#okay trying to do the perspective and foreshortening in this one sucked
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lurking-loaf · 5 months ago
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The real question is who helped Sun get that ice cream?
Day 3 of DCA Promptober - googly eyes
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yenrz1314 · 6 years ago
Yo yenrz, I love your work and I was curious if you could show like a step by step process for what you do?
 I really need to stop answering asks so quickly I have a LIFe tO LivE
So here’s a step by step blog about how I draw stuffs 
Keep in mind that the end piece is still a WIP however. I’ll post it in full later.
Also if you’re asking about how I construct my text blogs I’m sorry I misconstrued the meaning of your message
So let’s start with what kind of brush I use:
I use the default pen brush on a little program called Krita. It’s free if you want to try it out. 
Here’s said brush in action:
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I always start with a rather huge brush size, since It’s easier to make larger, longer, broader strokes. Also that way I don’t have to constantly change my brush strokes to erase large areas (which happens a lot when you sketch) The main detractor for this method is that you get really messy sketches however >.>
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And like most pansies, I don’t go full on black. We artists have too much anxiety to deal with that.
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wait I forgot to put on some music
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K, so I’m going to be drawing our boy Roxas today because I made a screenshot for the previous text blog I did and I thought he looked really freaking fine in that shot. So I wanted to make a quick body study with facial expressions giving that same kind of edgy mood.
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So I first start out with a circle, mapping out the direction that circle is pointing towards.
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An important thing to keep in mind when drawing ANYTHING, especially if you’re a beginner, always remember to map out where the parts of your face are going to be. That way you don’t get trapped in a rabbit hole getting sucked into drawing your perfect eyes/nose/whatever facial feature and then realize when you zoom out that it looks like your person underwent a botched plastic surgery.
Rules of thumb to keep in mind about faces:
Eyes are at the midway point of your head
Distance between eyes should be about an eye wide
Ears are around the same level of your eyes
CHEEKBONES EXIST and Jawlines are square
So moving on, I go on and start sketching out the pose. Keep in mind that during the process, I usually don’t really know what I’m going for, so I test out different angles and positions and etc. 
So while I settle in, I finish deciding how I want the shoulders to look. 
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I notice something looks…off. 
If you’re a beginner, it can be hard to tell when something is wrong with your drawing. Or even worse, you’re an early intermediate and you know something’s wrong but you have no idea how to fix it. And then you start going down a very, very deep rabbit hole trying to fix it and no matter how you fiddle with it…it never quite looks right. Yes I know the struggle.
So here’s the solution:
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Break down the figure into simple forms. The key to making this work is that you must have ample knowledge of proportions of body parts respective to one another. 
So here are rules of thumb for drawing most bodies (teenage or older and your figure isn’t larger or shorter than average)
 Each half of the arm is about the length of a single head
The arm should reach to the halfway point between the hip bone and the knee
The torso(from the base of the neck to the pubic bone) is about two heads
Each half of the leg is about the length of the torso starting from the hipbone(not the end of the torso)
Boobs don’t jut out the sides unless you’re drawing really big boobs
Also, in this case, i’m utilizing a bit of foreshortening because the shoulders are in perspective, as in they’re facing away from the viewer a little.
So now it’s time to add the arms and hands. And like any other body part, I break it down to basic forms first (when you become an uber drawing deity, something I’m clearly not, you’ll be used to this and can skip over this step )
Hands are one of the things you see beginner (and even advanced) artists cry about for days. For good reason. 
So the basic forms are like this:
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Draw out your fingers as lines first. Also reminder that fingers are three segments long. Not two, which was evil propaganda that I was fed when I only drew anime.
Also and size should be about the length from the chin to a little above the eyebrows
Also I forgot to mention…
And once I decided on the placement, I start mapping out the actual shapes.
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Also I wanted Roxas to look more manly and such so I looked a reference image to make his jawline/cheekbones more manly so yeah
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So now that I’ve decided on the overall pose, I start on the details.
Also another rule to draw by that I’ll shove down your throat
DETAILS SHOULD BE YOUR LOWEST PRIORITY WHEN STARTING OUT. Start simple and get the whole form first, then start adding details. This ups your productivity and prevents you from getting lost in rabbit holes
It’s called rendering for a reason. 
So I start adding the eyes and such and I’m overall satisfied with the face. And now I get started on the hair on a new layer. I don’t want the face lines to interrupt with drawing the hair, so I lower the opacity of the face layer. 
I check how it looks by zooming out to see if everything looks alright. Oh noes he looks a bit too manly
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Shrink that seme crap
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Much better I know I didn’t follow the meme format shoot me
K now time for the fun part: the hair.
I just want to give a moment of silence for all of the times people have suffered from drawing Roxas’s hair.
because by golly his hair is the one I see beginners dun goof up the most out of all kh characters.
K moving on, the keyword for Rucksack’s hair is WINDSWEPT. And funny enough, there’s actual logic to how his hair works. Everyone’s hair has a center line/point where said hair flows from, whether it be a part in the hair or a eye of a hurricane thing because I don’t know what the name for that is. 
Roxas’s is the latter. Demonstrated below:
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See what I mean? It’s like an upside down wave going like whooooosh
Come to think of it, all hair should follow this rule. It should either be flowy or whooshy
Unless you’re Tetsuya Nomura, then you get to break all the rules
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like seriously what the fu-
So now that’s done, I go and check for the gazillionth time, mirroring the image to see what I screwed up this time.
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Oh noes something’s wrong with that shoulde-
Also I forgot here’s how I draw ears
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-r it looks off.
That super spidey sense of knowing something’s wrong with your drawing is there for a reason. Heed its call. 
Also if you think there’s nothing wrong with that neck, draw naked people for a couple of months and you’ll see why.
So when something’s wrong you do the usual. Break it down to simple fo-
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Or just use a reference.
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Looks acceptable now. Time to start the lineart.
Out of personal preference, I like to lower the opacity to
Even as I do the lineart, nothing is set in stone. The sketch, at times, isn’t enough to go off of. So in that case, let’s go back to the reference.
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Also I hit a roadblock when drawing the hand so move it out in the open so I can get a clearer look at it.
Also I use my own hand as reference a lot so I accidentally make make my manly men have delicate pansy hands.
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This hand pose isn’t natural at all but I’m okay enough at this that I’m able to make it look okay
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Study hands kids. They’ll do you good.
I forgot to draw him clothes daMMIT
Whatever i’ll just slap some cel-shade lighting on it and call it a day. This is still a WIP so expect a not-naked-Roxas later this week
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Thank you for reading! Here’s a link to my twitter, And if you would be so kind, please consider supporting my patreon.
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