sudumal-arrow · 3 years
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Sara lance and Oliver Queen from Star city 2046 ❤
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sara-rosesff · 5 years
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.“you became a hero, a husband, a father” ❤
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darkelfshadow · 3 years
Session Summary - 107
AKA “Phlan Besieged”
Adventures in Taggriell
Session 107  (Date: 16th April 2021)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Varis”) Elf Male.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Trenchant”) Human Male.
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players
- John (Known as “Ragnar”) Dwarf Male.  <Played by Bob>
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by Travis>
- Starday, 6th Sarenith in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Summer.
- The party begin this session, late afternoon, having just teleported back to Crescent Moon.
- As Archmage Tallous, Valthrun The Enchanter and Valder The Enchanter are not yet ready to perform the teleport ritual into Phlan, the party are forced to wait in Crescent Moon for two days.
- During this time, the party purchase some equipment and items, and allocate some of the newly gained magic artefacts to members of the party. Bucky also uses this time to slowly recover from the ordeal of being resurrected.
- Moonday, 8th Sarenith in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Summer.
- The party awake early, just after sunrise. Half an hour later, at about 6am, after preparing for the incursion into Phlan, the party stand before the three Wizards, ready to teleport in. The time difference between Crescent Moon and Phlan is four hours.
- Using the combined might of the three Wizards, along with a minuscule amount of the liquid from the Pool Of Radiance, the party are teleported into Phlan, forcing their way past the arcane barrier around the far city.
- It is mid morning in Phlan, but the city is almost in darkness. Most of the sunlight is stopped by the impenetrable 30 feet thick dome of a magic thicket of brambles and briars that has completely overgrown the city.
- The buildings show signs of damage and looting, with door and windows smashed open or boarded up with improvised defences. Dead bodies are everywhere on the streets. No signs of life greet the party, and the eary scene of the silent, dark, and still city concern the party greatly. Some of the buildings are completely destroyed, enveloped by seperate thickets of vines and branches that have twisted and pulled apart those buildings to rubble.
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- The party have been teleported into the northern New District of the city, and make their way over to the nearby Manor of Sir Zern Xerstil but find that the building has been completely destroyed by the thicket. Hearing a moaning voice from a nearby street, the party find more dead bodies and destruction but one body moves slightly, with a moan. A lone survivor, a female, though nearly dead.
- The party quickly recover the female and begin treating her wounds. Nearby, the party find the decapitated body and head of Sir Zern. Nearby the also find the slain body of Rolk, the Dwarf Merchant Noble that had assisted the party on the first visit to Phlan.
- The party bring the injured woman and the body parts of Sir Zern into a nearby damaged building. The party rest for an hour, giving time for Trenchant to cast his most powerful spell, and Resurrect Sir Zern back to life. Trenchant will only be able to do this once more, but not for the remainder of this day.
- The now injured woman is spoken to, her name is Grondyn. She is distraught and in despair, as her husband and two children, and a group of civilians, were killed by the Cult as Sir Zern and Rolk were attempting to gather up the remaining populace and lead them to a place of safety. She does not know where they were going, but does know they were going to find the “Small Lady” who could hide them in safety from the Cult.
- When Sir Zern is returned to life, he is very weak and exhausted. All his injuries have been healed, but it will be a number of days before he is back to full strength. His armour has been totally destroyed and he has no weapons. Trenchant gives some of his weapons to Sir Zern, Ridir (shortsword) and the Dragongleam Spear.
- Sir Zern tells the party that Vorgansharax has consumed a large quantity of the liquid from the Pool Of Radiance, increasing his power to almost God like levels. It was because of this that Vorgansharax was able to create the magic thicket and arcane barrier around the entire city. As this happened, the Cult and its allies, began mass killings of the populace. There was no reasoning with them, or any attempt at taking prisoners, the Cult is slaughtering the entrapped population for sport and fun. Any attempt to try and attack or break through the thicket, causes the thicket to grow into creatures that attack back, as the thicket then grows slowly back into position. Half the population of Phlan, six thousand people, were killed in a day.
- Sir Zern also tells the party that Madame Freona (“the Small Lady”) and Glevith (a Crime Boss whom the party dealt with last time they were in Phlan) managed to get a lot of the locals out of the city via the sewers and they are hiding in the nearby Grimshackle Jail. But the thicket has now grown into the sewers and all travel via that means has stopped, trapping those left in the doomed city.
- Sir Zern informs the party that Olisara Lightsong of the Harpers has been killed whilst trying to save civilians (this information the party already knew), and also that Captain Greycastle has been captured alive by the Cult and taken to the dungeons under Stojanow Gate Keep. Most, if not all, of Greycastle’s forces have been killed. Further, the mysterious Black Knight has been continuing to kill individual Cult Officers one by one, but still no one knows who this figure is.
- The party learn that Madame Freona has now been using an ancient system of underground escape tunnels to house the remaining rescued populace. These tunnels were made when the city was first started by the Wizard Denlor, who’s tower has been locked up for many centuries. The escape tunnels, and the tower, are protected by strong magics, having resisted the arcane thicket and keeping the thicket at bay. The Lord Sage has been trapped inside the Libarary, as the thickets have attempted to overgrow and destroy the Library but the arcane defences of the Lord Sage have kept the thicket at bay, for now.
- Sir Zern tells the party where the ancient Escape Tunnel system goes to, and how there is an exit tunnel, that does lead out of the city from the original Keep, which is now Stojanow Gate Keep. The secret Escape Tunnel opens somewhere in the Dungeons but the exit to the outside leads into Valhingen Graveyard. This graveyard has been cursed for many centuries and no one goes into it anymore, as the Undead guard it. Sir Zern tells the party that their only way out of the city now, is to breach the Dungeons via the ancient Escape Tunnels, find the secret door that goes to the exit tunnel, and fight their way through the graveyard.
- Trenchant uses a Seeming spell to make the party, Sir Zern and the rescued Grondyn, look like Knights Of The Tears Of Virulence, allies of the Cult Forces. The party moves through the quiet back ways of the city, until they come to an abandoned street market area. Two Guard Drakes smell the strong Half-Orc scent of Sir Zern, and begin approaching the party with deep growls. 
- Before the party can respond, the Drakes rush forward and leap at Sir Zern, their jaws snapping at him. The party is forced to attack and kill both Drakes. Unknown to the party, the nearby buildings have a large group of Cult forces in hiding, watching. A Red Wizard Of Thay, Cult Fanatics and Cult Assassins. 
- When the hidden Cult forces see that the group of apparent “Knights”, do not use the correct verbal commands to get the Drakes under control, they look more closely at the party’s group. The Red Wizard of Thay concentrates, and looking hard, he sees through the illusion as he realises the group is not behaving the way Knights should. The Wizard leans out of a doorway and hurls a fireball at the party, exploding over most of them. 
- With their disguise now useless for this encounter, the battle is on. When the rest of the Cult Forces see that the Red Wizard has attack the apparent Knights, without hesitation, they join the fight too.
- The party are rushing forward, as Sir Zern shouts out that they need to take a certain street to keep on track for the only bridge towards the Old City District. The party is hit hard, taking severe injuries, as the Assassins are deadly. Varis is nearly killed and is eventually forced back. The Cult Fanatics stay within the building, hurling streaks of arcane fire at the party.
- Trenchant cleverly rushes towards the Red Wizard Of Thay and using his Rapier’s Wit, locks the Wizard into a Battle Of Wits. This magically compels the Wizard to duel with Trenchant, rather than cast spells, effectively taking the Wizard out of the combat. As such, the Wizard does not survive against Trenchant and Naillae for long.
- Sir Zern leads Grondyn out of the battle and towards the exit street, and safety. 
- The party are moving forward, the three Dwarves working together to kill any Cult Forces in their way. As they all near the exit street, with only one Cult Fanatic left, the party all rush madly into the exit street and away.
- They continue running through streets for a few minutes, before slowing down and making their way onwards, slowly and with caution. Upon ahead they can hear the sound of the river that cuts Phlan in half. Around the next block, is the main bridge to the other side of town.
<And as the party prepare themselves to approach the main bridge, where last time they fought to save Captain Greycastle, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- “Return To The Light” - Resurrect Sir Zern = 1000 XP
- “The Shepherds” - Commoner Survives Encounter (x 1) = 200 XP
Creatures Overcome
- Guard Drakes = 900 XP
- Red Wizard Of Thay = 2300 XP
- Cult Fanatics = 1350 XP
- Cult Assassins = 11700 XP
- Dragonsoul = 2900 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 147397 + 2907 = 150304
Arthur : 117960 + 2907 = 120867 (Level up to 13)
John : 112927 + 2180 = 115107
Travis : 134803 + 2907 = 137710
Paul : 124286 + 2907 = 127193
Bob : 137095 + 3633 = 140728 (Level up to 14)
NPC (Naillae) : + (1454) (Level up)
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cararaatkoqueen · 8 years
Shipment DCVerse
Whats up guys, if you are reading this, i just wanted you to know that i’m a #noHate person, so there’s probably not much of a reason you can get from me or you’ll probably get weird reasons, anyways i’m here to talk about shipment. By that i mean shipping couples or OTP’s.
ARROWVERSE. 1. Oliver Laurel. (lauriver) Actually, they’re cute together, especially that oliver loves her very much, but things dont worked out between them, and if u’re seeing Arrow’s newest trailer of Arrow S5E09 (or ten…) You’ll probably see that the laurel we have now isn’t the laurel that we used to know. 2. Oliver Sara (Olisara) He also loved her,but things were pretty complicated and, idk. It’s not working out. 3. Oliver Shado. ( Shadiver ) Shado’s dead. End of the story. This is so sad. 4.Oliver Helena. (Heliver) They’re the cutest. Oliver did really care to helena, but Helena’s hate toward her father has blind her. I hate that they’re not togethwr anymore, i missed her. 5. Oliver Felicity (Olicity) nah. Sorry, not a big fan. 6. Oliver Nyssa (Olyssa) They’re married However, but Oliver Didn’t care. He didn’t give a damn about it. My impposibble crazy ship. Tho They’re cute together and especially that they’re (kinda) getting along, *screaming hysterically* 7. Oliver Susan Nah. pass. If i had to choose, i prefer Olicity 100%. — What do you think?
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sudumal-arrow · 4 years
The Arrowverse
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sara-rosesff · 5 years
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Back again to my family and miss you so much ollie
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sudumal-arrow · 4 years
What do you think about merging the new worlds with the core Arrowverse, though?????
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sara-rosesff · 5 years
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It all started with the two of them😘
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sara-rosesff · 5 years
Without you two i don't even know the Arrowverse . I love to see you guys together ❤️❤️❤️ best archer and best canary
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sudumal-arrow · 5 years
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I am ready to go to the end of the world, only to see your smile once again. You make me better, forgive me if sometimes I do something wrong. Please, forgive me
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sara-rosesff · 5 years
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Look at The Canarrow ❤❤❤❤
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sudumal-arrow · 5 years
Hello december
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sudumal-arrow · 5 years
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We can get high, oh, nah-nah-nah We can get low, oh, nah-nah-nah Let me be your friend Baby, let me in
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darkelfshadow · 4 years
Session Summary - 96
AKA “A whole lot of rub and no tug”
Adventures in Taggriell
Session 96  (Date: 16th October 2020)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Varis”) Elf Male.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Trenchant”) Human Male.
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players
- John (Known as “Ragnar”) Dwarf Male. <Play by Rob>
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by Travis>
- Oathday, 11th Desnus in the year 815 (Second Era). Summer.
- The party begin this session, having just set sail down the inland river headed back towards the Golden Channel. Gim hands over his Lion Greataxe to Galin The Blacksmith on board the ship, to start the work needed to attach the Moon Gem to his weapon.
- The ship arrives five hours later, in the early evening, at the port city of Phlan.
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- Captain Lerustah and his men have prepared the ship to look like a common merchant ship, as opposed to an armed military ship. There are less Cult forces on the jetty than the last time the party arrived during daylight hours, and after a cursory check, the ship is allowed to dock without incident.
- Trenchant uses one of his spells to disguise the entire party. Trenchant, now looking like a low and non-influential merchant lord, is accompanied by a group that appears to have scruffy looking personal guards, ugly hand maidens, and poor servants. The group leaves the dock, with a warning from a Cult Officer to behave themselves in the city or else face consequences. Trenchant shows the proper fear and submissiveness, to the Cult Officer, that allows them passage into the city.
- The party make their way over to the Tea Kettle, where the small female Halfling proprietor Madame Freona, greets them kindly but advises them that as the shop is due to close shortly they can not get service.
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- When Trenchant, still disguised, speaks out loudly to Olisara Lightsong (Harper), seated in the far corner, the Harper recognises who the group is. Olisara tells Madame Freona to let these guests in and she does so, organising seats, refreshing drinks and an assortment of delicious tasting foods. The party can not remember eating this well.
- The party and Olisara, discuss what has happened since they left and about the new mission they are on. She tells them the Cult has taken over Phlan as a base of operations for locating a new Pool Of Radiance, somewhere south west, near something called Kranun’s Crater.
- The party learn that thanks to their information, Olisara is now in contact with one of the resistance leaders: Captain Jhessail Greycastle. Greycastle is now working with the Harpers and the location of her base of operations is now known. Olisara has been unable to find out who the other resistance leader is, “The Black Knight”.
- Olisara gives the party five monks robes, of the Order of Mishakai, who do regular visits to the Grimshackle Jail. They learn their contact in the Jail, Glevith, is a member of the Welcomers (Thieves Guild) and has been assisting the Harpers with information and other things during the Cult intrusion. Olisara warns the party not to attack or harm any of the City Watch guards in the Jail, as they are not bad people. She gives the party the name of one of the Watch Sergeants, Bhevek, who can escort the party to see Glevith.
- The party then head over to the Cracked Crown Inn. Ellywick, the female Gnome owner of the inn, lets the party inn. The party speak to Seranolla The Whisperer (Emerald Enclave) and discuss anything she might know about the Pool Of Radiance. She tells the party that this area has attracted many pure Arcane stars, falling from the heavens to make lakes or pools of power, known as Pools Of Radiance. A shooting star was seen heading south over Phlan a few months ago. The last known confirmed pool was just off Phlan, falling into Thorn Island where Sokol Keep stands. The stars fall all over this region, sometimes falling into the same place more than once, as if attracted to fall by some force. She believes Kranun’s Crater was a previous location where a massive star fell creating a lake size pool of power. She does not know exactly where this crater is, as this was a very long time ago, though she thinks it may lay south of Lake Enion, which forms the border of the Elvish lands. She warns the party to be on the look out for increased Bulette activity in that area.
- The party come up with a plan to enter Grimshackle Jail. The three Dwarves wait in a nearby sewer exit, keeping the Jail under observation, ready for trouble. Varis, Labarett, Naillae and Trenchant wear the Robes Of Mishakai, and approach the Jail pretending to be priests wishing to perform their regular services to the prisoners.
- The guards let the disguised party members in, and send for Sergeant Bhevek, when Trenchant asks for him by name. The Sergeant attends and leads the party away, recognising the party as the ones he was waiting for from Olisara. He takes the party up the four levels of the massive tower, passing many cells holding about a hundred prisoners. The guards are well dressed and well behaved. The prisoners do not appear mistreated.
- He ushers them up to an area that is sectioned off from the rest. A single door leads to a large cell that has no neighbours. Inside is a well appointed room, with a comfortable bed and chair, a writing desk with a papers and inks on it, along with a plate of food and cup with water.
- A figure with a stern thin face seats on the chair, holding a leather bound book. He looks up at the party, the light from a nearby lantern reflected on his slick greasy black hair. His thin lips smile slightly under a large bent nose, “I’m so glad you’ve come. I was beginning to worry that Olisara did not get my message.”
- Sergeant Bhevek moves to wait back at the door, just out of hearing, whilst the party speak to Glevith. They discuss what information he has. He confirms he knows exactly where the Cult is going, as some of his people have seen paper records and maps showing the location of Kranun’s Crater. He tells the party he is willing to give this information over if they agree to rescue his younger sister, Lilly, from her enforced servitude in the Red Glove. A brothel and gambling den run by a gang of criminals lead by an evil man by the name of Gillim. He describes his sister has attractive with long fair hair.
- The party quickly agree to this and leave Grimshackle Jail. Once back in the city proper, they head over to the brothel, a well made and maintained two story building. Trenchant disguises the party and attempts to gain entry, but when he enquires after the name of Lilly, they are refused entry by a suspicious female care taker called Madame Star.
- The party drop the disguise and approach the brothel as themselves and this time gain entry. The are greeted by Madame Star, who supervises the girls and entertainment. The party walk through a long and well appointed entry hall, under the watchful eye of two heavily armoured guards, and walking through a heavy red curtain enter a large drinking room. Various customers sit around the room, with serving girls bringing drinks and an assortment of naked women talking and laughing with the customers at the tables. A female entertainer plays a flute off to the side, with much apparent skill, as a girl dressed in translucent and revealing loose clothing, dances in front of her. Two more guards are visible standing in front of a set of large double doors behind a long wooden serving bar.
- Whilst the party remain downstairs, Sir Krondor and Trenchant ask Madame Star if they can pay to meet the girls privately. She has them disarm and leave all their weapons in a wall cupboard and then follow her up stairs to the private rooms. She makes five of the girls come out to line up for their inspection whilst Trenchant uses magic to read the minds of the presented girls to see if any of them are Lilly. When none are, he asks Madame Star about a door at the far end of the hall that has two armoured soldiers wearing House colours. She informs the pair that they are the personal guards of some nobles playing in the gambling den. The pair ask if they can join in and she leads them to the gambling den, a large lavish room, filled with more personal guards and with a round table in the middle of the room. Seated around the round table are three very well dressed men, obviously powerful merchant lords, with a large pile of coins on the table that glitter in the torch light. A thin attractive female with long fair hair, dressed in rich silk clothes, is serving drinks to the men. Trenchant quickly learns that this girl is Lilly. Sir Krondor and Trenchant have to improvise a plan to get her out.
- Not wishing to be left out, Varis decides to go out stairs too. He waits until Madame Star can show him upstairs, removes all his weapons (except for one dagger he hides) and he selects one girl to take into a private room. Once inside he begins questioning her about how many girls are here, the number of guards and other information that will help the party.
- Back in the gambling den, Sir Krondor declares he must have this serving girl immediately as she is the most beautiful thing he as ever seen. Madame Star takes Sir Krondor and Lilly out of the gambling den and into a private room, opposite to where Varis is. Sir Krondor tells Lilly they are here to rescue her but she insists that they rescue all the girls as they are all here against their will.
- Meanwhile, downstairs, Labarett has been stewing. He has been looking at the faces of the girls, which though are smiling are obvious they do not wish to be here. He can see faint bruises on some of them. His anger is building. His rage at this unjust treatment is building. He will not stand by and do nothing whilst these girls are being held, their freedom removed.
- Labarett stands up, determination on his face. Naillae looks across and sees the expression on his face, “Labarett, where are you going? We have to wait …”
- Labarett does not stop or respond, he continues to walk towards the bar, his hands moving towards his longsword.
- Ragnar quickly moves up, “Change of plans! Backup Labarett!”
- As he says this Labarett breaks into a run, his speed carrying him towards the first guard before anyone even knows what is happening. Mayhem breaks out as the battle starts. At first the guards are caught in surprise but they quickly rally and the ex-soldiers show they know how to handle themselves in a fight.
- The female entertainer, actually a Bard, jumps onto the bar and starts hurtling spells at the party. Ragnar tries to summon his Spirit Guardians around him but the Bard stops the spell with a well timed Counter Spell.
- The large double doors near the bar open as more guards appear and worse yet, a massive Flesh Golem charges out. Naillae, leaps up and slides down the bar, and then leaps towards the Flesh Golem her enchanted dagger hitting and slicing down the torso of the creature. She leans back in horror as she sees her attack did nothing, her daggers having no effect.
- Ragnar looks over at the Flesh Golem shouting, “Only weapons made of adamantine can harm it!”
- Naillae quickly disengages and moves away from the Golem. The party start to panic as they realise none of them have adamantine weapons.
- Meanwhile, upstairs, the sound of the battle can be heard. All the personal guards race to surround and protect their respective lords whilst Trenchant casts a powerful Mass Suggestion spell on the group. All but one guard and one lord, falls under his suggestion, which is to accompany him and guard the girls back to the jetty.
- Varis runs out of his room, the hidden dagger now in his hands and leaps towards two brothel guards waiting at the top of a set of stairs.
- Sir Krondor comes out too but pretends to be drunk and confused. Varis runs back away from the guards just as Trenchant arrives from around the corner, casting Fear on the two guards. They both immediately run down the stairs, terror on their faces.
- Sir Krondor tells Lilly to grab all the rest of the girls and follow them downstairs.
- Meanwhile, downstairs, the fight has been continuing, as more guards have arrived to join the fight, including the gang leader Gillim. Gillim stays back, firing crossbow bolts from his office.
- Ragnar, frustrated with the battle points his finger at the open office, where Gillim and the Golem are. He casts Fireball, a small orange point of light hurtling from his finger towards the open office.
- Gim and Labarett do not notice this, the battle lust over coming them. So too, the hostile Bard does not notice Ragnar’s spell, otherwise she would have not hesitated to Counter Spell it, knowing how dangerous that spell would be in a wooden building.
- Naillae, the only one to see Ragnar cast the spell, watches the fast moving orange dot fly across the room with a look or pure shock and fear. But before she can get the words out, “You stupid son of …” a massive explosion comes from the open office as the Fireball explodes.
- Heat and wind comes out from the room. Flames begin to spread over the carpet covered wooden floor, wood reinforced clay walls, and exposed wood beam ceiling. Black smoke begins to fill the lower floor. Screams of panic fill the air, as all pretence at fighting stops as everyone begins running towards the single locked front door.
- The others upstairs hear the massive explosion which shakes the building. Sir Krondor bellows, “One job! They had one job! Just wait for us! I’m going to…”
- Trenchant interrupts him, “Not now Krondor! We need to all run! RUN!”
- There is now a massive stampede going. Everyone is trying to run to the only door, which has a massive metal bar, and three turn locks on it. One of the brothel guards is trying to open it but in his fear and panic, seeing the flames and smoke fill the room, along with a massive Flesh Golem picking up people and throwing them out of his way, his shaking hands keep failing.
- The Brothel Bard quickly steps up to him, plunging a knife into his neck, so she can instead calmly open the three locks. Labarett leans around her and with a mighty heave, pulls the heavy metal bar away. As the door opens, letting in fresh cold air, Varis shoots an arrow at the back of the Bard, dropping her dead, and clearing the doorway.
- The others from above have run downstairs and quickly retrieve their stowed gear.
- Ragnar standing near the office which is now an inferno of heat and flames, is summoning food and water, by casting his spell over and over. Each time he directs all the water to appear at the front of the fire. This is slowing the spread but only somewhat, but it is just enough to buy everyone enough time to run outside of the front door.
- The party, still escorted by the two merchants and their personal guards under a Suggestion, casually walk down the street as the tavern flames lit up the entire street. A group of Cult forces and locals are running towards the tavern.
<And as the party walk away from the scene of destruction, the sound of fire and battle as the Flesh Golem begins randomly attacking the arriving Cult Forces, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- “Ships Passing In The Night” - Enter Phlan Undetected By Cult = 500 XP
- “In And Out Again” - Rescue Lilly Undetected = FAIL
- “Freedom For All” - Release Entrapped Women (12) = 2400 XP
- “Secrets & Lies” - Recover Blackmail Journal of Gillim = FAIL
Creatures Overcome
- Gang Enforcers = 3500 XP
- Bard = 450 XP
- Gang Leader (Gillim) = 100 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 125088 + 1240 = 126328
Arthur : 99794 + 992 = 100786 (Level up to Level 12)
John : 95611 + 744 = 96355
Travis : 114986 + 992 = 115978
Paul : 104469 + 992 = 105461
Bob : 115627 + 992 = 116619
NPC (Naillae) : + (496)
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darkelfshadow · 4 years
Session Summary - 97
AKA “Journey To The Crater”
Adventures in Taggriell
Session 97  (Date: 30th October 2020)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Varis”) Elf Male.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Trenchant”) Human Male.
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male.
- John (Known as “Ragnar”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players
- Nil
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by Travis>
- Oathday, 11th Desnus in the year 815 (Second Era). Summer.
- The party begin this session, walking away from the burning building of the Red Glove brothel. The sound of fighting can be heard, from the Cult trying to subdue the uncontrolled Flesh Golem that run out of the burning building.
- Using the chaos to escape unchallenged, they walk to the other side of the city, on the jetty side, and come to the premises of the Tea Kettle. The two nobles and their personal guards come out of the Mass Suggestion spell, confused as to why they are near the jetty and who these people are that they are with. Not wishing to make a scene, they quickly leave.
- Madame Freona lets the party and the rescued girls into the Tea Kettle.
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- Lilly is given lodging and protection by the Harpers. The party update Olisara on what has occurred, and she arranges to send one of her messengers to advise Glevith in Grimshackle Jail that his sister is now under protection.
- Trenchant gives a large portion of the stolen coins taken from the nobles gambling game to the rescued girls.
- The party spend the night in the Tea Kettle, under Madame Freona’s care, and get a good night sleep.
- Fireday, 12th Desnus in the year 815 (Second Era). Summer.
- The party awake and spend the morning going about the city seeing various contacts to obtain information about the city and their mission to the Pool Of Radiance. The speak to Seranolla The Whisperer of the Emerald Enclave, Sir Zern of the Order Of The Gauntlet, Captain Jhessail Greycastle of the Order Of The Black Fist and one of the Resistance Leaders, and the Lord Sage, whom the party find hiding in the city’s library. The Lord Sage faked his own death when the Cult attacked the city.
- Gim also retrieves his enchanted great sword, Narhethi, which now bares the attached Blue Moon Gem Of Athair. Having been given warnings and advice regarding threats to the look out for, and the identity of the leader of the Cult forces they are trying to intercept, Ixusaxa Terrorsong, the party leave the city and head south west. They leave orders with Captain Lerustah to wait two days then sail the Frostskimmr south and wait just off the shore at the Emperor’s Tears for another eight days, firing signal arrows into the sky at noon of each day. If the party do not return to the ship after ten days, his orders are to leave and return to Crescent Moon.
- Using the list of directions given to them by Glevith, and a very detailed map of the southern area by the Lord Sage, the party feel confident they can locate Kranun’s Crater. The seven day journey should only take the party three and half days to get there, thanks to the gift of speed granted by Labarett.
- The first part of the day the party skirt the southern edge of the Twilight Marsh. Just after noon, they are attacked by three Bulettes. Thanks to the warning about the creatures given to them by Seranolla, the party are not surprised. The hardened natural armour plates on the creatures makes them very tough, and their large oversized jaws filled with large teeth, make them a deadly foe.
- Some of the party do get badly injured but in the end, the party prevail. They take some time to carve out some of the teeth from the dead creatures, as they are sought after by alchemists, obtaining seven teeth in total.
- They continue travelling for the rest of the daylight, until they set camp for the evening. Trenchant summons Leomund’s Tiny Hut near by some rock formations and low scrub.
- During the night, whilst Naillae, Labarett and Varis are mediating on their night watch, they see some blue and white lights moving behind one of the rock formations. Ragnar goes out to investigate and sees the light moving behind a far rock outcrop. He waves over Labarett and Varies and they head out of the hut and join him.
- Suddenly the three are surrounded by Corrupted Shadows, their indistinct forms appearing like dark shadowy warriors with a glowing blue and white aura surrounding them. Eight of the undead creatures appear and begin draining life away from Labarett and Ragnar.
- The undead creatures are easy to dispatch, but the party are very weary of them, as they can quickly drain life away from even the strongest of the party. Thanks to the effort of most of the party, the foes are eventually dispatched.
- The party return to their hut and sleep the rest of the night.
- Starday, 13th Desnus in the year 815 (Second Era). Summer.
- In the morning eight old graves, marked with eight rusty and almost gone swords are found. Using the Mirror Of The Past, the party see these graves belonged to some warriors killed long ago when a large band of soldiers were attacked by a group of a hundred Orcs.
- The next two days and nights are uneventful, except for one night in which the the large blue moon of Athair is in full moon. Gim unsheathes his great sword and exposes to the attached blue moon gem to the light of the full moon. The gem flashes with a blue pulsing light and begins to fuse onto the sword, permanently becoming part of the sword, granting ancient powers upon it.
- Moonday, 15th Desnus in the year 815 (Second Era). Summer.
- On the mid morning of the third day, having now been walking through the sparse Anewic Forest for a day, the party come to the top of a large flat hill. The top of the hill is clear and barren of all trees, only rocks and boulders are visible. Some distance away is a small group of Orcs, near some rocks, and seated around a camp fire.
- A great distance past them, is visible a massive hole in the ground, about 150 feet across, that extends far into the ground; Kranun’s Crater. Walking from the edge of the crater is a group of Cultists. A purple robed Cult Officer, a Half-Elf female with dark hair and a facial tattoo, sits astride a large, solid looking Wyvern. Two Guard Drakes pull a wagon with a large barrel on it. Numerous Cult Enforcers walk in a scattered pattern on the ground around the wagon.
<And as the party have to quickly decide what to do, before their presence is detected by the Cultists or the Orcs, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- “Network & Contacts” - Obtain Information From Factions & Contacts (Olisara / Seranolla / Sir Zern / Captain Greycastle / Lord Sage) = 250 XP
Creatures Overcome
- Bulettes = 5400 XP
- Corrupted Shadows = 800 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 126328 + 921 = 127249
Arthur : 100786 + 921 = 101707
John : 96355 + 921 = 97276
Travis : 115978 + 921 = 116899
Paul : 105461 + 921 = 106382
Bob : 116619 + 921 = 117540
NPC (Naillae) : + (460)
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darkelfshadow · 4 years
Session Summary - 91
AKA “Sacred Order Of Akabar”
Adventures in Taggriell
Session 91  (Date: 7th August 2020)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Varis”) Elf Male.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Trenchant”) Human Male.
- John (Known as “Ragnar”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male. <Played by Bob>
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by DM>
- Fireday, 12th Gozran in the year 815 (Second Era). Early Summer.
- The party begin this session, late in the evening, still exploring the hidden Yuan-ti hideout under the city of Phlan.
- The party decide to take a long rest, hoping to awaken and continue exploring the rest of the hideout before getting caught. During this time, Ragnar takes one of the shields from the armoury to replace his destroyed one. Labaret reads the recovered journal and learns this group is but one part, of a larger organisation, known as the Sacred Order Of Akabar. This Order operates in human lands and cities, attracting recruits to the worship of Dendar. This cell of the Order, located in Phlan, kept watch on the closest human lands to the Serpent Hills of the Yuan-ti. The Order had been instructed to find a stolen artefact known as the Eyes Of Dendar. A Teleport Circle scroll was also obtained, with instructions to use it to return the artefact to Gill-tan-garas, the largest and most defended of the Yuan-ti dens. However, no Teleport Sigil was provided to target that location.
- During the night’s watch, two wandering Yuan-ti Serpentine Monks came across the party but were quickly dispatched before they could alert the rest of the hideout.
- Starday, 13th Gozran in the year 815 (Second Era). Early Summer.
- After their rest, the party awoke in the early morning and used the two serpent keys to open the large metal snake door. On the other side, a long well lit hallway with a shallow pool was revealed. Two large snake statues, partially blocking the hallway, poured green liquid from their open mouths into basins.
- Not wishing to enter the shallow pool, the party began using some bunk beds to make a bridge across it, but were interrupted half way across by Serpentine Monks using a lever to begin closing the snake doors behind them and filling the pool with poisonous aquatic snakes.
- The party forced their way across the pool, fighting onwards, and rounded a corner to find two Yuan-ti Malisons guarding a prison cell. The party managed to get to the levers and stop the snake door closing, and freeze the shallow pool, allowing safe passage over it. Soon the two Malisons and Serpentine Monks were defeated.
- The party kept watch and readied themselves against a nearby thick black curtain, blocking a passageway that showed some light on the other side. The sound of movement had been heard from the other side.
- During this time, the prison cell was opened and three prisoners were allowed to leave. In their haste, the party neglected to warn the prisoners to keep to the markers above, and tragically the party would later discover all three prisoners dead in a blade trap.
- Labarett’s mage hand began to pull aside the black curtain, and immediately arrows came shooting outwards towards Varis, who also returned fire from his bow. Not wishing to waste time, the Dwarven cousins, Sir Krondor and Gim rushed past the curtain and into a large study and prayer room. Five Yuan-ti Purebloods were soon joined by a Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker.
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- The Nightmare Speaker looked identical to the Den Mother the party had killed back in the Serpentine Hills, and this creature spoke like she recognised the party. The creature hissed that the party were the ones to steal the Eyes Of Dendar.
- Not understanding what the creature meant, the party pressed onwards with the attack. The Purebloods dropped quickly whilst the Nightmare Speaker was sending dark ethereal tendrils of necrotic energy to thrust into and search the party, causing sever damage and harm in the process.
- Under the combined might of the party, all the Yuan-ti forces fell.
- A quantity of religious books on the Yuan-ti were taken.
- Moving onwards, through a wooden door, Sir Krondor and Gim snuck forwards, down a long narrow passageway towards a well lit chamber. They came across two more Yuan-ti Nightmare speakers, identical in appearance to the others. Immediately, one of the Nightmare Speakers filled the narrow corridor in thick, dark ethereal tenderils, so packed together that they blocked all vision. The tendrils were only visible when Ragnar used a Daylight spell to illuminate the area.
- The corridor was not blocked long however, as Labarett run through the tenderis, which were slowing him down, and made it through the other side. Wasting no time, he ran straight for the closest Nightmare Speaker and slashed a mighty blow across her chest and shoulder. With a shriek of pain, her concentration faltered, and the dark tendrils vanished.
- Their way now clear, the rest of the party stormed into the chamber, attacking the two Nightmare Speakers. Eventually, after a long battle both creatures were killed. Searching the chamber, another leather bound book was recovered. This book contained a map of the Serpent Hills and a Teleport Sigil was recorded on it, for Gill-tan-garas.
- A secret door was located that gave direct access to the hideout exit. The party left and made their way through the sewers and to the nearest grate. After discovering they were on the outside of the city, near a large and heavily fortified keep (Grimshackle Jail), they kept to the sewers and made their way back into the city and popped out of a sewer grate south of the Podol Plaza.
- Making their way over to the Cracked Crown Inn, Labarett handed back the Will-O-Wisp catcher to Seranolla The Whisperer. Moving next door, Trenchant advised Olisara Lightsong about the information regarding who one of the Rebel Leaders were. Olisara recognises the surname, and informs the party that this Greycastle must be Captain Jhessail Greycastle, of the now defunct Knights Of The Black Fist. She was second in charge of the Knights. The Harpers believed she was dead, along with the killed Knight Commander Ector Brahms, when there was no news of her after the Cult invasion. Olisara thanks the party for this information as it may now be possible to find Greycastle.
- The party head back to their ship, the Frostskimmr, thanks to a diversion made by the Harpers to get the party past the Cult forces guarding the jetty. Captain Lerustah is relived to see the party, as he was due to set sail away, at the end of daylight today if the party had not returned.
- Now with more time, the other book recovered from the hide out is read. It explains that the Eyes Of Dendar are in fact two gems. These gems, hidden by magic, had been lost for eons until both were recently recovered. However, it would appear that the party had unknowingly stolen them from the Yuan-ti den in the Serpent Hills.
- After Maccath The Crimson looks over the party’s treasure and identifies the enchanted Mace and the dagger located from the Hideout, the party insist that she look over the gems they carry. At first she states they are all normal and not magical, but at the insistence of the party, she keeps trying to detect any magical presence. Eventually, after much trying and effort, and with a large push of arcane force she manages to detect the hidden magical aura on two gems. With some effort she removes a permanent illusion and concealment enchantment over the gems, and as she does so, two blue round aquamarine gems change appearance to two yellow eye shaped gems. Maccath advises the party they are of great magical power, and would appear to be some type of magical key.
<And as the party sail into the Golden Channel, leaving the city of Phlan far behind them as they set sail for Crescent Moon, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- “Hidden Menace Removed” - Remove Order of Akabar from Phlan = 1000 XP
- “We’re saved!” - Ensure prisoners escape safely = -600 XP Penalty
- “Too late now” - Deliver Will-O-Wisps to Seranolla = 1000 XP <Labarett only>
- “Breed Crumbs” - Advise Olisara whom one of the Rebel Leaders is (Greycastle) = 500 XP
- Quest Milestone - Unlock “The Eyes Of Dendar” Quest = 500 XP
Creatures Overcome
- Yuan-ti Serpentine Monks = 1800 XP
- Yuan-ti Malisons = 1400 XP
- Yuan-ti Purebloods = 1000 XP
- Yuan-ti Nightmare Speakers = 3300 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 117676 + 1271 = 118947
Arthur : 93977 + 953 = 94930
John : 88199 + 1271 = 89470
Travis : 107574 + 1271 = 108845
Paul : 96057 + 2271 = 98328
Bob : 106621 + 1589 = 108210
NPC (Naillae) : + (636)
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