#older!ben hardy
lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Why I think Spider noir is on the younger side(18-20) in the new spiderverse movie per my previous post:
Let’s break it down by Context, Timeline, Mood, and ATSV
Spider noir has two comic runs that happen before COMICS spiderverse. With that said, there were like inter dimensional energy vampires and that’s obviously not the direction the spiderverse movies went with. So we’re going to largely disregard them for this. To expand, there was a big time jump between that last noir comic and the spiderverse ones. Peter would be closer to mid/late 20s at the start of the comics spiderverse and therefore ITSV if we were to integrate and replace the timelines, BUT I always hated the way they did that time jump in the comics and what it did to Peter’s character.
It felt like they were trying to tie him into 616 Peter wayyyy too much by making his love interest MJ(who we rlly haven’t seen and what we have seen hasn’t had good chemistry), have a good relationship with May(they rlly brushed him shooting someone in front of her and calling him an animal under the rug Huh), and going to college(I get it I do, but unlike most universes I don’t think this Peter could ever stop spiderman enough). There wasn't really any mention of Felicia, Urich, or Robby and their past. They also changed his webbing, his look, and his spider senses.
I felt like that was completely getting rid of all of Peter's characterization and he just becomes the spider with a gun from the 1930s. But the point is they clearly went in a very different artistic and narrative direction after the time jump to a point where it doesn’t feel like the same character.
Refitting the timeline:
So, scrapping the comics spiderverse timeline, I don’t really see a reason for a disjointed time jump. And after those first two comic runs it can be argued, for this Peter, that ITSV happens much sooner for him after that second run, possibly even after the first comic. Then ATSV would happen after that second run. There is an 8mo. time jump between the two runs so it is definitely feasible.
But let’s talk about mood between the runs.
We all know at least somewhat this Peter's origin, and if you don’t, to sum it up: organized crime, monsters, socialism, cannibalism.
The first run ends, Peter beats the goblin without killing him and he’s feeling pretty good about himself/confident. But he’s still got a lot of well deserved angst and self hatred. His uncle is dead, his new mentor/father figure is dead, his relationship with May is on the rocks to say the least, and there’s the whole Felicia thing. He’s still a high schooler and in that teen range, but a big ass lanky teenager who's only solid looking because of the gear he wears. I’d place him around 16-18, a case could be made for 15 but I’m going to politely disagree. ITSV could very easily be fairly soon after these events.
It’s 8 months after the first run. He becomes cocky and overconfident this whole next issue, possibly because of an interdimensionally inflated ego? Point is he feels on top of his game. Also worth mentioning, he’s ignoring MJ this whole issue to the point the audience knows basically nothing about her while he is having a very intense relationship with Felicia(which we already know how I feel about that whole mess) and who MJ is very blatantly and very badly a foil to.(I love MJ she is just not well written here).
The second run ends, his best friend/possible love interest(I said what I said), Robbie, is dead and unavenged.(I can talk a lot more about Robbie and what effect he had and will have on Peter going forward, also the disservice of his ‘death’) Felicia is disfigured and blames Peter. Peter not only blames himself for all this but the comic ends with him saying he feels powerless and a constant sense of impending doom. He really did not get a single win during this comic, man got the shit beaten out of him too. The age at the end of this comic is 17-19. After the last comic dude was messed up but still had hope, after this one we don’t see the fall out, but I can assure it was BAD. That whole ‘you don’t have to kill the bad guy thing’ is probably out the fucking window. I’m more hesitant to think ITSV happened after this run because of that. He isn’t just depressed or self loathing anymore, he isn’t just playing fast and loose with his life to get results. He does not care, he has no hope, and he doesn’t see a good future.
Pre - ATSV predictions with mild spoilers:
With the year and a couple of months time jump for ATSV it’s very plausible that the events of that last run plus possible spider task force shenanigans could happen before the movie. For more context in the comics spider noir was a recurring spider in the ‘elite strike force’. Personally, if he was invited, I could very much see him accepting, especially with his current mental state, and being very aggressive about it. Which, theoretically, could cause him to get kicked off or make a rash decision to leave bc fuck those guys. But the point is at the end of that last comic this man really doesn’t have a single win, he is in a prime state to be manipulated in.
Edit: my dumbass forgot literally the most important detail. The year 1933 is when ITSV noir comes from which matches this timeline with the comics as well.
To sum everything up, the reason why I think spider noirs age is in the 18/20 range is because it fits the above timeline, which I believe to be the most probable timeline of events that are canon by the movies while also staying consistent with at least some of the original comics. It should be further noted there is no evidence of his age throughout the ITSV movie, besides him being played by Nicholas Cage and being tall. In fact, I’d argue due to his excessive use of slang it would naturally place him in a younger category as well as the classic melodramaticness that can come with being a coping teenager. The most important thing that makes his age and at what point in his storyline he’s in up to interpretation is the fact that we see his face once and it’s heavily shadowed. If we saw his face more I’d feel better about giving him a more solid age, but till then context clues for the win. But anyways, this was long and I still have more I could get into/say and I will eventually. Feel free to ask any questions or even tell me why you disagree!
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laurfilijames · 2 months
Part 6
Pairing: Will 'Ironhead' Miller x female reader
Words: 5.4K
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Swearing. Unprotected intercourse. Oral sex (female receiving). ANGST. Oh the angst. Mentions of war and deployment.
Summary: Will starts to distance himself from you to the point of being unable to mend things and tension rises between the Miller brothers over his actions.
A/N: No notes. Just tears. GIF by the amazing and generous @mrs-hardy-hunnam-butler and beautiful banners by the loveliest and most supportive @spaghettificationandpretzels who also was my sounding board for my ideas and maniacal mood swings while writing this 💗💗
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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“What if I hurt her, Ben?”
“You won't.”
“If she was in that bed with me last night-”
“You won't.” Benny insisted, cutting Will off before he could continue, sending his older brother a concerned, but stern glance as he turned around after filling his mug with coffee.
Will sighed and looked down at his feet, clenching his teeth together as the same thoughts that hadn't left him since last night continued to occupy his mind.
“It was so real, man…”
“I can imagine!” Benny sympathized, his eyebrows raising on his forehead, silently assessing his brother who he'd only seen that distraught once or twice before. “But you're not going to hurt her. That,” he emphasized, referring to Will’s nightmare, “isn't going to happen.”
Will puffed out his cheeks as he exhaled again, looking out the kitchen window where the early morning sun was casting a yellow glow over the room, hoping Benny was right, but not feeling convinced.
“Are you seeing her today?”
Will pursed his lips and nodded, looking over at Benny who stared at him over the rim of his mug as he took a long sip, waiting for a proper response.
“Yeah, I'm going to her place tonight.”
Benny shook his head up and down as he swallowed his coffee, appearing pleased with that answer.
“Good, that's good. We’ll have a hard session at the gym and hopefully that'll help you sleep better, too.”
“Yeah, you're right. Thanks, man,” Will smiled, feeling slightly guilty that he knew he wasn't going to sleep or feel better about this anytime soon, watching Benny light up and start excitedly going on about their training after Will’s convincing lie.
After refilling his cup of coffee, Will pulled a chair out from the kitchen table and sat, staring blankly at the black beverage steaming in his mug, tuning out whatever else Benny was saying, the exhaustion he felt from not sleeping the rest of the night and the pure panic that hadn’t truly left his veins making his whole body feel like lead in the wooden seat.
He wondered exactly how he would even manage to get through a workout, but knew with his tour coming up he’d have to keep training, and as he was always used to doing, he would push through even the toughest days.
Will picked his phone up off the table, checking it again to see if you had text, wondering if he should send one now, or wait until a bit later, or if he should just call you and risk you hearing that something wasn’t right in the tone of his voice.
He tossed it carelessly, sighing as he picked up his mug and took a drink from it, setting it down and then grabbing his phone again, spinning it in his hand indecisively.
Will roughly rubbed his hands over his eyes after he parked his truck in your driveway, exhaling deeply before finding the strength to get out and walk to the door, his workout draining him even more than he already had been. It temporarily gave him hope that being that tired would result in him actually sleeping, but the feeling in his stomach reminded him how anxious he still felt about his nightmare and that it was something his mind wasn’t going to simply let him forget.
For a moment it was all whisked away, seeing your face as you opened the door before he even had the opportunity to knock, your smile immediately making one appear on his own lips.
“Hey!” you greeted enthusiastically, your presence bringing him some calm as soon as you wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him.
Will placed his lips against your head, inhaling your scent and pressing a light kiss as he squeezed you back, the relief to have you in his arms mixing with the now persistent fear that he was capable of hurting you.
“How was your day?” you asked, peeling away from him slightly to look at him.
“Good,” he lied, nodding and hoping he didn’t look half as weary as he felt. “What about you?”
“It was good,” you smiled. “Better now.”
Will chuckled and followed you inside, kicking his boots off before following you further in and through to the living room.
“Are you hungry?”
“Hmm, no, I’m good, thanks.” Will declined, seeing a quizzical expression draw over your features.
“Okay…are you not staying the night?” you asked, finally noticing he came with just himself, no bag with a change of clothes or toothbrush.
“Uh, no…” he confirmed through a sigh, feeling guilty about it already. “I gotta be up early, something for work. It’s looking like I’m going to start getting back into things soon,” he lied, omitting the fact that he was already cleared and scheduled for duty in a matter of weeks.
You smiled despite feeling a slight sense of disappointment. “Well, I’m glad I get you for a little bit at least. How are you feeling about going back?”
Will shrugged. “It’ll be good to have a purpose again, maybe it’ll make things feel normal…get me back to being who I was before I was the guy who choked someone out in the cereal aisle.”
His heart ached at how you were looking at him as he spoke, your expression so genuine and clearly caring about him and how he felt, making that sourness in his stomach amplify from his dishonesty.
“Yeah, I think so, too,” you spoke softly, your eyes bright as the smile on your lips met them. “I’m really happy for you, Will. This is great news.”
You reached for his hands which he let you take hold of, pulling him in for a sweet, slow kiss that grew deeper and harder with each second, a sense of relief flooding Will over the fact that he didn’t have to explain more or evade the truth.
He focused on your kiss, breathing you in as your hands began to roam each other’s bodies and clumsily tore at clothing, stumbling toward your bedroom where he hoped that for as long as he was inside you, he would forget about everything.
It was all a mix of slow and fast, Will constantly reminding himself to relax and breathe, all of his emotions toiling within him uncontrollably.
As eager as he felt to have all of you as much as he could, Will wanted to take his time, soaking up each moment with you while he had the chance, every touch and kiss one that he tried to imprint in his memory.
Will sat on the bed, looking up at you as you stood close to him between his legs, his hands gently running up the backs of your thighs to your bum.
You sighed out slowly and closed your eyes, feeling his fingers find the edge of your panties and start to tug them down your hips, his lips landing on your bare stomach where he kissed you over and over.
He breathed in, keeping his nose and lips pressed against you, able to smell your arousal as he slipped your thong down to your knees before letting go where they fell the rest of the way to the floor.
Dragging his face along the crest of your hip bones and further down to your groin, Will moaned, his fingers indenting your flesh instinctively, feeling himself relax when your hands smoothed over his tense shoulders and back, your touch everything he needed right now.
He pulled you onto the bed with him as he laid down, both of you resting on your sides where your leg fell over his, his arms embracing you while your foreheads touched, his hand cupping your cheek to keep you close to him.
“Are you okay?” you whispered, sensing something from him you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“Hmm, yeah,” he responded, moving his head so your noses rubbed together.
You gave a quick kiss to his lips, testing the waters, only to have him pull your face hard into his, his tongue delving into your mouth desperately, his claim over you clear as he released his hand from your face and grabbed under your bum, pulling your core against him where he ground his hips into yours.
With what little space there was between your bodies, you reached down and found his cock straining through the thin cotton of his boxers, grabbing it and tugging it free before angling it down to the apex of your thighs where it nestled perfectly between your folds and began to grind on him.
“God, you feel so good, sweetheart,” he groaned, hardly able to believe it felt that incredible without even being inside you yet.
You squirmed against him, moving along his length as you breathed out slowly and closed your eyes, your mouth teasing his before slotting your lips together again. His beard was soft on your skin, but you knew with how eager you were to keep kissing him that your face would feel raw by the time you were sated, the taste of him too good to stop.
Moments passed with you just like this, kissing and teasing, indulging in the soft and slow that you seldom did, usually unable to stop yourselves from choosing a rough and fast pace.
A long whine came from you as his tip breached your entrance, pushing through and settling no more than an inch inside, the tease of it almost equally as satisfying as if he was buried completely in you.
His hands grabbed at your ass, pulling your cheeks apart, the stretch feeling so good you automatically brought your hips closer to his body, making his cock go deeper while you increased the fervor of your kiss.
Will groaned into your mouth as he shifted his body, moving at lay on top of you where his weight pressed you comfortably into the mattress, lifting his hips so his cock slid out before slowing forcing it back in again.
His fingers raked over the sides of your head, holding you securely and angling your face up to his, his tongue exploring your mouth wildly as his thrusts grew into a deep, purposeful rhythm.
The thought of never being able to do this with you again crossed his mind, wondering what the outcome of telling you he was leaving would be and if he would even make it back alive, dreading what he knew he would have to face sooner rather than later.
Trying to ignore that panic, he relished in the way your hands smoothed over his back, your touch so soft yet so meaningful it helped make everything more profound, and he vowed to put everything he had into making love to you.
There had been so many times already he had wanted to say it, to tell you he loved you, because fuck did he ever, but now he knew he couldn’t, wanting to protect you from him even more and what he feared he was capable of.
Each rolling thrust was met perfectly by you, your hips purling into his to take him deep, allowing him to drag out slowly before pressing back in, the rhythm addicting and working to send you both over the edge.
Your bed moved against the wall as he put more power behind his pace, moaning and breathing into your mouth desperately as he lost himself completely in you, feeling your hand search for his where you laced your fingers together and held onto it tightly, his grip squeezing as he brought your linked hands up beside your head.
Will knew you were on the brink, able to read your body on instinct and almost better than his own, feeling your breathing change and the pitch of your whines switch, your free hand leaving marks on his back as your movements became erratic.
He felt you tense, every muscle in your body that was wrapped around his straining through your pleasure, your walls choking his cock as a surge of wet lubricated his strokes.
Will kissed you harder, absorbing your cries until your body relaxed under him, but he'd only allow you a short moment of reprieve.
He crawled down your body, a whiny moan sounding from you when he pulled out of you, your hands clawing for him to stay, but when his mouth landed on your soaked cunt your protest stopped, your hips bucking off the bed against his face as he worked to make you come again quickly.
“Are you sure you can't stay?” you whispered, tracing your fingers all over his sweaty face in a way that made him never want to move.
He sighed, closing his eyes and praying for the courage to give the answer he knew he needed to.
“I'm sure. I'm sorry.”
You looked crestfallen despite your best efforts not to, the side of your mouth turning upward as you nodded your head in understanding.
Will kissed your palm that rested beside his mouth, wanting more than anything to stay in bed with you, not even caring if he ever slept or not, but his nightmare kept nagging him and reminding him exactly why he couldn't.
“I'll call you tomorrow,” he explained, stepping out of bed and finding his boxers, leaving you in the mess of sheets to watch as he dressed.
It was so late already, making you question even more why he wouldn't just stay the rest of the night, feeling a sense of unease and confusion, and hoping you weren't reading into things too much.
“Get some sleep,” you wished, sitting up to meet him in a kiss when he came back over and leaned down, your hand slipping behind his neck where you felt him groan to your touch.
“Yeah, I will. You too,” he said quietly, knowing damn well he wouldn't. “I'll lock the door behind me.”
Both of you hesitated a moment, your eyes searching each other’s, your silence screaming the words neither of you dared to.
With a weak smile, Will turned and walked out, and everything in you felt so anxious that something between you was changing, and you couldn't determine if it was for better or worse.
The rest of the week played out the same; Will coming over to your place each evening to have dinner and spend time with you, only to make himself scarce as soon as turning in for the night was being considered.
He caught you staring a few times, watching him finish the dishes or studying his expression as you watched tv together, trying to work out what was going on in his head.
He did everything he could to act as normal as possible, but could feel himself slowly pulling away, distancing himself like he was gradually building up to the inevitable.
All of that seemed to fade the moment his body made contact with yours.
His hands would grip you tighter, each kiss more intense and passionate than the last, the time spent with his arms wrapped around you in a hug growing longer with each one, savouring your presence and everything good that you gave him.
He almost wished you would just ask, call out what you seemed to know he was doing, his guilt growing the same his love for you was, but the pain he felt in his heart at knowing he was hurting you, and was going to hurt you even more, was outshining both easily.
Six hours and forty-seven minutes. That was the total amount of sleep he'd had in the last three days, finding himself growing more irritable and angry on top of being exhausted.
He sighed when he came in the door, noticing the tv on and blaring, Benny still awake and watching a fight.
The last thing he wanted was an interrogation from his brother, and he prayed as he slipped out of his boots and put his keys in their spot that one wouldn't come tonight.
Out of the corner of his eye he could see Benny’s head whip around, and as he walked into the kitchen, he waited for the comments to come.
“Do you keep fucking and bailing? Because it really seems like you keep fucking and bailing.”
Will took a deep breath and ignored him.
“Nice,” Benny added, sarcastically.
Will opened the fridge to get a glass of water, glaring at him over the door with warning, which only encouraged Benny more.
He always had a habit of testing Will, seeing how far he could push him until he snapped, and while Will wasn't sure if that was what he was doing now, it was definitely getting on his nerves.
“Getting your fill and then leaving her hanging. You must really love her,” he drawled, staring at the tv as Will walked into the room.
“Fuck off, Ben. You know why I'm not sleeping there,” Will huffed, plopping himself on the chair opposite the couch.
“I told you it isn't going to happen for real. It was a dream, man. I know you-”
“You don't know shit!” Will barked, cutting him off.
He stood and stormed to his room, hating how his brother could be so good and understanding one minute and then go totally against him the next, but mostly hating how he knew he was right.
Coffee was barely enough to keep him functioning at this point, and after another sleepless night, Will wondered just how much more of this he could take, especially with his deployment date looming and getting closer and closer.
He counted the tablespoons of grounds he scooped out of the container and into the coffee maker, hoping a stronger brew would help him drag his feet less but worried it would only do the job of amping up his anxiety.
For the brief moments he had slept, that same nightmare kept recurring, seeing your lifeless face in his hands until he jolted awake, gasping for breath and covered in sweat.
He knew should tell you about the nightmare and that he was leaving, but his selfishness was getting the better of him, feeling as if the moment he said it out loud that his whole world would actually fall out from under him, and the thought terrified him.
Benny came into the kitchen, his arms stretched above his head with a long exaggerated yawn, and even though Will told himself he wasn't trying to, it was like he was rubbing it in his face that he’d slept so well.
As Will went to grab a mug from the cupboard, Benny brushed by him, reaching around his brother to get his own, nudging Will in the process.
Will sighed, but ignored his irritation, opening the next cupboard over to put the coffee away where Benny stuck his hand in to get the sugar.
“Don’t fucking start,” Will warned under his breath.
“I didn’t say anything.”
Benny gave him a look, smoothing his hair back and out of his face as he grabbed the bag of bread and took out a couple of slices.
“No, but I know what you’re doing.”
Benny didn’t respond, and Will knew he was carefully choosing what he would say when he did speak next, seeing a tension in his back as he went about his business.
“You’re gonna have to tell her at some point, Will,” he said quietly, not looking at him.
Will swallowed thickly, feeling every muscle in his body tense up while choosing to bite his tongue.
Benny shoved him with his shoulder as he sidled up next to him, grabbing the pot of coffee before Will was able to.
“Can you stop?” Will barked, holding his empty mug up in disbelief.
Benny glared at Will as he put the pot back down, almost as if he was daring Will to make a move.
“Fuck you.”
“You’re acting like a dick and you know it,” Benny accused, not moving from where he stood.
Will took a step back, hanging his head. “I don’t need this shit right now.”
“No?” Benny asked excitedly. “Stop being such an ungrateful piece of shit. You treat everyone like shit, like you’re owed everything because you’re hurt.”
Will shook his head, feeling anger rise up through him, but Benny just kept going.
“You landed yourself the best girl and look what you’re doing with that. You don’t think she deserves to know you’re fucking leaving in eight days?”
Benny’s voice continued to rise as he went on, making Will’s teeth clench harder and his grip on the countertop get tighter as he leaned forward against it.
“Now you’re just pissed off because you know you’re fucking everything up. How the hell are you gonna go over there and focus when you’re turning into a complete fucking mess here?”
Will stayed quiet, hanging his head and unable to look his brother in the eye, knowing everything he was saying was true.
Benny watched him for a minute, waiting, and gave his final say before walking out of the kitchen.
“Get your shit together, man. Or something bad might really happen.”
More and more days passed between seeing each other, and by now Will imagined you had gotten the hint, having stopped initiating conversations due to how cold and short he was being with you, knowing you were doing your best to give him space in hopes that would fix everything.
Texts were rare and visits were brief, and Will could see and feel the worry radiating off of you when he was with you, your uncertainty if you were the problem blatant.
Two days remained until he deployed, and with his bag packed and everything else in order, he reached for his phone.
Can we talk?
You gave him a smile when you opened the door to let him in, but the rest of your face said it all, your eyes bleary and barely able to hold contact with his, your body language nervous as you rubbed your arm up and down even though it was brutally hot and humid.
“Can I get you anything?” you offered, the question feeling too formal but suiting the atmosphere, neither of you reaching for the other for a hug and kiss like you used to.
“No, I’m okay, thanks.”
“I’m guessing this isn’t going to be a fun conversation, so I’d like you to spare me even more grief then you’ve already caused, Will.”
Your words came out quickly, like if you didn’t rush to say them you wouldn’t get them out, and your voice shook, making Will’s heart break even more than it was.
He sighed and nodded, raising his eyebrows on his forehead.
“I think we should stop before we get too far ahead of ourselves here.”
“What does that mean?” you scoffed, your frustration and confusion clear as day.
“What do you think it means?” he said pointedly, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at you bluntly.
You nodded your head as you looked up at the ceiling, blinking quickly to fight off the tears he knew you were struggling to keep back.
“I thought this was what you wanted,” you explained. “Why didn’t you say if it was too much or too fast?”
“I’m sorry,” he said flatly, looking at your face contort with even more hurt and confusion.
“You’re sorry?” you blurted. “You’ve spent the last however many weeks stringing me along and acting like everything was fine until all of a sudden it wasn’t and then you fucking ghost me? And all you have to say is you’re sorry?”
“Why is that so hard to understand?” he spat, the chill of his words surprising himself.
He watched your expression shift, your anger switching to a gut-wrenching hurt he knew too well, your pain washing over you in a rippling effect after his words slapped you across the face.
“Because I’m falling in love with you!”
He felt like he’d been punched in the stomach, knowing all along that you were but hearing it hit him so much harder, and in the act of self-preservation, he continued his facade of not loving you in return.
“Yeah? Well stop, because you’re only gonna end up hurt.”
“Wha-” you started, but he cut you off before you were able to start asking questions.
“I’m deploying in two days.”
Your mouth opened and closed, and he knew the feeling of not being able to properly take the breath you so desperately needed, the shock on your face forcing Will to look away and down at his boots, too cowardly to face what he caused.
“I can’t go do this mission with any distractions,” he explained, his tone flat and expressionless.
“Is that all I am to you? Do you not think I care or wouldn’t offer support…I can't just put how I feel about you on hold or dismiss it completely, Will. Us breaking this off isn't going to make a difference in me worrying about you or erase what we have.”
Will shrugged, not knowing what else to say and feeling like he was out of lies to spew, and at this point nothing he said would make any of it better or worse.
You shook your head quickly and grunted frustratedly, wiping the tears that finally fell off your cheeks.
"I don't know why I'm crying,” you laughed, looking at him defeatedly. “You're not mine to cry over."
Will couldn’t bring himself to look at you again as he made his way over to the door, knowing damn well that he was yours as much as you were his, his entire heart left behind with you as he walked out.
After crying more tears than you thought you ever had, you peeled yourself out of bed and dragged your sorry ass to the gym, needing to distract your mind and do something good for your body, even if it meant risking seeing one or both of the Miller brothers there.
Your reflection was like a stranger, a hollowed-out version of yourself with puffy, blood-shot eyes lifting the dumbbells in your hands up and down as you worked through a set of bicep curls.
You were barely able to count through your reps, thinking how ironic it was that that was how you and Will met in the first place, but you knew the exact amount of hours it had been since he came and broke things off with you, and how long it was until he’d be on a plane flying out to wherever hell he was going.
You did a double-take in the mirror when you saw Benny come out of the change room, spinning around to see him better, the large black and blue bruise swelling around his left eye making your mouth hang open. A cut on his lower lip looked like it was still bleeding, and you thought it all to be strange when you recalled Will telling you he didn’t have any more fights until the fall.
The sympathetic smile he gave you was a reminder of all the things you knew you would be missing out on, but you shoved those feelings aside and walked over to him, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“What the hell happened to you? I thought you weren’t fighting for a while?”
Benny huffed out a laugh, rolling his eyes. “You should see the other guy…”
That drew your attention to his hands, seeing the skin on his knuckles broken and red, knowing whoever was on the receiving end of it was likely in far worse shape than him.
Before anything else could be explained, you followed Benny’s gaze as he looked up, your heart stuck in your throat as you watched Will walk in the front door, his face even more beat up than Benny’s was.
You looked at Benny where he just shrugged, knowing you had put two and two together.
“He deserved it,” he said flatly, clearly not proud of it. “I don’t know what the hell has gotten into him. I’m sorry for what he did to you.”
You nodded and bit your lip, looking down at the floor because you knew if you met Benny’s kind, blue eyes, you would crack again.
You sighed, praying your voice didn’t break when you spoke. “Do you think he’s going to be okay?”
Benny nodded convincingly, the faith he had in his older brother never faltering despite whatever was happening. “Yeah, he’ll be fine.”
You nodded, feeling the lump in your throat return.
“Are you gonna be alright?” he asked, making you nod faster and look anywhere but at him, the tears coming on fast as all the equipment surrounding you began to blur in your vision.
“I’m sorry he’s such a dipshit.”
You laughed through your tears, and Benny did too, his broad smile making you feel a little better.
“It’s just crazy,” you started, finding your courage to speak. “I don’t even hate him for what he did. I just want him to be happy and be safe.”
“Yeah, me too,” he agreed. “That’s what happens when you love someone.”
It was silent in the truck on the way over.
Benny hadn’t even turned on the radio which was unusual, leaving Will with nothing to listen to other than his thoughts and the sound of his pulse, counting each heartbeat until his brother pulled onto the tarmac and parked.
“You sure you're gonna be okay over there?” he asked, and Will could feel his eyes fixed on him.
Puffing out his cheeks, he breathed, “I think so. Kinda have to be.”
Will looked out the window, seeing all the families saying goodbye to his fellow troops, his heart aching in his chest as his mind went to you.
He blinked and then turned toward Benny, shaking his head and laughing, seeing how bad Benny’s beat up face was and knowing he looked ten times worse.
“We look like idiots.”
Benny ripped down the visor to look at his face in the mirror, offended Will would say such a thing.
“I look like this pretty much all the time. Are you saying I always look like an idiot?”
“I'll leave that up to you.”
Their chuckles faded out, leaving them to sit in silence for a couple of minutes, Benny studying Will carefully for any tell that he wasn’t stable enough to get on that aircraft.
He saw his brother’s chest rising and falling sharply, the pulse in his neck thumping wildly, the muscles in his cheeks flinching as he tried to control his emotions.
“Everything will be fine, man.” Benny assured him, referring to both things with you and his mission.
Will nodded and finally found the courage to look over at him, his eyes wet.
“Keep an eye on her for me?” he choked out, trying to swallow the broken sob that followed his words.
“I will.”
Benny clapped his shoulder and shook it, his eyes welling up too, knowing he would never get used to these goodbyes regardless of how many times they happened, seeing his big brother go off to war something he hated more and more over the years.
Will leaned over and pulled him into a hug, squeezing his back so tight while feeling himself start to crumble as Benny reciprocated it with equal force.
“I love you, man,” Benny mumbled against his brother’s shoulder.
“I love you, too, Ben.”
Benny knew there was no point in punishing him anymore, it was punishment enough with his own guilt and having to go do what he was, and losing you on top of it was about all Will could handle.
He’d have his brother’s back no matter what, even if he didn’t agree with some of the things he’d done, and knew Will would do the exact same for him if it was the other way around.
Benny had never seen Will so happy as when he was with you, and promised to himself that he would do everything in his power to help get you two back together, refusing to let him give up on what he knew was the real deal.
The brothers parted, Benny squeezing the back of Will’s neck as Will pulled the handle to open the door.
“Go get ‘em and get on home.”
Part 7
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shoshiwrites · 10 months
Band of Brothers Ages: IRL vs. Actors
Did you know that according to a 1947 study, almost half the men who served in WWII were still under age 26 by the end of the war?
What this is : A (very long) post comparing the ages of the actors in Band of Brothers vs. the IRL figures they are portraying.
Background: Did I need to do this? No. Did anyone ask for this? Also no. Did I do it anyway? Yes.
Disclaimers: This is SUPER approximate for the most part. I based IRL ages off of D-Day unless otherwise noted, and actor ages off of January 1, 2000, the year filming took place (the latter is where the most variation will be because I didn't try to figure out what month filming started). I also didn't fact-check birthdays beyond googling. Most are sourced from the Band of Brothers and Military Wikis on fandom.com, Wikipedia, and IMDb.
I broke them up into rough categories, which are, again, approximate. I know I often forget how young the real life people were here, and this was a good reminder of that. I also found it interesting to see which actors were actually younger than their roles!
Check it all out under the cut ⬇️
~10+ years older
Dale Dye (55) as Col. Robert F. Sink (39) (~16 years)
Michael Cudlitz (35) as Denver "Bull" Randleman (23) (~12)
Marc Warren (32) as Albert Blithe (20) (~12)
Rocky Marshall (33) as Earl J. McClung (21) (~12)
Frank John Hughes (32) as William J. Guarnere (21) (~11)
Neal McDonough (33) as Lynn D. (Buck) Compton (22) (~11)
Dexter Fletcher (33) as John W. Martin (22) (~11)
~5+ years older
Simon Schatzberger (32) as Joseph A. Lesniewski (23) (~9)
Richard Speight Jr. (30) Warren H. (Skip) Muck (22) (~8)
Jason O'Mara (30) as Thomas Meehan (22) (~8)
Ron Livingston (32) as Lewis Nixon (25) (~7)
Donnie Wahlberg (30) as C. Carwood Lipton (24) (~6)
Matthew Settle (30) as Ronald C. Speirs (24) (~6)
Nolan Hemmings (28) as Charles E. "Chuck" Grant (22) (~6)
Douglas Spain (25) as Antonio C. Garcia (19) (~6)
George Calil (26) as James H. "Mo" Alley Jr. (21) (~5)
Rick Gomez (27) as George Luz (22) (~5 year)
Scott Grimes (28) as Donald G. Malarkey (23) (~5)
Stephen Graham (26) as Myron "Mike" Ranney (21) (~5)
~less than 5 years older
Shane Taylor (25) as Eugene G. Roe (21) (~4)
Tim Matthews (23) as Alex M. Penkala Jr. (19) (~4)
Matthew Leitch (24) as Floyd M. "Tab" Talbert (20) (~4)
Peter O'Meara (30) as Norman S. Dike Jr. (26) (~4)
Tom Hardy (22) as John A. Janovec (18) (~4)
Rick Warden (28) as Harry F. Welsh (25) (~3)
Kirk Acevedo (28) as Joseph D. Toye (25) (~3)
Eion Bailey (25) as David Kenyon Webster (22) (~3)
Craig Heaney (26) as Roy W. Cobb (29) (~3)
Damian Lewis (28) as Richard D. Winters (26) (~2)
Robin Laing as Edward J. "Babe" Heffron (~2, 21/23)
Ben Caplan (26) as Walter S. "Smokey" Gordon Jr. (24) (~2)
David Schwimmer (32) as Herbert M. Sobel (33) (~1 year)
Michael Fassbender (22) as Burton P. "Pat" Christenson (21) (~1)
Colin Hanks (22) as Lt. Henry Jones (21) (~1) (age around Bastogne)
Bart Ruspoli (23) as Edward J. Tipper (22) (~1)
~Same age
Peter Youngblood Hills as Darrell C. "Shifty" Powers (21)
Mark Huberman as Lester "Les" Hashey (19)
Lucie Jeanne (23) as Renée Lemaire (30) (age around Bastogne) (~7)
Ross McCall (23) as Joseph D. Liebgott (29) (~6)
Simon Pegg (29) as William S. Evans (~33) (~4)
Philip Barantini (19) as Wayne A. "Skinny" Sisk (22) (~3)
James Madio (24) as Frank J. Perconte (27) (~3)
Stephen McCole (25) as Frederick "Moose" Heyliger (27) (~2)
Matt Hickey (~16) as Patrick S. O'Keefe (18) (~2)
Incomplete/not found
Phil McKee as Maj. Robert L. Strayer (34)
Rene L. Moreno as Joseph Ramirez (30)
Doug Allen as Alton M. More (24)
David Nicolle as Lt. Thomas A. Peacock (24)
Rebecca Okot as Anna (Augusta Chiwy) (24) (age around Bastogne)
Alex Sabga-Brady as Francis J. Mellet (23)
Mark Lawrence as William H. Dukeman Jr. (22)
Nicholas Aaron as Robert E. (Popeye) Wynn (22)
Peter McCabe as Donald B. Hoobler (21)
Marcos D'Cruze as Joseph P. Domingus (not found)
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serpentinespider · 4 months
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Earth-6198 Eddie and Venom!!!! Yay!!! Glad to have finished these with time to spare for artfight :’D
Info / fun facts under the cut :3
Eddie: - He/him trans man - 42 y/o - 5’9” - Bleaches his hair blonde - Was close friends with Uncle Ben when they were in their 20’s. The two of them gradually drifted apart— nothing happened between them, they just both got preoccupied with their own lives. When Ben’s nephew (Spider-Man) showed up on his doorstep looking for a place to stay, he kinda appointed himself as Spidey’s new guardian. - He’s not so much a father figure to Spidey… moreso a quirky older brother or something shdgdgv
Venom: - Agender; they dgaf what pronouns you refer to them as. it/he/they used most commonly (in that order). - Markings represent the three pillars of transmasculinity: top surgery, bottom surgery and monster energy /j - Around 9ft tall but it varies  - Basically just Tom Hardy Venom but sparklier 
They have 2 chickens named Sonny and Cher, and two cats named Cletus and Mr Belvedere!
Mr Belvedere is about 12 years old, a retired show cat. Eddie proudly hangs his prize ribbons in his apartment. He’s also shared custody between Eddie and his ex, Anne. Cletus is a young (1< year) semi-stray that Spidey and Eddie like to feed. He doesn’t seem to be scared of symbiotes at all. He’s a nasty, high-strung little thing, and will rarely let anyone pick him up or pet him, but he’s very cute.
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crowandmousewritingco · 2 months
Dream Daddies Pt1
Pairing: No pairing yet (eventual polyamory between the reader and Frankie, Joel, Jack, Oberyn, and Ezra. It's a lot but boy do I have a lot of love to give lol)
Words: 3.5k
Rating: G (will turn M at some point)
Series Notes: Reader as a child oc along with Frankie ("Ellie" short for Evelynn) and Jack (unnamed as of right now).
Warnings: This chapter is pretty good. Only has a brief mention of spousal death.
Summary: You're a new dad at a new school, and by happenstance you end up meeting some more dreamy dads.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: I have had so much brain rot for the game Dream Daddy so I needed an excuse to write a fic inspired by that game. So this is what that is. I can already tell ya this will be a longer series so buckle up buckaroos for a slow burn.
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“Papa?” Your daughter asked as she gently tugged at your pants. 
Squatting down so you could be at her eye level you asked, “What is it sweetie?” You gently cupping her small cheek in your hand. 
She sniffled and your heart panged from her sadness. “I-I’m scawed.”
“Aww you don’t have anything to be worried about. Mr. Ben is a great teacher and you will have so much fun with him.” You tried to reassure your daughter. “I talked to him and he has so many fun crafts and games that you’ll love. I know you love glitter crafts.” 
“B-But I miss you,” She sniffled and quickly wrapped her small arms around your neck. You gently hugged her back, running your hands up and down her small back in hopes of soothing her. 
“I’ll miss you too, but guess what?” You said and kissed her soft hair. 
She sniffled again “What?” 
“We’ll see each other at the end of the day. Here look,” You replied and gently turned her small frame to the far wall. You pointed up to the colorful clock. “When the big hand is on the 12 and the small hand is on the 2, then we can see each other again.” 
Your daughter smiled “Really papa?” 
You smiled and kissed her cheek. “Really really baby, now how about you show your teacher your new backpack.” You encouraged her. 
“Okay! Bye papa!” She kisses your cheek and hurries to her new class with none of the previous worry left on her small face. 
You smile and lean back on the doorframe watching her interact with her new teacher. “You’re a natural at that,” You hear a voice say and you turn to see a middle aged man in the hallway holding a bright pink unicorn backpack. The dark flannel and the worn hat was quite the contrast from the bright colors in his hand. He seemed to be older than you imagined with just a touch of salt and pepper in his beard. 
You smirked “And my guess is that that isn’t your backpack.” 
He chuckled a nice deep hardy laugh and shook his head. “Couldn’t find any in my size. No, this is for my daughter Ellie.” He said pointing to a girl with an equally pink dress and pigtails talking to another kid. You smiled when you realized that that child was your own. 
“Seems like our kids are fast friends,” You smiled the love of your child very evident on your face. 
“Oh that one is yours? What’s her name?” He asked as he too watched them interact. Lily was excitedly showing Ellie her new lunchbox. 
“Lily,” You answered. “It was her dad’s idea.” 
“That’s a very cute name. Will he also be dropping her off?” 
“Oh um no he…” You sighed, “He died when she was just a baby.” 
The stranger paled “Oh god I’m sorry I didn’t realize,” He stumbled. 
“It’s okay like I said it was years ago, and you didn’t know.” You held out your hand in introduction. “Sorry I forgot to tell you my name.” 
He held out his hand and you took it. It was rougher than you thought. “That’s alright. I’m Frankie Morales. It was nice to meet you.” 
“It was nice to meet you too,” You smiled softly. “Will I see you at drop off more often?” 
“Probably,” He smiled. “I get Ellie on the weekdays and her mom gets her on the weekends.” Frankie explained and peaked inside the classroom setting the backpack in his daughter's cubby. When he peaked back out he tipped his worn ball cap. “Will you be at the Start of Year celebration on Friday?” 
“We plan on it,” You answered. “My daughter hasn’t stopped talking about it.” Your daughter always did love a party. 
“Then I’ll see you there!” Frankie smiled and turned leaving down the hall. You watched the stranger before turning back to your daughter, making sure she knew you were leaving and you headed to work. 
The first week of classes went by in a blink of an eye. Lily was excited to show you all the crafts she created throughout the week and you put everything on the fridge. She had even made a couple of friends whom she talked about constantly. And that included on the way to the Start of Year celebration. You smiled at her enthusiasm which grew when they entered the gymnasium. 
Jackson Academy had their elementary and middle school combined into one building so there was a wide range of ages at the celebration. The amount of people you didn’t recognize made you anxious but your daughter was excited to go. 
“Papa, can I go pway with my fwends?” She asked, pointing to where her class was gathered. 
“Of course, I’ll be by the snacks if you need me,” You said as she scampered away. Now it was just you. You sighed. Well snacks it was. You picked up a paper plate in the school colors and took in your options. A variety of chips and dips with an entire bakery of cupcakes and cookies were at your disposal. You took a little bit of each just to give you something to do with your hands. 
The plate was folding in on itself by the time you were done. You supported it with your other hand and looked around for a place. Everyone seemed to be talking with everyone else. Damn you had really hoped being the new kid stopped after high school, but that’s what happens when you have your own kid. 
There was a place at the end of the basketball court that didn’t seem as busy so you claimed your spot and watched as your child interacted with her classmates. You really wished you still had her extrovertedness. She got that all from her dad. He would’ve known how to do this. 
You absentmindedly pushed the ranch around with a carrot stick when you heard a voice, “I think the carrot has enough ranch on it.” 
You looked up and smiled when you saw Frankie there happy to have a familiar face in the crowd. “Oh well you can never have enough ranch.” 
“I’ll take your word for it,” He chuckled, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets. “Do you have anyone else you’re meeting here?” Frankie asked. 
“Uh no we’re actually new to this area of town. Just moved here a few weeks ago.” You admit. “Haven’t had the chance to explore the local hangout joints.” 
“Really why do you join our little group? Just a few other dads who hang out. Unless you rather keep company with the celery sticks.” He smirked looking down at your plate.
You laughed. “I would love to meet your friends.” 
“Great here we’re right over there,” He said and led you to one of the round tables. 
You carried your plate over to the table and was surprised how similar that group looked. The similarities between these dads were almost impressive. They looked like they could all be related. 
“This is Joel Miller,” He pointed to a man with salt and pepper dotting his hair. He seemed to be older than the rest of the group, the wrinkles a prominent feature. Joel gave a quick nod of acknowledgement in your direction. It seemed he really wasn’t much of a talker. 
“Jack Daniels,” The man gave you a tip of his black cowboy hat. He was different from the previous dad with his well groomed mustache, and where Joel had the hint of Texan flair Jack was fully dressed in cowboy attire which would have looked tacky on anyone else. But for some reason it worked really well on him. 
“Ezra,” This one had a streak of blonde hair that fell on his forehead. He wore a sweater that looked simple at first glance but you realized that there were deep subtle patterns on the fabric. This was paired with black jeans with slight rips in them along with thick black boots. 
“And Oberyn Martell,” There was nothing subtle about this dad. Everything he wore was in some shade of yellows that somehow flowed well with each other. Gold chains adorned his neck and each finger had some sort of ring adorning it. Either he had a lot of money or he put a lot of effort into his wardrobe. 
You gave a small wave before turning to Frankie. “You’ve got quite the group here.” 
“You could say that,” He answered and he sat back down in his chair. You introduced yourself and joined him in the seat adjacent to him. 
Though there was a bit of silence that you wanted to fill but you had no idea how to even start. Luckily it seemed like there was one of the dads who was just as uncomfortable with silence as you were.  “What grade is your youngling in?” Ezra asked, leaning against his arm against the table.
“Oh mine just started kindergarten. I had her in a preschool, but I transferred her to this school,” You answered before taking a bite out of a cookie. 
“That’s how we actually met,” Frankie added. “We ran into each other at the dropoff.” 
“Seems like it was just yesterday I was dropping my child off at kindergarten,” Jack reminisced. He turned to look at you. “But now he’s in big boy day elementary school now.” 
“Soon you’ll have to help him with math homework,” You chuckle. “Kindergarten I can help with, but I will be utterly useless when it comes to that homework.” 
“Just wait till they decided to take honors trigonometry.” Ezra added. “I love them truly, but that is not my realm of knowledge.” 
“I’m sure my daughter would help Cee in that department,” Oberyn added. 
“Of course your daughter is quite affluent when it comes to arithmetic,” Ezra beamed and kissed his cheek. 
“You must be very proud of her,” You mentioned looking in their direction. 
Oberyn turns to look at you, “Everyday. She takes after her mother.” 
“Oh is she here tonight?” You asked. 
He shook his head. “Not this school year. She’s traveling with my other daughters across Europe since she wanted them to see the world before they started high school.” 
Your eyes widened and part of you was jealous. Everything you worked for went to your child but you it wasn’t likely you could ever do anything that grand for your daughter. Almost sensing your internal conflict, Oberyn leaned over the table and gently took his hand in yours. “She had come into a recent inheritance and decided to put most of it in a trust fund. The rest was spent on this trip.” He explained gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. You blushed at the interaction. “You are an amazing parent. I can tell.” 
“It seems like the red viper has eyes on one another,” Jack commented over the rim of the plastic cup as he watched the interaction. Joel hummed an agreement. 
Before you could ask what he meant by that your daughter ran up to the table. “Papa! Papa!” You hear your daughter call for you and you turn to see her holding the hand of one of her classmates who you recognized as Frankie’s daughter.
You smiled, happy to see your child settling in with some of her friends. “Hi sweetie.” 
“Papa Ellie’s dad can fly!” Lily told you excitedly. 
“Oh is that true?” You asked and looked back at Frankie. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Technically it’s true. I just fly a helicopter.” He admitted. 
“Ya but that’s still really cool!” Ellie chimed in. “Maybe Daddy can show you his ship sometime?” 
You giggled “I think I would very much like that.” 
The two girls giggled and hurried back to their little group. You looked back at Frankie who was slightly hiding behind his hand. 
“Seems like ya daughters are already setting you up on a date,” Jack winkied before taking another sip of his lemonade. 
Frankie rolled his eyes. “Jack, you say that everytime.” 
Jack smiled and leaned back in his plastic chair. “Well I’m just stating the facts, partner.” 
“Is this something your daughter does often?” You asked him. 
“Yes she’s convinced about true love ever since I let her watch the Princess Bride,” He sighed and fidgeted with his napkin. 
“Better than my child. I am all for self expression but I could only take so many different renditions of My Little Pony,” Oberyn commented. 
Ezra smirked and wrapped his arm around Oberyn’s bicep. “Though you have to admit the zombie apocalypse version had you on the edge of your seat. It was almost Shakespearan.” 
Oberyn looked down at his partner and kissed his head. “Okay you do have a point.” 
“Sounds like you have a little creator on your hands,” You smiled. 
“Whatever creative outlet she wants to explore, I am more than willing to fund.” Oberyn answered. 
You smiled softly. The conversation flowed well within the group and you really appreciated having other dads that could help you through your parenting journey. They weren't what you were expecting. Most of the dads you had met before were usually indifferent about their children and their interests, but it was really nice to see them all give their whole hearts into their children. 
Before you could say anything else, the principal stood up on the auditorium stage and began his quick introduction to the school year. You didn’t know it yet, but it was indeed going to be quite the school year for you too. 
“I promise I can create programming,” You sighed, rubbing your eyes. The library needed something for the calendar for the fall season, but you swear you peaked last year. Sensing your turmoil, your favorite coworker swiveled their chair to face you. 
“And I can tell you that you just burnt yourself out when you did the How to Fair and don’t forget the Scarecrow festival. You run that every year. And you run a bookclub on top of it.” They mentioned twirling a pencil in their fingers. “You already do a lot of programming. Just make Chris come up with something. You know he’s looking for any excuse to do something for the library.” 
You groaned, leaning your head down against the coolness of the desk. “I hate it when you’re right.” 
They gently patted your back and stood up from their chair. “Here give me your mug. It's clear you need a caffeine boost.” 
You lift your mug up for them, your head not leaving the desk. “You are a god sent.” 
“Well I’m not sure if a god sent me, but some powers that be sure did,” They chuckled and went back to the break room for a refill. 
The quiet of the library allowed you some sense of calm while your mind raced. The library was a great place to work just sometimes it required a lot of your mental capacity. You stayed like that for a moment trying to brainstorm an idea when a familiar voice asked, “I have a feeling that it’s not just the Dewey Decimal system that’s got you all worn out.”  
You looked up and was surprised to see Ezra here. “Not just Dewey. Marc has my number too apparently.” You rubbed your eyes. “But it’s nice to see you.” 
“It’s a pleasant surprise to see you working at this establishment,” He mentioned leaning against the counter. 
“Been working here for some time, just at another branch. I transferred here which happened to be closer to where Lily goes to school.”
“Well now I am more justified to come to visit this alluring library. Actually that brings me to my inquiry.” He perked up and leaned over the desk. 
“You came to the right place. I’m all ears,” You chuckled. 
“I’m actually looking for a book. Where might your copy of A Clockwork Orange be?” 
“Let me check,” You say as you type away on your computer. After a few different searches you say, “Seems like our copy is checked out, but I can put a hold on it if you want.” 
“That would be perfect,” Ezra smiled and pulled out his library card, handing it to you. You blushed as your fingers brushed against yours, but you quickly recovered.
You scanned his library card with a soft beep, and after a few more clicks you announced, “That book has been placed on hold for you.” You hand the card back over to Ezra who slides it back into his wallet. 
“Thank you kindly as ever. I’ll hopefully see ya around sometime.” He smiled before turning away. 
“Have a good day,” You waved after him as he left your area. A smile grew on your face. 
You had to rub lean your hand on your cheek to hide the slight blush on your cheek. “Well now you haven’t told me about him yet,” The voice of your coworker made you jump. They chuckled and set the mug next to you. Plopping themselves back in their section, they said “Spill.” 
“It really is nothing,” You state, holding the warm mug in your hands. 
“Oh ya and I’m Santa Claus,” They roll their eyes. 
“I don’t know what you do on the weekends,” You joke. “And you always take December off.”
“Touche but that’s not the point. You don’t just blush at every patron.” 
“Ugh fine, we met at the start of the school year party. Frankie introduced me to his friend group. He was their with several other dads whose kids all go to the same school” 
“Well that’s one hell of a meet cute,” They wiggled their eyebrows over the rim of their mug. 
“Yes but I’m sure they have a partner. I saw them together at the party. They seemed to be pretty attached to each other.” 
Your coworker was quiet for a moment and looked back to see if Ezra was still there. He lingered at one of the displays before heading out the sliding doors. When he left they turned back to you. “Pull up their file.” 
You looked over at them quizzically, but pulled up their information that was still up from the hold. Tilting the screen so they could see. “Here.”
They rolled closer to you scanning the information. “I knew he sounded familiar. He comes in here with his partner for that poly support group that comes every Wednesday evening. I think his partner's name is Oberyn. I can’t forget a name like that.”  
You blushed. “Then that’s him.”  You turned back to his information and did a double take. Something about his address looked familiar. “Wait a second.” 
“What?” Your coworker leaned closer to you taking in the information. 
“This,” You pointed to the address. “That’s near my house. Like two or three houses down in the cul de sac.” 
Their eyes widened. “That’s a crazy coincidence.” 
You hurriedly typed another name in the search bar. Jack Daniels. You searched his profile too. Same thing two doors down. “How have I not noticed this?” 
“What, what haven’t you noticed?” They frantically searched between you and the screen. 
But you didn’t answer them. You typed in a few more names. Joel Miller. Frankie Morales. Oberyn Martell. One to the left of you, one to the right of you, and one on the other side of the street. 
“Holy shit,” You whispered. 
“What!” They raised their voice. 
You blushed as you looked back at your coworker. “You remember that back to school party where I met all of those handsome men?”
“Yes and you wouldn’t stop talking about them. What about it?” 
You paused before saying, “They all live in the same street as me.” 
Their eyes widened and they turned back to the screen. “That’s so crazy! All of them?.” They turned back to you with a smirk when they realized what that meant. “And you’ve been talking about them nonstop this past week.” You could see the wicked gleam in their eyes. 
“No I can’t go flirting with all those guys,” You quickly shut down any idea they were having. 
“I know you and you’ve been wanting to explore your poly side for a while now. I’m not usually one to believe in fate, but when five handsome men just fall in your life you thank a higher being.” 
You take a long sip of your coffee. You sighed “If I do this and that’s the biggest if, how am I to know if they are even okay with this?” 
“You ask, you flirt and you find out.” They tell you softly. “I know you need this. Come on. You haven’t had this much fun in a while.” 
You thought for a moment staring into the dark liquid. “I hate it when you're right.” 
They chuckled and went back to their computer. “I can’t help it. I just call it when I see it.”
You lean back in your chair rubbing your eyes as you stare at the address. What have you gotten yourself into?
Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges @carusolikey @thebeldroramscal @morallyinept @lady-bess
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missr3n3 · 20 days
Augusnippets Day 31
snowed in/secret alien/twitter arguments
prompt generator used fandoms: all of them CW: surprising amount of major character death, minimal proofreading word count: 850 (i'm so sorry) @augusnippets
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On a cold night in Hoelbrak, Hazel accompanied Willow’s quest to find more stray cats, because the ten that already roamed the Grove were obviously not enough. During their journey, they found a cave beneath a waterfall. Venturing into the cave, they found two humans, one scared shitless, and the other taking a nap.
The awake human introduced herself as Sophie, and her unconscious companion as Ben. They somehow ended up in the alcove after something called a “cruise ship" crashed into it. As Hazel asked Sophie a million questions about what a cruise ship was and how it worked, Willow left to continue her search for a cat. She found what she was looking for out in the forest: a small, gray tabby.  But when Willow attempted to coax the “cat" her way, a wormhole opened up and the cat jumped through.
The “cat" was not a cat at all, but an ageless interdimensional being. He grew tired of roaming Tyria and sought a different land to explore: one he visited before. He crept from under his minion, Peter's, bed.
“There you are!” The man with a missing eye cooed as he spotted the furry critter. “I've been looking all over for you, Mittens!”
Mittens quickly gathered why Peter was eager to find him, and why Sarah was staying with her former abuser. She originally intended to simply visit him, see how he was recovering from the Easter Incident. Then a huge blizzard hit Ohio and they all got stuck inside.
Just great, more cold.
Meanwhile in Detroit, another ill-tempered group was snowed in: not in a rickety farmhouse, but an elaborate mansion.
“Norman was supposed to be back with firewood half an hour ago,” Officer Wong grumbled through chattering teeth.
“Well, you know how traffic around here is on a good day,” Steve countered.
“I knew we should've found a better way to dispose of the bodies,” Isabelle whined. “I don't think Kenny or Manny would burn all that well, but it'd at least be something!”
Just as Manny's name left Isabelle's mouth, five bolts of lightning struck the mansion at once, killing everyone inside and leaving Norman, who was waiting in line at Whole Foods the entire time, homeless.
Many years later, paranormal enthusiasts Aaron, Joshua, and Selena were investigating the burnt remnants of the Murder Mansion. They needed to do something to unwind – especially Selena, who had to singlehandedly kick Azrael and Melani's monster asses.
As Aaron entered the remains of what he guessed was the living room, a loud crackling boom echoed right behind him
Oh God, what’s Selena doing this time!?
To Aaron's surprise, Selena was not fighting more monsters behind him. He'd never seen the two people standing behind him in his life. One was an older man with reddish-brown hair and scars around his eye. The other was a microscopic little guy dressed in black denim with bandaged hands.
“Well shit, this isn't the void,” Mark noted.
“See, I told you that wouldn't work,” he chided the kinda sorta saint.
With another boom, the two soft grunge boys vanished.
A few months later, Cain was down a Wikipedia rabbit hole. He was researching the case of the Vanishing Duo while he had Llywelyn's laptop precariously perched on the side of the bathtub.
Just as he was about to see if anyone else was talking about the case on MySpace. Llywelyn was thrown through the bathroom window by the Fisherman, who was still salty about him taunting the dumbness of trying to waterboard a fish. Jumping from sheer shock, Cain dropped the laptop into the bathtub, which started an electrical fire that blew up the whole house.
Years later, YouTuber Elijah Hardy made a video about the Exploding Fish Boy Incident, which got him cancelled on Twitter for the fifth time in a row. His sixth cancellation, however, was the one that finally stuck. It was cause by him making his first True Crime Video – covering the case of Roderick, Kevin, Sam, Jeremy, and Rachel mere hours after it went down. The Red Dragon Productions crew – Leah, Joshua, and Isaac – also got cancelled for defending Elijah. They didn't know about the plot of “pull your hands away!” by missr3n3 yet. Madeline also got cancelled for defending RDP.
This feud drew Cairyx's attention to Twitter. He figured out he could get into people's houses through their Twitter accounts, told all of his electric spider alien buddies about this, and they all banded together to murder every Twitter user.
This basically caused an apocalypse, with only a few people who didn't have Twitter accounts surviving. One was Jessie Simmons, who never made a social media profile beyond her Facebook. This same strategy is what saved Ida and Proto. Arthur was too young to be allowed on the internet unsupervised. Wes exclusively used Pinterest. Brandon's abusive parents wouldn't let him go on the internet period, lest he figure out they were also involved in the Peace Cult. And the incredibly lucky Dr. North deleted her account a week before the world ended.
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tcddyw · 4 months
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[ ben hardy, nonbinary, he/they ] — whoa! THEODORE “TEDDY” WARREN just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE, working as a/an INFLUENCER/MUSICIAN. that can’t be easy, especially at only 32 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit SPOILED and ARROGANT , but i know them to be PASSIONATE and METICULOUS. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN!
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──── 𝑩𝑨𝑺𝑰𝑪𝑺 .
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. theodore alexander warren 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. teddy , theo 𝐀𝐆𝐄. 32 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘. august 13th 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂. leo ☀ · aquarius ☾ · taurus ↾ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑. nonbinary 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. he/him & they/them 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. homosexual panromantic 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏. ambiamorous
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌. ben hardy 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑. green 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑. blond 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄. varies in length 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. 5’10” 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂(𝐒). hands are blistered and often scarred from how often they play drums; likewise, they have significant trouble sitting still and is often tapping their feet or knuckles against surfaces around them 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄. depends on the day | almost always high end fashion pieces 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. traditional lobe piercings 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒. vitruvian drummer , left ribcage ; as above so below , inner left bicep ; right half of a compass rose (jaymes has the other half) , right hip ; lion's nose & mouth , inner right bicep
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. william alexander warren ii & elizabeth rose warren 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. william alexander warren iii ( oldest brother ) ; ______ warren ( older sibling ) ; _________ warren ( older sibling ) ; jaymes elizabeth warren ( twin sibling; older by 11 minutes ) 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍. not applicable, though they have a female beagle named brimi that they treat like a child 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑(𝐒). to be determined 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑(𝐒). matthew moretti , violet metcalfe 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. kit santos ( friends w benefits )
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. blair waldorf. gossip girl ( 2007 ) ; david rose. schitt's creek ; prospero "perry" usher. the fall of the house of usher ; roger taylor. bohemian rhapsody ( 2018 ) 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆. 7 rings by ariana grande 𝐏𝐎𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. smart, creative, considerate, fun, voguish, trustworthy, meticulous, unflinching, assured, passionate, talented 𝐍𝐄𝐆 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. spoiled, judgmental, hedonistic, excessive, arrogant, uninhibited, evasive, gossipy, impetuous, melodramatic, tenacious 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄. grand gestures 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. chaotic good
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Baking, Ben Hardy
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Word Count: 1.9k~
Baking has always been a fun pastime for me, whether something sweet was needed for an event or it was a spur-of-the-moment decision. When I was seven years old, my grandmother brought me into the kitchen one early morning and made me help her fix breakfast, causing me to fall in love with baking at such a young age. From then on, I began cooking and baking whenever I could, getting better with each year I grew older.
Thankfully, this valuable trait lasted me throughout my time as a teenager and into my young adult years. When I moved into my first-ever apartment, I was the only person living there, and cooking for myself and eating by myself every day became a bit lonely. The two activities became a bore for me until I baked cookies one day and brought them to my neighbor, whom I had never gotten to meet. The recipe for the cookies was from an old cookbook from the fifties that my grandmother gave me when I left home. Out of the things left by her in her passing, that was the most important to me as it led me to one of my lifelong passions.
I would soon find out that the recipe book would lead me to more than just a hobby, as those cookies would give me the chance to meet my neighbor and ultimately fall in love with him as well. Ben was the nicest guy when I met him, and when he came back with the empty Tupperware container the cookies were once held in only a day later, I knew he was a keeper.
We soon began dating, and nearly twice a week, I found myself baking anything he asked for while he talked to me or practiced his lines for movies he was staring in. It was almost as if we lived with each other as Ben and I were constantly sharing my bed, and most of his stuff was left at my apartment. I even began doing his laundry for him (which he was eternally grateful for).
Only a year passed of us sharing sweet and unforgettable moments before we were engaged, and soon enough, married. Of course, with the marriage, we both decided we'd need a place with more space, leading us to move from our small apartments and into a much bigger house with a gigantic kitchen. Ben said it was just a coincidence, but I saw those gears moving in Ben's head, and I wasn't mad at all.
Looking over at the sleeping blond man lying beside me, I can't help but think about the time Ben and I met. Just thinking about how he practically gushed over how good the cookies were (while stuttering) makes me want to go bake some for him now. However, I don't feel like rolling dough out, and instead, I'd rather make something I can just combine the ingredients and pour it into a pan. Are brownies okay at eight in the morning? Yes?
Gently sliding out of Ben's grasp and onto my feet, I take a glance at the calendar hanging over our bedroom desk, only to feel the date put a damper on my happy mood. It's a typical day for many other people in the world, but to me, this day is a reminder that the person whom I loved and looked up to as a child passed away. It's been a few years since my grandmother's death, but the anniversary still hits me as hard as the day it happened.
Although, I know that my grandmother wouldn't want me to be upset over her death, and instead, do something that made me smile. Baking was always something we did with each other, and since that makes me happy, I know she would want me to do so.
Heading into the kitchen, I pull my favorite cookbook off the shelf above the counter and flip it open to the recipe for the brownies my grandma used to make. I've made them many times before, and I remember the ingredients and instructions to a T, but I don't want to mess anything up and be left with flat or horrible-tasting brownies.
Combining the dry ingredients with the liquid ones, I push the stationary mixer down and let it mix the ingredients together while I stand at the counter, watching the dark brown brownie mix form before my eyes. As I do so, I barely hear the soft thuds of Ben's footsteps before his warm arms wrap around me from behind. His sudden touch surprises me, causing me to jolt with a small laugh as I immediately realize it's just him.
"You scared me," I state, turning in his hold to face him. His hair is going in every direction while his eyes are still clouded with sleep. This doesn't affect the smile on his face, nor does it change the firmness of his hold on me. He always looks adorable when he's just woken up, and this morning is no different.
"You scared me when you weren't in bed," Ben tells me, his voice showing that he's still partly asleep. Leaning down, he kisses my forehead before moving to my lips, where he stays there longer. Kissing back, I slide my arms around his neck and pull him close, only making him hold onto me tighter.
Pulling back with a giggle, I smile up at Ben with a sigh as he looks at the mixer behind me, a slight smirk appearing on his lips. "It's early in the morning," He points out, his fingers tapping against my waist. "And you're making... chocolate cake?"
With a small laugh, I turn back around in his arms and turn the mixer off. "Brownies, actually," I tell him, feeling Ben's fingers move from my waist and onto my stomach. "They're ones that my grandma and I used to make with each other," With that, I feel tears begin to form in my eyes, but I blink them away. However, Ben somehow notices this and nuzzles his head into my neck, his cold nose causing me to slightly shiver.
"I know you miss her," Ben murmurs, gently kissing the skin on my neck. "Why don't you tell me about her?" He suggests, making me smile once again. That's not a bad idea.
"Well, for starters, she wouldn't want you kissing my neck like this," I begin, making Ben laugh before he pulls his face away and places his chin on top of my head. "And secondly, you already know that she's the reason I know how to bake in the first place."
"But, what else did she do?" He asks, releasing his arms from my waist as he moves to lean against the counter beside me. The sight of him shirtless and leaning back on his arms makes me want to jump him, but for the sake of the moment, I can hold back.
"She did a lot," I tell him, walking to the cabinet to take a glass pan from the shelf. "God, I wish you could've met her - she would have loved you," I note, walking back to the counter with the pan. Placing it on the marble countertop, I sigh and look over at my husband, watching as he dreamily gazes at me with his green eyes. "I wish you could've been there when she could still bake."
"I don't think she baked better than you, love," He sucks up to me, making me snort. He knows better.
"Who do you think taught me?" I ask him with a grin. "Everything I know is because of her," I tell him, turning my body toward him. Leaning my hip against the counter, I cross my arms as happy memories come to mind. "I can remember making sugar cookies on Christmas Eve with her, and she taught me the importance of being creative with anything I made,"
Pausing, I start telling another memory. "There was one time when my aunts and uncles were coming down for a visit, and despite being weak from her age, she still put everything together and tried making a bunch of things," Slowly, the smile on my face begins to drop, remembering her frail state toward the end. Ben notices this but doesn't say anything, waiting for me to continue on.
"I had to finish everything for her, of course, and I didn't mind a single bit," I clarify. "The best part of it all was that she got to tell me stories from her childhood while I did so. She told me about the Great Depression and what it was like to bake during that time," Shaking my head, I smile once again before turning to the bowl of brownie batter and pouring it into the nonstick pan, scraping it with the red silicone spatula to get the excess in as well.
"She even told me about the time she baked a wedding cake for a friend whose mother wanted to bake it, but in all honesty, she couldn't bake for her life," Both Ben and I share a laugh before I continue on, placing the messy bowl back on the counter. "Plus, anytime she baked, and no matter how old I got, she always let me lick the spoon and bowl. I guess it was a southern thing or maybe just a grandmother thing,"
With a happy sigh, I look back to Ben to find him still listening to me, an interested smile marked on his lips. "Now, when I think about it, I can't help but become giddy when I think about kids, our kids," I correct myself, watching the sweet smile on his face grow. "Doing the same thing I did when I was young and licking the bowl like my grandmother would let me."
Turning my attention back to the glass pan full of brownie batter, I place the spatula in the bowl with the bottom and sides still partially covered with the batter. Just before I begin to clean up, I see Ben move in my peripherals, his naked chest and sweatpants-covered legs disappearing as he stands behind me once more, wrapping his left arm around me like he previously did as he reaches over me with his other arm to run his fingers in the dirty mixing bowl.
Turning my head toward him, I watch as Ben lifts his now brownie batter-covered fingers to his lips and licks the dark brown mix while maintaining eye contact with me, causing me to blush. He then leans forward and kisses me, remnants of the sweet mixture still lingering on his lips until he pulls away. "Until we have kids," He states, his smile now a smirk as his hand on my waist tightens. "I guess I'll just have to do."
"Love, if you don't stop licking your fingers like that, we will be having a kid very soon!" I joke, earning an almost playful, animalistic growl from Ben. The sound emitted from him causes me to burst with laughter just as Ben picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder, walking back to our bedroom as the uncooked brownies remain on the stovetop.
Probably, somewhere up in heaven, my grandmother is laughing at the sight of Ben and me, happy that her baker of a granddaughter found someone who loves her with all of his heart... and stomach.
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discluded · 1 year
I know Mile and Apo fans are their main fanbase and bread and butter but they should have done the press tour very differently if BOC didn't want Mansuang to be viewed as a BL film. Apo and Bas should have been teamed up for the press tour along with Mile and Tong. All four should have gone abroad for the overseas premiers and even if not for one of the big magazines like vogue should have done more interviews and photoshoots together (all 4) for the movie. They should have played around with the pairing a lot more for the press tour. Bas and Tong had massive parts in the movie and according to critics did very well in the movie.They should have been promoted more in their own press tour for their film. The intention of Mansuang was a Mile Apo movie but that clearly isn't what the end product was and they should have promoted it as an ensemble film. This is not even taking into account the actual veteran actors and actresses in the film that got absolutely 0 press. Let the women and older actors in your film actually promote the film to their own fans and that demographic? People don't go to the movies just for young good looking men. They actually had a lot to work with and I think Mansuang would have done a lot better locally if they hadn't completely blown the marketing for this film in a rushed few weeks with overloaded content that followed the BL marketing handbook that they used for KP.
the lack of acknowledgement of the veteran actors on the posters and in the trailer was something @moerusai and I both noticed and talked about. I think we mainly kept quiet at the time because there was soooo much complaining, from the size of the characters on the poster to how often the specific posters rotated at what venues, it just would be piling on legitimate issues on top of petty complaints.
there were well known, well respected actors in the cast who would've been an audience draw. I have a handful of actors I'll go to see a film for, *knowing* they're playing a side character (thinking mainly of Tom Hardy and Ben Whishaw here, who shine as leads and support).
Mile and Apo both made jokes about how difficult it must have been for the artist who made the Man Suang posters to have worked with Pond. there's many fan accounts of Pond's perfectionism in running KPWT... he often seems myopic on perfectionism to the point of missing the main points (here, having a poster that pleased him over missing the overarching man suang marketing campaign...)
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I also miss actor mileapo... 😔
not to make riches out of others' misfortune but the WGA strike and the SAG strike did potentially help in getting them on the map prior to White Lotus scripting and casting. There was already some momentum in getting them into the show as guest actors. If that happened it would be a wonderful way for them to get into a series where they're not doing the heavy lifting end to end of fundraising / script development all the way through coming up with marketing. 🙃
the problem with the fandom and having inherited the attitude of entitled musician / kpop fandoms is the constant hunger for new content and getting to see them. film / series take a lot more time to develop. you can drop a single or music videos in preparation for the launch of an album or just as a stand alone single, and most fans just don't seem to recognize that discrepancy in the lift. there were toxic apc solos complaining in August about how the year is "almost over" and Apo had "nothing" as though he didn't spend the majority of the year working on the movie.
anyway the hunger for content makes product promo much more accessible and bite sized... people just aren't patient enough. so many people were mad and antsy when MA were shooting man suang and trying to limit spoilers by showing very little that they threw fits over there not being new content when MA were literally working on the content that is the main dish of the whole meal.
anyway. yeah I agree. fingers crossed the uni icon product will go through relatively quick production and white lotus will pick them 🤞
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nighthunter241 · 1 year
Introduction to "He is mine"
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I don’t own any names used in this story and the idea is based on a Yandere concepts
All characters are 18 or older
18+ DNI if you are lower the age of 18
MR (M/N): Male reader or Male name
Henry and M/N have been friends since Freshman year of high school, you come to terms with your feelings with him but Henry manages to catch the eye of a number of people. During a 10 week period during Senior year M/N is getting rid of his rivals in hopes of finally being able to confess to Henry about his true feelings.
Alba Baptista: MR, Sebastian and Anthony's adopted mother, seems very calm and wants to prepare her children for anything in the world. Heart over the moon with their father. Leaves the United States for personal reasons leaving her children home alone for 10 weeks.
Chris Evans: Adopted Father of MR, Sebastian and Anthony, seems to always give his children what they want and cares for their well being, heart over the moon with their mother. Leaves the United States for personal reasons leaving his children home alone for 10 weeks.
Anthony Mackie: Your adopted brother who cares for your happiness and excellent with computers and programs
Sebastian Stan: Your other adopted brother.
Pedro Pascal: Classmate/Friend
Robert Downey Jr: Son of the leading cooperation “Downey Enterprise”, seems to want to be preparing more on taking over the company than studying. He is MR source of information/items/and schemes
Guidance Counselor Angela Bassett: runs it with a firm hand but is willing to give some wiggle room for the right thing
Principle Samuel L Jackson: A very nervous man, seems to be afraid/cautious of MR and his siblings
Student Council Members: All for some reason been told to keep on eye on MR and his siblings
Amy Adams: Henry’s childhood best friend, who clearly has feelings for him
Gal Gadot: Henry’s partner in a school project, and she is falling for him.
Ben Affleck: Jock, a part of the football team, the typical Jock in the closet
Tom Hardy: Part of the photography club, seems to have a gentle nature
Brie Larson: The example of an excellent student, straight A’s and perfect attendance and high academic integrity, it would be sad if all of that came crashing down.
Scarlett Johansson: Member of the gardening club, very intense person and isn’t afraid to speak her mind
Simu Liu: Wants to become a model when he grows up, has the looks and personality and Henry has caught his eye, it would be shameful if someone would ruin his dream.
Chris Hemsworth: Not in any clubs, but is the most popular guy at school with a high reputation.
Ryan Gosling: The boy next door, with his looks any woman or man would want him, sadly even Henry.
Zoe Saldana: The daughter of a notorious detective from the 80s-90s who is currently out of town for “business”, seems suspicious of MR and always has her guard up. Leader of the Journalism club
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flipper-kisses · 1 year
Same anon who had a list on why Rami’s not a “villain” and is actually a good person. I have a whole list on why I love Rami!
Rami’s donated to charity on many occasions.
Automatic points. 
He played in a children’s film!
He gave his account on how wonderful it was to make children laugh and go home after the movie with great memories!
Literally every interview you see with Rami, he can’t help but NOT give credit to his fellow actors AND crew. 
Which means a lot to those in crew who’s work doesn’t get much representation or appreciation). He literally says people’s full names which is also a nice little thing he tends to do. 
Rami has so many people who praise him for his personality and kindness. 
Every interview, when someone mentions Rami, the smiles people give when Rami’s name is mentioned is so wonderful to see! Also the things that Rami’s fellow colleagues say is usually along the lines of “he is wonderful to work with”, “is a leader”, “so respectful and respectable”, “easy to get along with”, “acting is amazing!”
Rami has crap tons of friends. 
Like we weren’t able to see many pictures of him with his friends since it was usually pictures of him and Lucy but now we’re getting more pictures of Rami with his friends and enjoying life!
Rami is smart and knows his boundaries and makes sure to be stern about it but also respectful. 
Example: Rami said he won’t take videos for people and won’t say things on camera for someone or the internet. This also includes what information he gives to the media. He’s really smart about being private. No one needs to know the important things about him, none of our business. 
But at the same time, Rami will take time out of his day to take pictures with fans which is so kind!
Rami has awesome fashion sense (even if he might be working with a stylist)! 
I love his classy outfits (and no I’m not talking about Ilaria Urbinati… that’s a whole different story…)
Rami is so humble and he knows when to take credit and when to not. 
He’s just so humble and such a great person! So down to Earth!
Rami with his mom 🥺 
You can tell how much he loves his mom! So sweet!
He gave a shout out to his sister and brother for their jobs
Yes he did make a funny joke after the shoutout but still. An ER doctor and teacher which are two very hard professions and I love how he gave them credit.
Rami can be a bad boy sometimes 😏 
That one time where he pranked Ben Hardy and switched spots with Sami to help him pass a class.
Rami never forgets his older movies that helped get him to where he is now! 
Literally years after doing Night at the Museum, Rami gave credit to acting in Night at the Museum and talked about his experiences with Robin Williams and you can tell he cherishes those moments!
Alongside not forgetting his movies that helped him gain attention, he also literally keeps his older friendships as well! 
The time where he reunited with Ben Stiller during the Amsterdam premiere!!! (also don’t forget the time Gwilym went to the Amsterdam premiere with Rami!)
Rami is so friendly with everyone! 
I love to see how close he is with people and is so affectionate!
He also doesn’t play into stereotypes as well. 
Rami made his stance about never playing a terrorist role ever again and was hesitant to do No Time To Die because he didn’t want to play a stereotypical role. 
Rami is respectful even when some interviewers aren’t (side eyeing that one time with Jimmy Kimmel and another interviewer that made Rami uncomfortable). 
Like the patience Rami has for that kind of stuff is crazy and I salute him for it even though he doesn’t deserve to go through the disrespect. 
He gives the best advice!
Telling people to work hard and do their best!
Sorry if this is so long 😅 this’ll be it for now but I have so much more, I will certainly put down the rest of the list because I have so many! Like you said, we are here for our king! Our moment has arrived!
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sparsilemuses · 1 year
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current test muses for @sparsilelove as of mid-may!
face claims featured: archie renaux, ben barnes, brenton thwaites, charlie hunnam, darren barnet, frank grillo, joshua bassett, marisa tomei, mason gooding, riz ahmed, rudy pankow, sarah michelle gellar, tom hardy.
these are organised roughly by how much i'm itching to play them!! most muses have at minimum a slice of life and a genre (supernatural, sci-fi, horror, etc) verse. the first verse listed is their main / default and any others are alternates / by request.
i am open to all kinds of plots, though as ever my preference is romantic connections! currently only looking to ship with men because i'm too gay to function. the ideas listed are just some starting points.
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kamran mustafa (riz ahmed) is a softhearted, hardheaded man of the people ⇾ slice of life: formerly homeless, now running an unofficial halfway house in the poorest part of a city, he's all about grassroots action and giving everything he's got to those in need ⇾ dystopian future: an important figure in the rebellion against the elitist powers that be, often throwing himself directly into harm's way for the good of others & ideas: friends to lovers with another grungy weirdo, opposites attract with some corporate dbag
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orion kemper (joshua bassett) is a cocky genius with too much money and zero self-restraint ⇾ slice of life: after graduating high school at 14 & college at 18, ri sold an app for a stupid amount of money and has spent the last 4 years dicking around ⇾ supernatural: born werewolf with a permanent sneer at bitten wolves, set to inherit alpha status of his family pack one day (if he doesn't get himself killed first) & ideas: friends to inappropriately cuddle, older men for him to top, someone unimpressed with him
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lysander crawshaw (archie renaux) is jaded, paranoid proof that curiosity killed the cat ⇾ supernatural: still recovering from being possessed by belias, a greater demon, lys struggles with the lines between reality, dream and hallucination ⇾ slice of life: raised in a cult, lys brings with him a truckload of trauma, a sprinkling of self-hatred, and a dollop of dang adorable & ideas: someone who is his anchor to reality, someone with a similar experience, someone he can start over with
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tiberius cooper (rudy pankow) is brash and loud, but in a cornered animal kind of a way ⇾ horror i: the "final girl" of a group of friends (including his twin brother) who were targeted by a serial killer while on vacation, tib sleeps sitting up holding a knife ⇾ horror ii: after his identical twin brother livestreamed a string of violent crimes (think 'spree'), tib has all but become a recluse for his own safety ⇾ slice of life: having never really recovered from the sudden death of his twin brother, tib covers up his debilitating anxiety by being the most obnoxious guy in the room & ideas: someone who knew him before everything (esp. exes of his twin), someone from a support group, some morbid weirdo who is drawn to the darkness in him now
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elliot hawthorne (charlie hunnam) is a soft, sweet nerd who loves to take care of people ⇾ slice of life: a film professor who was recently dumped after five years with his ex, ell's students have been complaining lately that they'd like to watch something other than dardenne brothers movies, thanks & ideas: student or former student, friend who always thought he could do better than his ex, co-worker
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beatrix calhoun (marisa tomei) is a trainwreck in motion, barely keeping up appearances ⇾ celebrity: a well-known musician who has been active since her early twenties, beatrix is still in love with songwriting and touring, leaving no room for anything else ⇾ slice of life: an artist who manages to charm the pants (often literally) off various wealthy / connected people to keep her afloat & ideas: fan, young musician who looks up to her, touring band member, ex who is also in the industry, producer, step-son, kid's friend
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dandelion corrigan (tom hardy) is a cynical witch who believes his family is cursed ⇾ supernatural: an actual witch, with an actual curse, piecing together an existence in the woods making herbal remedies and mild infatuation potions for the locals ⇾ slice of life: an oddball from a pagan-ish family who makes his living selling things from his little farm & making ointmints, certain he'll never be happy & ideas: let's break this curse yo
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ava blake (sarah michelle gellar) is an enigma at best and a nuisance at worst ⇾ espionage: a well-trained assassin / spy, ava has discovered a nefarious plot within her organisation that is no good very bad ⇾ slice of life: a single mom very much inspired by lorelai gilmore, ava runs a cafe / bakery / bookstore called the nook and has no time for your nonsense & ideas: rival spy / double agent, normal guy caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, another single parent
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athanasios wilde (ben barnes) is very, very bored, to the point of insanity ⇾ supernatural: an immortal shapeshifter, ath's lived hundreds of lives in hundreds of bodies ⇾ crime: a significant general in his father's crime family, ath is a particularly unsettling kind of ruthless & ideas: another cursed immortal or someone seeking to become immortal, unsuspecting normie drawn into his bullshit
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peregrine talbot (brenton thwaites) is extremely polite, but probably making fun of you ⇾ supernatural: a fae prince, beholden to the 'seelies can't lie' rule, perry is fascinated by mortals, occasionally living among them ⇾ slice of life: trust fund kid with a scholar's mind, perry is actually nice, as long as you don't interrupt him & ideas: mortal who falls into the fae realm, supernatural creature who needs his help, classmate from college, friend from the wrong side of the tracks
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taliesin rafferty (darren barnet) is me proving trans guys can be fuckboy dbags too ⇾ slice of life: tal vibes are scrolling grindr while he's on a date with you, sneaking out while you're in the shower, pretending to forget your name so you don't get attached & ideas: best friends with feelings, the guy who sees through his bullshit, the guy he chases long enough to fall for
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phoenix dawson (mason gooding) is a genuine, no shit, actual nice guy with no trauma ⇾ slice of life: a dance teacher with a heart of gold, nix believes in random acts of kindness, smiling at strangers, and telling the people you love how much you love them loudly and often & ideas: long term boyfriend / husband for domestic cuteness, trainwreck best friend he's always there to pick up when he falls, guy who bullied him in high school
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edoardo "eddie" mancini (frank grillo) is the typical salt of the earth every man, doing his best to get by ⇾ slice of life: after the tragic death of his wife, eddie is finally forced to confront the secret he's always kept about his sexuality and hopefully figure out some kind of happiness (while his kids [24 - 38] mock him for being uncool) ⇾ any other genre: bewildered mechanic stumbles into supernatural shit / ends up in the apocalypse / some other shit, chaos ensues & ideas: someone from his past he once hooked up with, a friend of one of his kids, please lord let him get picked up at like a farmer's market or some shit, customer who leaves his number, barista who writes flirty messages on his cup, etc
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dcviousintcntions · 4 months
DCVIOUSINTCNTIONS :: Sideblog. Independent, selective, low activity, dash based canon character rp blog heavily featuring smut and mature, dark content. Triggering topics will appear, and few things will be tagged. Discretion advised. MDNI. Must be 21 or older to interact. Personal blogs who interact with RP posts will be blocked (unless I know otherwise that you are a writing partner).
Crafted by Octane, 33, est, they/them, 13+ years rp experience.
Established 05/2024. Blog WIP. Rules via primary for the time being. Follow will come from nooneasgood
Muses below the cut for mobile viewing ease.
Marvel Fandom:
Steve Rogers/Captain America: Bisexual with a lean towards women partners, dominant, top (Glen Powell)
Eddie Brock/Venom: Pansexual, dominant, top (Leo Suter)
Peter Parker/Spiderman: Bisexual, submissive, versatile bottom leaning (Mason Dye)
DC Fandom
Matt Murdock/Daredevil: Pansexual, switch, versatile (Rob Pattinson)
Victor Creed/Sabretooth: Pansexual, dominant, top (Travis Fimmel)
Abraham Whistler: Pansexual, switch, versatile (Richard Armitage
Xarus: Pansexual, dominant, top (Jack O'Connell)
Bobby Drake/Iceman: Bisexual, dominant, top (Tom Holland) -subject to change
Bruce Wayne/Batman: Pansexual, dominant, top (Alexander Skarsgard)
Clark Kent/Superman: Bisexual, dominant, top (Tyler Hoechlin)
Video games (multi fandom)
Pamela/Palmer Islely/Poison Ivy: Pansexual, dominant (Victoria Pedretti/Jacob Elordi)
Jonathan Kent/Superboy: Bisexual, dominant, top (Matt Cornett)
Guy Gardner/Green Lantern: Pansexual, switch, top (Froy Gutierrez)
Thomas Blake/Catman: Pansexual, dominant, top (Travis Van Winkle
Dick Grayson/Nightwing: Pansexual, switch, versatile (Wolfgang Novogratz)
Conor Rk800: Pansexual, switch, versatile (David Corenswet) -Detroit Become Human
Simon "Ghost" Riley: Bisexual, dominant, top (Ben Barnes) - Call of Duty
König: Bisexual, dominant, top (Alan Ritchson) - Call of Duty
Steve Harrington: Bisexual, switch sub leaning, bottom (Joe Keerey)
Jacob Seed: Bisexual, dominant, top (Tom Hardy) - Far Cry
Isaac Clarke: Pansexual, switch, versatile (Sam Worthington) - Dead Space
Ethan Winters: Bisexual, switch, versatile (Luke Mitchell) - Resident Evil
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish: Bisexual, submissive, bottom (?) -Call of Duty
Stranger Things
Jonathan Byers: Bisexual, switch, top (Charlie Heaton)
Eddie Munson: Bisexual, switch, versatile (Joseph Quinn)
Dean Winchester: Bisexual, switch, versatile (Jensen Ackles) -Supernatural
Carl Grimes: Bisexual, switch, top (Dylan Sprayberry) -The Walking Dead
Brandon Breyer/Brightburn: Pansexual, dominant, top (Kit Connor) -Brightburn
Homelander/John: Bisexual, dominant, top (Antony Starr) -The Boys
Ryan Butcher: Pansexual, dominant, top (Danny Griffin) -The Boys
Jason Scott/Red Ranger: Pansexual, switch, top (Jordan Elsass) -Power Rangers
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tennessoui · 1 year
Pls post the song recs! I also need more songs :/
ahhh im unforgivably late since it's been weeks since i asked for new songs/reblogged a post asking for songs my blog reminded them of/obikin songs and here's what i got!!:
Music with your dad by nasty cherry: oh such a vibe, stacy's mom but more scandalous it does give me unrepentant eighteen year old anakin sleeping with (seducing) older, dad of his friend, obi-wan vibes or babysitter obi-wan sneaking behind the kids' back to meet up with dad(dy) anakin
Everybody wants to rule the world by Tears for fears seems like your vibe, kit: knew this song already and i do love it it's so catchy
'tous les garcons et les filles" francoise hardy: this is such a good song and i never would have found it on my own and i have no idea what it means and i don't want to i just like how it sounds
Freaks by surf curse gives major obikin vibes: this person is incredibly right but this gives me major vaderwan vibes, this is like playing in ben kenobi's head right before he falls asleep and these lyrics flash behind vader's eyes as he meditates in bacta
You are the Apple by lady lamb and Being so normal by Peach Pit: these songs!!! currently obsessed with lady lamb because of this song these both are excellent recs thank you anon
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midnightsaboteur · 2 years
BOXED MUSES - January 2023 Update
What are ‘Boxed Muses’ on this blog?
Boxed muses are characters I’ve written in the past who are not currently part of my active, open roster.
They can have this status for several reasons, such as them not having had any active threads in a while, or because I currently lack a writing muse for them.
Hence, they are 'in the box' rather than dropped outright.
What does this mean for characters on the list?
Firstly, I’m always very happy to take any character 'out of the box' at any time if you want to write with them! This applies whether you've written with them before, or if you want a new ship!
These characters are not available generally or publicly for 'open use' but they are available on request.
To this end, I'm also happy to do private threads on Discord with any muse from this list, or do 'one-off' threads with them at any time.
I may reblog inspo/pictures for these boxed muses whilst in the box, and they may come out of the box if I find a strong muse for them again.
The ‘boxed’ muses are:
Colt Adams - 31, heterosexual, mechanic, Austin Butler
Abel Archer - 33, heterosexual, vice detective, Stephen James
Lysander Atwood - 26, bisexual, actor, Nico Greetham
James Bond - 39, heterosexual, 00 agent, Various
Xander Coeman - 28, heterosexual, app developer, Danny Griffin
Georgia Covington - 29, pansexual, lawyer, Florence Pugh
Ramon Delgado - 45, pansexual, private detective, Edgar Ramirez
Silas Fitzgerald - 41, pansexual, cabal leader, Ben Barnes
Troy Hamilton - 35, bisexual, vineyard owner, Drew van Acker
Atticus Harding - 31, pansexual, bartender, Nico Tortorella
Holden James - 43, heterosexual, academic, Dave Annable
Oberon King - 29, pansexual, homicide detective, Will Poulter
Othello King - 39, bisexual, archaeologist, Wilson Bethel
Romeo King - 35, heterosexual, con artist, Aaron Tveit 
Myles Kinnaman - 31, pansexual, tattoo artist, Machine Gun Kelly
Nicholas Langston - 37, heterosexual, politician, Daniel Sharman
Dana Lockridge - 34, bisexual, DEA agent, Phoebe Tonkin
Antony Lockwood - 38, heterosexual, police inspector, Ed Skrein
Callum Macfarlane - 42, heterosexual, British PM, Sam Heughan
Jayson Masters - 29, bisexual, trainer/fighter, Gavin Leatherwood
Domenico Palance - 28, pansexual, Italian mob heir, Cody Christian
Raymond Palance - 52, heterosexual, Italian mob boss, Joe Manganiello
Reggie Prentice - 32, homosexual, escort, Daniel Sharman
Brody Reynolds - 32, bisexual, personal trainer, Zac Efron
Oliver Reynolds - 29, heterosexual, FBI agent, Ben Hardy
Avery Russo - 24, pansexual, busker, Shawn Mendes
Rocky Sheehan - 32, pansexual, pastry chef, Jeremy Allen White
Axel Thiel - 28, homosexual, footballer, Matthew Noszka
Dino Varga - 28, bisexual, footballer, Billy Magnussen
Grey Winstanley - 34, heterosexual, lawyer, Theo James
I also have muses who I’ve previously written and have dropped. Again, this is either due to a combination of not having a writing muse for them and/or no active threads.
If you previously wrote with a muse who doesn’t appear on either my muses page or the boxed list above, and you’d like to write with them again, please let me know, and I’d be happy to bring them back!
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helpersofindie · 2 years
Would you be able to provide some FC suggestions for both older and younger siblings for a Candice Accola FC? Either full siblings or half siblings.
for younger a sister i would go with:
renee rapp (22)
meg donnelly (22)
hunter schafer (23) – please note that hunter is a trans woman!
jessica alexander (23)
sabrina carpenter (23)
kathryn newton (25)
josefine frida pettersen (26)
ulrikke falch (26)
virginia gardner (27)
emily osment (30)
jenny boyd (31)
margot robbie (32)
chloe fineman (34)
for a younger brother, i would go with:
owen patrick joyner (22)
mitchell hoog (23)
logan shroyer (23)
peyton meyer (23)
corey fogelmanis (23)
rudy pankow (24)
colin ford (26)
austin butler (31)
ben hardy (31)
chord overstreet (33)
for an older sister, i would suggest:
emily vancamp (36)
amanda seyfried (36)
carey mulligan (37)
taylor schilling (38)
tara lynn (40)
kristen bell (42)
rosamund pike (43)
reese witherspoon (46)
drew barrymore (47)
for an older brother, i would think about:
chris hemsworth (39)
aaron tveit (39)
hayden christensen (41)
chris evans (41)
charlie hunnam (42)
ryan gosling (42)
travis fimmel (43)
neil patrick harris (49)
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