#olga gromyko
roncheg · 2 years
get to know me better tag meme
@idrilka, thanks for tagging me ♡
rules: answer all the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
three ships: SEONHWI (my country: the new age), wangxian (mdzs), aaand i cant remember anything else at the moment, even wangxian feels a bit cloudyXD harry/drako in adult post-canon-slice-of-life AUs was always my comfort ship though.
first ship: oooh boy let me tell you a storyXDD it’s kind of irl RPF BUT (long story ahead!) -
here it is: i was ~15, and i was in a school hiking club, and we went on a 2 weeks mountain hike in two squads - older kids (last year of school) and younglings (like me, second to last year of school), supervised by our geography teacher. It was an amazing experience, we were responsible for everything but trail navigating and pace. 
And in the older squad (those kids were like only a year older than us but the gap felt insurmountable, they were Wise Adults (TM)) there were two leaders, two best friends, one tall, handsome and like aristocratic (but pretty outgoing) and the other one an inch shorter, with longer hair, always laughing, and he had The Guitar (TM) and was not afraid to use it. All the girls were either infatuated with one or the otherXD
So, those two cute guys, always tousling, sharing a tent (with three more boys, ‘cause limited tent amount, tents are f* heavy), laughing, constantly bickering with lots and lots of innuendos, ‘cause you know, teenagers))
And one evening almost at the end of the hike we were sitting around the campfire, and The Laughing One with The Guitar was singing the most heartfelt song about a breakup , which coinsidentally had a name of his friend in it, while looking straight at said friend with laughter sparkling in his eyes,
and my little maiden heart went - OMG are they......... you know..................... ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
(mind you, i live in a very homophobic country and it was as bad then as it is now, i knew in theory abt possibility of same-sex relationships only because i was a curious child who liked to read too much for her own good and i’ve found an uncensored version of greek mythology in my mom’s books on the topmost shelf; but it was like historical and not applicable to modern society in my mind, so those two guys might’ve been pretty intense to even put a thought abt that possibility irl in my head))) 
* in retrospect, a lot of my fictional ships make so much sense nowXDD i’ve just imprinted on those two guys)))*
//and if we are talking fictional ships - the first one would be Abarai Renji/Kuchiki Byakuya (Bleach)))))
last song i listened to: Иду - Танцы Минус 
last movie i watched: /last movie i watched that left an impression, i def watched smth else after but can’t recall what was that/ - Triangle of sadness. Don’t go for arthouse usually, that genre can be too pretentious or too revolting for the sake of revolting but this one was good..
currently reading: i mostly read fanfiction these days; if we mean a novel - then Thousand autumns (it’s on pause, i’m too into my current obsession)))); reread some of shorter stories by Olga Gromyko last weekend, needed comforting)))
currently watching: psyching myself to rewatch MCTNA, planning do dive into WDH’s & Yang Se-jong’s filmographies; planning on watching A league of noblemen (gifsets on tumblr look intriguing);
currently consuming: nothingTT_TT food needs to be prepared asap
currently craving: roasted tofu from that one cafe my friend dragged me to last month*////*
tagging (not obligatory! ♡) @gorgeousgalatea, @dadwife, @opticor, @rej11, @soleil-tiara, @smallwinterchild, @turtlewobbles, @maureen2musings, @notenoughgatorade
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llyfrbryf · 2 years
15 questions, 15 tags
Thanks for the tag, @bienmoreau !
Nickname: variations of my name, I guess
Height: 173 cm
Last thing I googled: where to watch 新神榜杨戬 donghua
Song stuck in my head: G.E.M. 《面壁者》,this song has been stuck in my head for DAYS!
# followers: 81, discounting the endless porn bots
Amount of sleep: 6 hours, ish
Dream job: always wanted to work in the theatre or film industry, behind-the-scenes
Wearing: very old, but very comfy lounge wear from Primark
Book/movie that summarizes you: I haven't got a clue!
Fav song: Anything from the musical CHESS, especially "Pity The Child"
Aesthetic: huh?
Fav authors: Ben Aaronovitch, William Boyd, Robert Harris, Olga Gromyko, Priest (Pipi)
Random fact: 3,5 months ago I fled my country because it had gone crazy, and I've been trying to build a life elsewhere. Some days are good, some days are bad, and I've been low-key stressed for months.
As usual, I'm too shy to tag anyone, but if you want to participate, please do!
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fromsiberia · 1 year
I was really interested in the book you described any Olga Gromyko “the flower of kamaleynik” but I can’t seem to find it anywhere
Any idea where I could read it?
I don't think you could find it in English, the author is from Belarus and all her books are written in Russian. But! You can use google translate if you want to at least get some idea of the book. Here is a link to the pirate library, hope you have vpn: http://flibusta.is/b/248550
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shadelessik · 2 years
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Пёс и Лиза
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book-witch-lily · 4 years
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Эстетика Вольхи Редной из тетралогии Ольги Громыко "Профессия: ведьма"/ Volha Rednaya's aesthetics from " Profession: witch" by Olga Gromyko.
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failock · 4 years
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Den from book of Olga Gromyko “Kosmooluhi”
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sidomira · 5 years
I was tagged by @ladylannister95 who is a cruel lady version of Sauron himself. As I udenrstand I have to write 5 most favourite male characters from some kind of popculture, so here we go:
1. Elrond (Tolkien Universe)
2. Avallac'h (Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
3. Jakub Wędrowycz (from Andrzej Pilipiuk's saga about him)
4. Len (from Olga Gromyko's books, he is still the cutest guy I've been reading about)
5. Adam (from "Only Loverst Left Alive)
BONUS 6: lord Shen, cause he is a cinnamon roll, change my mind.
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zyciemprzezzycie · 5 years
Za wszystko się płaci, za głupotę też.
Olga Gromyko
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nicolesquotes · 7 years
-Wolho, przecież kiedyś marzyłaś, żeby mieć wiernych przyjaciół i niepocieszonego ukochanego, którzy pomszczą twoją śmierć? No więc zafundujemy ci tę przyjemność za życia!
Wiedźma naczelna - Olga Gromyko
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asheinthesea · 8 years
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lilietsblog · 7 years
really, the writing of women in Rurouni Kenshin has this distinct Quality to it - like in Slayers, the author clearly didnt deliberately intend to be any kind of progressive, and is probably ignorant of the meaning of the word period, he just wrote the way that made sense to him - and he just happened to be a little more aware of reality surrounding him and have a little more empathy than... pretty damn above average
this is also sort of how I feel about Gromyko's works, btw. on one hand I have yet to see a single gay character in her entire bibliography, on the other hand, I have yet to see any queerphobia that goes beyond the joke of "lol guys avoiding skin contact" (which is not a queerphobic joke, it's a joke about queerphobia, that makes fun of it), too. granted her level of Observant is not 'above average' its HOLY BALLS MY QUEEN OF HUMOROUS INSIGHT INTO HUMAN CONDITION but yeah. same general principle
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torordvist · 8 years
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It is illustration of my favorite book. I have a progress and its so cool!
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fluffandart · 8 years
Wykreślenie człowieka z życia nie jest skomplikowane, znacznie trudniej wyrzuca się go z serca. Nawet jeśli jesteś pewien, że postąpiłeś właściwie.
Olga Gromyko, "Rok Szczura"
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fromsiberia · 4 years
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When I moved to the different city I have to left behind almost all of my books. And While I obviously can red e-versions, sometimes I simply miss the paper ones and sometimes their covers. Oh, Stepyanka, planet covered with water and moss, inhabited by amebas and 499 blue birds of luck...
Damn, it’s my favourite book in this series. First meeting with nameless for now “Space Braineater” and its unwilling captain, the crew, how they became a family from “co-workers for one space ride*”. I love this book so much. 
*or more like: two old friends, two hired guys, one passenger and one “I fooled humans into believing I’m a human too, now I have to fly with them on planet safe enough and run the fuck away” cyborg. 
And yeah, great fanart too:
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shadelessik · 4 years
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Cuborg and his Forester
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solorwind · 3 years
My favourite author and favourite book in english. They’re bunch of funny sweet idiots you know <3<3<3  oh, sorry, as*trobiologists ;-) or “cosmic brain*uckers“
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