travelbinge · 3 months
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By Ali_Olfat
Wae Rebo, Flores, Indonesia
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pleasuresoftheharbor · 4 months
i've been speaking to reem on instagram, her fundraiser is legit, you can see her instagram here for posts dating before october 7th showing her life and family in palestine as proof. the smallest donation counts, and i would really appreciate if you could share this around, as this family is way under their goal! dm me proof of donating $5 or more and i will make a little drawing of whatever you'd like for you ❤️ thank you!
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genderqueer-dream · 1 month
Some more Palestinian gofundmes to support!
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koheletgirl · 11 months
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"I’ve already lost more than 16 relatives in this war - uncles and cousins. I’m in shock and can’t even cry. I feel emotionally disconnected. I try to put on a brave front for the family, but it’s very difficult. We have no idea how this will end and what will happen to us. These could be our final days."
- Olfat al-Kurd
Read more testimonies:
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tieflingkisser · 9 months
A 14-year-old describes his family's journey to an IDP camp
Yusef a-Sheikh Khalil, whose mother Olfat is a field researcher with B’Tselem, misses the books in his bombed home. At only 14, he has seen more than any person should. Filmed by Zeinah and Olfat al-Kurds, on 11 November 2023 فتىً في الـ14 من عمره يصف رحلة اللّجوء مع عائلته إلى مخيّم النازحين يوسف الشيخ خليل، نجا باحثة بتسيلم الميدانية ألفت الكرد، يحنّ إلى كتبه في منزله التي تم قصفه. هو ابن 14 سنة فقط، لكنه تعرّض ورأى ما لا يجوز لأي إنسان أن يتعرض وأن يرى (28.11.23)
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
Hi world , it’s Rabeha Please read this as if I'm a member of your family . maybe your sister, daughter or a friend and as if my family who's under death now is yours. My name is Rabeha. A fresh graduate Dentist from Gaza, a fresh Dentist who was supposed to start her career and achieve the dreams she worked for but found herself losing the city she’s living in and losing any hope of a better future with it . And after a whole 6 years of studying and internship, the war had another idea
This was a big shock not only to me, but mostly to my mom who lost her all brothers, sisters and their families in a blink of an eye, my mom who lost her husband (my dad) 12 years ago when she was only in her 30s and found herself with 7 children who need to be raised and cared of,, she’s now living the sadness she experienced 12 years ago, but now the sadness of losing not only one but 27 of her loved ones, losing her whole family. Her life got destroyed again in a worse way
My loss didn’t end here, because to us Gazans, death knocks our door every single day, every new day under war is a possibility of a new loss In the 17th of December 2023, I lost another two cousins from my dad’s family with their husbands and all children who are still under the rubble till now, this shock after two months of losing my mom family was a big slap into my face, it was a harsh reminder that death didn’t stop, and that none of us is an exception in this genocide, not a woman nor a child, everyone of us is a target to the death machines above our heads This loss circle didn’t end here, cause after more than 5 times of being displaced and having to leave our house escaping from rockets and death, we returned to our house and found it almost wiped off, more than half if it was destroyed and became an unlivable place leaving us not only with tired hearts but also without a place to stay in
I introduced myself at first as a Gazan Dentist with dreams, a girl in her twenties who had career plans and goals to achieve, a human who lost a lot in a short time period. But in this war I’m most importantly a big sister who see her siblings’ future getting lost in front of her eyes, as i see my brothers who didn’t finish their university’s and my sisters who are still young and supposed to be in school, my mom and my only uncle now who found themselves forced to start from zero while they were supposed to take breath and retire after raising their children and having a stable life ,as I see them, I made it a mission to myself to save my family or who’s left alive from it, to save their future from all of this and to escape Gaza. I still only have my uncle and his family left alive beside my mom, sisters and brothers from my whole extended family, and before losing another one of them, I intend to evacuate my family of 23 members from Gaza: * Me, my mom, my 6 siblings and my brother and 3 sisters from my dad ( Lina, Ahmad, Mohammed, Yara, Sara, Dana, Alaa, Ruba, Osama and Rahaf) and my aunt Olfat * My uncle (dad’s brother), his wife, his son Hammam and his 5 daughters (Jomana, Farah, Banan, Heba and Hadeel) * My grandfather and grandmother
The situation after almost 7 months of this genocide is that Gaza’s borders are unfortunately still closed and no one can get out of it, of course unless you pay the biggest amount of money to save your life and to cross Rafah border to get to Egypt, crossing Rafah border costs around 7000 to 9000 dollars for each person and as a family of 23 persons, the amount of money we have to pay just to get to Egypt seems impossible to afford So here is How money will be spent: * paying around 7000 US Dollars to every member of my 23-member family to cross Rafah border and get safely to Egypt * Around 6000$ covering GoFundMe transaction fees (2.9% + 0.30$ per transaction) * The rest of the money will be for housing, food & etc. for a period of time in Egypt
Asking for your help is the only way I have to rescue my family’s life and future, your help may become our hope when hope is far away from us under these conditions, every dollar you can help with may save a life, bring hope to a tired heart and save a future of a youth one Please don’t read this as a tragedy story ,, I’m here to ask you to prevent it from getting more tragedy and to help us start our life all over again. I’m here to ask for your help not your sympathy , to ask you to take action whether by donating or by sharing this to everyone you know who can help, please read this with your heart and take action as if it’s your family, your mom, your siblings who are under these conditions
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avalon99 · 3 months
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There are little to no donations yet
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Palestine: the Dabke is the stomp of the farmer cultivating crops
Paradigm Shift (4ZZZ fm102.1 Fridys at Noon) on TBR23 For Palestine (2023 – 09 – 29). The Big Ride for Palestine remembers Olfat Mahmoud. Andy: “Today on the show, we are going to be talking about Palestine. It’s not a new political issue. But it’s one that I think it’s worth touching back in on every now and then because pet for Palestinian people, they live it every day. And if you follow the…
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gercir · 2 years
Pero recuerde, limitaciones, finalidades, finalizaciones, restricciones, duda y la muerte, son todas ilusiones. La Cábala nos dice que el mundo físico es la forma observable, audible, olfateable, tangible y saboreable de los mundos espirituales ocultos
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nununiverse · 2 years
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Ebrahim Olfat
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sitting-on-me-bum · 5 years
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Spectacular drone photography by Ali Olfat captures most iconic landscapes in Southeast Asia
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travelbinge · 5 years
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By Ali_Olfat
Alleppey, Kerala, India
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j-k-i-ng · 4 years
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“Untitled“ by | Ali Olfat
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creazingara · 4 years
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
Hi world , it’s Rabeha Please read this as if I'm a member of your family . maybe your sister, daughter or a friend and as if my family who's under death now is yours. My name is Rabeha. A fresh graduate Dentist from Gaza, a fresh Dentist who was supposed to start her career and achieve the dreams she worked for but found herself losing the city she’s living in and losing any hope of a better future with it . And after a whole 6 years of studying and internship, the war had another idea
This was a big shock not only to me, but mostly to my mom who lost her all brothers, sisters and their families in a blink of an eye, my mom who lost her husband (my dad) 12 years ago when she was only in her 30s and found herself with 7 children who need to be raised and cared of,, she’s now living the sadness she experienced 12 years ago, but now the sadness of losing not only one but 27 of her loved ones, losing her whole family. Her life got destroyed again in a worse way
My loss didn’t end here, because to us Gazans, death knocks our door every single day, every new day under war is a possibility of a new loss In the 17th of December 2023, I lost another two cousins from my dad’s family with their husbands and all children who are still under the rubble till now, this shock after two months of losing my mom family was a big slap into my face, it was a harsh reminder that death didn’t stop, and that none of us is an exception in this genocide, not a woman nor a child, everyone of us is a target to the death machines above our heads This loss circle didn’t end here, cause after more than 5 times of being displaced and having to leave our house escaping from rockets and death, we returned to our house and found it almost wiped off, more than half if it was destroyed and became an unlivable place leaving us not only with tired hearts but also without a place to stay in
I introduced myself at first as a Gazan Dentist with dreams, a girl in her twenties who had career plans and goals to achieve, a human who lost a lot in a short time period. But in this war I’m most importantly a big sister who see her siblings’ future getting lost in front of her eyes, as i see my brothers who didn’t finish their university’s and my sisters who are still young and supposed to be in school, my mom and my only uncle now who found themselves forced to start from zero while they were supposed to take breath and retire after raising their children and having a stable life ,as I see them, I made it a mission to myself to save my family or who’s left alive from it, to save their future from all of this and to escape Gaza. I still only have my uncle and his family left alive beside my mom, sisters and brothers from my whole extended family, and before losing another one of them, I intend to evacuate my family of 23 members from Gaza: * Me, my mom, my 6 siblings and my brother and 3 sisters from my dad ( Lina, Ahmad, Mohammed, Yara, Sara, Dana, Alaa, Ruba, Osama and Rahaf) and my aunt Olfat * My uncle (dad’s brother), his wife, his son Hammam and his 5 daughters (Jomana, Farah, Banan, Heba and Hadeel) * My grandfather and grandmother
The situation after almost 7 months of this genocide is that Gaza’s borders are unfortunately still closed and no one can get out of it, of course unless you pay the biggest amount of money to save your life and to cross Rafah border to get to Egypt, crossing Rafah border costs around 7000 to 9000 dollars for each person and as a family of 23 persons, the amount of money we have to pay just to get to Egypt seems impossible to afford So here is How money will be spent: * paying around 7000 US Dollars to every member of my 23-member family to cross Rafah border and get safely to Egypt * Around 6000$ covering GoFundMe transaction fees (2.9% + 0.30$ per transaction) * The rest of the money will be for housing, food & etc. for a period of time in Egypt
Asking for your help is the only way I have to rescue my family’s life and future, your help may become our hope when hope is far away from us under these conditions, every dollar you can help with may save a life, bring hope to a tired heart and save a future of a youth one Please don’t read this as a tragedy story ,, I’m here to ask you to prevent it from getting more tragedy and to help us start our life all over again. I’m here to ask for your help not your sympathy , to ask you to take action whether by donating or by sharing this to everyone you know who can help, please read this with your heart and take action as if it’s your family, your mom, your siblings who are under these conditions
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pangeen · 5 years
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Palm tree turned into a lamppost by Ali Olfat
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