally, give me a heads up so i know when and how to calm myself (preferably, state it on the email when will we talk if ever plus i might be out the whole long weekend. be back on monday morning i guess) IM SO FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME YOU CAN’T ATTEND CLASSES ON SAT SO I HAVE TO GIVE THE LIGHTER TO YOU ON THE LAST DAY OF EXAMS. AND I DON’T KNOW WHEN WILL YOU ABLE TO READ THIS BUT HEY I TRIED PLAYING THE BRAVE ACT EVEN IF I’M SO NERVOUS RIGHT NOW. special mention to my second boy bestie, Charles, aka mr, pogi “daw”, thanks for the support and push!!
looking forward to your response kabado na me yey :–(
(still considering if there’s a part two hehe)
ps. ahaha please keep this a secret :)
Edited: friday, sept 1 2017 uhm so hey. I just want to apologize for being such a nuisance and asking too much of your time and attention just to read this. I didn’t know how to respond in messenger. I was being consumed by my anxiety so much that my chest hurts and which my depression suddenly came. What a great way to end my night. This was a bad idea. I should’ve told you there was a note taped on the lighter. I should’ve messaged you about it. I take all the fault. I’m sorry. I hope you have a great weekend and dont think too much on this trash (i mean it). Keep safe 🌞
0 notes