#okay zoë im gonna stop tagging you in stuff now
akindofmagictoo · 3 years
manuscript search tag game
one more! also from @sleepyowlwrites! thank you sleepy ❤️ 
my words are flower, friend, fragrance, fun, free (fun fact, I read this as “fragrance free words” or something like that at first, and didn’t even question it) 
flower (Dragonsong) 
Something slammed into Isi’s stomach. Then she was flat on her back, gasping for breath. Her torso was a dull ball of pain. She pushed herself up to one elbow and finally managed a mouthful of sweet-smelling air. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, a sharp contrast to the flowery scent. She must have bitten her tongue.  
friend (Dragonsong) 
“Isi?” said the knight at the back, a red-haired woman about Isi’s age. “Is that you?” 
With a start, Isi realised she knew the woman. They’d been Chosen as squires at the same time. “Ella?” 
“What brings you all the way out here? I thought you were posted in the citadel.” 
“It’s complicated,” said Isi. It was an answer that was becoming more and more useful. “Suffice to say I am not presently employed as a knight. I’m just travelling with friends at present.” 
Ella was silent while she digested this. In the quiet, Isi heard SB say “Am I your friend now?” but didn’t deign to reply. 
“I see,” said Ella eventually, in a tone that suggested she did not see. “I’m glad everything’s alright. We’re just down the street, so you could drop in if the weather lets up. If you want to.” 
fun (Hurricane) 
“Oh, yeah,” Sequoia continued. “We set her on fire. Um—Grimmur had her flying your sash as a decoy, and we chased her down to make sure you weren’t there.” 
“And then Marisa and I set her on fire,” said Cai, smiling. 
Sequoia toyed with her necklace. “Apparently they’ve made the necessary repairs. Pretty quickly. I’m surprised.” 
“Doesn’t mean she’s all in one piece,” said Aella. 
Sequoia let out a short laugh. “True, that. I have to say, watching her burn was quite nice.” She slipped a hand into Aella’s and squeezed. “Good to have you back. Doing lookout duty largely by myself wasn’t fun.” 
“Yeah, I missed you too,” said Aella, but she couldn’t stop her grin. 
free (Dragonsong) 
“Oh. If you hadn’t tried to be a wonderful noble idiot?” 
Isi glanced up. A tiny smile quirked Sierra’s mouth. 
Sierra continued, “I love you. But you’re so damn nice sometimes. Trying to hand yourself over to let us go free. There was no way I would leave you behind.” 
Isi smiled. “I have now realised there was no way that plan was going to work. I think I just made it difficult to fight them off. So ‘noble idiot’ might be accurate there.” 
bonus free to make up for missing fragrance (trigger warning for Anvindr being patronising and a horrible jerk. this is not a fun scene.) 
If she went with him now, left this cell behind, she’d hate it. She’d hate every second of giving in, doing what he wanted, even if she just pretended. But she might have a chance of escape later. Somehow. Sometime. Some place. No matter how close an eye he kept on her, she might have a chance. 
If she let him put those chains back on, would they ever come off again? Would she ever be free? Or would she spend the rest of her life wasting away in this cell, alone and chained? 
She opened her mouth to say yes. She shaped her lips around the word before she really realised what she was about to say. No! She snapped her mouth shut so hard she caught her tongue between her teeth, and almost cried out. She could not give into him. If she went with him now, he’d still never let her go. She had to trust Tempest would come. She had to. 
Slowly, she lifted her hands, clamping her lips together against the sob building in her throat. The effort of keeping the tears back set her head to throbbing, a dull ache like someone had clamped a vice around her head and squeezed. 
With a helpless shrug, he stepped forward and closed the first manacle around her wrist with exaggerated care. Hot tears welled in her eyes. The key turned in the lock and a sob burst from her mouth. 
I will tag ... @isherwoodj @zmlorenz @writingbyjillian and @klywrites! your words are raise, rip, rather, rough 
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waffelsareevil · 7 years
Age: almost 17, the dancing queen (not actually soon but ‘almost 17′ sounds cool) (also my birthday is 22th of january, DON’T FORGET!!!!)
Biggest fear: That everyone hates me and that im really annoying to anyone without noticing. And also horror movies.
Current time: 9:34 pm.
Drink I had last: Cassis (sugar bomb i know but im punk rock and no one can tell me what to do.
Every day starts with: waking up and not knowing where i am and who i am for a solid 10 minutes.
Favourite song: I have A LOT of faves, but lets just say ‘angel with a shotgun’ from the Cab has a special place in my heart.
Ghosts, are they real?: Supernatural has all the answers fam, watch it.
Hometown: I now live in Nijkerk, Holland. But for the people who are curious, i was brought on this world in Den Helder (also holland, what a suprise) and lived for like, 4 years on Curacao.
In love with: Everyone, i would die for everyone, and yes that would include all the fictional characters that i know too. But 2 people have a SPECIAL place in my heart, my stuffed animal kissie and Tyler, my actual boyfriend haleluja i love you babe.
Jealous of: Honestly, everyone that are talented,can meet theyre boyfriends/girlfriends everyday, and people who have nicebodys and arre beautiful. Long story short, im jealous of everyone.
Killed someone: *sniff* im sorry ladybug :(.
Last time you cried: Like, litterly half an hour ago. I cry like, everyday 5 times. Its nothing bad tho, im used to it.
Middle name: Elise (BURN IT).
Number of siblings: A younger sister and abig sister. And those 2 are rejecting me as the middle one, tragic i know.
One wish: Fly man, fly away from my problems and disappear like shiro did.
Person I last texted/called: my friend Zoë, aka JEZUS ZOË HALELUJA.
Question you’re most asked: '’Stop talking so loud’’ and ‘’talk with us, your so quiet’’, confusing i know.
Reasons to smile: everyone that wants to hug me.
Song last sang: Im gonna be boring and say ‘Angel with a shotgun’ again cuz i just love that song okay.
Time you woke up: like, 7 am i guess. I always wake up an hour before my alarm goes off, really tiring.
Underwear colour: Being the boring chick again, plain black ones from the HEMA for like €4,- (like, 3 in a pack). good stuff, 10/10, super comfy.
Vacation destination: Im going alone to London for a language vacation (basically 2 weeks hanging out in an classroom learning better/more english). Im going by plane ALONE so shitting pants are guaranteed. 
Worst habit: Tapping foot, breath like im dying while im actually am not (ironic i know), fidgeting all the time.
X-rays you’ve had: when i was in my mothers stomach i guess.
Your favourite food: E V E R Y T H I N G, i can’t choose fam..
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Bonus question that i wanted in it
I got tagged by my fave @good-old-uncle-leo (BTW IM SORRY I TOTALLY FORGOT YOU HAD TAGGED ME IN THIS LIKE 3 DAYS AGO)
And I’m supposed to tag three cool people
Saaaaaadly al my ‘cool people’ have no tumblr (LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME) so ye this is it than, see ya
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