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cyborgnews · 2 years ago
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Наконец-то 🦾 на @okkomovies вышел Документальный фильм «Биофутуризм»: Вечная молодость и таблетки от всех болезней. Документальный сериал о технологиях, которые будут определять будущее. Четвертая серия про людей Киборгов) 🦾 в которой я причинял участие. К этой серии мы в @itix.official записали песню «Настоящие истории». Режиссёр:Андрей Новиков #киборги #айтикс #ильякиборг #victoriamodesta #cyborgman #future #okko #itix https://www.instagram.com/p/ComcQRxNFmG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awesome-super-amorsito13 · 5 years ago
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Box and PV are separated with his kids for shopping! Many kids is troublesome, isn't it PV?😂
If the Okko movie existed, I would like to see them more together in family.  
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flufferanian · 5 years ago
#OKKOMovie I can't belive my life is fucking ruined cause of you guys!1!!!!! 😩 Killing Myself: A Thread Let me just say, the whole "shut the fuck up about the OK KO" is completely ironic... well, almost. As much as I want there to be new material for OK KO, I'd always figure I would've be able to prep myself up as a fanartist before working my way into the industry but I guess I'm not even good at that. One of the few opportunities I took the time out of my day to set up for myself, something I looked so excitedly for, something that gave me a brighter tommorow, is fucking GONE rn (if I don't kms as soon as this is posted then I'll be glad to come up with at least special of some sort to make up for it and rewrite a bit if needed) all these ideas about bringing change to the table really stuck in my head, I felt like I could get somewhere somewhere with them given than I had the artistic training and experience. But the hard truth is that reality doesn't fucking wait for you. If your one of the "r*tarded ones" then your only purpose on life is to continuously be fucked over if it ends up being an actual thing right now, I'm probably gonna kill myself as soon as news is posted about so I don't have to live in shame of broken promises. You might go ahead and ask "Can't you focus on your original content instead? 'Unsolicited pitches' are illegal you know"... But the thing is, even as a showrunner, ideas and concepts could go wrong or into development hell. I still want to push forward with these concepts even if they never make it to the final screen (if at all!). By envisioning myself genuinely TRYING to work with media I was the least bit with (or for fuck's sake, someone else's idea to put it bluntly), not only would that give me the chance to hone in social, team-working skills critical to life itself, this incredible vision made me felt like could actually live up to my therapist's wishes and actually prove once for all that I'm in fact, NOT a deranged sociopath that thirsts for the thrill of modern bloodshed. But rather an autistic adult filled with kindness, wonder, and the passion to make the world a better place through the art of visual media. One who desperately needs a full-blown support system and immense psychiatric help before it's too late. I cackle at the thought of all this fucked up shit. I don't laugh cause it's funny, I laugh cause I'm in pain. My mind let's out a giggle that cries, one that says "this can't be fucking real" while accepting the fact that it IS and there's nothing you can do to make it out, all because the privledged people around you don't give a fuck about your 'lazy ass'. I could bow down give these bitches manicures day and day out and they'd STILL go on about how everything is my fault and how I'm such a bad person, all cause I'm way too deathly afraid to follow through with that same-old classic bullshit they always throw back at me. Releasing the OK KO movie at a time like this wouldn't calm my nerves but rather, make me more relentless and self-aggrivated more than ever before. not because things didn't turn out the way I thought but because this wouldn't be just another cute movie anymore to me, it would serve as a painful reminder that no matter how far you reach for the stars, no matter what your end goals are there will always be something to shred your dreams to pieces. And if you don't craft that glue just right then you'll end up in a bigger mess than before. Sometimes, reality hits you so hard that you might actually never be able to get up again. If you can say "you can try again later" or "there's always tommorow", consider yourself privledged for not being forced to view this as a fact of life. Cause for some people, that's all they ever get. It's not that they're "lazy" they gave up, it's because the society they live in deliberately chose not to care. It isn't the dumb hashtag thats making me suicidal, you can have your fucking goddamn film if you want to (and trust me, it's well-deserved!) It's a build-up of sustained abuse that I continuously
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t00muchcaffeine · 5 years ago
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#Repost @okkomovies with @get_repost ・・・ Сегодня стукнуло 50 лет прекрасному Мэттью МакКонахи – уроженцу Техаса и одному из самых харизматичных актеров Голливуда 🤠 Поздравляем звезду «Настоящего детектива» с юбилеем и желаем ему побольше новых фильмов, в которых он будет произносить... ⠀ Alright, alright, alright 😎 ⠀ #okkomovies #mathewmcconaughey https://www.instagram.com/p/B4etzQWhxCY/?igshid=gqfgdzqqr8nn
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yes-svetlana-world · 5 years ago
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....ну,для наших....)))...
Успейте получить приглашение  на главное кинособытие Оскар 2020 в ночь с 9 на 10 февраля. Только в онлайн-кинотеатре Оkko #оскар2020
от  Okko Russia@Okkomovies·
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blondin4ik88 · 3 years ago
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Какой век, такие и ёлки😂 #елка2022 @okkomovies #okko2022 #окко2022 (at Никольские ряды) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYb22ovtK5fdcFZ3VtqzQbe2yVFtDjZaF2CWvI0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spodvizhnik · 5 years ago
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@streetkinofest разогреваемся... знакомимся с новыми телезрителями в виде местного котофея...) #ФестивальУличногоКино @okkomovies @tele2russia #SSpodvizhnik #sspodvizhnik_gps (at Речной Вокзал Нижний Новгород #sspodvizhnik_gps) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0v_dCRB02H/?igshid=z68gvpo6db7h
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makeme-wannafly-blog · 6 years ago
Okko: онлайн-кинотеатр
С июня по сен��ябрь 2018 года я работала младшим менеджером по связям с общественностью в онлайн-кинотеатре Okko. Okko — один из крупнейших российских VoD-сервисов. Лидер по платной модели монетизации. Первый кинотеатр в России, кто начал использовать высокие технологии Dolby Digital и Dolby Atmos.
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В компании в этот период я занималась SMM (т.е. ведением социальных сетей: ВК, ФБ, Instagram), написанием текстов для LiveJournal, Яндекс.Дзен и других ресурсов. За время работы удалось увеличить вовлеченность в публикации во всех социальных сетях на 20% без использования платного продвижения и рекламы, наблюдался также рост количества подписчиков во всех социальных сетях (стабильно на 5% ежемесячно).
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/okkomovies/
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/okkomovies/
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Вконтакте: https://vk.com/okkomovies
Таким образом, была переработана система работы социальных сетей, проведена полная аналитика, которая помогла выявить слабые и сильные стороны используемого контента. К сожалению, после моего ухода, многое из этого было безвозвратно утеряно.
Тематические кино-подборки:
https://okkomovies.livejournal.com/9145.html (ТОП-500 РУ сегмента)
https://okkomovies.livejournal.com/8815.html (63 место в РУ сегменте)
https://okkomovies.livejournal.com/7426.html (871 место в РУ сегменте)
Статья про Ингмара Бергмана: 
https://okkomovies.livejournal.com/4393.html (6 место в РУ сегменте)
Разбор фильма «Первому игроку приготовиться»
Рецензия на «Такси 5»
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spodvizhnik · 5 years ago
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#ФестивальУличногоКино оживляет воображение...) #wsffest @wsffest @tele2russia @okkomovies #SSpodvizhnik #sspodvizhnik_gps (at Речной Вокзал Нижний Новгород #sspodvizhnik_gps) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0va-eSl6G1/?igshid=p99qh1n0ov99
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