#omegas typically do everything they can to avoid being homeless
soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Do homeless omegas exist?
I'm sure they do, but they wouldn't be homeless for long. They'd be scooped up so fast by an alpha. Probably not the best alpha, considering they're picking up homeless omegas, but more...opportunistic alphas definitely would go around either convincing the omegas to come with them by promising a better life (that's a trap), or by forcefully taking them.
Yeah, they're not going to end up in good situations, which is why a lot of omegas will settle. If there's a threat of them being homeless, then they'll seek out alphas themselves. If their family is homeless at the time they present, then they're definitely getting picked up fast either by an alpha or taken to an institute (not a good one).
Omegas might become homeless if they're kicked out after presenting (since we know how some alphas feel about having omega children) or if they lose their family after they've become an adult and don't get picked up by government care programs (which happens a lot). But, like I said, they don't usually stay homeless for long. Lots of opportunistic alphas out there and yeah. They don't end up in better circumstances.
Even if they happen to avoid getting picked up, having one heat on the streets will probably end in a tragedy. You can only hide in so many places and avoid an alpha, and as we know, multiple alphas all within a vicinity will fight each other for the omega, and does usually come at the expense of the omega.
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