allonsybadwolf · 2 years
So I'm slightly obsessed with Severance (2022) and I may have spent like a week straight cutting together an Innie Cut and an Outie cut and holy shit guys it's such an experience. I watched them both straight through like long movies and
(edit: guys it's available now!! Check the notes/reblogs of this post, or check my blog, for how to access it!!)
The Outie Cut is like an obscure offbeat indie dark comedy where none of your questions get answered and there's zero resolution at the end.
You really get to focus on oMark's perspective, which is interesting because in the show it feels like iMark is the main focus. We get to focus on how oMark's depression has impacted his life, and his journey through the confusion of what's happening with Lumon and Severance. The story feels slower and more grounded. It works better than I anticipated.
The Innie Cut is like a slow and unexpected descent into madness. Honestly, I thought the Outie Cut would be spookier, but no. The Innie Cut is very unsettling.
At first, it kind of just feels like a regular kind of office life show, where it's not at all unusual that we never see the characters at home. We only see them in the office because the show is about the office.
But then there are. Things. Very strange unsettling things. Just out of nowhere. With no context from the outside world. No relief from the blinding bright white landscape of Lumon Industries. The hallways that never stop, the walls closing in on you, the fact that you can't ever leave.
And oh my god when they wake up in the outside world in the final episode it is. SO. JARRING. It's been like three plus hours of bright white office at this point. And then suddenly, disconcertingly, you're thrown into this world that is dark and warm but unfamiliar and treacherous and you have to navigate it perfectly and fast or suffer the consequences.
And iMark, at the party. When you watch Severance for the first time, the party scene is a meeting of two worlds that are familiar to you, the viewer. When you watch the Innie Cut, you're just as off balance as iMark. You don't know these people. You don't know who you can trust. You don't know the right thing or the wrong thing to do here.
Anyways I'd love to share these cuts with people but I have no idea how to go about doing that
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gooseberrily · 1 year
severance spoilers but
i don't think they should've made mark and helly romantic !! like, at all
first off, mark already has the whole 'wtf my deadwife is actually alive but i kind of have a girlfriend now?' conflict going on, a third love interest is just spreading him too thin tbh
AND most importantly,
considering helly's family-centered narrative symbolism w/ her outie being an eagan, i just think they could have stuck to the 'found family' theme over romance. seen it through more decidedly & prioritising it
also this would've given more depth to helly and dylan's interactions (since he also has family as his central theme) & i just think helly/dylan have such a good sibling-friend dynamic... but they got like 2 scenes together :(
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concernedbrownbread · 10 months
every time I remember that innie mark doesn't even know what happened to petey makes me so sad
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dinkypoo · 10 months
hmm. ok what about.
the severed floor IS a persons subconsious, and the innies are just a person's subconsious - functionally. A part that they cannot see , cannot reach and which operates very slightly differently, a part that still gets the blowback from your consious mind but remains distinct. its really the same, your subconsious also has no agency, and you can sort of shove unpleasant things down there so you dont have to deal with them.
you can even see how desires are what link the two. Imark self-actualizes and starts desiring independence. And thats when Omark starts to look into what Lumos is doing instead of staying ignorant. he starts to rebel against it and to heal a little. The thoughst that consume irvs mind in his O self are dripping into his I self as well. not just literal dripping, but its clear O irv longs for company and lives a solitary life. It seems like Oirv is trying to reach across his desire to find out whats up with Lumos. But he has more base and instrictual desires towards respecting authority from being in the mlitary and thats why I-Irv is such a stickler for the rules and piety. Irv is also living a solitary- single goal life to look into Lumos. But this ( i think) is making him feel lonely and that is the desire that leaks over to his innie.
I suspect that next season we will see more of helly and dylan's "leaking" between their innie and outie. But seems like helly wants to rebel against authority and claim her autonomy. i would bet that despite helena being the way she is, she has the same desires that she cant carry out. So her innie carries them out for her.
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msmargaretmurry · 11 months
ooh becky msmargaretmurry i have to ask about your rnh thoughts here because while i have never been in the oiler trenches and do not (Do Not!!!) intend to start now, i have been watching on the sidelines since the hall and eberle days and i LOVE to hear your opinions
oh thank you for asking anon!! for context i started watching the oilers on purpose in like 2010ish (i had a friend who was super into hall/eberle and i was NOT immune to that) — i do not claim to be an expert on any of this at all, this is just based on my own experiences and thoughts and ponderings. also for the record i think rnh is great. he is an oiler i am extremely fond of, and i'm glad he seems to have found a solid role there that he's content with and has found success in.
so to me the ryan nugent-hopkins of it all goes something like this:
when the oilers drafted taylor hall first overall in 2010, HE was supposed to be the savior of the franchise. the oilers had lost in the scf in 2006 and then immediately not made the playoffs for four straight years and no one was happy. they drafted taylor, hyped him up SO hard — this era was kind of the the advent of current Online Content era and they were making little videos of him arriving in edmonton, showing him around, fans recognizing him on the street. i feel like nowadays thall's stock as a player is like "good but not GREAT" but you must understand that when he was drafted first overall they were expecting him to be GREAT. him, plus hot young swedes linus omark and magnus pääjärvi, plus canadian world juniors hero jordan eberle had the oilers faithful (and the oilers front office) CONVINCED they were going to be turning things around. people were making t-shirts that said
HALL Omark Paajarvi Eberle
— HOPE, you see???
anyway obviously that season did not actually go that great. they finished last in the league. i think they won something like 25 games all season. and they wound up with another first overall pick, which was our boy, the nuge.
and the thing is, ryan was expected to be very good, but he was NOT expected to be the savior of the franchise. that was already taylor hall's job. there was a lot of concern his rookie season about him being too skinny and not strong enough to really make an impact at the nhl level yet (and to be fair, he DID look like a baby deer out there). the people and the powers that be were very much like, we're glad to have him, we think he'll be a great piece of this rebuild, but there was much more willingness to be like, okay well he might need a few years to finish baking.
rnh's rookie season was better than the season before, but it was still not good. they did not come close to making the playoffs. they were still very bad. the blue jackets were also very bad, and a friend and i drove to columbus and got seats on the glass for oilers/jackets for like $50. extremely funny experience, 10/10, do recommend.
(not relevant to this narrative but a very fun fact imo is that despite the oilers but godawful that season, 2011–12 had two of my favorite oilers games i ever watched: sam gagner's 8-point night against chicago, and a 9-2 win ALSO against chicago, who was one of the best teams in the league at the time. as a bl*ckhawks hater then and now, watching this clown car oilers team run roughshod over chicago brought me immeasurable joy.)
however, the only one of the young stars who was REALLY living up to expectations at this point was jordan eberle? iirc he lead the team in goals AND assists that year. the masses were starting to get impatient with the performances of the other young stars, especially first overall franchise savior taylor hall.
and the oilers won another draft lottery. (you can imagine at this point the rest of the league was already pretty sick of the oilers winning draft lotteries.) they drafted nail yakupov first overall. i am not going to dive deeply into the yakupov saga, because we would be here all night, but suffice to say that, no, he did not live up to first overall expectations, but also, yes, he was very much punished for Being Russian In Edmonton, and those two things cannot be untangled from each other. however, in the context of the nuge of it all, this leaves rnh in an interesting and particular spot: he is still not expected to be taylor hall, and wow he looks like such a nice pick compared to yakupov. rnh is playing pretty well! not all-star numbers or anything, but again, he's not the cornerstone of the franchise rebuild. he is an important brick, but not the foundation.
not like the rebuild is working anyway. with their arsenal of three straight first overall draft picks (and canadian world juniors hero jordan eberle), edmonton misses the playoffs for the seventh straight season. and then they miss them again. and then they miss them again. and it's not even like assigned franchise savior taylor hall is playing poorly — other than one slump of a season he is consistently putting up 50+ point seasons, including one 80 point season! but the oilers as a team are still a laughingstock in the league. it's not just that they're missing the playoffs. they are consistently near the bottom of the league.
to be clear, i don't think this was the fault of the players. i think the oilers were (are) pretty shit at management and were (are) pretty shit at prospect development. i think that when you have a team with that many decent-to-good players and you can't get out of the basement that the problem is systemic. but god forbid the front office take a good long look inward to diagnose the problem within themselves. no, the problem was that assigned franchise savior taylor hall was not doing his job (saving the franchise).
not that there wasn't any frustration toward other players, including rnh. there was frustration toward the team as a whole, but hall often bore the brunt of it. omark and pääjärvi were gone by around 2014. eberle was still well-liked but it was kind of accepted that he wasn't going to change the fate of the organization. the idea that the oilers needed to ship hall out becaue HE was the problem was in the air before the 2015 draft lottery.
and then the oilers won the 2015 draft lottery, and with it, connor mcdavid. people were not happy. (please click on this link it's so funny.) the oilers were so bad at this point that it was just generally accepted that connor going to the oilers meant the prime of his generational-talent career would be wasted by an incompetent team. honestly not really feeling like we've been proven wrong at this exact point in time!
however: connor mcdavid? brand new savior! way better savior than taylor hall ever would have been! the last five years of rebuild weren't REALLY a rebuild, the real rebuild was going to start with mcdavid!
and where is the nuge in all this? he has been pretty quietly plugging away, turning into a very good and reliable nhl player. a consistent 40–50 ish point player, not bad! fast forward a few seasons into the mcdavid era and he's putting up 80 points, 100 points! he's the longest-tenured oiler. the edmonton people and powers that be seem to really value him! which is really awesome.
this is not to say that there was never any "nuge should be better" discourse or any frustration with him when the team was doing so badly, because there was absolutely frustration with the whole team, including him. i do distinctly remember hearing the phrase "the oilers need more from ryan nugent-hopkins" more than once on the broadcasts. nuge finding his role on the team and the notable success he's had in more recent seasons has been a process, even though he hasn't ever been ~bad at the nhl level. however, imo, his positioning between noted disappointments hall and yakupov and also assigned saviors hall and mcdavid did put him in a unique position where people had a little more patience with him and blamed him less for the team's struggles than his fellow first overalls.
i do still miss the kid line sometimes though.
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travellerentity · 18 days
gonna write some tasteful korvax exploring traveller's body for "science reasons" fics, and need opinions on the name for the Korvax in question! here's the ones Ive met in game so far
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jaybe11 · 1 year
Una tumba llena de cráneos deformes ft @-Omark @konelrichi
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juhollamago · 5 years
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“Salavat Yuleav’s forward Linus Omark has a future in goaltending.”
- Team Chernysyov coach Bob Hartley
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allonsybadwolf · 2 years
VIDEO: Severance Outie Cut, Season 1 Episode 9
Okay ya’ll, I believe I have done everything I need to do to make the Innie and Outie Supercuts that I made of Severance available. I looked into a lot of different free storage options out there and unfortunately none of them had enough space (the cuts together are ~35GB), so I landed on creating a torrent file to share it, which just means I’m sending it directly from my computer to your computer without the middleman of cloud storage
This is the first time I’ve ever created a torrent to share, so I had to follow a tutorial. I believe everything worked correctly. Please let me know if there’s any problems (or if you know more about torrents than I do and see any immediate glaring issues.)
Here’s what you’ll need to do:
1. Download a bittorrent client (I recommend qbittorrent.) 2. Grab the .torrent file from the google drive I created: here 3. Side note, I created the file in qbittorrent but I believe you can use it in any client. Someone correct me if that’s wrong. 4. In your bittorrent client, look for an option that says something like “add torrent file” and use that to select the file 5. Choose where to download the file and click “okay” 6. You’re done! Wait for it to download and you’re good to go!
You don’t need to go to any sketchy torrent sites, you can check the file contents in the bittorrent client when you add it to make sure it is what I say it is (it will contain two video files, and two image files for those of you who use something like plex and want title cards), and yeah I think that’s it
Please let me know what you think of it if/when you watch it! I put a lot of hours into it and I really enjoyed watching it, so I hope you guys do as well.
OH ALSO. If you know anyone who is willing to sacrifice their first Severance watch through and watch these cuts first as an experiment, I am extremely curious to hear about how the experience differs when you watch it as intended vs. watching it from each perspective individually.
I have it ordered as Outie Cut first, then Innie Cut second. You’re welcome to watch in whatever order you like, though, obviously.
My thought process here is that the Outie perspective is more interesting as a mystery where you don’t know what is happening at Lumon. You’re discovering things along with oMark, you don’t have any more information than he does.
And I think the Innie perspective could be interesting either way, but I think most of the interest just comes from discovering the world of Lumon here. It definitely could be interesting to see the Innie perspective with no knowledge of the outside world, though. Let me know what you think about the watch order!
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omarkblogs · 4 years
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You are only tired if you think you're tired. . @kamlesh.jat💪 . #omark #omarkstories #omarkstrong . https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsfDo0JKCV/?igshid=k7ecwuiykx2t
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chunkletskhl · 5 years
Salavat Yulaev Ufa’s Linus Omark is top-five in KHL points right now, and is also, apparently, a pretty good goalie...  as he showed during yesterday’s All-Star festivities, much to the delight of regular Salavat Yulaev goalie Juha Metsola, who was playing forward.  
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concernedbrownbread · 10 months
Love calling them omark and imark. They’re just my little guys who are actually the same guys who are actually different guy in the same body
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dinkypoo · 10 months
something so sick about the way that helly r is marketed as a mix between an ikea sofa and a personal assistant (brought to you by apple!). The way she is presented in that room makes me wonder what Lumos has told Helena about innies. The way her rich buddies talk about it also makes me think that in certain circles theyre even more dehumanized.
Like Omark talks about his innie as a part of himself, or a person he doesn't know. He may not be exactly friendly or interested in Imark, but he doesnt think of him as non-human.
In contrast , these richies do not see innies as human at all. Ultra rich people regularly dehumanize others based on what labour they preform... so they couldn't conceptualize themseves as workers without dehumanizing themselves. Even thinking of a part of themselves as "workers" would be a problem, since "worker" is not part of their identity. Mark has worked before. doing labour for money is part of who he is, even if its a very functional part of it. That may be why he can see his innie as a part of him.
But for ultra wealthy people, doing labour for money is something other , lesser people do. Thats is why theyre being sold severance as a very convenient , robot maid. If it was made clear to them in that room that the person doing labour is THEMSELVES? That would cause them to recoil in disgust and dissonance. So Lumos has to walk a fine line of repackaging severance, but also not making it too obvious that these rich people openly think of labourers as sub-human. Cant make them feel guilty either ! hence the line about helena calling helly "like a sister".
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wallpapers-okay · 7 years
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Linus Omark (Sweden) /requested by @littlelinus​/
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darnellnurse · 7 years
the karjala cup rosters for this canada-sweden game can best be summarized as the ‘ghost of oilers past’
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shmreduplication · 2 years
Selvig treats iMark the way any of us would treat our blorbo
she gave him a glass portrait of his head and a little light-up spinny stand for it
gave him extra time with Ms Casey
gave him a promotion
is oMark’s neighbor and bakes him cookies
becomes his sister’s latching helper or whatever it’s called
assigns him the super special important task of training iHelly
manipulates oMark into moving her recycling and garbage bins every week
roots for his team to make their quarterly deadline
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