#olivia nevrakis x queen amalas
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Shadows and Deception: Parts III & IV
[Series Masterlist] [My Choices Masterlists]
Books: The Royal Romance (post-TRF), Crimes of Passion I, Desire & Decorum, Blades of Light and Shadow I Characters: Trystan Thorne (M, no race mentioned), Marguerite Thorne, Olivia Nevrakis, Queen Amalas, Maxwell Beaumont, Daniel, King Liam (no race mentioned), Tyril Starfury, Nia Ellarious, Prince Hamid Pairings: Olivia Nevrakis x Queen Amalas ; M!Trystan Thorne x (no gender given) MC (mentioned) ; King Liam x Riley (mentioned) Rating/Warnings: Teen, mentions of blood, stab wound, knives/daggers (no graphic descriptions) Word Count: Part III: ~900; Part IV: ~600 : total ~1,500
Summary: So many rumors, so many royal suspects, but where does the truth lie?
Catch up on Parts I and II here
III. From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us. (Justice Wargrave)
Disbelief and unease swept through the ballroom as words of foul play circulated. Whispers swirled, sending ripples of suspicion among the guests. Accusatory glances were thrown all around, even toward some of the most prominent and unexpecting of guests.
Trystan Thorne, the once Heir Apparent of Drakovia, found himself caught in the web.
The sound of his name caught his ear as he listened to a particularly pompous party-goer: "I can't believe they let him in. You've read the stories, I'm sure. How he murdered his fiancée."
"Allegedly," he interrupted, his brow arching as he met the guest's gaze. "I was charged, yes. But as for the truth, that remains to be seen."
"I didn't know," the guest stammered realizing the Prince stood beside them. All color drained from their face.
"That's the thing, though, isn't it? You don't know. Therefore, I suggest you save your breaths for words you know to be true," Trystan warned. "Being accused of one crime does not give any reason to suspect me of another." He shook his head, walking away. He marveled at the lack of effort that was made before his name was thrown into the pool of suspects.
Marguerite Thorne, Trystan's half-sister and the youngest Princess of Drakovia (if one considered illegitimate children as such), also faced her own share of rumors.
A group of socialites huddled together, casting not-so-covert glances in her direction, snickering as they went.
One of them strode up to the Princess, waving her phone in her hand. "Princess Marguerite, any comment to these rumors that you orchestrated the murder of Countess Juliana to frame your brother? Jealous much?" She scoffed, a look of disdain filling her face. “Hoping to find yourself some new attention here?”
Marguerite's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and disbelief. "How absurd! To even indulge your delusions for the sake of my amusement would be an insult to my integrity." She chuckled as she sauntered away, flipping her hair over her shoulder. She refused to give them the satisfaction of turning back.
Queen Amalas became the subject of whispered suspicions. Some guests cast accusatory glances her way, questioning the depths to which she would go for knowledge and secrets, and what actions she might take to protect them. Her composed demeanor remained unwavering.
Amalas brushed up against the Duchess, her words a whisper in her ear. "Have you made any progress?"
"There are still many questions to be asked," Olivia replied, her fingers brushing against her Queen's. "Have you turned up anything of worth?"
Her brow rose briefly, a secret smile playing on her lips, "All in good time." Amalas pulled away, tucking her clutch safely under her arm.
"Maybe I should search you," Olivia teased, pulling her back. "I could certainly make it enjoyable... for the both of us."
"I trust you could. Another time, my love."
Olivia glided through the halls, continuing to conduct her investigation until a particularly ridiculous display caught her attention. ‘Who could dance at a time like this?’ She marched forward, ready to put an end to it when a whisper floating through the ballroom hooked her attention. She paused, listening to the murmured words.
Apparently, the Ottoman Prince was conducting an investigation himself. She listened as a guest confided that she had overheard an intense exchange between Lord Beaumont and the waiter earlier in the evening. She wasn't clear on the exact details, but what was clear was the tension between them. Between this and his odd behavior early, Olivia had a new suspect to question. ‘What had he gotten himself into now?'
Maxwell Beaumont, emboldened by his carefree attitude, danced to his own music, refusing to let the party become a lifeless bore. After all, someone had to keep the guests' spirits up.
Olivia approached him, her gaze sharp and penetrating. "Maxwell, do you care to explain yourself?"
"I'm not sure what you mean." He offered her little attention. His body moved in rhythm as he attempted to beatbox his favorite dance beats.
Olivia grumbled, "If you could contain yourself for even five minutes."
"I could, but then, who would carry this party on their shoulders!?" Maxwell winked and jumped atop the closest table. "Breakdance battle—15 minutes. You'll know where."
"You can't do that!" Olivia's words were lost as he dashed off into the crowd before she could ask about the rumors she had just overheard about him and Daniel's argument before the party. There was definitely something going on with him.
Nia Ellarious, the priestess of light who had once been possessed by the evil entity, the Dreadlord, faced her own share of suspicion. Tyril Starfury approached her gently, offering reassurance. "I understand your concerns, but it's customary for the person who discovers the body to be considered a probable suspect. We must remain vigilant and trust that the truth will prevail."
"What if there's more to it?" Nia worried. She had escaped the darkness that had taken over her, but the nightmares of its presence remained. "It can't happen again."
His grasp on his blade tightened as he scanned the crowd. "It won't. Tonight's events are entirely human-created."
Still, others whispered the name of another.
With her known predilection for daggers and her often cold and calculating demeanor, Duchess Olivia Nevrakis's name caught on the lips of some who dared cast a shadow toward her.
IV. Truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant. (C. Auguste Dupin)
Whispers slithered through the air, their words laden with suspicion and hidden agendas. As tension thickened like a dense fog looming over the proceedings, some of the distinguished guests took it upon themselves to investigate the crime, each motivated by their own agenda. The ballroom became a web of whispered conversations, covert glances, and hidden alliances.
Trystan's pulse thrummed with curiosity, the exhilaration of the mystery running high. He was determined to unravel this crime as he had others in New York. Memories of his own false accusation lingered, igniting a fire within him to clear his name. His fingers tapped a steady rhythm against his chin, his mind racing with thoughts of the mysterious silver key. Could it be the key to the truth, or was it merely a red herring calling him astray?
Olivia, fueled by an unwavering determination to shield her chosen family and to exact justice, wove through the crowd. Her sharp mind looked for connections between hushed conversations, hidden agendas, and the untimely death. The corner of her lips pulled up faintly at the promise of more to come.
Now if only she could find Maxwell... Pinning him down should have been the least of her problems; after all, it was Beaumont. He was the least stealthy person she knew. However, he seemed to have made it a game to elude her at every turn, a dangerous dance of cat and mouse developing. Olivia's frustration grew with each attempt to corner him. Foreshadowing a perilous end for the little mouse, or squid as it were, this shark was determined to catch him one way or another. Yet, as she pursued answers to her questions, she couldn't help but wonder if his unusual behavior was denial as he processed his grief.
Balancing duty and his loyalty to Nia, Tyril trod with caution. After Aerin Valleros, he wasn't about to trust another royal. The remnants of the Dreadlord's grip lingered in his memory, fueling his determination to protect Nia from any lurking shadows. His hand rested on the hilt of his sword. He would be ready this time.
Amalas employed her cunning and manipulation to take advantage of the situation, using it to extract every fragment of information she could, regardless of its relation to the events of the evening. All knowledge was power. She maneuvered through the labyrinth of people as silent as a shadow, her movements graceful and elusive. She made her way to a small balcony above. Her perceptive gaze scanned the room, watching and waiting. Her pulse quickened, but she quickly regained her composure. Her focus took a moment longer as her gaze followed the alluring movements of her scarlet-haired Duchess.
Prince Hamid, torn between his formal obligations and his innate desire for justice, skillfully navigated the crowd. He listened to stories and deciphered what information he could learn. His charisma and charm proved invaluable in gaining the trust of potential witnesses. His calm persona reassured guests into fully opening up to him with any facts or theories they may have.
The King's Guard moved throughout the proceedings, questioning everyone who may have heard or seen something. They took particular interest in those who moved about in the shadows, investigating on their own, for perhaps one of them was sticking too close in order to cover his/her own tracks.
Regardless of the underlying reason for their inquiries, there was a puzzle to be solved, and no one was going to let the blame fall on them, especially the exiled Prince of Drakovia.
Thanks for reading! I hope you are enjoying they mystery. There are definitely a lot of rumors and suspicious behaviors, but what do any of them mean?
Tomorrow, an unlikely(?) suspect emerges as the murder weapon is found! The conclusion will be posted Monday! Happy sleuthing!
Giveaway Information: complete details here
3 winners will be chose for minimalist portraits with @bayleedrawsx
Any one who comments on or reblogs with a comment with their theories, thoughts, ideas, ect. on any and all sections of the story will be entered in the giveaway. (1 entry per section)
Prompts: For @choicesbookclub COP ; @choicesmonthlychallenge Private Investigator Event
Special thanks: to JenBeaumontJones (IG) for beta reading
#playchoices#choices game#the royal romance#blades of light and shadow#crimes of passion#desire & decorum#choices fan fiction#tyril starfury#trystan thorne#marguerite thorne#nia ellarious#maxwell beaumont#olivia nevrakis#queen amalas#prince hamid#lovealexhunt#choices book club#olivia nevrakis x queen amalas
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Introducing: 'A Time for Us'
The Royal Romance, AU series
Liam Rys x F!OC Thalia Courtland, Olivia Nevrakis
Premise: King Liam, at the time of his coronation, was prepared to fulfill his duty by selecting his queen from the group of suitors.
In light of the 'love of his life', Thalia Courtland, being the target of a scandal; she was deemed ineligible for selection by the Royal council.
To buy time to find Tariq to clear her name, Liam made the decision to select his childhood friend, Olivia Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos, as his 'temporary choice'.
However, during the year-long search tor Tariq, Liam, Thalia, and Olivia unwittingly formed a mutual bond, and a 'throuple' was established.
Smoke and Mirrors, 'The Black Ledger'
“You know, Olivia, I really respect your work as the head of the Royal guard. You have done a remarkable job at protecting the Royal family and the Crown since the arrest of the former head guard.”
Olivia was surprised by the compliment, never being one to seek or appreciate praise.
“Oh, well, thank you ... I appreciate your commendation.”
Amalas noted her solemn expression and wondered if her former lover was doing well personally.
“I think you should know ... I never stopped caring for you, Livvie. Despite what happened, you will always be special to me.”
“I understand. We were so much more than you let us be.” Olivia smiled sadly as she shifted her focus and watched Liam and Leo as they entered the study.
Turning the Page, 'A Step Back in Time'
"You have the power of position, make Madeleine feel it."
"Most importantly, you hold the King’s heart...show the world, show Cordonia, show Madeleine what that means...you will bring her to her knees." Olivia sneered.
"There she is...there is my little blossom!" Maxwell cried, running towards Riley and engulfing her in a bear hug.
"It's good to see you too, Max. You look well." She laughed as he spun her around in the air.
"I'm not letting go until you promise to never leave me again."
"Alright, alright, put me down!" Riley giggled, feeling the warmth and affection of her Cordonian best friend.
Marabelle, 'The Game of Kings 2'
Sophie and Liam's performance was electric, their teamwork flawless as they dominated the field.
Sophie felt a sense of pride as the crowd cheered her on.
She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. It was exhilarating.
Sitting alongside King Constantine, Barthelemy watched his neice admirably; his thoughts singular...
'She will make a remarkable queen'.
📌Perma-tags:@ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
📌Liam x Riley,MC/ OTP: @jared2612 @irisk12 @thesvnsins @walkerdrakewalker
📌Liam x Riley, OC: @emersyn-in-cordonia @mainstreetreader @belencha77 @iluaaa @mysticalfangirl @queenwalton @bascmve01 @umccall71 @choicesfrog @amandablink @ownworldresident
📌Liam x Sophie: @charlotteg234
#tessa liam writes#liam rys#the royal romance#trr#trr fanfic#choices fic writers creations#wip wednesday
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2023: ☆ January ☆ February-April ☆ May-June ☆ July ☆
Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer [HollywoodU] [Red Carpet Diaries]
In the Stillness of Sunrise: Thomas and Alex share a soft morning moment.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley[Open Heart]
A Sweet Surprise: Bryce helps Olivia surprise her pediatric patients with a cool, sweet treat.
Can I Have this Dance?: Some dances last a few minutes, others a lifetime, but every so often, there’s one that lasts forever.
Anchored in Love: Bryce and Olivia share a tender moment between patients.
The Warmth of Love (Bryce x Olivia): Morning snuggles with Bryce and Olivia aka the literal sunshine couple.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow]
Beyond Riverbend: A Kit's Call to Adventure:A certain smug adventure has gotten under Daenarya’s skin, but she won’t let him define her.
The Reign of a Short King: Mal is very insistent that a half inch makes all the difference… in his height 😉
How to Distract a Rogue : Daenarya devises a new way to keep Mal distracted.
Old Hair, New Look: Daenarya has a few thoughts about Mal’s new armor (from Blades 2) + ART
Crime and Punishment: Mal expresses the idea of never leaving bed, but Daenarya has an idea of her own.
Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
Close Talking: Lilah is at the office, typing up her report on the Iverson Ball, when Trystan stops by to check on her.
Happy 4th with Marple: Lilah shares a celebratory pictagram post featuring Marple
Troy Hassan x Astraea Callen [Wake the Dead]
The Princess + The Dragon: Astraea is ready to start the day, but Troy just wants to sleep.
Shadows and Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery (Mini Series) [TRR, COP, BOLAS, & D&D]
In the heart of Cordonia’s grand ballroom, an eclectic cast of characters gathers, their lives interwoven as a result of a shocking turn of events. Trystan Thorne, the exiled prince with a taste for mystery, Olivia Nevrakis, the snarky Duchess skilled with daggers, Tyril Starfury, the noble elf Lord a defender of the realm, Amalas, the enigmatic spy queen, and Prince Hamid, the charming and formal imperial prince. Amidst the grand party of the birth of King Liam’s third heir, Princess Ariana, the joyous celebration is broken by a piercing scream, a dead body, and a room full of royal suspects.
Daenarya admiring Mal's new armor by weetlebeetle
Bryce and Olivia are Barbie movie ready by _artsbymena_ (IG)
Sleepy mornings with Bryce and Olivia by lizbyart (IG)
Trystan looking quite handsome by ohhheyitsjulia (IG)
Edits + Moodboards
Bryce at Olivia's ultrasound appointment
Mal Volari: new armor, old hair
Olivia (Holland) in her doctor coat gifted by jamespotterthefirst
Lilah Rose's detective dossier
Lilah Rose + Trystan Thorne moodboards
Watermelon: who likes it, who spits the seeds like a game
Trystan and his view of his family
Barbie movie ask: who's going?
#bryce lahela#thomas hunt#mal volari#trystan thorne#troy hassan#lovealexhunt#storyofmychoices#theartoflovingthomashunt#red carpet diaries#open heart#blades of light and shadow#crimes of passion#choices cop#july2023#bolas#wake the dead
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My Characters
Riley is always my MC, but I have given her different last names and different middle names in different stories. All of my character's personalities vary from story to story. And Riley is perhaps the most variable of them all.
All of the Riley Campbell Chronicles: Riley Beth Campbell (after her mother Elizabeth)
Savage Love: Riley Amalas Brooks (after her aunt, the queen of Monterisso)
Star Crossed: Riley Renee Brooks (after her grandmother)
Face Claim: Barbara Palvin

Liam is almost always an LI for my Riley, if he's not with Riley, I pair him with Maxwell. In most (but not all) poly fics, she is married to Liam. Occasionally he's in a throuple with either her and Max or her and Drake.
I've written Liam as understanding of her torn feelings about him and Drake and as more jealous of it. I've written him as sweet and innocent and I've written him as possessive and controlling.
In the tradition of most royal houses, I have given him (as well as Leo and any of his children) multiple middle names.
Liam Nicolai Ulysses Augustus Rys
Face Claim: Daniel Henney

Drake is almost always a LI for Riley as well, either as a rival for her affections or in a poly situation with Liam. Her relationship with him is often (but not always) a secret even when all involved are in a CNM situation, due to concerns about scandal.
I've written Drake everywhere from completely no jealousy in him to murderous jealousy over her and everything in between. Depends on the tone of the story I'm going for.
I've given him the middle name of Nolan, after one of the greatest pitchers of all time, Texas Ranger Nolan Ryan. His son is almost always named Jackson or Jaxon after his father.
Drake Nolan Walker.
Face claim: Daniel Di Tommaso

I created more boards for him during Drake Walker Appreciation Week. Here they are:

Max is a wild card. I've written him as her best friend and I've written him as her lover. There are a few one-shots where she and Max end up exclusive but I really love him with her and Liam as a throuple.
When not with Riley, I've paired him with Liam and once with Savanah. I also have two boards for him because I created a new one for Maxwell Appreciation Week.
Maxwell Percival Beaumont.
Face claim: Xavier Serrano

Rashad is not a LI in canon, but I went ahead and made him one in Bad Romance and was surprised at how many people enjoyed his character and his relationship with Riley.
Canon didn't give him a last name, so I did.
Lord (and eventually Duke) Rashad Faheem
Face claim: Manish Dayal

Leo really became a more filled-out character for me when I wrote him in Bad Romance Disney Adventure. I have only paired him with Riley once so far and it was in the past tense. I have almost always put him with Olivia until it occurred to me to put him with Drake and I'm shocked at how much I love that pairing.
Leonardo Tiberius Constantine Fabian Rys
Face claim: Trevor Donovan

Hudson Rys, Leo's eldest child, who is forever salty that his father's life choices robbed him of being king.
Face claim: Jesse McCartney

Olivia, aka Liv or Livvie to her close friends and family. I have paired her with Leo multiple times and once with Hana so far.
Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis
Face claim: Karen Gillian

Kiara Theron. Sometimes romantic rival for Drake's affections. Twice I have married her to Gordon Price, the prime minister of Terrana. I have yet to write how that comes about, but one of these days maybe lol.
Face Claim: Aja Naomi King

Hana Lee. I have paired her most often with Riley. I have put her with Lena a few times. I have made her aromantic. I have given her a fling with Penelope. In my Drake x Leo universe, I paired her with Olivia. I have never paired her with a man other than Liam. I have made her queen twice. In Dark Elf she is escorted to social events by Rashad, but she hates it and only does it to appease her parents so they leave her alone and she can focus on her true objectives.
Face Claim: Angela Yeung Wing (stage name Angelababy)

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Pour Two Glasses
Chapter 6: "...Everything's Turned Upside Down"
Need to catch up? Masterlist
✨ Have you checked out this teaser video yet? Pour Two Glasses Teaser✨
Word Count: 6150 (+/-)
Series Synopsis: In the midst of a violent political war, Queen Riley Rys’s life is dismantled overnight, forcing her to flee Cordonia to live in hiding as a commoner with a loyal, best friend
Series Song Inspo: “Pour Two Glasses” by the Movielife
Chapter Song Inspo: "Broken Pieces Shine" by Evanescence
Series Warnings: 🔞 For Mature Audiences Only 🔞 angst; profanity; major character death; grief and mental health discussion; discussion of violence & war; alcohol use; NSFW material
A/N: I don't say this enough, so I hope it's okay I start this A/N with this message... to my beautiful readers: thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I loved dreaming up this story, and knowing that y'all want more warms my heart! Thank you for all the messages, all the questions, and all of the encouragement! Please know I see each and every one of y'all, and I love y'all so dearly! Y'all are a huge part of P2G, and I can't thank you enough for being so kind! Sending out major hugs to each of y'all! 🖤
A/N 2: Characters and some plot references belong to our friends at Pixelberry. To my village, as always THANK YOU SO MUCH helping me bring this story to life! This was not beta'd, so please excuse my errors.
Riley spends most of her recovery time alone, secluded from the outside world. The stillness of the lonely mornings melt into the mundane hustle of the afternoons, and although time seems to pass before her eyes in a whirlwind blur, to the fallen queen, it trudges along slowly, creeping into her least favorite part of the day: the dark, listless nights.
Due to the multiple terrorist threats made against the monarchy, not to mention the two bombs found during a routine sweep of the palace, the royal guard, the local police along with Interpol agreed the safest place for the queen of Cordonia was inside her hospital room despite being discharged days ago.
Her physical therapist would visit on Mondays and Wednesdays while her doctors would visit Tuesdays and Fridays to ensure her recovery was on track. Healthcare workers were available upon request, but they would be accompanied by armed guards.
Drake, Olivia and Maxwell were given special clearance, and they kept to a round-the-clock schedule to ensure Riley was never alone.
That is, until she sent them away after the first week. Watching them grow ill with concern over her well-being added to her grief, and she hated being the reason for their stolen joy. Riley knew they meant well, and they never, ever complained for sitting by her side in complete silence. Even Maxwell toned down his enthusiasm in his attempts to make her happy. But Riley could see them slipping away into different versions of themselves, and the guilt festered in her heart.
Rarely sleeping and barely eating, Riley stopped taking her pain medications. She never would admit to her masochistic reasoning, but the physical discomfort served as a welcomed distraction from the agony she felt internally. She felt like she had little to no control over her life, but this, in a very sick, twisted way, this was hers.
It’s the following Friday, the small hours of the morning. Riley tosses and turns for another restless night of sleep as memories of only two weeks ago flash through her mind. Her husband’s funeral. The assassination attempt. Her own life unknowingly in the balances during a critical surgery.
With a subtle rumble in the distance, she opens an eye, and quickly notices the gathered rainclouds outside her lone, two-paned hospital window. Sitting up, she pulls on Liam’s sweatshirt before scooting the reclining chair in her room closer to the view of the angry sky.
The pelting raindrops and the howling wind put on quite the show, calming Riley's anxious heart. She used to love quiet moments with her late husband where they could share in the wonder of nature. As the storm continues to brew outside her room, her eyes grow heavy, the soothing sounds of the storm lulling her to sleep.
A sudden clap of lightning rips across the gray Cordonian sky, startling Riley awake. She quickly sits up, her chest heaving as her eyes adjust to the darkness of her master bedroom. Feeling her pulse rapidly thrum in her ears, she reaches for her husband; but she is met with cold, barren sheets, tossed against her side.
“Liam?” She sits on the side of the bed, slipping her house shoes on before standing to grab her robe. “Liam?” She cries out once more before the storm outside ignites the angry clouds with another crash of thunder. Gripping the fabric of her lapels in terror, she watches hypnotically as the countryside dims back into the darkness of night.
“Riley, my love.”
Riley turns with a gasp. Liam stands at the open French doors that lead to their balcony. The powerful winds flounce the curtains, billowing around his tall stature.
"I didn't mean to frighten you, darling." He takes Riley into his arms, laying her head intimately against his chest. "Did the storm wake you?"
At that moment, another crackle of thunder resounds, Riley instantly turning her attention to the open doors. Puddles gather around the terrace as sheets of rain pummel against the stone walls. Feeling her tremble in his arms, Liam tightens his embrace nuzzling his nose into his wife's dark locks.
"Mom used to point out how powerful the weather can be. Devastating homes. Sinking ships… and yet–" he takes a deep breath, "we're still here."
Riley loosens her grip. The cascades of heavenly water pour in a synchronized dance with the rumbles of thunder. The zephyr symphony lulls her into a trance as she marvels at the strength of the storm. Fierce. Intense.
And yet, we're still here.
"You'll survive this, too, my love–"
"Survive what–?" Riley looks up to her husband.
But he's gone; his arms no longer around her as his scent dissipates from the air they once shared. But something strange is left hanging in her hands: a small, worn receiving blanket, the name 'William' embroidered in the corner.
Riley swivels anxiously around the room, her eyes wide as saucers. "Liam?" She cries out. "Please, baby," she looks in the other direction, but her husband is no where to be found. "Liam… I… I don't know…" her breath hitches, growing ragged as she finally slumps onto the ground. She looks at the blanket, her fingers tracing over the delicate stitching. "How, my love–?" She whispers under her sobs of helplessness. "How am I supposed to survive… without you?"
Suddenly, a bright light pours over her, the warmth of the sun shining on her porcelain skin.
“We’re not doing this anymore.”
Riley's eyes peek open, being met with beams of sunlight pouring through the window. She sees someone moving about the room, but her exhaustion refuses to allow her eyes to focus, and she quickly slumps back over.
"You need to get up, Riley."
Without warning, Riley’s blankets are abruptly pulled from her body. She sits up in her chair, rubbing her eyes. "Huh?"
"C'mon. Up, up!"
Finally coming to her senses, Riley zeroes in on the redhead bossing her around. And she scowls, relaxing back into her chair. "Olivia, I… come back later."
"No, ma'am." Olivia taps a lever on the recliner, shoving Riley into an upright position. "You are going to shower. I laid out some clothes for you," the duchess crosses her arms, "and you are going to rejoin the living."
"Now," she claps her hands. "Scoot!"
Riley jumps up, grumbling under her breath as she moseys to the shower. Hearing the water turn on, Olivia smirks, playfully dusting off her hands. Satisfied with herself, she grabs a magazine and takes a seat, crossing her legs in victory.
After about twenty minutes, Riley emerges with a towel wrapped around her head along with a pair of jeans and a cotton tee.
"There. Happy, bossy britches?"
"Almost," Olivia offers a crooked smile. "Now that we've–eh–hosed you down, we need to work on getting that odor out of here. It smells like someone died in here–"
"Didn't they?" Refusing to make eye-contact, Riley remains stoic, down-trodden. She moves the linens around on her bed before curling up with a pillow.
"No." Olivia stands up, sauntering to her friend's bed. "They didn't." She takes a seat on the edge of the mattress, Riley's back facing her. "You, my dear, are very much alive. And it's time you start living as such."
"Liv, I…" Riley sighs. "I just don't feel like going out and rejoining society right now."
"Who said anything about rejoining society?" She takes Riley's hand. "I said that it's time to start living like you're alive." Riley turns around, arching a curious brow at Olivia. "I'm not saying you need to stop grieving; but I am going to make you shower. And eat. And not waste away."
A stale stillness falls between the old friends as Riley pulls the covers over her body. "I'm not in the mood," she mutters, sinking into her pillow.
Olivia lets out a heavy breath, standing up. She refuses to give up, unwilling to leave the queen's room. She leisurely paces around the space, folding and refolding her hands. The resounding click-clack of her steps are hypnotic, almost soothing as she twists her crimson pout in deep thought.
She understands that Riley is in mourning, and even though Olivia loved him, too, nothing would compare to the great loss of true love. But, still, she hates seeing Riley like this; they all do. But truth be told on matters of the heart, there is only one person that can get through to her.
"What would Liam say?"
Riley slowly turns, looking over her shoulder. "Excuse me?"
"Your husband," Olivia steps forward confidently, clasping her hands together. "He died a hero, protecting our country, protecting me… and you. What would he say now if he saw you like this?"
Riley furrows her eyebrows, her hands balling into fists. How dare she. Was Olivia seriously trying to make Riley feel guilty for grieving her late husband? For grieving the life she was starting with him? For grieving the life she was supposed to have with him?
"Olivia, I–"
"You'll survive this, too," Olivia interrupts.
The irritated expression on Riley's face abruptly melts into pure shock. Her eyes as Liam's words replay in her mind.
You'll survive this, too.
"I… I'm sorry, I …" she shakes her head in disbelief, "what did you say?"
"Ri," Olivia bounds to her side, grabbing Riley's hand endearingly in her hold. "You are one tough broad. You have proven that time and time again." Her lip begins to tremble, but she quickly stiffens her jaw. "Liam knew that. Hell, that's one of the reasons he fell in love with you." She sighs, her gaze bouncing back and forth in Riley's deep ocean eyes. "Losing Liam will be one of the most awful challenges you will ever have to face… but somehow wherever he is, I have to believe he is taking comfort that you are strong enough for this." She squeezes tightly on Riley’s fingers. "You'll survive this, too."
Riley stares at Olivia, processing what she was saying–especially the words that seemed to mirror Liam's.
And they're right. It feels like hell right now, and Riley can't even begin to fathom a life without her beloved… but he would want better for her. He lived a life so that she could have better.
It was time to start living.
"You're cheating!" Maxwell hisses, pointing an accusing finger at Olivia.
"I am not, Beaumont," the Scarlet Duchess shuffles through the cards in her hands. "You're just not good at counting to twenty-one."
"You've won each time you've been the dealer." He throws down his cards. "Shenanigans!"
Hugging her stomach tightly, Riley can’t help but laugh uncontrollably, her sides already in stitches. “Stop!” She gasps for air as she continues to titter. “I–I can’t!” She falls forward on her bed, her head hitting a pillow as her giggles fill the room. Maxwell and Olivia join in on the laughter, giving each other a subtle nod of relief. She’s coming back to life.
The three friends have spent most of the morning together at the hospital, catching up and playing games. To her visitor’s surprise, Riley decided she wanted to take a walk around the hospital–to areas that had been cleared by the royal guard, of course.
Together, they meandered to the hospital’s private prayer garden on a terrace just outside the pediatric floor. The warmth of the sun on her skin and the fresh scent of the potted greenery exhilarated her senses. The natural pink tone of her skin quickly returned to her cheeks, highlighting her genuinely bright smile as she scrunched her nose at the floral smells.
On the way back to her room, Riley walked by the newborn nursery. Stopping at the large window that showcased several cooing babies, wrapped in pink and blue receiving blankets, she pressed her fingertips gently against the glass, admiring each one silently. Although tears gather in her eyes, she begins to quietly talk to each chubby face, fussing over how adorable they are.
“Oh, you’re going to be trouble, mister, with those dimples…”
“Look at those beautiful black curls!”
“I know your mommy and daddy must love you so much…”
If only…
Finally making it back to her assigned floor, the friends were greeted by Riley’s primary physician and his assistant along with the best news ever: the palace passed its final security check. All Riley needed now was clearance through Interpol and one more physical–per the request of the Royal Council to ensure her health–and she would soon be on her way back home.
As the healthcare team exits, a sudden wave of surreality washes over the room. Going home. Riley hasn’t been home in almost three weeks, and even before that, she hasn’t slept in her own bed since the start of the Royal Wake. What would be waiting for her when she walked into her quarters? Is everything waiting for her to come home exactly how she left it? Exactly how he left it?
Biting her lip, she takes a moment of silence, her hand finding Liam’s rings on her necklace. She fiddles with his wedding band, the jewelry easily gliding onto her pointer finger. And that’s when she feels it: the inscription inside the gold band. And her eyes flutter close. Pour Two Glasses. Everything would be expecting her return.
Except him.
Riley shakes her head, glancing back up at Maxwell and Olivia. Giving them an appreciative grin, she grabs the deck of cards on her bedside table, blinking away her tears. “Best two out of three?”
The three friends have been playing for a little over an hour when there’s an abrupt knock at the door. A large smile grows across Riley’s face as the familiar smirk of her royal guard saunters into the room.
“There’s my hero,” Riley singsongs. From her bed, she extends her arms in the air, inviting Drake into a hug. A blush swirls across his cheeks as he leans in, tucking her petite body under his chin.
“How are you feeling?” He whispers before gently letting her go.
“I’m okay,” Riley nods. “I’m gonna be okay.” She pats the mattress next to her. “C’mon, partner,” she mimics a Texan accent. “Let’s teach these two how to play Texas Hold ‘Em.” Olivia rolls her eyes as Maxwell titters, pretending to throw a lasso around Drake.
Drake chuckles, pushing a fist into his pocket as he stares at the ground. “I wish I could, but–” he combs his fingers through his thick, chestnut hair as he gazes back up at his friends. “I got lucky and found a plane out of Munich at 5AM, so… I’m taking a train there. Tonight.”
“Oh my gosh,” Riley’s face etches with shock. “So soon?”
“When does the train leave?” Olivia’s eyebrows pinch together.
“In about–” he looks at his watch before snickering to himself. “About two hours.” A stillness falls across the friends, sharing sad, concerned looks. “C’mon, you guys,” Drake attempts to lighten the mood. “We knew this day was coming… and I’m coming back.”
“When?” Maxwell questions softly.
“I guess… when Mom…” he gnaws on the inside of his mouth, searching for the right words. “When… everything is taken care of, I guess.”
Riley climbs out of bed, throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace. “Don’t forget where your home is, Walker,” she sniffles.
“Like you’d let me forget?” He chuckles. His large arms envelope her against his chest as he nuzzles his nose into her curls, breathing her in deeply. His voice grows husky as he rests his lips against her head. “I’m going to miss you, Brooks.”
Riley pulls back, resting her hand on his upper arm. “I’m going to miss you, too.” A coy smile teases on his lips as a twinkle of hope illuminates his cognac eyes–that is, until Riley continues. “You’ve always been such a great friend. Liam sure hit the jackpot with you–” she turns to Maxwell and Olivia, “--with all of you.”
Drake nods agreeably, looking away from his best friend’s widow, chastising himself for having such fleeting thoughts of hope. He turns to Maxwell to give him a firm handshake before turning to Olivia. “Can I… talk to you? For a second?” He whispers to the redhead before looking back at Riley and Maxwell. He holds his hand up, waving goodbye before exiting the room with Olivia right behind him.
Riley glances towards Maxwell, offering a sympathetic grin and shrugging her shoulders. Their group of friends is shrinking, but at least they have each other.
“He’s so obvious,” Maxwell giggles, winking at the queen as he takes a sip of a glass of water.
Riley scrunches her eyebrows. “Obvious? About what?”
Maxwell freezes, staring at Riley as an awkward silence floods between them. “Uh… Nevermind, honey–”
They both startle as Olivia bounds back into the room, slipping back into her seat. Without making eye-contact, she crosses her legs before grabbing her playing cards, mindlessly rearranging them in her hand. She's unusually quiet and pensive, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled as she appears to be deep in thought about something.
"Is… everything okay?" Riley asks.
She peers up to Riley nervously, but within moments, a crooked smile forms on her cherry red pout. "Yes… of course." She glances back at her cards, but it's useless; there's too much she needs to say. "Ri, do you know what a black box is?"
"Like on a plane?" Maxwell clarifies with curiosity, folding his cards and resting them on the table. Olivia nods slowly as her attention shifts back to Riley.
"It records sounds, right?" Riley starts, her tone cautiously meek. "Sounds from inside the plane? So in the event it… it… well, you know…" Olivia softly bounces her head affirmatively, rolling her lips. "Did something happen?" Riley nervously titters, glancing at a confused Maxwell. "Was there something… something terrible on Liam’s recording?"
Olivia folds her cards, tapping the stack on the table. "No, it's just…" her words trail off as she remains lost in thought.
"Liv," Riley crosses her arms. "What are you trying to hide?"
Olivia sighs. "My apologies. I guess I'm trying to process it myself. Apparently the guard had their weekly briefing last night with Interpol. Drake had to turn in some last minute paperwork for his leave, so he was in attendance."
"What does this have to do with the black box?" Maxwell interjects.
"It's gone," Olivia blurts out. "It was never recovered from Liam's plane. So, there's a strong possibility that–"
"It was stolen," Riley interrupts.
"Precisely, meaning this was orchestrated by the coup somehow."
"Wait," Maxwell holds up his hands, "how did anyone know that was Liam's plane though? How would they know to specifically steal from that plane? Wasn't he supposed to be traveling incognito?"
Olivia nods, exhaling heavily. "They're launching an investigation… for possible espionage."
"An inside job?" Riley croaks, a lump forming in her throat. "From Cordonia?"
"We don't know just yet," Olivia reassures, "that's why they're looking into it. But I'm thinking they need some help… and I know just the person to ask."
Riley's room door suddenly slides open, surprising the group of friends. The doctor slowly steps in with the queen's medical chart, a solemn, almost grim expression etched on his face.
"I'm not sure I like the worried look in your eyes, sir," Riley anxiously giggles. "Don't tell me I'm staying here longer."
"Oh," he cordially forces a grin. "Your security, as well as the international police have cleared everything–"
"So she gets to go home?" Maxwell's breath baits with hope and excitement.
"Yes, yes. You get to go home. The guard will be in touch with you soon."
"Oh, thank God," Olivia smirks.
"Finally!" Maxwell exclaims, standing to his feet and ready to pack.
But Riley stays silent, her attention fixed on her physician. She can tell he has more to say. She can sense a sadness in his demeanor, putting her on edge, not ready to celebrate her homecoming just yet.
"What aren't you telling me, doctor?" She asks softly. "Is it my physical? Am… am I okay?"
The older man sets down Riley's chart, resting his hand on top of it as his endearing eyes find hers. "We need to talk."
"Is it serious?" Olivia interjects.
With a heavy sigh, the physician turns towards Maxwell and Olivia. "How about you two give us just a minute alone–?"
"No," Riley stops him. "I need… Can I have someone…?" Riley looks between Olivia and Maxwell, having a silent conversation of who should stay.
"I'll step out," Maxwell grabs his phone. "Let me make sure the guard is bringing an SUV and not a sedan," he winks.
As the door closes, the older man cautiously sits down next to Riley, taking her hand. She squeezes it tightly, preparing herself for the news he was about to share with her. Was something wrong? Was she dying?
"Never in a million years did I think you and I would be having this conversation," he exhales, pinching the bridge between his eyes. "This… this is completely out of my scope of practice, so I will be referring you to a specialist, but–"
"Sir," Riley stops him. "Please… just… tell me the truth."
Riley paces back and forth, ringing her hands in between biting her nails.
“Will you sit down–?”
“And what, Olivia?” She tosses her hands in the air, allowing her arms to slap carelessly against her sides. “What am I supposed to do now?”
“Well,” Olivia scoffs, “for starters, you are going to calm down–”
“Calm down?” Riley twirls around, a wave of fury crashing over her features. Her blood-shot eyes stare daggers into her red-headed friend. “You heard the damn doctor. This… this can’t be happening. And… you…” she presses a hand to her chest, her breathing labors as a sob rips through her chest. “You actually expect me to be okay? With this?”
“Riley,” Olivia calls her name sternly, “take a moment. Things could–”
“--could be worse?” She finishes her words. “How, Livvy?” She covers her face with her hands as she wanders aimlessly in the room. “Oh God,” she whispers hoarsely, her voice hidden by her tears. “When this gets out–”
“It won’t.”
Riley tisks, mocking Olivia. “This won’t stay a secret for long. And when it gets out, an even bigger bullseye will be painted on my back. They hate the Rys name. They will attack again–”
“Other monarchs have gone through similar situations, and their health concerns have been kept under wraps. The council will be sure of it–”
“The council?” Riley looks off, shaking her head. “They already want to get rid of me. You know the law. I can no longer serve as the reigning queen. I’m not Cordonian–-”
“You will always be a queen, Riley. The council will support you–”
“--they’ll expedite getting rid of me.” Riley collapses into the recliner in her room. She hangs her head in her arms as her elbows rest on her knees. “The council is looking out for what’s best for Cordonia, especially now that the throne has been attacked–not once, but twice. They’re searching for stability; they’re looking to rebuild their leadership, and that starts with the throne. I fear that… I fear that as long as there's still a Rys, Cordonia will never see peace.”
Olivia pulls her chair closer, laying a hand on Riley’s shoulder. “The war won't last forever. And this? This could be your ticket. The throne is the only thing left to protect you–”
“These traitors want every part of the Rys name destroyed, and without Liam, my days on the throne are already numbered. When they find out…” she exhales a pained breath. “Even If I could hide behind the council, the Combattants will return to finish the job. They know I’m still here. I’m on every goddamn news report!”
“Riley, you–”
“I can’t do this.” She abruptly stands up, rushing past Olivia as she grabs her suitcase. She begins piling her belongings into the dividers. “I need to go–”
“Home,” Olivia interjects, placing her hands on Riley’s trembling hands. "Let's take you home where you're safe."
Riley shakes her head. “N–no, I need to go. I need to leave.” She grabs her phone. “I need a ticket back to the States–”
“Riley Rys. Slow. The fuck. Down. You’re not thinking–”
“I can’t be here another moment. I have to go. I need to hide–”
“Where? Where are you going to hide?” Olivia scoffs, folding her arms. “Even if you could, all air travel has been suspended to and from Cordonia until further notice. That’s why poor Walker had to take a train.”
Riley stills. She glances over at her friend as an abrupt realization washes over her expression.
Olivia raises an eyebrow. “Me?”
“According to Cordonian law, you’re next in line if something were to happen to me–”
“Hold up,” Olivia raises her hands in surrender. “If, and that’s a big if, something were to happen to you, yes, I would be crowned. But, that’s not how this works. You’re still alive, therefore the council–”
“What if I was incapacitated?”
Olivia lets out a condescending laugh. “You are being ridiculous, you know that?”
“No, I’m being serious.” Riley grips tightly to Olivia’s shoulders, forcing her to listen. “The council hasn’t stripped me of my title as reigning queen yet, and as long as I’m the reigning monarch, I can claim a medical leave-of-absence… which means–”
“You appoint the replacement during the hiatus," Olivia smirks sarcastically, pulling away from Riley's. "Not gonna happen."
"Olivia, please."
"And what are you going to do? Huh? You still need medical care. Hiding isn't exactly easy when you're the queen of an entire country–"
"--that is grieving their king–"
"--and their queen has been all over international news for surviving an assassination attempt." Riley huffs, rolling her eyes as Olivia continues. "You'll leave fingerprints everywhere you go. And I'm not saying they're going to try and track you down… but those bastards were able to find Liam. Running and hiding? It… it's pointless. Stay. Trust the council. We can protect you."
Riley chews on her lip, her attention locked on her friend. "No. That's not good enough. Not anymore." Her eyelids flutter as she takes a deep breath. "I think I've got an idea."
The rhythmic pulse of the train car lulls Drake into a hypnotic relaxed state, and before long, he succumbs to the exhaustion of the past six weeks. Resting his head against the window, he watches as the Cordonian countryside flashes before his vision until finally his eyes close.
Furrowing his brows, however, he hears loud, indiscernible voices outside of his state room. When the conversation finally ends, he readjusts himself in his chair, using his discarded denim shirt as a make-shift pillow.
His door abruptly slides open.
He grimaces, quickly turning to address his unwanted interruption.
But his face falls in shock.
"Hi," she smiles meekly, removing her oversized sunglasses and hat. "Can I… come in?"
"Yeah," Drake jumps up, removing his carry-on bags from the second seat. He gestures to the spot next to him. "Please."
Riley gingerly sits down, her eyes transfixed to the gorgeous scenery flashing by outside the large train window. Drake slowly lowers himself into his chair, his disbelief frozen on his face as he stares at his good friend.
Feeling his gaze on her, Riley tears away from her reverie. She chuckles nervously, coyly shrugging her shoulders. "Surprised?"
The corner of Drake's mouth turns up. "That's one way to put it." He runs a hand through his thick, tousled hair as he notices her bandages peeking through her shirt. "I'm guessing you were given the 'all clear'? They discharged you?"
Riley's attention averts back to the window, staring at the whirls of the evergreen hills melting with the watercolor sky. Her eyes begin to glaze over, forgetting to even blink as she mindlessly chews on her bottom lip. She holds her hands in her lap, ringing them incessantly as she fidgets with her fingers.
She blinks quickly, her attention returning to Drake, his hand gripping onto her arm to steady her. “Hrmm?”
"I've been calling your name for a few minutes." His eyebrows knit with worry. "Are you… are you okay?"
Riley opens her mouth, but is unable to form words. She picks at her chipped manicure as she presses her tongue to her cheek.
"I, um… I need your help." She glances back up to Drake, her eyes wide in fear.
"O…Kay. Sure," he leans closer to her, resting his elbows on his knees. "Ri, what's going on?"
The clatter of heels reverberates through the main corridor of the ultra-modern, ultra-sleek estate of Monterisso. Though she has not come across another soul, she knows plenty of eyes are hidden in nooks and crannies, watching her every move in the form of motion detectors and cameras. Coming to the pristine royal office, she gives a firm knock on the oversized, cherry wood door before inviting herself in.
"Olivia Nevrakis." A sultry voice calls from the large, tufted leather chair on the opposite side of the room.
The red head sardonically snickers before crossing her arms, popping her hip to the side. "Alright, Amalas," she sasses, "how did you know it was me?"
A beautiful woman with long espresso tresses and darkened, exotic features slowly turns her chair around to face her visitor. She smirks at her long-time friend, extending her arm to show off her impressive display of monitors with live-feed surveillance to every entrance into the palace.
The Scarlet Duchess wriggles up her nose, rolling her eyes. "Of course."
"You know?" Amalas stands up, sauntering her curves slowly to her icy guest. "Most people address me as 'your majesty'--"
"Not today," Olivia bites, raising an eyebrow.
Amalas sighs, leaning against the front-side of her desk. “What do you want, Livvy?”
"I have an important proposal for you."
“We don’t have an appointment.”
“I need your help.”
The Spy Queen steps forward, crossing her arms. "You? You are in need of some help?" She lets out a boisterous laugh as she sneaks closer to her unexpected guest. She motions with her pointer finger for Olivia to come closer to listen. "You know," she whispers, "you were supposed to call me the next morning."
With a deep rouge blossoming across her cheeks, Olivia steps back, scoffing into a chuckle. Amalas furrows her eyebrows with a mischievous smirk.
Four months ago, after years of stolen glances and secret trysts, Amalas invited Olivia to her estate for a low-key, intimate weekend to discuss the possibilities of taking their relationship to the next level. And public. After one last night of passion, Amalas woke up to an empty bed with a note that said, 'I'll call. -Liv"
She never did.
Now with Olivia seeking a favor, Amalas is tickled. As far as good deeds, alliances and negotiations, she just made it abundantly clear that she has the upper-hand. And Olivia just realized she fucked up.
Satisfied with her visitor’s reaction, Amalas turns on her heel and walks back to her desk. "You can see yourself out."
The red head sneers into a sarcastic snicker, stepping forward. "Oh c'mon, Amalas–"
"If you didn't need me then," Amalas spins around, irritated. "You don't need me now, Nevrakis." She takes a seat before shuffling through some folders and papers. "Oh,” she looks up, void of emotion, “please shut the door when you leave. Thanks."
Olivia storms forward. "Amalas, this isn't about me–about us. This is for Cordonia and finding who was responsible for Liam's death–"
Amalas stops abruptly, a stack of papers held motionless in her hand. Swallowing thickly, she glances up at Olivia. "Liam's death… was an unfortunate result of this damn war."
"Yes, but he was a mediator."
Amalas raises an eyebrow. "Your point?"
Olivia puts her palms flat on the large, ornate wooden desk. "My point is that they always protect political mediators. Liam's location was always highly confidential. No one, and I mean no one knew his whereabouts."
Amalas stacks her document on her desk. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, she leans back in her chair, resting her chin on her palm. "So?"
"That plane was obliterated, Ams. Someone hunted it down and destroyed every last piece of it.”
The queen smirks. “And did you know that Les Combattants de la Liberté are military-trained?”
“Military-trained,” Amalas holds up a hand, her words louder. “Taking out Liam’s aircraft like that?” She shakes her head slowly. “It’s not a huge feat for them. They are literally trained to take out any enemy in the blink of an eye.”
“Ams,” Olivia subtly wipes away a tear before clenching her jaw. “You’re not listening to me.”
Amalas sighs. "Look." She lowers her voice, her eyes finding Olivia’s piercing jades. “Liam was a friend of mine, too, babe.” She bites her lip, turning to a gold picture frame on the corner of her desk. The photograph hosts a pair of young, bright smiles, she in her lacy white and him looking dapper than ever. A lump forms in Amalas’s throat as she begins to fidget with the gold band that remains on her left finger. “I know when something tragic happens to the ones we love, we want someone to pay for it, as if revenge will somehow heal our loneliness because the grief alone is too heavy–much too heavy for one person to bear–”
“The black box is missing,” Olivia interjects.
Amalas's face slowly falls into a suspicious confusion, her forehead wrinkling. “What?”
“The black box. You know? It’s supposed to record–”
Amalas holds up her hand, “Yeah, yeah, I know. What do you mean it’s missing?”
“I mean it’s never been recovered.”
Amalas’s jaw ticks as she stares at Olivia. Silence consumes the room, save for the ticking of the queen's watch, growing painfully louder by the second. But without warning, intrigue finally blooms across Amalas’s face, and her heart softens to hear Olivia’s request. Justice for Liam. Justice for Cordonia.
The black box is designed to withstand the blistering temperatures of a fire and the crushing impact of the engulfing pressures of the deep. The thought of such precious equipment, of actual recordings of the last moments of that cockpit, of King Liam… if they were actually removed with malicious intent, then Olivia is right. Classified information was leaked, Liam was specifically targeted, and this coup is a lot more dangerous and a lot more in control of this war than projected.
“Well, Ms. Nevrakis, I believe you have my attention.”
Olivia smirks as she pulls up a chair.
“Oh!” Amalas stands up from her desk, “I’m sorry. Just… not right now.” She looks at her watch. “I actually have a very important meeting right now.”
Olivia scoffs. “With who?”
“Oddly enough, I have an important meeting with the Queen of Cordonia.”
A Cheshire grin crawls across Olivia’s face as she opens up her arms as if to present herself as a gift. “Well, oddly enough, the Queen of Cordonia is already in your presence.” Shock consumes Amalas as her jaw drops open, Olivia snickering under her breath. “You can address me as ‘your majesty,’ Queen Amalas.”
"I–I don't know… how to say this," Riley stammers, anxiously pulling at her necklace that held her late husband's rings.
Drake keeps his gaze locked on her, a pit growing in his stomach. They had said their goodbyes less than three hours ago; what could possibly have changed?
Was it a threat? Was her life being threatened again by the Combattants? No way. This wouldn't warrant the queen of Cordonia herself to board a train in hopes to catch her former royal guard to deliver such a message. Drake would probably get a phone call about it, but as of yesterday, he was relieved from his duties until further notice.
So… what was it?
“Riley?” His voice is gruff, but sincere. Their gazes meet, a vacant sadness in her eyes as she searches his for… something. Strength? Hope? Understanding?
Drake stops her from fidgeting with her jewelry, taking her petite hand into his own large, calloused palm. "It's… it's okay. We don't have to talk about this right now if you don't want to, but I–"
"Drake, I–" Her eyelashes flutter closed as tears course down her pink stained skin. "--I'm so sorry, I–"
"Hey," he hums softly, "shhhh, it's okay." He pulls her closer to his side, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. He gently rubs a thumb over her skin to gently dry her cheeks. "Listen," his voice remains low, soothing. "You have nothing to be sorry about. It's been," he sighs, "a rough couple of months, and… well, no matter what, Brooks, you know I'm here for–"
“I’m pregnant.”
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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#pour two glasses#the royal romance#choices the royal romance#choices trr#trr#king liam rys#liam rys#king liam#king liam x mc#king liam rys x mc#liam x mc#drake walker#olivia nevrakis#maxwell beaumont#queen amalas#choices fanfic#choices fanfiction#trr fanfic#trr fanfiction#choices trr fanfic#choices trr fanfiction
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I kinda ship it 👀
#choices#playchoices#the royal heir#choices the royal heir#king liam#liam x mc#trh#royal heir#trh mc#queen amalas#choices olivia#the royal heir olivia#olivia nevrakis#trh olivia
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Sent by anonymous
'I ship Amalas and Olivia from TRH 😂'
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All i want is for Amalas and Olivia to be together cause you CANT TELL ME THEY ARENT GAY FOR EACH OTHER
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Olivia/Amalas is the real god tier ship here change my mind
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also is it just me or uh
olivia x amalas
#just sayin#playchoices#trr#trh#the royal heir#the royal romance#olivia nevrakis#queen amalas#olivia x amalas#amalas x olivia
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Me? Shipping Amalas and Olivia? It’s more likely than you think.
#the royal heir#trr#olivia nevrakis#queen amalas#olivia x amalas#pixelberry#choices stories you play
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Shadows and Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery (Masterlist)
In the heart of Cordonia's grand ballroom, an eclectic cast of characters gathers, their lives interwoven as a result of a shocking turn of events. Trystan Thorne, the exiled prince with a taste for mystery, Olivia Nevrakis, the snarky Duchess skilled with daggers, Tyril Starfury, the noble elf Lord a defender of the realm, Amalas, the enigmatic spy queen, and Prince Hamid, the charming and formal imperial prince. Amidst the grand party of the birth of King Liam's third heir, Princess Ariana, the joyous celebration is broken by a piercing scream, a dead body, and a room full of royal suspects.
Each section begins with a quote that provides some insight into the story. Most are by famous fictional detectives. Each post includes two sections (ie: I & II, III & IV, etc)
I. Every man at the bottom of his heart believes that he is a born detective. (John Buchan)
II. Have patience and endure; this unhappiness will one day be beneficial. (Ellery Queen)
III. From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us. (Justice Wargrave)
IV. Truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant. (C. Auguste Dupin)
V. --- In the Ballroom with the Dagger? (Clue inspired)
VI. Put two and two together... sometimes the answer's four... and sometimes it's twenty-two. (Nick Charles)
VII. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. (Sherlock Holmes)
VIII. It is not the past that matters, but the future. (Poirot)
Series Information:
Books: The Royal Romance Series, Crimes of Passion, Desire & Decorum, Blades of Light and Shadow
Characters: Trystan Thorne (M, race not mentioned), Marguerite Thorne, Olivia Nevrakis, Queen Amalas, Maxwell Beaumont, Daniel, King Liam, Tyril Starfury, Nia Ellarious, Prince Hamid
Pairings: Olivia Nevrakis x Queen Amalas ; M!Trystan Thorne x (no gender given) MC (mentioned) ; King Liam x Riley (mentioned)
Total Word Count: 6,600
Rating/Warnings: Teen, mentions of blood, stab wound, knives/daggers (no graphic descriptions)
Series Video Edit
The loveliest and talented @secretaryunpaid created little mini videos/gifs for each section and edited them together into what would be an amazing commercial for this series. Check it out:
#playchoices#choices game#the royal romance#blades of light and shadow#crimes of passion#desire & decorum#choices fan fiction#tyril starfury#trystan thorne#marguerite thorne#nia ellarious#maxwell beaumont#olivia nevrakis#queen amalas#prince hamid#lovealexhunt#choices book club
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Smoke and Mirrors

11 –The Lantern Festival
Book: The Royal Romance Finale AU
Series Premise: Hidden in the shadows, poised to challenge the status quo are enemies of the state. The loyalties and honesty of family and friends will be tested. ‘Keep your friends close, your enemies closer’.
Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi’
2nd Pairings: Leo Rys x Amalas, Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh, Olivia Nevrakis x M!OC Alex Cossoy
*Most characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
*Not Beta’d, please excuse all errors
Rating: M🔞*Series Warnings: NSFW material, sexual innuendo, adult language/swearing/drinking/gun violence. Not recommended for anyone under 18 years of age.
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff
Words: 2476
Smoke and Mirrors
The Lantern Festival - 11
Chapter Summary: The Cordonian Royal Family join in the celebrations for the annual Valtorian Lantern Festival.
Music Inspiration: Feels Like Home, Diana Krall, Bryan Adams
A/N1: My submission for @choicesflashfics Week #61, Prompt 1, "You're my favorite."➡️"Favorite what?"➡️"Everything." and Week #60, Prompt 1, “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
Valtorian Estate, Cordonia
King Liam leisurely descended the opulent grand staircase after carrying his sleeping daughter to her room; Princess Eleanor was exhausted from the day’s events and fell asleep watching the countless number of lanterns floating gently carrying the hopes and dreams of the people into the night sky. He paused at the foot of the staircase and looked up to see Riley, starting to step down to follow him.
Inside his soul, he felt complete. He has everything that he had always wanted and dreamed of. Three beautiful, healthy children, a prosperous and peaceful kingdom, and the woman of his dreams by his side. His radiant queen.
Smiling, Riley called down, “wait for me, your Majesty.” Riley had just finished breast feeding their son, Stefan, and when he fell sound asleep along with his brother, William, she softly closed their nursery door to join Liam as they prepared to go outside the estate to give the closing remarks to the awaiting press.
The annual Lantern Festival had another successful run in Valtoria, being a much-loved festive favorite in Cordonia. The closing ceremonies to conclude the celebrations now awaited the King and Queen.
Liam chuckled as he held out his hand to her and when she took it, he gently pulled her into his embrace, kissing her cheek, his voice husky, but gentle as he replied,
"I would never leave without my Queen."
"Ah, yes, but you can't go anywhere without saying goodbye to those you love." Riley coyly responded.
"You're my favorite." Liam snickered.
"Favorite what?" Riley saucily replied.
He raised a brow and smirked. My "everything."
Smiling, Liam challenged, "who says?"
"This one." Riley giggled as she pressed a kiss to his jaw.
"Mmmm." Liam hummed, wrapping his arms around her, his hands sliding down to her bottom.
"You know we can't do that here," she whispered, though her lips trailed kisses down his neck.
"It wouldn't be the first time..." He murmured back, his breath tickling her ear.
"I'm sure there are reporters watching the estate now, waiting for you."
Liam let out a small growl and reluctantly released his wife. She laughed, knowing full well how much Liam hated having his alone time with her cut short.
She took his hand in hers, and he laced their fingers together as they exited the estate and headed towards the podium and the awaiting press.
"Good evening. Thank you, all, for coming. Tonight was a great success, thanks to all of your efforts and that of our staff. We're honored to have you with us to celebrate a tradition that spans generations and is the highlight of Valtorian tradition. It warms my heart to see so many people come out and show their support. So, thank you all. And now, if you'll excuse me, I will see you next year. Enjoy the rest of the festival and please be safe on your journeys home. Have a good night."
The crowd clapped and cheered, and then started to disperse. Riley waved as she walked off the podium with Liam by her side.
"That was nice." Riley grinned.
"What was, love?"
"The way you spoke to the reporters. It was a little different from what you would normally say."
"Was it now?" Liam questioned.
Riley nodded and smiled knowingly.
"Maybe because I am just trying to get through this as soon as possible. So, I can have some quality alone time with my beautiful wife." He replied, his hand slipping onto the small of her back and moving downward, squeezing her bottom gently.
Riley gasped and bit her lip.
"Behave, my king. We're not alone yet."
"I can't wait."
After saying their goodbyes to the remaining lingering nobles, they hurried back inside the estate and up to their bedroom, where Liam immediately began removing his jacket and tie.
Riley giggled and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Eager, aren't we, Liam?"
He turned, his shirt partially unbuttoned, revealing his toned chest, and stared at her with such heat in his eyes.
"Only for you, my Queen. Now come over here, so I can kiss you properly."
She stood and stepped over to him. As soon as she was within arm's reach, Liam grabbed her waist and pulled her into him. He captured her mouth with his, and their tongues danced as they kissed deeply. Liam's hand quickly unzipped her gown, with his fingers brushing her warm skin. Riley moaned and pulled away, smiling.
"You're so beautiful." he said softly, his hand caressing her face, his thumb grazing her cheek.
She blushed and turned her head, kissing his palm.
"You're charming, my King."
"I love when you call me that."
"Then you shall always hear it, my King."
"I'll never get tired of it."
"Nor will I." Riley softly responded.
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
"Let's continue this in the bath, shall we?" Liam wrapped his arm around her waist.
Riley grinned as they both stripped their formal wear and then walked hand in hand into the bathroom, which had a huge bathtub that was more like a hot tub. Liam set the water to the right temperature and added some soothing bath salts. As the water filled, they kissed and touched each other. Liam's fingers skimmed her back, and he pulled her closer, his erection pressed against her stomach. Riley reached between them, wrapped her hand around his engorged member and stroked him, his moans vibrating her lips as he continued to kiss her.
They parted for air, and Liam lifted Riley, placing her on the counter. He slid his hands down her thighs and pulled her knees apart. When his fingers found her center, he grinned and began circling her clit, teasing her.
"Oh god..." She moaned, her legs spreading, granting him better access.
"You're so wet, Riley..."
"And it's all for you, my King.
Liam, I need you …" she breathed in and closed her eyes. “Please …"
"Fuck... I cannot wait any longer..."
"Then don't."
Liam grabbed her ass and lifted her into the tub. The water was the perfect temperature, and the soothing jets relaxed her muscles. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and Liam positioned himself, pushing inside her, making her gasp and throw her head back.
"God, Riley..."
He started a steady pace, and his fingers found her clit again, circling her bud in time with his thrusts.
"Liam... Oh my god..."
"That's it, my Queen. Moan for me. Tell me how good I feel inside you."
"So... good. Fuck, Liam!" She screamed.
Her fingers raked his shoulders, and her walls clenched around him, her orgasm hitting her. He groaned and sped up, his thrusts harder and deeper.
"Liam... Yes..."
Liam captured her mouth in a kiss, his tongue slipping between her lips. Riley moaned and pulled him closer, her nails digging into his skin.
When his orgasm came, he groaned and buried his face in the crook of her neck. They held each other until their breathing returned to normal.
Liam withdrew and moved back, settling against the edge of the tub.
"That was amazing," Riley said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"It always is." He winked.
Riley rolled her eyes. "Cheeky."
Liam laughed, and she joined in.
After washing and drying off, Riley put on her silky pajamas and slipped into bed, Liam joining her. She snuggled close, resting her head on his chest, his arm wrapped around her shoulders, and his fingers caressed her skin.
"I have an idea.... now that our boys are here...". Liam paused as Riley propped up beside him to look into his eyes.
"I want to start a new Christmas tradition."
"What's that?"
"I'd like us to spend the week before Christmas at the Royal Blackspine Mountain Lodge, just the five of us. The boys will be old enough to enjoy the snow and sledding, and I know Ellie loves it there. What do you say?"
"I think that's a great idea. It would be nice for us to have some family time without any interruptions. But what about Leo and our friends?"
"They are more than welcome to join us. They are our extended family, and I would love to have them with us."
"You know, that sounds wonderful, Liam. I'm glad you suggested it. Maybe we could have the staff prepare a feast and a Christmas party for everyone. I will talk to Maxwell about it. You know how he is with the party planning."
Liam chuckled and leaned over, kissing her temple. "Yes, he does love his parties."
"That he does."
They laughed and then lay in silence for a few minutes.
"We should get some sleep. The twins will be awake before we know it." Riley yawned.
"Did you see their eyes when Ellie let go of the lantern off the balcony?"
"It was the sweetest thing. She loves her brothers so much. I'm glad she doesn't resent them for stealing our attention."
"Ellie is the sweetest child. She is always putting others first and is so compassionate and loving. She's a great big sister."
"She's growing up so fast." Liam sighed.
"Yes, she is. Soon she'll be a teenager, then a young woman."
"Oh, no, don't remind me." Liam shook his head, chuckling.
"She'll always be our little girl, no matter how old she gets."
"I hope you're right." Liam tittered.
"I'm always right."
"I wouldn't go that far." Liam guffawed.
Riley gasped, feigning offence, and poked his ribs.
"I'm joking, love. Of course, you are right. And you're always sexy."
"And you're always cheeky."
"But you love me."
"With all my heart, always."
Liam pressed a tender kiss to her lips. "I love you too."
"Goodnight, my king."
"Goodnight, my queen."
The next morning, Riley was awakened by her cell phone ringing.
Maxwell is calling in response to the party planning text for the Christmas party that Liam had sent the night before.
She answered the phone. "Good morning, Max."
"Little blosom! My favorite Queen. How are you, my friend? It's so nice to hear from you. How's life at Valtoria treating you?" maxwell rambled.
"Life is great. Liam and I are looking forward to spending Christmas at the Lodge this year. It'll be our first Christmas with the twins, and we wanted to make it special. That's why we reached out to you. We're thinking of having a big party and inviting all our friends. Would you like to plan the event?"
Maxwell didn't hesitate with his response. "Oh, oh, absolutely!, Riley. I'm all over this. Can you give me some more deets!?, like what you're looking for and how many guests? We need to make this the biggest and best party of the season."
" I knew you were the right person to ask," Riley snickered.
"That's what we were hoping for. Here's what I have in mind...."
After Riley ended the call, Liam reached over, wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her back to his chest. "Who were you talking to?" He whispered, his lips grazing her ear.
"Just Maxwell, he's excited to help plan the Christmas party."
The sound of the twins crying sounded on the monitor.
"And that's my cue to feed the twins."
Liam sat up and stretched. "I'll come with you. Ellie is probably awake, too. I'll make us some breakfast while you get the boys ready. Sound good?"
"That sounds wonderful, my love."
They climbed out of bed, and Riley threw on her robe and slippers while Liam got dressed. Then, they headed out the door and down the hallway towards the nursery, where their children were waiting.
After heating the griddle for pancakes, Liam took a sip of his coffee.
Suddenly, the calmness of the moment was disrupted by a subtle vibration against Liam’s thigh. Reaching for his phone, it was lit up with a call from Leo. His brows furrowed in concern, immediately answering the call.
“Leo? What’s up?” Liam’s voice held a sense of urgency, worried that something unexpected had occurred in the Capital.
Thanks for reading 🤗⚘️🫶
📌All fics & edits: @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
📌TRR/TRH/TRF Liam & Riley: @irisk12 @walkerdrakewalker @thesvnsins @jared2612
📌Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics
#tessa liam writes#choices trr#liam rys#the royal romance#riley brooks#trr#trr fanfic#king liam#king liam rys#trr liam x mc#always liam and riley#choices fandom#choicesflashfics#choices fic writers creations#smoke and mirrors
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okay is anyone else absolutely stanning Olivia and Amalas?????
I NEED FICS!!!!!!!
#choices#pb choices#pixelberry choices#choices stories you play#the royal heir#trh fandom#pb trh#olivia nevrakis#queen amalas#olivia x amalas
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I missed Olivia but also I ship
- Cute banter
- Both Badass Doms so in the words of Azula "Together, we will be the strongest couple in the world. We will dominate the earth!"
- Amalas would be all of Olivia's impulse control
"We need to get past them"
"I packed my emergency knives"
"...But you always carry knives on you."
"Exactly. Now, I'll take them out then you-"
"Olivia darling, we can't just kill them. "
"No, I'll just stab one of them in the arm then when they're distracted, you retrieve the files. I checked all entrances and exits, we're safe."
"Clearly you didn't check hard enough" Amalas tilts a compact mirror upwards so Olivia gets a better view.
"The guards are in hiding."
"Don't they have anything better to do?? I am the great Olivia Nevrakis, I can handle-" Amalas clamps her mouth with a raised eyebrow.
"Getting us caught and pissing off the duke?"
Olivia removes her hand, glaring. "Well, do you have a better idea?"
"As a matter of fact, I do. I'll hack into their ear comms and play this recording I saved from the chief of the guards."
"Hm, I suppose that's practical."
Amalas smirks and presses a kiss on Olivia's soft blush. "Trust, my dearest, goes a long way if you play your cards right."
- Then as their relationship progresses, Olivia will become Amalas' moral compass
"What if I play this video of him for all of Cordonia to see?"
"Normally I would be quite fond of ruining the life of a corrupt monster although, are you sure about this? This seems to be going too far.."
"I...I'm not sure. It's what he deserves, isn't it?"
"I never imagined I would say this, however we shouldn't snoop down to his level."
- The more Olivia talks to her, the geekier she gets - "What did you get her, 'How to Hack Your Own Baby Monitor'?"
"Amalas! Queen Amalas! You are just the person I wished to speak to!"
Amalas smirks, raising a brow "I am?"
Olivia blushes "Of course!"
"This isn't about weither or not to get the baby a plastic knife or a real one, is it?"
"Yes! I-I mean no! Obviously she should be allowed a real knife, she's no amature!"
"Oh of course! How silly of me to even suggest otherwise" Amalas chuckles.
"Mocking aside, I was wondering..."
"If you and I could- that is if you were okay with it- if you wished to join me- uh...for a thing."
"...a thing?"
Olivia takes a big gulp of her drink and nearly choaks. "Yes! A thing! It's a Nevrakis tradition! And that thing is... Well, you see-"
Alamas raises a hand. "I'd love to join you for a date."
Olivia nods sharply. "That is perfect! Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way, doing duchess- being duchess- ahem haha, I mean attending to my duties." Olivia begins to walk off, almost knocking into a wall before regaining her composure.
Amalas chuckles to herself, then takes a long sip of her drink.
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queen amalas x olivia nevrakis WHEN
#pb DELIVER i ask for so little#this will also b the only trh related post i make ever#(unless they give me the spy/warrior gfs i deserve)#playchoices
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