#old man clint has pretty eyes and glorious hair
avengerscompound · 1 year
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Clint Barton
Old Man Hawkeye (2018)
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hopelessly-me · 3 years
Winterhawk in a haunted house
Hehehehe. Okay so- I didn't know what flavor of haunted house you wanted- like paranormal or jump scare. But I went with paranormal. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Winterhawk, rated T. Mostly silly and goofy but probably contains a swear word or twelve. 1868 words.
“Spooky spooky spooky,” Clint muttered as he climbed the stairs inside the old Victorian house, using his flashlight to check the floor below them, half expecting someone to be standing there ominously. Just the thought of it raised the hairs on the back of his neck.
“Clint,” Bucky said, half annoyed from the sounds of it. “There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
“Yeah, I used to not believe in aliens too,” Clint said as Bucky reached the top floor and looked either way before turning right. “And then I met gods and had an alien try to makeout with me, and then Venom did makeout with me.”
“Not sure those things correlate, doll,” Bucky said gently as he opened a door and peeked into a room. “Oh hey look, it’s you,” Bucky said brightly before he flashed a light into the room, illuminating a few dozen dolls. “You’re my doll, and these are some dead person’s dolls.” Clint glowered at Bucky, not amused. “Come on. Six hours and we can go.”
“I really don’t see why I have to be punished for you losing a bet with Sam,” Clint grumbled, leaving that room and hoping that was the only room with those porcelain abominations in it.
“Yeah, I thought that was implied in the whole ‘til death do us part’ part of our marriage contract,” Bucky replied, closing the door after Clint. “I have to deal with your stupid shit, so you are stuck doing my stupid shit. Forever.”
“Charming. Romantic even. Ten out of ten recommend,” Clint rambled on.
Everything about this house screams demon in the basement. The furniture was old and covered in fabric which was under inches of dust. The shades on the lamps were at least from the fifties, cobwebs in the shades and gleaming off the metallic bases, shimmering in the dim light. The floorboards creaked under even the slightest amount of pressure.
It was spooky and Clint hated spooky. It was right up there with magic, might even be tied for first place. He could handle fake haunted houses- he had done them when he was in the circus, learned how to pickpocket that way even. But places that were rumored to be haunted? Yeah- that’s where Clint threw in the towel.
“Spooky spooky spooky,” Clint whispered as he followed behind Bucky as they toured the house, Bucky holding a camcorder like the old man he was. But was Clint going to comment on it? No. Because that old man was the only thing between him and whatever creature from hell lived in the basement. If push came to shove, Clint was fairly certain he would sacrifice Bucky and take off running. That might result in a divorce but… Clint had been divorced before, right? He could handle being divorced.
“Leave me alone,” Clint sang as he peered into a bathroom. Back in the day, Clint had a feeling this bathroom was glorious- the tub alone was so deep he was pretty sure he could properly soak in it. Now- it was lackluster at best. Clint closed the door and caught a glimpse of Bucky as he went to go back downstairs.
“Why do you believe in ghosts anyway?” Bucky asked as they walked into the kitchen. The kitchen from hell. The murder room. It looked like a murder room.
“Agnes from the circus,” Clint answered.
“She was a con.”
“Oh, she was definitely a con when it came to reading people, but she wasn’t a con when it came to a lot of other things,” Clint answered. “She’s the one who taught me not to whistle in the woods, and to leave weird things found in the woods alone.” Bucky reached to pick something up and Clint slapped his hand. “No.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” Bucky said, turning around, camera coming closer to Clint. “Tell everyone how much fun you are having, sunshine.”
Clint narrowed his eyes. “I would rather drink bleach than stay in here overnight.”
“I mean, yay, look at me, having so much fun,” Clint said in a monotone voice. Bucky rolled his eyes. “Just so we are clear, if Mothman climbs out of the basement, I am shoving you down the stairs and running for it.”
“You know what? If Mothman comes out from that basement, you don’t even have to push me,” Bucky said with far too much confidence for Clint’s taste. “I will gladly stand between you and a Lunar moth.” Bucky turned around and walked. “How about this? Why don’t we talk about something else to get your mind off of whatever Agnes traumatized you with.”
“Yeah, sure- let’s make that attempt,” Clint said.
“Since I am forced to do this as punishment… why don’t we gossip about the others?” Bucky asked. “Like… did you know Sam actually owns more Avengers merch than he admits to?”
“... he what?” Clint asked.
“Yep. I raided his apartment one day when he was gone because I was going to set up a prank and I looked in his closet. He has a Captain America teddy bear,” Bucky said.
“You’re lying.”
“Swear on my mother’s grave,” Bucky said. “He has Cap bear, and a Iron Man figurine.”
For what it was worth, Bucky was very good at distracting Clint from their situation. Clint was into the gossip, whether it was Bucky telling him things or Clint sharing what he knew, careful to skirt over anything about Natasha because he didn’t have a death wish. And when they weren’t gossiping, they were talking about needing to go for a grocery run and needing to buy new pet beds because Lucky had decided the beds were stuffed animals. Which then turned into needing to send Lucky to Kate and America’s for a bit so they could take a vacation. Clint wanted a beach vacation- any excuse to lay under the sun was his favorite thing. Bucky wanted to go tour historical sites, which Clint knew he would cave to because he liked seeing the wonder in Bucky’s eyes when he toured sites he had only heard about or seen on television. Scratch that- he was a sucker for anything that Bucky did. Since when did he become a sap?
They finally settled down and were sitting in the living room, both of them wordlessly agreeing that sitting on the furniture wasn’t an option so they cuddled up in a corner. Bucky had set up a lantern so they could see what was around them, and they used their sleeping bags under their legs to prop them up better. Clint reached over and held Bucky’s hand and fiddled with his wedding ring, smiling as it gleamed. Bucky took care of that ring like he did his arm. He was constantly cleaning it, checking to make sure it was perfect. Clint was currently on replacement ring number three- which averaged to one ring per year so he was taking that as a win.
The conversation fell and Clint snuggled up, resting his head against Bucky’s shoulder. He was exhausted, unable to sleep the night before. Clint went to close his eyes, maybe take a nap, and that’s when he heard it- a creak on the floor above them. He tightened his hold on Bucky’s hand and looked up.
“Its an old house,” Bucky reminded Clint. “And it’s windy out. Creaks are going to happen.”
Clint nodded and settled in again. Bucky was right- houses settled and creaks, and the wind was howling outside occasionally. But then the creak happened again before he heard what sounded like a boot step, followed by another step, and another. And they had toured that house, twice, top to bottom, minus the basement because Clint outright refused, and there was nowhere anyone could have hidden that they wouldn’t have seen. They were trained, for goodness sake- if there was a place to hide, they would have checked it.
The creaking ended at the top of the stairs and Clint and Bucky both leaned over to peer up the stairs. “Someone probably snuck in here and is trying to mess with us. Probably Natasha.”
“Probably my sleep paralysis demon catching up to me,” Clint muttered.
Bucky turned his head to look at Clint. “I understood that reference and I worry about you.” Bucky got up. “I’m going to go check.”
“You’re kidding me, right? I know you have watched horror movies. That never ends well,” Clint insisted.
“I love you but you need to start taking therapy seriously,” Bucky said, grabbing his flashlight and heading towards the stairs.
“As if you are one to talk. How many knives you got on you?” Clint retorted. “Not that you can stab a ghost to death.” Bucky waved him off and stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked up, slowly moving his flashlight to get a better image. Clint half-assed crawled over a few places to take a peek for himself.
“Well, I don’t get to stab a ghost because there is no such thing as-” Bucky began to say before there was a noise from the kitchen. Bucky frowned and turned his flashlight. “... definitely Natasha. She uses windows.”
“Hey! Hey! You can’t just leave me here,” Clint said, scrambling to get us. “Again. Horror movies. Respect the horror movies.” Bucky just waved him off and disappeared into the kitchen. “... dammit.” Clint snatched his flashlight on his way to the kitchen to follow Bucky. “Listen, I know you think it’s dumb but I really think- Buck?”
Bucky was staring at the floor, his head tilted to the side. Clint walked over to him and looked at a knife that was on the floor. Clint’s eyes traveled from the knife over the cabinets, every single one of them open.
“You alright?” Clint asked.
“It… just came flying out,” Bucky said. He reached out and waved his hand around before he picked up the knife, using his flashlight to inspect it. “But there’s no string attached.” Clint leaned over Bucky and looked at the knife as well, frowning.
A noise caught their attention and they both looked over at the basement door. It sounded like someone coming up the stairs, heavy footsteps and creaking boards. Clint slowly started to stand up, ready to run at a moment’s notice.
But just as quickly as all the noises came, everything seemed to stop. Clint hadn’t realized he was gripping onto the back of Bucky’s shirt, slowly letting it go and smoothing it out. Bucky was starting to lose his tension, his muscles starting to relax it seemed.
“So… that was weird,” Bucky commented. “Should we go-”
“You will have to drag my corpse to that basement if you want me to go with you,” Clint said. “I want to go find a corner, I want to take my hearing aids out, and I want to sleep. Or try to sleep.”
Bucky turned and smiled, reaching a hand up to hold Clint’s face. “I promise that if I see Mothman or… whatever… I will wake you up and let you have the headstart.”
Clint smiled a little and leaned down and kissed him. “My hero,” he murmured against Bucky’s lips.
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mrsbarnes107 · 4 years
Secret of the Widow
-part six-
Summary: Post Endgame time period. The team is healing, trying to navigate this new normal they’ve found themselves in when Bucky and Sam bring home a stray with an attitude and a secret. Will the broken team take her in? Or is it too much to bare?
Warnings: language, *eventual* violence and smut, death, fluff, angst
Pairings: Bucky x OC
Disclaimer: this is posted to Wattpad as well and it WILL HAVE PLOT. I’m a Bucky hoe so there will be smut and romancy stuff but this is a series, so plot plot plot.
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Forty-five minutes later I walk out of my still steaming bathroom. I wish I could thank Tony for the never ending hot water and place to live, it's a nice change in routine.
I wish I could thank him for a lot of things.
I give myself a little shake. No sappy moments, not right now.
With a lighter step, I throw on some baggy sweatpants and a tank top, leaving my hair to air dry. I'm pretty sure a good first impression was thrown out the window already anyways.
With a final nod in the mirror, I leave the sanctuary of my room and give myself to the wolves.
As I enter the kitchen, the smell of cheeseburgers and salty fries hits me. I'm almost certain I let out a tiny moan, but I'm going to deny it if asked.
"Hey Ali, grab some food and come sit by me sweetie." Wanda yelled from the table, not even glancing at me, unlike the rest of the group.
Banner still seems reserved, like he doesn't know how he's suppose to respond to the news of my existence. Clint on the other hand looks like he has something to talk about, sad curiosity all over his features.
Having not eaten in the last two days, I'm positive I could inhale more of these beautiful beef buns than even Barnes can, who is currently sitting with three burger on his plate and a mountain of fries. Okay well maybe not him, but Wilson for sure. The mans pretty scrawny.
After getting my food, I plop down in the seat between Wanda and Bucky, immediately tearing into my food. Etiquette be damned.
"So where's Petey? He and I have some unfinished business." I'm pretty sure I just heard Barnes try to cover a small chuckle with a cough. I should probably not talk with my mouth full, at least not during my first ever meal with the team.... whoops.
"He's attending MIT, following Tony's footsteps apparently, so he went off somewhere to study his big book of boring." Wilson didn't even bat an eye while answering.
The room settled in silence for a few minutes. It was not a comfortable one at all.
With a loud sigh I set my wonderful, heavenly, beautiful burger down. "Okay. Spit it out. This silence is strangling me and I'm trying to enjoy this God sent meal in peace."
Sam chuckled quietly, wiping his mouth free from the mustard smeared everywhere. "Okay tiny Tony calm down."
That's the second time today I've been compared to Tony. Each time my heart breaks a little. It's nice though, having a part of him so apparent in me that they see it despite meeting me less than five hours ago.
"So you and Stark were close, obviously, Nat is your mom, still weird, and you know Barnes pretty well by the looks of it."
I pop a few fries in my mouth before answering. Mmm fried potatoes doused in salt is a glorious creation. "All of that is very true baby bird."
Barnes hides a smile as Sam glares very unthreateningly across the table at me. My fry hits him right in the nose.
This time Clint joins Bucky in choking down a laugh.
"So how well do you know Barnes here hm? You were eighteen when you met? I wonder-"
Bucky tensed up, jaw ticking away. Wanda just pursed her lips and kept quiet.
I set my hand on his metal arm. "Stand down Sarge, birdys just trying to wind you up." Bucky relaxes, nerves still on edge and eyes throwing daggers at the bird man.
I look to Sam with a raised brow. "I'm a lady Samuel, we don't kiss and tell. Did you have anything productive to ask before you got all pissy?"
He sighed in annoyance, eyes showing slight amusement. "I still want to know how you got those cuffs on us, they have no key or biometric identification. Did you see me enter the code?"
I let out a soft laugh and turned to Wanda. "You should've seen their faces, it was a beautiful sight." With a glance back at Sam I shove another bite of my burger into my mouth, talking around the food. "I worked with Stark for years dude. I have access to, and can override, anything in this building. He gave me full clearance before I could drive."
"But he never let you up here? Even when we were out on a mission?" This time it was Banner who spoke up.
With a small smile I shrugged. "We didn't want to chance me running into any of you, especially after Petey joined. He worked in the lab with me a bit and it made Tony a little wary. Plus Nat worried about Sarge here seeing me."
Buckys head snapped to me, not expecting to be brought into the conversation. "She knew I had no memories though, why would meeting me worry her enough to ban you from the upper levels?"
Our eyes locked for a few seconds before I turned away, glancing at him as I breeze past the question. "Conversation for another time Buck.... so who made dinner? Well complements to the chef Clint, this is some juicy meat."
Dinner continued with light laughter, and small talk. The group introducing themselves and trying to welcome me into the tight knit squad. The atmosphere was kind, but I could see the change caused by the loss of their friends. A year later and the wounds are still barely even scar tissue.
I remember the times I'd be working in the lab and get bored, eventually deciding that the Avengers would be my own little reality show to pass the time. They use to be so care free, at least as much as they could be, laughter filling the halls and pranks pulled on one another. Now it's random bursts of joy until the silence relapses for a bit.
Maybe I can do some good here. At least bring a little more light into the tower, make the darkness fade a little.
Wanda and I decided to have a movie night in the living room while the guys did whatever guys do. She chose some romcom, which we inevitably verbally assaulted as the cheesy plot continued.
"So, Ali, besides Fury is there anyone else in your life?"
"Nah, there's been a few dates, but having to lie about who you are makes things difficult. Although, so does my choice in work and the fact that I'm very rarely interested in anyone enough to put in the effort." I gave her a shrug and just rolled my eyes, keeping the conversation light.
"I'm curious on the team dynamic. Tony and Steve were like the divorced parents that told everyone what to do, is it just a 'go with the flow' situation now?"
Thankfully this made her chuckle. "Apparently this family of ours can't function without parents that hate each other. Bucky and Sam are the exact same way, they've taken the mantle up themselves. But honestly we're still learning our strengths and how we fit without the old pieces."
I gave her a nod, forehead creased while I tried to picture the teams strengths and weaknesses cohesively fitting together.
It wasn't until midnight when we decided to get some sleep, setting plans to go shopping after lunch the next day.
The bed was more comfortable than anything I've ever had the absolute pleasure of laying upon, but I still couldn't pass the hell out.
I just grunted in very extreme annoyance, despite this being a normal occurrence, and rolled out of bed.
After a quick stop to the kitchen to make some tea, I made my way to Tony's lab.
It looked just as it did the last time I was here, seven years ago Thanos time I suppose.
Walking around the large space, knowing that Tony won't be strutting in yelling about his genius breakthrough after his twelfth coffee of the morning, or having him standing over my shoulder as he teaches me the new mechanics of his suit, well it's surreal.
The room doesn't even feel like him anymore. This lab was once a place that brought me a sense of comfort and home, a place where his laugh encompassed the very life of the room, where his sarcasm bounced of the walls in never ending jabs. Now it is just cold and empty. The joy it once held long gone.
I sit in the floor, leaned against his work table. Now realizing that tears are running down my cheeks, a quiet remembrance to a man I cared for like a father.
I don't bother to wipe the tears away, it'd feel like denying him this moment, I just sigh and rest my head against his chair. "Oh Tony, you self sacrificing idiot.. I miss you. So much. I can't believe you left me alone with Nicky, that was just cruel you know. You both did."
With a shiver I set the empty mug beside me, bringing my legs up to curl my arms around.
"Why did you always have to be so hell bent on sacrificing yourself? Everytime this world called, it was always YOU risking it all, YOU flying into a space portal, YOU getting so much hate and blame from the team, even SHIELD, all the time. I just-" a chocked sob surprises me as I realize this is the first time I've talked to him, really talked, in six years.
"You had everything T, a wife, a baby, me and Petey. And they asked you to give it all up, yet this world barely gives you the recognition you deserve. Steve walks out and just leaves, after so much death, so much that needs cleaned up, he makes the most selfish decision i have ever seen, and yet is grieved more than you are. He walked out on his best friend, left the team already broken, and had the audacity to think he was owed that selfishness. A man who gave up everything and asked for nothing in return, overshadowed by the man who had nothing and was handed everything." I let out an angry little chuckle.
"This world is so backwards and cruel. Now I'm left in it alone. What am I suppose to do T? This place, these people, there's no light here anymore. And I just- it's just- it's so hard Tony. My parents are gone and I'm alone and I miss you so much. Being here breaks my heart. Every second I'm within these walls, knowing I'll never hear your laugh, your encouragement or sassy remarks, never walk in to AC/DC blasting while your passed out at your table. Every second I'm here hurts T. I just- I miss you so much dad and I'll never get to tell you how much I love you."
If I hadn't had my eyes closed, or been in the middle of an impressive mental breakdown, I might have heard the footsteps approaching long ago. But my tears brought sleep to me quickly and everything went black.
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sgt-morgan · 4 years
Lucky Kentucky ch. 2
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Chapter 1
Hello there, welcome back to my Rockstar!Bucky x Reader fic. It was heavily inspired by my love of seventies mega rockstars, Almost Famous, Classic Rock, and a little bit of personal whimsy. I hope you enjoy, and read responsibly.
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ : cussing, sexy times, drugs, booze, smoking, objectification, fornication, liberation, and a litany of other sordid topics and traumas.
“HEY! NOBODY FUCKING MOVE!” To say that the last thing you needed was a missing rockstar, was a drastic understatement, and a testament to your unending will.
“Where in the good sweet name of Jesus is that dick head?” You fumed stomping towards the rest of the band.
“Your guess is as good as ours sweetheart, we got nothing. No phone calls, no texts, no nothing.” Shrugged Steve Rodgers, guitarist and all around good guy. “If I knew that all the time, I think I’d be a millionaire.”
You sighed and looked around you at the fleet of your busses and equipment trucks, and you could have sworn that you were ready to kill that asshole with your bare hands. “Well hot stuff? He better show up quickly, or so help me God he will be sleeping in a tour bus with the newest, dweebiest, roadies I can find. Do you know how bad new roadie busses smell? He will if he dosent get his ass here by the time the last piece of your stage equipment is packed.”
“I think you should land his ass there anyway, to give him time to think about what he’s done.” Sam shrugs, Clint vehemently nodding his support as he wrangles one of his two delightful children. “I think his punsishmet should fit his crimes personally.”
“Oh yeah! I think that’s a great idea! Or, he could stay with Laura and I on our bus, I’m sure the whining infant won’t keep him up all night, He’s gonna love it!” Clint nods, “We have a rule, no booze, broads, or bud around the kids! He’ll dry out quick!”
“No Clint, no worries at all. He won’t sleep or get laid on the roadie bus,” you laugh, “he’ll be surrounded by filth, and endless questions, and gawking. He won’t get the back room either, I’ll give him a bunk. Frankie will be on his bus, that way he never gets away with anything. No escape artists on my watch!” You wink, plucking his oldest, Cooper off his back and wrestling him into a head lock.
“Oof, devious as always.” Natasha laughs nodding and throwing her arm around you. “I remember when I got on your bad side, wasn’t worth the never ending week of publicity with no coffee. That was the strictest ban I’ve ever dealt with for sure.”
“Someone start calling his ass.” You laugh pulling away from Tasha and waking towards Peter to get a rundown on the status of loading up.
“Oh captain, my captain!” Peter saluted, about nine or ten roadies following in his lead while the rest just stood gawking as if they had never seen a woman before. “We are about twenty minutes from setting sail, I have my men sorted into busses and vans, Frankies bus has one extra bed open as per request, and, as our lady of perpetual mystery might be interested to hear, we have a new crew of over eager security team members stocked to the brim on Frankies bus, even worse than the roadies. Is everything ship shape?”
“At ease Parker,” you giggle, shoving him out of his stiff rehearsed stance, “indeed we are ship shape, now if only our little diva Jr. would show face, we could be on our way.” Just as you were finishing that sentence, a car pulled up, and out stumbled the man of the hour, James Barnes.
James Buchanan Barnes was drunk. Inibriated, intoxicated, off his ass, pissed, blitzed, sloshed, ranked, hammered, wrecked, out for the count, drunk. He stumbles out of the Uber, bottle in hand, but at least he was dressed. He stumbled over to the rest of the group, he had a duffel bag, wether it was packed with anything useful is up in the air, you’d make sure you’d get your hands on it and ensure that it had what he needed. Wanda could take care of filling in the gaps. You have now decided that there is no escape from Frankie for him. You’d have to put someone on the bus. You don’t know who yet, but someone. Maybe Quill? Whoever it was, needed to get along with Sam and Steve. Thor, he would work nicely. You’d see to it that Frankie had him moved. Now there was the Liquor problem. This was a decision every road manager has to dread. As any good rockstar could tell you, you have to be stone sober or completely fucked to perform a good show, you just had to decide what would or wouldn’t ruin the band... or him. So, sober it was. No use dragging it on any longer.
Any man alive knew that sound was trouble. No woman used the full Government name if you were in good standings. That was just facts. However, drunk thoughts beget sober truths and the truth is, that was incredibly sexy. When he turned hands raised in surrender whiskey bottle and duffle abandoned he was greeted to the glorious sight of her. Kentucky, dressed in leggings and a ripped up old band tee that he could faintly register belonged to Led Zepplin. Her hair piled up on her head shining in the sunlight her curves begging to be expl-
Well, that will sober you up quick.
“Hey dickhead, so glad you could make it!” Sam, not looking too thrilled despite his statement of glad tidings gave him a smile he could only describe as cat catching canary. “I think Lucky needs to see you. Loose the doe eyes, it’s getting creepy.”
“Yeah buddy, I can catch on pretty quick.” He fumbled for what to say, and settled on “Bluegrass, doll, you look stunning this fine morning. Care for a swig of Kentucky’s finest?” He slurred, She sauntered up to him and he could swear he felt the magic, until she snatched the bottle and promptly tipped it out onto the ground. “Hey, woah! Easy there Kentucky, that was a bottle of Kentucky’s finest! that was a bottle of Eagle Rare!”
“No James, your looking at Kentucky’s finest, and you should know that I’m better than all the barrels in Frankfort. Buffalo Trace has nothing on me. Now, since you came in all washed up and wandering right smack dab before the deadline, I’m gonna be merciful, but the next time you pull this shit? Theres a bunk in Frankies bus with the minors that has your name on it. Are we clear? Brooklyn?” She had the empty bottle in her fist, her other arm draped under her breasts and she was jabbing him in the chest. He had never been more frightened and turned on in his entire life.
“Reading you loud and clear KY, I got the message.” He nodded backing away slightly.
“Good!” She smiled turning into an entirely different woman. One with sunshine and laughter in her soul, her perverbial horns retracting. She snatched his sunglasses right off of his aching eyes, and placed them on her face. Low blow, but not entirely unexpected. “Now that the princess is here, load up and let’s roll! First pit stop is in Vegas, so we got a lot of ground to cover!” She stuffed his empty bottle and his duffle back into his hands, and headed for her bus, he just caught the conversation as the Barton family began to load up watching her go by.
“Yes, Lila?” Clint said helping his little girl put her little pink hello kitty duffle under the bus.
“Is Uncle Bucky in trouble?” She asked innocently looking back at Bucky, who gave her a little wave.
Clint turned to face him, chucking as he met his gaze, “Oh yeah honey, lots and lots of it.”
You loaded yourself onto the administrative bus, plopping yourself into the little booth right at the front near the head bus driver, Phil Colson.
“Hello Phil!” You smiled, opening your laptop and checking on your hotel reservation. The kind bus driver smiled and started up the bus. Next on we’re your bunk mates, Wanda, Vision, Bruce, and Peter. That left two bunks open for Tony and Pepper for when they joined you on the occasion.
“Well, I can proudly announce that Barnes’ military training has not gone to waste, even sloppy drunk he knows how to pack his essentials!” Wanda’s beautiful soothing voice waltzes its way into your ears as she and Vision loaded themselves onto the bus. “He’s got his tooth brush and everything! It’s a miracle!”
You nodded at that eyes still focused on checking your route’s traffic and totaling how much it would cost you for a late check in if nessicary. “Good, he can be a functioning adult when he wants to be!”
“The widows are settled onto their bus, everyone’s got what they need. Carol said she could do with some more angry Lucky, she missed you apparently” Bruce sighed plopping down next to you silently checking over your figures.
“I’ve got everything packed so that it should only take the lighting crew and I two hours to shore up, which puts my productivity up by 30%” Vision shrugged putting his arm back around his beautiful wife.
“And I can move heavy things and take good photos. Also, I fixed that stage piece you were worried about and it is no longer does the rocky thingy.” Peter grinned giving you finger guns.
“Ugh, I love the sound of efficiency!” You sigh, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear as you throw your stuff in the bunk closest to the shower. “Thank you all for agreeing to take this on with me, I wanted you because you’re my A-team, and I knew that I couldn’t do this without you... plus I knew it would look fantastic on your resumes.” The crew in your bus gave a here here for that statement.
“So, Barnes. How do you plan to tackle that battle?” Peter said plopping down on top of Wanda and Vision as if they were just two decorative pillows. “He’s gotta strong will and a heady brooding nature, rough shit I tell yah.”
“Not to mention the fact that he’s incredibly handsome,” Wanda said pushing Peter to the floor, “We know you’re a pushover for that type!”
“Well lady and gentlemen, I plan to kick his ass into shape. Good looks and broody behavior be damned!” You huff.
“I may point out, that is not exactly a plan darling.” Vision says sympathetically patting you on the head as he carries his and Wanda’s things to the back of the bus.
“Well Viz, darling I am well aware of that. I have a plan. He’s gonna have to sober up. This behavior isn’t normal for him, his band mates and Tony have made that clear, he’s on the string for some girl that couldn’t have given less of a shit about him, so he’s all fucked in the head. MY job, is going to be reminding him he’s a goddamn rock star, who doesn’t need a bitch like that to make him happy!” You gesticulate as you unpack the supplies you’d need for a shower. “Then, all should be well with the world again, and I can go back to managing tours that don’t make me want to kill myself.”
“Say Stevie, that uh, that Kentucky sure is one tough dame right?” Bucky say’s as he charges shirts, “gotta lot of spunk?”
“Yeah Buck, she’s a real hot head when she wants to be, but she’s fantastic at this. I’ve not seen a better organized tour in my life!” He hears his best friend laugh from the front.
“Not to mention,” Sam started from his position on the couch, “she’s one hot mama, veeeeeery fine. You can tell she knows it too. I wonder if she likes dark chocolate, I think I should find out.”
Bucky felt anger deep in his gut at Sam’s teasing, but for the life of him he can’t figure out why. He dosent need another relationship, hell, dosent want one. That only leads to broken hearts and empty bottles... broken hearts and empty bottles... a little cliche but he could make it work. He’d write it down later. Right now, his sole purpose was intel. Gathering as much info on Kentucky as he could.
“Gotta make sure she’s not already tied up Sammy boy!” He laughed, “besides, I think she likes Seargents.” He winked.
“Well if it’s information on the lady Kentucky you want, I’ve got you covered.” The big braun-y security guy Thor chuckled, “she’s single as it comes, bad break up with some hot douche bag in some other band. Wasn’t pretty that breakup, I tell yah. Frankie and I had to beat the guys face in to get him off her door step, she started road managing in order to get away from him, being constantly on the move made her a moving target, it worked better that way.”
“Sheesh, any ideas on that band name? I’d hate to bump into them sometime.” Bucky shook his head, “she sounds like a tough lady.”
“Oh she is,” Thor chuckled, “got some rough and tumble to her, she’s good at what she does. Hydra? I think that’s the name at least.”
“Sheesh,” Steve muttered, “She messes around with hard hitters huh? Hydra is huge on the pop punk charts, they’re not topping out on the hot 100 or anything, but they pull a decent crowd for sure.”
“Yeah, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard stories about them being absolute dicks either,” said Sam, “poor thing. I hate that for her.”
“She’s a good lady, really, she’s always so kind, goes out of her way to learn names and remember important dates, never afraid to pitch in where she’s needed. You guys are lucky to have her for this tour.” Thor nods, putting his things away and laying down in his bunk.
“Yeah, very lucky.” Bucky nods, daydreaming about a woman he just met. This was gonna be a long tour.
Their first stop was in Nevada. Los Vegas, baby. The first show of the tour was at the colosseum at Ceaser’s palace. This meant discounted hotel rooms, larger merch sales, and quite a bit of press was involved, but you were ready to take on the challenge. You arrived in Los Vegas around 6am, all of the bands stumbling off their respective busses and making their way towards the resteraunts in the hotel. You and Bruce headed off to snag hotel keys, and settle the bands into place. Wanda, Vis, and Peter, headed with the rest of the crew and the equipment trucks to the Venue for set up.
“Alright Bruce, you get the Widows settled in their rooms, I’ll take care of the boys. Tell the girls their press is at 10 and their rehearsal will be at noon, they are to be at the venue no later than 9:15. They will arrive and go straight to Wanda, who has outfit options, and makeup. They have a lunch break at 2:00, and they need to be at the venue by 5:00 for their sound check at 5:30, curtain is at 7:30.” You rattled off handing Bruce back stage passes and a few printed copies of tonight’s schedule. “I’ll meet you outside in twenty to send the busses to the venue.” Bruce gave you a tiny salute and you wandered off to find the Commandos. You found them sitting in a resteraunt, a waiter bringing them their drinks. You noticed Bucky had a screwdriver, now that just wouldn’t do. You snatched the glass from him right as the waiter was about to put it in his hand, slamming it back in one go.
“Woohoo! Good morning Kentucky!” Clint laughed clapping with Steve and Sam, who were pointing at a dumb struck Bucky.
“Damn, sugar! I didn’t know you had it in you this early!” Sam laughed.
“We,” you said gesturing between Bucky and yourself, “will take water and a coffee.” You said to the waiter with a wink. “Good morning boys! We’re in for a good one today! Starting off at the colosseum is a great first gig! Now I hate to be a downer, but unfortunately, I gotta lay down the law. This tour will have a no show day drinking policy. Zero tolerance, breaking this rule leads to a prohibition to the breakers caffeine supply, and lands you in a bunk in Frankies bus with the newbies. The only exceptions are exactly one pre show shot and or beer for last minute jitters, or a celebratory toast. Any other hard day drinking will lead to repricutions. Rule number two, I run a right ship, I do not appreciate tardiness. I went easy on you the first day, but here on in, if you are late by more than ten minutes, I will assume you’re dead and send the cops to come find you. Very loud, very messy, and definitely will make the news. So, do I make myself clear?” You looked around and met their gazes everyone seemed to be okay with these rules, except Bucky.
“What the hell lucky? Am I some kinda child or something? No drinking? No tardiness? Am I a high schooler? Jesus, you gotta pair on you if you think that I, a grown ass man would ev-“ your food came about five words into his little tirade, and as soon as the waiter left your food, you shoved a roll in Bucky’s mouth.
“Stuff it Brooklyn, we wouldn’t fuckin NEED these rules if you could get your ass together for five minutes to see what you’re doing! Your drunkenness has made you sloppy, you’re late on your due dates, your waisting Tony’s time and money on your pouty bullshit, and your friends are worried about you. So yes, we’re gonna have rules, they will have consequences, and I’ll beat your ass myself if you show the inability to get it together!” You rant jabbing your finger into his chest to get your point across. “Now, eat your waffles, here’s your schedules, and if you are not showered and decently dressed at the colosseum by 10 am sharp, so help me God I’ll call the cops.” With that you gathered your coffe and your purse and stalked away. Handing Steve they’re schedules, passes, and hotel keys as you went. It was gonna be a long night, you could feel it.
“Did anyone else find that extremely sexy?” Sam asked, and by god Bucky couldn’t help it, he nodded in agreement.
Steve and Bucky followed eachother up to their floor of the hotel, crew, secrity, and bands took up the entire fifth floor. Later tonight, when everyone actually got to unload after the show, It would be a real party, people leaving their doors open, coolers of beer, goods and services being exchanged, instruments and duffle bags and food being passed from room to room, it was Bucky’s personal favorite part of the evening.
Right now, it was sad and empty. So, he showered, and he went to sleep. At approximately 10:15 am, Bucky was rudely awakened by a pounding on his door. He looked at the time and he jumped to his feet so fast he almost broke his neck tripping on his sheets. Kentucky was gonna kill him. He just hoped to God whoever was outside his door didn’t drag him out of the hotel in handcuffs.
“Ok Bucky, time to shine!” He muttered to himself and threw open the door. Outside was quite possibly the largest man he’s ever seen, and he was no pipsqueak himself, he towered over bucky by at least a foot, and his biceps were roughly the size of his head. “Hello there, seeing as you’re not in a police uniform, you must be Frankie.” The big man grunted his assent. “Ok then, may we g-“
“Listen here pretty boy, I don’t care if your famous, you hurt Kentucky? I hurt you. Understood?” His voice felt like a blast of attic wind. It made Bucky shiver. Where was this coming from? How would he hurt Kentucky, it’s not like she would ever date him, he couldn’t even get a woman to Mary him, let alone bag an absolute catch like Lucky.
“Yes sir, won’t happen again.” Bucky saluted like he was still in the service then realized what he was doing and always my scratched his head. “Can we?” He pointed at the door, hoping against all odds to escape this absolute shit show of a conversation.
“By the way kid? You’re lucky she didn’t send the cops.”
At the colosseum, Y/N was pracitcaply putting a hole in the rug of their dressing rooms, while the various other band mates who bothered to show up on time, sat there bored out of their minds.
“I’m gonna kill him,” you muttered, biting at your bottom lip.
“No your not mama,” Natasha laughed from the couch, “You think he’s sexy, you don’t burn fine art.”
“Dammit, you’re right.” You sighed throwing your hands in the air and plopping dow on top of her and Peggy who were sitting next to eachother looking at dress designs Wanda sent them for SNL next month.
“I like the black one Nat, the red detailing is classy and fun.” You mutter, Peggy nods in agreement.
“I like Wanda’s idea of us all having black dresses with different colors, we could do it 1950’s style and put our hair up? I think it would look really cool. Fits the vibe of our song choice.” Peggy says casually flipping through the designs.
“Carol and I respectfully request to wear suits if that’s ok?” MJ pipes up, “I think two and two will look cool.” She shrugs, I’ll do the regular hair and makeup though.”
“Can I get a broad brim mobster hat?” Carol asks popping up from her place on the floor beside MJ’s chair.
“Yes, I like this idea. SNL will like it too I bet.” Wanda nodded. “If they let Megan and Billie do what they want, I’m guessing your performance will be just as accepted. That and it can be in black and white. Rami Malik is also the perfect host for that. I’ll pitch it to their team.”
“How about you boys, any ideas? You’re the week after.” Wanda said looking towards the Comandos who had already made it.
“I like the Jailhouse rock Idea! I think we sh-” Just then, Frankie walked in holding James by the collar.
“Put him down Frankie,” you sigh “he’s an ass, but we need him.” After Frankie let him go, he brushed himself off and grinned at you sheepishly. “You better have a damn good explanation for this.” You grind out.
“Over slept?”
“Im gonna kill him”
All in all, the show went off without a hitch, the bands both sailed through their songs beautifully, and earned themselves an encore. However, on the last encore of the night, Bucky made things a little more interesting.
“This last one, goes out for a little special someone!” When he said that, you could swear he winked at you.
“Hey hey mama said the way you move” when he held out that move? You could feel your soul shake. He was going it slow, taking the opening slow to really get the crowd worked up. It was like he was expressly trying to lock eyes with you, seat his irises into your soul. “Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove.” Then when the first two lines were done and they kicked into tempo, you remembered where you were, what you were doing, and you let the song echo behind you, as you went to help Wanda pack up the dressing room.
What was that look? What game was he playing at? He couldn’t want to mess around with you, you were a nobody. He was James Barnes, lead singer of one of the biggest bands of the decade, he had no interest in you. You were a road manager, a stick in the mud, a hard headed know it all. He dosent know a thing about you and dosent want you. You were just getting caught up in the music right?
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finleyjayne · 5 years
You Should Care
Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
1000 Follower Celebration for @justkending​! Happy Birthday~ Thank you for being so welcoming to me. Also, like really hope this doesn’t disappoint.
Text Prompt: “Yeah, go write me a 1000 page essay on it, and maybe I’ll care.”
Warnings: swearing, mild angst.
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Summary: You have had enough of Steve overlooking your advice when it comes to reconstruction after his many exploits with the Avengers because you are his girlfriend. So you come up with a plan, and, with Pepper Potts help, you are going to put a solution into place. Hopefully, you can convince him that you know what you’re doing.
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There was a definite divide between Captain and Steve in your relationship. It was always there, and usually, there wasn't a problem. It's important to compartmentalize when it comes to personal and work matters, but sometimes... sometimes, you just wish that he would see you as more than just his girlfriend.
Honestly, you have credentials that shouldn't be taken for granted. You had worked in war zones as a medic and relief co-ordinator. This made it increasingly difficult to accept that your sweet and caring Steve wouldn't listen to you when you brought his attention to the increasing disregard for the citizens the Avengers try to protect.
Sometimes his tactics take no consideration to the refugees that will be displaced. People who never ask for the battles to be fought near their homes. They never wanted to be there. They want to live their lives, go to work, go home, spend time with friends. Captain, doesn't see that. He sees an objective and one way to get it done. Determined to do the right thing, even if it leaves the people there worse for wear.
The last time you brought it to his attention, there was nothing that could convince him that there needed to be something to help out after. Nothing that could keep him from doing what he could to take down the HYDRA base, screw the consequences. Even when it meant destroying one of the only schools in the area. He dared to have the gall to say, "well, I know that they need the help, but I don't know how you expect us to do anymore. There isn't anything that you can expect from us."
 You couldn't take it anymore. If Captain America wouldn't change his tactics, you would change yours. After all, he did make a good point, there is only so much a single, lone soldier can do.
So here you are, walking up the front steps of Stark Enterprises to talk to not only Captain Rogers but also his team and CEO Virginia "Pepper" Potts. Taking a deep breath to force yourself to focus, you walk through the doors to start going through the heavy security of the tower. Finally, using the clearance that Steve had you get so that you could come to see him if, read when, he gets injured.
Now though, he doesn't know you're coming,  you are on my own personal mission, and he will NOT be stopping you. He will not ignore you this time. There will be no shutting you out. You are going to make sure that no more innocent people will take the brunt of the Avengers' crime-fighting. There needs to be some type of clean up crew that comes in after the fact to give these people the medical, emotional, and technological help to reconstruct the people's lives after they are hit as collateral damage.
You already know what half of them are going to say. The outlook is bright in this going in your favor, but honestly, there are no reasonable excuses. They may save the world but, if they aren't careful, they may end up breaking it in the process. People are going to start revolting against their help. You want to prevent that, and this plan is just one step in that direction. They do good, but they need to be a little better at managing collateral damage. You know for a fact that the PR department of Stark tech has been up their asses about it. It's one of the main things Steve complains about after his rarely-talked-about missions.
Sighing, you walk into the elevator. "Hello, Future Mrs. Rogers, I take it you are here to see Mr. Rogers?"
"No, Jarvis, I am actually here for my meeting with Ms. Potts and the Team," you state, rolling my eyes at Tony's inability to call me my name, even through his AI. "Will you take me to floor 39? And don't let Captain Rogers know I am here, please."
"No problem, Miss. I will envoke Ice Out Capcicle Protocol 7."
Head held high, you give a slight nod. No time to dwell on the fact that Tony programmed a protocol to keep someone from running into Steve at the moment. You don't even know if you want to know why it needed to be coded.
Stepping off the elevator, you are met by the glorious visage that is Pepper Potts. From her perfectly-quaffed hair to the stylish yet functional clothing, her appearance practically screams I have authority, do as I say.
You give her a timid smile, "Ms. Potts, Thank you for seeing me today. I hope this meeting goes as well as you lead me to believe it would."
"{Y/N}, as I've told you before, call me Pepper. I read your proposal, and honestly, I have been looking for a fix to this problem ever since Tony came out with his alias as Iron Man. It's as if you could read my mind. Now, all we have to do is make the team aware."
Your smile grew more genuine, "Well then, we still have a whole battle in front of us. God only knows what the Captain will think when he knows that I've been working on this. He can be such an old man sometimes."
"Well, even if he complains, he knows full well that this is what you have been trained to do. That's more than he can say about his own beginning." Pepper says with a mischievous smirk.
"Well, let's get this battle underway, why don't we?" you answer, already looking forward to this presentation being over.
Going into the meeting room, you take your place at the head of the table, setting your briefcase down. "Jarvis, can you bring up the folder ARF onto the Holoscreen?"
"Of course, Miss." Was the prompt reply. Soon following, a set of photos, pie charts, graphs, and other little snippets projecting into the air above the table. "The team will be arriving in the next five minutes, along with Director Fury. Would you like anything else in the meantime?"
"Thank you, Jarvis. I don't think I need anything else." You say.
"Jarvis, is Tony's lab still on lockdown from this morning?" Pepper asked from her seat to the right. Her eyes still scanning over something on her StarkPad.
"Yes, Ms. Potts, he is on his way."
"Good." Right as she responds, the majority of the team comes in taking their preferred seats around the table. Their faces show a mix of curiosity, suspicion, and confusion at seeing me there.
Steeling my nerves as best you can, you stand going through the photos and graphs, ordering them for later reference and shrinking them so that they are out of the way until you need them. Chatter fills the room as their conversations continue. With a faint smile, you look up to watch Steve and Tony walk into the room, followed by a cantankerous Director Fury.
With one look, Steve smirks. "Hi, honey, I didn't expect you to visit today."
You smile, "Yeah, I have a meeting for that new project I've been working on." His eyes flash with confusion as he opens his mouth. Before he can speak, you cut him off, "Welcome, General Ross, it's good that you could make it. Now that everyone is here, we can start." Hopefully, Steve didn't ruin this.  
"Thank you for having me, Ms. Potts said that you had a solution to some of our concerns?" His brow scrunches in concern as he folds his arms over his chest.
"Indeed, she has. {Y/N} has been a lifesaver with a new project that Stark Industries is undertaking to proactively increase the security of the world's opinions on the Avengers. It will also help with reconstruction after world catastrophes like the Invasion of New York, should something like that happen again." Pepper explains, "Not to mention, it will be a big help to the Avengers PR team."
You give Pepper a thankful smile before turning to start the meeting only to have my mouth filled with Tony's voice.
"Wait? Roger's Housewife is the Humanitarian Aide-specialist you've been talking to and raving about for the past month? Really?" Tony barks as you smirk, finding his eyes shine with intrigue as he looks you over.
"Tony, your misogyny is showing," Natasha probes with an eye-roll.
"But she..."
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Mr. Stark. Anyway, as Ms. Potts was saying, I've noticed a negative trend, and I want to help." Flicking your hand, you shower the table with images of towns, both before and after Avengers' battles have taken place near, or in them. "The Avengers do essential work, but every time there is a battle or an operation, many innocent people are harmed or injured. People that don't have anything to do with the conflict. Some of those people will never be able to save themselves from the devastation that has been rained down around them. Between the buildings that have been crushed, the people who are injured, and the emotional and mental trauma that comes from not being safe in your own home, full economies have collapsed. As of right now, there is nothing in place to clean up after the Avengers take down whatever big bad comes out of the shadows."
Looking around, you see the director is following along with a skeptical look, Natasha is smirking like she already knew what you were going to say and approved. Clint is wholly zoned out; upon further inspection, you see his hearing aids on the table. Tony is glaring, probably thinking about his own solutions to the problem, while Rhodey is smiling in encouragement. Skimming over the rest, your eyes catch Steve's glower. Notably pissed at you for bringing this up in a more formal environment.
"That is where I come in. As some of you know, I used to be a wartime medic, and as Mr. Stark has previously stated, I am now a certified Humanitarian Aide Specialist. It used to be my job to take care of the people displaced by wars like those in the Middle East. In my time there, I have been able to help many people by rebuilding their little pieces of the world. I have put together a team of Medics, Contractors, Therapists, Teachers, Farmers, and others to go in after the Avengers to play clean up. To make it so that we don't cause more harm than good. To keep us as the good guys in people's eyes."
After you were done speaking, the room was silent. You met their eyes, keeping your breath even as you waited to be interrupted. After a few beats, you realized that they were all intently listening, even Steve looked like he was listening intently to your compromise.
You have to swallow the lump in your throat before speaking, "The first response team consists of Trauma Specialists with field medic experience lead by myself. Along with a crew of Hotshots and Firefighters. The secondary response depends on what is needed, all focusing on rebuilding affected infrastructures and betterment within the economies of these countries. They will be working with the respective governments to help not only restore but also improve upon what was lost. I recruited them from many places. Most of them are personal contacts from my time overseas and locally. All of them are cleared by both Jarvis' background check and SHEILD's screening. I don't know if this is going to work, but I cannot stand aside and let you devastate the lives of any more innocent people without at least trying to help."
 Taking a deep breath, you look up into their faces. Their expressions were a mixed bag of emotions. Pepper was smiling at me encouragingly as the rest of the Avengers' faces seemed very accepting of this proposal, Rhodey, Natasha, and Tony looked the most impressed. Steve was glowering at a graph set hovering by his seat, trying to figure out exactly how bad he should feel for ignoring your expertise. Fury was the only one who seemed unsold on the benefits of this situation.
"And why exactly should I be interested in this, Ms. {Y/L/N}. From what you've said so far, none of this concerns SHIELD or the work that they do.
"Well sir, although they are an independent organization, they do tend to reflect on the world's view of America-"
"- I am a very busy man and don't have time for this. Write me a 1000 page essay on it, and maybe I'll care." Fury interrupted.
"One step ahead of you. Here is my thesis on defense by building infrastructure. A 1,297 word debrief on why you should give this your stamp of approval and help. And finally, A contract with stark enterprises to co-operate and co-fund ARF or the Avenger Relief Foundation. Already gone over by Agent Hill, all you have to do is sign it." You calmly reply, sliding him a folder of the stated documents on top of a bound copy of your thesis.
Fury glowers at you through his one healthy eye. "Well, I see you've done the leg work. I'll give it a once over and be back with you." He grumbles, grabbing the folder and leaving the thesis. "I don't have time for that." He calls over his shoulder on his way out the door.
"Well, whether or not fury gives his okay on this project, Stark Industries has already started preparations to pick up and implement the ideas you've presented to us, {Y/N}." Pepper states. "I look forward to working with you and can't wait to see your successes."
With that, everyone nodded, giving their congratulations and well wishes. Leaving just you and Steve, who is still enraptured in the data you had put together.
Unwilling to start this conversation, you walk around the conference table to pick up the thesis.
"I owe you an apology, {Y/N}," Steve stated.
You look at him through your lashes at the corner of your eye. "What exactly for, Captain?" you ask, busying yourself with your briefcase as he stood there looking apologetically at you.
"You were right, I just didn't want to listen. I didn't want you to be right because it would mean that for the last couple of years, I've been ignoring the people I've vowed to protect." He says, going back to looking at the images still being projected over the space. "I am sorry that I didn't listen to you when you told me that there were ways to change. I still don't really like the idea of you putting yourself into more danger, but I can see why we need this.  I am proud of you for following your heart." Steve says, looking at you, earnestness filling his blue eyes.
"You did save them from the big bad, and sometimes it's harder to admit we are wrong than we would like it to be. I forgive you, but next time I say something, at least try to be open. I may act like your typical 50's Housewife, but I can assure you I will kick your ass. We are a team, I am here to help you, just as much as you are here for me." You tell him as you come over to him, brushing your arm down his arm sweetly.
" How did I get to be such a lucky man?" He asks, giving you a dopey grin.
"You didn't do anything. You are just Steve. Now that I know you aren't going to skin me alive for fighting this battle, do you wanna go out to lunch?" You blush, picking up your briefcase.
"Whatever you want, sugar. I gotta show the world how beautiful and smart my best girl is. I mean, she is going to save the world, one village at a time." Steve says, wrapping you in his giant arms.
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is-it-madness · 5 years
My Glorious Purpose | Loki x OC Chapter 1
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A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to my very first fanfic that I’ve finally had the guts to post on tumblr. I do have it on other sites, but was too nervous to post it here. After some convincing from the lovely @wowjeena​, I decided to post it here. This is a story about Loki and my OC. I really hope you all enjoy it! Any feedback is greatly appreciated! If you would like me to tag you, send me an ask or message me. I will gladly do so!
Pairing: Loki x OC  (Tera Digitalis)
Word Count: 1704
Warnings: None in this chapter :)
Chapter 1: Conference Room
(Tera’s POV)
I run through the helicarrier, not believing what Natasha told me. A Norse god? Here? At S.H.I.E.L.D? She said there was a small scuffle in Stuttgart. 
Yeah right, I think to myself as I continue my path down to the cell they are keeping him. There is no such thing as a small scuffle when a super soldier and Tony Stark team up to take him down. Natasha didn’t tell me his name, but that may be because I ran out of the room to see him for myself.
I reach the door that had the cells on the other side. I try to open the door, but it’s locked and I don’t have a key card. One of the perks of being an intern, I huff internally, frustrated at my inability to enter. 
“Something wrong?”
I spin around, coming face-to-face with Natasha. She gives me a smirk when I sigh. 
“I wanna see the ‘Norse god’ you were talking about,” I tell her, putting air quotes around Norse god because I still haven’t seen him.
“Come with me, Fury’s having a chat with him right now. We can watch from the bridge.”
“Okay,” I tell her.
We walk through the set of doors to find Dr. Banner and Captain Rogers already watching the scene unfold.
“Dr. Banner, I’d like you to meet one of our interns here at S.H.I.E.L.D.”
I stick my hand out, “Nice to meet you Doctor.”
He hesitates slightly before taking my hand in a firm shake.
Our attention is brought back to the screen by the sound of the wind screaming.
“Thirty thousand feet straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?” Fury tells a man with dark black hair, who was imprisoned in the cage.
He pushes a button and closes the floor. He gestures first to the man.
 “Ant.” He then points towards the panel, “Boot.”
“It’s an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me.”
This is the first time I hear him speak. He speaks with formality and an air of superiority. His accent is almost British, but there’s something else to it that made it seem more sophisticated.
“Built for something a lot stronger than you,” Fury shoots back.
“Oh I’ve heard,” the man says, turning to look at the camera, directly at us, as if he knew we are watching. Dr. Banner gives Natasha a look. He must have known that S.H.I.E.L.D. would take precautions.
“A mindless beast‒ makes play he’s still a man.”
I suddenly notice that a tall, blond, and extremely muscular man is in the room with us and is not watching but listening intently.
“How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?” the black-haired man mocks.
Fury takes several steps closer to the cage, “How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war, you steal a force you can’t hope to control, you talk about peace and you kill ’cause it’s fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did.”
“Ooh. It burns you to have come so close, to have the Tesseract, to have power—unlimited power—and for what?” the prisoner asks. He looks back at the camera, towards us, and with a smile he says, “A warm light for all mankind to share?”
He turns back to face Fury, “And then to be reminded what real power is.”
Fury just smirks back at him, unshaken. “Well, let me know if ’real power’ wants a magazine or something,” he says before taking his leave.
The monitors go black.
 Captain Rogers looks up at us from where he sits, watching.
“He really grows on you doesn’t he?” Dr. Banner asks dryly.
“Loki’s gonna drag this out. So, Thor, what’s his play?” Captain Rogers asks, turning to the muscle man standing beside me.
“Wait. Thor? As in the Thor? Like son of Odin, the god of thunder, wielder of Mjolnir? And your adopted brother, Loki? That’s who we have? You’re that Thor?” I ask, incredulous. 
He looks at me, with an eyebrow raised. “Yes mortal child, that is I whom you speak of. How do you know so much of me? We have only just met.”
Embarrassed by my outburst, I simply mumble, “I read a lot. Also I’m not a child.”
I make note of Natasha smirking at me from the corner of my eye, as Thor smiles at me before turning back to the Captain.
“He has an army called the Chitauri. They’re not of Asgard, nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.”
Agent Maria Hill joins us in the conference room. She stands behind Thor, quietly listening.
“An army, from outer space?” Steve says in disbelief.
Dr. Banner fiddles with his glasses, “So, he’s building another portal. That’s what he needs Erik Selvig for.”
“Selvig?” Thor repeats.
“He’s an astrophysicist,” the doctor explains.
“He’s a friend,” Thor responds. 
Natasha looks up and speaks for the first time since the screens went dark. “Loki has them under some kind of spell - along with one of ours.”
I can hear the hurt in her voice, she and Clint had a special bond, they were extremely close.
“I wanna know why Loki let us take him. He’s not leading an army from here,” Steve says turning to Dr. Banner.
“I don’t think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy’s brain is a bag full of cats, you can smell crazy on him,” Banner jokes.
Thor takes a step closer to the table, “Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard, and he is my brother.”
Natasha gave Thor a look. “He killed eighty people in two days.”
“He’s... adopted.” Thor falters, blaming Loki’s action on his adoption. I roll my eyes.
Banner speaks up, “I think it’s about the mechanics. Iridium, what do they need the Iridium for?”
We hear a voice answer back from the hall, coming closer.
“It’s a stabilizing agent.”
It’s Tony Stark, walking beside Agent Coulson. He whispers something to Coulson about keeping love alive. I raise an eyebrow, but don’t say anything. Coulson smiles before heading off in another direction. Tony starts walking towards Thor.
“Means the portal won’t collapse on itself like it did at S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Tony explains, with a wave of his hand. “No hard feelings Point Break, you got a mean swing,” he says patting Thor’s biceps with the back of his hand. 
Thor gives him a look of death, but Tony doesn’t see it as he heads towards the control panels. Agent Hill rolls her eyes as Tony walks past her.
Tony continues without missing a beat, “Also, means the portal can open as wide and stay open as long as Loki wants.”
Tony turns to face the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, “Ah, raise the mizzen mast, ship the topsails.”
They all turn to look at him, with confusion plastered all over their faces. I can’t help but laugh.
Tony suddenly points out excitedly. “That man is playing Galaga! Thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.” 
We all look towards the man Tony had pointed out, and sure enough, he is playing Galaga.
Tony walks towards the command area of the ship, where Fury usually stands.
He covers an eye. “How does Fury even see these?”
“He turns.” Agent Hill responds simply, with her arms crossed.
“Sounds exhausting.”
Tony starts messing around with the screen. Pushing things, moving them aside.
“Is he even allowed to touch that?” I ask Nat.
She just shrugs and rolls her eyes.
“The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. Only major component he still needs is a power source of high energy density. Something to kick-start the Cube.” Tony says.
Agent Hill interrupts him. “When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?”
“Last night.” responds Tony, with attitude.
Hill looks at him, confused.
“The packet, Selvig’s notes, the extraction theory papers, ” Tony elaborates. “Am I the only one who did the reading?” he asks with his arm open. “And why is there a kid here?” he asks, pointing at me.
I give him a tight smile. Why does everyone think I’m a kid? “I’m actually an intern here, Mr. Stark. Agent Romanoff is my mentor.”
“Intern, huh? How old are you? 15? 16?”
“Nineteen, actually. Sir.” I add, not wanting to be rude, because Mr. Stark is a genius and you don’t want a genius against you. They can come up with some cruel, creative ways to get revenge. 
Steve speaks up, “Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?”
Banner responds, still playing with his glasses, “He’d have to heat the Cube to a hundred and twenty million kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier.”
I start to zone out. I have no idea what they were saying, and besides, this isn’t the field I’m planning on going in to.
I snap out of my daydream when Director Fury enters the room.
With his eye on Tony, he tells him, “Doctor Banner is only here to track the Cube. I was hoping you might join him.” 
Steve interjects, “I’d start with that stick of his. It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.” 
“I don’t know about that, but it is powered by the Cube. And I like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
“Monkeys?” Thor asks, “I do not understand‒”
“I do!” Steve interjects, excited.
We all turn to look at him, while Tony rolls his eyes. I feel a smile forming on my lips.
“I understood that reference,” he continues.
I think he’s happy to find something in this world that he actually understands.
Tony breaks the silence. He turns to Dr. Banner. “Shall we play, Doctor?”
“This way, sir.” He answers and they walk out. 
Part 2
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wildefire · 5 years
Gotta Be Prepared
This is for @teamcap4bucky‘s 2K challenge. I was cleaning out my docs and saw this, and had an immediate reaction of “COME ON MAN” because I was supposed to have posed this 80 million years ago.
Steve Rogers x (Female)reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mention of minor injury and alcohol, swearing.
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Life being an Avenger was… interesting. You fought, you seduced, you fought some more, and a majority of the time you loved what you did. You were just a normal human, but you did think of yourself as a little above standard… which is why, currently, you’re running a training op with SHIELD trainees. In the woods. You know, just the normal stuff. 
Wrong. You were up against a team that was mixed with the Avengers, and trainees. Of course, you weren’t quite against having mostly enhanced people coming after you. Except, you were you; cocky, secure, confidant, and most of all, you really wanted to win. 
Each Avenger had their own squad of trainees that they coached and helped out- which was quite beneficial to both parties, because trainees were well-versed in some things that some of the avengers couldn’t do. (SHIELD trainees could, and would run kill missions for SHIELD against HYDRA or AIM members, or run a capture of someone too high-profile for the Avengers to go after, with the whole sokovia accords thing. The Avengers couldn’t operate in Berlin, but SHIELD agents could because, you know, the whole “dead” organization thing. Most were operating under some form of intelligence committee, namely agencies like INTERPOL and the CIA- sometimes the NSA.)
The woods really are pretty in springtime. Especially in upstate New York, where there's a different vibe to everything. More calm, less chaos. Sadly, you didn’t have time to climb the Oaks, or look at the pretty flowers. You only had time to quietly tell your teammates orders, and observe your surroundings. 
“Alright guys. So, this is the plan. Run like hell. Bucky and Steve are fast as fuck, and they also know how to move suddenly, so zig-zagging won’t work. The main goal is to outsmart them. Do whatever you can to get them to not come after you, but, please don’t let them catch you. If one of you goes down, I don’t get the chance at the spa day, and neither do you. Who you really want to watch out for, though, is Natasha. She’s silent, and, as you all know, deadly. If you see her, you best be sprinting as fast as you can. Don’t hide, it doesn’t go well. Clint can see a mile away, but if you make it difficult for him, he may give up, but it’s not likely. If you see him, he can see you. If you can’t see him… well, he may be able to see you. Stay in groups of two. If one goes down, the other does too. I’ll be with y’all. Now, be free!”
At that, your team runs off in their partners. You decided that you’d have fun, and climb a tree and be Tarzan for a minute. Once you’d gotten to the strong branches, you stood up, get your balance, and began to run. You jumped from tree to tree, branches whipping your face and leaves getting caught in your hair, but you didn’t care. You loved it. As you jumped to the ground, you heard your earpiece crackle.
“Y/n, what do you do if your teammate sprained their ankle?”
“You do exactly what you’re doing right now. Where are you?”
“A clearing with three oaks and a patch of lavender. I think we’re near a creek?”
“I know where you are. I’ll be there in two minutes tops.”
You looked around, making sure that nobody was near you. They weren’t. You ran forwards, and took a left, jumping over a fallen log and rolling under another. You stood up, and froze- you thought that you’d heard a voice that most certainly not your teammates. Better get there fast, you thought. You continued running, and took a few more jumps and bounds, over small canyons, or dips in the ground. You burst into the clearing, and saw your teammates. 
“Ryan, Quincy, are you both sure that you weren’t followed,” you asked in a whisper. Both looked at you with wide eyes, and then at each other. Newbies, they didn’t know. You sighed, and motioned for Quincy to hold out her ankle. It was sprained, pretty badly. You took out an ace bandage from her backpack, as well as some aspirin. You wrapped her ankle, and made her take the painkillers. It’d help with the soreness a little later, and with the pain now. You hoisted her up, and brought her to a log. 
“I’m gonna have to call Rhodey, so he can take you to the infirmary. I’ll take up being Ryan’s partner, and you don’t have to worry, you won’t be punished. You guys are new, and this means that you can learn from it, and be stronger.” You took out a walkie-talkie, and spoke into it. 
“Rhodey, I need a lift out for one of my teammates, she sprained her ankle, and can’t participate in the game.”
“I’ll be there in five, can you put a tracker out so I know exactly where she is?”
“Already out. See you after, Rhodey.” “See you after. Good luck, Y/n.”
You turned off the walkie-talkie, and put it back into Quincy’s bag. “So long, dearie. You’ll be right as rain once you’ve been put into the machine.”
Her expression was between scared and confused. You looked at Ryan, and jerked your head to the right, and began to run. You could hear him swear, and hightail it after you. Your earpiece crackle again, and this time it was FRIDAY, letting you know the point of which you would be winning at. You stopped, and so did Ryan. 
“We’re going to go to that tree on the left, and then we’re gonna have to Tarzan it for a second, if we wanna be in the clear of Barnes and Rogers. They typically guard the first Mile around the checkpoint.”
“Tarzan it?”
“We’re going to be running around in the trees, as well as jumping from tree from tree. I know that you have telekinesis. That is useful, and this is a good test to your ability to multitask.”
He nods, and you leap up into the tree, aided by a telekinetic boost. The both of you begin to run, Ryan following your directions. You begin to slow, and Ryan stops your movement, and keeps you steady on the branch. 
“Ok, so game plan. We’re gonna get out of the trees, and we’re gonna make a break for it. If one of the two soldiers show up, run as fucking fast as you can.”
“Got it.”
The both of you ran, and it was glorious for the time that lasted. Soon you saw a giant blonde man running for you, and you swore. 
You shouted at Ryan “GO, GO, GO,” and kicked your speed up to a full-out sprint. He went left, and you went right, both in a dead sprint. You could see the checkpoint ahead, and Ryan did too. Neither of you let up with your speed, and you dove forwards. So did he, and you both made it. 
“Holy shit, I just outran a supersoldier! Y/n, I just outran a supersoldier!”
“Congratulations, Ryan! That’s a feat that not many accomplish,” you said. “Our team has won! Now we don’t have to do 3 am’s for the next week! And, I get a spa day too, which is pretty awesome.” You looked at Steve, who was just… standing there. 
“There was a prize for us?”
“Yep. We just didn’t tell you, because we wanted it to be fueled by the need to win, not for a proposed outcome other than winning.”
“Makes sense, I think.” At that moment, Steve turned his head, and sprinted in the direction of which he’d come. You noted this wearily, and so did Ryan.
“Yeah, I don’t get it either. I’m driven on a reward-based system. Do this workout, eat some cookies. Deadlift this weight, get my hair dyed, that sort of thing.”
“I’m not sure what my drive is, to be honest.”
“That's fine! You’re still young. I think. How old are you?”
“Yeah! You’re still young! You have time. For now, just follow your gut, and, of course, your orders.”
You could hear the undergrowth crunching and twigs snapping as people ran towards the two of you, hoping for security and safety. You wished them the best, but you knew that your team had already won. You grinned as you saw Bucky barreling towards them, running faster that anyone (except for Steve) could. You saw that it wasn’t anyone from your team, and had no qualms about them getting tagged. Just as Barnes was about to grab them, one of them crashed, head over heels. Game over. You smirked, left the circle, and offered your hand. “Do you need Advil? That looked like a rough fall.” The trainee grabbed your hand, and pulled herself up. “I’d love Advil. Maybe a margarita too.”
“Ha! I think that can be arranged.” 
“Advil, please.”
“I got you. Take off your bag.” She took it off, and sat down on the ground. You took out her water bottle and the pills, and handed them to her. “Sometimes my ability to foresee this type of thing comes in handy, right?” She nods as she swallows, and then there's an awkward silence. Oh, forget this, this is NOT it. You get up, look around, and sigh. 
“I don’t think that anyone is going to get here soon, so I’m gonna bounce. I know that y’all are probably pretty tired, but I’m antsy as fuck-” Lie “-so, I’ll see y’all later. Toodles.”
You walk away from the trio, and begin the trek (three minute walk) back to the compound, and you take out your phone for scientific purposes (to scroll through instagram) as you walk. You get so engrossed that you don’t hear the pounding feet and crunching leaves, which signal the incoming (typical) supersoldier. You only know that someone is behind you when you get tackled, and go tumbling towards the ground. As you “hit” the ground, you realize that someone had thought that you were still playing. You just weren’t sure yet. You suddenly realize that you’re laying on a rather muscled chest, and you realize that you’ve been there for a hot minute. You roll off of their chest, and look. Steve. 
“Did you just try to kill me? ‘Cause you’re doing a fantastic job of almost doing so. The blonde oaf just stands up, smiles, and hugs you. 
“No, I just wanted to say hi to my best girl without an audience.” You sigh, and melt into him, relishing in just how good of a pillow he is. He releases you, and you look up at him, to see him smiling down at you, with those brilliant eyes of his. You smile back, and reach up to give him a quick peck on the cheek, but he turns at the last minute and you end up kissing him on the lips. It was short and sweet, which was just how you liked it. 
“I love you babe.”
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mojofun · 4 years
Good morning people 😊
I was watching Hellboy a few days ago and I was suddenly by this groundbreaking realisation: Bucky and Red are very similar (though the cigar, attitude and some other characteristics may be more in tune with Tony’s, but humour me)
So, naturally, my mind started galloping way too fast... And this was the result.
I’m finally on vacay🤞 so I’m going to start writing some stories, and reading too 😊
Have you watched Hellboy? If you haven't this will be a little confusing, but it still makes sense! I love that movie, what do you think?
The OC featured is a character I created called Rebecca Longford (actually that’s not her real name, but that’s another story I’ve been working on for a while. It’s a little long though so tell me if you’d like to read it)
Anyway, here is the story. I hope you enjoy 😊
Warnings: there may be a few mentions of smut but nothing actually happens
How I love to do this (Bucky Barnes x OC)
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That morning, in the Tower, all the Avengers awoke rather early, because of a glorious smell that wafted through the air: cinnamon, honey, peanut butter, chocolate, tea, coffee, sugar, bacon, maple syrup, orange juice...
When the team reached the kitchen, they found Rebecca, the newest addition, smiling at them, dolloping a stack of pancakes with golden brown liquid
<<Hi folks. Good morning. I made you breakfast>>
Everyone stared at her with a gaping mouth
<<Bec, this is a feast>> Sam exhaled.
She giggled
<<Let's break the fast with the feast, shall we?>>
Thor picked her up and spun her around
<<You do know the way to a man's heart, Rebecca>>
She laughed and patted his back, signalling for him to put her down
<<The only thing I'm interested in right now is food making its way to my stomach. Thanks though, Thor>>
Thus speaking, they sat around the table, followed by the other members of the team.
None of them noticed the glare in Bucky's eyes as he looked at them.
Except for Steve.
The blond looked at his friend with concern
<<Why are you upset?>>
The brown-haired man furrowed
<<I'm not>>
<<Yes you are. Why?>>
Bucky looked away
<<I don't know what you're talking about...>>
Steve huffed and turned around, slightly annoyed, while Bucky looked in the direction of where Rebecca was sitting, next to Thor.
In the meantime, Rebecca was eating a doughnut. Tony saw it and reached for the box to get one for himself, but he was sorely disappointed when he found it empty
<<What the hell? Longford?>>
The new girl cocked an eyebrow, looking at him
<<What do you want?>>
<<Did you eat all the donuts?>>
<<Nope; that would be Thor>>
In fact, just beside her, the blond giant was munching happily on a blueberry-glazed treat.
Tony sighed and slumped in his chair, his eyes fixed on Rebecca's donut
<<Oh, alright. Can I have a bite?>>
She smirked
<<Come here>>
That was unexpected for the genius, who happily stood up and approached her, even if a bit suspicious. When he was near enough, she tried to bite him.
He instantly shuffled away
<<What the hell?>>
<<You wanted a bite>>
He narrowed his eyes at her while all the others, even Steve, laughed
<<I'm tired of your antics, Longford>>
<<It's called karma, Stark>> Clint commented <<You do the exact same thing to us>>
In the meantime, Bucky was still staring at Rebecca, and his friend noticed it.
Suddenly, Steve turned back toward him, smirking
<<You like her!>> He whisper-yelled, so only Bucky heard him.
Said man just stared at his best friend with wide eyes
<<No I don't>>
<<Yes you do>>
<<No, I don't>>
<<Yes, you do>>
<<Do not!>>
<<Do too>>
Bucky sighed
<<What makes you say that?>>
The blond grinned
<<You've been clenching your fists a lot, and you keep looking at her. She caught your interest, didn't she?>>
Bucky face-palmed
<<You know me well, punk. Maybe too well>>
Steve cackled
<<Of course, jerk. Anyway, I don't think she's into Thor that way>>
<<How would you know?>>
<<I... Well, you've always been the best with girls, right?>>
<<I'm not that guy anymore>>
Smiling, Steve patted him on the shoulder
<<Yes you are. You're still that Bucky, I don't care what you say>>
That comment made the other man smile too
<<Thanks Steve>>
<<You're welcome, buddy. However, you better put your suaveness on because I'll be watching you>>
They laughed together
<<Alright, dad>>
At some point, unnoticed by the two super soldiers, the young girl had made her way toward them. She gently tapped the brown-haired one on the shoulder; when he turned around, she presented him with a donut and a shy smile
<<You said this is your favourite flavour, so I saved it for you>>
He beamed
<<Thank you Bec>>
<<You're welcome, Buck>>
A few giggles escaped their lips, but they died down pretty soon as the two stared at each other.
Rebecca had joined the team not even two months earlier, and they had been dancing around each other for a while.
Bucky thought that her curly red locks were amazing, and her green eyes shone like emeralds; her smile made his stomach flip, and having her next to him made him happier.
For her part, Rebecca absolutely adored his hair, and his smile made her insides tingle and her cheeks blush red like ripe cherries.
Unfortunately, Tony ruined the moment
<<Hey! Why does he get a donut and I don't?>>
Rebecca rolled her eyes and handed Bucky the sweet, walking back to her seat
<<Shut up, Stark>>
<<You two are so cute; why don't you get a room?>>
Bucky suddenly became very interested in the plums laid out before him, while the redhead smirked at the billionaire and retorted <<Tony, if you want to watch porn just go on the internet, like you always do>>
<<Ha! That means you do it and don't want to get caught>>
She sighed
<<You're just upset that you have to use your hands>>
Everyone hooted with laughter; everyone but Tony, who grinned deviously
<<Do you know what he likes about his metal arm? That it never gets tired!>>
Bucky glared at him, but she giggled and retaliated
<<So that's why you built the suit. Geez, I didn't know you were so geriatric already>>
The billionaire froze, suddenly unable to find a comeback, while the
laughter increased
<<Now, enough with this. Let's eat>>
They all agreed and munched on what she had prepared. Still, from time to time, Bucky's eyes wandered over to her, and when they met hers, he would suddenly look away, red in the face.
When breakfast was done and they were putting things away, Bucky subtly approached Rebecca
<<That was... Awesome. Thank you for defending me>>
<<Anytime king Balor>>
He raised an eyebrow in confusion; she gave him an explanation
<<He's a character from "Hellboy">>
<<And what does he have to do with me?>>
<<He has a prosthetic arm>>
Giggling to disguise her blush, Rebecca leaned in to whisper something to him
<<Maybe... Maybe later we can watch it together?>>
Bucky did a double-take. The two of them, alone, watching a movie? Yes ma'am
<<Of course>>
She was beaming, just like him.
<<What are you going to do on this fine morning?>> Sam asked, ready to join Steve on his jog
<<Bucky and I are going to watch a movie>>
<<Oh, really now?>> He grinned cheekily.
The girl turned to glare at Sam <<You little tramp, show some respect or I shall whack you!>> She stated with the strongest British accent they ever heard.
They always made fun of her accent
<<I'm sorry, Your Majesty>>
<<Good. Now, I'm going to steal the grandpa>>
That said, she took Bucky by his left arm and dragged him away.
Tony chuckled <<I would say young love, but he is a century old, so... Just love>>
<<Stark, stop messing with them>>
<<I was merely pointing out they like each other, Spangles>>
<<He's right, Steve>> Natasha said.
Tony brought a hand to his chest <<Romanoff agrees with me; what a day>>
The redhead rolled her eyes <<I'm going to the training room; anyone wants to join me?>>
Sam, Wanda, Vision and Clint went with her, while Tony and Bruce retreated to the lab and Thor went to find some more poptarts.
<<What do you like so much about him?>>
Bucky asked when the credits rolled. He was curious, and a little bit jealous: Rebecca had been going on and on about the guy for a long time.
She cackled <<Well... He's very sure of himself, doesn't take crap from anyone, is very brave and strong... He's just awesome>>
Bucky furrowed his brow in thought <<He is a man out of time, he has an arm made of some strange, indestructible material, has long hair and keeps it in a bun, has a less cocky friend who's all blue...>>
Suddenly, he stopped talking: realisation had finally dawned upon him. In fact, the things he said did not describe only the main character of the movie, but himself too.
Rebecca smiled sweetly and scooted closer to him on the couch, cupping his cheeks with her hands
<<He is feared by everyone because they think he is a freak. But I don't think he is a monster, oh no; he's a strong, kind and amazing man. He's just misunderstood>>
They stared into each other's eyes for a quite a while, lost in the moment, unawarely but slowly leaning in. Finally, they kissed.
Automatically, their eyes closed and they wrapped their arms around each other, happy to be finally experiencing what they'd been craving for a while now.
Bucky's fingers wove themselves in her hair, while hers gripped his shoulders, pulling him even closer.
It was absolutely amazing.
That is, until the moment was ruined.
The two pulled way to find the entire team crowded in the doorway, some were smirking (Sam and Tony), some were feeling out of place (Bruce and Steve, even if he was happy for his friend) and some were not quite sure what was going on, so they just cheered along with everyone (Thor). Someone else was rolling their eyes at Tony's antics (Natasha)
<<Get some, Frosty! Get some, Becky!>>
The young woman smirked mischievously
<<I already have>>
Her words brought bursts of laughter, while the billionaire grinned right back
<<I knew you were getting it on>>
She huffed and leaned against Bucky <<You're lucky I'm too happy to be mad>>
<<About damn time!>> Sam exploded
<<Clint, pay up>>
<<Aw, man!>> The archer complained, handing Natasha a 20 dollar bill.
Rebecca laughed
<<Happy to be useful, Nat>>
The other redhead chuckled <<Thank you>>
<<Sam, you too>>
Rebecca laughed <<You owe Nat money, because you lost a bet; I'm assuming it is a conspicuous amount, considering how you have been avoiding her gaze for the past five minutes>>
He sighed <<Shut up, Sherlock>>
She grinned widely <<Oh, how I love to do this>>
Bucky pulled her closer
<<Only that?>>
Cackling, she pulled him closer <<This too>> and she kissed him.
Perhaps the rest of the team bickering over lost and won bets was not the most romantic background (not to mention Thor still eating Poptarts in the corner), but they really did not give a damn.
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naferty · 6 years
It was a close vote! Thank you, everyone, for helping me decide! For Halloween, here is Peter’s first Halloween for the Stroganoff au!
“Who’s the cutest little pumpkin that I have ever seen? Is it you? Is it?”
Peter blinked up at him with a gummy smile and legs kicking, making Tony’s heart melt.
“That’s right, it’s you! Yes, it is,” Tony cooed, unable to help himself. His pup was inside a pumpkin costume. The black spots making up the carved eyes and mouth on his fluffed middle and a mushroom cap on his head with a green stem sticking out on top. Perhaps Tony was being biased, but no one could deny his kid was the cutest tyke around. Whoever said otherwise can fight him on it.
And today he was going to show the world.
Peter’s first Halloween, and by default, his first ever little holiday. Tony had been looking forward to this, having picked out his pup’s costume the moment stores began stocking their shelves with candy and illegal amounts of orange. Steve might have thought him silly for it but the alpha was just as guilty as he was, planning the day down to the T weeks prior.
Leave it to Steve to make sure everything was absolutely safe for his mate and child on this night where ghosts and spooks and really inappropriate firefighters wander the streets freely.
“How are my favorite vampire and pumpkin doing?”
Speak of the alpha. Steve was standing by the doorway with his tattered costume dangling on his person and wolf ears sticking up on the top of his head. On his hands were fur-covered gloves and on the ripped patches of the costume fake fur was sprouting. The fond smile the alpha was giving them was made ridiculous with the sharp canines peeking through his lips.
Tony grinned to reveal his own. “They’re doing great and are ready to get this going.”
“Buck and Nat are ready and waiting and Happy just arrived. I’ll grab the bag and meet you at the door.”
Tony turned back to Peter. “You hear that? Uncle Bucky and aunt Nat are here. Let’s go see them.” Through his excited wiggling, Tony managed to lift his pup up and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before heading to the front door.
Standing near it he found Bucky and Nat waiting. The pair was wearing matching ballerina costumes that appeared straight out of the Russian Nutcracker with a little dash of Halloween. Bones were painted over the limbs of the fabric and Tony barked out a laugh when he noticed them both sporting dark makeup around their eyes, making them look like raccoons.
“Bucky do your makeup for you?” He asked her. He’d seen it before and wouldn’t be surprised if she fell victim to it as well.
She shrugged with a smirk. “I figured if we do a matching costume I better go all out. He doesn’t have a career in makeup, but at least he’s consistent.”
“Yeah, he has the raccoon eyes down. No doubt I’ll go to him if I’m ever in the mood for shadow eyes.”
“He’s also right here and can hear you both just fine,” Bucky said with a wave. “Hand over my nephew. At least he doesn’t judge me.”
“Not yet anyway,” Tony obliged, carefully passing Peter over and preening when both alphas ‘aww’ at the image Peter created. Work well done if he said so himself.
“You ready for your first Halloween, Pete? Going to steal all the hearts around?” Bucky bounced the pup a little.
“Pretty sure you’re not going to get him back at the end of the night,” Natasha commented as she made faces at the pup, who gave her his adorable gummy smile and wiggled his arms against Bucky’s chest.  
Steve chose that moment to appear. The baby bag hanging on his shoulder. “We better damn well get him back at the end of the night. Heads will roll if not.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re head alpha. Intimidate and glare and growl. No one is taking him away, you punk,” Bucky was first out the door, followed closely by the rest. As stated, Happy was waiting for them, but surprisingly so was Jarvis. The elderly alpha had on his classic suit but for the festive spirit, he also wore a witch hat as well.
Tony had not been expecting to see the alpha for that night. “I thought you were going to spend the evening handing candy out to the kids.”
“I had planned to, yes,” Jarvis nodded, “but Master Rogers asked me here to help.”
“I also asked if you could stop calling me ‘Master Rogers’ but you continue to be stubborn about it.” Jarvis hadn’t even attempted to appear innocent, making Steve snort. “I thought maybe it’d be nice to have him help when Peter gets tired. Have fun with friends with no worries and Jarvis gets to spend time with the pup.”
“Which I will happily do so.”
“If you’re sure, Jarvis. I don’t want to ruin your night.” Tony hated being a nuisance to his old caregiver, especially when his old bones weren’t what they used to be.
“Nonsense.” The elderly alpha opened the door of the black limo for them, successfully taking half of Happy’s job for the night. Not one to be outdone, Happy offered the infant car seat to them as Tony and Natasha were first to pile in.
Peter was safely buckled in and the rest of them got comfortable in their seats with Jarvis taking passenger side up front and Happy driving. The ride to Rhodey and Carol’s place was short. The two-story building standing tall and proud with spider webbing and spooky ghosts floating on the walls and doors and pumpkins decorating the edges of the house. Tony had to admire the pair’s work as they walked up to the front door. Even little tombstones were set up to lead their way to the party.
A knock on the door and it was Rhodey who welcomed them. His costume consisting of white wrappings around his face, neck, and arms in a very poor attempt of a mummy.
“You didn’t even try!” Tony felt betrayed, nonetheless going for a hug.
“Hey, I had to plan and get everything for this party,” Rhodey happily returned it, “I wasn’t going to let Carol anywhere near the decorations. They’d go missing. Didn’t get enough time to search for a costume.”
“Fine. I guess I’ll let you off the hook.”
“And I’ll forgive you for being late to my party.”
“Fashionably late.”
“No difference. All of you get in here. Everyone’s been waiting to see the star of the night.”
Rhodey waved them inside, welcoming and offering drinks to Happy waiting inside the limo, who kindly declined. The driver bid a quick goodbye and told them he’d be around the neighborhood to pick them up later.
“Jarvis, good to see you,” Rhodey offered a hand.
“Likewise, Master Rhodes,” Jarvis kindly shook it. “Anywhere, in particular, you want me?”
“Besides over with the others and having fun hopefully?”
“The night is still young. We will see.”
“I’ll take it. Come on, this way.” Rhodey led them down inside to where a large majority was gathered. They turned the corner just in time to see Clint yank his head up from a basin full of water just outside the window and everyone clapping in joy for him. In his mouth was an apple that he was trying to grin around.
Rhodey chose the moment everyone’s laughter and clapping died down to announce their presence. “Guess who’s finally here!”
Everyone and their mother lifted a drink in a cheer for them.
“About time!” In much Van Dyne Fashion, Jan came barreling down, pushing anyone else trying to reach them first out of the way. Her sparkling fairy wings helping along by attacking them all with glitter. “I’ve been waiting forever to see this little guy again.”
“Jan you just saw him yesterday,” Tony said fondly. Peter blinked at them from his arms.
“Feels like forever.”
Carol soon joined them. Cat ears sticking up from her blonde hair. “Trying to keep him away from us? We know your tricks.”
“As if we could. Both of you will break the door down while Pepper called the repairmen at the same time.”
“Aww, aren’t you the cutest little pumpkin I ever did see,” Jan cooed at the pup, squeaking when Peter chose that moment to sneeze. Carol was not far in joining her in the cooing. In fact, once everyone made sure they weren’t holding drinks or their costumes didn’t have sharp points, they began migrating over to their area to fawn over the pup.
Among them was Clint with wet hair from his bobbing for apples adventure and a penguin onesie. Sam was wearing a similar onesie that was of a giraffe and, as if they had planned a trio, Bruce was also wearing a onesie and was a proud turtle among the spooks. Thor, with his golden mane and his nose painted dark, appeared very much of the cowardly lion and Jane stood next to him to as Dorothy. A sulking Loki was the tin man and had probably been nagged to join in the festivities by his brother and there hiding behind a sofa was Hank in all his glorious lack of costume self.
Somewhere in the corner was a brooding Nick Fury with Maria Hill. Both wearing wizard hats. An odd sight for bosses to create. They were probably coerced into coming by Carol, most likely. Tony’s own boss, Pepper, with her bright red outfit representing little red riding hood, was making her way along with the others. Tony’s dearest friend May and her husband Ben were with her and May looked ready to take anyone stopping her from reaching her goal down.
Together they all created a sea of smiles as they stampeded their way towards them. Plenty of smiles. A lot of smiles, and not a single one aimed at him or at Steve. No, they were all meant for one tiny person and Tony wouldn’t have it any other way.
He had to back up a little when they all gathered around him. A bit overwhelmed and fearing they might accidentally push him down. Steve’s steady hand on his back helped him remain steady. In his arms, Peter was bombarded with ‘hello’s’ and kisses and so much attention Tony was surprised the pup didn’t immediately get fussy from so much stimulation. In fact, Peter basked in it and seemed to happily suck up everything they gave him with little trouble. His arms and legs waving excitedly before freezing in place when a new face came forward only to continue all over again when they began making funny faces. All the while Tony preened as they complimented Peter’s appearance and looks.
He had to admit. He and Steve made a pretty cute kid.
“Get the feeling you won’t be getting your mate and pup back for a while,” Bucky said to Steve. In his hand was a drink he managed to snatch while everyone stampeded over.
“From the preening I see, I don’t think he minds it one bit,” Natasha said through the sip of her drink. “Showing them off, Steve?”
“Can’t a fella be proud?” Sometime during the mobbing, Steve ended up being pushed back, leaving Tony to fend for himself. Steve wasn’t worried. He knew their friends were careful and he trusted them. It was probably why he wasn’t growling for them all to get back.
Nat had to give it to him. “Guess he can. I’d be proud, too.”
“Come on, Punk. Bet I can still beat you at bobbing for apples,” Bucky challenged, chugging his drink down in one go before racing to the basin.
“As if!” Steve scoffed and chased after him.
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Pretty Much an Avenger
Peter Parker x F!OCish - Kate Bishop
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Authors Notes
Posted on Wattpad – HER0F0RH1RE and Tumblr - luminiabanner
Warning – Language, violence, blood, gore, eventual smut (Peter and Kate are 17 turning 18), Mentions of sexual assault (no graphic depictions) also lots of fluff and angst
This takes place post Civil War and post Homecoming but before Infinity War and will eventually lead into it!
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Word Count- 1,961
Peter stood in the Avengers Tower taking in the scenery like he did every time he visited the glorious building. “Kid snap out of it I’m trying to talk to you,” Tony spoke pulling Peter out of his thoughts.
“I-I’m sorry Mr. Stark,” Peter mumbled stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“I know this whole thing isn’t easy you have a life, family, and school to worry about so just stick to the neighborly things, the small tasks and report in to Happy on the regular. What you did with Vulture was top notch, but you could’ve been killed and I can’t let that happen.” Tony finished placing his hand on Peter’s shoulder. Peter didn’t have a chance to reply before F.R.I.D.A.Y. cut in, “Mr. Stark the Hawkeyes are requesting entrance to the building. I was not sure if I should allow them in since Hawkeye fought against you.”
“You can let them in F.R.I.D.A.Y. I asked for their presence. Peter put your mask on,” Tony commanded as he walked over to a table picking up some paper work off the desk. Peter slid the mask on quickly confused about the request but listening to Tony none the less.
“TTOONNYYY!!” A squeal was heard as a flash of purple barged through the door past Peter. Peter glimpsed at Clint walking in casually before his eyes rested upon the unknown person clad in a purple body suit with cut-outs on the left shoulder and hip. She donned purple sunglasses a quiver and a bow. His eyes rested upon the bow, his mask analyzing every little think about her before his head clicked on exactly who it was.
“Oh my gosh!! You-…. Your Kate Bishop, Hawkeye!!” Peter pointed out jumping in excitement at the teenage superhero before him.
“Don’t cream your pants kid she isn’t that great of a person,” Clint joked promptly getting punched in the arm by Kate. “Just joking geez stop punching me in the same spot I already have a bruise!” Clint yelled rubbing his arm. “Alright, alright this is Kate Bishop. Kate took over for me as Hawkeye once upon a time when I was…well, dressing up like a ninja, sort of, is the short version. She is without a doubt the finest and most gifted bowman I’ve ever met but she’s like nine years old and spoiled rotten. She’s pretty great though,” Clint finished ruffling Kate’s hair causing her glasses to fall off her face, but Peter reached out and caught them holding them out towards her.
“Did you force him to say that? Is that something you guys rehearse for these situations? Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum is more like it with the way you two act,” Tony shook his head in annoyance.
Kate scoffed and rolled her eyes at Tony, “Just because you’re a grandpa doesn’t mean we’re dumb. You’re just jealous because you don’t go out and fight as much anymore, makes you extra grumpy. Gotta get with the times that new generation laying it down now,” Kate laughed poking Tony’s side who just rolled his eyes harder. Kate turned to Peter taking the glasses out of his hand with a soft smile, “Thanks Spider-Boy heard a lot about you from this dude and on the news,” she spoke motioning towards Clint.
“It-...It’s Spider-man,” Peter mumbled defeatedly slumping his shoulders some but perked back up when he heard Kate giggle at his reaction. His heart pounded in his chest listening to the sound she produced, it was one of the best things he had ever heard.
��Alright, I don’t have time for this, chat on your own time but we have business to get to. Spider-man if you would wait a moment while I talk to these two I will finish our conversation,” Tony spoke up shushing everyone around him. “Now Kate, Clint has informed me that you were expelled from school again. He as also very kindly begged, oh and I mean begged I made him get on his knees and everything, for me to get you into a new school since you have exhausted all the regular public schools. You start tomorrow here is everything you need I’m sure your rich papa has enough money for you to get ready for the new school. This is a good school kid, more like the best school in the area so do not get expelled from this one I gave them some money to get you in without you having to test and with disregard to your past expulsions. I mean it, if you get expelled not only will you feel Clint’s wrath but mine also. No superhero antics nothing just pass your senior year for god’s sake, okay?” Tony spoke a fatherly tone biting through his words as he handed Kate the folder.
“Is this like some preppy private school full of snobby rich kids?” Kate asked looking through the papers in the folder her eyes landing on the school’s name Midtown School of Science and Technology groaning Kate closed the folder shut a puff of air from the force moving her bangs lightly.  “This is even worse it’s a school full of super smart people what am I supposed to do there, I suck at math and science uugggghhh!” Kate groaned throwing her hands up in the air adding to her overdramatic actions.
“Make friends, find a tutor, hell, actually study and do your work. You’ll be fine as long as you don’t punch or threaten anyone. Now leave, I’m sure you guys have some people to shoot or whatever, I am a busy man after all,” Kate rolled her eyes before looking past Tony at Peter, well to her knowledge it was Spider-man, “Hey Spider-boy, maybe I’ll see you around sometime. I’ve been wanting to meet ya ever since that whole team Cap versus Team Ironman and all the Vulture stuff as well to bad I was off fighting my own fights without Clint since he went all fight for Cap… but after much begging he is back on Tony’s good side at least,” Kate smiled walking over to Peter inspecting his mask paired with his regular attire and school bag.
“Ugh yeah I’m mean it was nothing just protecting the neighborhood and stuff,” Peter scuffed his foot against the floor thankful the mask was covering his blushing face.
“Well maybe we can protect the neighborhood together sometime, maybe even get a pizza together afterwards,” Kate giggled winking at Peter before turning away to leave.
“Ye-yeah totally, I mean would you like- ugh could I have your number or something, so we can meet up an- and fight crime and stuff?” Peter stuttered out horribly stepping towards Kate. Tony and Clint looked at the two curiously watching the interaction with amusement. “Come-on Kate let’s go, Lucky has been home alone all day and I’m starving,” Clint whined heading towards the door waving bye to Tony and Peter.
“I’ll find ya Spidey, you aren’t always the quietest hero on the streets,” Kate waved running after Clint her papers tight against her chest.
“I’m so stupid. Could I have your number or something? What was I thinking? She is so out of my league. She even keeps calling me Spider-boy. She doesn’t even know what I look like!” Peter whispered to himself pulling his mask off.
“You are right kid Kate is 100% out of your league, but she will be going to midtown. Become her friend, maybe even her tutor; she will need one trust me. I mean she is in every single one of your classes.” Tony admitted looking at Peter whose eyes widened with each word out of Tony’s mouth.
“Why did you do that! She’s going to find out who I am!” “Relax kid she won’t as long as you don’t give it away, and if you want her to know tell her. She is a superhero herself after all.”
“I know, I know just the less people know the safer my friends and Aunt May are. All the same classes seriously! What am I going to do, I can’t even form a coherent sentence around her!” Peter ran his hands through his hair trying to calm down as Tony stared in amusement. “I put her with you for a reason Peter she needs to stay in school no more expulsions, nothing. She has been through a lot, maybe not as much as you in some ways but more than you in other ways. She is a good kid and Clint really sticks his neck out for her which honestly is a lot coming from him and how careless he is with most other situations. Just make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble, be her friend,” Tony explain leading Peter out of the tower ad towards the car where Happy waited to bring him home.
“I’ll do my best Mr. Stark,” Peter sighed before sliding into the car. He opened his mouth to speak to Happy but closed it in favor of a quiet ride and time to go over the many possible introductions to Kate tomorrow. “Peter,” Happy called getting his attention as they arrived at his apartment complex, “Just say hi, it’s not that difficult. Also get out of the car I have places to be,” Happy finished unlocking the doors. Peter said his goodbye to Happy who sped off the way he came.
The excitement Peter had put an extra pep in his step causing him to take the stares to the apartment two at a time. “Aunt May!” Peter called out as he entered the apartment finding her in the kitchen, “You are never going to believe it!” Peter started explaining his whole day to her ending with The Kate Bishop going to school with him.
“Relax Peter she is just a girl, you never know she might not be that great once you get to know her and stuff, just treat her like MJ and Ned nothing crazy to get worked up over,” Aunt May smiled giving Peter’s shoulder a squeeze.
“You just don’t meet superheroes your age every day Aunt May, especially not ones you’ve been crushing on since pictures of her first emerged. I mean I knew she was here in New York and that she worked with the other Hawkeye all the time, but I never thought I’d actually get to meet let alone being going to school with her,” Peter confessed the blush returning to his cheeks.
“I know but no need to be getting so worked up over a girl that doesn’t even know you exist.” “She knows Spider-man exist, even complemented me well after calling me Spider-boy twice but I think that was more of a playful gesture, she seems like the joking type. But seriously Aunt May she is like the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, I made a complete fool of myself, well Spider-man in front of her!” Peter exclaimed his embarrassing antics causing his face to heat up again.
“You said that about Liz also but now you guys are just friends. All I’m saying is take it easy don’t fall to quickly don’t want my little Peter to get his heartbroken.” “Aunt May I’m 17, almost 18,” Peter sighed as she pulled him into a crushing hug. “I know don’t remind me! And don’t think I don’t know what 17 and 18-year olds get up to behind closed doors. If she ever comes over no closed doors or I will kick butt,” Aunt May joked letting Peter out of her bear hug. “Don’t think that will ever happen Aunt May so trust me nothing to worry about,” Peter sounded defeated as he slugged towards his room leaving his Aunt to finish making dinner.
Next time on Pretty Much an Avenger,
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avenging-fics · 8 years
Blossom ~ An Avenger’s Story (4/15)
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AU Summary: Y/N and Bucky’s relationship further develops as they stay in hiding. 
Notes: WARNING there’s smut. yeah. big shocker. please dont hate me. i hope you guys like it though. 
Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
"Metal prosthetics isn't really that rare these days." she explained. "So it didn't surprise me when my abilities sensed all that metal in you."
Bucky stood quietly in the corner, not looking at her but he listened, intently.
Y/N continued, "The same goes for any object made with any metallic elements. I can manipulate them. Like magnets."
"And the child?" he asked.
She looked down at Jack sitting next to her on the couch. "He was made to be like me. Only stronger. To create an army of people like us that, hoping to control HYDRA. Control the world."
Bucky didn't ask any questions after that. He knew that Y/N contemplated on killing the child just to get rid of such a creature. An enhanced baby that can only grow stronger than her? With powers that can rival her own? The only logical way out of this mess was to kill it. But it was a baby. A human child with it's own life and thoughts and a future. Even Bucky would have trouble murdering a mere child. Especially now that he's sworn off to hurting more innocents.
And Jack didn't ask to be enhanced. He was a victim. 
He can understand why Y/N didn't want to go to anyone else. Not even the Avengers. A weapon like this, no one can know about it's existence. Unless there's a bulletproof guarantee that this child is safe from any harm or any manipulation, Y/N's the only one allowed to know about Jack. She knows him better than anyone, having the same abilities as her.
But now Bucky knows about them, too. And he can't help but feel like he's responsible for their safety now.
"I understand if you want us gone. We'll just put you in danger and I don't know if the Winter Soldier wants us arou----"
"I'm not the Winter Soldier." Bucky snapped. "Not anymore. And you're both staying. Like it or not. You're the only one who knows I'm here and I can't let you go."
That might've sound like he was threatening them but Bucky has grown to their presence in his safe house. He's fond of the child and Y/N. If they left, he'd just be worrying about them both. Bucky was sure Y/N can take care of it all but with Jack in her arm, a baby, it would be extremely difficult.
"It's been two months, Stark. Tell me something good."
"I don't know what to say, Rogers. Do you want me to lie again? Because THAT I can do. We found her. Y/N is actually in the compound, resting and being debriefed." Tony snapped back at him. "What else do you want?"
"Everyone needs to calm the fuck down." Bruce stopped their bickering and brought his hands to his face, calming himself down. Steve and Tony stood frigid, looking at him. They've been on the edge lately and with Y/N still missing, everyone is tiptoeing around each other.
Tony kept himself busy with locating Y/N. Bruce was forced to help. Natasha and Barton had to keep going on missions around the world in hopes of getting even a bit of information about HYDRA. Vision and the twins would try and help with whatever they could.
But everyone was extra careful around Steve. Eveything pissed him off and it made everyone frustrated. Y/N's absence made a number on him.
"We got some chatter about HYDRA rebuilding a few bases in eastern Europe but no one knows exactly where. They've got their security pretty tight since Emir got captured." Natasha informed them as she got inside the room with Clint right behind her. They just got back from a mission and as always, they would deliver whatever information they find about their missing member. Any information at all.
Clint dropped a folder on the table in the middle of Tony's laboratory. "We found these, too. Local police in Serbia, Romania, and a few in Budapest had reports of a woman traveling alone but no pictures. Just vague descriptions. Small town rumors, too. Either she keeps moving around and fast or she's staying inside."
Steve shook his head and balled his fist. Where was she?
"I'm sorry, Steve." Romanoff muttered to him, trying to calm him down. "We're not stopping the search."
He merely nodded as he marched out of the room, wanting to punch something.
Bucky arrived at the apartment later than usual. Since finding out about Y/N and Jack, he's gotten nervous around them. Not in a suspicious kind of way. He wants to talk to them. After all, they're all sharing the same roof. He's protecting them now.
And Y/N. He can understand what she's going through. Maybe not everything but his heart goes out to her. And he can't help but feel a pull towards her. He doesn't know exactly.
"Unng. Hnng. Ahhh. Unngh."
The sounds were coming from their apartment. Bucky opened the door and found Y/N, sweat glistening on her skin against the moonlight. A makeshift punching bag made up of and old bag was propped up against the wall, taking a beating from her. Y/N turned around and stopped, looking at Bucky.
"I'm sorry. I figured I should." she said. "Jack's in the bed by the way. I'll move him so you can g---"
"No." he waved it off. "Leave him be. It's fine."
Y/N nodded, watching Bucky as he took off his jacket and walk over to her punching bag. He touched it and nodded to himself. "I'm not sure this bag would last long."
"I'm sure I'll find other things." Y/N replied, unwrapping the bandages from her hands. Bucky turned to glance at her, watching how she moves. He shook his head.
"Come on. You need a sparring partner, I'm here." he suggested. Y/N looked up at him, unsure.
"You're not serious."
"I am." he said. "If you're worried about Jack waking up, I'm sure he's used to noise and movement when he sleeps now. But you should still try to keep it down."
He moved a couple of furniture to the side to give them more space. It wasn't like there was anything in this place that Bucky would mind breaking. It was just a one room with barely anything. It might as well be of use for Y/N. For training.
"Okay. I won't use my abilities." Y/N told him, and she swore she could see a smirk from his lips. He stood in front of her and she readied herself. This was the Winter Soldier. She's not going to half-ass anything around him. So she threw the first punch, but he expected it. Bucky used his arm grab hers and twist it but she was fast and got herself out then kneed his abdomen and used her elbow to jab the back of his neck. Although she was strong, a couple hits like those are nothing to Bucky. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he carried her whole weight and slammed her back against the floor as he grabbed her arms and neck. Y/N growled as she used her feet to kick him backwards and jumped back up, delivering a swift blow to his jaw.
Bucky chuckled at the hit.
And they danced. Hand to hand combat, matching each other's rhythms and footsteps, their fists landing on each other but they kept going. Y/N could hold her own against the Winter Soldier in fighting but energy is depleting her fast whereas Bucky could keep going on and on because of his supersoldier serum.
Because of that, Y/N stamina waned and Bucky used that to his advantage as he grabbed her neck again and made her writhe in front of him, gasping for air as her hands claw at his. He released her and stood still as she regained her breathing. When she did after a moment, Y/N looked up at him and breathe deeply. This man was a god. He was strong. A formidable opponent.
"I'm glad that I'm on your side, Bucky." Y/N told him.
"Are you?" he asked, his blue eyes glinting in the light coming from the city outside. "Are you really?"
She shrugged. "If I wasn't, one of us wouldn't be here."
Now that Bucky had Y/N in front of her, he has a good long chance to observe her. He noticed how her eyes stayed focused and bright even in the dark of night. How her body moved gracefully and even in fight, she was elegant and poised. She was beautiful. And Bucky wanted to touch Y/N.
Y/N saw his eyes roam through her body and how it slowly filled with lust.
And with no warning, Bucky stepped forward and grabbed her neck, pulling her face close to him as he pressed his lips on hers. Y/N flinched at the sudden motion but when he licked the bottom of her lips, asking for permission, she didn't know what's gotten in her. Y/N let him him.
She opened her mouth to welcome Bucky lips and his tongue, exploring every bit of her, falling deep into their kiss. Her fingers finding their way on his hair, running through it, making him moan as his own arms snaked around her waist, pressing Y/N closer to his hard body. It was maddening. But not one of them tried to break the contact.
Feeling enough momentum, Y/N brought down her hands to the hem of his shirt and tried to pull it up. Bucky felt what she was doing and smirked against her lips. He let go of her body to take off his shirt and then he did so on hers as well. Their skin was touching but they wanted more. So Bucky fumbled around to undo Y/N's pants and then took off his own. They were naked finally. Y/N felt his erection on her stomach as they kept embracing each other and not letting each other's lips away for too long. She pushed him down the couch, breaking contact for a second before straddling him, meeting his lips once more. He welcomed her touch as his hands roamed every inch of skin that he could. And when she let herself down on his length, enveloping him with her slick folds, Bucky threw his head back and groaned, the vibration of his voice gave Y/N the green light to move.
So she did. Up and down slowly. She felt so full and Bucky's hands never stopped touching her everywhere. It was glorious. He was groaning and moaning everytime their hips meet and move to another rhythm similar to when they were fighting. And they kept going and going and going, seeing no end to their passion.
Funny, isn't it? How the sounds of war closely resembles the moaning and groaning people make when they make love.
Comments? Critiques? Concerns? Send them in! :D
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