swynlake-rp · 3 years
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“I have your hearts, and you have my pity!”
FULL NAME: Georgette Midler BASED ON: Georgette (Oliver and Company) FACE CLAIM: Alix Earle PRONOUNS: She/Her BIRTHDAY: March 25, 2000 CURRENT STATUS: Taken
Character Information Tw: diet culture, beauty standards, self harm
Being raised the way she was there as no other option than perfect. Georgette was taught at the age of 3 “if you are not perfect you will simply be a failure.” Blessed with the pedigree of a socialite mother and Colombia Law Professor as a father she was the best of the best. The status backed by genetics she was out on a pedestal her entire life. There was something elite about being a socialites daughter as well as a beauty queen. From Little Miss New York to Miss Junior New York and her final glory as Miss New York she also find time to be the Serena Vanderwoodsen of her time; gracing page 6 and having features in vogue.
 The pageant circuit was run like a business; her mother taught her early how to check off the boxes and say the right things. There was never a hair out of place or a smile that wasn’t a little too bleached. The same went for her social standing in the city. She was set up for success when her days of pageants had ran its course - she just needed the final title before she could happily retire at 24 and be a socialite. Georgette was just like any woman there was a lot of facade to the life she presented to the world. Where she had made her mistake was she stood on the platform of being genuine and wholesome. The legal documents and NDAs were always drafted up for her assistants and her beauty glam team. They could never share the truth about how much of a tyrant she was or about all the times she had been under the knife and needle. Everything that she was to her adoring public and the pageant judges was a lie. 
The mask was viciously ripped from Georgettes face. Purposefully at the start of the Miss America season. Miss New York and her reputation were being dragged in the mud. On the cover of the New Yorker Magazine, The NY Times, DuMoiux, and every social media platform was Georgette…and pictures of her post nose job - not one but two, pictures of her under the laser for jaw line treatments, her unfiltered face covered in acne, a pretty telling rumor of a boob job, and ozempic usage. 
Everything that Georgette swore against publicly and spoke as an advocate against was broadcasted front and center. To add to the fire screen shots and voice recordings of how she spoke to staff of her upper East side family pent house, restaurant staff, past assistants, and even a jilted ex boyfriend. NDAs, threats, and law suits could not keep the truth from coming out. Ruined Georgette strarted to spiral. In true delusional fashion she tried to make the obtuse apology video for her own social media. Makeup smeared and flowing tears Georgette tried to turn it in her favor by seeming genuine but the public saw right through it. There was nothing genuine about a “save me from being cancelled cry video.”
In enraged black out Georgette trashed her entire room. There was nothing she could do about any of this. No amount of her parents money could cover this! Even if it did there was no chance at winning Miss America if she was exposed and then potentially reexposed for giving the press hush money to redact the articles. They were all true anyways and nobody was going to think anything different. After a week long slump and staying off social media hoping for some of it to blow over Georgette logged back on to see that she was still the hot gossip and it was only getting worse. Screaming at the top of her lungs she grabbed her own arms and started digging her acrylic nails into her skin. She wasn’t stopping she kept digging. Hoping to feel anything but the pain and rage she was feeling over the scandal. As the blood started to drip from her arm it took her minutes before she realized it was pouring from her arms to the marble floors of her walk in closet. She had to leave! It was the only way. To let things blow over. Swyn Lake it was remote. She could treat it like a retreat. Or maybe settle in and build her name up somewhere else. Packing her entire life up in a few suit cases and her trust fund in hand Georgette ran far away from her dumpster fire in Manhattan and set her eyes on a Mansion lifestyle in a new town. 
✓  Confident, decisive, eloquent
✖  Unstable, selfish, possessive
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Magical Abilities
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swynlake-rp · 3 years
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“I was so happy there. Why’d you guys take me away?”
FULL NAME: Oliver Twistes BASED ON: Oliver (Oliver and Company) FACE CLAIM: Noah Centineo PRONOUNS: He/him BIRTHDAY: July 23, 2000 CURRENT STATUS: Closed
Character Information || cw: child abuse, drug abuse ||
Oliver should have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He came from a good family, he came from old money he should have had his future set up for him and for awhile he did. His Mother coddled and played with him until she was bored and then she ignored him leaving him with nannies to take care of him. She was young, much too young to handle the responsibility of a child. Year after year a young Oliver was forced to see his Mother getting sadder and sadder and the little boy didn’t understand it. Especially as her own sadness meant snapping at him if he did anything wrong. Quickly he learned to be the perfect little boy. The one that didn’t make a noise. That didn’t make a fuss. He would be perfect if only it made his mom happy.
Even if his mother didn’t give him the attention he needed it didn’t mean he didn’t receive it. The nannies he stayed with loved him. His Nana and Papa loved him. They didn’t have time for him still running an empire of businesses but they loved him all the same and he was happy.
But even at the age of 4 Oliver could tell something was wrong. Something was happening. It was like a switch flipped in his Mom she was more attentive and loving than normal. Spent her days with him. She was getting her life on track going back to school she even planned an impromptu trip to New York for the two of them. The big bold city and Oliver was ecstatic.
The city of lights blinded the boy, the noise and the amount of people caused confusion in the boy that had never been around more then the house staff he grew up with. He was turned around and lost but he held onto his mother as tight as possible and she smiled at him. She was happy and so was he.
It didn’t last long.
She didn’t even manage to make it to the second day with him. Instead his mother sat him down on a park bench and slipped a locket over his head and kissed the top of his head. “Just stay here okay. Mama will be right back. Okay?” so he sat and sat and waited. He waited until someone else found him and the younger boy just followed. He was lonely and sad. He didn’t know where his mama was and he didn’t know where he lived or even his phone number. He was lost.
From there he bounced around people taking pity on him and teaching him skills here and there to survive on the street. His silver spoon upbringing completely forgotten. It was but a dream. A wish. A foolish hope. He stopped mentioning it assuming it was something he had made up. Soon enough the streets were his past and his present. It was all he knew. It wasn’t until Rita found him that he started to have a future. People actually started to look out for him instead of bouncing him around. He didn’t have to be scared.
That also meant at the beginning he was nearly attached to Rita despite Roscoe and when more of the street gang was introduced he took a strong attachment to them barely wanting to be away from them when he was younger and only settling into being slightly independent as he entered his teens. To this day he wouldn’t know where he would be without them and he doesn’t plan on finding out. He’ll follow wherever they go.
✓  Caring, loyal, brave
✖  Shy, nostalgic, naïve
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Rita Saluki (adoptive mother)
Possible Relationships
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Magical Abilities
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swynlake-rp · 3 years
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“Why should I worry? Why should I care?”
FULL NAME: Dodger Jones BASED ON: Dodger (Oliver and Company) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Grew up rough and tough in New York City
Though he had to work for every scrap– or steal it– Dodger loved his life and his freedom especially
He pursued music with a bunch of his street friends while not stealing 
Eventually he pissed off a gang in NYC and had to split
Loyal to the end, his gang followed him all the way to Swynlake 
✓  Street-smart, witty, collected
✖  Proud, sly, deceitful
Character Suggestions
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Magical Abilities
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swynlake-rp · 3 years
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“I haven't lost my sense of humour!”
FULL NAME: Roscoe Sykes BASED ON: Roscoe (Oliver and Company) FACE CLAIM: Jack Falahee PRONOUNS: He/him BIRTHDAY: November 17, 1988 CURRENT STATUS: Closed
Character Information || cw: violence and abuse ||
Roscoe Sykes grew up just like any other normal kid living in the city - or at least, the ‘normal’ ones who happened to be surrounded entirely by heavy influences in the mafia. His father was a leading man in one of - if not the most dangerous crime organizations to ever run rampant through New York City, and his mother - well, god knows what happened to her. There were the rumors of course, but they seemed to change monthly depending on his father’s mood. Sometimes, it was as simple as the man killing her for disobeying her, other times, he heard she was arrested and sentenced to life; on the worst days, there were gruesome explanations that left Roscoe’s thin hope that she had simply fled back to Italy shredded. A steady flow of women replaced her image instead, streaming in and out of the household as much as random scrappy, meddling, and downright skeevy older men did as well. Their home was often the center of many business meetings, and being the curious child he was, Roscoe didn’t hesitate to hide and eavesdrop in the hall, absorbing as much of the information from the smoke filled room as he could.
It was never really a choice to join - his loyalty was tied to the Mafia without consent  the second he was old enough to learn how to hold a gun and fight. After all, even if him and his brother had tried to refuse, neverending obedience to their father was as easy as a single snap of the man’s grubby fingers. So at only fourteen, Roscoe and DeSoto were forced to dirty their hands into a war they hadn’t started - but of course, Roscoe wasn’t exactly complaining. He’d learned from the minute he started comprehending, that his father’s power was something he admired greatly; that being fearless - being ruthless was the method to success. Hell if Roscoe didn’t strive to achieve that very thing every day he could…
Naturally, not wanting to risk upsetting his father, and also inspired with the newfound passion of emulating the very person he both admired as much as he despised, the vigilante and his partner in crime often hit the streets, at first taking the role of ‘leg-breakers’ when it came to finding, intimidating, and often punishing those who owed their father money. In due time, as the twins matured, and better established themselves, dirty work soon became grunt work, then dealing, and eventually, dirty work became no work at all, simply standing guard during dealings. It was only then, when idly flashing intimidation tactics, that he’d first seen her, immediately drawn to her breathtaking figure, and undeniable stature - the way she walked said enough. Even though he would come to learn she had surrounded herself with lowlifes, and peasants, Roscoe was convinced he could make her into something great - into something his.
It didn’t seem to take much to wrap Rita around his finger - or at least, to his knowledge. A flash of money here, and promise or two there, manipulating with power to gain what he wanted, and soon? The man had pressed the woman into a marriage of all things, and it finally seemed that life was coming together… Now if only he could get that damn clingy child to disappear, Roscoe’s dream would have practically be complete.
Unfortunately, for reasons he’d forever blame on DeSoto and the idiot’s more aggressive approach to his temper, what should have been a quick and painless deal went south - and the pair were caught in a firestorm that was about to wipe their entire career out. Even more unfortunately, for reasons he could only blame on himself, Roscoe didn’t manage to outrun the NYPD, instead managing to find himself cornered. Having quite literally run out of options, the man ended up surrendering himself to police at the fear of being shot otherwise. Roscoe never really asked what happened to DeSoto, and even to this day, he never found out if his brother suffered the same fate as himself, or if he’d managed to escape arrest - as well as the cost of deceiving their family.
Finding the idea of a lifetime jail sentence, or death by what he could only assume would be a firing squad quite.. undesirable, Roscoe took the only other way out - a plea bargain that had him ratting out his own father in an last ditch effort to save his own skin. Selfish, and cowardly, maybe - but Roscoe had never been the bravest person around, and he certainly wasn’t about to stick around to figure out if his actions were bound to get him killed. Not even a day after he was released by the police due to his ‘helpful cooperation in apprehending New York’s most wanted criminal’ and Roscoe was kicking Oliver out the door in front of Rita and himself, pulling them along to the airport so they could begin a new life somewhere safe.. The man can only hope he’s far enough away that the Mafia won’t find him - and in the meantime; he’ll just have to chill out until he’s certain enough he can start rebuilding his family’s name from scratch.
✓  Loyal, strong-willed, thorough
✖   Vicious, cowardly, ruthless
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
DeSoto Sykes (twin brother)
Possible Relationships
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Magical Abilities
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swynlake-rp · 2 years
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“Good night, Oliver.”
FULL NAME: Jenny Foxworth BASED ON: Jenny (Oliver and Company) FACE CLAIM: Up-to-Player PRONOUNS: Up-to-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-to-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Grew up in Swynlake, but after her parents’ divorce, she moved to New York City with her socialite mother
She had a pretty lonely childhood, but she found solace in playing piano and wanted to study music in university
However, after graduation her mother informed her that her side of the family recently lost a lot of money
Jenny will have to cozy up to her father if she wants to pursue higher education 
So she returns to Swynlake for a gap year, looking to reconnect with her absent father in hopes that he will finance her dreams...
✓  Kind, generous, loyal
✖  Spoiled, prejudiced, naïve
Character Suggestions
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Magical Abilities
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swynlake-rp · 3 years
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“Hey, hey, Roscoe. Look what I found.“
FULL NAME: DeSoto Sykes BASED ON: DeSoto (Oliver and Company) FACE CLAIM: Milo Ventimiglia PRONOUNS: He/him BIRTHDAY: November 17, 1988 CURRENT STATUS: Closed
Character Information || cw: violence and abuse ||
DeSoto Emilio Sykes, named after his mother’s grandfather or so he’d been told, was only one of two sons born to  William Sykes and a mother neither boy would ever know. Not that it particularly mattered to DeSoto. William Sykes was the only parent that DeSoto needed. The man was able to teach him the important things. How the only family that mattered was himself and his brother, that there was absolutely no need for outside attachments (they only ever got in the way and made you weak), and, most importantly, the only person that you could count on was yourself.
A troublesome child, DeSoto was no stranger to crime and punishment. Thinking that he was untouchable because of his father’s status, the young boy often found himself starting fights and arguments at school and with the various women that were paraded in and out of the family home. Being young, at first, his father ignored it; deigning it unimportant. DeSoto was just acting out to gain attention from those around him. But when he was suspended for fighting in second grade, his father’s attention was on him more.
That trouble only continued to grow with DeSoto’s temper,  something he inherited from his father.
By the time he was fifteen, DeSoto had been suspended more times than he could count and had already been expelled. Deciding that school simply wasn’t for him, he began properly working for the mafia. There was no denying that his father was pleased with the decision, though it had always been expected of him. With Roscoe as his partner, their jobs varied as they grew older. They worked well together, naturally, and were quickly able to move through the ranks of their father’s ‘family’. By the time they turned twenty they were ‘promoted’ over seers. They reported directly to the big man and were often dispatched to take care of family matters. It was a job that DeSoto fell into easily. With his temper and his love of physical justice, Des was easily one of the scariest enforcers that was sent out. Something he took pride in was the fact that he was able to make grown men piss themselves without too much effort.
It was that temper and anger that led to the disaster that changed it all.
The run was routine, they were only supposed to be dropping product off and collecting payment from a typically annoying buyer. The dealer was a rather new guy that Des had his suspicions about but had kept them quiet. It was almost no surprise that DeSoto lost his temper with the buyer when he started to try and haggle his way to a lower price. It was a huge surprise when blue and red lights began flashing and the sirens sounded. Panicked, he took off without paying attention to which direction his brother went. To him there was only one place for them to go. And when the hours passed and Ros didn’t show up, he was forced to go home and face their father and the consequences of that night.
DeSoto was in Long Island when he heard the news that his father had been picked up and found guilty. By then Roscoe was long gone and Des had taken to trying to find him. For the first time in his life he was truly alone and he hated it.
It only took a week for the family to track him down. They were glad that William had been locked up. It left the throne open for grabs. And the man that took it was just as ruthless as DeSoto. What they wanted was simple. The rat who gave away Big Bill. Knowing that if they found out it was Roscoe, DeSoto endured the beatings until he was given an ultimatum. Find Roscoe or be dead within the year.
Finding Roscoe hadn’t been hard, though DeSoto had dragged his feet on it for as long as he could. The reunion was bitter sweet as all that anger came to its boiling point. But eventually the brothers were able to work through the trauma of being separated and feeling abandoned. Enough that when William sent people after Roscoe and his family, DeSoto fought on his brother’s side and eventually brought them to New York with the intention to end things once and for all.
✓  Loyal, strong-willed, thorough
✖   Vicious, short-tempered, ruthless
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Roscoe Sykes (twin brother)
Possible Relationships
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Magical Abilities
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swynlake-rp · 3 years
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“We need to clean you up, child, and get you some on the job training.”
FULL NAME: Rita Saluki BASED ON: Rita (Oliver and Company) FACE CLAIM: Lana Del Rey PRONOUNS: She/her BIRTHDAY: July 11, 1991 CURRENT STATUS: Closed
Character Information
Growing up in an orphanage was nothing like the movies. There weren’t a merry bunch of kids singing while they did their chores. There was no hope of a better life. Everyone knew that being in the orphanage meant that you’d probably be nothing more than a lowly barmaid or factory worker. Any child left behind in an orphanage that didn’t get adopted never amounted much to anything. And that certainly was true for Rita Saluki.
Born to a mother who was too young, Rita was given up mere hours after she was born. All the headmistress of the children’s home she was handed over to knew was that her name was Rita and that she was just another ward of the state. There were never high hope for the little girl. As an infant she was colicky and fussy, never really finding any peace until she was rocked to sleep with gentle music playing in the background. Those prospects didn’t change as she grew older. She was a rambunctious child who didn’t exactly like to follow rules. Not when it was much more fun to come up with her own. It was always easy for her to get the other children to go along with her; often creating a rather large mess for the volunteers to death with and often landing Rita in quite a bit of trouble.
What didn’t help was the fact that each and every year the young Saluki girl watched as one by one her friends were adopted. All taken off to live better lives than the one she had. It didn’t make her jealous, in fact it was the complete opposite. Instead, she wanted to know what was wrong with her. Why didn’t anyone want her? It was absolute hell for her self esteem, though nary a person knew about it. Outward appearance was everything, or so she had been told by the celebrities she saw on the television. She was calm and collected, cool, a leader. And whenever one friend left, another came into the orphanage. It was almost perfect.
But as Rita grew older and reached into her teenage years, she grew restless. The television and radio told of places outside of her little English town that offered all that she wanted. Family, a place where she wasn’t alone despite being surrounded by people. She was entranced with the idea that out there (out there being America and the idea being fame) began to brew and stew inside of her head. Instead of planning little rebellions within the orphanage that she was convinced would be her home forever, Rita began planning escape routes. Her many years there had awarded her with intimate knowledge of the building and it’s comings and goings. On any given day she could tell you whether there would be a food delivery or if any of the workers would be leaving. It was a well oiled machine that she was going to use to her own advantage.
At sixteen she escaped and she never looked back. Rather, she hopped a train and ran as far away from the orphanage as she could. Bristol soon became her home, or at least the streets of Bristol did. She was able to scrounge up money by singing in shady pubs and bars. It was only ever enough to get her a hot meal and sometimes a new change of clothes; the rest she saved up.. A home still evaded her, though her empty homes and abandoned buildings were enough for her. They were places she could stay without having to worry about being found out or being woken up abruptly to do routine chores. In their solace she could write her own material and practice however loudly she wanted to. It was perfect really. She was well on the way to getting where she wanted to be.
It took three years to get the money to make it to America. She didn’t look behind her as she left, just happy to be headed to the place where all of her dreams would come true. When she made it big, she’d have friends and fans and a family. It’d be everything and more.
Except, New York was not a friendly town. At least not to a girl who had only a few pounds to her name and a shitty attitude when told ‘no’. It wasn’t Bristol where she had fans that wanted to hear more and club managers that wanted her for her. It was nothing like she had imagined. But eventually she did find something. Something that had evaded her for her entire life. Down on her luck and tired of being told no, Rita had run into a group of guys who were in the same position as her. Quickly they became a family, counting on each other to help make ends meet and finding work. Each of them brought their own unique skills to the group and soon they were able to afford a small place. And when Oliver came into the picture, small and on the run as well, Rita took on the role of mother, making sure her boys were all taken care of by any means necessary.
Marrying Roscoe Sykes probably wasn’t the best thing in the world. It certainly caused quite a bit of friction between her and her little family but in the end Rita went through with it. Roscoe had money. Money that meant they would all be taken care of. It didn’t matter that she didn’t really love him. He provided for her, which meant all of her family had the means to live without having to worry when their next meal was. Uprooting from New York was even more difficult but Swynlake, she was told, would be great for them. A new start. And maybe this time Rita would be able to accomplish her dreams from so long ago…
✓  Kind, tough, proud
✖  Short-tempered, closed off, stubborn
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Oliver Twistes (adopted son)
Possible Relationships
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Magical Abilities
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swynlake-rp · 3 years
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“You insulted my pride! That means DEATH!”
FULL NAME: Ignacio Alonzo Julio Frederico de Tito BASED ON: Tito (Oliver and Company) FACE CLAIM: Up-To-Player PRONOUNS: Up-To-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-To-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Originally from Queens
Grew up in poverty and started dealing drugs from a young age to support himself
His parents were both arrested when he was a young teen
Ended up joining up with the street gang and has been a loyal member ever since, traveling to Swynlake with them
Has a passion for Latino music that honors his heritage
✓  Wisecracking, proud, fiery
✖   Unstable, selfish, possessive
Character Suggestions
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Magical Abilities
Electricity manipulation
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