#okay these tags truly went off on a tangent lmao
ritahayworrth · 2 years
If it’s possible I was wondering if you could gif Desert Fury? Such a great and underrated film noir.
ooh i've been meaning to watch desert fury for a while now! but whether or not i will be able to gif it will depend on whether or not my download finishes 🙈 i'll try my best tho, anon! 💗
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jennifersylvesters · 6 years
faking it ( part two )
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Synopsis: so maybe you shouldn’t have done that. but if anyone asks, you blame zendaya for dragging you out Word Count: 1.9k~ Warning: swearing A/N: remember when i said the other parts were supposed to just be drabbles? apparently i’m what people would call “a liar”. whoops. still, this is short for me. probably gonna be five semi-short parts in total for this. it’s definitely a different style than what i’ve currently put out here ( aka similar to “not so subtle” but messier lmao). my bad. or my good. i’m not sure; y’all tell me. ( also tagging people who asked for about the second part. if you don’t want to be tagged for future parts, please let me know! )
Thirty-five minutes. That's all you needed to muster through, and then you could give an excuse to go home. How hard could it be?
Turns out: it was fucking hard.
You thought it’d be easy enough to fade into the back, just politely nodding and nursing your drink. After all, they came to hang out with Zendaya not you. Instead you found yourself bombarded with questions.
Tom wasn’t kidding when he said Zendaya talked about you.They asked about your adventures with her as well as your most shameful moments, curious to see if there was any truth to the person she spoke so fondly about. It was overwhelming keeping up the accent as well as not thinking about murdering your roommate for telling a group of strangers how you crashed into a glass door before stumbling and falling on your ass.
With only a minute left, you drummed your fingers on the now empty glass. You couldn’t remember the name of the fellow who was speaking to you about a recent football match. Did his name start with an H? Well, at least you’d never see him again.
And just like that, you decided it was time to head home. Perfect timing as Zendaya suggested another round of drinks.
“Z, I'm actually feeling a bit tired” you yawned, stretching out your arms. “D'you mind if I head back to our um, flat first?”
“Sure, Y/N” she answered slowly as she pulled you in for a hug. “I can’t wait to give you shit about this when I get home” she whispered in your ear.
You pulled away, faking a smile as if you weren't dreading that conversation. You bid everyone goodbye, pulling your jacket on and rushing outside. You could finally breathe knowing you’d never have to fake an accent around that group again.
“Y/N! Wait!” You turned around to see Tom jogging up to you. Did you forget something? You checked your pockets, confirming that you did indeed have your keys, phone, and wallet.
“Can't let you walk home by yourself” he spoke as he caught up to you.
“Oh, you don't-”
“I want to!” he insisted. “Also it kinda gives me an excuse to talk with you since, erm, everyone else was kinda preoccupying your time.”
Oh, wait. That meant you had to keep up the charade. Damn.
It was only a ten minute walk to your apartment and even though it wasn’t far, you found yourself walking at the leisurely pace Tom set. Even though you barely knew him, you were drawn into his presence and couldn’t help but follow his pace.
Lucky for you, he didn’t pester you with questions like the others. Instead he just asked simple questions to which you could give brief answers before simply asking “what about you”. And in return he gave long-winded answers, going on tangents to topics you hadn’t even been discussing. One moment he was talking about his siblings and the next he was speaking about his favorite superhero. It was strange but adorable.
“Sorry I ramble when I'm nervous” he blushed, wringing the back of his neck.
“Me too.”
“You don't seem nervous in the slightest” he laughed, nudging you gently with his arm.
“I’m trying this new thing where I just...Listen. So I don’t look like a complete idiot.”
“I doubt you’d ever look like an idiot.” How little he knew.
Still it was kind of him to say. Tom was so extraordinarily sweet that you weren’t quite sure how to handle it. He seemed so easy and light like a soft spring breeze. You wanted to get swept up in his charm without any concerns.
When you arrived at your apartment building, you let him accompany you up to your floor. The two of you shyly stepped into the elevator, only a couple feet away from one another as the lift slowly brought you up. The sound of both of your shoes clacked against the smooth tiles before you finally reached your place.
“Ah, well this is me.” You fiddled with your keys, watching him out of the corner of your eye. He bit down on his bottom lip, eyes flicking from you to the floor and then to your keys. Tom took a step forward before taking it back. His nerves were getting the best of him, and it made your heart melt to think of how jittery he got. You weren’t used to someone being flustered by your presence.
You wanted to invite him in. It wasn’t to hook up, nothing dirty, but just to hang out. Tom seemed like someone who wouldn’t take advantage of this, someone who would be satisfied with just the pleasant company. Everything about this seemed so right. The timing was perfect, and he seemed into you. But you couldn't. Not if it meant you had to fake things with him.
“Night” he echoed, a tinge of slight disappointment in his voice.
As you closed the door, you rest your back against it. Thank God that was over. While you were a bit sad you wouldn’t see Tom again, at least you wouldn’t have to keep up the charade any longer.
A couple hours later Zendaya entered the apartment, tossing her keys and purse off to the side as she flopped onto the couch where you laid under a comfortable blanket. “Who knew that when I signed the lease with you, I actually had a British roommate?” she teased as you scowled, burying your face in the comforter.
Attempting to change subjects, you asked her how the rest of the night went. She went into detail about the shenanigans they got into, how one of the guys named Harrison had them bar hopping till they found the most interesting hole in the wall. She planned on taking you there, insisting that it was truly the most fun dive bar.
“And Tom seemed very interested in you” she grinned.
Your face heated up. “Too bad he's going back to England.”
“Yeah, that is too bad.” She dramatically sighed before a smirk crossed her lips. “Too bad you didn't know he's moving here.” The news caught you by surprise and you sputtered, unable to find the right words.
“Guess I'll just avoid all of your friends for the rest of my life” you decided. “Or maybe I’ll just die.” You knew you were being dramatic, but it didn’t matter to you.
“You can’t die! Then I'd have to find another roommate, and that's a total pain” Zendaya joked and you threw a pillow at her face. She laughed loudly at her own joke before tossing the pillow back at you. “You know I love you! And speaking of love, let’s talk about how much you love me seeing as I covered for you tonight…”
The next morning you struggled to get up, wishing desperately to go back to bed once your alarms rung. But you promised Zendaya that you would run errands with her that morning and that you’d buy her coffee for the next week.
You trudged to the nearest Starbucks in sweats, not particularly caring about your look. Who was up this early on a Sunday? No one that you knew. Most people were either sleeping in or nursing their hangovers.
The line was short and moved briskly, one of the perks of being up when no one else was. You tiredly gave your order to the barista. As you fumbled through your pockets for your wallet, the stranger behind you cleared his throat. “Oh, actually I’ll pay for theirs as well as mine.”
You turned, confused by the act of kindness. They smiled at you before turning to the barista and placing their order. Weird flex, but okay. You weren’t about to say no to an overpriced drink that you desperately needed. So when he begun making conversation with you, it didn’t seem like a big deal. Small price to pay for free drinks.
“Not a big morning person, are ya?” he asked as he tucked his wallet away in his jacket. His face looked familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it.
“No, not at all. If anything, I try to sleep in.” He laughed at this. Wasn’t really a joke but alright then.
“Running errands or something? Can’t understand why you’d be up so early otherwise.”
“Actually, I owe my roommate a favor. I owe her coffee, and I’ve now been dubbed her ‘errand friend’. And she’s always up early. Lord knows why.”
“Ah, is she?”
“Yeah, it drives me insane when she asks me to go jogging with her in the morning. Can’t stand either.”
He shook his head, grinning at you. “You really don't remember me, do you?” Were you supposed to?
“I'm one of Zendaya's friends. We met at the bar.” Oh no.The color in your face drained.  “I'm also Tom's best mate.” Shoot you now.
“I will say, I’m quite surprised to find out that you’re American since-”
“I’m not American” you cut him off, shaking your head nervously. Your accent was subpar at best that moment, but you weren’t about to sink that quickly.
“You’re not?” He raised an eyebrow at this notion with a deadpan tone.
“N-No...Um, I’m...I am...A world traveler?”
“Who's American.”
“I'm a human being of the world, really.”
“That geologically speaking is an American human being.” He knew better and obviously wasn’t going to let this go. You were the fucking Titanic, sinking miserably with no chances of staying afloat.
“Fine, so I’m not English” you finally admitted. The barista called your order and you grabbed the two coffees before proceeding to the sugar and milk bar. Harrison grabbed his drink as well before following you. He sipped his latte as you begun rambling, ripping sugar packets open and stirring them in frantically.
“So yeah, maybe I’m not from England. But it’s like, it’s totally not a big deal. It’s not like I thought you guys were gonna be here for very long. And okay, yeah, I shouldn’t have done an accent. I just panicked, okay? I panicked. Who doesn’t panic? People panic, okay? It’s what they do!”
“So you gonna keep it up the next time you see him then?” he asked, causing you to finally stop stirring. You asked him what he meant before he informed you that him and his friends would be dropping by next Friday to hang out.
You didn’t want to go through this again - the fake accent, pretending to know specifics about England, acting like you knew what Arsenal was. (Seriously, why were the boys so obsessed with Arsenal?) But you also didn’t want them asking questions, wondering why you were insane enough to pretend to be English. You hated the idea of them judging you after finding that out, especially Tom. So you sighed and figured that you would keep up the accent once again.
“Where are you gonna tell him you're from if he asks?” Shit. You hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Sussex?” That sounded right. Or maybe you were making that up?
“Sussex?” he repeated. “Where in Sussex?”
You paused. “A house?”
Harrison's lips pressed together as he looked at you. “You're gonna tell him that you used to live in a house in Sussex?”
You nodded weakly.
He roared with laughter. “Oh, God. I don't know what's worse - you saying that or the possibility that Tom might actually accept it.”
“So are you gonna tell?”
He hummed. “Not yet. I think I wanna see where this goes.”
You grimaced, watching him exit the coffee shop with a smile still lingering on his face.
And now your fate for the upcoming group hang was left in the hands of Tom’s best friend and your roommate.
tags list: @sleepybesson, @tomhaz | @tomshufflepuff, @almostrosadiazz | @dianx365, @gab-spidey, @black-ballons
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