#omega ashido
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A talk about mutual masturbation
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the-bluerecluse · 2 years
Midoriya's First Heat
MHA- Dekubowl (Deku x everyone (but really just Deku x Class 1a minus Mineta cause he got expelled or something idk fuck him)) | SFW Omegaverse
Summary: Midoriya begins pre-heat. It's his first heat. How does that work in the dorm system?
Part of my OmegaDekuBowl series
SFW Angst/Fluff
inspiration: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1539151 // https://archiveofourown.org/series/1701352
Thank you so much to @cozysafechaotic for being my beta! Really appreciate it.
btw this is chaptered on my ao3 but here on tumblr im not bothering with chapters anymore for finished fics. one big ol fic for yall.
Tired. That was the way to describe Midoriya’s current mental state. 
He had no idea why he was so tired. Too much training? Too little sleep? 
Maybe it was the fact that he’d cleaned the entire common area and cooked dinner all by himself that afternoon. 
His friends had tried to pitch in but he was absolutely adamant about doing everything himself. Why couldn’t they see that he just wanted to take care of them? 
After class had let out, he pretty much beelined for the dorms with nothing on his mind except helping his friends. Cleaning, cooking, all of it. Come to think about it, he’d been pretty huggy too.
Well, he just wanted his class to feel good! What was wrong with that? 
“You good, Midoriya? You’ve been pretty busy.” Kirishima said to him as he walked past. He had a finished plate of curry in his hands, the dinner Midoriya had made for all of them.
“I’m fine, Kiri, really.” He sighed. Why was everyone asking that?
“Alright. Well, you know you can talk to us, right?” 
“I’m fine.” He said, sounding admittedly tired, even to himself. 
Even if he did clean and cook all afternoon, he shouldn’t be this tired. He trained day in and day out, why was this exhausting him? He inhaled. The smells of his class filled his mind, easing his tension bit by bit. 
He spotted a discarded jacket on the floor near the couch. Without thinking, he quickly picked it up. Why did he do that? Oh, probably laundry. Yeah, it needed cleaning.  
He held it up to his face and took a deep breath. It was Kirishima’s.
Warmth filled his core and he smiled. 
“Oh, you found my jacket.” Kirishima yelled from the kitchen with a slight waver in his voice. 
“Oh, uh, yeah. It was on the floor so it’s probably dirty. I’ll clean it for you. No worries!” Midoriya rushed off before he could hear again how he needed to take it easy. 
He rubbed the cotton material in his hands as he rode the elevator up. As he stepped off onto his floor, he found himself entering Tokoyami’s room. He searched the darkened area and found a cloak hanging off the side of the bed. It smelled of him, like ash and a dark roast coffee. 
He grabbed it and exited the room, now holding a hoodie and a cloak as he approached Aoyama’s room. 
Jirou stepped off the elevator on her floor. She was still worried about Midoriya but she couldn’t find him on his floor. Eventually, she figured she’d just retire to her room and Midoriya would reach out for help if he needed it. 
What she didn’t expect was to see Midoriya leaving her room with an armful of clothing. 
“Uh, Midoriya? Are you okay?” 
“Huh?” Midoriya blinked and looked at her as if escaping from a trance. “Yeah?”
“What’s… with the clothes?” 
The greenette looked at the clothes in his arms with a puzzled expression. “Um… laundry?” 
“You don’t seem too sure about that.”
“I guess that’s what I’m doing.” He shrugged. 
Wait a minute. 
Cleaning, cooking, extra touchy, and now he was stealing clothes. 
Jirou’s eyes widened. “Midoriya, are you… um,” She winced, not knowing how to phrase it politely. “Are you, uh, nesting… like, in a pre-heat?” 
Midoriya furrowed his brow at her, as if what she said was insane. After a moment, his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. “My heat? Oh crap! Am I gonna have my first heat?”
“Wait, your first? I thought Present Mic said omegas got their first heat in middle school?”
“I-I’m a… late bloomer.” Midoriya flushed and grimaced. “Crap, I’m going into heat. I didn’t even think about this when we moved into the dorms. Am I gonna have my heat here? What am I gonna do?!” Midoriya was hyper-ventalating and shaking. 
Jirou focused on pumping out as much soothing beta scent as possible, knowing that her number one goal was calming him down. 
It worked, though just a bit, as Midoriya’s breathing slowed and deepened and he stopped trembling. 
“Let’s head downstairs, we’ll calm down first, yeah? Plus, everyone will be relieved to know what’s been going on. Didn’t we talk about in class how when someone’s in heat they need to feel safe with people they’re close to? I know we’re not family, but we can try and help?” Jirou held out her hand and Midoriya hesitantly took it. She led the omega to the elevator and the two headed to the commons, Midoriya still holding an armful of clothes.
“Do you want to tell everyone when we get down there?” Jirou asked.
“I don’t know.” Midoriya whimpered and gripped the clothes he had tightly. 
“Uh, you don’t have to tell them if you don’t want to. I can probably spin some excuse for you.” 
“I…” Midoriya paused. Jirou sent out more beta scent to help calm him and he continued. “I need to go ask Mr. Aizawa what I’m gonna do for my… heat. I’d like… someone to come with me.”
“That’s no problem. Who do you want?”
“What do you think’s been up with Midoriya?” Kirishima asked to the group sat in the living area with him. 
“I’m not sure, but it’s definitely odd behavior.” Todoroki answered. 
“There’s no way the nerd looks that exhausted just from some cleaning and cooking, something else is up.” Bakugou said, looking as unperturbed as ever, though there was still some worry evident, just barely.
“Perhaps something is wrong with Eri. They’ve been particularly close ever since the School Festival.” Iida offered. 
“Nah, Amijiki’s been talking about Mirio and Eri and she’s been totally fine.” Kirishima responded. 
The elevator dinged and Jirou and Midoriya entered the commons. Most of the class turned to look and raised an eyebrow at Midoriya’s armful of clothes. 
“You, like, on a laundry run or something?” Kaminari asked. 
Midoriya ducked his head and flushed. 
Some of the class picked up that something was wrong. The omega was letting out distress pheromones and you could see it all over his face, too. 
“Are you alright, Midoriya?” Momo asked. 
“Do you want me to ask?” Jirou spoke softly to Midoriya so only he could hear. He nodded his head. 
“Midoriya needs to go talk to Mr. Aizawa.” She looked to two alphas near the tv. “Bakugou, Iida, you wanna go with him?” She shot them a very intense ‘go, don’t ask questions’ look. 
“Of course!” Iida shot up in an instant. 
“Tch. Fine.” Bakugou got up, looking reluctant, but Midoriya could tell that he wanted to go. 
“Hey, is he okay?” Kaminari asked. 
“He’s fine, just chill out.” Jirou shrugged, trying to keep people from prying until Midoriya was ready. 
“Thank you.” Midoriya said and handed the clothes in his arms to Jirou so he could begin walking to the door, to which the two alphas singled out followed. 
As soon as the three were outside the dorms, Bakugou broke the silence. “Okay, spill, what’s going on?” causing the omega to wince. 
“I’m… in pre-heat.”
“What?” The two alphas practically yelled. 
“Ah, I assume we are going to Mr. Aizawa to ask about your accommodations during your cycle.” Iida said. 
“So that’s why you’ve been acting weird.” Bakugou muttered. The omega nodded with a red face. 
“Rest assured that we will do anything to help you through your heat, Midoriya.” Iida announced whilst chopping the air. 
That brought at least a little comfort to the omega’s nerves as they made their way to Mr. Aizawa’s office. 
Aizawa was grading Kaminari’s paper, making a variety of marks as the door opened. He looked up from the homework and raised an eyebrow at Iida and the two problem children. 
“What is it?” 
“Could you… wait outside?” Midoriya asked quietly to the two other students. 
“Of course.”
“Yeah, whatever.” 
The door closed and Aizawa was alone with a very nervous Izuku Midoriya. This had his attention. 
“Why are you here?”
“So, I know we’re at the dorms because of the league and all, but… what do I do for my… heat? Do I have to have it here?” He asked, voice high and face aflame. 
Aizawa blinked. That wasn’t anywhere near what he was expecting. 
“You all were actually just about to have a class about this kind of thing tomorrow.” The teacher put the papers inside his desk and gave his full attention to his student. “It isn’t safe to send any of you home, so one of the new buildings constructed is what’s known as a Cycle Home. Do you know what that is?”
Midoriya shook his head. 
“A Cycle Home is a building with heat rooms and rut rooms. As you can imagine, these are facilities for taking care of alpha and omegas in heats or ruts. They’re staffed by Cycle Specialists trained to help people through their cycles. UA has specifically hired Cycle Specialists for youths and we have A/B/O support on staff. Think counselors, but specifically for problems relating to secondary gender.”
“So… I stay in a heat room?”
“Pretty much. You’ll be escorted to the heat room and spend the duration of your cycle there under 24 hour supervision. You’ll have a laptop with internet access to attend classes and be provided food, water, medication, nesting materials, and a heat collar.”
“When do I go?”
“How long do your pre-heats usually last?” 
Midoriya winced and went silent. After a moment, Aizawa sighed. 
“If this is your first heat, then I’d say you should go right away. We’ll contact your family and let them know. If you’d like anything from home we can call and have it brought here. For now, you should go pack what you want with you in the heat room. If you want, a teacher can escort you, or you could have some of your classmates go with you.”
“I’ll have my friends come with me.” Midoriya bowed his head. “Thank you, Mr. Aizawa.” 
“If you have any concerns about your heat or secondary gender, there are people in the heat rooms who will help you. Now go pack.”
“Yes, sir.” Midoriya left the room with a very tired Aizawa and explained the basis of what they discussed to the two alphas waiting outside.
“You’re going to be in the heat rooms? Are you sure you wouldn’t rather stay with us in the dorms?” Iida asked as they began their walk back to Heights Alliance. 
“I think it’s for the best. I’d be safer there, anyway.”
“Safer? Like anyone could keep you safer than I could. I’d kill anyone who tried to even get close to you.” Bakugou scoffed. 
Midoriya felt his inner omega positively sing at that. 
Alpha will keep us safe in heat. Alpha will protect us. Alpha wants us safe. 
“Really?” He couldn’t keep himself from asking. 
“Hah? You doubting my ability to keep you safe?” 
“N-No, not at all, Kacchan!” 
“So, will you be staying in the dorms with us after all?” Iida’s voice had a lilt of hopefulness to it. 
The omega thought it over for a second or two. “No. This is my first. I don’t know what might go wrong. It’s best if there are professionals around in case something happens.”
“I understand. And I applaud you for taking your health so seriously.”
“Tch. Whatever, nerd.” 
Midoriya ran through his packing checklist one more time in his head as he rode the elevator down. 
Blankets, a pillow, my favorite All Might plush, laptop, clothes, underwear, toiletries, anything else? 
His backpack was full to the brim with things for the heat room, causing him to wonder if he overpacked. 
Once the elevator doors opened and his entire class seemed to be waiting in the commons for him. He had texted Jirou earlier that it was okay to tell the class since he had to leave for a week or two and that they should probably know why. 
Turns out they were all quite concerned for him. 
“Aw, Mido, you were being so sweet taking care of us, and now you’re leaving? Not fair!” Mina charged into him with a hug, almost toppling the two of them over. 
“We would be happy to take care of you here, if that’s what you want.” Todoroki offered. 
They really want me to stay, huh?
“Thanks, guys, but I’ve made up my mind.” 
“That’s okay, Midoriya. We hope you feel better.” Tsu said.
“Yeah, for sure.”
“We wish you the best!”
“Au Revoir~”
Midoriya smiled and nodded. 
“Forget it. Me and Glasses are taking him and that’s final.” Bakugou growled. 
Midoriya looked over to see Bakugou baring his teeth at Todoroki and Tokoyami.
“I think it’d be a good idea for me to join you in escorting Midoriya to the Cycle Home.” The bi-colored alpha said.
“As if. The nerd chose me, got it?” 
“Dark Shadow and I wish to join as well.” 
“What part of ‘he chose us’ don’t you idiots get, huh?”
Midoriya walked between them. “All four of you can take me if you stop fighting.”
That shut them up. With a few grunts or nods of approval, the five of them set out for the other side of campus. Midoriya, Bakugou, Iida, Tokoyami, and Todoroki. Four alphas and one omega. 
When they arrived, Midoriya felt like he was sweating through his jacket. All the anxieties were building up and now he was there, about to spend over a week without any of his friends or family in one of the most vulnerable points in his life. 
“Are you feeling alright, Midoriya?” Todoroki asked softly. 
“‘Course he’s not, you idiot.” Bakugou barked, ever the calm one.
They entered the building which had a similar look to Heights Alliance, not surprising, as they were built around the same time. There was a front desk with a friendly looking woman wearing pink glasses and a headband. 
“Hi there, Izuku Midoriya?”
“Um, yes ma’am.” 
“Alright, let me just sign you in. I just need to ask you a few questions about your cycle.”
“Oh, uh, right.” Midoriya nervously approached the desk.
“Have you started yet or are you in pre-heat?”
“Um, pre-heat.”
“This is your first, correct?”
“Do you have any medical conditions that we should be aware of?”
“What is your pack status?”
“No pack.”
“Alright, that should do it. Allow me to show you to your heat room.” She stood and gestured for Midoriya to follow her. He turned to his friends first and bowed his head. 
“Thank you for escorting me here. I’ll see you after this all blows over.” 
“Of course we’d help. We are your class after all!” Iida proudly announced.
“Yeah, whatever. Don’t slack off. When you come back we’re going at it, 100%!” Bakugou scoffed and walked out of the building, followed by the other three alphas with various goodbyes. 
Midoriya’s expression softened and he turned back to the woman to be led to his room.
The heat room was sort of similar to a hospital room in size. It had a large mattress on the floor with a closet, desk, and window. In the open closet was a large selection of blankets of various colors and sizes, most likely nesting materials. 
“This is where you’ll be staying, feel free to make yourself at home. You’ll have three meals delivered to your room and two snacks a day. The bathroom is down the hall with showers as well. As you’re the only omega checked in at the moment, you have it all to yourself. A Cycle Specialist will be assigned to you to keep track of your progress, temperature, and water intake. We’ve received a delivery of a few blankets and pillows from your home which will be moved here momentarily.”
Modiriya nodded and began unpacking his things as the woman left him to his own devices. He plugged in his laptop and set it on the desk. He stored his clothes in the closet. He poured out all the nesting materials he had packed for himself onto the bed and put his bag of toiletries on the edge of his desk closer to the door for when he got ready for bed that night. 
He stared at the room with a feeling of emptiness. What now? He had finished his homework and he couldn’t train now that he was in the heat room. 
Usually he’d hang out with some of his friends. Talk with Iida and Uraraka, play some videogames with Kaminari and Sero, train with Bakugou, Kirishima, and Todoroki…
He could make a nest. That’s what he was doing earlier, wasn’t it? 
Midoriya grabbed some of the blankets from the closet. They were nesting blankets specifically, long, oddly-shaped, and extra soft. He smiled as he carded his fingers through the fibers. He brought them to his face and smelled… 
Detergent. A nameless detergent that meant nothing to him.
Earlier, the clothes from his class… his friends, it smelled so nice. Warm, comforting, safe. 
But these…
Well, he’d take what he could get. 
As he was setting up the base for his nest, there was a knock. He told them to come in and it was the lady from before with a big box. 
“Your mother sent you these from home. If you need anything, just let us know, your attendant will be here shortly to do a quick check-up.” She said before closing  the door and leaving. 
Finally, nesting materials that smelled safe. 
Midoriya practically tore through the box. Most of them were old blankets that were his, but a few were his moms, smelling like chai tea and fresh dough. 
And so, he got to work. 
It was three AM. Midoriya could barely sleep. He felt anxious. He felt tired. Most of all, he felt alone. He had worked on his nest for hours but it just felt empty. He could smell his mom and his old home, but not his current home. Not any of his friends. Not Iida. Not Uraraka. Not Todoroki. Not Kacchan. 
Now that he was aware he was going into heat, he could feel it. This unending tension and clinging exhaustion that wouldn’t let go. If everything he learned in class was right, he should be going into heat within the next day.
He couldn’t help but remember the clothes he had collected earlier. Kirishima’s jacket, Tokoyami’s cloak, Jirou’s hoodie, Aoyama’s shirt, Hagakure’s tank top… they all smelled so secure and reassuring. Throughout everything he and his class had been through together, their scents were a source of calm to him. 
He wanted so badly to go collect nesting materials but he was stuck there now until his heat ended. 
Midoriya pulled out his phone and opened the class group chat. 
‘Midoriya: Hey guys. Do you think some of you would be willing to bring some nesting materials by the heat rooms at some point? Like shirts and blankets and stuff. Don’t feel like you have to though. It’s not super important’
He added the last part, unsure about how the request would make his class feel. An omega taking items for nesting was usually only for people they were close with and/or pack mates. He didn’t want to overstep anyone’s boundaries or sound like he was demanding their things for himself. Though, it couldn’t hurt to ask, right?
He put down his phone and tried to get some sleep before class tomorrow, which he’d be attending virtually. 
The omega woke up to his phone alarm and an all-over body ache. He winced and groaned as he sat up and stretched. 
Oh, right. Heat pain.
His usual morning routine went off decently well, a shower, teeth-brushing, taming his messy green lockes with a hairbrush, the usual. As he was just making sure his laptop was ready for the class, a Cycle Specialist knocked and entered. 
He was a taller dark-skinned man with patches of gray scales on his face holding a clipboard and a satchel hanging off his shoulder. “Greetings, Midoriya. I’m your nurse, Mr. Higashi, I’ll be checking your vitals this morning and Nonaka will be here with your breakfast soon. If you could just sit at your desk, I’ll take your blood pressure and temperature.”
Midoriya sat and furrowed his brow as the nurse entered. He was careful not to stray too close to the nest, as entering an omega’s nest without being invited was generally a bad idea. “Is all this really necessary?”
“Technically, no. But, as you’re a hero student having his first heat under the care of UA, the staff want to make sure there’s no negative reaction by the body or that you may have some condition about your secondary gender that might affect your hero work.” Mr. Higashi said as he wrapped Midoriya’s arm in the cuff and took his blood pressure.
“Besides, between you and me, they’re mostly covering their butts. See, if a student has a bad heat experience under their care, you or your family could sue.” The doctor laughed. “And they can’t send you home because of all the villain attacks. So they gotta give you the best, or else they’re in trouble.”
That got a small chuckle out of him. 
“Alright, your heart rate and blood pressure look good. Let’s take your temp.” The nurse scanned a thermometer over his forehead and hummed at the reading. “A little warm there. I’m guessing you’ll be starting your heat within the next 20 hours or so.” He quickly put his medical instruments in a small bag and picked up his clipboard. “I’ll go fetch Nonaka for you, be back in sec.” The nurse offered a cheerful smile and left. 
Higashi walked down the hall and to the front of the building, looking for Nonaka when he saw a small crowd of students at the front holding a massive amount of clothing and blankets.
“Excuse me, may I help you?”
“We’re here to see Izuku Midoriya.” The taller one with glasses and dark blue hair spoke loudly with an air of authority. 
Higashi looked down at his clipboard with Midoriya’s paperwork and scanned the top information section. Just as he thought. “Izuku Midoriya is not in a pack. Only immediate family and pack members are allowed to visit the omegas.”
“What? That’s ridiculous!” A shorter brown-haired girl said with a pout. 
“We were asked to bring him some nesting materials. May we leave them for him?” One of the alphas of the group, the one with red and white hair, asked calmly. 
“I’ll take them for now, go ahead and leave them on the front desk. If Midoriya says yes, then I’ll allow it.”
“Why the Hell wouldn’t he say yes when he’s the one who asked us to come here?” One of them, the winner of the Sports Festival, practically snarled in his face, as two others from the group put all the nesting materials on the desk as asked.
“Believe it or not, there are some people who will try and force nesting materials on omega’s in an effort to get them used to their scent so they may take advantage of them.”
A few in the group recoiled in disgust, while a couple others seemed offended at the implication.
“I’m not saying you guys are definitely doing that, it’s just something we have to be aware of. Midoriya’s still mentally in a place where he can accept and reject things, so I’ll talk with him about it.” 
“Sorry, what did I miss?” Nonaka walked in at that moment, having probably gone to use the bathroom. 
“Just some friends offering nesting materials, Nona, go ahead and grab Midoriya’s breakfast, I’ll take care of this.”
Nonaka nodded her head and left. Higashi looked back at the group. 
“Thank you for the offerings for your friend. We’ll take it from here.” 
“Of course. We thank you for your time.” Glasses bowed and corralled everyone out the door. 
Higashi smiled at all the offerings piled on the front desk now. “Nice kids.”
“Come in.” Midoriya said from his desk. 
The lady from earlier with pink glasses, Nonaka, entered with a warm tray of food. “Breakfast. Lunch Rush makes all the food for the Cycle Home, so lucky you. I love his cooking.” She set the tray down on the desk and placed some chopsticks beside them.
“Thank you.” Midoriya quickly grabbed the tray and began eating his grilled fish, suddenly feeling extremely hungry. 
“Also, did you ask for some nesting materials from your friends? A group of students came by with clothing and blankets for you.”
“Mm-hmm!” Midoriya hummed and nodded in between bites of food.
“Alright then.” Nonaka stepped out of the room and Midoriya heard a strained sound from outside. He looked to see Higashi bringing in an absolute mountain of nesting materials. 
Midoriya inhaled in surprise and a bit of rice flew into his throat, causing him to cough and hack it up. As soon as he caught his breath Higashi stepped out and brought another mass of items.
“They brought all that for me?” 
The two attendees laughed. “Yep. You’ve got a good group of friends there.” Higashi said.
“We’ll leave you to it. I’m sure you’re gonna wanna work on that nest now, huh?” Nonaka said, smiling at Midoriya’s vigorous nodding. She chuckled and the two left the room.
Midoriya was on cloud nine as the scents from all his friends filled his nose and head. Forget food, he was on the floor sorting out items in an instant, trying to figure out how each color and each scent would fit together in his perfect first nest. 
There was so much material to work with, layers upon layers of cloth and cushion, Midoriya was in heaven. 
He spent the next twenty minutes carefully placing each item in its exact spot within the nest. Just as he was making the important decision of where the alpha scents went, the alarm on his phone went off, alerting him that class was starting very soon. He reluctantly got up from his nest and went to his desk to start class.
The heat was really setting in.
It had been 3 days. He had made the perfect nest and for a moment he thought this might not be so bad.
Well, those anxieties he felt earlier about his first heat were not misplaced. 
He hurt, and not a little either. One thing you could not say about Izuku Midoriya is that he had no pain tolerance. That was the opposite of the truth. He’d shattered his bones over and over again and kept fighting. 
But this wasn’t like that. It was an ache. It was a throbbing burning ache in his core that spread across his body, and he had a headache to match. 
And the actual heat part… Midoriya had fought Todoroki before, he’d been burnt by fire, this was worse.
At least in a fight he had adrenaline coursing through him that kept his mind from focusing on any pain or discomfort, but just sitting there in his nest, he could feel every inch of fire on his skin. 
Heats weren’t normally like this, at least, not for adults, but as he had heard about in health class, heats and ruts when you’re young are irregular and abnormal and can easily be debilitating. 
Lucky him. 
On top of it all, all of his senses were cranked up to a hundred. Increased sensitivity, another effect of heats. Things were bright, pain was more intense, tastes were stronger, sounds were louder. 
Thankfully, since the staff are trained for this sort of thing, they easily communicate and move around without making too much sound. And the food was already pretty bland, probably for this exact reason, so he could still eat pretty easily.
He laid in the fetal position in his nest, all clothes except boxers discarded, and fan on full blast. Classes were over for the day, so he didn’t have to keep trying to focus with his muted thoughts and fuzzy vision. 
There was a knock and the door creaked open. 
“Hey, Midoriya. I need to get your vitals real quick and then we’ll get dinner right out for you.”
Midoriya whined out something hoarsely and slowly sat up, holding out his arm for the blood pressure cuff. 
Higashi gently took a seat beside him and set up the cuff. “At this rate, your peak heat should happen sometime between tonight and this time tomorrow. After that it’ll start to feel better.” He spoke softly as he took measurements. Midoriya was wincing at the cuff squeezing his arm, feeling everything so much more during this period. 
The omega reached for his All Might plushie and held it close, needing something to squeeze. Higashi smiled but didn’t comment. He just scanned his forehead with the thermometer and hummed at the results. 
“Did you finish your water from earlier?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Midoriya practically whispered as he handed him the empty bottle. 
“Alright, let me get you a refill.” He took the bottle and left, allowing Midoriya to dramatically flop back down with a deep sigh. 
The worst part of all of this was that throughout it all… he could only think about how much he wanted to be back at the dorms with his friends. He wanted them there. He wanted to nest there and bring them in, invite them in, and cuddle with them together. He cared about each of them so much. Their scents were great, and just about the only thing keeping him sane, but what he wouldn’t give for them there in person…
For now, all he could do was eat and guzzle water like his life depended on it.
“Alpha…” Midoriya whined and whimpered. His peak heat was here. His eyes were glazed over and he couldn’t move his body much. His thoughts were muddled… but there was still something on his mind. “Alphas… where?”
Higashi scribbled a few things down from his seat at the desk. He was required to keep ten minutes of watch over Midoriya every hour to make sure nothing alarming happened. He seemed physically fine, but Higashi was starting to think he did have a pack. Well, not yet, but he seemed very attached to a group of alphas, most likely those kids from earlier, and he wouldn’t doubt if he’d bonded to the betas too. 
“You’re alright, Midoriya. Do you want more water?”
“Alphas… Kacchan. Want Kacchan.” 
“Kacchan isn’t here. Do you want an ice pack?”
Midoriya curled up and whined pitifully. 
“I’ll get you an ice pack in a minute, okay?”
Midoriya didn’t respond. Honestly, Higashi was surprised he had already responded as much as he did during his first peak heat. 
The omega was clearly quite close to his friends. He wouldn’t be surprised if the next time he saw Midoriya he had formed a pack with them. A pack formed at a younger age came with some unique problems, but it wasn’t inherently doomed to fail. He’s seen many young packs who stayed together and made each other stronger, just what heroes in training could use. 
Higashi wrote down a note to recommend A/B/O support to Midoriya. A counselor in secondary gender and pack dynamics could help him navigate a possible pack, or at least his relationship with these alphas. This ‘Kacchan’ in particular seemed to mean a lot to him. 
He’d bring it up to him once he came out of his heat. 
Midoriya quickly shoved his laptop and charger into his bag. He was finally getting out of this place! 
His heat ended up lasting 8 days, 8 days too long if you ask Midoriya. He was thrilled to get back to his friends and classes and he was already mulling over which muscle groups to work out and which type of combat training would be best to jump back into after his break. 
He had to request a box to store all the nesting materials his class had brought him. Extra care was taken to neatly fold them so they wouldn’t be so crumpled or wrinkly when he returned them. 
It felt awful to have to take apart his nest that he worked so hard on, but if it meant leaving sooner, then he was all for it.
“Hi, Midoriya, may I come in?” Came Nonaka’s voice. 
“Come in.”
“We’re almost ready for your checkout,” Nonaka said as she entered the room. “However, you’ve still got some lingering heat scent so you’ll be required to wear a heat collar on school grounds. Do you have one? If not, we have one you can take with you.”
The greenette blinked in surprise. “Uh, no, I don’t have a heat collar.”
“That’s alright.” She fished around in her pocket for a moment before pulling out a plain black collar wrapped in plastic. “Here you go. Let me just finish your check-out and you’ll be all good to go.” She waved and exited his room.
Midriya took the collar in his hand and fumbled with the plastic before sliding it off. 
The collar was a thick fabric with two long strips of foam, meant to go over the scent glands, and a thin plastic buckle at the back. It was black and plain, as one should expect from something given out by medical staff. He rubbed his thumbs over the foam. It was soft yet firm, comfortable but still able to soak up the scent. It slid over his neck and snapped in the back with a small click.
Midoriya adjusted the collar a bit, trying to center it over his glands in just the right way before finally letting go with a satisfied smile.
With his bag zipped shut, and the heat room left just as it was found, the omega eagerly left the room and beelined for the lobby. 8am! There was still enough time to take his stuff back to his dorm and make his first class in person.
As he entered the lobby, he saw some familiar faces.
Was that… his entire class?
“Deku, you’re out!” Uraraka called and waved her hand in the air excitedly. 
It’s true. His entire class was there. All 18 of them!
He couldn’t help it. After over a week of being alone in heat he ran up the group, not an ounce of hesitation, and practically tackled Bakugou in a hug. 
Alpha. The words resided in his mind as he clutched onto Bakugou like his life depended on it.
“What the fuck? Deku?” Bakugou yelled, but didn’t push him away. 
“Alpha.” This time he said it aloud in a satisfied sigh.
Though Midoriya couldn’t see it, as his face was buried in Bakugou’s chest, the alpha’s cheeks flared red and his eyes went wide. 
“Midoriya, are you quite alright?” Iida asked, putting a hand on the omega’s shoulder, not paying attention to the death glare now upon him from Bakugou.
Midoriya pulled away with a smile like the sun. “Yeah. I just missed you guys.”
“We missed you too!” Mina, Uraraka, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari all shouted at once. 
There was a laugh from the desk. “Izuku Midoriya, you’re all checked out. You’ve still got class, but afterwards I’m sure your friends will be happy to keep you company. And be sure to come back if you have any other concerns.”
“I will.” Midoriya waved. 
“Oh, and don’t forget the nesting materials your friends were so nice to have brought you.” Higashi said and he entered with the box of clothes and blankets. 
“I got it!” Kirishima ran to the nurse and grabbed the box before heading back to the group. 
“Alright, we have enough time to take Midoriya’s items to his dorm room and then go straight to class.” Iida announced and waved them all out of the building.
Midoriya practically skipped out of the building with Bakugou’s hand in his right and Iida’s in his left.
“So what was it like in there, Mido?” Mina asked.
“Boring.” He answered honestly. “I really miss classes in person, training, and just hanging out in the dorms with all of you.” 
“Aww, we were missing you too. It’s just not the same without both the problem kids.” Mina snickered, expecting some retaliation from Bakugou, but instead the alpha in question was oddly quiet, staring at Midoriya like some kind of alien. 
“I got an idea! Let’s run back to the dorms. Bet you’re ready to stretch those legs, huh, Midoriya?” Kaminari waved and began running. 
Midoriya chuckled. “You’re right, I do need a run.” He let go off the alpha’s hands and began jogging down the pavement, oblivious to the effect it had on the two alphas. Within seconds, the entire class was running across campus which turned to a race. Midoriya had One For All Full Cowling active as he dashed over the cement and grass. With the wind and sun on his face and class beside him, he finally felt truly happy for the first time in over a week. 
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Today, I'm thinking about A/B/O where Mina is the only Alpha in the Bakusquad? And she's like SUPER protective of Her Boys, her pack.
Imagine someone wants to court one of the boys and Mina is there to hit them with the "So what are your intentions with my packmate?", her protective If-You-Hurt-Him-I-Hurt-You scent filling the whole room and making the other person nervous-sweat like crazy.
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guardian-of-da-gay · 2 years
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“C’mon Ei, it’s your turn...”
See it uncropped on Patreon (must be 18+) or read the series on Ao3.
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kacchancallshimzuku · 2 months
🎥 1-A’s omegas.
Focus group interviews for the omega students of class 1-A (*Mina, Ochaco, Izuku, Denki, Shouto and Hagakure). The six of them (even Aizawa sometimes on the perspectives of an educator) getting to talk about the challenges they’ve had to overcome; their accomplishments over the years in the face of social adversity and omega bias; their inspirations and advice they’d give to omegas who’d like to pursue hero studies/work.
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acid-attacc · 1 year
A/B/O Starter
Mina whined softly into the blankets under her as she worked the fake Alpha dick into herself. She knew she should have gone to one of those Omega breeding facilities that help unmated Omega's like her with their heats but the last time she went there, one of the workers made her feel uncomfortable so she figured she'd just tough it out in her room. She thought she locked the door and put scent blockers up around it so no one would be able to smell her.
She kept muttering the same thing getting more and more frustrated as time went on, "Alpha!" She had forgotten to buy Alpha pheromones and now all she can do is try and force herself into thinking there's an Alpha in the room with her.
Mina threw the fake dick away from herself as she whimpered in pain as her heat ramped up in intensity. She was in so much pain from the fact her body was demanding she find a Alpha to mate with but she also had the instincts to stay inside her nest where she was safest. It was a catch twenty-two. She needed an Alpha but an Alpha needed permission to join her and right now she wasnt in the correct mindset to give consent.
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reallyromealone · 11 months
May I have an aged up pure fluff of alpha Kirishima and Ashido brother omega reader ? Just him asking & courting Y/N out, and y/n accepts? Bonus points if there's some overprotective big sis alpha Mina. Pls and thank you!
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So many Kirishima fics my goodness
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It was at Ashidos birthday where Kirishima met (name), the bright and happy Omega who he helped from slipping "thanks!" (Name) said, Kirishima grinning and help the other stabilize himself "holy shit you're strong" (name) said in genuine amazement "working out daily tends to do that" he joked and (name) made a face as to say 'fair enough' with a small laugh "I'm (name), by the way" (name) introduced himself awkwardly and Kirishima grinned "kirishima! Nice to meet ya!"
(Name) and Kirishima clicked instantly as they chatted away "so what do you do?" Kirishima asked as they went to a quieter part of the party "oh! I run a bakery that belonged to my parents, they wanted to retire so they passed the mantle to me!" (Name) said proudly, it was uncommon for omegas to be business owners so it was truly an accomplishment "I take it you work with Mina?" He asked curiously and Kirishima grinned "you know it!"
It wasn't till after the party Kirishima learned who (name) was "he's my baby brother!" Mina said excitedly as she pulled him into hug, that's when he actually took notice of the resemblances, well fuck.
He was going to be in laws with Mina.
"You wanna court my baby brother?!" "I'm a grown adu--""I would treat him well, he's wonderful and amazing so (name), would you accept my courting?" He pulled out a velvet box and opened it, an ornate collar as standard to courting rituals.
"Yes!" (Name) looked determined at the Alpha "break his heart and I will make your life a living nightmare" mina promised and Kirishima looked at the other seriously"I would let you break my dick in half if I did that"
"Moving in together?" Six months had passed and here the two were cuddling after one of Kirishimas shifts "I have the space... It would help with your omega not liking me away and heats would be easier" (name) looked at him with an unreadable expression "I would like that, Alpha" Kirishima grinned and kissed (name)s face as (name) giggled.
"Babe, I'm back!" His shift over as the sun set through the windows of the small bakery as four heads turned, (name) and the three pups aging 6, 4 and eight months "papa!" The eldest (daughters name) yelled as she ran to him, little (sons name) following "there's my little warriors!" He grinned lifting them in his arms "you two helping your dad?"
(Name) walked over and the two gently kissed "we helped made dinner!"
"Well let's go dig in yeah?"
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silverynight · 3 months
Compatible scents
They're friends now; Izuku is so happy about it he doesn't mind the awkwardness that comes with it. They're still learning how to talk to each other and it's weird, especially because Katsuki is an alpha and Izuku an omega, but he knows they'll get used to it.
Also, the vacation period doesn't work on their favor; they don't see each other in a while, although Katsuki calls him every single day.
Inko notices, asks about Katsuki and his family and leaves Izuku alone with a kind smile on her face.
She's really happy for him and Izuku is so glad he can speak with his friend normally again.
When they're back in the UA, Izuku and his classmates notice that Katsuki has grown a few inches and his shoulders are a little bit more broad than they were before. They say it's because Katsuki is a prime alpha and Izuku belives it; he's always the number one at everything.
Although it makes Izuku feel insecure again; when they were children, their relationship started to break when they found out Izuku was quirkless. Now, he's not and Katsuki apologized for his previous behavior, but Izuku is still scared sometimes.
He knows he's a simple omega; he's not on the same level as Katsuki and when his friend realizes that–
Izuku gasps when a pair of strong arms pull him against a broad chest and the next thing he knows is that Katsuki is nuzzling against the omega's neck.
He's purring too.
"I missed your scent, Izuku. I missed you so much."
"Missed you too, Kacchan!" The omega chuckles, feeling as a heavy weight has been lifted from his shoulders. Maybe Izuku has nothing to worry about.
Katsuki still wants to be his friend.
Actually, now that he knows what it's like to be apart from Izuku, it seems Katsuki doesn't want to experience that ever again and now he follows the omega almost everywhere.
Uraraka finds it suspicious, but amusing at the same time; Iida is worried because he thinks Katsuki looks a little bit too attached to Izuku and Todoroki doesn't like it at all.
It's because they're best friends now and they know each other better than anyone else. Honestly, Izuku's friends shouldn't worry about it at all. Katsuki's friends don't, in fact, they seem to be having fun and actually support Katsuki and Izuku's friendship.
Then one day, Katsuki starts holding Izuku's hand, sometimes he even intertwines their fingers together and it makes Izuku feel so warm and relaxed he doesn't even question it.
Their scents start mingling due to the time they spent together; Izuku doesn't worry because he loves Katsuki's scent and he doesn't think it's a bad thing. They're friends, it's obvious their scents would mix at some point.
Although it's difficult to be apart from each other, especially at night when they have to go to their respective dorm rooms.
It's fine, they see each other every day anyways. Although maybe that's the reason why the first thing Katsuki does in the morning is to hug Izuku tightly.
Sometimes he looks exhausted; Izuku asks him about that one day, but the alpha makes a dismissive gesture with his hand to assure him he shouldn't worry about that.
It gets worse until Ashido organizes a movie marathon one Friday evening in the common room and Katsuki goes for the first time, after finding out Izuku was going to be there.
The omega is not sure how it happens, but at some point he ends up on Katsuki's lap and after the alpha puts his arms around Izuku's waist, securing him, almost afraid the omega would run away, he falls asleep immediately afterwards.
"Are you alright, Midoriya?" Todoroki asks, glaring at the sleeping blond alpha.
"It's okay, Todoroki. I don't mind. Kacchan's clearly tired, let him sleep for a while."
The alpha with mismatched hair doesn't seem happy about it, but he nods anyway. Then, Ashido and Uraraka smile with amusement as the alpha starts nuzzling Izuku's curls in his sleep.
"He's scenting you!" Kirishima points out. "That's so manly!"
"He's not scenting me," Izuku whispers, flustered. "He's just..."
Nuzzling against the omega until his scent is all over him, like he always does.
Alright, that sounds a lot like scenting. It doesn't help at all that Katsuki starts purring right afterwards.
Izuku blushes to the tip of his ears, but decides not to say anything about it; he also doesn't look at his classmates for a while.
They're supposed to be watching a movie after all.
But it gets worse; Izuku thinks he can smell Katsuki's scent on him all the time and even outside his room, until he wakes up in the middle of the night, opens his door and realizes that Katsuki is sleeping right outside, on the floor.
"Kacchan! What is it? Are you alright?"
The alpha wakes up, startled and when he realizes what's going on, he blushes to the tip of his ears.
Izuku has never seen him so embarrassed before.
"I'm sorry, Izuku. It's just... I can't sleep without having your scent close anymore."
Izuku's inner omega purrs at the confession immediately, but he tries to ignore it. It's... it doesn't have to mean anything, it's obvious that Katsuki likes his scent because they have spent a lot of time together.
There's nothing else to it.
For a moment, Izuku feels tempted to invite him inside, to let him sleep on his bed with him, but he knows that would end up in trouble.
It doesn't help that Katsuki looks over Izuku's shoulder, right at his room with something dangerously close to longing.
"Your room smells like you," Katsuki whispers, taking a deep breath.
"Wait here, Kacchan," Izuku mumbles then, trying not to think about the alpha's disappointed expression. He rushes inside and comes back with an old t-shirt.
"Here. I like to wear this one when I sleep sometimes."
Katsuki's eyes start glimmering with hope and he snatches the shirt off Izuku's hand, almost as if he's afraid the omega would take it back.
The alpha presses it against his nose and closes his eyes.
"It smells like you."
Izuku looks away, heart beating inside his chest violently; having the feeling like he's crossing some sort of invisible line between them. He shouldn't have done that...
It's too late now.
"I hope it helps you sleep at night. Now please go back to your room before someone sees you!"
Katsuki nods, looking incredibly happy, although he stops and turns around again. He takes off the hoodie he's wearing and hands it to Izuku.
"It's only fair," he says with a smirk. "Goodnight, Izuku."
The omega knows it's a mistake, but he puts on the hoodie anyway and goes back to sleep.
They keep exchanging scented clothes; it's the only thing that gets Katsuki to sleep and Izuku likes smelling Katsuki's scent before going to bed.
It's a mistake, but the omega doesn't want to stop.
However, even after taking his suppressants, Izuku has the need to make a nice nest a day before his heat starts; he knows he'll be safe from most of the effects of his condition, but he still needs to stay in his own room the whole time.
The only problem is that his inner omega wants to make a nest with Katsuki's clothes.
Feeling like there's no other way, Izuku asks Katsuki for a couple of shirts and a hoodie for his nest; he's really embarrassed about it, but he knows he won't be able to sleep or rest if he doesn't have that in his room.
But, instead of getting angry or irritated, Katsuki gets really happy about the request. He scents a few clothes for Izuku and asks the omega not to wash them when he gives them back.
Izuku blushes to the tip of his ears, but nods in agreement.
When he comes back to his senses a few days later, Izuku decides to talk to Katsuki about their situation.
"I think we shouldn't... I mean, we're friends, but we're acting like–"
"I know," the alpha cuts him off, scent becoming stronger as he speaks. "I don't mind. Actually, I like it. Izuku, I've been in love with you for a while now and I'd like you to be my mate."
Izuku can't stop his inner omega from purring; happy tears escape from his eyes and he lets them.
"Kacchan, I..."
Katsuki's expression changes suddenly; he mistakes Izuku's tears for a negative reaction and immediately takes a step back, looking heartbroken.
"It's okay if you don't want to. I'll... I'll always be your friend. No matter what."
"No, it's... I'd love to be your mate," Izuku assures him. "Although I think we should go on a couple of dates first."
Katsuki nods, agreeing immediately, Izuku has the sensation that he'd say yes to anything Izuku tells him.
"First, we–"
Katsuki kisses him; he can't help it and the omega melts into the kiss, he forgets about all his doubts as he feels their strong bond finally blossoming between them.
His classmates don't get surprised about the news, not even their respective parents; Aizawa rolls his eyes, but tells them he'll keep an eye on them and All Might hugs them both.
It becomes even more difficult to get them apart now; Katsuki gets really irritated when Izuku is not around and Izuku misses him dearly.
They still have to sleep in different rooms, but they keep exchanging clothes. Katsuki scents him now, every day because, according to him, he's not the only alpha who wants Izuku as mate.
Izuku thinks it's ridiculous, but he likes when Katsuki scents him so he lets him do as he pleases.
They have a difficult time when Katsuki's rut hits; he certainly takes his suppressants and recovery girl gives him stronger ones this time, but his inner alpha is convinced that he needs to be close to Izuku the whole day in order to protect him.
So the blond alpha takes Izuku in his arms and carries him around for the entire day; he nuzzles against Izuku's cheek and purrs every time the omega tells him how a good alpha he is.
Izuku's friends follow them around because they worry about the omega, but Izuku knows he's safe with his alpha.
"Kacchan, it's time to go to sleep."
As recovery girl instructed, Izuku gives Katsuki medicine, leads him to his room and leaves him there so he can finally sleep for a while.
When he goes back to normal he's not even embarrassed about what happened, he kisses his Izuku a couple of times, puts a hand on his belly and tells him he dreamt of Izuku getting pregnant.
"Kacchan!" Izuku gasps, blushing to the tip of his ears as his alpha smirks back at him.
"Can't wait for that to happen, Izuku. You'll look beautiful with a baby bump–"
Izuku has to kiss him in order to shut him up, but the truth is that he likes the idea, even though he knows they're not quite ready for that yet. They have to focus on their careers first.
"It's okay, nerd. We can wait." Katsuki assures him, like he knows what his omega is thinking. "But I still want us to move in together as soon as we graduate."
"I'd like that, Kacchan."
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soulful-rodent · 15 days
Behold! My many comfort characters from the fandoms i'm in!
Vocaloid: Hatsune Miku
Poppy Playtime: Dogday; Bobby Bearhug; Hoppy Hopscotch
Hazbin Hotel: Angel Dust; Sir Pentious; Charlie Morningstar; Lucifer Morningstar; Razzle; Dazzle; Velevette
Helluva Boss: Stolas; Millie; Moxxie; Blitzo; Loona; Wally Wackford; Octavia; Vortex; Queen Bee; Asmodeus; Fizzarolli
Friday Night Funkin [mostly mods]: Hex; Soft BF; Soft Pico; Garcello; Annie; D-Sides BF; Ace
Sonic: Shadow the Hedgehog; Espio; Metal Sonic; Majin Sonic; Omega; Tangle; Whisper; Tails; Knuckles; Silver; Tails Doll
Mario Series: Princess Rosalina; Luigi; Yoshi; Princess Daisy; Bowser; Mario
MLP: Pinkie Pie; Queen Chrysalis; Applejack; Derpy; DJ Pon-3; Discord; Fluttershy
Marvel: Spider-Gwen; Miles Morales; Thor; Squirrel Girl; Peter Parker
FNAF: Glamrock Freddy; Mangle; Puppet; Helpy
MHA: Mirko; Fat Gum; Aizawa; Hawks; Eijiro Kirishima; Fumikage Tokoyami; Mina Ashido; Tsuyu Asui; Eri; Himiko Toga
Kirby: Meta Knight; King Dedede; Kirby; Daroach; Bandee; Marx; Taranza; Magolor; Elfilin
Undertale: Asgore; Asriel; Toriel; Muffet; Alphys; Papyrus
Deltarune: Susie; Noelle; Ralsei; Jevil; Lancer
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loser-writings · 1 year
MY HERO ACADEMIA | Masterlist 2
Last Updated: August 8th, 2020
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
Because of the amount of content created, this had to be split into 2 Masterlists. I hope you understand!
[ Back to Nav ] | [ Back to Masterlist 1 ]
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Kugo Sakamata (Gang Orca)
✿ [HC] Gang Orca Headcanons ✿ || GN reader ||
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Mezo Shoji (Tentacole)
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
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Mina Ashido
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
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Mirio Togata (Lemillion)
β✿ [HC] They're an Omega ✿β || Alpha GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Going all out for a Pregnancy Announcement ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
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Momo Yaoyorozu  (Creati)
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] Alpha Momo with an omega Partner ✿β || GN Omega Reader ||
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Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
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Tamaki Amajiki (SunEater)
✿ [HC] Parenting Headcanons ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ “The butterflies in my stomach have turned into little feet” ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿⚠︎ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β⚠︎ || GN Reader ||
⚠︎ Zombie AU || Tamaki Amajiki ⚠︎
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Tenya Iida (Ingenium)
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
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Tomura Shigaraki
✦ [HC] NSFW Headcanons ✦ || GN Reader ||
β [HC]Jealous Omega! Shigaraki β || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] They're an Omega ✿β || Alpha GN Reader ||
β⚠︎✦ Teasing Omega Shigaraki while hes in heat ✦⚠︎β || Alpha GN Reader ||
β⚠︎ [HC] Omega Shigaraki being Pregnant ⚠︎β || Alpha GN Reader ||
β✦ Pregnant Omega Shigaraki Smut ✦β || Alpha GN Reader ||
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Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
✦ NSFW Alphabet ✦
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Omega Toshinori pampering Alpha reader ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ “The butterflies in my stomach have turned into little feet” ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ Pregnant Omega EraserMight with Alpha Hero reader ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
✿ Eccedentesiast ✿ || GN Reader || Meeting up for your monthly “Date” as you call it, Toshinori asks you what you would use to describe him.
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Tsunagu Hakamata (Best Jeanist)
✿ [HC] Pampering Stressed Jeanist ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Reacting to their S/O having a breakdown ✿ || GN Reader ||
β [HC] Denim in Jeanists nest β
β✿ Jeanist in heat with his crush there to help him ✿β || GN Reader ||
β✿ Nesting with Jeanist ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Pregnant Omega Jeanist Headcanons ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ Putting a flower crown on Pregnant Jeanist ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β⚠︎ Omega Best Jeanist losing his baby in the fight with AFO  ⚠︎β || GN Alpha Reader ||
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Sero Hanata (Cellophane)
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
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Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead)
✿ [HC] Dating them in secret ✿ || GN Reader ||
✿ [HC] Dating a Male Hero Younger than him ✿ || GN Reader ||
β✿ Pregnant Omega EraserMight with Alpha Hero reader ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β✿ [HC] Pregnant Aizawa ✿β || GN Alpha Reader ||
β⚠︎ [HC] They’re an omega ⚠︎β || GN Reader ||
β⚠︎ Nightmares ⚠︎β|| GN Reader ||Teenage Aizawa goes to your house after a nightmare and looks for comfort.
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Shoto Todoroki (Shoto)
✿ SFW Alphabet ✿
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β⚠︎ Endeavor not letting Shoto present as Omega ⚠︎β || GN Reader ||
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Yugi Aoyama (Can’t stop Twinkling)
✿ [HC] Fandoms they were in ✿
β✿ [HC] They’re an omega ✿β || GN Reader ||
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Yandere boys + Toga Playlists
The League of villains as Avatar Benders
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 16 days
A/B/O Sex-Ed
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bGTKtcl by Unidentified_Dragon “We will start with Pack Bonds and what is appropriate socially and make our way through Intercourse, Mating Cycles, and Alpha/Beta/Omega tendencies since it seems you need the reminder.” Aizawa finished…this was going to be a long class period. Actions have consequences and because of [The Incident], UA has moved up the university’s sex-ed seminar, which Aizawa must now teach to the chaotic shits that are Class 1A. Or...Aizawa silently reconsiders his choice of profession while his students die from humiliation. AN: While you don’t have to read The Incident first you should. Words: 3579, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of ~The Way You Felt~ MHA (A/B/O) Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Other Implied Pairings Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Humor, Sexual Humor, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, info dump, info dumping as a form of crack, Sex Education, intersex omega verse, we respect betas in this house, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), POV Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aged-Up Character(s), I'm working off and old headcanon spreadsheet so forgive me, Trigger warning - emojis, Alpha Hagakure Tooru, Alpha Satou Rikidou, Alpha Midoriya Izuku, Alpha Iida Tenya, Alpha Kirishima Eijirou, Alpha Uraraka Ochako, Alpha Asui Tsuyu, Alpha Shouji Mezou, Beta Ojiro Mashirao, Beta Kaminari Denki, Beta Sero Hanta, Beta Ashido Mina, Beta Jirou Kyouka, Beta Todoroki Shouto, Omega Bakugou Katsuki, Omega Aoyama Yuuga, Omega Yaoyorozu Momo, Omega Mineta Minoru, Omega Tokoyami Fumikage, Omega Koda Koji, Omega Shinsou Hitoshi, Omega Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bGTKtcl
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the-bluerecluse · 2 years
Health Class
MHA- Dekubowl (Deku x everyone (but really just Deku x Class 1a minus Mineta cause he got expelled or something idk fuck him)) | SFW Omegaverse
Summary: Izuku Midoriya has entered UA High in the hero course. The school has a health class that teaches all about the intricacies of secondary genders, and it gets him thinking about his status as an omega and what it means for him, and how it affects his relationships.
Intro to my OmegaDekuBowl series
SFW Angst/Fluff
inspiration: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1539151 // https://archiveofourown.org/series/1701352
Thank you so much to @cozysafechaotic for being my beta! Really appreciate it.
“Come along, quickly now, we are to be in health class in 5 minutes!” An Alpha, Tenya Iida, gently ushered his friends down the hall: a brown-haired beta, Uraraka, and the green-haired omega, Midoriya.
Midoriya, the omega. The only omega to make it into the UA hero course that year and only the second one in the entire UA hero program, with the other one being Tamaki Amijiki in year three. 
An omega trying to be a hero, to many, was laughable. Their society had come a long way in breaking down stereotypes and gender roles for secondary gender, but it was by no means perfect. 
And, as one can imagine, growing up both omega AND quirkless? To say it was hard would be an understatement. Only about 20% of the population was quirkless, but most of that number were older people as the amount of children being born with quirks was always increasing. On top of that, only about 11% of the population was omega, with omegas becoming rarer and rarer. For Midoriya to be unlucky enough to be born both? Less than 2%.
But he persevered. And there he was, Izuku Midoriya, a 1st year hero course UA student. 
UA so far had been insane, Midoriya thought to himself. They’d already been attacked by villains in what had been dubbed the USJ incident. Highschool itself was already challenging, add on hero classes, villain attacks, and being an omega, and you had a recipe for one headache of a year. 
At least he could take a moment to breathe in his normal classes.
“I believe we’ll be starting the A/B/O section today.” Iida commented as they walked.
“ABO?” Midoriya questioned. That was new. So far it had been a normal health class like he had had in middle school.
“It stands for Alpha Beta Omega, it’s a section to teach students about their secondary genders.”
“That’s good, cause we don’t really learn that stuff anywhere in middle school.” Uraraka added. “In fact, I think you’re the first omega I’ve ever met, Deku.” 
“U-Uraraka, that was very rude!” Iida sputtered indignantly.
Midoriya put his hands up in a placating gesture. “It’s alright, Iida, really.” He let his arms dangle back to his sides as they continued walking to their class. “I haven’t taken a class about this kinda thing, either. Being an omega hasn’t been… easy, but it’s something about myself I need to understand.”
“I commend your commitment to learning, Midoriya! That’s exactly what this class should be about.” Iida chopped his hands in the air as they entered the class. They took their seats and settled as Present Mic made his grand entrance.
“You young listeners are finally getting educated on A/B/O studies, AKA, your secondary genders! People are pushing to get you kids to learn this stuff younger, but we’re stuck only teaching you this stuff when your secondary genders just start acting up, high school! Scents, pack instincts, ruts and heats, we’ll learn it all. So don’t miss it, yeah!” Their teacher pulled a pose and some students sighed as they all took out notebooks and writing utensils. 
Midoriya cringed at some of what Present Mic was saying. They were gonna talk about heats? 
Let’s just hope that isn’t today.
“Let’s do the basics, today, so you better take notes, ya dig?” Present Mic pointed at a few notes on the board and the class began.
Midoriya looked over his notes as the class came to a close. As Present Mic said, they went over the basics, like what the secondary genders were and what roles they played, historically, in packs.
He had felt particularly uncomfortable as Present Mic described the fact that omegas used to be expected to carry the children of multiple alphas over their lifetime. Packs used to be solely for mating purposes, however, now, packs didn’t have to be sexual. Apparently, they didn’t even have to be romantic, though that was the norm. They didn’t have to have any breeding or intimate contact at all.
‘Don’t have to be sexual, huh?’ He had never thought about it that way. He had decided a while ago to never join a pack because he had no interest in bearing children, but if they don't have to involve children, maybe one day he could be in a pack…
No. Midoriya shook his head. ‘For now, I have a goal. If I’m gonna be number one, then nothing should distract me. I don’t even have time to think about packs right now. Just cause I’m an omega doesn’t mean I have to be in a pack. I’m going to be my own hero. I’m going to be an independent omega and the number one hero!’
Midoriya was on his way to health class by himself today. Usually he was with Uraraka and Iida, sometimes Todoroki, too. Today he had lagged behind with a quick trip to the restroom, leaving him by himself as he walked the hall.
It allowed him to lose himself in his thoughts, though, without anyone to ground him. He couldn’t help but think about the recent incident with Stain. That villain was haunting his thoughts and he couldn’t get them out.
“Hey, Midoriya!” A familiarly smug voice called. 
The omega turned to see Monoma and a few from class B. Their class was nearby so they were probably going there as a group. One beta, Awase, and two alphas, Kendo and… Monoma.
“You’ve been flaunting yourself pretty well, huh? Well, don’t think I haven’t noticed!” 
Midoriya couldn’t help his total and utter confusion. Flaunting? What was he talking about?
“Monoma, don’t start.” Kendo growled. 
“Anyone with eyes can see you’ve got your class wrapped around your little finger. Don’t think that just ‘cause you’re an omega that you can charm your way to the top!”
Midoriya flinched and slapped his hands across his neck scent glands. He could feel the telltale signs of tears beginning to well up but managed to keep them at bay. His inner omega was saying ‘Run!’ but years of getting used to bullying was saying ‘Stay calm!’ Both were at war in his head as his breathing quickened.
“I thought you Class A jerks were supposed to be better than us, but of course one of you had to be a flirty little omega, huh? This is just one reason why omegas shouldn’t be in the hero program!” Monoma burst out into terrifying laughter before receiving a hefty blow to the head, courtesy of Kendo. 
“I’m so sorry about him.” Kendo bowed and grabbed Monoma by the scruff of his neck. 
“Yeah, sorry, Midoriya.” Awase apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.
“It’s fine.” Midoriya forced out, a little more high-pitched than usual, before running to his next class. 
A flirt? Charming his way to the top? Was he letting out too much scent? Did… did people really think he was trying to attract people? 
Maybe I should start wearing a collar. He thought to himself. 
The omega paused once he arrived outside the classroom and took a breath, trying to keep the tears away. He slowly took his hands from his scent glands and walked in, putting on his best everything-is-okay smile. 
He sat down right in the nick of time, with Present Mic filing in shortly after. He caught a curious glance from Todoroki and a worried one from Iida, but class was starting so they couldn’t confront him about it.
“Now listen up, little listeners, you’re teens working to be heroes, let’s not act like little kids about this, kay? This is just biology we all need to know. So don’t make it weird.”
That wasn’t a good start to a class. Midoriya had little time to prepare himself before Present Mic wrote the dreaded words on the board. 
“Time to talk about heats and ruts!” 
He wanted to sink into oblivion right there and then. 
Their teacher wrote a few bullet points on the board. “Heats and ruts are cycles that typically happen three to four times a year. When you're young, they’re usually inconsistent and can be pretty debilitating the first couple of times before your body gets used to your hormonal changes. This is the body becoming fertile and ready for a mate.”
Midoriya felt his entire face go red as he focused on scribbling down his notes. 
“Alphas have ruts and omegas have heats. Ruts are known to be significantly less debilitating and obstructive than heats as they only last two days as opposed to a heat which lasts about a week. Ruts will increase an alpha’s aggression, territorial behavior, anxiety, and susceptibility to a feral state. Just like heats, they will also increase the body’s temperature to an often uncomfortable degree.”
Midoriya, though very uncomfortable, was grateful for this class, as he was learning new things he would be even more uncomfortable looking up online. Of all the ways to learn, class had the least chance of seeing accidental breeding porn. 
“As for heats, they typically have a longer period between cycles than ruts, though not by much. There is also a period known as pre-heat where an omega will present ‘motherly’ behavior such as coddling, cleaning, and cooking for pack mates and loved ones, and will typically crave plenty of physical contact. Once the heat starts, as you can imagine, they get really hot and start letting out heat pheromones, meant to tell alphas and betas they're ready for mating. They will have aching, abdominal cramping, high slick production, increased sensitivity, headaches, and will require much more water and food than normal. During peak heat, usually lasting only twelve hours, they will enter a semi-conscious state with little ability to sense their surroundings or move their body.”
Midoriya felt like he was going to die right then and there. It was bad enough to talk about this in class, but the worst part was he was the only omega. And everyone knew it. 
Not only that, but he did not know about some of those side effects. Now he was even more nervous about his first heat which had yet to happen.
“An alpha or omega’s first cycle will happen in middle school, though there have been some who presented as late as high school. During heats omega students are sent home to keep them safe. This is mandatory. However, since ruts are shorter and tend to be more manageable, it’s up to the student and their family if they wanna attend classes in person or stay home. Either way, since you all have internet connections, anyone can attend class remotely so you won’t have to worry about falling behind. For an omega’s peak heat, when they’re in that semi-conscious state we talked about earlier, they’re fully excused from classes.”
This was good information, Midoriya hummed in thought. When he did eventually get his heat, he’d be able to home and stay there for the week. He wouldn’t have to worry about attending class.
“Now, remember, this is extremely important, little listeners! No one can consent in a rut or heat, understand? Not unless it’s stated explicitly beforehand. Not that any of you should even be thinking about that kinda thing at this age!” 
Present Mic grabbed a large stack of papers and handed 5 to the front of each row, letting them take one and hand the rest back. 
“These are a collection of peer-reviewed studies on the dangers of young mating. You’re each gonna write me a short essay summarizing them and explaining why no one should be mating at a young age. I think you kids can pick up the message we’re putting down here.” 
There were a few sighs and eyerolls but they all complied. Midoriya was just grateful to stop talking about heats. 
Nothing was heard aside from the scratching of pencil on paper as students rushed to finish their mini-essays before the bell, lest they take them home and work on them there. Midoriya, however, had already finished, and was thinking to himself as his paper and pencil were set aside. 
He couldn’t get Monoma’s words out of his head.
Flirty. Charm. Flaunting. 
“This is just one reason why omegas shouldn’t be in the hero program!”
He… he said he had his class wrapped around his finger? Because of his gender? That couldn’t be true. 
They wouldn’t like him just because he’s an omega… would they?
The more he thought, the more distressed he grew. He had noticed a few alphas and some of the betas being kind of protective of him. He had assumed it was because he injured himself so regularly. 
Momo, Satou, and Ojiro had made him food in the past. It never occurred to him that maybe they only did that to… take care of the omega. 
It left a sour taste in his mouth. He didn't want it to. He enjoyed their gifts and… maybe even their attention. He felt happy with a sense of belonging.
It just felt different with Monoma’s words ringing in his head.
Speaking of ringing, there was the bell.
“Hey, Deku, are you alright?” Uraraka was at his desk in an instant.
“Midoriya, are you feeling well?” Iida was there too.
“Do you need anything?” Even Todoroki was there. What?
Oh. They probably smelled some distress pheromones when he first entered. 
“O-Oh, I’m fine. I was just, um… talking with Monoma.”
There was a pulse of alpha pheromones off Todoroki and Iida. 
“Did Monoma say something to upset you?” There was a nerve-wracking sternness in Iida’s voice.
“No! I-I mean… yes! Well, uh, a little?” 
“I’ll have a word with him.”
They were being protective of him, like he was their omega.
But he was no one’s omega. He wasn’t going to use his gender to charm people or get ahead. He was going to do things on his own!
“Guys, i-it’s fine. Let’s just drop it.” Midoriya stood up and gathered his things. Suddenly, he wanted to be alone.
This A/B/O section of health class was stretching on pretty long. They were now in dorms, living on campus pretty much all the time, and Midoriya had had a pretty intense but necessary fight with his longtime rival turned… friend? Kacchan. 
There’s just a lot of stuff to cover I guess.
Class 1a’s sole omega was just leaving health class, surrounded by a group composed of Todoroki, Bakugou, Iida, and Uraraka. The class had been covering courting: What it meant historically, but also what it looked like in modern day. It had Midoriya reeling, because, well…
His friends had been courting him.
The way they made food for him, or offered to do his laundry, or even gave physical gifts… They were courting the omega. 
At the beginning of the year, it would’ve hurt him, to be seen as just his gender, again.
But now he was starting to understand… his gender didn’t matter, at least, not to them. 
His relationship with his secondary gender was always going to be complicated… But, the least he could do is try to enjoy life and the people around him, despite what others might say.
Bakugou was really close to him as they walked back to the dorms. Chatter picked up between Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka as usual, but Todoroki and Bakugou stayed quiet, also as usual. 
Ever since the fight at ground beta, Bakugou had been… kind of friendly with him. If Midoriya didn’t know any better, he’d even say Kacchan was being possessive of him.
But that’d be crazy. Right?
A few others from the class had arrived before they did and they seemed excited about something.
Kaminari and Kirishima were huddled around the tv while Mina was in the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets. 
“What are you extras up to?” Bakugou asked. He left the group that had seemed to form to approach what some had dubbed “The Bakusquad”, much to Bakugou’s irritation.
“Bakubro, hey!” Kirishima looked up from his huddle at the tv whilst Kaminari continued to fiddle with something.
“Hey, Blasty!” Mina greeted and turned to the nearby omega. “Hey, Mido! We were thinking that since we’re all in the dorms, let’s have a tradition. Friday movie night! We don’t have class tomorrow so we can all stay up together eating popcorn and junk!”
“Sounds awful.” Bakugou groused. 
“Sounds great!” Midoriya said at the same time. 
Mina squealed and hopped on her toes before turning to the two at the tv. “He said yes! We’re a go!” 
Kaminari and Kirishima cheered and pumped their fists in the air. 
Bakugou cocked an eyebrow and huffed. “Yeah, whatever.”
“Yes, a movie night sounds like a great idea for us all to become closer. Though we should all still retire to our rooms by curfew!” Iida said, chopping his hands in the air. 
“Yeah, curfew, sure, class prez.” Mina scoffed. “Hey, Mido, you wanna pick what movie we watch first?” 
The greenette blinked. “Eh? Me?”
“Sure, why not?” 
“Um… well.” 
“You wanna watch an All Might movie, don’t you?” Bakugou sneered. 
Midoriya ducked his head. 
“We can watch an All Might movie, Mido, no prob.” Mina assured him. “As long as we can find it on some streaming service. Between me, Kami, and Kiri, we have 4 streaming services. Kami’s getting the hdmi set up so we can connect the screen to our laptops.”
Midoriya smiled brightly. “So… would you wanna watch All Might Vs SuperTron? It’s based off a large battle from All Might’s Silver Age not many know about. It takes some creative liberties but it really pays off!” 
“Yeah, sure. Sounds fun!” Mina playfully ruffled Midoriya’s hair. The greenette recoiled and giggled at the gesture. In response to the adorable display, she bit her lip and squealed. “You’re so cute!” She turned and ran to the two at the tv. “Guys, we’re looking for an All Might movie with a super robot, I think?”
“You guys gonna watch the movie, too?” Midoriya looked to his group of friends with a hopeful smile. 
“Of course, sounds fun!” Uraraka said.
“Sure.” Todoroki agreed. 
“I will send a group text to invite the rest of our class as well.” Iida announced. 
“Great!” Midoriya was absolutely beaming. This was perfect. Some time with his friends was just what he needed. 
For the first ever Friday movie night of the dorms, everyone in the class attended, even Bakugou, who seemed to be tolerating it more than anything. Midoriya grabbed one of the three bowls of popcorn the class had made and approached the living area. 
The couch was taken up with Bakugou, Iida, Todoroki, and Kirishima, with one spot left open between the redhead and the blonde. Many students had gone to their rooms to bring down various pillows and blankets, making a sort of palette for people to lay and sit on. 
“C’mon, Midobro, we saved you a spot!” Kirishima called. 
“No, Deku, sit next to us!” Uraraka called from her spot on the floor. The girls were sat together forming a sort of semicircle with space in the middle. 
“There’s room for you here, ribbit.” Tsu added. 
“We snagged some candies from downtown. Sit over here.” Sero shook a box of candies in the air and gestured for Midoriya to join him and Kaminari.
“Uh, um… I guess I'll, uh….” The omega stammered, not wanting to turn anyone down. 
“Oi, Deku. Get your ass over here and watch the damn movie.” 
“Sure, Kacchan.” Midoriya quickly sat next to him without thinking. There were a few disappointed sighs from other students but he ignored them. 
“Alright guys, Midoriya’s picked first. All Might versus Supertron!” Mina announced and hit ‘play’ on the laptop connected to the screen. 
The movie started and Midoriya was smiling so hard he felt his cheeks hurt. He leaned to the side and let out a satisfied sigh, not noticing it was Bakugou he had leaned into. The alpha looked down at him as his expression softened just the slightest bit before turning his attention back to the movie. 
In the middle of the movie, Momo and Iida got up to cook stew for dinner, so by the time it ended, it was ready. 
Midoriya started to get up to go get him a bowl but Kirishima stopped him. “Don’t worry, bud, I’ll get you some.” He said and left for the kitchen.
“Okay, if it’s not too much trouble.” 
“No worries!”
“Deku, that movie was great!” Uraraka shouted. 
“Yeah, so cool. The actor playing All Might was super cute, too.” Mina agreed. 
“Those special effects on Supertron were killer!” Kaminari said. 
“Really? You guys liked it?” 
“Yeah!” Multiple students responded. Midoriya was absolutely beaming. 
“I’m so glad you like it! It’s one of my favorite All Might movies. It’s definitely my favorite from the Silver Age, and this actor is one of the better All Might actors I’ve seen, probably the best at portraying his fearlessness and kindness. My favorite part would probably have to be-” Midoriya rambled excitedly about the movie and most of his class just sat back and listened, smiling at his excitement. 
Eventually Kirishima came back with three bowls. One for him, one for Bakugou, and one for Midoriya. 
“Thanks, Kirishima!”
“Whatever, Shitty Hair.” 
The two took their bowls and utensils and began eating. 
“Oh, wow. This is great. Iida, Jirou, you did a great job!” Midoriya said. The two classmates in question smiled and thanked him for the compliment. 
Eventually everyone was sat in the living area and eating stew whilst chatting amongst themselves. 
As people began to finish and take their bowls back to the kitchen, Bakugou headed up to his room for an early turn in, as was common for him. 
With Bakugou gone, the girls finally convinced Midoriya to join them on the floor, though Todoroki and Iida didn’t seem too happy about it. 
“We’re putting on a Pack-Together story, guys. It's a good one, trust me.” Mina announced as she cued up the next movie: ‘Betas Together.’ She quickly took back her seat among the girls next to Midoriya and threw an arm around him. “This’ll be great.” 
“You’re gonna love it, Deku.” Uraraka said, sitting on the opposite side of Mina.
“It should be greatly enjoyable for all of us.” Momo agreed as she gently held on to his arm opposite the side Mina was attached to.
Midoriya felt his heart swell at the affection and his inner omega burst with joy. 
Throughout the movie, occasionally a friend would reach out to him, subtly beckoning him towards them. He’d end up drifting between people, almost passed around. He went from the center of the girls’ group, to sitting between Sero and Kaminari, to Tokoyami and Shoji, to Koda, and back to the couch with Todoroki, Iida, and Kirishima.
Midoriya was elated and his inner omega agreed. This felt right. This was where he was meant to be. Beside people who… cared about him.
Is this what a pack’s like? Being surrounded by people who love you and want you around? People with similar goals and ambitions? People who care about your interests and what you have to say? 
When I was young I thought packs were just for having kids. I guess because that’s what’s on tv, but like Present Mic was saying in class, anything can be a pack. It’s just a group of any genders who decide they want to be together.
Maybe… no, not now. One day, though, one day… Maybe I’ll be in a pack after all.
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yandere-x-reader · 9 months
➼ Dividers done by @/cafekitsune
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Color Code: Romantic, Platonic, Either
Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Rikido Sato, Tenya Ida, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Mashirao Ojiro, Yuga Aoyama, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Mina Ashido, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochaco Uraraka, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Hitoshi Shinso, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Hizashi Yamada, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead, Enji Todoroki/Endeavor, Keigo Takami/Hawks, Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko, Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fat Gum, Emi Fukukado/Miss Joke, Nemuri Kayama/Midnight, Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King, Nezu, Eri Aizawa
Sun, Moon, Roxy, Monty, Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, DJMM, Vannesa/Vanny, Gregory, Map Bot
Luisa, Mirable, Isabella, Delores,Camilo, Alma, Pepa, Bruno, Julieta, Felix, Agustin, Antonio
Gravity Falls ♡
Bill Chipher, Stanley, Stanford, Mable, Dipper.
OCs ♡
To be added
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Anonymous asks
I am perfectly fine with anyone using anonymous asks, I personally use them a lot. However if you use anonymous asks, please put a emoji(s) or a letter(s) as your signature. Just put it at the bottom of your ask and I'll add it to the list
Used Letters:
Used Emojios:
I will write
Different AU's: I can do all diffrent types! Pirate, mafia, hybrid, fantasy, royalty, mermaid, soulmates, mall workers, vampires, ghosts, ect. Or if you have your own AU and would like me to do somthing with it I can tolltally do that to.
Omegaverse: I know not everyone likes this trope but i'm a absaloute sucker for it. I can do Alpha, Beta, or Omega for charecters or Reader. I do write heats but not in a sexual way, i personally write them kinda like a human period but replace the blood with increased body tempetures.
Any Gender: I am personally genderfluid and AFAB so those are the two that I would have the most experience with. However if you want me to do somthing like a trans reader or AMAB reader than I can try my best. Don't be afraid to make it specific to you, everone is diffrent and I understand trying to look for something that fits you more than the stereotypes.
Crossovers: I don't see a lot of creators in any fandom doing crossovers a lot. I see like *Insert charecter* x reader with *insert other character* personality but not really crossovers. So feel free to request a crossover with a diffrent show.
Any skin color: I love having variety in my writing so I will do any skin colors. I can do basic skin colors, from pale peach to dark brown. I can also do exstream versions like skin that is nearly paper white from how pale it is or skin that us nearly space black from how dark it is. I can also do unnatural skin colors, like Mina!
Alterhuman Reader: Ok so I see absaloutly no alterhuman reader fanfics out there so i'm here to change that. I'm not personally a alterhuman but I do have a few freinds that are. If you want me to do a specific one instead of basic I can also do that. Like instead of a dragon kin I can do a dragon kin with space wing and starts eyes with claws that glow in the dark ect.
Body Marks: I personally have stretch marks, moles, freckles, and odd placed birthmarks so I can do any of these or others if you would like. If you are specifically extra self-conscious of your body marks than I can add extra levels of love to specific part if you would like :)
Feel free to requests anything as long as it's not in my will not write list!
I will not write
Abuse: I will not do the character inflicting pain on the reader or the reader inflicting pain on the charecter. I can do mentions of past abuse, such as a charecter or reader flinching at touch or loud noise.
Cheating: character doing it to reader or reader doing it to character is just a big no. I never understood cheating, if you don't love somone just break up with them. If you can't do it for safety reson than find a support system to protect you in dangerous situations.
Misscarage: I have lost three sibling to this and I still cry at night thinking of them, please don't ask me to do anything to do with this subject. If you do I will give you 1 warning and then I'm blocking you.
Abortion: I don't really have a side here but I don't like the though of writing it as it makes me uncomfortable.
Rape/SA: I don't feel comfortable doing this subject. I can not do mentions of it as I have not personally experienced it and don't want to miss somthing or do something wrong.
NSFW: I may be a yandere blog but I do not wish to do anything sexual on this blog, only romantic and platonic here.
Don't worry about being cringe with me! As long as your not hurting anyone than why should I stop you from having fun? Fell free to be your authentic self and request somthing super specific if you want.
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funmalibmillie · 4 months
A Rhythmic Rematch (5194 words) by MaliBMillie Chapters: 3/13 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Masaru/Bakugou Mitsuki, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Pining Bakugou Katsuki, Pining Midoriya Izuku, Boxer Midoriya Izuku, Drummer Bakugou Katsuki, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Bakugou Katsuki, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Supportive Dekusquad (My Hero Academia), Supportive Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Eventual Smut, Unreliable Narrator, Implied/Referenced Cheating, but not between bkdk Summary: Childhood friends turned bully and victim, Katsuki Bakugo and Midoriya Izuku, drift apart. Ofer fifteen years later, fate intervenes when Izuku returns to their hometown to prepare for the upcoming World Boxing Championship in Tokyo. A complaint made through a changed Wi-Fi name sparks an unexpected noisy reconnection, igniting flames and unraveling secrets as they navigate through their reunion.
I like visuals, even if they don't mean anything. It's just extra practice.
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polarkarma · 2 years
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Compulsion Costume Redesign
With a new setting and new environment, it seems fit to give the canon characters new outfits and costumes for their new lives. In the story, most of these costumes are made and designed by Midoriya Izuku. There’s some lore stuff about each one.
Midoriya Izuku’s costume is practical and the most armored out of the bunch. With his Quirkless status, he had to forgo the usual flashiness of a Hero costume and stick to something that’ll keep him alive. Helmet has a LED display using the brain sensor from those robotic cat ears. Logo self-explanatory from the story’s setting - Support Course Midoriya AU.
Kaminari's costume contains his electric output and redirects it to the Support-Arm, the Stein-Gauntlet. The gauntlet is responsible for condensing and focusing the energy to let loose a lightning bolt. There is a "Cast-Off" mode that disables this. The armor comes off and allows the discharge to escape via disc-like ports on his chest, back and waist. The logo was once just the lightning bolts but that felt too simply so I added the Omega symbol as it relates to Ohm, a unit of electrical resistance.
Shinso's costume, while sharing a dramatic amount with Midoriya's costume due to their shared movement system, the Maneuver Belt, Shinso's suit focuses on a lot more movement and plenty of pockets. The Rogue to Midoriya's Paladin. To also show that difference, Shinso wields electrified Escrima Sticks while Midoriya wields a electrified bat. (Shinso's hair also continues to be the bane of my existence.) Casual attires show a formal yet casual look. Logo is brain because I already gave the soundwave thing to Jirou so we're gonna stick with that.
Jirou's second costume includes the guitar/axe named Orpheus. The main focus was to give offensive capabilities while providing a safe place for her to use her quick by providing a wireless connection between her cowl and multiple speakers. The mouth mask was to give her those face paint markings that in canon that I think Shiketsu would disallow. The Logo design lacks that real connection to her character apart from the soundwave/bpm thing. The choice of a triangle comes from her consistent eye-shape.
Ashido's first Hero costume at Shiketsu High School, but without the hat. Due to Shiketsu seemingly having a sense of formality or at least uniformity, I decided to remake the canon designs to fit the new setting. A lot of Ashido's flashy costume became muted and limited, but has found its place as a belt/sash. The costume within the story has received some minor attention from Midoriya hence the grenade launcher and similar greave/kneepad armor. I'm particularly proud of the Logo which has a mouth within a mouth to reference the reoccurring 'Alien' joke.
For Yaoyorozu’s costume, Midoriya takes queues from the R-Rated Hero's costume to give Yaoyorozu the necessary skin exposure for her Quirk. When it comes to signatures, armor seems to be Midoriya's. Attempting to abide by Shiketsu's strict regulations, this whole costume is meant to go under a black cloak but that would be visually boring so I went without it. The visor is linked to a voice-activated database filled with the necessary information for certain Items to be used for the Creation Quirk. The bicep armor holds six in each/twelve in total pills that quickly creates lipids in her digestive system. This, however, will not help her in a battle of attrition, but acts as a lifeline as the amount of lipids is not enough to create large or multiple Items. Logo is a mix of the symbol of Gaia and the kanji for create.
This is all for a fanfic I'm writing called Compulsion. www.fanfiction.net/s/13708254/… archiveofourown.org/works/2672… www.wattpad.com/1054264491-com…
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