actualolivegarden · 1 month
(gonna start dropping one of these every so often. Please ask me about the projects, it helps keep me motivated and it makes me happy)
Project progress updates:
-tacticool paw gloves
-gloves and a fresh supply of silicone will be here next week. expected completion 29 August.
-cold brand commission
-design complete. Waiting on approval of submitted order from CNC service. ETA less than 2 weeks.
-Visualizer collar
-2.7mm wide LED strips ordered to assemble a proof of concept before dedicating time to a flexible PCB fab. Expected completion by 1 September.
-chore kill counter
-all parts ordered, waiting on time to film assembly. Due by 10 September.
-counterpooint battle bot
-on hold due to lack of competition. Will resume 1 October.
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actualolivegarden · 3 months
Making a pinned post just to say a few things:
Okay hi yes hello I'm Olive, or Olive for short. Posts will be a combination of maker content, horny posting, and gender things. Don't ask me what my gender actually is, the government seized it so just use it/it's pronouns for me. All of my maker/hardware hacker/cool robot stuff will be tagged with #oliveprojects and my daily build log will be tagged with #Olive build log
That's all for now folks
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