#omg XD whats happening episode 1?!!
bluginkgo · 1 month
Ep 8 Thoughts and Details Part 2
Some thoughts and details I had while watching ep8, and some parallels I found. And yes, I had to split this into 2 parts because Tumblr said "fack you, you can only upload 30 images :P"
Spoilers, duh
Didn't see part 1? Here it is, cause Tumblr doesn't like more than 30 images per post TwT
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As much as this entire scene was tense about Uzi eating the AS and becoming fused with it- this frame, this facking frame killed me XD Just the D: WHAT ARE YOU DOING- WHY DID YOU DO THAT- I could hear it clearly XD
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Could probably be me looking too far into it, but another call back from Liam's first teaser of Murder Drones.
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As many people as I have seen being upset with how this reunion turned out to be, I found it adorable and funny. Khan has no idea what that thing even is. And the fact that Nori isn't as cool and serious as she was made out to be in all of the flashback scenes and ep7 is that much more endearing. The angsty side of her is still there, much like Uzi's personality of not really liking close heart to heart moments.
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Originally pointed out by @/observer on twitter and absolute scoliosis lives on XD As well as the T-rex stance <:3
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God forbid I love this trio. They've been through so much and still came out victorious after fighting a whole ass eldritch being capable of eating planets. V still V but softer and kinder, N still N but more willing to stand up for himself, and Uzi still Uzi and angsty rebellious teen that has an awesome new eye style and friends and family.
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"Forget about all of this instantly, get tunnel visioned on spooky corpse robot reveal. Work backwards from there."
You know, I had a silly thought. I wouldn't even be mad that this is how Murder Drones came to be. That Liam's idea of Murder Drones started with the reveal of Cynessa entity and then worked backwards from there- creating the characters to surround the event instead of starting with say Uzi's personality, etc.
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You know what... you know WHAT I SAW THIS SOMEWHERE-
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Proceeds to connect the dots that aren't even there (Murder Drones Intermission by @/ghoulinfuschia)
But hey, that's what my brain loves to do. But funny how it turned out to be somewhat similar XD Perhaps the context was different but the fact that my brain said "hm, yes, you connect this here and that there." and I just rolled with it TwT
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Overall, I genuinely loved the entire episode and, of course, the series. I'm eternally grateful for Liam creating this masterpiece and for every person that took part in creating Murder Drones. This show was the hyperfixation I needed, the thing that I've craved since being in the fandom that I had been for the longest time prior. I'm sad to see this show end so soon, but all great things must come to an end. And I'm glad I was here to see it, even if I was here since ep6 only TwT Either way, I will be haunting this fandom with my presence for a little longer while. Many projects I want to see happen, comics I wish to share, and friends I wish to meet. Until then, see you later >:P
Have a cookie for making it this far XD 🍪
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mislamicpearl · 3 months
Monkie Kid S5 first two episodes thoughts
It's 1 AM but I wanna get my thoughts down quick before I forget (but likely this will just turn into a list of my favorite moments and with a whole lot of squealing because omg the FLUFF in these episodes alone!)
SPOILERS under the cut:
Nooooo MK isn't sleeping, Lego stop punishing your boys with sleep-depriving trauma! T_T
Wukong is really trying harder to be a better mentor to MK ;_;
And just... how far we've come, with Macaque genuinely caring about MK this much.
But also stop deflecting Macaque!
AwwwWWWW everyone building Wukong a house was so sweet!
And of course we gotta cover the walls with adorable pictures~ My favorite was the Mei and Wukong one, omg if I don't see anyone redraw that I definitely will!
Holy FUDGE the DADSY content! It just wouldn't stop!! He sat with MK, gave him some fatherly advice/life lesson, and knew exactly what would put the kid to sleep, and then carried him to bed... and then we get-
"I don't know how I ended up with you, but I'm so glad I did" "I love you, son"
Me during that scene:
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Wukong fixing the origami figures of his friends was so cute DX
And the baby monkeys still being all clingy to Macaque ahahaha!
Just... loving Wukong and Macaque being in the same room together with MK and not fighting tbh, their expressions throughout his whole lawyer routine were hilarious XD
I will never get tired of Wukong treating Nezha like a little brother/cousin that he constantly makes fun of XD
So of course I knew about the circlet angst but WOW I did not expect Macaque to have that big a reaction to it, he sincerely doesn't want Wukong to get hurt, UGH THESE MONKEYS ARE KILLING ME!
Yoooo that little look exchanged between Wukong and Macaque after he sends out the hairs, these guys are totally back in sync again like nothing happened and I LOVE it!
Bahaha Wukong doing the Tang story-telling was great!
MK kicking his legs during the story, why is this boy so adorable dangit-
Nezha's utter confusion at MK's antics was probably the funniest bit of the episode for me ahahaha
Also the three clones just going "I'm a clone" in unison XD
Again, the teasing-the-younger-cousin behavior with them double faking Nezha was so on point, and his angry "WU KOOONG!!" was just the icing on the cake.
"Why is it always like this when you come here?!" Seriously, nothing to add besides that I just LOVE seeing the monkeys together, like their teamplay in taking out the head guard - I saw that smile Macaque!
Macaque or Nezha angrily shouting Wu Kong's name will never get old
"Only thing I know for sure is that I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here right now." MACAQUE'S LOOK AT THAT PART! YES HE'S INCLUDING YOU BUD!
Is... is this the first time we hear Wu Kong say Macaque's name outside of a flashback without ire??
Also NOOOO MACAQUE!! (He's fine, I just don't want him disappearing for the whole season but I'm sure he'll turn up again. Also, proud of him for being the hero in this scene :')
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destinygoldenstar · 11 days
☀️Everyone In The Final Four Has Cold Blood☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 12 “Trials & Trip-ulations ”
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Y'all probably thought I dropped the show after last episode.
No. I was just busy with life. That's why this took awhile to come out.
Final Four. Home Stretch.
I think I only like one of the four. XD
But that's usually how it is with Total Drama. That's why I'm never really bothered with none of my favs being here. The only time I was actually bothered with it was in Total Drama Action, but like, the reason there was because Harold and Lindsay genuinely would've made for well written finalists, while all the other options were ASS. Beth was a very unlikeable floater who did nothing all season, Courtney was a ruthless villain so it was obvious she wouldn't win, Owen was a finalist last season and was only there to be a mole, and Duncan was... well, Duncan. I like Duncan as a character, but not as a finalist. At least with how it was handled in that season.
So I fully expect the villains of these things to make it far, and the messy characters to make it far because... it's Total DRAMA. It's not Total FRIENDSHIP. This ain't My Little Pony.
As long as I can understand what the writers are going for with their Final Fours, I don't really care about Elimination Order. That's not a factor of 'bad writing', at least for me. I only hate it when it's blatantly obvious the writers didn't know what they were doing with their choices.
I don't think that's the case here. I called Ellie. I called Fiore. I predicted that. Alec and Miriam are a SHOCK. I thought Alec was gonna be an early boot. And Miriam completely went under my radar. But I DEFINITELY do not hate that she's still here.
So yeah, I think Elimination Order is a pretty overrated criticism for Total Drama. That’s just my opinion.
So yeah... let's see what happens in this Penultimate Episode.
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Episode 10 is not canon. Okay? That was some leftover recycled content from the Beta that OddNations accidentally put in that playlist. That's Beta content. The remake is canon. That episode is not canon. It is not official. Tom and Jake are FINE. They're FINE. THEY WORKED THINGS OUT. THEY'RE OKAY. THEY'RE HAPPY TOGETHER AND WORKING THROUGH THEIR ISSUES TOGETHER. NOTHING HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM. THEY'RE AT THE MOTEL RIGHT NOW CUDDLING AND BEING HAPPY AND ORDERING CHINESE FOOD.
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Goddammit, they're not even here anymore. What am I even saying?
But I swear to god, whether it's this season or Season 3. It better end with Jake and Tom getting that Chinese Date.
I will FLIP OUT if that's actually what happens.
"Is it food?"
"No, better, it's letters from home!"
"Oh. Eh."
Honestly, I'm not surprised she had that reaction.
Whoever Fiore's parents are, um... they should be in jail. That's all I'll say.
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10/10. Best character. She better win.
Its probably not plausible, but you know, I can hope.
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Oh that's sad...
Her son has a pride pin. Wow. No wonder her and Jake got along.
"I got a letter from my dad saying how proud he is. And... three unpaid bills. If my father's letter didn't motivate me to win, this definitely will."
You ALMOST make me feel bad for you.
ALMOST. I'm still mad about the death threat you gave Jake.
"Wow. You're faster than I thought."
"I mostly skimmed it. Don't act like you don't do it too when you find a book boring."
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Her family life is THAT bad.
"You really hate them, don't you?"
"No, I'm just not interested. I'm sure it's from my parents, blaming themselves for my behaviors like there's really something wrong with me. Anyway, I don't care. In a few days I'll be a millionaire and I'll have several slaves to do whatever I want."
Um... I don't want to be THAT person Fiore, but...
There IS something wrong with you.
I'm sorry, but age doesn't convince me of anything. You are an awful, psychopathic human being, and you should be put behind bars.
"She opened her feelings about us... it turns out that maybe, by trying so many times to stay together, I've only been hurting her."
"I hate to say I told you so."
I mean that was always gonna happen, right?
I mean Alec isn't a character that interests ME personally, and that's a complete me thing. But from what we've heard, he MIGHT be a shit family guy.
Not as bad as Peter Griffin, but you know what I mean.
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"Regardless of whether I win or not, I'll move when I get back. Away from my wife. I now realize that the love in our marriage was lost a long time ago."
That's probably a good idea.
I mean, I'm a lot younger than this man. I'm not married. And my current relationship is actually WONDERFUL THANK YOU VERY MUCH. So, I can't really comment on this cause I can't relate to it.
Good for him though... I guess...
"You know, if you want to pay those bills, we have to vote Alec out."
"Don't worry, no matter what, I'm not voting for you tonight."
That's gotta be a lie.
Miriam, you gotta avenge Tom and Jake. You can't spare her.
"We can try to flip Fiore to our side."
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The Merge started with, what, FIVE of them, and now in the Final Four there's only ONE?! THAT'S CRAZY
I mean Ellie swapped to Teal that one episode, but you know what I mean. She originated from Purple, so whether or not she counts is debatable.
"Today's challenge will be played in pairs."
Oh how lovely.
Miriam is screwed.
"The teams will be random."
Oh boy. Here we go.
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Goodbye to all the nice characters. Nice knowing all of ya.
A villain is winning this season.
"I'm stuck working with Alec... again."
At least you're FORCED to this time. I can accept that.
"You guys gotta cliff dive into the area below!"
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*Gets a... suggestive ad*
Okay. YouTube. Why? I-I can't even talk about that without getting flagged. Stop it.
An ad like that is allowed on YouTube, and yet people get demonetized for saying the F word.
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Aaaaaaaannnnnnddd you both are gonna feel that in the morning.
Not as bad as what happened to Harold though.
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That's awesome.
10/10 reference. Love that.
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Oh come on Miriam. I thought you had good aim.
Imagine if there were sharks here like in the Total Drama one.
"This is the only time in my life I will gladly commit child murder."
I DID give Miriam slay pass, so you know, she's just using it.
Blame ME for the child abuse in this episode. I'm the one who gave her the slay pass.
Technically I gave it to Jake, but he's not here anymore and HE gave it to Miriam, so...
"UGH, how I hate that *BLEEP*"
Oh god...
I WILL say, the swearing is inconsistent in this show.
In Total Drama, ALL swearing is censored.
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With the exception of the 'uncensored' version of the show, the version I watch, where they can say 'shut up' or 'crap' or 'boobies', which I would argue are not even that bad. ALL severe swearing of Total Drama is censored.
In this show, it's NOT all censored. They've said stuff like 'asshole' 'shit' 'goddamn' 'bitch' and even 'fuck' a couple times. Very casually mind you. And like, anyone who's been in middle school can get used to that language so it doesn't mind me. (I actually don't use that language out loud in real life, it's just text that I have no problem using it.) But then you have Grett's F bomb censored in her elimination, and you have this being censored.
I get it, YouTube, pain in the ass regulations. But it's because of that a moment like this does not hit NEARLY as hard as, say, Lindsay cussing out Heather.
Yes her swearing is censored, but that's also what makes it catch you off guard, it's funnier, and it's EASILY one of the most iconic moments of the entire show.
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I'm just saying, if you're gonna swear, SWEAR.
If you're not gonna swear, at least make the censorship consistent.
(Digital Circus is a WONDERFUL example of how to do this right)
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I want to say I feel bad for the six year old getting abused, but...
I don't.
"I'm not saying I called it, but Trevor, you owe me five dollars."
That's ANOTHER Total Drama reference.
In their penultimate episode of the first season, Chris and Chef made a bet on who would barf first from the dares the campers were doing.
That's a smaller detail people probably don't remember. But I DID.
I'm not a Total Drama expert. I don't know everything about this show. BUT. I DARE YOU to tell me with a straight face, brutally honest, that you legit found THIS reference to TD on your first viewing of this episode.
We're not even halfway through the episode, holy shit we are in for it with this one.
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Oh the cafeteria is built! Wow!
They're definitely using this in Season 2.
(You guys want me to watch Season 2? Cause I can do that)
"Do you think she could be persuaded?"
Uh, how do I put that? You betrayed her, say, THREE TIMES?
That's a no.
"Of course. It'd be easier to beat a little girl like you than Miriam in the finale."
Fiore, you're worse than an old lady, how does that feel?
"Ellie, you have to stop winning these challenges."
"Uh... thanks, I'll just throw I guess."
"If you win, you'll go straight to the final with Alec. Think about your chances of winning against him versus with me or Fiore."
Yeah, that's a really good point...
Miriam's still gonna beat your ass in the finale, but still.
She's gonna slay Ellie SO HARD and it's gonna be SO EMBARASSING.
"I don't think she wants to go to the final with Alec knowing that she will lose."
I'm telling you, Fiore does not give a SHIT about Alec. She'll ditch him in a heartbeat.
I say that like I didn't see last episode...
Maybe she does care. But she'll still ditch him.
"I promise."
*Oreo ad*
I guess they're sharing Oreos with this promise.
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What am I watching right now??
"No Trevor that's not dancing you're having a seizure."
"But dancing is a great way to relieve some stress and to have some fun, according to my horoscope it's the best way to express your feelings!"
Honestly, facts, as someone who uses Just Dance to workout.
That won Trevor some points for me.
"We spent years trying to have our own reality show and now our dream is finally a-a reality haha, see what I did there?"
Is this trying to make me care about these hosts?
It's too little too late, but I'll take it.
"No more wildlife so we can film in different areas without the activists getting all up in a bunch."
Though he has attempted multiple times.
"Dude, we've already lost three cameramen to the grizzly bears alone."
Is there REALLY no other solution to your problem?
FENCES? ZOOS? Anything??
"WE don't need to do it. Jensen will."
Oh fire making. That's a Survivor thing, right?
I'm surprised Total Drama didn't do this.
I guess this sabotage is allowed. Okay.
I've seen worse cases in Total Drama, I guess.
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Fiore just keeps getting SLAMMED.
And I do not feel bad for her AT ALL.
Miriam, you are AWESOME.
"That hurt!"
"We won!"
Miriam is cold blooded, OMG
EVERYONE in this Final Four is cold blooded.
Oh it's that sound effect...
Should I put the 'Keep Reading' label here then????
I'm gonna do it.
"You and I can also work together to become the final two after that."
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Okay, this is DEFINATELY a Survivor thing.
"You cannot grab the top with your hands and your feet must be on the line."
Oh. Okay. I was gonna say 'just wrap your feet around the pole' but you can't do that.
"Sounds easy."
"For you, yes, cause you're small."
But she's a child, wouldn't that make her less capable of endurance than Ellie and Alec?
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How are you already slipping? We just started!
I say that like I would do better. I probably wouldn't.
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"You're much lighter than me. Do you think you can last longer?"
Oh you're not slipping and trusting Ellie, are you?
You're a dumbass.
"But unfortunately, I can't have us winning this."
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Does Ellie have my forgiveness for this???
That's a debate. First you apologize for the death threat. THEN we'll talk.
"What if they can't agree?"
"In that case, you and Ellie would go to one last challenge to decide who gets eliminated."
Oh really?
Is that what we're gonna do?
...or is Fiore gonna ditch Alec's ass? Did I call it?
"I choose Ellie. And I won't change my mind."
"Well... I..."
Moment of truth.
She's gonna ditch him.
"Alec... I really liked you, and that's dangerous, because feelings are for weak people."
"I vote to take Ellie to the final."
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"But after all I've done?! I protected you this whole game! I helped you win the zombie apocalypse challenge, saved your life in the cave, covered up your plans so no one would suspect you're a PSYCHOPATH, and you STILL eliminate me?!"
"Yes, thanks for all that, but I don't need you anymore."
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Yeah, she cares about literally nobody.
She WILL ditch these guys on the bus the moment she has the chance.
And she's gonna show no remorse doing it.
And when that happens I'm gonna be HOWLING.
"Oh come on Alec, out of everybody, you're the last one who should be talking about feeling betrayed."
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"This doesn't concern you. Keep it to yourself, Ellie."
You betrayed her three times. She DOES get a right to say that!
See, THIS is a good moment of Ellie ROASTING someone who fucking DESERVES IT.
"Your parents were right about you. You are a mistake."
"Oh. I know. And I don't care. Oh, and I bet you'd know a lot about making mistakes."
I do not feel bad for Alec at all. Let's be real. HE DESERVED THIS.
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We're really going the TD Reboot route with this, huh?
It's an ALL WOMEN finale, too! That is a TREAT.
Total Drama never had an all women finale. They had ONE finale with both finalists being boys, i.e Revenge of the Island. But NO all women finale.
Okay, that was the episode.
I'm sorry, but after FOUR eliminations with three of them being my favs and the previous two eliminations BREAKING ME and DEPRESSING ME respectively, I NEEDED THIS.
I don't hate Alec or anything, he's just not one of my favs. I feel like I've reacted to his scenes the least of the Merge characters.
I think my take on his is Objective vs Subjective.
Objective he's a good character with a somewhat compelling character motive of his family, and a nice dynamic with Fiore. Plus he's one of the few characters to not be so overdramatic. So I can see how that would appeal to some people. (Idk how many Alec Stans there are)
Subjectively I just don't find him as interesting as some of the others. One reason being I can't relate to his story and struggles, which is completely personal as I've never been through any of that. Second, I'm just personally more invested in characters with more emotional range to them. In Total Drama, I expect characters to be, well, full of drama. So the messier more dramatic characters catch my eye more than someone who stays away from a lot of the drama.
But I can also see how people who hate the drama would like Alec. (Why you watching Total DRAMA if you hate drama then? Not shaming, just asking)
He's a nice character. But for me, he's a dirty backstabber, he's an assistant to a psychopath, he's implied to be horrible to his family, so yeah, FUCK HIM, GOODBYE.
Next episode is the finale, so we're almost done with the season! Yay!
Ellie and Fiore, I called as finalists since the Merge.
Fiore's the villain, so of course she'd be a threat in the finale.
I would maybe have considered the idea of her being fourth like what the TD Reboot did. BUT the TD Reboot had another character that was willing to play dirty in Julia's place, and Alec's got NOTHING on Bowie, sorry not sorry. (Bowie's my favorite TD Reboot character)
Ellie, I called since the Merge. Compelling motive to want to win. She had Gwen energy. Well, Gwen energy but much dirtier with some of her tactics. Some tactics I hate, but that's subjective. I can see her winning, honestly. I said this before. She screams 'winner' energy.
Miriam is a SHOCK. I... WOW.
I never hated Miriam, but she definitely grew on me after Episode 5. I see Ellie winning but I'm personally on Miriam's side. She's just a sweet, sassy, capable, and wholesome lady with some great dynamics with other characters.
Idk why, but Miriam never screamed 'finalist' for me. She was always under my radar in terms of the thought of 'who could win this'.
Miriam is a good finalist choice.
Anyway, idk if this will get any attention because of the Season 3 finale, but hey, I can continue these if you guys seem interested and entertained by them.
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shakingparadigm · 6 months
What if Luka expects Hyuna to come like she did in his round with Mizi and he is plotting something.He has the trust of aliens,the love of the public and no one would suspect him to do something outside the box,far from the image he created of himself.Hyuna made her appearence in round 5 when we didn't expected it. If the round isn't entirely dedicated to Ivan and Till,this may be an option.He may confront Mizi and Hyuna,they may not be able to rescue Ivan and Till and not make it in time. Luka may not appear at all.
(Me overthinking things: OMG Akugetsu will cover Hyuna's song this must mean something | The other me: OMG I can't wait,this song literally suits him!)
(I like the style of your drawings,the way you use colors and the way you phrase things! When something about ALNST comes out I just wait for your updates! I can't imagine what will happen on tumblr when round 6 is out. And then all of us will wait for the next one over again XD)
Till the end.
TILL... the end...
Ok this is the worst joke I could ever make.
Oohh. Luka appearing in ROUND 6 would honestly be insane. I thought about him making an appearance in the short teaser scene before credits, but if he actually confronted anyone himself that would be so interesting. Imagine all 6 of them in the same episode... the same room... no way... the Alien Stage would be real...
Luka attempting to sabotage Mizi and Hyuna is such an intriguing concept. I do think he's figured out that Hyuna will be returning, he grew up with her, after all. He's most likely aware of her penchant for protecting people. He probably expects Mizi to come back for the only friends she has left, too. He couldn't do anything the first time he saw Hyuna after ROUND 5, but he might be more eager to get his hands on her now. If we get our first adult Hyuna and Luka interaction during ROUND 6 I'd actually go insane. as much as I hope for it though, I'm not sure whether or not it will actually happen. ROUND 6 already has a lot going for it. A final confession of love already makes for a heavy episode, but with Till's newly revealed backstory added to the mix? Mizi and Hyuna's attempt at a jailbreak? The whole video would probably need an entire week to be processed and even comprehended, especially if they want to go into extensive detail on each aspect. Still, though, if Luka interfered... if Mizi and Hyuna were unable to save anyone and had to defeatedly return to the rebellion base carrying the weight of their failure, well, I DON'T THINK I'D BE REACHABLE FOR AT LEAST 10 BUSINESS DAYS I'd have to go into hiding in order to cope with that. But who knows! The fun part about VIVINOS videos is that they're always gonna leave you fucked up in one way or another!
AKUGETSU COVERING ALL-IN. TILL COVERING HYUNA'S SONG. I've posted so many times about this day holy shit its finally real. It really does suit him! Do you think AKUGETSU is
1) hinting that Till is joining the rebellion
2) giving us the All-In cover as compensation for whatever bad thing is going to happen to Till
(or a secret third thing: he literally just did it for fun and we've just gone insane.)
Ahh thank you so much for enjoying my stuff! I'm so happy, everyone's been really nice to me as of late and I don't know what to doooo hahaha I'm just really glad to share everyone's excitement for ALIEN STAGE :)
You wait for my updates??!! oh no I'm so sorry 😭 I'm quite late at times because I've had some stuff going on (I've barely said anything about the April Fools actor au 😭) but hopefully I'll be free to go absolutely nuts after the release of ROUND 6 tomorrow!! If you're ever in need of someone to scream about ROUND 6 with my inbox is always open!! Thank you for your kind words!!
Can't wait till I get to hear from you again! :)
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kaiwuzherenz · 4 months
I Have woken up fucking 6 hours ago- forgot I was a roleplayer but I went crazy last night...
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I think its time for theorist Kai to come back
You saw her for She-Ra, now its Murder Drones turn
This will be MANY theory's I scrambled down last night- not all for Episode 8, spoilers are as always high so WATCH MURDER DRONES FIRST ~Welcome to insanity~
I will title these 'theorys', if anyone reads this- gen shock from me...
"The Protagonists Journey"
In the pilot episode, we have gotten everything we needed to know- The story, the characters, what are they and well the whole show almost as Uzi had this image in her slideshow.
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'The protagonists journey' which is a rip of the famous 'Hero's journey' But what's important about this? This plot holder was made for Uzi- not any other character, but Uzi herself This will come in later through this post.
"The Absolute Solver's Host's"
From Nori's necklace to Yeva's bracelet, we have these two numbers- '002' and '048', the numbers that these 2 'were'. Maybe this means their host number, not some stupid lab testing shit number I'm just saying shit now- what if it was their host number. Like Cyn could be: 001- hence host #1, Nori is 002, could this mean Nori was host #2 for the Absolute Solver?
"The Patch"
As we all know by now- The humans were tying to make a cure for the solver, still keep the dope powers, but not be able to be possessed / controlled by Cyn (The Absolute Solver). Maybe they did? Yeva- Doll's mother, idk why but I think the patch worked on her, as she was able to use the solver to help Nori in episode 7, I'm still thinking about this but maybe-
"Zombie Drone Uzi?" Im not saying as 'omg- Uzi is a zombie done gasp' XD Im not, but perhaps in episode 8 that might change. Uzi has the solver- passed down by her mother Nori as it activated in the pilot, end of the pilot to be exact. Perhaps Uzi will fully sarcife herself, because as we saw- she kinda didnt die... Like hear me out- she might like fully die! In episode 8, but due to her solver, might actually become a zombie drone, not having to face the 0.007% of that happening.
"N's sacrifice?" If not Uzi, it will be N- or even both. When I came to this thought, I saddened me myself. (fuck I couldn't find the image for the merch) But there is a merch from glitch, the 3 glass stand piece set thingy. We have 2 out of the 3 One is V And the other Uzi Ironically, didn't these two just sacrifice themselves for N? And now we have a 3 piece merch that isn't complete yet? I think it leads to their sacrifices, as V's glass stand thing was with the sentiles and the other was solver Uzi- I hope I'm wrong with this one ANYWAYS! I made these at 1-4am last night while watching murder drone edits, I have many more but I think the post will be too long if I add them all...
part 2?
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hazelestelle · 3 months
Spring 2024 Anime Review
I didn’t watch that many anime this season, but here’s my review nonetheless ^_^
Train to the end of the world: 10/10
I don’t know how to describe it. Whatever you think will happen next, that’s not it. It’s so weird (in a good way) and unpredictable. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I loved every second.
It’s also a really beautiful friendship story.
If you watch one anime from this season, make it this one.
An archdemon’s dilemma: how to love your elf bride: 10/10
Yes, I’m giving another 10.
Yes, the title is stupid.
But the anime is so good!
They’re so sweet and lovely, and it’s not just generic romance, there’s a lot of substance, world building and backstory too.
I liked all the side characters aswell.
So if you’re not watching shuumatsu train, watch this one.
Dungeon Meshi: 9/10
Do I even need to say anything? Has anyone not watched it? XD
It’s great, it’s fun, it’s deep, it’s unpredictable.
I’m deducting one point for not showing the nutritional value of the recipes like the do in the manga.
Wind Breaker: 8/10
It came so highly recommended, I was afraid it would be another Solo Levelling situation (if you don’t remember, that really didn’t live up to the hype for me).
But I was surprised, because this one is good.
That first scene with the tightrope had me hooked, and omg Sakura is such an amazing, complex character.
Yes, it’s a shonen, fighting anime, but it has depth and substance (and a lot of shipping potential ^_~)
It could have been a ten, but there’s Nirei. Yes, I’m deducting two points for him, he’s that annoying. I was hoping he might get better, but he didn’t. They even added a second character almost as annoying as him…
The New Gate: 7/10
The premise is basically Sword Art Online New game+.
I was surprised how good and innovative it is.
Yes, the animation is bad. Like, bad.
But if you can overlook that, the story is really good. I loved Shin and Schnee, and Wilhelm and Rionne are great too.
Could have done without Tiera though, and Yuzuha should have stayed a fox and not turned into a girl.
I hope there’s a second season, because that last episode revealed so many interesting things.
Unnamed Memory: Dropped
It sounded good, but I hate the “she says no, so he does everything to ‘convince’ her, and they end up together after all” trope, and it seemed to be headed it that direction.
I also couldn’t stand Oscar from the start.
I looked it up now to see if it’s worth picking up again, and apparently there’s a scene where he attempts to rape her as punishment for hugging another guy. And then she still falls in love anyway.
So yeah, I’m extra glad I dropped it.
From last season, I watched The weakest tamer goes on a journey to pick up trash (so good! 10/10), and High Card season 2 (definitely lived up to season 1, 8/10).
Let’s see what summer season brings! Recommend me things if you want! ^_^
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barananduen-blog · 1 year
Top Nine TV Shows tag game
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Was invited to do this by @lovesickfolly I'm going to do it with cdramas, bc that's what I'm into lately, but if anyone wants to do this, you can do it with any kind of show.
My top nine cdramas, in no particular order...
Before I begin, I should probably point out that I'm more "plot" over "ship." I like ships, but usually as a means to showing character depth; they're not the thing I tend to focus on the most.
What these nine have in common is:
good plot and writing - not just the plot, but the storytelling
3D characters who are also likeable
hooked my attention - my mind didn't wander while watching, AND I wanted to watch more than one episode in a row
I'm going to include another indicator, too. If it "got" me good enough to make me make fanart: 🎨lol I mean, I'm SLOW. If I was willing to dedicate days/weeks to make a drawing out of it, that's SOMETHING. lmao
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1 - Word of Honor🎨
Martial arts adventures (+ a steampunk sect), BL.
This was the first cdrama I watched, and I loved it and it still has a special place in my heart. I rewatched along later with @ginsoakedgirl80 and it was as enjoyable to watch the 2nd time as it was the 1st.
Awesome story and characters, beautiful scenery. And it gave me my first two favorite drama actors.😆*cough* My fav characters were, in order: Ye Baiyi and the Scorpion King. My fav actors, the same two, but reversed; I like comedians, OK? XD
Just a word of advice to anyone planning to try this: I don't know why the opening scenes character-dump on you; most of those people aren't even that important. Just learn Prince Jin and Zhou Zishu (a few others will show up later, but you can learn them then), and then start learning names only once Zhou Zishu becomes a homeless drunk man.
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2 - The Taoism Grandmaster (technically, I have a drawing WIP, but it'll probably stay a WIP)
If the Triwizard Tournament from Harry Potter and a Final Fantasy video game had a child in ancient China, you'd get this, complete with items shop before boss battles (the store ox is so cute!).
No but look, this is like my gremlin child. I'm not a fast watcher, but this is the only one which I binged so many episodes in a row, that it made me lose track of time, and before I knew it, it was past 2am on a weeknight and I had work the next day. I may have made it to 4am one of those nights; I don't remember. After it happened twice, I had to set an alarm. Have also watched twice+
Yes, the CG is bad, the costumes were cheap sometimes, and the plants did not pretend to not be plastic, but I love the story. It's well written and has so many details and ways things tie together. And THE CHARACTERS! They're all lovable dorks AND I LOVE THEM!
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3 - The Legendary Life of Queen Lau🎨
AAAAAAAAA!! I love comedy and this was GREAT in that sense! Really had me laughing out loud every episode! This is one to watch more for the funny and ingenious situations than for plot, but it was SO enjoyable, I'd even watch them do slice of life. So cute, so fun, love it love it love it!!🥰 Another one that I rewatch whenever I need something uplifting and cute. Also, one of my two favorite OSTs. So uplifting and danceable!
Alright, those are my top 3. The ones I'm sentimental for. The stuff I squee over. But I have 16 starred on my list as excellent / recommendable, so let's have six more.
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4 - Song of Youth
Case-solving; mini-cases and the one overarching one.
I loved the format of one case per couple of episodes, so it was broken up into smaller chunks. Super interesting and creative - each case was solved in an unconventional way, which was fun and engaging. All the actresses did a fantastic job. The jewelry, props, lighting, etc. were absolutely beautiful.
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5 - The Blood of Youth🎨
Martial arts adventures with a group of friends.
Story: 💯Characters: 💯 Fights: 💯 Visuals: 💯OST: 💯
Xiao Se as the tired babysitter I love him! Wuxin! OMG Wuxin as the sassy fake monk who monologues before every fight and people just let him. I love him! (Wuxin spinoff, please! and I love his theme song!) The whole cast is gorgeous and acted wonderfully, so no sacrificing talent for looks; these people had both in spades. The supporting cast, too. OMG Baily Dongjun and the thunder guy!😍 It had funny moments. Mr. Sikong! The fights were SO creative... how many ways can you design a martial arts fight?? Way more than I thought! No two were similar; it was amazing, the creativity.
As an artist, I really enjoyed the cinematography... the scenery, lighting!! composition, all absolutely gorgeous. Those shots of Xiao Se with soft backlighting? Chef's kiss. And, as a photographer, I know they're not as easy to achieve as it looks. Alright, this one got 2 paragraphs already; need to move on, but watch if you haven't. It's on YouTube.
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6 - Till the End of the Moon
Doomed love fantasy; watch them struggle against themselves and their destiny.
THIS IS SO GOOD!! The story is great, excellent plot and pacing. Characters are 3D and always surprising. Gorgeous costumes (Tantai Jin's especially! And the clam clan makeup!), sets, and special effects. THE SOUNDTRACK IS EMBEDDED IN MY BRAIN IT'S SO GOOD (🎶favs: "Use my Body as a Shield" or whatever it's called, I keep seeing different translated titles for it; "Reborn" instrumental; and "Holding on to a Thought" instrumental).
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7 - The Blue Whisper
Fantasy romance and adventure. Merman. Animal-spirit people. Angst, treason, and undying hope.
Gosh this drama is so beautiful. This, Till the End of the Moon, and Blood of Youth are up there as the top 3 visuals in dramas I've completed (there are others that have stunned me visually, but haven't been able to watch in full). Excellent story, too. It's a tearjerker, but it's SO GOOD!
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8 - My Uncanny Destiny
Romcom. "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Lots of fun. Very enjoyable and bingeable.
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9 - Guardian, the one with Bai Yu and Zhu Yi Long
Modern urban superpowers type of thing, which is a genre I like, and the story is so good! By Priest, the same author for the Word of Honor novel. Never a dull moment. Tearjerker warning, but so good. Excellent theme song, too, btw. (I don't have any screencaps that aren't a spoiler, so that's what this is XD)
I ran out of slots, but I'll list the other seven in my Excellent and Recommendable list. Order is just as I watched them:
The Untamed
Legend of Fei
A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College
Be Reborn (modern, heist/police)
The Romance of Tiger and Rose
A Familiar Stranger (mini-drama; watch the movie version)
Reset (modern, action, investigation)
PS: I've been here one month, and have done two tag games and they both had the number "9" in them; is this a tumblr thing?
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jarondont · 9 months
Live (sorta) reaction to episode 1 and 2 of PJO
Episode 1
Lol "shoving her into the nearest dumpster" and the grin afterwards
Yaaaaaaaa buddy it's Riptide
DANG Ms. Dodds's transformation was smooth
Grover you did not just do that to him 😭 please you're his only friend
um what happened to the fates
Omg the fact that Sally was crying before Percy woke up. Someone give them both a big hug
"You fell in love with God? Like- like- like, Jesus?" he's so Percy I can't
"Maybe something is seriously broken" PERCY PLEASE WE LOVE YOU
"Grover, why is there half a goat in your pants?" lol
Sally telling Grover to protect Percy I'm going to cry
I AM SOBBING. Sally's little speech omg "you are not broken"
NO SALLYYYYY I knew this was coming and still was NOT prepared
Brooooooooo the Minotaur fight scene was epic
Episode 2
Percy looks so sad :(((
"PeTEr JOhnSoN IS HeRe" I'm dyingggg
"Your Highness" lol
"son" I'm loving this convo
"You're a horse" XD
"Even now, he still wants nothing to do with me. What am I even doing here? There's no place for me here" STOP.
What the frick- is that Juniper?!?! OMG THE COUNCIL OF CLOVEN ELDERS?!?!?!
"No one is gonna tell him anything" pjo in a nutshell
Yo it's Clarisseeeee
Luke is so nice to Percy. This is gonna hurt
"You can't force the gods to do anything" WATCH HIM
"Is there a Greek god of disappointment? Maybe someone should ask him if he's missing a kid" Percy my boy please we love you. I said it before and I'll say it again.
"They like the smell of BEGGING" facts
AHHHHHH HE'S PRAYING TO HIS MOM WITH BLUE FOOD I CAN'T (I mean she's better than like all the gods combined so justified)
"I've made some friends here" TALKING ABOUT LUKE- Percy just you wait :(
"He doesn't get to ignore you" #mama's boy (we love him for that though)
"She's my little sister" :(((((((((((((((((
So I was pronouncing Thalia's name correctly
"Not you, sunshine" EEEEEEEEEEE
Lol Percy and Annabeth are so passive-aggressive towards each other I love it
"I am Sally Jackson's son" LET'S FREAKING GOOOOO
Anyways this was AWESOME and now I gotta wait another week :(
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vexic929 · 7 months
For Iris West (canon), Beth (yours) and Nikoletta (mine, no pressure)
1, 2, 5, 9, 12, 20, and 25?
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Iris: this is the most resilient woman in the world I swear omg she's so strong and brave and kind and smart and gorgeous like how could anyone NOT like her??
Beth: since she's mine I'm gonna talk about why I like writing her instead of just her lol she's really fun to write, she's so earnest and genuine but also snarky and I try to show the people who influenced her in her life reflected in her personality, like there are moments that are very Barry or very Iris <3333
Nikoletta: goodness but she's badass lol and her relationship with Abner is EVERYTHING, they're so perfect
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Iris: again, resilient! girlie can really hold her own in any situation
Beth: right now it's all the little canon things that make up her personality that I'm loving adding to lol like what classes she's taking in uni and who she was friends with in high school
Nikoletta: I love her style she's so freaking cool lol
5. What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Iris: (Rei Yasuda absolutely kills it live)
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I'm gonna be honest, I hate being roommates with anybody so in general no XD but that's no fault of any of theirs, I'm sure they'd be perfectly fine roommates lol
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
Iris: in polyam scenarios, Iris always acts as Barry's wingman
Beth: she and Percy have entire text conversations that are indecipherable emoji hieroglyphs
Nikoletta: she befriended every stray cat she met as a child
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
Iris: Cisco and Caitlin and Linda and Kara!!! Iris deserves all the besties honestly
Beth: Percy and Caitlin (and later Jesse), I love their friendships <3333
Nikoletta: I think Cleo but I'm biased cause she and Harley are my favorites XD
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Iris: Iris in the pilot is...I think they wrote her a bit ditzier or not as intelligent initially, I was rewatching the pilot the other day and the number of time she says "thingy" in the span of like 2 minutes was annoying and kind of infantilizing imo, fortunately they fixed this and I liked her a lot more after the first couple episodes
Beth: I was originally going to make her a lot younger but I didn't want her to end up Berrie but slightly to the left lol I like the current version I have for her a lot
Nikoletta: first impression - she's so cool what a great concept Abner deserves all the happiness! now - "I've had Nikoletta for 5 minutes and if anything happened to her I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself" lol
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jesterbells · 1 year
Our Flag Means Death season 2 reactions
spoilers for episode 1 below:
• ohmygod tumblr is going to go wild about stede's beard • ohmygod tumblr is going to go wild about that first swordfight with stede and izzy • wait this is 100% a dream isn't it • yeah this is a dream • omg Jim looks SO COOL • FRENCHIE!? Wow, good for you I guess! • wait, is Izzy actually tearing up? OMG WAIT WHAT WHAT WHAT • Jim and the others reaching out and literally calling it out as a toxic relationship !!! • ALERT ALERT IZZY GETS THE HUG HE SO DESPERATELY NEEDS • wow tumblr is gonna go wild huh • OH MY GOD IZZY SAID HE LOVED ED • WAIT I GET IT IT'S A SWEEDISH MASSAGE XD • wow stede's really learned a lot, as we can see in comparison to this prince guy • yeahhhhh that was gonna happen to prince guy. Stede tried to warn him. • oh my god storyteller Jim doing the voices • wait, is Suzie Ching Shih? • YES SHE IS • Ok i was gonna watch just one episode tonight but...
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@naranjapetrificada tagged me in a very fun game: write 8 predictions you have for the 8 eps of ofmd s2, then tag 8 people (sorry if you were already tagged by someone else if I do)
Spoilers under cut??? Maybe?????
1. I agree with Naran, as I think the crashed wedding is gonna be the first thing from s2. It will be such an introduction too, my god!
2. As a parallel with ep 1 and 2, I think Lucius will be revealed to be alive at the end of ep 1. And then ep 2 starts with his perspective, going through everything up until whatever present moment were on (maybe he knocks out and kidnaps Izzy or something lol)
3. Of course, ep 3 parallels, Stede and Ed will reunite at the end of the ep. And STEDE IS GONNA RESCUE ED
4. But now, I think by what we've seen so far, Anne Bonny and Spanish Jackie will show up during Stede's journey back to Ed. It would be funny if the reason Swede is there with Jackie is to throw her off, taking one for the team XD
5. That purple party though... must be related to Susan I think (and I think she's gonna be Ching Shih). But I am absolutely down for a Ed and Stede slow dance
6. As much as I want my "Stede and Ed deserted on an island bottle episode", I think what's gonna happen is Ed is "accidentally" swept overboard during a storm (we find out though he wasn't planning to fight out of his circumstances), and he has a little journey by himself. Hornigold ghost, maybe a pearl necklace swept up to shore? And hey, it could be a one-man play with Taika as a bottle episode still
7. But here now, I'm gonna upset people - I think one of the main supporting cast members is gonna die. Gonna be a real dramatic moment, an All Is Lost story beat. And I said it before, but I think it's gonna be Buttons - he's loyal to Stede and the crew, and would not hesitate to sacrifice himself if it came to it. I'm just suspecting, and I hope it isn't true, but the show has proven there's no plot armor
8. Omg Naran, I am taking your idea now of that cliffhanger. Because if Stede and Ed have a "our last night together" sex scene?????? I will combust, I swear. Even though I am still certain that a blackbonnet sex scene will not come until s3, I am hoping now for your theory to come true, because that would be the most emotional shit (and I mean, I am hoping for a slightly funny but more emotional love scene). I AM though, also certain there's gonna be a cliffhanger for the season. Hopefully not causing Stede and Ed to separate, it could just be like, them looking at the new danger (Lieutenant Maynard), then cut to black
Tagging @xoxoemynn @chocolatepot @jellybeanium124 @sherlockig @chuplayswithfire @artgirlfunkel @alabastermask @glamaphonic
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regularponyfan · 9 months
Thoughts on The Bad Guys: A Very Bad Holiday Part 1
I finally got around to watching this for the first time on Christmas Day, and since then have rewatched it twice. It’s long overdue, but after my third viewing, here are my extensive thoughts on my favorite criminal gang’s newest misadventure:
(Also, stick around til the end where I go through my predictions for the special and see how many things I got right.)
Wait…hold the phone… “A Netflix SERIES”? Holy crap, did they just confirm a “Bad Guys Animated Series” for Netflix?! 🤩🤩🤩
Ok, I know this is just the opening credits and I shouldn’t take it too seriously, but how is Webs able to support the other guys’ weights without collapsing?
Also, she’s a tarantula. She shouldn’t be able to create string (Normally this wouldn’t bother me, except she explicitly states tarantulas can’t make webs in a deleted scene for the movie. Kinda makes her nickname ironic, huh?)
OMG GUYS, I think this is going to become its own series! They even put the title and credits at the bottom of the first scene as if it’s just a regular episode!
Ok, let’s go ahead and get the obvious out of the way: the animation is godawful. I understand they’re on a budget, but c’mon, was it that hard to give us some inbetweens here and there? And don’t get me started on those uncanny facial expressions. (I’ll give more specific examples on how terrible this thing is animated later on.)
The special starts with Wolf directly telling the audience that the story takes place before the Bad Guys turned good…like, he actually looks at the camera and tells us this while he’s driving in the first scene…I know one of Wolf’s abilities is breaking the fourth wall, but as far as I can tell, he can’t predict the future. Why didn’t they just do a voiceover?
Speaking of voices, I’m probably the only one who doesn’t have a problem with the new voice actors (the only one I don’t like is Tarantula’s. IDK, she just sounds off to me. Also, my reaction when I learned Snake’s voice actor played Mickey Mouse: 🤯)
They really should’ve put Shark in the seat behind Wolf instead of Piranha. The little dude is barely visible. XD
Speaking of which, what happened to their car? It looks nothing like the one they use in the movie. Do they have multiple cars or something? I mean, I guess that shouldn’t surprise me because of everything else they “own.”
And while we’re on the topic of “things looking different,” why is Wolf the only one who didn’t receive a new holiday getup?
The Bad Guys (or Webs specifically) now use the term “normies” to describe the citizens of L.A. Ok then…
Of course Piranha likes stinky cheeses 😂. My question is, why’d he try to lie about it? And more importantly, why did he not fart when he did? (They actually bring this up in the special’s novelization.)
It’s a shame we don’t get to see Diane or the chief, but at least my girl Tiffany is back 😁! Now please don’t ever have her do that ridiculous arm-waving motion again. (BTW, Lyoko Comic Dubs, if you’re reading this and need me to do more lines, hit me up 😉).
“IT’S THE BAD GUYS!!!” Um…yeah, lady. They’ve been driving around the city this whole time and weren’t trying to hide it. How are you the first one to notice them?
This special marks the first time movie-verse Snake addresses Wolf as “Wolfie.” It probably shouldn’t be a big deal to me since Webs calls him that all the time, buuuuuuut…🥰🥰🥰🥰
“That’s very not good.” Who said that? It couldn’t have been Wolf ‘cause his lips weren’t moving! 😂
Speaking of animation errors, Snake manages to teleport from the passenger seat to the back in just one shot.
“This isn’t that famous balloon everybody’s freakishly emotionally attached to, is it?” “No, no, no. This is a different giant Santa-shaped balloon.” …I adore this cynical reptile so much. 🥰
And now the Santa balloon is on fire…sure, why not?
Wow, Santa burning up is so tragic, we can even hear Lola Loud crying all the way from Michigan!
And now we get the special’s official title screen. So…what was the point of dropping its name in the beginning then?
What do you know? It turns out that wasn’t Lola Loud crying, but the same woman who warned the citizens about the Bad Guys…even though she never sounded like that before. Gal does great impressions, I gotta say!
“He was like a father to me.” What is it with “The Bad Guys” and daddy issues? XD
They canceled Christmas…because of a balloon…can’t they just…I don’t know, buy another one?
Furthermore, why do the Bad Guys feel the need to cancel their heist because of some guards? They seemed perfectly capable of bypassing security at the Golden Dolphin award ceremony. Was it against their moral standards at this point? Did they just randomly decide one day: “Eh, you know what? We’re criminals, we can do whatever we want to guards. Screw our morality.”
Piranha goes from fake sleeping on a pillow…to Shark’s arm. Animation error aside, that’s actually kind of adorable.
Good lord, that “jumping animation.” 😩 What is this, the Looney Tunes?
It’s sad that the Bad Guys’ attempt at recreating the Santa balloon is more pleasant to look at than some of the close-up shots in this special (We’ll get to those soon, trust me.)
They made a Die Hard reference…in a children’s cartoon…That. Is. Awesome! 🤩
“That guy’s a legend! He parties with ghosts and wears a dress to bed!” Methinks Piranha may be suppressing some hidden desires. 😆
In all seriousness, I would love to see the Bad Guys’ rendition of “A Christmas Carol.” But, sorry Shark ol’ buddy; as great of an actor you are, no one fits the role of Scrooge better than a certain grouchy serpent. 😊
“That sounds a lot like Robin Hood, who is notoriously good.” Spoken like a true Sir Hiss, Snakey my boy 👍. (You know what, screw the last point. I wanna see the “Bad Guys” version of Robin Hood now.)
“He ruined tights for me.” Oh, is that the reason Webs doesn’t wear pants? 😆
Maybe I’m just out of touch with reality, but why does the stereo have two slots for MP3s?
The Bad Guys explicitly state they find most Christmas things to be awful…yet Webs has a holiday playlist? 🤔
“Piranha will help Webs get to the antenna.” Why? Can’t she crawl her way up? Why does Piranha need to be there? Did they just need to give him something to do? Because if that’s the case, can’t he help Wolf and Snake deliver presents? Unless…Wolf wants some one-on-one time with his “best bud.” 🥰🥰🤫🤫
“Buddy, I don’t work with sidekicks.” Scrooge? A sidekick? This lady’s obviously never read the book. Or watched DuckTales.
Did anyone else see Snake’s face before he delivered the first present? It’s almost as if he was saying: “Only for you, Wolfie. Only for you.” 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
“What? You’ve never seen an ab before?” Why Snake, are you showing off for Wolf right now? 😉
It’s honestly adorable that these two know each other so well, they automatically guess when the other is hiding something.
Wait a minute…I’m confused. Normally, Shark’s paper-thin disguises always work no matter how minimal they are. But the second he loses just one piece of the disguise, it doesn’t work anymore? What? (In case you’re wondering, his hat falls off and even though he still has the mutton chops, he’s nearly recognized. Then later on, all he has on is a mustache and that’s enough to fool the shaved ice vendor. Again, what? 🤨)
Yes, Shark. Go ahead and keep talking into your earpiece OUT LOUD while the radio lady is beating you up. That won’t make her suspicious at all. *sigh*
I love Webs’ face after Piranha’s song.
Shark and Piranha refer to each other as “fin bros.” Not gonna lie, that’s really cute 😊.
Good thinking, Wolf. Making it snow when 3/5 of your team is cold-blooded. I can’t see this ending badly at all. 🙄
Ok, as stupid as it is, I love the interaction between Shark and the shaved ice vendor. It’s probably the funniest part of the whole thing.
Of course Wolf doesn’t listen to Webs and turns the machine up to 11 (oops, I mean 10). Again, does he not realize how fatal this could be for the others?
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destinygoldenstar · 1 month
☀️There Can Only Be ONE Best Boy☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 4 “Slip N Slide”
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I decided, for both to give my followers less of spoilers and for some flare, I would cheaply draw over some screenshots.
For the Purple Team's reward, they got a waterproof tent. But they neglected the fireproof tent as a result, and the producers weren't careful with last challenge.
Nick would be, understandably, terrified of the place, and Alec would be like "Wow, this is an improvement" but look at it so stoically.
So, welcome back to Arson Camp!
Let us continue with the chaos!
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Fiore's chilling by the fires, probably writing some AO3 fanfics.
What fandom would Fiore be in? I'm curious.
I feel like this six year old would be into something violent like Mortal Kombat.
"A girl like you should not be awake at this hour."
*looks over at my clock*
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Lilly you don't have to call me out like that.
"I don't even listen to my own mom and she thinks she can control me?!"
If you weren't six, I would say slay and tell them what's for...
But you're six. So...
"If you were feeling safe, I've got bad news for you."
Welp, Lilly's gone. I called it.
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WHY?!?!??!?! HOW DOES THIS BENEFIT YOU!??!??!?!?!
I feel like this was my fault because I made the fire joke.
Fiore was like, "You know, I had this weird feeling that some viewer named AnalyzGolden was watching us and she told me to burn shit. And now I suddenly have the urge to do it."
Goddammit me.
What next? The characters in that heading get eliminated today?
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The subtitle again. I CAN'T with these parenthesis XD
(I have subtitles on because sometimes I mishear stuff when I watch stuff the first time)
"I'm not going to be part of this argument."
*holds back a laugh* Alec's actually so based for that.
Y'all want less DRAMA in TOTAL DRAMA?
Simple answer.
You just walk away from it.
"I think I know who did it." *Among Us Music*
*chokes on breath*
I was making several Among Us jokes last episode.
I feel like I've become some overlord and they somehow hear me and do what I tell them.
"For some reason Golden is telling me I'm very SUS... huh, wonder what that means."
Fiore if you can hear me. I didn't say you had slay pass. I never said that.
The only one I gave slay pass was Grett.
You have to earn yours.
"Lill?! What in queen's name did you do?!" *sound effect*
Okay. Now it's getting a bit crazy.
"I don't think Lill would do this to us."
"It's about psychology in different kinds of people."
"It says here that people who enter reality competitions and get tempted by money have the tendency to become more ruthless and emotionally manipulative to their advantage, derailing their personalities. If you'd like some examples from the many seasons of Total Drama, I'd be happy to give you an analogy."
"What makes you think I wouldn't want to read it?"
You're six.
"Well... fair point."
Okay. I guess that's not a point.
"It's a drawing. My son drew it for me."
Alec has a family?
I mean he did look older, I admit, but I didn't think anyone here had kids.
So is Alec in this game to help his family with funds? We got another one.
'List of Motives:'
'Fiore: Abandoned'
'Ashley: Save Farm'
'Jake: Help Grandma'
'Tom: Sus'
'Nick: Prove Himself'
'Alec: Family'
'Everyone else: ???'
"I'm just as confused as you."
I have NO IDEA what happened AT ALL. It totally wasn't me who flipped. I was sure Drew was the impostor!
"Then what if Drew voted for himself?"
He said 'Fuck this shit I'm out'.
"He knew things I didn't want anyone to know."
"I just can't tell anyone about my hobbies, okay?!"
"As long as Grett doesn't tell either of them I should be fine."
Hey Grett. Maybe you should tell Jake something. Just a thought.
"For some reason I have the urge to tell Jake something. Huh, wonder who this Golden Voice is."
"I voted for Gabby because the boys told me to."
Was it Dan that suggested Gabby??
*looks back*
Actually no it wasn't. I was gonna call hypocrisy, but that'd be me complaining about something that's not there. Okay.
Alright I won't bully him. This time.
"Nobody can be trusted here."
"Nobody can be trusted here-anyway, Tom, who never shows his face, can I trust that you'll vote with me?"
"I'm disappointed that Dan voted for me."
Oh, you're actually affected by that. Wow.
Okay, here you go Gabby. You can have slay pass. ⚔️
Use it for whatever you want to eliminate with. If you want to use it on Dan, go ahead. I don't care if he goes tbh.
I just realized most of my favs are on the same team XD
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Oooh, swimming episode!
Tom is STILL in his suit XD
"Hey uh, Tom, the sun can't reach you if you're underwater. I don't think you need to be wearing that. You don't want to get your normal clothes wet, right?"
"Eh I never found use for a swimsuit anyway! Besides! The sun will dry them up quickly!"
"Doesn't that go against what you told us earlier?!"
"My relationship with the sun does not concern you! No it's not toxic what are you talking about?!"
But he's not wearing the hoodie anymore! That's an improvement!
I feel like we're gonna get a Tom face reveal at some point, right?
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I didn't think there would be a cabin.
And a phone to call home? PLEASE tell me they take advantage of this and we learn more about these characters homelives!
"You're not yelling and talking nonsense... I like it."
Grett. You're so awful. I love you.
I have such BAD TASTES for favorites, don't I?
(Idk who the fan favorites/hated characters are)
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That's not an english subtitle.
...I'm not gonna say anything further than that, cause I'm scared that the joke in my head is very offensive.
"What did you expect? Nobody likes you and everyone thinks you're crazy."
I... I mean technically she's right. Doesn't make it right to rub salt in the wound though.
I still love you Gabby. Don't worry.
"Have you lied to me too?"
"Of course."
I did NOT expect her to just be blunt and honest like that.
Why is a VILLAIN character so honest about what they do? That's such a unique character trait. I love how they're using it.
"For what it's worth, I believe you."
"You have no reason to lie. I've known you for a few days and you always put this alliance first."
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Fiore struggling to paddle, omg
"My hands are killing me. You think you can row for me if I pay you?"
Nick, I'm waiting patiently for your character development. You better deliver cause you've annoyed me this episode and last episode. Jake's gonna take crown for best boy if you're not careful.
Also, she's a KID and can't even hold one paddle right.
"I'm already tired of always eating fish."
Yeah, that has to get tedious after awhile, especially if you guys are THAT hungry and have no choice.
I hate seafood. I wouldn't survive.
"What are you craving?"
"Chinese takeout. I always order that at home."
My sibling actually loves Chinese as well... I'm a Mexican person, though.
"There's a restaurant I live near that'll knock your socks off. We should go when this is over."
TOM. Are you... ASKING HIM OUT?!
"Hey, your eyes... they're pretty. I never noticed since you've always got that hood on."
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...yeah I kinda hope you kiss now.
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This is how you make relationships Total Drama. You meet. You get along. And you be cute.
And I am waiting for this to go horribly wrong cause in shows like this, nobody gets a happy ending.
Except Mike & Zoey I guess.
"Maybe them fighting is good news."
"If we found popcorn it would be a fun movie to watch. I'm just saying."
"Honestly, a million dollars would make my life so much better."
"What would you spend the money on?"
"I want to study fashion design. Just don't have the time or money. Back home, I have to juggle two jobs that barely keep me afloat."
That has to be THE most relatable Young Adult experience ever.
I hate that I have a privilege from my parents to go to a college I don't even like.
Add that to the list...
'Ellie: College Finance'
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"*Ellie clicks the check*
*Spawns an ad on USAA*
Ellie's real fear is her finances XD"
"Dear lord up above, why must you forsaken me on a canoe with this wretched child?!"
Stop hating Dan, me. He didn't do anything.
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And two seconds later I laugh at his expense 😂
"It's not the first time I've done this."
"Back in my day we had to canoe rapids just to get to school!"
"Back in grade school-"
Oh my god and she took my joke.
"The objective of the game is to knock your opponent into the lake."
*shoves Dan in the lake*
"Hey you guys talk about this Golden voice lately, I think she's bullying me. Why you bullying me?"
Do something and don't be sexist.
"First showdown will be Tom vs Alec"
If Tom loses this I'm in firm disbelief.
He has ninja skills.
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Why is Jake the only one cheering and supporting his teammate?
This boy is precious. Look at him. He's PRECIOUS.
"Next showdown: Grett vs Ellie"
Sorry Ellie. I do like you, I swear.
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"Golden told me to SLAY. So I slayed!" 💅
"Next up: Gabby vs Lill"
Gabby for the win?
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"You forgot: Golden gave ME slay pass too!!"
Aw, she lost.
I guess that makes sense though cause it would be too easy.
"Hey that's not fair! She used Gabby's duel stick!"
"Eh it looked painful though so I'll allow it."
Chris McLean taught you well.
"Next showdown: Dan vs Ashley"
Kick his ass, Ashley.
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OMG are you kidding me?! XD
"We too are aware of Golden's presence! So we decided to entertain her with pinning the best boys against each other!"
"Sorry Golden, but here in Disventure Camp, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE BEST BOY."
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"Jake scores! The Teal Team win Immunity and reward!"
Welp, guess that's that. The show has decided.
Unless Nick stays, which is pretty likely, so.
FOR NOW, Jake has my crown as best boy. We stan a guy who has no shame in denying another guy the right to have kids.
"See that's my own personal true personality reveal Golden! I'm an asshole too, just like Grett! Don't you love me?!"
Yes. Yes I do.
"Listen Nick, can we talk?"
Yes. Please talk. Please work things out.
"I think I've heard enough this morning to decide who I'm voting for."
"You don't have to behave like that, Nick!"
Why is Ashley the most reasonable character on this team?!
"At least give Lill a chance!"
"I've already made my decision. Cheers."
Now I have even less regrets siding with Jake over you.
"I think we should vote together and take control of the team."
And here's where Alec and Ellie become swing votes.
Ellie's just the outlier here. "Um... I didn't ask to be a part of the villains team, why am I put on it? I didn't do anything wrong!"
I didn't put you there, Ellie. That was not me this time.
"I feel like I can be myself around them."
Ellie meanwhile, "WHERE'S THE EXIT?! SAVE MEEEEEE"
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"Lill, it genuinely frightens me that you handle kids."
Just shut up.
"If I had a kid, I wouldn't let em anywhere near you."
"And I never will because SOMEONE busted my balls today!"
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Ashley, once again, being the most reasonable one here.
Yeah, yeah, we know.
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"Because you're one of the worst in the challenges. Also, I can't stand you."
Wow. It really was that petty.
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Tom, what ninja shit are you doing this time?
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Pfft. He's a bad spy.
"Uh, I am standing right here and can see you!"
Alright, that was Episode 4...
Damn. I shouldn't have put Nick in the heading. I cursed him and caused his elimination.
I thought they were setting up a lot of character development for him cause I felt like he had an interesting story with his parents and wanting to prove himself...
But no. He did absolutely none of that and continued to be a spoiled lazy entitled snob up till his elimination.
And like... sure? If you need early boots?
Why couldn't it be Dan? Smh
This episode took what I said last episode and said "UH UH. You can only have one best boy as your choice. That's the rule." And forced them to fight for that position.
But if we had to choose between the two, I can't argue with Jake.
Idk who the favorites/hated characters are, and I feel like I have bad taste. One's an actual bitch and very open about it. But you know what? Gabby and Jake are sweethearts who deserve to be stanned.
Gabby is fun. She's full of personality. People are outcasting her for no reason and it's sad. I want Gabby to use her slay pass and revolt. Girl has done nothing wrong in her entire life.
And Jake? Come on. He's precious. He's a sweetheart. Look at him. And he takes no shit apparently. Man has done nothing wrong in his entire life.
I feel like Lilly's going next just cause she knows too much. But if that leaves Ashley alone to be the saving grace of the team till the merge I can't argue. I like her quite a bit.
I also like that Ellie and Alec are doing stuff now. Oh how the tables have turned.
They both have motives that are quite empathetic. It's so nice.
Why you working with the demon child though?
"I didn't ask to be put in hell with her Golden! I just wanted to make fashion! LET ME OUT!!!"
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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matan4il · 2 years
Buddie challenge question because honestly these 2 things bug me to no end of things I wish I saw. And if the writers said I could only have one like gah I can't choose one. Would love your tie breaker in my head.
1. The conversation that ever happened when Buck explained absolutely everything about the tsunami, from picking up and running with Chris. The keeping him safe from bodies floating. Him diving in to save him. Bonus points if we got Eddie telling him the Chris version. Just the tears. But also I sometimes want to really have seen Eddie see fuck this man went through hell for my heart.
2. The conversation about what Buck felt and saw when Eddie was shot. Explaining just the determination of his actions. And in turn Eddie revealing his fears of why is Buck covered in blood, is he hurt, how did he wake up near Anna? Did he search for Buck right away. Bonus points for Chris Explaining it all to Eddie later.
Also I'm not against all of the above being in the Buddie Begins episode if I'm being honest. Please flashback to these moments team. But if you had choose your fighter, which one is it?
OMG, Nonnie, what are you doing to me? XD Those aren’t just fighters, those are super-fighters you’re asking me to pit against each other!
Let me just say I adore both. The tsunami was the first time when I thought to myself, “Oh.” As in, “Oh, they can’t back away from this. What just happened isn’t an elf lady scene that the show runners can write off as a joke or a gesture for the fandom. This is intense. And it’s the emotional climax of a three-ep major arc! They can’t pretend this didn’t mean something more.” But then the shooting arc is an even more blatant play on romantic tropes, which means it’s another one that’s undeniable. Another critical moment in the evolution of Buddie. So how can I possibly pass up seeing more of either one?
Hmm. OK. We can assume that the first happened. That Buddie must have talked about everything Buck and Chris went through during the tsunami, because Eddie explicitly comments to Christopher’s therapist in 304 that he's still not sure what his son saw that day. The most likely source of info for that would be Buck and Chris themselves, so I’m sure Eddie talked to both of them about that day. But the second. That hasn’t happened canonically as far as we’re aware, right? I guess I’d like that, because it doesn’t have to play out just in flashbacks, it can happen in the here and now, and give Buddie some critical insights for realizing what their relationship is actually all about. And yeah, I would sell a kidney for that!
I hope I managed to answer you, Nonnie? Thank you for this! xoxox
(and if anyone’s looking for it, here is my ask tag! xoxox)  
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swiftsaltsweet · 2 years
Wednesday Season 2: Hyde in the Shadows
Episode 2 Intermission 1: Enids’s Letter #2
Prev Episode
Characters: Wednesday and Enid (ft returning chars and new OCs)
Pairing: Wenclair
Important info: VERY Slow Burn, Canon Compliant (with season 1), read A/N For more details on everything.
Summary:  Stalking, murders, troubling visions, sins of the past, and a little bit of kidnapping. Wednesday’s start of the second semester isn’t a normal one, but when is her life ever “normal?” Wednesday has new mysteries to solve and catastrophes prevent, with the help of her overly enthusiastic roommate Enid, she just has to deal with some annoying relatives first.
Other Sites: AO3 and Fanfic.net
                                            Wednesday Season 2:
                                             Hyde in the Shadows
                         Episode 2 Intermission 1: Enids’s Letter #2
Dear Wednesday,
       I’ve included a key as to what the emojis are, as for the meaning that’s up for you to interpret! >:3c Or you can still ask Thing! XD Thing and I have been talking, we think you are in desperate need to work on communication with your peers, consider this your crash course! XD
As for Santa-ah, hmmm. Can’t say I’m surprised. O_O It’s very on brand for you. Well if I’m ever at your house, I’ll keep in mind to bring a skeleton appropriate ornament for your tree! 03-
No! Do NOT use those for murder or a cover up! ….you’ll get them ruined. You’ll need a sturdier pair! Hmmm I’ve been thinking of branching out to stuff beyond knitting, so let me look into it! (BTWs and FYI, if any police come-a snooping, I’m totes assuming when you are talking about a ‘murder’ and a ‘cover up’ you mean something like “Wow this cold is totally murder on my skin!” and “It’s so cold out I really should cover up!” You got that????!!!)
Haha I knew you’d like it! I can’t believe I gotcha, too bad I couldn’t see it for myself. 
As for revenge, haha…..please be gentle, I bruise easily. D:
As for the date, OMG OMG OMG! It was amazing, total gentleman! And you will not believe what he bought me! It’s the cuuuuutest charm bracelet in the whole wide world! Ah! I can’t wait to show you! 
Oh? So you have a family gathering? Well that makes sense, it is the holidays….. I hope it’s fun! Tell me if anything fun happens, got it?Or ghastly! 
But remember, if you do get free time, be sure to tell me! I wanna meet up if we can!
                                            Your best friend and Roomie: Enid <3
A/N: Me writing Enid’s letters: It’s my tone of voice! TT0TT
Fun Fact: Ironically (because I wrote ch 2 and most of ch 3  before watching the episode), during the Live action 70s Halloween special (a special sequel to the 60s show), there is a plot point where the Addamses are having a gathering for Halloween and it's a family only event (and it's basically like Christmas). Obvie there won’t be much overlap due to it only being a coincidence, but I do love it when a reference works out! TT0TT
(also, lol, not me accidentally posting the wrong chap on here, accidentally did the next chapter instead of this lkjsfldjf welp deleted that quickly askjfdlajf)
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captainsspnanon · 2 years
C2E66 - Beneath Bazzoxan - rewatch
Well, I got about an hour into the MLP oneshot before I gave up. That’s about par for the course with me for a lot of the CR one shots.  I’ve seen a handful of them in full, started a handful and watched between 1 to 2 hours before giving up, and just haven’t even started the others.  It’s a whole jumble of hit or miss.
Also something I missed from last episode – Travis jokingly asking Matt if there was a vestige of divergence in the roc nest.  My brain totally forgot that this was before Fjord got the star razor, so I was like ‘you want two??’   SOON.  SOOOOOON.
(I don’t even know how long it’s been since I look at this episode, oops!  It’s been a time, alright? But OMG ANIMATED MIGHTY NEIN COMING AAAAA)
...Document last saved, Jan 30th.  It’s now Feb 20th. … LOOK IT’S BEEN...It’s BEEN, okay?!  Anyhow, I finally have the energy and mental fortitude to get back into this!  (so annoyed at myself for falling apart right when we get a fantastic series of episodes) (omg also I’d only jumped on to freak out about the animated mighty nein???  My last C2 reaction was posted JANUARY 8TH omg.)  (I don’t know why I’m being apologetic though, this stuff is mainly for me to improve my analytical thinking, active watching, and writing abilities.  I know a few of you out there like reading it, but I’m sure you’re not chomping at the bit or anything XD)
I was only just past the intro, so I decided to go and rewatch the adbit and forgot that I was in the middle of the presidential campaign for dndbeyond!  (after the ogl shitstorm, anyone else notice that CR hasn’t mentioned dndbeyond by name once?  I wonder if they’re going to start up again at some point since the situation is now resolved, even though there’s a lot of bad taste in a lot of the community’s mouths.  Personally, I’d be fine with it, because I do feel like wotc made the right choices to fix things, even if it never should have gotten to where it was in the first place, and communication choices had been…..yeah.)
I miss them reading their bits off of sheets in front of them.  I fully get the appeal of the teleprompter meaning that they can keep their eyes up and looking at camera, but there’s a charm of them giving impassioned rants but also having to keep glancing down to check what their lines are.
See?  With the teleprompter, you don’t get the adorableness of Laura having a merch update but no sheet, so floundering through Sam’s papers until Matt gives her his.
Liam perched on his chair just making squawking noises!
I love how this group is so unafraid to make unoptimal choices. Jester uses Disguise Self to look like a giant leaf, but Laura knows that it only works for people so knows it’s basically just a leaf costume and Will Not Work, but still Commits To The Bit.
Oh fuck it’s been so long that I forgot we were still with Texas!Fjord!  Just got smacked in the face by the accent XD (controversial comment, but I don’t like it when I see people saying that they prefer the Texan accent, then other people saying that it means that they like pre-character growth Fjord, or hiding himself Fjord, lying to himself Fjord.  It’s just that the Texan accent is fun!  Given a choice between the two, I would have been happy if Travis had the Texan accent be Fjord’s natural accent and do the whole campaign with it, because I enjoy hearing it – especially since C1 was pretty much all English accents.  But in order for that to happen, Fjord would have been completely different, and I don’t want a completely different Fjord, I love the Fjord that we got!)
(also off topic, but I’m waiting for noon so that I can check the shop.  I want the Jester and Caleb dice so bad and they still haven’t been released. T.T)
god I forgot how much these idiots flounder in this nonsense, I love it so much!!!  Each campaign, they all have their own version of floundering, and the Nein’s is just SO dumb, SO wonderful.  Jester forgetting she could go invisible, Beau begging Fjord to take her with him with the Misty Step and Fjord saying he’s only got room for one, Beau trying to swim through the air to the tree, and then just curling up in a ball to make herself a smaller target IT’S SO GOOD.
And Caduceus and Yasha just watching all this go down like “yup” “yup”
Nein and Polymorph – nothing more iconic.
Fjord and teleporting – nothing more iconic!!  
Polymorphed enemies attacking Fjord – truly nothing more iconic
This group and communication, I love it!!  Caleb slides Beau off his wing, Matt describes her falling into the nest, Liam softly says that that’s not what he meant, Matt immediately asks him for clarification and Liam immediately responds with what he meant but ‘this is funny’ so keep going with it.
This is the first? time that Matt has done a skill check and not penalized the player for a nat 1.  It is a minor grumble of mine that he doesn’t count nat 20s as an autosuccess (which falls within rules) but tends to still count nat 1s as an autofailure.  I feel like you’ve got to play it all one way or all the other, not the half and half – especially not more penalizing the players.
Being an active part of the fandom now, I can image people bitching about this episode so far, about Matt giving them too much leeway, not enough consequences, making it too easy, the players getting distracted from their goal, etc. etc.  Makes it a lot easier for me to brush off the bullshit criticism that C3 is getting.  Critters have been complaining since C1, and sometimes it’s legit, and most times it’s bull.
I have such mixed feelings with Nott and Sam in regards to the rogue stuff.  Because most of the time, Nott skipping looking for traps genuinely just feels like Sam either forgetting or deliberately ignoring it because he thinks it’s funny.  I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s a struggle I have with Sam’s PCs, because a bunch of stuff that Sam does is just… well, Sam being Sam.  He’d make the same joke for Scanlan, or Tary, or Nott, or FCG.  So I can’t relate it to the specific PC, even when it’s the PC doing the action.  Either way, if this was a deliberate choice for Nott (even with Beau telling her to look for traps) or Sam just trolling, I’m glad Matt had consequences, and consequences that impacted the entire party, because everyone was hit from the fireball.  It’s a bit of a nudge (even though it doesn’t work.  Does Nott EVER consistently look for traps, even after she’s killed?).  Just looking at transcripts (not super accurate) 28 times within the first 50 episodes, 22 from episodes 51-100, and 21 from episodes 101-141. Sadly Critrolestats isn’t helpful for this, because they track the investigation rolls, but so many investigation rolls AREN’T checking for traps.
Ah ha!  This is where Jester steals Nott’s flask!  Laura tried to be sneaky, but Sam heard her right away.
Mmmrph...still not a fan of the jokes about Caleb sharing his loot. He never kept it!  Liam just likes to make it theatrical.  To be fair, I think this started because Vax hoarded loot?  Or at least Vax teased Vex a lot with loot.  Honestly, most of what I remember from C1 was Vax and Vex being silly over the boots of haste, one moment with loot where Liam asked Matt to make him and Laura roll for it, and then the drama over who gets whisper, which I honestly thing was more the fanbase than the players?
I kept getting confused that they weren’t sending to Essek, so I went and checked out my last post and yep there it was.  ALSO there is the exact same stuff that I said above about Sam.  -_-  I have no original thoughts.
Insect Plague!!!  *checks transcripts* Pike cast it in E5 and the battle royale, Umbrasyl cast it in E55, Jester casts in here in E66, and then again in E113.  This is one of the rarest used spells, to the point where I completely forgot about it!
(LOL the dice got released the day after I checked!  ...and I don’t like the sets.  Fuuuuuck)
(It’s now march 25th and I am in the MOOD.  LET’S GO!!!)
wait what the fuck did I literally stop for AGES at like, 30 seconds before the break??  That’s hysterical.
In the two/three months where I stopped watching C2, I forgot how much Caleb really did take the lead in a lot.
Wait wait wait….they’re putting the moorbounders in the stables, is this where they leave them???  Is this the last appearance of the kitties?!?!  *checks the transcripts* oh no it isssss.  Now I’m sad, I love the moorbounders so much.  (edit to add, rechecked the transcripts using the plural – looks like they technically have them as of e69 after the dungeon crawl, but then that’s the official last.  I wonder if by the time I get to that episode I will have forgotten I’d typed all this and re-express myself)  They seemed to perfectly bridge the difference between cared for and oft mentioned pets (Sprinkle, Frumpkin, Trinket) and mounts (barely ever named horses, the toilet horses, more unnamed horses).  I don’t even have a headcanon for what happens to them after the Nein leave. I’ve read some nice posts about people taking care of them, Verin taking ownership, the Nein getting them back, but they just….vanish. I don’t think? that they were mentioned during the wrap up. Flando’s splits don’t mention them, so I guess not.  I mentioned it way back, but I personally wish we could have gotten a second C2 wrap up.  With C1, we had the official wrap up, and then a second one because there were so many questions left over.  I can’t image that there weren’t enough questions left for C2.  Then again, pandemic times, and that also must have been right when Brian was either let go behind the scenes and just not officially announced yet, or on the cusp, considering it wasn’t a Talks format.
I have Thoughts that I can’t really articulate about how frequently Caleb shows the Bright Queen medallion, and how it’s both a bit defensive and a bit arrogant.  Thoughts about how it might be how Bren was trained to use the power of his station to get things he wanted.  Thoughts on how it’s making sure that it’s clear that he is In Charge, or at least has some level of Authority due to the medallion, and how it influences how he interacts with authority. Thoughts on how it may be due to his old training versus the more frequent attempt currently to lower his status to try to be unseen. Thoughts about how much could be Caleb healing and regaining confidence versus just using it at a means to an end.   I need someone else to get into my brain and actually write this up for me.
UGH I forgot all this cool Bazzoxan lore!  I really do adore Matt’s worldbuilding, especially the level of depth that he puts into every place.  He goes into it with the intention of making it feel real, and it really does.
I’ve mentioned it before and I know I’ll mention it again, but I so love how Liam handled spellcasting with his components.  With him leaning in to Caleb having to ask to purchase any item he needs, rather than just a general check with Matt, but pulling it so well into the roleplay really does inspire others.  Taliesin even in this scene!  Tal was good with black powder and such last campaign, but I feel like Matt had to prompt him more, advising that he was running out of materials and such, whereas Liam frequently initiates the conversation.
The humor of Liam having to explain to Laura that she needs Guidance to get the plus d4 to a check.  OH how times have changed.  (I’m also not a huge fan of how heavily Guidance is leaned on now.  When I was playing my druid, I made sure that Guidance was used sparingly, only where a magical boost seemed applicable.  Personal preference though.  I also wasn’t a huge fan of how for A Crown Of Candy on Dimension20 that familiars were constantly used to give advantage to rolls.)
Looking at the facial reactions when Matt says that Nott’s flask is missing, Sam and Laura obviously knew, and it looks like Taliesin overheard as well, but I think it’s a genuine surprise to everyone else.
Such a soft spot for the Wildbros.  Wildbrothers?  What’s the nickname for Fjord and Caduceus?  I think it’s Wildbrothers, but google isn’t helping me.  REGARDLESS.  Fjord reaching out to Caduceus for help is such a lovely moment.  Cad’s answer isn’t as straightforward as he would like, but it’s the first clear moment of Fjord changing paths to choose the Wildmother.  I know that Travis had been looking for possible options, but it did end up heavily steering this way, and I’m certainly pleased with the end result. PLUS!  A little bit from Caduceus as to what he is looking for! Still not a ton of detail but a place.  Honestly, I didn’t realize how long it took to actually get backstory for Cad.  I always consider him to be among the most open of the Nein (Jester being the most open, obviously), but I’ve seen very good meta explaining how he really isn’t that open at all.  Watching with that knowledge, it’s very easy to see how much he really doesn’t say.
There’s something a bit beautiful of Caduceus trying to guide Fjord into meditation/worship the way he does (slow breathing, name each sound that comes by) transitioning into Fjord’s own (wind becoming the sound of waves).  The Wildmother has always been a bit synonymous with Nature, but in my own failing, my interpretation of Nature was always plants and trees – very much the flora of the world. Fjord’s eventual worship of her being heavily based in the oceans, still very much a part of Nature, not only helped the character growth, but helped me recognize my own limitations that I was putting on her.  It also helped, once again, just confirm the realness of the world.  People practicing religion have so many variations to their worship and behaviors, to their interpretations of the religion.  In fiction, it’s very easy to take it Planet of Hats, and every follower of God A performs exactly the same way, and every follower of God B worships following this specific structure.  To have the gods in Exandria frequently worshiped differently continues to add depth to the world.
It’s very fun to see Ashley joke about Yasha doing some things which she quickly takes back, but will then fully play with as actual character traits in C3.
Oh FML.  I fully get into this, and all of a sudden I have a massive headache.  T.T  This episode is gonna take for-fucking-ever.  And it’s all good stuff!
Alright, two days later, no headache now, feeling good, got the time, lets see if I can make it through the last hour and half!
With the multiple instances of NPCs speaking Undercommon and Beau not being able to understand it, no wonder Marisha decided to take Undercommon the next opportunity she had.  Checking to see when she gets it (level 10) just makes me really miss Beau.  Her stats end up SO good, and she’s such an intelligent PC.  The roleplay decisions Marisha makes add such a level of depth to Beau’s desire for knowledge and a lovely contrast to how Caleb is intelligent and pursues information.   MY FAVS.
Once again, in my bad habit of underestimating Sam’s RP – I am really going to pay attention this time to Nott and her behavior when forced sober.  There’s quite a bit of it here that is played for laughs, but that doesn’t mean that the characterization is shallow or false.  Right away I noticed that Caleb immediately tries to sooth the situation by repeatedly saying that Nott has ‘misplaced’ her flask, ‘lost’ her flask.  While it’s a completely understandable take, especially as Liam doesn’t know that Laura had Jester take the flask, it’s a very obvious difference from Nott always believing Caleb, to Caleb disbelieving Nott.  He’s not cruel or harsh about it, and he doesn’t diminish her feelings at the lack of alcohol, but he does not accept Nott’s viewpoint that someone took the flask.
To be fair, a bit of that is metagaming.  Sam heard Laura ask Matt to take the flask, so he knows that it was taken from Nott.  I wonder how these scenes may have gone differently had he not overheard and thought that it was something Matt did in game, like how the Schuster kids stole their coin purses.  (also yes I did go to the wiki to confirm the spelling of the name, and yes I did get it wrong at first)
I love when the cast gets Sam to completely break.  Travis saying that Nott’s arms looked whiter than ever (Sam switched his shirt to a sleeveless shirt), and Sam just open mouthed WHEEZING for almost a solid 10 seconds.  Absolutely glorious.  And it’s Sam specifically because he’s the hardest to break.  Taliesin in pretty hard too, BUT if Taliesin gets hit then he’s just OUT.  Liam is by far the easiest to break and it’s delightful every time!
Downside of my massive delay in rewatching – they’re all discussing how Nott was doing really well without drinking and then started slipping up again when she picked it back up, and I can’t remember when this happened!  When did she stop drinking and pick it up again???  I have no recollection, and I feel really bad ‘cause that’s a pretty important thing!  Going back and finding my last post, I said that it might have been that she started getting drunk again to confront Yeza, but then I don’t recall why she would have been sober before that?  This is the big downside of not binging.
Oh wait, maybe the table does know?  Fjord suggests Jester scry on it, which SEEMS like Travis poking at Laura?  But I’m not sure! Could be a coincidence!
Dungeon crawl! Dungeon crawl!  I am hype for dungeon crawl!   CR doesn’t do many of them, and I definitely was bored by Kraghammer, but I think all the crawls aside from that very first one have been a blast.
I feel like this conversation of them trying to help Jester craft a message to Obann is the perfect summation of the Mighty Nein.  The absolute overlapping fuckery combined with SOME intelligence and a lot of goofing, but they get the job done.  Eventually.  Kind of. With sex jokes thrown in.
Aww, this is the doo doo doo doo moment, and Caleb legitimately laughing.   Iconic.  No donuts or pooping, but still good.
Talk about Beau/Marisha calling things!  “what if in your past life, before you lost your memories, you WERE an Iron Angel?”  well yes, yes she was.
Fjord preventing Nott from getting alcohol, then buying a bottle and essentially taunting her with it – it don’t feel good IC, but it always reads to me 100% of Travis teasing Sam.  It’s one of those moments where it DID happen in game, but it doesn’t tie into how I view the PCs interacting, because even though it happened it was more ‘above table’ then in game, if that makes any sense?  Like, Fjord and Nott have a very complex relationship, but Fjord buying alcohol when Nott is clearly going through withdrawal and then not letting her have it?  It’s hard for me to view that in their relationship, it just doesn’t feel right.  Like I said, too mean.
LOL when Sam sets down his flask and accidentally hits Matt’s camera.  Because it jostles Matt’s screen, I keep expecting him to jump or flinch like he’s being shaken, but of course it’s just the image so he doesn’t react.
After talking way too much about EVERYTHING, I actually don’t have much to say about the dungeon crawl.  It’s fucking awesome, Matt’s descriptions of celestial statues with bleeding eyes is amazing, everyone’s reactions are super fun to watch!  I suppose it’s harder for me to discuss because as much as I love the imagery, I kind of never really got the whole lore tie in.  The whole Angel of Irons plot, to be fair, is a bit fuzzy to me.  I kind of wish it had gotten explored a bit more, because the main takeaways that I have from it are that Obann thinks he’s serving the Angel of Irons (whoever he thinks that’s supposed to be), and gets undying champions – Yasha, The Laughing Hand, the Caedogheist or whatever her name is – and then….does something?  And it’s got to do with a cult?  That is releasing Abyssal anchors that just kinda open tears.  Like, I get from the wiki that he’s doing all these things and it’s supposed to release the Chained Oblivion from the Abyss (which oh, I didn’t realize he was there?  Because isn’t he behind the Divine Gate?), but it just never quite solidified for me.
ANYHOW.  FINALLY COMPLETE.  Let’s hope it doesn’t take as long to continue with the rewatch!
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