#okay real quick can we talk about how sad it is that syd says 'let's listen to the sound of my voice'
thoughtfulchaos773 · 29 days
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I'm reiterating this..in just four weeks, we'll get to see a focused Carmy. We'll see his mouth twist as he concentrates on work, fidgeting with a spoon and arriving early. He perfects plates and does it quickly. He's so focused on work, yet he can still have his eyes on everything. Just like a machine, i want to see that dedication. It will show us why he and Syd work so well together. We've already seen a glimpse of this in seasons 1 and 2 - they're both incredibly focused and always looking for ways to improve, just with different work styles. I hope this distinction stands out in season 3.
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As the trailer points out, Syd says it's a dysfunctional kitchen. She acts differently under stress but still manages to say "please and thank you" or words like 'gorgeous'. She is focused but still tries to be positive.
I also want to see more focused Carmy looks directed at Sydney at that expo station for season 3...among other reasons, he also promised he wouldn't let her fail, so he needs to have his full attention on Sydney to get those stars.
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starrysplanet-blog · 5 years
{What Netflix’s “The Rain” Does Right That FX’s “Legion” Doesn’t?}
         It is extremely weird to compare these two shows that have nothing exactly in common with each other. Netflix’s ‘The Rain’ is a Post-Apocalyptic show about a virus being spread through rain that is killing people. FX’s ‘Legion’ is about an omega mutant named David Haller who basically goes on a self-discovery quest. Two very different shows, two very different concepts and two very different networks. Yet there is one thing that The Rain does right that Legion doesn’t. Warning: Do Not Read Further If You Have Not Seen Both Shows & Would Like To! And that is the ‘untouchable couple’. In Season 1, Episode 1 of Legion, we are introduced to David’s main love interest Sydney Barrett. A woman who he meets in the mental hospital as she is a new patient and hates being touched. She is wrongly diagnosed with Anti-social Personality Disorder, although this is never brought up again. David immediately becomes infatuated with her and asks her out on the spot without even getting to know her and she accepts. Immediately pointing out, ‘Do Not Touch Me’. A boundary is set from day one. One that he goes okay. In Season 2, Episode 1, we are introduced to Rasmus’s main love interest Sarah, a young adult female who suffers an immune system disorder that causes a simple infection to kill her. She must live in a sterile room where she is constantly checked up on. Her and Rasmus do not officially interact until Episode 2 where it is extremely awkward because Rasmus is the reason her brother is deceased. Yet they come to somewhat good terms in Episode 3 where she compares them to ‘Romeo & Juliet’. 
(Why Is Physical Intimacy Not An Option?)
       Physical Intimacy is not an option in either of these couples. Yet it does eventually happen for both. Think of these two couples to Rogue & Gambit from The X-Men. Touching can have serious consequences. Like David, Sarah is made immediately aware that she can never touch Rasmus. Sydney’s reasoning and Rasmus’s reasoning are very different but is mostly for the same reason. Protection. Sydney does not like being touched because her mutation is activated through touch and she switches bodies with whoever she touches. Rasmus can not be touched because the virus is a part of him and will infect/kill whoever comes into contact with him physically. His consequence is a lot more painful and devastating than Sydney’s but is still in the same concept of both cannot be physically intimate. 
(Thoughts On Physical Intimacy: Sydney & Rasmus)
       Despite being the factor of someone who cannot be touched. Sydney and Rasmus have two very different views on physical intimacy that is shown through thoughts, body language, and pasts. Sydney has shown from day one that she never liked being touched. However social norms can force us to feel like an outcast if we do not conform to them which resulted in a horrific mistake that painted Sydney as a bad person in the viewer’s eyes. She switched bodies with her mother and tried to have sex with her mother’s boyfriend in the shower. This scene is not treated as an okay thing. It leaves both her, her mother, and her mother’s boyfriend in misery. She lost control of her abilities causing her to appear as herself in the shower while her mother comes in to find them both. The mother’s boyfriend is sent to prison for statutory rape while Sydney is left traumatized for the awful action. She takes responsibility for her actions. Both Sydney and Rasmus’s first time have painful consequences. But for two different reasons. Sydney really shows no interest in physical intimacy. She is perfectly fine living a life where she isn’t touched. She even says in Episode 2 with David that she does not like being touched even with the gloves on. As it feels like ants are crawling all over body. When Sydney is shown showing affection, it’s through hand holding with a cloth, blowing kisses, sitting at a comfortable close distance, and having intimate talks. She’s honest with David from the start. Even when he asks her if having sex with him was her first time, she tells him the boyfriend thing. David kisses her without her consent in episode 1, resulting in them switching bodies and causing chaos. He finds a way around her “issue” in later episodes of Season 1 by using his telepathy to find them to be able to touch through their minds. Despite Sydney being perfectly fine with just having a ‘romance of the mind’. While Sydney seems intrigued by the idea of being physically intimate and has sex with David. She does not really initiate nor does she truly desire it. In fact, the only time that they kiss after Episode 1 and the few mind scenes is when Sydney kisses him to save his life. She is willing to sacrifice her comfort to save David. In Season 2, she tries to explain to David how much she missed him by using how she got used to cherry pie (something she once hated), she used to hold her breath until the kettle showed tea was ready, and explained how she looked all over for him after his abduction. David immediately goes into physical intimacy, ignoring what she said previously. Asking if he can kiss her and while she shows interest, it’s up to debate where Sydney feels forced to accept it. When David takes a look into her mind to figure out her puzzle, he sees a couple snogging at an art museum. And immediately assumes that this is what is bothering Sydney. The couple. How intimate they are with each other. How she witnessed them when she was younger and she comes there every day. He never takes into consideration that Sydney may just like art museums as she has shown art ability in Season 1 and her mother was a very artistic, creative person. When she says that is ‘wrong’, he seems almost baffled. She walks off a bit offended and tells him to watch it again. He retaliates by telling the couple to ‘get a room’ because he still subconsciously assumes that they are bothering Syd. Or it could also be that he is envious of how they are doing something that he wants to do with Syd. Of course, this all falls in the end when David rapes Syd after he assumes Farouk is mind-controlling her when she tries to kill him after seeing how he destroys the world. He rapes her by manipulating her mind to not remember much and has sex with her. There’s a lot of debate whether this counts as rape as she never said ‘no’ or seem ‘uninterested’. She didn’t seem exactly excited or into it either. She seemed confused and it almost clicked that it isn’t supposed to be happening. David refuses to accept this and tries to paint himself as the victim causing the ending of Season 2 to be him escaping his trial and leaving with Lenny. 
       Rasmus, however, is the complete opposite. Rasmus shows interest in sex real quick after witnessing Beatrice and Martin have sex and trying to question his sister on it. He’s sort of sheltered. He develops a crush on Beatrice who is older than him and starts to show interest being sexually active with her. Especially after she shows him her breasts in the shower scene. However, after episodes of somewhat conditioning and Beatrice not being as truthful (which is also up to debate), Beatrice fears that she will die from the virus after having a drip of water fall on her forehead. Rasmus and her decide that they should die together which causes them to have sex and that is Rasmus’s first time. The next morning, he is at first stoked that they both made it alive. Yet is horrified to find that Beatrice died from supposed infection which probably happened through sexual intercourse with him. A traumatizing first time. This leaves Rasmus temporarily suicidal and with his powers that cause him to not be intimate as he can kill anyone who touches him as the virus is inside of him. Rasmus tries to not be touched by anyone. However, when he meets Sarah in Season 2, he once again shows desire to be intimate. After Sarah notes that she wants to get super wasted, have sex and run a half of a mile without wanting to collapse. He notes that he cannot help her with that but understands how she feels. Indicating that he too wants to have sex with her. Again, intimacy is shown through intimate conversations, they run away together for a temporary time to see Bakken, seated next to each other at comfortable distances, he gives her his jacket, and she can touch him through gloves when doing his makeup like a clown and wiping it off. On top of the roller-coaster, Sarah notes that she wants Rasmus to kiss her and he responds with her sad that he can’t. (Note: A similar interaction happens between David & Syd, but she responds ‘You can’t’ in more of an aggressive and assertive way. Letting him know that he can’t after he kissed her non-consensual the first time.) Sarah gets sad and nearly jumps off the roller-coaster at the thought that he cannot touch her, only once. As she wants to have one good day with him that ends with a kiss and he doesn’t want to kill her. He talks her out of it and tells her that he doesn’t want superpowers if he cannot kiss her. Showing that he is willing to give up the virus if it means to be intimate with Sarah. Sarah almost has a weak moment touching Rasmus twice but stops herself the first time when she remembers that he doesn’t want to be touched. The second time, he pulls away with her in enough time and she looks saddened to remember but understands. After Rasmus is ‘cured’, Sarah and Rasmus holds hands and shows interest in being intimate now. Rasmus initiates it a lot more too. Rasmus’s and Sarah’s first kiss and her death scene is a lot different from David and Syd’s first kiss. Sarah tells him to kiss her and when he hesitates, she tells him that he is so slow and pulls him down to kiss her. He holds her in his arms as she dies. As Rasmus is way more open to physical intimacy than Sydney. And Sarah does not force physical intimacy on Rasmus as David does to Sydney. 
(Similarities: Sydney & Sarah)
       Despite Sydney being the untouchable one and Sarah being able to touch people. They do have some similarities. Both have boyfriends with deadly powers that they cannot control and end up killing people. Both have witnessed them kill people. Although Rasmus does it accidentally while David does it more willingly. Both have great fashion and colors assigned to them. Sydney wears a lot of black and orange while Sarah wears a lot of pink and creme colors. Sarah and Sydney are also a bit similar in personality. Strong-willed, brave, loyal, and understanding. Honest and blunt. A thing that comes to my mind that is similar is how their one-on-one conversations with their male love interests go. When Sydney first meets David, she goes on a monologue about how she doesn’t feel like she belongs in there. She is not enthused, a bit distant, and harsh. She simply states, “You’re in here because someone told you you’re not normal. How I don’t want to be handled and you hear and see things. That’s what makes you you”. She unknowingly tells David exactly what he wants to hear which makes him ask her out. He ignores everything else that she just said. After he asks her out, they meet at dinner and we get this short montage to the Rolling Stone’s song “She’s a Rainbow” which shows David’s view of Sydney. She is more lighthearted and cheerful, explaining things about herself while he ignores those things and tries to keep his false image of her. Sarah’s one-on-one conversation with Rasmus is different but has the same harshness when Rasmus tells her that he believes they share the same fate. She says, “So you see us as Romeo & Juliet?”. When Rasmus doesn’t get this, she explains that Juliet and Romeo cannot be together so she kills herself and so on. When he explains to her that he was locked up inside a bunker for six years, she breaks her harsh character and laughs and apologizes that she thought it sounded funny. He looks to her for assistance and she agrees to help him with his powers. Calling it a ‘date’ showing immediate attraction between them as she is a lot more cheerful. Sydney and Sarah both accept their male lovers for who they are until David becomes a danger to Sydney and breaks her trust. Sarah is very protective over Rasmus and doesn’t keep any secrets from him. Similar to Syd. 
(Dealing With Not Being Physically Intimate: David & Sarah)
       As the two characters who are with two characters who cannot be touched. David and Sarah react to it very differently. David does not accept boundaries nor does he try to have a non-intimate relationship. He creates this mental room where him and Sydney can have sex. He also reads her mind without permission. He kisses her without permission. He tries to persuade her to be okay with touch through her gloves. And while he tries to be understanding, he fails. He willingly puts Sydney in danger and keeps secrets from her. He has a mutation that makes him unstoppable and he is not a very good person. He seems very controlling towards others. However, Sarah is the complete opposite. Despite showing desire towards Rasmus, she accepts his boundaries. She doesn’t touch him nor tries to. She doesn’t put him in danger and in fact helps him out of danger. She becomes perfectly fine with not being intimate especially with Rasmus trying to keep them the satisfaction through touching by a window. She enjoys his presence and has conversations with him and learns to love him by who he is and not his body. She doesn’t have a false image of Rasmus, she sees him for who he is. And in fact, she doesn’t want him to be cured, despite that meaning they can never be physically intimate. As she worries that it may not be the right thing and how she envies how he can be connected to something. She doesn’t know what it feels like to be normal, similar to David yet instead of forcing everyone in a mess to solve it. She fears that Rasmus will become cured and she will die of her illness as her illness is becoming worse. She doesn’t want him to sacrifice anything for him. His comfort or his safety. She’s honest about this too. Wanting him to know that she accepts him either way. David does not accept Syd either way. 
(Differences: David & Rasmus) 
       David and Rasmus are surprisingly similar in a few ways. Both have abilities that quickly kill people and are a danger to society. Both have controlling men after them to use them as weapons or world domination. Both have loving, protective older sisters who did a lot for them. Killed people. And have put their loved ones in danger. And had fathers that abandoned them at a young age. Yet Rasmus is different from David in a sense that he is actually a good person. He does not deny his actions as when Sarah shows him how he killed the lab full of people after losing control, he shows remorse. He is honest, fearful of what he can do and is trying to learn to control it on his own. Most of his kills have been accidental. He has been a lab rat for finding a cure for the virus as he is the only one who can help. He does not play the victim. And when feeling betrayed by his older sister, he runs away with Sarah to get some air and does not plan the end of the world. David is complicated, he has killed people intentionally and continues to do so. He really only thinks about himself. He’s not a lab rat yet Division 3 is trying to understand him and then they are trying to stop him. He tortures Oliver Bird for information. Is an aggressive person who inflicts pain when he doesn’t get his way. The list can go on why these two are different but the first instance that I want to mention is the ‘protection of their girlfriends’. Rasmus and David handle dangerous situations that put their girlfriends at risk very differently. Sydney has been nearly killed twice due to David. She has had to save herself both times. The first time was the mental asylum reality altering caused by the Shadow King where Sydney had to work to wake David up from his delusion and get him to stop the bullets coming right at them that will result in his and her’s death. Second time is where she has to kill the Minotaur in a giant rabbit hole to save her life while David was too busy torturing Oliver Bird. David doesn’t really risk his life a lot and likes to take an either aggressive way out or ignorance. Rasmus is the complete opposite. Rasmus gives zero shits. When Kira is about to shoot Sarah in the head, he risks everyone’s life almost by intimidating Kira to let go of Sarah and leave by slowly unleashing his powers. Saving her life and his own. He is not afraid to risk his life for her. He wants to be with her and doesn’t want her to get hurt. 
     The second instance I want to touch on is the ‘bad guy turning point’. The season two finales for both shows is intense especially the last scenes. David is put on trial for future crimes and raping Sydney and he ends up escaping the shield that is supposed to hold him in while he is gassed. He leaves them there and frees Lenny and notes that there is no Blondie anymore, referring to Syd. He also raped Syd which counts as his bad guy turning point too. Rasmus’s turning point is completely different and is understandable. It comes down to his protective instincts. Sarah is killed by a simple gunshot by some Apollon members. After she is unable to speed up to catch up with the rest. She dies in Rasmus’s arms and it is quickly discovered as the rage built up in him that he is not cured, at all. He is furious, heart-broken and sick of this shit. He goes on a ruthless and sorrowful massacre throughout the whole facility, killing every single Apollon member that was invading the area with his ability. Infecting them and murdering them. It’s an intense scene because it is the first time that he actually intentionally murders people and his sister, Simone is unable to stop him. Although Rasmus tries to deny his actions by blaming everyone. The Apollon members killed Sarah, Simone wouldn’t leave him alone, and Martin is always calling the shots. As Rasmus came close to killing Martin, Simone shoots him which he quickly heals from but comes to his senses. Betrayed, he leaves the facility and comes in contact with the main Apollon dude. Presumably handing himself over as he, himself realizes the threat that he is causing.  Sarah wakes up from death, now infected with the virus. And seemingly will come back together with Rasmus in the future. As we see that their love is much stronger than Sydney and David’s. 
(Why Is FX’s Legion So Frustrating Fan-base Wise?)
         Legion suffers from what I call ‘justification of an irredeemable villain’. Sydney is hated in the fan-base, especially after Season 2. She is seen as the bad guy to the fandom despite being the hero in the story. Some say that it feels unearned and that she’s a hypocrite due to how she raped her mother’s boyfriend and got him in major trouble. And I won’t deny that was a shitty thing to do. She should have never done that and it is probably the cause of why she hates physical intimacy so much nowadays. She has hurt someone for life and she feels intense remorse over it. BUT. She is honest about it, she does not defend her actions, and she knows she’s not the victim in the scenario. She is entirely aware that she deserves to be seen as awful for what she did. She has accepted it. David shows no remorse, plays the victim, defends his actions, and does the exact same thing that The Shadow King would have done. Yet he is loved by the fandom. Was what Sydney did shitty? Yes, she was a sixteen year old girl who felt that she had to be sexually active and felt stupidly that she could have done it but it failed miserably. Could Sydney have spoken up? Yes but she was already walking on thin ice with her mother and was a mutant. Which would have caused her and everyone more harm than good. Did Sydney deserved to be raped? No. Is Sydney a hypocrite for feeling betrayed by David? No. She trusted him. She defended him against everyone who told her that he was a bad guy and he violated her body. I am so sick and tired of hearing it be the woman’s fault that she got raped. She didn’t love him enough, she didn’t accept him enough, she was easily manipulated by the Shadow King. It was never Sydney’s job nor did she owe him her full loyalty. He lied to her, he kept secrets from her, he invaded her privacy and he ended up harming her in the end. Sydney did not owe him her forgiveness. And she even brought up getting him some help and he went on the defense mode. RAPE IS NOT JUSTIFIABLE. BY ANY STANDARDS. IF YOU CAN’T JUSTIFY SYD RAPING HER MOTHER’S BOYFRIEND, DO NOT EVEN THINK OF JUSTIFYING DAVID RAPING SYD. And as sad as it is, Sydney raping her mother’s boyfriend is actually a bit more justifiable than David raping her. Age, stupidity, and lack of control. Her reaction is what makes it more redeemable than David’s. David blamed Syd for it, til the end. Syd blamed herself. 
(In Conclusion)
       In Conclusion, The Rain did a hell of a better job of the untouchable couple than Legion. Which is quite sad Sarah and Rasmus are young adults while David and Syd are in their late twenties to early thirties. They had no concept of consent nor accepting boundaries. Their relationship was toxic and manipulative. It was built on false imagery, distrust, and misunderstanding. It was built on Syd falling for a villain who disguised himself as a victim and hero. I personally love the untouchable couple because it forces the writer to build a dynamic and powerful couple without the normal physical intimacy. It is truly built on personality and conversations. Also creative ways of how they can quench their thirst for intimacy. Rasmus reminds me a lot more of Rogue’s scenario than Syd. I feel like it also depends on how the character reacts to physical intimacy and how much they want it. Legion shot themselves in the foot when they wrote Syd as being such a character who really doesn’t seem to want physical intimacy at all while The Rain put it out there quick. 
        I hope you enjoyed this comparison. Feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in the notes as I am always eager to hear. Also feel free to reblog, like, or follow my blog.
                                             -Starry Fleur
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mbtizone · 7 years
Venus "Vee" Delmonico (Nerve): ISFJ
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Dominant Introverted Sensing [Si]: It’s hard for Venus to be spontaneous and take risks. She is practical, responsible, and doesn’t like to be forced out of her comfort zone. Venus prefers to be on the sidelines and watch others live. She’s fine with predictability. She’s always been more of a spectator than an active participant, which Sydney chastises her for. When Venus hears that someone in Seattle supposedly died playing Nerve, she doesn’t believe it because it would’ve been shut down if that were true. Venus prefers to feel comfortable and she tries to back out of the game several times when the stakes continue to be raised. When Venus realizes how dangerous the game is becoming, her response is to go to the police. If something is getting people hurt, you go to the police with it. That’s just what you do. However, this approach lands her in a lot of trouble for “snitching.”
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Auxiliary Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Even though she’s uncomfortable playing the game, she keeps allowing Ian to convince her to keep playing. Venus is wiling to miss out on a typical college experience, which she really wants to live at home and commute to a local school in order to be with her mother, who doesn’t want her going away following the death of her eldest child. She can’t even bring herself to tell her mom about her acceptance to CalArts. She goes along with what other people want, but never does anything for herself. Venus doesn’t really stand up for herself when Sydney admonishes her for the way she lives her life, and seems to avoid confrontation. Venus cares about what other people think of her and is humiliated when Sydney tries to talk to JP on her behalf. Venus is very upfront with her feelings and doesn’t try to mask them. She initially doesn’t open up about her feelings regarding Sydney when Ian asks because she thinks he doesn’t want to hear about it. She doesn’t want to burden him or bore him with her drama. However, when he encourages her to open up, she is able to freely express all of her feelings with ease. If Venus isn’t okay, she has no problem saying so.
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Tertiary Introverted Thinking [Ti]: It’s clear that Venus is capable of coming up with innovative solutions to problems. When the game tells her and Ian to leave the store after they try on expensive outfits, she notes that technically the game just told them to leave… they don’t actually need to be wearing them at the time they leave the store. It’s her ability to look beyond the facts (everyone on the game is there anonymously) that ends up allowing her to shut down the game. Venus is also good at analysis, which is evident when she tries to explain what To the Lighthouse is really about to Ian. When pushed, Venus can make brutal assessments about people (“…you’re one of those girls who peaks in high school. And when you wake up one day, still living in Staten island, still screwing the same guys, wondering what the hell happened to your life.”).
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Inferior Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: Trying new things is extremely difficult for Venus. Between her best friend berates her for never seizing the moment or seeking adventure, and that same friend publicly embarrassing her moments later, Venus decides to take a leap and give in to the unknown. Tommy points out that what she’s doing isn’t her, but for Venus, that’s the whole point! She struggles to put herself in dangerous situations, but eventually it starts to give her a rush. Venus is able to think creatively. She wants to find a way to be able to go to CalArts, so she casually suggests that her mom list their home on Airbnb When Sydney and Tommy try to convince her that there’s no way to stop the game because everyone on it is anonymous, she thinks “What if they weren’t anonymous?”
Enneagram: 6w7 2w1 9w1 Sp/Sx
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Venus: I mean, Syd hasn’t gotten into any schools yet. And she doesn’t even care. Nancy: You know what? Sydney doesn’t have to care. She has a trust fund. And you have something far more valuable than that. Venus: Here we go. Nancy: You have drive, you have focus. You have a scholarship to a local college. And even though we can’t afford the dorm, you get to have me as your new college roommate. Venus: Actually, I, um… I had kind of a cool idea about that. What if we fixed up Mike’s room and listed you on Airbnb or something? Maybe it’s time we finally go through his stuff and maybe give some of it to goodwill. And I could give you some space. Nancy: I don’t want space. I just want you. Venus: Okay. I’m totally down with commuting. I can… I can get my reading done on the ferry. Nancy: Yeah? That’ll work, right? Venus: Yeah.
Venus: You just got suspended. I thought you were done playing nerve. Sydney: Hell no! The girl who won Seattle now has millions of followers. She’s insta-famous. Venus: Who cares? Sydney: I care, Vee. I don’t expect you to understand. I’m an adrenaline junkie. You like to stay within your comfort zone. That’s fine. Venus: That’s not true. What about that pole dancing class we took? Sydney: Vee, I dragged you there and you sat in the corner and watched. Venus: I’m a visual learner. Tommy: Why are you attacking her? Sydney: I’m not attacking her, Tommy. Tommy: Yeah, you are. Venus: Life is passing you by. You need to learn to take a few risks every once in a while. Venus: I do take risks.
Sydney: I love you so much, Vee. But you’re a watcher. So watch me do it for you.
Tommy: You signed up as a player? Oh, man. Venus: What? Is that so hard to believe? Tommy: You know that some kid supposedly died in Seattle playing Nerve? Venus: Oh, I don’t buy that. If kids were dying, the game would be shut down. Tommy: No, they can’t shut it down. There’s not a single server. What does that mean? Tommy: Everybody that logs onto the game becomes a new server. So it’s impossible to turn the game off. Venus: How do you even know so much about this game? You’ve never even played. Tommy: Look, I spend a lot of time on the dark web, all right? Venus: Oh, a lot of time on the dark web? Is that right, hacker boy? Tommy: Yes, that is right. You’re only accessing 10% of the Internet, you know. Why are you even doing this? Seriously, it’s dangerous. Is it because of Sydney? Venus: This is not about Sydney. I’m… Tommy: It’s just not like you. Venus: That’s the point.
Venus: To the Lighthouse, that’s my favorite book. Ian/Sam: Really? Please, tell me they get to the lighthouse in the end. Um… Actually, don’t tell me. Uh… okay, just tell me real quick. Venus: Yeah, they do, but that’s… That’s not really what it’s about. The lighthouse means something different to each of the characters. It basically represents the thing they want most in life. And I’m sorry that I’m totally geeking out and ruining the story. Ian/Sam: No, I was the one who asked.
Ian/Sam: I was hoping you’d come. Venus: I’m just warning you, I don’t think I’d make a very good partner. I’m not the daredevil type. You should team up with my friend Sydney, actually. She’s obsessed with playing Nerve. Ian/Sam: But the watchers want me to team up with you. Venus: The second I feel uncomfortable, I’m out. Ian/Sam: That’s fair. Venus: Okay.
Ian/Sam: Come on, we have to make a run for it. Come on, let’s go. Venus: I am not shoplifting! Ian/Sam: We don’t have a choice. Come on! Venus: Okay, technically, it just says we have to leave the store. Right?
Venus: What did that just say? Blindfolded? On the motorcycle? Ian/Sam:Yeah. Venus: You’re on your own with that one. Ian/Sam:Wait, wait. I can’t do this alone. Come on, I need you to help me navigate. Venus: There is no way in hell I’m doing that. I’m sorry, I’m out. Thank you for tonight. I mean… I had a lot of fun. Got a new dress. But I… I’m good. Ian/Sam: Stay. Let’s see what else happens.
Ian/Sam: You gonna get it? Venus: I don’t wanna deal with her right now. Ian/Sam: What’s goin’ on? Venus: She’s just been a lot recently. But whatever, you don’t wanna talk about that. Ian/Sam: If you wanna talk about it, I’m here. Happy to listen. Venus: I’m just tired of being her sidekick all the time. Ian/Sam: It’s funny. You don’t seem like anyone’s sidekick. Can I see that picture again? Venus: Oh, uh… Sure. Ian/Sam: Wow. Venus: Yeah. Guys go crazy for her. Ian/Sam: No, I mean the picture itself. It’s really good. Venus: Thanks, I took it. Ian/Sam: Yeah? You have a good eye. I just… I can’t picture you hangin’ out with someone like this. Venus: What do you mean? Ian/Sam: I don’t know. She looks kind of… Insecure. Is that mean? Venus: She is totally insecure. Ian/Sam: Yeah? Venus: She makes it seem like I’m the one who’s insecure. But really it’s her. It’s exhausting. Ian/Sam: I’m sure. Venus: She’s at this party. Most likely drunk and needs me to hold her hair back. I’m just over it. I mean, so are her parents. They’re constantly out of town, so she has this revolving door of guys over. It’s sad, actually.
Venus: Syd? [Venus walks in on Sydney in bed with the guy she likes] Sydney: Oh, come on, Vee, you never even spoke to him. Venus: It’s fine. Certainly no surprise. Sydney: Yeah, I know it’s not a surprise. You know what’s not fine, though? I almost died tonight, Vee, and you were nowhere to be found. Venus: I’m sorry. When you said I should live my life, did you mean I should live my life in your shadow? Sydney: I was just trying to help you, Vee, because you’re the most repressed person that I know. Venus: Well, isn’t that why you keep me around? Because I never tell you the truth? Sydney: Yeah. Venus: Come on, let’s go. Sydney: I guess you don’t tell me the truth. Because you never told me about how insecure I am. Or about how I just have a revolving door of guys all the time. You never tell me that, but you’ve told everyone that tonight. So please, Vee, go right ahead and show us all what a fiery little spark plug you’ve become since lunch. Venus: Let’s go. Sydney: Don’t walk away from me. Vee! Wake up! This is a game. Do you really think that someone like him is actually gonna be with you when this is all done? Ian/Sam: Hey, you don’t know me. Sydney: Oh, I’m sorry. You really like her now? Ian/Sam: Yeah, I do. Tommy: All right, come on, Syd, you’re just drunk. Sydney: Tommy, it is time to get over her! Clearly, she has traded up! Venus: Why do you have to be such a bitch? Sydney: Look at that! Little Vee finally speaking her mind. Come on! Unburden yourself! Venus: Do you know why we’re best friends? I do whatever you want all the time. Sydney: No, Vee, we’re friends because I’m fun and you’re boring. The only fun thing about you was your brother. What is it you think? That playing Nerve is just gonna magically make you a different person? That’s not how life works. You’ll never be a player. Venus: You’re right. I know how much you love living in the moment, Syd. Well, remember this moment. Because you’re one of those girls who peaks in high school. And when you wake up one day, still living in Staten island, still screwing the same guys, wondering what the hell happened to your life. If you wanna know where I am from now on, sign up and watch me. Ian/Sam: Wait, Vee, what are you doing? Hey, Vee, you don’t need to do this. Look at me. Come on. Let’s just go, let’s bail, all right? What do you have to prove? Come on, please. Let’s go. Come on, you got it, Vee, please!
Venus: Officer, I need help. I’m… I’m playing this game. It’s called Nerve. And I’m worried that someone’s gonna get really hurt.
Ian/Sam: Are you okay? Venus: Am I okay? No, I’m not okay! You need to tell me everything. Okay, what the hell is going on?
Sydney: There’s no one to stop. It’s just a bunch of anonymous people. Venus: What if they weren’t anonymous?
Venus: Tommy, you said the game is open source, right? Do you think you can change the code? Tommy: It’s gonna take time. Venus: Syd, could you buy us some?
Venus “Vee” Delmonico (Nerve): ISFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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solasulad · 5 years
Devil December 2018.
Well hello. 
How are you? 
Still doing the same things i see huh?
Guess new year never really changed me anyways.
Well.. A recap of whats been going on.. Ive been meaning to write just my nails was long as fuck and my phone still broken. :(
So.. About the cousin.. 
We been hanging out all of December. The Monday in the previous post, i texted him Tuesday and we met up around 7pm in my area. He wanted to smoke and i don't really smoke but i was like alright. He came by my area, we parked up near by and sparked the spliff. I took two pulls and called it a quit.
Before even smoking as he's rolling he was asking me about relationships. And i told him that the guys i know i don't see myself getting along with like that cause i know what i want. So then.. I asked him the same question he asked me. He then said that he's been meaning to tell me that he has a girlfriend but shes in the us. And that they kicked it off just before he came to the city so he's in a long distance relationship. I was like wow damn. If i knew i wouldn't have entertained any of that. He says its whatever and that topic just dies down. We go outside for the smoke and then as he's smoking I'm already high at this point. He tries to come in for a kiss and i back him off telling him to respect his girl. He's like you right and thats that. 
We get food and go back into the car now we both high just chilling in the cold.. 
We both in the car high as fuck and i ask him about his girl. He tells me they been together for 9 months now and that they got into a relationship before he left the states. Said they fell for each other heavy and feelings got involved, did trips together became inseparable at one point. That he tried to call a quite two times cause of the long distance but she told him to push through, she's even supposed to come to the city in jan he told me. He even told me she came to the city during the summer to come see him and that shit picked up like nothing was wrong, also that her parents are saying why you stressing over a guy not in the city to look for one local. Some shit like that. Just hurting my whole heart when he told me that. I was sad tbh. But i didn't show it. 
He plays some music and it sounded so good and different I'm relaxed just chilling in the passenger seat. I take the aux and play summer hill girls need love and start jamming to it. He laughs then i play Syd bad dream/no looking back. The whole song sounds so good to me he turns the volume up and I'm just dumb fucked at this point just the whole songs about fucking with no emotion knowing that if they fall for each other it would be over. 
So before the song can even get to the first chorus he's in my ear looking at me. Then i turn over facing him and we start making out. Whole 5 minutes of the song making out. While the backgrounds saying “We only kiss when we fucking cause we don't get to attached cause if this turns into something we know theres no looking back”
While  kissing the song changes and he stops it, we continue for a bit and then i pull back as he reaches for my pants. I say no. this isn't right, he sets back and just looks lost. So i try to contain myself and somehow we end up kissing again, i tell him that if he has a girl he should respect that and we just stop. I drive him to the station, he tells me his friends throwing a airbnb party next week friday and that i should come. I tell him i’ll see most likely not cause its just too awkward but whatever happens happens. 
I go home sad as fuck. just thinking about what happened that he has a girl friend and that I'm the side chick in his life. To make myself feel better i list all the flaws of him making him seem less than what he is. underage, not the same religion, weed head, not the same background.. ETC list went on that night.
Next morning he sends me funny memes on insta and we just end up picking the convo back. 
Second Week of December 14th. 
He messages me to come to the airbnb thing, i think i ask him about his girlfriend and he says he’ll tell me in person.. So.. thinking, there might have been something serious i end up going. We talk that whole week, like we something and actually plan to fuck.. Him having a whole mother fucking girl friend doesnt even come into picture. He sends me the address i leave work go home shower and head over. We meet for 7, i get there and we go straight at it. He comes, i come we both come as his friend comes. 
Me, him and his friend all chilling smoking outside on the balcony then i bring up his girl, he tells me that same story like he doesnt know why he's in a relationship, that she won't call him cause she pissed at him or something. And I'm just looking at him like wow okay. Trying to hold back my emotions cause that actually hurt but also trying to give advice and make him feel good.
Now i had no intention of staying the night let alone past 2am but i ended up staying till 5am.. smh...
But that whole night felt like we was a couple. We held hands, danced, smoked together, kissed everywhere and anywhere, went out the club to another see another function and got compliments left and right from random people on the streets. It felt good that night. Felt like a dream.. looking at 23 years of being alone and single to have a guy treat me like his girl felt good. to guide me in the streets and take his jacket off for me felt good. Felt like a dream...
we finish off at the club get some food from 7/11 head back to the airbnb and he's still talking about how he wants to fuck.. I tell him no your buddies here not gonna do that.. Then, as he's walking me to the elevator, we start making out. he goes for my pants once again my weak spot. finger fucks me right there in the hallway, then we take it to the stairwell, he tries to get me naked below and i stop him. I tell him no not here not like this you sicko. 
I wait for my uber downstairs with him and we just continue to make out until i call him out again for having a girl. He stops says he’ll see me soon i get in the uber and thats that. 
Monday December 17th 
We continue to text/insta message each other through the third week of December he asks what I'm doing monday night after work i say nothing and we end up going to shisha and just hanging out pretty much. I try not to kiss him and succeeded until i came home and said i should've kissed him. SMH.
we stay cool he texting and snapchating each other, i think we even started sending nudes at this point. 
Friday of that same week ^ He asks what I'm doing after work again.. I say nothing we go out to the movies this time.. We watch creed like i never seen it before but hey MICHAEL B JORDAN CAN GET IT ANYTIME BABE.
We get high before going into the theatre, we make out once again like we a couple, holding hands and shit, we went to the mall near by my area so i was kinda shook if i bumped into someone with him -_- but we watch the movie then when its time to go, i start the car we chill for a bit then make out some more getting it heated, we go to an isolated area and fuck once again.. LIKE FUCKING ANIMALS WE FUCKING ON GODT!
its now like 1am and i have a 12 hour shift in the morning, i send him off dropping him off at his place and head home for bed. 
Thursday December 27th 
I guess we spoke about hanging out Thursday night cause apparently these texts I'm reading said we met up damn..
But so from my understanding now, i told my mom i was going to buy a bag, she needed me to get her car keys and i ended up taking the keys with me and going out to see him at his area. I pull up, he has his shits rolled, he go to a park near by and he smokes, i smoke his cigg and we make out I'm all dumb cause i pressed the gas while making out making the car sound off.. We get over to his area and he's tryna do more than just hanging.. We pull up at a sketchy ass parking spot that can be seen through miles and he tries to finger fuck me.. I'm screaming cause i didn't give him head or anything, he was dumb horny, and i was so scared. I get a call from my mom like an hour later her cussing me out asking where i went talking about she needs the keys and i had to cut it quick. I told him if anything tomorrow after work he's like cool we end off again with kisses like we in a fucking relationship -_-
Friday December 28th.
We still texting/memes at this point again...
He messages me asking what I'm doing after work i say nothing so asks if i wanna chill go to the mall or something. I wasn't really tryna go cause i was tried flopped on him the day before thinking we spending to much time together.. But i already had the idea set.. He comes to my area we fuck and he goes. But this nigger likes to talk, likes to just fucking talk for days.. So. 
He comes by after work, i sneak out the house cause my moms out already, didn't want her coming home while i was gone plus she was and at me from the night before, we link up we fuck and i drop him off at the station. Bam! thats how it should be done. Sex was good not gonna lie but i was just paranoid that whole night. Cause homie wants to just chat his mouth off and I'm not tryna get in trouble with my mom for just leaving the house like that damn... son...
We get into holidays and my work places empty whole cities quite cause of the holidays besides the partying, but he invites me out for new years telling me he told abel about us and that i shouldn't worry lol NO imma worry. 
But i flop on him cause i was working new years eve and new years morning, he says its cool if he sees me new years day and I'm like yah sure.. but what we gonna do cause my pussy needs a break buddy. 
- New year same me bish.. 
Now Jan 1st 
He messages me once again, like i guess we really kicked and vibed but I'm nonchalant towards him not really tryna seem thirsty either. After all those ass snaps and twerking video i sent him i was a different person in real life. 
He asks to see me after work, I'm cool with it, told him downtown cause I'm driving and don't want to take the bus. So i park at my work place during the morning i get home get changed and go back downtown we meet at the station near by my work place and head over to the shisha spot. 
We aren't kissing each other i backed off kinda just being cool with him, didn't initiate any form of sexual expressions or acts towards him. We go to the shisha spot we chilling and just talking vibing and he's looking at me like lust in his eyes i already know that look to familiar.. I ignore it, we finish up smoking and head for the transit, i grab a candy from the counter of the spot and put it in, we walking just talking kinda holding hands cause its cold but we just chill. 
We get to the station headed to my car, and as we standing on the platform he gives me that look, i lean against the wall and we start making out. smh... We make out, he asks me what flavour my candy is asking for a taste, i drop the candy in his mouth as he sucks on it and returns it back to me. Shit was so nasty but i loved it holy. Like in that moment i didn't care he had a girlfriend, he was with me in all honesty it felt good to be held like that so i allowed it for the night. We get to my work place and we walk towards the loading dock, start the car and we make out a little before leaving. We leave, i drop him off at his place i guess cause i was feeling generous.. But we make out, before he leaves tryna start something and I'm like huh. no not now wth. So he leaves. 
Now........ That following night i get him at 10ish getting ready for bed cause i got work in the morning, i get a snap from him. Saying he wanted to say something. Im like okay? He messages back saying he didn't think i was awake but then says he wanted to talk about us? LOL HOLD UP.. When was there ever a us? 
So i message back saying okay? he's like he’ll tell me tomorrow. Im now thinking at this point like what could this lil fucker be saying? You got me horny you best believe imma ask you in the morning...
So now its Wednesday January 2nd.
I message him a good morning text - first good morning texts EVER!
he messages me back saying this “idk how to say it but I’m doin a huge mistake.. u know I’m still with my girl and idk wat to do .. and i feel like we getting too close to each other and i don’t want us to be catching feelings or anything.. cause that gonna make me feel worse. And i don't want us to stop talking either” 
i reply back along the lines like you know i got sexual attraction towards you, don't think we can be friends after.. wishing him and his girl a strong mother fucking relationship..
So the convo goes, its short says he wish i met him two years ago.. lol wha, when he was 19? gtfoh dummy. So that topic ends. Im unfazed by it kinda sad, idk i guess the idea that maybe he was unhappy with his girl friend got into my head but in reality i was just new pussy for him to realize he still loved his girl. So. thats Wednesday morning. The night it takes a whole 360 turn and gets sexual, i send him a link to a fitness studio in the city and we end up talking about my body. smh. 
The convo ends that night when it gets sexual, i ended it on my ends.. Like how you gonna say I'm a chocolate pudding when you got a whole GIRLFRIEND A G I R L F R I E N D? H u H?
Anyhow.. Next day now first Thursday into the new year. LoL. 
He MESSAGES ME! like we sending each other memes on social media then he messages me saying he wants to chill, i was like you think thats a good idea? he's like nah but fuck it. Soo.. I said i wanted to see him too, but tryna keep it professional, said we got some unfinished business too.. 
He comes by my ends round 7pm after work still wearing his duty ass uniform, i pick him up from the station, we drive over to buy some shisha flavour and head over to my sisters place, i told her he was a friend thats that she's like cool, the goes back to moms house. We chill watching tv as he's smoking and then once he finishes and i guess is high enough to barely feel anything he makes his way towards me. He starts kissing me, stripping me down and eating me out. I go down on him and we start fucking. Like actually fucking fucking to the point my back kept moving upwards from the pain. it was good but painful towards the end. He went hard on me. He tried to go for a second round like always but his dick got confused again. it was soft and hard at the same time. like just hanging there not knowing what to do... I think its cause of his guilty conscious eating him up, first nut was easy second one that never comes. no matter how hard he goes...
So we finish off sit there for a second or so i guess until he realizes what he did was bad cause its now 9ish and he says he has to go cause he got work in the morning. So anyhow i drop him off once again at the station near my place and tell him that was our last fuck. He's like “I mean nah what ever happens happens..” i said no. that was that, we kiss and i send him off. 
Now he's still in my dm’s after that keep in mind. That was Thursday night of the first week of the year. He hits me up friday night asking what I'm doing over the weekend i said nothing got little errands to do but nothing after, asks me if i wanna hang with him and abel, I'm like yah if it isn't gonna be awkward, also tried to set abel up with a girl from work but he too thirsty bruh..
So i made plans with them. Mostly josh but to see both of them. 
I invited the thot friend cause i didn't want to go alone. So she came they smoking cigs I'm smoking my mini pipe at the backyard in the cold like a dog    -_- we chilling my friend ends up leaving early cause her curfew i stay till like 1:40ish then leave after i sober up from two baby pulls of weed smh. 
Lol R. was tryna go to the club so she sent josh a whole ass video of her dancing tryna kawal him to come out like after we all got comfortable lol funny cause i told him to send a dick video but abel took the phone and he sent a dark screen i suppose. Lmao she was talking to me on the side while messaging him while i was telling him things to say to her. Basically being a little evil bitch seeing how it plays out lmao. 
But me and josh had like a little moment tho lol barely i just i brought up the video showing him me twerking then he said i needed to send it to him, i was like okay but I'm gonna need that dick video of you in the black buddy, he's like bet so I'm going thru my snap private part and showing him how dark and thick i was during the summer and he's rubbing my leg getting turned on. smh i hear able coming and he backs off we just sit there while abel says some stuff. 
i chill till like 1:40 wish sober up and give them hugs and go. I get lost on my way back home from the highway but soft. 
I get home and he messages me something on insta a video then asks me why I'm not sleeping yet. So i say send me that video he said he's gonna want one in return send him that video of me dancing in a white top and grey underwear. Tell him he better not be sitting next to abel smh. He sends me two videos lmao one of him cumming that i did not ask for and my fav black out fit video. -_-
That was saturday night going into sunday morning. lol. I send him memes he sends me some back thats that. 
Now its Monday Jan 7th 2019 back to reality. I start school today wasn't really on my phone but once i got home i started thinking about him and shit since we each others number 1 streaks besties how can i forget when i open my snap. 
I sent him a video two actually of me just with filters on snap and one he's like my curls should put respek on my name. other one he just sent me a snap back of him at work. so we haven't spoken pretty much all day. just besides that little snap chat. Im not phased by it either cause he has a girl friend and well shit its Jan she should be coming to the city too. RIGHT? like he said she was coming to see him in Jan. but its whatever my pussy still hurts from thursday night i never been fucked like that and I'm glad its just whatever cause i won't catch feelings. I think i told every bitch i know besides R. and the thot about this guy fucking me. 
I kinda wanna just keep it nonchalant tbh like i won't check for him regardless might look at my phone from time to time and be like wow. no meme today? but I'm good love. I been good. his sisters like the same fucking age as me. I'm gucci love your dick was good but I'm good. 
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