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wisyhana · 2 years ago
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It's holidays here so take this bunch of drawings of 5ds specifically only scoopshipping muahahaha and as always the nsfw content is only available in my patreon 💕
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Gotta draw more omenshipping or straight up JackxCarlyxMisty 😤
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ygo-colors · 27 days ago
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Misty Lola/Misty Tredwell and Carly Nagisa/Carly Carmine - 5Ds (requested by anonymous)
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merryfortune · 28 days ago
new lease on life
Written for Femslash February 2025
Day 21. Shadow
Series: Clover and Violets
Title: new lease on life
Ship: Omenshipping | Carly/Misty
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s
Word Count: 1,028 
Rating: T
Warning: Choose Not to Warn
Tags: Past/Referenced Suicide, Canonical Character Death, Bittersweet, Hopeful Ending
   After everything that happened, after the lives she had ruined… Misty was not certain on how to best approaching returning to life. For good this time. Not in the way of the sick and twisted resurrection of the Dark Signers but as a normal, ordinary person.
   So, she took some time off.
   But this time, she didn’t drive herself over the edge in grief. Instead, she spent it far more wisely, sitting around and reading self help books, making dinner from scratch for herself and Toby. It was hard but she hoped that it would be worth it now that she knew what the other side was like and that place was oh so terrible.
   It was dark. And lonely. She was cold, freezing, even, chilled to the bone which all but withered as she was a walking corpse. She was hungry all the time, not in her stomach, she could want for nothing as food and drink, but in her heart. Tempers were short. Everything except destruction was meaningless but the meaning was wanton apocalypse so everyone would be just as miserable as them.
   Going in between such sensations, it was difficult for Misty to adjust. The day could be long and warm and she would find a reason to wear stockings and a cardigan. But eventually, Misty did adjust. 
   It didn’t go back to being the same as it was, in her more innocent and more vulnerable years but it was better than where it had been when she had been consumed by the insanity which was the curse of the Dark Signer. The new normal that she now had with herself and her brother was fragile but it was all she had and Misty knew she would go to any length to adjust, to make amends.
   Hence why she felt such a way unto Carly.
   Oh, goodness, Carly, she had ruined Carly’s life. Her hands had caressed her face, her eyes had foreseen her future, and all of her had condemned Carly to death.
   From what Misty had heard, Carly didn’t remember much. For the better, it made Misty a smidgen bit jealous but she considered the weight of her memories a penance to move forward but so as to not make it a ball and chain, she had to recall her sins wisely. They had to be her reason to keep living, her reason be kinder, not only to others but herself.
   Yet despite such resolve and the feelings in her heart, Misty found herself unable to make the next step. To find herself in front of Carly, hold her tight, cry into her neck and shoulders, inhale her smell of a cheap car air freshener, and apologise.
   Carly had been her closest companion through the trial of the Dark Signers. They had not been compatible as they had been in life, demure and pleasant, instead they had brought out the worst in each other but even then, Misty had felt something striking unto Carly. Just as she had that fateful night at the gala.
   Misty had been so taken with Carly, how she was everything that she wasn’t.
   From her powder blue dress with spaghetti straps that were falling down, her geeky bifocal glasses, and her energy. It had been vibrant in all the wrong ways for something so high society but utterly refreshing for Misty. She had been around people who were too fake and too stuck up for so long, she could finally laugh a genuine laugh around Carly.
   She wanted to get to know her better, for the better.
   But now look at them… They were very different people in life, on different trajectories. So the best Misty could offer Carly was that distance. Maybe that connection was fleeting for a reason, maybe her feelings of a crush were based on nothing. She didn’t want to re-enter Carly’s life and make things worse for her even though Misty had only the best intentions. 
   Misty would completely understand if there was some lingering resentment or loathing in Carly’s heart unto her, even if she didn’t understand it herself. All because Misty had those feelings towards herself. She hated who she was when she was blindly, madly consumed by grief and rage. That was not who she was and so, she loathed those actions in hindsight.
   Though, foresight - if it could be called as such - plagued Misty just as much. She just wasn’t sure if it was as much foresight as it was doubt and anxiety.
   What if her touch were to reawaken the recollection of death in Carly? What if Carly was purposefuly avoiding her and it was not just Misty’s indecision and inaction which had yet to bring them back together again. What if they bored each other and had nothing to tether them together except for tragedy? What if, what if, what if…?
   Those questions haunted Misty. She could spiral over and over again, round and round Misty could go if she obsessed over them too often, too in depth. So, Misty left well enough alone even if her heart yearned for more that she knew she could not, or perhaps should not, have. 
   Or, well, not quite.
   Well enough alone still had its connection, it seemed. Misty didn’t meddle overtly but she wished the best for Carly, for her dream of photography and journalism. Misty was a model. It wasn’t quite a match made in heaven but from the shadows, Misty put in a good word here and there. On cigarette breaks or when she held hair back over the toilet’s bowl, she would mention a good word for a good photographer who was down on her luck and needed some small time gigs here and there.
   She hoped that would help, that it would be enough. Aside from hovering at this fringe where she not quite manipulated things, Misty wanted to cheer Carly on and wanted her to make the best of her new lease on life and resurrection.
   That, truly, would be more than enough for Misty to know that wherever Carly was, she was happy under these blue skies and smiling in the sunshine.
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blindchandelure · 8 months ago
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5 Days Of YGO Femslash ‘24: 1/5
Omenshipping + Portrait
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 8 months ago
Round 1: Poll 3
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Blueroseshipping (Bruno/Aki Izayoi | Akiza Izinski)
Propaganda: because i love pain and unrequited love
Pairing 2: Omenshipping (Carly Nagisa | Carly Carmine
/Misty Lola | Misty Tredwell)
Propaganda: Dark Signer lesbians are best lesbians
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be consumed by the earthen gods.
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team5ds · 6 months ago
in my head, i do everything right
Summary: death was just who they are. misty could see it coming. and yet there's still so much that she didn't see coming. she should've seen it in the signs.
Rating: T
Ships: Misty Lola/Carly Carmine
Author’s note: prompt is "omen" for @sapphic-september. so naturally, omen, omenshipping. it just fit.
read on ao3 / support me on kofi (battle city & up supporters get early access) / join my discord (18+)
Misty could see it in Carly's face - she was destined to die. She tried to not regard it with sadness. Death was inevitable, and it came for everyone. Of course, considering that she herself was already the walking dead, perhaps she just saw omens everywhere. She could see it in Carly now - the looming shadow from the depths of hell that longed to snatch her away. Something tied Misty to her - she didn't know what it was. Perhaps eventually she would understand the omens that she could see surrounding the young reporter, but for now all she could do was warn her that her time was almost up.
She just didn't know what that would look like. She couldn't have imagined the violence that would have happened, and that the reason she'd become like her was because of the unanswered questions. Questions she could've answered if she'd known. She'd hoped by turning Carly away, she could save her. Omens, however, had a funny way of working.
Trying to prevent the inevitable always led to destruction. Misty had known that. And yet she'd hoped by some miracle that it'd be different this time. That by denying Carly the truth, she'd be able to spare her. That shutting the door in her face would somehow make her give up on this investigation that'd lead to her doom. She couldn't have known that Carly would be foolish enough to go to the Arcadia to find the answers herself. After all, Misty already knew who'd caused Toby's death, didn't she? Carly, in all her undead glory, warned her that the truth might be different from what she'd believed.
An omen, but was it for Misty or for Carly? Misty didn't know, and truly, she didn't care which it was so long as she got her revenge. Her revenge, that as far as she was concerned, was a long time coming. And yet when she was with Carly, she could almost lose focus. Carly, who didn’t know what she was brought back for, with no clear reasoning for revenge.
The Arcadia movement bound them together in a way Misty hadn’t expected. Just like Toby, Carly had died here. It almost slowed her - made her stop to reconsider the path she was on. As if Carly herself was the omen that something was not right in the course she was on. As if the world was begging Misty to reconsider her actions.
Maybe if she’d listened, she wouldn’t be staring down a truth that rocked her to her very core.
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anxso · 2 years ago
OMENSHIPPING OMENSHIPPING!! :D Misty/Carly one shot for rare pair week! Excerpt:
Carly rubbed the layers of lace and silk between her fingers. "Are you sure I'm allowed to wear this? Or is it like the time at the bridal suite when they found out I wasn't actually getting married and kicked me out?"
Misty smiled and rolled her eyes. "I would never do that to you. I like having you around!"
"I'm not sure why," Carly murmured. "We only met that one time at the party for Jack Atlas's movie."
Misty's perfect cupid's bow lips formed a pout. The look in her eyes was a faraway kind of somber, though. She shook her head, took Carly's face in her hands, and said, "It makes me so happy to see your future brighten each time we meet."
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mbg159 · 6 months ago
What Your Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Girl Says About You
[Main Girls Only][DM][GX]
Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski (likes the second half of the series): You are pretty chill, and almost definitely a Faithshipper. You’re very fond of doing all kinds of scenarios of their first meeting. You write at least one thing per day appreciating her development. You really, really like the rollerskates episode. Even if it could have been better, you still love Yusei giving her Stardust. You get really sad during the ending, but you know in your heart of hearts that they definitely kissed offscreen.
Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski (dislikes the second half of the series): You got the taste of a girl who was straight-up unhinged, and you've been chasing that high ever since. You find bondage jokes incredibly funny. You have at least one very strong opinion about Crow. Despite your feelings on the second half (most of which can be described as "seething"), you have a soft spot for Sherry. To this day, her battle theme still generates a Pavlovian response of swooning tears in you.
Ruka/Luna: Your soul aches every day for her wasted potential. You started reading the manga the moment you saw scans of how it did her. You were very surprised when Ancient Fairy Dragon got banned. You have edited characters to be wearing flower crowns at least once. You’re still not quite sure what to think about her brother, but you definitely wish Life Stream had showed up earlier. You spent eighty episodes waiting for a followup for the end of Ep. 67, and are still waiting.
Carly Nagisa/Carly Carmine: You are a Scoopshipper, with no questions asked. You were utterly horrified when you found out about the cult thing (even if your source may have been somewhat inaccurate). You refuse to rewatch the second half of the series, and have devoted lengthy fanfics to what really happened afterward. You aren’t sure if you like nerds or goths, and you’re glad you don’t have to choose. You have tried to do Fortune Fairy-based readings in real life.
Misty Lola/Misty Tredwell: You may be into Isolationshipping or you may be into Omenshipping, but regardless of where you fall, you are certain she loves women. You saw that bit where she cradles Carly’s face and went “god, that girl is lucky.” Your favorite part of the whole DS arc was when she has Ccaryhua swallow Divine whole. You are very, very angry she’s not in Duel Links yet. (Like, I wrote this in 2021 originally, and she's still not in it? What?)
Sherry LeBlanc: You actually don’t hate the second half, but it’s largely due to her. You have either watched Revolutionary Girl Utena, or have been told several times that you should watch it. You may not be a Roseknightshipper, but you definitely have an LGBT headcanon. You have mixed feelings about how her arc ended, and would have preferred if the entire season was just her running around kicking stuff.
Martha: You hate every single other parent in every other series because you have seen her episodes and beheld a standard none have yet lived up to. She takes no shit, she's a rain of sunlight in a land of misery, she sacrifices herself tragically. Why the fuck did she barely appear after Dark Signers? You just want to talk to the person who made that decision, you say while loading a shotgun.
Mikage Sagiri/Mina Simington: You may be a Careshipper whose favorite arc is Fortune Cup, or an Ushio/Mikage shipper whose favorite arc is Dark Signers. Either way, you just really, really like office ladies, okay? You either think she's cute, relate to her beleaguered nature, or both. Also, did you know there's no ship name for Ushio/Mikage? I didn't until recently, but you definitely do.
Stephanie: Man, you picked the biggest third wheel in the entire franchise and a woman who only appears in the second half to be your fave, huh? That takes a lot of guts. And to my immense surprise, despite her entire existence being "waitress" and "one-note obsession with Jack Atlas", you have decided your OTP with her is Carly. Rock on, Stephanie fans, you make the world brighter.
Misaki: You decided to go dumpster-diving in the video games and found a gem. You understand that the only thing that could have made Bruno's arc better is if he was also Rei Ayanami. The bit at the end where she finally smiles melted your heart like butter in the sunrise. You insist Watts are underrated. You sadly know deep down that there's a reason the only female Yliaster member is non-canon.
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ygorarepairs · 3 months ago
Writer claims open! (Dec. 24-27)
Claims for the 2024-2025 mini bang are open! As a reminder, writers will write 2000 words minimum based on their partner's art piece. Claim summaries are anonymous and art drafts can be revealed after everyone is partnered. Review the claim summaries here: https://docs.getgrist.com/eiATHExv47au/Claim-Summaries-2024-2025/p/3  Filter the summaries by using the stickied menus at the top of the spreadsheet. Submit your writer claims here (open through Dec. 27): https://docs.getgrist.com/forms/n65Xt2iVFut247eo2UEXih/4 Ship list: 1. Fawnshipping (Weevil Underwood/Maximilian Pegasus) 2. Yuga + Yudias 3. Crewshipping (Sawatari/Ootomo/Yamabe/Kakimoto) 4. Samuraishipping (Noboru Gongenzaka/Yaiba Toudou) 5. Sickleshipping (Yami Marik x Thief King Bakura) 6. Judai/Yuri 7. Numeronshipping (Don Thousand x Astral) 8. Rulershipping (Reiji/Jack) 9A. Zwijo/Yuudias/Kuaidul 9B. Manabu/Nyandestar 10. Occultshipping (Yami Bakura/Ghost Kotsuzuka (Bonz)) 11. Vexshipping (Mazaki Anzu x Yami Bakura) 12. Crystalshipping (Shou &/ Johan) 13. Isono x Rishid Ishtar 14. Omenshipping (Carly x Misty) 15. Foolshiping (Judai Yuki/Saiou Takuma) 16. Senseishipping (Kalin & Radley) 17A. Yami Marik/Yami Bakura/Jounouchi 17B. Yami Bakura/Otogi 17C. Jounouchi/Shizuka 18. kuaiyuuga (Kuaidul Velgear x Ohdo Yuga) 19. Scytheshipping (Bessho Ema/Taki Kyoko) 20. Fateshipping (Rafael x Yami Yugi/Atem) 21. Tealshipping (Ryo Marufuji/Johan Andersen) 22. Rise Falcon x Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon 23. Rio/Ruri 24. Nohopeshipping (ZONE/Aporia) 25. Darkangelshipping (Alito x Vector x Yuma) 26. Agelessshipping (Seto Kaiba/Judai Yuki) 27. Hauntshipping (Bakura Ryou x Yuki Judai) 28. Darkcosplayshipping (Kuroda x Sota) 29. Traumashipping (Ryou Bakura x Juudai Yuuki) 30. Sadisticshipping (Aki Izayoi/Kiryu Kyosuke) 31. Blueghostshipping (Aoi Zaizen/Specter) 32. Spikeshipping (Honda Hiroto/Mutou Yuugi) 33. Yuya x Aoi (Skye) 34. Tieshipping (Miho/Honda) & Buddyshipping (Jounouchi/Honda)
Posted using PostyBirb
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bitchywitchheart · 8 days ago
If you ship anyone in Yu-Gi-Oh at all, who are your top five?
I absolutely ship characters but this is a tough question... Both as a multishipper and having several favorites from each spinoff so far (╥﹏╥) /silly
However! If I had to rank them, it'd probably be like so:
Prideshipping (Kaiba x Atem/Yami Yugi)
Shrimpshipping (Weevil x Rex)
Wishshipping (Yugi x Jou)
Snareshipping (Ryuji x Jou)
Ateloshipping (Pegasus x Bandit Keith)
Spiritshipping (Judai x Johan)
Idolshipping (Fubuki x Kaiser)
Destinyshipping (Edo x Saio)
Competitorshipping (Judai x Johan x Manjoume)
Sacrificeshipping (Echo x Amon)
5Ds (SO FAR!):
Scoopshipping (Carly x Jack Atlas)
Faithshipping (Aki x Yusei)
Omenshipping (Carly x Misty)
Toolshipping (Bruno x Yusei)
Prooobably Trapshipping? (Rally x Rua) I think it'd be cutes
Sharkbaitshipping (Shark x Yuma)
Proctorshipping (Droite x Gauche)
Fearshipping (Astral x Kaito)
Catchphraseshipping (Takashi x Tokunosuke)
Decisionshipping (Mizael x Durbe)
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americankestrelprojects · 12 days ago
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These are the art pieces I did for the YGO Rare Pairs Mini Bang.
Omenship Noir
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wisyhana · 1 year ago
I was thinking on a way to share my thoughts on 5ds without ranting too much about it, but also thinking on a way to use the prompts for other yugioh shows, so here's my attempt number 1:
1. Favorite character over all.
Carly Nagisa. Want me a girlfriend like her.
2. Favorite male character.
Jack Atlas and Bruno. I really wanted to see them interacting more, they're pretty funny.
3. Favorite female character.
4. The character you dislike the most.
Crow, but his deck is pretty I guess.
5. A character that looked annoying at first but turned out to be likeable.
Jaeger lol! I like the monkey sounds he makes.
6. Which character looked promising but didn't make it through?
Izayoi Aki 😢 she was the shit and they should have appreciated her more.
7. In your opinion, does the protagonist hold the show?
Objectively he does, Yusei is decent as character himself but it's a little too much on how he has to handle EVERYTHING. But that's the curse of the shonen protagonist I guess.
8. Favorite ship.
Scoopshipping, Omenshipping and Toolshipping.
9. Duelist/deck you felt more interesting.
Aki's and Carly's. Aki's strategy were so fun and interesting to watch.
10. The duel you had more fun watching.
Jack vs Carly for sure, the Fortune Ladies ready to kick Jack's ass and Jack confession were brilliant.
11. Favorite monster card.
Silly boi Dark Resonator.
12. Favorite dragon card.
My ass to Red Nova Dragon.
13. 5ds only. Favorite D-Wheel design.
Wheel of Fortune baby.
14. Favorite arc.
Dark Signer FOR SURE.
15. Least favorite arc.
Grand Prix can kiss my ass.
16. Favorite scene.
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sobs profusely
17. Favorite character arc.
I'll say Jack but only to the Dark Signer arc.
18. A character that definitely needed their own arc.
Despite being the protagonist you don't see a lot of development on Yusei. He has a deep burden and there is absolute zero work on that.
19. A character that didn't need an episode about themselves.
Did we really need to see the backstory of Jaeger, the team Taiyou and Ragnarok?
20. From 1 to 10, what score do you give to the show over all?
siiiighh a 6.
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lordofomens · 1 year ago
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Omens Phaenomenon Entertainment is a Romanian entertainment company headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, founded by an ambitious Romanian-Syrian storyteller, Samir Al-Bahra.
The company is known for the most creative of darker stories, as well as part of the darker story collection, Omen Tales. Each will have saga and story arcs, focus on the story chapters, such as fighting games, childhood animated series, horror films and superhero comics.
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merryfortune · 2 years ago
Smile for the Camera
Written for @5daysofygofemslash
Day 4: Sparkle & Shine | Murky & Unexpected
Title: Smile for the Camera
Ship: Omenshipping | Carly/Misty 
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,023
Tags: Depression, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
   Carly’s not naive. 
   She’s not stupid, either.
   She’s just an optimist. 
   She’s had to live on only her wits and cup ramen noodles. She knows that she is more resilient than some. Hell, she has literally died and come back. She fell out a window, died, and went through Hell. She knows, okay? Carly is not stupid, and she’s not naive either.
   She’s just an optimist and she is head over heels in love with her girlfriend. 
   That makes a lethal combination, let Carly tell you. It really is an absolutely lethal combination. There’s a lot that goes into it. Hard work. Infatuation. Compromise. Plenty more. She’s a photographer, Misty’s a model. They’re both liches if you think about it too hard and Carly’s behind on rent more often than not. That’s just life, apparently, and life can be tough. It can be hard to get through, if at all. It was kind of a pointless adage but it was true: no one gets out of life alive.
   Granted, they’re not meant to and yet, Carly and Misty have managed to get through to the other side of it. Hand in hand, no less. Even if Misty’s hand was trembling. She didn’t want this second chance but Carly was glad she had it. 
   Together, they would find a way to make it work but Misty wasn’t a crowd favourite anymore so she barely gets bit parts in fashion magazines these days. Carly was never even close to being her boss’s favourite to begin so she’s often scraping together fluff pieces if she’s lucky. It's a bit tricky but they have three meals a day more often than not. So that’s a win in Carly’s books but it doesn’t always pan out that way. 
   Even if she does cook enough for two, sometimes Misty’s not hungry and doesn’t join Carly at the table for whatever meal is applicable. Sometimes Misty’s not hungry for days at a time. The kind of days when she just sleeps or showers for hours on end. The days that are so quiet and lonely, Carly wonders if she lives alone rather than shares an apartment with her girlfriend. 
   Carly’s enough to believe that she can love Misty better, but she is hopeful enough to believe that she can love Misty until it gets easier. Until she can smile freely and mean it. All she wants is to give Misty reminders - constant reminders - that she is loved and that love makes life worth living after losing her little brother and even losing her own life. 
   “Smile for the camera?” Carly asks and she always asks.
   Not even just for permission, just because she never not has her camera in her hands. It was a hard earned piece of hardware. She takes good care of it and it takes good care of her in return. 
   Most of the time, when Misty is asked if she wants to smile for the camera. She doesn’t. Good thing she looks drop dead gorgeous in candids just as much as she does in glamour shots but when she does say yes, Carly can feel her heart stop. Not because it's bad but because Misty is so beautiful, her looks could kill.
   But today, Misty is feeling generous. She smiles, tired, but amused. “Of course, my love.”
   “Thank you.” Carly replied, quick to snap up this opportunity.
   She gets them all the time but it's special each and every time.
   Misty turned her head slightly and her long, black hair cascaded over her arm. She had her chin propped up by her hand which was perched on the glass table. She smiled into the barrel of the camera, dazzled by the flash but Carly was dazzled by the beauty of her girlfriend against the setting sun. 
   The sparkle and shine of the camera as Carly raised it to her eye, it caught a gleam in Misty’s eye as it just drew in all the rays of the last, dying light of a lovely, Sunday afternoon. Carly’s hands were steady as she held it and Misty was much the same, waiting, waiting, waiting until… click.
   Carly took Misty’s photo.
   “How do I look?” Misty asked.
   “Amazing.” Carly exclaimed, breathless and excited. 
   “And let me guess… you want to print it out?” Misty asked.
   “Yes, of course. Physical media will never go out of fashion!” Carly harrumphed.
   Misty laughed. “Don’t worry,” she said, “I’ll cherish it like all the others.”
   “I’m glad.” Carly replied.
   “Thank you.” Misty said, her eyes tearing up but she was still smiling through it. She didn’t want her tears to seem sad, or even bittersweet, merely grateful. 
   “It’ll go straight to the pool room.” Carly smiled. 
   Misty shook her head as she laughed and she cried. They didn’t even have a pool room, Carly just meant the embarrassing shrine of their dating life so far that lived atop their shared dresser in their living room; they had additional closets for their own clothes, too, that dresser simply had another purpose. A more important purpose.
    It was cluttered with empty perfume bottles and glass plates of potpourri. A little bit of everything. A collection of polaroids and framed photographs, a scrapbook of miscellaneous receipts and tickets but it was both their favourite zone of the apartment.
   It was just pure, unadulterated and concentrated love. 
   When Misty struggled to get up, she always tried to make it as far as the collection atop the dresser. So that she could flick through the pages of their messy scrapbook or read the post-it notes with “I love you” and other trite sentiments written all over them in glitter gel pen ink.  It reminded her of Carly’s hard work: not just to love her but in general. It made her heart swell, sometimes with guilt and sometimes with appreciation.
   It was proof of Carly’s earnestness. She was aware, she wasn’t oblivious nor naive. She wasn’t stupid either but gods above, Misty was glad that Carly tried, at the very least, to share this optimism and lust for life with her and Carly was glad that Misty tried, too.
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blindchandelure · 2 years ago
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5 Days Of Yu Gi Oh Femslash 4/5
Omenshipping + Murky & Unclear
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 7 months ago
Round 3: Poll 1
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Ushio/Mikage
Propaganda: They're so rare they don't even have a ship name
Pairing 2: Omenshipping (Carly Nagisa | Carly Carmine /Misty Lola | Misty Tredwell)
Propaganda: Dark Signer lesbians are best lesbians
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be consumed by the earthen gods.
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