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lordofomens · 10 months ago
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Meet my 4th character, Guild Guardian, the main protagonist of an upcoming Superman-inspired sci-fi superhero comic, the Guild Guardians of the Galaxia System.
An alien superhero hailing from the Xenon Planet, once a member of the Guild Guardians, was exiled for blaming the death of General Xas-Mark and moved to the Supernaturalis dimension. His job is to protect the galaxy from supervillains and find out whether to prove he's innocent.
Alias: Super Rookie (by General Xas-Mark), Deadhead Alien (by Gothihumans)
Hobbies: Making Foods, Writing paperwork
Residence: Center of the Guild Guardian Outpost
Soul: Justice Likes: Law and Order, Supernatural friends
Dislikes: Villains, Traitors, Regime, Evil Powers
Fun Fact: He wears a golden helmet that belongs to General Xas-Mark (before what happened). The Guild Guardian has no choice, but he took the helmet, and he needs to protect himself from anything bad treats to him.
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lordofomens · 10 months ago
It's my 24th Birthday!
Oh, boi! Today is my 24th birthday! I really enjoy working on my novels, playing games and creating characters in HeroMachine Tributes (like Gyan Balaurzmei, Daisy Familiar and Samhain).
But hey, I got it planned out with a special gaming header and a darker story announcement! And I have an ambitious idea for a website soon that would have any future darker stories on Omens Phaenomenon Entertainment (my ambitious dream).
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lordofomens · 10 months ago
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Next character will be Samhain the Bogeyman! The one of the main villains of an upcoming Halloween-themed horror animated film, Nightmarish Allhallows.
A murderous, evil Nazi bogeyman who was once the European Kingdom's criminal wanted, now the herald of Bogyfield, hunting innocent children during the Blackhollow festival. Summoned by his witchcraft, Naga Witcher, and preparing for the path of black magic, the Dark Path.
Alias: Murderer in Blackhollow (by the people), Baby Killer (by the mothers), Irish Experiment 54 (by Nazis)
Hobbies: Scaring the children, black market trading
Residence: Albtraumwelten
Soul: Heartless
Likes: Stealing corpses, Deathtime stories
Dislikes: Flirting by Naga
Fun Fact: The bogeyman's name was given as Samhain, named after a Gaelic festival of the same name. Due to being half Arthurian, half Nazi, he's one of the twisted experiments in the secret basement of one of the Great Arthurian territories called "Irish Experimental Laboratory".
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lordofomens · 10 months ago
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And now, the second character of mine meets Daisy Familiar, the main character of an upcoming coming-of-age family-friendly animated television series, Familiar Family.
The coolest and badass girl in her life before and the latest member of the Familiar Family, Daisy has a special gift from her late grandmother, Charlie, who has promised to make her joy spiritual of the legendary Sweet Dancer of Joy Park, so she can enjoy her great adventures.
Alias: Baby Doll (by Faron), Braidhead (by Nik)
Hobbies: Playing outside, Parkour challenges
Residence: Outside of the Forest Park
Soul: Happiness
Likes: Roller Derby, The Amazing Digital Circus, CatNap (her favourite Smiling Critter)
Dislikes: Being called "Baby girl", Grounded
Fun Fact: Her body is completely "mature" because she ate the important gemstone when she was ten years old, the Love Stone. In the school years, it was shocking that Daisy had enough to be a "baby girl". Now she has affections for sexual innuendo due to her current age.
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lordofomens · 10 months ago
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Time to introduce my first character, Gyan Balaurzmei, the poster child of an upcoming ultra-violent elemental-themed fighting game, Elemental Unchained!
A Draconian berserker and the master of the Fire element who was locked out in the dungeons for three centuries ago, he was once the great elemental fighter, until he was gone after the end of the Nether invasion. Now he has become the strongest and seeks his arch-rival, Darskin.
Alias: Dragon Boy (by Aeterna), Element Brother (by Benneath), Fire Fella (by Ravionna)
Hobbies: Hardcore training, Flying on the sky, collecting fire flowers.
Residence: Bloody Infernal Dungeons
Soul: Rage
Likes: Nice people
Dislikes: Hurting friends, Darskin (at first)
Fun Fact: His first name is both Asian and Elemental, while his surname is combined between Balaur and Zmei, both the names of Romanian folklore that would become "Balaurzmei", the family of Draconians (one of the rarest Elemental race).
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lordofomens · 10 months ago
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OK ladies and gentlemen, here's the official description of my collection of darker stories, Omen Tales!
This happen because it could be a multimedia franchise, like games, animated series and films.
Also, I heavily influenced my darker story collection, having sagas and story arcs that have been majorly inspired by pop culture and various classic franchises, for most, the creation of interdimensional homeworlds and multiverses, including the influences of omens.
Fun Fact 1: Omen Tales is given the name of storytelling and the phenomenon of omens, because it was majorly inspired by the Grimms' Fairytales. Most of all, there would be lots of modern worlds happening.
Fun Fact 2: Sagas and Story Arcs are inspired from various genres (such as fighting games, childhood and horror films) and contain ten-story chapters of the namesake projects. Allowing the creation of a huge story (crossover idea) around the world as the "Great Storyteller".
Updated: Expanding heavily influences my Omen Tales! I have added seven more heavy influences, which are Smite, Freedom Force, PlayStation All-Stars, Elysian Tail, Pantheon, Swords and Sandals Saga and MultiVersus (after I watched the Launch Trailer, and it looks amazing!).
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lordofomens · 11 months ago
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Here's the late post on Friday. This is my roadmap where I was about to create my stories in the future, from April 2024 to March 2025, because I have many brainstorming ideas that will be planned out soon.
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