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G350d messing about @conradbengaluru . . #gwagon #mercedesbenz #benz #amg #g350d #bangalore #india #germany #inline6 #inline6mafia #amggang #amgperformance #sea #seablue #metallic #om656 #daimler #daimlerag #9gtronic #german #telangana (at Conrad Bengaluru) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_q4J1jfmp/?igshid=1o21wfh5w55ru
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afamilyauto · 4 years
Mercedes-Benz G 350 получит двухлитровый мотор
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Mercedes-Benz G 350. Культовый внедорожник оснастят «турбочетвёркой» в угоду китайским поклонникам Компания Mercedes-Benz работает над «бюджетной» версией нового G-Class. Внедорожник получит бензиновую «турбочетвёрку» 2.0, чтобы у китайских потребителей была возможность купить «Гелендеваген», но не платить налог на роскошь. Самый доступный G-Class получит индекс «350» и поступит в продажу осенью. Китайские журналисты выяснили, что G 350 для Поднебесной с бензиновым 2,0-литровым четырёхцилиндровым мотором M264 будет развивать 299 лошадиных сил и 400 Нм крутящего момента. «Глобальный» внедорожник с аналогичным индексом — версия G 350 d с шестицилиндровым 286-сильным (600 Нм) турбодизелем OM656 — в Китай не поставляется. Внешне базовый внедорожник отличается от более мощной модификации G 500 только колёсами меньшего диаметра и шильдиками. Компромиссов по трансмиссии нет: 2,0-литровый «Гелендеваген» оснащается тем же 9-скоростным «автоматом», сохранились все три блокировки дифференциалов. Вероятно, для «триста пятидесятого» G-Class подготовят упрощённую комплектацию, хотя интерьер тестового прототипа ничем не отличается от «старших» версий. Одна из целей китайского филиала Mercedes-Benz — сделать цену версии G 350 ниже порога в 1 миллион 469 тысяч юаней (15,7 миллиона рублей), чтобы покупатели «бюджетной» модификации не попадали под налог на роскошь. В настоящий момент базовый G 500 в Поднебесной стоит от 1 миллиона 629 тысяч юаней (17,4 миллиона рублей). Read the full article
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alvaromatias1000 · 4 years
Mercedes-Benz CLS ganha motor 1.5 na China
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O Mercedes-Benz CLS é um carro de grande porte e se espera que o mesmo tenha motores igualmente volumosos. Com 4,998 m de comprimento, 1,890 m de largura, 1,435 m de altura e 2,938 m de entre eixos, ele tem boas dimensões.
Ainda que tenha os motores M256 3.0 seis em linha e OM656 2.9 diesel, também com seis cilindros, o Mercedes-Benz CLS da atual geração (C257) tem ainda dois propulsores de quatro cilindros: M264 2.0 e OM654 2.0, respectivamente a gasolina e diesel.
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Na China, porém, a Mercedes-Benz resolveu descer um pouco mais no tamanho do motor e agora disponibiliza o modelo CLS 260 com propulsor 1.5 Turbo. Trata-se de uma unidade que tem 184 cavalos a 6.100 rpm e 28,5 kgfm entre 3.000 e 4.000 rpm, funcionando no lugar do 2.0 normalmente usado no Classe C, por exemplo.
Embora a Daimler tenha ainda este último motor, na China, os propulsores até 1.500 cm3 possuem incentivos fiscais melhores que aqueles impostos aos que ficam acima disso. Seguindo a tendência de adicionar motor 1.5 em vários segmentos naquele mercado, o CLS 260 surge como nova opção de acesso, abaixo dos CLS 300 e CLS 350.
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Apesar do pequeno tamanho, o Mercedes-Benz CLS 260 vai de 0 a 100 km/h em 8,7 segundos com velocidade máxima de 250 km/h e consumo médio de 13,9 km/l. O sedã de luxo com estilo cupê custa 576.800 yuans ou R$ 467.680.
Elegante, o Mercedes-Benz CLS tem acima disso, a versão 300 com motor 2.0 Turbo de 299 cavalos e 40,6 kgfm, assim como a versão CLS 350.
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Acima disso, o propulsor de seis cilindros 3.0 com 367 cavalos na CLS 450 e 435 cavalos na AMG CLS 53 4Matic. Nesse último, o cupê quatro portas vai de 0 a 100 km/h em 4,5 segundos.
Na Europa, com diesel, o CLS tem versões 220d com 211 cavalos e 300d com 244 cavalos, ambos com o mesmo motor 2.0. Com propulsor diesel de seis cilindros em linha 2.9 vem com potências de 286 cavalos no CLS 350d e 340 cavalos no CLS 400d, ambos com tração integral.
Mercedes-Benz CLS 260 2020 – Galeria de fotos
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[Fonte: Carscoops]
    © Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Mercedes-Benz CLS ganha motor 1.5 na China é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Mercedes-Benz CLS ganha motor 1.5 na China publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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carguytimes · 5 years
●大型化により居住性が大幅に向上。MBUXを搭載する新型GLE メルセデス・ベンツ Mクラス改め、GLEを名乗っていたプレミアムSUVが2019年6月18日にフルモデルチェンジを受けました。 実質的にGLEとしては初のフルモデルチェンジで、Mクラスから数えて4代目になります。注文受付は18日から開始され、納車は「GLE 450 4MATIC スポーツ (ISG搭載モデル) 」が18日から、「GLE 400 d 4MATIC スポーツ」は8月以降、「GLE 300 d 4MATIC」は11月以降が予定されています。 GLEは、前身の「Mクラス」が1998年に誕生して以降、メルセデス・ベンツSUVの中核モデルとして進化を遂げ、SUVらしい力強さとスポーティネスを表現したエクステリアデザイン、上質感あふれる内装、オン/オフロードともに優れた走行性能を備え、プレミアムSUVというカテゴリーを創出。2015年10月には名称を現在のGLEに改め、EクラスファミリーのSUVとしての位置づけが強化されています。 4世代目となる新型GLEは、内・外装のデザインが一新され、最新技術と装備を搭載して生まれ変わっています。オンロードでは、高い俊敏性を、オフロードでは卓越した走破性を実現したとしています。 キャビンが大幅に拡大し、同モデルで初めて3列目シートが設定され乗車定員が7名になったほか、新型Aクラスで導入されたインフォテインメントシステム「MBUX(メルセデス・ベンツ ユーザー エクスペリエンス)」と最新の安全運転支援システムを用意。 グレード展開は、GLE初の4気筒クリーンディーデルエンジンが搭載された「GLE 300 d 4MATIC」、静かでスムーズな直列6気筒クリーンディーゼル搭載の「GLE 400 d 4MATIC スポーツ」、直列6気筒ガソリンと「ISG」が搭載された「GLE 450 4MATIC スポーツ」を用意。 「GLE 300 d 4MATIC 」には出力を高めた2.0L直列4気筒ディーゼルエンジンの「OM654」が搭載され、最高出力 245PS(180kwW)、���大トルク500Nmを発生。「GLE 400 d 4MATIC スポーツ」には、最高出力 330PS(243kW)、最大トルク 700Nm を誇る3.0L直列6気筒クリーンディーゼル「OM656」を搭載しています。 「GLE 450 4MATIC スポーツ」には、コンパクトな3.0Lリッター直列6気筒ガソリンエンジンの「M256」とともに、「ISG(インテグレーテッド・スターター・ジェネレーター)」「48V 電気システム」などの新技術を搭載することで、効率性、快適性、高性能化を同時に実現。 エンジンのみで最高出力 367PS(270kW)、最大トルク500Nmを発生させ、さらにエンジンとトランスミッションの間に配置された電気モーター「ISG」と「48V 電気システム」により、最高出力16kW、最大トルク250Nmを発生。 トランスミッションは、9G-TRONIC オートマチックが組み合わされています。1速から9速までの変速比幅が広いことから、エンジン回転数が大幅に低減され、優れたエネルギー効率と快適性を実現したとしています。 「GLE 300 d 4MATIC」には、前後 50:50 の固定トルク配分となる4MATICを、「GLE 400 d 4MATIC スポーツ」と「GLE 450 4MATIC スポーツ」には前後 100-0%〜0-100%の連続可変のトルク配分を行うことで、オンロードとオフロードの性能をさらに高いレベルで両立させた新開発の4MATICが採用されています。 注目ポイントの1つは居住性の向上。ホイールベースが先代よりも80mmも延長され、居住性と積載性が向上。さらに、Aピラーが先代より直立方向に起こされたため、乗降性も改善したとしています。 また、2 列目には同セグメント SUVとして世界初となる6ウェイフルパワーシートを全モデルに標準装備。レッグルームは、先代比69mm増の1,045mmに延長されています。さらに2列目左右のシートは約100mmの範囲で前後電動スライドが可能。「40:20:40」分割可倒式後席は電動角度調整式、左右ヘッドレストの高さは電動調整式になっています。全車標準装備の3列目シート(2人掛け)は可倒式で、フレキシブルなシートアレンジに対応。 積載性では、3列目シート使用時の荷室容量は160Lで、2、3 列目シートを倒すと最大2,055Lまで広がります。また、トランクスルーで積み込める横幅が72mm 拡大されたことで、長尺物もより簡単に積載できるようになりました。さらに、AIRMATIC サスペンション装着車は、スイッチ操作によりリヤの車高が約40mm下がり、よりスムーズな荷物の積み下ろしが可能。 安全装備では、最新世代の運転支援システムシステムが全車に標準装備されています。国内初導入の機能強化として、「アクティブ ブレーキ アシスト (歩行者/飛び出し/右折時対向車検知機能付)」は、対向車線を横切って右折しようとする際に、対向車線を直進してくる車と衝突する危険がある場合、車速 10km/h以内であれば自動ブレーキが作動。対向車の検知は、フロントの長距 離レーダーセンサーとステレオマルチパーパスカメラを使って行われます。 「GLE 300 d 4MATIC」の価格は9,400,000円、「GLE 400 d 4MATIC スポーツ」は消費税8%の場合が10,890,000円、10%の場合が11,090,000円。「GLE 450 4MATIC スポーツ(ISG搭載モデル)」が8%の場合が11,320,000円、10%が11,530,000円です。 (塚田勝弘) あわせて読みたい * メルセデス・ベンツ GLBのトップモデル、383馬力の「AMG GLB 45」を設定へ! * メルセデスAMG「GT4 ドアクーペ」に最強の「GT 73」が登場。デビューは年内か? * 新型メルセデス・ベンツ Bクラス、受注開始! 384万円から手に入る、Sクラス譲りの先進機能 * 【新車】多様なカーライフスタイルにマッチする新型メルセデス・ベンツBクラスが384万円から登場 * メルセデス・ベンツ Aクラスに乗ってキャンプへ出かけよう!格安なプレミアムレンタカーのススメ http://dlvr.it/R6sVzY
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louisonurmark · 5 years
Ever since Mercedes-Benz bestowed the GLS moniker to its largest SUV, it’s been billing it as the “S-Class of SUVs” – even though the car was really just a bigger GLE with an extra row of seats. Now, however, Stuttgart has finally put its money where its mouth is by giving the new X167 model more of everything, in an effort to fend off advancing competition like the new BMW X7.
Not least of its efforts is the car’s impressive girth. Measuring 5,207 mm long and 1,956 mm wide, the new GLS is 77 mm longer and 22 mm wider than before, while its 3,135 mm wheelbase is 60 mm longer. To put that into perspective, that’s just 39 mm shorter than a long-wheelbase S-Class and 57 mm wider.
Masking that increase in dimensions is a more athletic design that bears more than a passing resemblance to the latest GLE, complete with the upright octagonal grille that is becoming a hallmark of Mercedes SUVs. Marking its status as a true range-topping model, the car comes as standard with Multibeam LED headlights with three daytime running light sections (as per the S-Class) and a whopping 112 diodes on each side.
Along the side, there are squared-off wheel arches and softer, calmer surfacing than before, topped off by the powerful rear haunches that flow into the tail lights. Speaking of which, the broad two-piece LED lamps get three-dimensional blocks which are again reminiscent of the GLE, and they’re joined by a full-width chrome strip. Despite the massive size, the GLS has a drag coefficient of just 0.32, down from 0.35.
The dashboard is also shared with the GLE, with the usual Mercedes flatscreen display panel – with twin 12.3-inch displays as standard – mounted on a distinctive vent-like support, plus a tall centre console with integrated grab handles. As on the GLE, the GLS comes with the Mercedes-Benz User Experience (MBUX) infotainment system with an optional Interior Assistant gesture control system.
It’s at the rear, however, where the GLS really earns its lofty billing. All seven seats are power-adjustable as standard, and you can also spec the car with six seats – replete with armrests for the second row – for even greater luxury. These second-row seats, which offer 87 mm more legroom than before when placed in their rearmost positions, can be outfitted with heating, ventilation and massage functions.
Those passengers also get access to an extended centre console with cupholders, a wireless smartphone charging pad and additional USB ports so that your kids’ phones will never run out of battery. There’s even an optional five-zone (!) climate control system with a dedicated heater and air-conditioner for the third row – which, by the way, is full-sized and can seat people up to 194 cm in height.
Entertainment is provided by way of the optional MBUX Rear Seat Entertainment System, which consists of twin 11.6-inch touchscreens that can be used to watch movies, listen to music, use the integrated web browser or even view trip information. Another optional feature is a seven-inch Android tablet as part of the Rear Comfort package Plus, which can be used to control the infotainment, seats and climate control.
The seats can be folded flat using buttons in the boot, and there’s also a button to stow all seats simultaneously. Do that and cargo capacity swells to a humongous 2,400 litres, and the loading of larger, heavier items can be made easier by lowering the standard Airmatic air suspension by approximately 50 mm.
Mercedes-Benz GLS, 2019, smaragdgrün, Leder Schwarz / macchiatobeige Mercedes-Benz GLS, 2019, emerald green, black / macchiato beige leather
Mercedes-Benz GLS, 2019, smaragdgrün, Leder Schwarz / macchiatobeige Mercedes-Benz GLS, 2019, emerald green, black / macchiato beige leather
Motivation comes from a range of petrol and diesel engines, the former with an EQ Boost 48-volt mild hybrid system that adds 22 hp and 250 Nm of boost. From launch, the GLS 450 will be offered with an M256 3.0 litre twin-turbocharged straight-six producing 367 hp and 500 Nm of torque, while a GLS 580 will arrive shortly after. This debuts a new mild hybrid version of the M176 4.0 litre biturbo V8, producing 489 hp and 700 Nm.
On the oil burning side is the OM656 3.0 litre turbo straight-six in two variations – a GLS 350 d with 286 hp and 600 Nm and a GLS 400 d with 330 hp and 700 Nm on tap. Both versions come with a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) converter with an ammonia slip catalyst (ASC) for more efficient use of AdBlue liquid.
All models are fitted with a nine-speed 9G-Tronic automatic transmission as well as a 4Matic all-wheel drive system – this can send up to 100% of torque to each axle and induce oversteer or understeer on demand for improved safety and agility. A new off-road transfer case with a low-range gearbox is available.
The air-sprung chassis comes with Adaptive Damping System Plus as standard, but buyers can specify a 48-volt E-Active Body Control system which can individually control the spring and damper rates on each wheel, providing improved comfort and off-road performance. This system enables the car to lean into corners and even rock itself free when stuck in sand.
Another new feature is the Carwash function that will enable easier entrances into carwashes. In this mode, the suspension moves into the highest position to reduce track width, while the mirrors fold, the windows and sunroof close, the 360-degree camera system is switched on and the rain-sensing wipers are turned off. The climate control also enters into air recirculation mode.
As expected, safety kit is vast and includes the full complement of semi-autonomous driving features. These include Distronic adaptive cruise control with the new Active Stop-and-Go Assist that will automatically keep the car in its lane at speeds of up to 60 km/h – mirroring the Level 3 self-driving functionality on the new Audi A8. Trailer Manoeuvring Assist is also offered as an option in Europe.
X167 Mercedes-Benz GLS – greater comfort and luxury Ever since Mercedes-Benz bestowed the GLS moniker to its largest SUV, it’s been billing it as the “S-Class of SUVs” – even though the car was really just a bigger GLE with an extra row of seats.
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mechcrunch · 6 years
GLC receives MBUX as well as inline six-cylinder diesel OM656
GLC receives MBUX as well as inline six-cylinder diesel OM656
For the facelift of the Mercedes-Benz GLC, the Stuttgarter pack more in the SUV than many had expected – but we had already predicted for weeks. The revised variant of the new GLC generation receives u.a. not only the new in-line six-cylinder diesel as GLC 400 d, but also the new MBUX multimedia system with touch screen. What the C-Class customers can probably only wish for, the SUV…
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my-tranhung · 7 years
Nhiều nguồn tin thân cận gần đây đã cập nhật rằng, sedan Mercedes-Benz S-Class 2018 facelift sẽ chỉ trưng diện một số cấu hình đặc trưng. Từ những tìm hiểu của mình, showroom Mercrdes Haxaco đã biết được rằng, dù thông báo là vậy nhưng tính đến nay, mẫu xế hộp này đã mở rộng lên đến 24 phiên bản hoàn toàn khác nhau.
Thông số sức mạnh thay đổi
Đầu tiên, một số phiên bản S-Class đã từng xuất hiện trên thị trường gồm có hai tùy chọn về động cơ, có máy dầu diesel – S350d 4Matic có thể sản sinh 286 mã lực, mô men xoắn tối đa đạt 600 Nm, kế đến là S400d 4Matic với thông số đạt được là 340 mã lực/700 Nm, cả hai đều sử dụng động cơ OM656 3 lít 6 xi lanh.
Biến thể S65 được xem là mạnh mẽ hơn, được tích hợp cho khối động cơ có khả năng tăng áp kép
Hơn nữa, hãng còn mang đến các tùy chọn xăng gồm S560 4Matic được lắp ráp động cơ tăng áp kép M176 4.0L V8, mang đến sức mạnh công suất 469 mã lực, mô men khoảng 700 Nm. Nối tiếp là những model Mercedes-AMG, đầu tiên là chiếc S63 4Matic sử dụng động có có khả năng tăng áp kép 4.0L V8 mang trong mình sức mạnh cụ thể là 612 mã lực/900 Nm.
Biến thể S65 được xem là mạnh mẽ hơn, được tích hợp cho khối động cơ có khả năng tăng áp kép dung tích 6 lít V12, cung cấp 630 mã lực/ 1.000 Nm. Cuối cùng là sự xuất hiện của các model Mercedes-Maybach với dòng S560 4Matic, sử dụng động cơ tương tự như non-Maybach S560 4Matic.
Tính đến thời điểm hiện tại, xe Mercedes-Benz S-Class 2018 facelift còn ra mắt thêm 3 phiên bản chạy xăng mới. Tuy nhiên, với những mẫu S-Class thông thường, thương hiệu ngôi sao ba cánh đã cải tiến S460 4Matic và S500 bằng cách bổ sung động cơ tăng áp kép M256 3.0L 6 xi lanh mới toanh. Đi kèm với khối động cơ 49V mang đến mô men xoắn 250 Nm và công suất 21 mã lực, xe có thể đạt tối đa 362 mã lực/500 Nm cùng bản S460 và 429 mã lực/520 Nm với bản S500.
Mercedes-Benz S-Class 2018 facelift còn ra mắt thêm 3 phiên bản chạy xăng mới
Một số thông tin mới từ Mercredes-Benz còn cho hay, so với các sản phẩm S500 tiền nhiệm được bổ sung cho động cơ khả năng tăng áp kép dung tích 4.7 lít V8, các phiên bản 6 xi lanh có lượng phát thải CO2 thấp hơn khoảng 22%.
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Kích thước có thể thay đôi
Tiếp theo là S600, sản phẩm hàng đầu trong dòng S-Class thông thường, sẵn có động cơ tăng áp kép 6.0L V12 mạnh 523 mã lực/830 Nm. Kế đến là Mercedes-Maybach S650 sử dụng bộ máy V12 khá giống với S600 mang đến công suất mạnh mẽ hơn khoảng 621 mã lực/1.000 Nm.
Các model 4Matic đều được sử dụng hệ dẫn động hầu hết tất cả các bánh độc quyền của Mercedes. Song song với đó, các sản phẩm được gắn mác 4Matic đều được tích hợp hệ dẫn động cầu sau. Hầu như, các biến thể Mercedes-Maybach đều sở hữu chiều dài cơ sở dài hơn x222, các mô hình Mercedes-AMG chỉ có sẵn với chiều dài cơ sở hiện tại, giống như S 600.
Các model 4Matic đều được sử dụng hệ dẫn động hầu hết tất cả các bánh độc quyền của Mercedes
Trong khi đó, các sản phẩm còn lại trong cùng dòng S-Class (S350d 4Matic, S400d 4Matic, S450 Matic, S500, S560 4Matic) rất có thể trong thời gian sắp tới sẽ xuất hiện biến thể với chiều dài cơ sở được thiết kế ngắn hơn W222 hoặc dài hơn hẳn V222.
Thương hiệu Đức còn cho biết thêm, Mercedes-Maybach S650 và Mercedes-AMG S65 được bổ sung hệ thống treo Magic Body Control tiêu chuẩn. Hơn nữa, hệ thống chủ động sẽ là trang bị tùy chọn dành cho S560 và Mercedes-Maybach S560.
—>> Xem thêm giá Mercedes-Benz E-Class 2017 tại showroom Mercedes-Benz Haxaco
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The post Bản nâng cấp của S-Class sẽ có nhiều tùy chọn appeared first on Hội Chợ Website.
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robertkstone · 7 years
2019 Mercedes-Benz CLS Prototype Review: The Return of Mercedes’ Swoopy Coupe
SAN FRANCISCO – Invoking the description “cultured sporty” for its redesigned 2019 CLS four-door coupe, Mercedes-Benz will revive its swoopy styling while delivering an array of new engines.
Fans of the original CLS will be gratified to see the return of one long sweep of side sheetmetal, ditching the ungainly rear haunches from the second generation. Sadly, the crisp character line of the first-gen CLS does not make a return, with Mercedes instead providing more of a muscular shoulder. The rear deck has a bit of a pouty lip at the trunklid edge, which might be a polarizing touch.
The CLS will be a nimble combination of unique parts and platform sharing. It will ride on the MRA platform shared with the E-Class and carry the same wheelbase and axles (although the CLS and E-Class have different overall lengths and tracks, giving the CLS the appearance of its 19-inch wheels being pushed farther to the corners; Mercedes declined to provide specific dimensions for the CLS). Meanwhile, the engines and electronics will be shared with the S-Class. The seats and most of the interior will be unique to the CLS.
Despite its sleek appearance, the CLS is actually less slippery than the E-Class—with a 0.26 cD compared to 0.23 for the stockier-looking sedan. Why? Much had to do with the keeping the rear axle on the ground at higher speeds without adding a spoiler, which would ruin the line of the car. So a lot of aerodynamic work happens underneath the CLS. You don’t see it, but the wind does.
Unfortunately, due to our different bumper-testing regulations, the U.S. gets a different rear bumper—one that loses the cool flushness that every other market gets. “Why ruin it for everyone else?” CLS chief engineer Michael Kelz said.
The CLS450 will come with the 3.0-liter turbocharged, supercharged, and hybridized M256 inline-six that generates 367 hp and 369 lb-ft, utters a great throaty snarl, and reaches 62 mph in 5.0 seconds. Given those output numbers, it seems the CLS’ engine is slightly detuned from the version that appears in the S-Class. A forthcoming AMG version will have 430 hp and shave 0.2 second off the 0–62 time.
Kelz says the inline-six “splits the hot and cool sides” based on exhaust routing—placing the catalytic converter, 48-volt assembly and 12-volt converter, the twin-scroll turbocharger, and the rest of the exhaust system on the driver’s right while the electric supercharger (or e-turbo as they often call it) resides on the driver’s left. The 12-volt battery is now carried in the back of the car.
Europe will also get a CLS350 with a completely new 300-hp, 295-lb-ft 2.0-liter four-cylinder code-named M264—although Mercedes engineers quietly note that the four-banger could migrate to America, as well.
Six- and four-cylinder diesel variants will also be sold in Europe; the OM656 inline-six generates 286 hp and 443 lb-ft of torque, and a four-cylinder oil-burner will create 245 hp and 369 lb-ft of twist.
The CLS will come with a choice of three suspensions: a standard steel suspension, an adaptive steel suspension (the sportiest of the three), and a multichamber air suspension.
For this specialized version of Mercedes’ Air Body Control, engineers decided that air springs were too floaty for sporty driving and used the E-Class’ multichamber system rather than the single-chamber of the S-Class. Despite being similar systems, there are differences in their respective applications—the E-Class responds slower but is also plusher, and the CLS is more about higher frequency and immediate response, said Hubert Schneider, head of testing for the E-Class, CLS, and GLC.
The result: flat cornering, even in Comfort mode. Rebound damping is exquisite even with the standard steel springs—as we found during a half-day drive from San Francisco down the Northern California coast and foothills. During a challenging chicane, the CLS squats solidly during the weight transfer.
As per traditional Mercedes drive modes, Eco, Comfort, and Sport will be available—defaulting to Comfort with each cycle of the ignition. However, in some city driving, Comfort might be more fuel-efficient—Eco is meant more for long-haul “sailing.” An available Intelligent Eco setting coordinates your destination with instant navigation and radar data for maximum fuel efficiency. When in sailing mode, the engine will be off—not idling—and will turn back on if engine braking is needed.
How does it do this? A 48-volt integrated starter generator, shared with the S-Class, can handle advanced stop/start, coasting, and electric boost. Also, the air-conditioning compressor is electrically driven, meaning the stop/start system can keep the engine off for longer periods. When sitting in heat-soak conditions with the engine off and the air conditioning on automatic, the electric compressor had no problems keeping the cabin cool.
Inside, the CLS will carry a fully digital instrument panel shared with the S-Class. Cool cyclone-looking air vents are arrayed in a 1-4-1 pattern across the console. (The E-Class also gets them for 2019 model year.) The inlays in the dash and door panels might look like carbon fiber, but they are a woven steel matrix. Each vent and panel has surrounding illumination in a selectable choice of 64 ambient colors that will make the Pantone deities smile.
Leather seats hold occupants firmly in place but are comfortable for longer drives. LED headlamps can cast their light nearly a half mile ahead. Two-pane acoustic glass from supplier AGC Automotive lends to the quietness of a bank vault—generating almost reverse air pressure on occupants’ tympanic membranes, yet just enough of the thrilling I-6’s note comes through to remind you that this is a performance car.
The form-over-function design does result in back-seat compromises, including tight headroom, splayed knees, and ingress and egress that require craning your neck to avoid a head versus headliner collision. The rear-seat headrests are small pads designed for safety more than comfort—but larger headrests would mean an even smaller visual area out the back.
The CLS goes on sale in Germany in March or April; the U.S. gets its first units in July. The U.S. market will initially get all-wheel-drive versions and then slowly integrate rear-drive versions into the dealer fleet.
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alvaromatias1000 · 5 years
Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 chega renovado e com mais espaço para sete
O Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 chega em sua nova geração ao Salão de Nova Iorque. O maior SUV da Daimler agora tem mais espaço para sete pessoas e abandona de vez a arquitetura antiga, ainda uma herança da extinta DaimlerChrysler. Além disso, o utilitário esportivo feito em Vance, Alabama, ficou bem maior, crescendo quase 10 cm.
Com 5,212 m de comprimento, 1,955 m de largura e 3,134 m de entre eixos, o Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 perde aquele ar de “perua” das duas gerações anteriores, ganhando uma carroceria mais volumosa, robusta e verticalizada. Até parece menor observando as imagens, mas é apenas o efeito dessa mudança, agora com um aspecto mais de SUV parrudo.
Os faróis agora são quase quadrados, embora com contornos suaves, tendo projetores de LED matricial e grade ovalizada com duas grades barras de alumínio sustentando o badge da Mercedes. Um acabamento trançado em baixo relevo sobre o protetor inferior esconde parte da grade.
O Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 chama atenção pelo arco do teto que vai crescendo a medida que se aproxima das colunas C, naturalmente destacadas nesta geração, mas aproximadas das demais em relação às anteriores, o que fez o SUV ficar mais consistente visualmente. Na traseira, as lanternas em LED com elementos arredondados se destacam, assim como o para-choque com moldura cromada e escapes integrados.
Por dentro, o Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 foge daquele visual “turbinado” de modelos como Classe A ou C, por exemplo, adotando uma quantidade talvez jamais vista de difusores de ar, tendo dois grandes nas laterais do conjunto de telas de 25 polegadas do cluster e da multimídia MBUX. Isso sem contar os quatro retangulares mais abaixo e outro na direção do passageiro. Circulação de ar não será problema neste SUV de luxo.
O túnel também atrai olhares, mas não pela exuberância. Além das duas alças laterais, separadas pelo touch pad de navegação, o console do Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 tem uma superfície tem uma tampa texturizada que esconde porta-copos e outros compartimentos menores para objetos. Dependendo da versão, essa parte parece aqueles acabamentos falsos de conceito. Luzes de LED envolvem as alças e a base do painel.
O espaço ficou mais amplo, tendo comandos individuais de climatização na segunda fileira e difusores de ar também no teto para as duas fileiras. Com HUD e opção de duas telas de 11,6 polegadas cada para o MBUX de entretenimento traseiro, o Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 tem ainda um tablet de 7 polegadas com sistema Android para controle das telas.
Com arquitetura avançada, o Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 ganha a suspensão adaptativa e pneumática Airmatic com sistema E-Active Body Control, aquele que pode até dançar, além de sistema elétrico de 48 volts. O sistema de tração nas quatro rodas tem embreagem de acoplamento multidisco, podendo transferir 100% da força para cada eixo.
Na mecânica, o Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 ganha a versão 450 4MATIC EQ Boost com motor V6 3.0 Biturbo de 367 cavalos e 50,8 kgfm para o mercado americano. A variante diesel usa o motor OM656 de seis cilindros em linha 2.9 para as versões GLS 350d e GLS 400d, entregando 286 e 330 cavalos, respectivamente, com 61,1/71,1 kgfm.
Nos EUA, o GLS 580 4MATIC EQ Boost tem um V8 4.0 Biturbo com 489 cavalos e 71,1 kgfm. Deve-se lembrar que o sistema EQ Boost adiciona 22 cavalos e 25,5 kgfm. Todas as versões têm câmbio automático 9G-Tronic de nove marchas. As variantes AMG e Maybach devem chegar com motores AMG V8 4.0 (provavelmente com mais de 510 cavalos) e V12 6.0 além dos 600 cavalos.
Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 – Galeria de fotos
    © Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 chega renovado e com mais espaço para sete é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Mercedes-Benz GLS 2020 chega renovado e com mais espaço para sete publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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carguytimes · 5 years
メルセデス・ベンツの究極のオフローダー 「G 350 d」を発表 【メルセデス・ベンツ日本】
2019年4月4日 ・ 静粛性に優れる直列6気筒クリーンディーゼルエンジン「OM656」を搭載 メルセデス・ベンツ日本株式会社(社長:上野金太郎、本社: 東京都品川区)は、メルセデス・ ベン [...] http://dlvr.it/R2gBGD
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carandreviews-blog · 8 years
Mercedes Benz E350d 2016
It may be stylishly late to the gathering, however Mercedes' new E-class All-Terrain doesn't simply look like it – the pumped ride tallness, the tough tasteful – it likewise conveys each trap in its producer's broad tech portfolio with the aim of demonstrating opponent specialists of the superior domain/SUV concoction (read Audi A6 Allroad and Volvo V90 Cross Country) precisely how it ought to be finished. Its own particular slogan for the new model is the 'Swiss utility blade of domains'.
Basically the as of late presented 6th era E-class bequest with extra ground freedom that can be actuated by the driver, Mercedes' 4Matic all-wheel drive framework and some real go 4x4 romping capacity tantamount to that of the organization's fair sized SUV, the GLE. The styling signifiers aren't precisely unobtrusive, yet they never are with this sort of auto. At the front is a re-demonstrated two-tone guard and bolder twin-cutting edge grille with "drifting" three-pointed star identification that dials in a proper level of "husky" - so too the mainly corrective electro-plated under-ride board. Less fruitful, maybe, is the dark wheelarch cladding however, being produced using knock safe plastic, it does at any rate fill a need. Completing the look are rooftop rails, sturdier ledges and a two-tone raise guard with indispensable trapezoidal tail channels.
At the All-Terrain's Paris Show make a big appearance it was suspected that the UK would get the passage level 192bhp, four-chamber 2.0-liter diesel. Not really. Not for the present, at any rate. It's a disgrace since it's an astonishingly smooth and torquey unit that joins a guaranteed 8.0sec 0-62mph time with 55mpg economy. Rather, UK-bound All-Terrains dispatch with Mercedes' new OM656 3.0-liter in-line six-barrel diesel motor which creates 258bhp and 457lb ft of torque. Truth be told, the UK will most likely get only the one 'exceedingly determined' E350d demonstrate in any case, as generation of the six-barrel motor is as yet six months off, homologation hasn't been done and, hence, there are no official economy, outflows or execution figures as of now. Looking to the future, a full-house, fire-breathing AMG adaptation appears to be improbable (a level refusal wasn't inevitable) however a yet more strong diesel is on the cards.
Aside from 4Matic, the component that gives the All-Terrain an appreciated measurement of believability is a revised adaptation of Mercedes' Air Body Control air suspension which, if required, can build ground freedom by up to 35mm.
Notwithstanding when you fire it up on your drive, the All-Terrain sits 29mm higher than the normal E-class domain. Generally 50% of that is down to the tires' taller sidewalls, while the rest of an element of the higher-riding air suspension set-up. To go higher still you select the 'Off-road' setting from the five diverse driving modes in the Dynamic Select framework. This raises the body by 20mm, giving a ground freedom of 141mm – sufficient for most sloppy moves, however just up to 22mph; surpass this speed and the body delicately brings down to the consistent 121mm of leeway. For rockier difficulties, or swimming through truly profound puddles, you can add a sum of 35mm to the ride stature by squeezing a catch on the middle reassure. Additionally, with the 'Off-road' mode drew in, the street enhanced parameters for the electronic soundness program (ESP), dynamic yaw control (AYC) and increasing speed slip control (ASC) are consequently changed in accordance with augment rough terrain capacity. The 4Matic four-wheel drive framework has a 31/69 front/raise control split and gets drive by means of Mercedes' nine-speed 9G-Tronic torque converter programmed transmission.
Inside there are a couple changes to recognize the All-Terrain from the standard E-class home, most outstandingly the AMG Line stainless steel pedals with elastic footing pieces and 'Off-road' marked floor mats. Aside from that, every one of the things that make the normal E-Class' flawlessly completed lodge and driving condition so cosseting, agreeable and associated are available and revise. It's a quite immense freight transporter, as well, with that ever-commonsense 40:20:40 split to the back seats.
Similarly as with the GLE, the All Terrain's Comand infotainment screen can show a realistic portrayal of directing point, suspension level, the steepness of a slant and the edge of slant, and in addition the position of the quickening agent and brake – bewilderingly exhaustive and pretty however conceivably diverting on the off chance that you truly have chosen to go wilderness and ought to have your eyes peeled for the following uncovered tree root. On the off chance that you're pondering, the All-Terrain is certainly no weakling in this division. Our E350d's poise and surefootedness on the blanketed areas of the snow capped test course in Austria were normal, its diligent slope climbing capacity on one perturbingly steep, limited and rough timberland track maybe not. Truth be told, it was something of a disclosure.
It is difficult to distinguish any zone of on-street elements that have been relinquished to accomplish this level of climbing capacity. Securely back on landing area, it's all particularly the same old thing in the form of an alternatively air suspension prepared E-class home which implies whispering light-throttle refinement, a pillowy, limo-like ride in the Dynamic Select framework's Comfort mode (with remarkable body roll when going ahead) and a practically inexplicable capacity to hold around 90 for each penny of the air suspension's suppleness should you decide on Sport mode. Given that, in this setting, you additionally get more keen throttle reaction, more tightly body control with barely any roll and a rudder with more weight and crisper reactions, that is the place it remained for the larger part of our test drive. If not "energetic" in the purest feeling of the word, the E350d variant of the All-Terrain unquestionably doesn't need for pace or balance. Controlling, if rather feel-less, is exact, grasp solid at both finishes and the way the case covers mid-twist knots and knocks is especially consoling.
Added to which the E350d's 3.0-liter straight-six turbodiesel engine is to a great degree quieted under hard increasing speed and is abundantly enriched with low and mid-run pull while the standard 9-speed auto is uncannily smooth and unpretentious.
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carguytimes · 5 years
メルセデス・ベンツ Gクラスにディーゼルモデルが登場|価格は1170万円
メルセデス・ベンツは、同社のオフローダーモデル「Gクラス」にクリーンディーゼルエンジンを搭載した「G 350 d」を追加し、2019年4月4日より予約注文受付を開始した。価格は1170万円(消費税込み)。 G 350 dは直列6気筒クリーンディーゼルエンジン「OM656」を搭載しており、欧... http://dlvr.it/R2CbZv
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carguytimes · 5 years
「メルセデス・ベンツGクラス」にディーゼルモデル「G350d」が登場。「S400d」などと同じ新型のクリーンディーゼルエンジン「OM656」を採用しており、9段ATとの組み合わせにより0-100km/h加速7.4秒という動力性能を実現している。 http://dlvr.it/R27wxQ
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carguytimes · 6 years
メルセデスベンツのミドルクラス・クロスオーバー・クーペSUV、「GLE クーペ」新型プロトタイプが、ニュルで高速テストを開始しました。   ニュルで捉えたプロトタイプは、ボディをリフトアップ。ブーメラン型LEDデイタイムランニングライトを備えるヘッドライト、ワイドで巨大な新グリル、薄型テールライト、サイドまで回り込む大型ダックテールが確認できます。 また、AピラーからDピラーにかけてはより傾斜がもたらされ、ベルトラインは後方へ上がり、かなりスポーティーなエクステリアとなりそうです。   パワートレインは、最高出力286ps、最大トルク600Nmを発揮する3リットル直列6気筒ディーゼル、及び最高出力340ps、最大トルク700Nmのディーゼルや、最高出力367psを発揮する3リットル直列6気筒ガソリンエンジンなどのラインアップが予想されます。最大の注目は、「CLS450」から流用される、新開発の3リットル直列6気筒エンジン+ISG(インテグレーテッド・スターター・モーター)で、最高出力370psに22psの「EQ Boost」機能がアシストします。 高性能モデル「AMG GLE63」には、最高出力571psを発揮する4リットルV型8気筒エンジンを搭載。ハイエンドモデル「AMG GLE63 S」は最高出力612psまで高められると予想されます。 「GLE」のワールドプレミアは、早ければ2018年内、遅れれば2019年初頭が有力ですが、10月のパリモーターショーでサプライズがあるかも知れないという情報もあります。「GLEクーペ」のライバルであるBMWは、約10年前に『X6』を発売。クーペSUV市場を牽引しており、現在は第3世代の開発が進んでいます。それに対抗するかのように登場する「GLEクーペ」第2世代は、2019年内となりそうです。 (APOLLO) あわせて読みたい * 次期メルセデス・ベンツ Aクラスには高性能モデル「AMG A35」が存在か? * 【新車】340馬力の直6クリーンディーゼル「OM656」を搭載したベンツSクラスの価格は1116万円から * メルセデス・ベンツ Sクラスにパワフルなディーゼルを積む「S 400 d」を追加設定 * メルセデス最速オープン「AMG GT Rロードスター」テスト車両をキャッチ。585馬力で発売は2019年か? * ついに登場した『ミラーレス』はトラックから! メルセデスの新型アクトロスが標準装備でやっちゃいました http://dlvr.it/QkPl6p
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carguytimes · 6 years
次期メルセデス・ベンツ Aクラスには高性能モデル「AMG A35」が存在か?
2019年の登場が予想されている次期「Aクラス」には、高性能モデル「AMG A35」が存在するようです。 今年4月に開催された北京モーターショー18で次期「Aクラス」のロング・ホイールベースモデル(セダン)が公開されており、「AMG A35」はその標準モデルがベースになる模様。 ちなみに、現行「Aクラス」にもTOPモデルとして「AMG A45」(381ps/48.4kgm)がラインナップされていますが、新型に設定される「A35」はその下位モデルとなるようで、直噴2.0L直4ガソリン・ターボエンジンで300psレベルのパワーを発揮するようです。 「AMG A45」の日本価格は720万円と高価ですが、「AMG A35」については500万円前後と予想され、10月のパリモーターショーでワールドプレミア、2019年初旬の発売が期待されています。 新型「A45」よりも先行してデビューする可能性が高く、年初には受注が始まるとみられ、今後の動向が注目されます。 (Avanti Yasunori・画像:Daimler) 【関連記事】 ついに新型EV「EQC」がメルセデス・ベンツから登場!2019年上半期から生産へ https://clicccar.com/2018/09/06/626247/ 国内発売は年内? メルセデス・ベンツが新型「Aクラス」の最新動画を公開 https://clicccar.com/2018/08/16/619214/ 独・ダイムラーが年末に発売予定の新型Aクラス 「セダン」はこんなクルマ! https://clicccar.com/2018/08/13/618395/ 新形「Aクラス」にロングホイールベース版「Aクラス Lセダン」登場【北京モーターショー2018】 https://clicccar.com/2018/04/25/583187/ あわせて読みたい * メルセデス・ベンツの新型「GLEクーペ」、ドデカグリル装着でニュルを激走 * 【新車】340馬力の直6クリーンディーゼル「OM656」を搭載したベンツSクラスの価格は1116万円から * メルセデス・ベンツ Sクラスにパワフルなディーゼルを積む「S 400 d」を追加設定 * メルセデス最速オープン「AMG GT Rロードスター」テスト車両をキャッチ。585馬力で発売は2019年か? * ついに登場した『ミラーレス』はトラックから! メルセデスの新型アクトロスが標準装備でやっちゃいました http://dlvr.it/QkPl5J
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carguytimes · 6 years
直列6気筒クリーンディーゼルエンジン搭載「S 400 d」を発表【メルセデス・ベンツ日本】
2018年9月10日 新型直列6気筒クリーンディーゼルエンジン「OM656」を搭載  メルセデス・ベンツ日本株式会社(社長:上野金太郎、本社: 東京都品川区)は、メルセデス・ ベンツの最高級 [...] http://dlvr.it/Qk7lVc
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