#olefactory memories
nyaa · 16 days
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timetakeover · 2 years
‘One minute I’m about to work on a corpse, and now I’m back in the 1900s oh joy oh joy…fucking kill me if it’s possible. Kill me ‘til I’m dead.’
First thing’s first, this guy was way too close for comfort, hence the backstep and brushing of herself; as if his closeness would taint her somehow. It was also a subtle jab of her usual rudeness. But human? She could have corrected him right then and there, but what was the point: the objective now was to get back to the time period she was in.
‘1916 huh.’
Oh yes, she could remember where she had been during this time period: her bruised and battered past self would have been deep in the trenches with the Foreign Legion right about now. Hell, even now, she could still recall the memory of her comrades back then dying all around her, whether riddled with disease or grievous wounds.
Well, remeniscing won’t get her anywhere. It’s time to question the eccentric over here.
“Your olefactory senses to be questioned later: why am I here is the question?” Something told her that outing herself as death would not be wise. To delegate herself as a confused guest would work, if only this one would stop haggling her. “Really now, drunkenly accosting someone is rather….low.”
She looks undeniably familiar, though he can't quite place it. Someone from a past life, undoubtedly. That nagging familiarity, the certainty that he'd met her dozens if not hundreds of years ago, combined with her words leads him to realize that she's right. Her scent isn't quite human.
It was small minded of him to think of the categories as 'Time Lord' or 'other' and then label all the other as human. The realization puts him just slightly on edge. He's underestimated her, something that could easily backfire on him.
"Well? I'm waiting for the answer. I certainly didn't invite you." He almost points out that he's not drunk (yet) but… it's not the hill he wants to die on when he's clearly had at least a few.
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moodyexplorer · 5 years
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simmering some wintry ambiance
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cheetahleopard · 6 years
I really want to know more about your psychosis, but i dont want to overwhelm you or make you uncomfortable- can you answer all the questions you're comfortable with?
Awwww that’s sweet of you anon, I’ll do my best!! I’m going to skip the ones I’m not sure I want to answer, don’t know how to answer, and feel uncomfortable answering. You can always message me or send asks if you want to know more or need something
3) How do you cope with hallucinations? 
Auditory: I have bass-boosting over-ear headphones that have literally saved my life a couple of times because they ground me so well. The physical sensation of them shaking is perfect plus an almost overwhelming amount of real sound that I can feel really helps.
Visual: FUckin’,,, Wish I Knew, Damn
Olefactory and taste: these generally are triggered hallucinations for me, like I’ll want something to eat and I’ll smell and taste it but in an empty way if that makes sense
Physical: I don’t get these often anymore so I don’t really have a system
4) Are you professionally diagnosed with a psychotic disorder?
Kinda? I mean I’m diagnosed with general psychosis but my mom doesn’t want me to have any disorders diagnosed yet bc pre-existing conditions
5) How often do you shower?
I literally made myself a schedule so that I take care of myself and stay on top of my shit and apparently 5 times a week
6) To what extent are you “out” as psychotic?
All of my closest friends and the people who follow me on tumblr know. I’ve also told a few of my teachers in case I fall behind
8) How old were you when you were diagnosed (or figured it out yourself)? 
13 I think?
9) How old were you when you started to have symptoms?
Younger than third grade, as the youngest age-identifiable memory, though I definitely have older memories with hallucinations or continued delusions in them
10) Do you reclaim any words associated with your disorder?
13) Which symptoms of your psychotic disorder impair you the most?
Executive dysfunction, paranoia, and auditory/small visual hallucinations probably
16) Do you think your psychosis is related to trauma?
I don’t know, actually... ‘cause I was really young when I my symptoms (in hindsight) started and it’s more easy to be traumatized as a kid, because you have no experiences to compare things to. So, idk
20) Is there a history of psychosis in your family? 
 Not that I know of
23) Do you have a song that you listen to when you need to calm down?
I’ll usually listen to something by Halestorm
25) What traits would you love to see in a canonically psychotic character?
No stereotypical violent actions or “because the voices told me to”, just a mostly normal person who sometimes stares off into the distance or needs things repeated and can’t remember things chronologically and is frustrated that they can’t do the thing they have to/want to get done, who sometimes answers a question no-one’s asked and things like that
27) Would you get rid of your psychotic disorder if you could?
No, at this point it’s an integral part of me and affects a lot of my decisions and stuff.
28) Do you take anti-psychotics? Why?
 Yeah. Otherwise I have pretty sever manic swings and hallucinations and paranoia and dissociate and generally have no memory except very specifics but then idk what’s real and what’s not and it’s a mess tbh
29) How is your memory?
Horrible and odd. Like I’ll remember v specific instances but not when they are and I have no chronological memory
30) What goes through your head when you see “Cute but psycho”? 
I have no words for the repulsion I have for that phrase.
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I have a really good olefactory memory and I got an All Might themed wax melt and it smells exactly like him, I'm crying. I miss snuggling him! @ the universe: give me back my dad you coward! Also, hoping that when season 4 releases more Nighteyes pop up because most of the fandom watches only I think. I miss them so much 😭 -Yumie Yagi (BNHA)
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