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aerctiva · 7 years ago
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drawed Olli in hue № 9 of huevember
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choicemillionaire · 8 years ago
POTF in Glasgow ❤️ #potf #poetsofthefall #poetsofthefallband #markosaaresto #janisnellman #ollitukiainen #jaskamäkinen #jarisalminen #markuskaarlonen #potfglasgow #poetsofthefallglasgow
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poetsofthefall-06-blog · 10 years ago
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        Olli Tukiainen este un muzician şi chitarist finlandez ce face parte din POTF. Înainte de înfiinţarea trupei, Olli şi Marko compuneau cântece pentru Playground (trupa lui Saaresto, înainte de POTF). 
        Născut pe 8 aprilie 1976, şi-a început cariera în muzică la vârsta de 5 ani când a început să studieze vioara. 
        „My mother used to listen to Shostakovitch during the time I was in her stomach. And she always keeps telling me this story when I… There is always a very silent part in the song where… Well the symphonies about war time story where you know, Moscow has been attacked and there was this silent moment where everybody’s waiting for the big explosion, you could say. And when the explosion came it’s a really powerful part in the song. So every time that came I used to kick her stomach.”, spune Olli. 
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choicemillionaire · 8 years ago
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I met @poetsofthefallband tonight in Glasgow and it was amazing! Lovely and genuine people who create the most meaningful music to me ❤️ Thank you for coming to Scotland and thank you for putting on the most memorable concert. It was incredible 💚. #poetsofthefall #markosaaresto #janisnellman #jaskamakinen #ollitukiainen #markuskaarlonen #jarisalminen #music #band #concert #gig #livemusic #signatures #glasgow #o2abcglasgow
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