#old age pension scheme
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Old Age Pension Scheme | Check Vridha Pension Scheme List and Apply Online
The National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) was started by the Government of India on August 15, 1995. The programme consists of vridha pension schemes aimed at financially empowering and helping a certain set of persons in their subsistence. Some of the beneficiaries under the NSAP are the elderly, widows, below-poverty-line families, etc.
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राकेश मिश्र अध्यक्ष और पुष्पेन्द्र कुमार बने महामंत्री
दिलीप कुमार बस्ती रिपोर्टर – दिनांक 07 अगस्त 2024 को ब्लाक संसाधन केन्द्र कप्तानगंज के सभागार में अटेवा की एक गोष्टी आयोजित हुई जिसमें राकेश कुमार मिश्र अटेवा के ब्लाक अध्यक्ष व पुष्पेन्द्र कुमार को कप्तानगंज ब्लाक का महामंत्री नामित किया गया । NPS का मतलब नो पेंशन स्कीम -तौआब अली जिला संयोजक अटेवा गोष्ठी में उपस्थित शिक्षक व शिक्षिकाओं को संबोधित करते हुए अटेवा के तेजतर्रार जिला संयोजक तौआब अली…
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Ex-MP Dr. Ajoy Kumar's Jankalyan Rath Benefits Over 1200 People in Jamshedpur
Dr. Ajoy Kumar’s initiative brings welfare schemes to the doorsteps of Jamshedpur residents, helping them access various government benefits. The Jankalyan Rath (vehicle) was launched by former MP and senior Congress leader Dr. Ajoy Kumar on July 9 at Baridih Chowk. The purpose of this initiative is to provide information about state government welfare schemes and help residents avail these…
#Ayushman card#जनजीवन#Congress#Dr. Ajoy Kumar#government benefits#Jamshedpur#Jamshedpur News#Jankalyan Rath#Life#Old Age Pension#Ration Card#welfare schemes#Widow Pension
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#Atal Pension Yojana#Pension Scheme#Financial Security#Unorganized Sector#Retirement Planning#Social Security#Government Scheme#Old Age Pension#Financial Inclusion
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Presidential advisor Elon Musk recently claimed on Joe Rogan’s podcast that Social Security is “the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time.” In fact, Social Security has been one of the most effective and enduring components of America’s social safety net. It has done more than almost anything else to alleviate the problem of poverty amongst the elderly. While the program has been far from perfect, Congress has continued to improve and strengthen its structure over time when reforms were warranted. The program has become a “third rail” in national politics because it is so central to the lives of families living in states both red and blue.
Until recently, President Donald Trump has known enough to stay away from this issue. He has avoided mentioning cuts to the program, most likely sensitive to the fact that doing so has very little appeal to most of the electorate, including with a lot of the voters who brought him into power.
But as with his drive to reshape the government workforce with a sledgehammer rather than a chisel, Musk might end up dragging the president into a political quagmire that will consume much of the administration’s energy. Threatening Social Security, which turns 90 this year, will do more than almost anything else to energize Democrats and deflate Republicans, who will perceive this to be a losing issue for their party.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democratic Congress created Social Security in 1935 at the height of the New Deal. The United States had yet not adopted the kind of federal social insurance programs for retirees that European nations had put into place decades earlier, like Germany (1889) and Denmark (1891). In 1934, the Committee on Economic Security, headed by Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, proposed that Congress create a federal insurance program that would provide retirees with pensions financed through payroll taxes.
Crucially, the program would be universal, including all workers who whose jobs were covered rather than deciding who should receive benefits through a means test. The belief of the program’s founders was that within a nation historically ambivalent about federal programs, means tests stigmatized beneficiaries whereas universal benefits were not seen as handouts. Universal benefits also had the advantage of investing many different income classes in the continuation of the program, since everyone under the insurance umbrella would receive something down the line.
Additionally, Old-Age Insurance, as it was called, was seen as a more conservative alternative to flat monthly pensions, which some reformers were calling for, and which would be paid for by the federal government. As Roosevelt said: “We can never insure one hundred percent of the population against one hundred percent of the hazards and vicissitudes of life, but we have tried to frame a law which will give some measure of protection to the average citizen and to his family against the loss of a job and against poverty-ridden old age.”
The Social Security taxes were a key part of the legislation. First, the taxes offered a fiscally conservative method to pay for benefits that would not draw on general tax revenue. Congress would be forced to consider the long-term annual costs of the program to make certain that they did not have to raise taxes on workers. Initially, Congress also planned to accumulate a surplus of funds. Second, the payroll taxes would leave workers feeling invested in the program by giving them the sense that they were “paying into” a system and thus deserved benefits down the line. “With those taxes in there,” Roosevelt later said, “no damn politician can ever scrap my social security program.”
But it faced problems immediately.
Southern Democrats who controlled many major committees insisted that agricultural and domestic workers, two segments of the labor force with high levels of Black employment, were excluded. The South did not want them to be brought into a federal policy that easily could open the door to civil rights interventions. Women were also left out, as legislators envisioned a program for single wage-earning households, and at the time, those workers were assumed to be men. Finally, the notion of a surplus for the future was the most questionable part of the package since the money would not literally be saved in some kind of bank account for future use. In practice, the excess funds would be invested in government securities. (Collecting money that would not be used in the short term sit well at a time that workers were still struggling with the effects of the Great Depression.)
During its first five years in existence, the program was on politically shaky ground. While Congress did expand coverage in 1939 to include workers’ widows and dependents, political support for Old Age Insurance remained weak. A number of Republicans attacked Roosevelt’s measure. In 1936, Republican presidential candidate Alf Landon said the program was a “cruel hoax” that would create a massive bureaucracy; he believed there was “every probability that the cash they pay in will be used for current deficits and new extravagances.” Opponents in Congress tried to subvert the program by freezing payroll tax increases eight times, starting in 1939, and lobbying to finance benefits through general revenue, which would eliminate the politically valuable earmarked payroll taxes, and thus make Social Security subject to the vagaries of all other discretionary programs.
In 1950, with Democrat Harry Truman in the White House, his party saved the program. Congress increased Old Age Insurance, raised the taxes, and gradually expanded the kinds of jobs that were covered, starting with agricultural workers. Congress abandoned the idea of collecting a surplus so that benefits were paid for on a strict pay-as-you go basis. Today’s workers would pay for today’s retirees. In 1954, Republican President Dwight Eisenhower warned in a letter to his brother: “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.” The Social Security card that bore the individual number of every citizen became a point of pride. Though the Social Security number was originally created so that the government could record worker’s earnings for the program, it came to become one of the most common forms of identification.
For the next few decades Social Security grew steadily. When Republican candidate Barry Goldwater proposed making the program voluntary—thus undercutting its universal structure—in 1964, he was pilloried by President Lyndon Johnson, who used Goldwater’s proposition as one more piece of evidence that he was a radical conservative. In 1965, Congress added health care benefits—Medicare, which was also constructed as a universal benefit—into Social Security. It was one of Johnson’s greatest legislative victories. In 1972, Republicans and Democrats vied to increase benefits as Americans were struggling with inflation born out of spending on Vietnam. The partisan competition was over how to expand, not over whether to do so. President Richard Nixon and congressional Republicans pushed to index benefits to inflation so that there would be automatic cost-of-living adjustments when prices rose. Seeking to retain discretionary control over benefits, House Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Wilbur Mills, a Democrat, preferred the old-fashioned method of having Congress vote to raise the numbers (which also ensured they would receive credit). The final Social Security Amendments included both proposals. Benefits rose by a whopping 20 percent and the legislation indexed the program.
Since 1972, there have been a number of occasions when Congress has incrementally increased taxes and adjusted benefits based on actuarial predictions made by the Social Security Administration or bipartisan commissions. For instance, the Social Security Amendments of 1983 increased payroll taxes and delayed a cost-of-living adjustment to make the program solvent into the near future.
Republican efforts to directly cut Social Security benefits have never been successful. The program is too popular. When Reagan initially tried to address a fiscal shortfall in 1981, his Office of Management and Budget director, David Stockman, proposed significantly reducing benefits for early retirees. House Democrats pounced, with Speaker Tip O’Neill warning that this was the first step to destroying the program. Reagan backed away, giving rise to the notion that the program had become a “third rail” in American politics. In 2005, fresh from his reelection victory against Sen. John Kerry, President George W. Bush proposed a major plan that would privatize the system by allowing workers to invest some of their payroll taxes into investment accounts, thereby taking a risk as to where the account would be upon their retirement. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid handed the president a whopping defeat.
In 2008, more than 50 million people were receiving Social Security benefits. In 2025, approximately 69 million Americans will receive roughly $1.6 trillion in benefits. That includes almost nine of out 10 Americans 65 and older, for whom Social Security constitutes 31 percent of their income. Furthermore, 39 percent of men who are 65 and older and 44 percent of women that age receive at least 50 percent of their income from Social Security. According to the National Institute on Retirement Security, a stunning 87 percent of Americans believe that Social Security should remain a budgetary priority. That figure includes 86 percent of Republicans.
It is not a shock as to why many Americans have a sense of pride, as the founders of the program had predicted, in having paid into this system and equally believe that they are deserving of their monthly benefits.
Given the track record of Trump 2.0 thus far, there is no reason to believe that Musk is not serious about putting Social Security in the administration’s crosshairs. Indeed, the biggest threat right now to the efficiency of Social Security is Musk’s so-called Department of Government Efficiency itself, as it drives a proposal to slash thousands of jobs from the Social Security Administration and has gained access to the payment system.
To be sure, the program must deal with the growing numbers of retirees and thinning population of workers. But Trump and Musk’s burn-down-the-house approach is dangerous to the elderly and a worse alternative to the kinds of incremental reforms (such as increasing the taxable maximum ceiling on wages and increasing payroll taxes) that have continued to correct imbalances in the program since the 1970s. For example, the Brookings Institution has put forward one comprehensive study that shows how solvency could be achieved while maintaining the integrity of the basic program.
Trump, who has kept him away from this battle until now, might find his partner Musk drawing him into something that even Trump can’t spin his way out of. At a time of growing job insecurity and rising prices, as well stagnant pension coverage, Roosevelt’s legacy is more important than ever before.
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Women would need to work for an extra 19 years to retire with the same pension savings as men, according to data from the Pensions Policy Institute.
The research found women retiring at 67 – the new UK state pension age from 2026 – will have saved an average of £69,000, compared with £205,000 for men.
The data, published by the PPI and pensions provider Now: Pensions, suggests that under the current system, in order to close the “gender pension gap” a girl would need to start saving at three years old to retire with the same amount of money as working men.
Career gaps, caring responsibilities, childcare costs and lower earnings all contribute to the disparity.
As automatic enrolment into workplace pensions – where workers are put into a pension scheme into which they and their employer pay – starts at the age of 22, the 19-year gap meant that “by age three, girls are already falling behind boys in their provision for later life”, the researchers claimed.
However, women often live longer than men – on average by about seven years – meaning their retirement pots also need to last longer.
Now: Pensions is calling for the £10,000-a-year earnings threshold for people to be automatically enrolled into a workplace pension to be removed because it excludes many women who hold multiple jobs or work part-time or as freelancers.
The UK state pension age of 66 is set to rise to 67 between 2026 and 2028. From 2044, it is expected to rise to 68. However, research issued earlier this week suggested it would have to rise to 71 for those born after April 1970.
Separate industry figures issued on Wednesday indicated that the estimated amount of money needed to enjoy a “moderate” standard of living in retirement had jumped by £8,000 – or 34% – in a year as a result of the cost of living crisis and changes in behaviour.
The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association has developed the “retirement living standards” to show what life in retirement looks like at three different levels – minimum, moderate and comfortable. Last year it said a single person needed about £12,800 a year to meet the minimum threshold but this year the figure has been put at £14,400.
The new threshold for a moderate standard of living in later life is £31,300 for a single person – up from £23,300 a year ago. To meet the comfortable threshold, the new figure is £43,100 a year for one person – up from £37,300.
The pension provider Scottish Widows said securing a guaranteed annual income of £23,300 for life would require a pension pot of about £500,000 – but securing an income of £31,300 would mean amassing a pension pot of more than £750,000.
The PLSA said its latest research “reflects the price rises that households have faced, particularly in food and energy use”, but also highlighted the increasing importance people placed on spending time with family and friends away from the home, as people’s priorities have changed after the coronavirus pandemic.
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Mwananchi Credit Highlights the Importance of Teaching Financial Literacy In Schools
How many times have we read numerous newspaper articles about children who squandered their inheritance money or how they trusted quick “get rich” schemes and was dubbed out of it? Again, how many times have we seen an employee who worked tirelessly for 30+ years and went on retirement, only to splurge away their pension pay-outs and suffer in their old age? Better yet, how many young people currently employed are living from paycheck to paycheck with debts overwhelming them, credit cards here, over-drafts there, revolving loans, the list is endless. The most common reason is that many heirs, pensioners or even the young workforce are simply inexperienced at handling money.
A million dollars can be put to so much good use. However, once it is spent recklessly, it can no longer produce income. Isn’t it amazing that we all completed high school knowing algebra, the scientific table, and the human anatomy, but not how to open a bank account, how to file a tax return, the importance of having funeral covers or even something as simple as budgeting and saving?
The current education system is slow to teach simple money management habits/techniques to children growing up. Most young people will graduate from universities or start new businesses with no financial foundation. As a society we lack basic financial literacy thus teaching financial literacy in schools is critical in passing on general wealth.
Financial attitudes and habits begin to mold at a very young age. It is extremely important to expose children to how to use money wisely and to smart financial decision making. School curriculum can range from budgeting and cash flows so that young people understand the concept of ‘money in, money out’ and how that will impact them in the long term.
Our young people need to know how loans work, how interests are charged on these loans and how it can impact their financial situation over the long run. Notwithstanding the above, the importance of retirement planning the power of putting a little bit of money away today and where that can land you in the future, are all critical. By teaching financial literacy in schools, we can change the narrative from poverty to debt-free lifestyle, from inheritance money being a “curse” to a gift.
Furthermore, we can pass on generational wealth by enabling our young people to make informed decisions. In this digital and social media era, we find that our young people take out a personal loans today just to finance a trip to Paris or California and only to realize that upon their return, they must start repaying this loan with a very high interest rate for four years. Just to take out another loan to offset that and find themselves in a pool of financial difficulty.
I know that many might argue that if you are a high school teenager, you most likely don’t have much money, you don’t have access to credit, you don’t have a job- so is there really any point in teaching such a youngster about savings, investing, taxes or budgeting? However, many of us were taught religious, moral education and life skills in school and that shaped us in many ways for life. We learned basic principles of respect, sharing, caring and discovering our identity. Another subject that was introduced in recent years was entrepreneurship because it uses developing real world skills that will help learners lead exceptional lives in a rapidly changing world by teaching children to think outside the box.
Many western countries have introduced Financial Literacy in their school curriculum examples of these countries are Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden just to name a few.
Our current school curriculum equips children how to be great doctors and individuals with great business skills. Since the children of today are going to be the leaders of tomorrow, financial literacy will equip them with the skills they will need to become financially literate adults. In the end their future and that of our country Kenya is depending on it.
Mwananchi credit is the leading Microfinance company in Kenya providing log book loans and other secured emergency loans, Mwananchi Credit is at the forefront in championing for financial literacy good finance planning for individuals and SMEs.
Welcome to Mwananchi credit, Investor in people
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Article by Gitonga Muriithi, Head of Commercial, Mwananchi Credit
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Except that isn't how they work because again and again governments and corps sell or undermine pension schemes, so the poor have no protections come old age and the rich get richer. When I got old of I don't have a passive income from my publishing or _some other job_ I'll probably just kill myself. Which fucking sucks. Fuck, I'm one dibilitating illness away from that anyway. We're all fucked. Nothing fucking matters.
Pensions sound so fake as a zillennial. You work for one place for decades (already sounds fake) and then afterwards you leave and they just. keep paying you. the same amount of money. to do nothing. for the rest of your life. if i wasn't already aware that this was something that readily and commonly existed during my grandparent's days then it would sound like some kind of socialist pipe dream
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Atal Pension Yojana 2025: How to Apply, Who Can Apply, Documents Needed, Benefits & More
Government of India announced the Atal Pension Yojana Scheme on 9th May 2015 with the main objective of offering old age income security to all citizens, specifically to those working in unorganized job sectors in the country. The Atal Pension Yojana aims to offer financial security to the entire population of India, specifically poor, deprived sections and those who don’t receive any fixed…
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Distribution of Historical Pensions in Andhra Pradesh

Nara Chandrababu Naidu, the former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, is known for his administrative acumen and innovative approach to governance. During his tenure, especially between 1995-2004 and 2014-2019, Naidu introduced several welfare schemes aimed at improving the lives of marginalized communities. One of the significant aspects of his governance was the distribution of pensions to vulnerable sections of society. His government expanded pension schemes to provide financial security to the elderly, widows, disabled, and other disadvantaged groups, setting a benchmark for welfare governance in the state.
Under Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s leadership, the distribution of pensions underwent significant reforms to ensure that benefits reached the intended beneficiaries. Recognizing the importance of social security, Naidu’s government focused on expanding the coverage and increasing the pension amounts to provide more substantial financial support. He introduced mechanisms to streamline the distribution process, minimize leakages, and ensure timely payments. One of the key reforms was the emphasis on technology-driven governance. Naidu’s administration utilized Information Technology (IT) solutions to improve transparency and efficiency in the pension disbursement process. The integration of digital platforms, biometric authentication, and direct bank transfers helped reduce corruption and ensure that pensions were delivered directly to the beneficiaries. During Naidu’s tenure, several pension schemes were introduced or expanded to cater to various vulnerable groups:
● Old Age Pension Scheme: The old age pension scheme was a flagship welfare program that provided financial assistance to senior citizens who lacked other means of support. Naidu’s government increased the pension amount periodically to adjust for inflation, recognizing the rising cost of living and the needs of the elderly.
● Widow Pension Scheme: This scheme targeted widows from economically weaker sections, providing them with a stable income source. Naidu’s administration ensured that widows from low-income households received timely financial assistance, helping them to manage daily expenses in the absence of other family support.
● Disabled Pension Scheme: Aimed at individuals with disabilities, this scheme provides essential financial support to help beneficiaries meet their basic needs. Naidu’s focus on inclusivity ensured that persons with disabilities were recognized and supported through increased pension amounts and streamlined processes for application and disbursement.
● Weaver Pension Scheme: Recognizing the declining traditional occupations, Naidu’s government introduced a pension scheme for aging weavers, a significant community in Andhra Pradesh. This pension helped weavers sustain their livelihood during old age, preserving the traditional art while providing financial security.
The pension distribution reforms under Naidu had a profound impact on the social welfare landscape of Andhra Pradesh. By expanding the coverage and increasing pension amounts, Nara Chandrababu Naidu's government, with the help of other TDP MLAs, provided a critical safety net for millions of vulnerable individuals. The focus on technology and transparent governance set a precedent for future welfare programs in the state.
Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s initiatives helped lift many out of poverty, provided financial stability to elderly and disabled persons, and ensured that marginalized communities received the support they needed. The legacy of these reforms continues to influence pension distribution policies in Andhra Pradesh, highlighting the importance of innovative governance in achieving social welfare goals. Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s tenure marked a transformative period in the distribution of pensions in Andhra Pradesh. Through reforms, technology integration, and a commitment to social security, his administration significantly improved the lives of many vulnerable citizens. These efforts not only provided financial relief but also restored dignity and stability to countless households across the state. To know more about this scheme, follow the TDP Live Update website.
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Personal Loan Eligibility for People with Disabilities
Financial independence is essential for everyone, including individuals with disabilities. A personal loan can help people with disabilities manage medical expenses, home modifications, assistive technology, education, or any other financial needs. However, many individuals face challenges in securing a personal loan due to lender concerns about income stability and repayment capacity.
This guide explores personal loan eligibility for people with disabilities, special loan schemes available, required documentation, and tips for increasing approval chances.
Challenges Faced by People with Disabilities in Getting a Personal Loan
Although many financial institutions provide loans to individuals with disabilities, some common challenges include:
Limited Employment Opportunities – Some lenders consider job stability a key factor in loan approval.
Irregular Income Sources – Self-employed individuals or those relying on disability pensions may have difficulty proving steady income.
Higher Interest Rates – Lenders may impose higher interest rates due to perceived financial risk.
Lack of Awareness – Many applicants are unaware of special loan schemes available for people with disabilities.
🔹 Tip: Understanding these challenges can help applicants take the necessary steps to secure a loan with better terms.
Personal Loan Eligibility Criteria for People with Disabilities
Each lender has different criteria for approving a personal loan. Here are some general requirements:
1. Age Requirement
Applicants must be between 21 and 65 years old.
2. Employment Status
Salaried Employees – Government and private-sector employees are eligible.
Self-Employed Individuals – Business owners, freelancers, or professionals must show stable income proof.
Pensioners & Disability Allowance Recipients – Some banks consider disability pensions as income.
3. Minimum Income Requirement
A steady monthly income of at least ₹15,000 – ₹25,000, depending on the lender.
4. Credit Score
A CIBIL score of 700+ improves loan approval chances.
5. Documentation
Identity Proof: Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Passport
Address Proof: Voter ID, Utility Bill, Rent Agreement
Income Proof: Salary slips, bank statements, ITR (for self-employed)
Disability Certificate (if required)
Special Personal Loan Schemes for People with Disabilities
Several banks and NBFCs offer specialized personal loan schemes for individuals with disabilities.
1. SBI Healthcare Loan
✅ Loan Amount: ₹50,000 – ₹7.5 lakh ✅ Interest Rate: 9.75% – 12.50% p.a. ✅ Tenure: Up to 5 years ✅ Eligibility: Individuals requiring medical assistance or rehabilitation ✅ Processing Fee: 0.5% – 1% of the loan amount 📌 Best For: People with disabilities needing financial aid for healthcare and assistive devices.
2. HDFC Bank Personal Loan for Special Needs Individuals
✅ Loan Amount: ₹50,000 – ₹25 lakh ✅ Interest Rate: 10.50% – 17.00% p.a. ✅ Tenure: Up to 6 years ✅ Eligibility: Salaried or self-employed individuals with disability certification ✅ Processing Fee: 1% – 2.5% of the loan amount 📌 Best For: Quick processing and high loan amounts.
3. ICICI Bank Personal Loan for Differently-Abled Individuals
✅ Loan Amount: ₹50,000 – ₹20 lakh ✅ Interest Rate: 10.75% – 19.00% p.a. ✅ Tenure: Up to 7 years ✅ Eligibility: Individuals receiving stable income from employment, business, or pension ✅ Processing Fee: 1% – 2% of the loan amount 📌 Best For: Hassle-free application and flexible loan tenure.
4. Punjab National Bank (PNB) Personal Loan for Disabled Individuals
✅ Loan Amount: ₹50,000 – ₹10 lakh ✅ Interest Rate: 10.00% – 13.50% p.a. ✅ Tenure: Up to 5 years ✅ Eligibility: Salaried, self-employed, and pensioners with disability ✅ Processing Fee: 0.5% – 1% of the loan amount 📌 Best For: Low processing fees and flexible repayment options.
Tips to Improve Loan Approval Chances for People with Disabilities
1. Maintain a High Credit Score
Pay existing EMIs and credit card dues on time.
Keep your credit utilization below 30%.
2. Show Proof of Income Stability
Provide bank statements, salary slips, and tax returns.
If self-employed, submit business records and invoices.
3. Apply for a Lower Loan Amount
Borrow within your repayment capacity to increase approval chances.
4. Consider a Secured Loan
Offering collateral like property, gold, or fixed deposits (FDs) reduces lender risk and ensures lower interest rates.
5. Apply with a Co-Applicant
A co-borrower (spouse, parent, or sibling) with stable income can improve loan approval chances.
Benefits of Personal Loans for People with Disabilities
✔️ Lower Interest Rates – Some banks offer preferential rates for disabled individuals. ✔️ Flexible Repayment Options – Loan tenure up to 7 years. ✔️ Minimal Documentation – Simple and quick loan application process. ✔️ No Collateral Required – Most personal loans for disabled individuals are unsecured. ✔️ Quick Disbursal – Many banks provide funds within 24-48 hours.
Things to Consider Before Applying for a Personal Loan
🔹 Compare Loan Offers – Different lenders have varying interest rates and processing fees. 🔹 Check EMI Affordability – Use a personal loan EMI calculator to plan repayments. 🔹 Beware of Hidden Charges – Read the loan agreement carefully before signing. 🔹 Avoid Over-Borrowing – Borrow only what is necessary to prevent financial strain.
Final Verdict: Which Bank Offers the Best Personal Loan for People with Disabilities?
✅ For Lowest Interest Rates: SBI Healthcare Loan & PNB Personal Loan ✅ For High Loan Amounts: HDFC Bank & ICICI Bank ✅ For Instant Processing: Bajaj Finserv & Axis Bank ✅ For Flexible Repayment Options: Bank of Baroda & Kotak Mahindra Bank
Tip: Choose a loan based on your financial needs, repayment ability, and employment status.
For expert financial guidance and the best personal loan offers, visit www.fincrif.com today!
Q1: Can people with disabilities get a personal loan? Yes, many banks offer personal loans to individuals with disabilities based on income stability.
Q2: What is the maximum loan amount available? Loans up to ₹25 lakh, depending on eligibility.
Q3: Do disabled individuals need collateral for a personal loan? No, most personal loans for people with disabilities are unsecured.
Achieve Financial Freedom – Get the Best Personal Loan Today!
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321 Pension Approval Certificates Distributed in Jamshedpur
Senior Citizen Pension Certificates Distributed at Baridih Assembly Office Under the directives of Jamshedpur East MLA Saryu Roy, 321 approval certificates for the Chief Minister’s State Old Age Pension Scheme were distributed at the Baridih Assembly office on Sunday. JAMSHEDPUR – On Sunday, 321 approval certificates for the Chief Minister’s State Old Age Pension Scheme were distributed at the…
#जनजीवन#Baridih Assembly office#Bharatiya Janata Mahila Morcha#Chief Minister&039;s State Old Age Pension Scheme#Community Welfare#Jamshedpur East MLA#Jamshedpur events#Life#Pension Certificates#pension distribution#Saryu Roy#senior citizen support
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Passport for Senior Citizens – Step-by-Step Process
Obtaining a passport for senior citizens in India is a streamlined process designed to make international travel accessible for elderly individuals. Whether it’s for visiting family abroad, a pilgrimage, or a leisure trip, applying for a passport is essential. This detailed guide covers the step-by-step process for senior citizens to obtain a passport hassle-free.
Eligibility Criteria for Senior Citizen Passport
A senior citizen is defined as an individual who is 60 years or older at the time of applying for a passport. The Government of India has introduced relaxed norms for senior citizens to simplify the passport application process.
Documents Required for Senior Citizen Passport
To apply for a passport for senior citizens, the following documents must be submitted:
Mandatory Documents:
Proof of Age:
Birth Certificate
Aadhaar Card
PAN Card
Voter ID (mentioning Date of Birth)
Proof of Address:
Aadhaar Card
Voter ID
Utility Bills (Electricity/Water/Gas – latest 2 months)
Rent Agreement (if applicable)
Identity Proof:
Aadhaar Card
Voter ID
PAN Card
Old Passport (if any):
If the senior citizen is renewing or reapplying, the old passport should be submitted.
Additional Documents for Tatkal Applications:
For a Tatkal passport, senior citizens need to provide one of the following:
Pension Payment Order
Affidavit as per Annexure F
Identity Card issued by Government organizations
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for a Senior Citizen Passport
Step 1: Register on the Passport Seva Portal
Visit the official Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) website: passportindia.gov.in
Click on "New User Registration"
Enter details such as name, email, and phone number
Create a login ID and password
Log in to your newly created account
Step 2: Fill in the Passport Application Form
Select "Apply for Fresh Passport / Re-issue of Passport"
Choose the passport type (Normal/Tatkal)
Enter personal details like name, address, DOB, and marital status
Upload necessary documents
Review and verify all details before submission
Step 3: Make Online Payment
Senior citizens must pay the prescribed passport fee online. The fee structure is:
Normal Passport (36 pages, 10-year validity): ₹1,500
Tatkal Passport: Additional ₹2,000
Payment can be made via:
Credit/Debit Cards
Net Banking
Step 4: Schedule an Appointment at the PSK
Once the payment is successful:
Choose the nearest Passport Seva Kendra (PSK)
Book a convenient appointment slot
Download and print the appointment confirmation receipt
Step 5: Visit the Passport Seva Kendra (PSK)
On the scheduled date:
Carry original documents and their photocopies
Reach at least 30 minutes before the appointment
Follow the biometric verification and photograph process
Step 6: Police Verification
For senior citizens, police verification may be post-passport issuance in many cases. However, verification may be required in the following situations:
Change of address
Previous passport discrepancies
Step 7: Passport Dispatch and Delivery
If all documents are in order, the passport is typically dispatched within 7-10 working days
Track the application status online via Passport Seva Portal
Delivery is through Speed Post, ensuring safe receipt
Tatkal Passport for Senior Citizens – Fast-Track Process
Senior citizens who require an urgent passport can apply under the Tatkal Scheme:
Follow the same online application process
Submit additional verification documents
Pay the Tatkal fee (₹3,500 for a 36-page passport)
Receive the passport within 1-3 working days
Renewal of Passport for Senior Citizens
If a senior citizen’s passport is about to expire or has expired, they can apply for a renewal. The process is similar to applying for a fresh passport:
Log in to Passport Seva Portal
Select "Reissue of Passport"
Fill in the necessary details
Upload documents and pay fees
Schedule an appointment
Visit PSK for verification
Benefits of Senior Citizen Passport Application
Priority Processing: Senior citizens get faster appointment slots and verification.
Minimal Documentation: Fewer documents required compared to regular applicants.
Police Verification Relaxation: In many cases, police verification is not required before issuance.
Reduced Waiting Time: Dedicated counters for senior citizens at PSKs.
Common Issues and Solutions
1. Name or Address Mismatch
Ensure that all documents reflect the same name and address.
If needed, submit an affidavit or legal document supporting name changes.
2. Appointment Not Available
Try checking nearby Passport Seva Kendras for available slots.
Opt for Tatkal services if urgent travel is required.
3. Police Verification Delay
Keep a copy of the acknowledgement receipt for reference.
Follow up with the local police station to expedite the process.
Final Thoughts
Applying for a passport for senior citizens is now simpler than ever. With digital applications, relaxed verification, and faster processing, obtaining a passport is hassle-free. If you need professional guidance, reach out to smotpro.in for fast, dedicated agents, experienced professionals, and 24*7 support. Get all kinds of passport and visa help from start to finish with expert assistance.
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Government detects 894 ineligible beneficiaries in Jajpur’s pension scheme
Jajpur: Altogether 894 ineligible people have fraudulently received benefits under an old-age pension scheme in Odisha’s Jajpur district and have been asked to return the money, officials said Sunday. These people have availed of the financial benefit under the old-age pension scheme by allegedly producing fake documents, they said. The fraud came to the fore at Binjharpur block of Jajpur…
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The Social Security Administration started out as an old age pension and medical insurance program for Federal Employees and Dependents under Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Administration.
This self-help pension program was to be paid for by the workers and their employers, fifty-fifty.
Upon reaching retirement age, arbitrarily set at 65, the program would begin paying for a monthly stipend and basic medical care. The tax supporting this, FICA, was extracted from every paycheck with an Employee portion and an Employer portion duly noted.
What the General Public wasn't told is that the Social Security Act was vaguely worded, so that while it appeared to mean "dependents of Federal employees" in the traditional sense of spouses and children, who might be eligible for some consideration under the program, the word "dependent" could also indicate anyone who was subject to a public trust or political asylum.
It was this second, undisclosed meaning of "dependent" that FDR employed in making his odd demand that "everyone" sign up for Social Security and telling everyone including the General Public that they had to sign up and receive a Social Security Number in order to have a job.
As usual, FDR did nothing to disclose that the "everyone" he was talking to was supposed to be the Municipal citizens of the United States who were staffing the Federal Civil Service. He also failed to disclose that the only people who needed to enroll in Social Security "in order to have a job" --- were those seeking Federal Employment or Federal Asylum.
It was this second group of people seeking Federal Asylum, that we were all conveniently supposed to belong to.
This deceptive wordsmithing and use of double meanings for common words led to millions of Americans believing that this was a new "government law" and that they were required to enroll in Social Security, which they did by the millions in response to this deliberately induced misunderstanding.
The actual wording of the first Social Security Act made it quite clear that this new program was only intended for Federal Employees and their Dependents, that it would be an old age pension and benefit package for Civil Servants, and that the money collected would go into a special Social Security trust fund set aside from the General Fund, so that Congress couldn't spend it for anything else.
Suddenly, millions of people were mistakenly paying into this program for Federal workers and their pensions were being heavily subsidized by all these Americans and by the employers of all these Americans.
Still, all would have probably gone well-enough, if the Vermin had simply kept their word, but of course, being Vermin, they didn't.
Soon, the U.S. Congress had tinkered with and "redefined" everything without the consent of the program participants, steadily increasing the amount of the FICA tax levied as a payroll tax on both the Employees and their Employers, redefining the "pensions" as "distributed payments" and finally, merely "benefits".
The program prospered and the tremendous amount of money collected under this scheme created a huge potential Slush Fund for the Congress, which, predictably, started tapping and finally just dissolved the Social Security Trust Fund and rolled it over into the General Fund for direct hand-to-mouth spending.
It comes as a great shock to many people even today to learn that there is no special Social Security Trust Fund anymore, and that their pension and benefits under that program are not secured. It also comes as a shock that more than 7% of their lifetime gross earnings and an equal amount extracted from their Employers, adds up to a tremendous amount of money that has simply been purloined by the British Territorial U.S. Congress to be spent however Congress wants to spend it.
There is no Golden Parachute and no safety net for Social Security as a result.
This is bad enough, but the story gets worse. Immoral profit-seeking has led to the program being pillaged and plundered by fraud artists, especially impacting Medicare and Medicaid.
Medicare has traditionally been a program paid for by the presumed Federal Employees or Federal Dependents and their Employers, while Medicaid has been a program for the destitute and indigent and anyone else who fell through the cracks, whether or not they ever paid a penny into Social Security or not.
Like everything else subject to Congressional meddling, Medicaid has become a supplement to Medicare, and another new program, SSI is now used to provide payments and benefits to a wide variety of uninsured, indigent, unemployed or unemployable persons who enrolled in Social Security but never "vested" in the program by contributing to it during forty (40) three-month "quarters" --- a period of ten (10) years.
These people who didn't work long enough to qualify for benefits, nonetheless receive benefits, and often receive more than those who worked and contributed to the program for forty years --- which is a boiling sore spot with the American Public, which is outraged to realize that they have been defrauded and deliberately misinformed and misrepresented as Federal Asylum Seekers, and then are expected to take a back seat for every poor-mouthing special interest group on the planet.
Most recently, Social Security was plundered to pay for housing and food stamps and support payments to illegal aliens--- a situation and misappropriation for which we hold every member of the Biden Administration and the entire British Territorial U.S. Congress accountable for.
Efforts are ongoing to recoup credit that Americans have paid into the Social Security Administration by mistake, as a result of the deceptive language and misinformation they were given.
All of these abuses have taken place while the same Bad Actors have been operating under color of law, and seeming to have government authority to enforce these "taxes", when in fact the Federal Subcontractors involved were engaged in their own administrative and personnel issues--- and deliberately misaddressing these to the American Public and self-interestedly entrapping members of the American Public in their crooked and ill-defined pension system.
There's more:
Here's a recent example of how our Federal Subcontractors have abused their Employers and misused their own positions of trust for political ends:

Americans who worked hard all their lives and who counted on "Social Security" for all or part of their retirement plan, have been robbed blind and now must face the likelihood that there will be some kind of collapse that benefits the cronies and the criminals while leaving these innocent people destitute in their old age.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
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old age patient care
Old age patient care is a complicated and multidimensional approach that calls for the use of full strategies in addressing the needs of elderly people in terms of health. The care of older adults requires specialized medical attention, holistic support, and individualized interventions in order to provide them with care and quality life. Healthcare Issues in Geriatric Patients Older adults have numerous health problems that require medical attention. Some of the common health issues related to aging include: Hearing impairment Cataracts and vision impairment Chronic pain (back and neck) Osteoarthritis Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Diabetes Depression Dementia Geriatric Syndromes are highly complex health conditions which characterize older age, often originating from multiple underlying causes. Among them are: Frailty Urinary incontinence Falls Delirium Pressure ulcers Comprehensive Hospital Care Approach Hospitals have developed particular strategies to meet the distinct needs of older patients: Specialized Emergency Department Care Development of geriatric emergency departments with: Geriatric-trained medical staff Specialized equipment Pressure-reducing mattresses Improved lighting and acoustics Interdisciplinary Care Strategies Key elements of good elderly patient care are: Geriatric Interdisciplinary Team Identifies complex patient needs Prevents potential complications Provides comprehensive care Primary Care Nursing Continuous patient monitoring Personalized care planning Patient and family education Communication and Documentation Effective communication among healthcare professionals Detailed medication documentation Prevention of diagnostic and treatment errors Discharge and Continued Care Discharge planning for elderly patients is very complex1: Critical Discharge Planning Components Functional status assessment Management of identified health problems Medication adherence evaluation Caregiver capability assessment Comprehensive follow-up care planning Holistic Care Approaches Preventive and Promotional Strategies The NPHCE in India lists strategic care approaches2: Critical Care Approaches Preventive and promotive care Nutrition management Illness surveillance Medical rehabilitation Healthcare human resource development Interventions at community levels Psychological and social support Effective care of elderly people is not merely medicare: Counseling support Dementia awareness Improvement in skills of caregivers Inter-generational bonding programs Support to mental health Technology and Policy Interventions Government support Pension plans Healthcare policies Welfare schemes Elderly protection Technological intervention Guidance at doorstep level Specific geriatric health-care technologies Comprehensive Rehabilitation Centers Care Principles Suggested Care customized to person Care plan designed individually Patient's unique needs Holistic health management Preventive Approach Health check-ups Early treatment Lifestyle management Comprehensive Care Medical care Psychological care Social interaction Family participation Old age patient care is a multidimensional approach that deals with the physical, psychological, and social aspects of elderly health. With comprehensive approaches, healthcare systems can ensure that older adults are cared for in a dignified manner and with quality.
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