#older converse have a shorter toe rubber
madlyn5ever · 3 months
This was, almost forever ago at this point but I’ve kind of wanted to say it for a while. I don’t think Maya’s outfit in that photo with the leather coat and purse is a Robin outfit for s5.
(Maybe people already know this/figured it out, again it was a bit ago)
People were like all excited over it but first of all, Robin would never use a purse she seems like a wallet in her jeans person, but who knows on that one I guess. It just doesn’t seem like her thing.
Also, very little about the outfit feels or screams or whatever, 80’s if the time jump is to 1987, or even further, it still isn’t quite an early 90’s outfit either. I mean more than the 80’s I guess, but there’s no way that’s a season 5 Maya costume bc it’s more Maya outside the show than Maya as Robin, even though I’m sure parts of her are in Robin in different ways it still doesn’t fit the character or the decade.
But maybe it does! It didn’t look or feel like it to me and I don’t get why people were so invested in the idea that it was, because it doesn’t look like that at all, but maybe it fits some sort of aesthetic collage/ outfit inspo collage thing and people think that’s really an accurate outfit? I don’t know, does anyone have thoughts?
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