#okay okay thiz waz genuinely kinda fun to write though ? like . i really just like itoguchi – second faverite manipulative insect perzon
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spookythesillyfella · 7 days ago
Spooky.. I'm BORED and I don't know what to talk about so I'm going to ask YOU personally if you have any song you feel like discussing/dissecting? It can be literally ANYTHING you'd like :D Even if you need to write a whole lot it's truly whatever I'm just super eager to hear about something talk about something HELP I'M SORRY YOU CAN IGNORE THIS ASK COMPLETELY I DON'T MIND!! I love you very much <3 !!!! I FEEL WEIRD SENDING THIS I'M BAD AT APPROACHING INBOXES
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AGAIN don't feel forced.. I don't wanna bother you >_< I know I've asked this before and you've delivered I just don't want to keep pestering you about your interests if you don't want it!!
uhmm ... i do have quite a few songz that id REALLY REALLY love to talk about eventually ...
specifically "Farewell Human Relations" – Dobuno Awa with either hv! shrig or brendy . and "Now Our Fates Intertwine" – Dobuno Awa with hv! sketch n tony . but every time id wanted to make a proper analyziz of thoze songz i feel like i just end up falling short ; maybe im getting too dumb to analyze dobuno awa'z songz at thiz point – maybe ive become so stupid that even a simple song analyziz iz hard to write haha
buut . unsurprizingly . i do have a song that id like to talk about unrelated to high voltage – and it would come az no shock in the slightest that itz from the You will never forget me seriez
"An Unfamiliar Successor" – Dobuno Awa [y'know !! the song where itoguchi getz introduced !! :DD]
look . the beginning lyricz of the song literally featurez backwardz text and i . being the idiot of all time . will NOT be racking my brain to try and figure out what it sayz ; im a lazy stupid man but i am free
"Spreading from one sound to another // Let's go to a colorful world" – soo yknow how itoguchi iz kinda sorta the personification of popoz grief [at least from my understanding of it] ? i think thiz iz her inviting popo to go through the process of grieving together – to guide her through it . so to speak
"Born and gone in the blink of an eye // Will such a thing destroy your faith?" – i think "faith" here referez to the faith popo iz to have in herzelf to keep going without michi being by her side anymore ; how popo shouldn't discard it all becauze of thiz traumatic event
"I will never forgive you!" – ill touch up more on thiz line in a bit ; for now . i want u to keep it in mind
"If we stop this right here and now // Then this will be pointless // She was a wonderful child // More so than anyone else" – az someone who doez still struggle a lot with processing their grief . i think thiz iz somewhat true ; if u don't live to remember the people uve lost . ure basically proving their exiztence worthlezz – u live to remember wonderful people . throwing it all away would be a disservice to all that they've done for u [or at least thatz how i see it]
"Now it's time for you to struggle // This is only the beginning // It's cruel // But this is my mission" – itoguchi here iz right again ; overcoming grief and the loss of a beloved perzon can be incredibly hard [and it can still be a long time after they've passed] and . while it iz cruel to make her suffer through all thiz . it iz her mizzion . and one that she mist bring to an end
"I recognized the voice close to my ear. Looking at the delayed video that played back, I instantly realized that it was her voice. Everywhere I looked there was always a screen that became my everyday and brought me color" – thiz iz just a fragment from the wall of text that beginz to rapidly flash on screen but i still think itz very meaningful ; when someone diez . itz like everything suddenly revolvez around them . or rather their absence – u see them everywhere . u hear them everywhere . and the reminder that they aren't anywhere only makez the pain worze . and it makez u search for them in everything all the more
"She was always smiling, and yet that smile always seemed forced. I'm here because she called out to me. I don't know why, but I intuitively understood that she called. I love her, and if it's for her, I could call for anyone" – and when someone diez . especially when they are the onez to terminate their own livez . u start picking up on the signz that led up to it ; u start to think "why . if only i noticed them sooner . i could have stopped all of thiz from happening !!" and . while i believe that iz a nice sentiment – to think ur wordz actually hold a lot of meaning and how support can go a long way . ultimately itz their decizion to go through with their suicide and u can't really do much to deter them from it . no matter what u try
"Even if that was someone who had hurt her. There is only one thing I can do. Hey, murderer, I'm right here. From now on, I'll be nearby, supporting you, since we're both connected to her. But please let me keep on talking about her, okay?" – again . ill get to talk about the symbolizm of thiz in just a tad ; pleaze put a pin in that
"If I can do that she'll never vanish, right? She wants you to never forget her. Though I believe you understand this better than anybody else. It's fine, there's no need to be afraid. Simply don't make any mistakes. Just live forever" – once again . michiz end goal waz that popo would never forget her ; if popo were to die az well . it would've all been for nothing
"But I won't forgive you. I will absolutely never forgive you" – and . with thiz az well stuck to our bulletin board . we can finally move onto my main game theory about thiz song and . more importantly . about itoguchiz character
i think itoguchi iz the perzonification of popoz grief over the loss of michi . just like how madoguchi waz the perzonification of michiz jealouzy towardz popo
i think that itoguchi conztantly calling popo a "murderer" iz popoz own perspective over herzelf – itz her who cauzed michiz suicide . itz her who couldn't save michi . itz her who made michi jealouz to begin with ; popo can never forgive herzelf for the fact michi killed herzelf and now the grief iz going to follow her forever . az long az she livez
and i say that alzo becauze theze two are pretty similar in trying to force the two to face their problemz head-on ; madoguchi tried to get michi to confront herzelf and to realize that her jealouzy over popo iz really just the hatred she holdz for herzelf and how popo haz no fault in thiz whatzoever . and itoguchi makez popo stomach all the memoriez of michi and how she iz never coming back . how shez gone forever and how popo now haz to learn how to cope with the lozz of her best friend
all in all . i think thiz song iz a great portrayal of the grief and guilt that comez with lozing a loved one . especially to suicide ; i really hope popo getz to heal and move on from thiz in future installmentz of the seriez . since i find her relationship with itoguchi to be a very interesting one . and that michiz memory can live on forever
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