#okie dokie I'll go now
hourcat · 10 months
ok i promise i'll stop spamming the dash after this but
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dredshirtroberts · 5 months
i did the biggest and scariest of the things on my list (the last thign on my list in fact) and it took like. MAYBE 5 minutes total including login time navigation and page loading.
now i get to have fancy Oreo Poptarts because i'm a big strong boy whose knee is slightly dislocated (it's fine i just went too hard and i'll wrap it up here in a minute) and did a big scary thing and also now gets to fully devote brain power to anxiety about the (potential) hole between two of my heart chambers and the accompanying doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.
#the lack of anxiety about this has been so bad i don't even have my alarms set and for every other dr appointment previously#i had those bitches up a week ahead of time as soon as they reminded me about my upcoming appointment#anyway it's fine it's all fine i'm going to be fine i'll figure it all out please just don't let me lose my health insurance because i move#i shouldn't but. i fear.#and boy howdy i'm good at one particular thing and that thing is being afeared about things#oh sure my knees are fine for years while i have 3 available knee braces#i pare down to one really solid one with intentions to grab a second at some point in the distant future#and i'm feeling froggy right i'm feeling good everything is a-okie dokie so i lend my remaining knee brace out to my partner for moving shi#(cross country long haul style and they're gonna need it because heavy lifting)#forgetting of course that i'm heading into the part of the month where my joint stability (already tenuous) is reduced even further#thanks estrogen! hhhhhhhh#and i keep doing Up And Downs with squats and kneeling#thankfully it's the knee i call my bad knee even if it's both of them relatively equally nowadays#so i'm used to it being unstable and not great to stand on (and then do it anyway)#i'm mainly trying to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't swell up real bad like it did the first time i fucked it#when it earned the moniker of ''bad knee'' out of the two i've got#garrett's knee is fine right now but i'll probably end up bracing it when this one goes back to normal for the compensation i'm doing on it#ohhh bottle of naproxen we're really in it now#thank god it's workable though like so long as i'm In One Position and i don't sit with my leg folded up underneath me it's fine#it means i have fewer Gay And Neurodivergent ways to sit than normal but like i'll deal lmao#i just have to get through tomorrow and then i can rest the whole rest of the week until the move crew gets back up here#and then we will help with this#i'm really grumpy the thing i put off for weeks took like. a couple of clicks and a real quick county check#i really anticipated that being a longer process
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
This cute idea just spawned into my head but imagine the girls asking reader and hobie about their youth 🥹 like “how did you two meet?” And when they complain about having too much homework they say “I bet you didn’t do your homework when you were younger” to Hobie
Thank you for the adorable request!! 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Twin AU, Billie and Ramona AU, cw food mentions, FLUFF
You feel a gentle tug on your apron whilst you make dinner, the savory smell of spaghetti and meatballs wafting around you, covering you with a thin smoke that you had to fan away to get a good look at the disheveled curls below you.
“Mummy?” she tugs again and you fan the smoke away from her face. You should really turn on the exhaust.
Quickly pressing the on button, the fans roar to life making your daughter call you louder above the noise. You crouch down to her height, now eyelevel, you see Billie with her face scrunched up, pouting and with a crumpled paper clutched in her tiny hand.
“What happened to your hair?” You chuckle, trying to get it away from her pretty face with your palms. “Was your head all itchy?”
She stomps on her tiny foot, frustrated. “I can't do my homework!” Whining, Billie sniffs, clearly upset. You rub her arms lovingly, trying to calm her down. “And Mona fell asleep and daddy locked his door!”
The thought of Mona taking a nap before dinner has you internally groaning, knowing that you have to wake her up which is a job and a half for both you and Hobie. She clearly takes after her dad in that department.
“And I'm your third choice?” You feign hurt, joking to lighten her mood. It doesn't work when her frown deepens, brows knitted together. She takes after you in this department. “Okay I'm sorry, baby, what do you need?”
She raises her homework to your face, getting a facefull of her maths problems. Leaning away, you skim over the numbers: five plus seven, ten plus twenty and so on.
“I need help, mummy.” Her tiny broken voice sends your instincts into a frenzy, but you remain calm with your hands rubbing soft circles around her shoulder blades just like you always did when she was just a baby.
“And mummy will help you, okay? Can you grab your pencils for me? Then we can sit down and finish it.” You lift her chin up, pressing a sweet kiss on her chubby cheek. “And maybe I'll give you some ice cream for a job well done.” You whisper it to her like a secret to make your daughter giggle.
Truthfully, you were already going to give her some after dinner, if Hobie saw the entire thing he would've patted your back.
“Okie dokie.” Billie changes moods quickly, smiling and skipping towards the bedroom. She leaves the door wide open, giving you the opportunity to watch Billie hastily pick up her supplies from the messy pile on the foot of her bed.
You shut off the stove and the exhaust whilst peeking at the girls' bedroom. Spotting Ramona slowly sitting up, waking up from the ruckus that her sister was making. Yawning, her eyes droopy from sleep, she scowls at her sister but when she sees you peeking from the open doorway, she smiles, giving you her signature toothy grin.
Copying her smile, you scrunch up your nose and narrow your eyes, Mona giggles as Billie finally makes her way towards the kitchen table with her arms full of school supplies that are definitely not needed for a maths homework.
Billie huffs like she just climbed a mountain. She sits down on the dining chair with little effort, when just last year she still needed yours and Hobie’s help to get up on the chair.
“Mum!” She calls, legs swinging and tapping her pencil on the table.
“Coming, baby.” You wipe your hands on your apron. Sitting down next to her, you feel Mona lay her head on your arm wordlessly, sleep still clinging to her lashes.
Lifting her up, you place her on your lap. She embraces you, head placed on your chest.
“Mm-hmm, homework got me tired.” her words are muffled by your shirt.
If only Hobie can see you hogging all the attention from his girls, he'd probably be complaining jokingly, saying that his girls are playing favourites.
You help Billie with her homework and with every question answered her pout becomes deeper. She's so done with it already even though she still has an entire page left.
Mona has even started to help her sister, giving her extra fingers using her own hands so Billie can count higher using both her and Mona's fingers.
Nine questions left, Billie's on the brink of tears.
“‘m hungry” she whines, flicking eraser shavings off the paper.
“I know, cheese, just one more and we can have dinner then we can continue right after.”
“I bet you didn't have to do homework back then!” Billie throws a crumpled piece of paper across the table. Mona frowns, upset, looking at you for answers.
Hobie senses his girls' distress, he can't ignore it any longer while he was working on a new web fluid. With measured steps, he unlocks the door with a click. Making his way towards the kitchen, his heart melts at the sight, if only the twins were actually smiling it would've been better. Webbing up Billie's homework, he reads it out loud while closing the distance.
“‘If Charlie had ten cookies and his dad gives him eight more, how many cookies does he have?’” he scoffs, plopping himself next to Billie and across from you. “Diabetes, Charlie has diabetes.” placing the paper down, he watches the girls grin from ear to ear.
His girls giggles, music to his ears.
“Dad!” Billie slaps her dad on his arm, Hobie feigns hurt, groaning in (fake) pain. They laugh louder, Billie's frustration forgotten.
You smile at him, practically giving him heart eyes. He winks, laying his foot on top of your knee that's under the table. His way of saying ‘thank you’ and ‘you did a good job.’ So to show your appreciation, you wink back and he acts like Cupid's bow hit him right on his chest.
Mona laughs while Billie acts disgusted by the gooey scene in front of her.
Hobie sits up, or as properly as Hobie can. He places his elbow casually on the table, chin placed on his palm. He shakes his head, “not true at all, froggy, mum and I did a lot of homework back then.”
“You mean fifty years ago?” Mona jokes, followed by loud laughter from her and Billie.
“Rude!” You squeeze her in your arms, swaying her from side to side. “We raised rude children, Hobs.”
“This is what we get for letting uncle James babysit you eh?” Hobie pokes Billie on her side, earning a yelp from the younger twin. “You know who didn't do his homework? Uncle James, and look where he is now.”
“He’s living in a castle, dad!” Billie exclaims, excited to hear a story from before they were born.
“It's his dad's, scrunkly,” he pats her head before sloshing her head from side to side. She giggles again, holding his hand that's on top of her head. “not uncle James'” stopping his attack, he continues. “Have I told you that your mum and I’s first date was a study date?”
“No!” Mona and Billie shout excitedly.
You quirk a brow but you let him tell the story even though you know he might be telling it a bit differently than you remember.
“Yep, you see mum was havin’ a hard time with biology—”
“What's biology?” Mona asks.
“Study of plants, animals and humans.” Hobie says without elaborating or they'll be sitting there for hours.
Mona looks up at you from your lap, smaller hand tapping your clavicle. “Did you fall in love with dad during homework time?”
“Yes, he impressed me with his biology prowess.”
“Taught her anatomy—” You kick Hobie under the table before he could finish his sentence. He silently groans, staring softly at you.“—we held hands under the table.” Both girls listen intently while you smile at the memory. “I'd squeeze her hand every time she got an answer right.”
“Woah! You still do that!” Billie moves her head from Hobie and to you. Smiling delightfully at her parents.
“Yeah, we do. But with fewer biology questions.” Hobie taps the paper, “what's ten plus eight?”
“Eighteen,” Billie answers quickly and you look at her surprised. Hobie smirks triumphantly. “How'd you two meet?” she asks curiously, elbows on the table, and eyes sparkling.
Her twin does the same, her knees digging into your thighs. But you don't mind as you make googly eyes at Hobie.
“Tell you what, cheese, finish this and we'll tell you.” Hobie throws you another wink, sending you back in time when he used to pick you up from class.
You knead at his leg, tapping in morse code a simple ‘I love you.’ He appreciates it with a message of his own. Tapping Billie's eraser on the table, he sends a message through it. ‘Love you more, study anatomy later?’
Tapping a quick ‘yes’ he hides his smile when he pretends to look over Billie's homework.
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ceilidho · 11 months
okie dokie I think I might become a regular in your ask box (I sent the lap nap ask) Imagine for one reason or another you want a tattoo and your bestie Johnny who has had one decides to give you tips and advice, after you get it done he tries to convince you to get another, like maybe his name? he will get one too don't worry, it's normal to get best friend tattoos! maybe a tramp stamp, or something on your thigh so he can lift up your skirt "accidentally" to scare off anyone who has an interest in you. Some people are just toxic and don't like opposite gender besties 🤷 (also if available I'll sign off as ☢️, your writing is sooo good 😩🥺)
Johnny who's been practicing stick and poke and he begs, begs, begs you to let him give you one and you finally relent, but you're like, "I don't even want a tattoo - what would I even get?" and he pretends to think about it for a few seconds, like really makes a meal out of thinking of a tattoo for you before he suggests that you get his name. You know, since you're best friends and all. Best friends always do things like that - get matching tattoos, get each other's names or birthdays, that sort of thing.
You're so sceptical at first because like. You've heard of couples getting each other's names but not friends. Certainly not when you're friends with someone like Johnny, who's flirty and cocky and constantly squishes your face when he's drunk and says you have pretty cocksucking lips and snorts when you tell him that's inappropriate before popping a little peck on them. Just friendly drunken behaviour from your flirt of a best friend, but maybe a reason to avoid having future potential partners think there's something going on between the two of you.
But you finally give in because, why not. Especially if it's only a little thing. It'll be a good memory and surely your future partner will understand - it's not like you plan on not being friends with Johnny any time soon. You two are practically attached at the hip. So you tell him sure and then ask him where he's going to put it.
And your heart practically jumps into your throat when he kneels in front of you and spreads your legs to make enough room for himself, hiking the legs of your shorts up a bit until there's a little space made on your inner thigh. You try to be firm and tell him no, but he says that anywhere else would be too noticeable. You'd get tired having to constantly explain to people why you have a man's name tattooed on your body (even though it's normal, friends do that).
It hurts when he gives you the little stick and poke of his name written in his messy handwriting. So close to your pussy that he can probably smell you, and you can't help getting a little wet with his face so close to the space between your legs and the pain that hurts but sends tingles up your body. And the constant living reminder of Johnny now embedded in your skin, stuck on you for the rest of time. Your shorts also tugging against your clit and rubbing whenever your legs so much as twitch because of how high they've ridden up.
Johnny just staring at his name when he's done, licking his lips absentmindedly. Eyes hooded, staring at your inner thigh like he wants to take a bite so bad, even though it's tender and pink and needs to heal. Wants to trace the letters with his tongue. Eyes dragging up your body to find you panting and embarrassed, fists clenched at your sides.
"C'mon, kitty - let's get ye out of those shorts so they dinnae mess up all my hard work, yeah?"
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zhivaoverdrive · 25 days
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Saline Thief, 3
At this moment, all Amy wished was that the nurse would speak quietly. But alas.
"Now, I know it says scheduled fill here, but it's been a while since we've seen you!" chirped the nurse Laura, as the two women walked from the waiting room.
"I've just been b-" Amy began.
"XL expander implants, 8000cc capacity! Wow" said Laura, her tone hovering between playful and concerning.
"So much room to grow, but maybe we can max you out today!" she continued.
"This is absurd" thought Amy to herself.
"Here I am, struggling to keep walking pace, my tits pumped so huge they're pulling me off balance with every step.
I don't own any bras, I can't even find a place to custom make me one.
This nurse KNOWS what I've done, why is she teasing me this way? Should I just admit it-"
Entering the room, Laura motioned for her to sit.
"Okie dokie! shirt off. Let's see what we can do today huh!" said the nurse gleefully.
Moment of truth, perhaps time to rip the bandaid off?
Surely the charade would end once her monstrously expanded breasts were exposed.
Noone can look at what I've done to myself... and let me go further. 
These spheres I'm attached to, their tortured vein covered skin, areolas stretched as wide as a palm.
Amy had been trying to adjust as quickly as she could, but the damage from her night missions was... incalculably.  Unmanageable.
She still didn't have an accurate count, but her '8k expanders' must have been closer to 30,000cc than they were 8. "Sweetie, if you don't mind me saying..." began Laura
Here it comes. I've been such an idiot. Why did I get so ahead of myself...
I should have stayed home, ghosted this place. What did I expect to happen
"You're looking GREAT for only 4500cc! 
I know you've got your heart set on hitting your implant capacity today, but..."
UGH. I don't remember saying that. This is all her idea, she's baiting me.
Wants me to admit what I've done. To save myself.
I can't take any more filling! She knows it!
"Well. Let's not get ahead of ourselves... I can't recommend overfilling you too much, the weight could start to really affect your life you know!" said Laura, as she gently caressed Amy's orbs, either testing their elasticity or appreciating her grossly stretched skin, riddled with veins and stretch marks.
"Doubling your size today with a teeny overfill would really be pushing the limit... you're such a slight girl after all!"
The nurse causally connected the filling apparatus as she spoke, consulting the small electronic control unit in her hand every now and then, when she wasn't touching Amy's hopelessly inflated breasts, that is.
“Try to hold still Amy! You’re wiggling all over the place. Can’t you stand up still for just a moment?” chastised Laura, as her patient struggled to manage the immense burdens in her chest.
Even seated, Amy struggled to stay upright without moving, she was already exhausted…
“I’ve hurt my back-” Amy tried to explain, to no avail.
Nurse Laura grinned. It wasn’t malicious, but it wasn’t friendly.
“You’ll have to look after your back sweetie, they’re not going to get any lighter!
"Rest on the desk, let's get lefty up to capacity, then see how we're looking, shall we? I'll be back to check on you soon!"
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missterious-figure · 4 months
Okie-dokie! The results are in! Silhouette 1 had 8.3% of votes, Silhouette 2 had a whopping 77.1%, and Silhouette 3 had 14.7%!
Looks like the middle(pink) one is going to be Pokemon Sun!!
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Still need to think of a name though... (Honesty don't know what to do with the other two now...) I'll come back and update his info/name soon! I'll probably draw him a bit too!!
Thank you for participating in this fun little vote!! Moon is going to be next!!
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alice-after-dark · 3 months
Deer Wife AU - Mimzy
Inspired by @hiemaldesirae's deer sinner Vox designs (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) and his Attic-Wife Vox AU
Vox meets Mimzy!
(Woke up early and brain went buzz and finished this instead of going back to sleep lol)
Unlike Rosie, Mimzy's visit is not planned.
Instead, the small woman appears at the door, proclaims she'd heard from Rosie about Alastor's new "squeeze," and demands to meet him.
"Well ain't you cute!" she exclaims, holiding his face in her hands. "Alastor, how'd you get your hands on such a cutie? He's way outta your league!"
Vox blushes and fidgets with his skirt. If anything, the opposite was true...
Alastor gently taps her arm with his cane. "Personal space, Mimzy dear. Vox is a nervous creature."
The singer gives him a sour look but nevertheless releases Vox, allowing him to straighten up as she circles him. "You really got yourself a little sheik, huh?"
A what now?
"Mimzy dear."
"Oh come on! Ya gotta let a girl know the details! How's the barney mugging?"
The what?
"That is hardly appropriate!"
They begin to bicker, their tone light and playful. Vox, on the other hand, hasn't the slightest clue as to what they are even talking about. Sheik? Barney mugging? He decides to ask Alastor later.
Somehow, Mimzy has managed to get Alastor into the kitchen, citing something about being a good host and fixing up some snacks and drinks. It's startling. Vox has never seen anyone push Alastor around the way this woman does.
"Now," Mimzy ushers him to sit on the couch and hops up beside him. "Don't you let him get away with nuthin', got it?" she says, oddly serious. "And if he ain't treatin' you right, you let me know and I'll straighten him out. Okie dokie, sweetheart?"
Vox blinks, surprised by the sudden shift. "I...yeah, okay...but I promise, he's been nothing but good to me."
"Good." The small woman crosses her arms and nods. "I expect nuthin' less from him." And then the seriousness is gone and she waggles her eyebrows at him as a sly grin slides across her face. "He better be treatin' you right in other ways too."
Vox's face goes bright red. "I-! No-I mean-! We're not-! We haven't-!"
Mimzy looks practically scandalized. "Are you serious?! Alastor!" Vox wails and hides in his hands as Alastor appears with a tray of snacks and drinks. Mimzy gestures wildly at Vox. "What's the big idea not sexin' up this cutie? Do you know how many mooks he could have eatin' outta his hand right now and you're leavin' him hangin'!"
Alastor sputters.
The sound is so alarming that it makes Vox look up. Alastor's face is bright red and his ears are back flat against his skull. His shadow is snickering behind him as Mimzy continues to lecture him.he is very pointed not looking at Vox. Vox feels his heart skip. Wait...does Alastor...want to...?
Alastor changes the subject. To what, Vox doesn't remember, but it successfully distracts Mimzy while Vox continues to have an existential crisis. Alastor wants to have sex with him. Alastor...wants to have sex...with him. Vox can barely string together any coherent thoughts for the rest of the afternoon.
"I do hope you'll forgive the dear woman," Alastor says as he does the dishs later. "She can be...excitable."
Vox sits at the table as he drinks the tea Alastor made him to calm his over socialized nerves. Alastor's shadow hovers around him like a mother hen.
"You're awfully quiet," Alastor says, still not facing him. "I suspect I know what you're thinking about." He sighs. "Mimzy can be a rather...forward individual. If she made you uncomfortable..."
"No!" Vox says quickly. Embarrassed by his own abruptness, he tries again. "I mean...no, what she said didn't...bother me. I just...do you? Want to do...that, I mean." Vox's ears are back and he knows his face must be bright red. He feels like a child, unable to even say the damn words properly. He's a grown man, dammit!
"Yes, I do." Vox nearly chokes on his tea. "However, I have no intention of taking advantage of you in the regard. I understand many Overlords and soul-owners would, but I will not force you to satisfy me in that way."
Vox swallows hard. "And...if I want to?"
Now Alastor turns to face him, eyes dark and searching. Vox holds his gaze. He fights the urge to look away like he normally would, flustered as he is. Alastor is looking for reassurance, affirmation that Vox is not saying this to just please him, but because he truly wants this. And Vox wants this. He has for a long time, he realizes. For how sweet and docile he has been for the past several months, Vox is a greedy thing. He knows this about himself and he wants every part of Alastor he can get his hands on. Literally and figuratively.
Alastor clears his throat. "I see." He dries his hands and moves closer. He takes Vox's chin in his hand and Vox's heart skips. Alastor rarely touches him beyond his hands or perhaps his shoulders. This touch forces Vox to keep his eyes on Alastor. The red deer grins down at him wickedly. "Have you ever had intercourse with a man?"
Vox shakes his head.
"Words, darling."
Vox's breath catches in his throat at the commanding tone. "N-no."
Alastor hums. "Well, we can address that later. If I'm going to have you, my dear, I intend to do it properly. You're not a two-cent whore. I've been...delicate with you since your arrival here, but I won't deny that there are many things I wish to do to you. My desires are not conventional, darling. If you are to accept a courtship from me, I need you to understand that."
Vox's mind goes blank. Courtship. Alastor wants to court him. The Radio Demon's hand moves from his chin to stroke the side of his face and Vox leans into the touch as his answer. Alastor kisses him then, slow and so deep that Vox swears he means to consume him.
Vox decides he's alright with that.
1920's Slang:
Sheik - A young sexy man
Barney mugging - Sex
Mook - An ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person
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orginllazyblog · 11 months
Where Are You?
Summary: Yuu stopped showing up in the HoM mainly because of the canon story still processing. This took place before and during Book 7.
Note: Gender-neutral Yuu (can use your Yuu oc for this)
It has been an exhausting day in school for Yuu. They just dealt with Idia's and Ortho's overblot a few weeks ago, and now Yuu has started to gain awareness. They notice how each overblot resembles the Great Seven's by the vivid dreams they are having, and now worrying for the next one. 
"*Sigh* I need to get ready for work. Just need to rest for a while before dinner." 
As minutes went by, Grim woke up Yuu to remind them that it's about to be dinner time, well, mainly to remind them of his tuna. Yuu couldn't blame Grim for this one, he did get kidnapped and probably never eaten his favorite food. 
"Sure, Grim. Let's go to Mr. Sam's shop. Maybe get more than three this time."
"Fnagh? You will?"
"Yes, I have been saving up from my job. Remember?"
"Oh yeah."
"Well then, let's go in a hurry as I have to go to work in about an hour."
In the House of Mouse, Yuu serves the food to the great sevens as they are the only waiter who wasn't afraid of them. Also the fact they can handle it. Yuu also knows about their evil deeds from their vivid dreams, but after dealing with the OB boys, they kind of got used to them and see the similarities between them. 
After their work hours, they are on their break so they went to the seven's table to chat with them.
"So Yuu, how's your day in Night Raven College?" (QoH)
"Busy as the upcoming exams are coming next month." 
"If you need help, you can ask one of your classmates. Why not ask Azul? I'm sure he'll help you without paying any debt." (Ursula)
"I'm pretty sure they'll ask Riddle as they are not what they call "shady" Ursula." (QoH)
"Aren't you forgetting that Leona is wiser than those two. He's even older than those brats." (Scar)
'Oh boy, here we go.' 
"Oh wait! I forgot to mention that I won't be able to come back to work."
"So when will you be back from your exams?" (EQ)
"I would say about a week or two. I'm not sure how long it'll take considering it's a different school system from my home world, but I know it won't take long."
During the conversation, Yuu didn't bring up another overblot incident, which happened to be the shroud brothers. They didn't want to make them worried, but Yuu still needs to tell them about their vivid dreams and know the truth about them. They just need to wait until the time is right. 
After hours pass, the clubhouse is about to close. Yuu farewell to the great sevens and the other disney characters as they left. Mickey congrat them and gave them their paycheck of 5,000 thuamarks. 
"Thank you, Mickey."
"No problem, Yuu."
"By the way Mickey, I won't be able to work in the next couple of weeks. I have an upcoming exam so I would need time to study and a small break as well."
"Oh okay, thank you for reminding me, Yuu. Remember to take it easy. I'll have to tell the other staff about it."
"No worries, I also told the great sevens about it. I'm sure the rest will understand my situation."
"Okie dokie! Good night, Yuu." 
Little does Yuu know this might be the last time they see the rest of the disney characters again.
After a couple of weeks, Mickey and the staff were able to work knowing Yuu is busy with their education. There was some mischief going around, but it was only from Pete, and one of the great seven's shows up one time only. So far, everything seems normal. Nothing can go wrong… right?
It's been about a month, and the whole House of Mouse Club was panicking. Yuu should have been done with the exams. Where are they? Did something happen to them? 
Of course it wouldn't make sense, Yuu wouldn't just quit their job as they need money to buy their needs or send a message to Mickey or anyone to let them know. 
Even the great seven's were wondering what happened to them. Someone like Maleficent, who has access to travel to Twisted Wonderland world only to find out she can't.
 As if there is a barrier that she can't enter. That's when things are going downhill.
Mickey and his friends try to calm everyone down, but nothing seems to work. Until the lights went dim, the front stage, the screen went black. Then the loading screen started, which is not just any loading screen but the twisted wonderland loading screen. Everyone then quieted down as they sat down at their table as they watched how book 7 started.
* half an hour later…
With all there is, the screen went black again. With half of them, questions to what just happened and the sleeping beauty cast, now know what's going to happen next. 
Then again, 2 months later, the theater screen went black and the twst loading screen play. Now playing Book 7, chapter 2. 
"Hey Mal, do you know what's going on?" (Hades)
"How I'm I supposed to know? I can't enter Twisted Wonderland because the canon story is happening so I can't interfere." (Maleficent) 
"But do you know what will happen? This is where he will began to overblot." (Jafar) 
"Let's just watch it. There's no way my descendant won't-" (Maleficent)
*Malleus OB by end*
"..." (Maleficent) 
"You were saying~?" (Scar)
"Shut up." (Maleficent)
Knowing there's like 5 chapters in Book 7, I have no clue for how long will I continue writing. So I just stop at where chpater 2
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blindmagdalena · 11 months
Hey again! So following up on the s/o with close older brother question, let's say the older brother kinda sorta knows that Homelander is fucked up, and has the "talk" with him (the "if you hurt a thread of hair on my sibling I'll fuck you up" type talk. The older brother doesn't really care that Homelander is this famous powerful being or whatever). Maybe the older brother tries to keep Homelander's s/o away from him. How would that scenario go?
Clearly Homelander's persona as an upstanding hero and dream-perfect boyfriend has lulled this moron into a false sense of security. He thinks he can speak to him with some kind of authority the moment he gets a whiff of something being off.
He's in for a harsh wakeup call.
“It you hurt her I’ll—“
“You’ll what?” Homelander interjects sharply, smiling in the same way a beast bares its teeth. The threat of it echoes in his eyes, wide and unkindly set. “No, really. You’ll what?”
Your brother only hesitates a second, but that’s all Homelander needs to pounce.
“That’s right. Not a fucking thing. I could shove your fist all the way down your throat and high-five you out your ass, and no one in this world would do a goddamn thing about it. You wanna know why?”
He leans in, that predator grin stretching wider. “I’m me, and you’re nobody.”
He relishes the look that puts on the poor saps face. He can’t help but continue to push, to establish that he’s the only one calling the shots here.
“Here’s the deal, bro,” he says, slinging an arm around the man’s shoulder. “Your sister? She fucking worships me. I don’t care how close you were or how much you thought she loved you, she’s mine now. And I will tell you one goddamn thing for certain, buckaroo,” he says, possessiveness making his tone vicious. His gloved hand tightens like a claw on the man's shoulder. “No one tells me what to do with what’s mine," he says through his teeth, leaning uncomfortably close. "Threaten me again and you’ll be eating from a tube and shitting into a bag for the rest of your miserable life.”
He soaks up the look of horror on the man’s face, knowing that by saying something so extreme, something so entirely out of character for the man you know, you’ll never believe it. If your brother tries to tattle, he'll look like the psychopath. Homelander will naturally deny every word of it while being as supportive as any good boyfriend should be.
“Okie-dokie. Good talk, bro!” He says, abruptly chipper, his smile now broad and eerily friendly. He gives him a harsh pat on the back and leaves him to stew on his friendly advice. “Let’s not do it again, okay?” He stops in the doorway, turning to point his index finger at him, thumb raised. “And remember, you’re the real hero.”
He savors the fading sound of the man’s heart pounding in his chest and the lingering bitter stink of his fear as he walks away. The taste of you will be the sweetest chaser to it.
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cherrythepuppet · 8 months
The Harvest
Mob au @//Clownsuu
Grover @trashcanplant
Vince @cloudy-dreams
TW: dead deer
Penny sat on the ground outside playing in the leaves with Poppy's supervision "Be careful!" Poppy exclaimed while Penny stopped herself form eating a leaf
She could hear some crunching from other footsteps then she heard Poppy talking with someone but Penny didn't care enough to listen
"Penny?" Someone behind her asked, She turned around and blinked looking up to see Wally "Hi" Penny said "Hello to you to Penny" Wally replied
"Care to go for a little walk? I'm afraid I have something to ask of you" He added to which Penny stood up and brushed any leaves or dirt off the bottom of her dress
"You have no proof of me hitting Antoni with the frying pan" Penny told him causing Wally to go 'Ha Ha Ha'
"Oh Penny, I watched you hit him" He mumbled "But that isn't why we're talking. I need you to go tell Grover something" He explained
"Oh, Yeah sure! I like talking to Grover even if he-" Penny paused "Where are we again?" She asked "Oh dear, Your memory must be acting up" Wally sighed
"Come along then. We should get you inside" Wally muttered before he began to walk back inside with Penny following
When the two went back inside Wally went to office to wait for Penny who was in her room looking for a coat
yet all she found was a Boa She put it on her shoulders figuring it would work as a coat so after that she went to Wally's office where she sorta zoned out until he told her to tell Grover to "Feed him"
"Oki Doki" Penny replied then she left looking around for Grover until she found him at the bar, Penny looked over to Howdy
Howdy sighed then walked over to Penny and helped her on the barstool before He walks back behind the bar Penny was kicking her legs slightly until Grover looked over to her Ugh… what do you want.” He grumbled while putting back another cup
Grover let Howdy finish pouring him a anothee one then he turned back to Penny "Hi" Penny grinned spinning around in the barstool
She looked over to Howdy who nodded and began preparing a Shirley Temple "Doesn't answear my question" Grover sighed
"Well scareycrow-" "Not my name"
Penny glared at him "Well anyway, Boss wanted me to tell you to 'Feed Him' whatever that means. Sounded like third person too? Is he gonna start talking like that now?" Penny trailed off
She was fidgeting with her gloves to even notice that Grover had stood up "Where are you going?" She asked grabbing her drink Howdy finished making
"Out" Grover replied "Out? But Antoni..." Penny muttered to herself trying to remember "Your not allowed out thought, Boss said-" She was cut off
"Boss told me that I need to go when he gives the word" Grover told her before turning to look at the sky listening for something "Where the fuck are those birds..” He frowned
Penny hopped off the barstool after finishing her drink and walked over to Him then saw two birds outside "Oooh! I've seen those birds before!" She exclaimed
Grover ignored her before he turned to her "Yer' helping me make a delivery" He said then he grabbed her arm and dragged her to one of the cars
However Penny didn't like this and tried biting him "Hey! Let go of me you overgrown weed!" Penny shouted struggling to free herself
"You help me with this delivery and I'll get ya whatever yer' werid ass wants" Grover replied as he opened the car door and tossed her into the passenger seat
"Fine... Your taking me to the candy shop in the middle of town" She mumbled fidgeting with her pearl bracelets Grover gets into the driver's seat and starts up the car then He began driving to God knows where
Penny stared out the window Watching the lights from the city slowly disappear almost falling asleep with how peaceful everything was away from the city too
But then the car stopped and Penny hit her head "Ow..." She frowned while she saw Griver get out and go to the bed of the truck
Penny unbuckled her seatbelt and got out walking over to him, Something smelled disgusting and she heard a squelch sound
When she saw what the disgusting thing was she saw a ripped in half deer causing her to scream which alerted a few birds
Grover put his glove over her mouth "Shut the fuck up. Vince doesn't like noise" He warned, Penny nodded shivering slightly
Griver removed his glove "Grab the back" He demanded but Penny didn't do anything for a moment, Sure she liked gore but with people! Not animals
"Penny" Grover snapped his fingers snapping her out of her trance "Wha- sorry..." She whispered before reaching down to carry her weight
Grover leaned all the way down and walkes backwards into the trees while Penny was trying to direct him in the dim light
But He was pricked by several brambles and stabbed with sticks Making her giggle slightly
The pair passed the tree line and entered the clearing, Penny looked around and to her she felt like she was walking into the world’s most terrifying sculpture park as the figures were all in the midst of fleeing
To the untrained eye it would look like wood carvings which Penny thought at first but the way that the flies landed on them
How branches grew from the eye sockets and mouths of these people made it obvious that they weren't just sculptures
Grover and Penny continued to carry the deer with the sound of sticks crunching under their shoes until the two approached the center of the field and Grover dropped the deer
He looked around at the stillness, searching for something in the trees as Penny backed away from the deer feeling uncomfortable
She looked around while holding her arms close to her chest as a form of warmth, She thought she saw one of the bodies still breathing"Griver-" Penny paused as Grover whistled then took a step away from the deer
"Watch 'em feast" Grover chuckled Several birds came down and flocked onto the deer carcass, Grover laughed while Penny looked away in disgust
But when she turned over to her shoulder she saw a large hunched back figure with dark eyes and long mouth
Penny screamed and grabbed onto to Grover making him look down at her, Grover looked up and saw Vince in the darkness reaching a hand out for Penny
Grover swatted his hand away “No, Vince" He told him "I getcha real hungry to have someone new join but not her. She’s family.” He added
Grover stared at Vince before Vince opened his mouth muttered something in a tone that terrified Penny more then the deer carcass
“Look, how about next time I bring one here fer ya I’ll letcha do yer tree thing and all that" Grover said "I like them screams too, gotta admit..” Grover chuckled
Vince laughed a raspy laugh, not saying a word while staring at Penny who was doing anything but looking at Vince
Grover looked down at her again. “Her names Penny. I needed an extra set a hands pullin’ the deer" Grover added
Penny looked at Vince for just a breif moment and made a small wave to be polite "I know ya like a bit of a scaredy cat, but I got in trouble when I brought Poppy out here" Grover was the only really speaking
But then Penny spoke up "Poppy was out here?" She asked to which Grover nodded "You remember her, Vince? Real tall bird broad?” Grover asked
Penny seemed to relax just a tiny bit at the mention of Poppy yet she kept a grip on Grover’s pants hoping He would take her home soon
Vince didn't respond instead he reached out a finger to graze against Penny’s skin but then Grover grabbed Vince's hand, holding his gloved hand tightly
“I’ll see what I can fix up fer ya, But not her. Not her.” Grover told him as the crows behind him cawed after they finished their feast and flew back into the trees
Everything was silent again, only thing to be heard was Vince’s ragged breathing. Penny looked up at Grover, then at Vince
“Do ya need help spreading the bones across the field?” Grover asked before be gave Penny a little pat in the head as a way of telling her to head back to the truck
Penny instnatly began to walk away, She got into the truck and took in a deep breath "I don't wanna ever come here again..." She mumbled to herself
As the time passed Penny fell asleep with her head resting against the Window unaware of a small leaf sprouting from under her Opera Gloves...
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instacarma0798 · 8 months
Title: Wings of Mischief
Ship: Natasha Romanoff x Reader (but only if you squint)
Warnings: background character death?
(A/N- I might make this into a full story, but have a little drabble while I get over writers block)
You sighed as you listened to the familiar sound of water drip from the ceiling in a constant pattern. Your knife twirled between your fingers, the metal now warm from use, as you waited for your hostage to wake up.
It was a red-headed woman, you think your dealer called her the Blue Spider or something, you weren't sure. Anyways, big money was involved and it seemed like fun so who were you to say no? The woman was tied to a chair, adorning a deep red t-shirt and black pants plus some sneakers. You almost wished her eyes were open, they were the most beautiful shade of green.
The woman groaned as her eyes blinked open, taking in her surroundings and you grinned. You leaned your chest against the back of your chair and draped your arms over it as the woman adjusted to her surroundings.
"Hiiii!" you drawled, "Nice to see your finally awake."
The pretty red-head glared at you as she finally gained full consciousness.
"Aww, don't give me that look," you pouted and twirled your knife once more, drawing her eyes to it.
She struggled against the restraints bounding her to the chair, metal handcuffs securing her hands and legs to it. After a moment she gave up and went still glaring at you.
"Ok so," you started to stand and walk towards her, stopping when she spat at your feet, "Hey! That was rude," crossing your arms and pouting your crouched in front of her, "Look, it's nothing personal, but you are going to make me big, big, big, money."
She eyed for a moment before grunting out, "You're new."
That threw you for a moment and you blinked wide eyes at her, "Thank you..? I'll take that as a compliment."
The woman shrugged as best she could, "Go ahead. You just aren't like other kidnappers."
"Oh it is a compliment!" you squealed, "Thanks!"
She didn't seem to appreciated your cheery attitude.
Sighing, the woman titled her head, "Have you ever thought about using your talent for good?"
You waved your hand in the air as you stood, "Meh. Good, bad those are all just labels. I prefer the term fun."
"Fun for whom exactly?" she questioned with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows.
"Me!" you exclaimed casting your hands out to your sides in a dramatic fashion, "duh."
Subconsciously you twirled your knife between your fingers once more, the action somewhat soothing having been a pattern since you were young. You pursed your lips as you paced around the woman, noticing her fingers twitching at the cuffs around her wrists. So she was smart. Good.
"Oki Doki," you clapped your hands together, forgetting the knife and wincing when you hit it, "Ow. Anyways, here's the deal cause I like you. Imma leave, my contracto/r will be here soon. If you're gone," you shrugged helplessly, "you're gone and you kidnapped me. Deal?"
You smiled when she simply glared you at you, "Oh honey, I noticed your hands working the cuffs already, I'm sure you'll be gone by the time my employer gets here."
Snatching your duffle off of the counter on your way towards the window you turned and blew her a kiss, "Toodle loo!"
Wings sprouted from your back, ripping your clothes (dammit, you just got new ones), as you launched yourself out of the window and let the wind carry you away.
You didn't see the woman again for a few months, picking up a few jobs here and there. That was, until you were supposed to kill this super fancy man - to be honest you forgot his name - at this super fancy party. Thus you bought the fanciest clothing you could find. In reality, you ought to buy a dress, but that just wasn't your style so you went with a suit instead.
Smoothing it down you looked in the mirror as you stuck earrings into your various ear piercings and tightened your tie. The party was supposed to start half an hour ago, so you could be fashionably late - not that anyone was expecting you.
Once you arrived, blinding lights met your eyes, disco lights, and people chattering all around. It was rather loud for your taste, but it would have to do. You sighed and got to work. Locating the man you were supposed to take out wasn't hard to do, he was an older man with greying hair and a bushy beard.
Rolling your eyes you mingled until he excused himself you took your chance. Also excusing yourself from the random woman you were socializing with you trailed after the man. He rounded a corner, heading towards his private room.
Before you could enter after him a hand yanked on your suit collar, blocking off your air, and you stumbled back.
"Hey!" you yelled, "That was ru-"
Your legs were swept underneath you, cutting off your sentence. A weight, surprisingly light, was pressed onto your hips. A pale face stared down on you as a woman pinned your arms to the ground.
You grinned up at the red-head who you had captured a few months prior, "Y'know if you wanted to be on top all you had to do was ask."
She wrinkled her perfect nose in disgust before hissing, "What are you doing here?"
Huffing you flipped the two of you over, this time you on top, "I like this better," you wiggled your eyebrows, watching her nose crinkle and eyebrows furrow once more, "I just hafta do something then I'll be outa your way sweetheart."
Giving her a wink, your pressed a small device into her side - an electrical shock flooding her body as you hopped off just in time. Brushing invisible dust off your hands you stared down at her. Damnit, you didn't think this through. Ok...where to put her? You glanced around a tad frantically before locating a random door and dragging body over and shoving her inside the random room.
"Sorry sweetheart," you whispered, "I have a job to do."
The rest of the job was easy, you killed the fancy dude - blood spilled out of his neck and flooded the white carpet, staining it your favorite color. You leaped out the window once more, your wings carrying you back to your safehouse.
Your next meeting with the woman was, to your shock, in one of your own safehouses. Priding yourself on having rather secure houses, you were quite shocked. The woman showed up with a man who carried a bow and had sandy blonde hair.
"Hi!" you chirped despite your surprise, "I see you brought a friend this time."
You turned some bacon over from where they sat sizzling in a pan on the stove, even though it was around midnight. You held the pan up, bacon cooked and ready to eat, "You want some?"
Both humans stared at you questioningly as you plopped your bacon onto a plate and grabbed a piece with your bare hands, "No? Ok."
It took a moment before either of them could formulate a response, but it was the man who did so, "No eggs with those?"
Gasping, you placed a hand over your heart, "How could you? Are you suggesting I commit cannibalism?"
Crunching down on the bacon you giggled as both humans stared at you, perplexed once more. You waved a piece of bacon around, "Relax, I'm joking." Rounding to counter you stood in front of them with your hands on your hips, "So, what do I owe the pleasure of two SHIELD agents?" It was hard not to identify them as such, and even with your limited knowledge of the how human's worked you were able to see the emblem on the man's shoulder.
The woman pursed her lips and regarded you for exactly two breaths before she spoke in her silky smooth voice ( you refused to admit that it sounded like heaven to your ears) that had the slightest rough Russian inflection, "You're an...oddity. SHIELD wants to learn more."
You let out an exasperated sigh, "First HYDRA and now SHIELD," your lips formed a pout and you sagged your entire body, "Can I just be left alone?"
The man shook his head with a small, almost fond, smile, "Sorry kiddo, no can do," he pulled handcuffs out of his pocket, "Would it be a stretch to ask you to put these on and come with us?"
"Ooooo!" you clapped your hands together in excitement, "First, not a kid," you held up one finger before holding up another, "Second, you brought friendship bracelets? I'm honored."
The woman looked close to snapping, much to your amusement, and stated in a deadpan voice, "Those are handcuffs."
"Eh, technicalities," you shrugged in indifference and popped your last piece of bacon into your mouth, "Any chance I could get your names?"
Honestly, you didn't expect to get their names - they were most likely spies after all. Especially when the man opened his mouth but the woman elbowed his side with a glare. They seemed to have a mini staring contest before the woman sighed heavily.
"I'm Clint Barton and that's Natasha Romanoff," the man introduced, gesturing between the two.
"Great!" you chirped, wings sprouting out of your back once more.
You shook them out, a couple feathers dropping to the ground as you winced and the two stared in shock. You took their moment of stunned silence to jump out the window with a flip, your wings sprawling out and spreading wide. Distantly you could a faint, "I told you so!" causing you to giggle.
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Hello! Here's an idea, Wally doing a painting tutorial with Reader in Home, Bob Ross style. Make it lovey-dovey or creepy, up to you!
[Oki doki! I'll do my best!]
《Coraline Au》
The bright lighting of the sky warms your skin as you walk over to Wally's side. Your hands traces the top of your shirt as Wally's back was turned away from you.
"Hello, my dear neighbors. Welcome... Today. I was wondering what should we paint today..?"
You walk forward, smiling widely as you look at Wally curiously. "Oh, dear friend, now what do we have here?"
Wally nods to his canvas gently, "Hello Neighbor. I was wondering what we should paint today, any suggestions?"
You place your pointer finger on your chin in deep thought.
"I... Don't know. What do you wanna paint?"
Wallys blue, sparkly button eyes stare at you. He tilts his, "why not you, Neighbor?"
Wallys fabric skinned hands let go of his art supplies as he slowly stands up. Walking over to you with a slight sway in his steps.
His hands greedily takes your hands, tracing the palms as if he was surprised by your human skin. His plush hands traced each vein that he could see. He slowly beckoned you to find a nice seat so he could paint you.
You nodded along to his rambling and flattery for your eyes. Keeping yourself in check so you wouldn't do something.. Drastic.
[Ta-Da!! I decided to try my hand in Coraline Au!! Cause why not? Thank you for reading. Votes, reblogs, and comments are very much appreciated! Au belongs, too! @kyleeartist Also shout out to @wally-darling-hyperfixation for their own Coraline Au fic! Totally recommend]
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Request for Magicians Fans
Okie dokie guys, here's the deal. One of the (many) fics I'm writing right now is a no magic au Queliot meet cute on a porn shoot, and I would love some suggestions!
The plot is basically that Margo is trying to fundamentally change the industry and make porn that is actually hot and/or has plot (for some not all videos lol) so don't worry about trying to make ideas sound corny porno enough, essentially, I'm just looking for porn prompts to fill some space in the fic lol? So like, if there is anything you would like to see -- porny premises, kinks, positions etc -- just let me know and I'll see if I can work it in! And if not in this fic, maybe another, ya know? Truly just come be horny in my comments because I need content for multiple porn shoots for these idiot boys to be falling in love over the course of lol!
Also, if there are any pairings or porn ideas for non-queliot folks feel free to send me those too because there is going to be some non-romantic fucking for contrast as well lol. Like, so far Margo has Eliot and Fen acting out every damsel in distress fantasy she has ever had lol, and I know that Penny and Q will fuck a few times, even if it is off screen so... 😂 yeah basically if you want a specific smut but you don't want to write it yourself, I am your guy right now and I'll do my best lol
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layla4567 · 1 year
Hello there! I love your May The Force Be With You so much that I am requesting one! Here’s mine: The reader calms Cal down when he is using the Dark Side (During Jedi Survivor near the end when he’s chocking Lan Denvick) but you choose the reader calms him down.
oki doki!
I'm right here
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Pairing: Cal Kestis x Fem reader Summary: Cal seeks revenge by using the dark side of the force against the hidden base of the Imperial Security Office. You arrive just in time before he does something crazy Warnings: Blood, violence, fight, chocking, spoilers of jedi survivor, angst but fluff ending kinda (If I forget something let me know) A/N: This is my first request, sorry for the delay, btw I had to research the game to write this lol
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Cal walked with sure and furious steps towards the base, wielding his saber that now shone bright red ready to attack anyone who crossed his path. The red light contrasted with his green eyes and gave him a menacing look, Cal wanted revenge, to avenge the death of his friends and his seething anger toward embracing his dark side. You stayed on the ship praying that nothing bad happens to him or that he doesn't cause a lot of blood to flow. You understood Cal more than anyone and how painful it is to lose a loved one, especially when they had already lost someone before.
Finding Lank Denvik sitting behind a command desk, Cal approached him with BD1 slung over his shoulder. The redhead's gaze showed no compassion or patience.
"Cak Kestis"-Lank said
"Listen carefully, deactivate the alarm system now"
"Or what? You're a Jedi, I know what you're capable of and what you're not capable of."
Denvik took out a blaster that he had hidden but Cal was faster and took it out of his hands thanks to the force. The freckled man took out his own gun without stopping pointing it at him.
"On the comms. Now"-The redhead said impatiently and intimidatingly, knowing that one mistake and he would just have to pull the trigger.
After deactivating the alarm Cal explained that he was there because of Bode, and saying that he found him thanks to a tracker. Unsurprised, Lank, as if accustomed to her pathetic carelessness, simply casually commented that Bode's reports indicated that the two of them had become quite close since Coruscant. Cal's gruff expression softened slightly as he lowered his gun slowly, something in his brain clicking, as if his gears had been set into motion.
"You were the one who sent him to infiltrate my team.."
"That's right, he was my weapon for a long time, he was very effective. Not like those armored idiots in the inquisitorious"
"So it's true, Cere died because of you"-Cal's gaze became hard as steel again as he gritted his teeth.
Lank leaned forward in his seat. "No, there are still months until Operation Jedha"
"You're lying!"-The redhead used force by clenching his fist to push Lank's back against his seat and immobilize him.
"The empire burned the archives led by Darth vader!!"
"Lord Vader? I have to stop this while I can"
The man approached the commandos again but Cal extended his hand firmly and pushed him back again in anger.
"Don't you understand? He lured you here to destroy me! They're coming! I'll be a dead man unless-"
The redhead clenched his jaw, tired of listening to him speak, without thinking twice he drew his fist towards his chest and Lank's head hit the table making a thud. Cal looked at him with a sullen expression, the only thing he felt was displeasure for that man. With his black inquisitor suit, to go unnoticed, he decided to head towards where Bode was always with his droid at his side. When she arrived she saw Bode's daughter Kata packing her bags, the little girl explained that that was what her father had told her to do because they were supposedly going on a trip. At that moment Bode entered the room, when he saw Cal his muscles tensed, the redhead took a step with a predatory look in his pupils but Bode extended his hand in a stop sign and explained his past. That he was a Jedi Knight assigned as an undercover agent during the Clone Wars. Bode also talked to him about how he met his wife and they had Kata and the deal with Denvik. Cal let his guard down a little at Bode's story but that was his only mistake. Using force, Bode pushes him making him fall on his back and escapes with Kata and the compass alerting the imperials.
Cal, flushed with anger and with dilated pupils, leaves the room without being able to stop Bode and his daughter, just at that moment dozens of imperials are preparing to shoot him. Cal wields his saber embracing the dark side and faces the soldiers, dodging and blocking each blow while with his red saber he cuts the armor and flesh of the Imperials. He is an unstoppable beast, like an enraged bull he cuts the skin and impales several imperials without much difficulty, the desire for revenge and anger moves him as if he were carried away by a wave or ocean currents. Memories of all the people he received love from and then lost came to his mind. He no longer knew how to differentiate between anger and sadness, a whirlwind of emotions debated inside him but an emotion stronger than the others surfaced and won everything. Hatred.
Meanwhile in the Mantis
You and Greez were waiting for Cal to finish his mission. Since you were used to fighting you already had your uniform and your blaster on your belt, you nervously felt it to know it was still there. Greez reassured you by telling you that Cal knew how to defend himself and that he would be fine, but Cal knowing how to defend himself is exactly what worried you. Many times you had seen him succumb to the dark side of the force and you had to hug him so that he would return to the light, you hoped that this time it would be different, that Cal would not make too big a massacre. But you couldn't blame him, if he were you you would have done the same, he was just hurt and he needed to somehow vent those feelings into something to make sure Cere's death wasn't in vain.
Suddenly a roar and screams shook the Mantis and made the ground vibrate. You two had to hold on to your seats to keep from falling to the ground. You looked at Greez with concern and fear, you had to get out of there as soon as possible. After the tremor passed you jumped up from your seat and headed towards the exit of the ship. Greez stopped you screaming
"Wait! where are you going!?"
"I need to find Cal, he's the one causing this."
You adjusted the blaster to your belt and were about to leave when he grabbed your arm firmly, you turned to look at him with a frown.
"No, no no wait! Don't do anything stupid. Trust him"
You removed his hand with a distressed gesture.
"You don't understand, he is in contact with the dark side, he has no self-control. I am the only one who can stop him!"
Before Greez could say anything you jumped off the ship, landing on one knee on the cold floor of the base and ran like hell. Greez yelled something at you but you didn't listen, all you thought about was finding him. You ran and ran with your hair flying in the wind wishing it wasn't too late. At your sides there were imperialist soldiers on the ground dead and bleeding, you looked away in horror.
"Please don't let it be late"-you prayed in a low voice without stopping running
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cal continued massacring soldiers, he was breathing heavily and his hair had stuck to his sweaty forehead from the effort. The lightsaber gave off red sparks like fire and hummed with every cut and movement, the freckled man did not notice the fatigue, the hatred and aberration he felt was like pure adrenaline injected into his veins and drove him to continue attacking no matter what. When there was no more imperial, Cal, breathing like a rearing horse, deactivated his saber. You were still running around the corpses when you finally saw him, you felt your heart beat out of your chest and with slight relief you trotted towards him. Cal saw you and a look of surprise wrinkled his forehead, he didn't expect to see you there.
You shouted his name as you quickly approached him with a small smile and great relief, at least he was still alive. You were not even a meter away when your smile faded and with horror you saw how Denvik was approaching Cal from behind with a blaster in his hand.
"Watch out behind you!!"
The redhead already saw it coming, so returning to his sullen and enraged gesture, he unsheathed his saber and blocked the shots with ease while he attracted Lank with the use of force, preventing him from moving. Cal raised his saber and held it tightly dangerously close to the man's neck, the red glow shining on Cal's face and giving him a menacing look. You closed the distance between you and Cal and came to stand close to him at his side, scared of what he might do.
"Come on Jedi, if you're going to kill me, do it now. Do it!!"
But Cal had other plans. He put his saber away and raised his clawed hand, levitating Lanken as he writhed and put his hands on his neck, coughing. Cal was choking him.
"Cordova, CERE! THEY ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!! And now you're going to pay for it..."
Lank was beginning to cough and gasp for air, his face was turning slightly purple while his eyes wanted to pop out of their sockets.
"Cal, enough is enough..!"
Your cries of fear and anguish were words inaudible to Cal as if they had been carried away by the wind. He couldn't listen or even reason, he only had eyes to see Lanken die, the man who made him suffer so much and took away his friends, his family. Cal's gaze fell on the man's face as it went from violet to pinkish red, and a slight grimace of satisfaction crossed the redhead's lips for a moment. Cal seemed to enjoy his suffering, using force was much more pleasant than if he had impaled him with his saber, a slow and painful death was what Lanken deserved. You, horrified, placed a hand on Cal's tense shoulder, hoping he would listen.
"Cal listen to me, I'm here, please don't do it. Don't become a murderer like him."
Cal didn't seem to listen, he just kept seeing his enemy, you tried to attack from the other side.
"Do you really think this is what Cere or Cordova would have wanted? Prove that you're better than him."
You grabbed the freckled man's cheek, forcing him to look at him. He looked back at you, blinded by fury, but you didn't care.
"Cal look at me, this won't make them come back, please come back to me, I'm begging you"- you cried.
The redhead's face softened and he released Lanken who fell abruptly to the ground while holding his chest and coughing and retching. For a moment Cal seemed to come back to himself, as if a blindfold had been removed from his eyes and his gaze softened, once again showing that sweet and gentle look that made his green eyes shine with heavenly intensity. He looked around as if seeing it for the first time, realizing the damage he did, feeling a little guilty under the sad sight, you approached him and rested your forehead against his, grabbing his cheeks gently.
"It's okay, it's over"
You rubbed your forehead against his like horses would and then hugged him tightly, burying your face in the crook of his neck, not wanting to let him go again. He sighed, holding you and he relaxed his body as if you had lifted a great weight off of him. As you slowly peeled yourself away from the hug, you noticed that his eyes were watering. You tenderly wiped away the tears that surrounded his cheek with your thumb. You understood Cal's pain more than anyone and you didn't want him to suffer alone because he wasn't alone, and he never was. You gave him a sweet kiss on the lips to reassure him and assure him that you would always be by his side supporting him and then feeling slightly better he gave you a shy smile, the one you missed seeing so much.
"Let's go back to the ship, Greez must be worried"
You told him as you placed a hand on his back and you both walked tiredly towards the Mantis.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 20]
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Even with his probably very limited thinking-capabilities as a kitten, Kerubim's first instinct after falling is to look at whether Joris is alright or not. Personally, I think that——
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Kerubim is 2 sauces tall, but ready to avenge his death and also his son's fresh traumatization.
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"Please don't call me a flask of poison because I have some green liquid inside and skulls drawn on my bottle <3 just drink up. Okie dokie?"
I don't lnow what this woman is expecting, here, honestly.
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BASED Joris.
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Bakara really thinks that Joris is stupid enough to go with her, while Joris employs the classical battle tactic of lying, by approaching her until she let go of Lilotte and saying "im going to kill you or hurt you in some way [giggle]" immediately after.
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But as Bakara has shown repeatedly, even in this scene alone, she doesn't think highly of Joris. Even if she tried really hard to pretend that she did.
Well, she doesn't think of anyone highly, actually. Including herself.
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This screenshot will get a lot of usage during ova2 liveblog, followers. It's literally THE reaction image for ova2.
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While watching this movie, I always go between different extremes, when thinking about Joris and Bakara's relationship in the future. Would it become worse? Would they be close? Would they hate each other?
Every time I have a different answer, which is probably an answer in on itself.
My current take is that whether Joris and Bakara consider one another a friend probably varies from year to year. I can see it clearly: her telling him stories of Jahash. Her helping him around the home. Her criticizing him harshly for being a failure of a huppermage (it's as unacceptable for him to be that, as it is for her). Her stopping talking to him after he leaves the academy. Beginning to talk to him again after a few years, when he has a very close call to death while adventuring, — angry at him, because don't you dare die on me while we're in one of our "I don't talk to you" argument phases. Rinse and repeat.
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I think it's funny. Atcham's greatest wish, besides hair, has always been "I want someone in my family to care about me," while Bakara...
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Whike Bakara, as an heir of a Bontarian hero, would probably fear being in the wrong, — an evildoer, — the very most.
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No wonder they're so shocked.
Both of them are experiencing some entirely new emotions, thanks to Joris.
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It's not really about Bonta. It's about revenge. And it's about her feeling inadequate. And it's about her feeling like a failure.
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As far as she's concerned, even a dofus doesn't want her, with how broken she is. He wants some weird, off-putting, Julith-related 10yo instead.
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One has to wonder, if it is a genuine plea, or if she is manipulating Bakara by revealing the truth. Because she doesn't want to be blown to pieces by a dofus.
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It's a bit hard to analyse this part of the movie because I'll be real, there's so much occuring all at the same time. Like bro. Imagine being Joris here.
The woman who killed your dads is now like "I am going to bring one of them back", and also another one came back 5 minutes ago, but also things are exploding and fire is everywhere, and also your aunt just tried to kill your uncle?? And also stole your dragon egg magical nuke.
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Even if everything Julith said was true, — her cold, cold reaction to a fireball hitting her son, the way she looks at Bakara like at dirt, and the way she says "quit fooling around", point so, so heavily towards her revelation of this information being a tactical way to manipulate Bakara.
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@tulipsempai - I blame you for this.
The King of Condiments.
It hadn't been that long since he'd inherited the cart from his old man. Maybe a month, but really, he'd been working the business for as long as he could hold a stick.
He twirled the dog and handed it to the little girl with a long mastered flourish, drawing and excited gasp and a admiring "Ooooh" from somewhere nearby.
A golden child charged down to his cart, only barely avoiding crashing into the girl and her family. They stared wide-eyed at the cart and at the corn dogs prepped and ready for frying, "What are they?"
"Corn dogs," He smiled down at the inquisitive tot, "If you want one you hafta' ask your parent."
"Okay!" And the child was off like a shot back up the hill, just as the tall orange stick crested the hill.
"Dad! Dad! Can I get a corn dog?" The kid asked as the guy leaned down with his hands on his knees, clearly catching his breath.
"That's not exactly a healthy lunch," The tall stick wheezed, straightening up while the excited kid tugged at his pant leg.
"Pleeeease, I'll... I'll eat all my vegetables at supper tonight!" They wheedled, and the Dad placed a hand on their head, clearly about to relent.
"Promise? Even if it's asparagus?" They made a face but nodded with a sigh.
"Even s'gus."
"Okay then," Dad nodded, turning to look at him finally, "How much?"
"Two bucks each."
He dug into his wallet and handed him a five, "Two corndogs, keep the change."
"You got it, big guy. Two dogs, coming right up," With a grin, he set to work his magic. Obviously it wasn't actual magic, but it was enough to have the kid enraptured.
"So what are we putting on this thing?" He asked, twirling the dog casually.
"Put on it?" The kid tilted his head curiously.
"Like ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo." They looked at their Dad.
"I usually just get mustard on mine."
"Then I want mustard too!"
"You sure? Mustard's pretty sour. Usually people like ketchup better - it's considered the king of condiments, y'know?"
"The stuff you put on corn dogs. N' burgers, n' stuff," He explained, twirling the ketchup now. The kid put a hand to his chin, before shaking his head.
"I want mustard too! Dad is King, and his con-condeemint is mustard!"
"Okie-dokie!" With a casual flick of the wrists, he drew a little smile on the corn dog, then deftly grabbed and dressed the other one, "Here you lovely folk are, two of the best corn dogs in the city, courtesy of your pal, Ketchup."
Technically his name wasn't Ketchup, but he sold more dogs with a funky nickname than his real one. Having your food prepared by Rust didn't really... appeal.
"Oh! You're King too! King of the Condeemints!" The kid beamed up at him, before taking a big bite of his corn dog, "Mmmm!"
As the two walked away, Ketchup couldn't help but feel more than a little confuse
The kid and his Dad came by the park every Saturday. And Ketchup was always there (at least in spring, summer and autumn) to sell them corn dogs.
And eventually Ketchup learned what the kid - Gold - meant. His Dad's name was King. So they were both Kings. So they were both royal, which according to the twig's logic meant they had to get married.
Wasn't that crazy?
"Looking forward to the cultural festival tonight?" Ketchup asked, handing the pair their usual, corn dogs with mustard.
"Yeah!" Gold nodded, still full of that same enthusiasm he'd had as a kid, "Are you gonna set up there?"
"Nah, costs too much. Besides, if I'm selling, I can't go as an attendee."
"Oh, you're going? Maybe we'll see you there?" King seemed surprised to hear that Ketchup might go.
"Maybe," Ketchup winked and Gold looked between him and his Dad before giggling. Fortunately King was as oblivious as ever, and just arched an eyebrow.
"I think I missed the joke."
"Don't worry about it," Ketchup reassured and Gold rolled his eyes, "Anyway, I'm actually about to close up. Gotta go get cleaned up if I want to go out in public."
"Alright then. See you, Ketchup!" He really should get around to admitting that's not his name.
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