minimonojoon · 6 years
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so i was tagged by @kyut-tea (thanks, thanks a lot <3333 i love these games dfkjndgkjdn so much fun dfjgndf) and also made a banner (kyu you inspired me!). i’m tagging @94hixtape , @sleeepysugaa , @wildbeest55, @lady-shurley if you want to do it of course!! if you don’t want to, that’s completely fine <3 
- drink: water
- call: 4 missed calls from my dad lmao
- text: a friend on our gc where she showed me her cat (so cute dkgjndf)
- song u listened to: thunderclouds by labyrinth, sia and diplo (my current obsession bye)
- time u cried: this afternoon after a fight w my mom but couldn’t relish all the tears lmao
have u ever
- dated someone twice: nope
- kissed someone & regretted it: no
- been cheated on: no
- lost someone special: yes 
- been depressed: yes lmao i am right now, but trying to figure things out
- gotten drunk & thrown up: yes but let’s say i tried to threw up to feel better but didn’t succeed lol
favorite colors
1. all pastel colors, no matter what
2. warm colors
3. ok yes basically I love all the bright colors ok
in the last year have u
- made any new friends: yes!!
- fallen out of love: nope
- laughed so hard that u cried: oh yes fjgfd
- found out someone was talking abt u: no
- found out who ur friends were: meaning the ones who stick with u no matter what? well yeah
- kissed someone on ur fb friends list: ahah no
- how many ppl from ur fb friends do u know irl: most of them?? I only have ppl I know irl there
- do u have any pets: not right now
- do u want to change ur name: no, not really
- what did u do for ur birthday last year: last year was pretty chill, i went out with some friends in our favorite Korean restaurant and then we bought some useless shit in tiger; dfjkgndf sorry but this year was amazing bc I like had three birthday parties in a span of a week and couldn’t be happier, one of the three was a surprise birthday party and my non kpop friends blasted bts for me :’)
- what were u doing last night at midnight: I was watching just between lovers before miserably falling asleep lol
- what time did u wake up today: 8.07 am
- what is something u can’t wait for: get back w my friends, graduate, to move abroad (japan or australia lmao), to lose all the weight I need to, to finally be able to be happy and peaceful with myself
- have u ever talked to a person named tom: uhmmmmmm no
- something that gets on ur nerves: definitely being ignored/not listened when i’m trying to talk directly to you
- most visited website: tumblr, twitter, wordreference lmao
- hair color: brown
- short hair or long hair: short (or medium long lmao)
- do u have a crush on someone: raw nerve djkgdnf but yes
- what do u like abt urself: my eyes and being honest w others lmao
- want any piercings: no, i don’t particularly like them
- blood type: zero negative
- nicknames: let’s say on tumblr my nickname is liz
- relationship status: single
- zodiac sign: taurus
- pronouns: she/her
- fave tv shows: the 100, games of thrones, the good place, basically all the good historians tv shows and comedies along the way lmao
- tattoos: I don’t have one yet, but be sure I already have three I want to be tattoed on my skin eheh
- right handed or left handed: right handed
- ever had surgery: no
- sport: when I was younger my mom always convinced me into doing some sports, I did swimming, gym activities and idk like running and other stuff, but always left then I did dance and now I’m a runner (and I love it!!)
- vacation: everywhere, where there’s something to visit, to discover, to know about that I didn’t before. definitely best place so far visited was netherlands
- trainers: I want a new pair of shoes for running but I have to wait until December for them sob
more general:
- eating: nothing, i fucked up my diet (again) today bc first me and my family went to the beach and eat watermelon then decided at 3 pm that typical southern italian food (which is not light lol) was the best choice for a late lunch ajfknsdfj
- drinking: water
- i’m about to watch: nothing right now, but surely just between lovers or some anime late in the evening
- waiting for: losing all the weight I need to, be self-confident, be happy, to find inspiration again, see my friends
- want: read above lmao plus exercising and finish writing all my wips and post something I (might) slightly like instead of getting angry with myself and quit everything bc it’s bullshit badly written, but also (this stupid but whatever) talk to ppl here and struggle together for anythink, being bts related or writing 
- get married: if it happens, yes. marriage isn’t easy and strong and healthy relationships require patience and willpower (and lots of other things), but I’m willing to do it for the right person.
- career: i’m already struggling right now, i still don’t know what i want to do and that’s making me nervous for when i’ll have to choose my master degree but I JUST WANT A COOL JOB AND MAKE MONEY
which is better:
- hugs or kisses: both, but only from people i really feel comfortable with
- lips or eyes: eyes, if it’s kim seokjin also lips
- shorter or taller: both :’)
- older or younger: don’t care
- nice arms or stomach: idk??
- hookup or relationship: i’m too shy and socially awkward to have a hookup w someone, so…
- troublemaker or hesitant: dkjgnd forever hesitant
have you ever:
- kissed a stranger: HAHAHAHAH nice one but no
- drank hard liquor: yes
- lost glasses: not yet (…)
- turned someone down: yes
- sex on first date: no (and i don’t want to)
- broken someone’s heart: no
- had your heart broken: yes
- been arrested: no
-  cried when someone died: yes
- fallen for a friend: uhm, no, not really
do you believe in:
- yourself: working on it, but currently… big fat no
- miracles: yes!
- love at first sight: i can believe you like someone at first sight for their appearance, but love?? nah
- santa claus: wish i still believe in him :(
- kiss on first date: yes and no? idk, depends on how long you know the person you date
- angels: idk, but if they do probably mine is currently having a break down and any other laughing bc of what i do lmao
- best friend’s name: i’ll say in my native language corresponds to the english daisy (yup, the flower)
- eye colour: brown
- fave movie: harry potter series, back to the future (only the first not the saga!!), the holiday, Dunkirk (I loved that movie), basically any historian well made movie, batman trilogy (directed by Christopher Nolan), marvel movies
- fave actor: BOB MORLEY OWNS MY HEART, also ELIZA TAYLOR my babe, but also Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman and idk, no other name came to my mind
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