#omg look at all these tortured souls
doing a poll for my favorite characters of any media. I'm cheating again and doing six.
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Sanji With A Clingy Reader Would Include...
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Request: OH BABY telling about one piece is like unlocking a whole second heart of mine i have fully for that anime and manga and live action. and so, if you ever decided of course, you writing something similar to something you did on marvel once and sanji with reader that has no personal space and is touchy would be amazing. but also... kissing zoro is great to, if you ever decided? anyway! HOPE YOU LOVE IT (one piece i mean), and if not ignore me UwU
Ooh yess babes this is so SWEET!! :3 I LOVED IT omg hello to my latest obsession not me ordering the first collection of the manga
This was really sweet and fun to do, but I did stay up all night writing it so all comments are much appreciated!
Warning: slightly spicy, some mentions of fighting!
(I do not own One Piece or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @fanpageknight.)
Look at this man. Seriously, look at this man with his little bottom lip bite and eyes like the sun shines heavily out of them and tell me he would be anything less than absolutely madly, heart wrenchingly, soul crushingly enthralled with a clingy reader??? That's right you can't take the l on this one.
It all started that day when the three of you ended up shipwrecked on that sad sack excuse of a rock. When you and Sanji huddled on one side of the forsaken isle to stay away from the terrifying Pirate Zeff. His hands had shaken as he drew them up to his chest, but he mustered the nerves to string open the sack Zeff had thrown at his feet. Once he had counted out the cans, he offered all the food to you.
He wanted you to stay alive far more than himself. Ever since you had landed on his ship he had been smitten, and his weary heart would beat its last under this smothering sun as long as you would live on for the both of them.
To keep him calm: to stop his gasping, tortured heaves as he tried his best not to writhe in panic at the thought of never stepping back on safe land again, you would spent most of those 85 days sitting over the cragged edges. Sanji couldn't tear his eyes away from peering down at the gushing shards of stone below that seemed to rip up in tides and tear for his swinging feet; to try and distract him from sniffling any longer, your hand would tentatively creep over the rock until it landed flatly, and unceremoniously on top of his own. His fingers flexed beneath your own, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he folded them upwards, giving your hand a shaking squeeze: a dutiful promise, a flitting confession of love, that you just happened not to feel in your ruminations of the circumstances.
In fact, he asked you that night, in an uncharacteristically quiet and bashful voice, if you would keep his nightmares away by holding him like his mother used to. You felt terrible: you were so stunned that for a moment you stood with the last piece of mouldy bread you had in your hand in shocked silence. Poor Sanji thought you were about to reject him outright: throw what little he had left of his heart - that he had so carefully lifted out and placed in his hands to offer to you, only to have it thrown back to his feet in the usual ridicule he got for his love. His bottom lip began to tremble, until you nearly knocked him onto his bottom with how fast you dropped everything and flew over to lock him in a tight hug, not minding the fact that your shoulder was growing wetter and wetter despite the brewing rain each time Sanji buried his snivelling head against it.
So you would let him rest safely in the bracket of your arms: his left cheek resting in the warm stretch between your collar bone and your neck, his right hand draped leisurely around your waist as you told him stories of pirates and treasure: of the Deep Blue and tropical fish that shone like bursts of fragmented starlight every time their fins graced the water. Although he would groan any time you removed your hand from where you were stroking the wet strands of his hair back from his forehead, it was quickly replaced with wonderment as you would point up at a cluster of stars and whisper excitedly: 'look, there's some now!'
He had never been afraid of nights ever since that moment, not when the stars were still out and he could trace with the butt of his cigarettes the fish you had drawn specially for him in the skies. It was like a secret message: a lover's reminder that he was never alone. That you were always with him. That your beauty - your light, it shone everywhere, no matter where he was.
It was the first time he had kissed you, two forgotten children lost underneath the dripping crevice of your little hideaway. As your belly began to rise and fall underneath his elbow, and he believed you had exhausted yourself out after trying to make him feel better, he dared to dart up from your shoulder and press his lips firmly against your cheek. It had been quick, almost gliding past time like a dolphin leaping up out of the water, but it had meant so much to him that he curled up into a ball in your side and flushed a bright cerise, having to shove his fist into his mouth to stop his manic giggling from waking you up.
But you weren't asleep, and as Sanji settled back into your neck with a smile bright enough to rival the shine of buttercup petals, you swore as he began to drift off in the first peaceful dream he had had in years that one day you would return the favour, but in full.
The two of you were thick as thieves growing up, to the point where Zeff became so distracted by your antics that he often tried to separate the two of you by making you work the floor and Sanji either in the kitchens, or off fishing at the docks. Ten seconds later though, he'd be kicking through the kitchen doors again to find you leaning on the kitchen counter next to an eager faced Sanji, whose to busy to register Zeff's shouting. Instead he places the spoon to your lips, having spent half of lunch service prep cooking you a brand new recipe he had spent the whole night creating out of a medley of your favourite foods. He subconsciously licks his bottom lip, the tension in the room felt by the other chefs who try to carry on washing pans and cutting vegetables enough to put everyone on edge as Sanji refused to look anywhere but your lips. Holding his hand under your chin, his dipped eyes were broken by a sudden grin as a loud 'mmhhh' left your mouth and you chewed in sweet bliss.
Still ignoring Zeff's increasingly erratic rant, as Sanji goes to start cleaning up his pan you slide down to stand behind him, wrapping your arms tightly around your back and jutting your chin into his shoulder blade like a baby koala. You can tell he's laughing silently by the way his shoulders shake against you, but all he does is pull up your hand from his belly button to press sweet, dainty kisses up and down the lengths of your fingers, before dropping it down to press your palm flatly against his heart.
'I think that might be your greatest dish yet, buttercup!'
'From you, that means everything my precious heart.'
'Why do you call me that?', you murmur, refusing to lift your lips from his shirt.
'Well my sweet love, why do you call me buttercup? I mean, I always know I smell of butter and the likes-'.
He's distracted by your snort against the side of his neck, but the two of you are too love-strikingly embarrassed to say anything again. Even if neither of you could see the warm peach rushing up both your cheeks, Zeff could. He could also hear the padding thuds of Sanji's heart as he gripped his fingers that almost imperceptibly bit tighter around your hand, and he found himself sighing at how oblivious you two idiots were.
Sanji is definitely just as clingy as you, if not more so. You've definitely met your match in this man. I mean, any time you're out on the floor, handing out bread to tables and scanning the room to check if there were any patrons you may have to throw out by the scuff of their collars later, his eyes are trained on yours. He leans against the banisters, not even trying to remotely hide how obviously he's tracing your path with a dumbstruck, lit up smile. If you're in the kitchens, desperately trying to bite your tongue and not tear Zeff a new one as he chops his hands together and rushes you to plate up? He's sliding up to your side in an instant, throwing scathing looks at the man while trying to help you spoon thyme onto your bass, nuzzling the side of his head into yours encouragingly. If you have any free time at all? Sanji is fast on your heels, darting after you like someone's firing shots at his dress shoes, as if you have his heart tied to a string on your wrist as he seeks out whatever nook you're going to relax in. It doesn't matter if you're at the bar, watching the docks, or trying to hide from Zeff in one of the cupboards in the pantry: Sanji is squatting down and grunting as he shoves himself in right next to you. He sits criss cross, only satisfied when at least one of his knees is resting heavily over yours, and he has full access to watch what you're reading over the side of your neck.
He only fully settles, though, if you touch him in some way. He genuinely will begin mewling once your hand reaches over to brush your knuckles over his jawline, or your hand finds itself guided to bunch itself up in his hair. One time, he guided your hand into his lap, and you began to absentmindedly stroke your pointer finger along the seam of his inner thigh. Thank goodness you had your head buried in a book one of the pirate crews had come to swap some dried meats with you for, because it took every muscle in Sanji's body twitching: every finger clenching and unclenching into his knee until he drew blood not to knock you flat right there and then and kiss you like there was no tomorrow.
He gets a MASSIVE nosebleed - so gushing, in fact, that he tries to reassure you he's fine as you hold him by the elbows and lead his tilted back head and pinched nose down to Zeff for some help.
It becomes a very major recurring issue every time he looks at you. He makes sure to carry a handkerchief in his breast pocket from then on.
God, if he didn't love you more than anything in all the seas. If you weren't the only one that he let see past his charming nature: if you weren't the only person left in his life that truly could recognise the young boy left in his eyes, in his gait, in his smile, in his dreams. That little kid on that great big ship, the one who had found you stowed away behind one of the barrels of rum, and instead of calling for the crew had taken your trembling hand and led you into the kitchens, introducing you as his newest sous chef. That same kid, who stood beside you and held your hand so gently, so heartbreakingly gently under his as he guided you through lessons of chopping onions and sautéing garlic, breaking out into long strings of rushed, praising French every time you got it right. The same one, who would frown as if he were the one who had been hurt any time you burnt your hands or sliced your fingers. Who would unravel the knot at the back of his apron, and tug it over his head to carefully place it over yours.
'This always brings me luck', he would say as his fingers daintily tucked the strings underneath your shirt collar. 'But I don't need it anymore, because you've brought me all the luck and happiness a man could ever dream of, my cherie.'
The same kid who would tip toe out of his bed to sneak down to your hammock, crawling in and burying himself underneath your blankets where you slept in the brig, telling you fantastical stories about his mother until you fell sound asleep. He would watch you from where he lay on his side, hands folded by your head, as if you had hung every star in the wide skies. He would brush his fingers over the edge of your cheek and curl up beside you, wishing that every minute of every day of the rest of his life could be spent with you.
Yeah, smitten wasn't enough to cover it. Only destiny could be raw enough to draw the two of you to each other, Sanji always thought.
As teenagers, you would end every shift outside, sitting on the wonky boards of one of the jutted docks. Just sitting side by side, as you always wanted to be, pretending you weren't playing a game of chicken as the two of you teased and pressed and glanced your fingers over each other's, leaning back and looking up at the stars. Sanji always appreciated the better chance it gave him: shrouded in naught by wisps of moonlight and the rare flashing neon of ship string lights, to take you in as much as he could. You didn't mind the fact that he spent the whole time staring over at you. In fact, if you hadn't been so lovestruck, you might have found the courage to tear your head away from the horizon to meet the look of gut-wrenching devotion that always seemed to pour out of his eyes and beam only on you. It always felt like warm sunlight, sitting next to him, and so you finally dared a chance at grabbing his fingers and intertwining them between your own, pretending it was because of the sea chill spraying a fine mist over your legs.
Again, the squeeze he gave your hand was almost, almost imperceptible, but you felt it this time. And you could feel the look of enduring devotion he pierced into your skin, a warm tingle washing like a spring tide through your tired body.
He always knew. He always knew that if he had stayed on that rock, he would have been content to. Happy, even. Because he would have been with you.
'I love you', he said without words. He gave your hand another squeeze. 'I'm going to love you forever. No matter how many lifetimes. No matter who I am. I'm always going to find you, and I'm always going to love you.'
His voice nearly made you jump, surprising you at how it started with his usual buttery smoothness, before cracking with a thick gulp as his words trailed of. 'Never leave without me.'
'I promise, as long as you don't leave without me.'
He shakes his head. 'You never leave me. Not even for a moment.'
Sometimes, when the two of you are older, he still comes stealing into your room at night, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as his lips wobble into a frightened frown. Turns out, as he draws the covers back and comes reaching in for you, he had another nightmare that pirates had come to steal you away from him again. With an aching sigh for how stricken he looked, how desolate, you let him claw at your shirt and bury his head into the side of your neck until the rest of the world melted away.
He kissed you again, that night. When the feel of his legs strewn familiarly between your own began to burn against his skin, and the weight of hand perched over his thrumming heart became too heavy to bear in secret. With nothing but the light streaming like shards of pearly stars through the porthole to betray a moment so special, so longed for, Sanji let his eyelashes flutter close as he slowly... slowly pressed his lips against your cheek again.
This time, his eyes widened in shock as the feeling of your hand gripping at his jaw and turning his face straight on to your own. Before he can even open his mouth in confusion, the sweet pressure of your lips pressed against his top one. For a moment, Sanji doesn't move an inch: doesn't even breath, not even processing that the thing he’s spent every moment of his waking and sleeping life wishing for ever since he found you on that boat was actually happening, right here right now. He tries really hard to stop his whole body from shaking, as his silky lashes finally falter shut against the top of your cheeks and he tries to focus his whole attention on the way your plush lip seems to press so perfectly against his own.
When he finally pulls away, he lets out a loud 'OW' as he pinches his arm.
'What did you do that for!?'
'I had to double check this wasn't a dream, my sweets!'
And then he's on you again, like a ravished man gasping for air. God, he wasn't sure if soulmates were real, but when your top lip pulled down against his, and he could feel the thud of your heart synch against his own beneath the tips of his fingers, if he didn't know that he was yours.
He stays in your room a lot more often after that, using it as an excuse for you to help him button up his shirt during sleepy mornings, smiling at the feel of your fingers as they knocked against the muscles of his chest. It was also his favourite part of the day - the good morning kiss the two of you shared before you raced down to be at your shifts before Zeff decided to knock your heads together.
One time you forgot to give him one, too distracted by one of the sous chefs busting into your room with a bloodied nose and a chipped front tooth, whistling through the gap as he begged you to come down to the main foyer and help him break out a fist fight that had started between two gangs of rival pirates. The pout on Sanji's face that day was enough to make even the most bounty-heavy pirate's knees tremble. Every other chef steered way clear of his station, watching the arch of his back and the jaw in his muscle jump as he busied himself by frying his steak of tuna, so gutted at the loss of just one kiss. Not angry, no: just grief stricken, because this man seriously just adores you that much.
When you finally get your lunch break, the first thing you do is throw your napkin down on the kitchen ground and grab Sanji by his suit collar, enjoying the surprise tilt of his head as he drops his spoon onto his serving tray and allows you to lead his feet backwards to the fire exit. As soon as he's outside, you slam him gently against the wooden beams of the Baratie restaurant, and kissed him silly to make up for it. His look of trusting confusion suddenly melt into jumping heart eyes when your knee slides up between his thighs to try and pin him in place. His breathing comes out in harsh, shallow gasps between ferocious kisses, and you have to press him back against the wall every time he comes arching forward to follow your head for even more kisses. No, this was about you making him feel good. And by goodness, as your tongue pressed against the seam of his lips and tentatively ran over his front teeth, if he wasn't two seconds away from falling to his knees right there and then.
When you let him go, he slides down the wall like putty until he's sitting with legs stretched out and both his suit and hair a ruffled mess. He's literally never been more deliriously happy in his whole life.
Your favourite time of the day is when the restaurant closes, and the two of you finally have the kitchens to yourselves. Once you've tossed your aprons back onto the rack with a tired sigh, the only thing that can cheer you up is the sound of Sanji kicking his chair back with the toe of his shoe, and the sight of him beckoning you over to him with that tilted head and pearly beam of his. Mmh, how safe you feel, how loved as you collapse down to sit on his knees, and he tucks you in between the brackets of his arms in a vice so tight it could match any Marine knot.
You take one of his hands off the pen he was holding, turning his palm round to face you so you could fiddle with the rings he was wearing. You draw one up, curling his finger before your eyes, before slotting one off and sliding it onto your own ring finger. It was the one his father had given him: one he so loathed to wear, and yet felt guilt bore down too heavily on his conscious to ever take it off. You turned the one on top of it, one you know Zeff had given him after his first day working at the Baratie, and you smiled at the memory.
'You know', you start, still fiddling with his hand, feeling him shift his thighs as you pressed a gentle kiss on the pointer finger you were currently grasping onto. 'I may just have to keep this one.'
'Oh yeah?', he says dreamily, and you could feel his grin growing as he hid his burning face in the nape of your neck. 'Don't worry sweetheart. One day, once I find the perfect one, I'll give you a ring of your own.'
The two of you sneak out and share cigarettes out the back door a lot, where Sanji steps forward and kisses you like a man possessed every time you pinch the stub from out of his mouth and draw it along your bottom lip teasingly. When you try to get him to go back in, he just wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up, spinning you around to stop you from leaving him alone. Laughing, you try to shove him off, swatting at the hands that form a tight clasp over your belly button, until his large fingers finally slide down to hold your waist. You glance behind you, smirking at the way his eyes are tightly shut in euphoria as ducks down, chest nearly enveloping in his desperation to reach your face again. His kisses become sloppier: smoke stained as they leave wet trails up your jaw, before he finally gives in and tries to make you laugh one last time by nibbling at the lobe of your ear.
Whenever he has a fight with Zeff, you have to hold him afterwards. The feel of your fingers curling the hair at the nape of his neck, or rubbing soothing circles into the sore muscles of his shoulders stops the furious darts of air from flaring his nostrils almost immediately.
Man has blaring heart eyes 100% whenever he's in a fight with rowdy customers, and you get to kick the flashy knife out of the last one's hand before the pirate could launch straight for Sanji's neck. He tilts his head at you with those amazed eyes, a gentle smile growing almost shyly on his face like a secret wink, before he throws his now empty plate at the pirate trying to sneak up behind your back. The crash echoes out through the booth area, a cry so furious: so full of rage that anyone would try and dare hurt you, that it makes all the remaining pirate crews crawl out towards the door on their hands and knees.
Stitching each other up afterwards is a motherfcking mess though, that Zeff straight up just abandons all hope of being able to use his kitchen. With a defeated rub of his pounding temples, he lets the door slam shut on his heel because he just can't deal with the two of you. He'd much rather pick up a brush and start sweeping bits of crushed and splattered asparagus off the floors than have to watch you to battle it out in a stiff competition of who could be more sickeningly, maddingly in love with the other. Between you standing between Sanji's entrapping thighs, closing you in tighter so you could have full access to kiss his bobbing Adam's apple as you use a rag to swipe bits of dry sauce off his neck, and him throwing his head back and whimpering, Zeff was going to go insane. Even worse, as soon as you're finished, Sanji's reaching between your fingers to lick split consomme off your nose.
The two of you are literally insufferable, and if every one apart from Zeff doesn't find it the cutest thing I-
When Luffy comes and wrangles Sanji into joining his crew, the chef's first thought is to be distraught. He seeks you out straight away, nearly breaking some poor fisherman's pole as he tries to hurdle over it and grip onto your shoulders, making you drop the barrel of dried meats you were carrying from Luffy onto the planks and watching Luffy nearly dangle off the edge of his ship to stop it from rolling into the ocean.
'Y/n- I- I can't go!'
'You're hardly scared!'
'I'm not scared of going, I'm terrified of going without you!'
You let him pour his heart out for a moment, before stopping his rambling, near sobbing mess of a sentence by bopping the tip of his nose. You giggle, swiping some hair from his forehead. 'Sanji, Luffy asked me to come first. I promised I wouldn't go without you, and I meant it.'
You manage to unlatch his twitching hand from your left shoulder, and give it an almost imperceptible squeeze. The tears that threatened to fall from his eyes finally cascade down, although he's so relieved that he's smiling through the blurriness. You swipe them away with your free thumb, finally, after all these years, feeling the squeeze of your hand that Sanji gives you back, before he envelops you in a breath taking hug.
'Awww, you guys are so sweet!', Luffy calls out from where he's hanging by his sandal off the railing of his ship. 'But could someone give me a hand before my hat falls into the waves? That would not be very cool.'
The first thing the two of you do once you're on The Going Merry is to find your bunk. Sanji isn't very subtle when he kicks your door shut with his heel, and comes scampering towards you like an upended sand crab, pinching for you until he's hefted you up over his shoulder and has unceremoniously landed you in your shared hammock. He's quick to jump in, straddling you as the hammock sways back and forth with the commotion.
He nearly starts crying again when he sees a flash of silver poke out from underneath your neckline; he grazes his hand over the chain, recognising it as his father's ring you had taken months ago. The one he had hated so much. The one you had tried to save him from. A small piece of him. A weight you tried to bear for him. A reminder of how much he was loved.
A confused Zoro, not realising there are new crew members on board, follows the sound of Sanji's voice crooning out how much he adores you, and how he loves you more than every star in the sky, down past the window on your bedroom door. Let's just say, he's not very impressed when he catches sight of the hammock swinging wildly from side to side, and an array of clothes thrown out and discarded in a mess around it.
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lvrdrafts · 1 year
Unspoken Apologies
Summary: You are in the hospital and you confess to Bucky the pain you felt during the relationship, but Bucky doesn't deny his true feelings toward you
Part 1 Part 2
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Y/N lay in a sterile hospital room, her body weakened by the torture she had gone through. The doctors had delivered the devastating news that the torture you went through had caused severe damage internally. They had said she wouldn't make it. It was a bleak reality that Y/N was struggling to accept, but there was one person who refused to give up hope - Bucky Barnes.
Bucky paced back and forth outside the room, his heart heavy with worry. He had never seen Y/N so fragile, so vulnerable. The thought of losing her was unbearable. He blamed himself for not being there sooner, for not being there when she needed him the most.
A soft knock on the door interrupted Bucky's restless pacing. Y/N's weak voice called out, "Come in, Bucky."
He entered cautiously, his eyes brimming with concern. Seeing her lying in the hospital bed, her breathing slower and her body more pale, tore at his soul. Bucky had always admired Y/N's strength and resilience, and now it seemed to be slipping away.
Y/N managed a weak smile. "It's so funny, isn't it?" she said softly, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and amusement. "All of this started because I overheard you in the bar, calling me clingy. I tried avoiding you and I wanted you to say 'Hey I miss your clinginess' " you pause holding back tears "but you never did".
Bucky's heart sank as he remembered that conversation. It had been a misunderstanding. He was just stressed and found you as an excuse for his problems. He wanted to apologize, to tell Y/N how wrong he had been, but his words caught in his throat.
"Y/N," he began, his voice choked with emotion. But before he could say anything else, she continued.
"I've always felt like I burdened you, like I was too much for you to handle, and this situation proved my point" Y/N confessed, tears welling up in her eyes. "I guess I just wanted to hear it from you. Am I really a burden to you, Bucky?"
Bucky's silence spoke volumes, and Y/N's heart shattered into a million pieces. The truth was revealed without words, and it was more painful than she could have ever imagined.
Tears streamed down Y/N's face as she clutched her chest, struggling to breathe. Bucky rushed to her side, taking her hand in his, but it was too late. The doctors rushed in, their urgent voices fading into the background as Y/N slipped away.
Bucky knelt beside the lifeless body of the person he loved, overwhelmed with grief and regret. He had allowed his fear and pride to cloud his judgment, to push Y/N away when all she needed was his reassurance.
In that heartbreaking moment, Bucky made a promise to himself. He would carry the weight of his mistakes and regrets for the rest of his life. He would never forget the sound of Y/N's voice, filled with hurt and longing, nor the look of desperation in her eyes as she questioned her own worth.
As Bucky emerged from Y/N's hospital room, his face etched with anguish, he found himself face-to-face with Sam Wilson, who had been anxiously waiting outside.
Sam's eyes widened at the sight of Bucky's devastated expression. "Bucky, what happened?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
Bucky's voice trembled as he tried to find the right words. "It's... it's my fault, Sam," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with regret. "Y/N... she overheard a conversation we had, and I never got the chance to make things right, to tell her how sorry I was. And now... now she's gone."
Sam's expression softened as he realized the weight of Bucky's remorse. "What did she hear, Bucky?" he pressed gently, knowing that the answer would reveal the depth of the pain caused.
Bucky's voice cracked as he spoke. "She heard me call her clingy, Sam," he admitted, his voice filled with self-condemnation. "I was stressed, and I took it out on her. I pushed her away when all she needed was my support. I didn't realize how much those words would haunt her, how they would make her doubt her worth. And now... she's paid the price."
Sam's gaze turned cold, his disappointment evident. "She died thinking I hated her," he said, his voice filled with frustration. "She was the only person with me after-"Bucky pauses realizing he's all alone again, as if fate wanted him to be alone. "after Steve left me. She was like an angel who was there and and now she is gone because I was a fucking idiot" Bucky says kicking a trash can to the other side of the hallway.
Bucky's shoulders slumped, his eyes welling up with tears. "I failed her, and now she's gone. I've lost her..."
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omg stop a cap mactavish drabble where they're caught 'n he's gotta keep the reader calm would feed my soul
—Listen To My Voice
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [He orders you to focus on him as the sounds outside the cell get closer. He promises nothing will happen to you. You know he's lying.] ❞
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“Jus’ keep your eyes open and listen to my voice, eh?” The heavy Scottish drawl snaps you back into focus, your head pounding awfully and pain ricocheting up and down your limbs. It’s a stiff and unyielding order. “C’mon now, Sergeant.” 
Coughing, you hack up splatters of blood onto your cargos—hands and arms tied down with rough rope that skins you every time you shift. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, blinking rapidly as the footsteps walk away from your holding cell and disappear with the slam of a far-off door. 
The Captain ahead of you grunts, his hard blue eyes sliding down the wreckage of your uniform; the open wounds and torn fingernails. He doesn’t look much better, truth be told. Your captors had taken pleasure in making you watch the other get brutalized—the vile rage in your eyes yet the inability to do anything. 
It was mental torture as well as physical.
“Oversight ought to know we’re gone,” Soap slides out smoothly, tilting his mohawked head to the side to study the room in casual sweeps, as if not bloodied and broken. “—they’ll be sendin’ out recon teams to scout the area in little under a day. Standard protocol.”
His voice trails, seeing your gaze locked onto the door of the cell, pupils nothing but tiny dots in your burst veins of the once white sclera. Blue finds the way your body shakes, and the man’s large fingers twitch along the arm of his chair.
In the back of his throat, he lets off a rumble and resets his stubbed jaw; the scar along his left eye shifting with his expression. 
“Sergeant,” your face twitches, but you don’t look at him. Inside your chest, your rattling lungs can nearly be heard aloud. 
Captain MacTavish’s lips tighten. “Didn’t I tell you to listen? Pipe up! This is important.” 
Your mind dances between hysterics and the numb oblivion of shock. While Soap had years to adhere to the idea of bare torture—even going through it before—you had no such luck. Experienced with weaponry, yes, but One-Four-One had only taken you on with the idea that you could become better than you already were. 
You’d never gone through an actual interrogation beyond training. 
Fast flinching eyes dart to your superior, chest heaving and adrenaline coating your expression. Blood drips to the floor. 
Soap grinds his teeth and sighs through his nose.
She won’t last like this, he tells himself—blunt and honest. He’d told Price it was a bad idea to let you tag along, and without the reassurance from his fellow, he would have straight-out denied you coming. Too inexperienced. 
This was exactly what he had been worried about. 
But, hell, if that fear in your eyes didn’t make his stomach knot; a heavy rage at the image of your broken skin as all he could do was watch. But it was a silent kind of fury. Weighted with the knowledge of revenge. 
While the man hated dogs, he sure acted like a loyal one. 
“One day,” the Captain tells you—hardened; inflexible. His orbs are like hard steel and his stiff body like rock. “You can take one more day. Just need to focus on me…Copy? I don’t want your eyes to leave me. Not through any of it.”
You push through your haze, staring into his eyes with the vile stench of fear in the air. It was human nature to not want to be harmed. To dread pain and suffering in all senses. 
This man seemed apart from that. 
The Captain grunts, harsher now, “Copy?”
“I-I,” you stutter, lashes fluttering. “I copy, Sir.” 
“Relay.” He barks, watching you closely.
“One day.” Answering immediately, you clear your throat and stifle your whimper of agony—a few of your ribs are broken. “I can make it one more day.”
“Good.” Soap’s accent makes the words clipped and true. Taken as law. “Nothin’ll happen that won’t be repaid. Keep that close, it’ll help.” 
“How many times have you been through this?” Talking helped with the nerves, your focus leaving the sounds in the distant hallways and the loud voices wafting in the vents. The room was cold; you shiver and grimace as your body moved. 
“Too many.” Soap huffs, pulling at his restraints with a heavy hand and growling under his breath when nothing happens. “Comes with the territory, you’ll get used to it.”
You lick your bloodied lips and feel the cuts in them. “...Is that a good or a bad thing, Sir?” 
His lips twitch into a low smirk, shooting you a sly narrowing of his lids. “Well, I’d say that’s up to you now, isn’t it?”
In the grimness and the barbarity, you huff what can be described as a dead woman’s laugh. 
The Captain, still trying to find a loose area of the rope, grits his teeth and utters, “There’ll be no deaths here ‘cept the ones outside this cell, eh? Like I said—focus. When I tell you something, I don’t care how hard it is, you’ll be listenin’ to me. Got that?” 
Footsteps sound up again from beyond, and you tense, eyes flinching wider. Soap grunts out an order and you keep your feral gaze locked on his. Blue eyes bore into you, flaying their meaning deep into your body like you’re made of clay. The uptick in your pulse makes you shake wildly. 
“Keep those eyes right on me. Nothing’s goin' on that’ll kill you, aye?” The door turns and the unlocking of the barrier snaps like electricity up your spine. You want to run, but you know you can’t.
And through it all, you stare straight into Captain MacTavish’s frozen eyes—his strong brow pulled in with authority. He nods his approval with a quick jerk of his head. When the door opens, you can’t help but fear he’s lying.
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@luuvbuzz, @emerald-valkyrie, @anna-banana27, @blueoorchid, @cryingnotcrying, @writeforfandoms, @homicidal-slvt, @jade-jax, @frazie99, @elmoees, @littlemisstrouble, @alpineswinter, @phoenixhalliwell, @idocarealot, @lavalleon, @facelessmemories, @h-leigh, @20forty9, @glitter-anon-asks, @emily-who-killed-a-man, @neelehksttr, @aeneanc, @escapefromrealitysm, @i-d-1-0-t, @pparcxysm, @hawkscanendme, @caramlizedtomatos, @konigsleftkidney, @sanfransolomitatm, @maelstrom007, @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet, @pheobees, @glitterypirateduck, @uselsshuman, @fan-of-encouragement, @halfmoth-halfman, @ghostlythunderbird, @I-inkage, @pukbadger, @kopatych11, @0nceinabluem00n, @cocrorapop, @knightofsexyness, @abnormalgeil, @smallseastone, @jacegons, @330bpm-whiplash, @simon-rileys-housewife, @4-atsu, @tiredmetalenthusiast
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aetherdoesthings · 3 months
hanahaki!reader x arlecchino
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forethoughts: omg aether finally uploads?!?!? apologies for the long break; i was getting my life together, because there's a lot going on in my life right now all at once. nevertheless, this was inspired by my previous work of hanahaki!reader x nico robin, but with arlecchino because of @edgeray's idea! thanks buddy, couldn't have revived my blog without you. also i'm sorry if there are grammatical mistakes or errors, i wrote this at 2am at a sudden burst of inspiration and motivation.
notes: modern setting, y/n and arlecchino are famous actresses, fem!reader, gentle!arlecchino, hanahaki au
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“And how long will filming take?” You sighed, biting down on a hateful tone as you looked at your assistant.
“Roughly a year, Ms. Y/N.” Your assistant replied, clicking a few buttons on her tablet.
“How much is Furina offering to have me star in it with her?”
“$10,000,000 Mora, Ms. Y/N.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, despite your makeup artist’s ‘friendly reminder’. That amount could be worth the turmoil and agony to have to be in a constant space with… her.
“Arlecchino has already signed on board to the project. Ms. Furina is waiting to hear from you.” Your assistant looks up at you. “Surely you would not pass up a deal like that just because she is in it?”
“Shut it, Navia.” You scowl.
Navia laughs. “I jest, Ms. Y/N. What about Arlecchino do you dislike anyways? I heard she is kind and respectful.”
“Yeah, like that gives you a golden star.” You rolled your eyes, finishing your glass of wine. It wasn’t that you disliked or loathed the actress. You respected her upbringing and career and found honor in being in the same tier as her. But something about her rubbed you the wrong way. Every time you watched one of her press interviews or promo videos, your stomach would feel ill, hollowing itself out and making your legs kick in the air like a kid on Christmas. Simply sickening and rotten. And now you were to do an entire movie with her. 
“Hmn, fine. I’ll take it.” You sighed, leaning back on your couch. All for the Mora. All of the Mora. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s just one year. You survived with lousy and inadequate ‘colleagues’. Certainly you’d be able to survive the bane of your existence.
“Y/N. I’ve heard so much about you. It is a pleasure to finally meet and talk to you in person.” A familiar voice you only heard from behind the screen was now playing behind you. You turned your body, a curt smile on your face as you faced the disgustingly tall and surprisingly built woman (that looked so much bigger than what you saw on a screen), a dumb, cute and sweet grin plastered on her face. You acquiesced her offer, shaking her hand.
“And I share the same sentiment as you do, Arlecchino.” You smiled as politely as you could muster, suppressing your inner self and pummeling it for the sake of face. “I look…forward to working with you.”
Arlecchino’s lips turned into a thin line, her crimson eyes boring into yours, as if peering into your body to find that soul she tortured with just her appearance. You kept your smile, withdrawing your hand. “How was your flight here?”
Shock and surprise pierced that air tight smile of yours, allowing it to falter for a second. “I beg your pardon?”
“How was your flight?” Arlecchino repeated her question, an amused smile on her stupidly perfect and gorgeous face.
“It was… good.” You stammered, folding your arms.
Arlecchino chuckled. “Vague but straight to the point.”
“I prefer things to be like that.”
Arlecchino grinned, placing a hand on your shoulder. You had to bite back a shriek or gasp, nails digging into your palm as you tried to remain a smile. “Let us go to rehearsal, hmn? I’m certain Furina is eagerly waiting for us.”
A blockade started to emerge in your throat, your nails drawing blood as you nodded your head. “Sure, yeah, yeah. You go on ahead. I need to do something real quick.” You said, hoping Arlecchino would buy it.
“Alright then.” And she did, that lovely gullible soul. The minute Arlecchino walked out of earshot, a violent cough erupted from your throat, causing you to double over until it subsided. Looking down, you noticed a lone cherry blossom petal right by your feet. You massaged your throat, hoping to alleviate the sudden pain. Had that petal been there all along? But you were standing on open land without a tree in sight. Furina’s movie synopsis did not mention any cherry blossom trees. Surely, you couldn't have coughed up a petal. No, you did not cough up a petal. That stuff was out of the movies, not in reality. Your mind recalled back to an old movie you shot once, about the protagonist suffering from something called hanahaki disease, where the victim would cough up petals because of their love for someone. The protagonist was lovesick and had their eyes set on the other character, but died because the other person did not return their feelings. This wasn’t happening to you. Yes, the movie was based off of a true story, but certainly not. You were certain you were hallucinating. 
“Y/N!” You heard Arlecchino’s voice call your name from afar. 
“C-Coming!” No. You had to get yourself together. Come on, this was Arlecchino. That… elegant, beautiful, eloquent asshole who you always watched from afar but never had the chance to be with up close. But now you could. And this was how you reacted? Your stomach churned, as you swallowed anymore nonexistent petals down into your vat of acid before making your way to everyone.
Filming wasn’t too bad in the first few weeks. You and Arlecchino were to play star crossed lovers, and all that was scheduled was basic exposition. No petals came up, which supported your case that you were just hallucinating and definitely not a fictional disease. Until it came to the more intimate scenes.
“Alright, and action!” Furina exclaimed. Arlecchino’s character was pinning you to the wall, her finger on your chin.
“Did you really think you could hide it from me?” Arlecchino’s character sneered, her eyes boring into yours, her lips getting dangerously close.
“I-” You ducked your head in time to not cough into Arlecchino’s face, bringing a hand over your mouth as you coughed loudly, the air escaping your body as you wheezed. 
“Cut! Everyone, take ten!” Furina yelled, and the crew murmured and resetted everything because of your sudden cough.
“Are you alright?” Arlecchino placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing small circles in an effort to comfort you, her voice soft and gentle. A complete contrast of her character she portrayed. That did not comfort you at all, rather stir up a bubbling feeling in your lower parts, warmth rushing to your face.
You balled your fist, nodding your head as you forced yourself to meet Arlecchino’s eyes. 
“I…” You stammered, words suddenly disappearing from your brain, as if Arlecchino was sucking it out with that crimson glow, radiating with warmth and concern, the grin on her face dissipating the moment she saw your soul momentarily leave your body.
“I-I’m alright. I-I’m so sorry.” You regurgitated. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“That’s alright. Do you need some water?” 
“That’ll… That’ll be good.”
Arlecchino nodded her head, patting your shoulder as she asked a staff member to grab you some water. “I’ll go talk to Furina for you. You just rest and recover, got it? I don’t want my acting partner to be ill.”
Oh, your acting partner already is ill. A voice inside of you replied back. 
“Right, yeah. Thank you so much, Arlecchino.” You exclaimed, smiling back.
"Always, Y/N." Arlecchino walked away, waving her hand. "Get well soon."
The crew was busy packing everything up and preparing everything for tomorrow. Arlecchino was talking to Furina, most likely going over tomorrow’s shoot and your cough. As everyone around you was moving and busy, you were escorted away into a car, which drove you back to the makeup trailer. Alone in the backseat, you opened your fist, staring at the item in the dead center of your palm.
A goddamn cherry blossom petal.
No. This can’t be happening. What the heck is happening?! You forced yourself to breathe, staring at the curled petal. Why was this happening? All you did was be in close proximity with that damn Arlecchino, which made your heart flutter and start to drum, your stomach churn and mind go fuzzy, legs limp and-
You did not have a crush on Arlecchino.
You could not have a crush on Arlecchino.
You were colleagues. Workers. She was the winner of multiple awards, she was the one who the paparazzi could never get a picture of, she was everything and you… you were…nothing. Nothing compared to what Arlecchino had done. 
Yet you were here, forced to work together with her and even have to do intimate scenes with-
God strike me here and now. Or make me go into a fatal accident. You silently prayed to anyone who was listening. 
Arlecchino would not be the reason you coughed and hacked up flower petals.
You refused to believe those soft crimson glow in her eyes she always had with you, those thin lips that always curled into a smile when you walked in the room, and those fingers that found a way to your shoulder, or cheek, or your waist would be the reason why you were coughing up petals, just like-
Hanahaki. The word taunted you. No. That couldn’t be. 
You refused to believe you had fallen in love with Arlecchino, let alone die because of it. No. As long as you could breathe, you would not let yourself be a victim of love that you will never receive and have. 
Arlecchino was going to be the reason the newspaper headline would read ‘Y/N FOUND DEAD IN HER BEDROOM FROM HANAHAKI DISEASE’ and lead numerous people to speculate who your Romeo was. 
But in that ill state you were, a tiny part of you was at ease with that scenario.
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU lando norris x fem!albon!reader
part two: photogenic
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♡ liked by landonorris, pierregasly, daniel3.jpg and 293,004 others
lando.jpg had a personal photographer for this one
view all 872 comments
user1 uhm... are we not going to talk about the third slide? ⤷ user2 i was just thinking the same ⤷ user3 he can have female friends without it meaning anything
alex_albon ... ⤷ user4 ALEX?? ⤷ user5 why is his comment worrying me. what does it mean??
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♡ liked by landonorris, lilymhe, y/n_albon and 254,309 others
tagged: lilymhe, y/n_albon
alex_albon more or less quality family time (i'm thirdwheeling)
view all 739 comments
y/n_albon i should become a photographer ⤷ lilymhe y/n.jpg when
user6 alex saying he's thirdwheeling with lily and y/n has me wheezing
user7 why does y/n lowkey look like the girl in lando's post ⤷ user8 hold on- ⤷ user9 just because they both have black hair? we couldn't even see the girl's face. ⤷ user10 the delusion is delusioning
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♡ liked by pierregasly, daniel3.jpg, carlossainz55 and 376,002 others
lando.jpg monaco tourist guide for the weekend
view all 1,109 comments
user11 okay so him posting on this account more often than usual means he obviously wants us to speculate, right? ⤷ user12 thoughts are being thunk
user13 okay so he's showing someone around in monaco which means she's not from monaco or lives in monaco. you know who fits that description? y/n fucking albon. she lives in london. case closed ⤷ user14 maybe you should put more thoughts into studying and not sticking up your nose like that in other people's businesses ⤷ user15 my girl y/n doesn't even follow lando, nor does he follow her
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♡ liked by lilymhe, alex_albon and 12,391 others
y/n_albon monaco, une belle âme (monaco, a beautiful soul)
view all 55 comments
lilymhe rue, when was this? ⤷ y/n_albon had my own photographer ⤷ lilymhe oh, so you're cheating on me?
user16 i just know they're taunting us at this point
user17 how come i never realised how pretty alex's sister is??
alex_albon your frenglish is annoying me ⤷ y/n_albon just because i speak more french than you do even though you literally live in a french-speaking country. envy doesn't suit you brother
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♡ liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc and 398,102 others
lando.jpg cameras cameras cameras
view all 3,204 comments
user18 i'm sick. i'm tired. i'm done
user19 at this point, they're taunting us ⤷ user20 it's no fun anymore i just want a reveal
user21 i just know for a fact they love torturing us
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♡ liked by lilymhe, alex_albon and 15,203 others
y/n_albon guess i'm someone's new muse
view all 89 comments
lilymhe whoever wants to claim you need to fight me first ⤷ y/n_albon he has no chance against you, dw baby
alex_albon idk how i, as your big brother, should react to all this ⤷ y/n_albon then don't
user22 props to lando because my boy captures y/n in such a beautiful way ⤷ user23 she's naturally very pretty
user24 are we even sure this is lando's work because they still don't follow each other like... ⤷ user25 i'm honestly not buying the rumour
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♡ liked by charles_leclerc, mickschumacher, estebanocon and 398,406 others
lando.jpg club, dance, groove
view all 4,395 comments
user26 omg he's back! ⤷ user27 literally our boy hasn't posted in months ⤷ user28 probably because everyone kept conspiricing because of that girl who might've been y/n albon ⤷ user29 omg it's been so long i forgot about that whole rumour
user30 i'm not detecting any girl so i think lando's either single again or never dated someone the past months anyway
landonorris started following y/n_albon y/n_albon started following landonorris and lando.jpg
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thelov3lybookworm · 9 months
Hi! Omg I loved reading your Rhys x reader secret pregnancy fic! May I please request a Lucien x reader where he’s been cursed to stay in the form of an actual fox and the then reader comes along to break his curse? Thank you!!
Summary: The mother liked being cruel to Lucien. First she had him lose his eye, and now his body.
Tw: mention of being a child of forced intimate relation, other than that, I'm not sure there is more, so let me know if i need to add anything.
A/n: my love, my heart, my baby anon. come here so i can sing you to sleep and cuddle with you because holyyyy shit i love this idea aaaahhhhh. (i am ready to be your tumblr wifey)
also, the beginning is basically our Y/n trauma/info dumping
anyways, enjoy!
(I had fun talking to you about this @artists-ally)
A twig snapped behind Y/n, and she rolled her eyes in frustration.
After wondering for a moment if she should ignore the animal, she decided to turn to look.
There, next to a mighty tree, crouched the fox. Abnormally large, fluffier than a normal fox, it had been following Y/n around for the better part of the week.
The moment Y/n met the fox's mismatched eyes, it tensed, as if ready to bolt. But then, after a moment, it relaxed, again staring at Y/n curiously.
The problem wasn't the fact that it was a fox. No, there were plenty of foxes in the forest near Y/n's home. But those foxes didn't follow her around or sit outside her door at all hours.
This one did all of that.
She wouldn't have been much bothered if it had been a normal fox following her around. But this one had a weird aura about it, like it was not an ordinary fox.
The fox suddenly moved, slowly prowling towards Y/n. She watched it, its body moving and navigating through the roots and fallen branches graciously, as if it were an elegant lady in the royal court.
Y/n shook her head, turning away and continuing on her journey to the cluster of trees deep into the forest to collect some fruit for herself.
The fox fell in step beside her.
She did her best to ignore the animal, though its unnatural aura kept her glancing at it.
Unfortunately, it also had her distracted, and she almost didn't pull up the hood of her cloak when a mortal man walked into view, carrying a bunch of firewood on his back.
But thank the forgotten gods, the man was too busy grumbling to himself to notice the pointed tips of her ears before she covered them.
Being a half fae was hard when living among mortals.
She could get killed if anyone found out about her heritage, and that was the only real reason she had for living on the outskirts of the small town, right next to where the forest started and away from the mortals.
And honestly, she cursed whoever the bastard was that had raped her mother and sired her for the inconvenience.
But she couldn't go down that path of thought, because if she did, she would just end up on the same thought that had her staying up at night and bawling her eyes out.
She was lonely.
It had nothing to do with the solitude of her house. No. It was because she was a half fae, and while other girls her age would mingle with other young men or whoever caught their fancy, she could not do so for fear of being killed.
She also had no family, her mother having died when Y/n was still young. Y/n had no siblings or relatives who could have taken her in, and so, she had learned to take care of herself.
She had also early on learned that the world didn't take kindly to people that were even remotely different from their perception of normal.
Especially beings who had a reputation to torture innocent souls for fun.
Y/n could not blame mortals for hating fae, as she herself hated them, though for completely different reasons.
It was not the best experience when you were scorned by the people you were a part of.
Hated by mortals for being a product of human-fae union, and hated by fae for being a half breed.
She sighed, shooing those thoughts away as she reached the cluster of trees she had been on the journey to, and set down her basket for a moment, stretching.
The fox settled down under an apple tree, and simply stared at Y/n as she went about plucking different fruits and berries and piling them in her basket.
Once she was done, she turned to glance at the fox, who sat unnaturally still.
She thought for a moment, then picked out a juicy apple from her basket. "You want one?"
The fox kept staring at her, and Y/n felt silly for trying to communicate with a fox. She huffed, putting the apple back in her basket and beginning to make the journey back to her little cottage.
"Do you think it will storm?"
The fox cocked its head, staring up at the sky before making a small noise, which Y/n took as affirmation.
"I think so too."
While a month ago Y/n would have laughed at herself for talking to -trying to talk to- an animal, now it had become normal. The darn fox never left her side nowadays, and Y/n had grown fond of him, letting him into her house and keeping him fed and warm. She had even named him Rusty.
Rusty glanced at Y/n before it settled down, laying his head on her lap, snuggling into the soft and fluffy material of her thick leggings.
A small smile made its way onto Y/n's face, and her hand lifted of its own accord, burying itself into the fur on the top of his head.
Y/n still remembered how she had felt uncomfortable around the fox because of the unnatural aura it gave off, but she had gotten used to it. Now, it was a companion who Y/n simply adored.
A long moment passed, and Y/n was not entirely sure it wasn't hours, but the sky darkened just a fraction.
Y/n glanced up in confusion, because she was sure it had been brighter just a moment before. Suddenly, the warmth in her lap vanished, and Y/n's head snapped down, her brows furrowed.
Rusty was no longer next to Y/n. He was across the clearing, and Y/n could not fathom how he had crossed the vast area so quickly. Her suspicions about him grew, and she realized his body was beginning to shake.
Y/n quickly rolled to her feet, her eyes growing wide when he began spasming, a tortured whine escaping him. She could do nothing but stare as his paws dug into the soft ground, pain filled sounds continuing to rip from him.
The moment Y/n stepped forward, hoping to do something to help Rusty, his head snapped up, a low growl he emitted leaving her frozen in place. And his eyes...
They were glowing.
Unnatural, completely otherworldly brightness radiated from him, his aura becoming ten times different from what it had been.
Y/n watched, her blood chilling, as he continued to struggle until the smell of something burnt reach Y/n.
Everything stilled after that, and Rusty collapsed, breaths heaving out of him.
And, the place where his paws had been, was nothing but burnt remains of the leaves fallen from the trees
Y/n studied the fox until he had gained enough strength to stand again, and his eyes stared back at Y/n.
She swallowed as the fox prowled closer. "You are not a real fox, are you?"
Rusty swung his head from side to side, his eyes boring into Y/n.
She nodded, wondering why she was even surprised. "Are you fae?"
His head dipped.
Y/n dragged her palms down her face, trying not to lose her shit.
"Why are you here? What do you want from me?"
He cocked his head, as if questioning her how he was supposed to answer.
She released a frustrated breath, going through all the reasons why a shapeshifter would follow her around.
She could only find one reasonable reason.
"Have you... have you been cursed?"
The fox dipped his head slowly, and Y/n took a step back, horrified.
"And you are here because you... what? Want me to break you free?"
The fox whined, taking a step forward.
"No." She stepped back again, continuing until her back hit a tree. "Fuck. No. I will not be used and discarded by you too. I will not..."
The sadness in the fox's -Rusty's -eyes nearly brought Y/n to her knees, but the fox simply dipped its head again after a moment, turning and prowling away from the clearing and, in turn, Y/n.
She watched him go, his shoulders curved inwards, looking defeated.
And, despite her instincts telling her to go behind him, she turned away too, walking in the opposite direction, towards her small hut.
The windows shook, their sound a little too loud in the small home, and Y/n's fingers curled tighter on the book, the pages crinkling under her fingers.
Thunder cracked somewhere, and Y/n flinched, squeezing her eyes shut. With a sigh, she put her book away, tugging her blanket closer for warmth. She turned to look out the window, where it was completely dark, not one tree visible.
And, despite her attempts at trying to ignore her worries about Rusty, she could not help but wonder where he was.
Was he somewhere in the forest, getting soaked by the rain, shivering?
Was he wandering around hopelessly, hoping someone took pity on him?
Y/n shook her head, telling herself she did not care.
But of course, she did.
Since the moment she had turned away from his retreating form, she had not been able to think about anything but him.
Y/n had never had anyone that particularly cared about her, so having even a damned fox use her for his own gain cut something deep in her heart.
But then a thought occurred to her, and all her feelings of betrayal were forgotten.
What if it is a child?
Or what if it is just like me, never had anyone who cared?
What if he gets incinerated in the storm by lightning?
Oh fuck it.
The second to last thought was what snapped Y/n's restraint, and she grabbed her cloak, lit a lantern, and set off to find her Rusty.
The rain made it even harder to see in the night, but Y/n soldiered on, determined to rescue the damsel in distress. Though the damsel was a male and could probably not be in distress.
He could have found a cave to snooze in, and Y/n was setting herself up to be sick for nothing.
Her heart didn't seem to care for that judging by the way it was screeching in her ears.
A flash of light caught Y/n's eyes, and she stilled, lifting her lantern higher, hoping she had finally found the sneaky bastard.
It was just a piece of glass, and Y/n cursed whoever had thrown it here.
After a long time of searching, Y/n spied a gap in the trees, knowing it led to a small cliff. Her instincts told her to follow the trail, and she decided trusting her heart was the better option than trusting her brain.
She had decided to ignore her heart in that clearing, and now she was stuck in a storm.
Lightning brightened the world for a moment, and Y/n lifted her hand to shield herself as she reached the cliff.
Unfortunately, Rusty was not there as well.
Frustrated, Y/n sighed, turning away from the drop.
And then she paused, her eyes landing on a bush.
Under which lay Rusty, shivering and curled in on himself.
Guilt spread through Y/n, and she stepped closer with caution.
His eyes flew open, his teeth bared as he searched around for a predator.
His eyes widened when he realised it was Y/n who stood in front of him now, and he ducked his head, as if ashamed.
Y/n walked forward, and watched as his shoulders curved inwards, trying to make himself small.
She crouched, extending her hands towards him, and he stared at it for a moment, then at Y/n before taking a tentative step closer, gaining more confidence when her hand remained unwavering. He stopped a few with his face a few inches away from her hand, and she reached out to pet his nose.
"Come," she whispered, "let's go home."
He stared at her for a moment longer, and Y/n felt like there were tears in his eyes, but she couldn't be sure because it could very well be rain water.
Navigating the forest to return home was much easier and faster than it had been searching for Rusty, and Y/n was glad about that, as she could think of nothing but changing into warm clothes and getting warmed in front of her fireplace now that she had finally found Rusty. Also, she had to wash Rusty and feed him. It had been long since he had left and Y/n doubted that he had eaten anything.
As soon as Y/n stepped foot inside her home, she shucked off her cloak, setting down her lantern and turning to find that Rusty still hadn't crossed the threshold.
"Come on in, Rusty."
She beckoned to him, and he trotted in, shaking his head to get rid of the water.
"Let's get you into a warm bath first."
Y/n hurried into the bathing room and turned on the faucets, letting the tub fill with warm water. Feeling eyes on her, she glanced back to see Rusty sitting patiently by the door, like a gentleman. Y/n smiled.
"Get in." She told him when the water had filled to the point she knew he liked. "I will go and get changed, and you get yourself cleaned up until then. We can have food after."
At the last part, his head snapped up, his eyes wide. But then he jumped into the tub, and Y/n was left to wonder why he seemed so shocked.
Y/n wrapped the tiny towel around Rusty, giggling at how funny he looked before she placed the red coloured bowl in front of Rusty, his favourite.
She stared at him as he began eating, and stared, and stared.
The air changed the moment he took his first bite, growing thicker and heavier with every moment that passed.
Confused, Y/n glanced behind her, and when she turned back to rusty, she let out a small scream.
In the place that Rusty had been occupying, sat a man... naked.
Y/n had never climbed to her feet so quick in her whole life as she did then, covering her eyes. But then she peeked out from between her fingers, seeing him blushing furiously while trying to cover up his private parts with the tiny towel. It was barely enough to cover up his chest, so he had to hold it with both hands like a curtain in front of his hips.
"Who the hell are you?" Y/n screeched.
She noticed now that he had hair like liquid flame, his eyes were mismatched, and he was... fae.
Realisation washed through Y/n.
"You- You're Rusty."
He grimaced. "Yeah, though I am a little concerned with that name. Can we please not use that? Like, Rusty? Really?"
Y/n let her hands fall to her side, settling on her hips. "You bastard, you should be grateful I let you stay and gave you a name. Imagine how weird it would have been in if I called you fox."
"Yeah, I think that would have been better than Rusty."
Y/n scoffed. After a moment, she spoke again, struggling hard to keep her gaze on his. She deserved a fucking medal for it.
"So... what was your curse? And who had so much free time to put one on you?"
A hint of a smile appeared on his face. "Don't you think this is kind of inappropriate to talk about while I'm naked?"
Y/n rolled her eyes as she moved past him, walking into her bedroom. "You never had a problem before when you pranced about, wooing all the female foxes."
She was now sure he was grinning when he replied. "Yeah well, they didn't wear any clothes either. If you were to strip..."
Y/n whipped around from where she was rummaging in her closet for something to gape at him. He grinned, leaning against the doorframe, his hands folded against his chest.
That meant-
Y/n turned away from him just as fast as she had turned to him, and no matter how much she denied it, the image of him... it would be forever embedded in her mind.
"Asshole." She mumbled under her breath, her hand landing on a piece of clothing she was unfamiliar with.
It was a pant she had stolen years ago, and later realised it had been too big for her. It would have to do.
Without turning, Y/n threw the pants over her shoulder, and by the lack of sound, knew Rusty had caught it.
It was a few moment before he hummed, letting her know he was done, and Y/n turned, her mouth going dry at all the muscle displayed.
She hadn't had the time to appreciate what she saw before, as she was trying not to make a fool of herself by staring at his privates, but now that he was covered from the waist down, she could not help but stare at what she could see.
"Like what you see?"
Y/n's eyes flashed up, colour staining her cheeks as she huffed.
"Of course not. You are still Rusty for me, and I'd never think of someone called Rusty as anything I like."
He scoffed. "Please, my name is Lucien. I'd appreciate it if you stop referring to me as Rusty."
She lifted her chin defiantly. "No."
He sighed. "Very well, my lady. If that is what you wish for. After all, you broke my curse, I can't really order you around anymore."
"Yes, about that curse. Care to elaborate now that you are appropriate?"
He nodded, a seriousness coming over him. He followed her as she led him back out, settling down in front of the fireplace as she boiled some water for tea.
Once the tea was ready, Y/n passed one cup to Rusty- Lucien- and studied him, watching as he fumbled a little with the cup before he got a good grip on it.
"Let's start from the beginning." She nodded her head for him to continue. "Do you remember the most recent war that happened?"
She nodded. The destruction had been immense, according to what she had heard through rumours, but she lived far enough away from the wall that no harm reached her.
"There was a continent called Hybern. One of my closest friends was pretending to aid Hybern so he could gather intel about the kingdom's and the king's inner workings so he could help Prythian when the inevitable war came. Soldiers from Hybern had stolen the cauldron from its resting place in Prythian, and they knew that it could make anyone young and immortal."
"What is the cauldron?"
Lucien glanced at Y/n with raised brows, but explained to her what the cauldron was, who the mother was, and all the things that probably didn't matter to the story just because she didn't know about them.
A power like that? People would kill for it. Y/n thought.
"My friend's past lover, who had been mated to another high lord, arrived in Hybern, and realised her sisters had been kidnapped. The king ordered the sisters to be put into the cauldron. One of them turned out to be my... mate."
The jealousy that ripped through Y/n was unmatched from anything she had ever felt. And for what? The mention of someone she did not even know? Ridiculous.
"The older one, she apparently took something from the cauldron, in turn making the cauldron take away the youth from the human queen put in after her. The queen was furious, and she allied with a powerful death sorcerer."
"He found out about my... relationship with one of the sisters, and before we killed him, put a curse on me, because I was standing the closest to him. He turned me into a fox, and I could only be turned back if someone who loathed fae gave me shelter and food, even after knowing I was fae."
"Powerful death sorcerer, and all he could think of for his last breath was to turn you into a fox." Y/n muttered under her breath.
A breathy laugh escaped Lucien, which then full on turned into howls of laughter.
"So, what, your mate could not help?"
"She probably could have, given she couldn't bear being near me, but she wouldn't have. Me being a fox gave her freedom to pursue whomever she wished."
Y/n sighed. "Is everyone from the other side of the wall dumb?"
He shook his head, staring into the embers of the fire, though a smile remained on his mouth. Y/n glanced out the window, realising the sun was starting to rise.
"We should probably get some sleep."
Lucien followed her gaze to out the window, and he nodded.
"I will take the couch, you should sleep on your bed."
"Nonsense. You have been invading my space for the past month like your life depends on it. It won't be a big deal if you sleep next to me."
"Sleep next to you, not with you?"
"You know what? You can sleep on the porch."
He laughed, standing and pulling Y/n to her feet.
He leaned down, pressing his lips to her cheek.
"Thank you."
Y/n blushed, shaking her head.
"I will leave as soon as I can."
Hurt pierced Y/n's heart like a bolt from hell. "Why?"
His brows furrowed. "Why? I have taken enough advantage of you. I don't want to impose."
She shook her head again. "I like when you impose."
He smiled.
"If you say so."
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
Lucien Taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @mirandasidefics @sidrapotter @hnyclover
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justwinginglife · 28 days
OMG!! Please make a part 2 of Because I Love You! 😭😭😭 it was so saaaaad!!!!!
Part One
Because I Still Love You (Part 2 of a Series)
Soshiro was drunk on the memory of you, again. 
Sometimes he resisted you, reminded himself you weren’t his anymore. Other times he failed to properly reprimand himself, allowing himself a moment of reprieve from his sorrows, allowing himself to dream that you were real, that you were beside him, you were singing to him, playing with his hair, massaging his shoulders, kissing his cheeks. But all the time, all the time he missed you, all the time he ached for you.
If happiness fell in his lap, he wasn’t sure he’d know how to greet it anymore. His grief was his only companion -though it was less a companion and more a jailmate- and he gave it free reign to torment himself as penance for failing you. Sometimes he dreamed of drowning, of succumbing, of letting his sorrows be silenced at the bottom of some river somewhere. But death was too cheap, too easy, and his debt to you required more recompense. He had once offered you his life, and even though you wouldn’t have him anymore, he intended to make good on that payment. If he couldn’t live his life by your side, he’d at least spend his life atoning. He owed you this much. So he accepted his punishment, he welcomed his suffering. The pain was still more than he deserved because even his agony was a reminder that he’d once had something beautiful. That, even in hell, he’d once had heaven. 
He threw himself into his career, like any tortured soul did, but even his work that had once seemed so gratifying, that had once seemed so fulfilling, suddenly felt void of any purpose, of any meaning, when you weren’t there to give meaning to it. He wondered how he used to survive without you. How could his heart beat if it wasn’t keeping time with yours? How could his lungs swell if they weren’t filling up with your hallowed air? If he wasn’t so completely unable to feel anything else but the throbbing in his chest right now, he might’ve felt guilty that he suddenly wished he could turn back the time and unsave people, unmake every decision he’d ever made, unchoose every choice he’d ever chosen that had led him farther and farther away from you. 
What had he put you through? How consuming was the loneliness? How unloved did you feel? How afraid were you that he might not return? Were you relieved that he stopped returning? Were you thankful for a reason to free yourself from your shackles? Were you happy now that you were free? Were you happy?
He hoped you were happy, but selfishly, he also hoped you’d never be as happy as you were with him. And that, that he felt guilty for. How much had you done for him, how much had you saved him, and he still couldn’t find it in himself to wish you a good life without him. He wished you a content life, he loved you that much. He wished you a fine life. A decent life. A normal life. But he could never wish you a good life, a great life, a blissful life, a wonderful life, not when you weren’t by his side. So the guilt continued to wrack him in waves. 
He didn’t want to be bitter, didn’t want to be someone you’d be disappointed in. But suffering changed a man and he didn’t know who he was without you anymore. He didn’t like who he was without you. He didn’t know if he’d ever liked who he was before you and he certainly didn’t like who he was after you. You brought out the only version of himself that he could be proud of and now that you were gone, pride was a stranger again. Happiness was a stranger. 
He was so far gone, so riddled with depression, so drowned in delusion, that his sanity-deprived mind had started to hallucinate you on his way home. He had dragged his feet to the nearest station and that’s where he found you. You were waiting for a train. As the cool evening air fluttered your coat, he caught a glimpse of the swell underneath your shirt. He had always thought you looked beautiful, but something about being pregnant made you radiant, made you heavenly. He wondered if in this hallucination of his, the baby was his. Would his mind allow him the pleasure of having such a dream? He had thought he was past such desires, he had thought he had let go of such hopes. But there you were, rubbing your belly, and cooing to it as you passed the time, and he never thought you looked more beautiful in your entire life. He took a step towards you and time suddenly rushed forward. A breeze slammed into him as the train sped into view. Before he could take another step, you got on the train and the door began closing. 
“Wait!” He called out to you before he could think better of it. 
You looked up and met his gaze through the glass window. His heart stopped. 
Then he blinked and the train was gone. 
If that was a hallucination, it was the most vivid, most wonderful torment his mind had concocted thus far. Your eyes were still just as beautiful and perfect as the day he’d met you, as perfect as they had been every night he’d gazed into them, and every morning he’d awoke to them. But just like in all his nightmares, you were still too far from his reach. And the pain never ceased.
Weeks later, he was still reeling from the shock of such an intense hallucination, when he saw you again. This time you had no baby bump and his heart sank. He missed the image of you rounded with his love, or what he imagined was his. Now, you were making your way through the park with a package in your arms and he wondered what on earth his mind was picturing you doing this time. Whatever you were doing, you were getting closer and closer to him. He held his breath as he waited for the moment when your ghost would simply pass right through him. But you stopped in front of him and time froze again.
It seemed like you were about to say something to him but then the package in your arms started crying.
Soshiro watched in stunned silence as you comforted your baby. He blinked. Had he not hallucinated your pregnant figure on the train? Was he not hallucinating you now? He reached out to caress your face and sparks shot through him as his skin brushed against yours. 
Without missing a beat, you sighed and leaned into his touch, like you’d forgotten how to be anything else but his. Like you’d forgotten about all this time you’d been away from him. It was second nature, being his. His pull was magnetic and you found yourself drawn into his field, like you were settling yourself right back where you belonged.
It was him who pulled away first, still thinking you a hallucination, still grasping for some semblance of sanity. 
“Soshiro?” You finally spoke and he sucked in a breath at finally hearing your voice after all this time. 
Before you could speak again, he sank down to his knees, his arms wrapping around your calves. “Are you… are you actually here?” He murmured against your legs.
You laughed. “I am, are you okay? I’m a little concerned that you’re asking me something like that.”
He shook his head, tears starting to fill his eyes now. “I coulda swore I was dreaming when I saw you. Was that… was that really you on the train?”
You reached a hand down to pat his head. “It’s really me. Then and now.”
Suddenly he stood up straight again, as if he’d just remembered something, and his gaze finally focused itself on the baby in your arms. 
“Ah. Soshiro, meet Suki.” You positioned the baby so he could get a better look at her snuggled in your arms. 
He choked. “S-Suki…?”
You smiled. It seemed he remembered the name he picked out. 
“Is she…?”
“Yours? Yeah.” You said it so simply, but inside, your heart was raging. Wondering what he’d say. How he’d react. It’d been so long, did he even still love you? Would he love her? Would he want to be part of her life, of your life? Did you want him to be part of your life? You had left for a reason. He wasn’t supposed to know. 
But fate, or maybe muscle memory, kept dragging you to his favorite spots, to the parks he liked, the restaurants he frequented, the train he took home from work. It was like every fiber of your being was begging you to find him, to go back home to him. You could work out all the messy details later, all you needed was him. And nothing was more obvious than that as you watched him press a gentle kiss to Suki’s forehead. 
“God, she looks just like you.” He whispered, breathless. “You’re just as perfect as your mother, aren’t you sweetheart?” He cooed as he gazed fondly at her. 
Your heart skipped a beat. It skipped so many beats you thought it’d just clammer to a stop. Could you dare to dream? Did you dare to ask? 
“Baby…” He murmured, his gaze finding you again as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
Your cheeks responded to his pet name before the rest of you could. 
He winced as he watched you turn red. “Sorry, am I allowed to call you that? Do you,” He looked around for a moment, “Do you have another man now? Does he take care of you?”
You quickly shook your head, not wanting him to misunderstand you. “I could never love anyone but you, baby,” You eased back into the pet names to reassure him, “It’s always been you.”
He sighed a breath of relief, the repose long overdue. “I’m so sorry I drove you away, I know I can never make it up to you, but dammit, I’ll try. Please let me try, I want to try.”
You shook your head again, resting a hand on his arm. “What do you mean you drove me away? You could never drive me away, not even if you came at me with a wrecking ball. Love, where are you getting these ideas?”
His brows furrowed in confusion. “But you… but you left. I wasn’t home. And, and you left. I-I wasn’t enough to… to keep you.”
Your heart sank. Suddenly, the bags under his eyes became all too clear, the paleness of his skin became all too obvious. You wondered how you hadn’t noticed before. You had been so busy focusing on just keeping your breaths even as you took each shaky step towards him, you hadn’t realized he must’ve been holding his breath waiting for you too. He must’ve been suffering as much as you had, if not more. At least you left knowing that he still loved you. But he had to wonder if you’d ever loved him at all. Your own stupidity pained you. Your intentions may have been good but their aftermath was not. 
“You’re more than enough, my love, please don’t ever say that. I’m so sorry I left you. It’s my fault. I wasn’t strong enough. I didn’t want to make you choose between the Defense Force or me and the baby, and I didn’t know how to tell you that.”
“But I would’ve picked you baby, everyday, I would’ve picked you. You never have to worry about that,” He insisted, pulling you closer to him and resting his forehead up against yours.
You sighed. “I know you would’ve picked me and that’s the problem. You would have regretted leaving your job and I didn’t want you to regret anything. But now I regret making that choice for you. I regret every second that passed that you weren’t by my side. I missed you. I still miss you.”
“So come home then. Love me now, we’ll figure out the plan later. We always do. But we’ll do it together.”
You nodded repeatedly. “Okay, baby. Okay. Anything for you.”
He took the baby from you, allowing your aching arms a break. 
Then for the first time in the last 9 months, he smiled. 
“Let’s go home, love.”
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luffyvace · 9 months
HIIII hru !!! may i please ask for some feitan fluffs hcs 😩 i love this tiny man with all my soul
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(omg this reminds me i’m supposed to be doing the whole troupe and chuuya x male reader- i’m so all over the place but the point is another dabble of feitan hcs will be here in the future! 😋)
also ooc/fanon him since this is fluff :)
tw: death…and torture (i use “unalive” instead of d!e/k!ll)
alrighty so you said fluff headcanons and it’s highly likely you’ll get fluffy feitan if you’ve known each other for a long time (since meteor)
i’m going to dabble in reader that is both in and outside of the troupe because i can :)
so for reader that’s in the troupe first of all no pda
hardly any weakness was displayed besides sadness/anger or mourning (and some funny moments)
theres no need for cuddles during business
unless your like uvo and simply don’t care
then it annoys the crap out of him <3
it’s not like he doesn’t want your affection—just not in public
will cuddle you in private tho
y’all usually sit there in silence or read together
he can be a little spoon or big spoon it doesn’t bother him
he tries his best but he’s never let anyone else so close to him before
if you introduce something to him and he likes it he’ll do it back
because why would you do it to him if you wouldn’t want it done to you right?
im gonna assume you have either a apartment which you unalived the owner of or y’all live in meteor still
he’ll let you choose really he doesn’t care where you stay
he’d even unalive a high status person to steal their mansion if that’s what you want
your obviously strong and have some sort of nen if your in the troupe so he doesn’t bother worrying
although if your like kortopi he’ll stay vigilant for you
even though you can use nen to defend yourself as well
btw if your not a pda person the troupe is grateful
aint no body wanna see allat-
he doesn’t know how to cook or clean and since your both from meteor so i hope you learn or already know how
otherwise y’all eat what y’all can when y’all can
whether you steal a five star gourmet meal or just wait for the next opportunity like a vending machine
i don’t advise you ask for a pet by the way
he’ll tortu£ it and i’m not talking about strapping it down or anything
just purely scarring them 😭
if you be firm about him stopping he will
unless it’s a big scary dog or smth
then he’s more likely to take em under his wing and train them to be vicious
will scare people with said animal
for stay at home reader…. (most of these also apply for troupe reader<3)
i say stay at home bc with his portion of money you could buy anything you want
if you tell him what you want u can get it for free cuz he steals it
if you want to take a bath together it would take more than a god to convince him
seriously he sees no reason in it
once you do tho
at first he is on one end of the tub and your on the other
as time goes on he’ll let you lean back into his chest as he scrubs your hair
he lets you play in his hair
don’t tell ANYONE
he don’t like vulnerability so if you tell someone he won’t do it for like 2 weeks
you think he’s never gonna do it again until you crawl into his lap while he’s reading on the bed and ask really sweetly
he’s all yours after that
and yes he lets you play with it :)
you get to put it into all types of styles!!
especially since it’s a decent length!
not really interested in playing in your hair
he tries but the rubber band always ends up tangled in your hair
if you kiss him goodnight he will start to initiate it as well
thats one thing he will forever reciprocate
loves your humor
no matter the type
but he especially loves when you laugh at his dark jokes
youve seen him smile before 💖
warms your heart knowing no one else gets this side of him
not judgmental of your looks for obvious reasons
yall got bigger problems
dismisses anytime you degrade yourself
he be speaking facts
”the way your hair looks gonna unalive you?”
”your pimples will st^b you while sleeping?”
no? you goofy goober so why does it matter
don’t argue him on this
genuinely doesn’t like the idea of you being hurt
by him or someone else
dont expect anyone who does harm to you to see the tomorrow sun
even if you plead for them don’t waste your breath pleading you need to be saying goodbye
real loyal partner
as loyal to you as he is the troupe
you and the troupe are his forever commitments
no matter what he could never stop loving you
you guys practically never argue
hes not necessarily hotheaded but will say what’s on his mind and if someone disagrees he does it anyway
thing is he compensates with you💗
if he knows your nitpicking he ignores it but if it’s genuinely something you don’t like he won’t fight it
also he cleans up well if you don’t like to see blood/gore in your place after he’s done t•rturing someone
he respects and listens to your opinions and feelings
would love if your a sadistic person as well but he understands if your not
also if your not in the troupe he teaches you nen
only the troupe knows your together and where you stay for your safety
your safety is definitely on his priority list
truly cares about and loves you
enjoy!!!! i’ll prob come back and read my own hcs bc I LOVE HIM
thank you for this request i loved writing every letter of it♡
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Out of reasons to love you
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requested: Reader realizes that her and Az are mates, but she also knows that Az has feelings for Elain. She made him choose (without him knowing about the bonds). He chose Elain and reader breaks/rejects the bonds. The potential angst this could have omg.
a/n I apologize in advance🫂
Azriel x reader
warnings:pain more pain, blood and did I mention pain?
Love. What a ravishing thing it can be. One to lift the fallen ones and encourage them to go the distance they never imagined. A power to build. To create. Cherish and worship. Songs, books, and paintings all have a hint of love in them because the inspirational power of it extends itself beyond this world. Yet not enough attention is given to what happens when love isn't answered. When it's crushed under one's feet. Ripped out of one's chest.
You met Azriel when you two were still little. You happen to live next door to his father's house. And screams, even if muffled, didn't go unnoticed by you. You'd slithered out of bed one night, holding a teddy bear in one hand as you climbed down the ivy tree through the window.
That was the first time you saw what happened down in the basement. What horrible things Azriel's father, stepmother, and stepbrothers did. The torture behind the cry you have listened to for weeks now. You ran away the first night, but you couldn't stop thinking about it no matter what you did. So you went back.
Azriel was crying quietly in the corner, his burnt hands trembling. That was all it took for the fear of being caught to vanish. Maybe being so empathetic was going to be your downfall, but the boy looked like he could use some help, and you weren't about to leave him alone. And the moment Azriel turned to you, once he heard you knocking on the little dirt window, everything changed.
Your tiny frame allowed you to squeeze through the open window so you could make your way in and out of the basement. Azriel didn't talk much at first, but you didn't blame him. So you did the talking at the beginning. Bringing him food your mother made, sweets, and tonics for the bruises. Sat by his side in silence. Then, once the burns had healed, you took hold of his hand and held it in yours. Although one thing Azriel was the most thankful for was you massaging and moving his wings. Wings he couldn't use to fly with. Wings, he couldn't even stretch in that horrible place since the basement was way too small for it. If not for you, he would have lost all feeling in them.
Sent by Mother herself. His ray of sunshine. That's what he called you. Azriel feared that you would vanish and walk out on him, but that never happened. No matter what was to come, in one way or another, you found your way back to him. Even the night you two got caught and his father walked in on you cleaning the new cuts he had left on his son's body, you didn't back away.
You stood firmly in front of Azriel, throwing a bottle of tonic at his head as the male inched to move closer. Even if it did nothing, you fought till the moment you were in his grip. Trashing around like a wild animal. That was the night Azriel moved to fight himself. The sight of his father's hands on you. Gripping your body tightly made him roar out in anger, and with a vicious pull, he ripped one of the chains off his hands.
He didn't get to reach you, but it was enough to prove a point. That you had saved that last piece of his soul. That you had managed to keep the fire inside him alive. Shielding it from anything and everything that imposed a threat of putting it out.
That was the night when they brought out the torches again. The night they made you watch as they dipped Azriel's hands in the flames. You cried for Azriel. Azriel cried out of the agony he was in. And you two cried for that last bit of hope you secretly wished for, and it got answered. As two Illyrian soldiers broke through the doors.
They tried to separate you from each other, but it was pointless. The moment the warriors unclasped the chains, even with trembling legs, Azriel stepped closer to you. You didn't have enough strength to hold him up, but you still managed to break his fall just a little. Even with unimaginable pain. Until the moment he went unconscious. He clung to you as if all of his world was made out of you. And even coldhearted warriors didn't find enough strength in themselves to pull the two of you apart. So to the camps, you went.
The first couple of weeks were torturous. They didn't let Azriel heal properly. You tried to fight that decision, but your eagerness only resulted in you earning a harsh slap. So you went on behind their backs. Slipping out at night to find herbs and making different mixtures yourself, as you saw your mother do, all in hopes of keeping infection away from your friend's hands. You warmed each other up during those cold nights, never letting go of one another unless it was necessary.
Things changed when Rhysand came around alongside Cassian. And with that, of course, Rhys's mother, who took both of you in since she appeared to know Azriel's birth mother.
Azriel was beyond protective of you when he brought you alongside him to the house, which the boys were now supposed to share. He kept you behind him, glaring at the other two boys the moment they tried to peek behind Azriel's wings to see you. You were his and his only. The only good thing that had happened to him ever since he entered this world. And on that jealous side of him, he didn't want to share you with anyone else, especially not other males. At times, Azriel didn't realize what all of this meant. Too young to pick and find the meaning of his feelings.
Yet that happiness didn't last long. And that small chunk of time you two used to spend together every day was ripped away from you. When the teenage horniness kicked in and Rhysand's mother wasn't around, it seemed like they would let loose completely. They started to bring females in almost every night. Females who were way older than you and whose bodies had already matured. They looked at you with pity, but you pretended that you didn't see it. You laughed off Cassian, who wiggled his eyebrows every time he tried to sneak in a new female in. Ignored Rhys when he was being clumsy. But it was Azriel's moans that brushed your heart every time you heard them. You were happy for him regardless. Since you never allowed yourself the thought of him loving you. Friends. Perhaps siblings, but never lovers. So the more those nights appeared, the more you found yourself slipping out of the house and sitting outside the camp borders till the sun started rising in the sky.
After endless females came his first-ever love. Love for Rhysand's sister. You still consider it your first true heartbreak. That was the first girl he talked to you about. You and her were great friends, especially since you never really had female friends, and Azriel saw that as an opportunity to understand how her mind worked.
Morgan was next in line. It was clear to you that she had no interest in Azriel, but he seemed oblivious. Oblivious to the point where, for weeks, he ignored you. Convinced that the reason why Mor wasn't giving him a chance was that she thought that you and Azriel were together. So you stepped away like you always did. Stepped away because your love for Azriel was way stronger. Meaning that you were willing to hurt yourself to ensure that he was happy.
The day Azriel found out that Cassian took Mor's maidenhead was the first time you saw him seriously mad about something. So openly mad that he had moved to beat Cassian up. Your attempts to separate them were pointless, but you tended to the bruises afterward without a single complaint.
You wondered what was wrong with you that he didn't see it. Didn't see you. Acting out of a wimp you kissed him that night. You hoped your body and the sounds you made would make him finally see what was right in front of him. Yet this only made the situation worse. The bond had snapped for you that night, and you clung to Azriel like all your life depended on it, but the moment you two caught your breaths, Azriel walked away.
You had never told him that that was your first time. That you were glad that it was him. That's how you always wanted it to be. Gods, and most importantly, you didn't tell him anything about the bond.
When Elain came around, the last drops of wishful thinking vanished in an instant. Azriel was infatuated with her. Even if you tried to be discreet while being around them, you didn't need to hear it to know what was happening inside his heart. He still seek you out when he was hurt and needed comfort, but he never stayed long enough to warm your bed. In all honesty, he only did this when there was no one else who wanted to warm his bed.
And gods know you tried to give him a hint. You tried to tell him that you loved him. That you two were bound by a bond of all things. The bond he so desperately wanted to find. But if, after so many years, he had no clue about it, what realistic chance did you stand?
You were sitting in your room with a cup of tea warming your hands as the doors to your bedroom opened and Azriel walked in. You didn't need to study him long to see that he must have faced some sort of trouble since his face was bruised. The shadow singer simply sat down on one of the chairs before moving to undo his leathers, but you didn't move.
"I think the end of an arrow is still in my shoulder," he said, voice calm as he spoke. This was a typical thing for you two. He found comfort in your presence, and you found comfort in knowing that he was well, but you didn't move an inch this time. "Y/N," Azriel said, trying to get your attention, but all you did was stare at the wall in front of you.
"What am I to you?", Azriel let out a muffled laugh, scanning your frame. You knew that he was silently questioning your timing in bringing this question up. You had voiced your feelings once to him. You told him that you felt mistreated and neglected by him, but that changed nothing.
"Can we deal with the arrow first and then talk about this?", "No, we can't," you turned your back to him, "We can't because I'm tired of being your rag doll. I have feelings too, you know." Your eyes were stinging already, and you hated yourself for being this emotional.
"Why are you treating me like this, Azriel? Can't you see how I feel about you?", your eyes desperately searched for any glimpse of understanding, anything that would make you realize how he felt. But he only ran a hand through his hair. "Are you going to help me with this or do I need to find someone else to help me?" Those words pierced right through your heart, and you felt your bottom lip trembling. Azriel lingered for a moment before he walked out of your room, slamming the door.
Sleep didn't find you all night long, and with the early morning light, you made your way out of the house. "What a pleasant surprise!", the day court was gleaming with light, but it only made you sulk more. The smile on Helion's face not helping the case much as well. "I need your help," you stated blandly. You two had worked together for some time when Rhys assigned you to conduct several kinds of research in one of Helion's libraries.
"Ask away," he said sheepishly, tilting his head to the side, "How do I get rid of a bond and don't give me that stupid bullshit." You knew you were in no position to order him around but secretly hoped that those couple of times you had slept with him would give you the answer you needed.
"You can reject...," you gave the high lord a disappointed look, "I don't want to reject it; I want to break it."
Helion knew about your bond with Azriel. Knew that none of the sweet words you spoke to him meant anything. That they were all for the shadow singer, "Hun, you can get yourself killed", "Does it look to you like I care?", you knew that you looked a mess. You were sure your face was dull, eyes sunken in and puffy from all the crying, "You can help me, or I'll do it myself".
Drawing shapes on the marble floor felt wrong in a way. But you didn't stop; the book of spells that Helion gave you was firmly clenched in the other hand. You had collected all that you needed. One thing that represented you. One thing to ground you. One thing to break the bond. And one thing you had lost. All you needed now was a drop of Azriel's blood, and everything would be complete. You knew that all of them were having dinner upstairs. So with a dagger firmly held in your hands, you made your way up.
You shouldn't have stopped to look at them all. That was a mistake. You didn't need to ask or hear it. It was enough to see the way Azriel sat next to Elain, his eyes never leaving her, to know that she was the one that he chose. One of many that had replaced you.
"Y/N, dear, how nice of you to join us." Rhys's voice made you jump slightly, but you managed to smile as you walked inside. Cassian gave you a sad look, brushing his fingers along your upper arm as you walked past him as if he were trying to support you, noticing the lack of life in your features, "Not for long," you mutter under your breath. Swiftly cutting Azriel's arm, followed by your fingers, which brush alongside his blood. And then you're off, running out of the dining room and down the stairs. Cutting your palm while you're at it. A breath of relief when you see the wooden door. Stepping between the white lines and quickly pressing your hands to the still empty places. Closing your eyes, you started mumbling the spell Helion told you to memorize.
You could hear the doors being opened and voices filling the space. Azriel was quick to try and reach for you, but Rhys stops him instantly: "You can't cross that." That's when his eyes took in the sight in front of him and his heart broke a little. But some mystical breeze killed the lights of all the candles before the circle you sat in started to glow.
"What are you doing, YN?", Azriel asks, trying to step closer, but his brothers kept holding onto him. You lifted your eyes to look at him, and it was like he had seen you for the first time like he finally could read the pain inside you.
"I'm letting you go," Azriel shook his head, still unsure about what you were on about. Din not understand till the sharpest pain ripped through his chest, sending him down to his knees.
"I gave you everything. I tried to be everything for you, but I was never good enough," you cried out, blood slowly starting to run out of your eyes as you gazed at him.
"But I ran out of reasons to love you, Azriel, and you refused to get to know me, so I'm letting you go," you continued to mumble the rest of the spell. Azriel's screams ripped through the room, and Rhys could only do so much to take some of the pain away.
"Don't Y/N, I... Don't break it", Rhys mumbled now caught on to what was happening, "Break?", Azriel asked through painful breaths, "You knew? Y/N...".
A bitter laugh escapes your lips as your body begins to shake, "Almost five hundred, and you're only figuring it out now", you said sadly.
The thread between you starts to glow. Now visible for everyone to see. Azriel wailed again, and this time your painful screams joined him. And the light began to dim before cracks appeared throughout the thread. Your eyes meet Azriel's, and it felt like you have finally seen him after years of searching for a man you had fallen for.
But then an unimaginable silence filled the room. The silence that sands your hands up so you could cover your ears as blood seeped out of them. Silence, with the sound of a needle falling. Like a drop of water hitting the surface. The bond broke. Shattering into a million pieces. The holler that left Azriel's chest sent the whole place trembling, and then the silence returned. Azriel's body gave up, sending him to the floor. Not even Cassian and Rhys managed to hold him up. His breaths were uneven and his body shaking, but he still turned his head to look at you.
You. Who was laying in the pool of your own blood. You who he could no longer feel. You were the one who had taken his heart. You who he hurt because he had loved you too deeply. You who had died because Azriel was too afraid to admit that it had always been you. It's been you ever since you jumped into that little basement and offered him your teddy bear. You.
All acotar writing: @brekkershadowsinger @cityofidek
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When You Know, You Know {Osamu Dazai}
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A/n: so this idea came like this morning and omg I wanted to write it so bad because I need some good angsty yet sort of fluffy Dazai fic mostly because I want Dazai to get comfort. Also YES I USED A SNOW LINE FROM HUNGER GAMES. ANYWAYS PLEASE READ THE TRIGGER WARNINGS
Pairing: Dazai x assassin!fem!reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: character deaths, mentions of violent crime scene, Mori, murder, YES I AM A MORI HATER, blood, mentions of abuse
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It had been four years since you left Port Mafia. You left the day after Dazai did -after enduring the torture Mori ordered upon you because he thought Dazai had contacted you- without contacting a single soul even though it was more than certain that the few people close to you -Chuuya and Koyou- would be worried sick. Was it because you wanted to get out of the organisation as soon as possible or because you wanted to somehow get revenge because Dazai had left you alone without a single warning.
Like everyone in the Port Mafia you heard about Oda's death the day after it happened -the day Dazai left- and something in your heart broke because even though you, seventeen years old at the time, were under the protection and guidance of Koyou along with Chuuya, you knew Oda. He had grown on you and if it hadn't been for Dazai mentioning him whenever the two of you sat in the dark in his container, it would have been because of Oda's gentle personality amidst the cruelty of the Port Mafia.
It went without saying that with Chuuya and Dazai being closest to you in age with them being one year older, you had naturally developed a somewhat nice relationship which had first started because of your respective positions: Dazai and Chuuya being executives and you being an assassin. You often went to missions with Dazai and Chuuya -always upon Dazai's request of your abilities- so after some time you became friends with the bandaged executive and soon after, lovers.
Had your relationship with Dazai been toxic? Absolutely yes and even though you both knew it, you couldn't actually help but come back for more. Both of you. So when he left like that? You were simply devastated.
And it took you a long time to feel like yourself again. In the meantime, you still worked as an assassin, performing various missions given to you by quite the important people.
You put your life in the Port Mafia in the past, a dark past that you didn't like visiting. But since you worked in the Underground you heard all sorts of things. That was how the fact that Mori had requested for a member of the Detective Agency to be transfered to the Port Mafia reached your ears.
You had heard that Dazai was now working for the Detective Agency and had reached the point of visiting him countless times before. The thought that he could be the one transfered to the Port Mafia kept you up at night for numerous days. How you had reached the point of caring for someone who perhaps hadn't cared about you was beyond you and yet there you were.
The sound the elevator at the Port Mafia building made when it reached Mori's floor specifically was almost like a stab right in the heart. All those memories were coming back, days of torture and manipulation from Mori's side that if not all then almost everyone among the higher-ups in the organisation had endured.
The whole thing lasted fifteen minutes. Just fifteen minutes was all it took for the man who ruined lives to die.
"Y/n?" Chuuya's voice snapped you out of your train of thought. Slowly, you lifted your head, your eyes falling upon the clock on the wall on the other end of the hallway. No wonder Chuuya was there, it was nearly eight in the morning, all Port Mafia members would start coming to work sooner or later.
You leaned your head back on the wall, bringing your knees even closer to your chest as you sat down on the floor. A small sigh of relief escaped your lips. Chuuya had been the one to find you. There was something odd in the way he looked down at you.
Chuuya, one of the most proud Port Mafia members, possibly the only member who respected the organisation for some reason. He wasn't freaked out, angry... he didn't pity you. It was as if he understood. He didn't have to ask or push the door of Mori's room open to understand what you had done -even though the blood on your hands and clothes was making it obvious.
"Come." He removed his gloves and after placing them on his shoulders, he helped you stand up. That was when you noticed Akutagawa standing behind him, waiting for his orders. "Inform Koyou." was all Chuuya told him and led you towards the elevator.
"What?" Akutagawa's voice came out trembling as if he didn't believe how someone who had just killed the Port Mafia's boss was walking away without any consequencies. But the young man didn't question his superior's orders further. Maybe because he had known you since he first arrived at the Port Mafia with you being the closest thing he had to a doctor after patching up any wounds inflicted by Dazai.
"I did it for Q and Koyou and that Detective Agency doctor and for Oda and Kyoka and Osamu and me." Your voice was barely above a whisper as you reached the underground parking lot where Chuuya had his car.
"I know." Chuuya handed you a handkerchief but you refused, your eyes focused on your bloodied clothes.
Other than that the car ride was silent. And when Chuuya stopped the car in front of the building you had almost entered many times in the past four years all you did was look at him. "Won't you come with me?"
Chuuya chuckled, shaking his head. "No, I have to clean the mess you left behind."
"If someone can become the new boss then please..." If your hands weren't covered in blood you would have hugged him. "Please take the position, and give Aku a better place as well."
Chuuya only smiled and opened the door for you. "I assume we will see each other again."
You took the elevator to the floor where the office of the Detective Agency was. Before you could do it yourself, the door of the office opened, a boy with blonde hair and a straw hat standing behind it with a smile on his face.
"Chuuya told us you will be coming."
"Did he now?" You let out a chuckle. It was slightly forced and very ironic considering that you were covered in the blood of one if not the most important man in Yokohama.
"Yosano!" The boy shouted and made way for you to enter the office.
You had heard of the doctor. You knew her ability and you knew her past. Mori didn't really keep his achievements private when he wanted to terrify his opponent.
Yosano was leaning against the door of her examine room, a sorrowful expression on her face. "I killed Mori Ougai." You mumbled.
"It must have been awful" A ginger haired boy said. Yosano approached you, ready to examine you fully.
"It was... yet it felt... powerful." You muttered, no sign of emotion in your voice. "The blood is not mine." You looked down.
"I will bring you a new change of clothes then so you can meet the president" She patted your back and opened the door of her examine room to lead you inside. You heard it close behind you and let out a heavy sigh.
"Long time no see."
The voice was familiar and soft like velvet with perhaps a hint of a small smile.
"That is all you have to say?"
Dazai's eyes were blooshot red and it didn't take much thinking to understand that he had been crying before you walked in there. He let out a sad laugh and nodded.
You took a small step and sat beside him on the bed that was meant for patients. He turned to look at you before taking your hand in his as if he hadn't left you without notice four years ago.
"My hands are covered in blood." You managed to say, fighting tears.
"So are mine, let me take half the blame."
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poorlittleyaoyao · 9 months
An Exhaustive Explanation For Why Qin Su Took Her Life Of Her Own Volition
(Or: For God's Sake, Please Just Let Her Have This One Thing)
Okay, so let's leave aside the fact that Wei Wuxian is an unreliable narrator. At the point in the novel at which he insists that Jin Guangyao must have forced Qin Su to kill herself somehow, Wei Wuxian has also insisted that Lan Wangji would totally hate it if he knew they'd made out while drunk. Let's also leave aside that Wei Wuxian himself will reassess his opinion of Qin Su's death later on, and IIRC says nothing about it either way in the drama, because the people who insist that JGY Definitely Killed Made Her Do That sure do. A narrator being unreliable doesn't mean we can't trust anything they tell us, after all; it just means we need to compare their views to outside evidence, the way you would with a primary source document.
Picture all this from Jin Guangyao's standpoint. Let's assume for funsies that you don't care about your wife who is also your half-sister, and have no compunctions about killing her to keep the incest secret. Wouldn't you just... do that? Wouldn't you kill her the second that little paperman flies away and you hear the alarm?
"He obviously couldn't do that! The paperman saw her alive so it'd be weird if she suddenly was gone!" Yeah, and everyone at the cultivation conference saw her alive when they came into the treasure-and-torture room, and it would be even weirder if she suddenly stabbed herself to death in front of them.
"Ah, but he needed to know who sent her the letter! He can't afford to kill her!" Wow, hey, that's right! You, Evil Jin Guangyao, have just spent the preceding scene wheedling and then threatening Qin Su so she'll tell you who send the letter, and she stood firm the whole time! So forcing her to kill herself in front of everyone when she still hasn't told you that important piece of information would be PRETTY DUMB, wouldn't it? (Almost as dumb as giving her the opportunity to interact with all the people you're trying to keep the secret from, but hey, maybe it took you longer to hide da-ge's head than anticipated.)
"Maybe he'd given up on getting her to tell him anything so her killing herself was to divert suspicion away from him!" Okay, first of all, how is "your wife (whom nobody but you has seen recently) kills herself with no warning" going to make things look LESS suspicious? Second of all, things were going JUST FINE. You hid da-ge's head. People were buying your "this cursed cabinet is where I keep my former boss's soul-stealing knife" story. You haven't even subtly brought up Suibian to change the subject. The narrative misogyny means that nobody has directly talked to Qin Su and "of course my wife also hangs out in our house, lol" is flying just fine as an explanation. You had almost put out this fire! Why would you throw gasoline on it by making Qin Su kill herself?
Honestly, the smartest thing for you to do in this situation would be to knock your wife unconscious and move her to her sleeping chambers or a couch or something in the main part of the palace. That gets her out of sight and renders her unable to talk in a way that won't raise suspicions, and gives you the option of going "omg guyyys my wife is sleeping :( this totally unwarranted search of our home is gonna wake her up :(" to make people leave!
But, okay. Let's shift our perspectives here. Jin Guangyao has a history of making deranged choices when he's in Panic Mode. Maybe his brain short-circuited and, somehow, he decided that MAKE QIN SU KILL HERSELF IN PUBLIC was the best course of action. Wei Wuxian himself tells us that she wasn't under the influence of talismans or anything, so somehow Jin Guangyao convinced her to do this with his words. Never mind that we just saw Jin Guangyao deploy an ungodly combination of feigned ignorance, gaslighting, actual sincerity, veiled threats, and manipulation with zero impact. Somehow, he used his words successfully.
What could he possibly say?
Picture all this, now, from Qin Su's standpoint. Your entire world has been shattered. Your husband who is also your half-brother has been lying to you for your entire marriage, has done nothing to reassure you that he didn't murder your son, and has sealed your meridians to prevent you from fleeing. He then brought you into a secret room in your home that you didn't know existed and which, you discover, houses his sworn brother's severed head. All you know is that you cannot tell Jin Guangyao who gave you the letter because you're certain that he will have her killed. Shit's real fucked and you have nobody to help you.
Now every sect leader in the jianghu--including your husband's remaining sworn brother, your young nephew, and your nephew's maternal uncle--has shown up to search your husband's home. His top priority in this moment is quashing their suspicions so they leave him alone enough to regroup.
One of three things must be true for you.
1.) Your top priority is survival. You don't want to die. If you care about your reputation, you know that you're as screwed as he is if word of this gets out, and unfortunately the only way to survive is to play along with your husband's weird shit, at least for now. In that case, the best way to assure him that you're on his team is to help him assure the other sect leaders that Everything Is Normal And Fine. If you don't want to die, then you're not going to be susceptible to any insistence that you kill yourself.
2.) You're so furious that you don't care what happens to you or your reputation as long as you take Jin Guangyao down with you. In that case, you'd tell him whatever he wanted to hear and then IMMEDIATELY scream to the other sect leaders where Nie Mingjue's head is currently located, or you'd drop the incest bomb yourself hoping that the paperman is somewhere in that room and can back you up, or you'd grab that dagger and stab your husband, or some combination of all three! You're not going to quietly kill yourself at his request, because you've suffered enough for his bullshit!
"Well, maybe he didn't threaten her. She's going to be worried about Bicao and her father. Maybe he threatened one of them!" Yeah, maybe, but that's a threat to get someone to cooperate. You can't make sure they're still alive if you're dead! And if you're convinced that this guy has lied to you constantly for the past 10+ years, you're not going to believe him when he says"kill yourself and I'll be niceys to them." There is nothing at all that he could say to make her harm herself if she hadn’t been so inclined.
And that leaves
3.) You're in such despair that you actively want to die. You can never trust your husband again. You can never trust anyone again, honestly, because he wasn't the only person you loved who kept this secret from you. You don't trust that the other sect leaders will do anything to help you, just as your mother didn't trust that anyone would do anything to help her all those years ago. (When they barge into the palace and walk straight past you as though you were a piece of furniture, your distrust is confirmed.) Maybe, despite everything, you still love your husband too much to kill him. Maybe you fear that, without evidence, he will be seen as an innocent victim and you will be seen as his mad, murderous wife. Maybe you don't care what happens to anyone else, but you know that you don't want to deal with this anymore, and you are the only one you trust to help yourself escape it.
The tragedy of Qin Su is that she is never permitted to make a fully informed decision about her life. At least let her final action be something she knowingly chooses.
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ruskaroma · 1 year
omg omg (i really need professional help) i had this Vision of dark+DARK+mean!john wick learning about an asshole who bullied their bunny-really-the-nicest-human-being!reader back during her school years (the reader cluelessly mentions it during conversation). john is not just angry outraged etc, he is The Rage, The War, The Biblical Day of Wrath, so he finds that guy, beats/tortures the living shit out of him and then brings his absolutely clueless little pretty bunny so that she could finish him. john is behind the reader, his arms wrapped around her arms, his hands on her shaking hands holding a gun pointing at the barely breathing man tied to a chair. the reader is crying begging to stop, and john goes "he deserves it, honey <3. now, right kneecap. go, princess, don't let me down".
Oh my god I have something for you.
Let’s give it a very dark twist, shall we? We’ll stick to this concept, but let’s make it even darker.
TW: mentions of past sexual and physical abuse, blood and gore, graphic depiction of torture, john being a very very mean man like he is fucked in the head may god bless his soul, john is also forcefully making the reader kill the man so there’s that.
It was a slip of your tongue. You didn’t notice it, but John surely did. You were used to rambling your thoughts away, a habbit that John adores so much, hearing your voice and telling him everything that’s in your head, because it means you’re not keeping any secrets from him.
A supposed to be peaceful Saturday night ruined John’s whole week, but he didn’t let it show. He kept himself composed around you, smiling so softly when you’d share a random fact about the things you’re holding or whatever comes in mind. He’s a master in the arts of keeping his expression controlled despite his emotions practically clawing their way out of his fucking lungs.
Your head was on his lap as he brushed your hair with his long fingers softly. For a hand that’s killed too many people to count, it’s surprisingly merciful around you. A shitty horror movie was playing on the TV but your attention quickly diverted to somewhere else when you watched a rather familiar scene in the film.
“Oh, man, that sucks. I know how it feels, I used to get hit by my ex-boyfriend all the time.”
What the fuck, John thought. His fingers stopped their movements as he furrowed his eyebrows. You said it as a whisper too but he heard it. He heard it fucking clearly.
“Huh?” You moved your head to look up to him. “You said something?”
“You did,” John pointed out. “About your ex-boyfriend. What did you say?”
“Ohhh,” you said in realization, but your tone was calm. Like it was the most fucking normal thing to say in a conversation. “Yeah, he was mean. He used to hit me every time I made a very small mistake, but he said sorry when we broke up.”
John didn’t know what to say. He was frozen, trying to comprehend the words that were being thrown at him all at once.
His baby – the love of his life, someone who cannot even hurt a fucking ant – just dropped a bomb that she was a victim of abuse.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” John tried to keep his voice leveled, soft, as he placed a large hand on your cheek and pulled you up so he could take a good look at your face.
“Well, you didn’t ask. And it’s not like it mattered anymore. I went to therapy and everything was back to normal.”
“No, that’s not –” he closed his eyes in frustration, trying so hard to keep his shit together. “Did he do anything else? Where is he now?”
“He’s–he’s doing fine. I don’t know where he is, it’s been awhile since we’ve gotten in touch.”
John could hear the tremble in your voice, like you knew what was going to come, like you knew what he’s going to do.
He didn’t answer after you said that. He looked away from you, put his attention back to the television.
You shrugged it off, hoping he would let it go.
He did not, in fact, let it go.
You came home one day after work to see him being rather... cheery than usual. It was unusual in itself. John being particularly cheery was not something you see in your everyday life.
He had already cooked dinner when you arrived, ate it beside you with an arm around your shoulders. He was also crooning at your ears, asking about your day if something special happened.
“I have a surprise for you.”
Your eyebrows flew up, curious yet amused. Is this why he was cheery all of a sudden?
He led you to his basement – a place where you’re never allowed to go, always bolted shut and completely restricted to you. You were getting a pretty bad feeling about this.
“What–what are we doing here, John?”
Again, he didn’t answer. You could see the grim, dark expression on his face as he opened the door. The face you only ever see when he was just coming back from a long, tiring day at work. The face you only see you know he just slaughtered someone.
Turns out, he did.
Not exactly slaughtered, but close enough.
The man who made you go through hell for years, tied up in a chair in the middle of the room, missing all his fingers on both his feet and hands.
“John, what the–”
Your boyfriend pushed a heavy pistol in your hand, and your heart is beating so hard inside your chest you couldn’t speak properly. You haven’t yet got the time to comprehend what was happening. It was all too fast.
“Pull it.”
“J-John, please don’t–”
“Pull it,” John repeated. He didn’t like repeating himself. You know this. He was standing behind you, his chest pressing against your back, warm and broad and his voice sounded so menice and fucking evil and– “Pull it, baby, before I do it myself.”
“Why are you–” your voice was shaking as well as your hands. You wanted to drop the weapon but you knew it wouldn’t do you any good, not when John was just behind you. “Why are you doing this, John? Please let him–let him go, it was a long time ago–”
“I don’t care,” he said simply, one large hand sneaking down to grab your wrist that’s holding the gun, pointing it directly at the man who’s – Jesus, was he still alive? You saw him move, he flinched, then let out a cough that made more blood from his mouth drip onto his lap. “I haven’t killed him yet because that’s your job.”
“N-No–” tears were forming into your eyes. The feeling of John’s hand gripping yours was already too much to bear, much worse pointing it to the man who abused and neglected you during your relationship, but why were you feeling bad? “John, I–I don’t w-want to, John, please, I don’t want–”
John sighed, disappointed, but he didn’t let you go. Instead, he leaned down closer to your ear and pressed a soft kiss there. His beard tickled, making you flinch and let out a shaky breath as you gulped hard.
“John, he–I know you’re doing this because you think it’s best, but I–I promise you that it’s not worth it–it’s in the past and, and–”
“Excuses, excuses,” John whispered, standing straight and taking a step away from you, positioning himself in front of the gun. “Here you are, begging for the life of the man who abused you in the past. Don’t you think that sounds absolutely ridiculous, baby?”
“It’s not–it’s not ridiculous, John, I promised! We–we talked one time after our breakup and he–he apologized for everything, I swear–I swear, John, it was all in the past–”
John cut off your rambling with an evil stare, and it was so unlike him that it scared you right to the very core. “Pull the trigger or I will. I’ll put a fucking hole in his head, saw it off and send it to his little wife and children back in Vegas.”
“John–” you sobbed. “John, please–”
“Did you know that I made him confess every diabolical shit that he’d done to you every time I chop off one of his fingers?” John said it in such a calm and steady tone that it made you only afraid of him even more. “I chopped all his fingers, and he still won’t stop confessing more. Can you believe that?”
“I already forgave him–I already forgave him, John, this wasn’t necessary–”
“It won’t be the same if I’m the one who pulls the trigger now, would it? It wouldn’t be fair, because I’m not the one who suffered under his hands,” John pushed even further, walking back to his original position behind you, gripping your arm and pointing the pistol directly at his head. “If you don’t pull that fucking trigger in the next five second, I’ll let you use a chainsaw to do it and trust me when I say you wouldn’t want it messy.”
You gulped, feeling yourself grow more and more afraid as John stood behind you. He was radiating anger, but he was keeping it at bay, though his swear words might be some of the leakage of his emotions he couldn’t contain any longer.
“I don’t want–don’t make me d-do this, John–”
“John, please–”
“Two....” His voice was scary. Deep and level, and the grip on your arm tightened. You felt suffocated.
“I’m gonna throw u-up if I–”
“Three...” He was getting agitated.
The man’s head rose up from his position earlier to meet your eyes, and you swore you felt your stomach churn. His eyes were fucking gone.
The man opened his mouth to speak and a weak voice came. “D-Don’t–”
You pulled the trigger.
“There’s my little bunny.”
You dropped the gun as soon as his brains flew against your face and onto the wall, painting it red. You couldn’t bear to watch any further. You turned with a sob and buried your face in John’s chest, crying hysterically as he soothed you calmly by petting your head.
“Good girl. You did so fucking good, I’m so proud of you.”
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blegh-110 · 8 months
I read Flightless Bird in one seat. It's fantastic!!!! And the smut is... oh, so delicious! Now, can we just sit together for a moment and think (despite the messed up dynamic, which maybe I shouldn't like as much as I do), about a Tangerine's enemy who finds the reader in the house and tries to harm her? Will there be any remnants of this unfortunately unlucky soul?
omg this poor man.
so maybe the reader doesnt even notice that this man has broken in because she is too preoccupied with something else. like shes taking a bubble bath while watching something on the tv in her bathroom. unbeknownst to her is a man downstairs searching for her in every room. but he doesnt get far before tangerine and lemon come in and attack the guy. shoving him into walls, punching and kicking him.
she tenses in the tub when she hears all the ruckus, suddenly scared for her life. she doesn't exactly know what tangerine does for a living, but she definitely knows its very dangerous, and that this is probably a product from that.
she quickly rises, wrapping a towel around herself and pausing her show, being careful to not make any noise. she goes into her room to call tangerine but hes already in there with a terrified look on his face, as well as some freshly splattered blood.
"jesus, fu- youre okay." and hes walking towards her, pulling her into a crushing hug and smoothing down her wet hair.
"why wouldnt i be? what was all that noise?"
"oh, you dont need to worry your head about that, s'nothing, i promise."
"but i heard-"
"hey," she shuts her mouth immediately at his tone and serious look in his eyes, "i said it was nothing, alright?"
she nods her head, hating herself for finding him so attractive like this. she should be suspicious that something went on downstairs, she should be terrified at the sight of fresh blood on his face, but all her mind can do is become fuzzy at his stern stare and harsh tone. its been happening to much lately, she thinks. shes starting to enjoy just how strict and cut-throat he can be sometimes.
and downstairs outside, lemon is dragging the mans bloodied and beat up body out of the house. remembering to keep him alive so that tangerine can torture him himself.
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im gonna stay dreaming that either vampire engel turns Konig or her drinking his blood somehow turns her human because the way you write in general, the angst, the yearning, I wanna eat your writing my dude
Omg turning Engel back to human?? (Omg he could finally marry her and… um… love her properly)
What if…
What if König tried to find a cure for her…? 🥺🥺
König has never been so feral. He's rooting out vampires with a newfound purpose, but instead of just killing them, he tortures them first to find out if there's a cure for vampirism.
And Engel knows what he's doing... She knows, and says nothing. She can't believe that a human man wants to help her (well, technically, König never asks if she wants to become human again; he has made all her decisions for her for weeks now, but Engel's soft little lips tremble from seeing how fervently he's searching for a cure, just for her sake). Sometimes, he has to drag them to their camp for torture, and König doesn’t like it that she's close by, not one bit.
"Look away, little angel," he demands with a grim voice, completely different from the tone he usually uses with her, the gentle accent she's now grown used to. The violence of his trade seeps through everytime he's filled with bloodlust, and once, when a captive vampire spews out curses at her, shouts how she's a traitor, how she's not a wolf but a lamb for preferring to be with cattle, how their love is cursed, König's fist brings an end to the spell-like rage as the captive's jaw is ripped off by the blow.
And she can't look away.
She's now utterly, hopelessly, desperately in love, and hungry all the time: she never drinks enough because she just can't bring herself to do it, no matter how many times König orders her to have her fill. She can see that he can't take it, large and able-bodied as he is, so she has to lie to him that she's feeling well when in truth she's about to collapse. She nearly faints from thirst once, and that's the first time König gets angry at her. She falls to her knees and tries to apologize because she can't take it when he's upset, far less bear it if he's disappointed in her. But König storms from the camp, and she feels like dying; she's too weak to even follow him.
She can't, because it feels like a kiss.
That captive just read her mind and revealed her true feelings for her human captor, and König isn't appalled at all; he doesn't turn around and ask her if it’s true. He simply smashes a face in to stop the curse, like it matters to him that her love stays pure. Like he loves her too...
After a while that feels like a century, König returns like a mountain of fury. He's dragging her first proper meal in weeks with him, and looks like a man who has finally sold his soul to the devil, says nothing as he throws the poor male at her feet, even slits his throat for her. Hesitantly, he crawls forward and starts to feed, assuming that the young male he brought for her must've been some kind of a criminal. A thief or a rapist, perhaps.
She lies on the ground, all hope lost: did her one true love just leave her? For disobeying him...?
She can finally drink her fill, and after a while, König comes to crouch at her side. He starts to pet her hair while she drinks: and she can’t help but whimper. She drinks as neatly as she can, like a human drinking from a saintly cup, not giving into her lust, just closing her eyes and savoring the song of blood inside her and König's gentle hand upon her head…
She's so in love by now that she wants to be with him at all times, even when he rests. She simply can't take another night without him. Not an hour before dawn, she crawls out of the coffin she just crept into to escape the approaching sun. She slides onto the bed next to König, and tries to be as silent as possible – he would just command her back to her coffin if he woke up – shuffles next to him like a cold shadow, and almost succeeds... But then he stirs as she attaches herself to his warm, powerful form, practically clutches him like she's drowning.
She's quiet as a mouse, but no scolding comes, there's not a single sharp command from him. König just goes tense when he senses there's a woman latched to him; then starts to relax upon noticing it's just his love-starved pet who's crawled to him in the night. He even wraps his hand around her like they've always done this – like they're a married couple who have curled together for warmth and love for years and years.
"Engel… You need to go back to your bed," he says, voice parched and soft from sleeping. König always calls her coffin 'bed' as if it's merely just that: a downy bunk where humans go to sleep. At times, when they have to take refuge from a hail, König bribes the innkeeper and hauls her coffin to his room. She likes to think it's because he wants to ensure that nothing bad happens to her.
He starts to caress her softly (she can't believe how gentle König can be with his touch when he wants to): first her head, then her cheek, then her arm… Her fingers fiddle with the hem of his mask, the large black draping hood that König uses to conceal his true identity and which sets him apart from the rest of the village folk.
They're not that different, perhaps, her and him. He's a monster in the eyes of the humans too; they fear him at least as much as they used to fear her.
"Not yet," she whispers, asks, begs, and grips his heavy shirt in a tight fist, making it clear that he has to pry her fingers off one by one if he wants to get rid of her. The man just sighs and lets her cling to him for a little while longer. But just when she starts to relax with the hope that König might allow her stay here until the sun rises, he collects her in his arms and lifts her from the bed like she's nothing but the dress she wears.
He carries her to her coffin and sets her down, down, down to the wooden box he has made so lovely and snug for her; it's furnished with dark red velvet paddings and even has a small pillow with cute little tassels attached to it. The sun is already rising, and she feels like crying again when König moves to pick up the large, heavy lid like it weighs nothing at all.
"Sir… Don't leave me," she whispers as her last wish, beckoning to him with all she has, the last part of her that's human and not the creature he hates. There's a flash of agony in his stare: a brief, sullen, pained look as he looks down at her like the Holy Christos himself.
"I will never leave you," he promises, under his breath, a broken vow from a broken man, just before he encloses her in darkness.
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toorusluvr · 2 months
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❥ ҉ CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of reader having anxiety in earlier paragraphs + smut in chapter + penetration sex + p in v + protected sex
❥ ҉ NOTE FROM NIS: hello it's me again omg it's been so long since the last update i truly apologise for the late updates! i'm trying my best to finally finish this series! anyway, enjoy chapter 7! i felt like i have forgotten how to write good lord please bear with me.... as usual, reblogs, likes, and comments are very very much appreciated! <3
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After you have been discharged from the hospital, nothing has really changed. Everything feels numb, and you can’t feel any emotions at all. Literally. It always feels like life is on loop. You go to school, eat, cry yourself to sleep, and repeat. Your eyes are begging you to stop crying but you just… couldn’t . 
Iwaizumi witnessed you being trapped in your soulless body. Sometimes you just spaced out with no expressions at all. It’s heartbreaking to see you this way because it reminds him so much of himself, which is why he doesn’t want you to be this way for any longer. Breakups happen every time but the post-breakup? It’s like your entire soul is being tortured. He does not know how he can console you because he himself was struggling for a long time until he realized that his life didn’t end when his relationship was over. 
Sure, some people would say high school relationships don’t matter but to him, it was the first time he discovered that he is indeed capable of loving someone. But the grief of losing them afterwards… Iwaizumi was almost sure he didn’t want to fall in love again if it hurt this bad. 
Iwaizumi would say he has moved on from his ex-girlfriend. To be saying he didn’t feel any ounce of hurt after finding out that Semi cheated on you with his ex, that would be a big slap to the face. Fuck it, he was deeply offended and hurt at the same time. If anything, he’d be sure to destroy the man in the face for cheating. Semi and his ex-girlfriend – God knows what business do they have with each other, can go to fucking hell for cheating. Iwaizumi did not want to play the victim here, shit– he was indeed a victim, but his ex-girlfriend went out of her way to cheat with multiple guys while they were in a relationship. In the end, Iwaizumi would still take her back because he has always thought every relationship has its ups and downs. That was solely his mistake for being so naive. 
You stared at the blank blackboard in front of the class, not hearing Oikawa and Iwaizumi have been calling your name several times. Then, you felt a hard smack on your shoulder, snapping into reality. “OW!” you groaned in pain. You looked over to your right side, where you could see Oikawa was fuming mad (well, not really) while glaring at you.
“We’ve been calling your name for the past few minutes,” Oikawa enunciated the last three words. You could sense he was a bit annoyed that you didn’t hear him calling. His expression proved it all. It’s not exactly that he could hide his expressions well. He just loves being dramatic sometimes. 
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” you cleared your throat as you turned your body to face him. 
Oikawa rolled his eyes at you, “Iwa-chan was asking you if you wanted to be his partner for the project. I am teamed up with someone else because we did our last project together. Iwa did it solo but this project needs to be a pair work. Can you partner up with him?” 
You looked at Iwaizumi, who was sitting behind both of you in class. He raised his eyebrows at you, waiting for your answer. A glimpse of his tan skin and the luscious lips… wait . Hooking up with him is one thing and partnering up with him for a project is another. But what could hurt? Your soul is already damaged, anyway. This decision can go straight to your list of disappointments and regrets. 
“Sure, why not?” you answered with a smile. “You good if we start working on it after school, Iwa? I want to get it done as soon as possible. You don’t have to skip practice, just come to my house after practice ends. I’ll text you my address later.” 
“I was thinking of asking you that earlier. Sure, I’ll come to your house later,” Iwaizumi agreed with the plan you made. The earlier you get the project done, the better. He needs to focus on the assessments, the upcoming exam, and also the preliminary. The pressure he has on himself is crazy. But, people don’t always see that because he hides it so well. 
Oikawa wiggled his eyebrows at Iwaizumi, “Oh, alone times,” he sing-songed. Iwaizumi glared at him before he continued to work on the task given by your teacher. This dude never gives up on teasing both of you just because you guys were each other’s one night stand. He once told Oikawa to grow up because he was annoying him too much.  
“Go find someone to get laid, pretty boy,” you snickered at Oikawa and the last thing you saw before facing forward was his jaw dropped open at the comment you just made. 
After his practice ended, you waited for Iwaizumi in the living room when he texted he was almost there. The doorbell rang; it was none other than Iwaizumi himself. “Come in!” you said cheerfully, even though there was barely any energy left inside of you. You didn’t want to make Iwaizumi worried over your worsening mental state. He’d probably nag and call you stupid but hey, you’ve heard him called Oikawa worse. 
The raven-haired boy gave you a light smile once you opened the door for him. He was freshly dressed in a white t-shirt and black sweats. The outfits combination that makes every girl drool. 
“Is no one home?” Iwaizumi asked as he stepped into your house. He looked around your house and followed your steps to your room upstairs. It was his first time coming to your home and being in your bedroom. 
“I told you before that my mom is barely home at times like this. She'll be home late at night,” you answered while leading him to your room. You opened the door to your room and invited him in. He followed after you and his eyes did a quick scan of your bedroom. 
“Oh, I forgot about that. Send my regards to your mom when she's home soon,” Iwaizumi said.
You let out a soft chuckle and nodded to his request. Both of you started working on the project, laying out all the outlines and possible drafts. You divided the tasks that needed to be done fairly between Iwaizumi and you. Iwaizumi contributed the ideas and points needed for the project. Both of you had a discussion over it for almost an hour when your stomach suddenly made a loud noise. You glanced up to see Iwaizumi was already staring back at you. 
Iwaizumi raised a lone brow at the sound. “Hungry there, princess?” 
Princess . Never thought you’d get butterflies being called that. What a funny thing. Though his tone showed mockery but hell the butterflies were swarming until it left no room in your stomach. 
Iwaizumi caught the brief flustered expression that was all over your face. But you turned expressionless immediately. Huh . Good to know he is capable of making you flustered, then. 
“Let’s order some food. Are you okay with that?” You asked as you grabbed your phone beside you. Iwaizumi immediately said yes as he was hungry too. He didn’t have any time to grab any snacks right after practice ended. 
Both of you perused the online menu and soon the food will be delivered to your doorsteps. While waiting, you and Iwaizumi picked up where the project was left off – to wrap it up for the night before the food got here. 
When the food was finally delivered, you and Iwaizumi sat in your kitchen to dine in. You told Iwaizumi to make himself comfortable as he looked so awkward standing there. “Is it your first time being at a girl's house?” You let out a laugh as his expression turned sour. 
If there’s one thing that Iwaizumi dislikes, it is being accused of things. He HAS been to a girl’s house before. Yes, for hooking up and whatnot. But, not for having meals together, that’s for sure! 
“Not really. It just feels too domestic, no?” Iwaizumi replied in all honesty. He sat on the barstool and you slid a glass of water to the man. You paused to look at him briefly. Well, he got a point there! 
“Damn. You’re right. But hey, that’s what friends do too. So we’re good,” you retaliated with a downturned smile. Iwaizumi just let out a snicker to your response. Both of you then devoured your food because hunger took over your consciousness. 
He was not much of a talker at first but after practically forcing him to talk, he finally did. It wasn’t much because this man is indeed great at keeping his secrets to himself. You wondered if he told Oikawa enough about himself and his emotions when things get tough. Does Iwaizumi ever do that? Curiosity definitely gets the best of you sometimes but that’s another topic for another day. 
“It’s getting late. It would be best if you go home now. Your parents must be worried,” you yawned. You peeked over the clock hanging on your wall, and it’s almost 11 p.m. but your mother wasn’t home yet. 
“Yeah. I should go home. Hey, you should take a rest. You look tired. You okay?” Iwaizumi asked as he stood upright. He slung his backpack over his shoulders while looking at you, expecting your reply. 
You nodded, “I’m good. You don’t have to worry about it.” 
“Sure. I’m going home. Make sure you aren’t staying up too late,” Iwaizumi advised. He wasn’t sure of what he was feeling, but he had this instinct that you were hoping he would stay with you through the night. He didn’t want to seem like he’s a know-it-all – worse, a pushover so he chased his instincts away. 
“Take care, Iwa. See you tomorrow!” you bid goodbye as you watched him entering the cab that was waiting in front of your house. Iwaizumi paused as he grabbed the door handle of the cab, looking back at you. 
“See you tomorrow,” he said with a curt nod. You waved him goodbye and waited until the taxi took off. 
One thing about getting anxious is that it comes uninvited. Your anxiety came creeping in later that night. You laid on your bedroom floor helplessly, gasping for air to breathe normally. Your tears were streaming down your face non-stop while you tried to reach your phone to dial for anyone in case things went south. It felt like you went back and forth to hell while battling the anxiety alone. You wished you had asked Iwaizumi to stay with you earlier. But then he would find out your weak point and the fear of him using it against you was enough to snap you out of reality. Cynical or not, you are done with people using your weakness against you. 
About a week later, you and Iwaizumi promised to have another discussion. This time, he asked you to come to his house. You agreed to it without thinking any further because the deadline was getting closer! Iwaizumi wasn’t able to contribute over the weekend due to his volleyball practices. But, you covered his part and explained what he needed to do later on. He was super grateful for your understanding. 
“Wait a second. Shit , I forgot that I ran out of my sticky notes. Do you mind if we drop by the book store?” Iwaizumi stopped walking and your steps faltered as well. You looked up at him and nodded. 
“Yeah, sure. There’s the book store,” you said as you pointed a finger to the bookstore that has the navy blue signboard outside. It looks quite old but surely they have a lot of stuff there. 
Iwaizumi shook his head, “I need to go to the bookstore that I always go to. It’s like 15 minutes from here. Do you mind?” 
That’s one thing you didn’t see it coming. The Iwaizumi Hajime has a favorite bookstore? Surely his secret admirers would love this and go batshit crazy with the news. 
“You have a favorite bookstore?” You asked. Iwaizumi bit the inside of his cheek, “Yeah, is that a problem? What? I cannot have a favorite bookstore because I am not smart enough for you?”
His defensive reply definitely got you laughing, wait no , howling of laughter. You couldn’t believe that he gets so defensive over something so trivial! Surely everyone has their favorite bookstore. Having a favorite bookstore does not make you a nerd. If anything, it makes you look smart. And God knows that leaves a good impression. 
“Good God, do you need an exorcism?” Iwaizumi asked while rolling his eyes. Man, the last thing he needed today was you howling of laughter. It took a hit on his pride and yeah, he was offended a bit. 
Your laughter slowly faded away. Iwaizumi was still staring at you with that scowl that could leave a permanent mark on his beautiful face. “No, dude. You should have seen the look on your face when you got so defensive just now. Chill, man. I was just asking you a question. Did someone used to make fun of you or something? Geez, seek therapy then.” 
Iwaizumi heaved out a deep breath. You like to test his patience sometimes and God, he doesn’t need another friend to give him constant headaches. “Alright, I was at fault for getting too ‘defensive’ then,” he did an air quote with an annoyed expression. 
“Take a joke, babe,” you groaned and he put you in a headlock that had you gasping for air. Iwaizumi didn’t use much of his force and let go when you squealed, begging him to loosen the headlock. You quickly brushed your hair using your fingers, “Remind me to not piss you off because I almost died. I wonder how Oikawa is still alive when he’s getting headlocked by you at least 3 times a week!” 
“I don’t do it that often,” he said in the same defensive tone again. His eyebrows all scrunched, lips almost pouty. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, “ Really? ”
“I’ll leave you here if we don’t start moving in the next 3 seconds. I’m not joking,” Iwaizumi said determinedly. He once left Oikawa at a bus stop because he was taking too long to do his hair. He hated being stalled because he’s always punctual! Why can’t other people do the same?
“I’ll report you to the police for negligence,” you huffed a reply as you fell into his steps side-by-side. Iwaizumi snorted with laughter, “That was merely a threat, princess. Take a joke, babe .” 
He said the last line so casually while giving you a smirk. Damn him and that attractive as hell smirk because it could kill people! Damn him and damn the universe for trying to fuck you up with this weird feeling. 
You shook your head with an annoyed smirk, “I hope the bookstore is closed. You better hurry!” 
“Nah, not funny, princess. Let’s go,” he said as he dragged you with him. Thank goodness he didn’t run or sprint or else you’d have tripped on the pavements. 
Once you guys showed up in front of the bookstore, Iwaizumi didn’t waste any time and headed straight to the sticky notes section. He didn’t think twice about picking the sticky notes and some highlighters. You were off to the next aisle just to check out some books. Iwaizumi then appeared by your side. 
“You looking for anything?” Iwaizumi asked as his eyes carefully scanned the books shelves. 
You shook your head, “Nah. Let’s go if you’re done. It’s getting late.” 
Iwaizumi hummed and just when he turned his heels around, he saw two familiar individuals that he never expected to meet at all. At this place. Your gaze diverted to the same two familiar individuals when Iwaizumi stopped in his tracks. 
Just like a deer getting caught in headlights, the two individuals stopped talking to each other as well. 
Your heart dropped at the sight of the two people who ruined your life just a few weeks ago. Now that they’re here in front of you, you feel nothing but pure rage. Your eyes were locked on the ash blonde guy that gave you nothing but a stab in your heart. A 3-year relationship went down the drain just like that. He threw you away as if you were nothing to him. 
Semi looked at you for what felt like a minute and then he moved his gaze to the man next to you. The girl next to him had her eyes locked on Iwaizumi. Her ex boyfriend of 2 years. Your breathing became ragged and what felt like anxiety spreaded all over your system like it was a virus. 
You tried to control your breathing, kept your cool but fuck was it so hard to do even just that. Shit. Semi still has his power over you and you fucking hate it. This is not attraction or admiration. This is just pure hatred and disgust. Cheating was your final wake up call and no more tolerance over this son of a bitch! 
Overwhelming rage almost took over you and only the thoughts of being violent were playing at the back of your mind. Maybe Iwaizumi saw your clenched fists and the fact that you almost lurched at his ex-girlfriend, he instinctively held your hand in his. His touch woke you up from the violent vision from clouding your mind. 
You looked down at where his hand was holding yours. Slowly, you moved your gaze to meet his dark green orbs. His gaze showed genuine concern. “We’re better than that,” he whispered quietly. Your breath hitched. Right. You don’t like to resort to violence unless you really need to. 
“Huh, fancy meeting you here, Hajime,” the girl with the shoulder-length hair spoke up, arms to her chest as her eyes stared at the man next to you. Iwaizumi’s jaw ticked at the sound of his ex-girlfriend's voice. Well, it was once his favourite. Emphasis on once . Now it’s just this annoying noise that he is starting to despise so much. 
“New girlfriend?” The girl snickered when her gaze met yours. Iwaizumi might not want to start a fight or worse, a brawl or hair pulling, but you were so damn ready to punch this girl in her smug face. You do not know what kind of woman Iwaizumi is into, but this bitch was obviously nowhere in his league. Yes, she might have a pretty face but a nasty attitude mirrors her whole appearance. 
You were disgusted at the sight of her and your blood level rose tenfold when you saw Semi’s hand trying to pull her back. Semi shook his head slightly when she noticed his hand on her forearm. 
“As far as I’m concerned, who I am dating at the moment is none of your business,” Iwaizumi said – his voice stern, subtly indicating that both of you are currently dating. You didn’t oppose the idea. Amused, more like it. 
His ex-girlfriend stifled a laughter. “Impressive work, Hajime. I didn't peg you to enjoy someone’s leftover,” she mocked. 
Cheating with Semi is one thing but calling you as his leftover? This bitch knew how to push your buttons. Your eyebrows furrowed at her sudden insult. 
“Well, guess I shattered your expectations. Don't worry, I'll make sure to savour every last bite of something her ex will never get a taste of,” Iwaizumi glanced over you and pulled your waist closer to his side. 
You slowly smiled at both of them. “Pretty bold of you to make such an accusation. Hell, one thing that I know is that I sure as hell don’t go after someone else’s boyfriend. One of us is a fucking slut and Hajime, just between us , it is sure as hell ain’t me or you.” 
Her sinister smile slowly faded from her fucking smug face. 
“I don’t think so you need to go that far, Y/N,” Semi’s stern voice broke the temporary silence. Iwaizumi’s eyebrow furrowed in confusion. If anything, his ex-gf or Semi’s current gf or whatsoever started it first. He dared to spin it against you now? The audacity that some people have is unnerving! 
“You don’t get to talk, cheater,” you sighed loudly. “You know what? Both of you deserve each other. I truly hope both of you rot in hell happily ever after.”
You gripped on Iwaizumi’s wrist and made your way to the cashier. You stopped in your tracks when the girl had an iron grip on your other wrist. “Where do you think you are going?” 
Iwaizumi let out a sigh at her stubbornness. She is in for it and Iwaizumi knows too damn well you are not going to let this slide easily. How hard it must be for you to encounter these two people who kinda ruined your life in one day. For what it’s worth, Iwaizumi would love to see you destroy his ex-girlfriend. She deserves it. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are to touch me? Eita, I do not peg you as someone who enjoys fucking crazy girls,” you looked at the girl dead in the eyes before looking back at Semi. “Fucking touch me one more time and your pretty face will be covered in bruises next. Tell your pretty girlfriend to not cause herself any harm, will you?” 
You loosened her grip on your wrist and shoved her shoulder away from you. Iwaizumi gave the two people a once over and caught up with your pace. 
After Iwaizumi paid for his stuff at the cashier, he followed you out of the book shop. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed loudly. “Fucking damn it. They ruined my day again!” You said frustratedly. 
Iwaizumi examined your expression. Yeah, you were mad as hell now. He would be too if he was in your place. “You need to cool down first?” Iwaizumi asked. 
You turned to look at him with tears welling up in your eyes. “ Shit , I don’t know. Let’s just go to your house, okay? I’ll be fine,” you said as you patted him on the arm. Iwaizumi watched you step away from the book shop area. 
“Actually, we are going this way!” Iwaizumi raised his voice a bit and you cursed yourself for being too distracted. You immediately turned back and grabbed him in the arm. “Let’s go!” You said determinedly. Iwaizumi couldn’t help but laugh at your demeanour. 
The moment you arrived at Iwaizumi’s neighbourhood, your jaw dropped. The houses here are almost elite . You immediately turned to look at him, “You never told me that you are rich.” 
“I’m not rich,” Iwaizumi shrugged his shoulders. You eyed him suspiciously while following him from behind. He opened the door for you and the moment you stepped into his house, your jaw dropped again. His living room is huge and well-decorated! Surely his parents are loaded. 
“You’re rich, Iwa. Just admit it, man. Good lord, you have such a beautiful house!” You gushed– your eyes wandering around the living room area. Iwaizumi shook his head at your gushing and endless praises of how beautiful his house is. Well, it’s his parents’ house not his . 
Iwaizumi turned to look at you, “Done gushing? You need anything? Water? Snacks?” 
You shook your head. “Let’s get it started.” The earlier you can get it done, the better. 
Iwaizumi then showed you his room, where the discussion took place. He told you that his parents were working so they might come home later than expected. You were fine with it. Having Iwaizumi as your partner in this project is a blessing, you gotta admit. He is so fucking smart. Obviously, everyone has a thing for the smart guys. A bonus point, he looks very handsome as well. With the tan skin, the perfect height, athletic, everyone drools at the sight of him. Sometimes hilarious. Yeah. 
He had the upper hand of knowing the subject teacher so he knew what the teacher needed despite being given the question paper. It was like he read the teacher’s mind. You were impressed with his sharp observational skills. Even though he missed contributing some of the parts, he still managed to do everything quickly. A smart and athletic man? Yes, definitely a huge 10/10! 
“Why did you break up with your ex? What was her name again?” You broke the silence. Iwaizumi stopped twirling the pen with his fingers and shot you a puzzled look. 
He cleared his throat and sat upright. “Why did you ask?” 
You let out a soft sigh, “Just curious, that’s all. Mind telling me? Please ?” 
Iwaizumi’s interest was piqued. The way you added please at the end of your sentence did something to him. Something unrecognisable that made his stomach swirl . Huh. What a weird feeling. 
“You really want to know that bad, huh?” Iwaizumi asked again. 
You nodded as your eyes scanned the interior of his room. Like expected, his room is well-kept. Tidy and minimalistic from little to none decorations around the room. His study desk – where the books are arranged neatly, unlike yours back home. 
Your eyes then caught the Godzilla plushies sitting next to his bed. “You have plushies?” You couldn’t help but ask the question because having a plushie is a bit out of character for him. 
Iwaizumi let out a soft sigh– his shoulders slumped. “Guess who got it for me?” 
The way he worded his question answered everything you needed to know. “She gave it to you?”
Iwaizumi nodded weakly, “Never a fan of plushies. She just gave it to me because she saw how much I like Godzilla. That’s all. It was a nice gesture until she went and cheated on my cousin’s friend behind my back. The worst thing was, my cousin’s friend had a girlfriend too at the moment. It was messy as hell because the girl decided to attack her and I just stood there, clueless. That was not even her first time cheating behind my back! So, mine is quite similar to yours, I assume.”
The end of his sentence got you rethinking your entire breakup. Now that he said it out loud, yes it was similar. Except that Iwaizumi found out too late and yours was at the perfect time. Worst, planned by the bitch herself. Oh she’s definitely not a girl’s girl. A homewrecker at the age of eighteen. Yucks. 
“Well, look at us. A product of someone who got cheated on in their relationship. Welcome to the club. Do you want to be the leader? I’m comfortable being the co-leader,” you joked. Iwaizumi just shook his head with a slight smile on his lips. He then dismissed the joke with his hand. 
You took it as a cue to continue doing your discussion. Most of the time, it was just you getting distracted by his veiny hands and his raspy voice. You kept on remembering the sex you guys had before this. Slowly exhaling a deep breath, you tried to focus. 
“What’s the matter with you?” Iwaizumi asked confusedly. He was busy mapping out your discussions and you were exhaling a few times– louder than usual. You looked like you were growing agitated. 
You looked at him apologetically, “Well, can our friends with benefits arrangement still go on? Or have you found someone else?” 
Iwaizumi’s jaw ticked. He couldn’t believe such a question got him all hot and bothered. Maybe it was a joke but you did not look like you were joking either. 
“What do you have in mind?” Iwaizumi asked. 
“Wanna fuck?” You asked sheepishly. Well, blame it on the hormones and the man himself. How dare he look all gorgeous and sexy while holding a discussion on an important subject?
Iwaizumi was almost sent to the emergency room at that moment. He let out a raspy laughter, “You really wanna do that right now? Good lord, you’re unbelievable.” 
He was saying that as he unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt. You smirked knowing his tactics. Iwaizumi then reached the front of your shirt, almost popping all of your buttons in one go. He pushed your body on the carpeted floor and you broke into giggles. 
The man then snaked his hand under your skirt. His palm slowly caressing the inner of your thighs that made your blood run cold. Your chest rose heavily, breath staggered at his every touch. 
He pressed his thumb over your dampened cotton underwear. With a slow caress, you took a deep breath as you tried to ease yourself. Iwaizumi’s lips ghosted over your neck, gently nibbling on your skin. His free hand crept to your wrist and pinned it down beside your head.
“One touch and you’re already wet, princess?” His words hung over the air – his dark green eyes held your gaze. 
You looked at him with a dazed stare, “Well, you were busy sitting still and looked pretty for me. I guess it made me feel something.” 
One of the things that Iwaizumi likes about you is that you kinda match his snarky remarks. It’s not easy to match his kind of joking around without others taking it to heart. Trust him, he has tried. 
A small grin appeared on the corner of his lips. His two longest fingers brushed over your wet slit. A small whimper came out of your lips, earning a smug grin from the man. “A mere touch got you whimpering? You need to learn how to last long, princess,” he said in that raspy voice of his. 
What he said just now turned you on. Damn him and his dirty talk that got you all worked up. The rough feel of his fingertips lightly scratched against your sensitive pussy down there.
His fingers worked their way up to your entrance, slowly circling around your entrance before he made it up to your clit. Iwaizumi dragged his fingertips around your puffy clit that got your body jerked in his hold. You breathed heavily, trying not to make any noise like he said earlier. 
���Want me to continue, princess? You’ve been real quiet,” he got up on his knees just to say it into your ear.
Your eyes locked with his gaze, “Yes, please .” 
Iwaizumi’s sharp gaze bored into yours before he spoke up. “Pleading looks good on you, princess.”
His lips caught yours in a split second, nibbling on your lower lip. His free hand cupped the column of your neck before moving it to your nape, pressing your lips harder against his. You tried to breathe but he was quick to shove his tongue into your mouth. 
You got impatient and immediately unbuttoned his slacks. His pants were getting tighter each second, especially the groin area. It’s amusing how easily you can affect him. The things that you make him feel, gosh. 
One of Iwaizumi’s fingers crooked on the waistband of your skirt and pulled it down, revealing you in your cotton underwear. You sighed when he brought the same finger and let it linger on the wet spot a tad bit longer. The rough feel of his fingertip created a friction you never knew was so daunting. 
Both of you now half-naked in each other’s lap. Iwaizumi positioned you in his lap. His face was just the right level with your clothed breasts. You unbuttoned your school shirt for him and he watched it with a thirst that almost burnt his throat. Sharp breaths accompanied his impatience while watching you get undressed. 
You reached the back of your bra to unhook it. Iwaizumi got aroused just seeing how fucking pretty your tits are. He gulped hard. So hard that it was audible to both of you. 
Iwaizumi is a patient man. Maybe not to a bunch of people but he sometimes has the patience of a saint. But now, he is being tested as a man. Well, he finds himself enjoying watching you stripping out of your clothes but right now, he’s like a man being starved for so long. His patience was running thin and it was very fortunate he didn’t rip your bra apart. 
“Fuck, I love your tits, princess,” he sighed breathily as he buried his face in your breasts. You bit on your lower lip, suppressing the moan. 
A warm feeling coated your pert nipple as a strong hand massaged another breast. You sighed when Iwaizumi gently sucked on your sensitive nipple. His other hand was busy kneading your other breast. His touch is magical, if it makes any sense. Any other stress that you were having before, they have disappeared. 
Your nails scratched his scalp while your hips were busy grinding back and forth on him. Iwaizumi groaned every time his dick twitched in his pants. Not now , he grunted to himself. He wanted to savour your taste firstly first before he fed his hunger and lust. 
“Your mouth feels so good, Iwa,” you half-whispered. Iwaizumi’s hand travelled to your ass and gave it a hard squeeze. You chuckled under your breath, knowing it was his silent way of acknowledging what you just said. 
His tongue circled your nipple, saliva coating your sensitive nipple. Iwaizumi’s both hands were now pinned on your waists. His face glanced up at you and you gave him this pleading eyes that got him rock hard again. 
Shit, the voice at the back of his mind said. Iwaizumi didn’t say anything but caught your lips with a hard and punishing kiss. You were caught off-guard that you almost stumbled backwards. But his strong hands stopped you before it even happened. 
The kiss was making you feel lightheaded, not even realising both of you were undressing each other in the light of speed. Your shirt, his shirt. Your skirt, his pants. Your underwear, his boxer. Both of you are now fully naked on his carpeted floor. 
“Fuck, I can’t wait to get inside you,” he whispered against your lips and you nodded without any doubts. 
“Condoms,” you gasped softly and Iwaizumi immediately reached for the drawer beside his bed. He tore the foil with his teeth and rolled the condom on. You found it hot that he was getting impatient and so did you. Your mouth also watered at the sight of his dick. He always stretches your pussy so good and that’s a memory you cherish forever. But he doesn’t need to know it.
Iwaizumi then looked at you. His eyes were questioning you whether you’re ready or not. You nodded as if both of you could read each other’s minds. He then suggested getting on his bed or else both of you would get back pain. 
Your weight dipped into his soft as hell mattress. Wow. It felt like clouds laying down on his bed. You just prayed his bed is also… soundproof and less creaking. “Shoot. Your mattress is comfy as hell,” you complimented as he got on top of you. His body caged your body. 
Iwaizumi’s eyebrows scrunched a bit. Man, you are so random sometimes. “Princess, you do love to think your thoughts out loud, do you?” 
A chuckle filled the momentary silence. You then circled your arms around his shoulders, bringing him down nose-to-nose with you. “You’re getting impatient, aren’t you? Well, come on now. Show me how bad you want to fuck me,” you said seductively against his lips. 
His cock nudging between your legs. Iwaizumi’s smirk slowly plastered on his lips. He bit on your lower lip until you winced in pain. “Such a vulgar language,” his voice rasped. He propped an elbow as his other free hand lined his cock along your entrance. 
The tip of his cock slid inch by inch – your mouth gaped open, back arching as your pussy stretched to his size. Iwaizumi let out a soft groan as he bottomed out. Your nails were already clawing into his back. 
His fingers clawed onto his bedsheet, hips slowly rocking forward. Fuck, he felt like he was in pure bliss once he was inside you. Your pussy was so warm, so inviting and so fucking tight that it hurt. He almost came the second he was inside you. Bless the universe for not fucking with him that moment. 
Your legs wrapped around his waist, locking him in. His hand then squeezed your breasts in both of his hands. Looks like you finally figured out what kind of man he is. 
The truth is, Iwaizumi leaned more towards the guys who prefer ass. He was not a douchebag. He simply has preferences but it’s not like he is going to announce it to the real world. Why couldn't his hands leave your tits? Because your tits were on his mind all day. Especially the way your sports attire you were wearing earlier hugging every curve of your upper body and the sports bra you were wearing definitely triggered some of his primal instincts. 
His thrust was hard and punishing. He fucked you so hard that your tits bounced wildly in his face. The man was so lost in how lewd his sight was right now. Your breathless moans, the continuous whispers telling him to keep going. Fuck. He missed this. He missed fucking you and being inside you. 
“Princess, your pussy is so fucking tight,” he leaned down to whisper. Your eyes slowly opened, revealing his handsome face and the sweats that glistened on his forehead and abs. 
The man has a set of abs that was carved by God himself. Every line and crevice is deep and curved to perfection. His V-line too. Good lord. Suddenly, you were hit with a pang of jealousy. How many women did he sleep with? How many nudes did he send before you? Ugh! Jealousy couldn’t have come at the worst time.
Iwaizumi glanced over your fucked out expression. Eyes closed, lips swollen and glossy from the kiss. He cupped your cheek, “Did you hear me, princess?”
You nodded hurriedly, “Don’t stop, Iwa. Fuck. S’so good.” 
Your words were all over the place. Not even your mind could be able to function properly with how good his cock was stretching you out. The tip of his cock nudging your spot, bringing you closer to climax by each second. You clawed at his shoulder at the slow sensation building up in your core. 
“Fuck!” You hissed when you felt it coming. Iwaizumi groaned when your pussy clenched around his cock like a tight vice. 
One of his hands found your clit. His thumb rubbing circles on your weakest spot that left you crumble like a broken vase. All of your senses heightened. Goosebumps prickled and your core tightened into a twisted knot. Your breath started getting heavier but Iwaizumi wouldn’t stop his thrust – from fucking into you harder.
It was all too much. If he kept going, you might scream at the top of your lungs. You didn’t want him to stop either. 
The man himself was losing his composure. He couldn’t last long but fuck, you were so close. So close to the brink of an orgasm. That’s a thing he wouldn’t let slide so easily. 
His thumb found your clit again, his cock thrusting in and out of you mercilessly. You were so wet that there was no restriction. His thumb circled your clit, building the rhythm to make you come. 
“Come on, princess. Give me all you got, hm? Don’t hold back. Let go, beautiful,” he leaned down next to your ears, panting heavily. His eyes shut closed, trying to last longer than you. Your bodies were so close, chest-to-chest. The noises were so lewd you were afraid if someone was outside, listening to everything. 
You moaned again. Your sweet moans lulling the sound of the skin slapping against skin. It was only a matter of time before your orgasm crashed. 
“Fuck, baby, I’m so so close!” You pleaded. Iwaizumi kept going, his thrust didn’t stop or get any sloppier. He kissed you hard on the lips that had you gasping for breath. 
You gasped for air, “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!” 
Your cries were his cue that your orgasm was in a matter of seconds. Iwaizumi shut you up with his mouth again. The tight knot crashed. White spots covered your vision as your breath slowly became normal again. Iwaizumi pressed his forehead against yours and gathered his breath. 
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath as he slowly pulled out of you. You felt empty without him being inside you. 
You let out a soft gasp watching him tying the used condom and tossing it into his dustbin. The man then grabbed a pair of shorts to wear. He rummaged through his closets to find a clean towel to help you clean up, though there wasn’t really any big mess to clean after. 
Iwaizumi tossed the clean towel to you. “You need to take a quick shower? You can use my bathroom.” 
You let out a disgruntled sound, “Thanks.” 
Iwaizumi’s eyes trailed after your movements as you made your way to his bathroom. He was fortunate enough to have his personal bathroom. It makes it easier every time he has company over. Girls, especially. 
You are the second girl he has ever invited to his room. His bed , vis-a-vis. Most of the time he prefers to do it at their house instead. But he is not the type to fuck around a lot. It’s a waste of his time to focus on the wrong thing when he could be focusing on his final year and volleyball. 
The man then threw his weight on his bed the second you locked the bathroom door. He placed an arm over his eyes, reminiscing the whole sex fiasco just now. How pretty your moans and cries were. Just by remembering the tiniest part of it got him hard again. Double shit.
Your eyes widened at how fucking beautiful his bathroom was. The interior was to die for, and you meant it literally! It could be one of your dream bathrooms! Just how rich is he?! 
Iwaizumi is a very organised man. He arranged all of his products where they were supposed to be. You gawked at his bathroom before finally getting into the shower. It was spacious as hell, enough to fit both of you. 
Nope ! Not going there!  
Just when you were about to get dressed, your mind finally clicked that you did not bring any of your clothes inside the bathroom. That also meant you had to go out and re enter again. Shit and shit! 
Without thinking any further, you just came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body. It was a bit short but enough to cover your everything . 
Iwaizumi’s eyes brightened with amaze once his gaze landed on you. “Forgot your clothes? You know you could have called me to bring it to you, right?” 
You huffed, “Obviously my brain cells weren’t working! Geez.” You looked at your clothes scattered on the floor and you sighed. Great! Now you needed to crouch to pick them up. 
“Hajime!” A woman’s voice suddenly boomed outside of his door. Both of you jumped in surprise at the sudden presence. 
“Your ex came back?” You gasped.
Iwaizumi looked at you with the “ are you fucking serious? ” expression. Duh ! It was his mother! The only thing that should have been the first thing on your mind! Iwaizumi hurriedly asked you to put on your clothes but damn it, it was so hard to focus on the simplest task at times like this! 
“Hajime! Do you have your friends over?” His mother knocked on his door countless times. She even tried to hear what was going on inside of his room. 
Iwaizumi tried to breathe normally, “Yes, mom! We’ll be out in a second! Just- finalising our school work!” 
Mrs. Iwaizumi let out a huff, “Sure. Come out when y’all are ready. I ordered some takeouts.” 
“Okay, mom!” Iwaizumi said loudly. He listened to his mother’s footsteps fading away into the distance. He let out a relieved sigh, “Shit. That was close. Okay, get dressed.”
You hurriedly hooked your bra when he wasn’t looking. “What do you think I am doing right now?” You replied sarcastically.
“Always a fun time with you, princess,” Iwaizumi shot you a glare as he put on his sweats and hoodie. He ruffled his hair so he looked at least presentable in the presence of his mother. 
Couldn’t afford getting caught red-handed by his mother. Truly a nightmare if it ever happens. Iwaizumi shuddered at the thought. 
You carefully smoothed your hair using your fingers. After ensuring you looked neat, you told Iwaizumi that you were good to go! He unlocked his door and asked you to step out first. 
Iwaizumi walked ahead of you. In the living room, there sat his mother waiting with a magazine in her hands. Her eyes shot to where both of you were standing like deers being caught in the headlights. 
“Oh, it’s not Oikawa! Hello!” His mother chirped. She rose to her feet and walked towards both of you. You shied behind Iwaizumi but he slowly pushed you to the front. 
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Iwaizumi. I’m Hajime’s partner. Study partner, I meant,” you immediately corrected yourself after the vague meaning. Wouldn't let his mother think otherwise. 
Weird. Being friends wouldn’t even justify that you guys are fucking. 
You shushed away the tiny voice in your head. Iwaizumi’s mother extended her hand to you and you shook her hand. 
“Nice to meet you too, Hajime’s girl friend,” she chuckled and glanced over to his son. 
Iwaizumi let out a soft sigh, “Mom, please.” 
“I was just kidding, sweetheart. What’s your name, sweetie?” Iwaizumi’s mother asked. 
She looked friendly and so warm. There’s something about her aura that made you comfortable being around her. 
“Just call me Y/N, Mrs. Iwaizumi,” you smiled politely.
His mother’s smile reached her eyes, radiating positive vibes. “Alright, Y/N sweetie. I actually bought some takeouts. Please have some before you head back. Come on, let’s go to the dining room.” 
She said and took your wrist with her. You looked back at Iwaizumi and he just shook his head in defeat. 
“Just play along,” he mouthed. Your lips formed into a thin line. His mother seemed nice and you did not have the heart to turn her down. 
Well, a dinner wouldn’t hurt! At times like this, you weren’t sure whether your mom was already home or not. 
Mrs. Iwaizumi loved to tease her son a lot. Iwaizumi kept getting his ears red because of how much his mother liked to poke him around. You couldn’t help but stifle a silent laughter. He’d destroy you if you enjoyed this too much. Well, he already gave you a sign by glaring at you. Before he puts you in a headlock, you better take a step back just to be safe! 
Iwaizumi was not having it. Thank goodness his father was not around or else it’d be  double the trouble. His father’s overseas meeting spared him the headache. He kinda enjoyed the dinner but maybe there was no need to admit it to your face. You’ll gloat and he cannot afford another petty human being in his life. 
God knows how handful they can be at times. But to him, it almost felt like he had met his match. 
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